Page 1: FULFILL YOUR LEGACY Fulfill Your Legacy JESUS CEO€¦ · You do not need to work in a big office, have a multimillion dol-lar company, or be affiliated with a top notch successor

Fulfill Your Legacy





Insight on Leadershipfrom NICCIE

Steps on Leadership for CEO of HOME or OFFICE!




Page 2: FULFILL YOUR LEGACY Fulfill Your Legacy JESUS CEO€¦ · You do not need to work in a big office, have a multimillion dol-lar company, or be affiliated with a top notch successor
Page 3: FULFILL YOUR LEGACY Fulfill Your Legacy JESUS CEO€¦ · You do not need to work in a big office, have a multimillion dol-lar company, or be affiliated with a top notch successor

Niccie Binet KlieglHello Women and Friends! Fulfill Your Legacy’s Magazine is highlighting Corporate Coaching in this February issue. Women and leadership are two of my favorite topics. I feel called to work with, understand and lead women. Women are unique, and yet, of man. I feel it a privilege to be like man, but to own my place as a beautiful God created woman. Finding a way to be strong in our workforce, to hold on to this unique place of woman and leader, and to tap into all of the gifts we have be-cause of this beautiful position of woman, is our challenge. We can be greatly sensitive and amazingly strong. We can manage so many tasks at one time with ease and we can connect eas-ily with those we serve. One of the most precious things about our place in this world is that our leadership stands out in all areas of our lives. Whether at work, at home, as a sibling, par-ent, friend or neighbor, we so often are the strong beautiful leaders changing lives with no need for recognition, but huge needs for results. We were artfully designed to serve and care for others and I’ve learned that leading with this as the focus and staying true the teaching of our Father never leads us astray. There is greatness in being a leader of excellent service and care. I hope you find this issue to provide you with insight and tools to help inspire you as a beautiful Christian female leader in whatever setting you are called to.

Thank you for signing up for the words and ideas of inspiration each month with Fulfill Your Legacy magazine~ and please visit my web page/blog/social media for more inspiration and tools for personal, professional, spiritual, and health growth!

Page 4: FULFILL YOUR LEGACY Fulfill Your Legacy JESUS CEO€¦ · You do not need to work in a big office, have a multimillion dol-lar company, or be affiliated with a top notch successor


LEADERSHIP same~different

We will then be able to carry out man made disciplines in or-der to achieve our worldly success. I do have strong sound steps to share. Steps that will work for whatever leadership role you find yourself in, but know this... when we all share one common work as working for the Lord, and we mix it with strong leadership skills....well, let the blessings come. Your new challenge will be how to use your blessing wisely.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not man. Colossians 3:23

Leadership has some hard but true rules, and processes when suc-cess is in order. The flexibility comes in where you apply these insights. Most all of my leadership training I gained at work. But, when I began using these learned skills with confidence, seeing first hand how these fundamental approaches were ex-tremely successful, no matter where I worked, I soon started ap-plying these same principles in all areas of my life. This is what I want to impress upon you today.

You do not need to work in a big office, have a multimillion dol-lar company, or be affiliated with a top notch successor to be an amazing leader. You do not even need to be a traditional em-ployee. No matter where you are in life, yes, head of the most reputable firm, CEO of motherhood at home, president of sisterhood....for true success and fulfillment, I feel our roles are the same....second to none other than LORD of all.

We all need to have a servant’s attitude and call on our Father to do whatever job is in our path as successfully as possible. This will result in us being the ultimate leaders: Leaders of and for our One True God! Niccie Kliegl CLC

Page 5: FULFILL YOUR LEGACY Fulfill Your Legacy JESUS CEO€¦ · You do not need to work in a big office, have a multimillion dol-lar company, or be affiliated with a top notch successor

Firm FoundationMission/Vision/Values: Whether leading in your home, at work or within the community, the area you are going to lead needs to have a strong foundation. Call it Mission, Vi-sion and Values. If this isn’t clear there is no place to cen-ter, no purpose leads to lack of direction, disorganization, frustration and in productivity. All of your employees need to know and agree to get on board with the foundation or Mission/Vision/Values of the work at hand.

