

Geography• France if the largest country in Western Europe.

• It shares borders with Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy & Spain.

• It has access via seas to Northern Europe, America and Africa.


Brief History• France held a Feudal regime until the 18th century.

• During the 18th Century, the French Revolution replaced the Feudal system with a Republic.

• Soon after, the 2nd Republic was established.

• Napoleon III formed the 2nd Empire.• Prussia defeated France in the

Franco-Prussian war (1871).• The Third Republic was established,the longest political regime since the

revolution.• In 1914 France fought in WW1

The Third Republic• 1870 – 1940

• Formed after Prussia defeated France in the Franco-Prussian War (1871)

• Presidents Adolphe Theirs and Albert Lebrun.

• Tension caused by events such as the Boulangist Movement (1886 – 89) and the Dreyfus Affair (1894 – 99); which revealed deep political divisions within France.

EconomyFrance’s economy was affected by 3 major events –

• The Napoleonic Era: Production of Military supplies etc. provided temporary economic boom, however this was hard to emulate during times of peace.)

• Industrialization: Compared to it’s rivals Britain & Germany, France was considered to be behind in industrial technology.)

• World War 1: Was disastrous for the economies of all parties.

Military• During the Napoleonic Era, France was militarily brilliant.

• France remained a powerful nation afterNapoleon’s exile.

• Small defeats such as that of the Hasburgs in the Franco-Austrian war of 1859 saw France become over confident.

• France was defeated in the Franco-Prussian war, which led to the loss of Alsace-Lorraine and the creation of a united German empire.

• With the British & Americans, France was able to hold on for 4 years to defeat Germany in WW1.

Alignment with nationsRussia: Russia and France distrusted each other due to conflicting political systems (Autocracy vs. Republic.) Mutual fear of Germany & Britain, and industrial financing led to an alliance in 1894. This was the core of the Triple Entente.

Britain: Traditional enemies, France & Britain agreed upon an “entente” in 1904 as Britain was alarmed at their international isolation and the rising power of Germany. All Colonial differences between the pair were resolved.

Germany: Germany’s possession of Alsace-Lorraine prevented reconciliation. Germany sought to isolate a possibly re-emergent France.


5 Major Powers






The Three Emperor’s League• Was formed in 1873 by Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia.

• The 3 countries agreed to stay neutral if one was attacked.

• Problems arose due to Germany’s attempts to mediate Russia & Austria-Hungary’s Balkan conflict. This made Russia Suspicious of German policy.

The Dual Alliance• Formed in 1879 between Germany & Austria-Hungary

• They believed Russia would not fulfill their agreement in the Three Emperor’s League.

• They agreed to help each other if one was attacked by Russia.

• Russia was given an ultimatum: Renew the 3 Emperor’s League alliance, or change sides. It chose to renew the 3 Emperor’s League.

Triple Alliance• Italy sought to spite France after the 1881 seizure of Tunisia, a potential Italian colony.

• In 1882 the Dual Alliance (between Austria-Hungary and Germany) became the Triple Alliance with the inclusion of Italy.

• Italy entered into negotiations with France in 1900.

• Italy agreed not to join Germany in a war with France, effectively removing themselves from the Triple Alliance.

Reinsurance Treaty• Russia refused to renew the Three Emporer’s League a third time after fallings out with Austria-Hungary.

• Bismarck (Germany) entered into a secret agreement with Russia known as the “Reinsurance Treaty,”

• They agreed both countries would remain neutral in the event of a war with a third country.

• The deal would be negated if Germany attacked France or if Russia attacked Austria-Hungary.

Along came Kaiser Wilhelm II• Fired Bismarck in 1890

• Refused to renew the “Reinsurance Treaty,” to make way for Britain to enter the Triple Alliance.

• As a result of this, in 1984 Russia and France agreed to give each other mutual military aid in the event that they were attacked by Germany.

• This was known as the “Dual Entente.”

Triple Entente• In 1896, Germany threatened Britian’s Naval superiority.

• In 1904, Britain signed an agreement with France settling all Colonial differences.

• This was known as the “Entente Cordiale.”

• In 1907 Russia and France entered into an agreement known as the “Anglo-Russian Entente.”

• These two agreements were collectively known as the “Triple Entente.”

Triple Alliance

• Germany• Austria-Hungary


Triple Entente

• Britain•France• Russia

These alliances remained in place for the duration of the First World War.

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