





(From the Laboratory oj Dr. C. A. Herter, New York.)

(Received for publication, August 12, 1908.)

In previous papers ’ it was shown that phenylpropionic acid, at least in part, underwent oxidation in the animal organism in accordance with the following scheme:

C,H,.CH,.CH,.COOH (phenylpropionic acid)


(phenyl-p-oxypropionic acid) I

[C,H,.CO &.COOH]? (benzoylacetic acid)


C,H,.C&CH, (acetophenone)


(benzoic acid)

Benzoylacetic acid was not detected but its formation was in- ferred from the production of acetophenone, into which it readily passes through loss of carbon dioxide. At the same time it was thought probable that some benzoic acid was formed without pass- ing through the stage of acetophenone.

The close analogy between the apparent mode of catabolism of phenylpropionic acid and that of butyric acid made it desirable

1 This Journal, iv, p. 419, 1908; Be&. z. them. Physiol. u. Pathol., xi, p.



I74 Oxidation of Phenyl-fatty Acids

to extend the investigation to other aromatic derivatives of the fatty acids in the hope of obtaining further insight into the processes of tissue oxidation of the fatty acids of physiological importance. The present communication deals with the fate in the body of a number of derivatives of phenylbutyric acid.

The fate of phenylbutyric acid in the organism has already been investigated by F. Knoop’ who administered it by mouth to a dog and observed the subsequent excretion of phenaceturic acid in the urine. This result was interpreted in the light of Knoop’s well-known hypothesis of P-oxidation and indeed was one of the most important facts upon which his theory was based. The conversion of phenylbutyric acid into phenaceturic acid in- volves the intermediate formation of phenylacetic acid which is then paired with glycocoll:


It is clearly desirable to ascertain the intermediate steps in the conversion of phenylbutyric acid into phenylacetic acid. So far as I am aware no picture of the mechanism of the reaction has hitherto been put forward. In order to elucidate this mechanism it was natural to inquire first of all whether the catabolism of phenylbutyric acid did not follow upon the same line as that of phenylpropionic acid. Judging by analogy one might expect the change to be as follows:

C,H,.CH,.CH,.CH,.COOH (phenylbutyric acid)


(phenyl-P-oxybutyric acid)


(phenylaceto-acetic acid) I

C,H,CH2%0.CH, (phenylacetone)


C,H,.CH2!COOH (phenylacetic acid)

1 Be&. z. chews. Physiol. u. Pathol., vi, p. 155, 1904.

H. D. Dakin I75

The occurrence of the first step in this series of changes, namely, the formation of phenyl-/3-oxybutyric acid, is highly probable, as is shown by the following facts:

(I) A small quantity of a lzvorotatory substance giving the reactions of phenyl-/?-oxybutyric acid was isolated from the urine of dogs that had received subcutaneous injections of sodium phenylbutyrate in fairly large doses. The P-oxy-acid could not, however, be isolated in a state of purity.

(2) Phenyl-P-oxybutyric acid injected in the form of its sodium salt was excreted in the form of phenaceturic acid, i. e., the same end-product as phenylbutyric acid itself yields.

There was little hope of isolating the substance corresponding to the second hypothetical step in the reaction, namely, phenyl- aceto-acetic acid, for this body has not yet been synthesized and would doubtless be unstable. It is improbable, however, that it was present in the urines of the dogs which had received injections of sodium phenylbutyrate, because in this case phenylacetone would have been found in the distillates, for a P-ketonic acid of the type of phenylaceto-acetic acid doubtless would lose carbon dioxide on boiling, with formation of the corresponding ketone.

The third possible stage in the catabolism of phenylbutyric acid involving the formation of phenylacetone, corresponding to the intermediate production of acetophenone from phenyl- propionic acid, was definitely excluded on the basis of the follow- ing experimental results :

(I) No trace of phenylacetone could be detected in the urines of animals which had received injections of considerable quan- tities of phenylbutyric acid.