One key point you must consider for personal satisfaction is that your personal code of ethics and work ethics need to be inline with the philosophy on work and expectations. If your expectations are not in line with the company you are considering, you are setting yourself up for despair. Niccie Kliegl, CLC

Clear and Constant

Communication is without a doubt one of the most key

components in being an outstanding leader. What good is

a strong foundation if nobody knows what that founda-

tion is? The work, it’s direction, how to achieve success in

this work, and how well those involved are performing at

that success must be going on continuously. It also isn’t

enough to just communicate constantly, this communica-

tion needs to be clear to ALL.

Clear to ALL: People hear and learn differently, so if you

want those you are leading to be engaged and working the

mission, they NEED to know how they are doing and you

need to know how to reach them!

Think on this. As Christians we know the truth. Consider how hard it is to stay true to our faith, even with our hearts in the right place. Having the Bible for direction to reflect on, having the Spirit to move our souls, and having Jesus who came to witness....Are you using what we have learned from the Christian movement as your example of great leadership? Do you provide tools in writing, do you inspire and instill passion in your team when tools are not enough, and are you a living example of the way you hope to lead? Niccie Kliegl, CLC

Listen: Great leaders need to be excellent listeners; to our

customers, our statistics, our guts and yes to our Father.

We should be in constant prayer, sending out communication to Him and quietly listening to His guidance and insight.

United Front

Multilevel: The pace of the the strength of the last

leg. All roles are equally valuable in a strong team. A

great way to set this up strongly and rapidly is to get eve-

ryone currently part of the group you lead, together and in 4

Page 6: FULFILL YOUR LEGACY Fulfill Your Legacy JESUS CEO€¦ · You do not need to work in a big office, have a multimillion dol-lar company, or be affiliated with a top notch successor

agreement on the mission/vision. Once that is done, be

sure to keep the mission pure as new employees arrive. In-

terviewing should always be done with this in mind. For

leaders at home, this starts from the time children are

brought into the family. As equally important as in an

office, parents must maintain clarity and consistency


Transparency: let them see you have the same struggles

and mishaps that anyone on any given team may experi-

ence. Having a real example of how someone navigates

through difficult times is inspiring and teaches in one of

the most solid ways. Build and hold the team up to be

strong and firm on it’s foundation. This is why having

the Mission/Vision/Values (foundation) in place first

makes all the difference. As your team falls, and it will

off and on, you need to lean on your foundation to hold

you up. Just as how when we as Christians fall, we call on

God looking to the Word to realign ourselves with our must an organization.

Praise and Discipline

Just as we are rewarded by our father with blessings of our

good doings, so must we bless our team. I don’t need to do

a lot of explaining as to why praise and recognition work.

Tips for successful praise: do quiet praise,a card, text or

phone call, and at times public praise, especially if that

works well for the receiver. Always praise from the heart

and of true intent. Praise is too often done with a motive

which is more damaging than having said nothing, and

lastly praise up and down. Our spouses at home, our

bosses at work, our children at home and our entry level

workers at work ALL need blessings poured out on occa-


Don’t forget discipline: For the most part, when we do the

previous items, discipline is rarely needed. However, we

are all human and that is when leading gets hard. We

don’t like to see anyone mess up. But when it happens

and discipline is in order, DO NOT overlook or ignore

this. It’s almost easier to see with leading at home how ig-

noring areas of needed discipline will bring more destruc-

tion. But, this is terribly true in an out of home work set-


The MOST important thing about successful discipline is GRACE. Niccie Kliegl, CLC

Always Reaching Higher

One can know enough by just looking at the Word...Idle

hands are the devils workshop (Yikes) keep that away

from my workplace! If we are truly working to do our best

for the Lord, He is perfect and we are not, so we can work

to the end and we will never master it. Do not let yourself 5

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be tricked into thinking you know everything or have no

room for improvement. Always strive to be better!

