
f l. . .Tvijin.Faljs, Idal


W e a t h e r ■^ Today:

' this m

M a g ig V a l l i; S tandaT dlM d 'tesfef____ & iture.ptstandacdizft

. ing in Idaho rem ains I . . seen .', __________

M o n e y .■ Castling In: Third-quai

sales rose above year-e . levels in all Magic Vall ^ u n t i ^ b d o 's T e d p ^ an accounting change.

•....S p o r t s — —

Dlshln’ it out: M a ^ d owner Rfark Cuban mz good on his word Wedr s j j e n ^ g the dsy servi cream a t a Dallas-area Qiieen. '

...................... .............. 1

O PIN IO N : Stick'with supermajorfi Idahoans wouldn’t app dropping bond passage xeqiiireinent, today’s e( says: , A ' , •

O u T O o d ^

Wading winter w ^ers:w eather m e ^ extra pi tions when fishing in st

Se c t io n by secS e c t i o n A . Dear *blW ea the r__ 2 CrosswoN ation ' . . . .3-5 Movies

, Opinion 6-7 Wal'o/W

Section B Sectl(Sports . . . .1 4 Outdoor; i . ComicsSection CM aglotelleyl.3 . s e c t i cO b ltu a te .- ..2 „

. Comunidad . .4 - Community , .5 Morning breaks •_


; C l a s s I H ei

Log oh t o . . . I


':i733-0?31•/ ' , ......r . • •ormBi iHpy•

■ 677-4042

f e3aho/97th year, No.O

RNfl^G — ^■■ '

ay: A U ttle w,mamly morning. '


P a g e A 2

iz&d-test:___n s to b e

-i P a g e C lv

uarterir-earlier/alley^ ^ y b y

... P a g e E l

Hd<sm a d e '— --------

« a D k iry , W » Jn esd a y ir

' P a g o B l

ority: ' - 'ipprove of P'- i- ■ f-‘a / e . . . .W il


' .Qnlmalfe^lr — ■■'I Campbell,a I

uicldano oa|

■Lei'ssave:o aodUmoand

J , come up wlili_____ function to tn

' noUust seM ness,*-Vais

. • pcrfomKram

''^ tw 8 h a \ . waiting to tiaj @uhl. .

‘rmnotropir Bell, a radio t nance tlialvA 2 animat unit

rs: Winter , '^ 'dbocon :

ap recau- .-Myram^lsi 1 stream s. nfngforpresh

P a g e D l -BillChlsholl actMstandrr

iCTION T T CAbb, . . . 6 sword. . .6

.........^ •Tho Associate)/West .7-8 -----------------

MANILA,.♦Inn n Deploying scfllO n U may h elp c<DOrS .l-2,4. extremist grocs . 3 the Philippin

........... the escalaiinjm ent w ill ' i

i t lo n E Washington aHO allies in Souti

!y ...-.1-3 P residentI ..........4' •

“ “ Sgij-i*dpapcf. ■r*v\'/-kX '}

' g Q . Ttifliuw latm

' W A S I^G ' place Amencz get. A lot of

' America W5 , operation bac

to save'Soma

the U,5. madi

n losing 18 soldiiA pbsdbler

. bn terrorism.• ’ • somewhat difi

tJ m '- tosayythe'cha — ------ r - . ;hues,. tv'-'

p p i i I I m

k brlhg^t^Is concerns to the Twin ^evening. ‘ : „

i ^ a t w a s s a i d - . g»'gn>rfn Fks Couhyi fix I ' 5 '# |anc«fl"reg^rig

iita te s ^ Ih ^ tn e -o w n e re o f ' - ^ i g Jding op e ra tio n s.'-S co tt. ’ " ' i | . a Boise attorney representing S Dairymen's Associauon. ■

’eioursolvostaxpayers'money . Hand all go home untl^ wo can ■vlih a n onjlnance thatwlll . - H) t n ^ protect tho publlcand Bjiw tiie in tero sls 'o fb lgbusl- . ^'a lerts Chisholm, a Buhl chef, . >; a n d en^fonmefitat 'aciMsL'

have ou t there Is a wrcck happen .*-V .C .Pnjdek of. • ^

mi>plng on draft ho ise l* - Zeb •Io announcer on the ordh • ' l-VTOUld make a horso equal to •' mits while a milking cow ' »nsIdered l;4A .U . , "

■:■■■ ■ ..■'■■■ SOIs Bill Chlshoim.and I'm tun- j ?

e siden t of the United S t a te s . '- • lolrfi, an environmental . : . d m en jber o f the Idaho Rural . ®

3. troopsited Press .________ A r

tarA, P h ilipp ines - ddsom e 660 U.S. troops exc o n tro l th e M uslim wh

^ o u p that has plagued' bir)ines for a decade, but 1in g American involve- alsI t e s t ties betw een M in and onc.of its closcst sorutheastA sia .' , poin t G loria Macapagal I

nalia disaf gl3e|essqi t W p r e s s / . -y

, ' ■ -offiIG TON.-SoHiaUaisa ■. a d Ica once wanted to for- in i af U.S. soldiers never ' b w

wanted a quick relief •ack in 1992 and 1993, .• N nalis from staivation. • dan tiori sank into ‘quick- .• tior olih-Powell putrit; then— r ^ i ad e a hasty, exit after gu i I d i ^ in an ambush; ; faw enw .front'in^thew ar. Wh'( UJ, Soirialfa .tdday is a" .'. riec M era itp tic a ;:n ia t;is th e haoshastak'findrin’ew '

; ; ' ■■■■

Thursd County com m issionen

Tw in Fails County commissione dairym eri and .reslderits W edne:

Council, during dne of the lighter moments’a t V V ^n e sd ^s hearini

■ - I f s a BancWId fai liVveryyaguc Mike,Ihler, an environmental .actN

•In a perfect world everyone wbuli good n e ig h jx ir b u t i e live In an Imperfect worlij;* *■ Phuorig Smlili Flier. • .

■Setbacks need,to'be.spelled out

s go to FArroyo welcomes the U.S. tary buildup, saying it could deliyer a fatal blow to die M e x tre m is t group Abu Sa; which has been linked to 0 bm Laden’s al-Qaida networl

But the,militaiy mission < also further inflame the.coui M uslim .m inority and alie some of die president’s leftis porters. ' ■

D efense Secretary Donai

ister o f’9 3n for no

W hat is certaln is that if offidals go in,' they wUI,dQ so a differem f i ^ e of mind. S in th e government have aln b ^ b ^ e d once by Somalia

.M o 'gad i^u , the capita l, dangerous almo^ beyond des don. I t was a' city of comi^e warlords,-pickups with m ac guns and “quatj” ' a n arc favored by the gunmen. A p where'women and children iied'guhs,\armed men hid be :hem, arid cMzens insulted, Ple^e smSOMAUAi.f^i

>s?i (<! -:Cs'; ;

i iday.Jahuary 17, 200

■ k

sra atithe on propc

I ^ ^ \ h a a m o v e ^

j—, lO M B IneU lf

-•■■'•.'I-' Ph:734-81 .- Hexttoi ■ ::

9 .6 MO0I HnH| .

’• “‘*'1ners listen to a full hoase of cc lestlay evening.,

jir’ .'" ■'Uw'matrtxcandothi 1ngs. V ‘ ;■ .ainmberofthecltl.

{ud.*-- •'ahugelacI :tlXlsL'. 'local,.state and f^e

’ ; McKrifeht. who recer luldbea.'- herhflmenoafodali an.-, . another horne in TwlJ liiidf - • : rV •;" ■ ' See Sunday’s Tlmos

iBxcerpta from Wedn lutaKd ■ ' m o n y .

^hilippijS. mili* Rumsfeld said lid help that up to 250 U Muslim the country and iayyaf, m ore" would f Osama number" of the>rk. , on the southern \ could an area where 1 ( u n ^ s have been b a tt ie ria te rebels: is t sup- . Philippine offi

m onth joint exi lald-H. about-660.troop

^ 3 Rem emberii• inth«©ai1y1»Os,thoui

eempotif'OwmlcnJs.fcte • ' ntW U.S. lorcOT vrfio tw

h l.m .,^ .^ n .« o o O

i ■ 1300-■' fSVS .

i f 'u .s : ' ^50 with ■,'Some pUnlsmMl KOO Iready 'S SS :^iO'

I.-was »==rsn

peting TUkFena ic h in e - ----- hHeopwb-/./ifly. «)wn;oun«rC O tiC , . . . ytnouKn.■ place ‘ '• >:n caP r. •, dwppw*. . '" 'Deliirid .. ,v d U .S . . : V ..

4 g e ^ , ;

S x v ' '


g si—

oposed dairy d rd in ah c es held a'

t M



flAK.COUUSAtenM»Min, ^ ‘

f complaints, from-----Gri

lU ia f-D a v lltM e a d ;, w o c l tlic n s 'c o m S J I^ , ,.

lackofenfoT O m ont- s ie m : - S e r n ■ , 2“ cantly moved out of ' . dairy In Rier and Into .

' - ■ T i

n o ^ ^ e w for nKKQ,, t-snwo S

ines to fid a t the Pentagon U.SI U.S. m>ops were in somid “several hundred th e ;1 follow. A “sm all Ithe Americans were - fronm island of Basilan, ism,e Philippine forces sionitd ing Abu Sayyaf to a

help3ffidals say thc six- in g :exercise w - troplops^.including 160 and

iriiig i y hd iirs a n d tw ihouunds ol SonuJIt weto stniv4ng lo'doa , htooadlthu, (ho doflgtrous captini.'Docar I toughi to capturo Ow motl trouUnoms' M 0 a 3 ^ ,1 l» 3 .10 AflMrlcans and hum

, ■ ISIS • ’ : "ajQ lunoort . Mo»*i.a<i«y • AmWOua inabukang ‘•wdorMIo' HnAalMtn

•- o»i|lUn» - SKerrfftua.

J wm en a . .

SKI. ;'c3i.T., ,;*nr-» ,' "ccra

'»*■ ■ ;->c**Wtutmb«K'.: «WW«*■ , iMNVgtbouiW'

.Amw>ean«»a.- ■7UFmm{\fi■ . •' tMflCM

' ' ' ‘ ■ ■■ I ■ '


d a t tlie Collogo d l Soiitfiem Idal

l aBy Sandy Miller,Tfme»NBW8 w ritpr , .

- Some; said f t imiy*s sbc draft ordinances r latmg'aiiifh^ feeding operatic vague about setbaicks, allov oniy people within a m ile ' daily to appeal an operator’s mit, and requiring operator renew their permits each ye are a redpSfor disaster.

Boise attorney Scott Campl who rep resen ts the Id D a i^ e n > A>Bodati6n..caUed ordinances “draconian.”

“ It is contrary to th e Id C onstitu tion ,” C am pbell i County Cbminissiohers G G rindstaff, Bill Brockman M arvin Hem plem an Wednesday night’s public h ings on the proposed ordiiianct .' P eo p le on both sides of jairy i ^ e EUed the large rooi Jie College of Southern Idaho ■vere each given five minute ^ e a k their piece about the d 3rdinaiices.

County commissioners ke] ig h t rein on the hearings, ri jusly enforcing the five-'mir

Please see HEARING, Pagi

fightaI-(J.S. Army Special Forces, : ome will be allowed to wort he souihem Philippines.

It would essentially be a r ront in the U.S.-led war on te r an, but a radically different r ion from Afghanistan - shift 0 a heavily support-based r lelping a friend rather dian oi lg an adversary, and coping w ropical jungle instead of sn n d desert.

w b Black Hawks downI'doaSi et Incotning ud wnt conRscaiad by ocamo iho locui ol a miina/y oclion by U.N. ims Wartord, Mohnn<mod Farah AkM. and hund'odS'ft Somalia ra Uled.

• CISS' • ' OSM Oliflt - • ■ On»a*m«iol * Cowoy' iIMnyti ' ' ' rMOMnlrcmM'rtaaxb bi/lhM tnvoiflcMup mffituMv and ; ■ • van iHanM [mill ^ 1 I...... mm nm

=3 ;

by,eerhi»affi” ''y'riaeHM ^

• . A ■ 'newaroojn " ym.m3H:

s h " . ^ 2 /

• > '

' f A i''•f r

/■ 1 5 /2 0 0 S

TX 7 9 9 0 3 ‘

—' Newc ■ ^ - b i l L w *

I chan I schoo

By JuIle Pence TIme»New8 writer

BOISE - House ■ Newcomb, R-Burh

. bill that would pre ■ S B ' erty owners from

up to public schoo! can’t pay when it c

Newcomb said t year would be . ■ a safeguard for I p roperty tax-

statewide who might have to

-pay a n -e x tra — ^ ■ 7 -& 2 3 -m H H o n ^

' based on a 2.5 . percent “hold-

back” Gov.

^ -----KempLhornc!—has recom - m ended for^ the c u rre n t lif

. school year. V• The c u r re n t ' I

law works like KIf law-

makers do not ap ' tive supplemeptal’

Iaho cent of last year’s £ public schools, th

' will automatically taxpayers to pay t after July 1. Negat

___ tals are subtractio'p ria tib n s th e

■ J approved last sessi' Many Mag

Republicans are . Kempthome’s rec that sdiools simpl

'. backs along with 01 id the des. Yet, there are sregu- makers ready to tions - appropriations, o r i owing tion to 1.5 percent, e of a All around, local ’s per- the maneuver of f ors to property taxpaye yrear - But also, there an

makere or school ol ipbell, recall holdbacks foi Idaho ever holding, m ud ed the, _ holdback to p

To make up to sdio< Idaho And Newcomb 1 1 to ld sure it never happe G ary ' For taxpayers, f

n a n d could pro tea them a t each pay literally

hear- • extra dollars in p ices. fo r example, to m >f th e percent ho ldbacl Kjmat Falls School Dist 10 and who owtis land wor tes to ta.xable \-alue woul : draft 54,254. That figure

Idaho State Tax C ;ept a >nula that divides rigor- value of the distrii inu te tlie the holdback. I

trict, som eone w Please see NE\

Qaida a], and The aim is to hei] rk in Abu Sayyaf. But t

defied successive new for 10 years in t h e .

“rror- mountains of tlie re : mis- islands, ifting Abu Sayyaf has ( role fighters, but it’s a lc oust- eration of gangs tli , widi by m elting in to tl snow ■ dropping weapons'

into tlie local popul:

m T a l i b a iyy.N.“ money


• The Associated PresKANDAHAR, A

^ U.S. investiggtors c* questioned a m an '

^ himself as a finan(. of the Taliban and ?

untarily a t |the big) ■; in Afghanistan off(

, . tion., ■ Pentagon o ffida l

, had given m oney t ,. but had no t been

rom the Islam ic re g itr

• Piease see f

; ■

i' . ..r

so cents''

^combwuld—L g e


use Speaker Bruce uriey, has drafted a prevent local prop-

om having to make tiools what the state1 it comes up short, id the proposal this

1— ------

:_____Rep..BniCB_______Newcomb .

'M g: approve a “n e g a -^ — ual” of the 2.5 p e r - ^ r’s appropriation to , then the amount ally go to property 3y to local districts jgative supplemen- ctions from appro- lie ‘rL eg isla tu re ession..Iagic -Valley ire solidly behind recommendations mply absorb hold- h other state agen- are moderate law- to argue for full } or a t least u reduc- ‘ ‘ 'int.)cal le g a to r s find of falling back on ayers distasteful.: a re no local law­si offidals who can s for public schools lud i less a shifting o pjopeiiy o w n ^ ^ chools.nb wants to make ppens.•s, Newcomb’s bill lem from having to ally thousands of n property taxes.0 make up the 2.5 )ack in the Twin ) is tric t, a farm er worth ,S1 million in /ould pay an extra ure is based on an X Commission for- :dcs th e assessed strict divided into k . In the same dis-2 w hose hom e is Newcomb! page a2

allieshelp eradicate tiie u t th e group has ive governments h e jungle<overed e remote southern

as only about 800 a loosely knit fed- s tliat can escape ' o th e jung les or ons* and blending pulace. .

an i y man iders>res8__ ^t, A fghanistan - rs on Wednesday

lan d a l supporter nd showed up vol- biggest U.S. base _ offering informa-

dais said thc man i•y to the Taliban Vicn a m em ber df •gim e th a t ru led j

iee MONEY. Page « ' :

' ■ , V '

.T ^ in -F a ! l$ , W ah

C d O D M O R N

: ,7 ,W E ;p H E F ^ ^ ^ ■ ^

t ----- i-------- ------------- 12.—■'•: ■■' ;■ ■ ;■ • ; ■ \

M a g i g . V a l l e— Standardized te sts: Tl:

future of standardized ! mg“iri Idaho rem ains t*

seen.' .

M o n e y . /Cashing In; Third-quart sales rosfe above year-ea levels in all M a^c Valle counties, boosted parti£ an a c co u n ^ g change.

S p o k x s . .........

blslSn’ ft q i i t p a v e ^ ^ovmier Ma^k Cuban mad good on his'word Wedne spending the day servini cream a t a Dallas-area E Queen. •


“ " © p i N i o r s r ' '— “Stlck'wfth siipennajorfty Idahoans woijdn’ta p p it droppi;^.bond passage

. iequireinent, today’s edii s a y s . - : , •

O u T D o o f e - ^

Wading winter waters: W:w eather means extra pre< tions when fishing in stre;


, S e c t i o n BY SEC T ,S e c t i o n A Dear Abby Weather . . . ,2 Crossword (tetton '....3 -5 M ovies..Opinion '....6-7 Maho/West

S e c t l o n B S e c t i o nSports . . . .1-4 Ouldoors -.i

. . . . Comics . . ,S e c t l o n C

Comunldad ..4 ■

Community • :5 . ■ ciassmeii-. Momlngbreake . . . ■

WapilitoiiKjttaiixvF toncidiltaeih

C l a s s i f i e dL o g o n to . . .

MTgrPE»>igclassifled 1

: ; ^ 4 m 0 9 3 l ' - - - V ■ ■V 677-4042

ma h b /? 7 th y e a r , N o ; 4

I N l t s i c ___________

kv-mainly-:— m orning.126. low

P ag eA 2

T h e .- ^ —:ed test-

iP a g e C l;

'• e ^ lie r

[tially by.-

P age E l

iad e ' ,

* i g k e ’ ■ ''.p.Pradckbfi; a D a ily Wednesday ovoi

- f UIty: •prove of; e . . . , 5 : , ; / , W h a l

Page AS:■itdsofmlna'tfi*

’ anImQl re^ in g c---------- j " ■ -Cam pM ll.aB oi;


‘Let's save CKj'rs ^ y 'V . arid tinie arid all

funcUontotrulyi ■ H H .'niofju^sohijth

n e ss ,'-V ale rie perforrnerand.ei

K . ^ n ’Whatweh^'c E p H . '^ iU n g to happe

. Buhl..; . ,

T m not roping 0 Belira radio enm nance triatwoutd 2 animal units wl

W in t^ would be consid!

'recau- ,-Myi3^iiBI«' tr e sp s . .nfnsforimsldeni ’a g e D l -aiiiCblshotm,d

sctM st and mem

r r iO N T J O

Tho A ssoc ia ted P,'est .7-8 — ------------- --

MANILA, :• Q Deplo^ng some

^ may h elp cont3'.1-2,4 extremist group.........3 the Pliaippines 1

the e s^ a tin g A m ent w ill 'te s i

) f | E Washington and ., o allies in Sou'thca:

; • P resident Gli

' S g E K

^ nM|jj[ ) Thfl Assoc^lated

WASHINGTOI place America oni

^ . get. A lot of U.S

l y r o " l e r i c a wonlc ^ , operation back in

to save Somalis ii d f ld s ; ■"'“iiPP ™ ';?" ,? ' - r — r— -sandr-aa ColinPc

the U.S.-made ai losing 18 s o l d i i i

. A pbssibleriw .: on tertrorism, Soil

■■ \ somewhat diffa-d• : ' ‘ . to say, the chaos h

— . hues.: '

••• . v ‘

S i . ^

■ U M

— J i \ ~ |

brings h is concerns to th e Twlri.Fi ivonlrtg.

esidcw a s s a i d

Fka'couity8^;;^:gH M

■'stes against the owners of -.. tS M igoperatlons.’ - S c o tt ' " ' ; ‘ ) | [ | | | Boise attorney representing [rymbn's Association.

Hj'rselves taxpayers' m oney.. - I all 'go'home uritil wo can I H lanonilnanceUuitw llluly protec t the p u b lic jn d __ j ^ Hit^'frnerestsorblgtMisI^ . L irle Chisholm, a Buhl chef, , . ; • ierivfronmentai BctivisL

Twin I/e 'ou t thero Is'a Wreck ' dfllryr 5pen.‘ -V .C .P rudeho f, ■ ^ ■

■ . Coun.. momi

igon draft h o r se s ; '-Z e b ; , innouncer'oruho onjl-. ^wtd make a % re e equal to ' swhlieamllfoRgcow 5 ide reda.4A U .. ' '

goodiBill chlshoim.and i'm run- - ient of the Uhjted S ta te s .’ ' . h. an'envlronmental , . em ber of the Idaho Rural .

1. troops Ii P reaa________ ^ A rroj

tary bP h ilip p in es - dcliyc

me 660 U.S. troops e x trein tro l th e M uslim whichlip that lias plogued , bin LaIS for a decade, b u t . But: American involve- also fte s f tie s be tw een M uslind one of its closest someceast Asia. poncirGloria M acapagal Defi

lalia disast be lesson

i ^ S ' •' ■ '.J.-.W ha\ r . -offidal

'ON.-SoHiiilia is a a diffeonce wanted to for- in the 'J.S. soldiers never b ^ b i

nted a quick relief : in 1992 and 1993, ; • Mo'g; is froni staiVatibn. danger I sank into “quick- ’ .• tioii. I t •Poivell puti^-tfien-•"TVMloh a hasty, exit after guns; g

rsih an ambush; fa v o rs W .*6nfio ,tfe VW. w h e re ' )om^*'a ;tddw is. a * ! ried'gui TCTtplai^jljiat.ia;.;' them ,£ s ha? taken dii new '



lin Fails County c o m m iss io n e r a

vin Falls County, com m issioners ilrym enand reslden ts 'W ednesde

ouxll, duringone of the, ll^it^r V' loments at W rtnesd^s hearing.

I's a' Band ld fix. ii's very \ ^ e . S llkejhler, ari ehvironniental.actlvisL'

n a perfect worid eveiyorie would bi »d nelghbof .'..-but we ilve in pn;. iperfect wrfdi’ -Ph'uong Sriilth df ler. ' ;

toibac(ts;tieed, tb.'be,spe!ied out am

go to Plroyo welcomes th e U.S, mi y buildup, saying it could he Uyer a fatal blow to the Musli trem ist g roup-A bu Sayya ich has been linked to Osan I Laden’s al-Qaida network. Jut themilitary mission cou 0 further inflame the .coun^ islim m inority a n d alieriai ne of the president’s leftist su iers.defense Secretary Donald 1

iter o f ’93 riforiipwrtiat is certain, is th a t if U.S d a k go in,'they willdQ so witl ifferentframe of.mind. Somi he govemment'have.alread; n burned once by Somalia. ■

[o'gadi^ti, th e ca p ita l, wa gerous almost beyond descrip 1. It-wtis'a'city of competini lotds,~pickU‘pis“'Pnth mb'dun« s 'a n d “qu ati” ' a 'n ia 'rcotil •r^ .b y the guruneh. A plact r e wpnien and children ctir guns, aimed m'eh hid behiric n, U;S

- ". Please sWspMAUAV a:

. ■ ’ '

mjay ; J a n u a r y 1 7 . 200:


| K

t at^the public forum on propos

V. ! - .. '^ r r r -T

' W i

rs listen to a ^11 house of com]

. . : the.matrix ban do thaf s . . a member ofthecitiien

...'.‘Theha'lsahugelackoi sL. ’ 'local,.stateandf^orall

' McKfitght;wtiorec6ntiy bos. . her home noar a dairy ir

•. onothefhorne'injwln Fi

^ Suhdsy’8 Tlmes^e _ ' oxcerptafrom WednMc

ind m ony.',.-

hilippinnili- Rumsfeld said at help that up tb 2S0 U.S. slim the country and "se yaf, m ore” w ould foil ama - num ber” of the Ar

, on the southem islr 3uld an area w here Phi tty’s have been battlinj late • rebels, sup- .• Philippine offida

m onth jo in t exerc 1-H. ' about 660 troops, i

3 R c ^ m b e r f i i g• • - : in tM early'l6W*.m«i«nd

, eompotir>owartords,Mooadit aiWU.S.Iofec«vrf»»uoWl

. hJ» muitla-.lfl a mWon OcL 3-

,1..' ' aoo isvs.tmeHflene, ■

I.S. roporttkey mcuto buMidth ■ Z S S J .me piviiomMi ’ tsooidv ' • CbWtonviwxfcJ- hahrfSnoh , ew>unpmonan

loadnavwrnon. <*»wa.. . wh(eJ»«om«y.

'a s ■;

'B W .'. . ;B B ■ •. DukFOTM OliKhHMi

;ne ''~ ’r ' ■'■»»«»pu}(i*ho(tic >: a x r ; s r . * -ice .. . lekftntti ' '• '* , rii^him' . ' ' •S S ' - i r r ;•s.A2 •

p i E iIPY I—

S g „ ;CSI-----

m e d daily brtllnancei held a t t i

By Sar

— r4^utir 'Hadng'


dairy I a

renewa r e a r

. who------- Daipn

ordinaneoiUM/ihitairtwi. “I t :.m pW nW ta •

/ . Grind:

laf-DavldMead: ' wnHni ^^-com ^lee . ,,

korenfofccnten'f- iially.--Seno . M J h Itly iiKMd out ol : ™ “

f f , ■ s

nes to fia t the Pentagon U.S. Ai.S. troops were in some w“several hundred the sbuiollow. A “small It woAmericans were - front inisland of Basilan,' ism, buiPhilippine forces sion fromg Abu Sayyaf to a he:

dais say the six- ing.ana i rd s e tropical s, induding 160 anddes<

ig '17 hoifis a n d tw o Bianda e( Soman* wwo »tarvlnfl to'doottiM I ladtAhu, Ihs dan srou* capltal.'boeamo Ow BM ta cactuio Vw m»i irouUaaonM Wiulor :L 3-4.'ID03. ia Amorlcana and huryjfgdi I

KIS' ; ■ »3£» ' ■■■ ■K« . WJchEcovo/- AlhiOEBMJc - •luldng 'laordtrMIo Ha<rk alMfflpa ‘'mORia. nejmtotaM' nKueMi>r«

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3 0 . 3 S i s / l


'-I'lmkaxiin/ntTtMMtit trie College o f Southem Idaho

m sSandy Miller , ie»Wew8 writpr ..

n V D J/E A U i w Some said ii irity’s sixuirafc ordiriances reg ing'ahimal feeding operations sue about setbacks, allowir Iy people w ithin a mile of jy to appeal an operator’s pe t, and requiring operators I lew their pennits each year : a redpe for disaster.Joise attorney Scott Campbei0 re p re se n ts th e Idah tiymen’s Assodation, called th inances “draconian.”I t is c o n tra ry to the Idah n s titu tio n ,” Cam pbell toi unty C om m issioners Gar indstaff, B ill Brockman an rvin H em plem an a dnesday night’s public heai son the proposed ordinances, eople on b o th sides of th ly issue filled the large room a College of Southern Idaho am •e ead i given five minutes ti ak their piece about the draf barices.ounty commissioners kept i It rein on the hearing^ rigor ly enforcing the five-minut<

Please see HEARING, PageAJ

ight al-CA m y Special Forces, and

e will be allowed to work in ibuthem Philippines, would essentially- be a new : in die U.S.-led war on terfor- but a radically different mis- from Afghanistan - shifting heavily support-based role ing a friend ratlier than oust- in adversary, and coping widi ical jungle instead of snow lesert.

1 B la c k H a v ^ d o w n1««Incoming oK) waa conn»catod by 0 0» (ocu# ol o militt/y action by U.N. tutord..Mohafnmotl Forth AWd. and TKtoplSonvilb fo kui«a

.'OlSSi 05X• On«eekm»jcil r,Ca>vo»'

(fwoy Mlt vo MntuMvorv . ' ■ wm (banded

— Witrmrtnwtiit

j-ncsB.'•:.6ZEsi'■ I ' , . . “•»» moipo . . . '

’<W»nW. •


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TX 7 9 9 0 3

Newc■ bill-wc■ chang I school

ByJuIIePenw TlmegflewB writer .

™ BOISfi - House £ ’ 'VNewcomb,R-B^l^ ' ' 1)ill that w ouldj^vi

H H erty owmers from h up to public schools can't pay when it COI

Newcomb said th( ^ H ' year would be m

a safeguard fo r' f l _ B r .o p e r ty .ta x t_ E

P a y e r s M statewide who might have to t f '

^ ■ 2 p ay an ex tra pL- ^ f l r ~ 5 2 3 rm llion,

— based-ooia-ZS- & percont “hold- IjL

^ f l : b ac k ” Gov. ) |^ H D i r k ™ ^ H " K 'em pthorne

— h a s — recom:-------m ended for th e cu rren t fi

■ school year. , iv The currcnt. | | |

law works like I h th is: I f la w

^ makers do not appr tive supplemental” o

’0 cent of last year’s api public schools, then will automatic^y.g( taxpayers to pay to I after July 1. Negadw

^ -------- tals Ulti submictlOTt^^ p ria tio n s the / approved last session,

M any Magic Republicans are sol Kempthome’s recon that schools sim ply; backs along with oiht

the cies. Yet, there are m egu-. m akers ready to ar ns - appropriations, or at 1 ring tion to 1.5 percent }f a All around, local lei per- the maneuver of fall s to property taxpayers ir - But also, there are r

makers or sdiool offic )eU, recall holdbacks for pi iho ever holding, mudi le the- - of-a holdback to prop

to make up to schools. Jho And Newcomb wai old sure it never happens, ary For taxpayers, Nev ind could protect them frc a t each pay literally th

;ar- • ex tra doUars in prop s. For example, to mak< :he p e rc e n t holdback ii J at F alls School Distric md who owns land worth J ; to taxable value would p -aft $4,254. That figure is 1

Idaho State Tax Com: t a m ula th a t divides th or- value of the district c Jte the the holdback. In tl

t r ic t , som eone whoj ^ Please see NEWCC

} a id a a llid TJie aim is to help er in ,!^bu Sayyaf. But the

defied successive go' !W for 10 years in the junj )t- mountains of the remoi Is- 'islands.lg ■ Abu Sayyaf has only le fighters, but it’s a loose >t- eration of gangs tliat < th by m elting into the w • dropping weapons ani

into tlie local populace.

Taliban money r

. surrendeT h e A sso c ia ted P re s s

KANDAHAR, Afgh U.S. investigators on V questioned a man who

^ him self as a finandal of th e Taliban and o v

-untarily-at-ihebiggest' - in Afghanistan offering

tion... , Pentagon offidals sai

• had given money to th ' . b u t had not been a m

th e Islam ic regim e tl

Please see MONi

V .

' 1 5 / 2 0 0 3

iJ B -

50 cents

combrauldge—3ltax>r ,

se Speaker' Bruce ' r l^ , has drafte'd a lievra tlocdprdp- n having to make x>ls what the state t comes up short.I the proposal this

.F S n j jH I I I

— ReprBnjcfi-------------- Nowcbriib-----------

^ ^ ^ 2 0 0 2 |

pprove-a-'‘nega*— d” of tije 2.5 per- - i appropriation to hen the amount y.go to property to local districts .

adve supplemen- fOni from appro-

. 'L e g is la tu re uon.gic V alley : solidly behind commendations 3ly absorb hold- odier state agen- •e moderate law- ) argue for fujl ■ nt least a reduc-

il le^ la to rs find falling back on ers distasteful, re no local law- )ffidals who can 3r public schools Jl less a shifting property mvncrs "•— )ols.wants to make ens.Nevcomb’s bill 1 from having to' y thousands of property taxes, lake up the 2.5 :k in the Twin trict, a farm er rth Sl million in Id pay an extra i is based on an Commission for- s the assessed ict divided into [n the same dis- -•hose hom e fs WCOIVIB, Page A2

Iliesp eradicate the the group has governments

jungle-covered unote soudiem

only about 800 >osely knit fed- lat can escape he jungles or and blending


: I

mani e r s _ , ,

B____________ .

•fghanistan - in Wednesday who describes nal supporter howed up vol* i »est'U.S. base - Ting informa-

i said the man 'Q the Taliban ; , a m em ber dfe th a t ruleji I ;


) '

F Q R E C i

■ ■ IDAw r iS f iS l ^

. . . ....... HighLow

t-0"' W tS B ^ -

■ i ITW IN FA LL * ■ J > W 1 2 i 1

; j

‘r e g i o n a l c i» TodayjClty . HI Lo WjBoiso 28 14 sl :. Bonnora Forry 27 14 c J; Burloy 27 10 st S

'E lko • 27 13 c IK Eugono. OR 44 30 c ‘►Hagoiman 29 18 sl ir Idaho Falls 20 6 sl 1• Kalispoll, MT 26 9 c 1

___ jLowsion_________ 34 22•Malad 22-13 t l 5^Malta 12 -8 D 1

I E v e r y T h u rsd a y In


I Somalia _"Continuod fro m ^; so ld iers by showing tlu ; backs of their shoes.I U.S. Gen. Tom Montgi ; deputy com m ander of Ui

force Uiere, called Mogadi; • * “Temple of Doom.”

: In the fa ll of 1993, Air _ j; and U.N. m ilitary comm

waiUed to 'captUre Mohc• Farah A idid, the most ti

some of th e w arlords wl: been raiding relief suppli ; stirring civil var.• Hc was slippery, almost i• tom. A half dozen raids hac - to find him. People kept rej

false sigluings. American; ’ named him Elvis,• Ori Oct. 3, tlie Aihencan• lipped they had a chance• some of his lieutenants, if ni

Tlie setting: a building ni • : Olympic H otel in Mogiu

' market district.; “If th e re was a hornet• any^vhere in Mogadishu, tl ■ i t ,” said A rm y C apt. J : Stniecker, a veteran of th ; “We knew that going in."J The plan: U.S. soldiers ; d rop dow n ropes from I Hawk and Litde Bird heJic

iNewcoml; Continued from Al : worth $100,000 in ta.xable .' would pay an extra S423 ne; : to make up for the 2.5 pi : holdback of tills year shoul

makers let it go back on pr - • -owners.

In the Jerom e School D tliat farmer with Sl million

lo f property would pay an .* $4,872, and in tlie Cassia t

h e or she w ould pay an• $6,236, according to Gary I i who approves budgets and ! for die tax commission.

CirculationDiiniel W iilock, c irculiition di

Circulation plionc linus ui hciwccn 7 und 10 a.m. only do not rcccivc your paper by call ihc number for yonr ure;i Durlcy-Rupcrt-I’aul-Oaklcy.................... (i7Twin Fallsiindotht-riircus ...............73

Subscription ratesJ!omc''dc:livcfy; ilally and Sundj

. per week; Sunday only. S2.30 p< Mail Mil)%cnpiii>ns muM Iw paiil in and arv available only where del nni mainiaincd. Mail rales: All Ida! daily and Sunday S6.00 pcr ’wcc only S4.00 per week, .Sunday oni per week. Oui of Male ralci: dt

_ T im es -N e \Cirailatlbn (Daniel W alp^ Classified Advertisihg (Det News (Clark. Walworth, Ma RelaU AdvertiBing (MikeSi A gW eiiklyadiiet Coffin, G Publisher Stephen Hartgen

A-2 TlDet-Ne^1W tnFall>,M

PESr AIMfUBLE CO^ Idaho - Thursday, Januty 17.30

: a s t j :o b

A H O : ^ A L ^

> E x trem e s IMn FalU through s to rday : T em p«ratur«j 0 h 4 i r ._______Lowoli .Normolhlchrtow .0W -1S' rtoMoWlaaJJoar5tanloy -

Precipitation 24 Ttoufs ending 6

. Monih 10 da lo ....A . NornialmonWtel

r^ M lsso u la Wotor yoar to dale W I 2 4 / 1 2 Nofmalyoarlbaai | i » H umidity

YMteiWttinow B | b i earom etrfc Pre

_____Yw»oi-da/alB&.rrPollon yeaterd i

' Source: Aa

: iT I E SFri.

/ Hi Lo W City 'I 28 16 Sl McCon ......... .

23 16 pc Missoula, MTI 24 4 sl . Pocalollo............'•— pe----- Pofibnd; UH----- ^

25 0 'p c Rlchland.WA '42 34 pc Salm on.

' 27 9 si Sait Lako'Clly, UT' 17 0 c Soatllo,^ fA ». 19 12 c Spokano.'W A '"''„ .32_24 ..PC ___Stanioy__----------■ 21 6 c SunValJoV ;.'

12 3' pc Yollowslono. MT

In The T lm e s ‘N o w s


onto streets s< them th e barely fit bet

dusty the pilo; itgomery. They would si f the U.N. bers and spir adishu the convoy of ve!

meet tlie cliopi American The outcomi ntnandcK hoiuT>: a succe.<; ohammed " ' den blizzard o t trouble- Black Hawk ; who had another durir iplies and attem pt, com

that stretdied DSt a phan- the bodies of i had failed Americans dr c reporting streets.;ans code-

can.s wefe “I had tJie d nee to get says Struecki if not him. R an g er staffS near tlie___ everyone in tlgailishu’s - going to die.” I

diers portrayec net’s nest movie “Black 1 i, tlii.s was ing nationwide . Jeffrey Midaftemoo f the raid. 3, Task Force ' action, down i

ers would the dust. /)m Black Rangers sec elicopters, tha t housed A

l b _ _______________

Two otlier ^ ble value e r s . Rep. Be na\t year Rupert, and Ri

3 percent Oakley, back N lOuld law- they don’t diinl I property 'hcJocal prope

•Lemlature’s ^ I District, a soijr econoifr iionwordi doUai^ipnJinc an extra t a x c w f ^

ia district B ^ k e pointe an ex tra sw iw in state ry Houde, years dme and md levies e rn o r’s comm

.structure that

Sunday S7,()0 per wc n d in -e io r SumI.iy «

Sales lax induded I :s arc open S 15.00 chargc wil mly. If you relumed checks, r by 7 a .m ,, .irea: Mail jnfoimai

f i7 7 jn j? Tlie'nmcvNcxv.< ( li.h e d daily m n z

.733-0931 Fa lls . Idaho. 83301 Ncw.^papers inc. Peri Falls hy Tlie Timcs-N coutuy newspaper pu)

unday. S4.35 ] 08 of lhe Idaho CtxJi0 per week. (Jesitinnicd as lhe day. d in advance [egal noiices will be pi : delivery is Posim asler. plea1 Idaho raics: address fbrm lo: P.O, week, daiiy Idaho 83303. •-only 53.00 .

f e w s . t e l e p h o n e . d i r e c

pck, CifculatiQhDireaor)....Deby John^Hij'Jyianager) . Managiiig E i^ to r). . . . . . . ; . :e'Smit, A dV e^infrplrectbr) n, G o n ia l Manager) . i , . . . .

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« « tbv •' P reasu re • , doui&;ffir.::;™^r:;r.:.rr3o;io^ High >fd^y lnT V (ihFallt " ^■ toda'

Low': Aathma and Altorsy of Idaho ' -----^

i Shown is tho 2

w o alto . Uj "


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casts data Highprovidedt)y , AccuWaather, ] M JInc. 02002 ^

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• Today Fri.HI Lo W HI Lo W . '

— 2 2 - 4 '- a |- ' '2 0 -B " '^ . 24 12 c 22 12 C r a n

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T 10 -12 sl 10 -15 pc [ tw r

■.Call Today • i f e

733-0931 p 677-4042 p

I I-101

s so narrow th e rojors ^ e l lle tw een build ings, so / m ei lilots could hard ly seoc" arri'J snatch m ilitia m em- Sjp irit th em aw ay in a ren tveh ic le s t h a t wa|: to Stoppers a t th e scenQ in cl)me over 17 h a rro \dng th ectssful roondup, a sud- pick1 of opposing fire, one o ff I vk sh o t d o w n , th e n A s t ring a f ra n tic re scu e w he )m bat a n d con fusion so ld cd tlirougli th e niglu, th e i of two of tlie 18 dead - M dragged th rough th e . sho t


------- ---------------- a t t a2 d istinct impression,” • Am( c k e r , th e n a n A rm y unal a ff s e r g e a n t , “ th a t p e r 1 th is tasl< fo rce-w as base

He is am ong tJie sol* Aiyed in d ie book-based pass■k Hawk Down” open- wayide this w eekend. u n t iloon on S unday , Oct. pilotce R an g er w en t in to t l ie \n th e ro p es and in to Ai

and Isecured th e b u ild ing th e 11 A id id’s m ilitia , and two :

r Mini-Cassia lawmak* e.xpeB ert S te v e n s o n , R- peopRep. Scott Bedke, R* i s a f

k Newcomb. They say Bulink it is fa ir to penal- ponejperty ow ners fo r th e fo r c; d judgm en t or for tion>my d iat brings few er M ari income tax a n d sales ' ordei

continted to a $480,000,000 tem .te revenues in ju s t a “Vmd re ite ra ted tlie gov* in <n m e n ts t h a t a .“ ta x “ Chil a t is im m u n e from once-------------------- ------ T -] fullyr week. O.iiiy only S5.00 vvay Iy only 53.50 per week. Ne:d in nil ahovc rales. A e redwill he levied for ali Taxa

n a t i o n " Hvs(UPS63l-080)ispul>* fpW32 Third Sl. W-. Twin301. by Mugic Valley 24Periodicals paid at Twin .s-News, Officini cily and •' pur^uanl to Section 6C* r S i:«Jc.-n.ursday is hereby ^lay of lhe week on which V ^ i« published...i|ea«e-*cnd change of.0, Box 548, Twin Falls. __ J*

ttohibxra»H~.p.p.™i«. . g j<

e c t o r y ____ -

................... . .E x t.2

o r ) . . ' . . . . . . . E x r .4 —. . . ’. . ’. . . . . . . E x t . S ------ i. . . . ; . . . . X x t . 2 4 9 • . hTS:

I ■ J S jB

:m LLE^F r V E - P A Y F O R I


Aiiitlesnow,mainly thia ■ Mostly clout

. niomW'A 2 6 ° I • T 1 2

R E G I O N A L W E y !O u th e rn Idaho: Mostly cloudy thi riouds and som o sunshino this alt< lighs from 18-32^ _________

Jolaa: A iitlio snow or llurrios earl] oday. High 28. Becoming cloudy ti -0W.14.

lo r th em Nevada: Snow (lurries h iroa this moming, ihon clouds and He 208 and tho 30s. ________

lo rth e m Utah: Moslly cloudy todt HO in tho valloys and a sovoral inc 5w 30s......................... ....................

lorthomJdaho:.Pnrtly_8unny this ttio snow or liunios sproadlfig'froii lins lo 34 In Ijjwlsion. . .

■ J A T I O N A L E X T R EIlgh 86’ In Notchitochos, LA

'N A T I O N A L W E ASfwwo aro noon posfliooa ol vrtathor t highs lor tha day.Forecast hJgh/low lo

Delta commandos rr - nen as the groi urived.

Sporadic gunfire h ent. I

Stniecker, then a i n charge of a t\w>-vel he convoy, was dii )ick up.a.soldier.wKo.had fti iff ills rope and been badly i \s diey drove back to the airi vhere U.S. forces were base oldier <vith Stniecker was she he head and killed.

Meantime, a Black Hawk hot down by a rocket-prope xenade.

Now hundreds of gunmen v ittacking- abou t-90 . s tram Americans. The vehicle con' mable to find'die downed cl ter crew, was ordered bacIlase widi its prisoners.. ..... -

Americans at the crash sc lassed up a ciiance to fight tl /ay out, instead hunkering d< n til they could re tr ie v e Hot’s body, whidi was caugh lie wreckage.Another Black Hawk was

nd crashed about two miles fi lie first. Americans droppec A-o snipers. Tliey died in co.m

xperiencing Uie very things i eople it serves.are experieni : a flawed tax structure."But die current law has its ;

onents. Tliey say it is a safegii jr cliildren. The origin^ legi on was passed, Superintend larilyn Howard said Tuesday rder to maintain consistency; antinuity in the public school im. ' . ,“We cannot afford elib and f

1 o u r schools,” she sz Children only go through s d nee, and they have to have c illy sequenced curriculum all ay dirough.”Newcomb’s bill will be con

red by tlie House Revenue i axadon Committee.

2 4 31 3 4 . 40 4 7 PB#:

■ 6 15 23 30 31 WILDCAHD; JacKofDlamonda

Monday. Ja n . 14 « 8

J j f l^ T u o .d a v .J a n .1 B 1 B

-------Wedn08d a y ,Ja a .ia ..2 ...8

1 1 30 31 36 5 2

n H m VI annrty M w la na tn M n I m



i f f '>udy with Moming flurrios, irry. thon somo sun.

[2^____I |-A 24° ^ 1 2 °

:a t h e rthis moming with periods o> snow iltom oon with a low flurrios In Iho

irly, thon clouds ond somo sunshi / tonight with a liltlo snow or llunl

I will move (rom nonhwost to soul nd som o sunshino this aliomoon.

>day with periods of snow lhat will inchos In tho mountains. Highs In

ils rooming jh p n mostly doudyjli v m n b i^ to south. Higlis (rom no

E M E S ' Y««t»rdjiy(loflh.

Low *22» in Wost Yell

ATHER)r systoms and prodpltaUoo. Temporal I lornporaltitai am gfven lor «iloctad,(

. j f te r freeing the ; captured by the S< released.

Almost two hi operadon began, vehicles se t oui relent|less fire and

Stipeckerwasir .seconli of.three-ti

f hurt. • _ ..........

"“a Heanrihot in

Continuod from A l k w a s limit and allowing pelled only on the ordir

about problems re, ‘ were operations, nded- ---M anypeopleat '^voy, near dairies and I chop- how odor can dri ick to mile away. And ex- ...... . don’t live next to

scene . the ordinance th :ilieu- people widiin a mi d o ^ operation to h a \ e th e wheUier or not tp Bht in unfair’.

• Valerie Chisholi IS hit, helping to run a f ; from performing at the ed m Springs Festival ne imbat “The dairies abi

beyond one mile j up and die en?uinj

------- made it disgustiiunappetizing to

» Chisholm said.:nang ^

napkin w rapped s food. Tlie Impact <guard gogj fgp beyond ' ;gisia- . impact is severe foi adent enjoys outdoor ay. in Jor any tourist ir y and depends upon a < 3* sys- njent ■p e large c , safe and they are niJ n ? " Chisliolra also V

about die possible ^ 0 “ damage to die env

large operations, ill the stench and

. . a ir is b rea thed b Chisholm said. “Tl

' rated by die daily iapproxim ately 2 which is the equiv

S ] - | lion people, and thi “ U in our streams, rivefan. 16

30 H H H H j

in. 16


9 S . . . .

B fi

.0 -8 — ............- ..............

: in rt


•' < ...........


' W tc h » n ° 2 s . ' - s -

A 2 8 ° T 1 8 * A 3 2 '

_ ______ _ SWlow o n d flurrios; Sunrise Iho so u th e as t still.. S u n set' ____ ... .................. Mdoh'rfJ

ishlno for the rost ofunlos moving In lato. F*™!

o u lhonat a cro ss theo n . H ighs mainly In ja n gl

will leave a n inch or ■ u v I In tho toons to tho-r .-r- :" r- rr- .—g

'J fe l8 .a(te m o o n .w iih ;il_ ;J ^ n o a r2 0 In tho/noun* 2 — .

. ■ . “‘tit:fO>a4econtlgtiouttuiliw) q. , . Mini

I'ollowstone. MT

. .• NAIoraluro bands aro ‘ od.cnioa. City


V ■ eSlirno^

SsLoa Anool w eather I al-snow II

le pilot - who was mele( ! Somalis and later was i

everyh o u rs a f te r the said,

in, a convoy of 22 every )u t b u t ra n in to way.” nd turned back. ' Itw s in the'convoy, his that I t-tripS-ihrouglx the—-. could

n g ----------L .• p ------ng people to speak Prc dinances and not ' r e a d i n g specific

a t the'hearingiive------d know first-hand 3451Jrift more than a pijo j even peo'ple who,. •to ’a dairy called " otdoth a t allows only Qo nrmile of a proposed teiave a say-so on . Viittetp grant a permit |

lolm remembered I a food booth and lie last Thousand near Hagennan. gmabove the rim far activis e stank the place ^ed al ing plague ot flies itin g and highly to o a t th e re ,"“ P eop le had to

iw hU eiteep inga ed a ro u n d th e ir :t of large dairies ‘ d one m ile. T he ,foreverj-onewho ors and especially g^jj, in d u s try which aren’t

a c lean environ* e dairies are.not {J,' jnothedU iy.” forthe 3 voiced concern „le healdi risk and operat uivironment from

nd bacteria-laden

s s T s s : g *

S o b e r s ! . S t SiivaIen to f4 -m il. ' the water quality umj, ivers and wells is aren’t

• Id a h o Lotti

• L o ca l W eau p d a te d ev ery h<

BTbeTimesBorstilps flvallflble • 735*321

L:*„ '


“ “ t o r - ’3 2 ° ▼ 2 2 ° I I A 3 6 ° . ▼ 2 4 '

JN A ND MOONIri8e:lo( aw•.:::::r.": ;:.’.;;.'.r.8fl4*4Ji so t to n ig h t..........................6^2 p.n)hrfsft(}dar..'.v;.r™..':;:-ioMo-ininsot to n ig h t...................... 0:43 p.nIrst Full Last ‘.New

r #121 Jan28 Fob4 :.Febi:

^ INDEX td P A Y

0a.m. lOajn. Noon . Zpitn, 4p,m. Minimal: 2-3, Low: Modorata; 7-£ : tOt, Voiy High. Valuos indlcalo Iho aura to Iho sun 's ullraviolot mys.

m O N A L C IT IE SToday Fri. •

HI Lo W HI Lo V ta ' • ■■ ~ '5 8 '4 2 pc " 53 '3 6 r r tksCity SO 30 pc 44 24 p nofo' ■ •4 8 '3 0 'p c ’ ''4 Z * -? 4 'p

18 2 sl 20 14 p ngham ' '■59 4 6 " r ‘ 5 3 ‘3 6 '.p « 42 29 »fi.....39 2 5 ^ p

2 7 ^ “ “37"24~C* igo ' ' 28' 15 'p c ' ‘ 20' lO'- pi ilsnd 32 20 c 31 18 - c or - 30 e : 'p c - - 2 9 "12-p . ^oinos 30 9 pc 24 7 p< il ■ ' 3 2 '2 2 '‘pc " 3 0 13 ' cgo------------6 3 - 3 8 - po— 6 9 -3 9 -0inks • 33 5 c 16 ^ c > 10 -IS c 6 -9 p(lulu ■ ■ 80 '89 'a 78 67: r Ion- 72 52 c 64 SO c lapoDs ‘ 3 3 -IQ-.-'pc' -SO 16 c onvillo 73 45 s 72 51 p< isa iy --- - - s e - i e r c ' - - 3 0 10 p< ogas 51 31 s ■ 51 28 pc Rock'- 43' 28 r" - '4 7 '29 -pt nQcios 63 46 S 61 44 a hor (W): B-sunny. pc*poniy cloucJy, c- 3w llunlos, an-snow, l-lco.

slee. “I had the feeling thei IS a w eapon poin ted out i ery window and every door,” h id. “I was receiving fire froi ery rooftop and every alle' ly.”[t was not until close to midnigl at U.S. forces and their allie old mount a sizable rescue. - -

Proposed ordinances« ^ c s Of Twlnfails County’s pro- •• o s« I ordinances regulating animal i!^n g operation s con be picked u ^ . t uie Office of”Planning arKl'Zoning, * 46 Thinj Ave. £. Tbe ordinances Iso a n b e ^ ' n online at m W rifa lla ^ n ty .o fg . Dick on, ro p b s^ AFO ordfnafice's.'. ‘ ' ' ommissioners will also accept writ-. !n tesU m 6nyuntil5p .m Jdn .23 . /ritten s ta tem enls can bo mailed to win Rjlls County Commissloncfs. ■ .O.Box 126. TWIr Fails, ID 83303.

pacted by the high consumi: n of large dairies.” iu t w hile environm enta ivists and daiiy nei^bors woi d about odor, flies and possibL ildi risks from large operation; i ^ e n worried most about thi linance tha t would allow thi mty to revoke a permit basei complaints.That’s worse than what hap led in Nazi Germany,” saic lis Filers, executive director o Idaho Dairymen’s Association >ome sa id ord inances tha n’t enforced aren’t wordi the )er they’re written dn. One o : proposed ordinances allow; the hiring of a hearing examin :o ^ th e r information about ar tration and help make a ded 1 on whether or not to grant oi tew a p erm it. People at the iring pointed out how diecoun ilready has a planning and zon administrator and commission 1 taxpayers’ money would be te r spent_ on someone tc orce CAFO ordinances.What good a re ru les if we n’t going to have anyone tc

t t e r y

i a t h e rf h o u r '


■3212 o r debyOmaglcvaUey.cOffl

- - A c c u W o

T— g a n a M n -i

Cranbrook 3 «

~ Kokwna 25 10 si

Regina • '0 -5 « - Sa»ka(odn^-^.r-’ '* -

. Toronto 30 14 p< Vancouver ‘ " ,'40~2B • c Vkrtorla ■ ,4 3 28. c Winnipeg 3 *24 pc

W O R L D C ITU h ' ■ Today>.m. City HI Lo WiST Acapulco •■ .' '■Ba'70‘:VI.m. A thonr 57 48 8

AiicWaftd--' •••73"-61- pc

| L■ ' Berlin 38 29 c W B u ^ A ] r o a " ' '8 4 " 7 0 “"p< 12 Cairo 65 44 s

HemgKbng . ’ • 75"6 5 ' p< 17 Jorusalom 52 35 s X Johan h ;e«bu rb ''fl9 -63 'pe ------ London - •■ -4 8 -3 8 ''ah— — MexJco-CHy- H.72-43-r**r T — Moacow 28 22 af

P a r ia ': 4fi ~ a 7 "nh___ RiocJo.Janolro 79 67 c— ■ -Rofrto’ :” .~ 4 8 '3 0 ’^ ^ ” Seoul 40 26 pc

. S ydfiey"" . 74 57 a Tokyo 50 31 pcW ariaw ' 27 T 9 ‘ c Zurich 32 27 c

: sToday

W City Hi Lo Wr Memphi# : , r ' 4 8 '30., r.;

j x 'M iami 82 68 a•pc MHwaukao ' • ■28 '-15 -c"

pc Noshviilo 44 31 ah '.p c '- NewOrloans 70 “ 5 8 ' ' c ' pc Now York 46 32 _ al

c Omaha 34 10 cpc Ortando ' ' 76 ’ 53 oc Phlladotphla 48 30 pc

■pc Phoenix 6 2 ‘ 4 2 spc Portland. ME 34 20 ic Raleigh- -- •6 0 40''c'

-0 ------Rapid Cily--------21— 2—e -c ' R eno ' 3 6 - 1 8 'p d 'pc Sacramonto 51 34 pcr S i;nouls............ 34 :22" pcc St. Paul. 2 2 -2 cc Salt Lake City 2 8 ~ i r ‘ a h 'pc Son DIogo ; 62 47 spc* San Francisco ■ 56 42 s 'pc ' Soottlo 40 30 c

■pc' Tucson - ..........61 34 'a 'a Woohington. DC 50 32 c ' c-cloudy. sh-showors. t-(hunderelo

e re A convoy w ith ni : o f Malaysian armored f’ he riers, four P ak ista r•om . light infantry comp:ley* members of Task F

advanced street by si ^ t heavy fire, finzdly gelies vivors bade close to i- ne.xtmoming...........

] enforce them?” askei 1 a local environmenta]

. But dairymen, n e , activists did seem to

thing: diat the “mac — -purtogedierbyTigra

on bodi sides of d ie < the ordinance that sh ally end up on diebo<

.............. “The matrix is desJ. te c t sm all o p e ra te

them some regulators 0 Bill Chisholm, an en

activist tmd member Rural Cbundli who h<

'_J matrix together.The matrix came z

meetings die last two jjjI group that included

tors, dairy neighbors jjjg • mental activists, ijje ,• The group’s matri>

.^ O s by size and w at . w h e th er or not the;

expanding. T he ma more specific about si

gp. the county’s six draft < jjjj - County commissior . Qf matrix, but it must be jjj public hearings befo IJJ j approved, and there v

to do th a t befo re, t Qf moratorium runs out J

County commissioi ■ ta k e the inform a

W ednesday’s hea rii w hat they can to tht

Qj. ordinances.“They made some {

tions and we’ll work i jjj. gestions if we can ,”- -V said.

.. G rindstaff said .tl J nances will then be

an d p u t into «?ffect' in te rim while th e n th ro tigh th e pub li prodess. The county

— I ancl zonii^ admuiistrs

I th e matrix as guidelii • cessing new applicati m al feeduig operationj said.

— CO R REClA map in Wednes(

incorrecdy depicted t of the Jan. 26 Olympic route in T iv iiiF ^ .

_______A fte r_ .ce rem onie_ College of Southern

pus, th e flam e w ill, through campus to No Road. It then will tf£ Blue Lakes Boulevvc to the Peixine Bridge.. T h e TimeS'Ncuis rt


/V e a t h 'e r . c o i f f -

^C iT E E ^r S v ' . ' HI Lo r f~ a t t2 2 1 B Z E d p C ____

sn ■■ 7 9 pc ■".'ihT^TO-B'^pC’} sn 23: 19 a(

Iff'*— '•O "“ : i - p o ‘J pc .20 5 c . r - c ' “ 3 8 ' 33-"pc i . e . 37 30 pp.:4 p c , S -15 pc,

[TEES ;By • Fri. ,■) W HI Lo Wj‘:v " :.-8 8 :-7 0 ' 8 ' ; . i ah 54 41 c l ' 'p c :~ ~ 7 2 ''B 9 '" 5 ’’I po 94 74 pc;r--B--'---39~26--p«---------I c 35 31 sn* r “p c ~ * 8 4 - W ? f r 1 e 69 46rp e - -7 4 ':6 5 - -p f f>i a 57 37 s r p e - B r : 6 7 - K ,I sh 44 42 c " ’

-----: af......2 3 _ j7 ,sn;

' c 77 66~Cr - ^ - ' '4 5 ; -3 5 " -p c i pc 40 30 . s .' a ' - -76:'60 pc,.

pc 45 32 i - ' c - . ' 3 3 “ 2 6 -V *: c 36 29 sh-

ly. .. Fri, ••5'-’ ' .W Hi Lo W

..'r.:. ':4 4 .’.3 2 ‘. : p c . . .a 82 70 a\

- c " - 1 9 '6 ''"p o : sh 43 27 pc

■ c " ' ee 'so sh', s ( _ 40 28 pc

C 26 8 pc0 77 S 5 -pc pc -42 26 PC s "62 42 po1 34 17 pc '

- c - r - 50 - 28~sfi'

% 52 29 pc.■ p c 3 4 ~ 1 4 • pc' c 13 *1 6 '

■ ■ 8 h ~ 2 r - ir ;" c ■ s 60 45 poTs ...... 5 4 - 3 T ^ p .......c 42 34 pc;

-a ■ •65-37 pe C - • 44 • 28 pc •

jrelorns, r-raln.

h m ore than. 20

m panies and^SO k Force Ranger ry street th roug t r getting the sur- I to daybreak the i.** ,

sked Mike Ihl^, ntal activist. , neighbors and to agrM on one • ' '

natrix”’recently ■group'of people ~ h e dairy issue .is ,t should eveiitu* books. r designed to pro- a to rs an d give tory relief,” said I environmental i>er of the Idaho0 helped put tlie

ie about during two months o f i led dairy opeit- ors and envirob-

itrix categorijK water usage qnd th ey ’re new pr m a trix is also I t setbacks dian aft ordinances. ■ siohers like the t b e put dirough •efore it can bei re won’t be time •e, th e cu rren t ' u tjan .2 9 . ;:sioners plan tq m atio n from’ a r in g and add th e ir six draft!

ne good suggest irk in their sug*' n ,” Grindstaff

j . t h e six ordi ' b e adverrised

2c t during the e m atrix goe^ ib lic hea ring n ty ’s planning s tra to r will use lelines for proi cations for ani-! ions, Grindstaff

^ T I O N i - iI ,'i

lesday’s papei!}d th e fmalde^Ipic torch relay

nies...on_the______:m Idaho cam; i l l bie ca rried1 North Colleg^. travel east tcj

w d and north ge. \5 re g re ts thd

Senate —building

will reop.^WASHINGTON (A I

H art Senate O ffice'Bu sdieduled to reopen IVi bein g closed s in c e ; because of an anthrax*ta te r sen t to M a jo rity niom as Daschle’s office.

A n e-mail memo being ed aroimd th e S enate Centers for. Disease Cor

...... thfe'Envlronm'ental P rAgency have ce rtified building is safe a f te r \ decontamination procedt J ‘We expect the H art

toxeopen a t noon on Frii--------18,-2002i”-said-thee-ma

which was addressed to

............“The cleanup achiegoal of e lim in a tin g anthrax spores detec te Hart building and-that i safe and clean to relea:

■ Aithitect of the Capitol b ilita tio n and sub^eqi occupancy,”, the meswge

Algerian: - prison-for

'-NEW YORK (A P) ^ g e r ia n was sen tence years in prison Wednesd

—— n i^ m u m - for-his-role-i " to detonate’ a su itcase 1

the Los Angeles airport z millennium celebrations.

M o k h tar H a o u ari^S lives in Canada, was_co last summer of federal he supplied fake IDs and two othersin the plot.

The plot was foiled v m asterm ind , A hm ed P

■ was arrested in Washingt • in December 1999 while t

enter from Canada in a « a trunkful of explosives. had been tra in e d in te camps financed by Osa Laden, according to in^ tors.

.,’."At the time, prosecut( \tha t the attack on the c •iirport in the days before '2000, could have been the t s t act of terrorism agai

Money_■Continued from Al fg h an is tan from 1996 to

■ was not known what info , he has about the compleji ■'support of Osama bin La< ,'O aida terrorist netw ork

sheltered b y th e la l i t M arine spokesman Lt. ^ r v i s said the man sho “Tuesday at the Kandahar

, w here thousands of lI.S. 81*6 based and a detentior holds hundreds of al-Qai

-Taliban fighters.'■ TTie man remained on t W ednesday b u t was noi detained, Jarvis said. A P( o ffic ia l said on condii anonymity that he was ndi U.S. l is t o f w a n te d me

. l a rv is said investiga to r ju m p in g with joy.”- At the Pentagon, Gen. I M yers, chairm an of th t

'Chiefs of Staff, said the m b e in g ,q u e stio n ed . B ut.

