Page 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator The Master ...Ma tlone 1n tho t.a no, and that lt thora ora an7 cloubta on tbo oubJoo~, a almglo 4oolarotlon raoltlng the abaoluto rith\

Franklin D. Roosevelt- "The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945

Series 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt's Political Ascension

File No. 184

1920 September 29

Parkersburg, WV - Campaign Speech

Page 2: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator The Master ...Ma tlone 1n tho t.a no, and that lt thora ora an7 cloubta on tbo oubJoo~, a almglo 4oolarotlon raoltlng the abaoluto rith\

EXTRACTS l'I!Oll SPJ!ECH OJ' l!ON . , .D.ROOSEVELT Sb:PTEIIB&R 29 . 19110 ............ { 'L

Oil this trip throuah We at Virginia I haTe t&l:ttd with

hundreds of Republioane and Independents who, until the laat few

days , had been inclined to oaet their ballots tor the Republican

candidate for the Preaidenoy - but they have been to me

of their oW:io:.fl4 ot them expressing the aame general thought. Op

to recently they had aeawaed that Hard ins was only waiting

tor the proper moment to make really clear hie own post t i on i n

regard to a foreign policy tor the Uni ted States. They believe d

he would something definite to offer .. something which the

Country could undereto.nd.

It wne, therefore, with a diatinot shock that these

Republioano and Indopandenta rea d of Wr. Barding's statement in

Baltimore thnt he i s without a rcy specific conetructive prograOlllle,

and that he has no clear plan to offer aa a substitute tor the

entrance of the United Stat es i nto the League of Nations . b Theee peopl e realise Jm:!::bma that it ia a shocking commentary on t.he Republican nominee

when , after t wo years of eerTice on the J'oreign Relatione Committee

of the Senate of the United States, the beet he could say is -

"The :tiret t h ing I will atteiQPt to do aa Pre aident will be to find

a prograoue of world aas ooiation and cooperation". Tb.eJ belieTe

now that I baTe been Just1:tJB 4 1D insisting day after day that it for

is no answer 11r:a: Mr. Hardi ng to make when he repeat a that he i s in

favor of s ome kind of world Association.

Furthermore, they tell me they are t ired of t he reiter­

ations about seeking to avoid t or the Onite4 States any internation­

al obligation to send troops acros e t he aeaa without the aonaent

o:f our Congreaa .

Page 3: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator The Master ...Ma tlone 1n tho t.a no, and that lt thora ora an7 cloubta on tbo oubJoo~, a almglo 4oolarotlon raoltlng the abaoluto rith\

- 2 -

.irter the meeting in Wheeling laat night •ore tu.n

two do r.en oame to me and said that they realise t'\J.ll7

that the poai t ion taken by Go"?ernor Cox and QBil:f 1a a tull.

guarutee against any 4aD&er whioh the United State a aigbt !ncar

by joining the otber thirty-nine latione in the Leaau , and tb&t if

there are any doubta on the subJect . a simple declaration reo1t1D&

the absolute right of' Coosr-ea to decide on war or the aen41»a of

men onr·•••• will turnieh every possible guarantee.

This i e merely one of uny reasons which i a oauaing

the growing drift o:f Rapubll o&na and Indapendeuta away trom. the

Republican Ticket .

Page 4: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator The Master ...Ma tlone 1n tho t.a no, and that lt thora ora an7 cloubta on tbo oubJoo~, a almglo 4oolarotlon raoltlng the abaoluto rith\

... . Qa t~ta trtp tbrouah oat Vi rtlnla 1 hATe talke4 wlih

hnndn4a ot ' opul:oliocftll all4 lndopendonU who, unUl tho laa• tow

uya, bad boon lru:llnod to caot thotr Ml.l0\11 tor \he • opubUoan

eon414Ato t or tho Frootd&nal/ • l.ut the)' haYO boon oocllil)l to •

of tholr o-reot of tho a1Q'1roaa1na tbo ea~<~o ~;•noral thollgh\ , 'Up

'" r•oonn~ \hol b!l1l ae ""oa ttl&~ r . licull 1 no onl)' W~>ltlflll

toT t ho proper r.omon1. to Ito ro 11.7 oloar- blu own I i.luHlon 1n

rotnll'n '" a tore1tn s-oli OJ tor uho t!n1 t.ecl ut.otoo. They boliond

he would h vo ooaet~ln~ dofln1to 1.~ orror • aom.th164 wu1ob tho

c ou.n\r,Y ooulcl \u.4orott:.ll4.