Tips for Reaching Higher: Befriend or partner with others

that you look up to, use the God given talents from your

whole team, build each other up (offer classes, advance-

ments) and be real and honest with your team. Holding

back on telling someone where they can improve does no

one favors. Spend time on your reviews and season them

with grace. Also, much like praise... a strong leader encour-

ages growth by inspiring people to be more.

Leave Your Legacy

Be sure others know your plans to stay and your need to

leave. Others will see the need to stabilize what it good. We

all know there is a end to a lifetime, but a legacy can last.

Making great efforts to leave a strong legacy behind can enable yourself to change the world and lives far beyond your days here on earth!


I have only highlighted a few key processes that I know

make a huge difference in leading. What I really want peo-

ple to know is that no matter if you are leading a home or

leading at work, we still need to know our mission, commu-

nicate how to achieve it, be consistent, a constant example of

the path, be vigilant in holding ALL accountable with grace

and commitment, and lastly always humbly reaching

higher! Niccie Kliegl, CLC

Page 8: FULFILL YOUR LEGACY Fulfill Your Legacy JESUS CEO€¦ · You do not need to work in a big office, have a multimillion dol-lar company, or be affiliated with a top notch successor


BRAINFOODSFulfill Your Legacy‘s Coaching focus in the month of January is Corporate Coaching! What a perfect topic for my recipe and food sec-tion! Brain food, we are always looking for ways to perform better and with all of the literally poi-sonous means for staying energized and focussed, I wanted to take us back to the basics. Let’s keep it simple and use what God gave us to stay on top of our game! I loved this posting ofPinterest.

Page 9: FULFILL YOUR LEGACY Fulfill Your Legacy JESUS CEO€¦ · You do not need to work in a big office, have a multimillion dol-lar company, or be affiliated with a top notch successor


Book of the Month

Books have a great way of leav-ing a lasting impression. This book did that for me years ago. Back in my twenties our young-est daughter wanted nothing to do with going to daycare and be-ing away from her mom. At that time, practically being a child myself, all I knew was work- work- work! This tugged at my heart, mind, and soul with such force.

Was my identity tied into my work? I clearly learned that that was definitely not the case. But helping others and doing so as effectively as I could, was. This included my own two girls. As a result of needing to stay home

with Riley, I decided to sell Mary Kay Cosmetics, allowing me to work just a few short hours a day that didn’t interfere with our family time, yet, still allowed me an opportunity to change women's lives.

Even back then I truly believe God was setting me on my path. I learned so much from these beautiful, compassionate and strong women. One of these spe-cial ladies bought me this book with a note on it telling me she thought I was born to be a leader, and knew I was passion-ate about my faith. What she gave me, ended up being the start of my journey as a Chris-tian Women’s Leader!



Page 10: FULFILL YOUR LEGACY Fulfill Your Legacy JESUS CEO€¦ · You do not need to work in a big office, have a multimillion dol-lar company, or be affiliated with a top notch successor

Something I am passionate about is our role as leaders AND as beautiful Christian women. Oh, I hear the reviews, chal-lenges and proclamations telling me to stand AGAINST my faith--- and that I must choose between Biblical teaching and my role as a leader. But, I find this fight to be one of “them” against God, not myself. I feel completely at peace with my understanding of what God speaks to me and how I hear His written words set in my soul.

Each month I highlight an article from the web. Today’s arti-cle I have found on Pinterest. It is as close as I can get to my true interpretation of submission, women’s strength, wis-dom, maturity and discipline within the Christian faith. I hope you find it enlightening and helpful.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28


CHRISTIANITY... Is There Room for Female Christian LEADERSHIP & SUBMISSION?

February’s 2016 highlighted article7 Misconceptions about Submission

I don’t believe I could do better myself Thank You, Girls Gone Wise!

Page 11: FULFILL YOUR LEGACY Fulfill Your Legacy JESUS CEO€¦ · You do not need to work in a big office, have a multimillion dol-lar company, or be affiliated with a top notch successor

Misconception #1: Submission is univer-sal—the directive can be applied correctly by all, even those outside of the faith com-munity.