R E }F O R A D \



•Call for nominations foi : i2002 Max Dalton Open •j,Government Awara

The Idaho I "‘ -NcwsiJaper ' "Fouridalion will award ‘•■’$1,000 to Ihc winner of :-'thls fourth annual ’%iaward, which is given

to Individuals or groups thal have advanced the cause of K

-•open government in is Idaho through use of J

'•'thestate's public :-.Jrccords and open _ V-meetings laws. ■

Any Idoho resident or ] — - ‘b a ^ g ro u p w h o h a sb a tt

■ ■ against sccrecy in meeting ' 'andrecordsinsta teorloc

govenriment is eligible.

Id a lio N<

g r — ■pen H |AP} - The Building is FViday after e -O c to b e r(•tainted let- L | | j ^ M |r ^ ity L ea d er ,ce.ingdrculat* 'te says the JControl and P ro tec tio n ' ed th a t the

weeks edures. ir t building Friday, Jan. mail memo,— to all sena-

cted in the now

ease to the :ol for reha-eq u e n t re- Prisoners fron Ige says.. .. Quantanamo,

L f a c e s 2 4 y

P ) T An U n ite d S taic e d to 24 Oklahoma CB sday-the H a o u a r i le-in-a -plot— opportunity;e bom b a t ten d n g andrt amid the “ T h e delns. posed a greV 32, who being of the _convicted__U .S . District•al cha'rg'es said,ind cash to T h e ju r;....................- H aouari guii w hen its supply m atei R essam , rorist act. Hngton state of conspiraqle trying to • H ao u ari va car wiih ■ plying Ressa

BS. Ressam fication andI te r ro r is t bom b-m akii)sam a bin ho ly -w ar a,investiga- States.

T he ju ry a:utors said a ch a rg e tTite crow ded' port bombinore Jan.* I, Prosecutorsthebloodi- Haouari didgainst the bombing tarj

w ould n o t i I to 200L It m an ’s idem nformation came to the I: ilex.web of U.S. offici: Laden’s al- man was an j )rk, which cial .but la teiliban.-—------- said h e was aLt. Jam es T he n a tu r :howed up ported dona lar airport, -However, dt I.S. troops— T aliban was don center source of inc Qaida and m ilitia p u rp

k ickbacks fr n the base glers, includii n o t 'b e in g ■ were williiig i L Pentagon allowed to c< d it io n of tions. not on the

Srs” were N€«D

n. Richard f i U I C Ith e J o in t C a l l L i s a

i ”

W a f» V A N C E M E I A U S E O F O M M E N T I N ifo r the The aw ard i!:n late Max Daltoi

Idaho business) campa: for ope

■ 3 1 ’ ' SentI ^ H nominiI j H NewspI ^ H Foundi

St., Me O r sent (208)6:

G O V E R N M E N TAWARD stamcv

or Idaho- „>attled—: ■ - Fof informahon ingslocal Executi

-NeMTspaper F o u n d a tl

X. '

roni A fghanistan arrive by military 10, Cuba, W ednesday . Offlclals sali

y e a r s i n ^

m b - p l o t — ^States since th e 1995 1 City bombing, r i tu rn e d , dow n the ity-to•speafc-a^his■sen•— — id sat impassively, d efen d an t’s conduct IJ jrea t risk to th e well* the American people,” ict Judge John Keenan

u ry found, find ing A ju i l^ “Ofconspiracy to ” ite rid support to a ter*He was a ^ convicted

acy to commit fraud. , i was accused of sup- ssam with phony idend-nd S3.000 used to buv______king chem icals for a . ag a in st th e U n ited i

y acquitted Haouari on ( tTiat he aided the air- )ing plot iri particular. _ rs acknowledged that _ id not know the exact B arget'

t give d e ta ils on the sn tity or say how he ' e base.icials initially said the tn al-Qaida finance offi- Iter Pentagon officialss a Taliban backer.-------- -u re of the m an’s pur- nations w ere unclear, during the years the •

ras in power,' a' major " . income for the Islamic :rportedIy cam e from ; from big-time smug- iding drug dealers, who lg to pay in order to be ' ■ I condnue their opera'- H


:kbooks^ h,s a a t 7 3 7 - 0 0 8 7 neh Setup & S upport 3P

^ I Bas

R D is N T O F " O P E NI D A H O Vah

d is named for the Amiiton, a M eridian,jssman, who ' Sampaigncd tirelessly)pen government. ggy,end a letter oflination to: Idaho/spaper[laation, 1000 First vlcCall, ID 83638. \end by FAX to c) 6344950 o r , , C>-mail toiews@>

a d l i n e : I

3 .1 5 ,2 0 0 2 . Jlonvcall: - ........... •Crote, INF ■ ■

utive Director, . I)634;2123 , . / . j . . M

' ■ ■

:ary p lane to th e U.S. naval basi s a id 3 0 m ore d e ta in e e s arrived

3 DAYS 01------------------- ^ T H U ^ D .

------------------- W ey-rolhflr-

G et the sp a yoi

- i ^ n a k e_______ POOL & SP/

HOME COMFORT SPECIA B i l l i a r d T a b l e s & S o u n a


Oak Computer Desk_______R

Hope Chest wilh J o u r n a l ..

NEW ARRIVAL All Leather 3 Piece Sectional.__________R

Bassett 7 Pc.Dining Room Set__________.R

Bassett S Pc. Bedroom Set___R

All Grandfather Clocks __ _

3 F O R IC a r p e t • P .

Vohala Mocha C h ip .................

Amelia Mocha...........................

Sandcstin Desert H aze.............

Beyond Imaglnallon Ihiil Mix ..

PY o u r H e a d q i & W i l s o n a r :


! V 0 \ ^GUANTAN/

BASE, Cuba ( Qaida and Talil vowed to kill 01 their timeji^th ita ry basei, Wednesday.

Fifty detain( — atthefadlityai

on a plane fron W ednesday,

— MichaelLehnc U.S. Jo in t Tas seeing the Guantanamo Bi

“These are i Lehnert told a i

— an.aircraft.han eastern Cuba. ‘

-r-licly-stated-he k ill an A m eri leave Guantan not give them tl

Lehnert said in te rro g a ted

Wf** unclear when 0 asQln offered legal ad ad. . “They spend

mg, meditating,

INIY- JAN.D A Y -th ru -S A T U R D i


w have been dre1021) Bl«» la k e s B

i W Q , l l Pli; 734-8103. PA I N C .. KtaioBIgS lALlSTS HOI

W S f.- E l ',

^ VEN'T h u r s i

-R tg .S 7 S » ............ ...C L E A R A ^


-Rw S3469 ...... C le a ra n c e

.Rtt.s4785 ......C l e a ra n c e

-Rts.s3ioo...... C l e a r a n c e

..... . 1 / 2 O F F

1 L O W P R ICPa d • I n s t a l l ^

...........* 1 4 " " a n .« P .

.................* 1 7 “ c ,

.................* 1 9 " "

...................* 2 2 ’ " C..P

N E W2 U A R T E R S F O Rt T L a m i n a t e I


5ciais:i vthey VNAMO BAY NAVAL ' 1 a (AP) - Severalial- ter aliban prisoners have beI an American during . 601L th isr^oteU .S .,m il:___peiei, officials sa id 2,0'

inees are being held bei/a n d 30 more”irriv id tea•om Afghanistan la ter Cr<f , said Brig. G en. Thiinert,-commander of -• foa'ask Force 160 over- tole operation in ra t>Bay. baj•e not nice people ,” \a news conference a t Ari

iangar.on.the.base in ...... Prea. “Several have pub- the h e re th e ir in te n t- to r— —“erican before th e y heanamo Bay, W e will , fietn that satisfaction.” Amaid none have been bei:d y e t and i t w as III or if they would be advice.:nd their days pray- I ■ !ng, eadng,” he said. I ■

. 17-19 !d a y ---------------- - - I



reaming ofis Blvd., N. *1*11 Falls /J • 1-80D-688-7727 IgS Sporting Coods »• hours;•Fri. •10*5 Sat. ^Evenings & Sun ^

fTORY Cs d a y , F r i d a j

ANCE * 4 5 9 I Action

ANCE * 1 9 9 3“ !“

c e * 1 9 9 9Solid C

« * 1 9 8 9

= ■ ^ * 1 6 4 9

F R e g . P r i c e Naium

[C E F l (L A T IO N

■1/PndnnsUll.d.n n « p S l

'nrptl/Pnd/InstflllatJon Forest <

^t/Pad/Installntlon plUow 1


R P E R G OF l o o r s _ ^ ^


r u R ]LEY » 678-:

wir killThe temporary detention

ter can hold 100 inm ates bu be expanded to hold more 6 0 0 while bu ild ers compl< pennanent fad lity -tha t can 2,000 detainees.

Lehnert said the prisoners b e ^ g trea ted h u m an e ly a team from the m temational Cross would inspect condii Thursday. He showed report foam cot the prisoners were f to sleep on and p las tic bai rations that included breal bagels, fruit and beef stew.

W hite House P ress Secrc A ri F le ischer said Wedne; President Bush was satisfied the prisoners’ treatment. —“Ir is humane; itisT e sp ea he said. “The p residen t is £ fied that they are being treat* Americans would w ant peop be treated.”

Doaors on the base perfor

k m ^ / \ M T IU | w u m i


s i S I-Loca

to Sorvo N

/ D o w n to w iI 7 3 3 - 4 7 6 0


Clearaa y & S a t u r d

tion Lane Leather Recllner __Ri tion I.jinc■c.Sectionahv/Rccliner-____ Rc

d Lovcseat______________ R*

Id Oak Curio_____________Re

een Iron Bed ~.....,...~>....-...Re

Ither Office Choir_________ Rt

[ural Pine China Hutch _____Rt;

l o o r M o d e l i( L m n

p Sleep Deluxe___________ Twi

est Glenn_______________ Kul

I h W ee

................... _ Thundiy,

■ 7 '



Dn ceri- suigery on a pris< }ut will said had been sho •e than ago in Afghanist ile te a sa id in a stat(m hold.__ .Wednesday._____

T he surgery v rs were Sunday, on the mi and a arm. Tlie prisone

al Re’d to regain motion i ijitions shoulder but ma irters a mobility in his wre given - damage:-----lags of It was unclear w iakfast had been shot dui

in Afghanistan c xetary before being sent 1 lesday T he U nited St; sdwith- m o re - th a n -4 0 0

K a n d ah ar airpo: ictful," •A fg h ^s i^ .'T Ith t s satis* P ak is ta n i origin atedas f e r re d to Paki; aple to Richard Myers, c

J o in t C hiefs 0 ■ormed Wednesday.



2 (

A V E ^cations______________= J g jJ You. . .

>wn •




i a y

■Res. S90 fl .O(!fl£AR,lNCERti.sMi9 ..Clearance *1Rts.sra9... Clearance'Res.sH9.... Clearance 'Rtt.S839 .... CLEAR/VNCE 'Rts.«s9.... Clearance'Rts.s26j4... Clearance'

w s n s i& C o v e r C Io i•ITED SU PPI.Y)

M n S iie . . . . . ................. * 4 5

-ullSlu........................ * 9 S

....... ........* 1 4 S


ekly D elivei^ t o ' an d S urroundin:

iy ,.J« n iw y tt.2 0 9 2 , J l r m H m , 1

N a t io n


prisoner whom they shot about a month

nistan, th e military ta te m e n t e a r l ie r

ry was p e rfo rm ed 5 man’s upper right

on m his elt»w and may have lim ited

: wrist due to nerve

ar whether the man : during the conflict in or in de ten tion ent to Cuba.I S tates is holding 400 p r is o n e rs "a t rpo rt in so u th ern Wiiiety priM herTof gin will be trans* ak istan . G e n era l s, chairman of the s of S ta ff, said

> o %

t o

’ 5 %

Bank Cami and Chacgo Accounu Wftleeme

z s m m s s ' ■

c e * 4 9 9

* 1 4 9 9

c e * 2 6 9

c e * 2 9 9

c e * 2 9 9

c e * 2 4 9

=e * 7 4 9

l o s e o u t

I - 9 Each Picct

^ 9 E schPlcct

JS E acllP ltc t

0 Twin in g A rea

y - M -T ln i^ m ,-7 M a F a f i> ,-h ) i

N a t io n

“ T^Croffbombsu

WASHINGTON (AP)-> a l g ra n d ju ry on Wedi charged a lleged shoe b Richard Reid w ith bein{ Q aida t ra in e d 'te r ro r is in d ic tm en t A tto rn ey G J o h n A shcroft ha iled a proof of the government’s

____ to prosecute terrorists. •A shcro ft sa id th e c

“alert us to a dea r, unmis • threat,that al-Qaida could

the United States again.” The attorney general di

the ch id e s shordy after a grand jury in Boston hand nine-count in d ic tm e n t,;

■ - - “W em ustbepreparedrM be ready; We m ust be v i ^

The ind ictm en t alleg' ReFd a'ftempted toTdH t sengers-on A m erican A Flight 63 from Paris to M Dec. 22.

“Richard Reid did attt . use a weapon of mass d

tion, consisting of an ex bom b p laced in ea ch shoes,” against Americai the 12-page indictmenr.

--------- A shcroft credited passand crew on that flight wi ping R eid from deionati shoe bomb and bringinj

^ o h seiise of people” wKc th'e face of tierrorism wai ca te d ,” he sa id . He

' A l l E m e rg e !

; CALL 9I Fire Department ..........

I Police...................I Cily ...............................

■ -[-P u b lic -W o rk s- ...

I P io n e e r F lo i] 917 Main St.

; 5 4 3 -8 8 4 8

I S a v - M o r D i, 1109 Main St;____ 5 4 3 -4 3 4 71' D a is s I n s u r a

90S Main St.

I 5 4 3 -5 1 0 0

I F ie ld s 6 6 S e rI 326 Broadway Av

! 5 4 3 -4 3 9 6I

! B u h l C a lv a ry CI 206 Broadway, B

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I - A fede/- Wednesday’sed n esd ay thc wisdom ofe bom ber goveniment issing an al- sions prior to.r is t in an dent.f G enera l Wednesday3 as fresh Reid “receivent’s ability Qaida in Afgh)

• In,addition .1! ch a rg es a weapon of ninistakable attempted m ululd attack homidde, ReiiJ.” .■ pladnganexpI discussed aircraft, interi:r a federal crew, using ainded up a during a crinIt, saying, attem pted w:L-We must tra n ^ r ta tio niplant.” -----------He also wleges th a t attem pted w:U 'the pas- transporta tii1 A irlines cha^e aeate<I Miami on anti-terrorism

wake of th e Sattempt to New York ands destruc- “Our abilit;explosive rorisis has bee

ch of h is by the U .S.icans, sa id . Ashaoft said.

Reid "did p]lassengers explosive de^with stop- the footwear

ladng the ing,” the indii■ing down ring to the Amn thp com- Ashcroft sa5Ko act in the diarges. Diwas'vlndi- ■ Reid co ^d beH e sa id life terms.

- „:..Monday: V

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jenci'e&’4n i l I money, we'r

“ * • j your best

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C h ap e l iBuhl ^ 1

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- Q M d a 5terr

’s indictment showed ' th eof national alerts th^ Yen

: issued on three occa- saidto. the Flight 13 ihd- T

moslay’s indictmenj'S'aid . d tiiived training ftom al-- s e aghanistan.” remm to attempted use or. Tfihassdesmctionluiid onHnurder and attempted TheLeid was charged with merixplosive device on an froterfering With' a flight Qaii, a destructive device can■ime of violence and emlw recking of a mass X on vehide.w as chrarged w ith C w r e ^ in g of a mass

'tion vehicle', a”new~’ted by Congress in bill enacted in the 'Vis Sept. 11 attacks on ‘worn d Washington. nieility to prosecute ter- imp>een greatly enhanced die^S.A . P atrio t A c t,” Trajd. Min1 place on thar aircra/r Rlevices contained in h adir he was then wear- Minidictirient said, refer- wouUnerican flight. ing ^ i d ^ c o n v i c t e c ^ • _^deK

b e sentenced to five , neL . ble,

Calvary Chi—— ........... P a s to r Brent i

“Com e G row \' Sunday Worship: 10:00 n.i

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P hono: 5 ^

Q R u s s e l l 6 L o

V a le n U n e s [

< y V a le n l in e s h

5 7 V a le n l in e s

O D r e a m s ic le s

SAV-MORFull Service PhcrrnqQ^ & R

p - ^ H o m e .' No Crying Over Sp

Tim holid.iy foods we love arc comcs to yotir floors nnd furniture, ou can iivoij diimiisc when tlicsc f "Alwnys take carc of a spill iis qui

III sets, the harder it will Iw to rem ors Carpet One. “Working from tli tting instead of rubbinf; kccp.s thc >

)cnisc Loxton of 'the ScotcliRard S( mon holiday spills—winer.coffcc, c lolnie—can be removed with a soli ling detergent and 1 cup.warm wat 'intcd paper towel, slowly blot thc ird. For stubborn stains, you may n I with whitc-vincRar. Rinse the vin m water.For greasy stains, anply a dry clean ihinp wwcl.Blot, tnen repeat'the: impcned with.water. After, .'taiash

n weighted pad of paper toweU ( intil it has dried. '■

Yemen:SAITA.A'Snieii (AP)-MiUc

)f Osama b in Laden’s al-Qc erro r network plotted to an :he U.S. Embassy in San'i iiTeineni Foreipi Ministry offi laid Wednesday.

The U.S. E m bas^ suspen nost consular services Mont dting what it said were cred ^cu rity threats. Tlfe, suspen; •emains in effect •

The Yemeni offidal. speal )n condition ofanonymity, 'i rhe Assodated Press the gov n en t had received informal rom the United States that 2aida militants had contemph larry ing ou t an attack on imbassy.

The offidal did not say w

Sgcretar^WASHINGTON (AP) - Airl

vorking with the government n e e t Friday’s congressiona mposed deadline for saeeninj iiecked baggage for explosi' rransportation Seaetary Non vlineta said.

Reinfordng^ what thc inda lad said e a riie r in the we Aineta said,Wednesday that I vould be iiispected by bomb si ng dogs, equipm ent th a t i letect traces of explosives or iand'searches'bysecurityT)Gr leL In cases where that isn’t p< >Ie, he ^ d , a bag would havi

l a p e lnt Huether

w w i th U s ”3 n.m. ond 7:00 p.m. dy. 7pm. Coll 543-9959 lor Inlormatlc l'Bibr6'Sludy;7:00p.rfi. ' Group, call 543-5869 'v^BuhJ : ; “ffco Croam Storo ^

tuuC S m e

>1NSURANCE AGENC5 4 3 -5 1 0 0 Fax:543-694

SMaln*P.O. Box 703>Buhl,Idaho intl see us (or your home Insuranc

Auto • Fire • U fe • Home Farm •C ro p •A irplane

isu a lty ^ H ea lth * Accident^

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B ■ '

,e s

R DRUG6 Radio Shack Doolor'

H o w - T o iS p il lsare all worthy adversaries when il are. Dy taking some simple steps i ;sc foods hit the carpct or sofa, quickly ;is possib e—the longer t remove,'’ s;iys Alden Palmer of Pl n thc outside of t ic stain inwaiU; he stiiin frnm spreadini; lo a large

J Scrvicc Centcr advises that tiiai :c, cranberry saucc, juice or • solution of 'It teaspoon clear disli water Taking a clean white clott thc stain from the outside edges ly need to follow thc detergentK vinegar away by blotting again w

eaning solvent made for clothes, ’ he applicition. Tljcn apply a tow w,have .been tcmoycd,„n eU or another clean cloth to the s

: Al-Q-ai.litants ' th e a ttac k w as,ja id a ' plac&; ’ictack The Foreign MI'a ^ a said the infonhiffidal from the United S

inteirogationsofam ded • figure, Ibn Al-Sha;nday, is in U.S. custodedible L ibyan who ra iinsion Laden’s training

'captiu'ed by Palojaking over to U.S. aii

told inonth.}vem- Asked about thiiation U.S. Embassy oflat al- re fused ' ,to (3lated Wednesday,n t h e The Aden newsj

reported that onewhen al-Qaida m ilitan

) ? ^ o u t l i n e 5

j-lines be matched to a pItw ill being loaded,nally- “All of us here iing jdl we have en tere(sives, transportation, an)rman . detemw ed enem]

one of America’slustry freedoms - name/e e k , • o f m obility ,” M:c bags Transportation Rsniff- an industry group,

t can . .Mineta said thnr hv wriiilfl mppt- two nt

possi- ing a new trainir ive to security screener

" 3

■ ' a i I e h

S i CALIJ k z . I Rre Departmen


j S n a k e 1I State & ] I ■ Frog; 8 3 :

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rthePioneer --------------------

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•j CALSih or, I Polite............

« iu - I % Clerk . . .

/..npply*. ..earca I T h C G c

' Main Si

idaplottJS to have ta k e n U.S.'i

trahsf; Ministry o ffida l ■ Cuba,iha tion received. tors o:j States came from. ' Emba)f a senior al-Qaida owneiiuiykh al-Iibi, who caileitody. Al-Libi is a Ioade<ran som e of b in . Thelg camps. He was . madeikistan and mined authoau th o ritie s th is securi

-----------------------;------pldC”the alleged plot, a I n iofficial in San a alert,

com m ent on emba was d

wspaper Al-Ayyam triansme of the Yemeni policcants lietained by pouni

is plan foa passenger before hours

hoursre imdcrstand that devel(red a new era in fllght-an era in which a • Minuny has challenged the aiI’s most cherished line fin d y , the freedom bu t hM ineta told th e would1 Research Board, Repip. . man cth e departm en t comn:

nrityiawr develop----------T l ining program fo r we ca lers, induding 40 said. ‘

■ K ® .— /

s A

E m e rg e n c ie s [

LL911 Ilent ........ 837-6636 i............... 934-4421 !.......... ...837-6636

: R iv e r G r i l l !k Hagerman St. I p ogs L a d in g i

3 7 -6 2 2 7 I ^IS p rin g s T o u r s .I

Hagerman - I

3 7 -9 0 0 6 - , I t in i e s - N e w s i ^Biliic Hcnslcc J3 5 -3 2 0 8 ! l l

2 2 ^ 2 0 1

I m e c g e n c ie s j

L I - 9 1 1 i............... 537-9107 I. . . . . . . . . .5 3 7 -6 5 4 4 \

j o r i i e r M e r c "ISt., Castleford ^

3 7 - ^ 7 4 1 \

S.'fo'rces in A fghanistan <ar iiis fen ^ to G u a rita ii^ d B a iba, told American interrbg s of a plot to blow up th e U. ibassy in Sah'a. The private ned n w sp ap er said th e pk iled for d e to n a tin g a true ided with a ton of p lo s iv e s , rhe newspaper said the infc idon was relayed to Yemei thorities, who “took stringei nirity measures to thw art t> iC”:n response-to th e secu rii « , the main road in front of tl ibassy in the Yemeni ca p it s dosed to vdudes and pede ons, and there were increase lice patrols aroim d th e cor und. Police also s tep p ed u

D r x h e c i d ]

Lirs of classroom training and ( urs of training on the job; ar i^eloping guidelines for trainir ;ht aew s who foce threats, ^ e t a ' initially said he doubte 5 airlines could m eet the dea e for screening checked ba| t la te r said th e d epartm ei uld do everything possible, lep. John Mica, R-Fla., chai in of the House aviation sui n m itte e , p ra ise d M inetalounccment__________■‘The measures are'cxacttj^vfu called for in the law,” Mic

d. “There may be some sligl

ll------------------- ----------------

■4 . -

Reserve 1Sp

Call B illi _ fo r r

1 ^ ^ i n

B ag an m ttaV h lteTl o o ^ n u g ^

^BBr G if t ^ ^ 0tfm C e r t if ic a te s a i n A v a ila b le l I

CaN for reservations A & Our Si>eelally J B

Call for merwlloiu tJm Our SpnMly Menus M

J MGas

Gift Items* Sporting (




IN, .

lit embaand securi^ iutiund U.iS ^ y i ' and d ip lo m a tic hd 3ga* countiy, Yemeni seaU.S. have said, tely ' Americans have fi>lan in Yemen before, mo; uck June 2001 when consu at the embassy wen ior- for a m onth . Yemeteni dght people in conni ;ent plot to attack the buil the In October 2000, ai----------U.S.-warshIp-kllled 1:rity two suidde bombersthe destroyer USS Cital Yemeni port of Adei des- explosives in a smaised drew up alongside t om- ship. The United Stat up Qaida for the Cole bo

ingJbaggai ddays as far 'as p a » and ing but the tr a v e ^ g ] ling ing to sacriSce a littl

foradditiohal safety.” )ted Mineta pledge to > sad- ' co'rigressionally-irai lags lines for improving a en t ty, but said .that fedi

will have to move can lair- Mineta said he told rub- figure i t out. L efs fi ta ’s has to be done-becaus

lines are not negotial fhat aeamrmeetthasitmm [ica But they do not tell thi ight of what has happened.

■ I

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____----------------•— :___u _ — ^__ :__ ____________ ---------- ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- .Tho»<liyrJ«u»yl7,2002-4lim<(m,.TwtaF*ll»,.I^ --------

- . ,■ ' : ,'■■■ - ■ :■ N a t i o n

■' ' —" , , , . ■ ............. ■. . -■ _ -- - .............. . ^

QSSV dcj 3 tS 3jGClri P r e e m l e s f a r o w e l l a s t e e n - a g e r s SttwdieSI PrCCITllCS prOVC/ ' _ ■ . • A Study fouiid that babies born prematurely were less likely -I ^ '

ho m es in the . ; , 1 J .X X J . C U . V C U .V J . 1979, had more learning and neuroloalcal problems but (ewersecuntyofEcals^^^; P res. ” " e d ta various la to to r ie s : Some ^ohavidral problems overall. The Associated Press__________ ------ there is'no evidence that the h y p o tere faced threatT ---------- have been successful fo r m ore Percentage of 20 yea r o ld s re p o rtin g risk behav io r sis is coirect. But he said th e study

■ wo“ i; [ ;“^ ^ t K r s ^ . ' i [ l ‘^ S s h o . A B . v a C n e s —

S o n ^ t h a - ■ k f f l i n g o S o f t h S n S r ^ S a t n e u n S the invidmg virus. ^ ^ ------1 P " » . they go t m to less trouble as poimrk or l e ^ account for ^building. I Sdentists said Ihe d isappoint-■ .That is because the HIV comes in teens, perhaps because diey had dot- an U .S bulhs, or about 40,000 babiesJ .an a tta c ltu n a . ' m ent does not m ean tha t AIDS many strains and it change! rapid- B W B I j B W s a I ii» S a » g « « a 4 B I ingparents. iv,™

|^ v ^ ™ h e l„ in g : th e a n .ib o d y . Alcoho.u s e

r.ftU in rhf* , rplpntW nnnonpnr thar “will nnt In stead , the AIDS v ac c in es sjstent neurological problems whUe average.

r t j r t a S s * ^ ^ ! ” ------------------------- “^ ^ ; ^ s s L r = T h ^ g r o u p , s s 1 i T 3 , & « s■bombuig. U,-. A I D s L g s t a « least half of all hnmune system sees these codes, | i | | |M l | |< |l1|l'i| T -----------1' M »,%ifcc..-l44- ......... ~ i ...... werefound w he iijtcam elo the use.o ..iUive,,Today, lung tre a tm m tito ^ ^.bombmg. . Z e n S u n d e r ca re for th e it s t im u liS production of a b ro S W H H m w H a s i------ ---------------------------------------------_ i ^cohol, m anjuana ami other lUegal uig machines, uin^venousfeedmg and -

infection. dass ofwrusfightins cells known drugs; conviction of a cnme or other o ther technology enab le some pre- „■' N o w re s e a rc h e rs 'to iT e in a ' ascytotoidcTljniphocytes. ^ ^ pinmct ivith police; and,forgrls,hav-_._ ,i^ e s^ ,s in a li .a s a .......

-------- --------------shnilaroutcome-with an experi--------- Harvard reseafchers in jec ted -------' ..................... ..I '' ' i'-------^^thoughjvilh^cO Tt d i s a b i l i n e s , ^ -----’ ° mental vacdne th a t tries t o ^ u - gag'DNA plus an im m une cell I “T hat was to ta lly unexpected , Had( said her findings woiJd proba-la ^ i ig e r board. ....... : - late immune cells to-prevent the - growth factor directly m to th e ani------------------•---------------- Crime conviction---------------------------------- “P * » "» » » »«««*•ingpubUciswili-. : virus from multiplying. The muta- mals. Huit technique known as a ' IMuiUsHiMiiiinhlleMoxlam mnunahty is related to lowCTiy, said tureuUants.liftle b ito fd m e , i tion occurred in oiIy!^ne of eight •■naked DNA" vacdne. ^ -----------1 R ---------------------------------- Dr. t tu r e e n H adt, who led r te study Past researdi on p re m a m p b a te sty.” vacdnated rhesus monkeys i n * e Seven of Harvard’s vaccinated I S . - ■ - -------- as director of th e neonatal foUow-up found higher rates of iKiming t o t e - ,,to comply with:) Harvard experiment. , animals have remataed healthy I l 2 ------------------- --------------program a t R ainbow Babies and oes sudi as allmnon d ^ a t.d is o rd e rim posed dead., 1 "It is so b S W to find diat a sin- for two years, evm after injected ■ Incarceration .. CMdren’s Hospital m Cievdand. She and of neuroloppU problems s u * as jlg airline securi-|,j — ..... gle-point m ufation w ithin th e widiSHIV. . , ^ ^ -----------1 K -------------------------------- said Ihe r ^ a r d i e ^ fough t the pre- ce reb ^p a lsy bhn d n essan d d ei^ess ,federal offidals;; v itus can in itia te V cascade-of But die eighdi vacdnated mon- f g g l | | = = J emiK would have had more bdiavior Earlier studies g e n e r ^ ^ ^carefully. „ , events resulting in a dinical vac- key, known as No. 798, responded W B <a28 I ■ I problems . . . S'V,'* 3 f i ° ° ® ?told aides, “Lei's , , dne failure and death," said Dan differenUy. Six months in to th e Pregnancy She said one p o ^ b le explanation is foUowed the p i e ^ B until agif 20 and „'s fin d out what,: H.Bamiirh.ariiniraVfenowntdie trial, molecular studies showed (Icrmmpwunartcyolpmtm,,) , that the preenues parenis saw th e ir , exam ined their ph y sica l grow th, ,ause these dead- H,Trvard M ^ical Sdiool and lead -the vims had started m utating die H H I z n -------------------- 1 ^ I ' duldren as particularly precious and behainor and mental health as well asatiable. We will, audior of the study. ■ gag gene in the vacdnated mon- ------------------------ 1 1 ^ ------------------ 1 v ra ^ e d over * e m more. m ^ g e n c e . .aiim y deaJliiiK.-------------— — Muil tlu ii uhl ilo id i c-ipcri------— _ p i a ^ 2 3 | ......._| ----- Dr_JIeiiiy-Shap iro,-chaimian .oLlhe--------I lie jB se a ic h jv a s_ re p Q tte d _ a i]-----------J tew h o leslo iy , | ' g t a t i o n s one year af te r vac- , . - ; T n T n ^ e S ^ S S t i ' S a ^ S S S ' S S S ^ S ' '


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i -3 2 0 8 i S : N U M B E R S F O R Y O U R A R E A T H A T 5 4 6 - 6 6 5 7 j ^

| a r e L I S T E D O N T H E S E P A G E S , | | 4 - m g f ;

i ^ ^ ^ P ^ — T b a d v e r t l s ^ f i i s ^ a ^ -------------- 5 4 6 ^ 6 6 8 8 - ~ --------------- , - c o u n tr y s to r o -’S r . K r j |

------------- --— p a g e , p l e a s e c o n t a c t y o u r T i m e s - N e w s 1 V a l l e y W e s t R e a l t y ' ________________________________ ^ ;

s a l e s r e p r e . n . a . 1 . . . | !

itG o u n n e tD lim m . T h e T i m e s - N e w s i U;w M .« H i^ E ,.te ..„5 w t3 s' B o r d e r I BdUc H cnslcc Pine. IihhoN'uinkr.... 653-2513 [nuW0w,SjlBAsscdaK536^36

HERCi M e m o r ia l H o s p i t a l I ' | ^ | p H .1918 '0)OD!Km^3( [E» - ' .

jjB M B P : i iC ilO M o n tan a St.^ G o o d in g _______ __________________________ _ ____ B ^ H ^ ^ B ^ H - > a u l f l . T o n i , Harold,Richard, Bob.&Dorothy____ t ____

: I “ Q u a l i t y C a r e C l o s e t o H o m e ” • i \ “p e u H i t i f o o h u c C

h S S I H " : , I - T h e T i m e s - N e w s [ , InpaHcniam • SodalSirvicts : ' Lab Services , » < X ^ O f t e n o t e d ;

i y g s o s o u t h id a tio s t r e e t . W e n d s H .S S S - e e S I 5'■ .1 7 o 5 - 3 Z u o . - i ; . * DiabetisEducatliih.- Radiology PhysicaLThcrapy . „ .

,, J r , ^ ' I : . ' , • . , . : ' > i . 'V , . ; .

« •

I Page A-6

fSupem f excess

_ r ______________________

I A m ending the Idaho i In e v e r easy . * C ha

- - {Constitution’s two-thirds Itequirem ent for sd io o ll 3>e a n even tougher wall • S om e o f f i c i i , in d u e

— ; ^ e m p t h 6 r n e 7 ^ a n t~ t g t te m p tjh js y e ^ . Ito n jjj

..... HJOse d re d ucing t l ^ vo|(___ y o 60 EercVm fo^schcwl

juse Idaho% prim aiy and ■general election dates.J. G iving school d istricts Ian in c e n tiv e to s to p lu sing o d d b a ll e le c tio n !dates is a tem pting idea. IBut don’t expect enthu* liSasm voters to take th e

.;bait.A n y a m e n d m e n t to

;th e s t a t e C o n stitu tio n ;would have to pass both 'h o u se s of th e L e g is la t ’th irds approval. A fter tl era Sfou lel need tu pfli-s Im ajorityvote.!;• P red ic tion : T he sam e ling v o te r s w hom ed u i

__ ibiarae fo r killing-bondjsTably re je c t any proposal ;ly a im s to raise th e ir ts ;{hirds su p e rm a jo rity r ;t?xes 'difficult, and vote ;way.

So h e re ’s an a l te r n a t ;^Iaybe il’s time school d jm ak in g th e su p erm a j( Jr^ient work for them , no t I ■ A two-thirds superm a b le ifo r a school district s ta te has seen bond vote:

. areas, bo th urban, an d ru W hat it comes.down t(

__ schoo l district is ab le toe r s t h a t iH eir sch o o ls ,a t te n tio n . If voters, unc jSchool d istrict’s tru e net 'its w ants, the district ha tow ard passing a bond is;

T h e re are o th e r wayf iwo-thirds supermajority

------ b le. K em pihom e’s id ea

SteiClark Watwortft.... .. . .. . .. ..■ ~ The members of the e

Clark Walwor

Harry Potter teaches giResponse to “Don’t argu«

you’ll lose” printed Saturd:Don’t argue with a Harry

you’ll lose.First of all, the book shop

buys his books is referred ti ^called Flourish and Blotts.”

r^erredloas'"aAvizard’ssl that Harry is interested in j “Curses and Counter Curse read on, you will see that H aged from buying the book book or putting to use anytl book. Harry is also remindt not allowed to do magic out

Harry is not anxious to g( that he could curse his cous The book merely mentions wand... this was what Harr really looking forward to.” ; nothmg about Harry wantii that he could curse Dudley,

There was no Dark Arts s the. area that housed the so: In fact, the charms and spd pro tea the stone from fiOL hands of a dark wizard. Ani anyone telling K ury and R “must keep p u tti^ spells o

This letter reminds me oi article I read recendy in wh (I believe from Columbia U how terrible these books wi dren, and then admitted thi read any of the four books.

We need to focus on wha

D o o n e s b u r y


mijbiity sive tax10 Constitution is dating lh a n g in g th e F o r < rds superm ajority ’ in ten d )I bond votes will votes c all to climb. During l u ^ g Gov. D irk ly seen t~ to " m a k e “ th e '“ in cre a n jjthom ehasp rtv . stackir ^ote'reqiurem ^ t - ' This loprdistri^ t h at th e d( \nd~ ~

“ Vienm-lhirds :on supenmjorityma

raising taxes diffic, the and voters Me iltlto on ■)thla tu re w ith two- the St« r tJiat, Idaho vot- th ird s ,ss i r i y a -Miiiple—attem p

• : ■ s tand£ me penny-pinch- school d u c r a ts u su a lly s ta te c Lissues-will prob;__tiresQn sal th a t ultimate-' B u t i * taxes. The two* requ irt y m ak es ra is ing The L< o ters l ik e 'i t .that help lo

ing s tala tiv e approach. That ai 1 d istricts started afforda a jo r i ty req u ire - ers.lot against them --------Id a tm ajority is possi- t h a t s< ict to attain .-T he m ust o Dtes pass in m any openin r u r a l . , .. cei ved

n to is w hether a tion p r _to_E^ )ls n e e d u rg e n t jud icia m d ers ta n d th e ir bond vi n ee d s instead of Idah( h as a good start ately, h

[ issue. sive ta>ays to m ake th e n e e d e i rity m ore accessi- them si e a ab o u t consoli- changei

beHmesStephen Hartgen. ............................. ...Managing «d!tor Mike Str

le editorial board and virriters of worth, Steve Crump, David Coopi

-L ettei great lessons i•gue with God Iday, Jan 12;^ ty P o n e rfa ,.-

hop where Harry ;d to as “a shop ^ ^ , ,3

..... j , - -in a book tided

S ' S o S , . a e l .

n & t h e i soutside of school. . j , ^ 0 get a wand soousin, Dudley. - .)ns“Amagic r tw uan y had been To o3.” Rowling says Iwonting a wand so to feecley. AfghajTS spell cast upon Wor5 sorcerer’s stone. childn;pells cast were to helpfcailing into the. desire,^ d I don’t recall remotid Ron lhat they get theIs on people.” Letteo f anewspaper weclawhich the writer from p

a University) told absolu s were for outcM - . could iitha thehadnoT \ pie.ks. MA'?hat this story is Twii

l l ’r exficnyifiBSAMBMY./. HSKVcoASTSiiW/vmr

^ x u a s ,/K p fi,x ffm '

T J / ' y

r W


lg electioii'tiates is one of th( >r d e c a d e s , so m e d is tr ic ts n tio n ally h e ld th e ir school s on obscure,, inconvenient n g harvest, fo r instance. The lems to be th a t a lower tumo ea se t h e chances'oP passa i d n g th e deck w ith “yes” vote tis confusing gam e is an ini d e m o c r a t ic p ro c e s s , u i

“ achi^eves th e dc re s u lt , a n d i t te

J . ta x p a y e rs to di: school lea d ers . S

•lajtes d istricts would be o ff ho ld ing th e ir

tra///, e le c t io n s d u rin t t h a t M ay p r im a ry an

N ovem ber genera tion, when voter ti

----------^ is comparatively hiKempthom e’s St

S ta te p le a fo r trim m ing thi d s r e q ii i r e m e n t w as a n p t. A nd h is i« otivation lo \ d a b le : F ig h tin g law su its o l d is tr ic ts th a t feei.en titi 5 c o n s tru c tio n fu n d in g miome.,_____ •_______________It th e C o n s ti tu tio n ’s twb-t ;irem ent doesn!t need to di L e g is la tu re took a good si lo c d d istricts last year, by p s ta te a id fo r in te re s t payn a id m akes th e to tal package

d ab le and attractive for loa

laho .should not.low er.the 1 sch o o l c o n s tru c tio n prof

c overcom e. To do so wouli ling th e floodgates to poorl; i d .o t.poorly .explained con proposals. F o r proof, ju s t k :o.unty_fioyeinmenta.ihat.t^_ :ia l confirm ations to s k ^ a I votes altogether. / iho’s Constitution, quite ap; ’, has a built-in bias against taxes. W hen scliool bonds tn Jed , t h e p ro c ess fo r a p p r 1 still works. Don’t expect vol igeiit.. .............' .......... - -

s-News ■■...............PiibllshcfSmtt!.............. ;...............J^tfvortlslngdl:

of editorials are Stephen Hartgen, oper and Shelley Ridenour.

IRSiy about: what Harry leams abo self and others, what Hany lear ut friendship and loyalty, what I ns about sclf<onfidenc^ and mi what Harry leams about the difl ion between right and wrong, ecendy, it was reported on the r : 8 of 10 kids a g e s ll to 16 have i ;t otm of the four books and 5 of e read all four. In iny opinion, J. vling has contributed more to di of our children than any other s ividual. Read the books and foa stoiy, the real story, and you ly good messages.RAD DOTSON win Foils

id the suffering Afthan ctill0 OUT legislators:.would like to add my encourageleding the staiTong ch ild r^ ofhanistan.Worldwide, parents ore alike. .Thi dren are their hope for tomoriw J for their children is d<eir greati ire. I realize some of the places d lOte, but h^copters or food droi thejob done.e t us prove that we are the Chii daim to be and deliver these chi n pain and suffering. This would slutely the greatest statemeniw Id make about our nation and it<

lATT SMITH win Falls

w auccMON.nvpR,Y. ■. nisftrfeav/cevi- rrr. cusm ioszonk /w

X I 4 . r ^

f f i

• Thursda

ntses'them , icts have ool bondmt dates. »The theo-m outw illssage,-by- -• -------------iroters.insult to ____

u r a r ^ y ^ _ " d e s ire d te a c h e s d i s tr u s t

8. School be b en e r :eir b6n d • ring th e an d th e

eral elec- .:r turnoutyhigh. .S State of ^ the two- - T a g o od________

its fro m ...............ititled to A"!!!!!_ _htat/o -th irds) change. ^d step to . r ■ l a f t e )y provid- . 1 Ip e aym ents. ■ corr age more agailocal vot- ^ n o ^ P u rp o !

had the um e cle hurdle flag ing lru ln roposa ls t h e ^ y . ” - Du d r i s k Four month (orly con- again. This tin construct.. „ toricm om ent ;t look a t the gods of di\Lwio.use____reinventing thp around. when three Ni

raised an Amc appropri- rubble at Groi istexces-truly are Pher TomFrai

Svoters to to be erect........ ......... Department’s

________ -memorialize tl'd ied on S ept.:

Witli one no................. three firemen

sight, Tm sure white. Now thi

lg dlroctor and hues-w h to better refle

nen, th e departmeiMany New’

their families • _ tion_ofrealeVi

they say; it’s a________ firefighters ha

.have changed accurately the

about died that day?leams , Cry havoc, ilat Harry d most ofdifferen- ------------------

H e S a t . ThedrougW>oflO A relativelyI.J.K. ter*s snowpad0 the liter- Espedally whi er single year’s skimpy focus dn lh e drought ill nvillfind the past two y

-B utitdearl to say that abc els in some Idi of January me

children. W heniU om e ■over until Mot

fo m en t ■ • ' has yet to vpic of Heavy OTOW

were a b le s ^ ■nieir bilers.,Unfortiiritw, and wave of “the c reatest ■ public and pri :esare B u tifyounJropscan readingsforic

have noticed £ Ihiistians mmiberofbas s children centofaverag juld be Consider thnw e • D e c l 8 - td its peo- 'average w asl

one of Idaho’: 100 percent ol

• Ja n .9 -d i■" J l I ' I " i/a .

By Garry Trudeai


,, _ ... t .

iay, J a n u a r y IV, 2002

t i j e ! s _ s : p

> soon I spoke when shortly ter the 9-11 terrorist attack: senned an obit for political trrecmess. N otins that we’rt ;ain a serious people with )Oses, I said we no longers or-inclmation for political , vhich I defined as “camou- h to protect th e psyches of

ths later, alas, we’re at it dme we’re reinventing a his i t in a perfunctory.bow to .. liversity. S pecific^y , we’re the photographic instant Now York City f i re f i^ te h nerican flag atop a pile of round Zero.! was captiu'ed by photo^a- ranklin of The Record of nty, N.J. Franklin’s image is eproduced as a 19-foot stat- cted a t the F ire :*s Brookljm headquarters tc I the 343 fire fighters who 1.11.notable difference. The . 3n are still men (an over- re), but they’re no longer they’re of various eihnidtie vhite, black and Hispanic - lect the ethnic content of lent.V York City firefighters and :s are upset by the falsifica* svents. It’s not about race, rabout reality; l i the three had been black, would we ;d die faces to reflect more he diversity of tiiose who■y?

indeed. Jesse Jackson and

Jit may not be overJy good start for Idaho’s win idc is a cause fo r celebration vhen we compare it to last jy'snow leVels resulting froni lhat has p la c e d Idaho over lyears.irly is premature for anyone ibove-normal snowpacklev* Idaho basins in the first half nean Idaho’s drought is oyer ies to Idaho water, it ain’t , [other Nature sings. And she >ice a single n o te . ' '• •, ■. 3ws starting law last yew ’'-, • dng fbr skiers and snov^o*, rtunately, it also kunched a B d ro u ^ t is bver^ comments Jrivate., ,r : r-. regularly naonitor snov^ad 'Idaho’s 16 m ajor basiiis, yoi d a trend develop^g. The ' lasins widi less than 100 per- age has steadily inaeased. this:- the statewide snowpack> 138 perccnt of normal. Not o’s 16 basins was less than of normal,die statewide average had

au M a l l a r d R l

I 'Uiifeia!

I - - f m h

S l

m h ( ) l i , s r

ly I ^K c t h l e e i

j’re I------------------ —^ —I Al Sharpton.would h

or possibly cryogenii ^ well, le t’s just leave ou- The dedsion m alt 3f by several group^ in

York FireDeparitme ing the statue arid'th

bis- " owns the departmen) ----- ...Noceveryoneseesi’re . faux diversification.• bolism is what m^atte rs people. ] •'f Tm all for symboli

ism. B u tllo v e trudi ra- problem with changi

men who were photc i is flag is th a t it’s not t r 3t- It didn’t happen that

m atter? It matters b' 5 to 'matters. In fact, it’s I> • As for syrhbolism;

of the three firefighi bolic It makes d ea r

•bols m orethan we vs' truth indudes the fa

ties 11,500 firefighters, 2 [ - black and 3.2 percen ' - to niggle over numbi

mathematically chal nd as myself knows th'ai

of anything.■t Once you start slie

■ trutiiithereV rioend e . . become comfortable fe ments to truth, a tw«

tweak there, you be when tru th disappea

nd - Where tru th is absei

— L e tdropped ro 108jfiMC<

•_ sbc of 16 basins had £ 100 percept, ‘d '

1°"-. • J a n .lB - Id ^ io h with snow ack aven

_ cent, and the statewi dropped rp. 1 0 2 ^ 0 1

Idaho’s:snbw accui ' ' begihsinN ove^ber

^ ■ - -^ e s ti l l . th i ie ^ ^ h th . ‘canreaiiy-fayii^t.w]

^ ' ' ' ^ rm scari.titiB tiy b V® ' m b n t ii l s 'i a ^ 't i i i^

like M U ^ r ^ ^ l ^• i sriow^jutiahdjjtto'aiack ; .

,_snc)w pa(3 ts-al^sta LiDok at’T d^o wati

finandal situation. A I- pay in the first coupl

doesn’t mean you’ll I : with a pile .of money

lot accountljy summer.> times of unpredictab

Don’t let anyone t« J _ over. We simply don

n i lm o re

j i / . . .

r ' •

, w - w Y s r o P W % T vS E W E T O T O

i : STKWE-?-


nitmrn{-= -------------- --------- n ■ s:e n P a r k e r p ^ ^ l iId have to be sedated (l“nioilly frozen until, Pive diat open, shall we? {JI alter reality was made -bf, induding the New .., . o inent, d ie snidio mak-I'd ie company d ia t; elen t’s headquarters. aees a problem with the d on. Some say the sym-liters, not die actual, ‘ n

jo lisnh llove^m bot.- ti Ith more. And'dieinging the races of the • • hlotographed raising the ot true. Il’s not factual. . p iia t way. Why does its because truth ahvays Pt’s an diat matters. tl ;m; dianging die facesghters is hugely sym- bsar that we value sym- v e value truth. The .J fact dial of die d ty ’s ^s, 2.7 percent are o cent ace H ispanic Notnbers, but even a s:hallenged person such a Ji'ai 2.7 isn’t one-third

gslidng and didng P md lo itrA nd onceyou-—- ti ble widi littie adjust- tweak here and ab e ^ n not to notice ^pears altogether. oiseht, tyiranny reigns. C'

iTERS —jrcent b! normal, and sid snowlevels below a

10 had 10 of 16 basins feragw below 100 per-ewide average had isrcient of normal. L •cumulation seasonier and runs through [ |il.!That‘means therenths to go before we ,t .what we will have for *

is.hbioriousforiis ^ie mOijth’s storm track Je n ^ series of snow Jly become die next - ^unire bubble that works ^k ^ p in g skies dear, ^^'ant airiin. Chinook •inn snaps can shrink ^j t o v e r ^ t . svater like your own -t1. A pile of overtime • c uple mondis of die yeari’ll be on easy street cleyinyoiu'bank I ter. Espedally in tiiese £liable job security. r e tell you the drought is ion’t know that yet. So

. . r , . . - -

' t t e T i r i

WV \| | ■ .


^ POLITIC/I com iii

ps thetrSuch, u ltim a td ^ is ihcrloat prom ise of political correct!

B ut it’s only a statue, you li tt le thing no worse than a (pardon the exdusion). If it p ie feel better,.what’s the h th e symbol, darling. It’s wh:

..bol stands for, which isn’t a tru th , then what if not'a liei

' T he firefighters captured e ra - Dan McWilliams, Geoi an d Billy Eisengrein - have den d y silent.

But dieir attorney. Bill K< m en are “disappointed,” an te n a letter asking that prot d ie stam e b e halted.

In fairness, this may be a intentions gone awiy. The f a n a diverse nation, m any races and hues died I is ts’ hand tha t day. But hon people shouldn’t require a{ th e glory of others.

Perhaps a more fitting tri b e another sort of memoria V iem am “Wall.” Symbolicj would say more about our r th e faces of any man or woi on a wall, without any othei features, say we’re all esser sam e, one people, which, of a re .

W hat we are not are die i guys who raised the flag on p ile of rubble that day. Anc tru th , like it or not.----- :i- .

Kathleen Parker, an Orlan columnist, welcomes commer a t kparkei<, alti cannot respond to aU mail in

s tay tuned, keep your fingei a n d think snow.

DICK LARSENBoise(Editor’s note: Dick Larsen,

information officer for the Idc Department of Wata-Resoun

U stener s ee k s kinder reQuite sometime ago, I qui

K EZJ because of a commen m om ing “personalities” ma

’ d iver Greg Louganis hitting d ie diving board and seeing believed this to be a slur ref Greg’s being HIV positive. m om ing while raking my 11 to school, the moming “pers 92.5 m a l^ g jokes about Brt CBS’s “Survivor.” Brandon i sec ret of the fact that he is g ■that we are trying to build a oufdiscrimination and gay-l

I was personally off^dod comments, and worse, my sc t h ^ . I truly liked the mom 92.5. Now, I am going to be < n ew station to listen to.



^ .A I ARsffr-t'l

- ) Ir i rn e s -N e w L -

'0 ■

7 [ : j '

j _ _

noH If' » .‘i ■

:ruthloathsome• say, ju s t a • in a white lie .it If it m akes peo-;,; le harm? It’s not!: what the sym- 'I’t truth. If not llie? • > u-ed by tiie cam-1 :■ Seorge Johnson-: ave been pru- •

llK eU y.saysdie.” and has writ- production of

3eacase of good ' he fact is, w e ' d.people of ed by.the terror- honoring those e appropriating

g tribute would orial like th e . Dlically, th a t lur nation th an 1 woman. N ames idler identifying ssentially the tl, of course, we

iie three white 3 on a 20-foot And tiiat’s the

rlando Sentinel .ments ma c-mail , although she il individually.


'■senis the public:Idahoourca.)

ir radio s tation: quit listening to nent one of their ' made about ting his head on dng fairies. I r reference to /e. Now, this y 11-year-old son personalities” on [Brandon from Ion made no 5 is gay. I thought ild a worid with- say-bashing, dod by these ly son heard loming staff on be choosing a

iruce Tinsley

.. . ........

O p in io n


I -n a tio n ," I[’ W 'loving people'widi phanti lost libaw; my message i Yotir tactics mily aid tent he waro*t blazing H e was merely doing ' despots and wouId4)e des always do: attempting to I

, date in » silence those wh------ to quesdm hlm .—^ ^

' . Ashcroft’s statement is the most astounding thin{ said by a US. offidal in a years. Does Ashcroft have low estimate bf the Ameri pie's intelligence?:! Peiliapsheneedstobe pcQuainted with ITiomas' iTefferson, wrtio said, “Ih e progress of things is for Ifl

____yield and govenunent to j^ u n d . '^ l l ia t 's doubly t r ing w ar-espedally an

against an eiiemy as nebu ^%itemational taroriszn." Ashcroft is a perfect Orvw character.1 In “1984," Big Brother!people that “f r ^ o m is sl Ashcroft refuses to conc» lhe Bush administration is to curtafl liberty in the lea Those who see diminished m ust be h a H u d n a t^ see “phantoms of lost liberty.’

— sa y ab d liJ l^ diieprbcess dtizens, we only im as

' . erosion of liberty. And wh Congress p a s ^ without (

_____ rw nrfinp t h o n r l r n in tc t ^ fin’ alleged and-terrorism bill, expands the government's of.surveiUance, permits se searches of homes and v<e jud idal overaght of law ei ment, again, we are deludi think freedom is evaporat

' This is a dassic p o v ^ gi under the co+er of an eme SepL 11 has given policy-n chance to bring down fron shelf every new police pov have wanted for years. TTii is rigged in favor of power.

As Schumer puts it, “Foi foreseeable future, the fed government will have to gi The era of a shrinking fedi em m ent has come t^ a do: course, the senator was o?


' r •

. ' 1 ' ' : ■ ' ' ' ■

!fe. ' • . ,.

' l " :

icroftmakeu j o t a , : .. S iiittm atne ' -.♦Tothose- Karepeace- .

“ S S ' .errorists," , Schumer Ijnewlialls.. S r t S irfiat DrMatii,stredespots. .tofctimi- a s l ^ b u t d

tis one of r a r t a ^ a l S ia n y ■ tapp luetoa . B v esu ^ a

.....[henamralrlib m y to

jfrn^ur- — C e l e f clOrwellian ijdcrusade F C l O C S I •bulousasm.” D C Qrwellian

ertoldhisis slavery.” Micede diatnisseeking . *®'least.hedliberty 1seeingty."nninilatEr-^-------------- ;------ess for non* lagiiigan wnra uteven

3 iU ,w h l '^ ^ "nt'spowersssecretv<eakens# enforce-' -. ;C 6 f^Js4luded if werating.irgrab • •imergency^qr-makers a .rom thepower theyThe gamever. Sm Ik b BT or the H U H B n Nfederalogrow.... ^ ■ g g w H 'ederal gov- - d o !^ ” Of ’ trying to

. I

f , ’ zions Bank Isa fl . . . . : . Zions offers: c

esanastDun3HELD0NR IC H M A N ■ go

i • • I ;wilaigbtforeSeptll. . Sar insists that only the anvemmrat“hasthe ^ trength and resourcedisedire:For9 vemefor .q:itdidwenothave'afed* vanment on Sept 11? Was kelarge of our security on vn 'IneiwHatlithesena-. , •about? And if it isn’t 3 ask, just where doestl govenunent get all . or urces? ft simply took . Fo&om die people wiio ta» th e m . 071r uisists tha t n o d o n - - - zir

j b r a t i n g - c u b i r l

s n ' t j u s t have_ a p ie c e o f c a k

Make more o f tfu with ti Ttmes-Neti

i t


z M a v a tJa b le f ro m 2 x 2 t o a B $ 1 0 a n liTch w ith p h o to s c

. T v

Z i o n s B a n k i :

L o a n O f f i c e , l c


:----------__________________. VI

a full-service Lank wllh 145 brant a comprehensive array of investmi

Qdiiigremaj- o f 4 e t^ a th o u s a n d ^ e r » ideas comTCU and flourish - v* ich woAs so well to CTMtt goods and services-doesnoi work a ta llin the& ceofana a l security (emergency; Unity action and purpose is require and only the federal govemii can provide i t ” .

But he’s got it wrong. Secui ■ a service. Compeddon and ir vation are valuable in the efi keep ourselves safe. The lastWA tipaH 15 rontml nlnnnlnp

T h a * what we had,on Sep

ShddonRidirmn is senior fl a t The Future of Freedom

tarian. and editor o f Ideas on Uberty j zine.— •— ' , .

? t h d a v

e t o i k e .

he Celebration iws Happy Ad!

S & 4 0 !ItTCowgGfJeisIel ”

Love Mike,Holly & Robbie

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o a a large,as you w ant jscanriing & aitoork FRE rty only

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18 Years or Older w/Val jr. 1 Registration Per Fan

B e N e c e s s a r

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t u r d a y a t S f

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• ;:’CheckQnllne!Visii::.....p.^*WWi1fagicval]cyoon

1, iiTh&-T!m'es-Ne

teHigh School

S'PAI“" VVhteyTMallif

not siich a- ■ ■th in g to

second'fid*»:^^e to the best T :^¥ ^etb all play- v 'er in the state.

■ J u s t ask " M inico g u n ib r l ^ H

• : T o r w a r d ■ , W h i t n e y ; ^ |

. .'. .M artin , whose . an-arouhd game B f l

.is th e perfec t* iX ^m idem rat to d a re B(

W^fets because I know h( Jif:works,” Martin said. “S r;-. iC Ilook up to h e r .b ^ rl,.Bard 2 ie worki” ’ ' I'-fi,.' Martin said Bodenste : ■ ethic is contagious m i

. topushhersd ftheex tn ' As a result, M artin

— , - i fom A e inaide-oirtln.n ; K a g reat ball-handler •

' . t s ta n d s h e r role • t\;5pdensteiner. .

___ li;'yjyke,Bod.ensteiner,.w]; . h e r game to Stanford

Martin would also like i 1 her playjng days after hi rv :;S h e IS getting form 1<

. Pac-10 schools.Martin is also an exce

.Xdent,who carries a 3.9 j ;;‘ dyerage..

. ■ ^••:;;At college, M artin s ; - :^ in k in g of studying 1• : ^ c e s with the aim of t r.: doctor “because my aui : tor and I see how much < makes.”*T:;:in addition to basketb ':rolso excels in volleyball :-;ln which she anchored i / • p la c e m edley re lay i ^rplaced ninth in the 800 '. ;u ie state.m eet for.the v; Spartan crack team last s

: ;But basketball is her fi “-:,-’“I t ’s m ore co;npetit r:: th e re is more contact, : - l ^ d . “VoUcylyall is comp

ll ik e the physical compe -:-.’M artin also enjoys pi

•'.m ano and is leaming tl ‘ -H er fa v o rite kind of

Christian rock and hei ;..b ^d isD C T a lk .• : -.On th e court, M artir

S p artan s are coming toward their goal of “taM

i .afe and wiiming slate," sh ■ '.■ .'I think it’s going good. : . ed out kind of slowly be :->Jost some good seniors : •-‘But I diink we’re coming v w ell.”

• Scott'.

iRaymond Miller TFCA boys bask" Tw in Falls . C h r i s t i a n :.A ;c a d c m y l.- JUnior guard < ^ - a y m o n d • I^ f il le r s e t a u S S f n .'i-cquple of ;-.Sjiiool records ••twhen he -':Iu3ocked do^vn ' jn i ; ; ' -nine 3^x)inters

and scored 44 —^ p o in ts in o loss la s t M urtau^ :

. • And that game may not . •his career highlight.! Xast year as a part-tiriii

,.;pbyer who averaged abc points a game in varsitj

^;M iller canned a three-c ,. ;cqurt shot a t tlie halftime 1

Warriors’ homecominj ; '^ a g ^ n s t riv ah Magic

:;-VM iller, who is averagi .^'points a game for TFCA, •:?s«ring ejtplosion can be at •'- to increased playing tim ; -sum m er regim en th at ir ; Splaying basketball “at least •-inbttwiceaday." '

Miller, who has a.B+ avi : 'school, said, ‘TU definite: ; ;:c611ege butTm not sure wh ►scUl figuring that stuff o u t’ r*toot-8 point guMd is also t

trying to continue his ;Tmlys at the next level. • ;r-A s for this^yearl Miller i >W prriprs are hoping to wii ^•IBore regular-season games ;-3jpading to Pasco, Wash., fi »:3 ^ g u la r yea r-end tournj I:^ h ich features several Cl : - ^ o o l s ftum around the reg

?*We need to win that,” 1 .^.'adding th a t th e Warrior^

_ >th ird two:yeai^ago and wo ;*twd y e ^ b^ore tha t >I';^Outside of basketball and -;: Miller said he enjoys pJay: I 'P ano and is teaching him

ay the.'guitar. H e alsov ;.^camping and Gshing with his

, . -SdjttlTi.. C n ,

gc TheTm e-Neas O nBne^' » m iiw latest spons new

^ le w s —

N © - - ^ol.Sports ,,


k tballThe'A»ft(K

The Unit more.tKa Olympics to almost

_“mances o sk ier Bod

le a d e rs ]: t h a t Am

s Bodensteiner. least 2 0 1publidty Clare CityGamii how hard she U.S. mi, “She deserves prominen>eause, executive

. ' 'i presideniisteuiers work' • ■ -and forces her: •x t r a ^ e : . . • tin lias devel-'

m outiJdtf'aiia-e r who under- ' ' ^e o p p o site I

,-whO-wilLtake__________ _rd in the fall, ke to continue rhighschooL n^lettcrs from

Kceptional stu- 1.9 grade-point

lg h ea lth sci- n becoming a aunt is a doc- :ch money she

etball,M artin ' f c . tall and track,2d the eighth-

tea m and BOQrmeters a t E S I H he champion f c — j g 5t spring, m , ' , ' f ' s yr first love..i titiv e since | j |H i l M ic t ,” M artin mpeddvebuL ipetitibn.” ' ' '

playing the g tlie guitar.


thelg to g e th e r aking region- 'she said.K)d. We start- ’ because we

ling together -

ott TJiompson • • • •

)r 'sketbail

^ager'8 badge, day. Tho com

B il l io r i i l i r

o w n e r dii

TTio Associate

COPPELL,-------------- perately to iIt w eek to on a soft-serv

l ick ed th e r not even be fa iled effort

and handed t iriie varsity • excited 3^yeai about eight . One lick la sity action, i t . e-q iiarters T h a t was a le buzzer inling victory T T 7 ic V alley

aging 22.8Al, said his Tho Assocl&tot i attributeda m p a n d a PrTTSBURtt inc luded le f t one 'o f-tjastonceiif' b ac k s 'ir iN H

. the second gjaverage m a n d v e n g ^ .

I " s a ir w orld<bfth '£

b ac k s are su

er said the 7*"“'win a rew w h e n Baltinnes beTote W oodson ta l1., tor their ™'*= " ' “ I’' "rn iim en t, t ^ r d miChristian ®°ds an in tn

region. • Sunday’s Rave,” he said, game. : ;j r i placed . W ard , widewon it the NFL’s_b^-b lo

' 's ii’ch .a hard hmd school, N ov. 4 in 'laying the Woodson’was slim self to . In th e Decsoi>enjoys B a ltim o re ;

Woodson in to «Thompson

t ' ■-/. ■

j r e a tnces-havenever Uugher-fpr-U.S. — — 3tWititer Olympicsw lated'PreM .

