Page 1: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015

December 2014

Page 2: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

Oh, hello. Welcome to the Frisk Predictions special.

Yes, that’s right, it’s a set of predictions for 2015. But please don’t roll your eyes and

click that little ‘x’ in the corner just yet – I promise this’ll be different to the many, many

others you’ve seen. It won’t throw a few spurious facts into your face and push you

out into the cold, cold night like some others we could name. Frisk: Predictions 2015

will wrap you lovingly in its warm, fuzzy, lambswool embrace and tenderly stroke your

forearm as it listens in earnest to your feedback.

…then it’ll show you the door because, hey, it’s Christmas, and we’re all busy. You’ve

probably got places to be too.

So before that happens, here’s what we have stacked up in the predictions cabinet:

first up is a selection of thoughts from our ever-humming Planning department – I set

them a hugely broad brief (basically, ‘what do you think will be big next year?’) so it’s

a real mixed bag of educated guesses. Lots to enjoy there.

After that, we have our starry feature piece – The Family of 2015. I asked our chums at

Canvas8 to give the glimmering crystal ball an extra-special polish to see what they

could spot swirling about in there for the near future. The results are interesting.

Following hot on the heels of that is a keenly observed piece from our Arc Sponsorship

dudes, and rounding things off neatly is a Storebites predictions special. All manner

of ‘you heard it here first’-type stuff to throw into conversation at Christmas parties.

You know, if those are the type of parties you go to.

I do hope that you enjoy what you read. If so – or indeed, if not – be sure to fire some

feedback into the Twittersphere: the handle’s @LeoBurnettLDN.

See you in 2015 for more of this temporal lobe-slurping. A very merry pan-

denominational gifting season to you.

Daniel BevisSenior Knowledge EditorLeo Burnett London

Page 3: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

Oh, hello. Welcome to the Frisk Predictions special.

Yes, that’s right, it’s a set of predictions for 2015. But please don’t roll your eyes and

click that little ‘x’ in the corner just yet – I promise this’ll be different to the many, many

others you’ve seen. It won’t throw a few spurious facts into your face and push you

out into the cold, cold night like some others we could name. Frisk: Predictions 2015

will wrap you lovingly in its warm, fuzzy, lambswool embrace and tenderly stroke your

forearm as it listens in earnest to your feedback.

…then it’ll show you the door because, hey, it’s Christmas, and we’re all busy. You’ve

probably got places to be too.

So before that happens, here’s what we have stacked up in the predictions cabinet:

first up is a selection of thoughts from our ever-humming Planning department – I set

them a hugely broad brief (basically, ‘what do you think will be big next year?’) so it’s

a real mixed bag of educated guesses. Lots to enjoy there.

After that, we have our starry feature piece – The Family of 2015. I asked our chums at

Canvas8 to give the glimmering crystal ball an extra-special polish to see what they

could spot swirling about in there for the near future. The results are interesting.

Following hot on the heels of that is a keenly observed piece from our Arc Sponsorship

dudes, and rounding things off neatly is a Storebites predictions special. All manner

of ‘you heard it here first’-type stuff to throw into conversation at Christmas parties.

You know, if those are the type of parties you go to.

I do hope that you enjoy what you read. If so – or indeed, if not – be sure to fire some

feedback into the Twittersphere: the handle’s @LeoBurnettLDN.

See you in 2015 for more of this temporal lobe-slurping. A very merry pan-

denominational gifting season to you.

Daniel BevisSenior Knowledge EditorLeo Burnett London

Page 4: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

Fun feminism. Dove started the ball rolling in 2006 with its ‘Real Beauty’ campaign, but 2014 saw a massive

increase in empowering, inspiring and inclusive acts from both brands and campaigners encouraging

people to reappraise their gender schemas - we saw Always’ #likeagirl social experiment, sassy little girls

explaining equality, and UnderArmour inspiring women to stay courageous in the face of criticism. It’s been

proven that femvertising not only changes gender attitudes for the better but also translates to sales and

brand impression (SheKnows survey, 2014) and so I predict that this ‘fun feminist’ meme will continue to

make an impression, and the call for gender equality across the world will get louder. I also expect more and

more businesses, governments and industries to put gender equality at the top of their agenda, tackling

inequality across the world from wage gaps and unequal workforces to attitudes and stereotypes towards

women. In this female-empowered landscape, brands who want to attract female consumers will have to

represent women in a deeper way, portraying a breadth of traits; resilience, intelligence and humour and as

well as the softer caring side of the female personality.


LB LDN’s Planning department is a bit like that people-farm concept in The Matrix – we’ve plugged a lead into the back of each of their heads, and their ideas are all pumping out into one glorious whole. This month they were given a simple but broad brief: just what the heck is going to be big in 2015 anyway?PLANNERS

My hot pick is the carefully phrased ‘Virtual trying-on of products’. It’s going to be huge in 2015.

Already in evidence globally, the beauty industry has gone nuts for tech that allows the consumer to

virtually try on make-up. It breaks a consumer barrier - often consumers worry that new products won’t

suit them – and every woman has had the nightmare of a heavy-handed shop assistant putting it on with

a shovel so you wind up looking like a clown. Not a problem when you can simply swipe to apply then and

remove it on-screen.

The best bit is that it takes into account individual needs, then advises on techniques to accentuate your

best features and suitable products.


Sephora and L’Oreal both launched this type of tech this year (a virtual reality mirror and an app respectively)

and more brands plan to follow suit. Tapping into the personalisation trend, this convenient method may

overtake beauty counters as women’s preferred way to trial an array of new, tailored looks - quickly.

The rise and rise and rise of gamification. Here are

some facts to illustrate:

- In December last year 5% of the globe played Candy


- Over 75% of people are gamers (50% casually and

27% moderately to fairly often). (LMS)

- Over 70% of Forbes Global 2000 companies surveyed

in 2013 said they planned to use gamification for

the purposes of marketing and customer retention.

- Learners recall just 10% of what they read and 20%

of what they hear. If there are visuals accompanying

an oral presentation, the number rises to 30%, and

if they observe someone carrying out an action

while explaining it, 50%. But learners remember

90% “if they do the job themselves, even if only as a

simulation.” (elearning)

- Gartner are even predicting that 90% of the top

2000 Brands will include gamification in their

marketing mix soon.


Page 5: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

Fun feminism. Dove started the ball rolling in 2006 with its ‘Real Beauty’ campaign, but 2014 saw a massive

increase in empowering, inspiring and inclusive acts from both brands and campaigners encouraging

people to reappraise their gender schemas - we saw Always’ #likeagirl social experiment, sassy little girls

explaining equality, and UnderArmour inspiring women to stay courageous in the face of criticism. It’s been

proven that femvertising not only changes gender attitudes for the better but also translates to sales and

brand impression (SheKnows survey, 2014) and so I predict that this ‘fun feminist’ meme will continue to

make an impression, and the call for gender equality across the world will get louder. I also expect more and

more businesses, governments and industries to put gender equality at the top of their agenda, tackling

inequality across the world from wage gaps and unequal workforces to attitudes and stereotypes towards

women. In this female-empowered landscape, brands who want to attract female consumers will have to

represent women in a deeper way, portraying a breadth of traits; resilience, intelligence and humour and as

well as the softer caring side of the female personality.