Christian submission is defined by the re-lationship between God the Father and Son. It cannot be properly understood apart from that mooring. Hence, I believe it is unwise for us to uphold the instruc-tion for wives to submit themselves to their husbands as an achievable standard for those outside the faith community. People without the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit have neither the discern-ment nor the power to live out submis-sion and authority in a godly manner.

Misconception #2: Submission is gender-exclusive—it’s just for women.

Men have a responsibility to submit too—it’s not just something that’s required of women. EVERY Christian, female or male, has the responsibility to submit to the Lord, and also to the authorities the Lord has placed in his or her life. What’s more, the biblical concepts of submission and authority cannot be disassociated. The two are indivisibly connected. A bibli-cal definition of submission cannot be un-derstood apart from a biblical definition of authority.

Misconception #3: Submission is generic—every woman submits to every man.

The Bible instructs a wife to submit her-self to her own husband; not to men in general.

Misconception #4: Submission is a right—a husband has the right to demand his wife’s submission.

A husband does not have the right to de-mand or extract submission from his wife. Submission is HER choice—her re-sponsibility… it is NOT his right!! Not ever. She is to “submit herself”— deciding

when and how to submit is her call. In a Christian marriage, the focus is never on rights, but on personal responsibility. It’s his responsibility to be affectionate. It’s her responsibility to be agreeable. The husband’s responsibility is to sacrificially love as Christ loved the Church—not to make his wife submit.

Misconception #5: Submission is indis-criminate—it means mindless acquies-cence.

A Christian’s first responsibility is to sub-mit to the Lord and His standard of right-eousness. A wife is not called to submit to sin, mistreatment, or abuse. The Lord does not want “weak-willed” women—women who lack the discernment and strength to respond to the right things and in the right way. Godly women do not submit to sin. They carefully and inten-tionally weigh and discern how to submit to sinful human authority in light of their primary responsibility to submit to the ways of the Lord. No brain-dead door-mats or spineless bowls of Jello here! Sub-mission is neither mindless nor formulaic nor simplistic. Submitting to the Lord sometimes involves drawing clear bounda-


7 Misconceptions About Submission

Page 12: FULFILL YOUR LEGACY Fulfill Your Legacy JESUS CEO€¦ · You do not need to work in a big office, have a multimillion dol-lar company, or be affiliated with a top notch successor

ries and enacting consequences when a husband sins. Submission is an attitude of the heart. A woman can have a sub-missive spirit even when saying “no” and refusing to go along with sin.

Misconception #6: Submission pre-cludes mutuality—it creates lopsided, one-way relationships.

Submission and authority function hand-in-hand with all the other biblical directives about how Christians ought to interact with one another. Along with submitting to her husband, a Christian wife also has the responsibility to be transparent, speak truth, confront sin, and challenge her husband to ever in-creasing levels of holiness. As heirs to-gether of the grace of life, both husband and wife have the responsibility to love, encourage, and build one another up; and to interact with forbearance, kind-ness and humility. Biblical authority and submission contribute to mutuality, and do not diminish or detract from it. (It’s “both-and” not “either-or.”)

Misconception #7: Submission pro-motes abuse—it encourages husbands to be domineering, self-centered boors.

When properly understood and en-acted, the framework of hierarchical re-lationships within the Christian commu-nity serves a protective function, be-cause every authority is accountable to a higher authority. This community structure encourages husbands to fulfill their responsibility to love as Christ loves, and holds them to account when they don’t. It fosters Christlikeness and prevents abuse. A wife whose husband is abusive can appeal to higher authori-ties for intervention and protection. It is the responsibility of the authorities to protect and seek the good of all those un-der their care.

Defying the Stereotype

Rachel’s second question was “Why might some (think secular audience) be surprised to learn that you submit to your husband. In other words, how do you yourself defy the stereotype?

My answer:

My husband takes his responsibility to love me as Christ loves the Church seri-ously. I take my responsibility to submit to him seriously. That means that I am cherished and have a voice. That means that he is respected and supported. I work with him, and pull in the same di-rection. Some might be surprised that I believe in submission because my mar-riage displays a unity, intimacy, and mu-tuality that is deep, profound and envi-able. I am flourishing. I have what most women want. And it is a great paradox how it is has been achieved. The way of faith is the way of paradox: lose your life to live it, give to receive. It is also a great paradox that honoring God’s pat-tern for authority and submission in marriage fosters unity and mutuality.

