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THE LIGHT OF THE HUMAN AURA Part IIBy Al G. Manning, CPA, DD--REALITY IS THE LIGHT: We can take another look at the ancient "sun worshipers" for a peek at this REALITY. Modern Occultists often refer to the "supreme being of our solar system" as the "Solar Logos," and this corresponds nearly exactly to RA, the chief Deity of historical Egypt. We find the same idea in Ahura Mazda (or Ormazd) the Godhead of Zoroastrianism who is looked upon as Fire or Light; in the Vedantic (or Hindu) god, Agni, who is the god of Fire; in the Yang, the LIGHT principle of Taoism; in the sun goddess, Amaterasu, the first creation of Izanagi (note the root similarity to Agni) of the Shinto faith, etc, And what religion doesn't use candles in one way or another? Clearly, the transcendental relationship of LIGHT and REALITY is buried deep within the subconscious of the whole species of man.But all this would be a bunch of religious gibberish if it weren't for your ownability to EXPERIENCE THE LIGHT. One touch of the personal aspect of the LIGHT will change your orientation from a three dimensional materiality to a knowingness of the sublime truth that we are all sparks from the one great LIVING FIRE, living the beauty of the Divine Paradox of perfect individuality within perfect oneness. Here words are wholly inadequate to transmit the depth of this certainty, they can only weakly point the way. Still we must try to put up enough signposts to lead you into the experience of the personal aspect of the LIGHT in your own meditations Once this is attained, NOTHING can detract from it! YOU BECOME A CONSCIOUS PART OF THE WHOLE, and life takes on new dimensions of meaning. You can call upon the blue light, as the radiant healing energy of the rainbow to protec

t, heal, bless, and bring creativity. More on the blue light from our fearless leader Al:The electric like nature of the healing energy explains its relationship to the color Blue, and ties into our concept of the psychic centers and the rainbow. The throat center is the bottom member of the upper group of three, and corresponds to the root center in the lower group. Just as the root center is concerned with procreation and the basic material energies, so the throat center is concerned with re-creation or healing, and the higher creative activities like art, music, poetry, mathematics, advanced engineering and inspirational writing. The power of the BLUE LIGHT is infinite! IT WILL WORK FOR YOU - to bring healing to yourself or anyone in need, and to bring true creativity into your every undertaking. You may not feel inclined to practice as a healer, but you owe it to yourself to develop the ability to call in the BLUE LIGHT whenever you sense a need for it


August 2014THE LIGHT OF THE HUMAN AURABy Al G. Manning, CPA, DD--Are you yet the type of person that people say seems to "brighten up" the placeby your very presence? Most people tend to think of ideas like this as purely allegorical, but by now you should realize their deeper reality. Jesus was tryingto bring us a measure of this understanding when he said: "Ye are the LIGHT of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth LIGHT unto all who are in the house. Let your LIGHT so shine before men, that they may see yo

ur good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matt. 5:14-16)Consider the paintings of Jesus and the disciples done by the old masters. TheyALL depict a bright LIGHT about the head and body of the saintly ones. Later, some who didn't understand, reduced this beautiful truth to a funny little circleof light they came to call a "halo," but that doesn't detract from the truth ASIT IS. That LIGHT IS REAL! In the highly spiritually evolved, IT can often be seen even by the "ordinary vision" of "ordinary people." Those who understand in the here and now are more apt to call it the AURA.YOU have an aura, but so does your dog, the table, the chair or couch you're sitting on, the mountains, and even the earth itself. The aura is LIGHT which is th

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e REALITY behind and a part of ALL SUBSTANCE. Of course there are degrees of this LIGHT just as there are degrees of livingness. There is less LIGHT in the dense substances we call inanimate matter, more in plant life, still more in the lower animals; and the greatest amount of LIGHT normally manifests through the living human being. But it would be sheer vanity to think it stops there! Let's once more consider the source, the REALITY back of ALL manifestationSELF HELP EXERCISEEXPERIENCE THE ENERGY OF GREEN ALL MONTH LONG  As we focus on the Green Light ofLOVE as participating ESP LAB memberswe tune into the Green LIGHT monthly light meditation. Add to the LOVE by wearing green, and surrounding yourself with green plants and nature experience the LOVE in your heart for all creation with oneness with LIFE and all living things. Bless and be blessed! Love and be loved. LIVE and fill up with the goodness of LIFE as completely as you can and share the LOVE with others. LET THERE BE LOVE!!

July 2014TUNING INTO ENERGY TRANSFORMING PERSONALITIES Some members have asked for more info about the Power Personalities in our Merry Spirit Band. We have no dogma yet we do focus on Als teachings  and the spirits identified in the MAGIC OF NEW ISTHAR POWER can be friendly and helpful. Here is what Al had to say about the Spirit Friends he invokes in the PROTECTION SPELLRA  Ra (as in the college yell - rah, rah, rah) focuses the brilliant orange energy associated with the Suns influences into your aura through the spleen chakra (

this is a slight misnomer since the chakra is not located in area of the physical spleen, but is along the spine about halfway between the root chakra and yoursolar plexus - I use the term because it is an old convention with much inner meaning we will seek to unfold later). This is the energy that brings you sharp thinking with well developed purpose, a strong will, clarity of mind and thought,and the ability to study well and make clear mental pictures. A blockage of this normal energy will show up as fuzzy thinking, confusion, or lack of resolve that lets people walk all over you.ISIS  Isis is associated with the white light of the Moon or the red-violet of the union of the crown and root chakras. This is the synthesizing energy transformer personality, able to bring you the energy to clear blocks in any chakra, plus extra power from outside the spectrum of your bodily functions.THOTH  (rhymes with broth) focuses the indigo (very deep blue) energy associated

with the Mercurial influences into your aura through your brow chakra, the psychic center located just behind the center of your forehead. This is the energy of communication whether by psychic or physical means. It is a vital factor in maintaining the cooperation of all the other energy transformer personalities, as well as ones normal contact with ones own spirit band. A blockage of this energy flo manifests as a general lack of ability to communicate as well as an inability to get help from your spirit band and the energy transformer personalities.OSIRIS (also referred to as PAN in later works) focuses the gorgeous green energy of the earth into your aura through your heart chakra, the psychic center located along the spine just behind your physical heart. This is the energy that promotes growth, love, givingness, enthusiasm and prosperity. The energy partakes of the rich productiveness of the earth itself and can best be understood in that manner

. In combination with the Ishtar energy the clear flowing heart center will assure you a life of loving luxury. A blockage in this energy manifests as loneliness, lack of money and the frustration of not getting anywhere.PROTECTION SPELL As Al used to say, when in doubt EXORCISE. this spell is for the Maverick Magickians in the crowd. We start by saluting Mighty RA in the East, Lovely ISIS in the North, Wise THOTH in the West, and Powerful OSIRIS in the South. Then ask their help in building a powerful protective large cone of energy  rotating in the counterclockwise direction  with the vortex at your feet and the cone extending outward and upward. Help it by guiding it with your hands as you chant. This chant is the last one Al recommended to me for protection. Keep chanting

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 and building the energy until you feel the solid cone of power. Then know it has all the energy it needs to accomplish its happy mission your peace, protectionand good fortune! Memorize the spell so that you can invoke the protection power at will.All spells and energies sent to meby fire of RA now purified be,By love of ISIS toward me be filled,Wisdom of THOTH bends you to my will.With the power of OSIRIS you work for me,my success and health ever greater must be.All spells and energies now must help me,and as my will, so mote it be!Note: The names RA, ISIS, THOTH, and OSIRIS invoke the energies of the SUN, theMOON, MERCURY and the EARTH!Testimonials and Good Feedback return in August issue!SELF HELP EXERCISE - LIVE IN THE MOMENT, TUNE INTO SPIRIT GUIDANCE I first heard of RHAPSODOMANCY from Al Manning and it is the form of divination you perform by asking SPIRIT a question and then opening a book (like a Bible ora Dictionary or one of Als books) and placing your finger on a word or a quote to get your answer. Just for the fun of it, pick up an Al book (or any book), aska question and see what answer comes to you. Carl Jung referred to this principle as syncronicity saying divination works since everything in the Universe is connected.

June 2014LESSON 12: THE SHIVA OR DESTRUCTIVE ASPECT OF THE LIGHTfrom A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOU by Al Manning, CPA, DDHOW'S YOUR PERSPECTIVE ON PEOPLE & THINGS?"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we may carry nothing out. And having food and raiment, let us be content therewith. But they that will be rich fall into temptation anda snare, and into foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction andperdition." (Timothy 6:6-9)Back about 1909, Thomas Troward published the first of an interesting series ofbooks on mental science. Since Troward did much of his studying while he was a judge in India, it's appropriate that we begin our work on the Shiva aspect of th

e LIGHT with a consideration of his concept of "touching things lightly." Basically, Troward was trying to get the Vedantic ideas of "unattachment" into words that would make sense to the average Western mind.The meat of the thing is to gain the perspective that lets you realize whether you own your things or they own you, or whether your family and friends are withyou for healthy enjoyment or are the result of some kind of psychotic compulsion. Things and/or friends are intrinsically good, but the value judgments that individuals place on them can be either healthy or destructive.For instance: the automobile is a great blessing to individual freedom of movement, but if a father of a family of seven who has no cash reserves and an incomeof around $400 a month suddenly decides he has to have a brand new Cadillac, hehas created a really tough problem. Or the 14 year old girl who wants to "kill herself" because she can't marry her 40 year old Algebra teacher, is in serious t

rouble.We tend to laugh at extreme illustrations like these, but each one of us has a least one area where we need a broadened perspective if we are to achieve more effective and comfortable livingness. The man who has just been passed over for promotion to the job of his dreams feels "justified" in his depression, but it detracts from his joy of living and effectiveness whether justified or not. Or thewife whose husband passed to a new life in the "next dimension" may feel justified in her grief, but it still only serves to make her miserable and less effective as a human being. We need to establish some form of daily renewal of our acceptance of that profound statement: "We brought nothing into this world, and it i

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s certain we can carry nothing out." (Nothing physical, that is.)SELF HELP EXERCISE - SET YOUR FOOT UPON THE PATH OF YOUR SPIRAL OF GROWTH-- Each day is a new day pause, take a minute and have a deep breath, and celebrate being alive! Take another step forward and pay attention to your personal round of evolution. Bless your path with living LIFE and LIVE LIFE FULLY!

May 2014THE LIVING LIGHT IS REALfrom A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOU by Al Manning, CPA, DDWe all remember the legend of the "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." That's a gross understatement! The secrets of life itself are wrapped up in that rainbow, whether it is produced in Nature, or by passing sunlight through a prism in the laboratory.The true Sun Worshippers of Ancient Egypt understood the meaning of LIGHT and color. To them the Sun was a symbol of the givingness of the Life Energy, and itsradiations provided all the necessities of balanced growth. The "inner circle" in the temples practiced balancing LIGHT in the human aura. They practiced "astral travel," and understood the principles of reincarnation.The exact location of the psychic centers in the physical body will vary from individual to individual. But YOUR centers will locate themselves for you as you simply mentally direct the focused WHITE LIGHT to each one in its turn. Generally the lower five centers are just in front of the physical spine in the areas ofthe corresponding physical organs. GREEN AS THE MIDDLE COLOR OF THE RAINBOW-- TH

E POINT OF BALANCE AND PEACE The Psalmist gives us a delicious feeling of PEACEwith his words of green pastures and still waters. The color of lush vegetationalways brings us an aura of peace, comfort and opulence. And this is no accident! Peace is to be found at the point of balance, the center of gravity, the midpoint.USE SPIRIT POWER TO ENHANCE YOUR COLOR MAGICK(from Sami) Our Merry Spirit Band is made up of ETP's (Energy Transforming Personalities) that bring each color to life. Today we focus on the GREEN ray: Osiris, ancient Lord of LIFE, DEATH, NATURE, Barley & Beer-- was mentioned in Al's ISHTAR MAGICK series as the GREEN Energy Transforming Personality. When Al moved to Texas he liked PAN for the GREEN ray. Other ancient personalities that can be utilized to invoke the GREEN light of love, growth and nature are: Hiawatha, Ezmarelda, and OSTARA. The heart is thecenter for the GREEN LIGHT OF LOVE! FOCUS on LOVE!! BE LOVE!!

SELF HELP EXERCISE - PRACTICE the PRESENCE OF THE LUSH GREEN LIGHT-- The LovelyShimmering Emerald GREEN LIGHT will bring love and prosperity, especially when practiced while dancing with the little people-- also known as nature spirits, gronkydoddles, elves, gnomes, and leprechauns. Chant the following with joy and while dancing.OUR WORDS HAVE POWER AS OF OLD,SO HEAR US NOW GOOD GNOMES AND TROLLS.BRING SOME SILVER AND BRING SOME GOLD,BRING THE LUSH GREEN STUFF THAT FOLDS.QUICKLY NOW' HAVE FUN WITH ME,AND TREASURE BRING MOST HAPPILY!So Mote it be!