LB LDN’s Planning department is a bit like that people-farm concept in The Matrix – we’ve plugged a lead into the back of each of their heads, and their ideas are all pumping out into one glorious whole. This month they were given a simple but broad brief: just what the heck is going to be big in 2015 anyway?PLANNERS

My hot pick is the carefully phrased ‘Virtual trying-on of products’. It’s going to be huge in 2015.

Already in evidence globally, the beauty industry has gone nuts for tech that allows the consumer to

virtually try on make-up. It breaks a consumer barrier - often consumers worry that new products won’t

suit them – and every woman has had the nightmare of a heavy-handed shop assistant putting it on with

a shovel so you wind up looking like a clown. Not a problem when you can simply swipe to apply then and

remove it on-screen.

The best bit is that it takes into account individual needs, then advises on techniques to accentuate your

best features and suitable products.


Sephora and L’Oreal both launched this type of tech this year (a virtual reality mirror and an app respectively)

and more brands plan to follow suit. Tapping into the personalisation trend, this convenient method may

overtake beauty counters as women’s preferred way to trial an array of new, tailored looks - quickly.

The rise and rise and rise of gamification. Here are

some facts to illustrate:

- In December last year 5% of the globe played Candy


- Over 75% of people are gamers (50% casually and

27% moderately to fairly often). (LMS)

- Over 70% of Forbes Global 2000 companies surveyed

in 2013 said they planned to use gamification for

the purposes of marketing and customer retention.

- Learners recall just 10% of what they read and 20%

of what they hear. If there are visuals accompanying

an oral presentation, the number rises to 30%, and

if they observe someone carrying out an action

while explaining it, 50%. But learners remember

90% “if they do the job themselves, even if only as a

simulation.” (elearning)

- Gartner are even predicting that 90% of the top

2000 Brands will include gamification in their

marketing mix soon.


Page 6: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

Forget about wearable tech. I am putting my house on embeddable technology. We have already seen

the compass that can be embedded under your skin, and you can skip over Amazon and go straight to, where you can live the bio-hacking dream and embed RFID tags into your skull.

Why? I hear you ask. Well, just think of the possibilities.

Being able to wave your hand, Jedi-like, at a cash till and contactlessly buy a chocolate bar whilst whispering

‘This is the Snickers I have been looking for’.

Breezing through Earls Court Tube station, the gates magically opening before you, after you’ve turned

yourself into a human Oyster card with a zones 1-2, 7-day travelcard.

And of course you can tattoo your very own personalised QR code to your forehead, encouraging human

interaction on an unprecedented scale as pedestrians try to ‘read your mind’ using their smartphone.

Yes, the next iPhone will be fully-insertable. Never has there been a greater opportunity to show utter

devotion to the mobile brand of your choice. And you will be eternally grateful for that even thinner screen.

You heard it here first.

ADRIAN HINDS SAYS…Class (divide) is rearing its head in Britain again. The backdrop of the Cabinet’s Bullingdon toffs, MP

expenses scandal and hereditary privilege in The City is so clichéd it almost flies under the radar. But recent

events have heightened these issues again.

The ruling against Alan Mitchell in the Plebgate case is one example, where a senior Tory MP acted in a

condescending way towards a policeman. We’ve also had the resignation by Labour’s Emily Thornberry

after her Rochester by-election White Van tweet. Also in the news has been the David Mellor ‘do you know

how marvellous I am’ rant at a taxi driver. All of these incidents have heightened the sense of us and them

and portray an increasingly distant and elitist parliament. Tristram Hunt (public school and Cambridge) has

also weighed in to the debate, questioning the abuse of charitable status enjoyed by independent schools

(and the privileged few who go there).

Politics aside, the parodying of the rich is also creeping into mainstream media. Over the last couple of

months, we’ve seen Life is Toff on BBC3 and BBC1’s Posh People: Inside Tatler. Goggle Box (Channel 4) also

has its posh couple in Steph and Dom (perhaps the only sympathetic portrayal of the upper classes on TV

at the moment).

So where will this trend lead? The most obvious and logical conclusion is to a worryingly low turnout in the

2015 elections, as the electorate feels increasingly unrepresented by an elitist, out-of-touch parliament.

The danger with a poor turnout, though, is that we are headed into another hung parliament - and low

turnout may have a large effect on the composition of a future coalition. Labour looks likely to lose a large

number of seats in Scotland to the SNP. UKIP, based on their showing in Rochester in particular look like

they could pick up a number of seats. The Lib Dems look likely to be heavily punished.

The odd seat here or there could make a big difference to how the next government is formed. However,

the consequences of odd-bedfellow and policy misfits suggest that political stalemate and economic

stagnation could be a very real prospect over the next few years. It could be belt-tightening time again for

the UK public.

Me? I’ll be off to do the weekly shopping at Aldi, come May 7th.


Page 7: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

Forget about wearable tech. I am putting my house on embeddable technology. We have already seen

the compass that can be embedded under your skin, and you can skip over Amazon and go straight to, where you can live the bio-hacking dream and embed RFID tags into your skull.

Why? I hear you ask. Well, just think of the possibilities.

Being able to wave your hand, Jedi-like, at a cash till and contactlessly buy a chocolate bar whilst whispering

‘This is the Snickers I have been looking for’.

Breezing through Earls Court Tube station, the gates magically opening before you, after you’ve turned

yourself into a human Oyster card with a zones 1-2, 7-day travelcard.

And of course you can tattoo your very own personalised QR code to your forehead, encouraging human

interaction on an unprecedented scale as pedestrians try to ‘read your mind’ using their smartphone.

Yes, the next iPhone will be fully-insertable. Never has there been a greater opportunity to show utter

devotion to the mobile brand of your choice. And you will be eternally grateful for that even thinner screen.

You heard it here first.

ADRIAN HINDS SAYS…Class (divide) is rearing its head in Britain again. The backdrop of the Cabinet’s Bullingdon toffs, MP

expenses scandal and hereditary privilege in The City is so clichéd it almost flies under the radar. But recent

events have heightened these issues again.

The ruling against Alan Mitchell in the Plebgate case is one example, where a senior Tory MP acted in a

condescending way towards a policeman. We’ve also had the resignation by Labour’s Emily Thornberry

after her Rochester by-election White Van tweet. Also in the news has been the David Mellor ‘do you know

how marvellous I am’ rant at a taxi driver. All of these incidents have heightened the sense of us and them

and portray an increasingly distant and elitist parliament. Tristram Hunt (public school and Cambridge) has

also weighed in to the debate, questioning the abuse of charitable status enjoyed by independent schools

(and the privileged few who go there).

Politics aside, the parodying of the rich is also creeping into mainstream media. Over the last couple of

months, we’ve seen Life is Toff on BBC3 and BBC1’s Posh People: Inside Tatler. Goggle Box (Channel 4) also

has its posh couple in Steph and Dom (perhaps the only sympathetic portrayal of the upper classes on TV

at the moment).

