



March 2015 Volume 6, Issue 3 Published Monthly

================= Newsletter Staff:

Editor-In-Chief Deborah


ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Evangelist Henrietta


STAFF MEMBERS: Elder Larry Ealy

Bettie Young Sherease Durden

Mary Jackson

Columnist: Charmayne Moore

Off-Site Correspondent: Evangelist Isarene



The views expressed by the authors/originators of

materials in this publication are not necessarily those of The Friendly Connection or Friendly Temple Church of

God in Christ. Please address any errors noted in this newsletter to [email protected]

STICK WITH HIS PLAN IN 2015 “and thou shalt make thy way prosperous!” Joshua 1:8


“And let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season, we shall reap if we faint not.”



(I Samuel 30:8:19) REPRINT

In this story in the book of Samuel, David and the people of God had come up against the enemy at Zilklag, and the enemy had taken their wives and their children, and had burned their cities. The men were getting upset with David and blaming him for losing everything. David then made an altar before the Lord and prayed in the midst of his bad situation. God answered and told David what to do, and that he would recover all that he had lost. If we pray like David in the midst of our troubles, God will tell us what to do. Many people, due to carelessness and indifferences, have lost many precious things. Sometimes people think that what they have is going to be there always and they take it for granted. But we should not get too comfortable with things in this world. It’s okay to enjoy the world, but everything you have in this world, you better write “temporary” on it because you are not going to be able to take it with you. Some of the saints have lost their joy or their peace; and, as a result, they are frustrated over everything and have lost what it takes to make it. Don’t you know the bible says “Great peace will He give them who love the law?” If you have lost your first love for the Lord, you need to get it back. If you hook up with Jesus, then you’ll know that He has everything under control.


MINISTERS’ CORNER A brief excerpt from:

“The Assassination of My Flesh or Killing My Flesh” By Asst. Pastor Corey Thomas

1 Peter 4:1- “Forasmuch then as Christ has suffered for us in

the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in

the flesh has ceased from sin.”

Romans 8:13: “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds

of the body, ye shall live.”

The human dimension is comprised of body, soul,

and spirit: the body which is the flesh, the soul which

is the mind, heart, will and emotions of man; and the spirit which is an unseen organ but is intended to

house the life of God. God mandates that as Christians we live this life in a godly and righteous

manner with the Spirit of God controlling our souls. Whatever the soul commands the flesh to do, it falls in line and obeys, and likewise, the soul should fall in

line and obey the spirit; and the spirit should house the life of God. Years ago after the fall of man, this

divine order was reversed resulting in the flesh being the head, the soul being subservient to the flesh and

the spirit which was alive is now dead.

Whenever you say “no” to the Spirit, it must mean

that you are saying “yes” to your flesh. And the

more you keep saying yes to the flesh, the more you will kill the Spirit in you will which will ultimately kill

you eternally. The bible says if you live after the

flesh, you shall die. So many Christians have been killing the Spirit rather than the flesh. Some of us used to be full of love, kindness, and patience. We

were faithful, and fruitful and lived after the Spirit, not the flesh. But now we’ve allowed others to “trip

us up” and knock us off the path of righteousness. Somewhere down the line we stopped the war

between the flesh and the spirit and allowed the flesh to win. When you start letting the flesh win,

you become a slave to sin because that’s what the

flesh wants to do. There is nothing good in this flesh when it’s in control. Paul says in Romans that no

good thing dwelleth in this flesh. The bible also tells us that those who live after the flesh shall not inherit

the kingdom of God.

This battle is a survival of the fittest. In a nutshell “If you don’t kill this flesh, this flesh will kill you.”

