
Gutters are essential to weatherproofing a home because without them, roofs and exterior siding may fail sooner when water is not directed away properly when it rains. There are different gutter systems to choose from but all will require proper installation to perform their best.


A contractor knows the process by heart as their reputation (and their life!) depends on it, but for many homeowners installing a gutter is a mystery. An average installation usually lasts anywhere from 6 to 8 hours so it is wise to start a project early.

Contractors typically equip their technicians with the following tools:

• Hacksaw • Nut Drill or Driver for screws • Pop-rivet gun • Aviation snips • Chalk line • Electric drill (with at least a 4-inch hole saw)

• 12-inch miter saw • Ratchet wrench • Drill bits (assorted) • Needlenose pliers • Tape measure • Ladders



1. Contractors start with evaluating a project, meeting with you for an in-home consultation to determine exactly what you need. This will include inspecting fascias and soffits to ensure that they are in good condition before the installation.

2. After taking all the needed measurements, a contractor will now prepare all the materials called for by the gutter installation project, including cutting gutters according to size on-site (if you opted for a seamless gutter system).

3. Up next is the actual installation of your gutter system. Gutters are attached to brackets, mounted in place to secure them along the edge of the roof.

4. To protect your home’s fascia and soffit, flashing will also be added under the roof. After your gutter system is installed, sealant will be applied on all connections, joints and seams to offer added protection against water leaks.


Like many home improvement projects, gutter installation is best left to professionals so you can enjoy expert quality and protection from untoward incidents. Since you’ll be relegating the job to a local contractor, you’ll also free up time in your schedule that you can then devote to things important to you.

- - - - - -Gutters are built to be tough but they will wear out eventually. Learn more about the various threats that gutter systems face so you’ll know what to watch for.


According to the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, gutters can last anywhere from 20 to 50 years with proper care. Throughout this time, gutter systems face many threats that test their capacity to protect the properties they are installed on from the damaging effects of excessive rainwater. Gutters are made to be durable but you can help lengthen their lifespans by avoiding common threats that can lead to premature damage.

Some of these threats include:


As a common household tool, ladders are used for a number of tasks that require going up to a height. Gutters may be tough but they are not built to support weight that’s why leaning ladders on your gutter system should be avoided as much as possible. A lot of the time homeowners lean ladders on gutters as they repair or clean the latter, not realizing that they’re doing more harm than good in the long run. Avoid dings, dents and even accidental separation of gutter sections by not leaning ladders on gutters.


Ice dams are mostly caused by poor roofing ventilation that cause ice to build up after snow repeatedly melts and freezes. As ice forms on roof overhangs, the buildup can also extend towards gutters. Ice is heavy so a buildup can cause a portion of the roof, including the gutter to collapse.


- - - - - -Understanding the kinds of threats gutters are up against is great because it shows you what you should be watching out for in an effort to make the most out of your gutters. For more on how to care for gutters, head on over to Part 3 of this e-book series.


Given the location gutters are in, they are prime spots for accumulating debris flying around. Dirt, dried leaves, and small twigs that find themselves up on gutters can block the flow of water, leading to clogs that can result in leaks when it rains. Sometimes, gutters can also break and collapse when there’s just too much water for them to handle. To help prevent clogs from forming, you can use gutter covers.


Heavy rains threaten gutters in a number of ways but typically though, storm damage manifests in two ways: as torrential downpours that surpass the capacity of gutters and as structural damage brought about by tree branches and other heavy objects falling on gutters. You can avoid the latter by routinely trimming trees around your home.


Essentially, gutters are created to lead water runoff from the roof away from the house, preventing dirt from splashing on your exterior walls and keeping soil erosion around your home’s foundation at bay. Gutter systems endure so much throughout the year that it is important to take care of them if you want them to stay in good condition for another 10 or 20 years.

Caring for Your Gutters

There may be particular maintenance tasks that a gutter manufacturer will require so it’s best to check if any will apply to your gutters. Generally though, gutters will perform well when regularly cleaned and inspected.

Scheduling routine cleaning for your gutters will help prevent clogs but it’s best done before the rains come to give you time to clear out debris. Fortunately, cleaning gutters around twice a year will suffice and you don’t need elaborate tools to carry out the task. If you don’t want to be bothered with cleaning your gutters, consider getting gutter covers.

Regularly giving your gutters a once-over is a simple way to catch small problems before they worsen. To simulate rainfall, you can direct a stream of water from a hose to see if your gutter has leaks. For a more thorough check-up, don’t hesitate to give your local contractor a call.


Getting a Replacement

You can think of getting a replacement as either simply replacing worn-out gutters with the exact same system you had or making the switch to another brand, style, or type. But as your old one has failed, it would be a good idea to consider the latter since that gives you the opportunity to use a better gutter system for your home.

When choosing a replacement, factor in what will offer you the most durability as your gutters will have to withstand the elements as they work alongside your roof. Don’t forget to take into consideration costs as well. It’s always a good thing to save but zooming in on the cheapest option is not always the best way to go. Keep in mind that the right gutter replacement for you is one that will help you strike a balance between your wants and needs.



1243 Tom Ginnever AvenueO’Fallon, MO 63366

(636) 200-6600

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