(2) Phenylacetone cannot be an intermediate stage in the catabolism of phenylbutyric acid for when administered to dogs it results in the excretion of hippuric acid. Phenylbutyric acid under similar conditions gives phesaceturic acid.

To sum up: Evidence has been obtained that phenylbutyric acid when oxidized in the body passes through the stage of phenyl- &oxybutyric acid. No evidence could be obtained of the for- mation of phenylaceto-acetic acid and it could not be detected in the urine. The possibility of its formation as an intermediate product is not, however, excluded. Phenylacetone is certainly not a product of the catabolism of phenylbutyric acid.

176 Oxidation of Phenyl-fatty Acids

It is clear, therefore, that the modes of catabolism of phenyl- propionic acid and of phenylbutyric acid, though similar as re- gards the primary formation of a P-oxy-acid, differ in that ketone formation takes place in the case of phenylpropionic acid but not in that of phenylbutyric acid. The catabolism of phenyl- butyric acid is therefore to be represented as follows:



[C6H,.CH2.:0.CH,.COOH] ?


The mechanism of the catabolism of phenylbutyric acid ap- pears to be of interest from several points of view. In the first place it furnishes an additional example of the primary oxidation of the hydrogen attached to the P-carbon atom of a phenyl-fatty acid with formation of a laevorotatory ,B-oxy-acid. In the second place it indicates the possibility, which has been insisted on in previous papers, of a ,L?-oxy or ,B-ketonic acid undergoing oxida- tion without intermediate ketone formation.’ Indeed it would appear as if ketone formation were restricted to the sinzplest members of the fatty acids and pheuzyl-fatty acids, theoretically capable of ketone formation, namely, butyric acid and phenylpropionic acid:

R.CH,.CH,.COOH -+ R.CH(Ok).CH,.COOH --+


This hypothesis furnishes an explanation of why under con- ditions such as diabetes in which large quantities of ketones are excreted only acetone has keen detected. If the above scheme represented a perfectly general type of reaction, it would be hard to explain why in diabetes the catabolism of acids such as caproic and valeric do not give rise to the excretion of propyl- methyl ketone or ethylmethyl ketone respectively :


r Unpublished experiments upon the mode of catabolism of phenylvaleric and phenyl-P-oxyvaleric acid indicate that the substances resemble phe- nylbutyric acid in this respect.

H. D. Dakin

It is at present impossible to decide what role, if any, the ,8-ketonic acids, other than aceto-acetic acid play in intermediary metabolism. Apart from aceto-acetic acid and benzoylacetic acid few if any of these acids of a type which might be formed in metabolism, have been prepared. It may be that they are extremely unstable or even incapable of more than momentary existence. It is well, however, to bear in mind that not only are P-ketonic acids capable of undergoing hydrolysis according to the well-known scheme


a reaction which fits in well with the progressive degradation of long-chain fatty acids by the loss of two carbon atoms at a time, but also that they are extremely easily oxidizable substances.’

I f the normal course of metabolism of a straight-chain fatty acid other than butyric acid and phenylpropionic acid, proceeds through the P-oxy-acids and possibly the P-ketonic acids, but does not involve ketone formation, is it not probable that the cata- bolism of butyric and phenylpropionic acid in part does not in- volve the intermediate formation of acetone and acetophenone respectively? There is a certain amount of physiological evi- dence in support of this view, and so far as I know, there is none opposed to it. The results of oxidation experiments in vitro furnish complete chemical analogy for these reactions.2

The excretion of hippuric acid following the administration of phenylacetone is of interest especially when it is considered that its lower homologue, acetophenone, also yields hippuric acid. These changes are similar to the action of ordinary oxidizing agents (including hydrogen peroxide) which oxidize both ketones to benzoic acid. It will probably be found that most aromatic methyl ketones primarily undergo oxidation in the body, so as to yield acids with two less carbon atoms, except in the case of acetophenone, in which the carbonyl group is directly attached to the nucleus:

