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From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 1: Dec 2009

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Welcome to the 1st Edition of “From the Cave”

Since the beginning of the Arena tour, I’ve been thinking to have a journal for our tour. I could not find the time for it and after being very annoying to Isabel with that project, she decided to do it!

You’ve probably seen what was done on other tours or what we had before with “The Amazon Wing” (that was the name of the journal for Alegria in Big Top). As you can see, the new name is more appropriate to our own reality (you know how excited I get when we have windows in the Road Management office!).

We will have our “From the Cave” once per leg. Everybody is welcome to participate. We are inviting you to share your stories, photos, funny quotes or ideas. Don’t censure yourself, well… until a certain point; we want that journal to reflect the good, enthusiastic and energetic spirit of this special tour.

I want to thanks the editors, Isabel, Ken, Alan, Edouard and Pedro and also everybody who support them and answer their questions for that Christmas Special Edition.

And watch out, you never know what can come “From the Cave”.


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From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 1: Dec 2009

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From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 1: Dec 2009

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Diogo, Portugal

On the 24th of December, we have supper with the family. The main dish is codfish. At 10 pm we got to the mass. At midnight we open the gifts and then go party with friends. On the 25th, we usually have a special lunch with the family with Turkey as the main dish.

Alex, Denmark

On the 24th, we have dinner with the family; we usually eat duck or pork. We have a tradition of eating rice pudding with red berry’s sauce and whoever finds the nut in their plate win a gift. We sing Christmas songs and open the gifts after dinner.

Stephie, Belgium

On the 24th, the family gets together. We play games like mimics, open gifts and for dinner we eat toast with smoked salmon, meat with fruits, potato croquets and drink Champaign.

Oleksiy, Ukraine

We have dinner on the 24th with the close family, and at midnight, we watch the President speech on television. After, there are fireworks, we celebrate by drinking Champaign. The special dish is Salat Olivier, made with ham, potato, pickles, pepper, eggs and other ingredients.

Micah, USA

On the 24th, we celebrate with a barbeque. All relatives come and each family is responsible for bringing a dish. Someone dresses as Santa Klaus and the kids get their gifts. On the 25th, we usually drive around the neighborhood giving cookies to the people we know.

Baaska and Gana, Mongolia

Christmas is not celebrated in Mongolia; it is just a normal day. Instead, we celebrate New Year’s with our family. We have supper together, drink Champaign and exchange gifts.

Malika, Switzerland

On the 24th, we have supper with the family and on the 25th, there is a big family get together for lunch. We eat special Swiss cheese and for desert we have Bûche de Noël (Yule Log). On the Christmas tree we usually put real candles and some sparkling candles. We play games and usually the kids do a presentation.

Jon, UK

On the 25th, all relatives have lunch together. We eat turkey with potatoes, mince pie and Christmas pudding, and exchange gifts. On the 24th at night we usually got to the church for the midnight mass.

Evgueni, Russia

We celebrate on the night of the 6th of January. We go to the church and after have dinner with the family and exchange gifts.

Lisa, Australia

On the 24th, before going to sleep, we leave carrots for the reindeer and milk and cookies for Santa’s assistants. On the 25th we have lunch with our relatives. We eat seafood, turkey and other meats on a barbeque meal and have Christmas pudding in the afternoon. Since it is summer time in Australia, we usually go swimming at the beach.

Mitko, Bulgaria

On the night of the 24th, we have dinner with the closest relatives. On the 25th usually we celebrate with the big family, get together for lunch, drink and talk.

Zaloa, Spain

On the 24th, we have supper with the whole family, usually seafood and “pata negra” ham. On the 25th, we have a special lunch. Most of the families open their gifts on the 6th of January.

Lidia, Poland

On the 24th, we have supper with all the relatives; usually we have 12 dishes representing the 12 apostolic. No red meat. On the 25th we usually have red met for lunch.

Hanna, Belarus

We usually have supper with the family on the 24th, and after go to a bar with friends. Our special dish is Salat Olivier and we drink Champaign. We usually open the gifts on the following morning.

Elodie, France

We usually have a big lunch on the 25th with all relatives; we eat foie gras, turkey and salmon. For desert we usually have Bûche de Noël.

Isabel, Brazil

We have supper on the 24th; the main dish is turkey or codfish, rice with dry fruits and apple pure. For desert we usually have a kind of French toast. After, we usually go out to party with friends. On the 25th we have lunch with all relatives.

Ken, Canada

We celebrate Christmas Eve by having a nice turkey dinner with the family and friends and afterward go the church. On the morning of the 25th, we open the presents.

Amanda, New Zealand

On the 25th of December we usually do a barbeque outside or a picnic on the beach with the family. On the 26th, we usually hang out with friends. For Christmas we eat a traditional desert called “pavlova” made out with meringue, kiwi and strawberry. Another tradition is to watch a cricket game.

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From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 1: Dec 2009

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A – B

ridgeport, B – Providence, C

– Albany, D

– Halifax, E - State C

ollege, F - Ham


We drink 14 gallons (53 litters) of Vitamin D Milk and 300 cans of Coca-Cola a week

Wardrobe does in average 17 loads of laundry a day


A - Alegria got the key of the city from the Major hands?

B - There was fire on the river?

C - We had a cake with the shape of a penis?

D - Diogo found a mouse in his hotel room?

E - The Road Management office had a bath tub?

F - We had free drinks at the hotel every evening?

Alegria consumes in average 60 pineapples a week, 70 pounds (32 kilos) of mixed nuts and 225 chickens!

Each truck on tour has done

5,000 kilometers (3,100 miles)

from the beginning of the

3rd leg to Worcester, and consumed in average 2,500

litters (660 gallons) of diesel

per month. We use 10 bottles of ketchup per week

Ask a Technician

Have you ever wondered how springs are in the powertrack and how long they take to all get it?

Are you curious as to what holds everything up in the air and how it all gets up there?

Did you every wonder how does a microphone work?

Well here is your chance, drop a letter in the "Ask a Technician" Box located next to the mailboxes or

send an email to

[email protected].

I don't have all of the answers, but I will find someone who does. There are no stupid questions, and if you're afraid it might sound that way feel free to make your question anonymous. All questions answered, and the best ones will be featured in the next issue of "From the Cave".

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From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 1: Dec 2009

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From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 1: Dec 2009

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“THE CAVES – leg 3”

Montreal, Bell Center Worcester, DCU Center

Hampton, Hampton Coliseum Augusta, James Brown Arena

Greenville, Bi-Lo Center London, Labatt Center

(Thanks Alan !)

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