H wee, tl;oretoro, wl\h & t1h\1not llloook: thllt. \hoBO

l opublioons And l nd~pon4ontn road of r.

taltl:loro thAt t.o 1P •Hhout a. opoolt1<.~ ooftlltruouve pro ~.

and ~hat hn bao no oloar plan ~ ofror ao a eu.bat1tute for 1bo

onlronoo of the .nlt.ed utatoo !nto tho 'AIAf"llO of llaUono, :lD fhaeo pooplo l'OOUIUI '-tiiiD that H 111 a ollool:lJlll: oO"ZZIntt•ry on tho opul>Uoan n01111noo

Wilen , After t wo 'GBTU of Mr1'100 On the JoroJgn OlOtiCiftll ComaJ t\1111

ot 'Ainoto of' tho United :lwtea, tho boot ho ooul4 Oil¥ 111 -

"J'be ttr11t t!llnl! .1. w11.1. at~~:~pt to do •• roa!Oont will l.>o ~o f'lncl

now U.Ot 1 hno won Juot1fil4 1n tnolntna 4A)' afl.or 4ay that 1\ ~r .

h no an...,.or 0. t• 'tardln8 to llllk.o wbon ho ropeote that ho lo in

t'aYor o f o;OIM 1:11111 o t' orlt1 !Jtoolat.ton.

f o.rU.OmoTo, tbcJ: toll - tbol aro Unt1 or tt;o roUor­

att oDI about oooklnE to ••old ror thO Un1to0 ~ia~o an7 1ntornat1on­

&l obli~tlon to aood troopo aoro~• tt.o eoao wl\bout tho oon•ont

or OQY ~onsro•• ·

Page 5: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator The Master ...Ma tlone 1n tho t.a no, and that lt thora ora an7 cloubta on tbo oubJoo~, a almglo 4oolarotlon raoltlng the abaoluto rith\

I -

Arter ~bl moot1n« ln hoo11n1 laot nl1ht aoro tb&u

t\JO 40ran 'llepublloan~ oamo tq .. and aald tMt \ha:r reallH f'llll7

that \ho poa1Uon taken b;y Conrnor Cox and ~ .. lt' ia a tall

guarantee ~lnU an7 danaor whJoh tha ".Tnl ted Stflt .. might lnour

'1!7 Joining tho other 1.htrt,-n1ne tlatlone ln the taaguo , end tllll\ 1t

there ere an7 aoubto on tho eubjoot, a elaplo 4aolarat1ou roo1tlng

the abeoluta rlt ht ot Con o a to doo14a on war or tho aondlng of

11811 o•or-oaao wlll t'Urn1eh e.,.ry J'oeolblo gu&rantao.

'l'hh i8 •ore!¥ one or !IIIIey rneona will oh 1 oouelng

tho rrowlng drln ot l opublionno a d llldopondonto awo.;y from the

•·epubltoan Tlolr:ot .

Page 6: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator The Master ...Ma tlone 1n tho t.a no, and that lt thora ora an7 cloubta on tbo oubJoo~, a almglo 4oolarotlon raoltlng the abaoluto rith\

.. Qa thl B }rlp throQBh eat Tlrf lDl& 1 haTe \alkel With

h1U14H4B of upublionna an4 l nile pandan t a who, a ntll \!Ia leU t•• days, hal beon lnol1ne4 to oaat the i r ballots tor t he ~epu~l1can

oan4l4at a t or the Pr oa14anc:r - t.ut tbot;r ban b .. n COtlllJJ& t o ..

of 1.hatr o""Jottl of thom elt}lrndns tb.a same general t holll!ht . llp

to rocently tho., Md &B8u~od 1.hnt ~r . il4rcUn waa only waJ1I l fl8

tor t~e pro~or mo~n1. to ·to ronllJ oloar hl a own pooltl on i n

re ur~ t~ a torelr:n ..,olio;r for the nl te4 :.tat... 'tbe;y bol1oY04

he ·ould hLvo a~oet. In~ 4ofln1ta ~o offer - aoma,hlng whloh the

Countr;; collld un«ontund.

It waa, therefore , wt th a 41atinot ehool< that 1.haao

e~ub11oana ~r~ Jndopandanta rood of r. ~rdlnij ' ~ •t&toment in

teltlmore tha~ r.e 1r •Jt~out ar~ opeoiflu oonetruotlTB pro•ran.e,

and ~hat hn baa no olear plan to oftor ea a eubatltuto tor \he

ontronce of tho "ntted ~tatea Into tha fA~• of n tlonB. aa Theee poople na11c• llatiDII that 1 t 111 a ahOoklnt' ClO"'Cieniart an tho a publ1o&n noaainee

when, after t•o :~ears ot NrY1oe on the 'oralgn elnt1onu COfliiiiJ

or the :lena te of tho Unll.ed a \a tea, tbe b .. t he oonl<l en.r h -

"'rho flt'lt t h1ng ! w1ll att.eQIJ) t Lo do •• . realdent will be to :C1n4

n pTogrlll'liH of world ••oool ation and coovaration". .'be;r ballan

now \1m L 1 hlln beon Jua t1 fill 4 1n 1 nata tlns dn.r a fl.or Clay that 1t f OJ'

h no en ... or :rx- r . l!nrdlng t o !lllko when be rePat>t• that be h 111

faTor ot ea.e t ln4 of orl4 Ae~oo1at1on .