C,H,.CO;CH, -+ C,H,.COOH

C,H,.CH,:CO.CH, -+ C,H,.COOH

1 A communication upon this subject will be made shortly. 2 This Journal, iv, p. 77.

178 Oxidation of Phenyl-fatty Acids

The fate of phenylisocrotonic acid was determined by injecting solutions of the sodium salt (= 2.0 grams of acid) subcutaneously into cats. The fate of this substance had already been deter- mined by Knoop’ who fed it by mouth to a dog and found that it was excreted in the urine in the form of phenaceturic acid. The explanation of this rather remarkable result might con- ceivably depend upon reduction in the intestinal canal. That this was not the case was proved by obtaining the same end- product when the acid was subcutaneously injected.

The fate in the organism of another derivative of phenlybutyric acid, phenyl-/?,y-dioxybutyric acid was also determined. This acid is certainly not an intermediary product of the catabolism of phenylbutyric acid since on oxidation in the animal body hip- puric acid together with a little phenyl-/3-oxybutyrolactone pro- duced by the removal of the elements of water from the original substance, were isolated from the urine.




Whether the lactone was excreted as such or formed from un- changed acid during the analysis is not clear. Lactone formation is very easily brought about by merely boiling with water or dilute acid and the lactones of aromatic acids as a class appear to be rather resistant to animal oxidation..

The formation of hippuric acid from phenyldioxybutyric acid is of special interest since it is an example of tissue oxidation tak- ing place at the y-carbon atom. So far as I am aware it is the only example of its kind so far recorded. Judging by analogy with some other tissue oxidations,2 one might anticipate the for- mation of mandelic acid according to the following scheme:


No definite indication of the presence of this acid could be ob- tained, however.

' LOG. cit., p. 159. 2 E.g., phenyl+oxypropionic acid and phenyl-,&oxybutyric acid.

H. D. Dakin 179


Preparation of phenylbutyric acid. Phenylbutyric acid has been synthesized by several methods, the most direct of these being the reduction of phenylisocrotonic acid with sodium amal- gam as described by Fittig and Jayne.’ The reduction, however, is not very easily carried out as was found by Jayne and by Knoop and also in experiments of my own. Kipping and Hi11,2 on the other hand, apparently had no difficulty in effecting the reduction at the ordinary temperature. On the whole, it was found more advantageous to employ the following method, mainly, based on the investigations of Fittig and his pupils. Phenylparaconic acid, prepared by means of Perkin’s reaction from benzaldehyde, sodium succinate and acetic anhydride, is distilled in vacua. The distillate, consisting mainly of phenyl- isocrotonic acid with a little phenylbutyrolactone, is boiled with twenty-five parts of hydrochloric acid (I part concentrated acid, 3 parts water by volume) under a reflux condenser, for six hours. The result of this procedure is to convert about 65 per cent of the phenylisocrotonic acid into phenylbutyrolactone.4 The acid is separated from the lactone by adding sodium carbonate till faintly alkaline to the ethereal extract containing the two substances.j The acid remaining in the aqueous layer is again treated with hydrochloric acid. In this way an 80 per cent yield of phenylbutyrolactone is readily obtained. The phenyl- butyrolactone is reduced to phenylbutyric acid according to Shield’s method6 by boiling it with ten parts of hydriodic acid (b. p. 127~) and 1.5 parts of red phosphorus for ten hours. The phenylbutyric acid is obtained by ether extraction after previous dilution with water and after removing the ether by evapora- tion readily crystallizes. The method gives an excellent yield. Twenty-five grams of phenylparaconic acid gave on the average

1 Ann. d. Chenz., ccxvi, p. 108. 2 l‘rans. them. SOG., lxxv, p. 147.

3 Ann. d. Chews., ccxvi, p. IOO. ’ Fittig and Hadorff: Ibid., cccxxxiv, p. 117 6 This method of converting phenylisocrotonic acid into phenylbutyro-

lactone was found far superior to that of Erdmann who employed 33 per cent sulphuric acid. Ibid., ccxxviii, p. 178.