So where will this trend lead? The most obvious and logical conclusion is to a worryingly low turnout in the

2015 elections, as the electorate feels increasingly unrepresented by an elitist, out-of-touch parliament.

The danger with a poor turnout, though, is that we are headed into another hung parliament - and low

turnout may have a large effect on the composition of a future coalition. Labour looks likely to lose a large

number of seats in Scotland to the SNP. UKIP, based on their showing in Rochester in particular look like

they could pick up a number of seats. The Lib Dems look likely to be heavily punished.

The odd seat here or there could make a big difference to how the next government is formed. However,

the consequences of odd-bedfellow and policy misfits suggest that political stalemate and economic

stagnation could be a very real prospect over the next few years. It could be belt-tightening time again for

the UK public.

Me? I’ll be off to do the weekly shopping at Aldi, come May 7th.


Page 8: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

My prediction for 2015 is that sugar will continue to climb further up the list of ‘things that are truly evil’,

overtaking tobacco, class A drugs, Southern Trains and ISIS to land the top spot. Anything related to

sugar, or that metabolises into sugar will follow suit. People will stop eating pasta. Instead they’ll make

courgette spaghetti to have with their Bolognese. Every household will have a spiralizer, it will have pride

of place on the counter where the bread bin used to be. Charity shops will be full of unwanted juicers and

those Tupperware cornflake tubs. The price of wheat, rice and potatoes will plummet, sending the global

economy into a tailspin. People will begin bingeing on protein, in an attempt to satisfy their carb cravings.

In a matter of months we will have eaten all the animals, tofu and quinoa the planet has to offer, and we’ll

still have that yawning ache that can only be quietened with a jam donut. Then, just in the nick of time, as

we’re about to start eating each other, a new demon will be identified. Sugar will be pardoned. And we’ll

all celebrate with cake.

This cheery calculator shows just how much damage sugar is doing to you.

FRANCES GIBBS SAYS…‘I say, I think there’s an awfully good chance of Enid Blyton having a major revival next year. How super!’

Expect to hear more about The Famous Five, The Secret Seven et al than you have for some time. The

language in the books has already been updated (also the comedy names, sadly, so not so many Dicks

and Fannies) to make it more appealing to today’s youngsters, and there are Faraway Tree (produced by

Sam Mendes, no less) and Famous Five feature films on the way. Say what you like about Enid - and plenty

have - she certainly knew how to deliver a ripping yarn. Now that some of the less palatable aspects of her

style have been excised, and with a Potter-shaped void waiting to be filled, it looks like time for another


Ginger beer will also be a massive trend. See above.


Page 9: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

My prediction for 2015 is that sugar will continue to climb further up the list of ‘things that are truly evil’,

overtaking tobacco, class A drugs, Southern Trains and ISIS to land the top spot. Anything related to

sugar, or that metabolises into sugar will follow suit. People will stop eating pasta. Instead they’ll make

courgette spaghetti to have with their Bolognese. Every household will have a spiralizer, it will have pride

of place on the counter where the bread bin used to be. Charity shops will be full of unwanted juicers and

those Tupperware cornflake tubs. The price of wheat, rice and potatoes will plummet, sending the global

economy into a tailspin. People will begin bingeing on protein, in an attempt to satisfy their carb cravings.

In a matter of months we will have eaten all the animals, tofu and quinoa the planet has to offer, and we’ll

still have that yawning ache that can only be quietened with a jam donut. Then, just in the nick of time, as

we’re about to start eating each other, a new demon will be identified. Sugar will be pardoned. And we’ll

all celebrate with cake.

This cheery calculator shows just how much damage sugar is doing to you.

FRANCES GIBBS SAYS…‘I say, I think there’s an awfully good chance of Enid Blyton having a major revival next year. How super!’

Expect to hear more about The Famous Five, The Secret Seven et al than you have for some time. The

language in the books has already been updated (also the comedy names, sadly, so not so many Dicks

and Fannies) to make it more appealing to today’s youngsters, and there are Faraway Tree (produced by

Sam Mendes, no less) and Famous Five feature films on the way. Say what you like about Enid - and plenty

have - she certainly knew how to deliver a ripping yarn. Now that some of the less palatable aspects of her

style have been excised, and with a Potter-shaped void waiting to be filled, it looks like time for another


Ginger beer will also be a massive trend. See above.


Page 10: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

We work closely with Canvas8, a deep-dive insight network who ‘make the complex simple by helping us make the simple significant’. For this Predictions thing, we asked them to illustrate what the family of 2015 will be like. WHAT HAPPENED NEXT WILL AMAZE YOU (as the internet might say).


The modern family might not resemble the Jetsons just yet, but it also has less and less in common with

the normative picture of the nuclear family and its two-and-a-bit children.

The family unit mirrors society and, accordingly, is increasingly diverse in its structure, role and outlook.


“Every family has a secret, and that secret is that it is not like other families.” Alan Bennett was spot on - just

as we are all individuals with unique and complex relationships, so are our families.

Representing the ever diversifying face of the modern family isn’t straightforward, but in a world that

craves authenticity, it’s increasingly important that brands try to do so. The modern family is now more akin

to ‘the group of people you live with’, and the definition of family is far more fluid. The family home is now

a revolving door of characters.

Consumers want to buy from brands that understand them, and campaigns such as those from Honey

Maid and McVities have taken bold steps to present a more accurate reflection of modern family life. These

attempts may have been met with criticism from less enlightened corners, but in an age where shared

values are vital, consumers are keen to support brands that put diverse depictions of family life on display.

After all, does anyone really have a normal family?


The next generation of parents has arrived. Gen Y have grown up and are having children of their own. A

terrifying realisation for those who don’t inhabit the last letters of the alphabet.

Determined to raise their children in their own nerdy image, this pop culture-obsessed generation are tearing

up the rule book. They’re redefining what an adult should be interested in, and reinventing family time in

the process. These new parents are spending more on family entertainment than previous generations, and

the brand loyalty geek families hold dear is reshaping the way brands can forge lifelong relationships with

their customers.

Pastimes such as video games, toys and costume play will continue to be celebrated more widely as the

glue that binds modern families together. The force is strong with these ones.


Much has been made of the ‘boomerang kids’ - those young

scamps flung out of the parental nest to find their fortune,

only to return, spirits dampened by the harsh reality of post-

recession Britain.

While this enforced co-existence can undoubtedly be

problematic, it has also been the catalyst for a new family

bond. Family members are beginning to share more than just

space, and as more time is spent together, the habits and

tastes of each generation are rubbing off on each other.

Mother-daughter shopping trips have tripled since the

recession, and these cross-generational shopping cliques are

seeking experiences that cater to all ages.

Back at home, egalitarian and idealistic Gen Y kids are

challenging their parents, introducing a new code of morality

and forcing the older generation to reassess the way they see

the world.


Page 11: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

We work closely with Canvas8, a deep-dive insight network who ‘make the complex simple by helping us make the simple significant’. For this Predictions thing, we asked them to illustrate what the family of 2015 will be like. WHAT HAPPENED NEXT WILL AMAZE YOU (as the internet might say).


