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November 2015

From IoT to IoTA

A look at technology in support of IoT Analytics and the value they provide NonStop

November 2015

Today’s Speakers

•  40+ years in the IT industry, working with companies like Tandem, Insession and GoldenGate

•  7 years as a director on the board of NonStop ITUG, including 2 years as chairman

•  2 years as a director on the board of IBM SHARE

•  Co-founder of Pyalla Technologies

•  33+ years at Tandem, Compaq, HP and ���Hewlett Packard Enterprise

•  Master Technologist Enterprise Solutions and Architecture team - Americas

•  Speaker XLDB Conference Stanford, SoTec, Metropolitian Solutions Conference and TUG/EBC

•  Connection Magazine contributor•  HPE Mission-critical blogger

November 2015

Information from the Internet of Things:

1027 This will be our digital ���universe tomorrow…


1024 This is our digital universe today ���

= 250 trillion of DVDs

Yottabyte 1021 1.3 ZB of network traffic ���by 2016


1 EB of data is created on the internet each day = 250 million DVDs worth of information.The proposed Square Kilometer Array telescope will generated an EB of data per day



Terabyte500TB of new data per day are ingested in Facebook databases

1015 PetabyteThe CERN Large Hadron Collider ���generates 1PB per second

Today data scientist uses Yottabytes to describe how much data exists in the digital universe.

In the near future, Brontobyte will be the measurement to describe the type of sensor data that will be generated from the IoT (Internet of Things)




Machine-generated data is a key driver in the growth���of the world’s data – which is projected to increase ���15x by 2020 (representing 40% of the digital universe)

November 2015

IoT Summary

November 2015

What are ‘Things’?


November 2015

A Closer Look

November 2015

Personal IoT

Group IoT

Community IoT

Industrial IoT

Use Cases

November 2015

Big Data Affects All Industries Sensor data from a cross-country flight

2,499,841,200 TB

20 TB20 terabytes of information per engine every hour

6six-hour, cross-country flight from New York to Los Angeles

2twin-engine Boeing 737

days in a year

36528,537# of commercial flights in the sky in the United States on any given day.

(About 2 ½ Zettabytes but who’s counting…?)

How do we Harness Big Data?

§  Getting a handle on data and it’s value

§  How do we leverage data that will help speed up and improve decision making, and reduce enterprise risk?

Big Data���Business

ValueAnalytics ���Actionable���

InsightsWhat decision-making processes and analytic techniques should be applied to the Volume, Velocity and Variety of Big Data?

November 2015

Potential Use Cases for Big Data Analytics

November 2015

Linux NonStop VerticaAutonomy���IDOL

Streams to Lake ETL






Ingest Decide Passthru

Real-time Analytics


Stock Feed







November 2015

Pyalla Technologies - blogs and commentaries

November 2015

IT strategy and business strategy are no longer separate

Meg Whitman, President and CEO of the newly forming enterprise business (HPE) recently referenced a report that said IT strategy and business strategy are no longer separate, they have become inseparable. She went on to say that most CEOs she talks to see the exact same thing - every business is a technology business today.

Connect ConvergeFall 2015

“The Persistently Changing Face ���of Data Security”

November 2015

November 2, 2015: Transforming Business!

"Every company, whether it is a small company or a big company, is having to take their legacy IT systems and transform themselves so that IT can be a competitive advantage. How do you turn an idea into a reality in warp speed?" ������"We are uniquely positioned to help companies do that because we have hardware, software and services, and we are focusing around a small number of problems that are really important to customers."

November 2015

Strategy: Idea Economy

“Our strategy will focus on helping customers transform to what we call the new ‘Idea Economy,’ the environment in which ubiquitous access to technology and digital connections provides the opportunity to turn ideas into business value faster than at any time in history …”

Our strategy is comprised of four key areas:•  Transform to a hybrid infrastructure to power

the apps that run your business •  Protect your digital enterprise •  Empower a data-driven organization•  Enable workplace productivity and superior

customer experiences

November 2015

HPE Priorities: Empower a data-driven organization

HPE is providing the solutions that help customers gain the business insights that they need to anticipate risk and find opportunities in their market. Data is coming from all over. It is coming from unstructured data, structured data, machine data and businesses need to decide where to put that data and then most importantly, how to get the insights

Empower a data-driven organization (to) gain the business insights

Joe Androlowicz���Senior Product Manager ���

HPE Security – Data Security organization

What's Happening Today?

Enterprises aren’t getting ���value out of Big Data ���investments:

Data dumped into data lakes ���with no organization/filtering

By the time it’s processed/analyzed, it’s too late; ���can't integrate database change into Big Data

Big Data and ETL are designed for batch processingIncreasing business need to address issues while you can affect the outcome.

November 2015

Yes, data is in the driving seat!

