Page 1: From the Editor’s · members about the Joint Installation Ceremony of the 4 Rotaract Clubs jointly held on February
Page 2: From the Editor’s · members about the Joint Installation Ceremony of the 4 Rotaract Clubs jointly held on February

Next Week’s Program

Venue: Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel,

Kawran Bazaar, Dhaka

Date: 08 March 2016

Time: 5:30 pm

Program: TBA

DHAKA ROTARY NEWS ISSUE 33> VOLUME 79> YEAR 2015-16>Dated 01.03.2016


Today’s Program

Venue: Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel,

Kawran Bazaar, Dhaka

Date: 01 March 2016

Time: 5:30 pm

Program: Felicitate the newly elected District

Governor Nominee (D):

Rtn AFM Alamgir, MPHF, B, MD, FCA

From the Editor’s Pen

March is the month of Water and Sanitation, which has

been one of the important Areas of Focus of the Rotary

Foundation. Although about 71% of the earth’s surface

is water-covered, yet one billion people do not have

adequate access to clean water for drinking and washing.

2.4 billion people do not have adequate sanitation: 1

billion people defecate in the open. According to the

United Nations, poor sanitation and hygiene are at the

heart of the world’s leading disease and malnutrition

issues resulting in the death of 3,000 children each day,

majority from diarrheal diseases caused by unsafe

water. Still, the subject of sanitation receive little

media attention and the current level of prioritization

from world leaders is far from what is needed, given the

scale and impact of the sanitation crisis.

The Rotary has rightly focused on this essential service

to the society by a dedicating one month, the month of

March, to build awareness among the Rotarians and

Clubs on this basic need of the society. As a result the

Rotarians are recognizing the limited impact of projects

focused on the provision of water alone. The interest in

sanitation and hygiene is growing, leading to a higher

volume of service and global grant projects with

integrated sanitation and hygiene components. And

through the very nature of Rotary and its vast networks

of influence like the ‘wasrag’, Water and Sanitation

Rotarian Action Group (see Facebook), the sanitation

crisis is gaining momentum.

Rotary in Bangladesh in the last 8 decades has

developed a large number projects in this area of water

and sanitation with the active participation of all Clubs.

Rotary Club of Dhaka since its founding in 1937 has

made significant contribution in this vital area especially

in mitigating the serious problems arsenic continuation

in number of districts in greater Jessore. Khulna and

Barisal. Besides, the Club this year has completed 16

integrated water and sanitation projects by installing 16

tubewells and latrines in keeping with the Rotary theme

of ‘Be a gift to the world’.

Rtn PP Khandker Badrul Hasan, PHF


Communication & Bulletin Sub-committee:

Chairman & Editor:

Rtn PP Khandker Badrul Hasan, PHF


Rtn PP Rafiqul Islam Rowly, PHF Rtn PP T I M Nurul Kabir MPHF, B, PHS, Rtn Mirza Hossain MPHF, Rtn Barrister Shafayat Ullah PHF, Rtn Mahmud Hasan RFSM


Rotary Bhaban, National Institute for Cancer Research & Hospital (NICR&H) Mohakhali, Dhaka - 1213 Tel: 9892465 E-mail: [email protected]

Club of Dhaka

March is the month of

Water and Sanitation

Page 3: From the Editor’s · members about the Joint Installation Ceremony of the 4 Rotaract Clubs jointly held on February

Rtn PDG Ishtiaque Abiduz Zaman PhD PHF declared

to throw a dinner to all the members of the Club on

behalf of the President.

The President asked opinions

of the members about the

candidates for upcoming

District Governor Nominee

2018-19 Election. He read out

short biography of the

following candidates for the

members’ understanding:

1) Rtn Dr Anwar Hossain Noor, RC Dhaka Mid City.

2) Rtn Faridul Alam Newton, RC Aarong.

3) Rtn Shahadat Hossain, RC Uttara.

4) Rtn Syed Abu Sayeed, RC Khulna.

5) Rtn AFM Alamgir, RC Dhaka North East.

After a thorough discussion and debate among the

members scrutinizing the traits of each candidate,

the House gave full power to the President to cast

the vote on behalf of Rotary Club of Dhaka as the

President thinks fit to be acting in the best interest

of Rotary Club of Dhaka.

Minutes of the earlier meeting were unanimously

approved by the members. The Club Secretary Rtn

Barrister Shafayat Ullah announced the date of the

next weekly club meeting to be held on Tuesday, 1st

March, 2016 at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka

at 05.30 pm. There being no other important point

to discuss the President adjourned the meeting.

Rtn Barrister Shafayat Ullah PHF

Club Secretary



The Rotary Club of Dhaka met on Tuesday, February

23, 2016 for their weekly meeting. The Club Presi-

dent Rtn Md Nasimul Hoq Majumder PHF called the

meeting to order at 05.30 pm.