The modern family might not resemble the Jetsons just yet, but it also has less and less in common with

the normative picture of the nuclear family and its two-and-a-bit children.

The family unit mirrors society and, accordingly, is increasingly diverse in its structure, role and outlook.


“Every family has a secret, and that secret is that it is not like other families.” Alan Bennett was spot on - just

as we are all individuals with unique and complex relationships, so are our families.

Representing the ever diversifying face of the modern family isn’t straightforward, but in a world that

craves authenticity, it’s increasingly important that brands try to do so. The modern family is now more akin

to ‘the group of people you live with’, and the definition of family is far more fluid. The family home is now

a revolving door of characters.

Consumers want to buy from brands that understand them, and campaigns such as those from Honey

Maid and McVities have taken bold steps to present a more accurate reflection of modern family life. These

attempts may have been met with criticism from less enlightened corners, but in an age where shared

values are vital, consumers are keen to support brands that put diverse depictions of family life on display.

After all, does anyone really have a normal family?


The next generation of parents has arrived. Gen Y have grown up and are having children of their own. A

terrifying realisation for those who don’t inhabit the last letters of the alphabet.

Determined to raise their children in their own nerdy image, this pop culture-obsessed generation are tearing

up the rule book. They’re redefining what an adult should be interested in, and reinventing family time in

the process. These new parents are spending more on family entertainment than previous generations, and

the brand loyalty geek families hold dear is reshaping the way brands can forge lifelong relationships with

their customers.

Pastimes such as video games, toys and costume play will continue to be celebrated more widely as the

glue that binds modern families together. The force is strong with these ones.


Much has been made of the ‘boomerang kids’ - those young

scamps flung out of the parental nest to find their fortune,

only to return, spirits dampened by the harsh reality of post-

recession Britain.

While this enforced co-existence can undoubtedly be

problematic, it has also been the catalyst for a new family

bond. Family members are beginning to share more than just

space, and as more time is spent together, the habits and

tastes of each generation are rubbing off on each other.

Mother-daughter shopping trips have tripled since the

recession, and these cross-generational shopping cliques are

seeking experiences that cater to all ages.

Back at home, egalitarian and idealistic Gen Y kids are

challenging their parents, introducing a new code of morality

and forcing the older generation to reassess the way they see

the world.


Page 12: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

Smart brands are recognising the rise of this multi-generational melting pot, developing products that

appeal to all the family and seizing the opportunity to interact with a wider audience. As Sly knew all too

well, it’s a family affair.


Mums are fed up. Why? Well they’re fed up of the way they’re labelled.

There is no longer a neat, one-size-fits-all description for mums, and contemporary definitions and

depictions appear drastically out of date.

Almost 300,000 British mums run their own business and over two-thirds of mothers work.

Younger mums are particularly keen to have it all. Determined to be attentive mothers and maintain a

successful career, they’re challenging the established rules around work, finding smarter ways to balance

business with babies, and setting up on their own terms.

Tired media stereotypes that depict working women as selfish, and stay-at-home mums as lazy, are also

being confronted. Brands need to acknowledge the unique circumstances and individuality of mums if

their campaigns are going to hit the mark.

Sometimes it’s hard to be women. Don’t make it harder.

wider society, where dads can still be seen as a distant, fumbling figure.

Dads are playing a more active role in the family than ever before - and whether it’s looking after the kids,

doing the family shop, or keeping the home neat and tidy, they have assumed greater responsibility. And

they’ve not done so because they’ve been told to, but because they want to - more than three quarters of

men said they would rather be the best father than the best employee.

With the number of stay-at-home dads, and households headed by single dads, on the rise, it’s time for

attitudes to catch up and for brands to reconsider the incompetent dad trope. What about it daddy cool?


Being a dad today means more than winning the bread and providing an on-demand taxi service.

Yet it seems that dads have been getting a rough ride. Over three quarters of dads say they are now

responsible for their children’s wellbeing - but this heightened involvement is not reflected in the media, or


They don’t smoke, they don’t drink and all they really want is to own a house and start a business.

Today’s kids have been described as “almost nauseatingly worthy” and dubbed the most ambitious

teenagers in a century. And who can blame them? While many of us indulged in youthful rebellion, we did

so with little care for the future, safe in the knowledge that we were unlikely to get caught, and even if we

did, that there would probably be time to make amends.

Fast forward to 2014 and life for kids is very different. In a world where social media doesn’t forget, and the

economy doesn’t do handouts, it’s perhaps unsurprising that 80% of teens say career success is important.

And it’s more than just talk - this generation are prepared to fight for what they want. More than half of

teens would double their homework and leave social media if it guaranteed being able to buy a house when

they’re older, 69% would choose to be smarter than better looking, 60% want to affect the world through

Page 13: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

Smart brands are recognising the rise of this multi-generational melting pot, developing products that

appeal to all the family and seizing the opportunity to interact with a wider audience. As Sly knew all too

well, it’s a family affair.


Mums are fed up. Why? Well they’re fed up of the way they’re labelled.

There is no longer a neat, one-size-fits-all description for mums, and contemporary definitions and

depictions appear drastically out of date.

Almost 300,000 British mums run their own business and over two-thirds of mothers work.

Younger mums are particularly keen to have it all. Determined to be attentive mothers and maintain a

successful career, they’re challenging the established rules around work, finding smarter ways to balance

business with babies, and setting up on their own terms.

Tired media stereotypes that depict working women as selfish, and stay-at-home mums as lazy, are also

being confronted. Brands need to acknowledge the unique circumstances and individuality of mums if

their campaigns are going to hit the mark.

Sometimes it’s hard to be women. Don’t make it harder.

wider society, where dads can still be seen as a distant, fumbling figure.

Dads are playing a more active role in the family than ever before - and whether it’s looking after the kids,

doing the family shop, or keeping the home neat and tidy, they have assumed greater responsibility. And

they’ve not done so because they’ve been told to, but because they want to - more than three quarters of

men said they would rather be the best father than the best employee.

With the number of stay-at-home dads, and households headed by single dads, on the rise, it’s time for

attitudes to catch up and for brands to reconsider the incompetent dad trope. What about it daddy cool?


Being a dad today means more than winning the bread and providing an on-demand taxi service.

Yet it seems that dads have been getting a rough ride. Over three quarters of dads say they are now

responsible for their children’s wellbeing - but this heightened involvement is not reflected in the media, or


They don’t smoke, they don’t drink and all they really want is to own a house and start a business.

Today’s kids have been described as “almost nauseatingly worthy” and dubbed the most ambitious

teenagers in a century. And who can blame them? While many of us indulged in youthful rebellion, we did

so with little care for the future, safe in the knowledge that we were unlikely to get caught, and even if we

did, that there would probably be time to make amends.

Fast forward to 2014 and life for kids is very different. In a world where social media doesn’t forget, and the

economy doesn’t do handouts, it’s perhaps unsurprising that 80% of teens say career success is important.