JSANNE, S w itzerlan d nited Sfite^neyer has.won Han 13 medms a t a W inter ies. Next month, it expects JSt double lhat record. ■

s Ot slu ter Michelle Kvmn, k)de ^filler and odier.ath* U.S. Olympic Com m ittee­’s p red ic ted W ednesday Americans w ould w in a t 0 medals a t the Salt Lake lines.m edal prospect? figured lently as new USOC chief- ive Lloyd Ward and USOG sn t Sandra Baldwin n iet

^ T . ' r -


verlcks owner Mark Cuban Sorvos Igo, Cuban look orders, mado cha ompany's offer oamo In rMponso

lire Mave'riclis ' ■ n. . ■ wl

dishes ice cream d, h(

atodPro&s __________

X , Texas - Trying des-' re0 perfect the d irly riperve cone, Mark Cuban re 2 rem ains of a n o th e r he )rt from his fingertips Nl d the messy treat to an ms ear^ld boy.later, the kid dropped ‘ $S

-rC's about the only thing ab

ird is no ]rted Press ■ ig j

IRGH - Tlie first game H f.-the b est defensive H [ ^ history bloodied, - ■■ R gaine left him angry. . B Z

}afrte-within-a-game * F a the NFL, defensive supposed to pun ish .:.a ers, not the other 'Say

isn ’t alw ays h appentim ore sa fe ty Rod. . . rakes on P ittsb u rg h/e r Hines Ward, and can'matchup this season a patrigu ing elem en t to : stotayens-Steelers playoff p ^^

idely praised as th e ^oulalpcking ri^ V e r^ p u t. __fro ij1 h it on Woodson on latei r P ittsb u rg h t h a t ' Tl is s e ^ bleeding. ■ Wm lec. 16 re m a tch ' in . p la j

W ard p ro v o k e d , tionj .6 drawing a persoiial was


I . . . . . ■ '.'f.

: e x p (. w i th , In te rn a tio n a l •

Committee head Jacque , - ••yi-am-very:optimisti , .will win.our 20

said in an in te rv ie w .' re ^ s tre ti* when we sti my personal count may little h igher th an th a every confidence if a 1

1 key athletes don’t get we’ll be right there.”

’ . The United States, wl dominates th e m edals

----- the Summer-OlympicS;traditionaLwinter spon American athletes won ]

: a t the 1998 W in te r G Nagano, J a p a n , m atcl to ta l ach iev ed in : Lillehammer, Norway.

But host nations trad experience an in c r

~ medals, and th e U nite sliould also benefit from

rvos an Ico croam cono at a.Dali change ond sorvod soft-servo Ic iso to Cuban's criticism of the I

th a t w ent w rong W edn when die billionaire owner D allas M avericks w ofke h o u rs behind a D airy (, coun te r, m aking good

.promise to manage the fas restaurant.

The company’s offer ca response to Cuban’s assertio he wouldn’t h ire Ed Riisl NBA’s head of officiatini manage a'Dairy Queen.” .

T he league fined C 5500,000 fo r th e commc re co rd fo r an in d iv id u a l about $650,000, Cuban coi

' hit with

Stoelora wide rocelvor HInos Wa :an't mako a fingertip catch dur } passing drill Wednesday at the Steelers proctlco complex In Pittsburgh. . 'bul.penalty^on th e second ] rom sainOTage, ater on Amos Zereoue’s run.

T har led Woodsonito confi Vard afterward, call him a c 'layer ahd accuse hin\ of in lonally trying to hurt him.*W /as la ter fined $10,000 by IFL for taundng Woodson dui

> ( ) RJi's'day, January 17,2

s c t a tI JOlympic rion of ske ues Rogge. bobsled in Sitic.-that-we--------KwanVsi5,” Baldwin last week’s ■. “I t was a cham pions started. But series of wii y e v e n b e a es on the V la t . I h a v e ' th is winter i couple of USOC’sWgl !t h u rt that Baldwin

chances I which often freesty le sl I s ta b le a t and bobsledcs,-is^not-a------- -“I r h a rb iarts power. that die Un i l 3 m e d ^ s tronginw i G am es in our showca:

cching the said. “We’\ 1994 a t rime and m

winier spor adirionally have a great :r e a s e in id e s afterw ted S ta tes have to wate n the addi*


■ ''> J |

;T ■

airy Quoon In Coppell, Toxas, c Ice cream cones moking good

0 NBA’s hoad of offlclatlng:'I v

Inesday bought a s tanu2r of the So, after doitced tw o does he still thQ u e en doit?

d o n a “It dependsast-food the customers

part,” Cuban sa:am e in ' “Part of dierion that to make wiih tl:ish, th e hav e to undeing, “ to tomers and lear

b u s in (^ ”C u b an • Cuban, fined

le n t , 'a lion by die NIL!a l. F o r since he boughtould’ve his boss-for-a*(

1 BaltimStrahar

Tho uck has bo<■ Q m ' ried defensive pi

major reason wh The Associated f Player of the Yeo

Strahan, who Mt 22.5'.socks for th earned a sevcn-v

■ Chicago llncbacit balloting announi

' “Only Mvon," Str Vard huge smilo that'sluring famous gap pointed, but i'll t£

Nothing was di»a| dofenslvo ond’s f

a play in which \!d.him-----ized for unsportsn‘V__ _ “Tm going to d(nfront jq ballgam l ^ 'doesn’t liko the w oi^ ' sam e, so be it

Wednesday. “I d w hat he thinks.

720 0 2 “ :----- 7 " —

i o n s Iskeleton an d women’s In Salt Lake. I r sd n tilla tin g -v ic ro ry a i~ ik’s U.S. figure skating I)nsh ips a n d M iller’s Iwins and podium finish- IJ World Cup ski circuit ICer hav e added to th e Iligh hopes. ■in also c i te d m edal I

in snow board ing , I! sk iing , speedskating Ieddlng. P rbeen 'the 'expecta tibn ~ - United S tates must getwinter sport and this is .case opportunity,”' she Ul e’ve in v ested a lot of m oney in having-our

torts do well and we’ll;at legacy with the fadl- h'irw ards. Now we ju s t SI atch irpayoff.”

se see OLYfVIPICS, Page B2

T -T |Q r y

5, on Wodnosday. Wearing a nav od on a promlso to tho fast-food ■I wouldn't hiro him to manago i

tu p DQ franchise. Pailoing the job himself, e r ;think Rush couldn’'t “

theds on how he treats lesiirs. T h a t’s the hard catsaid. bo<

le point I was trying PaiI tlie NBA is that you ans le rs ta n d your cus- wuj ;am to get better as a just

loo i2d more than Sl mil- CfBA in the two years niv: ;ht the team, praised a-day, s to re owner

more’s Wan earns Defensive Pbocomo the most glorl-i play in the NFL. awhy Michael Strohan is '' - J P3d Press Defensivefear. ' wMt an NFL record with .ffsir tho New York Giants. w:n-vote margin overacltcr Brian Urlachcr Inlunced Wednesday. | | HStrahan said with aafshowedoffhlslottilook. 'I'm disap- MichII tako it."' Lewis IwppolntJng about tho linobJ 's performance this oifior.

fl Ward was penal- .playetOTanlike conduct. • ’don’tt do whatever I can Waam es, a n d if he ly ta rle way l play the diat r

i t ,” W ard said aren’i[ don’t really care being s. Tm no t a dirty

Michelle Kwan smiles after fir her freo skate at the U.S. Rgt Skating Championships Satun lo s Angelos. Kwan ffnisfied In placo.

n p


navy bluo donim shirt and a mai bod chain to bo a managor for a go a Dairy Quoon.'

Parrish*6hapman, and took a er shot a t the league.

“Pd love to send Parrish i the NBA to have him give th lesson ili exactly how to comr cate,” Cuban said.' "When body n eed ed to in te ra c t P arrish , hc was ^ g h t thei :mswer tlie questions. That’; tvuy you run a bu.?iness. If Pa iust went up there and just u ook, we’d be a lot better off.”

Cuban’s presence created a lival atmosphere a t the subu

Please see CUBAN. Pag(

Voodsor! Player of th e Year

I season.___

27 voles from nationwlcJe panel of 50 media mombc who cover the NFL Urlacher earned 20. La

^ ^ R 8 b Km season's choice, Balllmoro line-

lichaol Strahan backer Ray (wis, got two votes, ond Cleveland iebacJ<er Jamir Miller received the her.

ly ^ . blocks are dean , an n’t care if you diin’tTike i t " ■ Ward said he never intention targets an opposing player, I U most defensive backs sim] 2n ’r accustomed to a receiv ing as physical as hc is]

please see NFL, Page

r - r r -

Lotal spo. ■_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scores ar

^ — YourSporlKevin Hall, 7 3 5 - 3 m

O v m

H j apprc n -of Re

T h a A sso c la te c

PHOENIX- when baseball trading teams th e yapprove the S'

f f H i H the Boston Ri . - led -b y -E lo rid

John Henry. ' i' O w ners, wl^ • usually take s

™ to 12 months i p ro c e ss frai

flnlshlns ■=''ise sales.^ to re speed, p a n of® . season dommr urday In to cu t from 30 In first ■ . ■ p la n , 'w h ic h

league team s for the first tin

. been stalled inA f te r le n g t


that ended jusi m e e tin g ’s

J approved the ]-------- w ith-chc-N cw

abstaining.“ B aseball r i

' just like it runsn | B | | said in a mes:

fans..9 H B T he vote seti

. fo r Henry to se S158 m illion t th e c u r re n t N owner, and foV

. ^cam to th e i office for $120 r


g Span P dom]

M rankiH | 9 The T lm es-N ew s

Good th in g s packages. Or so t

Three area Wi M B i||| 103 pounds - he

tive weight cla.<;: H j n s ta te w rcstli:

released this wc H H dent wrestling a

Bardett G ene Hammc

and John Clark, ian- of D eclo , bo th ra 1 0 3 - p o u n d

w re s tle rs , a re ranked No. 1 in the 5A and 3A {

c anoth-. lively . A lso li: Wendell’s Mark

il up to • pounds in the’cc them a class- nmuni- The No. 3 and v in any- Spartans listed ei t w ith the s ta te ranfc e re to A dam s (112), Ji It’s die (152) an d Jo e y Parrisli holding No. 2 rani took a m ates M ark Hat

f.” J e f f A n d e rso n il a car- th ird -p la c e shc 3urban .- M cC lellan (145

fourth and Span )ge B2 .(125) received a N

T opp ing th e i Idaho Falls schoo Idaho Falls.

L X B a r tle t t ra n k ;teams and indivii dassification.

T hree Tw in Fa received No. 6 r

,i„Arf Leonard VonBemim a -------F a u g h t- (2 1 S ) - r

Wilden(175).A t C lass 4A,

Bobcats received , Gerardo Vega (17

Jones (275) tops ar w ith No. 3 ran Tliiesson(189) was

- representative wit ranking.

At Class 3A, a si njj leam dropped a sp

rankings to th ird I S a lem .an d S nak seven Senators we

------ 1 ing 21 Sawtooth Cin d l _ Conference wrestle ’ in ^ . '■ onal- And in th e com , but rankings, 10 membi nply .^Wver-Oakley team iiver along w ith Dimom ispe- teamm ate Jason B

g2 third a t 189 pounds,

InsideSJMrtSi s a n d s t a f e . . M p o r t s - .- .84"-— '

Q p {H (iun:Z-tI p jn .)

Section B

nersrove sale Led Soxa te d P re s s_____________

EX - On a historic day :ball owners ^scussed uns instead of players, ed W ednesday to le S660 million sale of I Red Sox to a groupjrid aM arlin s-o w n er-----y.'

c e t i ^ K ^ ^ A s t o ^ I Jfran-js , ac ted in re c o rd t of a tumultuous off- ninated by their plan I 30 tp 28 teams. That ch ca lls fo r m a jo r ms to be elim inated t time since 1899, has i in court.n g thy n eg o ria tio n sle-R ed-Sor-and-the----- -itis attorney g e n e r^ ^ just hours before the

s ta r t , o w n e rs . he Boston deal 29-0, Jew -Y o rk -V an k e es--—

1 runs in our veins,•uns in yours.” Henry lessage to Red Sox

sets in motion plans5 sell lhe Marlins for in to Jeffrey Loria,It M on trea l E xpos for Loria to sell hiS

le com m issioner’s 20 million:’lease see MLB, Page B2

rtans linate stling. dngs« _______________

Igs come in sm all so the saying goes.I wYestlers - two at - head their respec- :la.<:ses in the latest stling ra n k in g s,; week by indepen- ig authority Rocky

im onds of M inico i rk . ~

Rankings i re - B3in — ----------------

5A classes, respec- l isted No. 1 is

irk Dimond, at 171 e’combined 2A-1A

id well-represented d eight individuals ■ankings with Eric ), Josh A nderson 'ey Vail (171) all rankings and leam- H arper (119) and Dn (160) ho ld ing showings. N ate 145) was tabbed parian Jose Vega a No. 5 ranking, le 5A ranks a re hools Skyline and

nks the top six , lividuals for each 1

1 Falls Bruins all6 rankings w ith

em dt (189), Brent) am l-~Spencer----------:

A, four B urley : ed mention, with (171) and Jaxson IS among the team rankings. T y ler was Jerome’s lone with a fifdi-place

a strong Gooding 1 spot in die team rd behind Sugar* iake«River, bu t were listed lead-

th Ccntral Idaho stlers in the rank- .

:ombined 2A-1A mbers of die Raft .! jam were ranked f lond ond Trojan n Blair, who was nds. :

-E M TlmM^^^TMnFli

I S p o r t s

, " x > ~ i v

-------.-The Timaa-Nowa--------

| i *■ MALTA-Kade BJ* «’10 points and Annie SW' nine points to lead the

, ^past Raft River 47-33 ij ■ •fe ren ce gam e Wee]\ .-Malta. ^I I T he Vikihgs >; 1(16.1), who ,■' lopened with an

j .11.2 run to start .th e game,

! outscored the Trojans • -final period for the wil

,1 M dissa Oman'led _ - Magic Valley!

■,with seven points.J “I was proud of our

River coach Randy S "VaUey’sagoodballd

Raft River hosts M Friday, while Valley ft en Shoshone.

^ ~ ^ flT w fS r■ FHAMt tlt4UvAurr in> otTmr 1 ihdi la vtad i I. I te}. Mb a. Uitn 1 Tom-It M4fl.

imfl RD-H*;« 2. Hnei XIM >. W«lS,T>or»iireOlH4*.«a

' nmfficcn-VdriMrUinnr.

Jerome 44, Burley.. B U R LEY -Jennife

points, including eight quarter as the Jeromi ketball team defeated ?6 on Wednesday in Bt

Senior Robyn- Lyo , 'p^ts-and-iunior-1.17

Ished with 13 to pace tl Burley (4-15) travels

on Tuesday.

_______Butn l|]7)0.JtndUE (U). Qrtt DWimilWajI 7, < 16.U»KfjjJ.TeUli-ljfl744.

. IVw 11 Irm 1«. »*n 4. P«iWai Com. Jmnt I (Oirtl !W»y 3 [tha 13, D»<rr < t FaM M < roa. T<ei u ■ ll S7,6airfn.

Other scoresCamas County JV 6 ISDB 30Boys basketball ISDB 61,Camas County JV 6i

GOODING-Taimoi ted 15 points and Ange added 14 to lead the Id for the Deaf and the 1 tlie Camas County jun 61-GO in overtime Weii


Rookie Jarron Collins ca ree r-b e s t 22 poi grabbed 10 rebounds a; Jazz d e fe a te d th e Supersonics 9S.80 on V ni^it.

The 6 -fo o t.ll Colli: 26th NBA game,-hit all i field goal attem pts a topped his previous li points.

1 N ets m , Wizards IEAST RUTHERFOF

I The New Jersey Nets fI arena for the first timt; son, and even Michac> sp en t most of the nigI and watching in awe.i New Jersey (26-11) mj victory to tal from lasI im proved the

i N FL__Continued from Bl

dally oni* talented enouj team record with 94 catc

S te e le rs receiv e r Burress, \vho teamed w to become the first 1, receiving duo in team said he wishes he could good a blocker as Ward i

"I^’s ..going to be matchup Sunday agair Ward said. “I’m going there and do whatever ii

MLB _Continued from Bl

------------W ith-baseball-s-conplan stalled, the commi office appears likely to the Expos this season.

“We haven’t made a f sion yet but certainly th of th e things un d er co tion. Absolutely," comn

. Bud Selig said., Tlie price of the Expt M innesota' Twins owr Fohlad is likely to ask i than $120 million from Watkins, the Alabama 1 m an who wants to buy tl

_____Xp . s a ^ , t h e team ,ffohition.

In a c q u ir in g ;the R H enry ’s group,gets-,th

' Fenway. Park and 80 pe th e N ew . E n g lan d Networlc.

»Ftg$;idil» Tlwidiy.ianuMy

I -4 4

------- ---------------- Gooding.-Castille

5 Brock scored ' in overtit ie Shawver had winning b the Valley girls Steve'V 33inanon<on> 21 points i Wednesday inI--- , I tewCBI* ”

MMSODUHTYieLocal sports---------- -------- T«*-airjs«i,a j^ l8-I2inthe

^ W r e s t l l i

o u r W R a f t "

5 Murtaiigh onyfacesunbeat. W e ^

Spartans ( ta o "Y ou’ve

matches fc goodone.*^

ij«6.HjB«ru,cr»7, Minico

& pounds, Jt

=y36lifer scored 16 American ght in the first nament sti ome girls bas- “That’s ( ted Burley 44- nam ents \I Burley. Cooper saii ^yons had 14 I.iz-Brice-fin. ' ___e the Bobcats. nmn7.ii’i»-u> ■ebloCmlmy

___________17)0.]) Orn).Kn«n(P)iKtU7,M«MV«i7,Paiil

Fl'er30,' Filer 3 0 ,1 Ratt Rive TwInFalli

/ 61, f i l e rwresding u

II .win Wednt 11 rangula 'r

defeated t

f 6o,oTner Carr net.

! Idalio School leBUndoverjunior varsity t:is.ia-«xMk>M Vednesday in

de GolliITY (AP) - • ■ ■— ■ lins scored a poin ts ands as tlie Utah ~ — ; he Seatlli Coilferenctl Wednesday se n t Jorda

fourth cons<)llins, in hisall nine of his CeltiCS 1(

■ career-liigh Is 67 their sixth i)

■ORD, N.J. - R an tn rc 1is filled tlieir RaPW fS 1ime this sea- TORON"hael Jordan ^cojed 29night sitting Olajuwbn h

rebounds in) matdied its his former tlast'season, Alvin WU

Eastern for Toronto

to do, becalougli to set a home. It’s marches. • have to gooe r Plaxico a broken an i with Ward ' of >*•”I l,000.yard ' The mins^am history, agitating Mlid be half as him off hisrdis. • Following Ibe a good co n fro n ta t-ainst Rod,” Steelers cavng to go out position sev;r it is I have Stewart pas

Boston’s <:ontraction----- ivith-contro;nmissioner’s T h e tean r to operate sp u rn e d a >• fro m New 'a final deci- P ren tice an f that is one frorn Cable; ' considera- chairman Cl immissioner Dolan’s brot

The. Je xpos means F o u n d atio r )wner Carl p ercen t con sk for more th e Red Soj ■om Donald m illion iron la business- ■ w h ich incli y,the Twins, baseball tnsi om extinc' o f commissii

■ \ m e r .S o n I TtoA c/i'..,' W e rn er ,' fo


• • •

illeja scored sevM of his 14 < rtime, induding th e game- g basket a t the buzzer, e Vouch led aD scorers with Its for the Mushers.

'ntt,CMCda«i/n,ar> ■ imiIumoUDtlHtO.II (rrmaFtMwii.T.a)ia(Mi.pvn(M>i t Oiin XllJt 4, U Mm A KIVTW e. Toij })

a . ' s r ^ ' s s i y j s a '

l s s s i x s } r » s i &in»» y

tllng . ....: ...........) 48, Pocatello 20'ERT - T h ird -ranked stormed past Region in

ocatello 48-20 in wrestling sday night in Rupert t was a good match for us,"IS coach Brad Cooper said. • /e gof^fo win reg ional s for seeding. So that was a ( ile.” ...................... 1ico took 10'of 14 matches, lg pins by Gabe Frank at i mds, Jeff Anderson at.l60 i , Joey Vail a t 171 pounds le Hansen a t 189. ‘ ( S partans h ea d to the an Falls Invjrational tour.-;— i starting Friday. ^

one of the toughest tour- ‘ :s we went to las t year,” « said. )

'Ia9rMnnlUt3VS*A.-nCcrg(P);ilUrt ■Ufrl:»n|F)Mc.DrwCna.lMCtl40-OM I WiAnd«n(U)WiUIJ;*WUng.J»1tl>- J

), Twin Falls JV 18 \ ), Glenns Ferry 19 v er/0a k le y l8 ,3llsJV9 rR ■ The F ile r High « 5 team pidced up a pair of « inesday at a home quad*ir mefct. T he W ildcats «d the Twin Falls jun ior ^ 0-18 and Glenns Ferry 30-' ' g

fto»T*f*Wtl .' , ■ , / i!:i?.IX-KWi>[DdiCAAnlcxi(TT|»7: HItm-&«)S,STB«(FlpnCerrwltCciTBifTf). li»HIM•>:| V r£«»af)a»c,Jnm(C«lll Jir»r 3IMfa»b1o<nS-E*Wt*n(Tf) n

linslead= = = = = = = c<

- Bince’s best re co rd and '. dan’s Wizards to their s<insecutiye defeat. $■

101, Knicks 1 0 0 w)N -P a u l pierce had 30 „ id Tony Battle scored a “ ^ .20 as the Knicks lost

i 109, R ockets 103NTO - Virtce C a rte r jc'9 points and H akeem fo1 had sbc points and five ^> in his first game against:r team. ar(Villiams added 21 points 12 nto, which shot 56 per- er

icause the loser’s going 33 5 my first playoff, and if I-0 out there and play with hiarm, I ivant to be a part m

Winsladon: If that means fa: Woodson and getting grlis game again, so be it. al:g that Ward-W oodson fic ration Dec. 16, th ecaught Woodson out of it)several times as KOrdell st;)assed foi- a career-high he

_____________ ___ (’s deal has been filled Ccroversy.---------------- ----- ’s c u rre n t o w n e rs ' l,ia 5755 m illion o ffer to

w York law y er M iles Tland $750 m illion bid ra levision Systems Corp. Charles Dolan - Larry ' Ni

rother. yoJ e a n R. Y aw key ^ ion, which ow ns a 53:ontrolling in te re st in ^Sox, wiU receive $410 “■om the H enry group, ^d u d e s a n u m b e r of ^ nsiders who are friends.Kioner Bui.S^e^g:.for-___,___

D ieg o -o w n er T o m '. I—form er P a d re is .a n d "Ve O rioles p re s id e n t . ^ icch ino a n d 'f o rm e r ajoH^, L ea d ^ ' George

' • [20;

-------------- —'-ftonflhMftoti —Ka-C)aeitFa1«m.CtaMFciWlf|.rc«I


Late results Girls basketball ” McDwmltt,JNev.44, Jackpot 43

JA C K PO T-The Jaclq basketball team dropped game b y one point in a 4- to AfcDermitrHigh on Mbi

Kathy Ruiz led the Jag 13) with a game-high 23 pc

I ttteai i4tSu-mJidM I1MIIiScwSrt tle^oVlSu ^

aaoiM I cmm 10. tww>talOE»ii-KX7cUtal»tUir«ajK«;(t:

T«ti fcU» rcM A nr» H A

Owyhee, Nev. 63, Jackf

. Om£(S])-Pun2.E«air«liKT)tni:.iI Cam 11. HJ aJ«»Vt (CJ). S Oo\aw>. C«af»« V a Sit»i ICUt19.sJia2.n«mlTc(»llMa4

NA ToU lai)' 0>M H Jtdo> 'I m*7»Ji1ai.ixr*JVKpSir ,

McDermltt, Nev. 80, Jackpot 3 3 '

-J a c k p o t 7 5 ,0wyliee,-N(

Wrestling .■ Burley 47, Jerome 27 Burley 47, Wood R her 2 : Je ro m e vs. Wood Riv


10 WmGetoj Ulpn T|<(r Ftanfa 1.1a ll Jn Jtan bv*. 12t 119-cem (Bj «i Tl ta-UPsnn<D)ibilTcrtCitoMI>.l»d W

Ur.lttiU-E. lim 1:11Kiar Ul AU Mm Itt^ . II« I«i. Chs T«d [D] I 4CtttU.GngBicij8)n!kdKFUcrGd>'2;lQ: V<9i(B)mi4oetZiaOTaJHJ4 IJI.GwraoVn

. ..Trf* Ptiut»b(!i|pn Mia btM. 13S. 11:-J / ' (3|bkti»-aKOfnn|0)0<MtM,l<i.12! Wm rw Hi» Pj»oa IJT; 1»T. Yirfl (WTl) Ipn^KkStr. l a 14J.^7Som^'w IS (VnO«!>(!ndK.On>nSu«.»i1B>Ururi' JrmU*«attll7r17|.(iiarJ>V.Jiraitr»j(S« 1 i'l: IU-Ond DbmI rtvm 9K L HAM M; 21S-Cd b'« IM-JuKfl Aret (81M

is Jazz Icent from the field.

Bucks 105 , Pacers 10. M ILW AUKEE - Ray

scored 36 points, induding 3 'p o in te rs , and Sam C added 20 points as Milw; \von its sixth straiglit.

It was Milwaukee’s secon secutive victory over Int which feU 106-102 to the on Tuesday night in Indiani

Kings 1 1 2 , Nuggets 1CDEN VER - Doug Ch

scored 13 of his 21 points fourth qoarter, and Sacrai won its lOdi in a row.. Peja Stojakovic had 29 ] and Chris Webber 21 poini 12 rebounds for tlie Kings erased a nine-point defidt 1

333 yards.Wiiat Ward doesn’t want

his rivalry with Woodson m istaken ly cast as a W oodson w as one of W fav o rite p layers when hi growing up, and tlie two- occ ally ru n into each other o field. . , • . ;

Woodson, who spent the r ity of his career with the Stt still r e tu r n # to his Pittsl: home on o ff days and is

Cuban__Contlnuod from Bl Dairy QueenimddrewTnon 1,000 people, many waiting to an hour to place their i The crush was so big the.r rant ran out of ice.

“It was worth the wait,” Newpower said. “It’s not you see a billionaire serving ers.”

W earing a navy denim and a m anager’s name tag canying a pendl in his righi pocket, C uban actually ■ more timfe signing autogi than taking orders.

But h e did take Ws temp

Vanp sat

2097 CandlcridRc Bd. * Twi

S - H RkuiiFaHllS-


“ ■ HotGimhlghKho

Thiwday* Ifuoogi , tfiouU tu itati w

----------- cr7-4S43^Aait:8cStfltinfo bati

d Its third 6774042, EjH 100

[onday. ^ " 9aguars (3-points. Sherry Khfl. Bol------------------ r - S ' &. UudV iaafla.I ■ . MWPotaraoaRlC•&E*liM>r KrtfflnoMiliWa

— n«*olBufchof.Naal«Gro«n.VKflttoBfodtVollEkiln8Gumol.l

k p o t 4 3

......Ittom i . . . . BfardHosmon.WdPotoraoaFJ

t»n.i.s«t»te. BtinoGunnof.l'RflcholBulehw.l iiiHjuoaai. . MndyMalona.VJw4icaK)r>g.Wc

'j V.AmloShmwof,'TwatS.1Autot*Num

NeV.-60-------- AmcaBAouilw.EKaU9M«at&i!v NMPotorson,Fi HaaoyCampbo*. Sara Plow, Nmlx Kfflio Brock. ValK

.AmloMrCouloy. 27 ■ ' ■ AkKKoiso.Vano5‘v c r .n o . K S S . ' l

S E Bowling1:1& l<0-Jcra»r[D]imBii(T>iu TcUMnm :l(0-Unjri VVia»(D)prJc» TinrrtMn?


ijTjaonthf*'" .,l&fkt«rt mnHntaiJ.m)pnUuK«T, , , Ma*

nrzi. •“*'■ s s w f e s . ,

pastSe;the third quarte

Raef LaFren0 0 and 10 rebound

J / -S e e .T ra ilB la z e rs

PHOENIX ond con. Stoudamire sci nd ian a , 19 poims in th( eBucl<s S '“ .i>s th e napolis. “™ided

against Phoen • m Suns 108-99

night.Christie , I t was P o rtl s in the • over Phoenix a •amento up la te leads

Suns. It also wi 3 points w indm ill d un ints and Shawn Marion gs, who onds of a 102-9C t late in Dec. 22. '

ownerofalocal:nt is for That doesnn to be w uldn’t mind k1 fe u d . into one of Hein W a rd ’s • yeUow seats, h e was “That’s \vhat t ccasion- one-on-one m at off the team concept,”

last two games2 major- Plax and I had 01 jteders, Now we have tht sb u rg h Bowl champions is part- andPmlookingf

job seriously.jre th a n ----- a.m ^rafterflyi:ng dose Mavericks gam« r order. ^S ^n training b restau- Cuban’s first

•tomerlookedsqi Tonv patien t \

' t o ften rm.neiv " t this, igburc- -'" ile

^ pretty, but It WOILured by aiS

graphs more than a doz stations broadc

( ip o ra i^ s tat^n^vcm s^t

fp l ^ l ^ W m F O Rwin Falb »'800.733-6577 -


: HandsM:hool batJwbd leadm runs wghout tho Maoon. Coocho# tl wooMytyneon Tum to_ iSeotlTItonipBen;" ■' satod on a mlnlmuin tavtn n..w rwod «sf foma, col ScoQ «t 106. ■

0 Tet AvB.,Bohl 15)97'13.1[Wi.Buhi____ 15.lE.j2.1_______ :vor.Vooey 1S1» 1 1 ffls.WoodRlvofl5lT0 lU aFIOf 18JB7 100WoodRhw IStSatO.5’ rtof.WmbofV 1715a 9£ ftWoodRlvof 15137 9,1 Valloy iai37 S4d.Klmbor1y ' 17144 M

Is-----—------- 0-Tot-AvB.- —SiM i5(<a ss -utn.B(iil <5144 9.6vRof 16154 8.60*.Kiml»f1y 17125 7.7W.XhtwrV 17116 6.S0.Valloy 16 BT 6.1 .WoodHJvof 15 87 ia■or, Valloy IS 80 5.3

Q Tot Avg.w.BiW-------U-58-4.1________sn. Valloy 16 4S 3X)1,Fiof -18 5i ZA

14 38 Z7 W»rt/ . 17 44 26 /aDoy 16'J7 ’2Jdoy.BuN . 14 28 2.0. . anoy ' 16 28 ' u w.WoodRf«f 15 23 13 an, Buhl 15-15 1.0

n<Aea,T*tiFili VatBa . . ' '



cattle "Ti> inc

rter.'en tz had 30 points j: mds for Denver, andon added 23 poims «’■ , ^ tea

rs 1 0 8 , Suns 99C - . . Damon • wilscored eijght of his po<th e la s t seven min- ' weie P o r t la n d T ra il wirled 'another collapse sun en ix a n d beat the . brii9 on W ednesday Ii

, hear t l a n d ’s firs t win me{ a f te r twice giving appIs in losses to thc chiwas payback for a pre

jn k b y P hoenix’s Bin in th e finals sec- g j r-90 Suns’ victory on g j ,


---------------------- ;— war

a l Ford dealershipsn ’t m ea n Ward r.„p.3 knocking Woodson a p.linz Field’s niustard- ^

It this game is about, , latchups ^vidiin the win :,” W itfdsaid.-‘?Tbe ' «j es we played them, «jj., 1 our Way wiUi them. ' u ' , the defending Super ins in our back yard, lg forward to i t ”

[yin^htnne-from -a—B -l.- ime in Atlanta, and g by 630 . B H lrs t co n e for a cus- squished on top.-' . ' . ■ j£ I | It w ith m e, please! ' lis,” h e said with a ' lile. “It might not be vorks.”“M ark Cuban Here ', cu s to m ers were D atable play areas portable oasketball IS a n d adults, and iozen TV and radio a d casting live. One I “nU ts h^^ropter. _ "


- M a y o r H o m e t ^ s■ C H A R L O T lt,N .a-l fully last spring to move Orleans, ftfeyor Pat McQ - JfcCroiy said h ew as i management at ^e'C hai to the NBA to movfe. Any owners. •

Hornets mana ^ e n t i tion, and NBA offidals di ing comment ■'

Aifarsanne Gplsbyi a i ' Foster, said Foster'M d a

later Wednesday in Batoi “It’s not ever a done dt

• veiy'cautious abour^ j^ could i ^ e o ff^ and the;

B o o n e s i g n s tiir<SEATTLE-Second bs

Seattle Mariners for a t■ , Wednesday. -

Terms were notdisdosthree years with an optioi

- .Boon^ 32, finished thiri year, when he set AL r e a and rTms-batted-in: He hi

- the Mariners won 116 g. -MVP^ward.

B u t t e r b e a n t o mPnrSBURGH - Butterl Former Pittsburgh Ste€

box heavyweight Eric “Bi 2 at the Grand Casino in G

Wolfley replaces formi - P infripprntef.” Pfix>,avfa

backed out.Wolfley beating formei

Jesse Sapolu during a sen a t Caesar’s Palace in Las "S

The 260-pound WoUl^,■ area,’> ^ give up about 10

IV Ilc i< e ls o n s i i o w !LA QUINTA^Calif.-P

. . late much rust during his f In his first tournament i

64 Wednesday to join a gn ers Jay Haas -and Brandi

• Classic.M^fkelson took time off

ter bom on Oct 23, and ex Since s.hooting a_2-oy

Inwia'tion^ in August,he i ending Tour Championshi

. . - the season-opening Merce<

Olympics!Continued from Bl ■“W ard'said'heshared Baidi medal expectations.

“Everybody seems to be p ing a t the right.rim e,” he 5 “We like what we see.”

Rogge said 20 medals is a “ Iy reasonable objective.”. “The performance of the h

team is of vital importance the spirit of the games,” he : “Also, the legacy of S alt I will give them a more permai position in winter sports. T were lagging a litde bit behir w inter sports compared to summer. Salt Lake will defini bridge that gap.”

It was Ward’s first visit to headquarters and first in-dc m eeting w ith Rogge since appointment last year as Uf chief. Rogge was elec ted 1 president in July.

Baldwin has been nomine 3S an IOC member and is exp sd to be elected in Salt Lake.

“I re a lly w ant the IOC anderstand and feel that LI Ihd I are a great team that re ivant to work with the IOC rhe rest of the world,” Bald Kiid. “We want to be part of tl igenda and want to help then 1 part of ours.”

Ward, a former co-captaii iie M ichigan State basket! earn, said he can’t wait for ^Vinter Games to start on Feb.

“Fm really excited,” he si ‘It’s kind of like playing my f >asketball game in college, idrenallne rush I had before ipoff. Tm ready to get the gai in.”

C y c l e436-477

Hwy 24.Batw«en Burlionda:com' be a ntsf«N$«iE nocn. iIIOTHWO MO PlEASe «$P£CT IH£ EHVBtOM, lUMV. Spntuufv arid MiiMTr lUaKt n char ir t IMO. VTX.ShMM 1100. 8Tlin!vUYn« t> POTMd Ot«TO-OJ25«, d

seeking move to'Ne- The Charlotte Hornets, who '8 to Memphis,’ have dedded t Crmy said W ^ e sd a y . s told by Mike Crum^ directs larlotte Coliseum, that the'te: ny move would have to be ap]

It refused to comment Wedne did not immediatdy return pl

a spokeswoman fw- Louisia ■ ^n 'c tK Jw n^ Ray Wooldrid until ifs signed,** she saii >T*'6s^"olii'dptim iSiri-b^ ley would change their minds.

iree-year deal witlibaseman Bret Boone has re-s I t lea st three years, the. tea

osed,-buttheM ariner«aid ti :on for the 2005 seasoa lird in the American League N cords among second basemen h it 331 with 36 home runs ai games. Teammate Ichiro Si

neet new NFL c|ial2r b ^ is getting a new ex-NE eelers offensive lineman Crai Butterbean” Esdi in a four-ro [Gulfport^ Miss, mer Chicago Bears lineman

ier San Frandsco 49ers offa m es of bouts featiuing forme 5 Vegas.y . who helps trains boxers in i 100 pounds to Butterbean.

VS no sign of rust iiPhil-Mickelson apparently d

s five-month break fi^m the P It ^ c e Aug. 26, Mickelson sh jroup of five others one shot b del Chamblee a t the Bob H

ff for.the birth of his s ^ n d c jxtended the break to be with 3yer,72 in th e fin a l round B skipped two marquee evM t Jiip, for the top 30 on the m> :edes Ghampionship^forwini


dwin’s ' ; —

j said . "SALTLAJ

home ce for esa id .'.

, i , e m C o u n t

t o t

L^i S a lt]o iy ir

depth:e h is ^USOC J J1 IO C a

Opening C(

i c to ^U oyd V freally. % # d a y s u h t! " an d 'idw in arriv es In T'th e ir /a n be The Torch Tour:

through John Sielniiin of California,, wllfi sitb a ll Robles, King City, S,r th e and Monleroy.

J j March to tho M

III Alexandre Rousse-• from being paralyze■e the Canadian out ol:ames Olympics.

M ^ \

C it yir isy & l lu p s r tn. «.W«S.WMn A MEIUET. EVE PflOIECTO

I tm CD(r«W ftroujh Anwnun He<«i FrwVifcJS.'aSaS' S 'wCBwfCo-.wciiroi •• ■ « ■

N ew d r te a i i s T “ivho tried unsucces-n led to move to NeW^

^ r of opetationsj- J'team had applied^5 approved lvNBA!|

id n e ^ y on ieloca-., n phone calls s e ^ - \‘

isiana Gov. M ike" dridge w u ld m ee f* '•

tsaid.“WeVeb^'^b^iisS'CKMlotfejV ~

Ul Marinersre-signed with the .team announced

id thedealwas-for— —

je MVP voting last men for home rims IS and 141 RBIs as o Suzuki won the

^allenger I-NFLer,to figh t Craig Wolfley will ir-round bout Feb.'';

tan William “The' . ' ___ilit-^ h 'D u t- tn e n ^ —

jffensive lineman rmer NFL players

5,in the.Pittsburgh:^;__

t in return 'ly didn’t accumu-^' lePGATour. n shot an 8-undet' ; o t behind co-lead-- b Hope Chrysler

nd ch ild ,ad a u ^ f'. ' vith his family. ’ nnd of the. N EC-. ; 'M ts - th e season-'- e money list, and-- winners oiHy. ; r ifBsd fnxn Hie reports

AKE 2002 '

! 9 9

n t d o w n

D t h e

t L a k e

r a i p i c s . ?

y '■ days until

g Ceremony ■

until the torch

nTWinFalls ■;

'our: The torch rolls ilelnbecfc country in Ih’slops In Paso' ty, Soledad, Gamier

0 Medals: A necl( noguls skier.Plerrov- isseau just inches*': ilyzed wili Iceep thel- t of the Winter.',

H O i o r R ^ :•CT>ON ANO PflOIECnvE ‘ OWNIffSUAWiAlTHOIK-1 Frwc* Cefpmben ki^ *> M c«i*r lm. Dxek «<i- nlC0n*vfl>iO(m(>l>ict'

S tn ig g— COU JM BU ^'bd^ Wright and Grant fo^$ goals and Man: Denis ! shots fo r his f irs t shi Columbus uniform a: J^gkets b e a t th e N Rangers 2 0 Wednesday

'The shutout was the career.

The B lue J a c k e ts i fou rth in a row at.h

; remained unbeaten in■ five (4-0-1-0) a t Nationw

------ -rw here-they h a v e p la y; seUout crow ds in the I games.

— —Ih e losswas-the Ran iri a row on the road. Ni winless in eight (O ^M ).

i , • AwoclatloniMnwlBT

EA8TEIK COroiStf AliifcDhWa)

ff I Pit aM"Jw»r » II .TO •

n 14 ffl :OiM) ' n 20 ioa liwoitiM -la le 530 ,.7j

\7 3> MO Iu a jn 11U M ............... I . » . 27 11

cmiCkMn5 i 5 “

: £ 2 r ! ! 'S■ oaittt I 10 ,4ae IS

■ S S '. 1 . . HCSTDHCOnREKE ' I klMCMIenj H L l>a GB

Urt>M> .• a « ,757 -SmMxs to m IJMM M tl W U

--------- 1 (Ml------------- - 7 1 - J—AM-MlUtTCfn ll 2S J24 t(■ Ifcuxn IJ M JH IU ‘ D«n«' II M JJ7 17 I .IttlM fcn! w L Pa OBlAU*jr» TJ B ,ni , 3iSssare • ■ - a ■ B -.TO

iPcrtM ' 11 l» .»] 10iUCI(Vn 19 » .<17 IU(Pharn 10 » ,«7 IOS|GetM5l>a • » ,j< j u is

■ ' StonS^^wSoT*'*"^• TmiR.DcM»

. . . . ;ur>Maii7.u(.ctaiMa..............--JOiftOiKehOttM -----

______iBMgilOI.HirTS^ ___ __iTcna IC9,Hut>ilC0<NnJmrlll,Wt<r>9»I7•SioanwlllDmnO?

,PMimics,ne«an'UMNLA.lMn.Ut.CMnj«OobmSUil.lMT«VlO«n« .Oa99<iAani.UOpn;UuMUrt<a.epjf

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•]SMa#Dm«.7pm 'I Uiw»aillR««fn.7ttJaaob<aSaaa$JcnmM3.i(uii


• ' NBA Boxes Net>Ul.Wlanlse7

!UJ>te^l42?{s. Jaw t.2MZWiM 4-70-1 *■ , Ot»n H < SiTiTO S-l J IJ t l T9* 27- >101(14(7.(KEWJCBEttltn 'V»HomH3Mf7.Ui«iH01414, UlcCukxti M1. 11. KBm M W) a. K>M H Kl If.Him WM2.WI«r»M1 W tT.JAruM «4 MII, iCoIra 24 M 1. Anranr 14 »> 2

> m 10 M 2. UnM 14 M S. tcUitMlin.

IjW lW 14 ts ts 4H7 .NaJirar « a IS 0-111I MM CoVWkrraUi M (DM 1 W*<nI |.?.Shnrat.;.N«^O.n.KnJmrrM<; fV » ^ M, n a I J, lUrai t^. Hms 0-1,iM-HnWcuriji atftnnUniirnaS . ilJJ.HnJnfjUgColrair; Ana-WaMyoi t (OM NKbr. Snrcni}).• NMJn«rfi^i71Tcliltoub-W<it««en.117, H»« J«n«, 10. A.JOJXJ POWO).

I Cettlctl01,KnIck*100|Spr»wlSi|i'>?i7.Ita7iBM22J l7.C«tt^H4414.J>laait.2IHXHMl8i».IOM».

• ISAfrf«j4.?Mtl.ltoiwwM4410,W«tf

{Wtt« 1S 4411 PMict 11-21H n Btfa B4 M!0,$Wc«i««.10».7t4,;Jt*»»ai1JM5. PaiCwto 1J 2 J 4, tWfcm. M 2J 0. Pttw 114 M U£«t|l M M 2.7CUH 3J.7J 7700iNMYot B O U 9-100'8o*tl C IT 27 JWCliMorta«WWwtcrt 1I.1»(H«B10144 ' 8 A«non H S(rml 24, n a w 1.1. M m 1-2. W«d Ml Deatn M4 iPtnn 3-ia, aUiM

i2^.EWl»i»1.l,JJir«oi14W.tjrl4., UtCttf M. P ** O'11 FaW ojHfcniI Ma«»^Ycrt3S (Ci«Y tT). t a t t 43

S K S p t K S K S K ? 'j K S i K ! 3 S r " ~ “ “1 ■'Bipl«llW,Rock8til03 •HouncMmW Wtam i< 14 U Ttono H3 24 a cw 1 •4Ml2.l^S.ieMS.M]nii11.3144a.|CK«KH2{II.UailiH0«4.BroM)MMCI.|TwM^JOHiIaili»7»1H01CaiKnwTDtin>JWlMa7.tli4 ia.iU>MS«44 ia.lCl•Mcn 7<1M s 9.l yvm'H>M21,CM«-l}»012.CMlilO»4S,Curr 1.2 M t Ice* 44-7t 17-a loa.J tattI - a tt M S-1Q}

a c . a .a -in

Bucks 109, Pacsn 100ftine 24 M 4. nsM 7-19 M17, IFooo 44 }■ Jai.UfctHJfr777.7hil.7l.700Z fwhw4.|Jl>loisBn)»1-SWlO«l«- B M le. Ifa» M M & SiAto 04] 04 aiw S w tica '^ ^

W r S S S E T A ' S r .90. Jtfnoi 2.J I j 9. Hm »4 04 e. (M 7 M 9;C^OIM0.T(Mi»n22C]10i fUn . - a a s e-in . hmm tt b a a-ios S^0a*4dm»42(Uht54.nMM. '^74;T.I)cnia».R«JJI4CMHlM). .

f n ^ 1), IBm K 27 (Ciatl»). Tcw U M <iraaW «A «2r.T «M ;*4^

....... ...................................................... - -^ jKi9S,S«9«r8onlet60

. , p s s -' M<«kl4»i 2, Hkm 14 oo:. J m M

' UM^MUiUmM2MI7.Cc*lH M a Ckctta S'11H t i, SMnon t <9 041

____ yyHMlB—lUtM.KSWbMM;

ling-Ra^M A P )~ ^ k r— . arshall scored lis stopped 31

C a n a d le iNew York MONTT

day night stoppied 2 the fourth of and Patric

ond'period t5 won th eir p ast Wash! t.h o m e a n d ; TheodorI in their last N orth Ami mwidftArena th e AJl-Sta layedbefore — onFeb:2,'i th e ir las t 38 shutout, an

■ B u l is SCOlangen^sixih -to- en d - C .New York is Kolzig*sshi •I)* u te s a ^ '2 'i

J 2 M i& 'p ? 7 » 1 ^ » ^ ” ^"*j----- 8Mk » I» II ;

• #t tt Jl ;

2l s pS&i°T!i!

o if f f io i to rf l£ M w S 2 aOB rBM.UacnS|.UUA4t(CcaMlOI.* Twb*Sw»fl5*alT*teS

EWnMnmStaritSMateeKMlc . 7J LfftWtfio»f.awiA-l7J*4(IU1l

» Xtad 112, NuoM s 107• • 8«jwo(io(ita................

„ W«et«t-1SH2t.SUtl>M:10’2gM2" 4.?I.I(,«i74J<, , JKkKnS424l&Tl>liDC«iI-944t,M" 044.1c«i42«2l-297lt

IU M040.1*>««4-1200B,ToUH44M.........8 » - a a

MMCtab.6KnT«e7i(l3vWi44' SK|MntM.iidm01).D)nnt»-10(l

' I HPcur2.S,Ur«lt41.Fo<MM-Hx _H ^_n tto i» sionB » iS (w tuaua.o i

ia,o»«nT«h«»-eH>r.rh7n ' ' b»-wi(e«.A-ig.7eo(iBj»i).

° ! Tnn 8U »n 108 Sunt »9. --- -Pcmuwiia)..................u Pa»n6.|2I4miWalMa'ttOO'ia.l10 H 2412. SiMam 7-tS 2^ 1>. WlU 7-

lOJ I(P«mI4MS Anteiai6-10»41IOS Ckdf)MMaK«r|iO.IMO.Dnnai1

IS Jjg^M040.T«»ll4l«IS4JIC

Uon »24 001 >. O M 141-21 141 UctuY 10 IS 7-729. HaRjam 2-7 < TufaU>M012.n:M »-1«Ma.D« 041 r. Ua<rt< 0-1 Wl 5, fom M 04 0. Tct uiMSnPbm 2t a a s .........PtErt............a . •« - a -•!

......... Wwtoi!>-ft««»22(3*uMtTm>7aw ib au M noi 24, Pem n 0.1. o a FTivn M 7 (M 3-7. UtAurr 24. U

_ . . •■ littwiwn fct. U40M ftu,r oM M-Mn. naCOMt-ftnurd H (u I6L P tm 44 is).'A s<o-r^

■TfdnoMWilKa. PhMca M m n P Saani 2. P lm cucA SUo. A-I3«5r

• (I9«3),

Tuesday's Late NBA Bon KlnfslOd, Csvaller»102

a£vaM fi02iJ n t 74 24 I&iuntr s-7 04 ta Uhn 4 e. P«m e-1124 IS, Utor 7-13 2417,4.110-I & U rn 7-t]S-7 27. Ccla04 2-2

S»Vlai:l241 H38. W«*f 1447W1: . 0«37046.0i«.w0-l7.0tt»t«( JKt»i24 44 0. Pd«d24 4-St. TirtnU 24 2. Wlin 04004 loUi 404} 2 ^ OMM a S a Z7- Biomt*) M T7 ff SS-

(SMM:44.0>tMM.W<tie»0-I.BU JWj«0*Fi)uWa<-UhTi . fM wdHW i] U (SUnrw 121. S»ST

4-70- 4]flViU«1(tAMa-aml»d22(UI«xat- &Knr<fS22|W<C«(tVTeUl3Ul>-a*r«1. 77.$jo«nr«.1t.T«ttKal> lc«M.C>Ml27- caKribcd.SKnmr*3CM«reMnirH$<

W«*.A-I7J17(I7317). .

National Baskotball r»« Dovelopmont Leaguo

W L Pd444 HChMx 16 9 .U7

UX* 10 10 .919-47 A>r»4« IS 11 SXII Ct*«u IJ 12 J20 Mr . &Mnr«t IS 14 J170 lins>« 12 ts .444

AuxM II IS .447uW rr,MtrSt 7 18 SK

12). Ttdi)^Q«n«on- KrtMhHlMChMslon

»r Continental Basketball i s Association

04 SosFth 17 6 UO m o 4445, Ftelkrt IJ 10 S9i-^OI3 4i03 OnronpA 14 II 4 « 90S IS

“ “ ■ “» W L CW PD A1|<II . OMCO II 7 4i0 714, 42

FiF3>Ustu] 9 7 r J J4i 17Ucn FH 10 10 400 700 ISam 4 IS 7&£ 40S 2.1

11 S i iW w R f m m a

. Oivdnipia«A3ctM _ GvrlScuFth

t Wednesday’s Men’sCollege Basketball .

“ t S ” '

Colj«44ltoi,&a»4i . .} tonK9aia:PtMjrc«B2 » I>tultS.JrMU*lxnS9

. C«gMM»l,Sii»HilS4

. USMiC.CUMnSI'.14. UU)«lJ7,A<7«tanU.S2

HW|r9iUW.«5,20r®------ ^ lS rl7 5 ,» 2 5 in a i» jn -a — ■7. SMte<ii’mF(>tfwn73


w19weo.urm01.Hje1*■ Al*»na77.Cta«un*™

AAarMaaS7,FktruiiMEntfSS.0T B«u>»Ccsln(ie0.C«4WU Onir^«»SaMm SS. FMi AUrte »


FbtHSlll.H)flC«lnt7l1 . UalMSl«2,TanMtl.0T

jO fWnMaUaKhjMsHIMUbMraticn «9, K Cvsini AIT S7 VvdMITlAtiunn

22 W.IMjet7SS.lfetkT«»MM4S „ '

SojtiCMMllMnuBO _■ - r . ' '


SHT”. HxMWmUllMgaiM: c»si7ipSftT--

< ' . . aataT«Ti.ntoitoii ___


lens 2, Capitals 0TR EA L-Jose-Theodore 1 28 shots and Ja n Bulis [rice Brisebols scored sec* tod goab to lead I^ n tre a l ;id itngm n .lore, who was added to the jnerican team’s roster for ; S t^ game in Los Angeles 2 T re c o rd ^ h is l2 th c a r^ ' and fourth of the season^ ;

sco r^ 4:50 into the second ■ Capitals goalie O i a f ! shutout s t r e ^ a t 164 min- I24seconds. ’

lOTA^e- iiiS » » 'B 5 S «swuaMSi»3,kb»«n

1 MO ' ' ToMsKKhaU 1 S-« MMiSlU.Mnae3 4. WKtraii7lUmK(iS40-I.Vnvti FARHOr3M.atM Cetni]0.iMSiti . tfOtStM-* « W«dne«48y’8Womoi

College Baiketba]:

101 • ^ tS C 7 2 .l4h^SiNrr7SI Ma.CMc Sn71.UlMJI '

r4M2l, ajMcf<'t7].F<>*nS0 I,(>CM24 TlM>S&Ubb4t

Vlm!»,SwnHrf!20.1tfmt fillSin,CH>74 awi-HA4 "' lanuiiimBajs ':ofsa«H— ETs«>™r«aanij:-----------MMM7 W.U»g»nHlnD«S»

KumI 8-112 UMTlSniM^lOI ! tKie?l|44. . lNC«M«mM.M.Ci>CtaAtru kW nrO V19rnT«(7.Vlte|»jjrMO

ilOnnrU .Hiaiil71T<mAlU«»iaC2MS4 Knasie&TBtiuuei

ta v tt» Ttat ,01l^cRaSl6<

.«9 H ig h SCHOO5H.0M Tuesday's high schoi

basketball games

K ” ' » £ » “' ■

l lS ,« v ' HiO««n«7.fliaih«(44.x«einCaRR/.t<4S.CMi2gUfcMdl!4,rillQiW0l4S

'‘S . ' t ,, „Ura#>,7tftnMSJ .............•c r ----- iUUL^n,Hmne9......... .lOiftom' M*wOnai(i57,UdU«oi»»r4e


g s g a s ^ „ “Boxes S S S a i t ^ iS J102 MDnU.W>la2t


—---- HiffCBi4,Sh»wrC............... Ha»aMtV*,4S ■ ------S-tlX 0)H>ySa.CsM»« “ / S l , , ,

WmMS,KjTt^Xp lla wcediv«M.rte37

jSl".,. ' WresOIng Rankings1,Btt|>(>.l, k w i2 d n » w 5 e 2 i5 ? S ^ !S


wSoart. .lOpOlMi

,, I.aHirmnA.Max2.V.DMKn.Ei*HI p«ii>iu«i«4aiui«tii.ctfii ued oe l.5Ccnwt.St)4nK2E.Ad>Td.Mrst:07 - rm.iw<)F«b:4.CCoAPix3i«b:S.S

a 4 i.u .M 'unit^rr.H ^iatW D ri 17 4 U.Hc;«.Ai;Q>:4.H.A;tfi<l9i.DmSE 44 6 0*«.Sl)%wt.lUiWw,E»>.U 10 I.HWitea.Cow^£^r.lVJca.

M a il P. 1MwV«: 4.0. crnxRHn. Ei(M; S J. Vtfi Un«&a

I. S. Anotnra PocMcZa Suimn. Uitet: 1 T.Tratw.Cmvut 4. L Sms ^ r u $ L B. t^tov »)tne t J. Bue.

I.D.9a<gaih:2.'il£ litf>3rik;; • JrMR.U*inrc4.J.NMvE* lT.9tTl

C«nv»t«.HSi^.UljC(r.. 1.lllfcilljo.klih)FAl?(k»a.Sl)1o«

'J iU I4Spoutt.

.«2.aH»r*,UKtot:tM n*^mint.inio^ikkKi.zt3 Oam.ttifKliSn«.lMtQi.17 tS2tartlJS t.C.Atnov9)<n:lJ.Mncn.Una:

2 K f i ‘a r . r “ ‘ “I.aBii'4aA»;"iR2lBen.£ictea Mnn UrCR 4.0. Slvdn. U«U«x s. I C*1«. ttfo F4IE S H scraox L* Or.1.0. liMriinl E ^ J . Vtl Urico: S ^ . UMin 4. a UnM. UM File S. nouti, Si[)lr« & AI Hva. Cirton^1.1 SrtA C«Wn?fuK<hK UM Fa

* ' IUeir.C«t4LVorfl»J.T;*frti I ttSpondi

I. A PlHi. UoUix 2. D. Mwn. PcoM • icnnna)4><c4.?.Un«aWcFttK! n«Mit Ej;M ft D. Faiin. T>n Fab.

27SKuiji I. K SWi C n m t £ U UkOi

. aFimPaMx4.U.Sti<^«r«:S.a .Wa4«\ Utfo FA; 4 S. WUn TirtiFata.

CkM4AI. OidfccC t SattotS. UorWi Itor*; 4 WWlVOwKt^r. ______ ^

lOpeutt 1. H ftriM. Kn; 1 J. O M OKitat 4. c

. s a s s K i i i f K s ;mpaitt- '

. I. a PoncMladtat 1 T. UtfHcn, Nlrrpt ' J. Qtz. Uiraii Knc i T. Tinpli. Xn; 1 Sir9V.Vi»rw;t.D.CMa)i<n.

. - l.KSpmM.UenM;iayMlUuM• ' ^ " E S K f £ j r o « »

t.T. Rttncn0bdtaftS!zbi9V.S«<tic lR.IMVth«K4.X0fNrMtibitM Ha9vlT.5kpon.EmncLJ.iidm

. ^ I.U.C«aM.Bic£^Jn*gLPiM FUc 1 1 n o im Itec*; 4. C. Ccov

: S I M & Knc«. T. SMm.tXCMlll

MpoM’ a p w IR Wwi, m f * 1 X. Kne*.

'Itfteurii t. H CavMK. aiMet 2. K Ren Stfvct)

•■ . . . '.IttpoMl.

.U toB lu <— - Washington V Jarora ir,

out his fourth straight gan strained groin.

Btackhawks 3, PanthSUNRISE, F la .-A lex Z

and Michael Nylander sco apart in the third period Chicago’s victoiy over Flor

Jo ce ly a T h ibau lt stoi shots for his fifth shutou

- season and 26th of his carc- --FlcJnda-was held withot

for the second straight ga e igh th tim e th is seasc

. Panthers lost all four ga their hom estand, th^ lai widi leading-scorer Pavel 1 ting out with a broken left


S ' * ^


■■X )Lchool


The Scarecrow I

lC.Uin.0cm<«c4.Q.SiaD: . . ; '____' iw.syt'ws.fioaw.Jex*'** i.a r« is tn « « t"L n ^s« r

su. &»««•; 4. U. Owtf, NaxTW— — --------K dV tS M raeuM ------



■ Hmi;iarte>a.vanc'4.J.ft Sir>;>« S T. TTinsan. Jmnw, t . £fwei

IlJpanji 1.1Gcrk«.ClKUxc2.r.SnAu. owitn. a j w 4. a FUtHjffpi TMdra. Uontui H3R« i C.

ZTSpaMi- - 1-auakC^wtJ.T.Tw.a;

---------------JonftBui«T:4.s,iee(te»,Kri«!. »r<w;&lS.Ttit>,StnV>i

te UT an

I. &9».SMni Z SnM fW; 1 Go

lUcoTpU t.J.0cM)«to;2.JftUi«u.Ffj 1T&«M . Om&4ir-Sam4.S.5xlM.Sl

Un>.AnnaAfi!E&S.SKi,XRt> lUtKvdi

1. T, Tujn. SiwU IW; 21 OSrt*. UanliiTi DHinm,BM>lll«4.aCciWu.Fr.


l.a Z(*v«. sugJ'iESa I. VA kEt^lD. lLW«l«.Gccdr«4.C.Sh(.7.Pr U lR . Hm.Ami3flFtlt6.U.Sim>.Scn, tScan9i

l.U«nionP»T««i.I.Slw.Co lna(JT, 1teM.K«lew4.(cCiiTy.»m«wF IXS.S. WM.&>}u.SMc&J.&«mn,lL V>l(7.

»tof*tei I.C.arr»s.Sfi»l!?nS??J.Cre. eSE Ff«T«;lT.ltoa»li.0Ktt4.T,aj

S D. Ost. Ptfiet; i fl Kql*. Cak 199 POM

a . 1.APIriKtkn2a&9«r.7.S<.n.0. HCaw«,Wooan!rtr;fC.n«,6s a MI*rkSh*»n:4C.Mw.T«n

140 p a n t. C. LjcnM LiliMvtt 1 ll XA, Pr

■n, 0Qr*^K tta4.K.FW dM

I.C,SlMr»AHoMC2.J.$«.k.[ I m SntU Rmt 4. HJicpntix Si tihiXh SD.Mmn.LiUM:&.J..u>m0

T.8M. 1S2poRk.. i i S l ' a S K W

Ol4nclK EkmnF«rr;S.J.Duirasi«>.UKhl Dwn.FBie«l

aub ItCpcuttI. C CMtwxa Teerc t N E«tn. I

Jm lU . - &mlrrlT,0Mz,PMec4.C.W k S-Z. nPna.Su9V.SjMffl;&illm<n.Pr

ITtpwa I. E Ekxmr. UcC4{ton4M 2. L Vll

Uras;}.U. lC.0U4.Suov-S<l«$ laSMM. Frm7«,S.[XMVwUjnAVlln:9.

taianJiiCtclJ. 1.CU«iAfi«vlM;2.aP(nnGOIXS.D. KBi*TMi.SMcr.4.a.lOf*l.K«kar.<.>W*rtfi4.1Br»S.iiPttarvhlricRir. l.£.U<)«i.PrtHiren(;2.£.S«iTV9.iics.n iun.SA40tRc4.AHa.Dnm ll DMmAMrct.UUvl.UaSrt3iMFab;! l.iPnAUblvxU^iVvnt.U cSS. Hn«,LiUlantAaC<rson,0«ixS. -OL AmanF>h;S.J.lfcGmi.SaTmxnito:! Om ZVIAFttKS.J. Twia

I.Cridi:2.IUktlPvra;4,tt>tiFiHMl*UdOnl. 143petrdi:s.a . i.nHrm.w«asuf;rj.BA>.ri« Fita. rfrvUatat4j.yYtM>.r«fi;SAlki

rwoo)rr4.J.wt.wa)a.I. a aM«i.Ch)»s!L fuoncn. Ual

ton;4. &tf«p,tetiFfMnft4.aErt*Kn,nj 0»UrrS.AItoglJ.P»mi:4J.Spa 1. P. lad. Nat> fw oc 2. K 0 . ^

c t i a ]AQ«3>ja.)W>«nw,Q •w:9.a ElUkan,Fi>t(llCJ»gec«n.Pama Str>in, is m m

t, a OwiMdaH t IV KtnU Ptm %«i4*K)fs^ab^,uiMHnWt.

