Page 1: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a


Groups code modules, reusable

Pre-compiled programming codes

ready for use

Design Patterns

Efficient and elegant

solutions to common


Structural = how organize objects + connect them

Behavioral = how organize code

Creational = how organize code to manage object creation

Serializer Pattern

Responsible reading and

writing objects

QTextStream = read + write human-readablefiles

QDataStream = read + write structured data binary


Class1Reader Class1Writer




ANTIPATTERNSCommon used programming practices/solutions to recurring

programming problems that is ineffective/inefficient

1) Software Design antiPattern

> Input kludge – failing handling invalid input

> Interface bloat – interface powerful/complicated, hard to reuse

> Race hazard – fail see consequence order of events

2) Object-oriented design antiPattern

> Circular dependency – mutual dependencies between objects

> God object – too much information/responsibility

3) Programming antiPattern

> Hard coding – embedding assumptions

> Magic numbers – unexplained numbers

> Magic strings – literal strings

4) Methodological antiPattern

> Copy + paste programming – existing code

> Reinvent the (square) wheel – existing solution

Included in project with directive #include

System program caller linker establish link between

program and library code at run time

lib file ease job of linker – contains compiled/object files,

ease linking process of library items and program codeFramework and

Design Pattern

Framework is large colletion components and

conventions documented public API

Qt is a framework – framework implemented with design


Design patterns efficient solution to common problems

Page 2: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a

QMetaObject Meta object describe structure of another object

MetaObject Pattern (Reflective pattern): information about properties and methods of QObject

Q_PROPERTY macro Describe QObject Properties

Access data members:

> Direct (getters and setters) – faster more efficient

> Indirect (QObject / QMetaObject interface) – more reusable code

Q_PROPERTY (type name READ getFunction [WRITE setfunction] [RESET resetFunction] [NOTIFY ntifySignal])

[. . . .]

Customer::Customer(const QString name, QObject * parent)




Void Customer::setId(const QString &newId){

if (newId !- m_id) {

Qstring oldId = m_id;

m_id = newId;

emit valueChanged( id newId, oldId);


Void Customer::setType(CustomerType theType){

if (m_Type != theType) {

CustomerType oldType = m_type;

m_Type = theType;


Void TestCustomerProps::test() {

Customer cust;

cust.setObjectName( Customer

cust.setName( Falafal

cust.setType( Government //enumproperty as string

QString originalId =


QVariant V = cust.propert id

QString str = v.toString();



Class Customer: public QObject{


Q_PROPERTY (QString id READ getID WRITE setID NOTIFY valueChanged)

Q_PROPERTY (QString name READ getName WRITE setName)

Q_PROPERTY (CustomerType type READ getType WRITE setType)

Q_PROPERTY (Qdate dateEstablished READ getDateEstablished) //read-only


enum CustomerType {Corporate, Individual,

Educational, Government};


explicit Customer (const QString name = QString(),

QObject * parent = 0);

QString getId() const {

return m_id;


QString getName() const {

return m_name;


CustomerType getType() const {

return m_type;



QString m_id, m_name;

CustomerType m_type;


[. . . .]

Using reflective programming, can write general-purpose

operations work on classes of varied structures.

To make class reflective:

Inherit from QObject

Include Q_OBJECT macro

Q_PROPERY(QString name READ getName WRITE setName)

Page 3: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a

[. . . .]

/* Method for setting enum values from Strings */

Void Customer::setType (Qstring newType){ 1

static const QMetaObject* meta = metaObject(); 2

static int propindex = meta->indexOfProperty( type

static const QMetaProperty mp = meta->property(propindex);

QMetaEnum menum = mp.enumerator();

const char* ntype = newType.toAscii().data(); 3

CustomerType theType =


if (theType != m_type) { 4

CustomerType oldType = m_type;

m_type = theType;

emit valueChanged( type theType, oldType);



1 Overloaded version accept string as argument. Set

value -1 if unknown.