And it’s more than just talk - this generation are prepared to fight for what they want. More than half of

teens would double their homework and leave social media if it guaranteed being able to buy a house when

they’re older, 69% would choose to be smarter than better looking, 60% want to affect the world through

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Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

their work, and more than a third watch lessons online in their spare time.

Technologically literate, driven and focused, this group of kids identify with successful hobbyists and more

than three-quarters want to turn their passion into a full-time job. And with their peers already selling

businesses for millions of pounds, this isn’t some fanciful dream.

Being ready for the future isn’t an option for Gen Z - it’s a survival strategy.


Being old has never been so much fun. Soaring house prices have swelled the assets of the older generation

and a full 80% of Britain’s personal wealth is held by those aged 50 and over.

This disposable income has presented Boomers with unprecedented opportunities, and heralded a

significant shift in the way they’re enjoying later life.

The older generation are selling up, leaving the rural sprawl behind and heading for the bright lights of the

city. These ‘Thrivers’ are seeking out the amenities, convenience and good times that are on offer to those

who can afford it - and British over-50s spend more than £45 billion on recreation and culture.

Tastes are changing too. The once inevitable path to classical music and other such highbrow pursuits is

being turned upside down as Boomers favour pop and rock and embrace the retro publications, stations

and channels on offer. And as they continue to get to grips with all that the internet has to offer, these

tastes are broadening even further.

Boomers are putting back as well though. More than a quarter of British companies are set up by people

aged 50 to 65 years old - and they have a higher success rate than their more youthful counterparts.

And they might be enjoying themselves but Boomers aren’t forgetting about their family - more than ever

they’re supporting their grandchildren with the costs of further education.

So be nice to your grandparents this Christmas - they might not have spent your inheritance just yet.


The family of the future could well see a few more members welcomed to the fold.

Judy Jetson had Rosie the Robot Maid, and future families will be able to call upon the services of a range

of robotic friends.

The increased demand for concierge services and personal assistants could well be met by a home robotics

market that is expected to be worth $6.5 billion by 2017.

Whether it’s Jibo, the robot for all the family, PARO, a synthetic animal for the elderly, or Amazon’s Echo,

the family of the future will be more extended than ever.

Do androids dream of electric sheep? You’ll have to ask them.

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Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

their work, and more than a third watch lessons online in their spare time.

Technologically literate, driven and focused, this group of kids identify with successful hobbyists and more

than three-quarters want to turn their passion into a full-time job. And with their peers already selling

businesses for millions of pounds, this isn’t some fanciful dream.

Being ready for the future isn’t an option for Gen Z - it’s a survival strategy.


Being old has never been so much fun. Soaring house prices have swelled the assets of the older generation

and a full 80% of Britain’s personal wealth is held by those aged 50 and over.

This disposable income has presented Boomers with unprecedented opportunities, and heralded a

significant shift in the way they’re enjoying later life.

The older generation are selling up, leaving the rural sprawl behind and heading for the bright lights of the

city. These ‘Thrivers’ are seeking out the amenities, convenience and good times that are on offer to those

who can afford it - and British over-50s spend more than £45 billion on recreation and culture.

Tastes are changing too. The once inevitable path to classical music and other such highbrow pursuits is

being turned upside down as Boomers favour pop and rock and embrace the retro publications, stations

and channels on offer. And as they continue to get to grips with all that the internet has to offer, these

tastes are broadening even further.

Boomers are putting back as well though. More than a quarter of British companies are set up by people

aged 50 to 65 years old - and they have a higher success rate than their more youthful counterparts.

And they might be enjoying themselves but Boomers aren’t forgetting about their family - more than ever

they’re supporting their grandchildren with the costs of further education.

So be nice to your grandparents this Christmas - they might not have spent your inheritance just yet.


The family of the future could well see a few more members welcomed to the fold.

Judy Jetson had Rosie the Robot Maid, and future families will be able to call upon the services of a range

of robotic friends.

The increased demand for concierge services and personal assistants could well be met by a home robotics

market that is expected to be worth $6.5 billion by 2017.

Whether it’s Jibo, the robot for all the family, PARO, a synthetic animal for the elderly, or Amazon’s Echo,

the family of the future will be more extended than ever.

Do androids dream of electric sheep? You’ll have to ask them.

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Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

This creates an exciting opportunity for official sponsors to interact with fans (pre/post-match and with

breaks in play), but importantly could add credible value to the overall fan experience. The purists will

of course be disgruntled by any sponsorship activation mechanic that advocates looking at your phone

during an event/match; however, savvy sponsors will be sensitive to that and we predict some very clever

things to come…

We asked the Arc Sponsorship team to give us a run-down of what they’re excited about for next year. And that’s just what they did! Behold, something they’ve been referring to as their ‘Sponsorship Spyglass’…

The UK comes in at number four as a Global Sports

Hosting Nation and is predicted to keep this position

for the next five years according to research group,


With this in mind, it is therefore no surprise we’re

hosting some major events in the near future. In

September 2015, we’ll invite the world’s best rugby

players to take part in the Rugby World Cup - held

officially across England as well as in Cardiff, Wales.

Also look out for: European Judo Championships in

Glasgow (April); World Orienteering Championships in

Inverness (August); European Wheelchair Basketball

Championships in Worcester (August) and ICF Canoe

Slalom World Championships in London (September),

plus many more to whet your appetite…

However, better than our status as a hosting nation is

the fact we are the third-top global sporting nation.

Surprising? Perhaps not, when you think of our

success in sports such as sailing where we are the

most successful nation in Olympic history. Following

his victory in the 2013 America’s Cup (the international

sport’s oldest trophy and third-most watched sporting

event in the world), Olympic Gold Medallist Sir Ben

Ainslie is doing his best to enter a team from the UK in

the 2017 event; a major win to his campaign is the fact

that the first stage of the qualifying World Series is to

be held in Portsmouth in July 2015 & 2016. Fantastic!


In this social world we live in, there’s only one thing to do when you have the hottest ticket in town: you

shout it from the rooftops (i.e. multiple social media platforms)! Attendance at events has become valuable

social content for people to post and share with friends, in the form of check-ins, photos and videos, and

not to forgot the obligatory selfie.

In the past, you could barely even use your phone for basic browsing in stadia or at festivals due to the

lack of network capacity in such small spaces. But do not fear! We predict 2015 will see big change, with

the onset of stadia connectivity upgrades, opening up huge commercial opportunities for sponsors to

engage with ticket-holding fans. Mobile operator EE has already recognised the added value they can

offer and has pledged to make Wembley Stadium the most connected venue in the world by doubling

its signal capabilities, as well as Wi-Fi upgrades. Similarly, the NFL has signed ‘Extreme Networks’ as the

organisation’s first Wi-Fi provider to enhance the fan experience.


Women’s sport continues to grow – football, rugby,

netball, cricket… but it is the lack of TV coverage and

reporting that holds these sports back from really

taking off.

Things may be about to change. The BBC have

confirmed they will be broadcasting every game of

the FIFA 2015 Women’s World Cup in Canada, as

well as widespread coverage on 5Live and the BBC

website. England’s women’s team won all of their

FIFA Women’s World Cup qualifying matches, despite

changing coaches four times in their campaign. They

scored 52 goals and conceded just once in 900

minutes. Over 50,000 people went to Wembley to

watch them play against Germany. They’ve got to do

better than the boys this year, surely!?

