Page 1: Front Covers, Contents Pages and Double Page Spreads Anotation and Analysis

Serif font used in bold to stand out and most important words are bigger. This gives the text prominence on the page which suggests it is a major part of the magazine.

Special edition magazine so different font is being used to look like hand writing to make it unique and personal to the reader.

Famous name in big writing to look like an autograph which makes it more personal.

Repetition of “Discover” which gives continuity. Also the featured artist’s new album at the time was called “Disc-Overy” so this could be a link that fans could make.

Classy white shirt and body language gives the artist status and importance. This makes the magazine look more expensive and desirable.

Masthead in an unconventional place on the page could make the magazine look innovative and current.

Conventional column inch layout with puffs and text.

The colours used on this page are white, black, red, pink and pale blue. White is used as the background and his shirt colour to contrast with the artist’s skin colour. The black text then contrasts with the white so it is easily readable. The pale blue and pink replicate the colours associated with neon signs and therefore urban music.

The subject of the photo is in the middle third of the page and his eyes are on the top third boundary which allows your eyes to comfortably focus on him. The photo is relatively close up because that is all that is required to recognise him.

Front Cover #1

Page 2: Front Covers, Contents Pages and Double Page Spreads Anotation and Analysis

Serif font used to show sophistication. The famous names are bigger (eg. “Harry Styles”) so they are easier to read.

Famous name in big writing with rhyming call out could be used as humour.

The way J. Lo is dressed is sexualised as she has minimal clothing on the bottom half of her body. However the bold red, long sleeves and high cut top make her look more sophisticated and gives her a high status.Her hair is messy which links to her reputation for being an energetic performer onstage.

Masthead in an unconventional place and replaces the column inch. Like on the Q magazine this could make the magazine look innovative.

The colours used on this page are white, red and grey. Grey is used as the background as a classic studio which makes her look expensive. The white text then contrasts with the grey so it is easily readable. The red matches links her shoes, top and magazine logo.

The subject of the photo is on the middle-right side third boundary of the page. This is a conventional way of composing a photo so is familiar to a wide range of audiences.

Sans serif font used in block text as it is easier to read.

Sans serif font usually used in masthead and associated with digital text on websites which a teenage/ young adult audience would pick up on.

Front Cover #2

Page 3: Front Covers, Contents Pages and Double Page Spreads Anotation and Analysis

The same serif font used consistently throughout the page gives it higher status and is associated with classic books.

Page numbers as callouts on relevant images which not only indicates the articles location in the magazine but it also de-clutters the page because there is less text. The minimal text and big images are more modern and therefore would appeal to a younger audience.

The issue number is relatively large compared to the other text which could indicate that the magazine is trying to show off it’s long success.

The article titles are all 1 or 2 words and in capitals to keep them separate from the rest of the text.

This adventurous and fun photo of a guy on a beach and the photo of a guy with a long grey beard are quite different from the larger photo of Matt Bellamy. This contrast makes it stand out therefore making it more interesting.

This main photo of Matt Bellamy from Muse has a sense of attitude and hierarchy. The striking silver blazer fits the typical rock star attitude that he is portraying.

The colours used in this page are relevant to the magazine as they are from. Q Magazine’s logo is white and red, so is the contents. This gives the reader a sense of continuity and familiarity.

This photo that is tilted makes the page look less formal and more relaxed which may encourage the teenage/ young adult audience.

The general layout of this contents page follows the conventions of the “contents” title at the top on a band of colour and a photo taking up 2 thirds of the page. This may encourage an audience for its familiarity and therefore reassurance that it is a trusted, experienced magazine.

Q have made the band name “The Beatles”, one of the most famous of all time, the biggest article title because they are so famous and iconic in the music industry. The actual text is on the top third border of the page which conventionally works best.