March 2014SPRING EQUINOX:by Rev. Linda Savage, PhD, DDHappy spring to you all! March 20th is the Vernal Equinox. It heralds new beginnings, since the first day of spring is also the astrological new year as the sun enters the first sign of the zodiac, Ares. Spring Equinox is one of two moments in the Wheel of the Year when light and dark are perfectly balanced.In the Earth Honoring traditions, it is known as the time of Green Fire and it is quite something to experience. I urge you to pay attention to the green fire e

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nergy surging in all vegetation. Meditate in your garden or sit with a favoriteplant because there is an entirely different energy right now. You can actuallyfeel the growth of life as a kind of electric charge.As Barbara Kingsolver pointed out in her wonderful book, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, plants are programmed to respond to the arc of the sun. So when the daylight lengthens, plants wake up and burst into new life. I always thought it was the temperature that created the timing of their growth until Kingsolvers book enlightened me.This is the seasonal moment to focus on the green and flowering landscape around us, as well as the beauty reflected in the suns growing light. Pan is playing his pipes for sure. The qualities to explore and express are those associated with the East: beginnings, new growth, and courage bursting from inspiration. In addition, notice what shows up in your life that requires balancing and pay attention to what is stirring within you, ready to burst forth and blossom. It is a time to plant seeds for projects and to clean out old patterns in your life as a spring cleaning of unwanted habits.So make this a time to tune into Green. Tune into the green fire and energy of plants, and a special attunement to the Green Light.Linda can be reached: [email protected] HELP EXERCISE - PRACTICE the PRESENCE OF THE LUSH GREEN LIGHT-- The LovelyShimmering Emerald GREEN LIGHT will bring love and prosperity, especially when practiced while dancing with the little people-- also known as nature spirits, gronkydoddles, elves, gnomes, and leprechauns. Chant the following and you can substitute PAN/OSIRIS for Higher Power if you like


February 2014ESP and Paganism:by Al G Manning, CPA, DDAccording to the dictionary, Pagan is a term bestowed on non-members of the Christian, Hebrew, or Muslim faiths (by uptight, bigoted hard liners.) Many Polytheists, Wiccans, agnostics and atheists wear the title Pagan proudly. As an eclecti

c I guess I fit in there somewhere, at least because one of my best sellers is "Helping Yourself With White Witchcraft.' The Muslims call anybody not of their faith an infidel, but in this country the Southern Baptists disagree with the Northern Baptists to the point of considering them amateur Pagans.One World - One GodIt's fun to tease my Rosicrucian friends that Egypt ruled the world until Amenhotep IV decided to become Aknanton and throw out all the old Gods in favor of the one God theory and the Egyptian civilization went right down the tubes. It's easy to see that the one God is completely impersonal (causing the sun to shine and the rain to fall upon the just and the unjust - or as my papa said it rains on both sides of the line of scrimmage) and sexless. So It ministers to Its creation by a series of lesser Gods, Angels, Avatars and whatever else they might be called.

I call the powerful Spirits who work through ESP Lab "God's Ministering Angels and my good friends" Like who says you can't make friends with the high Spirits?? So the affirmation that goes with that is: "I place myself and all my affairs lovingly in the hands of God and you-- It's wonderful ministering angels and my good friends with a childlike trust. That which is for my highest good shall come to me. That which is my highest good comes to me NOW." I call it delegating myanxieties to Spirit.ESP including Spirit contact is prevalent throughout the Pagan/Occult/Psychic world. In some bigots eyes we're all Pagans, but that's theirproblem. Let's enjoy being exactly what we are and move onward and upward together!

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Come Exercise Your ESP and grow with us! Read Al's "ESP and YOU" series at www.ESPLAB.COMSELF HELP EXERCISE - PRACTICE the POWER OF THE ORANGE LIGHT-- The ORANGE LIGHT does bring illumination and mental clarity with connection to the Spiritual Source! One method of accessing it is with one of Al's RAMA AGNI Chants. Here we have changed the RAMA AGNI to HIGHER POWER. To personalize the chant-- you can use any four syllable power name-- God Almighty, Mother Mary, Madre Grande, Hiawatha, Ezmarelda, Mama ISIS, Rama Agni Use this potent affirmation to bring light to your day.:HIGHER POWERSEND THE LIGHT TO ME.HIGHER POWERSEND THE ORANGE LIGHT TO MESWEEP AWAY THE CLOUDS OF MINDLEAVE CONFUSION FAR BEHIND--HIGHER POWER BRING THE LIGHT THAT SETS US FREE!

January 2014ESP and Buddhism:by Al G Manning, CPA, DDGautama, the Buddha preceded Jesus by about 600 years. In his immediate previous incarnation he was said to have given his physical body to a mama lion out of compassion to keep her from starving. Compassion is pretty much the key of his teachings, but of course the clerics have a way of distorting things for their own pleasure or aggrandizement. He also taught the "middle path" which I have inter

preted as moderation in all things, including the practice of moderation. Somehow out of all of this the ideas of the Zen developed. Often called Zen Buddhism,this teaching is of direct experience. How do you really know something? You can read a thousand word essay on apples and know nothing, but bite into one and you know. Similarly the preacher may prattle about eternal life Sunday after Sunday, but it's meaningless. Then just one astral projection where your picture your physical body being lowered into a hole in the ground, you get the realization"That's not the real me."Zen AND Spirit Contact--When you see, feel or otherwise experience it, Spirit contact is real. Otherwise it's just a preacher prattling again. There was a timewhen I called my religion half Zen Buddhist & half Spiritualist.Nowadays I admit to being a complete eclectic and I commend it to you. There issome good in any religion, but also many clergy induced errors and bits of nonse

nse. Let's grab the good parts and spit out the rest. It may sometimes seem hard to be a good eclectic, but at least to me it's the only true source of comfortin a world of would be conflicting religions.Come Exercise Your ESP and grow with us! Read Al's "ESP and YOU" series at www.ESPLAB.COMSELF HELP EXERCISE - PRACTICE the POWER OF THE LIGHT-- :The GREEN LIGHT does bring peaceful, loving, prosperous, healing energy to your aura and to your mind. One method of accessing it is with one of Al's RAMA AGNI Chants. Here we have changed the RAMA AGNI to HIGHER POWER. You can use any four syllable power name you like-- God Almighty, Madre Grande, Hiawatha, Ezmarelda, Rama Agni Use this potent affirmation to strenthen your day, to sweep away any negativity and bring creative loving positive GREEN light:HIGHER POWERSEND THE LIGHT TO ME.


December 2013ESP and Christmas:by Al G Manning, CPA, DDThe whole of the Bible contains much Spirit Contact and many other forms of ESP.

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 Of course the 3 "wise men" were Zoroastrian Astrologers who had predicted the birth of a new Avatar. Then there was the birth in 4 BC (the Romans always messed with the calendar, but that's another story), with all sorts of angelic appearances. Angel is just another name for a good Spirit. Lots of us modern people commune with Spirits every day. In my book, "Helping Yourself With ESP" we go intohappy detail about all of this - it's a good place to start or get back into the scheme of things.The psychic ability or mediumship of Jesus is lots of fun - like when he met the lady at the well and told her you have had 5 husbands and the man you are living with now is not married to you. This is all fresh and aliveright now. We experience miracles just about every day here at ESP Lab. We believe in the words of Jesus: "These works that I do shall ye do also and greater works shall ye do." (read Al's ESP series at Come Exercise Your ESP and grow with us!

November 2013A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOU-- LESSON 13:YOUR WALLS OF LIMITATION CAN BE TUMBLED DOWNby Al G Manning, CPA, DDIn the old Buck Rogers comic strip and movies they used a fantastic weapon called a "disintegrator ray gun," but it never reached the spectacular effectivenessof parting the Red Sea or flattening the wall of Jericho. The Judaeo-Christian traditions are steeped in examples of practical application of the Shiva principle. And we may shortly see modern science duplicate Buck Rogers' disintegrator wi

th their toy called Laser, but even if you had one, it couldn't come close to replacing the effectiveness of a good old Shiva Partnership.In the properly focused LIGHT you will experience all the power necessary to literally destroy your every obstacle. But a note of caution is in order here, before we start playing around with this tremendous force. It's no accident that Lord Shiva also masquerades as the Egyptian Cat Goddess, Bast. As Bast or the female side of Shiva, she can be ever so tender in her work. In fact, the only time she "hurts" us is when we cling too hard to things that are no longer suited to our spiritual growth. The gentle touch is mandatory if your partnership with theGoddess is to be long lived. Just walking around with a disintegrator gun in your hand doesn't give you the license to use it.Let's say you come to a closed door. Common sense would try the doorknob first to see if it can be opened easily. Then even if it's locked, it's still a wise id

ea to look around for a key or perhaps a lock pick before you resort to blasting it off its hinges! The classic idea of the "iron fist in the velvet glove" should be our keynote. You wouldn't hand a loaded police revolver to a ten-year-oldin the middle of a temper tantrum, now would you?Thus we might say that the price of acquiring the symbolic iron fist in the form of your disintegrator ray gun is that you FIRST demonstrate your emotional control as symbolized by the velvet glove. If things were any other way, the emotionally immature "little" men would long ago have used the LIVING LIGHT to destroythe whole Universe.HOW TO DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST DESTRUCTIVE RAYS FROM OTHERSYou seldom know for sure who might be directing a destructive disruptive ray ofenergy in your own direction. Some people seem to have brought a tremendous subconscious power with them into this life. To incur their ire or severe displeasur

e is to bring down a shower of negative energy upon your person and affairs. Ninety nine percent of those who do this are not consciously trying to do you realharm; they just don't realize the power of their resentment when it's focused on another being. But the fact that they don't realize what they're doing doesn'treduce the harmful effects on you. How shall your set up an impenetrable defense against such attacks?Safety lies in the growing power of your own special attunement with the positive LIGHT and your new partnership with the Shiva Principle. Your sensitivity to all things is increasing, so you need only add constant alertness to anything remotely resembling a "psychic attack" and immediately call on the WHITE LIGHT for

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extra protection. Then from that perfect protection, send the higher center LIGHT-ENERGY to seek out the sender and dissolve the negativity at its source. It isn't necessary or proper to demand a complete change in the individual who may be the source of the negativity -- you need only a change in attitude toward YOU.But this is still best achieved by asking the higher LIGHT to bring spiritual and material progress to the offender. You know that anything less would be weakening to your own protection. Live in the LIGHT and share it willingly with all -- then you can rest in the safe assurance of perfect protection.SELF HELP EXERCISE - PRACTICE ILLUMINATION: The Orange light does bring illumination and clarity to your aura and to your mind. One method of accessing it is with a RAMA AGNI CHANT. Use these potent affirmations to brighten your day and tosweep away any negativity or confusion:RAMA AGNI SEND THE LIGHT TO MERAMA AGNI SEND THE POWERFUL LIGHT TO MESWEEP AWAY THE THINGS THAT HARMLET THEM CAUSE ME NO ALARMRAMA AGNI SEND THE LIGHT THAT SETS ME FREE!