IXponlirUn I.J.JcM.U«>datn;2.KJacUcn.Pr

SUtren. UMtt 4. J UnMn. WM J< iiTnw,«(MfO«.y;>i

>4KtM l.lOirt.Pinm:2.T.S>?!aala;l1 itM HuttMAlWinw<}iUaj;4.C.0M:tx IT.FMw.riftia.Em.HxnFw

1.J.CaM.HM>Fwi«tIJ.BM.IU LnM . Jmi/teMit:in.A)«.ltrwWcS >V . K^r«,C>>Mc«.aSWVMJAn n , MSpoua

t. a QM.)tofi rnnat 2. D. litwiP A nM n>K 4. T, SiTffi. WM &)t.\ B UiMlA.>ma.aan»>V*br.

s r ------l.'ii'Kw, aJsZlMaATi;-*Hx*, OcaCK 4. W, wat»r. U U i H e

\ . t,«,0<aiKl' a . ' 'H3iiFhnatiUDer,HsMM;SC . . E*tao^FU^RW^Ojtt2^aMl^Pi

* n t .i,u.ewD»iwmja»law.ii»ia««.o d«aK. , aB m ^4.T S«fct»*at.U ^

rtlML— _lJ5A»iiwrfrJ5PftHUiims

c J a c k e tIr Jagr snt S t a r s SrRe"

DALLAS- scored two ;

t h e r s O

: Zhamnov ing Detroit cored 436 N ieuw end od to seal handed sh o t' [orida. and the p udopped 16 legs of Domir out of the the third per ireer. lead.lOut a goal..... . • D allas -s ngame -and Wings’ six-gat son. T he just four day; games on . D etro it. The last th ree lo sf the previi j1 Bure sit-- 2 irsovertim ft hand. Dec.2'9;'

2SA N D S1:A CH ERS B y S t e v i

iU qjE .seE-rH w ?He 's W tE OF STOW in i '; Si)Y'-5 NffTM® OF i/iM Trw suCD ai


V h e a d s f o r t h e E u r o p e a n

a,(w»r;sa s».iv«M4.aM*»\ . :. . ■ K.C*te5.««*«e,X,lJn

JcfltntnSa^tortlJ. 219BM nw;9.T,to«l. I.RFto«n,Pnai:2,UC<xi ------------ ;-------P«*itn,twiBa»;4.tif>»g,<iwi.R«nwO»u»r;eCtSruSraa*. toct. 'UataClS. . 2nF0Mlna I.J.Iliun)n.lto:«UK2Llii

Wmnm.l)iA.4.J jmltojufl .,lfc#>cU».P«.TTu:«.T.IHnaj.F

F o o t b /\t^K ,.r*ia NFL Playoff GIiSl.u«o». WIlik^TpSyi


DWilon»l Playi

.FrjEantlL* Erhard. ( p n |(

.SlUmSL &n3irDam**«lPejci/7i.10»am(>o«B.,uSiUut,?pnifO

ConfersoM ChsmplSMI7.J(V27

v.SlUinH, 103Bama2prv


' K i KA7CCMnw>«KfCClttTwt,

VeetKrvSoBi2 ; " « G o l f

Hope Class!t^ lV r t r W<M»m A iU 0A £«

Pw H rAn■.Pw«;ia Pi(ti«Ca«BPQA

S " - &anMQ«:ttM J043 H»aSSl»n X S

iS J .o S g KrtTrtW »45J«“trKrfl 2?42

«a&aai. PNlkXOcn yynWlGim. JcfmSmltn 31-Unhvufl-.iA

Jrfnltasn IM?tn.U£a»- U a.t0 ^ i ^;WJ.0»<.5. JP-HW » »\Pr»fllVrtr. . Pti«pPnc» » B


K S ,»» I tK £ S SSIWP»T4nj D®.

iC tadn l MAaSCau US-Ktfenr^O. rnPannc JS41-S r * ftflirWalW K44.Smix<tl D-B-anj,B«lL 324*-

ciiw U - ■.BrtJE.xj- fnro. H O C K E '

National Hockoy LAinfMiBT

tiFrmjt EA:rSWCS»«RE»AMOMKn W L T a F

rifi:lL PhUHni 77 12 9 I IDnMW H.Y.IU»t>M a IJ S 2 !

N.Y.nafi}« n n 4 J ■

^ ^ liUJ_____ W L _ T a P

«’; j r r 5Ou,a Ji « i I 5 UXSU 1} JO J 2 4

■ [UUlo u n 4 I 4

S L ■ H - r t pctisiiM a » s 9 .s

19 21 a 0 4PamKiO. 1«T(«B»T 17 72 4 2 4 HJtSvxrt: FM t 1( » 9 S S .Otw. UMI 11 27 S J J

• WSTCTICOW0IO* , , , CatilMbn

S . Lun.lUrtlS. s ila ii N 12 8 J J lc&^. NuMi . 19 2} S 4 <1A nn CokfTtu 19 29 7 1 )

VI I T a Pl\ a t iM CMxBto 24 19 S t s:

t<»n«Cfi 23 1 7 7 2 S;

' U rm tt' 1) » 9 ] i;PidfetMkn

ciT-Ort. H L T a Pt• i t 8 * j„ , a IJ s J s! iF»» a H e 4 s-«.CMtoX LnArgalat . » 17 7 2 41

• Ptioanti II W 7 J 4< AftihWn'- H 25 a 3 J)



? i d W I n ^ 2 -3 - Joe N ieuw endyk ^0 goals, th e secondlg to the ice, as Dallas ^ em Conference-lead- ^

n dyk m ad e a back*3t while falling down, uck slid th ro u g h the ninik Hasek 5:35 ihto Sl )eriod for a 3-1 S tars th

(3sn ap p e d th e - R e d ■— game unbeaten streak or ays after losing 5-2 in tii he R ed W ings’ only . e> ivious 12 gam es was 3- im e at N ash v ille on ai


TATS9V6 Moore _________

I Tennis, 2002Au! Golf, PGA Bob Ho

- — s. College bajketlM ‘ I StJotin'satBos

NHL, Coyotes at/ College basketba

Ci U_ NBA, Jazz at Spur |_ College basketba

________Tennis, 2002 Au$

Raft Rwr at Oakls —OieinchaiShoshc

Hagerman al Muil Castleford at Hans

\ Wendell at Valley, Filerat Buhl, 7:30

'Highland at Minico Burley at Twin Fall:

lan lea g u e. Suhl at Wood Rive Kimbcfly at Declo,

.fu.inM>«iucr.s.Wendell at Rimberl OedoalBehl,6p.

----------------------J>r;4aGKtuu.^ Minico at Wendell,

ias.rWini«Oa>kY. . . . .

BALL PhUdctWj«.CsjIIfr *----- Can4«u2.UiT«cuOf Glance Aajfunercrej

IB7 TairpatHirM;«»Jr«74,

£ i3 t . iS S . '. . . . SanJw1,C«r»S5aor

" ............... n.r.uin3MtCit»rT'Vaflourti9iPeiCirti2


n. lfcrtr»D2.Wai;c7enO’layoff* o ra^ iF to ioir OalalD«al2)pn(TOl) IUtabtf/n«<nU:t inlCOS) . TodiyiQir CcawaaiansnSpn}am(CaS) A=»«alPMiWii.5pmX(f0«) U»u(aia-dna.S»nimplonthlpl PKWU al COxato. t p n '^77 Vmui>alSlUui.(pm

Tcfcrt3iim-/rrf».9sn Pestw?mC»9>r|.7pm EUbtottLaAr OXc

■ s S iFli««alOaa,eJ3pnAnlhcnilEawtAJpffi

- NHL sumn5 jij---------^ CeMu IUL rmPeratf-l.CcirtutWn

■ <»rjj./yii«.iOnii.Q«( PuAWaa ft*«la«CQn(V*<!dJ5l.1 « SacandPuxMiM Pm»H

rrMa'^:^ » « •« 13».Shrt»,.Clnnv,(l.,a-32-M ThrtP«0-2.Cakrt«,m»4Vt4 T»iwa«0.1441,P(n*«-U

V i . 'S ^ S ’S S iJI-IW4 >«.;4,H-Dji Pt»e.«lj,CRcrtnw»Jl«M4W$ Colrt«0d4.^-45 Ooa»«4to.Tcrt.BJahni

t«M).Comtw,DwnMO ggO A.IM»„il*|e S iS CaMdISM 2, C

SSST 0!S.vJm PaoaWfcna Peftibn-fU ^3J5.iCM .lV«(,

ofllM PnaauilIJatPl.Pma&rj j f j ; (la*i |.SO!,Fct»,Wu|n


Sra» <n mil-WiVrrpi &. i:‘P Y 1J.10.7-30: ili_____ 1 Powf<*rrC«oV*«-Wai)ly League c 3 S ? w 2 ^ w .-d i7

um l UatrtiJhtoacrttS- KNCE *-1J.«S2(JUW

O - g * " Sta«3,R«dW

i i i i p S i S 5 i “? » . ! _ « ___SSSs:\ S 15 I?I 'S)*i).7JI,3.DaittMUo3

5 IS Hi S S a K S K S1 U S I” i s x i s i s a s

P«l(nn.Da/(iei£hrioL194S. aPbOf OA T>irtP.n)iW,ila,K«j«n 9,94 194 144 42S5,Ol«ft<.tli!i«»7H««f0 4« IS 14S IlSO.Pinatm.Sriy.[U(icu2 40 « IM

L a™ ”!? Oo m -DiWiHaiat24-1041

am<).OilaLO*>f 14-1441:4 M 1*1 IJI3 97 17193 . Bl4Ckhsw1(s3,Pa4 <011) i2e' QfcMo I 0' « •! la ^ 0 01 P# flp M fr49wPiShoSaS t S9 III ts Wofm,Fli(-a<iWi«*fc2 S9 127 117 f*or(hi^Mfctj:g).14a2;0«2 «1I2 t17------'«:'»•---------------------1 4S131 120 Sac<R)P«icKHtn.ParaM»-

49 111 ICS . l01.P«2S4Mm.<i!>p

(iMiMViV- ■ ff»Kf jabwir iayjtf, U47

------------- -- - — -rfT lnro lay ;-)!

. MELBOURNE;.Australii - A rnaud C lem ent, la s t runner-up, joined the list o ers making early-exits fro Australian Open, spraying w ide and lo n g in a W ednesday to A rg en Gaston Gaudo.

Gaudio, who h a d lo st i first round in his la s t six i Slam even ts, a d v a n ce d i third round with a 64,4-6, ( (3) victory.,

-— CIernent,-seeded-15thrr on four of the last five point ting a forehand in a short-

. exchai^e a t the end. •All five of the men’s top

a re gone, a n d N o. 8 Sampras, the U.S. Open n

O n T H E M R

TELEVISIONiAoilralanOpen ESP^b Hope Chrysler Classic ESPf< letbaJl,Boston College ESPNI at Avalanche ESPN fitball, Maryland a t Duke ESPN Spurs TNT et]ja]l,USCatArtzona FSPT Australian Open ESPN----- LOCAtSCHEDULE-

■ Thursday, January 17

)akley. 7 p.m.-oshone,-7:30 p,m;------------------ -Murtaugh, 7:30 p-m.Hansen, 7:30 p,m,Iley, 7:30 p.m.?:30p.m. inico. 7:30 p.m.Falls. 7:30 p.m.

High school girls basketball River. 7:30 p.m. xio, 7:30 p.m.

High school wrestling nberly, 6 p.m. •6 p.m.

HIghlchoo! bowlingdell, 4 pm;r,’4p.m.___________________

SrcQongoal-OiOT: aai'aOa^ MOII PoKtfjiJrCWcrtxiS 0 dtyt'.or utn)Fk«li.Ui«;;J A-14Jll(l9a(l

J , r ...... .. - --------- Tuosdayi i Suit

Canuektl jn o Feiumno Varoum

FrjPafO-I.VaiTO 2i7(,-?). 2,Vi-et>M<

» 3.ViraiAW,CMu,-»0 0 m ISI2.’I ■ SdanJProW.Pail

- I«pTO}-S.PftMItaw,). 1424 (ffl « (05«,JaS<pcfl,tJ!«

OolSej-PcstwTvH. «a:opm A.H.4,'2(I0.4:2|

?!S ” ' ' W"e*i.533pn KbOi**l»pm LaArpMin Pni PtnxMfcna.7pn S«snJP«n»-Nn

1l>«3 P«mJ-i,u«An;ummarJos cji« w i .4 io mi>i>*2, Racers 0

I 4 I-t Goikn-fUtfrAt.Vci:‘c K l f S -

W ost C oast IX*j ,2a3.UlttM«.Vr HorMUiTr,.irt,ivapiftn}\. W I^>(l r«^^1S». kJa,-o . 27 Ii4,UrtfulIl(»itn. Cdc«t » 1u»-«»o..i(r(>n«)). ?«»M IC t

l-)lr>Y«rt4cl3. SinOr^ n i«vn9MfJ4iW»a S i S e ? l} 1 tM»4(314t| IS ;

WrET«portiar»»,= . c « .o0 2 4-2. I« im 8.Ci*»ai»!l

lt«-(WW!.Wu[^^ WKiwurtOaiw YaKpakarer-t.iwal, Preve ai Una Oeatf

al(V«^2(IU«3, |i,t»r«Scf*di.5^

li3S.0mttm.lta(fp- AnSOTgo al 1019 DeaS l r V«»l.w■a.l oU lacota al FtonD


-W^v^crotf?; s id Rl-glMMROifi*»« IdixttS-lJSIJS-ai llOJJltU« .WrtS27l


:«dWlft6i 2 S rt^-w »j5«aiii1 0 l-J 0 t 1-4 l<!l.ian.cp«>.93Ql.«.mfMJtSl'U.O.SYi*). LidwlPua-eWnTKCU.HATdt7 4'pa3124tn:Cal.'W-7<l3<I;UartMn.CU(rn P«U4aC>Mk-WadS4Su^>.l}<1. a-Uti*MS2«UM.twuMiC iri.’Wr.-------U»5ir 9X>4p,S,ivt*Uc2(H«ij«<.Pi*n'l. PcmraM-Wa SCDai:^.OilpiflHaajrcl . j«r«iM.i|7tM.J4bCSwaui I

S45*p-!5«to^f“ SM.Uc«la«.Wrtb. «W 7wgJ,US. na.padadpe1Kj.1750!

IMJ.IU1 ...J Wt9t<7U!i.W«>Thi|.ii-<aiiuun?- SuiVtfw-WadSn?-0>ttsl0c49.0aba0i<HO4l3Hh»J0 _ _•I44R»4«J

j,P«nih,«o Austra^

BSS ■ S........................

5 3 S« > '« * » » S S J i lS ,

iO(»«uf f l 5 ^ S ? 4 i ; o.4^W7'.e(ei.e-i,

-rJaraWlT; 2002 - Tteittflewi;-


s ^ ^ v e o n a tilia (AP)......up,-is-the.onlyI year’s among the final : of play- four Grand Slam rom the No. 7 Tommy ng shots M arat Safin, the a loss winner, bothadv!

m tin a ’s Haas, an Ausu finalist in 1999,:

t in the of French qualifi X Gran<l Bachelot 6-1,6-2,' 1 to the The ninth-see !, 6-2,7-6 four se t points i

t tiebreaker on hi rmissed— Belpum ’s Christ ints, net- 7-6 (6), 6-1. rt-range The 21-year-old

most difficult se< }p seeds Sampras, who is 8 F e t e . G rand Slam tit] runner* Roddick and Nicc


MCuFiAmtiiPN U a .m .iPN lp.m.

IPN 5 p.m. ^>PN2 6 p.m. U)iLnta*ntPN 7p,m. K S 5 ST 7 p.m. S K % ;

3p.m. s a s sPN2______9 p.m.E ~ --------------- -------


Mafta(«Giin*%SEiiLmeWM.' AkiarOiSirm


(14). Span, a t Aa UcSTmAuSt ' UnEiniaSttm AgnnxdaLSv: anJAdwi4S«o3

. KnCntSoCiAl S(Cat.M.C«aa


T ra n



• KwiyscnvROT• . - . ................... U»«£50rATM«

0?)l1.M2-JlFtoiU54- Jsa Uajicnabf, .o«Ai/no*niEii u«n-O*a;jte<S.n»ili0 JowanaO^tnat

S£*m£lUfl«R I>>tul?&<I<(lSt.‘i».ie emSanacnann- anp'7-J5-'R>-7') TAUPAWrDEVll«»(»»««.iay's Late NHL‘ - - a o x o a ^ummarlesk .5 ,P « ^ « ,2

: J C ScceSmtiSSUi

S S t . ^ V i ' ■

.1,1572. &a^AB»fcn«tu7>M47-71V«a«.l1. to f t r ^. ;•«=;.*. Qxw. •

en tia nicM tnaiv 2,Pfed4toriO f

® ® ” noustanSwfr® ® wtmacoKn.


cicmU»A-,rtn.Pch« ctCCAflOnualS llEWTOKO(Ua&

it Hocktj Loaguo S S J o S SrtanDMIn Cum< lOUPBtf U I

3 12 6 «137I7« cAncuwiuinoiE 16 9 37 137 lie a-drofiandCBrKn1 21 9 SiniC7 pa«mb06>MH((AamCMKn TcraiLlManaiaf LORPaGFCU a>«ya>»MLAu7S 9 2 M 177 01 ciCiaMCI 12 1 43 in M ElAUASSrMlS-TiaCJ 24 3 n i n i u •

LOSAWSIESWIOI M«i0.ti1n.ot«aM UanM«c<M<i{



p .o » *L O t f * r a n h M b « « r »*rio<«4 s<~i«.A»wiwD


^IING S S S iJ Report w«4n,<(j,Eoi.Idaho CWCIIATI^S^

>27(ptiTritt.i)ylS«grKI prtuMandMcc* ]4g.49tawSc<IL-a.UV CHUtLQTTEOCWM1i«grao2r«.pad«] OAYTCH CIMItFIS-JMbua3aclMfatt,5{<S arrt LH Tw» E»ib««■«» eiWWL■TKrlri lJtah,2Wa. CyUEWOOnO KNEl»744.iJIi HotaajWaMdODi S4Sa4nr.tadtty«n»0 UOHE irrStOB-A«930»* Wl)l12.l4i».[j»3if FlEAtJeCnOrAiS-A:«2<tf2«M,4d4Kv SMAttattieMna

. TCUDOSTOnu-Am^M .O /hSudsT *'JBa,ltC%cw\$i >-t>«. __ ec

]!4nuclatf!S»f7TC>2 ' WASHWTCNfTirED ram4U'7!baiaUdS3 vdUFPuWai 7hrSa.S3Cp7>7(k9t«tpa;t«]IOiPaH DM.T)UOn£ Umyil 7>{i70tUi,lTe(UliH, 8nanVcit*£an


iNNIS i T S S S ■Ilan Opon.S S . , S S S S ! "m AuMi NonrmsTtmsTA:aa>a»Uto noGEnruofns-s?

......rtnt.MUtarat-Sferi ^WtKtwJSunm

s r r

w«;THln Fa{ls;iiUw' ~


a t s f e s s f e yoly player-left from— inalists a t last year’s llams.imy Haas and No. 9 the 2000 U.S. Open

advanced.Lustralian Open semi- 99, made short work lalifier Jean-Francois 6'2,65.•seeded Safin saved Its in the second-set rj his way to beating iristophe-Rochus'e-i,-----

r-old Russian is in the t section, along with0 is vying for a Mth title , No. 13 Andy

Nicolas Escude.

n. Av*«»* 7 (S1.7412). 7-S.U.OCKtta


Ant M Dm Sklx Cncn nac>ifc IM7iniRjUcnMlHl|lSl«u(BMdal j> and PMat LeiMi. Mnta, 24. S4.

Hb»a«(Ste^ ..... .

UnMMUcu.G>aM.*l TisaxiPnMITQ.

a(?DI.«ay.M.KnatOacgcn1.74(41.7-4.9n»a|1Cl.i;s>«jaU(i.M S.fSn i.fWauS-4.8-1.lafZJ). S(M, M. Uana Etna Canm.

>«.-a>.Sair< Uca. an] LSU MWIStiiai.dclJa>/r'H»«anjAl<nau»4.mdn. S»« Alno. ard Anvi^ >vi <*jnild(<.ElmafiMna.lbsd.M ' iwitracn. Wad SU»«. S-7 (Jl M. »■;

'■vajitra.nSU ^ Vs | l ^ !I. M H4.-IU IrcA Jipn and SM»r«wMant5-l.fr4Uninu an] *raM UatJna '

snAa.M.M.iS^mandPiBotTaotn,........ ............U.SanrA>n«ayti.lhud$u!a>. . iS««t»:jn.eH»f,74M SoCi Abta. ani AbpH Spun. l>«d Caraajdt.ZRt>it-a.andDar<i (7lft»a.W,}4.M. • ■M Kt] Knu IMctna. Cnffi ; Yad«,Canrgr>r.S-1,«4.

ANSACTIONS:- - u sa « u

J«lS-A(7»ad B i«a Of D»>(cr»r«arc£rt»aEDS0S-A7pdi9H«aKiCDa4;----- -

CEnS-ATtadbumionf ; nen cn a cmarr noYM^-\^ e tm >«i LXf,knw»*7e«d6wmi»en»# • ■abf tawacl Tnn«»agfwdBlem»i«Clf ,aw4tn*T»ai»taa

KVt RATS-Su JoM Tanru

lX)S-Ji7wd tg M >o raiP M«i' m>lupua<aneaa

. ss Ub Gvw. li«’S«a> FaA IB anan>,U«*!iVaaA«mS-AgrwJBUBT8,«,0faer*ii««attrjlISCOCumS-VtadlDlamiMSCoiarralu^aa'naEamlaapsiinoacATs-HxMdrteA


■ man* hi F00TB4U.

nWPATfU0TS-n«5PrtlflT ■ IfiSANIS-SmdrillHte ■. ftjTwo. Q Cr» VMcsa. C1AnmFcoeialLaapa


«MT0US9iadVit(<»l*T, ,HCOir

jnncu^aMOSv>ii ;9rKr>R*Mlgr*FtnSa i6frtH*l<»\CKftr'*aaTB,D i«S I tmKoul uonjw njao LAuvtadFCagUmKiLiMIS-TiadoflWVtlanKi.’nratyb r M bf 0 «n»a t ^ M tutS UlGS-lmnad D Jara Kmva e MWLUUCCnS-S?wIF K« Uto rd P

MCERS-Ctend C Tm VMia]'

S CniFHS-AmoTOd FM Tin «<n ntntd Itan ban t3 ewOeni >dlN[>i«r4 >ar*Mtgr« .

lUOMWtnMCPnanUu ' cnc(r«EOlMnWbM


lEOt«CcMHKt^Ui9«TaWJS-NKBadPalPrttt* 'Ha£ns-«<niifMCbnM'

!)ERS-Am>f««]0D*<W>3cn Eaiptt m racatad Cf Sfiaaa)GENEfUJ.S-UMRWncoRdCDiltonCXS-AmuodaSfloi IROlaltyCaainipAdes-l-----------

AlSAiMFKi*rS«>andD !»».Ario«»)CSf«i>U*©r i lMlin)c4eitAtL ,URS-WmdOUMSolr. ’ eoeca ^ .


kmyiK&47aadi3lmM7i . oi£ an] caodjmia c( rt>r« P»

lytiRit 'STA1E-Namad*pnS«e>taal>. ■MeaAnaiMiwamdManalai ,


euxadtamvMoiclVtM : i*"**- . .

ir*eonndi<eo6TEiMi.lo»EnN20Maa*iin ■dm^MMFWi ;iBi«tJinSMd«uc< ;G£SdA!i$ti ».«t>,t ;_______ '

■ ‘i ' ;•• ,


iLongtin• TWIN FALLS - This 'Spoke to some really gr :p le and got their comrr ; bowling. ’ -

Ralph Hann: Bowled for a couple i

____ ;i iu l5 6 S ^ 6 _ a n tL th e n J.gam e, bu t cam e back, i : been bowling regularly• past 10 years. He is cur •m em b er o f fiv e le a g i joins the pot bowlers on aftemoons. '

■ Hann said his greatesi plishment is, “Getting on each moming.”

Now isn’t that someth a ll o f us s e n io r citizc

-------re la te to :---------------------I wonder if Northwes

a n ^ Rigging knows ho^ tirnes th ey have almoi

■called for help on that on : A sked w h a t h e lik< : about bowling, Hann sai• the people.

' _ = _ S ]



I t ’s W h e r e Y o i

f o r W h a t Y o u


CTSXOCH. Bjllvjlveasstmoti McUl loop ii.inaii.

Solid bQss consrruciion. Cfirome pUied Imh



m S v E A TP O R T A B L E HEATLMOO. UgMwtl^unlims vinui

Tmtin-mecltieitscttlngtioiFan Designed win uleiy in mind.

g '

G A S W A T E R HEATi-• - •01F4S3mMV. 4(Hi3tonmerM:

Alamlnl/catiMt burner. 34.000 BTU. Iasi momy.

6-yur \tamnly m tankandpjrt

1 3 9 ^


me bowlehis.w eek I g rea t peo-

nm ents on

le of yearsa J e f t - th e ____:k and h as ■----- :----------rly for th e “The assoc currently a pie. In bowli ig u es a n d people who on Monday same reasoi

exercise,” hetest accom-lo m o tb e d ja h e w a n h ,

Bthing that -Wanhala 1 ize n s ca n . off for the pa

retitly'bowls vest Crane likes getting how m any also likes th- n o st b ee n that bowling one. . . , He said he ik e s b e s t with h is gar said it was dosed surget

ing a 170 av

5i t t i n ’ h ig h

1 * ^ 1 <■' f t i i

' o u G o

u N e e d ! \

n i a c E f

® B g j

w j : b a s e b o a r d t* t l Z40m.neslilenltilor,mat/. Heivysaugesieei.soh

ULncewiy.wminda" ^rienglhI 3Bmr 36-lenott)f 4D!JW 4B'lonoW

6B2JI5 72'leno!/t

S I E M E N S ^ ; , '

y Ii ™ z o o A m u i

H O M E P A iC-:-----------MC0S1SM8I!00P.-B]t,ipp»hn Only). copper Ousslnj and provide M ciicuiis. Ui listed. Wenherji

V g g cR E C / I l p r a

■ " S

H i - X ' h- .csism i/nm m -4'

y. sundjtd mets for tddtpjrtj. . eitivili!<tbO)ii1.ADAapprovi

lOO^.-------- --------------------7 -

'Msrs offer gg

seL e t ’s G o ™

B o w l i n g . P t■ W T u c t e— ------ ------------------ br.

------------ 1 ---------- — ' absodadon with the peo- ] vling you meet a lot of let ho a re th e re for th e his son. I t also gives m e ‘ wh hesaid . he

foinhalaa h as bowled on and lai past 12 years and cur- ivls'in 'orreleague'.'H e----- l i flg bu t with people and ass th e competitive level tig provides. Sohe has been struggling ;am e a f te r an undis- j gerj^, but is now carry- for average. He recently e-n


; , 'j

M OTuiT ol nora BucuHOi

^ Tl m .

Jit6uas>0»2 8 4 .4 0

T H E A T E R S O G A U O h' or comment. W n i b n

----------- 7^ Tuple tesied lor_______ £i£i 6 yetr wirrinty (

= 1 . m


pped mfft aH soM---------orrrvonsiderAavides eignibnncn 60'x3}-3/4T(73-l fierprool 3R rjled. (Fixturtsn:

M m^amehint!ro lled a 252 game and t series. Sounds like he’s oi mend.

Phil SchellSchell is in his seventh y(

bowling a f te r about a 20 -break,-when he also bowle about foiu' years.

H e c u r re n t ly bowls in league; and when asked a his greatest accomplishmen w hat he likes about the g he replied with the same ar for both questions: “The fr ships tha t I have made am p eo p le t h a t I have gotte know.”. W hatever your desires a

life , f r ie n d s are the grei asset you can have.

W here b e tte r than bow! S o ... le t’s go bowlingl

Vtclma writes a weekly co for Tlte Times-Netvs. Contact h e-mail a t ttucket^asiclink.o

n n r . R

Two G ooding youths took t< , „hono r$ .a t.the jm m al.S .du th<

Idaho Jo c k p o t Rodeo A ssoc ia tion aivards coromo Jan . 6. 'Cheyanne Robinson, left, th

- --a Il-f lfound pe#-we« champio took hom e th e Wova's Out W est trophy saddle. Cady tf C o a te s , r igh t, won the Vallo Cp^jp tro p h y saddle for all- a round cham pion In tho JunI division.

_ I n th a op en Jackpot division K aileJoP arke r.o fW endoIl c la im ed 'th a all-around awar< All th re e com peted In barrel rac ln g ^p o la bending, goa t ty ing a iid break-away roping

7- 8 1 0 ro d eo ’se rles frpm Marc th rough S eptem ber 2001. Ernie S te v e n s Memorial cha plon b u c k les were p resen t t all f irs t p la c o winners. In th e poe-w oo a n d Junior events. OT '' T.

I N T R O O U C m AQ U At m m m O B A H ' " A T ,

•?8!E8I mlltlB

^WblttOuwtr - .ifiJturesnolincJvdei,4 0 AqlkGiass.

■; S I E M E

ON E L E C T R IC B R I :R H E A T E R W l lW. Fused eeamie lining. 03040MB00 W3tt elements. /B id lor uniform oiuhly.. 200mty on Unk ,md ports. combir

; g o o :


T ^ z r s s , . M

3-t^Hahtorlendr3in. Robe Hook nnot Included) SvrlieePjpe

ts.l a 624 « .o n th e . BOWLD-

sw sB rafio

year ofcSlirSsSwlBiWA

'led for - -AdaXAWNwneiC&dBUOAYWCCSERCS:FtalttoUM5n.PMF>i n o n e1 ab o u t OAuaftanMnliitaiP. jn t and

answ erfrif^nri. cumtuiMiraa.FutiM

te n to ■

ore in e a te s t


s s s t s s e r ;column nntaHK*tiin..)M<snioi

c.cDm. ' .

MlMlSI.TaraTS^Zmujohvuyniai...... ....... • «BTOYUW• ........ stBa-fteDrn^Jit-an*>tSlmM.A< B u m * 5L CnJr Ova SI S ouas«8r^:hLEtfua4

to p iw.'MracigrGifarii,T*.

th o rn ____


. ,S£m:CMkUM&M.*niatho ■

It ■■Mao ■ s s s a w sIley JCOEBOK.JEKI- -inlor


on, X SoiK olJH I^vSiSI UUES'SCRCUikffOdwta' Gcutiga.c»a*H <as.Ta. .J W.aMSn*!<l.buJvuU<• Di«i»a7,Q«u&K»m.rre!

ngin Wi«MaUnr»Nq«rt*,;ipch----- ..SSCC«UO(SSEn£S:fli,rLi;.’" r” PlMe%ML*M3S11Ck*C

t to ' •S£j«nuwso«S'j»ini


' ' ’ * * ' 'i'THURWDOLBCB- ■ '••••.* D0t^Snaia»Pi«9C«W

i G L A S S ’ . 1r G R O V E R S

liAouiCIJSS. [■- Blormhieof ' ■■es mildew. ■


S f ■ded) 35-anmJartS. 2 4 1 .2 0

1 ;0 0 A M P M A IN 1 E A K E R PANELIT H B R E A K E R S -iVB1200CP. Inclitiles 10 breiken cr.'3 120-mltjnd 2240-volt j. st'00 amp main breaker ind Co iblnatlon com. Indoor pantl.

j g o o

H R O M E B A T HW C E S S O R IE Sm - nj.nm — 3.sa____t’*_______ 02-02n u n o\iperHolder 02-D201 XBB1_Bar 02-020224 8.20 __. « / « « « « / « ^coapetlUn^ea 3t3i



‘ * TWafAUJL___ I


TOurSgjIN G Pn2am*lS'SiS?

—• IttLtoBtoJnaiDl.

. . ' . onlSmonitVs

5 ® - _ eirflQ«SRw&i«iiJ jS S S SO'l . CaSStnC&TtnuUss f S ; , .

j,tt*>a7.a# BorssoKJifctiwiirt * « » ^


Miatstirca eauso«S:T«Bito

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S £ f £ ! 5 , B !I,T«KM197. QoittS OWMI. .

ly- „ , • 9gfl«»lM»«yJ«wn» - JERBm&nwnZ):.

■ BI!MliCn!)tE.T '^s«*’WX uO(S5£nsao«>Doi«

jctt*niH«TiiT«ieai SoSoeMMitolSjtww.fiitrr • ffcwurtmsTj, [iGoeeH^tn uaso»u£iiuifvt»»

S ; 'S ’a S S iS ?_____ 2 I.i)fB(ijito,2l8.Safc

. I ' u»mu:a>ajihi»i2n. r s0«nims£nr£s:n*

S iS S S " S S E , " ^ "ai.ft«nWAr. !o<efliSfiS4£S:MF ™,nir..v«- Stfrt-wmOdilWtaM^ rrSZT* rKCailtMrJIt

o i t ■ ■ soawiACcrsEno-Sii BAlDwCaiPilftiWH MU»0u9j«i

f f iS . 'S , B A SK ET!iniM<ei.j«i 7vnir<us-n«T«nFiiii

RmarDipMnoViemU NoreleKiTtaraJclM.JwiMrTxpniU. Wml'iLji ae

nMflCaUtChitWi COnrir i nos feMttra.Htfun Mr»iU«icnMiOiaEn U.HiSrtnrcmnatellSnt(M»rW>r

1?TIL<l.r-T '

- - . '

W ^ W S y ! i G ~ ^

P O R TA B LE B A SE B O A R D H E A T E RKF1210. sold welded case and elomnt. No moving parts, heats by convection. ■

Saletysmlch. I20volt. tOOOmtt. Works wllh regular household outlets.

3 9 9 7

U q h t A l e r a .FLO O D A S S E M B L Y

DTWOn. With surge protection. Timo and sensltMty adjustments, htanual override. Complete itim wiilptalt. Dijckonme.

(lamps not Included)

3 4 O 8

S i m ^ i T A U

ol Ihe constrvclionyou'rt working on,. consider AQuaGtjss. Mute.

fFutures not Ineluaed) 3t3232A-mr 32'shom 182.00 3t3637A-miT 3S‘shomr 170.00

^ G i

M o n d a y -F r ld a y i 'M. • Some items'llmlte&to rt

Speclil ordor and ra.


G C f e S A N

BMW^MVnUm' ' J>1)1. ■ Oim 3B.CiW>IitV«ttrIann.K*), KyiAUr.AIOalv m sa tN M ^ aSibMCMN:


Ttfiia9.n/Ml^iea.. ^SMulHmSaad OnMH.tnl19.Clu. W«»Caw '• iMMSMKh M«MScttS4fc<

!i*rSSSj!'a»ui ' K££5t®^5"»™> ■iMice.S«iRnb K h21iiw«. .C«tn>*s>V(Mn i5v5!ruidwILMlHBadtmoi ^.CatRrtmlttMn Ti)tof«ir»«eSilliicmcnSKicm Oi* dc(Ui(IcV*i»,i U^S&UttfrLMiUamcn2lt.«<ardi " *

*Avusma wiicaipwireaMj

?Sr nmtcBe»iu»:V%!

BCS-TAUULCUUE . TTijSfeflSjiiW e»TnPwn<oi. ui^viifirMastx.OdS4nM.Vdt 0»#«eiUijKV»U,Jatcwisawaira • '..*

Honi.ContDra . UkAT .............. UafcUiOiniViB*UE.TWHFMU ' . tonUcJetf Mnjnr.jmun -CMiSUuFhA lcOUin)6a.JCTrM MMiManW) '

aen.tcr«MK7, {tvtsnMunniW7.CmJl«6tt— FATCOtOU-------MnaiCmanar, CfaCngMCcnmaa

■LwrniUSanm &»CttflPwe* ' vHdmUtUn Un. vrtHF«pjIMWoUMC.- imttaCsnW.Kn cxi>Qm- . - - rsashiilfflpvnui. .8a

Uraoi24r.U*tCcoU UreWMCnkcSlErtS S - s ! c i S

tn. ............ J . .... ..i:IU>QMB?.CM FrKlUn*«.S«»l«« anOB.iii'cx&rM. rBiAfflrt»

tafttJllOtfrUaiiU toqjlWalRSblC 3-SW«n«>WMl - ■W53).iwnQjWW c»a.P«ie7.E»k5■. ,,,,_■ ‘ 5rt*lM.F*fCOrOUli S f f i S g -----nft»WH7. * ■ ■ Jw

:T B A L L.FihF^nl - 'JnemuoiMrdrvb Sc(Uk>taLrniAnR:

)txaU«i]al4l.kUMk i aSvdngi rndUmtlCnSUM • • M , FATCOtCWW.Ewwl

-• M CicuriMUUAWi ...... j ' l . . ............ -iMrtTT

L A V F A U C E lCQ ■ CT200FA. 2 handle. 4'C8nlerset•»* ' plated alloy housing, bass wat.lent brass pop-up. AOytic A;<0D ■ Meets all code rtouittments lorit lauctts-IAPMO approved, t/4 tm

2 8 ^ b

F L U S H TOILEi<de. 13H60. White vitreous chha. I. tlte. Hushing aaion. Fits standard ro

U.S. made. (Toilet seal not M

L A V fA U C E Ty_____P5220CH. 4'ctnterseL Prmenb’--------- vsmntycivrmTiatiffmjtit„ Acrylic handle. 5060 brass pot

^ 2 9 ^ ^0.00 Unrlup»lleS2S.S8

to relsll sales. Certalrt llems may w f t dralncheck gladly given. Priccs effecti

ll ■ ■

^ : i 3 3 m i . E xt. "i29 (H,

s P S T A T S

8caM SoM alM tfinM 4 . WaOuMUtmMtfittiK JmnOmm

aF««*<ia UtjiMSTKfp*lN3&l«BnCM» Dontof'*

JKII t£S.V.LlaK S i S i ! - , .


JW .W --------1,-“ - ^ ^ifl SUPKAattite :4 Doraitirif7.£u

TC««W H .. 8J(JP,54„^0„

■' !; - 'J S ^ S S S S i

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" sss is if ff i!

brUlb VilqUatfMi tMiOMtXJfor, <.ww.mOT».

‘f f i- '” ” ” RAuHaBu*««Tg>Slv

!teTcSfcdmo“I.U^V*rU«(«S27 . . .'n.B««n^fHFM)&n«»<vra*tPTM • }'SS?2I?IlS!l

M n " v i s ? a s s «------ ' ' »

« 1,T)l«Ure<S

, ' esef 2.Sh«MUaDfaOca

__________ ‘[J.__ I DeiHZfc Daii-“® I'J t.T^Uit»ia»*

i IShaMUaajnDoBII lGW«JutttWmaH I.Slan(U*tiU«tU

.. lHcobEli.Qal> .. . M .

F ^ R M ^ u . l in S m n fK U

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LUMbair WC«l«AiMr.UMbn

X Onr-»qCcS*mU.ilO «7 . PMn««.>ibftvHK ™ '" " - - - v i a s s r - - ..Cn>MC(nMUi» AiUcCngv.SlJ Vtl.QUO .i^ttFrtAiwmTBt Art*»wW<m»,[iM»

n£r.nw>;7 I.DoydFoW.J^nO aU ZAneyPmHirrDiMivt&nacUU ar oMlFnCY,C<b>M10>ttnS«wn.[Vnm«rai <03:J n ll l.JMv PBca.Hna

2.0er<)F(*».J*l;xnU tnatr« indMFmty.CiMnttiDadunri)) 4 Dnn±nSmcn.a[ >WM»OkuH <

............30 .. 10n4F«O«Jadixn

^ . JO • <ftai.lFni6f,CW-

E C O N O Inlerwiys. . F A N W A U h

\m H ^sturn varves. (Tiiermostat fliB WI21S ■ 750/1500 W.

W2415 7SO/l500Wi 'S.S9 jy2420 1000/2000IV

V P E R I O D S ,E T K IT C H E N F l.1.6 gallon '' Single handle wllh spr < muoh-ln. cartridge lor years of iroulr " ' “x s ; a a/ , Chrome . PKF-Wl

Satin nickel/chrome PKf-iVS

n '

T ' F A H W A U H■ntaffWfW__ OflrrrunanHuJ

» ■t EFW2430 T 3000 W

IFW2440 T 4000 W » • ZFW244B T 4B00W

P "i $ B i l i ^ M s 'u h i i a y 9 :0 0 -4I be readUy available at all locations, tctlve through January 23.2002. g |

{Hours:2-il p^]}.

stfKnn •■ n ' ■

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.MaOMIIoSpoimtijiSil 0 S « M“ ' --------

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1 0 M Y IL H E A T E Rwntly tubed motor.I Hi-Umit switch, itat not Included)VW.I20V 73M IIQW240 V 73.8S WW.240 V 78.96

I S T Y L E 'F A U C E T(ft Spray. Ceramic 'trouble-free servlet. headAvallabein I nickel/chrome.<F-WS-CH . 109.U .s <f-iVS-SHOt tJ9.9S :

g B H r- '

W o M Y :I H E A T E R

Hi^lmllS}S!''-~y rmostat Induded)WW 153.45-:WW 156.0$'00 W *-' 170.04 '

i n

0-4:30ns.W a C 5 B | :: .

Today a t r~ " the State- [ k

house: “" ~ ~ ' . ~ 3 ^ o ’s 4 j ^ a a S :

: TheT im cs-N e'

A r o u i


, Hazeltpn City ( - r “ c i ls c u s is e s 'M le

V HAZELTON r Nev....... Mayor- Kerm—-Dot---------Coundlman John HoUi

o ath of office a t Moi CouncUmeedng.. .

. Among the i t e ^ disi the city’s pending sal

........: city .park to th e .LDS.$48,000. Douglas said

l-^^-Ii^ecessary-before-th'e- ground on a p lanned

. ...... ,l^ u « .s ta te .p a rk sa n (money was used for th Proceeds from jh e sal

- used to provide equipn r iw park, he s a id . .

______ Until .park-the d ty would still be

- the old park fo r events F o u rth of Ju ly , ce^

..........Douglas said__________The, C ity C ouncil £

p lan s to m e e t 'w i th Planning and Zoning C

---------Pcbr-ll-to-establisli-thflor now the commlssior

- ate.

‘Voluntary SImpllc “ ^classfesstattTiexf

, HAILEY - T he Envii -Resource Center is offe w eek cou rses . in

...S im p lic ity ” a n d . “ Ch S usta inab le L iv ing” I Tuesday and Wednesday , The classes, offered in tio n w ith th e Northw^ Institute, are designed to people’s perspective of t and their places in their

..... .ty, en j^ im iw it.and worlAn introductory meeti

held at noon Friday a t t------- Gounty^SchooI-District

Hailey where pjirtidpani lip for either course. Tuii $18 includes a book.■ F or more in form atio

[email protected] or call 726-4333.

- Neurologist gives lec , on headaches tonlghi■ KETCHUM-Dr. Kenn

a neurologist a t St. Luk R iv ^ Medical Center, wi

. headaches, .what causes 1 use of herbs and non-prc m edicines in tre a tin g t: more in a free lecture tods

The lec ture w ill 'b e hi 5:30 to 7 p.m . a t t h e h Baldy Conference Rooms.

Compiled from sti

B u r l e y G O U )

l i s t s p r o j e c t

By Shelley Ridenour Tlmes-Nows writer

BURLEY - Discussion ■ p ro je c ts an d issu e s tl

Council should address cc more than an hour a t Ti council meeting.

In die end, the coundl u a list of projects r a n ^ g fi sibly selling some d ty pro building a new multimillic sewer plant.

The discussion was prec by Mayor Jon Anderson. E ed to create a wish list and do list for thedty .:'

The first item th e may< tioned was the need to con new sewer plgnt,- term ini most important thing the d t to do. According to Anden d ty has two years in which ply with.federal and state tions regarding the p lan t 1 has already ob tained a g evaluate the needs for o ne> and an encineering sHiriy ii >^y,hesaid.

The d ty has obtained $: lion m grants to be used for w ork and co n s tru c tio n Administrator M ark Mitto The d ty has contributed $f in matching funds to those The d ty antidpates getting $5 milli9n in federal grant s for the entire project, Mittoi

I t ’s not a question of wl th e city-will build a new

• Anderson said. A new plan be bu ilt Rather, the questic

' how much to spend and hov- of a plant to build, h e sa id .. — -Thfrestlm ated-cosrto i)

p lan t equal to w hat the d i rently has is $18 million, Ani

y ^ d .T o .b u ild a p lw tla rg e e ■ to hariiMe additional w ^ o

from some sort of new ind ''. ''l : . Please seejBUHLCT. P

B v 3 a g — .---LtI


Ie'\vs,. i, .'Xj,::,,

^ L E Y ■

r C o j u n c i l

le o f parR~lew ly e le c te d )d u g ]a s~ "a n d '" oUand'took the ' •londay’s City

disCTissed were sale of its old 3S. Church f o r . aid the sale is le -d ty -b reaks— led new park and recreation - ■’- the,old park. sale could be ipment for the '

rk is ,{m l^ed , • b e a b l ^ u s e Its such as the c e le b ra tio n ,. .

also m ade ith* th e city 3 Commissipnthe-stnicnirp------

•ion will oper-

llclty'» n : l v e e l < ~ivironm ental iffering eight*'-“ V olun tary C ho ices-fo r ” beginning day.I in cqllabom- . iw es t E a r th 1 to challenge >f themselves eir communi-?orld..................ieting will be' at the Blaine ict-O ffice -in~ ants can sign ruition fee of

tion , c-mail all Jeanne at • -

ecture— ^-

inncth Brait, u k e ’s Wood . will discuss £S them, the ■ prescription g thenv and oday. .

from : h o sp ita l’s

s ta f f rep o rts

----------- — C ecilia Marzlon of w hat Twin Falls. Tl

th e C ity Agriculture p

^ dren a g e s Wil tallied up ----------------g from pos- _ _property lo 1 T 7 Jlion-doUar % / W 1

redpitated '1. He want-uid.a must- TheTlmes-Wi

ay6r men- ' TWIN F,construct a . half of the rling it th e comes frorid ty needs above Palis lerson, the ' « ’s not theich to com- seeing all, tlIte regula- end hydrolct The d ty Mike Beu1 g ra n t'to ' Uie federalnew plant, tion in Burli y J s .u n d e L .^ s e n t_ w a le r j

Falls RotaryI $2.2 mil- Basins infor design p rovide soion , C ity irr ig a tio ntton said. average ,.b tI $565,000 above Palisaise grants. for the timeang a b iu t “Things a'lI t support Things are gtton said. .ularly in thiw he ther sheds,” Beus

»w plan t, N o rm a l.f lan t must . .northwesterlsdons are that drop shi liowlarge . h e s a id . Soi1... . th a t favor s 3 •b'uild-a'~*~Hills-instea<] d ty cur- •

Anderson ' Th^Jong-t;e enough to r equa l cYa created : being w et, cindustry, w hich m eai

i _ £ i ^ ' 2 0 0 2 ■■

. ‘ P o w e r P a n


v ..

__ _ . ■.

- 1-

arzltelll gives the 'Power Panther’ . Tho Powor Panther Is part of a U e program called 'Eat Smart, Play iting and using physical activity to 6-11 aro considered obese.

Inter st(i-Wews_______________ I—

FALLS - M o re than le region’s ^vater supply rom th e S n ak e R iver C ilisades Reservoir, but he area th a t has-been l.tlie snow lately, a fed- ologist says. Tleus, a hydrologist \vith ^ •al Bureau o f Redama- • irley, outlined the pre- ]ilLpictucejfot-theJrwin____ <•ary Club Wednesday. ^ in tlie South Hills that som e of th e reg ion ’s • n supp ly a r e above ,_but the S nake River isades is below norm al. . • n eo fy ear .-•! aren’t getting better, e g e ^ g drier, partic- the im portan t water- jussaid. cJ! r th e re g io n are (- erly weather patterns snow over th e Tetons, S outhw esterly flows r snow in th e South - 5ad;have*predominat-' ~ ■'—

g-tenn fo recast calls chances of, w eather •

:, d ry of in betw een, Si ;a n s f a r m e r s ' could the ng bets on- the. n e i^ - unp t r i dcknee. — ; :patf

■: - ; . Thurs


ie r ' a hug a t Im m anuel Lutheran a U.S. O opartm ent of Education

'lay H ard,’ de sig n ed to teach chi 'yio sto y f i t A ccording to the U.

torms fi

S n ^ R imR e s e r v o i r S ysU

Total system capacity:4,165,708 Acre fool. ' ’ Todoy's storage:1,454,705 AF

“ ■S ysfefT nr“3 l X ‘fillec!"^

Anwriam Folli Dam ,Copocity 1 ,6 7 2 ^ 9 0 AF GContenlj: 814,221 AF (49%) i

Milner Dom Cop«iV33.l

,______ ________ ^pnhjnfj; 32,534

SowwUiBtflWo^Roefanoiion •

S u c h a f p r e c a s t . l s ty p ic a l :h e - r e g i o n , , b e c a u s e o f i i n p r e d i c t a b i l i t y o f its -w e a ti i a t f e m ^ B e u s 3 4 id ; ■■. - - r

rsday, January 17,2(


■“ v . - a

r -.'A



an S c h o o l W ednesday aftemoei on a n d U .S . Oopartmont of :hlIdron a n d the ir caregivers a t tiSDA, 2 7 po rcon t of Americar

avor ScHonry’j Lelto (,:Copacily 90,000 AF C

Confents: 53,632 AF (60X) C

'F st e m \

I - ' ; - '

0 ' Q

Tl lako Wolcott 13,000 AF Copocily 95;l 8 36AF.I86?)-----Contonrj: 35,597

al fo r If an El Nino : th e - . o u t to develop, ather . . favorable in terr r:— '— ; spnng,'hrsald:—

r x i z z t i: _______

2 0 0 2

I etH | Idah

By Robert a Tlmos^^ows

H H B — -T W IN - ] abounds fo

j H D B r a the state mi ' dardi2ed tet

This mon into law th dary Educa pace docun

B 9 H R it WiU affec be seen.

^ H | « n M eanw h ' S ta te D ep;

working ^ . makers on a K-12 standa

•• of affairs; R of technolo,

H ”M-(S .'P^oj

- . By Nate John! • TljiGfl-Nowa w

BURLEY- Mini-Cassia n

...... gro\vth of dai“This is pr

. spots in all o said R idiard

» extension ec audience of n Evans Bank

- . '^ B Wednesday. i& ii i i jH j Gerrard off

culture prod _ m ajority of

thosc'~6f 201 Gerrard put"tl

1 ^ ' per 100 pouncaffect the proi

j i j in the area, bu dairies viil ha Mini-.Cassia’i

J Rese of racBy Karen Bossli

KETCHUM poison in the S people perk up

M ention p. byproducts of .done a t th e I

over as they co I about nological muml can chll- But Arjun Mi

of radioactive ] ________ River Aquifer

outhHlilond Pork Dom Gros:Copaeiy 135,205 AF Copo

I Conlenh:75,109AF(56%) Conte

e /

I:' , o ..» Rin'oDomi;l80AF Copocily 80,540 Af 597AF137%) ,'Contpnt>:-28,(507/O

---------------- --------- : /10 p a tte rn tu rn s "Airp, th a t could be snowsjrm s of. a w etter er,^’ he

chool:diicatiho will rece1'Mayerw s w riter___________ ,

[-F A L L S - '—.lU ncertain t; ; fo r Idaho school districts a I moves into a new era of starI testing.lonth, President Bush signec the Elementary and Secon

ucation Act, a massive 1^50 ounen t The degree to whid f e a Idaho schools remains t(

while, in Boise, th e Idahc “p ar tm e n t of E ducation i« almost daily with state law- n an entirely new package of idardized tests to begin this

■ tu daiify tliii dianglng-sratfi Rich'Mincer, bureau cJiief

jlogy service's fo r th e s tate

■ C a ^ c u

)jectionsihnson'8 w riter_________ _______ -

Y -T h e economic strength of ia may expand along witii thedairies................ . ...........probably one of the bright

II of the economic outlook,” ard Gerrard, Cassia County /educato r, speaking to an )f more than 200 at tiie D.L n k p re s id e n t’s luncheon y.offered projections for agri- •oduct prices in 2002. The of p rojections w ere neaf_ 2001 and lip from 2000.ifth e pncii'brmilk'at'SlZ.TO’'unds. The price of milk will jrofits of tiie existing dairies , but die consffuction of new have the greatest impact on ia ’s economy as a whole,

earcher dis Ldioactive jssick

IM - Mention the idea of e Snake River Aquifer and : up their ears,

p lu to n iu m ariU o th e r o f 'th e wprk that’s been

e Idaho N ational E ngi- 3 Environmental Labora- few people’s eyes glaze contemplate a lot of tech-

unbo jumbo .M akhijani says the tlireat re poisoning in die Snake fe r is serious business -

lills ov(rrosty Lake opocily 15,132 AF bntsnh: 9,301 AF1(51«)

^ 0Jodoon bko Copodly 047,000 AF

Conlenh:l40:651 AF(17

\ PolitodQsDcim \Copocity 1,200,000 AF, -Contenh: 264,971 AF|22%1

)AF • ; ■ - • 7iV(36%)— *- --------------

•A»o/ Jon. 15

Almost os important as th t w supply is the spring weath h e sa id. • ’ ; •-

spHngui^BOl required

i S P Movies.........

s pon ion acsive federal

departm ent of educ__ . school offic ials a t

Superintendent’s Assc j t y - ' - a t die CoUege of Souti as nesday.

an- It appears Idaho \ unprecedented amo

led funds, bu t n o t wi an- attached, M incer sai SO- . government is stipu: ich state must have stanc to in place to receive its i

the state is eliminatim h o . of Basic Skills,' appliet is and Tests of A chi w- Profidency, applied to of favor of leve ls tesi lis designed to m easu r-------- progi-ess:------------------^5-------- Bm-tlrt r r^Jcral Bove

f e Please s e e S'

ilture, W i

1 look goc


" BIIIHo2sn ~ Rl i- Gerrard said.2 For every 300 dairy co L _-.Jn .new revenues comes. I. Gerrard said. Work ah-ei3 tb construct new dairie 1 existing dairies will brinj 5 cows into Mini-Cassia tlii? / If die numbers are corre 1

Please se

scusses thr poison in \

serious enough to make : home in Washington, D ney nearly 3,000 mile: country; serious enoug him to spend a week travi Idaho in temperatures cc make his nose sting on a like ride from Idaho Fai. to Ketchum to Buhl to B< the alarm.

“Right now th e re ai am ounts of ra d io a c ti ' aquifer,” he says. “But if um that’s in the ground ai

Please s e e PO

erTetcS n o w p a c

W atershed . %• U pper S n a k o R ivor

. Sa lm on F a lls C re e kOokloy R ese rv o ir

' ^ 1 Big a n d Littio W ood H en ry sF o rk

______ ;B lgandU niBL^B a;

irrigators to tap into voir supply e a rl ie r normayy would. Low flows combined \vith

I of storage deple ted voir system . In Oci re serv o ir system 425,000 ac re fe e t Typical season-cnd ci 1.7 miUion acre feet. 1 held 1.4 miUion acre Tuesday.

By April 1, the regi(• srtowpackof at le a s t ' to 75 p e rc e n t o f a reach 2001 w ater le- said. And th a t woul scraping the bottom ol

he et, he said. Still, it th- take one good storn: Uj-— things-upJialf-tho sn ed remains.

___ ■ Obitua r i e s . . .

■MltvrTTmCe— —.....................C6 ■

7 3 3 ^ 9 3 1 ^ ^ ^ -

Scction C '

i d e r

c tll fundsducation, spoke to a t th e R egion IV Assodation Meeting outheni Idaho Wed- “ ■

10 will receive an im ount of federal

w ith o u t s td n g s said. Thc federal

ipu lating that the :andardized testing its fundis. However, iting the Iowa Tests ilied lo..gradcs 3-8, ch ievem erit and1 to grades 9-11, in t e s t in g which is s u re a s tu d e n t’s

.ovemment doesn't »e SCHOOLS. PageC3


Richard Gerrard

y cows, Sl n ^ o nQes-iniQ.ihe'area,____Iready under wav____iries and expand )ring 10,000 dairy tliis year, he said.)rrect, the growtli

e s e e IVW. Page C3

ireatv ater

ke him leave his I, D.C. and jour- liles across the Dugh to prompt raveling throu^i s cold enougli to n a Paul Revere- 1 Falls to Maclcay i 0 Boise to sound j

2 a r e no larg e j c tiv ity in the ‘ It if Uie plutoni- I d a t INEIiL gels


ons Ia q k , I

le v e ls • :% ofA veroge*

tr. 76 % ; }k 121 % !

137% ;•d 93 %

8 2 % - Basins. 76 % ■■


into the reser-' i e r th an they. ; Lower stream: i th longer use ted the reser- O c to b e r, the m h e ld ju s t e t o f w a te r, d carryover is' e t The system' cre feet as of

eg iooneedsa is t 70'percent' f a v e ra g e to • levels, Beus i ■ ou ld be ju s t ‘ n of tiie buck- , ■ it would only v . | orm to catch )snow -sea»n------

I S I D E -

— — ....... i w j ;

- M a g i c V a l

Utahlel-------- :-SALT U k e CITY (AI

the staters consumer cl piles of junk e-mail at hi and F randne Giani can’; thing to stop it.

G iani, d irec to r of tl Division of Consumer Pr could get some relief if e r s ap p ro v e a m easu cracks down on “spammi jam com puter'servers a consumers’ e-mail wiih v ed advertising.

-------- :'A' legislative techriblbm itte e en d o rsed thc W ednesday and sen t i full Legislature for coi tion. . .

“We all hate spam,” si Stephen Urquhart, R-St. <

The anti-spam bil] has

. R o b e rt K ent 'Unc memorial graveside s p.m. today at Sunset P a rk (W hite M ortu Falls).

Elliot Earl Randall service a t 11 a.m. toi Je ro m e LDS Stake ( Tiger Drive; another s be held a t 2 p.m. Frii Centerville Second Wa 1475 North 50 East", C

_______ U tah; bu ria l to folh“ ■Cen"terviIlF”Cem etcr

— a t the stake Jerome and one hour 1 service Friday at the

— ;------eenterviIlerUrah'(HO'son Funeral Chapel, Jer

Harvey E. Wood of memorial service at 1 j at G ooding United N Church; inurnment wi:

■ at Sunsbt Memorial Pai Falls (Demaray Funer in Gooding).

Louis C. Hranac of I g rav esid e service a t F riday a t the Sunset I Park Mausoleum in T; interm ent will be held

For obituary ratos and Infom Doadlino Is 4:30 p.m. for nc notices am 0 froe servlco a;

B u r l e y

' r ' A

G a r r y T o d d J a n i e sG arry T o d d J a m e s ' 17-'

B u r le y r e s i d q n i . d ie d W. J a n u a ry 14, 2002 . al his hor

H e w a s bo rn A ugust 1. B urley. Id a h o , ih e son o l Earl a n d C oiiocn .K ay Yost H o liv e d a ll o( h is lilo in w h e r e h o a llo n c J o d Dvv( M o u n ta in V ie w a n d W hi E lc m e n ia r y S c h o o ls , th e J u n io r Hicjii S c h o o l , a n d s e n io r a t B u rle y H igh S c l schoo). h e en joyed ilio Ag C la ss a n d O ccupational Foe

G arry w a s ve ry likable an c ia l l y e n j o y e d b e in g w Irionds- A s a young b o y .'i biking a n d la ler enjoyed sn sk a ie b o a rd in g a n d his Go-f w a s v e r y q u ic k w in S d ar

' quilo tho la d ie s ’ rfian.H e w a s a m e m b er ol Thc

ol J e s u s C h ris t of L atter-day w hore h e s e rv e d a s the Dc a n d T c a c h e r ’s Q uorum P n a n d w a s cu rren U y a P rie sl

: A aro n ic P r ie s th o o d , H e w{ - r - a c t i v e in -the Sem ina ryP fog r;

G arry , w e will m iss you t e sp ec ia lly th o b o u n c e in yo i y o u f g r e a t sm i le a n d spark ling b luo eyes.

H o is s u r v iv e d by h is p< Mike a n d C o lleen J a m e s of h is s i b l i n g s . E ld e r Ivl C h ris to p h er J a m e s (currenti ing an LD S m ission in C har W e s t V ir g in ia ) . N ic h o la s J a m e s , K atie M ichelle Jam ( Emily K ay J a m e s , all of Burl p a t e r n a l g r a n d m o t h e r . I J a m e s o l H e y b u rn ; h is m a g r a n d m o t h e r , M a rle n e Yi B u r le y ; 'h is m a io rn a ! greai-< p a re n ts . W illiam C h a rio s (li

- - B e c k s t e a d o f M u rra y .-U ta a u n i s . u n c l e s . - c o u s in s a r m any c lo s e friends.

H e w a s p re c e d e 'd ip:death • , • g r a n d f a lh e r a . D enver J a m q

D elano Y o st,': ., T he funera l se rv ice will b e t

c-2 Tln»e»Wflwi.Tirtn FiB iJi

slleyAVe s t

(AP)—Even— re a c h - i t f chief gets- - beyond Uta t her office, e rs can eas an’t do any- tronic track

court actior f th e U lah o r fines of 1 Protection, mail. But Gi iflawm ak- .th e right dir

jsu re th a t “ I t ’s cost imers” who m a jo r was •s and stuff Patrice Arei il unsolidt- said.

___ _______ H er b ill %ology com'- s'ters to i'dei lie b ill on tag their plti It it to th c advertising i considera- a m essage.

- .............. o rder a stop" said Rep. triggering fii 3t. George. U ta h ’s In has limited viders testifi

: r r : r r = - _ S E ]

Jn c’ R ig d o n ,' services in t e service a t 1 tion from 5-: set M emorial Magic Valle -tu ary . Tw in Kimberly R(

L ew is A: nil of Jerome, Falls, servic today a t the a t the Park

:e C e n te r m i interm ent ai irw rv ice will C em etery I Friday a t the frifinds ma' Ward Chapel, F riday a t V :, Centerville, from 8:45-9:allow in the_______tery; friends3 'iu :4 i> -a .m . ----- — I J:c c e n te r in

G la d y s BrHoVeT^obm:----- TWIN-PAJerome). don, 95, of T

nesday, Jan. of Gooding, Rose Retirer 1 p.m. today Falls.

i M ethod ist Services a: wiUkbe held be announce Park in Twin V alley Funt leral Chapel Falls.'

R o b e r t R e3f Kimberly, F IL E R -■a t 11 a.m . Micek, 74 , of

2t M emorial January 15,2; T;vin Falls; Arrangemejld foUowing w ill be ann

— Obitformation, call 733-0931, Ext. 2 T noxt-day publication. Tho tHnal :o and can bo placod untir 5 p.m.

y 2 p .m , S a tu rd ai* a t Iho B urloy S

C h u rc h of J e s i d a y S a in ts , wilh B ish o p J oi I n te rm o n i View C em eiery .

. F r i e n d s m ay S ia k o C e n lc r c 18. 2 0 0 2 , from S a tu rd ay Irom 1

A r r a n g e m e r d i r e c t io n of R; H o m e , 1 3 5 0 I Burley.

y u H c i - iL i

1 7 -y ea r-o ld 'j M o n d a y .hom e.1. 1084. in o f M ich ae l 'o s t J a m es '.in B u r lo y , ■■ - j.