Contents Page #1

Page 4: Front Covers, Contents Pages and Double Page Spreads Anotation and Analysis

A sans serif font used consistently throughout the page makes it look new and clean cut with no fancy edges. This type of font is usually used on social medias so would be familiar to a teenage/ young adult audience.

The “contents” title is on the right third of the page which is unconventional of a contents page which could suggest that the magazine is alternative and confidently abnormal. It also uses a similar font to the masthead on the front page.

The text here is very small and regular which implies a reserved sophistication which links to the overall feel of the background image.

The most famous aspect of the magazine is not presented in anyway different to the rest of the text (The Billboard Top 100). This shows that the magazine is confident in it’s sales enough to not over promote. It also makes it appear quite modest.

The body language of the subject (Ariana Grande) is quite secretive as she is turning away but also inviting s she is staring directly at you. This would mostly appeal to a male audience as she is very beautiful and the shot is quite personal.

Ariana Grande is wearing a black strappy top but most of her visible body is covered by her long hair in a big pony tail which is empowering to her character.

Her bold pink lipstick is not something one would generally wear on a casual occasion so implies that she is fun and exciting.

The colours cohesion of this page is overall very sophisticated, consisting of black, grey and golden tones. The greyish/ silver tone is a classy backdrop and the black contrasts against it. The gold tones of Ariana’s hair look rich against the simplistic background.

This large photo uses the famous rule of thirds composition technique to fit the regular layout of the page as the subject covers 2 thirds of it.

Contents Page #2

Page 5: Front Covers, Contents Pages and Double Page Spreads Anotation and Analysis

Double Page

Spread #1

The fonts throughout this page are serif fonts which are commonly associated with older books and sophistication.

Although the artist’s name (Lana Del Rey) is in larger text at the top it doesn’t stand out boldly. This suggests that you are supposed to recognise the artist just by the photo and therefore that this magazine has a very specific audience that only includes artists within a specific music genre.

The first letter of the two blocks of text are very big which could draw the reader into reading the article.

The first part of the article is in larger text so it is easier to read. This encourages the reader to continue but not using up as much space as if all of the article was this font size.

A whole page of the spread is take up with a subtle photo of the artist Lana Del Rey. The lens flare on across one third of the image fits the rule of thirds in photography composition but also makes the image look more urban as it represents the city lights behind her.Lana Del Rey is sexualised but not in an obvious way. She isn’t being shown with lots of exposed flesh but her pointed nails scraping down her neck is quite provocative. Also as her eyes are closed there is no direct, personal contact with the audience giving a sense of mystery.

The colour cohesion of this spread is black, white and a hint of red and pale blue. The black text on white background follow the stereotype of an article in a newspaper which is familiar

to everyone. The hint of red and pale blue come from the photo of the artist which makes the image stand out as opposed to it being a black and white image. This makes keeps the whole

spread still look sophisticated but also interesting with colour.

Page 6: Front Covers, Contents Pages and Double Page Spreads Anotation and Analysis

Double Page

Spread #2

The title of this article is in a sans serif font to make it look more modern which contrasts well against the rest of the text in a serif font and the black and white photo.

The title of the page doesn’t intercept the page on a third which is unconventional in magazine page composition.

The text colour changes here to make the it more readable and to make it a more interesting page (as opposed to it being all black and white).

The body language of this artist (Jake Bugg) is indirect which here shows his concentration on his music. This portrays the Jake Buggas someone who is perhaps a perfectionist and is very serious about his work.

The colour cohesion of this spread consists of red black and white. The black and white give it an old fashioned feel also associated with newspaper articles. The subjects music is quite alternative and is of a similar style to older pop music so could be why the photo was taken in black and white. Red is a bold colour which stands out against the monochrome page. It also matches the logo colour of the magazine.

This blank space could indicate that this artist feels quite isolated in his style of music

Appearance wise Jake Bugg is not sexualised as he is wearing a buttoned up shirt. This indicates to me that this magazine’s target audience is generally for a male audience.

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