October 2013HOW'S YOUR PERSPECTIVE ON PEOPLE AND THINGS?from LESSON 12 of A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOUby Al G Manning, CPA, DDBack about 1909, Thomas Troward published the first of an interesting series ofbooks on mental science. Since Troward did much of his studying while he was a judge in India, it's appropriate that we begin our work on the Shiva aspect of the LIGHT with a consideration of his concept of "touching things lightly." Basically, Troward was trying to get the Vedantic ideas of "unattachment" into words that would make sense to the average Western mind.The meat of the thing is to gain the perspective that lets you realize whether you own your things or they own you, or whether your family and friends are with

you for healthy enjoyment or are the result of some kind of psychotic compulsion. Things and/or friends are intrinsically good, but the value judgments that individuals place on them can be either healthy or destructive. For instance: the automobile is a great blessing to individual freedom of movement, but if a father of a family of seven who has no cash reserves and an income of around $400 a month suddenly decides he has to have a brand new Cadillac, he has created a really tough problem. Or the 14 year old girl who wants to "kill herself" because she can't marry her 40 year old Algebra teacher, is in serious trouble.We tend to laugh at extreme illustrations like these, but each one of us has a least one area where we need a broadened perspective if we are to achieve more effective and comfortable livingness. The man who has just been passed over for promotion to the job of his dreams feels "justified" in his depression, but it detracts from his joy of living and effectiveness whether justified or not. Or the

wife whose husband passed to a new life in the "next dimension" may feel justified in her grief, but it still only serves to make her miserable and less effective as a human being. We need to establish some form of daily renewal of our acceptance of that profound statement: "We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out." (Nothing physical, that is.)THERE NOTHING NEGATIVE IN BALANCED UNATTACHMENT - One of the principle Vedanticdeities (a member of their "holy trinity," actually) is the great god, Shiva, generally called the god of "destruction." At first glance it may seem incongruous to the Western mind that any intelligent group of people could worship a god of destruction. But we find practical meaning when we accept the works of Shiva as

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 the destruction that prepares the way for progress or new growth. Consider thedemolition of an 80 year old slum type building to make room for a modem apartment complex. We welcome this kind of destruction as a normal prelude to progress. But isn't this the most healthy attitude toward ANY of life's apparent setbacks?Let's look back over the events that you considered to be your greatest personal tragedies during the ten years from 1980 through 1990. (Note that we are seeking to reach back far enough that you will have the perspective that only comes with time ) In my own case those ten years brought three separate upheavals each of which seemed like "the end of everything." Time has demonstrated the absolutenecessity of each of these "tragedies" as ways to prepare me for definite stepsin Spirit's overall plan for my unfoldment. But in another sense, at least one and possibly all of the upheavals could have been avoided if I had conscientiously practiced the concept of unattachment or touching lightly. We are regularly given gentle nudgings by Spirit in the direction we are expected to go (or grow).If we heed these promptings voluntarily, we can make an orderly transition intothe new phase of life. But if we cling to the old ways and the old relationships (and sometimes even the old money) past our time to move on, they will soon bepainfully wrenched out of our life experience - with the degree of emotional pain being directly related to the strength of our clinging or attachment.EXPERIENCE THE LIGHT: Visit the Light course at Password; MAMAISISSELF HELP EXERCISE - COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS: All of us humans know challenges andfrustrations. Point is to remember that what you focus on multiplies. When you f

ind yourself in times of trouble and difficulty FOCUS on the bright side. Changeyour mental channel by tuning into your many blessings. Once you start countingyou can never count them all. Counting them will help them multiply. Just give praise to the Divine with appreciation of the good things in your life. You can say, "Thank you God; Thanks be to SPIRIT for:_______" and fill in the blank. Thanks for a hot cup of coffee; thanks for another day; thank you that my truck hasgasoline; thank you that I have a truck; thank you for my good health (and be thankful for what you want to attract to yourself as well) thank you for new prosperity, fresh energy, vitality, and fresh increase falling out of the sky. Keep it real, simple, fun and WIN!

September 2013

NOW, WHAT IS THE LIGHT, REALLY?from LESSON 11 of A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOUby Al G Manning, CPA, DDAre you yet the type of person that people say seems to "brighten up" the placeby your very presence? Most people tend to think of ideas like this as purely allegorical, but by now you should realize their deeper reality. Jesus was tryingto bring us a measure of this understanding when he said: "Ye are the LIGHT of the world.""A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth LIGHT unto all who are in the house. Let your LIGHT so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matt. 5:14-16)Consider the paintings of Jesus and the disciples done by the old masters. They

ALL depict a bright LIGHT about the head and body of the saintly ones. Later, some who didn't understand, reduced this beautiful truth to a funny little circleof light they came to call a "halo," but that doesn't detract from the truth ASIT IS. That LIGHT IS REAL! In the highly spiritually evolved, IT can often be seen even by the "ordinary vision" of "ordinary people." Those who understand in the here and now are more apt to calf it the AURA.YOU have an aura, but so does your dog, the table, the chair or couch you're sitting on, the mountains, and even the earth itself. The aura is LIGHT which is the REALITY behind and a part of ALL SUBSTANCE. Of course there are degrees of this LIGHT just as there are degrees of livingness. There is less LIGHT in the dens

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e substances we call inanimate matter, more in plant life, still more in the lower animals; and the greatest amount of LIGHT normally manifests through the living human being. But it would be sheer vanity to think it stops there! Let's once more consider the source, the REALITY back of ALL manifestation.We can take another look at the ancient "sun worshipers" for a peek at this REALITY. Modern Occultists often refer to the "supreme being of our solar system" as the "Solar Logos," and this corresponds nearly exactly to RA, the chief Deity of historical Egypt. We find the same idea in Ahura Mazda (or Ormazd) the Godhead of Zoroastrianism who is looked upon as Fire or Light; in the Vedantic (or Hindu) god, Agni, who is the god of Fire; in the Yang, the LIGHT principle of Taoism; in the sun goddess, Amaterasu, the first creation of Izanagi (note the root similarity to Agni) of the Shinto faith, etc,And what religion doesn't use candles in one way or another? Clearly, the transcendental relationship of LIGHT and REALITY is buried deep within the subconscious of the whole species of man.But all this would be a bunch of religious gibberish if it weren't for your own ability to EXPERIENCE THE LIGHT. One touch of thepersonal aspect of the LIGHT will change your orientation from a three dimensional materiality to a knowingness of the sublime truth that we are all sparks from the one great LIVING FIRE, living the beauty of the Divine Paradox of perfect individuality within perfect oneness. Here words are wholly inadequate to transmit the depth of this certainty, they can only weakly point the way. Still we must try to put up enough signposts to lead you into the experience of the personalaspect of the LIGHT in your own meditations Once this is attained, NOTHING can detract from it! YOU BECOME A CONSCIOUS PART OF THE WHOLE, and life takes on new

dimensions of meaning.

August 2013USING THE WHITE LIGHT TO ATTAIN DIVINE PROTECTION AND BALANCED GROWTHfrom LESSON 10 of A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOUby Al G Manning, CPA, DD"In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid of what man can do to me. Thyvows are upon me, O God: I will render praises unto thee. For thou hast delivered my soul from death: wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the LIGHT of the living?" - Psalm 56:11 13THE PARADOX OF DIVINE PROTECTIONZen Buddhism is famous for its technique of teaching by contemplation of a parad

ox. You might think of this as a method of so confusing the conscious mind thatit has no choice but to grow to a higher level of understanding, or rather thatwe soar above it to a spiritual understanding. The idea of Divine Protection presents just such a paradox. Common sense tells us that anything so wonderful as Tangible Protection from the Infinite must be EARNED BY MUCH HARD LABOR. And yetthe Psalmist presents the idea that it's a gift"There shall be no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For He shall give His Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all of thyways. They shall bear thee up in Their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against astone." (Psalm 91:10-12)My second mystic experience came while I was deep in the intricacies of the solid but often tedious works of Thomas Troward. Somewhere in the middle of one of his two page sentences, the "penny dropped" and I recalled the words of the 91st

Psalm, not as mere words, but as a simple statement of Universal Law. I floatedaround on a cloud of WHITE LIGHT for a time, experiencing the absolute reality of Divine Protection and Love. But in a little while I was deposited back on my couch again to contemplate the paradox of that moment against the rigors of lifein the everyday world. Here is the conclusion I reached and still accept as themost practical resolution of the paradox: Under normal conditions, your physical body is subject to misery and harm through accidental (or otherwise) violations of natural law. On the other hand the part of you that is SPIRIT is divinely protected as God's loving gift to you whether you ask for it or not. That Divine Protection CAN BE EXTENDED to protect your physical body and its affairs just as

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perfectly as your Spiritual Beingness is watched over.But this PHYSICAL PROTECTION MUST BE EARNED, or as we might more properly put it, MUST BE BUILT OUT OF THE LIVING LIGHT! Again we can find our clue in that wonderful Psalm: "Because he has set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high because he hath known my name (meaning "nature" of course)." (Psalm 91:14) Visit the light course at

July 2013YOUR LIFE IS CHANGED FOR THE BETTER BY EXPERIENCING THE MYSTIC LIGHTfrom LESSON 9 of A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOUby Al G Manning, CPA, DDWe're all familiar with the story of Jesus' baptism -- it is the symbolic cooperation of man and nature in producing the new condition, or the Red-Violet color. This was the real beginning of Jesus' life work, just as your enlightenment isbound to bring changes and some form of "new beginning" in YOUR OWN LIFE. Spiritual striving can bring the experience of the mystic's LIGHT even without the special disciplines we are studying here (our reason for studying these techniquesis to be more certain of attainment, it's certainly not to claim a monopoly on the LIGHT).It's good to remember that these great truths are no more restricted to the Christian religion than is the sunlight or rain. God speaks to us through many avenues and channels and considers them equal. The idea of "greater than" is strictly a figment of man's puffed up, puny understanding. THERE IS NO GREAT OR SMALL IN

 THE EYES OF THE INFINITE.The Priest-Kings we considered in our lesson #8 were also the physicians and healers of their day. This was symbolized by the Staff of Hermes, the Caduceus which has carried over as the symbol of our modern day medical profession. The Caduceus symbol is two Serpents twined around a staff which has wings at the top. This is also the occult symbol of the risen Kundalini Fire. The staff represents the spine, and the serpents are the Ida and Pingala channels along which Kundalini rises through each of the chakras (psychic centers) until it streams into the crown center and produces the man-in-tune-with-nature color of Red Violet. The wings represent the expansion of consciousness and new effectiveness of the person who achieved true enlightenment through raising Kundalini.At the beginning of these lessons we suggested that you may need to use your imagination to get going with the LIGHT exercises. You should begin experiencing at

 least a small measure of ITS reality by this point in our studies. I have usedthe exercise at my altar on one wall of a large bedroom with only one small candle burning -- and the room has become so FULL OF LIGHT that it was brighter than noontime on a sunny day! Just one experience of this LIVING LIGHT is enough tochange you forever. Be faithful and expectant as you push on to achieve this priceless goal."I know now that I am a child of the LIGHT. I live in the LIGHT. I love the LIGHT. I see the LIGHT. I feel the LIGHT. I worship the light. I am onewith the LIGHT. And I dedicate my life to the fulfillment of my spiritual mission under the perfect guidance of the LIGHT. Thank you, heavenly Father-Mother for this perfect gift of YOURSELF."And promise yourself that you will henceforth ACT AS A CHILD OF THE LIGHT.Visit the complete light course at www.esplab.comSELF HELP EXERCISE: Begin this week's exercise by calling on your Spirit Teacher

(s), Guides, and your personal Angels-- TO BE PRESENT to aid and protect you. Claim your shaft of DIVINE WHITE LIGHT and bask in it while you use the purifyingbreath exercise. Then use the WHITE LIGHT to play the scales up your psychic centers until you feel your whole being tingling with spiritual power and LIFE. Feel each psychic center being opened and purified by the power of the LIGHT from the higher realms of life, and ask that the serpent channels of the Kundalini tobe opened and purified as part of the process.

June 2013

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USING THE BLUE LIGHT OF HEALINGfrom A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOU, Lesson 6by Al G Manning, CPA, DDWe won't be silly enough to say that you need never "die." That would be like condemning you to remain in the second grade of school forever! But until it becomes your time to move along to the next classroom, there is no reason to be sick, crippled, or physically restricted in any way. More than that, IT'S YOUR DUTY as a student of the LIGHT to reach out for healing for yourself and your loved ones and thus DEMONSTRATE THAT THE POWER OF THE LIVING LIGHT IS AS REAL TODAY AS IT WAS 2,000 YEARS AGO!In each of my first three books, I included a "Table of Mental Poisons and Their Symptoms." We won't waste space by repeating it here, but the basic ideas are of utmost importance to your physical health and general will being. Our negative emotions - guilt, fear, envy, resentment, anger, greed, hate, frustration, pessimism, cynicism, and their blood brothers - are the thieves who sneak in and rob us of our good health, our prosperity, our harmonious relations with the environment, and even our confidence in the God of LIGHT. The "Christian" concepts of"SIN" as taught by some of the more dogmatic organized churches do a terrible disservice to the consciousness of the collective mind, and thus inhibit the ability of many individuals to receive the perfect healing that is rightfully theirs. The idea of "original sin" that supposedly taints a newborn baby is out and out blasphemy against our loving God.The unfortunate companion truth is that the greater the intelligence of an individual, the more difficult it becomes to accept the equally ridiculous (but at le

ast positive in effect) concept of vicarious atonement. YOUR OWN HARBORING OF NEGATIVE THOUGHT COMPLEXES CAUSES ALL YOUR PROBLEMS. It's certainly not the fact that your mother and father may have enjoyed the process of planting the physical seed that helped bring your present body into existence.

