Page 1: From father · The dates for volunteers to prepare and serve are: 1/18 2/15 3/15 3/29 ... prophets, the shepherds, and sheep

January 2015


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I suggest that thinking about a New

Year as a New Beginning could be very

life giving. Even though our bodies

might be a bit more tired than usual

because of the holi(y)days, don’t you

feel a bit more enthusiasm about

moving ahead into new possibilities?

Fresh ideas and a fresh focus do have

the capacity to energize us. That in

itself is a good reason to celebrate the

New Year but it’s also why we tend to

become reflective and engage in

resolution-making! We want to better

ourselves! We want to do better! We

want to live better lives!

Once again, a New Year has dawned.

[I think this is the very first year I

missed the ball / peach (depending on

your reference point) drop. Somehow,

I didn’t wake up with any regrets!] In

this New Year, I ask how will I change

in the coming weeks and months? How

might the world change? Will anything

change? What achievable goals will

bring about the changes in me and in

others that I’d like to see?

When I think about what I might like

to see for all of us, I envision a kinder,



At Emmanuel Episcopal Church, we strive to provide people the opportunity for growth in their faith through our mutual love, respect and acceptance of one another.

gentler world. A place where people

are built up, cared for and encouraged.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we

decided to set some faith goals —

some very achievable actions that

would serve to help us draw closer to

the Lord and to God’s people?

The gospel continues to challenge us to

examine how we live. I have heard

recently that “we are called to be a

Culture of Encounter.” We have

become far less relational in the past

good number of years. People are

often too busy seeking career

recognition, pursuing their own plans

and entertaining themselves, to see,

really see, the faces of the people in

their lives.

Mother Teresa is always a sound

person to quote. She once said, “We

think sometimes that poverty is only

being hungry, naked and homeless.

The poverty of being unwanted,

unloved, unnoticed and uncared for

is the greatest kind of poverty. We

must start in our own homes to

remedy this kind of poverty.”

It’s not that there isn’t lots of talking

noise around us. There’s lots of

communicating. Parents are laying

down the rules. Spouses are sharing

information about the grocery list,

bosses tell employees of the work that

needs to be done and “friends” share

everything on Facebook! However,

there is not a lot of “communion,” of

real inter-connecting going on. We are

not looking at one another. We are not

seeing the need in the person we meet.

As far as spiritual resolutions go, in this

New Year, maybe we can look at one

another with spiritual eyes, seeing the

goodness God has placed there. Maybe

we can strive to see what the other sees

and hear what the other hears.

This is holy ground. We are standing

on holy ground my friends, bearing the

seeds of new relationships and deeper

understanding, as we stand together

before our God.

May the God of new beginnings bless

us with the grace of spiritual eyes to see

beneath the surface of every life and

open our hearts to reach out in trust

and love.

In his love,

Robert +

Page 2: From father · The dates for volunteers to prepare and serve are: 1/18 2/15 3/15 3/29 ... prophets, the shepherds, and sheep

News from the Narthex

Bigger Vision

Winter Homeless Shelter

An Opportunity to Serve

On any given night during the past year,

there were over 400 individuals and

families experiencing homelessness in

Athens-Clarke County. Despite the efforts

of many organizations, over 200 families

were left without a bed during the

night. Bigger Vision was established in

1998 as a response to the needs of the

homeless in Athens. This shelter dedicates

its services to sheltering those individuals

who lack permanent housing. Their

mission is to provide the individual who is

temporarily homeless a warm, dry place to

sleep each night on a first-come, first-

served basis.

Emmanuel has signed up to prepare a

meal for 40 individuals for several Sunday

nights in 2015. If you would like to be a

part of a cooking team, deliver the meal

and/or serve the guests, please sign up to

volunteer. The sign-up sheets are in the


For more information, see Merry Reetz


The dates for volunteers to prepare and

serve are:





For more details, see the sign up boards in

the narthex. Please sign up to help.

The Adult Faith Formation Committee offers programs of spiritual enrichment that explore Holy

Scripture, Anglican tradition, and Church history to deepen personal faith, strengthen community, and share the Gospel. Adult Formation

meets in the Westminster room,

downstairs in the Formation Building.

Please join us for these offerings in


January 11 and 18: An Introduction

to Centering Prayer presented by Rev.

