Download - Friday

Page 1: Friday

The Week That Was!

•Every Friday we are going to ask different children to write on the blog and reflect on the learning that has happened during the week.

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What makes a good inquiry question?In Tim’s workshop on Tuesday, we looked at what makes a good inquiry question?We had to made up inquiry questions on the board. It was how can we reduce our schools water consumption? Then we had to decide what questions would help us to understand more about our inquiry. By Jasmine.

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Ultranet Workshop

• On Tuesday with Meredith’s Ultranet Workshop, we learnt how to write a comment on a message board. A message board is a collaborative space where people can write comments and others can respond to them. We wrote a response to the blog question: “Should there be a Tax on Junk Food?”

• Another thing we learnt in the workshop was how to add a page on the “Wiki”. A Wiki is a big space where you can make a lot of pages and put different things on it.

• We added a Learning Goal page, and a Reflection page.

• From Meredith’s workshop we learnt how to add pages on a Wiki and how to write a comment on a Message Board!

• By Ana

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Co-operative Games WorkshopThis week with Mike we did co-operative games. It was hard to do some of the games because some of the other people didn’t cooperate or listen. The human knot and the multiple standing games were the hardest to do because of those reasons. My favourite was the balancing game because people didn’t make to much noise and people listened. All in all it was really fun. Isabel

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Target Heart Rate Workshop

•On Tuesday we had a maths workshop with Tony on our pulse and heart rate.

•We did a couple of activities and then checked our pulse for our BPM (beats per minute) and found out our maximum BPM.

•There were two ways to check our pulse. One was on our neck. One was near our wrist.

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•On Thursday the 1st of March we had a district swimming carnival at Fitzroy swimming pool.

•We competed against other schools to go to the next level which is Division. We had a number of people from our school that competed . A lot of our students got through to the next level .Good luck people who got through to Division!!!!

•Simona Monique and Lexi

District Swimming Sports

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Poker Face: Place value gameToday we learnt to play a card game about place value called Poker Face. Meredith taught us how to play. Firstly you had to get into a group of 3, 4 or 5. Then you dealt out the cards. Each player got 4 cards. The ace represented 1 and there were no 10’s kings, queens. Jacks and the jokers had a value of 0. The aim of the game was to get the highest 4 digit number. You don’t want the other players to see your cards. You can snatch cards off other people and give them one of your cards in return. You would probably give them your lowest card because you want the highest number. You can also get a card from the deck and put one of your cards down in return. You can also play the game with the aim to get the lowest 4 digit number if you prefer. You can choose a time the game ends or when the deck has run out of cards. When the game is over you all lay out your cards. By Payam and Caitlin.M

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Persuasive Writing•This week we learnt more things about a

how to make a good persuasive text. We planned and wrote persuasive texts on the topic “Summer is better than Winter”. We used emotive language to emphasise our view. The more experienced writers, got on the Ultranet and wrote an ‘chain’ persuasive text. First Meredith wrote one sentence and we continued by making comments to the first. It was fun and challenging. Sam

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