IN THIS ISSUE Featured Writers: Pastor Roger Thomas

Evangelist Henrietta Givens Sister Deborah Thompson-Ealy

Sister Charmayne Moore Mary Jackson

Evang. Isarene Reynolds-Doyle Assistant Pastor Corey Thomas


Pastor’s Desk 1 In this Issue 2 Minister’s Corner 2 You’ve been Spotted 3 Family of the Month 3 Did You Miss It? 4- 6 In the News 7 Did You Know? 8 Answer/Mystery Member 8 What Did You Forget? 9 Bible Mystery Person 9 And a Time to Laugh 10 Medical Corner 11 Medical Corner cont’d 12 For Your Information 13 Answers Bible Mystery 13 Bettie’s Picks 14 Children’s Corner 15 Prayer Requests 16 Announcements 16 Our Daily Bread 17 How Can I Be Saved? 18

…to all of our new members who joined Friendly Temple during the

month of February. We also extend a welcoming embrace to all who accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord of their life, or rededicated themselves during the month of




You’ve Been



Dear Friendly Temple Family,

It’s an honor being selected family of

the month for March.

The Lord has blessed us with a great

church that has guided me and my

daughter through struggles and tough

times. But the Lord has brought us

through together. I know this for sure:

a family that prays together stays

together. And at the end of the day, all

that matters is LOVE, PEACE and TRUST.


Deacon Durham and Family.

Congratulations to the Newlyweds - Mr. & Mrs. Lee and Dorothy Brown








DISTRICT BROTHERHOOD BREAKFAST (Photos courtesy of Dr. Loren Due)




Elders Rashaun Thomas & Larry Ealy



Sister Patsy Ross


If you know your bible, the Sunday School

needs you –

If you don’t know your bible, you need the

Sunday School.

Come join us for Sunday School every Sunday

immediately after the 8 o’clock service until

10:45 -11:15.

We have a class for you. This month’s lesson:

“Being a Good Steward.”

Thanks -- Superintendent Rosie Board



DID YOU KNOW…? A personal commentary by Charmayne “Char” Moore

"Remember that pain has this most excellent quality- If prolonged it cannot be severe,

and if severe it cannot be prolonged." -Seneca

Real pain. That pain that takes your breath away as you try to look past tears. Pain that makes you feel nauseous because you've cried so hard. Pain that makes some stay on their knees begging God to turn that horrible situation around. Pain that causes one to feel empty, lifeless inside. Pain that turns silence into loud sobs. True pain. Pain from rejection, disappointment, suffering, and lies. Pain that seems never ending. On the contrary, this pain will subside and eventually cease. You see, God is not going to allow this pain to exceed our limits. He knows our level of strength. We always think that the pain we're going through is unbearable, but in reality we can handle it. Your pain is going to build strength. That strength is needed to endure this chaotic life. Choose to be strong during pain.

Choose to learn from pain. Choose to remain happy during pain. Troubles don't last always, but they stay long enough for us to learn a valuable lesson. Learn to trust God. Learn to trust His words. Learn to release control. Learn how to be positive. Learn to be more appreciative. Remember Who has your best interest at heart. Remember Who created you and knows how your life will play out. Remember Who holds ALL power; including power to heal pain. Remember God's Words. Remember God. I hope that everyone who is experiencing pain that reads this, will find the strength to endure. It's only for a brief season and if you survive it, blessings are in store for you. You will heal.



Sister Patsy Ross Then Now

MYSTERY PERSON THIS MONTH Who is this adorable little girl?


What did you forget…? Submitted by District Missionary Gloria Sterling - From “A Class Act II – Practical

Lessons for Extraordinary Living” -- Bishop Charles E. Blake and Lady Mae


125. You can’t change the past, but you can ruin a perfectly

good present by worrying about the future.

126. It isn’t your position that makes you happy or unhappy, it’s your disposition.

127. The only people who you should try to get “even” with… are those who have helped you, and those to whom you owe

a debt.

128. Life is like a boomerang: What you do and say will come back to you. You reap what you sow.

129. When you try to push someone else down, you go down also. Helping someone else to rise and do good… you rise and advance also.

130. Those who hate you … don’t win… unless you hate them back. And if you do hate them back … you destroy yourself.

131. Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them to do it.

132. Kindness is something that is very difficult to give away, because it is usually returned.

2 Peter 1:5-7: “And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to

temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly

kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.”