D vvorshak .V hite P in e Ihe B u r le y m d w a s a S c h o o l. In\g W eld ing ^F oods.a n d e s p e - ,--------------------------w ith h is

y . 'h e liked I snow a n d5o-Ped. t ^I a n d w

’h o C h u r c nday S a in ts . - v j S W j Z f c g I D e a c o n s P r e s id e n t

ie s i in th o ■ w a s a l s ojg ram ;--------------)U g rea tly . your w alk. i d i h o s e

> p a r e n ts . of Burley;M ic h a e l

3ntly s e rv - • _h a rle s to n . E l d o n C l a U El a s S c o .lt E ld o n C la y a m e s a n d C h u b b u c k p a s s e 3urley; h is J a n u a ry 15. 2002, ' . E la in e Ho w a s b o rn Sf m a te r n a l in P r in c e to n . 'M l.

t Y o s t o f W a ltd r a n d M or a i-g r a n d r B aker, H e w a s ra 3 (M yrtle) e d in M isso u ri. F L l t a h r t t i s - j e a n i m W s i Ib'C al ; a n d h i s . I d a h o , H e e n t(

N a tio n a l G u a r d a a th b y .'h c 3 ; until th e tjeg inn in j im qs a n d ow hen h e e n l i s te

Army; W e r e h e se : e hol{J a t F ield A rtille ry & '/;

b Jdaho _T hundsy rJanu< y i7 r2 ft

r g ^ a f e j l

i t can ‘t be e n f o r c e d — bi Jtah’s borders,'advertis*— ^tl sasily cover th e ir elec- ct icksonditw ould-takea th ion to recover damages S( of $10 per unwanted e- m Giani says it’s a step in ap

direction.ostly, annoying and a In 'a s te of titnfe,” R e p . Ri irent, D-Salt Lake City, se

11 would require huck,:_____d e n tify ^ e m ^ v e s and bipitches with “ADV" for Uilg in the subject Une of Ct;e. A consum er cou ld wcop to furtiier messages,* al; fines for violations. . saIn ternet service pro- betified in support of the lei

R YL C E S=n die family crypt; visita- the 5-7 pjn. today at Parke’s

lUey Funeral Home, 2551 Li’ Road, T^vin Falls. vice

ElbjA lan Hatch of T w in of J

vice a t 10 a.m. Saturday . Sairrk Avenue LDS Chapel; the it at 3:30 p.m. in Central frieiy n ea r Soda Springs; Frienay call from 4-8 p.m . Hont White M ortuary an d and>•9:45 a.m. Saturday a t at th

) E A T H N (B r a n d o n M o rt

I 'A tL S ^ G la - d y s B i^ h — ” “ f Twin Falls died Wed- D o r an. 16, 2002 , at Desert TV rement Center in Twin ' 5 3 , o

■ Janu5 are pending and will Vallc iced by Parke’s Magic in Tv inera l Home of Twin Sei

M o n i

R a y m o n d M ic e k Homi- 'R o b e r t R aym ond foUo\ of Filer died Tuesday, Servi

), 2002, at his home: undements are pending and Maginnounced by W hite Twin


r U A R I E S -t. 273, bolwoon 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. f mall addross f^blt^arlos Is oblts( '.m. ovory dayi

day. January 19, 2002 , a n d 76 y S lak e -C en ic r of T ho in th o n 'e s u s Christ of L a iie r- th e war 205 0 Norm al A v en u e , O n a Jo n Sea rle oH iciaiing, V io le t 'ill follow a t P l e a s a n t -S ep ien - iry. Foilowirla y ca ll a t th e B u rle y ho bee; ' r on Friday . J a n u a r y S tee l ai om 6 -8 p .m .. a n d o n W e st. I- n 1-1;45 p.m , s p e c i al e n i s a r e u n d e r t h e w a s olti

R a s m u s s e n F u n e r a l c u l l op0 E a s t 16 lh S t r e e t , a re a . H

S s " ” ■u b b u c k ' i„

e n jo y ec o n h is i c

E ldon h is wil C h u b b i (E v e ly n

'o u s nie(

. be lo v edH ew c

J V . : ' five sist, j p ' G len . RlT T a , Funer,pwwir p .m . Mo

J w r ’ c K '- ll'ie C ol ‘ v ie w in g

J a n u a r y a n d Iron v ic e s o n

m r b eh o n o r s

— M cC am r

B illie I. B illie G o o d in c

. W e d n e s l . G ood ing

' Billie V B irch Cre

f O tto H _ j J t J I P V / ' r a i s e d a r

a n d g rai 'H ig h S e t

B a r b e r O c i o b e r c o n s tru c t " 'g rn 's la te r e ti re d lo

1 B a k e r , "=’l i ,e i sy B a k e r ,. -90,' o f W a u lin e l;s e d awa'y T u esd ay . J a n e t Ev02, a t his hom e, ' J e r r i TaiS e p te m b e r7 . 1911, 'W a l l a c eM lssou fii to H e n ry W ag o n e rlo r la h ( C o n s ta b le ) S h e wj; ra is ed a n d e d u c a t- ‘h e r p a re rI. H e Held jo b s Ih a t le rs . a n d i California, Ifidh on t o ' . M e m o r iin te r e d th e A rm y b e j i e l db a n d 's e rv e d th e re J a n u a r y .)ling of World W ar II, C e m e ie rys te d w ith th e U .S , o fficiating} se n /ed in tha 183rd S e rv iceI 'A ntitank' B aila llon o f D em ara

r200a— -----------------------------

^ b iU b e c a iu e ju j f l r & m a ^ their subs'criberst overw com puter s e rv e rs arid-f them to add computer cai Some spammers hijack oth m ail tags to m ake them : appear famUiar. .

“This is a huge p roble Internet service providers, R obert GalloW ay, a n e t security en g in e er fo r In t

' seirice manager Dcano.— N o-Dn£.tesdiied.agains

bill W ednesday a t th e P U tilities an d T echni Com m ittee, b u t D avid F worth, vice president and a l counsel fo r M yFam ily said i t fa ils to d iscrim i between legitimate and fr lent or unwanted advertisin,

iie diurch.

Lovina C. Tuttle of Elba, rice’at 11 a.m. Saturday a t 21ba Ward Chapel of the Chi )f Jesus C hrist o f L a tte r- Saints; interm ent will follo^ he Grandview Cemetery in E riends m ay caU from 6-8 p 'riday a t R asm ussen Funt lome, 1350 E. 16th St., Bur nd from 10-10:45 a.m. Satur t th e church. •

NOTICESlortuary in Twin Falls.

Ion S t e v e n sTWIN FALLS - Don Steve

3, of Twin Falls died Mond inuary 14, 2002, a t th e Ma alley Regional Medical Cen 1 Twin Falls.Services.wiU_be held a t 1. p ionday, J an u a ry 21, 2002, arke’s Magic V alley Fune ome in Twin F ^ s . Burial y Uow at die Gooding Cemete jrvices and arrangem ents i ider the direction of P a rk agic Valley Funeral Home vin Falls.

m. Monday tfirough Saturday.ijtsem o^ . DontI)

I 76ih F A . B rig a d e , H o’ se rv e 10 military until th e c o n c lu s io n c w ar. w hen h e re tu rn e d to Idahc m a b rief-leave, E ldon m arriei le t A m a n d a C r a n e o. iiem ber 18. 19-12. in Poca tellc swing his H onorab le D ischarge DGcamo em p lo y ed a t G a te Cii Jl and la ter tran s fe rred to Stee 51. Ho b e c a m e a m e tic u lo u s l c ia liz e d c r a n e o p e r a to r w hi often sough t a lte r for th e diffi o p e ra t io n s u n d e rw a y 1n thi

1. H e grea tly e n jo y e d -his worl l^up until h e re tired in th e earl;

is hobbies w ere fishing, c a m p a n d h jn lin g . A nd h e a sp ec ia llj y e d w orking w ilh h is n 'e p h ev15 larm in A m erican Falls,d o n will b e g rea lly m is s e d b j w ife , V io le t A . B a k e r o

b b u c k ; b ro ih e r s - in - Ia w E rvir !lyn) C ra n e a n d D eL in “D e l’ c e) C rano of Twin Falls, n u m e r n ie ce s a n d n e p h e w s , a n d his ved dog . Chow,5 w a s 'p re c e d e d in d e a ih by his s is te rs a n d o n e b ro th e r : Lois,

Rulh. Bert, Eva. a n d Sylvia, neral se n /ic e s will b e h e ld a t 2 M onday. Ja n u a ry 21 . 2 0 0 2 . al

C o lo n ia l F u n e r a l C h a p e l , A 'in g will b e h e ld S u n d a y , lary 2 0 .-2 0 0 2 .'f ro m 5 -6 p .m ,. Irom 1-1:45 p .m . p rio r lo s e r- I on M onday, The in ie rm en i will t Inkom C em eiery w iih military ) f s b e in g - p r o v id e d , b y th e am m on VFW P os t 7075 ,,

. G o o d i n g ;

e M a d g e B a r b e rl ie M a d g e B a r b e r . 8 0 , 'a dirig r e s id e n i; p a a s e d 'a w a y le sd a y . J a n u a ry 16. 2 0 0 2 . a i­ling County M em orial H osp ila i.16 w as borri Ju ly 20 . 1921 , in C reek. Idaho, th e d a u g h te r of

H, a n d Nar^y_Bar©._SfiQ_was- i a n d ^ u c a t e d in B irch c"reek g r a d u a te d from I d a h o F a lls School. S h o m a rrie d G e o rg e e r in D illo n . M o n ta n a , on b e r 8 , 1945 . T h e y fo llo w ed ruction w ork In th e no n h w est- l a le s for m a n y y e a r s . T h ey i 10 G ooding a b o u t 3 0 y e a rs

3 Is su rv iv e d by h e r n ie c e s , i e H, Miller. E sthe r Bram w ell.

E v an s . J o le n e C ry s ta l a n d T a y e n o r , a n d n e p h e w s

ic e W a g o n e r . W e n d e l l ne r a n d M acW ag o n o r,I w as p r e c e d e d in d e a ih by iren is , he r h u sb a n d , tw o s i s - . n d o n e brother, nb riarg fav 'esid e s 'e n /ic e s will lid a l 1 p ,m , o n S a tu r d a y , ry. )9 , 2002 . a t th e E lm w ood lery-with Rev, M ichael G re g o r ling,- ' , . ‘' . • /ic es a re u n d e r th e d ire c iio n ' naray’s G w d in g C h a p e l ,

lail Califjm te tes* .' •sss aaar<lapadty.thers’ e- By Karen Terrell nselves Tlme^Nevys com

lem for ELKO, N ev.- -s,” said er and poet Joh e tw ork give the keynot n tern e t year’s National

Gathering in Eln st-th o -----ilv in - J o so p h jP ublic Humanities Lect no logy Dofflemyer, a Farns- rancher, has be

i gener- gathering for 1*1, p o et an d audi m inate Western FoIkUf fraudu- spokeswoman E ing. I Dofflemyer begt

age of 13 while il in an e f fo r t to ranching cormeo

In 1989, h e s 5 the gathering coi invited to p e rf

a ser- QuenUy began ca 't th e i i S w “ Fant'said Doff n w n r - . as a cowbov poel

first WUbur S. Sh Schorarship, an

neraiurlnv C a lifo rn ia’s I Z d iy R edlands. A pr

^ ' • works have appc_____ ,ous books. He ai

re n tly re s id e >ii

I-Buhlvens, By Mary lou Potts iday, Tlmes-News writer Iagicenter B U H L - The

District won’t ne< .p.m’. budget cu ts duri 2, a t operating budge^ le ra l ' change if tH e'd i^ I yviU erh itfrom thestat itery. .“No cuts will be > are trict programs o r ; rke’s term, bu t i t m aj iB o f ' "year,” superinten

- said a t Tuesday’s • meedng..

' ,i The board appi using reserve fund

The d istrict is 1_____ I ' due to Gov. Dirk

recent holdback : affecting schools ac

Hill said tlie dist---------- m oney to .ca rry -i_______ y_^, but if_tlyj di:

. perttrit h i t-n ^ t ye qj may then be necess

ho ' In other school 1 ied ■ Tuesday; on • Bids for fixing

lilo, Bulll Middle Schoo ge. a two-phase reque -ity roof of the ce n tra eel . one for tlie gymnasi 'Sly In addition to the '.‘]o go our for repladng '''I* . steps and walkway

school. The higli sirly

ifiy Mosco signatu

s r MOSCOW (A P)-er- cultating a petitio

makers to tempora .. cuts passed last yea

I universities and p \vUl not have to cut 1

1 2 “It doesn’t take aat ure out diat tliese ta A - ing an effect on lot

ly .. tricts,” Jac k Portl n,. ‘ attorney and meml 3f; of Neighborhood Sd

Tlie group organi to protest the school posal to build a new School outside of d-

• Porter said.But its attention t

ing the district ^ d : afloat cifter a Nov. 1

a tal levy failed to ptly • . ,

IS______l i ________)k \ M m S l

I m m<y ' T I M

\ j w -V J f f to the 1 • •V y Mom&Gr

T i i , inthewholi

' ' '-r '■......... ' " i r .................... •' ■

forma rar ress at ani

I^-CaU fom ia ranch- ^ ohn Dofflemyw win note address a t this ' - nai' Cowboy Poetry EUco, and historian « f t )hy-w ill-g ive~ the— ecture. .. .•, a fifth-generation -i; ” been attending the 14 years both as a ,

jd ie n c e m em ber.- dife Center (WFC) . ’W i Debbie Fant said egan writing at thfe e in boarding school • to reestab lish his«cdons.__________sent three poems to beloi committee and was th e i jrform . He subse- Rive n editing and pub- ranc larterly “Dry Crik east i

Naofflemyer’s success Josej pet .eamed him th e . . . man, Shepperson Poetry India an d he was la te r m eni -in-residence at. founc

U niversity of th e 1 pro lific poet, h is Smitl }peared in numer- of the I and his wife ciir. ccheri ! )jn th e footh ills ' inW a

1 schoolstts intent:er f ■ The

ofjhehe Buhl School, need to make any Was a> uring its 2002-03 compi ;e^ but that could was fi i ^ c t takw'tmoth- m 'ditl Mte next year. ’ gran t be made in the dis- • Di or salaries for this a conc lay happen next and artendent R ickHiU...... the bb;ly’s School Board Depar

currenpproved Tuesday • Hii nds if needed. . to the s losing $138,500 outlini rk Ke'mpthome’s cems t icks, which arc nical c > across the state. CoUeg< listrict has enough ' affec t y i t through the ■■ grams, district take<! a 5 ... — Tlie 1 year, budget cuts letter f

essary. * askingal hoard business center.

. 'T ill ng the roof at the cy revi lool wiU go out in p>ensad [uest, one for die ed sic! r a l ouUding and worker lasium. no t tothe roof, bids \viU amount ing the front door . Sick rsy a t the middle ’ wiUino Ii school wiU get inordei

3W groups ures agains' ) - A group is dr- cent.'Tl tion urging law- ers for irarily repeal tax get the ,'ear so die state’s shortfali pubUc schools Sendut their budgets. Legislac a genius to fig- th a t caJ tax cuts are liav- Thursdilocal sdiool dis- By la;

trter, a Moscow was dnimber ot Friends uted bySchools, said. “I t ’sanized last June LegislalOol district’s pro- now,” P<ew Moscow High Portei; the dty ce’ntel-, m al pla

• • tures th(n tumed to hdp^ F rienid money to stay Schools/. 15 supplemen- of state-pass by 77 per- Porters?

, y i *

f l My ' B i

e b e s t, • * f i TGrandma J !ole

richer to inualpoe

slow Sequoia National Park le confluence o f th e Kawe iv e r and D ry C reek. Th< inching operiition is 30 mil istofVisaUa.Native Am erican exp>ert Al\ isephy has been a newspapi an, historian and consultant dian affairs fo r several gova e n ta i a g e n c ie s . H e was tJ unding chairman and served i e board o f tru s te e s of tl aithsonian’s National Museu the American Indian, which l eduledto open later-this-ye Washington, D .C ■ - .

sesGape^erior and exterior doors.[Tie district is in the fourth yez iie six-year plant facility levy. ’•Insight Inc. b f .Tempe, Ariz s awarded the bid for 50 lapto nputers at $62,550. The mone s from a b ^ g e t e d improvi n t levy a n d t j state technblog n t . .District offidals have writte

ontract for transpjortation bid I are waiting for approval fror bbanfs attorney and the Stati partm ent of Education. Th( rent contract expires June 30. HUlsaid a lette r would be sen h e -Twin FaUs School Distric lining the Buhl district’s con IS about how a proposed lech al educational cen ter at tlit lege of Southern Idaho woulc set Buhl’s ,e s ta b lish e d prons.'------------------------ --------he Buhl d is ^ c t had received t ir from the Twin Falls cUstria ing for sup)p)ort o f a proposed ier.Ih e board approved two poli eviews. Under worker’s com sadon, employees’ accumulat sick tim e w ill supplem ent ker*s compjensation' paymenti to exceed th e reg u la r p*ay unt in woii^related acddents. ck leave For administrators increase from 75 to 90 percent •der to comply with stSj^aw.

gajchers 1st tax cuts.'The levy psked Moscow vot- for nearly $2 milUon to help the district through budget tfaUs in 2002-03: snding a p e ti t io n to the slature was o n e suggestion came ou t o f th e group’s

■sday meedng, Porter said.’ late last w eek the petition drafted and is being distrib- by members of the group, c’s ju s t n u ts for thc s la tu re to e n a c t a tax cut "Portersaid. , rter said the group has no for-, plans for how m any signa- ; they will gjitlier. iends of^ N eighborhood

ate and local government, Tsaid. •

k ^ f r o m S P O T . . . '

BBELS C LEA N ERSS<me good at removing sjwts.UJ all thc "old fricndj" hangine

out In your closet]

BA BBELSILEAlSfERS^ 8 S h o sh o n e St. e .'In Falls. Id a h o 83301

7 3 3 - 2 2 5 8 ____

giv^eyi try gathe

W FC Executi' CharUe Seeman sal attfending Harvar

BpV w hen the Depres • w ithout coUege mt

school, he pursue writing by working is t, screen writer ; shortstories:—

H e served as the pi'* ' to r of “Time” maga:

fAH tuaUy becam'e die 1 and editor-in-chief

^ Heritage." He has v ‘? ',v w o rk s on the hij ■■i''/. ' A m erican West M.r' Americans.Seeman

is recogiijzed for h In d ian tribes in tl

— — over- treaty- rights-g rk a t ty. His taUc is spon veah Nevada Humanities h e ir T ickets for the g niles selling a t a “brisk pa

events are sold out* Uvin ed seating available, iper- nei. said reservatio: It on - m ade as’soon as poss /em- • ‘ E lko Chamber o th e D ire c to r Elaine,

d on ‘Seem ann said mot< th e stiU available durini

eum ing. She said the ch :h is tains a list of avaUalyear----- those-p lanrjing-to

annual event______

budget(• Pam McClain voi

'ear , be the ^ a r d Uaisony. • m unity committee oriz., planning of tax or fe'top ThOi com m ittee wasney im prove communicavc- taxing authorities,ogy • S teve Kaatz froi

Chamber of CAmmertten board to support thelids of Idah9 Odes’ requesom ^ ass^sinent. AIC wate ...... P o o lin g ^ d housing’he agreed to support the 5D. • JJottie Hinklemanent Juker were hired as I■ict second-language instnon- • The board acceptcch- nationof Jon Jund, whh e fitim education,jld • A board training ;ro-_ . be held Feb. 8 at the

lib ra iy ................ '* '■3 a • An education law sict b e h eld M arch 12-1-cd B oard m em bers wi

chance to leam fedenJli- laws governing schools,m- • T he Idaho Schiat- Assodation is planninn t the-h ill on Feb. 12-i;Its Board members wUl- jay with legislators.ts. ---------------------:-----irs Times-News correspotn t L o u l^ it ts c a n b e ’tvddta!. 543-8854.

! S A U C T jy ^ c x E a H n m B E E

> f T O O L S S i S P O f i G O O D S A U C l

i p - I S a tu rd a y , Jan. 19,

I L o c a tc d ; 2 8 1 C c n lc n le I Heybum, Idah )n ^1 I-rom exit 211 (1-84) g, ’s 1 south o n Rupcrt-Durl

! to US Auction Yi JJJ I*'W atchforUSAuctIo:

* SALETilWE;11:0C,<= I ------------- — —

“ I T o o l sr- I S p o r t i n g G o ’ j B u U d i n g . S u p,y I S / l t£ M 4 m C m B l 'r a 4

'■ ^^

W o u ld You l i k ^ ^ H c M ^ o r c ? .

Jim Gibson • B A -HIS


H E A R I N G A &



. |BB, CD

fnotelering:utive D ire c to r 1 said Josephy was rvard U n iv ers ity sess ion l e f t him 5 money. Leavuig sued a c a r e e f m long as a jouniiil- ter and writei^=&f

the assodate edi-. agazine and evi^- he vice president " lief o f “Ainerictm as written-sever^ h is to ry o f th'e

!St a n d N a tiv e man said Jdsephy 3r his support of n th e ir stru g g le ts-and-soverej^-— ponsored by the, ties Committee.*' le gathering '&Ve k pace” and soine out'or have Unrit- ible. WFC pjerMn- itions should be possible. ■ ' sr o f Commei'ce ine. B ark d u ll- notel room s are m ng the gather- J chamber main- lUable rooms for . 5 -to -a ttend-fhe—

CUtI volunteered to son to the com- :e on long-term ir fee increased was fo rm e d 'to lication am ong

from th e Buhl nerce asked the the Assodation luest to conduct [C wiU focus.on . sing. The board the assesanent • nan and Yasniin as English-as--d- * istructors. i;I-< epted the re s i^, who is retiring

ing session wiU' the high s c h ^ l___

aw seminar wiU 2-13 in Boise, w ill h a v e .a

deral and state ools.School Boar^d ming a day-oc^- 2-13 in Boise;.' riU-spend dm e_____________ , - T ’

’sponclcnt M a ry idicd in B u h l a t

V R T I N c ' - i IC T IO N ' i19, 2 0 0 2 . . ,1

itennlal D r.,;- | . , daho ’ i4) go 7: m ile I Durley Hwy, .J nYard. „-.J ction signs.: I 1:00 AM

G o o d s a p p l i e s }us MICTION I^l

l ik e To - I v ? .. .

f l

W r,';.

‘4 / - ' ■

lL L E YA I D S ;

AID ■■■GRS ;OGY ;M l? 1 6 'Zn'GFK-UAOT'

a ____ J; • “J '•

Groups 1(..^PatM urphy

. Ttme»Wewg cormpotKlfli

I;';S U N V A IX E Y -U e .step toward creating a

'^Suh'Valley arts and cul i.piis was tak e n W edn . ^ r e than 60 represen

— lo c a l- g r o u p s - th a r w .-e;(pected to support t ‘iipus project,

.... 7 .. They generally endi. ,foncept,-even proposir , .range of names (or the ..structures that would h . fo rm ing a r ts an d the -am phitheater.for com

. ga llerie s, open space J housing Jor visiting pe

— — antUven-undcrground p|The site of the propos

is^a vacant trac t on Su iJ^oad adjacent tVOurlx ”.gnows C ath o lic Chu .•.9>yYned by the d ty of Sun

H ..'?he dty obtained the asw ap w ith th e Sun

Company, which was g '. old St. Moritz hospita l: • buildings in exchange foi M.Valley Road property.

,. T he five ac res were .some 50 acres owned by

•• V alley Company on .tl------r« ide-of-^un-^alley^oi------- aonod fop feereat ionaln

Burley _tohtlnuedfromCl such as a cheese plant, t tag bumps up to $24 Tniiii. . :Whatever the size, Cou

B ren t Kerbs said, th e c ia v e to increase ^ e r r issue some son of bonds tip with enough money._ Anderson acknowledg i t ’s never popu lar nor ra ise rates, but th e city •choice.

-O ther issues on th e o.......priority lis t: .......•.....- -

/••Annexation. .."‘‘T here’s a lo t o f pop

w ith in a show distance boundaries," Coundlman Hansen said. Those people from many d ty services, .streets, but don’t share in t to maintain the benefits.

“We’ve been lax and 1____&ddress’Iannexation.JEms

• Creation of a new wai and etoragc tank-in-north' .The d ty has already applii water right from the state 1 that, Mitton said.

Many of the costs for tl jcct are expeaed to be cow g ra n ts or loans, Tathei pulling money from the op budget, Mitton said.

Poison__Continued from Cl out of hand and starts mij

,be.death to the water. And ieconomy.i “It’s extremely unlikely iJw ppen overnight or in { 'e<£n a couple years, but it

, j.qu_estion. An earthquake .jcould crea.te new-migrai 'That’s why you want to iix i : Makhijani, presiaeiit-of I Energy and^Environmenta

. sp e n t m ost of his life re ;n u d e a r industry. A t leasi

. received a Ph.D. in engint •Univeraty of Qdifomia at I • where he spedalized in pl{ •applied to controlled nudea ; He has written a numbei

, 'tbooks on nudear weapon' ^ including th e d e -a le r tii ^weapons, nudear disarmai

• 'T onm en tal p rob lem s as; ^Jiudear weapons production ' His latest report, “Poison : Zone - Threats to the Snak( from Migrating N udear Wj

^circulating amortg cbncemc

jM-C, .Continued from Cl of dairy farming will infuse

_ Cassia’s economy with $33.; lion m 2002.'

The agricultural econom' also benefit from the sale ol local farm ers ^vill grow fo dairy cows, Gerrard said.

} Careful zoning practices i ■two counties will keep the •lems of odor pollution and flii ■away from communities, he s: r 'W e have got awful good inning and zoning boards and jcomnussioners,” Geniird said J. H e d te d a large dairy u ■construction l i ^ Idahomc^) an example of the effectivi *of zoning regiilations in

- dairy growth in remote an r. Agriculture Is the largest fjiomic sector in the area, ma [;up 83 percent of the incoa

- jlM^-Cassia, Ofirrard said. A 1 •portion of the remaihinfe 17 ^ e n t comes.fttm Sodal Sea


z iMlook at citf

company h idfltrt developmi

acreage, h e f im small Sun Va lg a five-acre W ilson sa culture cam- m ee tin g a

idnesday by E lkhom R sentatives of that the d r would be - a s id e 'th e r t the ambi* acres fo r i

tu ra l and ndorsed th e center, but K m g aw id e - not up to'th h e duster of to develop d house per- th e commi th e a te r , an d o esn ’t < oncens, a r t to g e th e r , jce, offices, th e fiv e i performers can ju s t

Jd parking.-------- there:*’— -posed center But he sa Sun Valley turnout of s

rL adyofthe m em bers i; ;hurch an d (the project sun Valley. M ee ting :h e h n d in a D radcett,a un V alley ing consultj is given the schematic s rai land and arts and cu 5 for the Sun look lik e . ]

.............. -a rc h ite c t-ere p a r t o f Aspen, Cole by the Sun a r ts facilii

1.thp n o r th , Jackson Hol Road-thot’s;— d t y h a r r e i 4 I usa. The Wood River

• Law en the price induding the

lillion. a city police3oundlman mentioned b] le city will _ He reiierai T rates and , the last count ids to come which indie '• m onth w hidedged that pays to Cas o r easy to enforcement rity has no sh e r if fs offi

costs.e coundl’s Revenuesj

, ................throughI that amount,

lopulation met briefly v ic e of o u r. sioners Monc ian Gordon council wants iple benefit, the d ty pays f es, such as “Thecounp m the costs meeting with 5. . positive we caid ne>d to A fter takii anscn said.— - council^ hew water well Curtis a ^ k ^ rth'Burley. goo'd relations iplied for a and county be Ite to allow . An airpo

doned by And r ^ a t pro- Many peop] covered by ing genera l’t h e r than Burley is la r ! operating Runways can’

a lth o u ^ there

migrating, it would • ^ jid death to Idaho’s

ely lhat this would .in a few weeks or ' -------t it’s not out of t h e . tists iake, for instance , since'ra tion pathw ays. At'ix it now.” impoof the Institute for the Nntal Research, has Thi( researching th e sourcjast ever since he • in sojineering from the , Valleat Berkeley in 1972 w ateplasma physics as whicl

Jear fission. eateniber of reports and barlelon-related issues, Amerrting of n u c le a r Whtnament and envi- troutasso c ia ted w ith comn

donsarjd'testing. UniteMn in the Vadose Oniidke River Aquifer w oukWaste,” has been .waste

xned Idaho activi- . regior

and retirement]jse Mini- “ W hatever33.3 mil- farms is Roing

streets of dowromy will Rupert,” Gerrar 5 of feed’ for the Water

G ooding Co2S in the Educator Bill Hihe prob- importance;of jI flies far to the Snake Rilesaid. lhat could affectod plan- G roundw atendgood Ihousand Sprinj>aid. Snake R iv er f]y under Spring water froi[19 Road ex tends from ;riveness B iirleyi to Kirticourag- ■ Glenns Feny, m> areas.------ percent of the flcest eco- W eiser, on the'making during the foil; H

:ome in B e c a u i grourA large Magic Valley is17 p e r-. keqping Snake

lecurity local groundwati

f property fey has made no plans for c iment of the remaining

V a lle y M ayor David ft sa id a t W ednesday’s a

3 a t th e

‘Ii'sm up to ,Ke five ' Id develop it. 1 ir a-cul- • . ,nd a r ts com m um tydoesi

op ie. I f can just sit !/u m unity

. -S u n V a llc :: acres David ist s i t ---------------------------

a«said Wednesday’s large

if arts and culture group As is “a showing lhat it V?ct) can be done.” Cing m o d era to r Dan ar, a semi-retired advertis- inlitan t, unveiled ai large Vic s ite plan of whai the e\cu ltu re campus might siji. I t was p re p a re ^ by tic t - H arry- Teague^--of—— -olo., who has designed beiliiie s in A spen and cuJole, Wyo., and who die to're ta lngdT o~ stogv ihe Sn'e r Valley's peeds for a of

en fo rce m en t issues, the A e possible creation of a 1 ice departm ent, were Ad I by Anderson. poira ted remarks made at wil undl meedng by Kerbs, ma lic a te th e $ 120,000 a car uch th e d ty of Burley cov assia County for law rur n t is 56 percent of the \ iffice’s adm inistrative sai(

air]2s,re tum ed to the d ^ __runlies taxes are less than • n t, Anderson said. He wa< y with county commis- lib: )nday to tell them the bre ats to discuss the price boa ,rs for law enforcement. get mty is very receptive to $80 ith usJ’ he said. “I fed dty can s^ d y this.” , B

•king h is sea t bri the pay ;w Cotindlman Dennis— salted ^t_estab lish ing .a___ com)nsHip between the dty but be added to the list. ' moi p o rt Sludy was men- thre ndersori. cople believe the exist- opa ll’aviation airpo rt in colli landlocked , he said. ovei in’t'.be extended. And 0 ere are two runways at sugj

— - ........ '

Only 35yearsjig),sdentists < mste to travel... to theaquift

ts as if it were a' Stephen King ice the report came out in Octo At stake,'M akhijani says, is portant underground water re J Northwest United States, rh e Snake R iver Aquifer is irce of drinking water for 200,C southern Idaho, including t illey. I t ’s a m ajor source of i iter fo r Idaho’s tradem ark ] lich m ake up a fourth of all :en in the United States, and {1 rley crop, used to make a q lerica’s beer.Vhat’s more, i^ supplies the ' u t farm s tha i raise 75 perce nm ercial rainbow trout eate ited States.)nly 35 years ago, sdendsts est uld ta k e 80,000 years for pi ste to travel through the vadoz< ion of rock and soil between th

ntpaym ^ts.!r h ap p e n s on theIfi to happen on ,the .ftitntwntown Burley and 2000rardsaid. . 2001

, 2002

County E xtension SugniHazen spoke on the 2000if area groundwater 2001River and the laws 2002

?ct water use.I te r from ' th e Botmiings area keeps the 2000• flow ing, he said . 2001iom this area, which 2002 m M iln e r, w est ofCing H ill, , e a s t o f Whoaimakes up about 40 . 2000flow of the SnMie a t ----- 2001lie Oregon border, - . 20021;Ha7eh.sdd. I--------)uridwatei from the carefuis so important in table, I

ce R iver levels up, ■ “Wemter users most be w h ^

for Sun Valculture campus.

D rack e tt broke up the group into small ad hoc s for b rie f discussions on I arts cen ter could be used,

s^B=3ssE3B s s should be i *0 th e a te and its possil

____ success._____it. I f m e - In a Staten

, and showcasUhere. .ca tion , cre

study, practicIley Mayor “s"tation, p

• iTTT-1 mance, exhil Via W i ls o n discussion, c<— :— ; tion_ and ci . assessmerirof the arts.”

P ossib le names indud< A rts C enter a t Sun Valle V alley Cultural Campus,' C u ltural A rts Center, an> and Humanities Campus. S in th e group suggested th; Valley be incorporated inte ever nam e is,ultimately ci since th e name is knoivn iti tionally.

-—Tviro subsequent meeting been scheduled to contini cussing th e project: a j£ ttw n meeting at the c

of a r ts and culture oups.

the facility, which many coi a p lu s , th e F ederal Avi Adm inistration has said th port only needs one runwa will no longer provide moii m aintain two runways. Th< can’t m ake up the lost moc cover maintenance of that a runway, he said.

With that discovery, the r said, opposition to building i airport which would have oni nmway is no longer valid. — -

• T h e B urley Public Lil was m entioned by Anderson l ib ra r y is n o t operating break-even point, J i e ^ i d . ^ a r d has had a number of get sho rtfa lls , which now 580,000, which essentiallj □ty has loaned the library.

But th e library has no w; pay th a t money back, Andcsaid.-H e'suggested 'the 'coi Mnsider-forgiving-tlie-pasH 3ut stop providing the librarj n o re m o n ey than is tak e Ju-ough taxes.

C ity re s id a n ts pay taxe ) p ^ t e the library. The mon roUected by the d ty and tu )ver to th e library board.

Or; Councilman Dave Ri oiggested, the coundl.may 1

sts estimated it would tah 'lifer. Now, scientists estinm

ing bestseller and the w<ctober. scientists, is th e m ost years, he sjr resource in Makliijai

at least a c- is th e only Geolo^cal)0,000 people Rousseaug th e M agic claim thatof irrig a tio n water o f f ;rk p o ta to e s , maximumall p o ta to es Safe Drinkid for Idaho’s Bui that’i q u a r te r of believed tc

tlian it shotle w a te r for the level olrcen t of the . come closjjaten in the Colorado’s

said.estim ated 'it Makhijai

• p lu ton ium wiih Giiinaloze zone - a Ketdium re1 the surface to Makhijai

Agricultotnto ptlce» (por hundrattwslght)000 $2001 $5-$9 D02 projected S13

Jgar boots (por'ton)300 $38.13)0 1 . $40,25-)02 projected $42.05

ions (por hundredweight))00 $16.70>01 $22 >02 projected $19 - $22

l>eat(porbuahel)100 $2.62 101------ --------- $2.85----------02 projected Good ■

eful to n o t lower the wat< le,Hazensaid.We n e e d to. keep in min ire the water, comes from ar

f l S i :lleycultiira

One aitend le la rg e r ' former reside : sessions . would be a miI how .an te r w e ren ’t d, w hat it recalled that! n a m e d argued over sibiliiyof years and new------------- ----- opportunity.em ent of . Several othe J ra c k e t i .; binding re fer ro p o se d . ..get.communitII shelter pro jec t. ' a se edu- D rackett a r e a t io n , said no discu dee, re - held on costs 0p e r fo r- jec t or how ii

iiibirion, and main'taini.celebra- part of la te r :c r i t i c a l once.a.dedsioi

• op the conceptided th e T he Sun 'ley. Sun Hailey area i«5, V alley •arts an d culmd A rts Perhaps a do;. Several are involved irJiat Sim ities that attraclto what- But that is mchosen, cess. Anotherinterna- the Jan ss Act

place for a coIgs have activities in d inue dis- hockey, has beiJ a n . 29 stage for year

d ty of Ketchun

»nsider to evaluate ho’ v ia tio n generated fo r th e air- .. decide if th e 1 ray and dedicate other < oney. to the facility.’h e d ty Kerbs hesita oney to that suggestior second council has r

m oney sp e n t : mayor board.I a new However, Coi nly one Masoner suppo.............. — spending practitlib ra ry • Anderson Dn. The ’ buy a new fire 1 g a t a 1964 model. d.- T h e ... truck needs to t of bud- regular budget, 1 V to ta l R e la ted tc Uy th e Councilman Ci

suggested const way to ond fire station derson That would hel o u h c il ...... better fire ratingrto an s— p ro p e rty o w n e iry any ■ insurance costs, i cen in said.

• Recreation i xes to tioned by Mende 3ney is ' Ringle. turned The m unicip

. doesn’t make ei ■lingle be self-sufficie r need ■ said.

ie80,000years forpluto/i wte it could ta k only 30;}

w ater table - to the aquifei s es tim ate it could take ■o said.

jani’s work has raised the a 1 couple of engineers with tl al Survey - most no tab ly ,. u an d L. DeWayne Cecil, a t th e am ount of,plutoni f s ite is 300 times less th; n contam inantilevel s e t I iMng W ater Act.3l’s only because the stanc to b e 100 to 150 times mo lOuld be, counters Makhijan of plutonium in the water ise to se tting off alarm s i ’s m ore restrictive standar

iani’s statem ents rang an la. Lafeergren, one of xi hanc residents who tumed out to iani a t a hastily announced

Itura! pro]ectlonsIt)------- Alfolfo hay prIcM (per

2000 ■ $8 2001 ■ $8 2002 projcctcd Dc


Milk (per hundrod pour2000 $9;2001 $i: 2002 projcctcd $i:

Number of doliy cows ll 1996 .TodayProjected year end

' Source; Presentot/on by.......Gcrmnj, Cassia County


I te r all the people and want their share,” hi

in d He noted th e wi and downstream irrigat

------------------- --- B_ . . . ^ -Tl

al centerndee , Paul Wilcox, a E dent of Aspen, said itm istake if the art cen- w: I ’t deve loped . H ea t th e town of Aspen Aer such a center fo r tvever built i t - a “lost neity,“ he called it.--------- -wjthers suggested a non- leferendum be held to Io<nity approval-for-the - -- - ......... - dr

: a n d M ayor W ilson saicussions have b een sos of the proposed pro- th: / i t could be fundedined . T hat would be ri{ ;r feasib ility studiesnon a tjpt. . ■ noI V alley-K etchum - eni is renowned for its frcru ltu ra l ac tiv irie s . thidozen organizations miI in year-round festiv- . ‘rac t thousands.^ froi no guarantee of sue- in ;ir am bitious project, 1A ctivities C enter, a weco llec tion of youth doid u d in g skating and “Ifbeen in the planning .wela r s ^ n d still hasn’t J ney-foE-construction— Gonnri rinnate<l:.buy4 h8----- setum. of:

how much money is /.o r th e lib rary and moe council wants to cotir d ty money fbward bei

ita ted somewhat a t corion, noting that th e reg1 n o overs ig h t o f “ I t by th e lib ra ry a pi

“Is>3uncilwoman Adria one p orted the library’s •:tices.------------------------adda w an ts the city to . “Th e truck to replace a K M oney for a new sho

0 b e included in the dev :t, h e said. W to th e tru ck , Min C u r t M endenhall mer

istruction of a sec- to h on in south Burley. m ai lelp . th e city get a . . . Mcl ing, which hdps all em in e r s 'b y re d u c ln g .......hanis , he and Anderson opir

jecun issues were men- opm idenhall, Kerbs and Ri

• towi:ip a l go lf course the i e n o u ^ money to •

:ien t, M endenhall “Do try t(

■ " ing th a t fo il

0 years . aminated, jusi nation could w try;” Lagergre

fer. Now, The best fb J o n ly 30 recover and st

tinue shallow i2 ungst of uid high-level i1 th e U.S. Idaho and a y, Joseph face the threa :il. They, redassified as >nium in be trea ted dif th a n th e she added.It by th e Still, Makhi

golden momer indard is concerned ab( more lax Gov. Dirk Kem iani. And last week that i er would buried waste, z IS u n d e r politicians, Se lards, he C rapo an d R

backed him up. in alarm “We’ve neve mdful of support before, 10 listen the Snake Rive

2d meet- nization.


«r-ton)--------------------flow'fi$80 - $110 area tc$80-$150 TheDepends on creadilength of winter area, e

roughounds) from A$9;37 on the$13.41 side of$12.70 most©

u tiliz iIn Mln( Cossla Hazen

17.700 The28.200 filed a38.200 w ater <

'by Richard Snake'fiiyextens/on............. ihevrai

of gen^ — I rules, V id programs who ation, £ ’ h e said. Thesw a te r needs of use of ;ators, of iuidan- use of

— ;----- -— TF-— Thmds

^ R u p e r f s ^ t

- By.Shari Chaney- i _____- T lm e» N ^ writef -

RUPERT r The d ty o f f will begin looking into new sources with the help of Si Engineering, Inc in Boise.

The City C oim dl appro water source smdy Tuesday

W ater superin tendent E Andrew told the council c two main wells is showing i need attention. The w ater

-w iU investlga te 'pofential' lems with well No. 1 as w locate future well site^s.- W ell No; 1-has h a d a-!

dropK)ff in production, Ar said. There could be' seven sons for the dropoff, which! than 10 percent.

“I t appears som eth ing i right there,” Andrew said.

Andrew said it is easie r tc -a t.o p tio n san d -m a k e-d e d now rather than in th e face emergency. It is also a good from dme to time to reeva the water situation in any munity.

“M ost co m m u n itie s do from time to time,” Andrew in an interview Wednesday.

Everyone is dependent oi wells, but *Vou know these i] don’t last forever,” Andrew “If it’s Hying to tell us som et we’re goinig to listen.”

At. T uesday’s m ee t G ouncilm an-tayne-R -atsc ottid he can see ilie-im puri of starting now to find a d


All recreation costs th e money, Kerbs'said, b u t the course needs to come d o st being a break-even venture.

Ringle asked what th e coi considers its re sp o n s ib i regarding recreation.

“Are we a facilities providi a program devdoper?” he as ‘‘Is it our responsibility or s( 3ne else’s?”

* Economic developm ent idded'to the list byM endeii ‘That’s big," he said.

Kerbs questioned why Bu shouldn’t have' an ec()no Jevelopment employee.

M echelle M cF arland of klini-Cassia Economic Deve nent Council said she’s prepz0 handle economic developn natters for Burley. Accordini J c F a r la n d , the_R upert_< imployee in a sim ilar posii landles mostly community'de pm eni and grant re q u e s t i 2cts and leaves economic de pment to Mcparland.R ingle suggested th e do'

own redevelopm ent e ffo rt le list.' “What’s the vision?” h e asi- Do we just give up ori it, do y to salvage it and renovate i

ollowed o ther presen ta ti< state.the aquifec wasn’i actually cc just die perception of conta d wipe out Idaho’s potato ind gren said.fbc, Makhijani contends, is

1 stabilize buried waste, disc )w land burials and solidify ] 'el waste and store it properlj d a handful of other states a reat of having high-level wa as “inddental waste,” so it c differently than it should I

khijani says, this co u ld be nent for those who hav e be about nudear w aste d e a n i .empthorne publidy dem and lat n^EEL needs to take care e, and die state’s o ther leadi Sens. Larry Craig a n d Mil R ep. Mike S im pson , ha '

up.ever had this kind of politic are,” said Margaret Stew art iv e r Alliance, a watchdog org

ed spedes and of Idaho Powe , wliidi depends heavily on di ,v-from -the'T liou^a Spring a to generate electridty. h e courts are in die process e ating a water district fo r th a, called Basin 36. The distric ghiy encompasses th e are n Minidoka Dam to Hagerma h e north and part of the sout ! of the Snake River, indudin it of the area in Cassia Count lizing Snake R iv er w a te i unsaid.he Idaho attorney general ha i a motion to create an interin e r district in diis area to prc ; senior w ater righ ts "On th( ke W yw .lhe mpve_to,creati w i t ^ district comM w ith a se leneral w atbr m anagethen s, which are still under negoti a, Hatensaid.lese rules may m andate the of surface water before the of groundw ater. T he ru le:


day, Jwony

ML\gic V a l l e

Snew’watei----- --------- tion to go in die_______. Sunrise has t

investigate what • Rupert well No. 1 and w water w a te r . system . Sunrise E ngineers will . - source of water aroved a “T h is is the fir ay. said.Dennis If som ething

I one of w ith th e w ell, ; il may m ake a recomm5r study___ fixing it or reph3 'prob- saiid, and the dty well as they want to do.

T he engineer: r s m a l l ‘" tio n s fo r a new ^ d re w give the d iy a d xal rea- the fu tu re , whei h is less five years from i

■ from now, Andrei ; is not Money for die

budgeted, Andre- to look d l.dsions--------Rupert-wili pay» o f a n and $17,000 for th od idea . E ngineering’s p: i^aluate study is estiriiatec ly com* the d ty has appli

g ra n t m oney fr lo th is Department of W ?w said The d ty will kno /. die grant money uon die Andrew said h{1 things the sm dy would I w said. threje or four mom ething, •--------------------

Times-News writ e tin g , can be reached at sch k e— BuTvairar677^0^ nancB— byiefrm ittarsznn direc-

School,g gjjy Continued from Cl le golf . r e c o ^ iz e level ti iser to d a r d i ^ tests, h^ !. lions of dollars oi:oundl s ta te departm eni b ility arid federa l gove

with th e Northwe ider or Assodation - the d asked. . level tests - are ne some- tem to make evei^

said.It was A source of con inhall. ■ superintendents w;

d istric ts to carry Jurley next fiscal year stai lom ic p ria te d fo r stam

developm ent wit >f th e coun ted aga inst /elop- bank account, pared W hen the state )ment monoy, i l ’s mean ing to within that fiscal y ._city— mohey-remains unsition__ 30 is e sse n tia llydevel- becomes p a n 6f di t pro- ance for the new 1 devel- July 1.

Bui Jo h n Garni [own* School District su] ri for said the summertir

part of the yea r fc isked. develop thb standai lo we the money slated la2 it?” state needs to be al

, into the next fiscal . penalty.

-------■ G am er also expnover the demise of

tions TAP.By e lim in a tin g

cont- whidi have been in tami- nearly a decade, sc ndus- \vill lose their point

to measure snident i is to “We’re going to n scon- .of knowledge,” he : y liq- .^take that away, the rly. going to com e in i also we’re not going to 1

fiiste doing better or worsi t can ■ M oreover, th e c 1 be, break the results dc

sections th a t allow be a see th e subject are iieen greater atten tio n .^ nup. tests don’t offer die ided of diagnosis, he said re of the key to any succ ding die ability to adequj lik e what a student has av e w hether tha t studei

diose skills, he said.tical ■ ------------------------*t of Times-News writer i rga- can be readied at 753-

mail ac rmayer@magi

wer I :-------------T-—tlie A ^ j p n o

, Tb«ecbi)omlc'«tiwi, I ture usually lags bei

the national economy beca become! more vulnerabi

rea : P^ced iniWfts'When th slrong.A(BWyoarsago

'famwrs increased the I bwf by 130 percenl sil importing ihereiatUe to I States. When theecom

^ ’ Ing these cheap Import: has Richard Oerreim h

. prtc^ fo r-^ag rfcu n

a te ___could n l s o .c u r i^ grset irrigation on as mud snt acres in soudi-c^tral Dti* Idaho, Hazen said, “n:

tions would prevent g h e depletion and keep i h e the Thousand Spring* ies ing into the Snake Rive

F «n i,- |d iho~ W ^

.ey A V e st ~ » - ersource ”the future. - ---------------as the resources to ' vhat is happening at md th ro u ^ o u t th e " 2m, Andrew sa id , dll look into a new er as welli first step,” Andrew

ing appears wrong :ll, eng ineers w ill

epladng i^ Andrew dty can dedde what do.eers’ recommenda- lew w ater site will a diriection .to go in vhether it be soon,)m now or 10 years drew said, die study has been 4rew told die coun­

pay between S9300-----ir the study. Sunrise 's proposal for the ated at $17,000, but pplied for $7,500 in y from the Idaho if Water Resources, know if it received ey in February, d he would assume lid be completed in nondis.

writer Shqri Chaney f at the Mini-Cassia'^0 4 2 rE xtrn o ro i‘-------'ihitntiyf&inasicval-

ols -Jlel testing as stan- hp said. Widi mil-

:s on the line, the len t of education ovemment, along hwest Evaluation lie desi^ers of the 5 negotiating a sys- veryone happy, he *

concern for some ;s was dieheed'for rry over into the ■state fUnds appro- tandardized te s t w ithout it being i s t the d is tr ic t’s

a te appropriates eant to be spent al year.' Whatever; unspent by-June.--------illy “lo s t,” as it f die staiting bal- Bw fiscal year on

irn e r , Kimberly superintendent,

srtime is a crudal ir for teachers to ndards, and, thus,:d last year by die le able to trahsfer seal year without

xpressed concern : of die ITBS and

ing those tes ts , n in the state for ;, school districts oint of reference :n t achievement, to miss that body he said. “If you these scores are in isolated and to know if we’re -•orse.” .le cu rren t {ests s down into sub- low teachel-s to areas needing

n .^ h e proposed die same degree said, adding that ;ucce«ful test is squarely analyze lias leamed and’ ^ ident can apply id.

ter Robert Mayer 753-323} or via c-

inqmy- ■: ___iw w o fa^ o ii- }behlndthe ; t>ecapsefotmer8 erable to low-'.;' in the dollar Is' : i ago CanMlan • the price oftheir • ill simply by' :i )totheU nl^ ;'i iconomy.isithrfr iports«remom.;.^e'rrirt Mid.' dii has boosted;. •r te u l^ ’g b c^ ,T.

I groundw ater_______Quch as 12,000 Tal and eastern . These regula- • nt groundwater ' ep water from : ings area flow- W w . _____

Forandabc the Latino "'coTnmunityPage C-4

Sweet iBy Coreen Hart TlmefrNflw» cofrespond

______ BU R LEY --.In.thekitchen, there’s a lot ing than enchiladas.

There’s music. TTier daughter cooperation heap of family memori

At the stove, daugl Ann Granados fries t th e coun te r, m othei G ranados m ak es ei Daughters Sona anc a rriv e la ter, savorin g ra h M S tfie iiu ce .

T he lure is ir re s is anyw ay, i t ’s fun to : tunes along with Mom Ann. The family is pr feed 30 to 40 people at w here Yolanda’s husl G ranados, is a pasi potluck d inner, b u t i Jadas are by spedal req

, “When my sisters c they look forward to ladas. I don’t m ake th It’s a spedal treat,” Yoi

---------- fioucc into Q-9ouce f -afolded, freshly fried toi snack.

“I get hungry doing _ adm itted w ith a

“E nch iladas a re my food.”

Yolanda never take from the assembly job, cnchtlada is assembled same perfect care.

“I.really enjoy cookin daughters because it’s g ty time,” she said. “We’ pretty busy with school But when we cook, we about the Lord, sing, Idd

“ B.ut we d on’t (A ngelica) cook,” Bo said. “She can bu rn w she does make desserts.’

A ngelica ju s t sm ih heard it all before.

By Mary Jordan --------Tho Washington Post-—

PEDELA CU ESTA , If th e sq u a tte r v illa g Coyuca Lagoon.located m eters northwest of A has a founding father, it MoUna Francisco, a loc

• • who led 1,000 machete-squatters onto this vac just after New Year’s Da;

M olina know s wc Mexico’s land-extortion p lay ed . T ake o v er tl; th rea ten the.goverm in bloodshed if it tries to e n e g o tia te a s e ttle m e ensures some land for tl ters and a nice cut for who made it all happen.

But it’s not working way this time. Molina i s : a jail cell, awaiting trial of charges, induding ra widely believed th a t hi was payback for h is o! bare-knuckle politics.

FoxadofBy Mary Jordan The Washington Post

MEXICO CITY - Prc V icente Fox, who favor je a n s an d h a s w o rn c boots to state dinners, is fo r s lan g e x p re s s io n improvised remarks. His s ty le w as w elcom ed b j

■ Mexica s ig n 0 times a d e fe a t p a r ty ru le d c o u n tr

- s - o - l - i a u th o r s e v decade:

WcontaFox 2 “ ' = ^ ous prc

mount in Mexico, th e prt now seems intent on re t som e of th e fo rm a lity office. H e’s also prom is spend more time there , i y ear of international jet*s Fox says he’ll spend th e £ yeair of his te rta focusing on su c h d o m estic issu strengthening the econon combatingcrime.,.,!.. ... ..

“I have to recognize th lie an d th e m ed ia .dem'

• very ser* ius p re s id e n q . doesn’t joke around, an d ;

lean ied - I,am 'cdrrectini aspect,” Fox said.

b o u t


:hc-G ranados— more

here’s mother- ion. There’s a

u ghter Bobby iS tortillas. At h e r Y olanda

ench iladas . and Angelica ring .the .fca :___

sis tib le , to show 3m and Bobby

to: a t the church usband, Eloy

athe enchi-.

request.come over,

to the enchi- : them often.Yolanda says.

f -and dips a ' ------------ —tortilla for a

When Yolan( n g this,” she kidding arou

a sm ile. • ^ .fav o rite g

Ikes a break

S Smmum foil,

-h i™ ’ ™ -

kidaroiind.’\f lor Tpift ThefoUoi Bobby Ann! n*ethod Yo M v ater .B u t| °verm ore^

liie s . She’s ^For the s.

- — N k

'A, M exico- H j l f l d lage the

15 kilo- f Acapulco,

is David local tough E S ^ R u ne-wielding/acant land t-aBIMgMy^ Day.w ell how ion game is

th e land , unen t with0 evict, and Coyuca Lagoon m erit th a t botwoen resWei r the squal­o r the man • “The pers n. leading ^ e ii lg out that we are negot is sitting in squatters,” ; ial on a list Rene Ju a re ; rape. It is clear the are : his arrest problem and 5 old-style, natives. We

and shoot ai

»pts new tcPolls show

_________ M ex icansApproval rati

P resid en t-----soaringTibovvors blue- h o v er a ro u1 cow boy thanks p a rti , is famous while Argei^ ions an d co llap s in g . His casual resilient, desby m any ployment.

icans as a But w ith tt I o f new my so depen a after he sumers bujin :a te d th e cars to radios :y th a t slowdown in c id th e of the border i t r y w ith of thousands-l-e^-ra-n----- jobsrA nd-arrlority for and robberie

v e n , security offii des. edge th a t crinIt as seri- Fox’s publi' p roblem s steadily over I president in office, and returning sa tio n s w ith ty to h is people a re ii n ising to concrete impr i. A fter a daily lives tha ;t*setting, ' “Fox i i att, le second vent himself, ing more glowinjg resul ssu es as. first yea r,” si lom yand i m e n ta to r G. ...... .....C astellanoiJ:the'pub-; ■ tially. a consc

jm a n d a ' that lik w its p ncy th a t . .“well d re s ^ d a i d lh a v e ; .‘Biitwligt p’eop d ng r h n f - m ore focuscc

president.” , ,

€ <

) enchiladj.

landa Qranados and her daughters round.

;-tune of “T he-Sound 'o f~ '-J Bobby A n n b rings a s

of golden, still soft tor- het:, niother. Yolanda has r jelly roll p an with alu- i oU, and carefully smears i: a sauce over it. tit do I get m o st out of )landa asks. “I know that c !y leave home, my daugh- make enchiladas exactly q ; do. And that’s neat.” llowing recipe is more a $ Yolanda has developed tl e than 20 years. . «)LANDA’S CHEESE H

ENCHILADAS 2 sauce, Yolanda favor^/ fc


ion Is a tourist sito, but a squatto Idents and tho govemmoht.

erson responsib le for . fin e invasion is in jail, andsotiating to relocate the pa,” said G uerrero Gov. imirez C isneros. “We’ll Gairea, but this is a social stomd people need alter- onta can’t take out guns we: at them; w e have to Ian

me^newfjw that a m ajority of F1 s u p p o r t Fox. • im i•atings that h ad been Uni)ove'80 p e rc e n t still Iasio u n d , 60 p e r c e n t , abcrt l^ to th e fa c t tha t ____em ina’s econom y isg, M exico’s seem s- p “iesp ite rising unem- ‘ ;

the Mexican econo* , endent on U.Si con­ning everything from ios to bluejeans, the n consumption north er has cost hundreds ds of M exicans' theirirashofk idnapp ings'----------ries has le d public fficials to acknowl* rime is on th e rise, blic support slipped 2r his first 13 months' nd polls and conver- th M ex ica n s show . A ! im p a tien t fo r th e *9 iprovements in their hat h e promised. ^attem pting to rein- |M If, ^ v e n th e not-so- suits he h a d in th e I J said political com- ' ' ' G a b rie l G u e rra

j.J!M exico.Js.essen-— 1 i i ise rv a tiv e c o u n ty ‘ s president in a suit, ; ^ 3, and well behaved;«ple really w ant is a sed a n d ,o rg a n iz e d .

0 aT h u r

ias becom

ters makd enchiladas, It Is a tot

''-McConriidf-Sdiillihg'biaf says it just tastes right to hi

Cut onions in fa irly pieces.- Saute, b u t do noi them to brown. Then refr if you have to hold their thanahalfhour orso .

Line a pan w ith foil to clean-'up easier.

F17 the tortillas and stad on the plate.

Assemble th e enchi Smear a thin coating of sa the pan to m ake a bed f enchiladas. Next d ip a fe tillas m the sauce a n d lay ti

/ t h e pan. Allowing them to for a littie while m akes thei


ittor village Is creating a clash

find a solution.”Tlie mayor of the small m

pality with jurisdiction ove invaded land is Julio Cesar ] Galeana. He said h e couli stop tiie invasion because h only 125 police officers and were 1,000 people clearini land. He said he has

focus on CR ath er than ta lk in g ab

im proved re la t io n s w ith United States, a b an n er thi last year, Fox is now tall< ib o u t the dom estic econo

S e H a b l a E s t

•Uantas •Ruedas ’Al ’AmtHguadoms-B

•Cambio de ace

I i i i i i i ifj Ya e s 1|M^ Llam cttnic hoy p a r a i j y t in tc c ti tn n n yu d a ett.


jrsday, January 17, 2

Qe recipe

■‘P «

total oxperienco of fragtanco at

aria.~Sh'e erT’S ^ in lc lF her. onions on thely sm all to r tilla . Top lot allow cheese, whicl ifrige’rate jack or a mix ’m more m eat, add a t'

th a t as w ell to make' sauteed ifi ad\

loosely. Positio jckthem Uttle r a y from

rows. Wlien thi h iladas. sprinkle chees. sauce in P"'?I for the ?>’? “ ' 2“ irn few tor- tefoi-e they, a 'th era ii. she ■•cheats th to standlerasoft- blend and the

out belter.

CO— —" nating with th<

■ hopeful the ped

I to another piec( or four months squatters, or “p are truly poor w aid to build hom

“We can’t ja i said when askec process is so sl provoke anti-gi

O ffic ia ls a t M olina is bein permitted him t But before he v

h told reporterscials had taken rightfully shou people. “If they

munici- will get it,” he si ver the The land is o r Diego and a former Gi iid not Israel Nogueda, he has, from office in tl d there cloud ' of corru ing the said he came b: .coordi* mately.

domestic iabout “We are going, th th e efforts toward aIheme tained recoveryliking said in a televisilomy. week.

i p a f i o l A m j E

Ulneacldn ' B S

It t i i i it ie m p o !T p$4blicar s tu a n u n c ic t o con preeios en

[dad “735-3207 ,

g i

, 2 0 0 2 ■ ■

; for life ^


E £s9 tc


■ki----- ^ -------p:eoatnMsr/TWTta»«m

) and flavor, singing and

____ _____ HIIe a single layer of ■ le first quarter of the - P ' >p th a t w ith g ra tedich can be cheddar, Aslixtiire . If you want Ja1 teaspoon or two of- thi 2II. M eat m ust be^ Mi idvance, too. Roll up□on each enchilada a -|-om the others in neat I-the pan is full, Ughtiy X ese over all. jrefers to bake themm inutes the n ig h t ,H ’ a re needed. Then,‘them to serve..She oylows the flavors to ^h e enchiladas come —

I. - dui

--------------------- — atoita:the

the governor and is ' Mo jMpIe \vill be moved' ing ece of land “in three be: ths.” Diego said the ,sho “parachutists,” ^vho ing

• will get-govemment auc omes elsewhere. a yijail them all,” Diego J <ed why the eviction Chi ' slow. i'«That would a d i-government senti* fan

othia t th e ja i l w here iing held have not , •»., n to be in t e r v i e w e d . J y ]2 was locked up, hers tha t greedy offi-. ByF en this land, which L0 9 ,ould belong to the -----ey want a war, they j i ssaid. b ee5 owned by a bank whe Guerrero governor, tlie ia , who' was ousted ered I the 1970s undor a hom ru p tio n . Nogueda stroi by tiie land legiti* Hi

Tl lead

issues Ig .to focus aU our „or( 1 achieving a sus* sour ry of income/’ he whis ision address this ed d

. ■________ “Ext

i i


f?05) 67 S69I

a C o rm a d o , | M ; U KMaMt i t rental7.-0.420.0506.

i d------ --------- - ----------

m n d e llE l.parents/par

WENDELL - Wc —ElementaiySchoolTviilspo

P a re n ts as R eading Pai workshop at 7 p j a J a a 24 multi-purpose room.

-----The w orkshopis thie'flnseries to help parents ac strategies to read to and witi children.

H ead S ta rt, k inderg t preschool ond first-grader tiieir parents are invited. I

- re fre sh m e n ts ,'tra n s-------portation, b'aby-shting and a Spanish transla­tor will be available. ■-F o r m ore inform a­

tion , ca ll W endell E lem entary a t 536* n - 6611 or sign up the workshop. I l l :

Twin Falls night spot features Latin music nig

TWIN FALLS - “Latin J Night,” featuring dancing j

-music-willbfrljeldfrom^.iT Sunday at Bdr Bonz at Fillmore Sl N. in Twin Falls.

There will be a S3 cover ch;

.Hispanic-Business group plans to m eet In Boise

BOISE - The Hispanic Bus Association will m eet at 6 Jan. 21 at Casa Mexico, locat the com er of Fairview and Mile. • ... ................

Hispanic 1 role in ne\By Charles LaneThe Washington Post . _ .

In the mind of executive ducer Don Bellisario, cre­ator of the successful mil- I itary law series “JAG,” I the issue-oriented “First B Monday,” with its gray-‘K ing ju stic es ahd eager- W. beaver clerks, is just tiie | | ’ show for a network seek- 1' ing to hang on to its older k audience while attracting ■ a younger one. ■

Jam es G arner plays ^ Chief Justice Brankin as . a deceptively easygoing fan of Oklahom a football : other, mostly conservative, c

I V I u s i c i c o n J u a r

{y Richard Cronullni>9 Angelas Tlmos________ _

J u a n G arcia E squivel, w )ecam e a pop-music cu lt i( vhen his eccentric music fr he 1950s and ’60s \vas redisc Ted in tiie ’90s, died Jan. 3 at lome in Jiutepec, Mexico, afte troke.