“By the end of the decade,

more than 200 billion objects

should be online …”

Data is in the driver’s seat. ���It’s there, it’s useful and valuable, even hip!

New York Times [Lohr]

Carl Claunch ���Gartner VP

November 2015

And yes, Data is big news!

November 2015

And yes, it’s just the beginning!

And this is before the arrival of ���the Internet of Things

November 2015

Internet of Things (IoT)

November 2015

IoT Analytics

Brings 100x Value of Data

November 2015

Data Streams: Analysis before store

Analysis using data streams is a fundamentally different approach than data lakes. Rather than diverting the flow to store

and then analyze, with streams, analysis occurs as the information is flowing in real- or near-real time.

November 2015

Data Streams: Non-Traditional Capture/Process/Store

Data Streams

November 2015

Data Streams: Input to OLTP

Filter/ Analyze���as part of Cloud / IoT���


Pass on���Qualified ���data only

Stream Analysis

Transaction Processing

November 2015

Data Streams: Value

“The primary value in this approach is that information can be accessed quickly and insights can be gleaned in a rapid fashion.”���

“Given the dynamic nature of the current environment for enterprises, it is often imperative that anomaly information or real time trends can be understood quickly so that appropriate action can be taken before they significantly impact service or revenue.”

November 2015

IBM: Big Data Success Stories

“The way I see it, we are on the mountain top with a vista of opportunity ahead. We have the capacity to understand; to see patterns unfolding in real time across multiple complex systems; to model possible outcomes; and to take actions that produce greater economic growth and societal progress.” Rob Thomas Vice President Business Development IBM

November 2015

Hertz: Leveraging IoTA

Brings 100x Value of Data

Improving speed and accuracy of processing customer feedback: ���The Internet and new social media technologies have made consumers more connected, empowered and demanding. The average online user is three times more likely to trust peer opinions over retailer advertising.

November 2015

Hertz: Tapping Social Data

Using a series of linguistic rules, the system categorizes comments received via

email and online with descriptive terms, such as Vehicle Cleanliness, Staff Courtesy and Mechanical Issues.

Linguistic rules automatically analyze and tag unstructured content into meaningful service reporting categories.������Automated tagging increased report consistency … and roughly doubled what the managers had achieved manually.

November 2015

SAS: Understanding Data Streams in IoT

Organizations are (or will soon be) scrambling to apply

analytics to these streams of data before the data is stored for

post-event analysis. ���Why? ���

Because you need to detect patterns and anomalies while they are occurring, in motion, in order to have a considerable impact on the event outcome.

November 2015

SAS: Retailers can leverage …

Retailers need to optimize the shopping experience in order to

increase revenue and market share. For example, sensors are being

used to detect in-store behavior. ������

That streaming data is being analyzed, along with other store

information (like inventory, social media chatter and online-shop user profiles), to send customized and

personal offers while the purchase decision is underway.

November 2015

SAS: Event Stream Processing (ESP)

Processing event stream data, although a core consideration, isn’t sufficient to empower real-time decision making. Streaming data must include analytical power to understand patterns that provide distinctive value …

Real-time predictive and optimized operations

November 2015

Striim Solution

Striim was architected from the ground up for the speed and scale you need to leverage IoT data.������Capture and stream data from thousands of devices in parallel using our lightweight agent architecturePerform streaming root-cause analysis by processing metrics from disparate devices���Identify equipment and device failuresPerform streaming forecasting on IoT data and alert when thresholds are surpassed …

Use Case: Zero Data Loss Monitoring

Within seconds, verifies that every transaction committed on the source is also committed on the target; identifies missing transactions ���

Shows lag time between all targets and data replication tracking table; alerts on transactions not committed in defined timeframe���

Scales to handle growing numbers of transactions and users

Streaming Integration and Intelligence


Results Store�Analyze� Predict �

Combine�Search �

Streaming CDC �

Batch Data Extraction �

Database/ Transactions

Streaming CDC �

Batch Data Extraction �

Log files


Message Queues

Continuous Event Collection�

Big Data


Databases/ Data Warehouses

Message Queues


Continuous Event Collection�

External/Historical Context�








Correlation �

Filtering �

Enrichment �Aggregation �

Transformation �




e D











Correlation �


November 2015

HPE NonStop: Pertinent Data requires Focus

In the real-time IT world systems, platforms, operating systems, middleware and applications are all providing updates about their operational status … mix in other systems and it becomes noise!

A constant barrage of data makes tracking the performance of an application difficult; who can tell whether basic SLA metrics are being met? 

November 2015

HPE NonStop: “Owns” Transactions Processing

NonStop owns a niche – the all-important real time ���mission-critical applications …

… and yet, must participate in IoTA in order to retain ���ownership of this niche!

November 2015

Thank You

Richard Buckle Pyalla Technologies, LLC 1.720.289.5372 [email protected]


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