BIBLE MYSTERY PERSONS –submitted by Evangelist Henrietta Givens

1. I prophesied of Jesus’ coming as a Rod from the Stem of Jesse. 2. She was a wealthy seller of purple from the city of Thyatira who worshipped God. The Lord saved her and her household through Paul’s preaching. 3. I had a dream about the valley of dry bones who am I? 4. I was described to King Ahaziah as a hairy man….. 5. I, Jonah, spent some time in the belly of a fish my father is Amittai, how many days was I there? 6. Who did Jesus call the generation of Vipers? 7. I am Elijah. How did God manifest himself to me at Mount Horeb? 8. Who did Saul have the witch of Endor conjure up? 9. In the fight when the devil tempted Jesus, how did Jesus get the devil to flee? 10. On the Day of Pentecost Peter speaking to the men made reference to this Prophet who spoke of the coming of the Holy Ghost.


“AND A TIME TO LAUGH…” An old man decided his old wife was getting hard of hearing. So he called her doctor to make

an appointment to have her hearing checked. The doctor said he could see her in two weeks, and

meanwhile there’s a simple, informal test the husband could do to give the doctor some idea of

the dimensions of the problem.

"Here's what you do. Start about 40 feet away from her, and speak in a normal conversational

tone and see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a


So that evening she's in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he's in the living room, and he says to

himself, "I'm about 40 feet away, let's see what happens."

"Honey, what's for supper?" No response.

So he moves to the other end of the room, about 30 feet away.

"Honey, what's for supper?" No response.

So he moves into the dining room, about 20 feet away. "Honey,

what's for supper?" No response.

On to the kitchen door, only 10 feet away. “Honey what’s for

supper?” No response.

So he walks right up behind her. "Honey, what's for supper?"

"For the fifth time, CHICKEN!"


MEDICAL CORNER _______________________________________________________________________________________

Submitted by Evang. Isarene Doyle

What is fiber? What is dietary fiber? Fiber rich foods

Fiber is also known as roughage. It is the indigestible part of plant foods that pushes through our digestive system, absorbing water along the way and easing bowel movements. The word fiber (North American) can also be spelled fibre (British). It comes from the Latin word fibra, meaning fiber, thread, string, filament, entrails. Dietary fiber refers to nutrients in the diet that are not digested by gastrointestinal enzymes.

Two types of fiber - soluble and insoluble -- Fiber is made up

of non-starch poly-saccharides, such as cellulose, dextrins, inulin, lignin, chitins, pectins, beta-glucans, waxes and oligosaccharides. The word fiber is misleading, because many types of dietary fibers are not fibers at all. There are two broad types of fiber, soluble and insoluble.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water. It changes as it goes through the digestive tract, where it is fermented by bacteria. As it absorbs water it becomes gelatinous. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. As it goes through the digestive tract it does not change its form.

Dietary fiber foods are generally divided into predominantly soluble or insoluble.

Both types of fiber are present in all plant foods, but rarely in equal proportions.

Fiber-rich foods -- A good diet involves watching your calorie

count, including food rich in nutrients and vitamins, avoiding saturated fats, as well as paying particular attention to all sources of fiber, according to Warren Enker, M.D.1, F.A.C.S. Vice Chairman, Department of Surgery, Beth Israel Medical Center.

Dairy products, white bread, and other starches are low in fiber.

Below is a list of some foods that contain high amounts of fiber:

Cereal grains - ½ cup cooked Soluble Insoluble

Barley 1g 4g

Oatmeal 1g 2g

Oat bran 1g 3g

Seeds Soluble Insoluble

Psyllium seeds ground (1 Tbsp) 5g 6g

Fruit (1 medium fruit) Soluble Insoluble

Apple 1g 4g

Banana 1g 3g

Blackberries (½ cup) 1g 4g

Citrus Fruit (orange, grapefruit) 2g 2-3g

Nectarine 1g 2g

Peach 1g 2g

Pear 2g 4g

Plum 1g 1.5g

Prunes (¼ cup) 1.5g 3g

Legumes (½ cup cooked) Soluble Insoluble

Black Beans 2g 5.5g

Kidney Beans 3g 6g

Lima Beans 3.5g 6.5g

Navy Beans 2g 6g

Northern Beans 1.5g 5.5g

Pinto Beans 2g 7g

Lentils (yellow, green, orange) 1g 8g

Chick Peas 1g 6g

Black eyed Peas 1g 5.5g


What are the functions and benefits of insoluble fiber? --

Insoluble fibers have many functions, including moving bulk through the digestive tract, and controlling pH (acidity) levels in the intestines. Benefits of insoluble fiber: -Promotes regular bowel movements and prevents constipation -Speeds up the elimination of toxic waste through the colon By keeping an optimal pH in the intestines, insoluble fiber helps prevent microbes from producing substances which can lead to colorectal cancer.

Food sources of insoluble fiber include: vegetables - especially dark green leafy ones, root vegetable skins, fruit skins whole wheat products wheat bran, corn bran nuts, and seeds.

What are the functions and benefits of soluble fiber? -- Soluble

fiber binds with fatty acids, slows down the time it takes to empty the stomach and the rate of sugar absorption by the body. Benefits of soluble fiber: -It reduces cholesterol, especially levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) -It regulates sugar intake, this is especially useful for people with diabetes and metabolic syndrome

Food sources of soluble fiber include: kidney beans, pinto beans Brussel sprouts broccoli spinach zucchini apples, oranges grapefruit grapes prunes oatmeal whole-wheat bread

How much insoluble and soluble fiber should I eat? -- According

to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics2, the recommended daily amount of fiber for women is 25 grams and for men its 38 grams. However, after the age of 50 it is recommended that women drop their intake to 21 grams and men to 30 grams. Most dietitians say your ratio of insoluble vs. soluble fiber should be 75% to 25%, or 3 parts insoluble to every 1 part soluble. As most high-fiber containing foods usually have both types, it should not be necessary to be too careful about dividing them up. Oat, oat brans, psyllium husk and flax seed are rich in both types of

fibers. In other words, your focus should be on fiber intake in general, rather than what type of fiber. If you consume 25g of fiber each day you should meet your daily requirements. Ideally, you should consume 5 servings of fruit and vegetables, as well as some servings of whole grain products, each day.

Why fiber is good for you-- Eating fiber has many benefits for

your health. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center3, the consumption of soluble fiber has been shown to protect you from developing heart disease by reducing your cholesterol levels. The consumption of insoluble fiber may also reduce your risk of developing constipation, colitis, colon cancer, and hemorrhoids. People with diabetes who consume a lot of fiber tend to need less insulin than those whose fiber intake is low. A high-fiber intake can significantly contribute towards your body-weight control. Fiber fills you up without adding calories (fiber calories are not absorbed by your body) - this can help treat or prevent overweight/obesity. Most foods which are high in fiber are also very good for you for other reasons. Take, for example, fruit and vegetables and whole grains, they are high in fiber but also rich in vitamins and other essential nutrients. In other words, if you seek a high-fiber diet, not only will you be protecting your health because of your fiber intake, but also because you will consume other essential nutrients.

Recent developments on why fiber is good for you from MNT news -- High fiber diet protects you from stroke. Researchers

from the University of Leeds' School of Food Science & Nutrition in Leeds, United Kingdom, reported an association in the journal Stroke4 between eating more fiber and a lower risk of first time stroke. Fiber intake level is key in warding off death. A study conducted by researchers from the National Cancer Institute5 found that those who ate a high-fiber diet decreased their risk of dying over a nine year period compared to those who ate less fiber. A total of 219,123 men and 168,999 women ages 50 to 71 years of age were included in the study.