May 2013USING THE BLUE LIGHT OF HEALINGfrom A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOU, Lesson 6by Al G Manning, CPA, DDTo us "poor in spirit" should mean "not pompous or arrogant or puffed up." We certainly agree that a person POSSESSED by material wealth will have a hard time making spiritual progress, but NOTHING in nature or in Jesus' teachings tells us

to suffer from the disease of poverty. Let's accept the real promise: "I am come that they may have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10:10).ACCESS the complete LIGHT COURSE at password: MAMAISISSELF HELP EXERCISE: Turn to the BLUE LIGHT with an affirmation like: "I call upon the vibrant power of the BLUE LIGHT to open and purify my throat center now. I feel the creative-healing energy surging through my whole being, healing and perfecting my body and opening my mind to wonderful new creative urges and inspirations. I am charged with the BLUE LIGHT now and carry it with me always - to beused for the healing and upliftment of every person and creature I may contact.Even without my conscious direction, this wonderful BLUE LIGHT bathes all thosearound me, and brings them all the healing and inspiration that they need. I thank you, most loving God, for the privilege of sharing your BLUE LIGHT."

SELF HELP EXERCISE:LET THE GREEN LIGHT OPEN AND PURIFY YOUR HEART CENTER--Adjust this month's GREEN LIGHT attunement exercise to work on opening your heart charka. After the green light meditation, you can close with an affirmation like:"I direct the powerful energy of the GREEN LIGHT to open and purify my heartcenter. I feel tremendous amounts of new love, enthusiasm, growth, and abundance flooding my being through my wonderful heart center. It brings peace, prosperity and growth in avalanches of spiritual power; and sweeps away anything in its path that is unlike God's love and enthusiasm. In joy and love, I thank you heavenly Father, for the gift of GREEN LIGHT which I share gladly with all beings."

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Then go on about your daily living with the firm resolution to ACT LIKE YOU HAVE A HEART!

April 2013WE ALL ASPIRE TO SELF IMPROVEMENTfrom A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOU, Lesson 4by Al G Manning, CPA, DDWe often hear of the quality called "woman's intuition" as if it were a gift not shared by men. This meshes with the psychological theory that the male is polarized in his logical mind while woman is polarized in the emotional part of her being. But YOU certainly understand that a whole being can choose to polarize inits mental, emotional, or spiritual aspect as the circumstances may require. For you men who prefer not to admit it -- when you get a clear intuitive flash, just say "I have a hunch that..," and you can accomplish the same thing without compromising your standing as a macho male.The important point here is that YOU should be practicing alertness to the "still small voice" of intuition. But if you can tap a constant, reliable source of good ideas, who cares what name you hang on it? Every time you use the Attunement exercise with the YELLOW LIGHT, there is a further opening of your personal channel to all the inspiration of the Universe. Do your work faithfully, but be sure to PAY ATTENTION to the RESPONSES of the Infinite. It's always there, just waiting to be noticed!Let's look back at the dictionary on intuition: "the power of knowing without in

ference or recourse to reasoning; innate or instinctive knowledge." The key to a clear understanding is that word, KNOWING. Intuition is not concerned with belief, or opinion based on faith. When you get an intuitive flash, you KNOW, and you KNOW THAT YOU KNOW, but there's no reasonable three dimensional explanation for how you know.Naturally there's a need to combine sound judgment with your intuition. Men have been known to get an intuitive flash that they can walk on water in the mannerascribed to Jesus in the Bible. But when they tried it, they had to be fished out of the lake to save them from drowning. We are touching an area that is ripe for confusion, delusion, and self deception. Every beginner encounters the self gratifying flash that pretends to be true intuitive knowledge. I'm impelled to emphasize the statement: THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR SOUND JUDGEMENT! Our mental institutions are full of people who slipped over the borderline by listening to tha

t other "still small voice" -- the one that flatters the ego, pampers us, and carefully leads us down the primrose path to the nuthouse. The tempter is real, too! The other side of life is inhabited by creatures of the darkness as well as of the LIGHT. Take care which you listen to. Whether it be an intuition or a direct communication from a discarnate entity, the only safe course is to follow the age old injunction: TEST THE SPIRITS that they are of God. An idea is like a Stranger knocking on your door. In the material world, you're smart enough not toinvite just any old person to move in with you. The same good judgment is needed with the unseen side of life.ACCESS the complete LIGHT COURSE at password: MAMAISISSELF HELP EXERCISE: UTILIZE YOUR POWER STAR and make life better--As you touch your power star in the opening paragraph you could put the first three fingers of your left hand or receiving hand on the Sun, Moon, and Venus in the center of t

he star. As you receive the energy know that the same creativity that created the universes flows into you! Then take the index finger of your right hand and touch each point starting with the Mars/Nergal point-- and go around the star thanking the great powers for their help. I would say, "NERGAL, RA, ISHTAR, OSIRIS,MARDUK, THOTH, BAST AND ISIS-- THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE FRIENDSHIP AND HELP!" You could also say each power name three times, thanking for love, friendship and help and then add a personal prayer like "thank you for your omnipotent power surge and for my own super power unleashed to accomplish good things." Know that these Divine Archtypes or Energy Transforming Personalities are present within you! Activate the Cosmic Energies within you to bless you with a dimension shift int

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o a better reality starting now!

March 2013THE MIND IS AN EXCELLENT TOOLfrom A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOU, Lesson 3by Al G Manning, CPA, DDThe mind of man is rightly credited with tremendous accomplishments. Modern science and technology are products of this potent tool. It has lengthened our lifeexpectancy, built us comfortable air conditioned homes and buildings, provided means of communication or rapid transportation of people and things all over theworld and even into outer space, and given us an ever improving understanding of our relationship to our physical environment. It is almost impossible to function in our society without a keenly developed mind that is kept free of the blocks of prejudice and negative emotion.But this very truism is also a great danger. The intellect is so necessary thatwe tend to blow it up to even greater importance than it should have, until it gets all out of perspective. As a result, many good and well meaning people worship at the shrine of intellect instead of the Altar of God. (One might say: yes,but all the confusion of conflicting religions contributed plenty to this situation. And you'd be RIGHT, but that's not the point.) A homely example of intellect out of proportion is the "worship" of computers by today's engineers and managers of the big business world. But the same man who stands in awe of a big computer complex would laugh heartily at a "behind the times" colleague who holds sim

ilar "worship services" over his trusty sliderule (remember them-- if so you'reMY age). We will maintain our perspective only if we continually harken back tothe concept that YOU area a SPIRIT using a mind as one of your tools to manifest effectively through a physical body.There is simple paradox to all mental work. To be truly effective, the mind must be relaxed and quiet, yet acutely alert. People often find themselves falling asleep when they first begin exercises to control their minds. If this happens to you, don't be discouraged. Just tell yourself you are learning to relax your mind first, then you will be able to bring it to new peaks of alertness. This is our month to use the ORANGE LIGHT to lift your mind to new levels of awareness and ability.SELF HELP EXERCISE: POWER OF THE GOLDEN KEY  7 day mental diet  As we pause to remember that thoughts are real and shape our reality and destiny, lets remember the

 good fortune that is catalyzed by minimizing negative thoughts and energies and maximizing positive thoughts and energies. As a discipline this month, see if you can eliminate your negative thinking  replacing it with positive creative thoughts. So for the first seven days of this month when you have a negative thought, change the channel by tuning into a spiritual phrase, prayer or affirmation. Know the power of the light will then step in to help you move beyond your limitations. Smile with thanks: accept your good and leave behind your negativity.


You should be spending about 1/2 hour a day in your LIGHT exercises, and this is certain to help you. But the degree of effectiveness of this help is largely dependent on your thought/reaction habits and patterns of the other 23 1/2 hours.Don t be like Esau and sell your birthright for a bit of red potage. Recognize that each time you exercise and build up the power of LIGHT in your life, youre also taking on more responsibility for its use. By now even your fleeting thoughtsare becoming powerful.BEWARE of harboring thoughts of resentment, hatred, poverty, sickness or injustice. When they try to intrude into your consciousness, expel them politely. To fight them is to give them power over you, but to replace them with their positive

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 counterparts is to attract the good life. Nobody has yet improved upon these potent words of Paul, Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, honest, just,pure, lovely and of good report; if there be any virtue or any praise, think onthese things, and the God of peace shall be with you. (Philippians, Chapter 4, verses 8 and 9, pararaphrased only for brevity).Be faithful and persevering to the LIGHT. A little patience may be necessary torecognize that first glimmer, but it SHALL COME TO YOU! And your life will be forever changed for the better! Seek the LIGHT, pray for it, and give thanks to the Living, Loving God for the perfect gift of LIVING LIGHT to all who accept it.AFFIRM:I direct the special energy of the RED LIGHT to amplify my personal magnetism, and make me more harmonious with every person I contact. This wonderfully increased magnetism attracts the good things of life to me now, and sets up a powerful force field to keep out all negative experience. I give thanks for the joy and privilege of using this great LIGHT.ACCESS the complete LIGHT COURSEat  password: MAMAISISSELF HELP EXERCISE: Make sure you tune into the light every morning and every night and join us with the monthly light meditation as well. If you dont feel you have the time for a full meditation  then at least get in a seed prayer or two. If you have been starting your day with a prayer to God like: Thank you God for great day! add to the treatment by adding two more affirmations like: Thank you for health, wealth, happiness, and peace of mind. and Thank you for my success in my business affairs and in my personal life. At the end of the day, offer up, Thank you

 God for a good nights rest. This simple effort will improve the quality of your life!!!

January 2013PROGRESS IS A MATTER OF BREAKING BLOCKS AND PUSHING BACK LIMITATIONS!by Al G Manning, CPA, DD(from YOUR GOLDEN KEY TO SUCCESS)Let's pause to consider the depth and completeness of the brainwashing we get from society in this life. The world renowned author, George Bernard Shaw, defined history as an agreed upon set of lies. If you have doubt about its validity, just imagine yourself reading a history book in Germany if Hitler had won his war.Fortunately not all people accept limitations blindly like sheep! Some of us loo

k upon them as challenges. What we call growth or progress always involves someform of pushing back limitations, whether on the personal national or global level. When my mother was a young girl, she was taught that nice girls never expose their ankles in public, and all the other Victorian inhibitions that went withit.Would you like to go back to those times when there were no bikinis, the icemanbrought the only means of refrigeration to your home, and most of what we consider necessities today didn't even exist? I doubt it! But 99% of people today still live in an emotional and psychic atmosphere that is far more primitive than the material world of the 1800's!The educational process as a whole (including what we "learn" in school, from our parents, friends, employers, etc) works to brainwash you into acceptance fo the 'normal' limitations of the period. How many "laws" and "facts" have you alrea

dy discarded along the way as the march of "progress" has changed the agreed upon set of lies to accommodate new conditions and situations. It is only as you begin to pinpoint the concepts which are limiting you now, and see them for what they are (part of the grand set of lies)-- that personal growth of any consequence becomes a serious possibility.LIGHTWORKERS: It is important to count your blessings, today and everyday. Whenyou give appreciation, it multiplies your good. And of course all of us want tomultiply our good. RIGHT? Sometimes we forget and focus on the downside. This produces the opposite effect which is to increase the negative. Oh well, it is easy to do when we reflect on the many challenges related to daily living-- wherever

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 we are on planet earth. AND for the maverick magicians-- we just have to say NO to NO! SO to start a bright new year let's dance & sing to Al Manning's versionof "76 Trombones" Keep a song in your heart and win: "76 neat Gnomes lead the big parade with 110 droll Trolls right behind. There's Pan & Puck & even Lady Luck, Nature Spirits of every shape and kind. 76 slim Sylphs greet the morning sun with 110 Undines marching tall. Salamanders, Gnu & Gronkydoddles, too join the fun that gaily fills the hall. 76 neat Gnomes bring prosperity with 110 Undines bringing love. I happily take my spot as the human of the lot and I know I'm blessed from above. 76 Cute Nymphs do the old CanCan with 110 bright Elves dancing, too. There is joy and Light as we dance throughout the night making magick that works for me & you." AL & SamiSELF HELP EXERCISE: Be the LIGHT and broadcast LOVE's HEALING ENERGIES to thosein need! POWER THE LIGHT with JOY as you remember a few of your pet fun songs and use them OFTEN. Make affirmations like this one:Let there be LONG LIFE with GOOD HEALTH and PROSPERITY for you and me and our ESP Laboratory. So mote it be!