Tom Camp. This introduction to

centering prayer, presented over two

consecutive Sundays, will consider the

central spiritual discipline of deep

prayer that was practiced by the

Desert Mothers and Fathers of our

faith and has been recovered by

contemporary people seeking a more

intimate consciousness of God’s

abiding Presence. In these two sessions

we will discuss the process of

Adult Formation for


Centering Prayer and its

neurobiogical and spiritual effects, as

well as experience it. Rev. Camp is a

Centering Prayer practicioner and

teacher who serves as spiritual guide

and pastoral psychotherapist with the

Samaritan Center for Counseling and

Wellness, a ministry co-sponsored by

Emmanuel Church, in Athens.

January 25 and February 1: Br.

Brian Paul Freese, OP will present

for discussion, Dr. Diarmaid

MacCulloch’s A History of Christianity

- Protestantism: The Evangelical

Explosion. In this, the fifth DVD in the

series, MacCulloch examines the

growth of evangelical Protestantism

across the globe as a driving force for

social justice and an emotional

relationship with God. The growth of

Protestant faith in America, across

Africa, and into Asia will be

explored. Finally the prosperity

Gospel as an evolution of

Protestantism will be compared and

contrasted with earlier


Bishop Wright and the Emmanuel Congregation

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‘ Twas the day of the Christmas

Pageant and all through our


members were hard at work to

produce a pageant to cherish.

Scott Rowell checked the sound

while Erwin Greene hung the


Director Melanie was connecting

cords under the stage...What a


Lori Tiller and Beth Shaw made

sure their instruments were in


while Kerry Hogan carefully

checked each and every


Then what to our wondering

eyes did appear,

but every little cast member that

we hold so dear!

Miss Erika rehearsed with her

dancers once more


They spun and they twirled with

grace ‘cross the floor.

Then from the kitchen there arose

such a clatter...

the Holy Cookers were whipping

up their chocolate cake batter!

Having been checked twice was

our reservation list,

guests poured in by the dozen

and checked in with Father Chris.

Our youth members were

prepped and busy, and oh! so


They started out by serving hot

wassail by the cupful.

Miss Georgia then gathered the

cast for a calm moment to share.

The group held hands while she

offered a prayer.

She thanked God for the

prophets, the shepherds, and

sheep donned in wool.

She remembered the narrators,

the musicians, and the cast in


Then when thanking God for the

precious little angels-to-be,

one of them exclaimed in an

audible whisper, “That’s Me!”

So hand-in-hand, our cast

slowly did trod

and they presented the story to

the Glory of God.

Brightest Blessings!

Georgia Collier

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News from the Narthex

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It is my pleasure to introduce to you the recipient of this year’s Faithful Servant Award. Although I want to save her name until the end of my introduction, I know you will guess quickly who she is because she is the epitome of faithful service in so many ways and in so many places. She tries not to draw attention to herself but you have no doubt observed her in action and likely have been on the receiving end of one of her many kindnesses. She came to Emmanuel when Shooter was just a child. Emmanuel was a haven for her during a difficult period….but she quickly became part of the community and went to work. She has served on the vestry twice, and has represented Emmanuel at many Diocesan Council meetings. She has overseen Pastoral Care, and Christian Formation – and when she hasn’t been in charge, she has served on committees to develop programs. She serves faithfully on the Altar Guild, as a lay reader, and a Lay Eucharistic Minister. When there is a need, she steps in – to read, to serve as an acolyte or a lay minister, to lead a Forum, even to provide a reflection on scripture at a service. She’s well prepared to do these things, having completed the four year course of Education for Ministry, regularly attending Bible Study, and nearly every Forum that has been presented. She helps faithfully with IHN. And if Sam knew that she had played the organ in her church as a teenager, we would likely see her doing that as well! She serves behind the scenes as well. When a family’s life is interrupted by illness or death, she is the first one at the door with dinner….combining presence with tangible help. And she continues helping, as long as the need exists.

Perhaps the most notable service is her years of care, friendship and guidance of the Karen families in our congregation. She takes them to the doctor and stays to help them both understand the situation that took them there. She attends parent-teacher conferences with the mothers. She tutors the young mothers in English (at 8 in the morning, when they are just home from work). She enrolled the children in a summer camp in town, found people to help with tuition, and every day made lunches for them and drove them there. She stays after church with them so that the children can participate in the children’s choir. This fall she found a Taekwondo class for one… drives him there and celebrates his enthusiasm for the sport.