2 Static locals, initializations happen only once.

3 Executed each time

4 Check if valueChanged signal needed

What kinds of information can you obtain from a QMetaObject?

className(), which returns the class name as a const char*

superClass(), which returns a pointer to the QMetaObject of the base class if there

is one (or 0 if there is not)

methodCount(), which returns the number of member functions of the class

method(index), which returns the meta-data for the method with the given index

propertyCount(), which returns the number of properties in this class, including base

class properties.

property(index), which returns the meta-data for the property with the given index.

What Qt classes are used to do data reflection?

QMetaObject, QMetaProperty, QSqlDatabase::tables, QSqlRecord, Qvariant

How does the QMetaObject code for each of your QObject-derived classes get generated?

moc generates QMetaObject classes to support properties, signals and slots.

Normally, you do not run moc directly. It is run automatically by make on the

header files listed in HEADERS which use the Q_OBJECT macro.

What are the advantages of using property() and setProperty() over direct getters and


Q_PROPERTY macros make it possible for moc to generate code for QObject's

property() and setProperty() member functions. The advantage of using these

functions is that client code can determine which properties are available by

iterating through QMetaProperty objects of the QMetaObject corresponding to that


What does the property() function return? How do you obtain the actual stored value?

property() returns a QVariant, which is a union wrapper around every possible basic

type, and also several Qt classes/types. With QVariant, you can ask for its type()

and convert to the actual value<>(). Benefits are most apparent when implementing

script engines or developer tools. It becomes possible to define "handle anything"

kinds of functions without using anything but the QObject interface to read and

write values.

Explain how it is possible to add new properties, acquired at runtime, to a Qobject

setProperty("propName") sets a dynamic property for that object even if it is not

declared as a Q_PROPERTY

Explain how dynamic properties can be serialized

They are stored in a QVariantMap, which can be serialized via a QDataStream.

QDataStream out(...);

QVariant v(123); // The variant now contains an int

int x = v.toInt(); // x = 123

out << v; // Writes a type tag and an int to out

v = QVariant("hello"); // The variant now contains a QByteArray

v = QVariant(tr("hello")); // The variant now contains a QString

int y = v.toInt(); // y = 0 since v cannot be converted to an int

QString s = v.toString(); // s = tr("hello") (see QObject::tr())

out << v; // Writes a type tag and a QString to out


QDataStream in(...); // (opening the previously written stream)

in >> v; // Reads an Int variant

int z = v.toInt(); // z = 123

qDebug("Type is %s", // prints "Type is int"


v = v.toInt() + 100; // The variant now hold the value 223

v = QVariant(QStringList());

Page 4: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a


Qt support reflective programming via QMetaObject

Provides generic interface through which state of any Qobject

accessed and manipulated

Instance of QMetaObject class used as mirror reflect and

change stated of Qobjects without manupulating Qobject




-name:Qstring -birthDate:QDate

+Person() +Person(QString, Qdate) +getName():Qstring +getBirthDate():Qdate +setName(Qstring) +setBirthDate(Qdate)


-name:Qstring -price:double

+Product() +Product(QString, double) +getName():Qstring +getPrice():double +setName(Qstring) +setPrice(double)


Class Person: public Qobject



Q_PROPERTY(Qstring name READ getName WRITE setName)

Q_PROPERTY(Qdate birth READ getBirthDate WRITE setBirthDate)



Person(Qstring n, Qdated);

Qstring getName()const;

Qdate getBirthDate()const;

void setName(Qstring n);

void setBirthDate(QDate d);


QString name;

Qdate birthDate;


Person * person = newPerson;


Product* product = new Product;


writeToFile(Qobject *obj){

QFile file( dat.txt;


const QMetaObject *mo = obj->metaObject();

for (int i=mo->propertyOffset(); i<mo-propertyCount();i++)


const QMetaProperty prop = mo->property(i);

QString name =;

QVariant value =;

Qstring valStr = value.toString();

toFile << name << valStr << endl;




Page 5: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a

Models and Views Separate underlying data class (model) from GUI (view)



Standard Widgets ->use data as part of widget

View class operate external data (model)