He was 83.T he pianist-com poser-bai

:ader, who used jiist his last na followed by an exclamation poi rofessionally, was know n: old, idiosyncratic orchestrati< larked by r a d i^ dynamics, o 'ordless vocals and unexpeci 3unds such as steel guitar a 'histiing. His meticulously reco d albums, bearing such titles Exploring Ne\v Sounds in Hi-J

o^m dadedifon PaiMatcau

- ■ T h c ^

leirientaiysj rtners prograVendell O ntheagendiponsora------biislness'difectia r tn e rs and other upcoir M in tiie For m ore in:

make a reservai ir s t 'ia a “ 322*7033;E x l24 acquiredthtJieir Image do Idah garten , ' Scholarship to ers and BOISE - Ima; . P ri^ s , announced its at — awardT)r

A e intw

r . sodal is!

loticias co“S,in d two

d eg ree prograi...........R ecipients mus

•sn i full-time in a pos I Music ■ tution in the 2005 JCo DJ year. Recipients >.inrto; l——academicm orfo acIS39 goals, extracurri s. finandal need an< ±arge. . the development

Hispanics.IIP____:_____ Applicants do j

a Sodal Security v id e informatioi

usineK T he deadline is M6 p.m. F or an applic ated at Ramon V. Silva, s id Five man, at 426-3038

[email protected]

has signifi w TV serii

es. Joe Mantegna............. middle*of*the-roa<

penchant for deci 'e pro- ' on the merits exas]

four liberals and tl

a adves on ] logically p and maice: tiie show.: R andy Novelli’scI

The vet “First Mo: how large V. Gore S loom s in

Rand, vas,uoz1 and a ir a court -show c caus- ring Sally Field.

i n G a r c i a E s q u r

Mint) . Esquivel ti tl fo r , f<itions th a t was popular jodd, E ^ ld the

jcted Tim es in 1995. “W' and . thesizers at that tiificord- g e t different soumes as ventional and nonLi-Fi” instruments. I explo



le Times-News

sponsorsramgida is the assodation ■ectory, scholarships,' “ coming events. ' \ '• ! in form ation o r to ' , rvation, call Alice a t ': L242.' -

daho offers .) tp studentsImage de Idaho has ts annual s^o larsh ip .d-progrant— •—'------- Hage de Idaho is a non*; t organization serving ; - nterests of Hispamcs i nployment, training, • stion, dvil rights andll"!. ll issues. -igh school seniors or : tge students enrolled ' two year or bachelor ;ram are e lig ib le , nust plan to enro ll post-secondary insti* 2002-2003 academic • • - mts are selected on!rfo^^I^lcp^r■* rP »-----urricular activities, •1 and contribution to - lent and progress of I

dojiot havc-indudc-i__rity number or. pro*Ition on residency, is March 29.plication, c o n ta c t .tt* fa, sd io la r^p chair- 338 or e-mail him a t ..

ficantries5naisJoeNovelIi,!a.: road justice w hose-r " ' dedding each case i acasperates botii the ; id tiie four cdnsery- : on Bellisario’s ideo- ly polarized court'- akes him tiie star of DW. Mira, played by;.! _ _ H Vasquez, is i’s clerk.very existence of Monday”- suggests - irge the post-Bush-, e Supreme C ourt ; in th is l itig io u s ; ■

y’s collective sub- •>us. ABC will soon ;)w of its own, star* •'1. , ;

uiveldies ■J] and “Infmity in •

Sound,” w e re . nom inated f o r ,; s e v e r a l • Grammys and.;!

•were used td-’ i prom ote th e '\ wonders of the' ; e ra ’s hot new ; t e c h n o lo g y , • s te re o p h o n ic sound.■ “What I tried . was n o t : follow tiie style

ar at that tim e,” the Los A n g e le s .“We had no syn*. time, so I tried to ,

junds out of cort- - nonconventionali^ tcplored a littie.” •

^ ____

■ ' ' V _______

----- .^he-Times-New

F am ily a p p r e c ia te h e r o e s In m o th e r :

W e are very appred the Twin Falls Clinic’s gcncy room staff and t

- — -.ya lleyR epdriaM eafi ambulance staff.

,• mother had a he a few before Chri ihdrprbfeCTonal'skin: their awareness of our frustration was excepfi provided my mother BJ w ith care far beyond V, expected of emet^enq nel on a daily basis. .

-------------HfJewYorkrWashingir Pennsylvania had hero

.-,.11,2001. The dtizens 0 -. Magic Valley are extre ; lu d ^ to have heroes oi i’365daysayear.


Sponsors put smile children’s taces fbr

■ TheW ishingStarFoi would like to" thank Joe

___ Kathy McQure of the J

__ .ifor our Wish Faaniliesfi".■Chfistmasl".................• : Thanks to each of yoi chose stars and b o u ^ t

. — —the familieswho neede• ■ d u r i ^ the holidays. T h

putting smiles on the cl: faces! Y o u r^ e ro s ity i much appredated.

DIANAJONES ' Magic Volley Chopte

Wishing Star Founda TwinFalls

M a g ic Valley C hora ' c e l e b r a te s p erfo rm

. The Magic Valley Chi wishes to thanR all thos<

. helped to make this yea• duciionbf Uie “Messiah ^ 's i ic c ^ 'A spfidal t h ^ ■’the College of Southem •production crew, Moss Greenhouse, Kimberly 1 and the Chorale Wrangl

The chorale always er forming this w o n d e r^

O ctober C a u g h t Being Qood tIcIng th o a g roem on ts o f mui Rqop, S ha n n o n Wray, Kyndai and Rdbyn Elsing; front: Qarr

P aul c h u r c h s e r v e s G erm an s a u s a g e ,aupp(

PA U L - - T he Congregational Church wil its annual all*you-can-eat G sausage su p p e r from 5-{

— lugsday-at the-church, . A f re e w ill o fferin g w

taken. '

L ea rn in g c e n te r re g ls te fo r I ts fo u r th b lo ck

GOODING - T he Go. Accelerated Leaming Centi

, offer its fourth block from J th ro u g M arch 7.

The following courses w offered: from 9:10 a.m. to p.tii., E n g lish 11,■ E ng lis health, careers and personi sodal responsibility; from 3:3^ p in ., speech, America]

--- e rnm entraccelerated matl from 3:40-5:10 p.m., accele math, com puter applicadon

, a ^ 'To accom m odate alljStu

and prevent delays, studen asked to register, the week o


;ws— -----^ -

T i j m K Y(i t ^ s V c a l I---------- :—3 r 's c a r e Tfairedadveof The Letters ofic’semer- nshletiersofiid the Magic •OrgankatforidicS'Center ' supporters.

• Individuals th e a r t a t ta c k and business^

l h r i s tm ^ a n d _ For mora Infork f l l s S v ^ S ^ a 288ju r family’s Tonpnuoi ^pricmL'Iley

m n -

ngronand poparnTW te ro « onSepL ing everyoneiso fthe certperformtremely g.softheirow n Thanksag___ BARBARA/rZER Secretary,

M agkV al- - • - TwinFallsliies onfo r holidays S p o n so rs ( Foundation e q u ip m e n tJoe and • The staff ai le Magic ■ Park would Ii f iia .q»onMiV7r tlioao whopa

Countiy Free at theMagic]

you who . Resort ■ht gifts for We also woi ^ d h e l p ------- of the sponso:Thanks for their time an< ichUdren’s makeitaUpo ty is veiy Magic Mou

High]Desertl Mix 103 Radi

Pter KountiyRadi‘dauon Elevation Spe

and the Outdi - ProgramatM

o ra le Force Base.r" -a n c e ™Chorale , •lose who 1 Lincoln Coi

d e liv e r Chriinksgoesto ' Abigthahk:m Idaho Lincoln Cotmiss • the ChristmaslyNurseiy 2001.nglers. It all began5 enjoys per- food drive. Thu U n ^ i ^ g “Toys:

= = C a u g h t

od w inners a t Robert S tu a r t Jun m u tua l rospoct, responsibility a idai Coggins and Zenon Anderso la rro tt Anderson, D usty E as te r i

22 a t 906 Mai ip e r “ 119344214.

■n A m erican Re o ffers C PR c

5-8 p.m.. RUPERT - 1 — --------------------- Cross-ot-G re;5 w ill be Cassia Branch 1

' adult, infant ai monary resusd

SterS at the Mini-Ca: St., Rupert.

First aid clas S ooding from 6-10:30 p m ter will . Wednesday, a n Jan. 24 offered a t th e s

The CPR da; s will be along or with tl to 12:10 The courses m

[lish 12, fied first aid gu onal and For more infc m 12:30- . up, call 733-6' ican gov- ' 6321. lath-aod---------- ------------

'Df. M a r ty ’ le w ith p re ssu re

students TWIN FALL lents are Seidenfeld ^ k o f J a a , on how to cop'

' 1 ■

s .

r o u L E T T’ I sure

hank you lettefs ^sofThankscolumnwillpub- ■ of up to 150 wnis from: itfons thanking contrMocs Of’■ box(Ils thanking public agencies isses for ertraofdiftary scrvice. pid< nfom8tloii.C8ll7.3J093L A .

’ EdwI gratitude of a personal ^rec I public nature, call The Tlmos- Rots slfled department at 733- 'delii 270. shoi

--------- 'We look forward to see- me a t our spring con- R ea rm ancesonApril7and . Guil

Chuiagaini Lea^lRA SCHROEDER Luni ly. Board and Members Rota^alleyChonde............... fumIBs .............. VI

Lils d o n a te tim e , sh n t fo r s k i dayf a t Malad Gorge Stated J ik e i a th a n k a lL o f _____ holllpQftieipatedinC reaa--------- ^tw Ski Day on Jan. 12 3C Mountain Ski gramwould like to thank allisorsvrtiodonated----------and equipment to possible:[ountain Ski Resort, rt Nordic Assodation, "lonc idio in Jerom f Kat Pven adio in Burley, • AllSporis in Twin Falls ' offio itdoorAdventure pupp tMountam Home Air Greai


lo u n ty re s id e n ts h r is tm a s b o x e s centiihkyoutoevei7 onem m ty who helped with Th‘ las basket program in -these

refugian widi the Boy Scout RO: The Rotary Qub and Dir y sfq rM d^m ake_______ Jwi

T B e i n g G t ) 0 ]

Junior High School In Twin .Falls w y and a tten tiv e listening.. Thoy an rson; m iddle: Ashley Foukal, Natc ar and la n Fom shell/

— cla in St., Gooding o r cahi >- • the!

T lR ed C ro ss coU1 c l a s s e s “-“ i- The American Red phyjreater-Idaho-M iht-------costi l will offer dasses in • betv : and child cardiopul- A-& sd tation and first aid p ie Cassia Branch, 707 F basli

m inlasses will be offered in teD p.m. Tuesday and majcCPR dasses will be and

e same time. tudedasses may be taken ' striesI the first aid dasses. verbm eet OSHA-identi- relai

guidelines. . angr;nformation or to sign Ps-6464 or 1-888-367- more

' t h e t---------------- L-----------

i e a d s c o p in g au th u re s w oritshop ■LLS - “Dr. M arty” . radi< dll.lead a workshop , ■ cond ope w ith pressures the I


' ‘~~ ~Thursc

f e r s —u re each child has at least one pft in their family’s box. Senio stayed after lunch and filled xixes. Rotaiians and other vol eers wrapped the gifts. Richfii Jons Club v e d to pick up- x)xes that were delivered in • Uchfidd. Head Start voluntee ricked up food boxes for their Jient^ and Je n y Nance, Sid Awards and Sue Thomas deli' Ted Dietrich's boxes. Shoshoni (otarians and other volunteen leliveced in Shoshone ahd Nor ihoshone.

Funds were received from -B pcX akeld^oW est lecreation Qub, Christ Churd juild, St. Peter’s Catholic ^u rd i. Catholic Women’s £ague, Idaho Power Co., Vdg Amd, Hazd Bate and Shoshoni lotary Club. Glanbia Foods Int umished cheese. “ •VIRGINIA CHURCHMAN Lincoln County Coortlinator Shoshone

ie n e ro s ity b rig h te n s

o lld ay s-fo r-re fu g ee s— -The stalt a t the College of

outhem Idaho Refugee pro­rams would like to thank all th idividuals and organizations ho contributed to our efforts ti lake the holidays enjoyable foi ir refugee famUies. We are •ateful for the donations of dm oney, food, dothing and toys ven by the following: Albertson’s, the CSI Business ffice, Fairyland Park j p p e t e ^ First Security Bank reat Harvest Bread Co, Keega d , Kurt’s Phamiacy, L ^ b eston, Lynwood Market, Ranc ansen Import Center, Jake am ane Rdchard, S&G Produce, meca. Smith’s Food &t Drug inter, Swenman and Sugar )afWomen’s a u b .Their generosity hdped makee season spedal for many ‘fugeesiRONBLACKDirectorTwinFalls........................

" > n

PM* M m i d ReM lloit t*

Is woro recen tly recognized for ]I aro , from loft, ba ck row: Alena la ta l la n e rro s , Kelsey Pattorsor

^OMMU^almly, and recognize and rec he factors that produce stress

The event is sponsored by Allege of Soudiem Idaho fro .m. to 4:30 p.m. Jan. 25.T he program will cover

hysical, pQfchological and so osts-of-high-stress;conneci etween stress and emotion: l-B-C formula lhat enables ] le to control th e ir emotic asic communication styles 1 lin im ize s tre ss and im pn iie rp e rs o n a l effectiven< lajor causes of on-the-job sir nd how to reduce them; a jdes that increase or decre Tiess and how to change thi erbal formulas for improv :la tlonsh ips an d coping w ngry, unreasonable people. Psychologist Seidenfeld I lore than 30 years experiena le business, education and mII health communltiet'He is athor of “Talk About Stre id numerous journal a rtid ell known from his “Dr. Mar idio call-iri program , and 1 mducied serninar^ throughi eJJn ited States and in Cana

Q m

s d a y ; " J a r iu a r y ’1 7 , ' 201

^ f 7 7 ]ne Iliors

olun- " f l E IiCdd W B U

------ -------------




Twin Falls Optlml n ers for 2 0 0 1 . Fz

the O p t

5,0------------- -TWINFALLSfor Optim ist Club

Appredation wi ime, . Seth .Collinss were nominate

High School coiS3 .

nk, I Ogan J a i l K

Personality: ' eyes th a t cr;

1 smiles, James v• capture your £

just what he w* someone who \ needs and lovi what. James hc lo sses , num er feelings of frusi challenges life H is w illingne

................. apparent as he--------- 1 foster parents’

especially enjo h is fo ster fath

= ^ = communicate in skill James lear

^ ^ 8 ‘ life. This boy lc is not afraid to

He would like ti ^ ^ 9 ’ an d .guitar Ies:

p a re n ts are ^ ■ j l Spanish.

Interests: Jan

I C S I .I j i U l TWINFALLS- I. .JM start this m onth: f l ' . l l Southem Idaho j

i f f l ering health-rela ^ y J a C lient Centei

' / ■ for STD/AIDS w ' f l care workers in

' , l | tals of HTV and i H . and how to inten B activities that cc

ease transmissioi n H meet from 6-9 p.r

. In tro d u c tio n Services, for nor

ir prac- ines human servi na sion and a varie,(,j, w here human s(


VITY E Vjeduce E u ro p e and ScJSS. Seidenfdd presei jy the Boise and teachj rom 9 versities

The tuition i s ;:r th e more participantsodal . time the tuition isiction----- each;---------- ;-----in; an To reserve a sps peo- 788-2033. tions;s tha t Twin Falls antl(

nis™ sp o n so rs free aitress- TWIN FALLI : atti* appraisal fair wil rease 10 a.m. to 4 them; Second Tim e jving Washington St. N., w ith Cerrified Hutd:

a ttend . For mor( l h a s call 734-6008. ice in.5’? '- . . . IVIV S in g les Squ

. C lub holds potliides, JE R O M E -T he arty” Singles Square D, 1 has hold a potluck a t ! ;hout a t St. Jerome’s PiMda, . Second Ave. E., J e



iOOZr^-— ---------- -------

:lml9t Club P residen t Archie Got . Far r igh t Is Barry Knobllch, Twl

timists 1:iS " - T h e Twin Falls ' " t h e ub honored Youth Twi winners for 2001. C

ns and Jodi Benson der ated by Twin Falls invi :ounselors to receive d u i

les lovejy: With crystal blue i-----c r in k le w hen he ] s will do his best to r a tten tio n . T hat’s wants most in life -0 will attend ,to his ove him no m atter has survived many

lero u s m oves and ustration about the fe has handed him. n ess to p le a se ishe helps aroupd his----------ts’ sm all farm. He ijoys working with I th e r . T hey often : in sign language, a :amed earlier in his ’ loves to leam and . to try riew things.

e to take swimming -----essons. H is foster outc e te a c h in g .h im . ridii

playfames likes to play his I

offers h(-S - Several dasses M<th a t the College of varie10 for those consid- mienilated careers. tersiite re d Counseling Ce> will train health counin the fundamen- a t thd AIDS education, te le \ervene in high-risk ■ c e n tcontribute to dis- gradi

:ion. The dass \vill al anp.m. Tuesdays. s ta r ton to H um an m eetlon-majors, exam- ^ rid i:rvices as a profes- heldriety of situations Tues , services are uti-


/E N T S —Sou th A m erica. JerOI

isenily practices in „ ches a t three uni* n a r r .

JEIis $85. If three or • Libra in ts enroll a t one larity1 is reduced to 570 Sorcj----------------------------- Rowlispace, call CSI at the lil

Thelik e c

itlque mall oussi. 3 appraisal fair-LS .- A fre e tratioiwill be held from ForI.m. S atu rd ay a t lib rarJ A ro u n d , 689N., Twin Falls. JJjj]td i Hutchins willore inform ation, Spon.

T WRestai

iquare Dance. „ teedj itluck, dance:he Magic VaUey J e ro nDance Q u b will d ep u t

at 7 p.m. Tuesday Eden.PariiOi HaU, 216 The

Jerome. p.m. oj

m i

G oodm an, l < honors S e th Coll Tw in Fajls Optimist Club Y o u th ,

laud aw::lie anhual'aw ar^ 'g iveh by Iw in Falls Optimist Q ub.

Collins and Benson are fine l e n t exam ples of com m u nvolvement. and. vo lunteer dub representatives said.

‘S to try;Thursday’s Chile

Jam es Age 8

utdoors in a tree house. H e L iding his bike, in-line sk a t laying T-ball and wrestling \ is friends - though he won

lealth-re]M cdical Terminology meets irious times and can seen ■ icrowave to tlie CSI outreach c rs in Burley, Gooding and Haili C e rtif ie d Nursing A ssist! lurse is 120-hours, and tau(

th e Twin Falls cam pus a lev is'ed to the CSI o u trea t n te r in Burley. S u ccessi aduates are listed on a natii an d state registry. T he cl;

a r ts Tuesday.A new sec ti e e ts a ll day T h u rsd a y s a; idays. An evening section :ld from 5-9:30 p.ra. Monda; lesdays and Thussdays.Bai id A dvanced E m erg en edicai Technician curricu li

ro m e library c e le b r a te s irry P o tte r bookJEROME - The Jerome Pub i)rary will celebrate the pop •ity of “Harry Potter an d tl r c e r e r ’s S tone’! by J.: wling-at-7-p.m.-Wednesday i library, 100 First Ave. E. rhe event will indude a look e contest, activities, book d: ssion, giveaways, tr iv ia ar ire. ,rhe public is invited. Pre-reg tion is not requirei 'o r more information, call U r^iry a t .324-5427.

1 M o u lso n M em orial Fun s n s o r s benefit d in n e r:W IN FALLS - R ock Cree staurani will host a wild gan 'd„a;L a.benefit.foc_the .Jii lilson Memorial.Fund on Jai

M oulson was o n e o f th •onie County s h e r if f )u ties killed last January-i in. - h e restaurant \viir open at t. tmd food will be served l^ i

---------------- — — —

■ . ________ Com/i

olllns and Jodi Benson a s Youth i h Appreciation chairm an.

afd win]by the The aw ard presi

of Youth Appred; ne stu- aside by Optimisi lunity tliG countp' to cele erism, tive contribution?:

people to loca! con

new thi“ I about other childre jf l Needs: J a m e s r

parent o r couple gently a c c e ss th needs. H e receivi m onitoring an d i self-destructive be have subsided. His ly should build hi and sdf-esteem thr strengths. Becausi

________ tional challenges zlils parent'Cs)' mus patient and willing own needs. This c5 a chance to know i tionships. Ask Jai worker about spec adoption subsidy ai services.,.-

-------' James is availabl: likes tiirough tlie Idaho : ating. Health and W elfar ’ with more, call th e Idi orries number, 1-800-926-:

dated d aits at prepares th e studein via em ergency proceicen- scene of an accid 'liley. life-saving proceduitant hospitalization setught employed by ambuland or in factories or ag

each tings. Graduates a r;sful handling of hazardcition- and eligible for statdass al r e g is t ra t io n a:ition Advanced E m ergeand Technidans.

)n is All dasses tlie weilays, For more inform allasic CSI Health Sdence::ncy at 733-9S54, Ext. 27Cilum office in the Aspen 1

S 5-8:30 p.m. No-host i be a v a ila b le . Sev Valley chefs will p:

iblic preparing th e dishi opu- Kerry K aw am oto , the George K ’s; W es

J.K. Muggers; E ric Enesvy at-----o^M etropolis;-Slar

Rock Creek and othe )k-a. Tickets a re $12.50 dis- which in c lu d es gra

and may be p u rc h a se i Pharm acy, K e lle j

igis- Center or Rock Cred To donate Mild gar

the call Thomas a t 734- Thomas a t 733-37 Moulson at 733-9554,

indRed C ro ss s c h e d i

eek blood d rive In W eiime WENDELL - The Jim .— -Red.Cross will hold a Jan. from 12:30-6 p.m. Ja th e \^ n d d l LDS Church ff’s lanuary is Nation: i in Blood Donor month.

For m ore in fo rm it 4 make an appointm er *om or ShMey Albertson I


Page C-5

0 •



Jth Appreciation win-

mers?iresentation is part, •edatiop Week set mist clubs around- celebrate the posi- ‘ jnJ made by young , communities.

dngs ^Idren bemg hurt. , es needs a single p lc who will dili- ; th e serv ices h e eives medicatioh,.^ id trea tm en t fo r i behaviors which;His adoptive fami-" d his social skills . through his many ause Jam es’ emo- es are siRnificant, _ _ n u st be rea listic ,' ling to dday their s child must have ow satisfying rela- Jam es’ adoption; pecific diagnoses, • ly and purchase of-

Iable for adoption.;' iho Department of. • Ifare. To find out Idaho C areLine •


assesident to perform , oce d u res a t a ; c iden t, p rov ide .- edures in a p re­setting, and b e -j

ibulance serv ices..■ agricultural set- i are certified in irdous materials, state and nation-I a s B as ic 'a n d rgency M edical

week of Jan. 22. na tion , call th e ,., ices deparlment -*t 2700 or Visit the I'­en building.

3st cocktails will Several M agicII partid p a te in ishes including i to , form erly o f ;Ves M iller o f . ; tesvold formerly r j J ta n T h o m a s 'o f r’" — )thers. 2^2.50 per person, •» g ra tu ity . T h ey -? • ise d a t D ick’s { l le y ’s G ardenr e ^ .game or money, 734-4154, Carol 1-3799 o r B o b . 554,Ext.2296.

e d u le sV endeliT he Am erican,"-Id a blood drive .j-------. Jan . 25 at the irch.ional Vblunteer , : th. . ' irraation o r t o ‘,‘ ment, call Mike • pn ai536:6151._

--------------- — --•>

r~r~MoRNg■ “ ACROSS fT-n"

..... -I.Unflappablo.;________5 Anclont Yemen “

^.lOToflHouM ; t - - cookle morsol

jT ' 14 _ Star Stalo ”-------15 Cfiriatmaa tune—

jt 16Takoon ■ ■I; i7Rudo mI IQWoyoH . " »'I 20 Chairman_ — —• 21 Slick wllh 0!, eilck 3S----I, 22 Northom

weasel » ”II 24 QrotulDos ^ !' 25 Dreary ' «i' 20 STravos _ _ I. 29 SupervisorI: 33 Uke a rainbow J ,t. 34 Car on call!'-35 Gossipy Barren m

- — II-36 Skiers’ride _[• 37 Savory jelly *•I 3a Assumed a —! . rocilning “

- • I - poslHon L - t 39 Container [ weightI 40 CO atlomallve 5 OuaiJ 41 A ia _ ' .l»os 42 Grounc) troops 6 Piilp- 44 Swindle 7 Now

45 Prickly ptanls cans46 Commei" B Lonfl

topped custard 9 Hype47 North or South lOScvc

ioUower chlol50 Now Moxico art 11 Pro-E

colony soun51 Aloro 12 Porsi 54Ughlboloo 13 Piorr 55 Prpnuncialion • 18 Cau

- mark 23 Cello58 Give oil 24 Noor59 Boss ol 25 TTio:

Tammany Hali 28 SIngi60 Sclonco 27 Cnilii

magazine 26 Tobic61 Baso cafoleria 29 Dollg62 Easy touch 30 Comi63 Choor (for) (rom

31 FomiDOWN 32 JudgI

: 2’Ms7Cha‘ fn 34'Wlnte , 3 Suspicious of njlort

4 Kauai oouvanir • 37 Copil-

- Virgo’s ob fresh start

IF JANUARY 17TII IS BIRTHDAY ... when pra on, you are up to it. You hi ural executive ability, a are passionate. When you 'to do som ething, nothir s tand in y o u r wayl Cap Cancer n a tiv es play imi xoles in y o u r life, coui 'these letters in names: I; I During February music, w

- and you will dance to yo tune. Spotlight will be on marriage and increased im . A RIES (M ar. 21-Api iObtain story behind the Something “very secret”, ing p lac e . D on’t fea

-unknow n.'ExpIoit it by i— '-and talking-about it-Gem

: resented.; TAURUS (A pr. 20-Mt I L unar position coincide I ability to make wishes con ;Be near w ater if possible ; begins as “light romance” • tin g h o t an d heavy.

*] involved.G EM INI (M ay 21-Jur

; Define term s, check real■ proposidon. Avoid self dfec ^Individual who cares abo J tells you , “ T ak e your I I Sound ad v ic e l Virgo fi• prominendy. •; CANCER (June 21-Jul ; Long-distance communi I verifies views. Individual a I out of nowhere to represei I ta le n t an d produc t in d I land. Capricorn will play d ■icrole.: LEO Ouly 23-Aug. 22): Ibeyond th e im m ediate. ; cha rge of y o u r own de• £>elve deep and you coulc ‘m ore th a n you care to involves financial status: who would be partner, mat ; VIRGO (A ug. 23-Sepi I Q uandary ex ists; you w !make fresh start, but the jobligations y e t to be fui ;lmprint style, check legal iand perm issions. Quest iinarriage looms large.;; LIBRA (S ep t. 23.0ct ; Obtain hint from Virgo m( 1 Reach dedsion concerning !don and motivation; you w jbe alone. Focus on Wme I riage and greater emddona Irity. Diet important!

B U IL D T H E SHELlThis rnale Australian Sl

' herd with one bluo eye found on Foothill Rd. He beautiful dog without an c

Get your 2002 dog llcei today at Addison Animal C

■ Green Acres, The Anirhal S or Magic Valley Vet.

IT ^ F A II S A M M A L ^1396thAve.-VSteL-




~ ^ I M I I I

I% Wedneedi

3uantiiiosoJ,. [mTe I dTTIc MCOiOfOMJ '■ A L I B I ■®ulp,wrKor»-’.- L , ; ,'low York stato p p . ■'I ■minal . ISIAIUSIMB^ng scarf H H B H liB l^yporsonsillvo |F[a| n |CI iTil Scvorolgn's- ' “ E C 0 k O QrWolsloward a c f b nW*ro-8toroo jYTpT^TTWoJ lOund systom’orsia, now L £ ig i£ A ^ p l ’iorro‘3 fothor - ■ ■ U d l i A J Daughl sight ol B A L l IeIrDolloge cheer |a |R| eIaW t | 4oar that placo IsTmaImM ^rtioSouth It A R aH T tjingor Smith:fliiiixJ .oblo rurinorJoilghlod 41 Abyss^mments 43 Komol■om Simba 44 Overcast'omi 0 bond 46 Aspectudging 47 Consider on’imineo ■ . 48 IHUllObl& ltil1/intor Palace 49 Slngor Jiors Kristolforson;opilvatc8 60 Not ko sh e r-

hligations-i rt;) Libra: Se[ IS YOUR I-----------------pressure is f J n iu have nat-{, and you SyCllyou ded d e [___________

SCORPIOim nnrrnnt E nterta ill atS You w ill e:c H n ' 7 Attractive int

r o " u P e . t ‘common sanl

i ° n " o ra r ’ SAGIITA!Anr 19V ^1): YouTl bethV stor^: P“ '-chos': of

V ™ t i " S _ ? q „ \ r i l s Z cn:p- CAPRICOB

■Moy 20): ides^withcome true. 'L tn A f . bhip w liar change; ketS 'iT ™ , Gemini, VirjV U b r a wiUpIaytopry. L ib ra a q UARIUIJune 20): M oney com. i , , source. Perhi

be assur,

•July 22); X“F ■‘“ 'i unioational appears P u P ^a n ty or

t T S s t a S q ^ te d ™ " ™ r y S a " !

2): Reach Ite. T ak e ' destiny .

)uld leamto know. i t f l f M I I us of one ** ^1 1 1 1 1 1 nate. ®. -,«**•ept. 22): •I want tothere are S iD E Mfulfilled. ------------------gal rights m M estion of 1 ^ 1 1 ■

Del. 22): message.

ling direc-uw iU not I w r n s m l ime, mar- I onal secu-

^ P p b M slatto^ ^ L l l JoaSonebotf c s l i ^■ B Lord of tha

H l J Oceans 11iLT E R !iShcp-C w asH e lsa .m owner. license ' al Clinic,al Shelter »—ntm uj

. I S

pctjonlli)C;- .• .•


-===■■■ :=lb== i 2==Jpp- 1

I t i i z : 1t/17/IK

ied«/<Pu^8e>wd ' • al ■ F|A| 8[fj|Q llTM |s) . b(B * t 8 |T |0 M U |T ]A [H l sti

B 't I r r B - I r r H

e d b B a y U ctI tI I

FiR l i l N l A l l ^ l A T z i n s I ra g n I q B e t u f f l tiv

v im

51 Patron Mini cl ^ sailors bu

52 Cllnlon's an , me

ini a j WAV out______ " ___5 6 ’Sands o J _ . hO'

>n Jimo* J57lnJavorol


;ee Virgo "OROSCOPE ■ ydney Omarr I

EO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): H and be en tertained . * ex u d e sex slppeal.

individual dedares, “I y keep my hands off I’t lose your head or / inse.ARIUS (Nov. 22 -D ec/ be involved in sale or of land or property, oning rules, home and Revise and rebuild;

3ur m akepver day!iv o lv e d ._ ________ _ _ _ _ORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):> re la te s to prom ise lative. Read and write, h lea rn . Travel plans

ceep options open. irgo and Sagittarius P | p roles.lUS aa n . 20-Feb. 18): ' tmes from su rp rise 9 rhaps it’s back royal- ^ ^ re d that you earned ^ • t id e recovered . Be * v ithou t being obse- ^ ra in picture. •(F eb . 19-M ar. 20): h

of dayl You will be at i a t special moment. on the rise, and you

contest. Love is unre-.I will get your share of ‘ ®

fc/4 :0 0 -7 :0 0 -9 :1 5 M A N 7 : 0 0 pm |


I I f 185 P«Ut TiOO • giBQ *» ( 10) saUjr^ 0 0 s« ■ ■>thCT Twm Movla

IT g«ntron fO TiOO '2!Jsisscxs)a<4S'e>iB t t f fTOiei«B-0.10-Oi«as u y a f i a « T a » i * i o o . ____i£OS(a)e>4a.e>4B !£|9(M) eiiS-S>4S O onB trflB^TiBO-BiM E£S]C19} T>B0.»{4S - >*beayf>Q> T>ao-Bi*» n iB S iC a ) rioo .srooCieopoM fTO TiOQ. S.SO

.2002____ ................ '______ __

______. •'

RunawayT deA R B Y : The holid

son is finM iyover - and i -p e o p le are-breaddng a col

sigh of relief. The pressure ing to m aintain a greetiii k ind o f fam ily facade is w helm ing for families a! experiencing problems. P a r e n ’t go ing to stop fij because it’s suddenly th e ti peace and love. And Johhr 'going to stop acting out, n t e r how much everyone d ifferen tiy .. ■

Family dynamics is the ; d ted by nearly 43 percent i who h a v e ru n aw ay - c th in k in g ab o u t runn ing from hornet-

P a re n ts should be espe alert to changes,in dieir « behav io r, including incr stress, wididrawal or bverv ing unhappiness. These are ing signs of a child in crisi who m ay ru n away to

Pirates rareQ. A lth o u g h m any p i

ra id e d m any ships, com tively little buried treasiu been found. Why not?

A . T h e y ra re ly g o t i w orth bu ry ing , those p ii And when they did, they < bury it, bu t prompdy split and tu rn ed ft into cash, v mostly they invested in run

A lot of women would r be among th e several wive rich rnan in lu xury th a r on ly w ife o f a, poor ma poverty;-Y ou-doubt that? Love and W ar man says i been a common attitude ii


B lu e L akes a n d P o le I 9 :0 0 a m - 1 1 : 0 0 am C e le b r itie s , in c lu d in g "B a tm a n " W est, w ill s C a r a n d g ree t lhe p u b H a n se n C h ev ro le t d ea

B lu e la k e s a n d Pole L• In terac tive sites a n d• VIP guests, includinj

Id ah o , political digni• A n ic e skating rink ii

lot, w e a th e r perm itti• E n terta inm en t in a g 8 :45 a m - High Risk 1 0 :3 0 a m -S ta n d a rd s

. 1 2 :3 0 p m -R e n e g a d e 1 :2d p m r Breached 2 :1 0 p m - C o l d Shot ' 3 :0 0 p m - Breacjshift

A t t h e C o llege o f S o u t 1 0 :0 0 a m “ N oon• CSI Ja z z a n d CSI Bai• Salt Lake O lym pic C

• • A w ards, Videos, patra n d BandLighting ofJhe .C au lc

• P resen ta tio n by Lane• T w in Fails High ScKc• A n d M ore!

Contactyour' section in the 1

,the detai Is, j ............... schedi

diotliheoiiday sea* r • - ■ - I a lo t of M W i g ujUective—- re of tiy- . ihg-card -

a lre a d y .P aren ts

lig h tin g I----------- -— —tim e for stressful situati

liny isn’t ’ nication with < no mat- keep them .ir

1 w ishes . where. TaJdng now may prevt

e reason lem later.It of kids T he Natii • o r a r e Switchboard is lg aw ay ignated comm

forhomelpss,n pecially youth. It is co r ch ild ’s , teer-;based and c rease d . 'P J e a s e ,’*Al rwhelm- y o ; ^ ,P®opIp, re warn- irig'ruining aw isis, one already have, 5 J a v o id with children i

sly buried t;> lra tcs Im para> u rc has

m u c h

r d id n ’t up,

, w hichum an d - E a s t, N ear anfe d h , ■- tu n e s . rH e r i

en c o u rag e d hra th e r take a second a

/es o f a share the work,a n th e • somebody to bo(ian i n T he rea! P llt? O u r w indow s cu st; i t h as th e ir garbage tin th e the thing to do.

L in e " F o u r C o rn e r " siI ■. ' 'g s in g e r P e te r C etera ar s ig n th e R elay C o rv e tt

ib l ic in th e sh o w ro o m i s a le r s h ip o n B lue Lakes

l i n e " F o u r C o m e r " sitd b o o th s fo r kids n g fo rm e r O ly m p ian s fn ;n itaries a n d ce lebrities.; in th e D ell C qm pute r C

g ia n t tent,- featuring th e

. 4 :05 p in “ Elvii Is ■ ■’5 :00 p m - 'l t ta r le . • (Original lead sin{

Revere and the Rc 6 :1 5 p m - E d d 7 :15 p m - Cob

u th e m Id a h o

a n dC o m m itte e w e lc o m e itrio fid sing ing w ith th e (

ildron-----------------i c e C low, M ayor h o o l D ru m C orps •

■ Times-News repr Thursday, Januar) .including a Map Juie of activities,-E

)fFershelpi■■.......... '■ ho

Q l foj............... • • I Thlations. Open commu- ofth children is vital to awiro m tu rn in g else-, thtng the tim e to listen' t phevent a-serious prob- exj

tinItio n a l " -R unaw ay cri1 is the federally des- vivam unication system S 1,-nm aw ayahd at-risk - '-R uconfidential, volun- a -indnot-ioi-:prgfiu,5,. yoi AI>by,‘ ^encourage Ip w hb 'are cbnstdfer’ . away, and those who 5, as well as parents n in crisis to call our



an d F a r , for, cen- ire , m a n y a’ w ife i h e r h u s b a n d to ia n d th ird w ife .T o . rk. And tp give her boss.P ilg rim s who had is to m a rily ~ th re w — e ou t sam e. I t was lo.

's i t e ■ Vi/es6;Qb

a n d a c to r A d am Recc s t te S ig n a tu re A rm n a t t h e R andy. " C o ces B o u le v a rd . th e f

s ite Lynw 9 :0 0

from so u th e rn Breals . co ffer C o rp . p a rk in g ;' Safe I

;UniUi e m u s ic of: ' • skydiIvis Im personator a n d rk L indsey th e Fi;ingej for Paul . T he FRaiders) ' , 10:QC

ddy H askell ' T h eS o b a lt B lije . ~


presentative today iry 24th edition of p of the Torcli Rou -afid more! G a // /


. / k

r- . . ’ • :

rtodbspeKhotline, (800) 6 2 1 ^ 0 0 0 '^ an ac t of desperatiori J s ’coi

-ted.------ ---------------*------- --CATHLEENCARO . NATIONAL RUNA


for a tim dy and im portant 1 The s tree ts of m ajo r citie ofteii the only “home” youni aways are able to find. Om the stree ts, they a re a t ris physical violence, 'disease exploitation, They becomi tims of crim e or even rese crime them sdvM 'iridrdw 'ti vive. ‘ '

S in c e 1971, ?he Naiti Rimaway Switchboard has a -v a lu a b le to o l fo r run : youth, tee n s in cr is is and


1 1 | ■ V i l 3

I 'I I 3 9 ^ ' 1

/e s t C o a s t H o te l '0 0 p m -7 9 :0 0 p m : s c e p tio n fo r U n i te d S ta rm y P a r a c h u te T e a m , G o ld en K n ig h ts " , o p g n e p u b l i c .

n w o o d S h o p fiitig iG j^ te f }0 a m -eakfast fo r the ' p u b lic w it f f e e o r h o t c id e r fo r $3 .0 fe H o u se . •l i t ^ S ta tM A rjiiy‘Pairacf /d iv in g from 12,SbQ '/eet, d lan d in g in th e c e n te r o J Filer A v e n u e s id e . ,-,j e F irst Ju m p - .T o brirfg ii ':00 am .e S e c o n d Ju m p - A rount

ly about your ad ir of T iieT im es-N ew 3ute, Torcli Runner 733-0931 to reset


before . cem ed W ends a xmmit- bers. It provide^ — T—r* sisTntervention*) tOLAN, vices on a 24-hoii (AWAY offers m essage' BOARD ■ runaw ays and p ink you guard ians, edut t lener. reach services; i ies are ' the Hoin«f F ree j mg nm- nersh ip with' Gr )nceon Inc. (All services i risk for T h e N ation se and S w itchboard i tne vie- Parent Informatii tsort to_ _ h e lp s parents idt • to siir- dieir child may 5

running away froi Itional do if.a du ld ruins isbeen ‘ fo 'd e a lw ith the naw ay The guide is also id con- who contacts the I


■ M



n to

/ith a b r e a l^ s t 's q n d w ic h .00 . P ro ce ed s g o to M agi

c h u te T eam , " G o ld e p Knet, p e rfo rm i6g a' 3 5 -m in u o f tiie LyiTwbbd park jng

/1 in th e O ly m p ic Flarrie ai

-■.vif' • • ‘-nd 2:6j^ p m to e n d th e fe

in'tijecomniemora /vs! headers will fir 3r profiles, a detail( erve your spot! “

■ C C '-;-- '■

parents’Is and family des con^dehtial c^- on 'ahd re ferra l'sq r— hour hotline. I t also ig e 're lay .b etw een id paren ts o r legal education and -biit* is, and administers ee p r o g r i in paft- f Greyhound’Lines ces are free.) io n a l R unaw f^1 p u b lish e s tl;re lation Guid^-whith : identify signs diat ly B e c o n ^ p Ia d flg from home, what,to ■uns away, a ^ how th e child’s return, also fi^ anyone - i ie hotline.

ich dn d lagic Valley

K n ig h ts" in u te sh o w ng lot on

e a ro u n d ;

2 festivities. '

jrativ^ ■ ' ; find all I ailed ; i


t _ ' _

' I ^ P S r 'TTw T ln w W a w i .

- JEROME-Recent aa : District Court in Jeror included:

AnalgnriierrtsaiKlapiK- Charles Jason Bishop, 100 Z ; Jerome; driving

-.ijinuence: failure to s i^ n e of an acddent; ^

jdrug paraphernalia; pi .hearing Feb. 4; Magisti;KanyWood.-------------; - |^ ic k R. Calvert, 47,1 Jerome; aggravated assa a deadly weapon; pre-tr enre 11; juiy trial

■■'Magistrate7u3geTfcirTy\ Jordan David Dento:

18th AVe.,E., Jerome; ;aggrayated assault; ui exercising the function officer;'unlaw ful poss

.^ea im Iw convicted March'II. Separate c

of controlled substan £ o n of a controlled subsi rtencing March 11; M •Judge Bany Wood i'- William D. Falconburg, ;100 E , Jerom^ battery oi ■tional officer; possesslo [paraphernalia; pre-trial c March 11; ju ry trial ^ Magistrate Judge Barry n

Kasie Racquell Lee L 94 N. SOO W.. Jerome; ch. insufficient funds; se Rfach 11; M a^tra te Jui

---------W eirG rafft’Peflerson.i ^ x 571, Hailey; driving i ilnfluehcc; bond hearing ’Magistrate Judge Barry W >;‘Brent_Ai:den Reece, 4

_ EisenhowCT, Jerome; driv: ShVfrifIuerice;-prelimfiiar J a n . 28; ju ry trial A Magistrate Judge Baity W _ Danny J. Briggs, 32 ,4C Ave. E., Jerome; criminal of.court; status hearing s

'Feb. 11; Magistrate Jud ; Wood. ';wRebecca Ann Diaz, 34, Ofourth, Jerome; che^ fra ;fi'dent funds; pre-trial co ^Feb. 11; Magistrate Jud: ■Wood.

Casey Xnn Grove, 20,5: • \E., Jerome; failure to p

‘invalid driver’s license; Jconference -Feb. 11; Ma iJudge Bany Wood. ■. "^ Antonio H; Hernandez, ^0 0 W., Jerome; driving u ^influence; driving .witho ^eges; underage possessior ihol; pre.trial conference .Magistrate Judge Bany Wc


B | B 5 P S b B

^ ^ S W ric

^ ^ I N V Q

T H E R E (____________ Brook t' ^ Paradise Pl; activity in Sth driving; pr srome County ll;M a»str

Edwin t........................2160 Bob I

ippearances. , under thei iop,3J,250.N. ference Fel ing )inder the HiomasH.!0 stop a t the « , .; i^ossession of .Sentencini ; preliminary Alan J. A;istrate_Judge__ _N., Buhl; dij

, fine, $300; 7, P.O. Bo* 3, supervised issault; use of ' ja il, 60 su e-trial confer. Judge Thonrial March 20;_____Julio C. JryWood. 3800 E., Htnton, 22, S27 less drivinj ne; robbery; . pended, $i ; unlaw fully ' months’ su] lion of peace days in j ossession of Trans^rtalfelonj.semenc-___ invalid/failute case: deliv- license, foili itance; posses- insurance; ubstance; sen- tor; Magisti

M agistrate Borresen.■ Juan M. I

urg, 39,109 S. River Road yon a correc- the influent ssion of drug pended, $i al conference months’ sup ll M arch 20; days’jail, 1C y Wood. - driver’s lice s Larsen, 22, ing or obst check fraud, missed by p sen tencing Judge Thom Judge Bany Filemon G

ion, 4 Z ,.rro r V.influencc; $/ng under the ed, $63.50 c•ing Jan . 17; 'defendeff«yWood. vised probaJ, 40, 932 N. 110 suspendiriving under___ X80 daysLdrnary h ^ n g sion. Failur1 A pril 10; driver’s lict i Wood. suspended,; ^405 Fourth m onths'su] ual contempt M agistrate lg scheduled Borresen. Fudge Barry Wade Tra

Monroe Plac 34,130 West' ' to piinJi'as^ fraud, insuf- $150 fine, $1 1 conference coun costs, J Fudge Barry months’ uns

five days in ),515N. 400 M agistrate 0 purchase/ Borresen. se; pre-trial Wallace VM a g is tra te .....Lane; Corvt

...............under the ncz, 19, 66 S; $500 suspend lg under the 12 months’ s thout privi- 180 days in sion of alco- 180 days’ dri ice Feb. 11; sion;Magistr Wood. Borresen.


! EXIT 185

' - ~ ; y

c G. M artens, 19,^693 t Place, Twin FaUs; r ^ e s s pre-trial'conference Feb. strate Judge Bany Wood. '1 1. Payano-Izaguirre, 26, b Barton, Jerome; driving • le influence; pre-trial con- Feb. 11; Magistrate Judge EL Borresen.

lings• Alves, 38,220 n iird Ave. 1disturbing the peace; 5300_t-fl>0 suspended, 24 months’ fl ed probation, 90 days in fl suspended; M agistrate | lomas H. Boncsen. - H :.Jslas-Lastra,-27,-3117-N.— U Hansen; inattendve/carc- H ing; $300 fine, $200 sus- I , $63.50 court costs, 12 I supervised probation, 90 |1 ja il, 88 suspended, tation of open container, dlure to-purchase drivci^s— / ailure to provide proof of _ e; oismissed by prosecu- istrate Judge Thomas H.

i Lopez-Olivares, 31,1719 >ad, Buhl; driving under ince; $750 fine, $550 sus- I $78.50 court costs, 12

fupervised probation, 180 [, 101 suspended, 180 days’ icense suspension, resist- . )structing officers; 'dis- ® y prosecutor; Magistrate - smas H. Borresen. |iiG . Maldonado. 29.96 W.

3 c o m costs, $50 public ^ fTO, 12 mohtHs’ unsuper-' “ bation, 180 days in jail, mded, 53 days credited, .jlriv e r’s Jicense .suspen-___“ure to purchase/invalid icense; $150 fine, $150 O' d, $63.50 court costs, 12 superv ised probation; ^ te Judge Thom as H. ti'

‘ravis Stephens, 30, 361 'Iace,'Twin Falls; failure . 1« /in v ^d driver’s license; J $100 suspended, $63.50

s, $35 probation fee, sixmsupervised probation, Rin jail, five suspended; olte Ju d g e Thom as H. Ki

i Weber, 67, 4S0 Quasi S rvallis, Morit.Tdriving— _; Tnfluehce;'$750 fine, _ jided, $78.50 court costs, - p. i’ supervised probation, in jail, 178 suspended, ^ driver’s license suspen- j sthite Judge Thomas H. tn


^ 1

A M e m l


> ,• • . V ■ : ~

—A honie eaU hay on-a ridge 1

The Associated Press

Legislative action conSRI03 (Risch) - S e ts j

Senate staff.

Introduced In House

-loElstaiivtrbiideerwnisnff: money from the Idaho Milli Income Fund only for tobac vention and control program i

HB434 (Appropriations) - • an emerRcncy $17

ation to finance tussock mo troL

HB435 (Appropriations) - im emergency $4 million apj tion for wildfire suppression.

HB436 (Appropriations) -

Kootenai CCOEUR D’A LEN E (-

Radon is the second-highesi o f lung cancer, an d Kootenai County residents know some area homes ha

.. highest levels in the nation. - “Spokane and C oeur d’

a r t pre tty unique,” said ; Riddle, co^nvner of Cavalier *a radon m itigarion con tr “We’re not fadng a simitnr; the rest of the countiy. The counties test five to seven

i M


m b e r o f t h e G a r y ' s

TE 84 • TWIN FAll

9 Tuesday new Kailspell.-Montr

- I d a h c•’ an emergency S

for the lieutcnajirap le tesp ay for framSpercemi

cation from tlie ' . support researd

Growers and W• uins lori^ o c a te ProvidejTthatth illemiium ^ny. in additior lacco pre- land, be added •ncffoi^ rolls when ihere I - Makes from exempt to tjppropn:---- HB439-(Reveinoth con- Reduces the ti

which certain c I-Makes property are dee ippropria- . subjea to state c 1- HB440 (Revei-Makes- Qarifies tl:e exis

County me:(AP) - the national ave

est cause K oo tenai ( i m any requirement foitsdono t to indude at Ie:have the ventilatihg syst<n--------- --------Radon gas isd’Alene " u ra l breakdovd Sylvia uranium in soilerCorp., in to hom es th;tractor. foundations andu-risk as J h e U.S. Eritiese two tection Agency’;n times four picoCuries



i W e s H a h d F a m i ^

' ^ ..... ■

I a g n i f i c e n t

r t r l h e Sw an M ountfllnsfomi th

O LEGISLy $1 1 3 ) appropriation deinant governor’s expens- am

tie:ate Affairs) - Increases Jnt to 7 percent the allo- Inclie excise tax on wine to $nirch for the Idaho Grape Coi Wine Producers Com*

ivcnue-andJaxaiion)— ----- {the value of real projK Ma

ion to the value of the jja 2d to new constructionire is a change of status i-* to taxable.venue-and -Tjixation)----------S; time period before ly c n types of unclaimedIcemed abandoned and to I:e aistody. bevvenue and Taxation) - Sudsting disallo^rance of Res

s a s u r e s n a t i i :iverage.” ver

County has no redfor new construction Sleast a passive radon rad'Stem. havis formed by thc nar- ■ “ Sta:lown of radioactive cenoil. Radon gas seeps 'rth ro u g h cracks in to h

Uld concrete. umSrivironmental Pro- outiGy’s “action level” is flooies per liter, bccausc 11



S A \E'


Holiday R Seahawk by Gulf


HunfcaiA ll

y, o t Deahr$hipi; - i

' Thunds)


I T M o n t a n a

^ l l

r t h e backdrop. ^

LATIVE Ideductions for net operating 1 and capital losses incurred in i ties not.taxable in Idaho.

HB441 (Revenue and Taxati Increases the direshold from S SlOO above which the State Commission must publish noti newly acquired accounts unde Undmmed Propei'tj Auu---- ——HB442;(Rcvcnue'and‘Taxai]' Makes t.edmical corrections t< Idaho Income Tax Act.

Introduced In Senate- - SB1287 (Brandt)-•Adds-“kntJi ly or intentionally" to laws ag; selling, giving, (umishing or cat to be sold, given or fumished alt beverages to anyone under 21.

SB1288 (Commerce and Hu Resources) - Changes legal req

ion’s highesventilation systems can rea reduce radon to below that lev

Since 1990, about 62 percer radon tests in Kootenai Coi liave met or exceeded that lc Statewide, tlie statistic is 35 :ent.

'riie high readings are belie :o be from large amounts of ui jm in the granite-strewn gla )utwash of tlie ancient Misst lood.

The EPA estimates up to 30,

= ^ R E E



Holiday R Rambler Travel f i l b l r e m T r d v e U

Rood Trailers, Winn

Lance Campi ane Motorhomei Upenlhe Campei

S u m

PoUliIs-Sn:■ I

[a g i g V a l l e y


=L O G — -g losses ments for and rest 1 activi- tion agendes.

SB1289 (Commtation) - Resources) - ProviI SSO to of farm labor contrate Tax SB1290 (Commcnice of Resources) - Extentder the insurance coverage

Ition) ,- . • SB1291-(Coinmc to the Resources)-Ddete

ment for agriculti exempted from thc wage because the piece-rate basis,

imnng. SBI292 (FifiJHi igainst , emergency $137,40 ausing for pest control, alcohol SBI293 (Finant

emergency S32300: luman the Hazardous Su equire- gency Jlesponse Fun

S t l e v e l s o f , readily lung cancer death; evei. from radon. But t; rent of deaths to radon eJ :ounty cult, level. _ “T here’s a higl 5 p e r ;; smokers in Kooten

in other parts of t lieved Kara Stevens of tli unmi- Environment Progi facial D epartm ent of He jsotila fare. “There’s no i

d iffe ren c e betwi JO,000 radon.”

E W A ^

lV /J O NI

lU G ling Pflc y Invoic

lUmbler Mf>t<)rh< A 5thjWiMjJlB

5th Wheel Tn fMdtrekMotorhf inebagd Mbtorhf WIS, Weldaaft E !S, Sandpiper Tra :i5, Blue Water ! lueekeriMotorho n o w m o b l l » ^ J )

I» j,li im u ir l7 ,2 0 0 2 T ln n r tl™ ,

J Y /I l i )A H O

restriction on collec-.

Timerce and Human rovides for licensing

nmerce and Human lends unemployment rage to employees of

rimcrceand Human Jetes the age iwiuire-. rultural employees'I the state minimum! they are paid on al

ia n c e )~ ifE lte n in “ .........7,400 appropriation

lance) - Makes an 500 appropriation for i Substance Emer- Fund.

'.radon ■■aths eadi year are Lit tying individual n exposure'is tliffi-

ligher.num ber of jtenai County than of tlie state,” said if tlie Idaho Indoor rogram, run by tliL* r Health and Wel no way to tell the ;tw een tha t and

^ I

r ^

f , ■

E !cedce* ■

'homes,r r ^ l e i s , _ ______

f r ^ e i s , - —

homes,homes,(Boats,Fralleis, r Btwis;“ "Ihomesr~ATVs.


-.y, ;y - ;

J,----- ^cr^ lnw lfaw ^T iW F iiB


j - p S fL _ . . ‘ D EN VER-(AP)-Sc V- ■' the bubbling black de

mal hoc spring in Idah a unique community thrive without sunlight

Sdentists say the 01 •. similar to life as it rai

and other planets.The one«elled orgt

Archaea, grow by con tha t is produced by h w ith b ed ro ck 600 Beaverhead M ountaii

• ....... tiny amoums“of metha;of e irw e ird raetabolL

Although types of A

has firj hearin

N EW PO RT, O re. ( m an who had been on i “ T en M o s t-W a n te d ”

- — aJJegedJy-fcfiling his-Ath re e c h ild re n m ade court appearance Wee h is f irs t in O regon si

r esort___ _____________C hristian Longo,'27‘

- no eraotlon during the which he jo ined via cli c u i t te le v is io n frora ]County ja il . __________

’ ’ H e gave b rie f answi judge’s questions, sayir w hen asked if he woul court-appo in ted atto rr “ no, I am n o t” w hen £ was in a posidon to hire

Longo w as to b e a n- la te r W ednesday bn chi

a g g r a v a te d mTirder d e a th s of h is,w ife, Ma L ongo, 34 , ' a n d cl Zachary, 4, Sadie Ann, Madison, 2.

Bail has been set a t S____lion .__________________--------- ^Longo-arrivedin-O rt

Tuesday night on a cora■ flight to Portland from H

w here he was initially he h is a r re s t S u n d ay in ' Mexico, a resort town 6' south of Cancun.

Longo, w ho fled to r - — using a s to len’c r e d ir ra

identifica tion , w aived e tion.

“ H e k n ew e v e n tu a would have to go back, J e f f L u d w in , L o n g o ’s appointed attorney in Hi “He seemed very alert ai aw are of th e ch a rg es a him.”

L in co ln C o u n ty D: A ttorney Bernice said W sh e had dec id ed w heth would seek th e death pi bu t refused to disclose he sion.

T h e bod ies of Longo’ a n d c h ild re n w e re fou

■ coastal in lets in Waldpo New port betw een Dec. 3 Dec. 27.

Longo fled on Dec. 27 S an F ran c isc o In te rn a l A irp o r t to M exico, whe first stayed a t a youth ho C ancun an d th e n movei b ea ch cam p in Tulum a: Jan . 7.

T he FBI placed Longo “Ten Most W an«d” list F A M ontreal woman notici picture and remem bered li seen him a t a iiostel in Ci between Dec. 27 and D ec.;

Longo, who owned a con tio n c le a n in g b u s in e i Ypsilanti, Mich., moved wi fa m ily to th e N ew port abou t th ree mbrtths befor bodies of his wife and chi w ere found.

T hey re ported ly le ft b( 560 ,000 in d e b ts . Lonj

. nam ed in six law suits see more than S30,000 and is • ed on two w arrants in Mid fo r p ro b a tio n v io lation a

— larceny-chargo.--------- ------

F in in < l lN > \ 'I ln i^ ,J in ia iy l7 ^

O & t S f-Scientists-plumbing f o t: depths of a geother-* an’daho have d i^ v e re d iity of microbes tha t ; Thightoroxygen. BJ organisms are very in imight- exist on Mars • on

. • But•rganisras, known as - ai:onsuining hydrogen are y hot w ater reacting;, ri'0 fe e t below . th e . mi(tains. They produce ithsthane a s~ a l^ ro a u 5 . d ^wlism. . ; - ,• giaf Archaea have been 'm ^

rst S

M• - A 3n the FBI’s d ’M is t fo r is-Avife-and— de a b r ie f Wednesday,1 since his

27, showed "he hearing, closed-cir- I

ra L incoln

sw ers to a lying “yes”ould like a > IW p iW Morney andn asked ifire one.a rra ig n e dcharges of ':r in th e M a r y ja n e "

c h ild re n nn, 3, and W

It S2.S mil-

Dregon on ommerdol ^ n Houston,held after B H i s R n Tulum ,1 60 miles

0 M exico•rard-a'na------ — ■ H g jd extradi- P j H ^ j

u ally h e ick,” said >’s court*Houston.

t and was s aga inst

1 M onday....2th e r sh e 'I penalty, .■ her ded-

go’s w ife found in Iport and ' ' c. 19 and

27 from

/h e re he hostel in ved to a 1 around

go on it Friday.' ticed his id having I Cancun JC. 29. construc- . ness in1 ^vith his i'" ^>rt a re a ifore the 'children ^ ^ ^ = = = =

: behind ongo is seeking is want*lichigan f|fol® §[-i>3S n and a |

m f ®WSM:

7^002 V . : ’



D e ta ils o f ih B ^ sc o v e ry rhursday’s issue of um Nature

Most Ufe on Earth Opuri^< in th e presence of water, but m o^Q'ge^ sunU ^t and orgai But conditions on th e re s t b f t - and perhaps beyoKd the sok ire far more jjostUe. .■

A strobio logists said thesi nicrobes closely resem ble ^ g i n e m fry; b a r ^ surface of Mars oi 'la c ie rs o f E uropa , one of noons.''-

oNJsaiuNVRiU^tV^AL n


Wdbx»NR.>UVt> . 0N4CREEN Ml


*2235 )^ 5 3 1 1 i PHILIPS SS" oiorr,

. ;j wfHD^wyiiijf w l i l l w ^ S 30 SURRo'^ M a l B S a SOUND. 24W dbva STEREO, ON.SCn

riP H IU P S ii. PH1UP8 SO" PROJE B S m K l P TV W/2-TUNER F m 2 ^ | H . SURROUND W/dbx* raWpW*Ji '! STEREO 90UN0, R{ riffM itW n" &SIDEA/VJACI


B S E = = 5 7 ^ RCA 01' PROJECnCBM l l l C i i wrm PIP* MAST53SB*33^^ TOUCH* UNIVERSf OUMH- HE-DAR

|B |a a |g |S | |B On-Sersan Program

@ l» 1 6 9 !



J^Wjj^utoTJjeking - i

___ *149



F s o s s l- ' I i B O S S S T E N O

\ ■■j'A i» ..= a l AtWA HIGH POWE 45WX4 CD RECEIVI


. -i 7-CYCLEWASHER . . , .. J W/1 WASWaPIH SPEI . i , • r i 'i * WAsnmiNSE temi SETTINOS A WRINKI

c - fseecycle £bB H r^CM^AAllalorWltnSV Lml».fWSRl0700WW

J i * 2 6 9iipa©ss»=

S S I E E B . . .

iclds u;nits’*£s"uhlilce ^ “Noself

to b e on ry ap jjea r in • Universig ure. Baker, whc[^ e s not only “But if die )ut also relies • mafrost, y< • g ^ c carbon. Earth andi of the planets Microbe solar system - ject of spe

ihg them lese, real-life, this study, le w hat they and univei * b e n e a t h - t h e ■ a decade 1( s o rth e 'th ic k Some pl o f J u p i te r ’s the ocean: . . . , life.fbrm s


| l “ =Dion’AL SOLUTION XtVZR W/HD2 TUNER PIP, IggaigM t^ ^ ^ 8* OOLO~ ta B taK m Z M B I PROGRAM

9 9 3-BA»lU l a j g ^ I

' h S&!!w *31" HDTV

<ERp'.n> p B p y •


9 9 i ^ SCAN 10801"*---- mMUiaVBW



WOUND i W ^ J M / ^ i S l S s ibxSHt-Fi ■ J L s K g T R S i SCREENiMOTE' I *gy<a

9 9 | ^ HER PIP, dbx* HI-FI

HONES flnfc:R/owSal

w i a iniONTV ainw-. ■ ASTER __ERSAL- ^ ^ ^ K a S ^ W k y rDARKd*o SylMm ' i. £ , S

1 9 1 M iIDOTION:reen - J f S S S S liT/i-YR l^UifL:MMiNo I M r r r H P B v j iig - Front U - . ' I I


IHraa; '


9 r - : : ^ '10ntRftlut'l*r Nylon - 7 ^OurabM.


EL I b ^ H B rS B Sjmlnatlon rc* Laval

1 ^ * f ^ = - ^ ' '^ ^ THOTPOwrr.fl

■ ■-..........f JINKLE



inusud2lf-Fe^pecting o rgan i^ w o i^ tn th e surface of M ars,^ i O-Of, Arizona h y d ro lo ^ -^ rho did not parddpate in th e i

are in the rocks below; thi you could^bring samples ba

id look for ve^gftfi nf rtipm » bes like thesie have been the peddadon for 30 years. But n Was another, m ah e r;'Ju s Iy, a 'team of seven goven i 'ersity sdendsts spent more ! looking fo'r^pcomising Ibcafi places, like hot sulfur v ^ i n floor, support rich and s tr ns.. B ut they ;are n o t e n d


R E S 1 /3 1 /0 2


ft 2-WAY SPCAKCRS )l9il LEO Dliplay . t» Tr»ck.

$ ^ 7 g n



a a M wrrn PIP ft UNIVERSALPLUS OLOW REMOTEtg^M • Tilllnoiul Oik-Scr»«n Manu

To-700 fi!M.*o{.'»^onttJ. i f i H RMoluUon-EqulSoundr.II * 479M=Yin SONY 324NCH STEREO


ft UNIVERSAL REMOTE • Oyflamie Foeua~ CIruillrv -SpaaOSurl Tunlno-FfonlAW

1 * 9 9 9SONY 38’ WEOA™ TV-J1209



■ *179^ COLO_ EWFINDER,’ ■ f t REMOTE ft PICTUra

STABILIZER'•. Quiii-ln Auto Light •• OV — InputnulpufOlglUlitlll Output 'g i r . r ’

1 * 5 9 9__HITACHI 4-HEADin ti . VCRS H W/AUTO CLOCK SET n & REMOTE• Froni A/V Inpvl Jack • 7- j ■ H Preon>m/1.Y»ar • OivSercanS M«H,.OIglUIA>itoTrKkl»o-

I * 8 9I




PANEL- Irt^ l* ie FM * 6 AM SttSleo PrvMH I


1 * 2 2 9 Is i l puumlhMwlvwwrAw .

