
Free As In Market:

Liberty and Property

Rusty Russell

Free As In Market

This talk is going to be crap

Free As In Market

These are my personal political opinions and are completely independent of my employer, Linux Australia, family, friends, colleagues, peers, coworkers, professional counsellors, unprofessional counsellors, spellchekers, government (local, state and regional), professional associations, and all those people who advised me to shut the fuck and just stop talking about intellectual property law already...


Free As In Market

=> Tragedy Of The Commons

Free As In Market

=> Tragedy Of The Commons
=> Importance of Strong Property Rights
=> Strong Copyright

Free As In Market

=> Tragedy Of The Commons
"Not Always..."

Free As In Market

=> Tragedy Of The Commons
"Not Always..."

Free As In Market


Free As In Market

It's not a commons

Free As In Market

It's not a commons

Free As In Market

It's not a commons

Why would you buy a car with the hood welded shut?

Free As In Market

It's not a commons

Why would you buy a car with the hood welded shut?

Why would I run someone else's OS?

Free As In Market

It's not a commons

Why would you buy a car with the hood welded shut?

Why would I run someone else's OS?

I like owning stuff!

Time For A Deep Breath...

Time For A Deep Breath...

Question 0

Time For A Deep Breath...

Question 0

Why Should I Care?

Time For A Deep Breath...

Because we have to talk to others.

Time For A Deep Breath...

Because we have to talk to others.

So we need to understand about copyright:

Time For A Deep Breath...

Because we have to talk to others.

So we need to understand about copyright:

What does it do?

What does it do, do?


Time For A Deep Breath...

Because we have to talk to others...

So we need to understand about copyright:

What does it do?

What does it do, do?


Why are we doing it?

A Traffic Light...

A Traffic Light...

What does it do?

Stops traffic.

A Traffic Light...

What does it do?

Stops traffic.

So, how long should traffic lights stay red?

A Traffic Light...

What does it do?

Stops traffic.

So, how long should traffic lights stay red?

Forever! (minus a day)

A Traffic Light...

What does it do?

Stops traffic.

So, how long should traffic lights stay red?

Forever! (minus a day)

But that's not what it's FOR



What does it do?

Rewards creators


What does it do?

Rewards creators

Rewards copyright holders


What does it do?

Rewards creators

Rewards copyright holders

No, that's what it does, does!


What does it do?


What does it do?

Stops copying.


What does it do?

Stops copying.

But that's not what it's FOR

Copyright: What Does It Do?

Stops copying

Copyright: What Does It Do?

Stops copying

What does that do?

Copyright: What It Does Does

A bit like a tax.

Copyright: What It Does Does

A bit like a tax.

Copyright: What It Does Does

A bit like a tax.

Copyright: What It Does Does

Copyright: What It Does Does


Copyright: What It Does Does



Mummy, Where Does Copyright Come From?

Mummy, Where Does Copyright Come From?

Mummy, Where Does Copyright Come From?

Well, I don't own a printing press anyway.

Mummy, Where Does Copyright Come From?

Longer and stronger...

Mummy, Where Does Copyright Come From?

Actually, I do own a printing press for music...

Mummy, Where Does Copyright Come From?

Mummy, Where Does Copyright Come From?

The Internet Is Wonderful

Mummy, Where Does Copyright Come From?

Mummy, Where Does Copyright Come From?

I just downloaded it...

Erosion of Property

Erosion of Property


If unauthorised copying is stealing...


If unauthorised copying is stealing...

Successful lobbying to remove my property rights without compensation is:




All of the above

Not Really A Tax

Not Really A Tax

No transfer actually occurs, just destruction.

Not Really A Tax

No transfer actually occurs, just destruction.

The effect might be to increase value.

Digital Cropburning

Digital Cropburning

This destruction of rights normally associated with ownership is the definition of Intellectual Property.

Trademark, Copyright, Patent, etc.

Widget Factory

Add A Patent Factory


The IP Marketplace

The IP Marketplace

The IP Marketplace

High Government

The IP Marketplace

High Government

High Transaction Cost

The IP Marketplace

High Government

High Transaction Cost

This market does nothing.

The Real Marketplace

The market for actual
goods and services
is what matters.

The IP Marketplace

This market is entirely
parasitic on the market
for actual goods and

The IP Marketplace

This market is entirely
parasitic on the market
for actual goods and

We hope it's symbiotic!

The IP Marketplace

Measuring the tonnage
of burnt crops is easy.

The IP Marketplace

Measuring the tonnage
of burnt crops is easy.

But it's not a profit, it's a cost.

CC-By/Free Licences

CC-By/Free Licences

Restore (most of) your property rights.

CC-By/Free Licences

Restore (most of) your property rights.

So you have the freedom to
create your commons.

So you have the freedom to
create your commons.

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