Page 1: from December 12th to 14th 2017 in Paris€¦ · AJELIS SAS Press Release 86 rue de Paris 91400 Orsay, France +33 6 08 03 16 80 Orsay, December the 5th 2017 AJELIS

AJELIS - 86 rue de Paris - 91400 Orsay - France Tél +33(0)6 08031680 - - email : [email protected]

SAS au capital de 10 000 EUR - SIREN 804 731 578 - TVA intracommunautaire FR 61 804 731 578

AJELIS SAS Press Release 86 rue de Paris

91400 Orsay, France +33 6 08 03 16 80 [email protected]

Orsay, December the 5th 2017

AJELIS exhibits at the World Efficiency Solutions from December 12th to 14th 2017 in Paris

During the World Efficiency Solutions Exhibition (December 12-14th 2017, Paris, Porte de Versailles) AJELIS will show its new generation of metal sorbent fibers METALICAPT® based on ion-exchange for industrial effluent treatment. METALICAPT® sorbents are composed from nano/micro-fibers, having powerful metal removal properties.

Come to discover the new SWEDROP floating filter at our stand!

AJELIS innovative metal absorbents enable a new product line for storm water filters. The SWEDROP floating filter for storm water drains captures oil, organic pollutants and heavy metals without impeding flow. By using the superior kinetics of METALICAPT®, a new level of efficiency is achieved in capturing metal ions from polluted storm water. The SWEDROP-QM (quick metal) is intended for industrial estates, areas with heavy traffic, recycling operations and numerous other operations that involve handling or storage of metals. Prototypes are now being evaluated and the new product will be available early next year.


Page 2: from December 12th to 14th 2017 in Paris€¦ · AJELIS SAS Press Release 86 rue de Paris 91400 Orsay, France +33 6 08 03 16 80 Orsay, December the 5th 2017 AJELIS

AJELIS - 86 rue de Paris - 91400 Orsay - France Tél +33(0)6 08031680 - - email : [email protected]

SAS au capital de 10 000 EUR - SIREN 804 731 578 - TVA intracommunautaire FR 61 804 731 578

More information available on:


AJELIS SAS is an innovative company created in September 2014 for the development and commercialization of a new technology and a new generation of metal sorbent materials with improved safety and functionality for industrial, high-performance toxic/strategic metal separation applications.

Industry awards of excellence:

• Award in Création d'Entreprise Innovante : I-LAB 2015 • Award in Concours Mondial de l’Innovation 2014

Press contact

Ekaterina Shilova 06 08 03 16 80 – [email protected]

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