» ! ia !

1 underilldwant ■ devoid of organ !,".'said • bits of d k a y e d t-Vidor. - - floor'andprovidi lesnidy. .< ,H ie 're sea rd i the per: •. canically acriv back tb -. -hom e to 80 p e ro ” , ‘ and half o f its g< * e sub- . were looking for :utfiiid-,'.| m entthathadw ; ru st:fo r' . - ^ brtfrganicca rniiiM t ; lUey zeroed in ir e th w / ' wdling up near ations.-— -With the helpib ents on, '. , Wilson; th ey sa strange:, • ih s tru ia e n ts 6C n tire ly .: S p ring where tl



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k s S ^ f f i S M s i l l

'• V.'«M200W,'. ' '■

r ^ o u n c

ian ic’w fa ^ n so u n :^ ,s in c e . ed plimt'life drift to Ae sea' ride.fd^ ,•dl t ^ surveye^ithe vol*' tive.Ycllowis'tohe region,:

3 gM thdinal features. They for a subterranean environ-'1 water but no sunUght, oxy-': carbon. ■ • •iiiijoA ithe Lidy Hot Springs lar thejldaho-Mbntana Une.. p; of landow n^C barles'E '.~san k specially d e s i r e d 600 fe e t down into th e

2 the subsiiiface. water was •

LL. u u j u di - W'Q y L~U L

IHI-FIVCR* i WITH PURCIJ -i'l.r'COLOF■ ' VCR will TV PUIlCiaSE UKDE J . . •Not^pllatbloto^




1 *2 6 9 IJVC3a" TVW/DUAL "



FORTVWCWDVD ' I B—ft ON-SCREEN MENU--- j VV 3 AV Input A s-vidao ' | H

* 6 4 9 : iJVC DVD/cb VIDEO' PLAYERW/DOLBY* ''


REMOTE.• 1D-DK/27 MHl VkMo D/A ’i^& a I Convaitw • AV CoinpullAk •I e«paraia AA' CloulU. ■ ■



FUNCTION REMOTE- DuW-ln Amo Ugm • Pletura ’ilB IsiaboitM • Up To eo« D«n« :M nm ^WHhSuparVHSaSup. U K



MTS/SAP ft REMOTE • 8QPD For PKvback or 9-VH3 .

Inmw^Oo.SeliaflMaSS'l AA'Inpvla-IDJrilcranHMda. I^H I

* 6 9 - "PIONEER lOOWxS


REMOTE 9.1 CKamal Inputi

;* i67: pJENSEN (M>a HOME THEATER SPEAKERS I f l i Sc B r f s ° S 5 f f i . I m

• ' “ WPJWWUL“■ " s s s g r ^ ' ■




^ 169 ! l

----- -------------------

dmicrci . . ,137,degrees.'nieycoUe( I \,w ithfilte rs. 1 , ’ .,

- ;v ‘ In light o f th e findii . said the question shou

, ’ w hether extreme life eji 5/ elsewhere^ ■ •' . “R ather, did life ori, ••_ was it, transplanted frc

University of Colorado • tis't Bruce Jakosky.' . O th e r m icrobes i

' Yellowstone region am • environm ents hav e b e ' ized. Since they can thr

peratiu-es and ev w in b. - are used to dean up'polll



lf» N h . SYSTEM ft STCREI [IHV\^ HEADPHONES\ l ^ j r ■ tot*42a .

s y ^ a *




H H t t l R C j f l T l rca 38”; TVWiT qlo-h REMa

f Sriiam «m S a S fS m S W ^ B i ’Ramota-COn.3owt<i— Hb

w' N T08H1B PLAYER. I « OTS*


ESvi'-''-' ItfftflUIBAI DI8PL«

8mm SHAf screen

^ K H IV.V M il WITH 1&OPTI■z b eSh II r ■ ! ■ ! Pl rback Wl

" • ' TEAC 500^ POWER H<^ ' -■ . receive


SWITCHINI .BANDWIO 30 Pm«u Timar • 2 ■AO-OflZM..

' CERW powerfi 8PEAKE

W/12fl - HANDUI - rLOflo-Thr Doma TwMta 0 * ^ • Low Dama.fE.78^■1 '7!aiwadioi

s y o iCD CHANi


-ft RE



AdroBB From T ^..M aglo^V B llayM v v i 4 1 4 P 6 L E L I I

- :-R O A D 'E .

2 0 8 7 ^ # 8 (CONTRWTIMS Off s e t ^ ouL («»:

.... . 1

■ ' " • ____ ________

o d fe slUeded the hiicrobes

id ings, re searchers longer be 2 exists on Mars, m d .

orig inate there , or from E arth?” said

ido planetary sden-

3, in th e >

bei^com m ercia l* ~ thrive in high' tem-

ji battery ad d , they JoIlUtion. ■' ■ ■■ ;

^ er"1REEN I

ASE O IJ H B w OVER KPorPu/c/iaso' : '‘S






1 B 9 :

. 38” STEREO COLOR 'WITH UNIVERSAL UMN-THE-DARK”EMOTE CONTROL lflh.Parfo»man«# VIdao m • Matlar Touch*

----------nan Program Oulda.


1 3 9



1 2 7

ERWIN-VEOAERFUL8-2.WAY'*AKER STSTEMVu .«128 WATTS : IDUNOPOWER’' ' ig-Throw Woolar iil* oMtar • Oau .Rallai

^ T e a



9 7 - 1 ^ - ^

E s s M S b " - ;rnuc RANOE


t S 0 l

i n o fM m U L I N E ■

3 6 0 #

^ h e ' T i m g s ^

D o n

' b v e r l o p l

. u n l i k e l y ]

- a n d - Q E

’ Even when the _ _ and dry, it’s not an <

gefaroundiiL ; ;■ Mounds of lava roc ; dom lyandatvidoO s I .ingcountlesspockets ; 'a foot or even swallow

b die Hat spots, the _ : thick enough to grab

• ; I every side, forcing.! 'change direction eve::

I - D uring m y most* there , it was co.ver<

' snow with about the : tency as block Styrof

sage had gone from d ■; ficult to darned-near ir ; I alm ost hadnV gc ; day. With p l ^ ty o f (

freezer, I hadn’t the load up my boat and d a cold winter SUndaj

: content to just sit a t ho ~ — L-watchin^ tolo\ricibn a

L ba.(

: In to THE. : OUTSIDE

MadHehz sec 1 L _ _ _ roh.

F; both cottontails and ; pretty plentiful in the

rock piles, and IVe freq there alone or with a fri

: them. But this time, Td 1 try finding a coyote. Tl J r d been ther6, r d pac [ gun for rabbit hunting 1 enough, I had spotted a I stood in a small dearii ; of hundred yards off -

belligerently-almost aj ' I had only a short-range

----------So w th -m y favoriteered rifle hand, I got ou: called the dog to my sid

, ed hiking., The going was brutal

{.bu t the day was gorgec to m ake m e g lad I ’c

.! tnyself out of th e hous I was immaculate, and t ' just, cold e n o u ^ to kee ; sweating as I puffed alor

The dog was overjoye<■ side. He dashed.atout,

snow, huffing andam usi by snorting jackrabbits c hiding places.

; Each time we reach ' spot, I would stop and m; . ful survey of th e land : ; I«cept for the sleepyhi ; fic on a d istan t freewi I c a ^ and silent. No coyoi I themselves. But the fui 1 went, the less I cared ab : any game.

Several crows and ra ■passed at d ifferen t int< when I saw a large, dark ing in our g e n e ra l dir didn’t think much of it. Bi closer, its size gave me pj

.......began to pay closer atteniIt was a fully m ature B

■ the first one Td seen inI wptched witli a smile as I overhead and continue ; the Snake River, obviousl ; ously involved in its bu .■ ^ v e my dog and I even 1 glance.

Minutes later, we toppt rise and I saw a flash of gr the brush. But before I ha even think about should rifle, I realized it was a n doe thatl-saw.

I t was a p le a sa n t : : because Td never seen < ; even deer sign ^ out here [ coiled as if he were read . chase, but I scolded hin

__I J ie ld his ground. We sto; still as another deer, and : e ra l-th e n still more popp

th e brush and t ro tte d j bucks, but they all appear well-fed suid very healthy.

A fter the deer had paj ; gone away, IJe t the dog r ; and we wound our way bai ; car.! For every trip that I car 1 from with a bag full o f\ ; mess of fish or a wild stor : there must have'been a hi

. ; like the little w n te r ’s.dt - took into the brush.! ■ It was one of those trek : Vvhich nothing rea lly ha] And ybt, everything did. .

•' M ark H e im covers cri \^rtsJbrlheT im (^N eii& :

I Ask the offlcenI Using dogs to I ca tchacat. ’

I Page D2“^

N e w ^ ■ ' - - ' -■

n ’t

pk the I^places' "imes — -^ o u n d is d ea r E

m easy place to___ »____ ■

rock pop up ran- IIlls aiigles, creat- ■2ts that can twist ■low a whole leg. ■the sagebrush is ■rab at you from Iig.a traveler to. Irery few steps. I•st re cen t t r ip ' Ie re d in crusty Hhe same consis- Hrofoam. So pas* Hn dow nri^t dif* Hir impossible. I'g o n e out that ■3f ducks in thc ■he ambition to Hd decoys. It was ' Hday, and I was H; home, reading, - Ha-and napping— ----- ! - ■B u t my dog’s Hp adng ,s igh ing - -----and whines of H b o r e d o mforced mejnto___ ____ Haction. H

After a mod- H est drive alongbapk roads to Hth e vicinity of ■Bliss, I found a . Hgood spo t to Hpu ll my old Hsedan off the . Hrohd. H

R ab b its - Hid jacks - are H the brush andrequendy gone H1 friend to hunt ■Fd dedded to ■*nie last time

racked a shot- H ing. And sure d a coyote. He iring a couple iff-and staredta s if he knew Boat Ige weapoa , • - .• iteh i^-pow -------------------out of die car,.. ^ T ” side and stan- J '

ita l and slow, geous enoughI ’d dragged “ VJ'mse. d the air was ceep me fromJong. . littlilyedtobeout- ply,Jt, kicking up in g .lusing himself hastts out of their plun

wintiched a high stan1 make a care- d efiid before us, watt’•hum of traf- h a ssw ay, it was somtyotes showed ?PPrfurther on I ing iabout seeing' fort;

poss1 ravens had hypo intervals. So ' cal fc irk bird wing- Fii d irec tio n , I fort- -But as it got be ci2 pause and I ered£ntion.......................... ■ be aie Bald Eagle, day 'in months. I ju n cas it passed advic

lued toward th e 1lUsly too seri- percebusiness to fromen a second th e h

' * basicpped a'small Whf gray coat in dothi[had time to mateiuldering my easOya mule deer to ev;

skin.It su rp rise , u p s<!n deer - or Pillsbere. dog be frejady_to.give_________perspfilm and heM oodjtock., _____nd then sev- I J)ppedoutof l i r - *d past. No J —•eared to beV- A lo t of fpassed and game in Idag run again • little late inbad^to die ly hunter hi

years?c ^ e ^ m e ShorUy aof gaiDB. a is su e d a rtory to td l, D e cem b e rI h a l f - d ^ 2001 harv e;.day t r i p l -been recorc

,• , . received, a r y k s dunng • one th e re 1happened. ;while,Posni

' th e 9elf*adir . ■’ business repc n m e and h u n te r in 1 ^ ■ ■ >, • hunier.'repc

_ t ' .

oau and h is ang ling ow ner wade c

Rishinginy Ja m e s J . K nm lch I m e ^ e w s co tre spondcn t

Preparing for those big and ttle chills and spills is sim- ly just a part of winter fish- lg . W hat v e te ra n angler asn’t taken an unexpected lunge into the icy waters of inter? Fishermen are often an d in g in w a te r and are efin ite ly su rro u n d ed by a te r, so a p erio d k plunge Js ju s t g o tta ’ happen imetime. The way to , jproach w inter fish- ^g in regard to com- • drsss r t and the dnm atic / )s s ib ility of 'pothermia is in 'a logi- I fashiori.F irs t, le t ’s exam ine com- rt. The general advice is to : certain to dress in a lay­ed fasliion so clothing can : added or removed as tlie y warms or cools. In con- nction w ith th e layering vice comes the tip to keep e h ea d covered since 80 • rcent of the escaping heat im a body can come from i head. This is sound and sic advice.(Vhat ab o u t th e layered thing? Be certain' that the iterials worn will breathe dly and allow perspiration evaporate away from the n. A guy can be bundled

so , h e looks lik e the Isbury dough boy and still freezing due to droplets of ;

Seriateif folks who hunted, big dtIdaho last fall are still a T<in filing their mandate- nc

• harvest reports. But 26 Hi Df

f a f te r Fish and (SameI re m in d e r l e t t e r in saie r to h u n te rs w hose ' lo«•vest re p o rts h ad not faisrded, the Department • hea response in a form no yee h ad seen in qu ite a Neitmarked D ea 26,2001, tioaddressed lim e-green I^ p ly card came from a lasn F resn o , C alif. T he haispprtpd ^pending five.' me

■.... .. ' Thui

i d jv

le c losor to a w in ter ca tc h . Laye

1 winter cskin an d cooling the Additionally, a person i ex a m in e th e clo th i

d determine if the materi I- provide anyw arm th i I- .w e t. A good b e t is t« r pack som e “ did”, clo J such as a wool sweate f will retain some warmtl 1 if it is saturated. i H a n d s, since the j /

' Thegeneral athia is to k a

OT in a layered fashion so '.added orremmxdastite


Iextrem ities, are one o f i r s t a re a s of th e bo( become cold and stiff. an angler’s hands aren’t wer, tlieyU become a t lc litde moist when a fishe: h an d le s a fish. One si gloves is mandatory to i the hands to warm. An tional pair of gloves is j good idea. What if the pair becomes wel? . .

A n o th e r g re a t idea term s of keeping the h; w arm , is to th rew a si towel into the vest. Whj

. w et fish-slim ed hands dry gloves? I t ju s t doe make sense.

Most angers will wear, —

s tH anndays n o t tak in g a d e e r Tendoy. T h is d e e r hunt no ted on th e “N onresi Hunter’s Report Card, Re Deer” for 1975.

Wildlife biologist Lou N said it “is nice this hunter h lost his re p o rt form" sinci fall of 197S but wondwed he would file it in this parti yea r. “I t ju s t sh o w e d ’ Nelson said, “with no exp: tiori;" .

Biolodsts need informatic last fa ll’s h u n t to evaluate harvest and help m ake re mendijtlons for. this year’s

P Kursday, January 17,

v a t

y W g .' *

lyerod c lo th ing a n d a h a t a ro k

often lea(le body. fluctuating ten ti^should factors such a fling to , rain and snow jrial will becom e fogge 1 if it is An extra pair to ' also solve the probl

lo th in g e r so lu tion is te r tha t Kleenex handy itli even an upper shirt

th e b o d y ( tl ey a re removing wadi

and no diggini v es t is requ i

Kleenex is mrtahito •<>0 doflmigcan the pt 'teday warms a' d'S

needed. In term :

sense an d mo lines of self-pre

of the angler should 1 ody to along d u rin g . While year. A slip ini ’t often can leave a fish, least a s tu n n e d , poss lerman verge of hypoi se t o f needing some j

3 allow very good idea ; n addi- have a pal aloni ! just a ing bu t to make le first there is an abili

n ica te . Inexpe ca , in held ra d io s are hands answer to that d sm all hand-helds are

hy put savers in » m e si Is in to they also solve oesn’t lems such as “w

w arino m eet for 3r,sun- ‘Svhat fly did yoi D u e t o ----------------- p ic a s e s t

iever(o:r n e a r sons. “I t ’s goirijn t w as cu lt to m ake i)Sident report to set thlegular Nelson said, “bt

to h e lp s e t thNelson diey should rep• hadn’t im m ediately .”ice the biologists need ijd why co m p ilin g tlrticiilar from te n s ofi 'u p , ” h u n te r s b e fo rcplana* •• Game commissi

se a so n s fo r netion on meets in March.Ite th e is also, suppliedrecom- that interested•’s sea- it to m ake a cht

3 0 R7,2002

m i

0 koy to Btaylng warm u ndo r wir

ids to anilemperatures and -------ll as humidity or ow, glasses often • iged or even icy. lir of glasses will oblem, but anoth- is to keep some idy, preferably in • irt pocket next to .•' ( th e hassle of aders is avoided ling through the ju ired ) . If the - : is placed into a • ic bag before jViW! lg stashed into pocket, it will U | \ r a

la in warm, dry - effective when B M I6 of common n o re along the preservation, an d have a buddy lg th is time of S S into icy waters ' isherman a little B Q issib ly oh the S H potherm ia and e assistance. A B B I ia is to not only P S f e ong for the out- ike certain that ^ ^ 9 )ility to commu- pensive hand- S h S arc the simple M h H t dilemma. That re literally life-e situations, but ' vc minor prob- “where do you for lunch?” and ^ouuse?” Tony BnrseensH, Page D2 fish.

)r betteiling to be-very diffi- ‘ thej:e use of this 1975 A; the 1976 seasons,’’ b e i“b u tif himters want ' m orth e 2002 seasons, rope■eport on last season base

Fish and Game - Se!d to finish fo r f5 th e inform ation 1)of thousands -of attac‘o re ffte Fish and Idission sets big game Gamn e x t fall when i t 8370ch. The informadon - 2 )ed to the public so . m ensd hun ten can use repoi * o k o _ a ^ t w hK e__i is w

' “ 1


m o i

W> ^


w in to f conditions.


Bryan of Twin Falls w ea rs a wai

neverhey want to hunt this fall.A second reminder le tte r )

e rhailed Ja n u a ry 20 to i lore lhan 60,000 hunters wh Qports are not yet in the dt ase.Several methods are provit

Jr filing the harvest reports:1 ) 'H u n ters can f i l l o u t t

ttached report and mail it to: Idaho D epartm ent'6f Fish e ame, P.O. Box 70007, Boise, 3707;01072) They can use th e depa ient w ebsite to com plete t :port electronically. I h e addr

-.-■ A " .i

InA sk th e off

" C o m ic s ' . .

'oon Editdr.Dadd Cxper-

m i r


• iAK01.K

ted, icy b

'm M llajftfiL puiU ng ll

than lalLook in th e “H ur

r will and find “ ONLIN ) th e REPORT CARD” I /hose the reports. Hunte data- their hu n tin g lici

available, not tag n /ided who have reportec :: confirm it can look: th e website also, o: 3) Reports can b<la n d free a t 1^77-268-93' e, ID . 4) Reports can a l

(775) 423-0799., Be part* volume of re p o iis : th e you m ay h a v e to irera times to find the Iin im e. _ complete th&fax.—

N S I D EI, o f f i c e r ........... D 2 ___r . ...................... D 3 - ' -


Section D

Q g




n g ln a stroam— i_________

ite?yiiunting” section LINE HARVEST i D” listed to access in ters m ust have license num ber lg number. Those rted and want to jok this up on the — •

n be calle'd in toll {•9365.1 also be faxed to

Because of the ; •rts being faxed,I to try sev e ra l - ■ i line available toc...------------------- - ------- —

• 'f

| ~ ~ n3UTE)0C

I H o u n di L , QuesUontyPlease ' k rules for hunting irn' I ...... ;-“ and b lack bears Vi

w W hen do I need to ^ hound hunting perm

Answer The rulei mountain lions and w ith dogs (hou

fr.' changed oyer the : j ’’ are less restrictive Ji?. years past. 'V H u n te rs who O'

rdogs, a re ih conti. ■___ ; owned^by. another,

;vGst a m ountain lIi ;b e a r using dogs m rhound h u n te r pern

I ’i I licen se , an d th e a •Aj 1 game tag. Exception: t j 1 indude: clients of li |,1 ; fitters, unarmed pan I :: • - - i and by-standers nol i|i! iing in th e hunt. Ou

[req u ired to be per ' their-clieais-aro-noi

[Big SOI

p iRhyoli% : By iosh Manning

: The Post RegJsteT '

' ' i ATOMIC CITY - C ; pioneers called the B

------------ B utte-part-of-an-in■ landscape.— --------- A to m ic-C ity res :

Brovm calls it today a one of the most seen

!________ the_enrirejyorld.____Last summer, B ro

tioned in a fire look fo r th e U.S. Bureau of Land M a n a g e n r e n t atop the bu tte , 7,5S0 feet above | s ea level and I ; 2,500 feet above I the ground. I

He has sp en t | th e p ast th ree summers in the - small metal and concrete tower, eight hours each day looking for smoke columns.

He can see 60 m iles in all d irec tions with ease, he said.

“ On a good N I day , I can seet in to ------ U t a h , - —/! W yoming and j

1 M ontana,” ho /I said d u ring an y I in terv iew las t S ■; sum mer. “M ost r | o f th e sum m er • I’ve been able to ■ seen the T eton jy

; ; Range.” ^; Lookout tow*

! ers like this onemay soon bo a relic in t

i of firefigliting. i W hile th e stationsj only way to get fire si{I years ago, computer pi ; lightning monitors an<

imaging give today’s f the first hints.

: Because of those ted advances, th e U.S. B Land M anagement ar Service will dism ande: fire stations on liills a: taintops across tlie natic

“Now we’ll get cell pi before we get smoke said David Howell, sp for the bureau’s easte

office. The station on t______ however, will be spared,

The butte has a uniq i ic and hum an history said. And even with thi .logical advances, Br< other people who man tl still give fire aew s an ii vantage on grassland fin

T he b u tte ’s history 300,000 years old, said McCuny, a professor ol at Idaho State Universit]

“T he Big Southern--------- something-with-no-pre

hesaid.; The butte is made mo;

^Continued from Dl ; H ere’s a common bu considered problem: Wl .'the keys? M ost of the t Imissing key problem isn’t jordeal. But when the tem] i s 28 degrees and the blowing at 20 miles per h the fisherman is soaldng k eys are “k ey ” to pre^ lypotherm ia. the, answ lide an extra set of keys. 1 ng companion is presen

certain that the other pa knows the location forthe ; Always k e « . ^ clothe W anket or sleeping bag

■ vehicle. The quickest way vent hypotherm ia is io i the dry clothes and try 1

X)RS ~

d h u n ters IBse explain the ; mountain lions5 w ith h o u n d s ;------I to purchase a ermit?

Liles for hunHng md black bearslounds) h a v e l i ^ ltie years. T hey '------- —ve now than in party n

are not 1' own p u rs u i t huntingm tro l of d ogs ', or who har- . AnyonI lion or b lac k lion or I s m ust h av e a 10 days ermit, hu n tin g p lete a e a p p ro p r ia te sentlng ions to tl^s rule Fish and )f licensed out- w ith a i party members, Rememh nofparticipat- ' sex 'na ti O utfitters a re hide. Th

perm itted b u t necessar •notwUnarmed----- men^un:

)uthem B lite eye in

large cor___________ a type of

ta r. I t a- Oregon Trail basalt, w e Big Southern ' more like •inhospitab le— ;-j-Geolo|

res iden t' R o n — 'o f the riij ly a lookout on heavy nvo cenic places in like in n_________ _______ other parirown was sta* magjna ii jokout station ■ the earth.

; . , \ V ^


Big Southern P u tir

in the history antennas gi Former

ms w ere th e . about ballj } sightings 50 ing on the r predictions, storms. Br and thermal during the ’’s fire crews ning cracks

for a \veek. techn9logical “The thi: 1. Bureau of you are tl t and Forest Winds aver de numerous top of the I s and moun- to 80 mph ii adon. It sendsII phone calls level to list ke reports,” tie throug! , spokesman tion. istern Idaho “The wir m the butte,- the butte n red, he said. spot for ha iique geolog-' ’ said.ory, Howell In fact, n I the techno* the area us< Brown an d adon. Abou n tlie stadon the trek up in inaedlble to take in th fires. Scout tro

)ry is som e an d four-w aid Michael challenge o r of geology grades of up ■sity. Congress rn B u tte is . Nadonal Hi< precedent,^^------1976-becau

importance mpsdy from " and pioneer;

the body ten but ra rely possib le . A Where are anglers shoi le dm e the ho t coffee oi sn’t a major Thermos. A < emperature . provide som he wind is day, but it w ir hour and one’s core ter ng wet, the Winter fish ireventing to cabin feve iswer is to siders comfoi ys. If a fish- tio n s to avo sent, make hypodiermia. pany also' f ' '

thekeys.' . . M U f f l ithes and a . < ' 'v a t l l bag in th e .-, . ^ ray to pre. ■■ - ' P a U l ’


I A s k TO E -' OFFICER G a y H o n rM

’ m em bers or by^stfinders 3t hunting ahd do not need . ng licenses or hound per-

rone harvesting a m oim tain- T black b ea r m ust, widiin ys of the date of kill, cgm- a harvest re p o rt by pre*

ng th e sk u ll an d h id e a t . nd Game reg iond office o r '~ a co n se rv a tio n o ff icer, mber fo leave evidence of . atiirally a tta c h e d to the These re q u irem en ts are sary because all manage- unitsin-the-M agic-VaUey—

^utte: . n the sky:oncentrations of rhyolite, of magma that is thick as

: also c o n ta in s s lab s of , which was less viscous, ike molasses.log ists-figure-part-oH he- -wnc -.r Vi..g» ■ _ihyoUte oozed'oufahd'the nvagma could not explode I norm al eru p tio n s . The ?art.oLthe. butte, came a s - - 1 inflated from the under th. The top burst open and____ caused m agma

j to pour out.___ “I t ’s a scien-

I tific wonderland o u t th e re ,” McCurry said of how th e Snake R iv e r P la in came to be;

' M ost of the p eo p le .who

— . J work a t the sta- y tion during the

summer are j'es- . ‘ id e n ts o f Arco /

- .o r Atomic Ci>J., - A B ecau se they

uuiom a re lo ca ls and I fa m ilia r w ith i

1 th e a re a , they / o fte n know i/ whose land is on i

■ fire. Brown saidr H e is not too ■

/.y w o rried ab o u t ■, \ f ire s on th e i

butte, du-ough it 1 h as b u rn e d in i past fires.

The lightning ' i s tr ik e s a few t h u n d re d f e e f -r from th e m etal s s t ru c tu re and a

s give him more anxiety. f er w orkers te ll s to rie s t alls of electricity boiinc- he floor during diunder- t Brow;j w ears earp lugs s he storms because light- [J(s have left people deafJk.thing th a t really scares I

th e w in d s ,” h e said , verage 30 to 40 mph qn le butte but can kick up . h in no time. ds him in to th e low er listen to the gusts whis- ^ Jgh and shake th e sta-

vinds and therm als'o ff ' {" e make it an attractive P' hang g liders.” Howell

;, many people around use the butte for recre- 'Out 1,000 tourists make ?\ up the bune every year ^1 the panoramic view .. troops will camp there r-w heelers en jo y th e ‘2 of the d irt road with up to 29 percent. .3SS m ade th e b u t te a Historical Landmark in :ause-of-its-h istorical— ^ ce to American Indians :ers.

.............................------------------<temperature as soon as

Along th e se lin es , • lould also b ring’some ! or hot chocolate in a A cold sandwich m i^ t ome energy on a cold t will do litde to bring ■ ■ temperature upward. B C Wishing can be the qiire iver - if an angler con- ifort and takes precau* - ivoid th e d an g e rs of . H

; ■U O L ^ f e s I u l i t P o o r s “Ps S p o rts 5

y n .aooa........... ... . _____

f t e l a - y I I I

■ ■4.

n i t t o h a f v"I h av e & fe m a le mour. . .q u o ta .._ _ .___:_____

, . A f te r th e fem ale < been reached for a gi the harvest season will dog tra in in g only (nt will be allowed tor th der of the season. To 1

J the fem ale lion quota m et a n d th e harves

closed in a particulai m ent imit, call l*800-32

. ‘While many people m e a t from b lac k b<

- -m o u n ta in lions; the’n ' mountain lions is notT<

be salvaged. However, Game n d es do require

[ tO-be;

■ Q uestion : Gan I usi f s ig h ts on-m y bow oi * exteri"d m y effective 1■ hun ting tim e to one-1

a f te r su n set, th e end’ _ hunting Hours?

Fly-tyingG S F scon

- TW IN FALLS Community Educadon I CSI will b e offering a diose fishermen interesti fecdng dieir craft by Ie. de their own fishing flies

--------The-course-“in t5 tth?i

an’d adult fly fishermer instruction on tying tl flies. This course will

— major-diy m ayfly^ tterr Id aho , . inc lud ing C allibaetis , BWO’s. Mi Duns, G reen D rakes, Quills, and Brown D i^ ( techniques will include t

• wingstyles, hackling, a types. The class will alsc individual tutoring.

. The class will take plac to 9 p.m. on Tuesdays, i inAq>eiI 180 on die CSI Cost is S40. The insniictc Hicks. For information or ter,call733-9554,ext229

./ High numbers ra ise - steelhead limits this i

BOISE - Steelhead ang take more fish this spri the offidal Idaho rulebool

Fish and Game Commi raised the limits on stedl the spring season, whid January 1, when the exo size of the hatchery run apparent late last year. T well after the prodamadc let had been printed and uted.

Instead of two fish per d in possession and 10 per the limits for the current

•are three per day, nine in sion an d 40 fo r th e se; anglers buy a second tag. first tag, 20 steelhead are ted.

All other rules and seas< taining to steelhead rem same.

The actual count of hz

Hunter helpsBOISE (AP) - A poachi

killed an elk out of seasi caught tlianks to a deer I who saw the man with tl mal.

S tacy Clemm, 33, w y - more th an $1,600 and u

hunting privileges after ki bull elk a day af te r the ! dosed.

W hen co n fro n ted by Fish an d G am e conse r\ o ff ic e rs h e c la im ed to k ille d th e a n im a l the b ef^e , bu t had not been j lociTte.the carcass imtil,thi day. ■. • . ..

T he h e a d and an tle rs missing from the carcass.

Officers took a tem per reading of 86 degrees fro

T i m e t o l i q u i d a t

T h e T i m e s - N e v

M a r k e t p l a c e

- c l a s s i f i e d s - c a n t

p o s s e s s i o n s i t i

c a s h .

1 : 0 > i 4 ? ^ V a u I232 2 n d S t. E ast (B«h1nd Bide ^ TWln FalU *735,-1209. (BO Mon-Fri. 10:00-5:30 pm

/e s t m o i inu n ta in lion A nsw w '------------ :------------Hie-com]! quota bas ' lyprohibtei given area, tdum*pow(

ill dose and archery eqi no harvest) ing big gam the remain- The com:0 find out if ■ hibited die ta has been device attai e s t season ed onto thi a r manage- all firearmi 323-4334. . and pistols e enjoy the e re d sight: b ea rs and th e y are ’m eat from' 'firearm s, required to ' Li summo ir. Fish and tium*power< re die meat nor on. a bo e salvaged____ season,____

ise tH tium Gary Hornor r if le to y f f i ^ a t the1 big game Office of the ;-half hour Fish and Ga id .of .legal tions to him

■ 'Sitc,www2jt

y classes be: m m unity ei

- The 1 Center at Q u tda class for

lyd iaT e-n f— oung:aJuit'_ en further « ^ th e ir ow n.. Scoutskic u focus 01. for Mondav

M ahoganj; s c h e d u le d I , W e s te rn “ ay Wikes-Tyinc P residen t’s i t a i l s t ^ f 18. a t Pebble and body O n those i

Iso indude offered to a Scouts in ob

ace from 7 - Sports Merit , Feb. 5-26 com plete th( 51 campus. gram , scouts rtorisRon m ak e linkec or to regis- board groom'i 290. die Sunshine

re g u ire m e n----------------.-b a d g e and pi, I*atch requiri3 sp ring e re d during nglers can gram.'ring than F irst time b K)ksays. o ffe re d for missioners never skied i dhead for Scouts tha t iich began___m erit-badge ]tcepdonal h a v e f.un on n became allows troops That was ing a b il i t ie

tion book- together, id distrib- Partidpants

the lodge by ■ day, four m erit badge c 2r season, beg inner les; nt season begin a t1 0 a.r in posset is $15 for die ieason if m erit badge ( g. On the lesson. Rental ■e permit- fo r only S7 v

boards for oni' isonsper- For more in mam the 4452 .


s catch Mosco\* e r who diigh of die el ison was th a t tem pera r hunter place the time the ani- season had d o

m atched up wi» fined h u n te r who wlo s t his dragging the bikilling a fired;i season A ft6 r . m or

Clemm told oly Idaho rest of the elkrva tion exam ining theCO hav e th ey determ iie n igh t fatally shot in tI able to “To be fa irthe next hunters need ti, , ’ laws,” Tanna Prs w ere rion officer, s£

h un ter also piseratu re helping protecrom the from poachers.”

I t e ? ■

S y '" .(■ ■ ■ pi |c>nultfeMyoufU>dw

= S ^ ^ S S B S ^ ^ S B S S a =

ita iir lion :,inYM aiidNo. '•••immission has spedfical- - - Ited use of e le c^ c io r til- iwere'd s ig h ts on all equipment used for hunt* ame. ■ . . ■: }mmission'has also pro- he use of any dectronlc ttached to .or incorporat*. ‘ the firearm o r scope of : •ms (hiduding shotgiim ols.)-Since tritium*po'w* h ts a re n o t e lectron ic •e law fu l to t« e on .

mary, you m ay use a tri- . ered sight on a rifle but bow during a blg game

omplandisactmservatiori’ 1 Magic Valley Regional ■

the Idaho Department of ' (^m e. E-mail your ques- im on the agency’s Web

sg in a t sd cen ter

tdoors In brief

d com ing in to Idaho I already high prdjec- talland-was-about-triple—

[| d ay s sc h e d u le d

|a y -a iP e b l)Je .C rse k _ . .' - Scout ski days are ■ d for M a r tin L u th e r 0 , Monday, Jan . 21 M d ’s Day, M onday, Feb. ble Creek Ski Area. „ ie days, a program is ,3 assist Boy an d Girl obtaining th e ir Snow irit Badge. In order to the m erit badge p ro - . - UtS should b e ab le to <ed tu riis a n d sk i or 1 im'ed runs serviced by J n e Triple chairlift. All en ts fo r th e m e r i t 'I pans o f the In terest ( iirements will be cov- ^ ng th is one day pro-

e beginner lessons are k or sco u ts w ho hav e d or boarded before.It a lready h av e th e ir • ®,;e may- choose to just----- b'on th e s lo p e s . This ps with scouts of vary-' ^ :ies to p a r t ic ip a te .

nts should register in by 9:30 a.m. w ith the '*{• e dinic and first time ^ essons schedu led to a.m. THe program fee “* he lift ticket and the rJ ;e d in ic or f irs t time Ital skis are available 7 with re n ta l snow-* )nlySl2 .information call 775-

edfrom staff mid wirere p o r ts “

)w poacher zelk. They said using eg,

jra tu re th e y cou ld hene of death af te r the exidosed. The tim e also Aswith when th e deer eni

) w itnessed Clenim ha} bull elk heard shots Asi

. . stolore q u e s tio n in g , jujofficers w here the - -

Ik was hidden. A fter Voithe head an d h ide, itsnined . th e e lk was wiin die neck. • (hr lir and e th ic a l , a ll - /i to follow th e same yjg1 Ragan, a conserva- ga„, said. “T he eth ica l fj-gplays a vital role in gal:ect Idaho’s wildlife this

_____________________ _ 0J^

fofionwNMtonlyBlMK ■dwtilchoiwli BEST POR YOUI

• T ~ S H I N E 1


Melissa Rood onjoys the fresh, In early January near McCall. S ence w r t^ r fu l winter scenery

Birders see o f birds, ^By Eric Barker Lewiston Moming Tribune

HELLER BAR, Idaho (. Bald eag les, golden ea

Jbighom sheep, mule.deer ai - it sounds like a day of wi viewing a t YellQwstone Nai

:Park.But i t ’s all right here ii

Lewiston-Clarkston Valley’s 40 and, like Yellowstone, i all be seen from a road.

•Members of the Canyon Bi

diose spedes recently-Song kiiig fishers, hawks and a m erganser during an outii coun t eag les along the Si R iver be tw een C larkston Heller Bar.

Although die objea of the ing vras to register die numb eagles along the river as pa the Idaho Midwinter Bald I Survey th e avid bird wate couldn’t help but stop and ad the other wildlife.

“We are supposed to be c eagles but we have a mystery h ere w e have to identi explained Carol Vande Voon A sotin . T he b ird in ques ended up being a young Coo hawk perched in a tree at Asotin Slough, one of the n stqp5 th e caravan of cars n during its trek' up die river.

“There-he goes,'” said Vj Voorde as die hawk sprimg i its perch. “They have short rc wings so they can tum and dutjugh die trees and bushes.

A stop furdier down the r y ie ld ed a re d breasted r ganser. Although mergansers frequen tly seen on the Sm Salmon and Clearwater riv this particular variety is g ^ e i only found in saltwater,

3 0 0 0 " '" “'“^I n c l u d e s ; N ^ N

from H om e Call 600 Daytlmt Minutes-

Sharetalk$l4.9SS#/AUn«w Natton Wkf. fio



, Olfrr reijulrti new 12 moiiin scpiico •(■•rriKllslialiihiiticHirffdnly,

^ Somo rfsiflciliins npi

KUS.CeA U T H O .m z

: N ^ X T E L ' :


____ - J __________________

lh, crisp air and aftemoon sun a . Snowstioeing allows people to ty w ith minimal equipment and 1

ew id era n ^/ild lifea lo n

Around th e j Ackerman Bar, L enote an d I

(A P) - Lewiston quicklj e a g le s , sheep among t i and elk c liffs.o n .th eJd wildlife river. But sd ll 1 lational cold and blusterj

and fog snaking j in th e peaks high above

r’s back Golden eagles , it can rock outcroppin

prane th d r neck Birders an eagle drifting tied all Snow blankets ti tig with tions and th e site a r a re day fed colder th ting to “It’s winter up S n ak e’ Cebula. in a n d About diat timi

a large bird soai he out- the east wall of nber of looks big enough part of but the bird app I E agle few seconds bef( tc h e rs behind die edge 0 admire The birders wai

to reappear so d ! doing positive identifica ry b ird “Ah, he’s tau i i t ify ,” , Welle as the b ird : 3rd e o f of sight. When it e s tio n about 10 seconds xjper’s ■ it’s a golden eagle, a t th e Soon after, the m any rock near the pin m ade die outcroppings.

.ttying to escape th i^ande * 'Tdiink-diey aj g from down like th a t ,’ round “ T hat’s why we id c u t many.” • .. ts.” Just as die birds river ing at the golden

mer* * Voorde’s spotting XS are' another large rapti nake , “Anodier big blx ivers, die river,” said W lerally binoculars to ge”i

“Bald eagle.’’

N W ID E TOLL FREE Cailing A n a to Continental US s -^ 2 4 0 0 Night a Weekend MJr .95, First 3 months FHElRaawlng, Indudtt RMmM| i Long o'ist


0 7 3 6 4 M 0 - 1 17 N.MAIN, HAIL! kYS • ww wjihcellulir.comICO nRfrcmrni. OAC.Oflcr ciplrrs 0yiM)2, ilyiiviilliililR<Jiliirlrcl.llKlUi||ihMnr.. npiily.Scn «iofcfur(!cuills,

e l l i i l a r ^Z E D A G E N T ■

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in as she snowshoes;) to get out and expeci* md no specia! skills.;

I g e i n g rivei-l e n e x t bend neAr ! ar, Je rry Cebula ,6f d R ic k W e lle -p f ddy spotted bighorn B th e craggy basaltiJ d a h o Jide- of-the-----ill no eagles. It’s a tery day with doiids ng around die basj^t K)ve the river. 1 »Jes like to .<dt on die •pings. The birdel-s . : ecks hoping to sp{)t ting out of the fo^. ts d ie higher deva- site of it makes die r than it is. I up diere, boy," said

time, the group sees soaring high above I of th e canyon.'It • ugh to be an e a ^ , appears for only'a before fading back ge of the caiiybn. wait patiendy fojjt0 they can makela ficatfon. { au n tin g us," said ird floats in and out1 i t srays visible for nds-they determine igle. . ! th e b ird lands on p innade of one of ngs. It seems to be e th e brisk windjiy are all hunkejpd - a t , ” said C e b i^ . w e a r e n ’t ,s e e ^ g

birders finish loMc- len through Var^e ing scope, diey sjly aptor. .' bird coming down d WeUe Ufting his g e t a close look.

^ P e r M onth

■ CALU NGISM nutes !

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■AIR C E N T E R 'W LEY * 789*1994 *


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• . ;:..........■* "■ ■ ■ ; By Charies M.

^H E R E HAVE v o u V T I 5 K N 7 Y 0 U A i:M 0 5 r/,7 ^ ;fi

TOE PUS^^ ^ Q t -


O KHOLj' ' I <50T Uj/^S- . A HATI



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By Chance Bro

NOW y o u C A M P I C K UP ALL vfcjup p p A c n c rg

TTi^i> * o U -O o < = ^ o U ?.--o - A -

By Brant Parl<^& Johnny h

1 ' i\ g 'f f l S M /A K N T N ^ : ^ d ? t ; A K A N T l N E

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• . By Chris Brow

^C T O fZ TVL.C7 ^^IM T O J T C P e A A t /A M c ? ;^ ;U < ^ F

'_________ ByMortWalki



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By John D

O3oot eamtnsnwCATS.^MW.CHMroW.0 .




BAND Rg<a5eirreN NoTHihta,

W y ^ rVlMPfagP^MT

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Hank Ketdiam Thi Family

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. ________By Dean Yoi

S ... 'W fl K n ATLEAi I' i ^ s a l we WONT I jSi^' « g « S . ME STAN

I t h e COP, / M . - _ ^ 3 fc . .S n -T H lS jy> S

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Hy Circus ^

W H A T P I P ) ^ V. I S A V ? y y ^ / '

It's n o t w h a t you sa id , th e 'w a y y o u SAID iti

^ K ^ f f w t o V U A 5 A lOT Of T V?*dSr/[

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_____________ By Jim Borgman ai

( WHiTPIRfr I ( t h S a k E A ‘tzpysiwr a m m n a

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________ ______________ B:AAV«0CK-|!|we--‘rAKE-A40f*VA I- s ttiF F . 5 HOUR C U 5S 7 TO Iwe GET « - /B n , —i r ^

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B Too WJ... ____ -<T,<SO.^ II . P ^PKNkif J] JtTTCB

V— ill <«**-' H « » « H iivivife

IW*, Twin F im , Idaho m '

Co m cs:s = s = = s ^ s s s a ___

BylynnJohnstori, ’.

‘.(-•MAPS VJOULO r * ____. V W N IC*. J t -

• ’ • **.11. ’ ° • ’■ ■•■ \

lYoung a s ta r iD ra k e ,______

.£A S T < K^ t m a k e V a r A N 0 iN < '* S 5 « o :o p f€ R > S w = V 5 J W e _ ^ J ^ b ____

By'^Brian Crane • ^

! TWlS WA\R \€> I • ATA&TROFM e!

^By BII Keane ■

: J A :

lid , b u t) i t r

By Pat Brady

UA5 w s r , f eT V HEAT./1 =

I >nmDYnoflr««OLeeMl /3n and Jerry Scotl

C A F C 2E N C P £m ’ l ‘iCW?PEPRCCM ,

JyIf ;

By Greg Evans

WMAT?f-J^<Sr---------TO LEAEN TO GO


By Wiley

Ar 'Nnu. r wi-PvJB 6onop---------- —'5& WiA.\NSr iCAKN 4oaer< , w r o / V O T■ Tr>sTTCO«.

0 v&U.. JFoc*NJT..«oe‘-.'.......... .......:tcr6u m n & BONPtV6vV>0» a*, I'kve» tc : t •4o^^6-




HGoloi; 3 y f r a n ^ ' C E P ^ ~

A ssociated Press

, CASCADES LOCK Rain-swoUen clouds a

< ering walls of vertical rock thac rise up on boi E ag le C ree k C gnyor from the creek’s conflu

. ’.the mighty Columbia R } : Heavy ra in is fallin

:recent \vinter day. Wat ying"nbt ju stT rom ihe • also plunging over tht ! ancient rock walls - in ;of ribbons of runoff th

--------iscen »p-and-dow n-thttous valley.

, On a ro u g h tra il hij Eagle C reek, my son ; standing directly benea th e se w a te rfa lls . Al sprays of w ater leap o: of the canyon wall and a moment in the air - Ii:

'tu re swan-divers in su animation - before piu o ver u s an d in to the below. ■

Moments of scenery- enchantm ent are tho r not the exception, alon frniJs u-ithin the 80-m Columbia River Gorge Scenic Area. That’s evei lhe Pacific Northw est’; ously rainy winters.

As we stopped at the t ch u lo take a cautious Eagle C reek ,'rag ing-fa us, Nate W heeler came t down th e tra i l - h is s

_ „ s p a n ^ e l J^ch e ery s je jj Behind Him.'Witli hi’s floj hat, ra in pants and a r: parka, the 28*year-old was w ell-protected aga, deluge.

. “This is one of the mo tif; • hikes in Oregon, es when it r a in s ,” says W who lives in the Ponland of Beaverton._ “This is a ra in fo res all.”

W heeler’s dog sprinted trail, stopped and then back - p rodding his ma g et a m ove on. W heelt

-plied, a smile on his facc.M illions of people thi

the Columbia River Gon


I R e ta i l ^ 3 L


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! - ;04,'Tlm*mm»,TwlnFilli'•d t, Idaho TJwrKliy,jinu«yl7,2

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5 caress

both sides of n o t fa r

ifluence with a River. tling on thisV^ter c o n v _ _ ^ ^ ^ R 9th elk y T lt^ s .the■ in the form

can be the-precipi-----

above >n arc

one A bove, u s ,..

9 off the lip for

- like minia- suspended

plummetinB J hike, make lrspl,«dencl,

^ry-inspired Oo«« Nalion

S s

S Sign insttlle -,heColumbii

W h e e ls ' sremoroUiai,n,T o.K fri’ within ;m d suburb

en looked M „u„tAdam Mount St. He:e le r com- j

u Portland.:?r^riach° , ,“ 3^ tu u i gorge’s* blai


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: S & M IT T E N S

^ W om en’s1 ^ T R I C K P A N T

| b Retailmo

M e n ’s & W o m e n ' s



/ -

iver G

ike$ his way down a trail at Mullr ichantment are the nile/and not I Ional Scenic Aroa. That's even tra

m ost to view stunning flc: tha t dj-op from basalt w}ning both sides of the inI R iver: W ater sports Atw su m m e r v is ito rs, th<; w in d su rfe rs . Hood- thi uaint riverside town, i s ' ' Im tttuf Uimvoi lil'i>UU!;t . 'T7 • _ fo r-_ jv indsurfing_ . _ J i . f the wind tunnel cre- h e g o rg e ’s walls of

ge also attrac ts ...........Jm mer hikers,. w t ra i ls that- 1 aw ay from bia R iver and lackcountry of de Range. There lian 40 marked hiking in the Columbia River icy le a d hikers past tou tim es beneath) spec- soli ^ a te r fa lls , 'in to old- ru r 'ests, and onto ridges clif mforgettable* views of and ims, Mount Hood and the ie lens. / Tis is within an hour of - ^ c u t

s trilays illu m in a te th e . ing lac k b asa lt c liffs, Cal





lultnomah Falla In December nei lot the exception, along hiking i I trae during the Pacific Northwi

flower-covered hillsides ar white-tipped Cascade peak ing th e sp ring an d su n A utum n shows ano ther si the gorge, as foliage changt the a ir tum s chillier;-

But m m er is also a greal to visit Uie gorge. I'herc ai

. f i .e _ w _ .e - r___________

r/,iss a magml-placs.-!l’s-Mv

fo r^ tta i time.’

-T ristan P<

to u ris ts , and you can enjc soUtude.the.aweaome.sceni runoff plunging over the \ cliffs, the gorge’s ancient i and fresh fields of snow lyir the gorge’s wooded hillsides

T h e C olum bia R iv e r G< buts th rough the Cascadi string of volcanic peaks stn ing from British Columbia California. South of th e gc

M e n 's &. W o m e

A , SUMNirTJACJ f l B ^ ^ w / z i i N N F l - E E t

i J ^

_ j :__ __■■ . ''a

siTChan_________ ^ • •

lear Cascade Locks, Ore. Momt g trails within the 75^nlWong west’s notoriously rainy winten

and the . Mount Hood ri;aks dur- esc, a 11,245-foim m er. ster d a d in giaside of of the gorge is ?ges and the famous vole

• peak off nearly•nffimP-. _Th/»are far geological catas........... .. back-12 millio

y ea rs . Volcan w h a t a re nc

w w ----------’ miles.

forcei th e C

P e t t y , h i k e r . S '

. ■ end of th'. * ___ the gorge

This geologic ijoy in string of high w a iery .-— dow n -the gor i black fam ous, 620-fo t trees Falls, is the seco dng on round ■waterfall BS. and Oregon’s mdG orge site.des,"a ..... Recognizing tl:treich- al beauty, Cong ia into it th e n a tio n ’s gorge, Scenic Area in It


230 ' H a P

I t s e v e ]





. £ t, Vi

“ V?:'vc-'li

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-3ments of scenery- , ;;jc ng Columbia River ' ters. . ;'0

rises out of the for- ^?-foof volcanic mon- ^ glacial robes. Northis Mount St. Helens, "f®olcano that blew Its . ‘6•Iy 22 years ago.- ^naj

tastrophes that date lion-to 17 m illion an ic e ru p tio n s in now O regon and

Igton sw ie^sEread__over 60,000 square es. T he b a sa lt ced d iv e rs io n s of

Columbia R iver,■ing out the gorge. •ds cau sed by th e the Ice Age gave j.current shape. sic violence le f t a I waterfalls up and jo rg c .-T h e-in o s t-- “•foot M ultnom ah 2cond-highest year- all in the country mo'st-visited tourist

ever; the gorge’s natur- ' ngress designated I’s ^ s t N atitinal ^ver i m e . - ^ 9 s c

F m

5 W ]

g t n i t m w

;n in \vi

Bingen School (naVTrj-Blng^^Wi ; .says It pffera affoniaWe.h<«tet! :;jodgIf«; Phorie:'(509)4&3^363 ;'Colun*ia CtlfTs in M• Ore., has y l ^ ;pf the Cdutrtora

Many visitors view th e goj venders by driv ing a lo n g i i s to r ic C olum bia Ri iighw ay, a two-lane road ;nakes past waterfalls, over ;Mps nnrfjn .fha lopg af 800. JiffsTThe road was designe 913.speci£ically to spotlight ;orge’s scenery.

You can gpt aw ay from nasses and see the gorge’s i /ild side by stopping a t a ti ead, ladng up your hiking b nd following one of the rraTu ] jads away from the Colum nd into the w ild e m ^One S aturday m orning , z

o ld ra in r ic o c h e te d o f f tree t in i ro n t of.our Portls ome, Tristan gave m e an “ ou insane?” look when I t im we were going for a hike; It takes about an hour to dr

•om P o rtla n d to th e Ea, re e k tra ilh ea d . We encoi ired six hikers on the trail, i very one of them bea m ei nile of cohtenoriS t. A lthoi king in the rain may not be /ery o n e , th e gorge re w a i ose who give it a try.

■ ■ r



■ejacjcet ^ ^Retail

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M % r ;:;;.'-,Flfllfl5 cool:arid plea' ; i: '..•':dltl0nallybeglnmovl Wa9h;V; jVjPKifte jn gerly rtrrte3 l;« ty |e - . 's n ^ oiito.upptf el^ 53if:,-'v: He- ;aHd ralri'at lowwele Mosjef,;;: '-.datVeastoftJieiCai

jra ^twr, . last Into

[orge’s L o o k in g dow lg th e C reek C an y o n I R iv e r trail cu t in to the 3 th a t Tristan an d I wei ii- hill- We m arveled a t t i0 .f o o f , , . ,led in rising from th e caiht th e .........Compact cloud

smoke, m oved fi n th e the canyon in a si s t ^ e l o g j ^ l d an c e ., trail- through' th e cloud boots walls looked like is that of prehistoric bea< m bia We fo llo w ed a

Punch Bowl FaUs , a s a C reek h a s ca rv e f th e pooLin th e shape c tland- we hiked to T he 1 “are dizzying footbridgi told 100-foot canyon, i

e ; ----- to Tunnel Falls.' "drive We’d h ik e d six iag le ra in , a n d figur< oun- enough. W e re tra , and back to th e car, ta e d a _ to soak in - .lite rz ough wonders of th e rair c for “This is a magic a r d s . son said along the

a land forgotten by

. U n i s e x •

pantRetail^ 1 8 0

d* t s < f f i

| M t M e n 's & W o m e n

P O W D E R P A N T Retail ^ 1 1 0

UnisexA s u P E R P

^ □ a c k e -

B e t a i i


............... 9

a f f i e f *

r e l ^ t / o r i s a h d s l ^relevsCOfls-rv'Mpe-’t j :»:Casca<iM.rst6nris^^

town in to E ag le jn from th e high the walls of rock, were mesmerized, a t the Douglas firs

* canyon floor. o udsrthe c o lo ri i t ' d fitfully t h r o u g a sort of meteorCK ce.. P ro tru d inp* ouds, the wet rock ike the vast sides' leasts.d a sp u r tra il to alls, where Eagle rv e d out a deep pe of a bowl. Then' he High Bridge,-^•idge spanning th'^ in, arid continued:

six m iles in th e ju re d th a t was Jtraced our steps r, taking our timetera lly - .th e w e t ......rainforest. agical place,” m y . the way. “It’s like 1 by dme.” ' \::-

i e n ’s

' 9 .

, ■ Downgrade: Co■ 'r e s b i B d ^

■ ■ crcd itra tin ^

— — T h e T im e s - N t

B rief

i N M a^ Busine^es gel


were hurt by tiie S is t.a t ta c k s h a v e an months to apply for fe

--------- asslstanceloana--------T he U.S. Smal

Administration this wi th e ap p lica tio n dea Economic Injury Disa

_ April;22. The original- 1 Jan. 21.

, “W ith th is deadlin more small-business ov the .help they need to their fe e t,” said Hec administrator ot the Si Administration in Wash

lh e loans are avaiia! . nies directly affeaed bj

mtacks or the federal ac lowed. The SBA in Octo the scope of the progra businesses outside th( disaster areas.■ Loans oh* available fi .Dlillihn nr 4

“ ^ f TJfe'lbains” "TxTSctj_____tp 30 years.

•• Idaho small business< in applying may contai office in Sacramento, Q

_ — >188.S323.— J _

Albertson’s sells s ih Mississippi to K“ TUPELO, M iss .-A lb which has been closinj forming s to res since S p lans to sell its Tupel ^ g e r .• Albertson’s expects to

- ...... - dose by the end of the mi. Spokeswom an Jeanr

said the 100 employees a: store were notified of th( sale Tuesday and advised

.......keep .their jobs only untithe month. .■ ;But in a jo in t < A lbertson’s and Kroger current Albertson’s empli will be retained by Krogei

Boise*based Albertsc closing IBS underperfon

. hist fajj, including one-in 'T ^ P a n s ;-------—

SkyWestcoi)llotsi exposed himself to

SALT LAKE CITY - J Airlines co-pilot has filed • Uie company alleging a pi] him self to h e r while approach to Dallas-Fo Intemadonal Airport last i

Paula M anjarrez’s sui U.S. District Court in Salt daim s tha t following the SkyWest-supervisors la t

• “high-fived” the pilot for " ly demeaning and obsce mance.”

Sky West “categorically ( Manjarrez was unfair

in any way in connectior employment,” said Sabn spokeswoman fo r SkyWe serves the Twin Falls ait declined other comment, i airline had not yet been sc the suit.• The suit by the Salt LaJ

\voman also daim s she wa dtm oted from pilot to co- May.■ l i s t week, Manjarrfez w

on I<aye without pay and rt partidpate in the company health or counseling pn prove h e r fitn ess to ri SkyWest employee, the'suit

The suit alleges gender di tton, retaliatory discrimini negligent inac tion of emot tress d seeks punitive and ratory damages and attome;

Citigroup names nex company president

NEW Y O R K -Citigroup named Robert B. Willumst. dent of the company, mal)

— noxt-in-line-to-succeed-Si Weill, the 68-year-old chie tive.

Willumstad, 56, will taki position lh a t has been va more tlian three years. Jame a Weill protege, held die pos uhtil he w as ousted ii

. . Willumstad will keep his po duiirman and chief ie x ^ t i i Consumer G roup, which i'; ^obal credit cards, banking t tronic commerce, and will c as a member of the compan' agement committee. He also rpponsible for the company dal and hum w r^ u r c e s fun ■; The proiribiibn is anoth Qtigroup - which has a CitiF office in Tw in F a l l s i s t

" to w ard consum er banki '..opposed to fa r risk ier capit ■ kets business^ analysts said.

' , > Complin from Wire

Coloradoski b low er. ■

— P a g e - E 2 . - ™ ~ - —


:fly ;DNEY : 0; e t e x t r a B j |

r - f o r - lo a n s — - H■Small businesses le Sept 11 terror- • an ex tra th re e - - r. federal d i s a s t e r __w r a

nail B usiness . i week extended ' leadline fo r i ts 'isaster Loans to lal-deadline w as-

Iline extension,..: b raers can get [ to get back on lec to r B arreto,! Small Business I 0 H ashington. S K Blilable to compa- 1 by the terrorist K h 1 actions that fol*- ttober extended gram to indude the immediate

e for up to $1.5 . ia twoGti Tcwhs actehiled forlTp” .

ssses interested nact the SBA’s , Calif., at 1-800- '

.s store ) KrogerUbertson’s Inc., sing underper- Betty Mt :e Septem ber,- sales aro pelo o u tle t to

5 to the sale to -pv } mondi.annettei Duwe X v w l s at the Tupelo

mtil the end of - ------- ------

: s ta tem en t, c o ^ l f b

Idaho Stai

: says pilotto her . ^“5?'"-A SX yW ested _ ^ t against $482.46 mi

S o n ' f n ^

3r “his sexual- scene perfor-

Ily denies that j x T i r fairly treated don with her

f e ! w h i “ h C o m p a i

airport. Slle Knight Bldd it, saymg the --------------1 served ™th

Lake County was unfairlyco-pilot last I'eightoned

co u n t re t2 was placeddreqturedto debt, clod!a n /s mental dosehundiprogram to K mart’s) rem ain a m ade wors fuirdaims. ' silence on ir discrimina- two-day melination and directors enodonal dis- fiirtlier dovand compen- rating ageniney fees. From its.

lext K S 'J i s ! !

t stores in Bu

- said nodii )uplnc. has anodier bea nstad presi- dipping to S nakinghim a t a historic1-Sanford-I:------34;6lJerfenthief execu- A nalysts,


WashposiQon ^ :____

ScfJdt. profitlg and dec-

ilso Y i^ be SEATTLE any-s finan-functions. capped off 20 other sign 'itiFimmdal expectaoons, is tu rn ing , x n ^ d i t s < nking asipitd mar- e ^ e d $842: itid; share, ih the

.™ »ports ;

5alcs ]

Morrill and Barb Allon, right, pick around tho Magic Valley roso fror

itail figuresnia S. Hutchins ,

«M FALLS - Tw in Falls <' businesses ra n g up a . (ible 27.1 percent more in 1larte r sales than a year t ■ tlie county’s best growtlifor that season. t

nwst recent quarterly i :w ere~]hfla te d 'b y tHe“ ' ' >itate Tax Commission’s 2ing change, which added i)ys to third qu an er 2001. pin sales in the county - 1lg taxable and nontax- pto ta led a re m a rk a b le cmillion from June 23 to ft compared witli $379.72

in July 1 ihrough Sept. ' CiTwin Falls County sales' hto sales tax- or use tax .n5 percent from $133.46 cin third quarter 2000 to s:million in tlie longer-by- ir. . til

nait stockl a n y s t a y s s i l e n t

Idder News Sorvico j

lOlT - K m art Corp.’s T u rtled tow ard d o llar S -ices W ednesday amid fc led speculation the dis- •e ta ile r w ould soon s >n millions of dollars in c idare bankruptcy and s idreds of stores, t’s d ire situatiqn_w as. orse by its continued in rescue plans after a meeting by its board of s encied Tuesday and, Jowngrades by credii- endes on Wednesday, its Troy, Mich., head- ,, the nation’s second*iscounter - wliicTi has __Burley and Twin Falls . ■SOJ dling as irs stock took >eating on Wall Street, ^0 $1.26 before dosing ric low of $1.60.'down snt, or 85 centsits advised sharehold-1 at prices that resem-.e Light spedal. ^

ihington Mui it, but bad lo:ior Nows Sorvico________ sl

Vi£ - Washington Mutual ci ' 2001 wilh a fourth quar- T jxceeded W all S tree tns, but Uie recession has Dts exposure to bad loans. . witde-based th rift said it M12 million, or 97 cents a ei he last three months of$3.11 billion, or $3.59 a ■

H i

J i

■ T h u r

rise i]

_ __

pick ou t fabrics for a quilt a t Sti from year-oarller lovols.

5 g e t b o o steight-days Uiird quaner 2i

" Dave McAlindin, Twi: c ity ’s econom ic develo d irec to r, sa id Twin C ounty’s th ird -q u a rte i haven’t jumped that far ir time.

His records show Uiird< taxable and nontaxable : m 2000 eained 253^percci

2.9 percent; in 1998, 4.4 p. in 1997,1.3 percent; in 19 percent; in 1995, 2.3 perc 1994, 10.7 percenl; in 199 percent; and in 1992, 13, cent. Tliose years’Vesults for July 1 through Sept. 30

_ Those totals and growt centages exclude sales bj hesiies th a t hav e locatii .more than one coun ty .'( com panies each file ju j sales tax re tu rn and : included in county-by-ci numbers.) Also excluded

k dips toBlue ligh t dimT he d e b t rating ag e n c y S tan d6 P o o r 's low ered ils cred it rai fo r K m art C orp .

