Page 1: Fylde Borough L.P. - 0 1-'/^ ^;^//^.^ Land at Westby
Page 2: Fylde Borough L.P. - 0 1-'/^ ^;^//^.^ Land at Westby

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• l A F F Ministryof j j * ™ - * Agriculture

Fisheries I and Food

Agricultural Land Classification

Fylde Borough L.P. Land at Westby Sample Point Map


Location of soil pit

Location of auger sample point

L ^ r Boundary of X , ^ S survey area

Scak .:10.000

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Furlher details contained in MAFF 11988) .Agticuhural Land Classification of Hngland and Wales - Revised guidelines and critctia for grading the qualily uf agricultiiial land, MAFF Ipublicationsl, London SE99 7TP. The informal ion is accurate at base map scale but any enlargemeni would be misleading. Reproduction in whole ur in part by any means is prohibited without the prior permission of M.AFF

Surveyed and drawn by FRCA. Wolverhsmptun. Based on ihe I98S Ordnance Survev 1:10,000 map wiih the permission of the Conttoller ol Her Majesty's Slationety Office. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to ptosccution or civil proceedings. MAFF Licence No; GD27236I Source maplsl : snjiSW, sn33Sr Job reference nu: 042/97 ® Crown Copyrighi Reserved 1997

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