Food allergies--If you suffer from food allergies, which often

seem to be high-fiber foods, getting the right amount of fiber can be a challenge. With such a wide variety of fiber containing foods around, you should be able to find some that you are not allergic to. When you do find the foods you can tolerate, you may have to forward plan more than other people who do not have food allergies. Pharmacies sell fiber supplements, which can help you bridge the gap. The following high-fiber foods are the least likely to be allergenic: � Apples � Pears � Melons(fresh) � Carrots � Potatoes � Swede � Broccoli � Green beans � Pumpkin � Zucchini (courgette)

Vegetables (½ cup cooked) Soluble Insoluble

Broccoli 1g 1.5g

Brussels Sprouts 3g 4.5g

Carrots 1g 2.5g




Submitted by Mary Jackson


Free * Fast * Accurate * IRS Certified Tax Preparation & E-Filing Services

If you or someone you know earned less than $53,000 in 2014, San Bernardino County Transitional Assistance Department will offer free tax

preparation and e-filing services for qualifying low to moderate income

taxpayers through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. It is the tenth year that

TAD has partnered with the Internal Revenue Service to offer free, accurate,

certified tax preparation services through the VITA program.

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

campaign is focused on the Earned

Income Tax Credit, or EITC, which most

VITA qualified taxpayers are eligible to

receive. This credit assists those who

are in financial need as well as to reward

employment. Every year, thousands of

families miss out on this tax credit;

money that could be used to help meet

their families’ basic needs.

Services are available to eligible

individuals and families who earned less

than $53,000 in 2014. Tax returns are

filed electronically, for both California

and federal taxes. Many locations close

to you!

Appointments can be made at VITA or 909-252-4903

or 760-552-6175. There are extended

evening hours and Saturday

appointments available. Bilingual tax

preparation services are available.

ANSWERS TO BIBLE MYSTERY PERSONS – by Evangelist Henrietta Givens 1. Isaiah……………………………….Isaiah 11:1-16

2. Lydia…………………………………Acts 16: 12 – 15, 40

3. Ezekiel………………………………Ezekiel 37: 1-10

4. Elijah………………………………..2 Kings 1: 1-18

5. 3 days and 3 nights……………Jonah 1: 1-7 Matthew 12: 40

6. The Scribes and Pharisees…..Matthew 23: 29-33

7. “A small voice”………………….1 Kings 19:11-12

8. Samuel the Prophet……………1 Samuel 28: 11-12

9. Jesus used the Word…………..Luke 4: 1-13

10. Prophet Joel………………………Acts 2: 1-22


TOTAL TIME: Prep: 10 min. BAKE: 25 min. YIELD: 6 servings


• 1 egg • 3/4 cup sugar • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

• 1 teaspoon baking powder

• Pinch salt • 1 medium tart apple, peeled and diced • 1/2 cup raisins

• Whipped cream or ice cream, optional


1. In a large bowl, beat egg. Add the sugar, flour, baking powder and salt. Stir in apple and raisins. Spread into a greased 9-in. pie plate. 2. Bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown and a toothpick inserted near

the center comes out clean. Serve with whipped cream or ice cream if desired. Yield: 8


Nutritional Facts

1 piece equals 193 calories, 1 g fat (trace saturated fat), 35 mg cholesterol, 104 mg sodium,

45 g carbohydrate, 1 g fiber, 3 g protein.

Apples make the switch from sweet to savory star in this simple-to-make dinner.



6 clove garlic 2 small onions 2 small Gala or Pink Lady apples 3 tbsp. olive oil

1 bulb fennel Kosher salt 1 lemon Pepper

2 sprig fresh rosemary 4 small chicken legs


1. Heat oven to 425 degrees F. On a large rimmed baking sheet, toss the garlic, apples, onions, fennel, lemon, and rosemary with 2 tablespoons oil and 1/4 teaspoon each

salt and pepper. Transfer half the vegetables to a second large rimmed baking sheet

and roast the vegetables for 10 minutes. 2. Rub the chicken with the remaining tablespoon oil and season with 1/2 teaspoon

each salt and pepper. Nestle the chicken pieces among the vegetables and roast for

15 minutes. Switch the positions of the baking sheets and roast until the chicken is cooked through and the vegetables are golden brown and tender, 15 to 20 minutes more.