And let’s not forget that England’s Women’s Rugby

team became World Champions in August this year!

So, with such widespread TV home reporting from

Canada in June, watch out in 2015… a high-performing

England Women’s team, they may just win the 2015

FIFA Women’s World Cup - prompting exponential

growth of the women’s game thereafter!


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Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

This creates an exciting opportunity for official sponsors to interact with fans (pre/post-match and with

breaks in play), but importantly could add credible value to the overall fan experience. The purists will

of course be disgruntled by any sponsorship activation mechanic that advocates looking at your phone

during an event/match; however, savvy sponsors will be sensitive to that and we predict some very clever

things to come…

We asked the Arc Sponsorship team to give us a run-down of what they’re excited about for next year. And that’s just what they did! Behold, something they’ve been referring to as their ‘Sponsorship Spyglass’…

The UK comes in at number four as a Global Sports

Hosting Nation and is predicted to keep this position

for the next five years according to research group,


With this in mind, it is therefore no surprise we’re

hosting some major events in the near future. In

September 2015, we’ll invite the world’s best rugby

players to take part in the Rugby World Cup - held

officially across England as well as in Cardiff, Wales.

Also look out for: European Judo Championships in

Glasgow (April); World Orienteering Championships in

Inverness (August); European Wheelchair Basketball

Championships in Worcester (August) and ICF Canoe

Slalom World Championships in London (September),

plus many more to whet your appetite…

However, better than our status as a hosting nation is

the fact we are the third-top global sporting nation.

Surprising? Perhaps not, when you think of our

success in sports such as sailing where we are the

most successful nation in Olympic history. Following

his victory in the 2013 America’s Cup (the international

sport’s oldest trophy and third-most watched sporting

event in the world), Olympic Gold Medallist Sir Ben

Ainslie is doing his best to enter a team from the UK in

the 2017 event; a major win to his campaign is the fact

that the first stage of the qualifying World Series is to

be held in Portsmouth in July 2015 & 2016. Fantastic!


In this social world we live in, there’s only one thing to do when you have the hottest ticket in town: you

shout it from the rooftops (i.e. multiple social media platforms)! Attendance at events has become valuable

social content for people to post and share with friends, in the form of check-ins, photos and videos, and

not to forgot the obligatory selfie.

In the past, you could barely even use your phone for basic browsing in stadia or at festivals due to the

lack of network capacity in such small spaces. But do not fear! We predict 2015 will see big change, with

the onset of stadia connectivity upgrades, opening up huge commercial opportunities for sponsors to

engage with ticket-holding fans. Mobile operator EE has already recognised the added value they can

offer and has pledged to make Wembley Stadium the most connected venue in the world by doubling

its signal capabilities, as well as Wi-Fi upgrades. Similarly, the NFL has signed ‘Extreme Networks’ as the

organisation’s first Wi-Fi provider to enhance the fan experience.


Women’s sport continues to grow – football, rugby,

netball, cricket… but it is the lack of TV coverage and

reporting that holds these sports back from really

taking off.

Things may be about to change. The BBC have

confirmed they will be broadcasting every game of

the FIFA 2015 Women’s World Cup in Canada, as

well as widespread coverage on 5Live and the BBC

website. England’s women’s team won all of their

FIFA Women’s World Cup qualifying matches, despite

changing coaches four times in their campaign. They

scored 52 goals and conceded just once in 900

minutes. Over 50,000 people went to Wembley to

watch them play against Germany. They’ve got to do

better than the boys this year, surely!?

And let’s not forget that England’s Women’s Rugby

team became World Champions in August this year!

So, with such widespread TV home reporting from

Canada in June, watch out in 2015… a high-performing

England Women’s team, they may just win the 2015

FIFA Women’s World Cup - prompting exponential

growth of the women’s game thereafter!


Page 18: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

In 1996 Bill Gates proclaimed “content is king”. At the time this was visionary; now it’s an industry which is

fundamentally changing the way in which we consume media and how brands engage with their audiences.

As marketing models evolve, so too has the partnership landscape and how brands use this to best effect.

Early adopters who embraced the notion of content from the outset and used partnerships to satisfy this

need are now rights-holders themselves. Red Bull, once a sponsor, is now a media house and a brand at the

forefront of the content evolution where they secure partnerships in their own right.

But it’s not just brands who are benefitting. Content-focused media channels are giving rise to a new

type of influencer…You Tube or Vine celebrities. They are out there curating, creating and publishing to an

audience of millions. So, what for the future partnership landscape?

We expect more and more brands will use partnerships as launch pads and move from aggregated or

branded content to creators and publishers in their own right. Others will increasingly find their audience

through the new celebrities and the targeted engagement they provide. What’s certain is that they will all

be broadcasting through increasingly sophisticated YouTube channels and enjoying the direct engagement

they provide.

And ultimately? The bigger and braver will move away from traditional rights-holders entirely in an attempt

to emulate Red Bull’s success. But there will be just as many (or more) failures as successes.

Engaging content is one thing, but credible content is another and if a brand can’t deliver this outside their

core business they will ultimately fail. Content is king, but credible content rules, and sometimes it takes

more than one party to make this happen.


There is a steadily increasing reliance on sponsorship

revenue for sporting rights holders. The 2014 Brazil

World Cup generated around 58% of FIFA’s commercial

revenue from sponsorship, merchandising and ticket

sales, highlighting the important role this financial

support plays. Allegations of corruption related to

the 2018 Russia and 2022 Qatar World Cups raise

important questions about the extent to which these

valuable sponsors can influence institutional change

within the governing body.

It is unusual for sponsors to publicly speak out against

a rights-holder, but in recent months adidas, Hyundai,

Visa, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Budweiser have

all released statements effectively attacking FIFA

over the way it has handled its botched corruption


A complete boycott by all sponsors would likely be

fatal, but is extremely unlikely. The World Cup is a

valuable property to these brands and they want to

be part of it. However, they are now questioning the

potential damage to their reputations if they continue

to be associated alongside FIFA. We have recently

seen both Emirates and Sony confirm they will be

terminating or not renewing their partnerships with


WILL SPONSORS BE THE CATALYST TO FORCE CHANGE WITHIN FIFA?When sponsors pull out, their main competitors can

then step in – but will new sponsors want to associate

themselves with this tarnished brand/organisation?

If all sponsors unite (as well as some leaving), maybe

their influence - and revenue stream! - would be

enough to stimulate positive change within FIFA.

2015 will be another rocky year for FIFA… will the

truth at last come out?

Page 19: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

In 1996 Bill Gates proclaimed “content is king”. At the time this was visionary; now it’s an industry which is

fundamentally changing the way in which we consume media and how brands engage with their audiences.

As marketing models evolve, so too has the partnership landscape and how brands use this to best effect.

Early adopters who embraced the notion of content from the outset and used partnerships to satisfy this

need are now rights-holders themselves. Red Bull, once a sponsor, is now a media house and a brand at the

forefront of the content evolution where they secure partnerships in their own right.

