Page 1: Front Cover and Poster Analysis

Molly O’Donovan

Page 2: Front Cover and Poster Analysis

Cover Story: The image of Robert in a hospital bed triggers worry and fear for readers as they will want to know if he will survive. This therefore links to Maslow’s “Survivors” as audiences will want him to survive so they can find out the truth about who shot him. The connotations of the red t-shirt indicates death or anger as he resents his brother.

Masthead: The acronym of ‘TV’ is in a bigger font size that ‘What’s on’ as it is the focus of the magazine. As a result attracting audiences and readers as they will clearly be able to identify with the magazine. Also, making it easier for readers to spot the magazine on a shelf as the background is red; making the white writing more visible in shops.

Main Image: The connotations of the smart attire signifies (De Saussare) that there is a formal situation which will take place during the episode in Eastenders that week.

Main headline: ‘Guilty’ connotes that the character on the front of the page where the stamp like feature is across him, as if in prison holding the number to identify him. Resulting in audiences automatically assuming that Max Branning killed Lucy Beale…

Price: The price is quite cheap for a magazine, therefore connoting who the target audience is. Some people may assume that this magazine is for a lower class audience which cannot afford the more expensive TV magazines such as ‘TV Times’.

Date: The date of the magazine is important as it indicates to readers which week of soap opera drama’s they will be getting sneak preview’s or which week they want to find out what progamme is on and when.

Logo: The logo of Corrie connotes to audiences that may not watch the soap’s, who the characters are. This will intrigue them to find out more and therefore eventually watch the show.

Barcode: This is convention feature which is used in all magazines, not just TV magazines. This is because of how they are sold and each barcode having a specific number.

Promotion/Puff: This promotion of ‘FREE’ films attracts audiences as everything nowadays has to be paid for, for the free things are like an advantage for audiences.

Page 3: Front Cover and Poster Analysis

Molly O’Donovan

Page 4: Front Cover and Poster Analysis

Programme name: The name of the programme is important as it portrays to audiences which programme they are being targeted for. Therefore, is audiences are attracted by the poster, they will choose to watch the programme.

Channel: The image of the logo of the airing channel connotes to audiences where to watch the programme if they’re interested. As a result, audiences are getting knowledge from the poster to improve the advertising of the show.

Strapline: This strapline links directly to the image because a character is ‘down’, therefore “It’s going down” portrays and indicates mystery. This is due to the fact that no audiences are going to understand what has happened or what is going to happen as the poster connotes the image to help attract the audiences.

Time: This is extremely important for audiences because they will need to have the knowledge of when the programme is airing. The information about where and when is key so that viewing figures are impacted positively through the advertising be a key factor in increasing the figures.

Main Image: The connotations of this main image represents a ‘disequilibrium’ (Todorov) which is going to or has taken place in Eastenders. Therefore audiences may be able to identify the character as Phil Mitchell or another character, but they will have to watch the show to fully identify the body.

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