  • OSD Front End Script

    ' '***********************************************************

    ' '***********************************************************


    ' Operating System Deployment Front End Script


    ' Author: Jarvis Davis



    ' Creation Date: March 16, 2009


    ' Purpose: To provide a method for entering data that the OSD process will use

    ' to customize the OSD process. Specifically this will provide:

    ' 1. Automated and custom computer naming.

    ' 2. User name to add to local admin group

    ' 3. Location choice which will determine the AD OU utilized.

    ' 4. Ability to install Role Based apps

    ' 5. Ability to remove Role Based Apps


    ' Assumptions: 1. Automated computer name is based off of the BIOS S/N. The BIOS

    ' field used below is valid for Lenovo workstations.

    ' 2. Windows PE must have HTA and ADO support. This is most easily

    ' accomplished by using MDT integration to create a new boot image.


    ' Acknowledgements: I am indebted to Johan Arwidmark and Neil Peterson for their blog

    ' posts about Front End HTA scripts. I learned from them and massaged

    ' some of their code in creating this script. It is impossible for me

    ' in hindsight to determine which portions are my own creation and which

    ' are primarily theirs.



    ' General Flow:

    ' * Initial HTA will need to have the "Computer Name" button pressed to query WMI for the automated computer name.

    ' * If a computer name is entered, the suggested name (created with the button) is ignored.

    ' * The computer name is placed in the OSDComputerName TS variable.

    ' * The location drop down is used to set the value of the OSDDomainOUName variable.

    ' * The Role Based App checkboxes sets the value of variables to either true or false. These values are used

    ' * on the "Options" tab of "Install Software" task sequences to determine whether to execute or not.

    ' * The value of OSDUserName is used by the back end script to add the indicated user to the local admin group on the workstation.




  • ' NOTE: This script is provided as a sample only and under no circumstances should it be used in a live environment.





    ' Set objects and declare global variables

    Set env = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment")

    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")

    Set colSMBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BIOS")

    DIM strCompName

    DIM strCompSNdisplay

    DIM strOU

    strCompSNdisplay = ""

    strCompName = ""

    Sub Window_onLoad

    window.resizeTo 400,425 ' Resize the HTA window on first load

    window.moveTo 150, 150 ' Move the window to the center

    ' Pull the Serial Number from BIOS via WMI and put it in a global variable.

    ' Show it on the screen as a suggested computer name.

    For Each objSMBIOS in colSMBIOS

    strCompSNdisplay = objSMBIOS.SerialNumber

    strCompSNdisplay = cstr(strCompSNdisplay)

    ' strCompSNdisplay = "L" & strCompSNdisplay ' Utilize a line such as this to prepend to the S/N to match naming standards.

    List.InnerHTML = "Suggested Computer Name(modify if desired):



    End Sub

    Sub ButtonFinishClick

    ' ButtonFinishClick is executed by the "Finish" button.

    ' Set value of variable to true/false based on whether the checkbox is selected or not

    If Project2007.Checked Then

    strProject2007 = "true"

    else strProject2007 = "false"

    End If

    ' Set value of variable to true/false based on whether the checkbox is selected or not

    If Visio2007.Checked Then

    strVisio2007 = "true"

    else strVisio2007 = "false"

    End If

    ' Set value of variable to true/false based on whether the checkbox is selected or not

    If RemoveAudacity.Checked Then

    strRemoveAudacity = "true"

    else strRemoveAudacity = "false"

    End If

  • ' Determine what the computer name should be.

    If ("" & ComputerName.Value = vbNullString) Then ' Check to see if anything has been entered in the computer name field

    Msgbox "You must enter a computer name. Restart the deployment.",0,"Error" ' Display an error message.

    set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' Reboot Windows PE

    objShell.Run ("wpeutil reboot")

    else strCompName = ComputerName.Value ' If a computer name has been entered, use that value.

    strCompName = cstr(strCompName)

    End If

    ' Set value of variables that will be used by the task sequence, then close the window and allow the task sequence to continue.

    env("OSDUserName") = Username.Value

    env("OSDDomainOUName") = strOU

    env("OSDProject2007") = strProject2007

    env("OSDVisio2007") = strVisio2007

    env("OSDRemoveAudacity") = strRemoveAudacity

    env("OSDComputerName") = strCompName


    End Sub

    ' Set value of variable based on the selection in the drop down list.

    Sub SubOU

    If Optionchooser.Value "Choose" Then

    strOU = Optionchooser.Value

    End If

    End Sub

    Username to add to Local Admin Group:

    (Don't include the domain name.)

    Computer OU:


    Default OU

    Other Workstations OU

    Role Based Applications:

    Install Microsoft Project 2007

    Install Microsoft Visio 2007

    Remove Audacity

  • Finish

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