But it’s not just brands who are benefitting. Content-focused media channels are giving rise to a new

type of influencer…You Tube or Vine celebrities. They are out there curating, creating and publishing to an

audience of millions. So, what for the future partnership landscape?

We expect more and more brands will use partnerships as launch pads and move from aggregated or

branded content to creators and publishers in their own right. Others will increasingly find their audience

through the new celebrities and the targeted engagement they provide. What’s certain is that they will all

be broadcasting through increasingly sophisticated YouTube channels and enjoying the direct engagement

they provide.

And ultimately? The bigger and braver will move away from traditional rights-holders entirely in an attempt

to emulate Red Bull’s success. But there will be just as many (or more) failures as successes.

Engaging content is one thing, but credible content is another and if a brand can’t deliver this outside their

core business they will ultimately fail. Content is king, but credible content rules, and sometimes it takes

more than one party to make this happen.


There is a steadily increasing reliance on sponsorship

revenue for sporting rights holders. The 2014 Brazil

World Cup generated around 58% of FIFA’s commercial

revenue from sponsorship, merchandising and ticket

sales, highlighting the important role this financial

support plays. Allegations of corruption related to

the 2018 Russia and 2022 Qatar World Cups raise

important questions about the extent to which these

valuable sponsors can influence institutional change

within the governing body.

It is unusual for sponsors to publicly speak out against

a rights-holder, but in recent months adidas, Hyundai,

Visa, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Budweiser have

all released statements effectively attacking FIFA

over the way it has handled its botched corruption


A complete boycott by all sponsors would likely be

fatal, but is extremely unlikely. The World Cup is a

valuable property to these brands and they want to

be part of it. However, they are now questioning the

potential damage to their reputations if they continue

to be associated alongside FIFA. We have recently

seen both Emirates and Sony confirm they will be

terminating or not renewing their partnerships with


WILL SPONSORS BE THE CATALYST TO FORCE CHANGE WITHIN FIFA?When sponsors pull out, their main competitors can

then step in – but will new sponsors want to associate

themselves with this tarnished brand/organisation?

If all sponsors unite (as well as some leaving), maybe

their influence - and revenue stream! - would be

enough to stimulate positive change within FIFA.

2015 will be another rocky year for FIFA… will the

truth at last come out?

Page 20: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

From Google Glass and Nike’s Fuel Band to Samsung’s Galaxy Gear and Nabu Razer, the explosion of

wearable tech over the last couple of years is impossible to ignore. With global market estimates from $5-

$50 billion the question is no longer whether wearable technology is the next big thing, but who’s going

to take advantage and lead the way? We see significant opportunities for the sports sponsorship industry

throughout 2015 in wearable tech generated content.

Rights-holders have a new category for sponsorship (e.g. think ‘Official Smartwatch of Chelsea FC’). As the

ability of wearable tech to interact with smartphones and other devices improves, so their ability to record

and react to data such as location, activity level and even mood also advances. These devices will drive

more and more personalised communications with sports fans.

Earlier this year, players from NBA franchisee the Sacramento Kings donned Google Glasses and broadcast

the feed live to fans via the big screen and at home. How much closer can fans get than seeing the game

through the eyes of their heroes?!

For wearable tech to be fully integrated into elite sport’s field of play, rights-holders must take a fresh look

at the rulebook. In 2015 we expect more sport governing bodies following the lead of the International

Tennis Federation and fast-tracking rule changes which enable wearable technology to be taken onto the

court, pitch, rink, or field.

Wearable technology in sport is in its infancy, but its potential to generate unrivalled content for sponsors

and fans, as well as additional revenue for rights-holders, will be exciting and fast-moving in 2015. Traditional

sports brands such as Nike and adidas will of course be there, but don’t be surprised to see tech giants

such as Samsung taking greater advantage of their unique ability to add value to the fan experience.

‘OFFICIAL SMART WATCH OF CHELSEA FC’ ? Storebites is a regular in-house roundup of tangy titbits relating to shopper marketing and the goings-on in the retail environment. Here, Sarah Leccacorvi guides us through the shifting retail landscape of the near future…

Understanding retail in 2015 will be more critical than ever before. With shifting demographics, better

informed shoppers, the growth of technology and new channel formats, the industry will need to quickly

adapt existing models to satisfy the needs of future customers.

Baby Boomers are placing a greater emphasis on life and vitality, requiring retailers to respond with attitude-

appropriate concepts that marry with their more youthful outlook. Generation Y are less enamoured with

multinationals and chains and more likely to be multi-channel shoppers; they are also more interested in

lifestyle and entertainment, and for this group it will be engaging retail experiences that will tempt them.

Finally, Generation X, who have technology embedded in their DNA, are smart, skilled shoppers, who

place a high level of importance on individualism, self-fulfilment and personal involvement in the creation

process. Retailers that give this digital generation tools to create, co-create or recreate will stand out with

this group.

Shopper behaviour is also changing with the emergence of interconnectivity and the subsequent growth

of ecommerce and the omnichannel. Savvy shoppers can source anything, from anywhere, at any time, and

at a more affordable price than ever before. They can also complete their transactions on their own terms

- view it on a mobile, purchase it online, deliver it to a locker and return it to a store.


AS WE MOVE INTO 2015, THERE ARE 5 KEY TRENDS UNDERPINNING AND SHAPING THE RETAIL LANDSCAPE: PERSONALISED PRODUCTION Tailoring products and experiences to customers is fast becoming an industry norm. Whilst this is ever-

present in ecommerce, bricks and mortar will now follow suit to win over customers and drive footfall.

Retailers will offer even more individual focus, interaction and involvement, giving shoppers opportunities

beyond simply customisation. Shoppers will be involved at concept stage, designing and creating, marketing

and retailing, even funding and rewarding.

Page 21: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

From Google Glass and Nike’s Fuel Band to Samsung’s Galaxy Gear and Nabu Razer, the explosion of

wearable tech over the last couple of years is impossible to ignore. With global market estimates from $5-

$50 billion the question is no longer whether wearable technology is the next big thing, but who’s going

to take advantage and lead the way? We see significant opportunities for the sports sponsorship industry

throughout 2015 in wearable tech generated content.

Rights-holders have a new category for sponsorship (e.g. think ‘Official Smartwatch of Chelsea FC’). As the

ability of wearable tech to interact with smartphones and other devices improves, so their ability to record

and react to data such as location, activity level and even mood also advances. These devices will drive

more and more personalised communications with sports fans.

Earlier this year, players from NBA franchisee the Sacramento Kings donned Google Glasses and broadcast

the feed live to fans via the big screen and at home. How much closer can fans get than seeing the game

through the eyes of their heroes?!

For wearable tech to be fully integrated into elite sport’s field of play, rights-holders must take a fresh look

at the rulebook. In 2015 we expect more sport governing bodies following the lead of the International

Tennis Federation and fast-tracking rule changes which enable wearable technology to be taken onto the

court, pitch, rink, or field.