December 2012A HOLIDAY GREETING FROM AL MANNINGOne of the original purposes of the ESP LAB was to prove the existence of life after death. Al Manning has visited many of us since he crossed over and recently, right after the recent 11-11 conference call, I found an email and letter from him. I share some of this as they were holiday greetings from Al, December 29, 2005 - Sami

No matter how one feels about the holiday season, this time of year is definitely full of special spiritual love and joy. I like to celebrate life with the Nature Spirits and all of our friendly ESP LAB Spirits at our ongoing Spirit Party 365 days a year, but this season still has a bit of a thrill to it, like a little kid wondering what Santa Claus is going to bring him if Rudolf doesn't get tooinebriated or what have you. But we should also paraphrase that oft repeated presidential challenge 'ASK NOT WHAT SPIRIT CAN DO FOR YOU, ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FORSPIRIT.'As we get more comfortable with our working partnership with Spirit we find more happy things we can do for our delightful Spirit Friends. A good part of it isto help uplift the spirits (double or triple entendre definitely intended) of the whole world-- sometimes on a one on one basis and other times uplifting wholegroups-- keeping in mind our motto adopted from Spirit: "If I can't have a good

time, Im not going." 'cause if you're not having a good time whose spirits do you think you can uplift???So let's play with an "uplift everybody's spirits" thank you thoughtform. The picture is of your Spirit Party in full swing with all of your ESP LAB and personal Spirits and Astral Al enjoying all measure of party fun. Pan hops up on a soap box and decrees: "I bring you not just glad tidings, I bring you comfort and joy NOW!" Then he turns a back flip, grabs Bast and leads off more dancing with Her. Hear a fun Spirit Chorus join in with, "There's joy and Light as we dance throughout the night, making magick that works for me and you." Feel the joy and enthusiasm overflowing from your aura to indeed uplift the spirits of those around you. Let this enhance your red light " work" and make you a joyous uplifter ofeverybody's spirits everywhere you go. You just might want to make a habit of using this on a regular daily basis. ENJOY and WIN!

Your Lab staff joins me in thanking you for the joy of our participation in your personal growth and progress as well as for your friendship and wonderful support of your Lab. Let's play at being ambassadors of Light, Love, and Joy as we stay happily about our glorious business of growing, playing, achieving, and winning ever more wonderfully together!In Light, Love, Fun, Success and Joy, - Al ManningSELF HELP EXERCISE: Be the healer-- Broadcast your LOVE HEALING ENERGIES to those in need! I send healing NOW to:A comment from Al on the Self Help Exercise: THE ONLY LIMIT TO PSYCHIC/SPIRITUAL HEALING IS YOUR OWN ACCEPTANCE-- Too many people think of the healing "miracles

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" as belonging to the time of the earth life of Jesus exclusively. But they have forgotten his challenge: "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do." Just as the man Jesus was accused of working with the Devil, so the spiritual/psychic healers of today aresubject to ridicule and harassment. But those who BELIEVE carry on the tradition of the Great Example, and act as channels for the healing energies that are asREAL today as they were 2,000 years ago! YOU ARE A CHANNEL FOR THE HEALING ENERGIES NOW. Isn't it time you started to use them? The only limit to the psychic/spiritual healing energy is your own belief and expectation.

November 2012The LIVING LIGHT is Real! by Sami Rosewith comments from Al ManningThe opportunity to turn to the LIGHT is available to all people regardless of nationality or religious point of view. This UNIVERSALITY of the LIGHT is one reason we have different faiths and denominations tuning into our ESP LAB fun spiritual perspectives.The BLUE LIGHT has long been an important part of my life, since I was 16 years old (for 46 years now), when I read that it was associated with Raphael, the divine Arch-angel of healing (whose name means "GOD HEALS" or "GOD HAS HEALED"). Raphael is part ofthe monotheistic traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Utilizing Blue Light Energy, I began the practice of "laying on of hands" at 16 and have kept up the practice ever since. I now focus primarily on long distance spiritual healing for our membership AND still with the pract

ice of the presence of the BLUE LIGHT!Here is a Blue LIGHT prayer/chant to be added to your meditation. Let it transform your life-- with the sparkling blue light of healing, protection, and success.HIGHER POWER SEND THE LIGHT TO MEHIGHER POWER SEND ELECTRIC BLUE TO MEHEAL MY BODY AND AFFAIRSBRING CREATIVE THOUGHTS TO BEARHIGHER POWER BRING THE LIGHT THAT SETS ME FREEYou can also power your chant with the Energy Transforming Personality of your choice just keep the rhythm you can alternate with MAMA ISIS or MADRE GRANDE or RAMA AGNI or God Almighty whatever feels good to you! Now let's see what Spirit andAl have to add in our:

SELF HELP EXERCISE: Keep up with three light meditations-- one upon arising, one as you go to bed, and the Lab's Blue Light-- Charge your aura fully with the BLUE LIGHT then declare: "I call upon the vibrant power of the BLUE LIGHT to openand purify my throat center now. I feel the creative-healing energy surging through my whole being, healing and perfecting my body and opening my mind to wonderful new creative urges and inspirations. I am charged with the BLUE LIGHT now and carry it with me always - to be used for the healing and upliftment of every person and creature I may contact." Broadcast your BLUE LIGHT to those in need! Be the healer!Some more blue light comments from Awesome Al to put into your consciousness asyour broadcast Blue Light!"Even without my conscious direction, this wonderful BLUE LIGHT bathes all those around me, and brings them all the healing and inspiration that they need. I thank you, most loving God, for the privilege of sharing

 your BLUE LIGHT. Then be willing to:share the BLUE LIGHT at all times."In "HELPING YOURSELF WITH ESP," I gave a rather detailed description of the process of healing by direction of the psychic/spiritual energy through the "layingon of hands." In those places where you can use the techniques you have evolvedfrom this or similar sources, by all means do so."But if your physical touch would be misinterpreted or cause resentment or ridicule, then send the LIGHT silently and with no outward indication of what you are doing. But USE IT. It's a perfect example of the fantastic value of sharing: THE MORE YOU GIVE, THE MORE YOU HAVE LEFT!"

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October 2012Today is a New Day! by Sami RoseOur founder Al Manning wanted an organization that was free from dogma so we could pursue new frontiers of spiritual and psychic exploration. Thus the ESP LAB was born. Of course in the broad spectrum of humanity there are as many perspectives on religion, God, and the nature of reality as there are human beings. Since the "religion" of ESP LAB is like that of the United States of America we celebrate the FREEDOM to choose our religious perspective. Of course each one of us is unique in our perspective just like everyone else! Al and I and the ESP LAB areeclectic which can be defined as "selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles." In the Lab, many of us are eclectic and others are Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Native Americans, proud pagans and followers of ancient perspectives. Let us move beyond the dogmas of individual religions and turn to the Universal Light in All with a meditationoffered by Al Manning:The Mystic Light is REAL and will help You. No need to worry about over-exposure or taking more than your share. There is abundance for all. We suggest you tune in on this powerful spiritual energy at least upon arising and at bedtime. Just sit quietly and picture yourself basking in a beam of bright white LIGHT, as if a searchlight were beaming down on you from the ceiling above your head. Let the wonderful energy bathe you for a few minutes, then affirm: "I accept the loving help of the Living Light. It flows into all areas of my life expression, making my path easy, healthy, prosperous, loving and meaningful. I promise myself and

 the Infinite to devote a significant part of the results of this help to promote my own spiritual growth and contribute to all the progress of mankind. I thank the INFINITE SOURCE OF ALL for this magnificent help."SELF HELP EXERCISE: As you turn to the ORANGE ILLUMINATING LIGHT, fill yourselfup with it. Let it fully charge your aura with Infinite COZMIC energies. Then send the energy out, through your solar plexus-- bringing you a personal connection to the INFINITE SOURCE of ALL and then to all Sparks of LIGHT everywhere! Celebrate your oneness with LIGHT!

September 2012The Seven Phases of Advancementby Michael Manning

What is the total process of human growth? What would occur in us if we were able to grow to the full extent of our potential? This article offers a schema of seven phases of advancement which describe not only our physical, emotional, andmental development, but also all the phases of Spiritual, Transcendental, and Divine unfolding that are potential in us, once we are mature in ordinary, human terms.In our natural state we have only Pure Feelings. These Pure Feelings include Love, reedom, Joy, Calmness, Relaxation, Peace, Aliveness, Happiness, Ecstasy, Openness, Connectedness, Intimacy, Bliss, Confidence, Strength, Fearlessness, Humor, Hope, Sharing, Serenity, Humility, Kindness, Benevolence, Friendship, Empathy, Generosity, Truth, Compassion, Faith, and Light. Unfortunately most of the time most of us are not in our natural state. This begs the question, how do we get to our natural state?

Humanity has been presented with many theoretical descriptions of human potential, often expressed in terms of stages. I am presenting here an overview of the potential in all human developmental structures, and what I believe is the Ultimate way to surpass human limitations and most importantly to achieve liberation.This model furnishes a structure that allows us to fully examine and rightly evaluate our spiritual and human growth as well as the mass of spiritual teaching and experience that informs our psyche. In other words, this framework permits us to go beyond the taboos and presumptions of conventional religious and secularculture in our consideration of human existence and our personal growth. It is thus a direct instrument for augmenting self-observation and self-understanding,

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both being necessary tools of a self-transcending approach to life.The seven phases can be viewed as a school offering seven courses about self transcendence, the essence of true spirituality. It is only after one has assumed full responsibility in a more ordinary level that higher spiritual processes canoccur.Structures of the Human BeingAs I wrote above, human life develops or evolves in seven phases. Just as the structures within an acorn suggest all of its potential phases of growth, from a seedling to a sapling to a mighty oak tree, there are structures intrinsic to the human being that determine the first six potential phases of human growth. Theseventh phase of advancement, however, goes entirely beyond these conditional human possibilities.These developmental structures are often defined in terms of three fundamental dimensions of life: gross, subtle, and causal. The gross aspect is simply the elemental physical body. Further up the ladder from the gross is the subtle, whichincludes both the personal life-energy (Dynamis, Chi, Ki, Life Force, whatever you want to call it) that pervades the physical and the dimensions of the psycheand mind. Further up the ladder still from both the gross and the subtle is thecausal aspect, the deepest root-structure of the conditional human being and ofattention itself. It is the core sense of existence as a separate "self".For more insight visit Michael's website at continued in the October issueEMAIL Michael: [email protected]

SELF HELP EXERCISE: Let's keep the GREEN ENERGIES of LOVE, GROWTH, JOY, and SUCCESS Flowing this month turning to these positive energies every time you start to feel down or discouraged FILL YOURSELF UP with the GREEN LIGHT then share it! Add the super effectiveness of the Yellow LIGHT and know it is filling your AURA with beneficial thoughts. KNOW you are good energy!

August 2012SCALE OF ENLIGHTENMENTby Michael ManningBy these definitions (as mentioned in the July newsletter) it is easy to see that awakening, enlightenment, sovereignty and liberation are all part of a scale of the broad term spiritual enlightenment. The next obvious and logical question

is how does one achieve liberation?Using Tools In the context of this article I am using tool to mean method or process.There are many tools available for personal development (sometimes called self improvement) and for spiritual growth, and it is important to use the right toolfor any given job. For example, if you wanted to dig a ten foot long, six foot deep, four foot wide trench, you would get much better results using a trencher than you would using a tooth pick. If you have a splinter, it would most likely be more appropriate to use tweezers than to have surgery.In particular, it is important to know what the purpose is for a given tool. For example, hypnosis, EFT, NLP, tapping, subliminal tapes and brain wave entrainment can be very effective to circumvent blocks in ones life, which under many circumstances can help one learn and grow (good for self improvement, but not necess

arily the best tool for spiritual development since these tools are not healingmodalities). Tools such as breath work, rebirthing, and Clearing can be very effective for emotional cleansing and can be an excellent start for passing through the stages towards liberation.What is on the Horizon. There are 7 stages of human development that relate to psychic / spiritual development and enlightenment that I will cover in much moredetail in up and coming articles. I will also be getting much deeper into liberation and how to achieve it.Article continued in the September issueEMAIL Michael: [email protected]

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SELF HELP EXERCISE: As you turn to the GREEN HEALING LIGHT, fill yourself up with it. Let it fully charge your aura with healing protective peaceful energies. Feel yourself become one with all the plants and green living things! Feel LOVE!Then send the energy out,.. through your heart chakra-- bringing healing, growth, love, oneness with nature, balance: first to you, then to those you love, then to your ESP LAB!Celebrate LOVE, GROWTH, SUCCESS!!DECLARE:LET THERE BE LOVE; LET THERE BE LIGHT! FOR YOU & ME & OUR ESP LABORATORY-- SO MOTE IT BE!