They are family! She celebrates their birthdays and holidays with them. She was an honored mother at a Karen Mother’s Day celebration. It might seem that all her time is spent at Emmanuel – but during the time she is not here, she reads weekly for Learning Ally (Recording for the Blind), weekly delivers Meals on Wheels, and tutors a young man in math. There are former students who call when there is a crisis, because they know she will help in any way she can. When she commits to something she stays committed: to her service, her church, and to us, the lucky ones, her friends. The recipient of this year’s Faithful Servant Award is Anne Brightwell! Diane Wahlers

Anne brightwell


Page 6: From father · The dates for volunteers to prepare and serve are: 1/18 2/15 3/15 3/29 ... prophets, the shepherds, and sheep

News from the Narthex


Episcopa l You th Con n ect ion

Chi l i Mast er piece Lock-in


Join us f or t h is year l y t r adi t ion! Th is year coming at you excl usivel y in Lock-in f or m.

Br ing a Pound of hambur ger , an apr on, paj amas and j oin us f or t h is even ing of cr eat ivi t y! We wi l l cook ch i l i al l

even ing on t he 24 and t hen sel l i t t he f ol l owing mor n ing.

Mark your Calendars

New Beginnings at Camp Mikell

February 6th - 8th

All 6th through 9th Grade students

This opportunity is exactly for you!

A Thought for Epiphany

Be you.

What is the greatest gift you can offer to Christ

in this season of light and manifestation?

How might this gift bring you greater life?

Youth Led Worship

January 11





Contact Kim if you are

interested in leading.

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This is Emmanuel’s Service schedule & Faith Formation schedule; only additions and exceptions are listed on the calendar below:

Wednesdays: 5:30 pm Healing Service & Eucharist, Chapel

Saturdays: 5:30 pm Holy Eucharist Rite II, Chapel

Sundays: 8:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite I, Church; 9:15 am Faith Formation for Children & Youth; 9:30 am Adult Formation, Westminster, and 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3

Church office closed

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Noon: Natural Spirituality, Library 4:00: EFM, Library 5:00: Epiphany Feast, Common Room

10:00 Bible Study, Coventry

10:00 Natural Spirituality, Library 7:30 Al-Anon, old music suite

7:15 Emmanuel Choir Rehearsal

6:30 pm Stephen Ministry, old music suite

Vestry Retreat Vestry Retreat

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Vestry Retreat Noon: Natural Spirituality, Library 2:00: Club 456 4:00: EFM, Library

10:00 Bible Study, Coventry

10:00 Natural Spirituality, Library 7:30 Al-Anon, old music suite

7:15 Emmanuel Choir Rehearsal

11:00: Eucharist at Lanier Gardens

4:45: Daughters of the King

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Noon: Natural Spirituality, Library 4:00: EFM, Library

Church office closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

10:00 Natural Spirituality, Library 7:30 Al-Anon, old music suite

7:15: Emmanuel Choir Rehearsal

11:30: Caregivers Support, Library 6:30: Stephen Ministry, old music suite

4:00: Chili

Masterpiece Lock-in

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Noon: Natural Spirituality, Library 4:00: EFM, Library

10:00 Bible Study, Coventry

10:00 Natural Spirituality, Library 7:30 Al-Anon, old music suite

4:45: Daughters of the King

Living in Gratitude Giving in Gratitude

If you haven’t yet turned in a pledge card for 2015, it is not too late. Cards are available from Melissa in the parish office. Or you may make your pledge online on a secure page on the Emmanuel website. Go to and click on Online Donation.

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News from the Narthex

2014 Annual meeting

Notes from the Rector’s Reflections at the meeting: This is the 171st year of the existence of the Emmanuel parish; in four more years we will have our 175th anniversary, our Dodransbicentennial or Demisemiseptcentennial, literally one-half (demi-) x one-half (semi-) x seven (sept-) x 100 years (centennial). We need to begin thinking about how we will celebrate this important moment in our life together. Ours is a healthy church. We continue to baptize, marry, welcome those who come through our doors, pray, and pray folks into the next phase of their lives with the Lord. Our programs and ministries continue to flourish and expand. Any growth that occurs does so only because of the energy and passion that is alive in our hearts. We are growing into our mission: “We strive to honor God and to nurture the spirit by ministering to God’s people.” We have said that is who we are. We are clearly called to join Christ in seeking out, inviting, and accompanying on their journeys all He sends to us—not merely those who come to us—by going out and doing. To recreate and grow as a community and to pass on the gift of faith we have inherited with our baptisms are the catalysts for making all things new in Christ. We are at a crossroads and all are invited to leave behind the comfort of going forward in the old and familiar ways. It is impossible to grow and change and have everything remain the same. God is forever challenging us to recognize that Christ is always inviting us to more and to greater things. We have much for which to be thankful and proud. Our expansion has been a blessing already by allowing us to do so many things in the new spaces. The ability to trust, to share the goodness, and to be as generous as possible truly transforms a community of faith, not just in our own space, but in all the spaces that surround us. Our former Music Building will be transformed into a center where programs of physical and emotional healing can take place. Creating a new nursery space closer to our place of worship is already being developed in that building. Robert +