Wearable technology in sport is in its infancy, but its potential to generate unrivalled content for sponsors

and fans, as well as additional revenue for rights-holders, will be exciting and fast-moving in 2015. Traditional

sports brands such as Nike and adidas will of course be there, but don’t be surprised to see tech giants

such as Samsung taking greater advantage of their unique ability to add value to the fan experience.

‘OFFICIAL SMART WATCH OF CHELSEA FC’ ? Storebites is a regular in-house roundup of tangy titbits relating to shopper marketing and the goings-on in the retail environment. Here, Sarah Leccacorvi guides us through the shifting retail landscape of the near future…

Understanding retail in 2015 will be more critical than ever before. With shifting demographics, better

informed shoppers, the growth of technology and new channel formats, the industry will need to quickly

adapt existing models to satisfy the needs of future customers.

Baby Boomers are placing a greater emphasis on life and vitality, requiring retailers to respond with attitude-

appropriate concepts that marry with their more youthful outlook. Generation Y are less enamoured with

multinationals and chains and more likely to be multi-channel shoppers; they are also more interested in

lifestyle and entertainment, and for this group it will be engaging retail experiences that will tempt them.

Finally, Generation X, who have technology embedded in their DNA, are smart, skilled shoppers, who

place a high level of importance on individualism, self-fulfilment and personal involvement in the creation

process. Retailers that give this digital generation tools to create, co-create or recreate will stand out with

this group.

Shopper behaviour is also changing with the emergence of interconnectivity and the subsequent growth

of ecommerce and the omnichannel. Savvy shoppers can source anything, from anywhere, at any time, and

at a more affordable price than ever before. They can also complete their transactions on their own terms

- view it on a mobile, purchase it online, deliver it to a locker and return it to a store.


AS WE MOVE INTO 2015, THERE ARE 5 KEY TRENDS UNDERPINNING AND SHAPING THE RETAIL LANDSCAPE: PERSONALISED PRODUCTION Tailoring products and experiences to customers is fast becoming an industry norm. Whilst this is ever-

present in ecommerce, bricks and mortar will now follow suit to win over customers and drive footfall.

Retailers will offer even more individual focus, interaction and involvement, giving shoppers opportunities

beyond simply customisation. Shoppers will be involved at concept stage, designing and creating, marketing

and retailing, even funding and rewarding.

Page 22: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

The impact of technology has already affected retail in so many ways, be it interconnectivity, mobile

shopping or digital payment; new emerging technologies will transform the shopping experience in two

ways. Firstly, making shopping far more efficient than ever before with the implementation of tech to speed

up the process; holographic sales assistants will greet customers and answer questions, smart trolleys will

locate products, receive promotions and check prices. We will even see some retailers leveraging biometrics

that include facial and voice recognition or fingerprint/iris scanning to instantly recognise customers as

they enter, making payment far more efficient.

Secondly, tech will also help create a far more engaging and personalised shopping experience. In fashion,

retailers will have high-resolution digital mirrors that use cameras to relay live video and project holographic

images of clothing items, so customers can see how they will look in an outfit without trying it on. Digital

touch screens will allow shoppers to communicate with sales personnel without leaving the dressing room

and a 3D scan of a shopper’s body will be used to make recommendations about garments and brands,

even creating a custom-made wardrobe.


FUTURE FORMATSShoppers can look forward to more interactive and engaging moments as shopping destinations begin to

incorporate a more diverse range of services and tech into their retail concepts. High-performance shopping

environments will become more lifestyle-driven, reflect local tastes and incorporate spaces where people

can shop, work, socialise, eat, be entertained, and live, focusing on customer lifestyles, not just customer

shopping styles.

SOCIALLY SOUNDSocial media is already playing a big role with retailers using sites to monitor feedback and connect with

customers, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. The channel has become the key source of consumer insight,

interaction and engagement. Retailers will use social data to analyse local markets, follow trends, identify

influencers and respond intelligently. The channel will also allow retailers to do everything from predicting

demand for products and influencing in-store displays to creating more convenient and personalised

shopping experiences for customers at each step of their shopping journey.

Expansion beyond local shores has already been made accessible with ecommerce, but now with barriers

to trade continuing to come down, global reach is becoming all the more possible for even the smallest

of retailers. Taking advantage of emerging markets to generate further sources of revenue will be a future

focus for some retailers. Likewise, having the ability to source cheaper materials from developing markets

will enable retailers to become even more price-competitive.


SUMMARY The retail industry is becoming more complex and changing at an ever-increasing speed. In 2015, it will be

the customer who regains control. Customers now want so much more - whether that is being involved in

product conception and development or to encounter an immersive experience; retailers will now need to

embrace new approaches, models, processes and technologies in order to fulfil these growing trends.

Page 23: Frisk: Predictions 2015

Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014Frisk Special: PREDICTIONS 2015 Dec 2014

The impact of technology has already affected retail in so many ways, be it interconnectivity, mobile

shopping or digital payment; new emerging technologies will transform the shopping experience in two

ways. Firstly, making shopping far more efficient than ever before with the implementation of tech to speed

up the process; holographic sales assistants will greet customers and answer questions, smart trolleys will

locate products, receive promotions and check prices. We will even see some retailers leveraging biometrics

that include facial and voice recognition or fingerprint/iris scanning to instantly recognise customers as

they enter, making payment far more efficient.

Secondly, tech will also help create a far more engaging and personalised shopping experience. In fashion,

retailers will have high-resolution digital mirrors that use cameras to relay live video and project holographic

images of clothing items, so customers can see how they will look in an outfit without trying it on. Digital

touch screens will allow shoppers to communicate with sales personnel without leaving the dressing room

and a 3D scan of a shopper’s body will be used to make recommendations about garments and brands,

even creating a custom-made wardrobe.


FUTURE FORMATSShoppers can look forward to more interactive and engaging moments as shopping destinations begin to

incorporate a more diverse range of services and tech into their retail concepts. High-performance shopping

environments will become more lifestyle-driven, reflect local tastes and incorporate spaces where people

can shop, work, socialise, eat, be entertained, and live, focusing on customer lifestyles, not just customer

shopping styles.

SOCIALLY SOUNDSocial media is already playing a big role with retailers using sites to monitor feedback and connect with

customers, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. The channel has become the key source of consumer insight,

interaction and engagement. Retailers will use social data to analyse local markets, follow trends, identify

influencers and respond intelligently. The channel will also allow retailers to do everything from predicting

demand for products and influencing in-store displays to creating more convenient and personalised

shopping experiences for customers at each step of their shopping journey.

Expansion beyond local shores has already been made accessible with ecommerce, but now with barriers

to trade continuing to come down, global reach is becoming all the more possible for even the smallest

of retailers. Taking advantage of emerging markets to generate further sources of revenue will be a future

focus for some retailers. Likewise, having the ability to source cheaper materials from developing markets

will enable retailers to become even more price-competitive.


SUMMARY The retail industry is becoming more complex and changing at an ever-increasing speed. In 2015, it will be

the customer who regains control. Customers now want so much more - whether that is being involved in

product conception and development or to encounter an immersive experience; retailers will now need to

embrace new approaches, models, processes and technologies in order to fulfil these growing trends.

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