July 2012SCALE OF ENLIGHTENMENTby Michael ManningSomeone recently asked me what the difference between enlightenment, sovereignty and liberation is. I think this is a very good question worth giving some thought to. One of my first thoughts is that awakening, enlightenment, sovereignty and liberation are all part of the broader term Spiritual Enlightenment. I think itis useful to define each of these aspects of spiritual enlightenment.Defining Spiritual Enlightenment-- Enlightenment is often used to mean full comprehension of a situation, or having gained spiritual insight. Enlightenment canalso be construed as being a state of freedom from suffering, desire and ignorance. The term enlightenment has been broadly and loosely used to indicate the opening of ones eyes to a spiritual realm.It can also mean a greater spiritual understanding and appreciation, or a "deep" or lasting realization of the true nature of existence and of ones own Basic Nat

ure. The Japanese Buddhist term for this is Satori.Awakening is the start, first step, on the path towards liberation or Nirvana. It is not a permanent realization but a clear glimpse of the true nature of existence and of ones own Basic Nature. The Japanese Buddhist term for this is Kensho.Sovereignty is the state of being which occurs when a person is at the center of their universe, creating their own life, and operating from their own Basic Nature. Personal sovereignty is the state of full responsibility for ones existenceand the interactions they have with other Beings and the universe.Liberation or Nirvana is the perfect peace from a state of mind that is free from craving, anger and other afflictive states. This means that one is at peace with the world, has compassion for all and gives up obsessions and fixations.By these definitions it is easy to see that awakening, enlightenment, sovereignty and liberation are all part of a scale of the broad term spiritual enlightenme

nt. The next obvious and logical question is how does one achieve liberation?article continued in the August issueEMAIL Michael: [email protected] HELP EXERCISE: As you turn to the BLUE LIGHT, fill yourself up with it. Let it fully charge your aura with healing protective peaceful energies. Then sendthe energy out, through your throat chakra-- bringing healing, strength, love, creativity, balance, peace-- first to you, then to those you love, then to your ESP LAB!

June 2012SHAMBALLAH V by Michael ManningEMAIL: [email protected]

In the months to come, do as many healings, acts of kindness, or whatever it isyou can contribute from the heart, as needs to be done. Send WHITE LIGHT to ourworld, and consult, comfort and teach people about the new paradigm-- get them out of the old thought patterns, and support them to be on a new track to success in life. In the months to come, please remember: YOU ARE SPIRIT IN THE FLESH, NOT FLESH IN SPIRIT!!!! Your original state of being is a Spirit entity, so stayin that space and you will find your Godliness, stay focused and do what you can, we are almost there!Some of the best tools you can use to reverse negative thought patterns and energy are to focus on happy thoughts, good vibrations, good music, good movies, han

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ging out with good friends, a romantic evening with someone special, or embracing the joy of life itself.Your essence is that of Light. At your core is the essence of love, tranquilityand peace, the power to change, and the power to take action against stagnation, against apathy and hate. Remember who you truly are, and stay tuned to the LIGHT. If you have not read dads A New Light of Help for You course recently, now would be a GREAT time to do so. He always told people that this course is the best place to start, and it is an excellent foundation for all the work we do. (On ourLab website at or order through Lab HQ for aprinted copy.)Nine things you can do right now1) Be a good person.2) Read or review the A New Light of Help for You course.3) Tune in to the LIGHT at least 10 minutes every morning and every evening.4) Keep your chakras open (this will allow more LIGHT in)5) Do not judge others. Let go of hatred, greed, fear, resentments and all negativity.6) Do not complain.7) Think happy thoughts, listen to good music, watch good movies, enjoy time with good friends, and similar activities.8) When you see a problem, work towards a solution.9) Help people, but do not enable them.SELF HELP EXERCISE: Be gentle to yourself and to each other during the challenge of the Venus Retro for most of June! Try kindness and love for yourself and lov

ed ones. Avoid confrontations. With folks feeling more emotional and vulnerable, strive for understanding, peace and distance!

May 2012SHAMBALLAH IV by Michael ManningEMAIL: [email protected] are already super-consumers and we are maxed out, so the corporations are now looking at the 2 billion poor people on planet earth to turn them into buyers.Now this might end poverty (probably not), BUT it will ruin our planet for sure. In addition, the current global banking system is set up to be mathematically impossible to sustain.We cannot continue to do things in destructive ways. The old track will not take

 us where we want to go  no one on this planet will have success in the old system! We must create a new one. Many of the changes that need to happen will be difficult, but we can do this and in the end re-build our beautiful Mother Earth. We the people will do what is needed, and when the time comes, WE WILL WIN!!We must work together. We are one family within the ESP Laboratory, and it is now more important than ever that we stick together. I ask you to hold strong to your commitment to the path you have chosen. I know how much the ESP Laboratory has meant to this world and how much it will do so in the future!So what is the goal, what is the plan? Many believe now that we must create a NEW system that will slowly take over the old one. The old system cannot be changed or re-created  it has to go completely so that we can see the rise of the new paradigm. We as Light Workers are to hold the light! HOW? By staying in a positive state of being and not buying into any of the things that are going on in soci

ety that take away from a new way of life on our planet, the emerging new paradigm. There have been a few times in history we have been close to Shamballah, but greed, negative energy, and keeping much of the old paradigms led to disaster.I believe our priority is to occupy the future of the world with all new ways of being.If we first change ourselves, then we will see the rise of real and positive change in the world. If you live it, people will see that and they will also want to change. If you are holding on to the old ways, then those are the things people will see and in fact these will become the seeds that you are planting. Remember, it is all about energy, and the new paradigm is created by our minds first!

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SELF HELP EXERCISE: Hey there Maverick Magicians, get up off the couch, grab your magick wands (your connection to the Universal Forces of LIGHT) and be a Maverick Magician for the Merry Magickal Month of May. FOCUS ON THE POWER OF LOVE TOPROTECT AND HEAL YOU! Declare: "LET THERE BE: _____________" for that which youwish to manifest fully. For example: "LET THERE BE: Good fortune manifesting fully for you and me, so mote it be!Blessed be!

April 2012SHAMBALLAH III by Michael ManningEMAIL: [email protected] need to be helping each other to see our world,and our existence, in a better way. People in many places in the world today are speaking out and demonstrating against the way things are, like the Occupy Movement for change. But did thismovement really bring about a change for the better? It seems to me that littlewas accomplished because there was a very important piece missing. We can say that we will no longer tolerate a system that is no longer working, but bringing a solution to the problem is another thing altogether. Instead of bringing angerbased on fear and creating energy that does not accomplish the desired results,it is going to take action based on solutions to solve our present day crisis.As Light Workers we do have a better way to bring about this change, we do havea system that works, a system that can be used to show people how to live. So what lies ahead for us? The task in 2012 is to win the war against evil and in 2013 to bring in hope for humanity.

So what can we do? We can all pay close attention to our own judgments, complaints, and fears, especially during the coming year 2012. We can let our LIGHT shine and keep our heart and mind open, bringing more love and acceptance for humanity and all living things. We can pay close attention not only to the energies that are around us, but to the energies that we send out as well.Things are most likely not going to get easier before they get better. In the months to come we may see more conflict and more disasters hit Mother Earth and our world. We may see more financial crisis and the system may be showing more cracks, like a building that is about to crash down under its own weight. We have created a system that cannot sustain itself and it is inevitable that it will crash. You were called for a time of great change for our new world, and this would not be so if you were not able. Every one of us has our own uniqueness that completes what is needed for the task that is at hand.

Countries have based their economy on fuel that is polluting both our planet and our minds as it is also slowly disappearing on the planet, yet we still wage wars over it. Corporations, the true power in society today, have based their economy on continuously increasing sales.SELF HELP EXERCISE: Tune into all the PEACE WITHIN. Broadcast PEACE as much as possible throughout the month of APRIL.FILL YOURSELF WITH SPIRIT's PEACE AND SEND OUT THE POWER OF PEACE TO TOUCH THE LIVES OF OTHERS. ACCEPT & BE PEACE!

March 2012SHAMBALLAH II by Michael ManningEMAIL: [email protected] a business climate that takes the Highest Good of everyone concerned int

o consideration; the Highest Good is the standard for all transactions and business relationships; and the Highest Good and welfare of the Earth and her peopleis the number one priority in every business decision made; a time of peace andunity where all people work and play together in harmony regardless of age, sex, religion, or any other differences Sounds wonderful, doesnt it? The thing is I am sure GOD (Source, Great Spirit, or whatever you want to call it) has an even bigger and better vision than this for us. The obvious question for many is Then why is the world not more like this?The best answer that I have been able to come up with at my current level of understanding is that it is because we have free will and our Earth home is a conte

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sted planet. Many believe that so far Satan is winning  estimating Satan has between 80% and 98% control of Earth. Assuming this is in fact true, which I do subscribe to, I also believe it is fortunate for humanity that he has not won yet and the fight is not over.In these days we as Light Workers must keep our focus on the light and even though the signs are there for the end of days, we MUST bring HOPE to the people  that is what a LIGHT WORKER does! We ARE going to win this war. We can bring hope to the people and help them see the emerging paradigm, a much better world to live in.So what is getting in the way of this New Paradigm? I believe much of what feeds into the state our world is in today is a direct result of negative thoughts and emotions, such as anger, frustration, judgments, opinions, neglecting others,etc. I am not saying that our every thought and emotion is holding us back, after all, thoughts and emotions are a part of being human, but it is hurtful to ourselves and others to choose to participate or indulge in thoughts or emotions that have harmful effects and which emit negative energies. I think Dr. Joe Vitale summed this up well when he said: "The thing is, we have to let go of all blame, all attacking, all judging, to free our inner selves to attract what we say we want." Judgment, especially right and wrong, good and bad, may be the most destructive force on this planet, and it certainly feeds Satan. Even the act of complaining not only attracts whatever we are complaining about, but it also feeds Satan.I believe that in the days to come we will see and experience even more of thiskind of judgment, and it is these thoughts and words that have unfortunately bro

ught us to our present state. We need to be helping each other to see our world, and our existence, in a better way.SELF HELP EXERCISE: I believe that in the days to come we will see and experience even more of this kind of judgment, and it is these thoughts and words that have unfortunately brought us to our present state. We need to be helping each other to see our world, and our existence, in a better way.

February 2012SHAMBALLAH by Michael ManningEMAIL: [email protected], if not all, of us can imagine a better world than what we currently live in. Many of us are feeling or expressing a deep longing for a world that is in ma

ny ways much different than what we are experiencing these days.Im thinking of a wonderful song John Lennon wrote and sang called Imagine. You maybe familiar with some of the lyrics,  Imagine all the people, Living for today, Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, And no religion too, Imagine all the people, Living life in peace,You may say thatI'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, And theworld will be as one. Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people, Sharing all the world Throughout history there have been many who shared their dreams and visions of a better world. Take a moment and imagine with me Our Mother Earth in her Highest Light, all the waters, everywhere, are pure and clean; all the plants and animals are living their lives happily, healthfully, and joyfully; everyone is gratef

ul for the abundance they enjoy; the skies are true blue and clear; all manmadeclouds are a thing of the past; and every breath we breathe is sweet, vibrant, and life supporting; the land is pristine and pulsating with life; the trees areradiant and beautiful, the farms and gardens flourish with fruits and foods of all kinds in all places; the animals, both wild and domestic, are respected and guaranteed to live their days in peace and safety; the people are honoring and caring for one another in every land, in every home, in every way; and Mother Earth, herself, is tended to like a garden; her beauty is celebrated always; her beaches, her deserts, her pastures and prairies, her meadows and mountaintops are sacred to all who walk there; and her Highest Good is considered and honored. Ima

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gine a world where the competitiveness in business is gone and has been replaced by a caring for one another; where no one profits at the expense of another; and where all exchanges of energy and resources are WIN-WIN, equally beneficent to all parties involved.Imagine a trust formed among all peoples because conducting business is now a safe, honorable, and loving experience where everyone helps each other and wants only for all parties to be happy, where employers, everywhere, treat their employees with courtesy, equality, and respect; and employees loving the work that they do and working with ethics and integrity.(continued in our March ESP LAB Newsletter)SELF HELP EXERCISE:Tune into all the LOVE WITHIN. Broadcast LOVE as much as possible throughout the month of February. LOVE your self ESPecially!

January 2012HOW I LEARNED TO PRAY FOR MANIFESTATION!By Sami Merlyn RoseWhen I was a young child there was no prayer in my household in Mineral Wells, Texas. My mama was a Southern Baptist who had married a Yankee Catholic and so they agreed never to discuss religion. Then I turned five and my parents told me that I had a loving Father God-- as my mother converted to Catholicism (for the children and to rebel against her dis-approving father). We went from never discussing religion to saying the rosary on our knees every night! I liked going to church and seeing the lighted candles on the altar and was told that the lighted

candle meant that God was home. I felt comforted knowing I had a loving Father God and a Holy Guardian Angel.My mom told me that I could pray to God and that He listens and then answers prayers. I thought this was a really cool idea. One day I asked my mom if I could have a puppy. She told me NO that I was too young. I decided to take it up with God. My first prayer was, "Please GOD, I need a puppy really bad!" Next Sunday there were abandoned puppies in the culvert in front of the church And of course Idanced around telling everyone how God had answered my prayers, as my mother cursed silently under her breath, while her friends told her that she could not destroy the child's faith. Thus began my faith in God that is my loving Divine Father and the reality of prayer.Twenty years later I was swimming way out to sea in San Diego-- and got caught in a rip tide. I kept getting pushed under the waves and started to scream and ye

ll for help. As I started to drown I yelled 'Oh God help me!" as my feet landedon the sand and someone swam up and offered me their flipper. What do these twoprayers-- of the five year old child who wanted a puppy and the 25 year old swimmer wanting his life-- have in common?1) both prayers had passion!2) both prayers were short and clear!3) both prayers were spoken!4) both prayers were true desires.5) both prayers were sincere, with Spiritual Invocation!This is a formula for prayers tune in deeply to the LIGHT, form your desire simply and clearly, and RELEASE with GUSTO to the DIVINE! Be Thankful! Accept! Be Blessed!SELF HELP EXERCISE:

A HEALING CHANT by Al ManningTraditionally you hold your palms down over the water to help direct vital energy as you chant:

Spirits of life and health I askRenew my body for its tasks.Make me strong and full of glee.My hearty thanks I give to thee.

