
Use will : ¨  General future intention/ not arranged ( 1) ¨  Offers / refusals (2) ¨  Promises (3) ¨  Decisions made at the time of speaking (4) ¨  When the speaker is making a prediction, based on no

evidence (5) For Example: 1.  We will see what we can do to help you 2.  Will you marry me? Yes, I will! 3.  I won’t do it again, I promise! 4.  “Are you ready to order?” “Yes, I’ll have a coffee” 5.  I think robots will substitute teachers in the future. For the negative form we use Won’t: He won’t use the car this evening, so you can have it. I won’t go out, I’m too tired!

Use Be Going to: ¨  For predictions, when you can see

the evidence (1) ¨  For intentions / decisions already

made (2 and 3) For Example: 1.  Look at these clouds ! It is going to

rain 2.  Arianna is going to live in New York 3.  I’m not going to give up smoking

Use Present Simple: ¨  For the timetabled events ¨  Tv programmes or train

departures For Example: 1.  Davide starts work next week 2.  Tomorrow is Saturday 3.  The train to Galway leaves at 9pm


Use Present countinuos: ¨  Personal arrangements ¨  Sometimes it’s important to choose the right

structure, but often we could use either because many events are both arrangements and intentions.

For Example: 1.  Amy’s coming round for dinner 2.  I am having a party this Saturday 3.  We’re going to the cinema on Friday

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