Invocation was led by Rtn Lt

Col (Retd) Syed Quamruz-

zaman BGBM, PHF. Birthday

and Wedding Anniversary

greetings were read out by Rtn

PDG Ishtiaque Abiduz Zaman


The President informed that in the last 2 years

Sunshine Box Collection was BDT 32,000/-, whereas

this year in seven months the sunshine collection is

BDT 36,000.00.

Rtn Abu Nawaz Bhuiyan PHF briefed the members

about the ongoing ABCD (Ausi-Bangla Care for

Dental) Project.

Rtn Barrister Shafayat Ullah PHF informed the

members about the Joint Installation Ceremony of

the 4 Rotaract Clubs jointly held on February 12,

2016 at Agargaon.

The President informed that all the conditions for

receiving the RI Presidential Citation are almost

complete. However, if all existing members contri-

bute USD 20 each, then all the conditions will be

fulfilled. The House unanimously passed that USD 20

each will be paid by the Club on behalf of all the

members and the same will be charged from the

members by issuing a supplementary invoice.

“The spirit of Rotary is not exclusive; it expands. It is not local, it is universal. It is the wish to understand and

be understood, to see virtues rather than faults in others, to find what we have in common rather than what

divides us.” - Gian Paolo Lang, RI President (1956-57): Address in 1957 RI Convention, Lucerne, Switzerland

Page 4: From the Editor’s · members about the Joint Installation Ceremony of the 4 Rotaract Clubs jointly held on February



01 March

R-Ann Shahida Islam

W/o Rtn Engr Md Nurul Islam

Rtn S A M Yousuf

R-Let Aanisha Zaman

D/o Rtn Lt Col (Retd) Syed


03 March

Rtn PP Sultan-ul-Abedine Molla

R-Ann Banasree Mitra Neogi

W/o Rtn Ranjan Neogi

R-Let Ahmed Imtiaz Sobhan

S/o Rtn PP A K M Abdus Sobhan

04 March

Rtn PDG Dr Ishtiaque A Zaman

06 March

R-Ann Shahjahan Taher

W/o Rtn PP A T M Taherullah

Rtn Mamun Akbar


Meeting Statistics (16-02-2016)

Total Members 63

Honorary Member 01

Members exempted 05

(from attendance)

Members Present 21

Percentage of attendance 35.59%

Last week’s attendance rose to 33.89%

(from 27.11%)

Visiting Rotarians Nil

Club Guests Nil

Members’ Guests Nil

Sunshine Box Collection (Tk). 920.0

Our Roving AmbassadorsOur Roving AmbassadorsOur Roving AmbassadorsOur Roving Ambassadors

Name of Rotarian Rotary Club/ Events Date

Rtn PDG M Zaman Abbasi RC Dhaka Luminous 28.02.16

Rtn DGN F H Arif RC Dhaka Luminous 28.02.16

Rtn PP Kh Badrul Hasan RC Dhaka Luminous 28.02.16

Rtn PP M Bayezidur Rahman RC Dhaka Luminous 28.02.16

Rtn Yosuf Habib RC Dhaka Luminous 28.02.16

Rtn PP T I M Nurul Kabir RC Dhaka Luminous 28.02.16

Rtn PP M Khaliquzzaman RC Dhaka Luminous 28.02.16

Rtn Mahmud Hasan RC Dhaka Luminous 28.02.16

Rtn Mamun Akbar RC Dhaka Luminous 28.02.16

Rtn PP Rafiqul Islam Rowly RC Dhaka Luminous 28.02.16

Rtn PE S M Anwar Hossain RC Dhaka Luminous 28.02.16

Rtn IPP Shaheed Siddique RC Dhaka Luminous 28.02.16

Rtn Dr Syed Fheem Shams RC Dhaka Luminous 28.02.16

Rtn Nasimul Hoq Mojumder RC Dhaka Luminous 28.02.16

President, RC Dhaka

Page 5: From the Editor’s · members about the Joint Installation Ceremony of the 4 Rotaract Clubs jointly held on February

IPP Shaheed in front of the Conference Venue

Main Stage at the Conference Venue

Registration & Dining Venue

Page 6: From the Editor’s · members about the Joint Installation Ceremony of the 4 Rotaract Clubs jointly held on February

Main Stage at the Conference Venue


ation & Dining Venue

Page 7: From the Editor’s · members about the Joint Installation Ceremony of the 4 Rotaract Clubs jointly held on February
Page 8: From the Editor’s · members about the Joint Installation Ceremony of the 4 Rotaract Clubs jointly held on February




Some years ago, I was asked to speak at an Interact club in my home city of Colombo, Sri Lanka. I have

always taken my interactions with Rotary youth very seriously, so I prepared my remarks carefully and put

the same effort into my presentation that I would for any other event. After the meeting, I stayed to chat

with a few of the Interactors, answering their questions and wishing them well.