You can chant over your glass of water in the evening and then again in the morn

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ing and drink it down.

December 2011A Heart Chakra Meditationby Michael ManningHave you noticed that meditation on the heart chakra causes an opening of the heart, and an increase in the ability to love and to attract love into one's life? There is no instruction booklet for loving. It is not something you "learn" how to do, nor is it a habit you can develop if you try hard enough. Love is much more fundamental than any kind of thinking or believing. Stress (and all the behaviors that go with it) is one way these feelings of separation manifest. Stressis only possible when the world is viewed as hostile, when we want "what is" tobe different than it is. As long as we are letting "what is" be whatever it is and are not attached to it being something different, we cannot be stressed. Formost people this is much easier said than done.One of the first things that people experience during their early weeks of meditation on the heart chakra is that things which bothered them and triggered anger, fear, depression or some other suffering state don't seem to bother them as much or even at all. This doesn't mean we can't act to change things to relieve suffering but it does mean we become less and less attached to our outline, we don't have to suffer if the outcome is different from what we thought we wanted itto be. Outcomes we were addicted to become simple preferences. This not only saves us a lot of pain but because we are acting to create change from a centered and calm place, we become more effective in actually making something happen inst

ead of just venting and spinning our wheels.Remarkably, the more we meditate the more we see the world in terms of the oneness and connectedness of all things and the less we see it as a place of tension, opposition and danger. When this happens our true nature as loving and compassionate beings naturally shines forthwithout any change in beliefs or any kind of intellectual changes. So don't be surprised if you become less reactive, less stressed and more loving to yourselfand to others as you meditate and use the Lab programs. They really do little more than uncover who you really are from under the various layers of illusions or separation you may have "learned.' The Lab helps take the dust off the mirror of your soul, one day at a time so you can more readily reflect the Light of theLove that makes up everything that exists. And if you have that, what more could you possibly need?SELF HELP EXERCISE:

Focus on your heart chakra until you feel it responding. Then send the Green Light and love to one of your adversaries. Do this for only one adversary per meditation. This will be great Practice" for the times you really need it. Whenever you are in conflict with someone, immediately focus on your heart chakra and send Green Light and Love to them. You will be amazed at the great results. And it works to improve your family's loving relationships, too.

November 2011COUNTING YOUR BLESSINGSCounting your blessings is an awesome way to move beyond focusing on your problems. And as our good buddy Al Manning used to say, "what you give your attentionmultiplies". So let's multiply the blessings by counting them. Start with anything that floats your boat like a blue sky day, a bird flying, a flower, a fall lea

f, another breath, another day of life, friends, fun, nature, and the many aspects of good in our lives. Then give thanks, "Thank you Al & Pan with Abraxas andBast, thanks Ishtar, Puck, Thoth, and ISIS, thanks Marduk, Nergal, RA-- good things are coming our way. Then count the blessings again as they roll in through the open door of your acceptance! SamiSELF HELP EXERCISE:RETURN TO THE GARDEN WITHIN-- As you turn within, seek your inner Garden that place of Sanctuary where nothing from the outside world can touch you. Be blessed with communion from your Higher Self, and encourage your beauty-full garden to prevail within and without! Know that as you return to your inner garden again and

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 again-- each time you are filled with peace, love, joy, strength and knowledge. Enter and be blessed!

October 2011LIGHT FOR YOU from Al Manning's course:A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOUCONTACTING THE INFINITY AT THE CENTER OF YOUR OWN HEARTYour sustained use of the attunement exercise (Our Monthly LIGHT meditation), coupled with your expressed desire for deeper experience of the LIGHT, provides the attraction for the special, personal response from the LIGHT SOURCE ITSELF. The center of your being, and point of perfect balance, is the Heart Center (not to be confused with the physical heart -- you may transplant a physical heart but never a Heart Center). And at that point of Infinity within your Heart Center,there glows a LIGHT which is the same LIGHT that responds to your call from theoutside.You can plug into the LIGHT by reaching up outside yourself as we have regularly done, or by plugging into the Divine Dynamo in your Heart Center. The whole system of attunement exercises, etc. will work equally well from "either" source of power. But consider the effect on YOU when we complete a Divine Circuit using "both" LIGHT SOURCES in series, with YOU as the basic conductor! Obviously finite imagination could never do it justice. So in good Zen fashion, let's set out to EXPERIENCE it together.OPENING THE TREASURE HOUSE WITHIN. Each successive use of the LIGHT exercise adds a brick to your building of mystic attainment. The complete oneness is more an

d more real until you have no remaining concept of separation. Now you have attained the ability to open the treasure house of divine inspiration within your own being. That spark of Infinity within you is in intimate contact with the accumulated knowledge and wisdom of the ages, and your oneness with it is the key which opens it all to you. And there's more! Any desire that still looks wholesomeand good to you while you're in the state of oneness can become literally a lawof the Universe -- you have but to express it properly and IT IS SO. Let's go back to the moment after you complete the Divine Circuit exercise and pick up ourprocedure. I find it delicious just to sit and bask in the oneness for a few minutes (time is of no meaning here), but if you have a question or problem that needs a touch of Infinite Assistance, why not let the Cosmic Computer solve it while you bask? The trick here is very like the problem a scientist or engineer has with using an earthly computer. You must understand its language and prepare a

"program" that tells the computer exactly what you want it to do. If you feed an erroneous or mistake ridden program to the earthly machine, it will make a protesting noise and/or light up its "tilt button." The response from the Cosmic Computer is much the same -- you will get a sensation of uneasiness, or perhaps a warning voice in your ear. So make a clear requestSELF HELP EXERCISE:Contact the LIGHT SOURCE itself within and without you.Take a good true wish and tell it to manifest & it is so!


The whole Christian tradition is steeped in the psychic, as are Judaism, Buddhism, Vedanta, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Shintoism, Taoism and all mankind's paths toGod. You can be sure that ESP development or psychic unfoldment has intensely practical advantages whether you choose to strive all the way to the ultimate mystic experience or settle for merely moving the decimal point over a cipher or two in your weekly income. What ever you want out of life is attainable through the practical application of ESP!From the practical viewpoint, increased ESP is synonymous with increased AWARENESS, which is the natural path to increased effectiveness. Imagine the simple ability to sense the degree sincerity, and accurately know the motivation of every

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person you contact. You would be a great deal more effective, and much safer from deception of all kinds. Now take the idea one step farther and imagine the changes for good in a world where all men's intentions and sincerity were knowingly sensed by all others. There would be no more crime, but even more important, no more back biting or false friendships. Each individual would automatically be drawn to these people with whom they have the greatest compatibility, and a new era of true peace on Earth and goodwill toward men would be ushered in. This won't be completely achieved in our lifetime, but YOU will contribute much toward the progress of the species by developing these abilities in YOURSELF, and you'llbe doing the most for your personal well being in the process. Let's get at it!SELF HELP EXERCISE: LET INDIGO LIGHT OPEN YOUR BROW CENTER:AFTER our monthly light meditation declare:"I direct the special energy of the INDIGO LIGHT to open and purify my brow center. This force pours into the center, sweeping away any blocks to my psychic development and greatly increases my overall AWARENESS now. It perfects my communication with the higher psychic realms, bringing me into better attunement with my spirit Teachers and Helpers. Thus Iam guided to my own personal paths of growth and service, and I dedicate this increasing ability to the effort for the highest good for all mankind. I give special thanks for this entrance into the new dimensions of life through the INDIGOLIGHT."Then continue to sit quietly with all your attention focused at your brow center, but with your awareness keen and alert for the greeting that is sure to come from "the other side." It's a good idea to have pencil and paper along when you use this exercise -- write down the fresh ideas and bits of inspiration as they come to you.

August 20112011 LAMMAS for ESP LAB®by Linda Savage, PhDAugust 2nd is Lammas (meaning loaf-mass), the celebration of the beginning of the three traditional harvest festivals (along with September 21st and November 1st). The Celts called this time Lughnasadh (pronounced loo-na-sa), Native Americans called it the Green Corn Festival and in Slavic Regions it is called the feast of the Big Glad Woman. In Peru there is a Corn Parade and in India, a cotton festival honors Cotton Mother. The great Bull Dancing of Minoan Crete and of Bardic Wales occurred at this time.Primarily a feast of joyful thanksgiving, it is the time of year that Mother Earth gives birth to her first fruits so that her children might live through the w

inter. Although Lammas is now dated August 2nd, an ancient traditional date wasAugust 6th when the astrological sign of Leo is positioned at 15 degrees. EarlyAugust is also called The Dog Days, not so much for the heat as many believe, but because the Dog Star, Sirius becomes visible in the sky.Ancient tribes met to share news, trade goods, settle arguments, play games to show off their skills and most importantly, to court and arrange marriages. Bread baked from the first grains is one of the most universal symbols and virtuallyevery culture honored a Grain Goddess (Corn Grandmother, Ceres, Demeter, Freya,Isis and Ziva to name a few.)In Stone Age cultures, tribes gathered at hill sites, such as Silbury Hill in Somerset, England (a 130 ft. high human made mound) to be with the Goddess as sheneared her time of giving birth. Her labor was thought to begin at the full moon. In Ireland, farming communities still gather at hundreds of traditional hillto

p sites to set up craft fairs, feast, play games and dance. It is called Big Sunday and the first fruits of the harvest are eaten at a ceremonial meal.You might choose to create a ritual to honor the day such as: Forgiving Past Debts and Rededicating Yourself to Personal Dreams; Rekindling Passion and Purpose; Expressing Gratitude for Your Many[email protected])SELF HELP EXERCISE:Open yourself to receive JOY this month-- remember that laughter is a light attunement that chases away the darkness, brightens your aura, and has health benefits. Strive towards a positive mental attitude of Love, Laughter and Illumination

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. Change the channel on negative emotionalism, doubt, worry, and self pity to thoughts of a more cosmic nature. Count your blessings instead. Turn to spiritually uplifting literature. Find affirmations to replace negations-- God is my Source. God is LOVE and so am I. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I AM Love & LIGHT!