• Separate model from view – reduces complexity

• Different maintenance imperatives – easier

maintain both kept separate

• Possible maintain different, consistent views of

same data

• Different, consistent views of same data

• Do not store data

• Do not know data structure

Standard Widgets:

• Two copies data: one outside widget, one inside

• Synchronize both

• Tight coupling present data, hard write unit test

Example QFileSystemModeluser QTreeView:

#include <QtGui>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

Qapplication app(argc, argv);

QFileSystemModel model;


QTreeView tree;





tree.resize(640, 480);;

return app.exec();


MVC consists of three kinds of objects.

1) Model = application object

2) View = screen presentation

3) Controller = defines way user interface reacts to user input

Page 6: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a

QFileSystemModel in a

QTreeView QFileSystemModel is already populated with data, so we can simply

create one, create a view, and view->setModel(model).

#include <QtGui>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

QApplication app(argc, argv);

QFileSystemModel model;


QTreeView tree;


tree.setSortingEnabled(true); 1



tree.resize(640, 480);;

return app.exec();


//1 - Enable HeaderView sort buttons.

Qt provides its model-view architecture to separate models and view. In this architecture a number of abstract and concrete model and view classes are

provided. Though this architecture supports the separation of model/logic from the views, it does not provide controller classes like the classic MVC pattern.

Qt s model-view architecture uses signals and slots for the communication between models and views.

A model class in Qt either has the data or communicates with the data source. In order to make use of Qt s model-view architecture one has to either use

the built-in, concrete model or view classes or implement a model or view class derived from model/view interfaces provided in Qt. In order to make use of

the architecture the view has to be set up with a model. In other words, view has a model and not the other way around.

In a sense, Qt replaces the controller in its model-view architecture with delegates that are

responsible for the rendering/display and editing of model data in a view.

Page 7: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a

Validate Regular Expression

QLineEdit validate input:

A > ASCII alphabetic character

N > ASCII alphanumeric character

X > ASCII any character

D > ASCII nonzero digit

9 > ASCII digit

# > Hexadecimal digit

B > Binary digit

Validators = attached to input widgets

1) QDoubleValidator = floating point

2) QIntValidator = integer

3) QRegExpValidator = text regular expression

int main (int argc, char* argv[]){

QApplication app(argc, argv);

QLineEdit e;

e.setIntputMask( - - -;

return app.exec();


int main (int argc, char* argv[]){

QApplication app(argc, argv);

QLineEdit e;

QIntValidator *v = new QIntValidator(0,100);


return app.exec();


Regular Expression

Special characters

. any character

\n newline

\f form feed

\t tab

\xhhhh hex


+ 1 or more

? 0 or 1

* 0 or more

{i, j} at leat i, no more than j

Chracter Sets:

\S white space

\S non-whitepace

\d digital 0 to 9

\D non-digital

\w any word character (letter/


\W non-word character

[AEIOU] match A, E, I, O, U

[a-g] range from a to g

[^xyz] except x, y, z

QLineEdit e;

QRegExp re( a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]+

QRegExpValidator *v = new QRegExpValidator(re);


Consist 4 digits (0-9):


Consist 6 character, forst 3 alphabetic, last 3



Minimum 4, max 6 characters, except0, z and Z


Page 8: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a

Parsing Xml

Each <tag> must have closing </tag>

Or selfclosing <br/> NB: Case-sensitive

Tags with attributes:


<book title = Computer Algorithm pages =

<book title = C++ unleashed pages =


Tags with text:



<title>Computer Algotithm</title>




<title>C++ unleashed</title>




• Event driven

• Low-level

• Sequential-access while parsing document

• Any file size

• Forward direction

QT+ - xml













#include <QXmlDefaultHandler>

class Qstring;

class MyHandler:public QXmlDefaultHandler{


bool startDocument();

bool startElement(const Qstring & namespaceURI,

const QString & LocalName,

const QString & qName,

const QXmlAttributes & atts);

bool characters (const QString & text);

bool endElement (const QString & namespaceURI,

const QString & localName,

const QString & qName);