January Birthdays

1 Gerald Arscott, Helen

Harber, Joy Rentz, Parker


2 Mary Greene

3 Blue Wood

4 Steffney Thompson, Lauren


5 Trip Thompson III, Tillman

Surratt, Leni Domenick

6 Jerry Sullivan, Mackinlee


7 Will Hardman, Stephani


8 William Rockwell

9 Leslie de Haseth, Kearne


10 Janie Bush, Scott Cook

11 Jud Doherty, Katherine


12 Sylvia Pannell, Ansley

Connelly, Ndidiamake Lisa


13 Beegee Elder, Charlie


14 Tom McNeely

15 Beth Estes, Addy Rentz

16 Tess Murray

17 Ann Cabaniss, Roger

Lange, Anoushka Alexander

18 Norm Wood, Lisa Pee,

Graham Dodson

20 Patrick Cline, Charles


21 Sharon Rockholt, Jeff Stortz

22 Sally Peters, Debra Lassiter,

Allison Doherty, Emily Doherty

24 Sunil Alexander, Kathryn


25 Jane Amos

25 Taylor White

26 Chinnamma Thomas, Terrie

Seward, Michael Brewer

28 Catherine Cofer

31 Nathaniel Hudgens

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Emmanuel Day School News Registration for the 2015-16 School Year

“Inspiring young children to form a lifelong love of learning”

Our small class size and low student teacher ratio mean individualized attention for your child.

Our 3 ½ -hour day includes lunch and 45 minutes of outside play on one of our two playgrounds.

Tuition includes a weekly music and yoga class.

We follow the guidelines of the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Save the date to join us for our Open House on Thursday January 15th at 10:00 a.m. or schedule a private tour by emailing [email protected]. For more information, visit our page on the church website or LIKE us on Facebook at

Registration for the 2015-2016 school year will begin on January 26th for members of Emmanuel Church.

Amy Wraga, Director

EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL CHURCH THRIFT HOUSE The retail space for our Thrift House is under construction! Our new facility at 540 Prince Avenue is going to delight our customers and be a beautiful place to minister to our community. It is important to remember our mission: The Emmanuel Episcopal Church Thrift House is a ministry that supports multiple service agencies in our community through the sales of good used clothing and other items. How can you become a part of this important service? There are two ways to help get this ministry off to a great re-start! One is by donating clothes and items for us to sell. The second is to sign up to serve as a volunteer. Donations: Please start going through your closets and cupboards. There may be items you no longer use that will be treasured by others. We will announce when we are accepting donations. Until then, please examine what you no longer use and put aside items to donate to the Thrift House. Volunteers: We need volunteers! If you are interested in giving three hours a month (or

more, if you like) to this important and vital ministry, please contact Sue Holt

([email protected]) or Debra Harden ([email protected]). The responsibilities of

volunteers are to assist the store manager by:

Greeting and helping customers.

Circulating and keeping merchandise hung on racks and placed on shelves.

Accepting donations, filling out donor tax forms, and sorting articles.

Sizing, tagging, and hanging clothes accessories in appropriate areas.

Bagging items not appropriate for the Thrift House for donation to other organizations or trash collection.

This is an exciting time to be a part of this wonderful tradition and ministry! Join and serve our community!

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News from the narthex January 2015

Baptisms William Judson Doherty

child of Judson Philip and Sarah Jane Doherty

Kathryn Alysse Brown child of

David Vandiver and Kathryn Ann Thomas Brown

Isabel Noel Marks child of

Daniel Robert and Melissa Mackenzie Marks

Transitions to Emmanuel LaVerne Marshall

from Trinity Episcopal Church

West Virginia

Gregory and Margaret McIntyre from

St. Anthony’s Episcopal Church Winder Georgia

Gary and Sharon Davis from

St. Matthias Episcopal Church Toccoa Georgia

Emmanuel episcopal church

498 Prince Avenue

Athens, GA 30601

The Vestry

Shooter Roberts, Senior


Sarah Ehlers

Phil Bettendorf

Brian Freese

Clara Herrin

Weyman Johnson

Roger Lange

Naomi Norman

Crysty Odom

Brooke Stortz

Diane Wahlers

Erik Wells







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