I came out of the classroom where we had met into the autumn afternoon. The bright sun was shining

directly into my eyes, so I found a bit of shade behind a pillar where I could wait for my ride.

As I stood there, hidden from view, I overheard a group of the very Interactors who had just listened to my

speech. Naturally I was curious: What would they be saying? What had they taken away from my

presentation? I quickly realized that what they had taken away was not at all what I had intended.

They were not talking about what I had said, the stories I had told, or the lessons I had come to their school

to impart. To my astonishment, the major topic of conversation was my tie! I listened with amusement as

they chattered about my Western clothes, my background, my business; every aspect of my appearance and

behavior was dissected and discussed. Just as they began to speculate about what car I drove, my ride

arrived and I stepped out into view. They were perhaps a bit embarrassed, but I just smiled, got into the car,

and drove off with a wave.

Whatever they learned from me that day, I learned far more. I learned that the lessons we teach with our

examples are far more powerful than those we teach with words. I realized that as a Rotary leader, and a

prominent person in the community, I had, for better or worse, become a role model for these young

people. Their eyes were on me in a way that I had never before appreciated. If they chose to emulate me,

they would model themselves on what they saw, not what I told them.

All of us in Rotary are leaders, in one way or another, in our communities. All of us bear the responsibility that

comes with that. Our Rotary values, our Rotary ideals, cannot be left within the confines of our Rotary clubs.

They must be carried with us every day. Wherever we are, whoever we are with, whether we are involved in

Rotary work – we are always representing Rotary. We must conduct ourselves accordingly: in what we think,

what we say, what we do, and how we do it. Our communities, and our children, deserve no less.


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Incoming Projects of RC Dhaka in March 2016: March 3 – 17, 2016: Aussi Bangla Smile Project.

Women’s Hygiene Project (Days For Girls).

Aussi Bangla Smile / Days for Girls Project Plan March 2016 Thursday March 3. Minibus will pick everyone up at 33 Annett Street Emu Plains about 6.30 am. Fly Syd-Sing SQ 232 Sing-Dhaka SQ446 arrive 20:14.

Transport to Hotel De Castle, House 72, Block B, Road 21 Banani, Dhaka. Friday March 4: Organize supplies. Purchase any outstanding supplies Outings to be discussed to suit everyone. Meeting with Celeste Mergens, Days for Girls. Saturday March 5 Travel to Impact Jibon Tari Floating Hospital. Mandiripur (south of Dhaka) Mini bus, 2 ½ hrs approx.(police escort) Orientation plan. Assessment of patients Setup. Pick up our Bangladeshi Doctors on the way. Days for Girls team staying in Dhaka.- Evelyn Vicki Barb seminar with Celeste & Debbie Sunday March 6,7,8,9 Work Jibon Tari Floating Hospital Thursday March 10: Leave Tari at 9am Travel back to Dhaka. Arrive? 3pm. Meet Rotary Club of Dhaka. Friday March 11: *Visit Acid Burn Survivors Foundation Dhaka (optional) tentative * Visit Mother Theresa’s Orphanage (optional) tentative Sister Madeleine Missionaries of Charity 26 Islampur Road Old Dhaka 02 7393336 *Meeting with Impact Foundation Saturday March 12 Team travel to Jibon Mela Hospital on the Indian border by plane then 2 hours minibus. Pick Bangladeshi doctor friends on the way. (Police escort Chandbil, Amjhupi, Meherpur arrive: 4pm. Orientation, plan, assessment of patients. Sunday. March 13,14,15,16. Work Jibon Mela Land Hospital Meherpur. Thursday, March 17: Leave Mela at 6am Travel back to Dhaka – arrive? 4-5pm. Dinner pick up the rest of our luggage. Flight back to Sydney late evening. Dhaka –Sing SQ447 gets to Sing 05.25am! ½ hour stop. Sing – Syd SQ241 Friday, March 18: Arrive in Sydney 18.00pm. Bus pick up to Panthers Penrith Friday, March 4 – 5, 2016: “ Know your Rights- An awareness program for street children,”

Know Your Rights- An awareness program for underprivileged children.

Date: 4th and 5th March 2016 Friday and Saturday.

Venue: Bishwo Shahitya Kendra Bangla Motor Dhaka

Time: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm. RCD – YBOA - AISD Independence Day Boys Basketball (Sponsors Needed) RCD – Rotary Club of Dhaka, YBOA – Youth Basketball of America Venue – American International School Dhaka (AISD), Baridhara, Gym A. Team – Ten English medium Schools of Dhaka. Thursday, March 17th – Games start at 2:00pm, Last game ending at 8:00pm Friday, March 18th – Games will start around 8:30am Saturday, March 19th – Games will start around 8:30am Age Division: High School Boys (19 years of age or under) March 23, 2016 Wednesday, 18th Dental camp: Venue will be given in next meeting March 24, 2016 Thursday, 19th Dental camp: Venue will be given in next meeting.

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