“Bettie’s Picks”






Delores Spivery Bro. & Sis. Wooten Sis. Sharon Howard Sis. Pearlena Jones Viola Briggs Dorothy Wright Nelson Taylor Sr Dea. Jessie Thompson Sis. Karen Minniefield Margaret A. Williams Bro Anthony Hammonds Bro. Joe Phillips Ligon Edmonds Sis. Sara Omari Jarell Gilmore Thurman Edmonds

Novella Jordan Bernice Quigless Dr. Bernard Brown Sis. Rochelle Flowers Freddie Collins Michael Hutchison Mother Grace Robinson Sis. Rosie Hudson Rhonda Morgan & Family Lina Nolan Vera White Bro. Greg Cook Mother Cecelia Franklin Dorcy Parker Diane Drayton

Dea. Odell Jones Christine Collins Dea. Calvin Givens Ella McKenzie Erma Sutton Cassandra Williams Leea Maxwell Elder James Ham Sis. Mary Ham Dennis Taylor Bro. Henry Johnson Rosemary Palmer Robert Nolan Josiah Hunter Roy Chapman Michael Ray Philips

Sis. Mattie Allen Shanice Bradford Diane Tyler-Fulson William Leverett Jr. Amos Hattery Sis. Darlene Colbert/ Berney Sis. Constance Canter Michael Taylor Roy Chapman Karen Modlin Bereavement Sis. Shirley Smith & Family


8:00 am and 11:30 am, Sunday School 9:45 am

CORPORATE PRAYER: Every Tuesday at 6 am, Wednesday at 6:30 am and Thursday at 6 am. Call

(530) 881-1000 Code 557700#. Missionary Circle Prayer every 2nd & 4th Sunday at

7:00 am. Noon Day Prayer Wednesday-Friday at 12:00 noon.


Tuesdays at 9:00 am


Wednesdays at 7:00 pm


Sunday, March 15th at 4:00 pm


Friday, March 20th 12:00 pm – 7:30 pm


Sunday, March 22nd at 5:00 pm


Friday, March 27th at 7:30 pm


Saturday, March 28th at 10:00 am. Price: $6.00.

It’s a Family Affair!

GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE: Friday April 3rd 7:30 pm



Prayer Breakfast

March 28th 10:00 a.m.

Easter is Sunday, April 5th



Dressed To Deceive

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. —Matthew 7:15

Hiking in the mountains of Utah, Coty Creighton spotted a goat that didn’t look like the rest of the herd. A closer look revealed that the unusual animal was actually a man dressed as a goat. When authorities contacted the man, he described his costume as a painter’s suit covered in fleece, and he said he was testing his disguise for a hunting trip.

The hunter’s deception reminds me of Jesus’ words: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves” (Matt. 7:15). False teachers do not bear the fruit of God’s Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). Rather, they “walk according to the flesh . . . and despise authority” (2 Peter 2:10). They are bold, egotistical, and given to greed (vv.10, 14). Ruled by their own desires, they exploit people by using “deceptive words” (v.3). The Bible says these wayward spiritual leaders are headed for destruction and will take many unsuspecting and undiscerning people with them (vv.1-2).

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, rather than pursuing personal gain, laid down His life for His sheep. God does not want anyone to be misled by false teaching. He wants us to be aware of those who deceive, and follow Him instead—the true Shepherd of our souls.

At the name of Jesus

Every knee shall bow,

Every tongue confess Him,

King of glory now. —Noel

Substitutes abound, but there is only one Christ.



We’re on the Web! Visit us at: Our

newsletter can be viewed at



16570 “E” Street

Victorville, CA 92392


You must confess and believe. Romans10:9 says, “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” If you believe that God raised Jesus of Nazareth up from the grave and can confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you shall – not maybe – you shall be saved.


If you desire to be saved, would you pray the following prayer?

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. And I know that Jesus died for my sins. I believe You raised Jesus from the dead, and I want Him to be my Lord and Savior. Jesus, come into my heart and save me.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Bishop Raymond E. Watts, California Southern Third Jurisdictional Prelate

Mother Mary F. Hodge, Jurisdictional Supervisor of Women

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