llJ'lhal"'IOTa, tho7 \oJ.l - tbe7 are tired of t he r ei tar-

a t i ona about aeok1q. to &Yo1d ror tbe tn1te4 ~\&tea an:r l nteruatlon­

al obU,atJon to aond troop• a ol'or a the aau w1\hout the ooneent

Of OlU' COD!TB .. ,

Page 7: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator The Master ...Ma tlone 1n tho t.a no, and that lt thora ora an7 cloubta on tbo oubJoo~, a almglo 4oolarotlon raoltlng the abaoluto rith\

I •

Iter \be ••ot1~ ln baolln• loat alsht 110ro \ban

t1r0 clo,on llepublioonr caeo to ,.. ancl aa14 that the;, reaUao f'llll7

that \ho po81tlon ttllr:on b¥ ' nrnor r ox ancl .,aelf !8 a fDll

SU0!1111too atelnet &nJ' 44D.w:r wbiob U.. UnUotl St••tee lllf'ht lnaur

by Joining the o~ber thlrt~·n1no Matlone 1n tho t.a no, and that lt

thora ora an7 cloubta on tbo oubJoo~, a almglo 4oolarotlon raoltlng

the abaoluto rith\ of onrro • to 4oo14a on war or tbo eond1"8 of

aen over-aaaa will turnieh ovary ~oenlblo guatontaa.

"tbll ia Mrel~' one or Mny r.oaono whl oh 1, oouu1J18

t bo PTOWlDI! ~rltt or I apubli cons a 4 1nclaponclonta 81\'D~ n'o11 thfl

.apu~ltoan Tlokot .

Page 8: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator The Master ...Ma tlone 1n tho t.a no, and that lt thora ora an7 cloubta on tbo oubJoo~, a almglo 4oolarotlon raoltlng the abaoluto rith\

K.\':':HC1'~ ~~~~ ;uwl!.CU or ROII . 7 • .D . ROOIIIV :L'I' D!W~ et , lii!O

..... . .... Oil tbta ulp throUI'h oet nrrtn1a J h&n t.Alluo4 wt th

h.1u1d:redo o:t •. opub1101lna al'ld ln4opandonta who, 11nt1l \ho l au tow

4w,re, hat boon tnollned to oaot t~lr balloto for tho ~opu~lioan

oandl dato t or tho Pr oaldono:r - but \My h!Ln b .. n 001:111141 to ...

of their o.-,au.t of thea oX}'ro ... lnt tho ...,. general thought. Up

to recontl.Y tho;. h!lcl. ae W'!lod 1.1\at ·r. i1a r d1ni!; ne onl:l' ttaH1TI6

for t~o ~ropor mo~nt to .ako roall, aloar hie own v~olt1on ln

:re ord '" a torelcn I•Olio;r tor \ho t nltod atohe. ':'hoy h11oYOd

h.e would h' vo •~o~b1nr doflnito L ~ offer - eo~thln whloh tho

Country oorud nn4ora~D4.

H waa , thol'ororo, " ' th • <Uot.1uot ahoc~ t!lat thoeo

· opubUoane &nd ndolpondento rn .11 of 'r . ,.,. 1n·•'B o"'"to..aot in

t elt!Doro t.bat r.e 1R ~ltbouL ar~ epooiflo conetruotlvo pro• rammo,

and that ho baa no otear plarl to or for a a a a ubet1 tuto tor

eo trance ot tho n! t.o4 • tatol Into the to&f'Uo ~~ Ia Uon1. " ' ThoM peoplo roal.he ~ that it 10 a ohoo~1nn o~~ntort on tho ,apublluan n~ineo

when, attar t ,.o .-aaru o f "ervlne on the oreiKn ola1.1one COCIIIl1ttee

of b&ll1lto ot tlla lln1to4 Ut<ttoa, tho boat he oottl4 lln.J 11 -

"'l'ho !tu t t!:llt!JI ! lflll atteept ~o <lo aa . ree14ont will bo to 1'1nd

apr r .... of worl4 a•coolation a nd cooperation" .

now thot l hATe boon Juet.lf~d ln 1nalet1n& day aft.or day that it.