What Does Submission Look Like?

Rachel’s third question was “How long have you been married, and how has submission worked out practically in your marriage? (In other words, what does it look like when you submit to your husband?)


Page 13: FULFILL YOUR LEGACY Fulfill Your Legacy JESUS CEO€¦ · You do not need to work in a big office, have a multimillion dol-lar company, or be affiliated with a top notch successor

My answer:

I’ve been married for 29 years—“just getting going” says my mom, who’s been married for 62.

“What it looks like” is a difficult ques-tion, since submission is not something foreign—not something “other”—to the character of a redeemed woman. Sub-mission is not as much an “action” as it is an “attitude.” So it can’t be dictated by behavioral prescriptives. Submission boils down to a having spirit of amena-bility. It means being soft, receptive, re-sponsive, and agreeable. Because of the misconceptions surrounding the defini-tion of submission, I actually prefer to use the term “amenability.” Amenabil-ity comes from the French amener (to lead). An amenable woman is “lead-able” as opposed to “ungovernable” She’s responsive to input and likely to cooperate. Amenability is part of the three-fold womanly disposition of 1 Pe-ter 3:4-5, which includes gentleness, calmness, and amenability—which works itself out in a married woman’s life in submission to her husband.

So “what it looks like” on an on-going basis, is that I am soft, receptive, and agreeable toward my husband. I love re-sponding to his lead. I respect who God created him to be as a man—and sup-port his efforts to provide godly over-sight for our family. I respect the posi-tion of responsibility that goes along with being a husband and father. “Re-spect” is probably the best word to de-scribe what submission looks like in my marriage.

For me, submission is one of those things that is far more easily identified by its absence rather than its presence. I know that I am struggling with it when I am critical, impatient, defiant, and “snarky” toward my hus-band—when I refuse to cooperate and am unresponsive to input, when I rush in and take control, when I fail to “pro-vide space” to allow my husband the op-portunity to be a man and provide godly oversight for our family. In other words, it’s not readily apparent to me when I’m submitting, but it’s painfully obvious to me when I am not. I sense that I am disrespecting/ disregarding my husband, taking control, and pull-

ing against him rather than for and with him.

So what do you think?  Is there any-thing I missed?  Which misconception do you encounter the most? How would you answer Rachel’s three questions? Or do you have any other questions or comments about submission?


So when women are challenged with where their place is on leadership in the home or at is no different than for men. We, as Christians, men and women alike, will be working in a way that is honoring and pleasing to God. We will show respect for authority at all levels, and this does in-deed include man, woman, boss, peer, cus-tomer and so on. Being respectful to others is hard. However, finding a way to show this respect AND get results or live within confines of our authority, is a skill posed well by most amazing individuals. My sug-gestion is to pick your employer and spouse with great care. Thus, improving your opportunity for an awesome relation-ship across the board. Niccie Kliegl, CLC

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Stretch True Leadership: Being able to stretch yourself to...

• See greatness that you can’t see from where you are currently, but you know it’s there and move trust-ingly ahead.

• Understand where someone else is coming from as you are trying to make your point.

• Set yourself up for success, but allow yourself to fail while trying.

• Show love and kindness when you are too tired or busy.

• Be amazingly gracious as you stand firm.• Put as much effort in your team’s growth as in your

own.• Care more for your customer and teammate’s satis-

faction than your own.• Be able to love yourself even when others try tearing

you down.• Stay true to your mission even when it isn’t popular.• Hold fast to the truth when faced with convenience.• Take ownership for all, while watching success go

off to each.• Be transparent for the sake of others.• Believe in yourself when others disregard.

there is nothing more fulfilling than watching your child, your spouse, your em-ployee, a peer rise up and reach new heights!

S t r e t c H greatness awaits!

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Fulfill Your Legacy Magazine

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Niccie Kliegl, CLC

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