QString indents;



QTextStream cout(stdout);

bool MyHandler::startDocument(){

indent =

return TRUE;}

bool MyHandler::characters(const Qstring & text){

QString t = text;

cout << t.remove( n

Bool MayHandler::startElement(const Qstring & namespaceURI,

const QString & LocalName,

const QString & qName,

const QXmlAttributes & atts){

QString str = QString n%1\\%2).arg(indent).arg(qName);

cout << str;

if (atts.lenght()>0){

QString fildName = atts.qName(0);

cout << QString



cout <<

indent +=

return TRUE;


Three ways parse XML:

Qt s XML module:

1) SAX (Simple API for XML) – parse event-driven

2) DOM (Document Object Module) – tree-style parse

3) Stream-style parsing with QXmlStreamReader

Page 9: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a


• XML elements as objects in tree structure

• File in memory, limit RAM

• Random access

• Not handle parse errors

• Creating documents

Writing using DOM:

1) Create document (QDomDucument)

2) Create root element

3) for each contact, put in document

4) Write result to file

Write to file: (open filem create text stream, call toStrin() method of DOM document)

int main (int argc, char **argv){

QApplication a (argc, argv);

QDomDocument doc AdBookML

QDomElement root = doc.createElement adbook


Contact c; = Kal

c.eMail = [email protected] =

root.appendChaild(ContactToNode(doc, c));

QFile file c:/qt/text/xml

if (

return -1;

QTextStream ts(&file);

ts << doc.toString();


return 0;


Reading using DOM:

1) Create DOM document from file

2) Find root

3) Find children (elements)

4) Find attributes

Reading file:

QDomDocument doc adBookML

Qfile file test.xml

if (!

return -1;


Find root element:

QDomElement root = doc.documentElement();

if (root.tagNam() != adbook

return -3;

Find element, check attributes:

QDomNode n – root.firstChild();

while (!n.isNull()){

QDomElement e = n.toElement();

if (!e.isNull()){

if (e.tagName() == contact

Contact c; = e.attribute( name = e.attribute( phone

c.eMail = e.attribute( email



n = n.nextSibling();


Create Document:

QDomDocument doc adBookML

Create root element:

root element point to start

root element called adbook

QDomElement root = doc.creeateElement( adbook


Each contact put in document:

QDomElement ConstactToNode( QDomDocument &d, const Contact & c){

QDomElement cn = d.createElement( contract

cn.setAttribute( name;

cn.setAttribute( phone;

cn.setAttribute( email c.eMail);

return cn;


Page 10: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a

Design Patterns

Creational Patterns: Manage object creation during runtime, manage object deletion

Factory Method

Product Factory

FactoryMethod(): Product





. . .

Product = FactoryMethod()

. . .

return newConcreteProductcreate









+ makeBread(Qstring):Bread

- Bread *myBread





Page 11: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a


Abstract Factory Pattern

AbstractProductA Client

ProductA1 ProductA2




ProductB1 ProductB2







Page 12: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a

SingletonClass has only one instance, accessed via global access point

Make constructor Private, creating one instance

Class A {


static A* getInstance();



static A* onlyInstance;


A*A::onlyInstance = NULL;



if(onlyInstance == 0)

onlyInstance = new A();

return onlyInstance;


Page 13: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a

Memento PatternObject storing snapshot of internal state of another object

Object state restored, allow undo/rollback operation




Object know how to save itself

Object written and read by originator

Object holds memento for originator

state = m -> getState()


setMemento(Memento m)








Return new Memento(state)

Page 14: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a

Memento Stares state of Originator

Caretaker Keep Memento

• Role of Caretaker store Memento, not allowed access state of Originator.

• Achieved by making getState(), setState() and constructor of Memento provate,

Caretaker cannot access state of Originator.

• Originator need able access construcotr, getState() and setState() of Memento.

Achieved making Originator friend of Memento.