6 Ibid., cclxxxviii, p. 207

180 Oxidation of Phenyl-fatty Acids

12.5 gramsof crudephenylbutyricacid, meltingat about 46’ to 49O.

After a single recrystallization it melts at 49’ to 50’. The synthesis may be represented as follows:


C,H,.CH - CH - CH, - CO -+ C,H,.CH : CH.CH,.COOH -+ I ___~

d (phenylisocro tonic acid)

(phenylparaconic acid)


b (phenylbutyric acid)


Fate of phecylbutyric acid iuz the orgavlisruz. Phenylbutyric acid in amounts varying from 5 to 6 grams was converted into the sodium salt and injected in aqueous solution subcutaneously into a small dog weighing about 6 kilos. The site of injection was usually the loose tissue at the back of the animal’s neck and no ill effects followed the injection. The urine passed during the next three days was collected and analyzed. It was first distilled in order to test for the presence of phenylacetone (and indirectly phenylaceto-acetic acid). In no case could any indi- cations of this substance be obtained. The distillates were ex- amined with the aid of paranitrophenplhydrazine,l with the sodium nitroprusside reaction and with the iodoform test. On one occasion a minimal iodoform redction was obtained but it was not due to an aromatic ketone nor was the amount more than a negligible trace. A portion of the urine was tested with ferric chloride but no color reaction was obtained, such as a P-ketonic acid would be expected to yield. Phenylacetone and phenylaceto-acetic acid were therefore absent.

The urine after distillation was concentrated, acidified with phosphoric acid and extracted with ether in a continuous ex- tractor for thirty-six hours. The ether residue was distilled in steam and the aqueous solution decolorized with charcoal, con-

1 Phenylacetone forms a beautifully crystalline paranitrophenylhydra- zone melting after crystallization from alcohol or pyridin at 145’ to 145.5’. It usually crystallizes in rosettes of platelets which are only moderately soluble, even in hot alcohol. The substance serves well for the identi- fication of phenylacetone.

H. D. Dakin 181

centrated and allowed to crystallize. A little over 2 grams of well crystallized phenaceturic acid were obtained in this way. The substance crystallized in well formed platelets and melted after a single recrystallization at 142' to 143’. The mother liquors from the phenaceturic acid were examined in the polar- imeter and found to be decidedly lzevorotatory (0.35’ to 0.51~).

The optically active substance was found to be insoluble in ben- zene but readily soluble in chloroform, in this respect agreeing with the known properties of phenyl-/?-oxybutyric acid. This substance, however, could not be isolated in a state of purity. Its presence was made almost certain, however, by the following reactions : (I) Part of the solution was neutralized with am- monia and distilled with hydrogen peroxide in the same way as was employed for the detection of phenyloxypropionic acid.’ On successively redistilling the distillate with ammoniacal silver solution to remove aldehydes and then with phosphoric acid, a liquid was obtained with a strong aromatic smell, similar to phenylacetone and the solution gave a strong iodoform reaction and gave with sodium nitroprusside deep red coloration in both alkaline and acid solution, identical with those obtained by using pure phenylacetone. With paranitrophenylhydrazine in acetic acid solution a yellow precipitate was obtained. The amount was too small for complete purification. (2) On treating another portion of the solution with a little sodium carbonate and then adding a little strong, cold potassium permanganate solution, a strong odor of an aromatic aldehyde similar to phenyl- acetaldehyde was at once obtained.

These reactions, combined with the observed hzvorotation of the solution make it extremely probable that phenyl-/?-oxy- butyric acid was present. However, until the substance can be isolated in the pure state, complete proof must be considered lacking.