July 2011LIGHT FOR YOUfrom Al Manning's course A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOUYOU ARE A CHANNEL FOR THE HEALING ENERGIES NOW. Isn't it time you started to use them?THE ELECTRIC BLUE LIGHT OF HEALING (Part II)We won't be silly enough to say that you need never "die." That would be like condemning you to remain in the second grade of school forever! But until it becomes your time to move along to the next classroom, there is no reason to be sick, crippled, or physically restricted in any way. More than that, IT'S YOUR DUTY as a student of the LIGHT to reach out for healing for yourself and your loved ones and thus DEMONSTRATE THAT THE POWER OF THE LIVING LIGHT IS AS REAL TODAY AS IT WAS 2,000 YEARS AGO! In each of my first three books, I included a "Table of Mental Poisons and Their Symptoms." We won't waste space by repeating it here, but the basic ideas are of utmost importance to your physical health and general will being. Our negative emotions - guilt, fear, envy, resentment, anger, greed,hate, frustration, pessimism, cynicism, and their blood brothers - are the thieves who sneak in and rob us of our good health, our prosperity, our harmonious re

lations with the environment, and even our confidence in the God of LIGHT. Now its time to use the basic attunement exercise adjusted to the BLUE LIGHT. Followyour regular procedure, using the BLUE LIGHT, and close with an affirmation like: "I call upon the vibrant power of the BLUE LIGHT to open and purify my throatcenter now. I feel the creative-healing energy surging through my whole being, healing and perfecting my body and opening my mind to wonderful new creative urges and inspirations. I am charged with the BLUE LIGHT now and carry it with me always - to be used for the healing and upliftment of every person and creature Imay contact. Even without my conscious direction, this wonderful BLUE LIGHT bathes all those around me, and brings them all the healing and inspiration that they need. I thank you, most loving God, for the privilege of sharing your BLUE LIGHT."June 2011

Summer Solsticeby Linda Savage, PhDJune 21st is a powerful time: in the Northern Hemisphere it is the Summer Solstice, (below the equator it is Winter Solstice). Also known as Midsummer, it is one of the eight great spokes on the Celtic wheel of the seasons. The Solstice (meaning sun stands still) is universally recognized in all cultures as an important turning pointit is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Sunenergy is at its peak and we feel the primal creative force of the Sun God. It is also the time when the Mother Goddess is pregnant and will give birth at Lammas (August 2nd) with her abundant harvest.The Druids' celebrated the Midsummer as the wedding of Heaven and Earth: the Great Marriage (Hieros Gamos in Greek) of The Lord and The Lady, and the union of Yin and Yang. The moon around Midsummer is called the "Honey Moon" for the mead m

ade from fermented honey that was served at wedding ceremonies. I think of thiscelestial phenomenon as one of the best times to celebrate love in all its forms. I suggest you repeat this affirmation often: I choose to focus on love in each moment. This might mean choosing the most loving action, or choosing to see the very best in friends, family, business associates and your Beloved. Most importantly, at any given moment, choose to love yourself when you are feeling less than perfect.Midsummers Eve is one of the three important spirit nights of the year; the other two are Beltane (May Day) and Samhain (Halloween). When the veils are thinnestbetween the worlds, we can communicate with the spirit world more easily. Since

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we are especially close to our spirit guides and ancestors during these times, pay attention to the messages you receive and if you feel so moved, send the Labyour feedback, we love to hear from you.Linda Savage, Ph.D. can be reached at [email protected] follow her Huffington Post blogs at HELP EXERCISE:The Hindu Master Sri Sathya Sai BABA (who left his physical body behind last Easter Sunday) indicated: Summer Solstice is the day of the year for maximum spiritual growth opportunity. So-- for the period leading up to, during and followingSummer Solstice make an extra effort to TUNE INTO THE LIGHT, and spiritually evolve!May 2011LIGHT FOR YOUfrom Al Manning's A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOUThe power of the BLUE LIGHT is infinite! IT WILL WORK FOR YOU - to bring healing to yourself or anyone in need, and to bring true creativity into your every undertaking. You may not feel inclined to practice as a healer, but you owe it to yourself to develop the ability to call in the BLUE LIGHT whenever you sense a need for it.THE ELECTRIC BLUE LIGHT OF HEALING (Part I) Too many people think of the healing "miracles" as belonging to the time of the earth life of Jesus exclusively. But they have forgotten his challenge: "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do."Just as the man Jesus was accused of working with the Devil, so the spiritual/psychic healers of t

oday are subject to ridicule and harassment. But those who BELIEVE carry on thetradition of the Great Example, and act as channels for the healing energies that are as REAL today as they were 2,000 years ago! YOU ARE A CHANNEL FOR THE HEALING ENERGIES NOW. Isn't it time you started to use them?The electric like nature of the healing energy explains its relationship to thecolor Blue, and ties into our concept of the psychic centers and the rainbow. The throat center is the bottom member of the upper group of three, and corresponds to the root center in the lower group. Just as the root center is concerned with procreation and the basic material energies, so the throat center is concerned with re-creation or healing, and the higher creative activities like art, music, poetry, mathematics, advanced engineering and inspirational writing.SPIRIT POWERs ENHANCE COLOR MAGICK-- by SamiThe LIGHT is UNIVERSAL and there for you, by many names. ISIS for example symbol

izes the White LIGHTwhich includes the RAINBOW of all the colors. However you don't have to call upon ISIS or DIANA or any of the Moon Mother Names to access the Rainbow LIGHT as it is available to all races, nationalities, and each one of us-- independent of what we may call it. However, in my view with a personal relationship with ETP's (Energy Transforming Personalities) one can enhance a connection to the Universal Power in each color.Today we focus on the wonderful energy available in the BLUE RAY. Blue is the color of the sky and the oceans and represents INFINITY. This center is located in the throat CHAKRA. In Al's ISHTAR MAGICK the Blue point of the power star is represented by MARDUK the ancient Babylonian Sky God. ZUES (which is Greek for BRIGHT SKY) is the Greek name for the SKY FATHER. Other powers that operate on theBlue Ray of Healing, Peace, Infinity, Creation and Strength are: Jupiter, Raphael (Arch Angel of Healing), Shiva, Athena, Thor, & Blue SKY FATHER. Tune in and C

elebrate the BLUE LIGHT OF FREEDOM!!(Blue Light of Healing Series Continues in July issue)April 2011LIGHT FOR YOUfrom Al Manning's A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOUWe will maintain our perspective only if we continually harken back to the concept that YOU are a SPIRIT using a mind as one of your tools to manifest effectively through a physical body.HOW TO USE THE ORANGE LIGHT TO INCREASE YOUR MENTAL EFFECTIVENESSThere is simple paradox to all mental work. To be truly effective, the mind must

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 be relaxed and quiet, yet acutely alert. People often find themselves falling asleep when they first begin exercises to control their minds. If this happens to you, don't be discouraged. Just tell yourself you are learning to relax your mind first, then you will be able to bring it to new peaks of alertness. Use the ORANGE LIGHT to lift your mind to new levels of awareness and ability. We will use the basic LIGHT exercise to further enhance your ability to both observe and think. Begin by preparing yourself with the breathing exercise. Then start the exercise itself by making your regular attunement with the WHITE LIGHT. Enjoy thedelicious feeling of basking in IT, while it washes away the cares of the day. Now slowly let the LIGHT change to a brilliant ORANGE color. Feel the ORANGE LIGHT bathing your whole being with soothing, quickening energy.SPIRIT POWER ENHANCES COLOR MAGICK  by Sami The Druids believed that "All gods are one God." A god is a supernatural being, who controls some part of the universe or some aspect of life-- or is the personification of some energy force. The word "god" is another name for a spirit power personality, and originally was either male or female. The word god later was capitalized to mean the ONE GOD. Each god is an aspect of the Universal Source of All, or God. ABRAXAS is the Greek word for 365. This number represents each "god of the days," with each day of the year having a different god or ruling power personality.ABRAXAS is the Ruler of the gods of the days and represents that Supreme Power Personality that we can know. Al referred to ABRAXAS as the highest, strongest and most spiritual energy on our planet, and compared Him to older concepts of the Planetary Logos-- as well as the Power Personality for organization and the 9th Chakra. Notables like Herman Hesse and Carl Jung referred to ABRAXAS as the Sup

reme Being. I consider ABRAXAS to be that aspect of divinity that acts as the Central Manager for God's affairs, reachable and approachable. Early Gnostics gotinto trouble with the Established Order as they insisted that both Jehovah and Jesus were "emanations of ABRAXAS." This led to the persecution of the Gnostics and the destruction of much of the Gnostic writings. Really they were just saying that the gods or spirit power personalities came from the Central Source.In the ESP LAB our Merry Spirit Band is made up of ETP's (Energy Transforming Personalities-- another name for gods, deities or devas, also known as benevolentsupernatural beings) that can bring each color to life. Al used ETP's from all religions in his spiritual affairs like RAMA the Hindu demon slayer or AGNI the ancient name for FIRE. Al's use of ancient powers in a new way has been most effective. Today we focus on the ORANGE ray: RA is named in Al's ISHTAR MAGICK series as the oRAnge RAy Energy Transforming Personality. Other ancient personalities

that can be utilized to invoke the ORANGE light of love, growth, supply and Illumination are: ELOI, ELOHIM, ADONOI, HELIOS, HORUS, SURYA, APOLLO, SOL, and THE SUPREME LIGHT. Calling upon these ancient power names activates the color ray potencies and energies. The spleen chakra is the center for the ORANGE LIGHT OF ILLUMINATION!Self Help Exercise:Combat the Mercury Retro Confusion and enhance your April ORANGE Light meditation: Play the scales up your spine with the ORANGE LIGHT and feel new alertness and relaxed awareness flowing throughout your being. Close with an affirmation like this: "I direct the special energy of the ORANGE LIGHT to quicken and renew my mind. It adjusts this wonderful tool, making it sharper, clearer thinking, andinfinitely more effective. I unite in spirit with the ORANGE LIGHT now, and letit wash away any thought patterns that are less than good for me. And it opens m

y way to mental and spiritual growth beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you Heavenly Father, for the gift of LIGHT."March 2011THE LIVING LIGHT IS REAL(based on A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOU by Al Manning)We all remember the legend of the "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." That's a gross understatement! The secrets of life itself are wrapped up in that rainbow, whether it is produced in Nature, or by passing sunlight through a prism in the laboratoryThe true Sun Worshippers of Ancient Egypt understood the meaning of LIGHT and co

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lor. To them the Sun was a symbol of the givingness of the Life Energy, and itsradiations provided all the necessities of balanced growth. The "inner circle" in the temples practiced healing through balancing LIGHT in the human aura. Theypracticed "astral travel," and understood the principles of reincarnation.The exact location of the psychic centers in the physical body will vary from individual to individual. But YOUR centers will locate themselves for you as you simply mentally direct the focused WHITE LIGHT to each one in its turn. Generally the lower five centers are just in front of the physical spine in the areas ofthe corresponding physical organsGREEN AS THE MIDDLE COLOR OF THE RAINBOW-- THE POINT OF BALANCE AND PEACE The Psalmist gives us a delicious feeling of PEACE with his words of green pastures and still waters. The color of lush vegetation always brings us an aura of peace,comfort and opulence. And this is no accident! Peace is to be found at the point of balance, the center of gravity, the midpoint.SPIRIT POWER TO ENHANCE YOUR COLOR MAGICK-- Our Merry Spirit Band is made up ofETP's (Energy Transforming Personalities) that bring each color to life.Today we focus on the GREEN ray: Osiris, ancient Lord of LIFE, DEATH, NATURE, Barley & Beer-- was mentioned in Al's ISHTAR MAGICK series as the GREEN Energy Transforming Personality. When Al moved to Texas he liked PAN for the GREEN ray. Other ancient personalities that can be utilized to invoke the GREEN light of love, growth and nature are: Hiawatha, Ezmarelda, and OSTARA. The heart is the center for the GREEN LIGHT OF LOVE!SELF HELP EXERCISE: Tune in to the LIVING Power of the LIGHT. Do your RAinbow Chakra Meditations often-- daily if possible UP the "serpent" channels of your spin

e-- Using RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET, AND WHITE LIGHTS. Then FEEL your love light shine in your heart and broadcast the green energy to all living things in oneness and celebrationFebruary 2011THE LIVING LIGHT IS REALby Al Manning (a series on the LIVING RAINBOW within you)The unbelievable power of the laser has become an accepted part of modern life.Forms of this special kind of LIGHT are being used for delicate eye operations,to cut or weld-- to drill holes in diamonds, and even to produce 3 dimensional pictures; and its potential has hardly been tapped yet! Because it is "coherent," that is, because all the waves are in phase and "working together," a laser beam is a force infinitely more powerful and effective than ordinary light.Similarly, the LIVING LIGHT can be infinitely more effective in YOUR life than n

ormal prayer or even "metaphysical treatment." The purpose of these lessons is to introduce you to the LIVING LIGHT, show you how to contact it, and then teachyou to USE IT to transform your life into a magnificent panorama of success, unfoldment, health and happiness. Just like the laser, THE LIVING LIGHT will work for anyone who uses it according to its own laws!SPIRIT POWER TO ENHANCE YOUR COLOR MAGICK Our Merry Spirit Band is made up of ETF's (Energy Transforming Personalities) that bring each color to life.Today we focus on the red ray Nergal (rhymes with gurgle) focuses the bright red energy associated with the Martian influences into your aura through your root chakra, the psychic center located at the base of your spine. Yes, this is the seat of thesex drive, but it also brings us our physical vitality and that special attractiveness to other beings most often called animal magnetism. This is your most potent power for manifestations of a purely physical nature and must be present in

useful form to attract the opportunity and where-with-all of any material accomplishment. As you learn to bring in larger portions of this energy, you will notice that all people and animals tend to treat you with greater interest and respect than before. A blockage of the normal flow through this center will manifestin your life as lethargy, that run-down feeling, or an "unexplainable lack of ability to influence other people positively."Let's see what our FUN Friends of Nergal, Pan, ISHTAR PUCK, and ISIS have to add in this month's SELF HELP EXERCISE:Tune in to the LIVING Power of the LIGHT. Do your RAinbow Chakra Meditations beginning with the RED root chakra. Use the Nergal point to get things done, and be

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more energetic & attractive to others. Balance the vitality of the RED energy with the GREEN LIGHT of LOVE (at the heart center chakra) as you tune into our GREEN LIGHT monthly meditation.Editorial Archive from the original site. 

ESP Lab ®P. O. Box 2883DuRAngo, Colorado 81302-2883Phone: 970-462-4065EMail Sami ! 

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