Class Memento



private: friend class Person;


QStringList getState();

void setState(QStringList s);

QStringList state;


Memento Person::createMemento() const


QStringList state;

state << name << birthDate.toString();

Memento mem;


return mem;


Void Person::setMemento(Memento m)


QStringList s = m.getState();

name =;

birthDate = QDate::fromString(;


int main(int argc, char *argv[])


Person p( John Qdate(1990,12,25));

//create memento

Memento caretaker = p.createMemento();

//change Person p

//restore Memento



Page 15: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a

Façade Pattern

Unified interface to set of interfaces in subsystem

Defines higher-level interface making subsystem easier use

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Similar in concept: start() function cause execution, fork (two things happening

QProcess Qthread

Runs different program Runs same process, share

In same process, separate code, share memory with

memery other threads

Communicate with child Share memory and code

Process via streams with peer threads. Sync

(stdin, stdout stderr) locks, wait conditions,

Pass data using command mutexes, semaphores

Line arguments

Managed by operating Managed by process


#include <QObject>

#include <QProcess>

class LogTail: public Qprocess {


public: LogTail (Qstring fn=Qstring());


signals: void LogString()

public slots: void LogOutPut();


LogTail::LogTail (Qstring fn){

connect (this SIGNAL (readyReadStandardOutput()), this SLOT (logOutput()));

QString argv;

argv << -f fn;

start tail argv);





QProcess: class for starting and controlling other process

Derived from QObject using signals and slots

Page 17: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a

QThread and


• QThread class provide platform-independent threads

• Qt support multi-threading and encapsulates threads using QThread class

• QObjects are thread safe and re-entrant, communicate across threads

• Only have one GUI thread (QApplication)

• Widgets inheritedfrom QWidget not thread safe

• Executing in run() method

• Start event loop calling exec

Thread has:

> Own stack pointer

> instruction (program) counter

> processor registers

> execution state

Access to:

> shared resources (memory, wait conditionsm nutual exclusive data blocks, semaphores

class MyThread: public QThread {

public: void run (); //execute end when return from run()


Void MyThread::run(){

QTcpSocket socket;

socket.connectToHost(hostName, portNumber);



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Networking ConceptsWebKit: open source web content rendering and editing engine

QT += webkit

Main classes:

> QWebElement = access and edit QWebFrame DOM elements

> QWebFrame = data object represent frame in web page

> QWebHistory = history of visited links associated with QWebPage

> QWebHistoryItem = object represent one visited link in QWebHistory

> QWebPage = data object represent web page

> QWebSettings = data object holds settings used by QWebFrame or QWebPage

> QWebView = widget visualizes QWebPage

Only Widget in QWebKit is QWebView

QWebPage download web content behind scenes, process content, reflect results user interface

Viewing webpage:

QWebView *view = new QWebView();

View -> load(QUrl(

Networking Concepts

QWebView = widget used to view and edit web documents

QWebPage = object to view and edit web document

QUrl = interface for workin with URL s

QWebFrame = data object represent frame in web page

QWebElement = class eccess and edit QWebFrame DOM elements

Browsing web using HTTP protocol (hypertext transfer protocol)

HTTP built on top of TCP (transmission control protocol) which is built in IP (internet protocol)

QUrl class:

SchemeHost port



ftp://person:[email protected]:2021



Page 19: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a

TCP Sockets UDP Sockets

Guaranteed in-order delivery File and forget

Point-to-point only Point-to-pint or broadcast

Correct delivery important Time more important than delivery

QTcpSocket = represent a socket

QTcpServer = represent a server, listen incomming onnections generating

QToSocket instances for each connection

QT += network

Page 20: Framework and Design Pattern ANTIPATTERNS Serializer Pattern · Framework and Design Pattern Framework is large colletion components and conventions documented public API Qt is a


- name: QString

- birthDate: QDate

+ Person(QString, QDate)

+ setMemento(Memento)

+ createMemeonto(): Memento


- state: QStringList

- Memento()

- getState)_: QStringList

- setState(QStringList)


- person: Person

- memento: Memento

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