Preparcltion of phenyl-/?-oxybutyric acid. Great difficulty was experienced in obtaining this acid. A small quantity was even- tually obtained by a modification of Fittig and Luib’s methods.2 Phenylisocrotonic acid (40 grams) was boiled with IO mol. parts of IO per cent caustic soda solution. The solution was then

1 This Journal, iv, p, 430. 2 Ann. d. Clzeun., cclxxxiii, p, 302

182 Oxidation of Phenyl-fatty Acids

acidified and extracted with ether. The ethereal residue dis- solved almost completely in carbon bisulphide so that the quan- tity of oxy-acid formed must have been very small. The residual acids consisting of a mixture of phenylisocrotonic acid and phe- nyl-a,,&crotonic acid were then crystallized from water which removed the bulk of the former acid. The more soluble acid remaining in solution was then extracted with ether. On evapo- ration of the ether the residue, without further purification, was allowed to stand for three days with 4 parts of glacial acetic acid saturated with hydrobromic acid gas. On pouring the solution into water an oil separated which was boiled for three hours with I 5 parts of water to which a little sodium acetate had been added. After cooling, the aqueous portion was filtered off and extracted with ether. The ethereal residue readily crystallized and was purified by washing with carbon bisulphide. The yield of pure acid was only about 3 per cent.’ The changes may be repre- sented as follows:

C,H,.CH:CH.CH,.COOH -+ C,H,.CH,.CH:CH.COOH + (phenylisocrotonic acid) (phenyl-a-P-crotonic acid)

C,H,.CH,.CHBr.CH,.COOH -+ C,H,.CH,.CH(OH).COOH (phenyl-P-bromobutyric acid) (phenyl-,&oxybutyric acid)

Fate of phewyl-P-oxybutyric acz’d in the organism. One gram of the acid was converted into the sodium salt and injected sub- cutaneously into a cat weighing about 2.5 kilos. The urine during the next three days was carefully collected and analyzed exactly as in the case of phenylbutyric acid. No phenylacetone or phenylaceto-acetic acid could be detected. Four-tenths of a gram of phenaceturic acid was obtained in the form of crystals which melted at 142' after a single recrystallization. A very small amount of unchanged substance appeared to be present, for the mother liquor from the phenaceturic acid was feebly hevorotatory (- o. IO') and faint indications were also obtained of its presence by oxidation with hydrogen peroxide and with potassium permanganate.

1 The acid obtained crystallized in platelets and melted at 98” to I oo”. I have been unable to find any record of the melting point of this acid which was obtained by Fittig and Luib.

H. D. Dakin 183

Fate of phenylacetone in the organism. Phenylacetone (Kahl- baum) was injected subcutaneously into dogs in dilute alcoholic solution in doses varying from 3 to 4 grams. The absorption of the ketone appeared to be slow and in one case comparatively little hippuric acid was obtained (0.3 gram). In all the other cases an abundant yield of hippuric acid was obtained-in one case as much as 3.0 grams being recovered. A small amount of unchanged ketone was excreted in the urine. The hippuric acid after recrystallization, melted sharply at 187'.

Fate of phewylisocroto&c acid in the organism. Phenylisocro- tonic acid was prepared by distilling phenylparaconic acidin vacua and crystallizing the distillate from carbon bisulphide. Two grams of the acid were dissolved in alcohol and almost neutralized with caustic soda. The solution was injected subcutaneously into a cat (two kilos). The urine was collected for three days. It contained a trace of acetone but no aromatic ketone. The urine was concentrated to about IOO cc., acidified with phos- phoric acid and extracted in a continuous extractor with ethyl acetate. After purifying the ethyl acetate extract by steam distillation and by boiling the aqueous solution with charcoal, 0.65 gram of pure phenaceturic acid, melting at 142’, was ob- tained. No hippuric acid could be detected.