to:r h no anr•or :r... r . llar41!13 to Mko when he ropoat.e that he 1e 1D

favor of ea.. t 1n4 of orld •eoool at.ton • .. .?uLhora~ora , th017 toll ..., tbo7 are Uro4 or tho rel\or­

atlona about ldoktnr to oYo1d r or tl~ t ntto4 ~tatoo an7 interna\l on­

al obU ~t1 on to 11ond troop a aorol!)a tbe 11eu wt tbou t. tho oon11en t

o# oar Consr••• ·

Page 9: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator The Master ...Ma tlone 1n tho t.a no, and that lt thora ora an7 cloubta on tbo oubJoo~, a almglo 4oolarotlon raoltlng the abaoluto rith\

e -

After \be aoet1~ in llaallnc Uot alsht ,.ora \llan

two do••n nepublloone oaco to .e and ~ai4 that tho¥ raallaa tull7

thot tho poaltloo taken b¥ oYern~r oz an4 ~aalr ia a fQll

guarantee af"lllnllt &n7 4angu't which the ITnltad St ,.tee llll fl'ht. inaur

hf Jotnins the other thJrt~nlne ttat1ona in tho ~aacwe , and th4~ 1!

thara are an7 t oubta on ~ho aubJaol, a s1•pla daolorattoo raoltlQS

tbe abaoluta r l eht of <OOEN a to .. olda on war or tbe aandlng of

-~~ ovar-aaaa wlll fQrnhh avaey J>Oaa lble lfU*:rantaa ,

Tllh la Ml"'lJ OM ot M D¥ reaaono whlo.b 1. 04llllllllf

t ha crowta~~: drif-t o! I apublioane a d 1ndapon4•nta awa;y tr011 t.he

.apubl1oan Tlokot.

Page 10: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator The Master ...Ma tlone 1n tho t.a no, and that lt thora ora an7 cloubta on tbo oubJoo~, a almglo 4oolarotlon raoltlng the abaoluto rith\

I".XTR!.C'l' J'!l~ ;;.,_,tell OP BOI,I, D. ROOtmHL'I! GJU>1'KIIRR 111, ueo ...........

OD thla trip through eat Ti rglnia 1 h&Te talked with

hundreda of ~•publioana and Independent• who, until the laat few

days, baA baon inclined to caat their ballots for the Republican

candidate for the Praaidency - but thoy b&Te bean ccm1D8 to me

of their o~c~ of them expraaeing the aeme general thoup)lt, Op

to recently tha7 hnd a eeumod that ur, Uarding waa only wai ting

for the proper moment to 0ako really clear hie own poo1tion 1n

ra~ard t~ a fora1sn policy for tho United Utataa. 'l'hay belioYed

ha .would huvo aome~h1ng doflnlto to offer • eomathing wh1oh the

Country could undoratand.

It wna, t herefore, with a dlatinot shock that theao

lopublicana and Independents real'! of ·r. U.rding' e otaioment 1n

naltimore that he i e wlthout any epoalfia conatructlYa programme,

and that he haa no clear plan to offer aa a eubeti·tuta far the

entrance of the Unl ted State a Into thAI t.eaKU• of QaUona. • • l'heee people raali &a b:ttau thot 1t 10 a ahootlng ocmmentar;r on tho Republican nominee

when, attar t wo yaaro of eerYioe en the l'oreJgn t alotione Committee

of tho Sena te of the United St.utea, the boat he oould aoy ie -

"'l'he first thing ! will attempt to do ae ·l'realdant wilt be to f1n4

a programme of world oeooolation and cooperation•. Tho;v belien

now that 1 haTe beon Juetlf~d in ineiet i nc day after day that it f or

1e no answer ft.- »r. l!llrcling to make -.han he repeat• that he 1B 1n

fa?cr of uoma t1od of orl4 4aooo1at1on .

IUr thereora, th•;v t•ll me they are t1ra4 of th• reitar­

atlona about aeek1n& to a~oid t or the United State• an1 lntarnation­

&1 obligation to aend troopa aorose the aeae without the ooneent

of 011.r Oongra ...

Page 11: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator The Master ...Ma tlone 1n tho t.a no, and that lt thora ora an7 cloubta on tbo oubJoo~, a almglo 4oolarotlon raoltlng the abaoluto rith\

l! -

Arter tbe meeti ng in ael1n, laat ntsht mora tban

two doran nepubltoanr. oat10 t o me and aald that tho4 raal1aa tully

thot the poa1t1on taken by Governor Cox and MJBelt la a full

!UBraDtoe aeatnot 807 4engur whloh tha Unltod 5t8t88 mi sht inaur

by Joining the o~har thirty-nine Natlono In tho toague, ond t h4t 1f

there oro any doubta on tho aubJeot, a almple deolaratton raoltlng

the abeolute right ot Con~ro a to dao14e on war or the sending of

men over-ooao will turn1eh ovor1 ,oaelbla guarantee.

Thl a 1o merely one or many reaaono whloh i. oouatng

t he growing drift Of l• a d lndopondentB owo;y hom the

~epubltoan Tiokot.

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