Fate of phevzyl-P,r-dioxybut~~r~c acid. This acid was prepared by Fittig and Obermuller’s method’ by oxidizing phenylisocro- tonic acid in dilute alkaline solution at o” with dilute potassium permanganate. The product obtained was a mixture of the free acid and lactone and was converted into the sodium salt by boil- ing with excess of caustic soda, neutralizing with acetic acid and injecting the dilute solution subcutaneously into a cat of about 2.5 kilos weight. One and a quarter grams of the acid in the form of sodium salt gave about 0.45 gram of pure crystalline hippuric acid (m.p. 185~ to 187~) and about 0.2 gram of phenyl- P-oxybutyrolactone. The lactone was separated from the hippuric acid as follows: The urine was concentrated, acidified and extracted with ether in the usual way. The ethereal resi- due was distilled in steam for a very short time only, then decolorized with charcoal and concentrated to about 5 cc. The

1 Liebig’s Ann. d. Chem., cclxviii, p. 44

184 Oxidation of Phenyl-fatty Acids

solution was then made just alkaline with sodium carbonate solution and extracted with ether to remove the lactone. The alkaline residue was acidified and again repeatedly extracted with ether. On evaporation, hippuric acid crystals were obtained in abundance. The aqueous solution of the ethereal extract was optically inactive and no positive indication of the presence of mandelic acid could be obtained.


The subcutaneous injection of phenylbutyric acid in the form of its sodium salt in aqueous solution results in the excretion of phenaceturic acid as found by Knoop. In addition a small quan- tity of a hevorotatory acid possessing the properties of phenyl-P- oxybutyric acid was excreted. No phenylacetone was excreted and phenylaceto-acetic acid could not be detected.

Phenyl-,B-oxybutyric acid administered under similar con- ditions results in the excretion of phenaceturic acid. No phenyl- acetone could be detected. A part of the oxy-acid is apparently excreted unchanged and is hevorotatory.

Administration of phenylacetone results in the excretion of hippuric acid, no phenaceturic acid being formed. Phenylace- tone cannot therefore be an intermediate product of the cat- abolism of phenylbutyric acid. The probable mode of oxidation of phenylbutyric acid in the body may be represented as follows :


[C,H,.CH,.CO.CH,.~OOH]? -+ C,H,.CH,.COOH

The phenylacetic acid is excreted in the form of phenaceturic acid.

A comparison is made between the mode of oxidation of phenyl- butyric acid and that of phenylpropionic acid. The first step in the catabolism of both acids apparently consists in the formation of a /3-oxy-acid but in the case of phenylbutyric acid there is no formation of the corresponding ketone as a product of further oxidation. The intermediate formation of ketones observed in the catabolism of butyric and phenylpropionic acids is probably confined to these two acids and is not a general reaction.

H. D. Dakin 185

These results are in harmony with the view that in normal me- tabolism probably only part of the butyric acid and phenylpro- pionic acid undergoing oxidation passes through the stages of acetone and acetophenone respectively.

Phenylisocrotonic acid administered subcutaneously to cats in the form of its sodium salt is excreted in the form of phenaceturic acid.

Phenyl-/?,r-dioxybutyric acid administered to cats in the form of its sodium salt resulted in the excretion of hippuric acid to- gether with a little phenyl-P-oxybutyrolactone. No indications could be obtained of the formation of mandelic acid. Phenyl- dioxybutyric acid therefore does not undergo /I-oxidation but oxidation takes place at the y-carbon atom. Phenyldioxybutyric acid is not a product of the catabolism of phenylbutyric acid.

Phenplacetone is readily identified by conversion into its para- nitrophenylhydrazone which crystallizes from alcohol or pyritlin in sparingly soluble rosettes of platelets melting at 145’ to 145.5’.

Note added dur&zg proof correction. The investigation of the fate of phenylvaleric and phenyl-/3-oxyvaleric acid has shown that while the end product of catabolism in both cases is hip- puric acid, ci~namylglycocoll, C,H,.CH:CH.CO.NH.CH,.COOH

m. P., 193’7 is an intermediate product of their catabolism. This substance is also produced in the oxidation of phenylpro- pionic acid in the animal body. These observations throw considerable light upon the mechanism of fatty acid metabol- ism and will form the subject of a separate communication.

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