Stock performanceDally por sharo •SU --------


i o ^ . . - - V w - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 ......— \ K it:— - —6 —

--------------------------- 'J A S O N 0


SOURCES: Commodity i

The value of K m art sto :ou ld con tinue to swo rhursday now that tlie comj iy -h as-b een -d ro p p ed “frc Standard & Poor’s 500 ind ind institutional investors a :onsidering dum ping the loldings in the-iijtailer. S&P,

utual builds oans increas

share, for the year. Those were eadi 2 cents higher t consenisus estim ate repoi Tliomson Finandal/First Ca:■ WiUi assets of $242.5 billi Dec. 31; W ashington Mi which has branch offices M agic Valley - is th e n eiglith-Iargest finandal inst

■ Please se e Wa sh in g t o n ;

irsdaVi Jan u a ry 17, 2

n M e


Stltchln’ Tlmo on Main Avenu6

:from extr^2001. county lotalsvin Falls nesses lieadqtlopm ent Id a h o -in c lun Falls retailers \vith'e r sa les In th e th irin a long Falls County i

the s ta te , trai-quarter Idaho’s bigge;e results K ootena i; N

percent; Each of the i 1996, 3.7 Valley countie rcent; in the third quar 993, 12.3 m ission’s acc L3.4 pe/- however, miglii ;s are all of the improvei

H ere are otl sales to tals (i. ahd n o n taxa l

“ ons th rough Sepi (Uiose recently by tlu

ust one Commission:

c m m n ! * 'J d f r o S “ " 'P ^ r e d w i t l .

) historicm sndard - >4 B ^ J W 'faling

Not Income/loss In iCompQt\y's fiscal yoar ot S250 rwm

____ 200 ^

-50 J - -T T-100 .................. .........

------- -150 ______ :_________0 ‘J a i 01 c

■02 '00 2C* Excludos ono-limo chnrgt

y Systems Inc.:

tock credit-rating ageni'Pon Kmart from Uie incmpa- dose of trading We rom . iffg i(s"fallmg s t ^idex finandal instability! are N icolc Dowswe heirJ*. a ■ Pleaso see KW

5 up Well, S C Knight Rlddof r

se results ^ SAN FRA^ r Uian‘ Uie ^argo & Co., \ )orted by offices aroun ;:alL said its- fouillion as of income rose 5 Mutual - continuing loai es in the , Low er intei n a tion ’s surge in m on istitution. fees helped Ui

based bank p< 'I. Page E2 ‘ income of Sl.

• r*4-

, 2 0 0 2 .

agio A

u6 West .In Twin Foils ofi Wodne;

ra e ig h t da^ils are busi-- —JulIquartered outside of •rluding many m ajor corih Twin Falls stores. yeal ird q u a r te r , Twin •y again was No. G in conirailing Ada, by fa r ^gest seller; Canyon; ,

Nez P erc e ; andt-co u n tics ,.in r th a t— .^ 5

le oUier seven Magic * ties saw sales rise in larter. The tax com- iccounting change, * gilt account for some vement. - ^ arlother Magic Valley * (including taxable

cable) fo r J u n e 23 epi. 30, re p o rte d ^ the Idaho State Tax , J ' .-$ 2 0 4 .7 7 m illion, UiS177.72milUonin

;lowpriTho Ass---------

PHOimicatiiils c tisKsharing

In millions* A n'/■ ends In January C o rp o n

: .......... ............ s tju e (.Q

- - • . would---------- j?honec

----------------- re n t pt........... sumers

f informbeing sll

Last r---------- ----------- cu.stom (

“ mostly Vshare th

'50® tom ers------------------- online U

privateency, removed ,mdex after Uie mils rp.r IVednesdav.cit. ock prices and Tliousi '‘ty* to keepw ell, spokes- ovedoa<

and WetKMART, Page E2 deadline

lis Fargo i>f Nows Sorvlce cem

biUiANCISCO - W ells yeaiI., svhidi has branch ureund Magic Valley, byoju rth -q u a rte r n e t • R<B S percent despite ter ioan problems. lion,te re s t ra te s and a Tlortgage and o th e r billi<the San Frandsco- fo\iipost quarterly net trib

ftl.18 billion, o r 69 incr<

, : : \ -Businm E.


dnesday aftomoon. ThIrd |uarter

lys in quart!July througli September 200(

• J e ro m e - $135.77 mill com pared with $123 millit year earlier.

• M inidoka - S12I.21 mUl com pared with $98.26 millic year earlier.

• C assia -$117.48 milli compared with $104.37 millic yea rra rlie r.

•G o o d in g -548.9 million, c pared with $32.37 million a j ’arlier.

• Lmcoln - $8,66 million, c lared with $5.61 million a y earlier.

• Camus - $2.35 million, o lared w ith $1.33-million a y ;arlier.

Tim es-N ew s Business Edi 'irg in ia S. Huichiiis can cachcd a t 733-0931, Ext. 242, <y e-mail a t i’irA-inia@ma^>ic:t

Review p u t riv a cy p la nAssociated Press__________

HO EN IX ^ Qwest Comn lations could be forccd lo as tistomers for permission liefoi ing th e ir account information

re v ie w by the Arizon wraUon Commission shows lh } could create a new inile ihi Id fo rc e th e Denver-base le company to abandon its cui

p o licy , which m akes cor 2rs responsible for prevendn rm a tio n abou t them fron 5 shared by Qwest, st month, Qwest told 3 millioi Dmers in Idaho and 13 othe ly W estem states that it woulj ) their information unless cus irs r e q u e s te d by phone oi e that th e information remair ate. T h e information to be ?d inc ludes phone number; d, th e phone numbers from received and Uie duration ol

lusands of customers .seeking ep th e ir information private oaded Qwest’s phone lines Veb site. Qwest e.xtended Uie ine for requesting privacy to

reports ri;:ents p e r share, up from $1. lillion, o r 65 cents per ^ a r e 'ear ea rlier. The per-share f ire b ea t analysts’ expectatio )y one penny.■ Revenue for the fourUi quj er rose 9 percent to $5.88 b ion.The bank saw a record of $:

iWon iri new mortgages in U o iirth q u a r te r , which co r ib u te d ' t o a 168 percei ic re a se in mortgage closir

f ' .

Insii• Mutual f u n d s ..

C la ss if ie d .. .. ..

Huidim 7.

y D i s c

loan I avai]H c o u n d e s r

V ----- The Tlmes-News

H FAIRFIELD •es in Blaine, ( Gooding and I

■ a re eligible tc interest disaste

H | Small Businesssaid Wednesda}

mUt The loans ark J nomic losses be<m revenue to farmB l caused by droH I beg inn ing JaiH i Camas, FrankIm --------------- I * n w m m n m v 5H ----------- Jxiddrdisasterr;U SBA.H ----------- “ Small businesH fo r Economic 1K . Loans of up to

I* and operating eI f could have beeB : disaster not occuI t “Eligibility foi

cap ita l loans i; financial impact

;er , on ly and n o t lproperty damag

................ have an.intertisic e n t, a maximi years and are re;

^ ^ 1* n esse s w iihout L V ^ l ab ility to offse

impact without h

iilion , Agriculture Sei lion a Veneman declar

tural disaster a t illion, Idaho Gov. Dirk I lion a Businesses prir

in farming or ran llion , g ib le for SBA d H o n .a _ _ tance. AGriciilmi

• s h o u ld contac , com- Services Agency I year Department of Ag

tance made avaih , com- re ta ry ’s declarat yea r in drought disasi

are eligible to app com- aster assistance, y ea r The deadline to

19.— For informatioid ito r tion forms, write n be Box 13795, Saci }2, or 95853-4795; or ci icval- 5323. The hearing'

call (916) 566-7388

ts Q w e s t 1 in to qu es___ Mardi 29.

Qwest said this weim - soon estabhsh a new Iask mated phone system"ore crush.)n. Arizona regulators ■in a ed with complaintsthe customers and plannhat to review Qwest’s privJed Qwest says its acti;ur- under a 1999 rulingon- lOdi Circuit Court of./ing Commission Chainom Mundell, however, sa

sion m ay not lieion Arizona because Ariier emed by Uie 9Ui U.S.'ild of Appeals,us- Other states also ao r force Qwest to changelin C olorado Office ofbe Counsel is studying ho:rs vent Qwest from shari)m accoun t data by dof w h e th er Qwest’s no------ ^-sumersnvasTnisleadingng Qwest maintains Uitite can keep informationes Uiat Uiey plan to shareiie only with internal divto as wreless and Interne

ise in inccil .l3 and origmation fees, re, a This loan growth j : fig- increasing bad loam ions economy at Wells

other baiiks. juar- Wells Fargo tonU bil* an increase in non­

loans - those with $72 problems - mainly i the da], real estate and r

:on- ing loans, said.chie e n t officer Howard Atkix


5IDEi ................E3,- - - . . .E 5 -1 2 ......- -


S ec tio n E

master ns are ilable

i s e s i n s o m e

s m a y q u a l i f y

ew8 .LD - SmaU business-. e, C am as, Elm ore, id L incoln counties e to a p p ly for low- aster loans, the U.S. less Administc&tion >day. Is a re to offset eco- : because of reduced armers and ranchers d ro u g h t and h ea t J a n . 1, 2001, . in n k lin , O neida and lies, saiu AJlred li. er^area 'd in rc to r 'o f'* '—

inesses m'ay qualify ' ' ic In ju ry D isaster ' to S l.5 million to n ancial obligations-' — lg expenses, which been m et had the iccurred.f^for these working IS is b aso d on the lact of th e disaster ot on a n y ac tu a l nage . T hese loans T tist-rate of 4 per- im um te rm of 30,: restric ted to busi- o u t th e financ ia l ffse t th e ad v e rse ut hardship ,” Judd___

: Secretary Ann M* dared the.agricul- • a t th e request of rk Kempthome. prim arily engaged ran4hing are ineli- I A d is a s te r assis- i

ta c t t h e - F a i 'm * icy about the U.S. f Agriculture assis* -ailable by the sec- iration. However, sasters, nurseries apply for SBA dis- e.e to apply is Aug.

Ition and applica- r ite to SBA, P.O. J a c ra m e n to , CA ir ca ll (800) 4S8- •ing-impaired may '388.

estion 'week that it will

ew fuU-Ume auto- em to handle Uie

ors were inundat* nts from Qwest anned a hearing privacy policy, actions are legal ling of th e U.S. of Appeals,

lairman William r, says that ded- i)e b in d in g on A rizona is gov- J.S. Circuit Court

so are trying to inge as well. Thp : o f C onsum er B how it can pre* haring customer i d e te rm in in g n o tice to con-

ling.-------------------------1 Uiat customers ion private and tare information divisions, such


»m eees.?Ui partiy offset oans in a weak Uls F arg o and ;

ontinues to see lon-performing d th p o ten tia l ily in commer- nd manufactur- :hief finanda l itkins. Non-per* ; F«G0.Page_E3 _ i

~ ~ Money~"

Mood^D E N V E R (A P ) - V

^ I n c a n d A m e r i c a n : ^ h a d t h e i r c r e d i t r a t i

g r a d e d b y M o o d y ’s S e rv ic e a m id a d r o p i

^ t io n s s in c e th e S e p t . : a t ta c k s ,

o . T h e l o w e r e d r a t i a f t e r C o lo ra d o S k i Co r e p o n e d a 14 p e r c e n t s k ie r v is i ts s ta te w id e fi r s t th r e e m o n th s o f t

O f f ic ia ls a t V a i l R

' ...Kmart _.......... -'.7 Contlnuod ftom E l—

w o m a n f o r K m a rt , s a it n p a n y w o u ld h a v e n o

. W e d n e s d a y a s •• in v e s to r s , l a n d lo r d s a n - w a tc h e d n e rv o u s ly a s i

m il lio n s h a re s c h a n g e d T h e b a d n e w s k e p

w o r s e f o r t h e c h a i n s t o r e s l h a t d a t e s t o W ed n e sd ay :

• R a t in g a g e n c i e s c , to s l ic e a w a y a t t h e c _ c r e d i t w o r t h i n e s s .‘ I n v e s |o r s S e r v i c e d n « n n i n g on $4 .7 b i l l i o n . c u re d d e b t a n o th e r no l i S & P . F i tc h In c . d o w n g

n i t i n g a n o th e r tw o n o t-------------U lU Jl cilJlkai'ii in c rc a 's i________ ly th a t K m n r t wi>| r h n r

f o r C h a p te r 11 b a n k n...............m a k i n g t h e d o w n g r a

c o m p a n y c i t e d “ c o i u n c e r t a i n ty a s t o K m j r a n t f i n a n c i a l s t r a t e g a b s e n c c D f a n y c o m m i

' f ro m th e c o m p a n y .”■ ' • M a r t h a S t e w a r t

O m n im e d ia Inc . c a n te r m e rc h a n d i s in g a g r e e m K m a r t i f i t s e e k s C h . l) :m k n ip tc y p r o te c t io n .

N*m» I jtl C Q Cufirnro

ACEU) S2 MU -.SI............. ISOJ - a OPI '

' tSlACt 20 »21 -W OOE :.A«fl .. «02 .13 Ol mrC :

AOLTW ... »M -U OJru er 11 APW lid _ dJ« -.4(1 DsVry

ASALU 60> JMO .47 DoaitFoM AUTt .IS 1847 -35 OeiuA*

i.Arrwitj ... 11C5 -.10 o«isj30 ^Auaas M 5444 .67 DolEM

AM.rrtc . m i .40 Ooutrei „ Aaenien .. »oo .01 IXU

AUO _ 17JI.IJ4 0<vwv iiA^con .. 507 -.11 DdlaiO

Aglleni OomFlM _____•Ajiiurnfl .11 051 -21 DmnjDw;

A>tn>fv .to 1307 -as OuPoniAUmou .. 07J8 -.47 Oi tEgy

I AhkA» .. 300 -30 D|tcnAfcfiwn .70 JOM -.15 CVWOTAt-vi M 3459-1.23 ETfiO*

,AK0J M J3C0 -.02 EUCCp'AfiStnin 1J2.3J37 .07 EOORwAXie 107 25U - II CiilChmA^Fn 2J 4220 -05 EKocUl

ACH 13CI 56 70 I s i E<towl«Amdoci J3JO-J.OO Efl.JxhAmMni 254 4352 -01 EIPjloCpAUovJLn 00 19M .23 Eli"

. A:P 240 4435 -J l EOS, ArtiCiB 32 30SO-1.25 CtniaiEI I• AHomcP 32oM33 .51 Etv-mcn ' ■ Ami«Oo 17 ;j72 -07 CoyEiU’ AraTowtf 6.97 -,7l Ef«CO' AmVm 0Cli>«3« ..14 ErtPajyl’ Arxricm .. Enifftiy 1|_Awti',li<3 03p 5825-1.25 EnmOo 1

AM(3-V 301 49 13 - 87 Eqljim^AwlooOov . 42 M-145 E ^ P r I

*rJwiu .72 45H -J7 EsiHlO* ATM, 2401 1022 -.37 Ei«lon- AnnuilyU JOdltit-4.02 EiionMj

Atlinv 312 4401 -.13 FPlCe :AfpOo .17 3310-1 55 r»lfChldSAJChOjn Wa 13 74 -57 FamDUAuioOj'j 4U 57 50 - 72 f4nr»*.lJo 1A>ju:£n« .. 04 38 *70 f MEiCpAya,j . 1)05 -20 rMScnA.tsa 48 U35 - 05 FodiOSAvcn 70 45 70 FInovaQJS» .. 2570-1.13 FjiDalaDJjVrtiij . 4370 -IS FniHnxf IOMCSn - 19.S0-1.0f FkeiOosi IBPPLC 1430 4455 -53 FiMlCnDJiivHu 46 31.10-1.25

‘•[bfUiO 1241 34 55 .W Fluof' (IjnkOflO M 37 75 -aS FeoIlUr"OkOlAm 2401 60 40-105 FwaU .4

DiW 7CI 4284 -.72 FoieiiU). QimKM ,.• 1300 - 51 roOuftoQi I

DjiieiQ 22 1744 . 03 Fo»1*fWhUiilocj 58« 52W-102 FwEnlBctSoutn 70 3835 -.50 ?<•<«*«Dc-.lEi-y . 7325 -45 FMCOvjBclfiSU ... 49 -02 FMCOpIO?a\)<iCp 1.12 2067 -OGOocM .C3'38D2-I33Do«iC CO 31.5) -22. CATX 1Do««s ... 22.72 .31 GipDoalSd .. 21.00-1.08 0*1*w*yOo»‘rt. .. 803 -24 GofwsowOiuJ 72# 1441 -.25 GenlVi 1.

1.l2t 4J55 -51 CkflElcC .D'OJ3«o->3 850 ..19 Cnl-Vjtr 2.Dn«nFA I4« 06CO -02 OMHOwmZF 481 2«U| -.52 OonjPn 1.CMIGU ,IOe 584 -08 OaP^CPI M 1055 - 04 OJetteCVSCp 23 2780 -47 CU.oSKlnJ

' C4»mNV .. 4331 -05 OlblCn*•OkJukq . 2000 -M CW»tSF« .-CaHOoJ 2S 1729 - 57 Oe*fWF'Cilplo. tl.M*l.09 GoWmiftSCjnwSp (IVn 2835-IJ9 CooJocJi 1,C«iOne .11 WM .51 Gooayoaf.4(Cvdnils .10 6260 -.70 Gia/ilPnMCumal 42 2585 -.16 CuoUnlCilQr kU 1 40 49 15-1 00 KCAtnc .>Ctlnucg - 1J.15-2.M HriPTPtp .,C«mej 0C« 254J ,.00 »i««nCcfltUnI . 1890 -C4 ><<noT«rC«f,Tel 20 3001 -09 KuloyO

... 2900-125 ItanUig_____CKMEfiq ... CM -02_ lUmdFn 1.0

I va i934 - 05 *tl»[l’' ' 2‘ OwnlBiJW B725-1.95cruo IJO 6006-1 *4 *cram .ClNcffy tea 3304 .24 B«taUCitCfiCC 07 27.15 -.M "oru I I

.64 48 50-152 'WftultOUWd 2.50 46 50 .iO -Clwo^lf .10 17.50 -M )Ulon .(CUyVOI .08 1001 -.13 *<0>ncDp .?0»irth» _ 4#.«-J,90 HomrtlnU .1Clcro. .84 39 41 -29 "OSO”CociCl .72«3M -.55 .(

..CoaCt .10 1981 -14 XuSeelO IJ.Co»ur _ .« ICMPNiii J

•,.Col3P.l .77 50 00 -.05 ‘W »«l C-Connci 1.76 5531-1.48 ■SW 2.4CmcFtf aeo -.15 '*

' Coircuq -10 1110- ^ Inomnd .6C<xnpAi 07 MOO -W 'W SCoiTpSd -. 4980.2M *«F1»» .0CoftVi .94 a07 -.71 l«OamoCcnocM .08u246l -10Cava .70 2 788 - 82' *0

• Centeca ... 107 -.10 WflecIConEd 2.20 4185 >.10 fn-jM K ACoretolEfl .48 2798 -J9 XICUUD .. ll,10«t.7l

!!'Mi7-T:n JPUngCnijivCoc^ t.40d3lx0 -.IB -Itta ■.<oor*B £2 ti37 -A3- JHFnSff. J lCenHna IM MS ->3^* ' .7;

• fCwirttEn » 1« .J i j5flnlnc«lj2CoiCom . . ‘37.14 -SI K™rt ' .■Cranv -M 22JS .87. KmtrtFpOJ)

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ysdewnj- Vail R&orts A m erica iri Skiing Co'' commeni ratings down- which dri y ’s Investors costs. . 3p in ski vaca* Americ « . 11 terrorist Canyons

City.a t in g s comc Moody’Country USA the junkent decline in of Avon-bde dtiring the two notchaf the season. and cu t tI Resorts and debt ratii;

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5 i ? i i.0 1899. On

s h 0 p p < ^scontmuecl M artha St, e company s p ro tiu c ts

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___ r H n t i o n|as„ is iy lM . „ i ,h Kmart

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mn> 1.20 3514 - 71 Kmo» 208 30 8 ^ ... IS8I -J4 Kf»gttn 1.00 «5.?

ko>mt«i 24« 19.1■-W-J4.7S'.,I5 lOtpKims -37.51.68 1970 ».17 K;»»i ... 20.7tc 208» 40.15 -84 L5IU«J ... 15?| w .00 5805-12S L«»Corp ... 355

y ... 20 77 w 45 LewPlil .48 22JIifMds .. 62 80 - 22 LenmOi .28 U8(A* 10 25.70 -04 Lounrk ... 57.«30 203 328 -W U*yUA .., 119:20 1.91 24 70 ... bff,ei. t.24l 70Bre( .500 1502 - 31 LiMM Jo tl2l

.16 1027 -26 UncNal .94 <0&>V 2l(t20 50 -H Uxlur .14 180(40 .13 U.7S ..7J LocWxW .44 47.7-

2.58 55 03 . 13 lOfUSp -. 2.J1iOW321« 1991 >00 Lom« .00 41.1{:>un.|J4l<a4M-t.90- Luc«ol----- ,—fK<11 1.40 U.13-1.14 LrsnM .90 124: Egy I.IO 38 00 - 05... 15.57 -52 B I L I M STt 30 3 50 - 67 UOHA ,401 347CM _ I0J9-UI IIDO .92 278SCp ... 1561 -37 MGMM> ... 2a.0«ncj .IS 3435 -75 M^Jg 136 158a<m 1.78 18.95-2.04 Mtnullg .48 25.73» 180 2610 -54 Mjisiron .02 BOSS .541 3334 -.88 Hi/miA • 26 38 11ni« .. 1523 -.30 MSlowl ... 520rSi 64 43 65-1 04 Ujko .54 24.10oCp .85 40 05-1.75 MjisCp 1.88 22.45

oi>EI 1.551 52 00-261 HjyUg .72 ».I0cn .70 23.11 -.44 MctJoMj 211 26.10lU OCI 2030 . 81 McKesjon .24 35.55O .10 21.29 -.76 UwttfK .23 48.50isyl - 10.74 -.21 U«Sonrrc.48n<'384Sly 1 321 41.70 ..14 Umk 1.40 5820lo 1 011 2400 -22 M«iSlMv.04in 14.10

200 i 'd i i S . :S

Mj 92 18 48 - 82 UanP. - ]J00 2 24 56 90 -Crj MOHYGp .45 30.10 IMS _ 25J0-I.4J McrjiSUn .92 5567 H 24 20 80 . 57 MoiwdU .16 13 95 .Uel321 02.15 ... NCHCp ... 4110 Cp .. 48 70-120 XnaEnoy - IIH im .78 2054 .31 NTLlnc _ 449? : “ i i ' i S K g sa OOu79 93 - 07 Kayisui ... 1555<0y 1.50 1524 .04 N«»«ailuO .84 2082541 t.40» 33 77 -13 llomlU .12 2I.CN3n ... 1065 . 05 Nwpkni _ 8.801 .08 10 65 - 60 N.Sourt» I;!0 22.20

.04(S}9.e:-4.47 MiagMH ...u1884*r _it22.85-IJ5 KtMOt .. 326’ •40m 14 95 - 09 »*>ki»Cp .25« 21.70

J) ... 7999 . 34 flonsai .34 2060 iQilOOl 3790 -.50 NcKlfcSo .24 18.12 Wh _ fll.78 -.47 HoilolHw _ 7JJ I ... 025-1.20 NoOordf 3« 4000 K .80 &3.50-J.IS MtnillO t.20l 27.03

... 13 4 5 - 20 N<«.U<J.iJ2o 37.20 pl02.75« 8.90 ..10 FMIgl .64 tl.14 OouPtl 1 00 25 C0 Oco»nEjy .16 IBM

1.24 32.60-t.07 OHeOpC ... IBM .09 14.26 -31 Omc«m*i _ UO ty _ BJI -J9 Omnoim .80 68.47. Kt) ... 50.70 -.14 1 7500-1.97C .721 37.67-1.04 POiECp ... 18.75

2.00 40.75 -.21 PNC 1.92 60.19 .-BIJJS-IJS PPQ 1,60 40.59- 1 1.14 34 25 -.54 PPlCorp 1.00 34 67 I .50(03 30 -84 PBtPK .. 9M

65 32«) -62 P»VHan .72 43.65- 'llnJSo 48 51 -.70 P»n«y ,50 2S.10 i» - J« -.05 P«n»is .to 1160 \Ft .13 25 00 - 55 P<M)En 2.04 37.52 • 291 60.17 -.93 PepsiCo -58 48S0 nS .48 88 03-1 27 PcVEImi .28 11.45- h 1,10 2420-1 20 PoWSfS ... 1900 ai.48m 21,78-107 P«n»l l.50o 2230 d« ... 9.15 .,18 PttftW .521 4000 ... 4551 .61 PMrmaca ,54 3968

.08 41.50 - 39 PWiSua* .51 22.20 tp_.80 BOO -.10 PMMof 232 40.00-

.50 1025 -42 PhJP« 1.44 57.70- r _d17.M-1.08 PnWM 1.601 4288 .12 53 40 . 20 PoNvl ... 1880

-,U39W .76 PttwrO .20 12.13 I 1.041 02.00 -15 PloOplA 216 2425 -r«r-40.7rT3T- ?>ufii*n— ir-JiiS- ... IB.n .77 PlurOl. 2MO30.45.

... 13.20 -,ll Pflijni ... 2862 .- 1.01 ..09 PonOlS 200 21.75 .

T.82 41.05 -.57 Polretl 1.00 23 04 .- 931 -.58 PriUir .68 400-1 ' 32 22.42 -M PiepidLd 2175 <.00 t0,90 -.27 PiinFndn I 2l!70'•

I .2« 4500 -.70 PfOdO 1.52 7549 ( It) .75 29.05-1.70 Pl«sn*£n2.1Bt 40.45-4 2 84 2931 ,02 ProtSiHiin .00 5.t2 . 1 .88 54.10-1,10 ProvWf .12 433 •

132 29 98-1.42 Piudsndn ... MC8 • « 30 30 82 -60 PSEO 2.18 41.12 . .00 « 83 -.52 PuoolEnoyl.W 7278 -

2.45 25*4 . 08 OuanuSvc .. ]455 . 1.80 30.70 -.04 OuMUf .72) 24.42 - .es 39 60-1.73 OMVCm ... I3W - .50117.25-1.00 fURojn 3.50 5800-1... 6803.M9 n*lioSf* '.20 2Bm'' ... a .22 - a .80 3200 .

1.00 3800-1.00 ftth^a . 274S.I .. 39J8.I38 RWU .. 258 . e M 27.J0-1.I7 nsHm .80 53.00-1 X8 3i50 -Of FkxriA _,I8.#5 -

ApyXM i-*3» 4Sio-2 FfeyiQpg _ 18.4} .n 138 3120-1.67- zuo-137.. 311 «0JX).13» SAPAO . ;iJ* 3510-1, .72 59» 07 SOCCom. t« . 3e.t5 dlJHI 7J30 '4105 .STUCK) .Mt JftSO-l,- - diM -38.80 <3MdtM44« W ^ 1 .I 2 .40.40 ^1.01-29.7J.-.70 S»nSOF .43*1.7B 3J81 -24 StfslM .6« 2140 -.


igradescrc a r i .S k i i n g d e c l i n e d . t o __ _s n t d h t h e d o w n g r a d e s , d r iv e u p f u t u r e b o r ro w in g

r ic a n S k i in g C o . o w n s T h e IS r e s o r t o u t s i d e o f P a r k

3y’s o n T u e s d a y lo w e r e d tk r a t i n g o n $ 2 0 0 m i l l io n ' i-b a s e d V a i l R e s o r t s ’ d e b t tc h es to “ B 2 ”'f r o m “ B a 3 ,” t t h e c o m p a n y ’s o v e r a l l it i i jg o n e g r a d e to “ B a 3 ”


a n d M a r t h a S t e w a r t ; I n e w c o n t r a c t t h a t k e e p s e n n e o f .d o m e s t i c i t y o n I sh e lv e s u n t i l 2 0 0 8 w i th c

s ib i l i ty o f a n o t h e r f iv e - i e n s io n . T h e r e l a t i o n s h i p t V e e nt a n d = = = = = = =

je g a n in K m a t t h o s b m i Sl o r s o m ep e r s , m r v e n t i t s e iS t e w a r t t rt s a r e scnmMngfoi5 m a in aga'mtthelowe^ io n . A ' . . . .w o m a n Wol-iMart ofora “ ? d "the l l i e l m i i j k r T a r iu n s h i pa i t i s s o l i d ; • h’e s r o r s ~ a r e “ g t ‘o‘w iri"g v;n g ly j i t t e r y a b o u t r e a l t ln v e s t m e n t t r u s t s t h a t ira r t a s th e a n c h o r te n a n t mn a i l s a n d s h o p p in g cen * ki fl th e m o s t K m a i i s t o r e s — C) r t f o l i o s - 7 5 i n a l l - Ce a l ty C o r p . a p p e a r s to W n g t h e b i g g e s t h i t .ih a re s h a v e b e e n s te a d i - rcg d o w n f r o m t h e i r S 2 - cch o f S34 .07 s e t o n D e c - ofo c k c lo s e d W e d n e s d a y i r

30 82 . 49 SchooPI .64 34.11 -09 ■MM ScNmb .75 49 80-1.90 ■

t ” ^ I5« .1J1 f3751 ;,99 SdAIUnU .04 a j f l - l iS r ‘20.79 -23 SdlAit ,.16 60-1.11 Mf

■ f ‘ S w .92 5100 - X Kla io r s iS ^ C G O . 254^-04 SpU80-1.75 S«<rp.aEn 1.00 24,itf-1,15 T?S7.00-l.45 Svcccp ., 4.71 -.19 fV,1197 - 06 _ «U5.,,75 ^

Sr»aTf 1.40, 18 65.1.1540 04-138 Snmwi .58 25 69 -.2818 00 . SnopKo ... 867 -04 ^47,75 -,75 siwiPae 80 1540 « 11 —4U0 ’ m SI£

1243 -.50 S*.>in« .72 3035 .25 ARSntnnin .. 46.70-1.00 WuSdocm ... i i .a -.19 MJI

J7.85 -32 S«'““4 •« »-M »06 . 60 SounnCosl34 2900 -.75

1 1 - S a s;ai,.7o4 SOVTWISS 238 3051 1520 . 58 SpmlFOM 40d17.75-125 ™ !4.10 -.89 SpmlPCS .. 10 90 -.42 >9

SWP« 32 23.19 -.60 ^ StinlWk .M 4025 -.72 Tw

0.10-60 SafMlWI BO 3000-1.00 ’ *'a? MM -i*

Sia 1 8UIlo«iCtt» _ 1172 <2.12 A<h 845 .'90 ’■■ 1707 .42 QOCfi20 -.45 SlhwtF ,04. 2609-130 Unc 4.10 .40 SMtmR .80 11.87 -.12 i-q,,

SuCPpno 2.251 27.57 .,12 Nov X47-8JU SioLIFno .48 2041 -24 fjov 1*7 . « SrrWT» ... I960 -,51

Sy«= .301 26« .03 L r5873 95'-13 ‘<B U25 - H ■1.16-lil TRW .70m 3482 -.43

TVAiwe .03fl 7.07 .04 : « TVXOokl „. .51 .01 - 7 :

910 -90 nUCoqi 2.40 4J94 . 44 555 - 38 T»l«S<m» ... 1730 -.78

''J i MW-’ OI '*® Touron. ... 390 -OO ‘

2.20 - 65 T«tCnO«tJ8. 8.05 -.45 J 984 -01 TclNoit 31« 1425 -.10 J .a -1 » T(lM«iL«1.03r 3855 -M 3 ;]■ I.»m ...MSI . a S 112 -57 Ttntfyn _ 2175-4.7S *2,7 rj3 -48 Tetlnd .30 3841 -30 100 . 39 Te>lnl 09 2825 - 10

n»m»EJ 2.521 22.91 -.50 ™ liu . 1, ToyRU ... 1845 -.44 100 -.75 Tnn»oen...l2.U05-1J8 S2!!!2 | » • » IiwnO ,.u5300 -.24 AR»n | j j . ”3 Tiucrtlho 35 1820 ..11 AmPrt 1.47 -2.55 rrxM .05 4071-li4 AooCm m m Tr»< .10 " m .,ia Dkot>

UAL ... 15» .31 Boi„(,'l9 I 54 «•“> CINOfI,50.1,78 *1US0 ... 587 -,0107 .,12 UnlonP»e. .60 5450-1,14 coitaM • » UOomfl l.oa 14.10 -15 oioboi“ • IMtaO 1.211 828 -32 . « p,jJ upso .78 son ....52 -.04 US Dinap ,75 20.15 -,55 u ^ . , » -’I? USK«, ..: 210 -.CB ^

USS> .40 17,70 -.05 ^ JO -.17 -06 U05-2.0700 -.41 IMMhO .03u«.00 .35 M -37 1.60e 3590 ..03” iw»c<npf _ 2a70-2J1TO.ijr UnMiioo ... 3095-1.4188 .38 UnumPiov .50 77.22 -.72 W .,]» uiiCo .IJO 2838 -34 .33 .17 ,Hon

45.120 V4len>£n .40) 4024 -.2462 -S8 vtl^v .561 39.50 -.81 ' ^ tir15 *?1 ViftiftMs 15.75 -.29a-L44 V.rtinfiCml.54 4tOO-1X»75..05 VUeomU 42.78-2.0a^ VodCo 30 24R) -,I8i s - i n viMiniM _ <111 -JT12 ..10 vodllono ^ aoS -.40 . -a -M WtavM .08 3015 -.01 ^ “ W*3lCw ... 1553 ..IB

;-f5 W.IMM .28 5550-137 - S ! l-78 Wtljm MSI 3115 . 01 'V ; •-,46 WAlloSl 1.00* 3150 -.05 Sloel

W munexi* » ••• W.M-1.60 . 5 “ .-.58 ... 3302-1.25 .tuM*.13 Wamra 3.1a 4&50 -.44 '-UM

WoWfBO 1.04 452S -.07 . » «. ; g WunEg tM 2457 - i j ' S S-60 M*B« 7JI ..«■ , w ,y,

■2AS WinRt» 1.20 1738 ..28 UnM 1.80 8093 -.47

■ i Wtir* .02 4195 -.44.1,10 WmaCom ._ lis ..05 y llod-M .WmtCM .601 23M -.42 ’.MufM

-'04 *M«nn 1-50 2417 - «-38 X«Iii . 9 4 0 -.15 I '


jreditrati;. _ f r o m . “B a 2 .” ___________ _

T h e r a t i n g s a g e n c y m o v e r e f l e c t s c o n c e m t R e s o r t s w i l l c o n t i n u e i n g m o n e y t o p u r s u e t i o n s i n a b i d t o d iv e i e a r n in g s b a s e . M o o d y ’ o u t lo o k o n t h e c o m p a n : m a d e s o m e , m a j o r r e a p u r c h a s e s l a t e l a s t y e a i

, I M o o d y ’s a l s o d o w n ju n k r a t i n g s o n $ 2 8 0 m

a t $30 .82 .W ith i n v e s t o r s c o n tin i

b a i l o u t o f K m a r t , t h e s ■ c o m in g d a n g e r o u s ly d o s e

g e r in g th e d e l i s t i n g p ro c e t h e N ew Y o rk S t o c k Exc

C o m p a n ie = = = ^ s h a r e p r i c . ,e , t h a n S l d u t s e l fa t ia c o n s c c u t iv

toco,mep r ic e s o f t o r a i s e th< , . p r i c c in th

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- v a lu e ," " c a ] c u l a te ^ T ) y m u I S th e n u m b e r o f s h a r e s o u i i n g b y d ie s to c k p r ic e , to m il lio n . T h a t ’s d o w n fro m k e t v a lu e o f $ 5 .4 b i l l io n

- C h ie f - E x e c u t iv e - O f f j c e r I C o n a w a y j o i n e d t h e con M a y 3 1 ,2 0 0 0 .

lO n a r t h a s b e e n s tr u g g l r e in v e n t i t s e l f a n d sc ra m b l c o m p e te a g a in s t t h e lo w e r o f W al-M a rt S t o r e s I n c ..a i t r e n d ie r _ T a r g e t C o r p . T Ik

:-M0ST..AcnV&($lx«HO«}: |J|]Hamfl-- VoKOO) L»g|r Chg Ha; Kmart 1577017 1.60 -.B5 Nai SpmlPCS 257724 1G.90 -,42 SPD Tircolnll 251369 4G.7I -1.24 OJI/ DowChm 23713a 24,55 -I.M Sem GonEioc 2284 0 37.67 -1,04 Nnh; . GAlHEnS(J2<M«0M) „Hama Chn SChg NamSlalionCas. 13,72 .£12 -.IBJ

-MonocoC»-2S.35-.3.36—►H.e rteij AROSIT 2.47 +.26 *11.0 UuK Winnbg 40.70 .3.80 ♦10.3 BflHlr Mjlofo 4.10 ..35 .9.3 Lilwi

LOSERS($2onuoRi)Hama Utl Cha %Cho NamKmajlFpI a.8C -3.46 -26.0 UloPFWPCapI S.26 -1,69 -243 HiS^Planlron 22.20 -4.82 -17,8 NDraAnnulyU 19.51 -4.02 -17.1 Tian:Teindyn 20,75 -4.75 -14,2 Slmui

DiaryAtfvaneod I.II3 aUvojDoellnoa 2,040 Oocl«Unehanood IOI \JxhTcialissues 3.350 Tolal NowHiohj 00 Nowl NowLowi 44 Nowl

_______1.741,588,0iW Volun

St-WMk -High - Low Namo_______

11,350,05 8.0C2.34 Dow Jonos Influst3,133.58 1,942.01 Dow Jonos Trantj

400 60 270.20 DowJonosUiiltllo667,71 404.63 NYSECompetiio

9GI.67 776.88 AmoxlixJox2,892J6, 1,387.06 Nftsdaq Composrt1.383044.75 SAP 500519.89 373.62 Russotl2000

12,71922 9,073.24 WiWilfoSOOO

lamo_____ Div ..PE-Latl ChgJtJonsn .76 20 29,80 -.15JWCas ... 66 28.40 .U Ion.Cofp .90 45 35.01 -1,15kOlAm 2.401 15 ' 60.40 -1.05OiwC .60, 31.04 -22:lMOfOV 1.60 13 . 33,04 «24WAQfo •• ,94 •• 20 23J)7 •-,73«tCO • ... -33 41,08. -.86 ■>Oboa • .64 33 ' 39.47.-.36.Q.Edwarflj .64 23 43,65 -1.04

1.62 29 41.09 -.57«wU)nP J2 51 22.42 -.66omoDp 201 • 42 49,00 -.70lacwp 1,68 12 39.76 -'.CW'■O'taftd .......... 2.10. -.05»reorp 1201 17 24.00 -.60

.12in 22 11.00 -.03

Horn are Om iS2S most aettvo ctoda'on MarltoH md-lOO mo

1.115 \$iyiC Sfecta In beM chanoad S Nntr. Sloda ve Ustod olphaboUcalV 1 n ^ m id o up of tnMois appoar ot tbo I Div; Cuhort omual dMdond rets t unlo#iotho(yrtMWnot*d: ■ ■ • • (JW): Pricv Block wa« tndlAg et wtwn 01 Ctifl; tu»« Of oa/n tof tho dav. No chano.

^ Naflw.Naitio o» mutual fund aild ll Sjll: NM aiMt valuo. or prieeafwhMi t Oigi Daffy nol chanoo In tho NAV. : '.

B footnMw; ec-PSwiiw Itai H.'Oc

ingofski---------- -------------A m e r i c a n -SI:y s a id i t s i n g n o te s am1 t h a t V a i l l o w a s “ C a ,’e b o rro w * g r a d e b e f ce Q cq u is i* M a in e - b a s c 'd- e r s i f y j t s t o s e l l i t s S te;y ’s 1 -a ting T h e r a t i iiny , w h ic h A m e r ic a n Sk! a l - e s t a t c b a n k r u p t c y I‘a r , is s ta - l i k e ly d e fa u li

d o e s n o t s cu n g r a d e d s o m e r e a l - e sm il lio n o f v e r y n e a r - t e r

p a n y i s a l s o i in u in g t o v w h i le i t m o u i ! s to c k i s ■ $ 2 b i l l i o n ov j s e to t r ig . a n a n t iq u a t e d c ess f ro m a n d l u r e m o re ix c h an g e . . s to r e s , l i e ? w i t h K u r t B a r n t ic e s t h a t ’ B a m a rd .’s R e t: ■or l e s s U p p e r M o n t i iu r in g 3 0 f o r e c a s t s r e t a iv e t r a d - a n d c o n s u m e r y s w i l l s a id W e d n e sd i w a rn in g s a i d t o b e r e i

h e s h a re d r a w d o w n the th e n e x t b i l l io n l in e o f c h s o r b e A c c o r d i n g i r o m t h e q u a r t e r f i l in g \

a n d E x c h a n g e

m a r k e t - b i l l i o n o f t h a t

'U t s t a n d - ___ H e j a i d th e0 $77 7 .5 a l s o , w i t h i n 3 m a m a r- - d e f a u l t , w h e n )n w h e n b a c k m a n y o fr C h u c k ------ e x te n d e d - to 'th io m p a n y K m a r t ’s I e n

r e n e g o t i a t e t ;g ling to d e b t s . O r , th e y ib lin g to t h a t ” a n d p u s h j r p r ic e s b a n k r u p t c y r e .a n d th e p r o m p t i t t o 1 h e com - s to r e s , B a r n a r d

^m m ml | l 0ST-AcnVE-($1ORMMi). -Mos

laidt00Tf691784 38,78 -1,56 Intol ■PDR 167S90112.82 -2.33 SunMK UlADiam 51361 97,14 -2,36 Ctico flmiKTf 37463 43.34 -1.51 Adolph Inbcfs 27906 27,60 -1.40 Orado

Gainers (j2MMont) G,amo Laal Chg %Chg Namo «en— .5.48—»,W «22,0 OlgilToJlO ^f------ 3.04—•♦•.49—*19.2 Sonets«K«p 6.10 *.00 .12.5 IniorOigonirx) 2.50 ..25 .11,1 MneToclOTirm 2.05 *.20 +108 Nrtchoj

.L o s e r s ( o OAMOnc) Llamo Latl Cha SChg NamoloPoW 3.01 -.,37 • -10.9 InspPhoShofliT 2.36 -.29 -10,9 ComOn.Draoon 2.30 -.25 -98 Dynacqan:monl 5.11 -.49 -8.8 Isomotmula 4.60 -.40 -8.0 BiloSfiw

DiAny 'h'oneod 202 Advanw)cl-flod i27 DoelmocKhanfloa 103 Unehan('lalltsuos - 812 Tolallss’wHfl'B 24 NowHifliwLwfj 0 NewLovluino__________ 161.450,425 Volumo

Nel________ ;________U el Chgustililj 0.712.27 -211.88intportfllbn 2,636.34 -49,74kilos 293.83 -1.0010 575.16 -7.47

629.42 -6,10 KID 1,944.44 ■.56.47

1,127.57 -18.62476.42 .8.58

10.514.12 -169.25

YTD ■ .hg NChn Namo________ Div Pt.15 -5.4 M«onT .31 .13.4 ScollPw 1.710.15 . -1.4 Sctttlom i3 1;.05 -4.1 SkyWosl .08 Z22 ,-6 .l Toraflyn 24 -12 Tuppwto .88 2(.73 *.8 USOancjp .75 Z.86. -5.4 Volhl ,24 1:.36 '■2,4 WolMan .28 3£04 - 1,2 WashFod .96 13 57 -.1 WoUsFfQO 1.04 23 .66 .9 2 ZwiBcp ,80 17 70 -3,0W .2.105 -.560 -1.4 ,.03 -6.9 '

w lhe Now Yotfc Slock E x f r i t^ . tho:

ISponxmofnwmtnprtco. ■ ’ . ■ IVt>y1ho(x«ip4n/Bfullnamo (notKs » boginftlno ol oad\ tetlcre'llal.Id on Mock, tUBOd on lotott qiunoity' oi


diamly.' ' ' •li,(undcoukjb«aold. ...

• '« ! - l« jh IMJ12 tnofc'd - Nrw 5 2 ^ 'It1 ny»>i l»B SiMojOiv.boMMn dalo ol 1

na. b - Awmal iM i*i« «Kxk oMMid. e > miNl riM, hastMd on IMI dodmioft. I - D

i i ^ ^ o r a r * ^

towwiliiii'AiMoaatiid P r w i t 'a ^ i l

d areas-S k iin g ’ s d e b t , in c lu d ---------a n d b a n k c re d i t , t o a s a , " ’ t h e s e c o n d * lo w e s t B f o r e d e f a u l t . T h e ic'd c o m p a n y . i s t r y in g h e a m b o a t S k i R e s o r t I t i n g s a g e n c y s a i d S k i in g , w h ic h d o d g e d y l a s t y e a r , w ill m o s t lu l t o n b o r ro w in g s i f i t s e l l S t e a m b o a t a n d • e s t a t e a s s e t s “ in t h e • te rm .” ,

:o b a t t l i n g r e c e s s i o n o u n t s a n a g g r e s s iv e , o v e r h a u l t o u p g r a d e te d in v e n to r y 'S y s te m , fi o re c u s to m e r s in to i t s * «

r n a r d , p r e s i d e n t o f ti l e ta i l T r e n d R e p o r t in tl n t c l a i r , N . J . , w h ic h h 2ta i l i n d u s t r y t r e n d s ier s p e n d in g p a t te r n s , « s d a y t h a t K m a n w a s r e v i e w in g a p l a n to ^ t h e b a la n c e o f a $1 .6 >f c r e d i t J in e . g t o K m a r t ’s t h i r d - lg m t h th e S e c u r i t ie s Ige C o m m is s io n , ’th e■•rlrA->fty flrrm m g i ,1K

l a t credit line, leav- H*ion. J*'h e com pany cou l d __g1 3 0 'd a y s , ‘.‘g o i n toe n t h e y c a n n o t p a y . l

o f t h e lo a n s a l r e a d y j;,■them:” ------ ^ -------------- I Je n d e r s c o u l d t h e n2 t h e , t e r m s o f t h e qj. ley c o u ld s a y “ n ix to jq, ish t h e c o m p a n y in to r e o r g a n i z a t io n a n d Jq. 0 c l o s e a b o u t 2 5 0 — sir i rd s a id . 27

■ ■ i eNuw

f0Sr-AcnVE.(S1 ontioM)- APCTM m b- Vol(DO) U n f Cha )l 741345 33,71 -.07 nMoo 593S41 12.11 -.42 co 587476 18.94 -.74 a S S T alphCh 463647 26.81 -.44 Acavnni -do 372490 .6.58 -.41

Ga iner s (sioniKxtt) ’TIO Laal Chg SChg " ^ IS filToJ......... 3.61'*1.49‘ 4703 A")™!icKuo— 5 .0 r-^ i:i6 -.3 0 .r f f irOi(J 11.04 *2.48 .262 AtemUr :Toeh 2.79 t.49 *2U AJkom ^0J 5.00 +.00 .17.8

L 0SE R S |S !o .'io ..) S S g i»---------a , % ch,iPhdf 4.15-11.36 -73.2 ASohiiOna 2.68 -1.18 -30.6« q s 1725 -7.05 -29.0wt 4.62 -1.58 -25.5 AptfloOlSflWf ■ 3.50 -.06 -19.7 Ap«C

AprtJon. D l«nv .aneod 1,178

2.3I». S J Ttungod ' 763 A»eraiit!ll Issues 4,324- H » . ,2 S rLows . 35

imo_________ 1,844.456,0009EAS)4DMiOtinOlndVw

i« % YTD S2.wk 0«9»" ig Chg %Cho SChg bJJj}* B6 -2.14 -3.09 -8.24 OroMVlii 74 -1.65 -.14 -13.D2 S'ii®? 50 -.34 -.04 -14.38 47 -1.28. -2.48 -11.25 CUogMi 10 -.73 -2.15 -8,45 D<rtnOb|» «7 -2.82 -.31 -27.52 COWCpc a -1.62 -1.79 -15.19 CTCT >8 -1.77 -2.47 -3.45 CSOSy.^ - ’’B’ -H-59

CinSoPl CanSUcSc

YTD CalAjO- a _ u - ! , Ch, > c h , gw ™

.-■ 3345 -1,85 +7.0 OurtCm

... 24.10 ,..,08 .11.1 17 20.15 .,W -32 S S 29 2766 -.54 .8.7 Cr*oo ... 28.75 -4.75 -4.6

20 19.05 -.35 -1.0 Ss®® 23 20.15 -.55 -3.7 S n ?13' 12.50 -.02 ' - 1,6 ' Caco 38, 55.50 -1,37 -3.6 13 27.02 .,20 *4.8 23 45.25 -.07 «4.I 17 51,75 ..03 -1.6 £P«»* Coifpiw*

Cofflven CoTKEFSt ConoiiTdi ConcCm Conaiin CotThm ConComn ConitCpn Cowa

tho 400 moetaettrt bn tho. a ian g trMunni tuMn f f l r c ^ —

■ . - . Cytyes 11ts obbfovlailon). 6ompanj


■ Kimt ... ATSlCom


* S l S S 5 d " r ^ ? S ! S £ ' 5 ^w *WRnou(wanMr^'‘T ' i>«T<*ap>d'

njMlnMtiamo«.MaiM.’ CtttkmCp hMHidafldaaiMkilull'i-'' CmdrAjt tty.A(i.arMcuiM«tMnid' CreuMM*

'\V'; ‘ -.V ! V «RMOurc« M flguraaaiyuntfflelal..|

._ _ J a n . . . l 6 ,2 0 0 2 - ^

D ow Jones _ I n d u s t r i e

9,712.27Pet chango from provtous.

•2JT3N High 1 Low

9,916.54 9,711.10 I Record high: 11,722.98 I

Jon. 14.2000

' ■!

D o w drop o liw o m e s

NEW YORK (A P ) - A i . forecast from In te l sen t i

s h a rp ly low er W ednesd w orries tha t a recovery ’ take longer than expecte th a t th e m arket had rise high, too fast.

T he Dow Jo n e s indus tumbled more than 200 poi th e ir w eak est f in ish i: months with selling that s across the market and inter late in the session. Analyst

-irivestors were collecting p rather than risk a loss if ai nomic turn^ound is delayei

“ I t ’s th e 'c o m b in a tin n - uncenam outlook .and.the

-tively-high-stoclc-valuatioii th e re r ig h t now ,” sa id

-Brownrhead of-equity ma m ent a t Wilmington Trus th e m ark e t w e re d ir t cl

.investors might be more cpr able talcing risks.”

The Dow dosed down 2: or 2.1 percent, a t 9,712.2 lowest doM since Nov. 28, the index was a t 9,711.86. loss was the biggest point since O ct 29; when the inde 275.

m» Ohf lJ»|-Cha airt>olf« ._ .ObltM ... 29.DOMCI* .. II

CT«I -_..4.»e-J« Ot«iSi----- .k-20illnU -.|9M-2.0t OyTucqt . wl7. iUKld _ 1477-MI tBiylne _ 99. ITocfi ... 1438 -.72 ErtfiUnk _ 10. jenU ., 2S.23.1.M EctcSW ... 27j nCm ... 495 ..IS 4x8lnc ... i.i P« „. 6.11 ..22 - 34>van« .. 24.58 ..44 ElecuAnt .. 53: «*KI .. 1828 -.47 EFil _ 22: Olpnotn - .19 -s03 EmmltC .. 21.1 >tf>Ch ..I 2861 -.44 Emulei ... 40j JOOS/ .05 35I0-I.17 Eixioer* . _ 17.. riJIgfal - 1731-138 EngyCom _ 18. on«i ... 1804 -21 £ntn»l _ 9.'mol___3i41_..fll. EiWI. ,_;._5I.;■wn--- -. .'ISaS.lJS- 6p<prttny—.-ta!0*1* -.d27«.l,»9 EnesnTol .05* 4.1 unWTn _. 4.4| -M EjpSodt ... 48.; >mi ... 2638 -.80 ExIndSyt _ 8.: >0T«l - 8.77 ^ ExlNfllw ... 14,1 imt ...>;32.41 .81 FSNetur ... I9[ wW ... 10.50 ..Bl FolenSUn _ W fsCp .. 23.13-1 07 .091 031tnn _ 9.13-1.18 ffltiTlrt .021 flI.J ■oloOl ... 27.01 -.11 -. 12!<fl .. 254 -.03 ... 225lofT _ 1404-IJ* ftwtra _ 21CU»w _ .19.45-1.54 Fon»f _ (.1IkjO* _ 43.94 -.89 Poundfv ... 7.B« 20.78 -.02 - 19J>0n ... 39 -.01 F<lo«i»l .07 ll.iUUUt _ 4I45-4.0S Fu«*C«ag _. IS.S:c _ 10.28 -.68’•ch - 431 .29 Ccmstar .. 22.2spi •.. 1038 -.14 OwUcf _ 44.4>nUilS ... 4 88 -.00 0»miHy IJlom ... .21 -.01 G«njym»| ... 51.0Xt ... 37.90 -.19 OMworta _ Ztl ... 7.96 - 20 CM.vla ... G5.IOMk .24 40 01 . 06 CttISp ... 170ntt _ 539 -.78 Qlbnpu _ 15.C•U> _ 1348-1J8 CWSde»l ... IJS)fl -. 18.08 -.92 C;irt«»» .. il.O3itn ... 11.64 -.99 HfWScfl ... 109wT ~ Js!44 KiinSSc oiSW. .6a 29.01 -.37 Harmon,<1.15«.u73:kD. .. 52.01 -.47 tU»Uno« _ 4«xJVlin _ 2.70 -J3 Henryjxt .12 21.8!om ... 47,05.245 ... 11,8'kCin _ 34.44-143 IlnnOfl .. 62:kiAu 44.00 -202 HumOtn ... 27.7;Mai .. 11,40 .,10 Ifycor ... BOCCb|» ... OT«f> _ 7JifCpi ... 52.40-2.10 COS ... 51.0-.1 _ 1.81 -19 lOECPti ... 0241T _ lA»UWkl _ .01Sy* -. 3444-297. Imdorw .. M3(h«» ... 48.70-240 lmmun«i ... 27.5<iHK ... 72.60 -3 02 Iwimd ... 17.12It ... 34.15 -31 InlsSpc* - 24:kiPl ... 434 -.01 Womtl ...... 12.52IkScI - 445 U5 InMoml _ B.B4mO .. 0.22 . ... InsoSdO_____IJM>n* ... 27.81-1.19 InipPnt* _ <t4-19in ... 70 01 -1.77 1138Cra .. 13.15 -.25 IftStmoln ... flOOImn - 2U0.1Z7 IntoDv - 27.45'oinit - 3433-2(5 Mel .08 33,71lem _• 2J1 .J7 InitrtUfl - II.Mn ... 42.73 -.08 ..; 210Unl _ 7.44 60 ImoiUuno ... 4a95

. a S K S 5 ; . i l !I ... 17.04 -.55 ... 11.75... 18.94 -.74 lnl*f»a _ 2«J05* ... 21.18-1.11 Inlrwowo .. B.99it> ... 1738 -.08 »>MI .- 38.80tp ... 3838 -27 InVlilon _ 28J03n« _ tnvvregn ... 5883>t - 23.70-1.05VKiT« .. 13.03 -.37Oft ... 2230-1.08 JOEdwr _ 1435:FSt ... 3245 -.74 JOASoH ..u27.09iiT* .. 230 .- JOSUnlph _ a.11Cm • _ 1435-1.40 JonetPR .08 35.75.n .. 12i8 -.14 JnprHlw _ 18.98w - 20.23 -.69 KLATne _ SftOIomm _ ,12 -01 XPMOCntn .. 17.17•Cpn - IJO -30 Ktman .44 14.713 - 41.98 -M KjuSnrt _ 2040lyt _ 1480.1.92 KnoNTnJ ... i.eo r — m#:t .. 23.45 _ m _ «0.LaJolPh 430

UmfliCh _ Z12|,a -, 27.57-1.01 ItnaiMi ... 37.63hi _ 732 -J7 Utbco _ 21.02m - 1735-234 iMpWr _ I5.BI

Dl» IJtl Cftg EiPa*,e. 1435_ JJ .fo Eufoloeh - • .79

pZ .4-2 3M g ^ n - - 7^am - J7 -.04 SSJSl, - "

’- s hS T ;■ "iSS .: " S ^^ ^ !’*5 *’J® ISIUtpin .45* tf7.4l Sm 4« IShSP500133o112.#0-

® .95* 18.90 ..13 KTfiSSanift 0704. fT -05« 18.01 -.88 ISnCSNWn " M32-

... .98 -4M BnHIOOOV.69* M.65Cp ... .88 ^ ishuca»o.ii»iiaoo-J _ .It - « lShH10COa29o 5000IM( _ 11.03 ,.a tSlflut1000.6»o 30.48:m _ ;1.7S ..08 lShR2000ail# 65JO-

- .73-09 ISnRtSOOaiJO M.44-ltm1.S6« 97.14.238 IShfUaOOO.»4o B248Kh - 35.01 .83 IShUCOiVI.I7«88.B«-

JO 3847 -43 IShSPSnil .58t 11280-rc« - 30 ..01 krpodA) .89* 8.10I .. .54 -01 10.^0 M 2435 .•y _ .44 ..04 me _. 2*3


ps m o re thi s o v er reco

m urky ........ The'decline'jt stocks fo r th e techi iday on Nasdaq compos /w o u ld s lid 56.47, or ted and 1,944.44. The Sl sen too 500 index lost ]

cent, to 1,127.57. j s tr ia ls . The selloff ex M)ints to been a frustrati in 1.5 sions for Wall S

; spread as investo rs tr ensified • direction of the i 'sts said ■ m arke t Stocks t ; profits during the last qi an eco- a rebound from ^ed. a t ta c k s selloff0 .6 £ j u ] aaipBcta Uono tble rela- . improving.ons-out---------With"theT)nsed M att te r earn ings se lanage*— hav e 'b ec o m e 'c ust. “If reluctant to ext' ch e ap , too much in a m Omfon-___ analysts.say-ref]

ratlier than real211 .88 , expectations..27, its W ednesday’s1, when prompted by Intt i6 . The ed fourth-quarte It drop than estim ates clex fell indicated it’s too i

economic recover

.69 -.03 L»o»W -. 1661 -.11 & t voO .. 4«4 -04 . 1238 . 27 UlePlH ... 3432.13920K -J« Uno»Ten-.-:1B'41.07 41.03 8.I733-7.0S IBOrtn--- rr—203—.01- e;99.94-439 Umwnit _ 21.81-131.27X0 Vb4 I M m Z E M I H1.07 ..03 UKmdlt _ 1734-123

3475-3.99 Utenn _JlJ8-232 ^53 53-1.02 MtoolPI -. .80 ... fi2224-UI lUoniEn.,. 8J»«1J1 ^2I.S1-134 Utnugltl _ 1480.I.M "40J2.1.88 Utrconi .17. .91 -10 Sl1744-131 U4(vMTn ... J965-I.04 r,141B-1.70 Mtilm ... 5529 -349.10-134 UcAlM .. 9239-4,11 &1

£ T —4.70 -.22 UeOtUAn _ 2175-1.44 S(1l i S i S K r ; a ; i J ;

i : s K S S : '! J ! ; S S9.43-141 Uorelntf _ 3235-1.74 ^U68-1.08 MmKirb ... .44 - 02 ^91.71 -.24 McM .. 24.42 -.08 SUI25« -.59 Merochp .. 37.47-1.19 g-2295 -.02 Hewua _ 11.M-1.12 *•1.71-1.10 UlcSomIt _ 23.44.238 6I(aOS-142 Mcrnfl .. 67.87-1.681.11 4.08 Ulenxno _ 2137-132 7.44 -.29 MJPtUf .. 20.53 -.73 4“ 1931 -1,75 Ulntvani _ i)1,07 -,17 «■ 11.05 -.05 Monolimn _ 1405-2.10 , IS.89 -.14 MOYtoOtll _ 14J4-I3I

”. SOi <.'9 S>1Naullu ... 1375 - 05 . 2.20 -.60 NelDink ...ul251 .02M.40 -4.09 MSownn ...d2220 .20 Syi138 -.13 HotwMp _ 18.19-230 n>il.07-1.50 NotwkAic - 2143-1.78 "*38 -xa N«wpo<l i>2 2IJ8-132 TU10.11 ..IB NoilCm _ 38 - a TiJ 705 . 65 N««lrtC .. 804 ..17 532-133 NoillPil ... BOO -.17 Tit 1J9 ... NOfTW .681 5455 -.871.01 .41 Nonli _ 531--37091 .,18 Novlui _ 1441-330480-1.18 NumTten _ 24.74-140 Tot9.69-135 NvkMl - 02.79-255 .732 ..10 ONISyin _ 5.78 -41440 *30 OTO^ ... 1li« ... 30:1.88 - 97 OJkTxJl .. 14.74 -39 t»v1.81 -.16 Opofr«5y» ... 90S -.450 a . r o OfBOo ... I6i4 -.41 TW

731 ^ Tm:1.04 - 79 PMC&a .., 20 91-1.08 Trt*241-1.19 Paetar 1,204 6234 ,33.08 -.01 P»lm « 430 -38330-1,74 PinnTe ... 7.51 -.10 USi7.58 -.08 Potltni .. 10 67 -.597.12 -21 Pawho. .441 17.05 -.75142 -33 PMploton _ 35.77-3.14 UTSJ.52 -.24 Pmnfno .. 931 -25 ugi1.64 -.48 Porlfocn ... 1275 -25ija-^05. p«uM4»i—.. uio.oo .40 Uk*U5 - pjwitrln ._ 1238-1,79 'PneleKId .. 34 -03 M100 -.10 PU4I 32 20 -.97 ™r.49-130 P.lwrlti _ 1231-l.lB viln1,71.97 PUruiSy -.20.93-139 „I.M.244 Pleiua 532-1.14 Vod.MO -.05 Potyeom _ 138-118 Vtrti195-201 Pe»ymed ... 8 54 -311.14 -14 PonlStI - 234 -24LI5-145 Powor-On* _ 10.72-134 Veil.75 .37 Powrwiv _. 1568 -.41>30-2.92 pleel«n .. 5 63 -.29L99 -48 ... 2500 .93 Vlf»(I.80 -30 PfthPto _ .99 -11 180-1.70 OWgle _ 49.75-33443 ..28 Oiulcom ... 4950-1.05 VI1«RfUlcO - 1735 -34

RSASk i . 1492-1A9J5-1.17 Rtm6«i > Bia -70 W*W.09 -.50 FbigtUp ... 203 .1.05 w*bl.11 -.79 ntwsn • _ JIAJ-2JI _.75 ... ftoflth _ .1 -JH ''Wl.94-1X0 RmORI ... 63 ..17 VlTol:i7 ..09 HwlHrt Z 8B0 ^.71 ..15 nvtoia .. S8C -00 we*40-2.11 Heh . .. 135 -.04,60 -.38 ntdiMol _ 2139 -31 ^67 -83 Rolek ...2801-138 XUS,4»:i3r n«>tIfarp'135#"5JJ1'y.lB'20-X71 niYTWRNn _ 1170-1.18 7 '* 30 .10 noitSut .17 33.11 ..10 Wru21-2-12 Ytho 02 -:S8 Siloeo .74 3038 -.57Bl -74 StnmlAl „ 17.99-230 Zygo

15 .07 InolAitft .'l3« 3487 -04 6VI&79 htiCpt .. 2000 -.40 SOas00 .33 Koane • ' ... 1838 .65 SOQjM ..14 nmtaa - .» . « somii90 -.05 LsdTIWn -. .79 ..0241 ... UltPolM >101-37 2 ^M «.I0 UlHtnn - 234 .30 '2SJ4 -48 MadCtBo XO -07•I -09 ModOh _ IXI -11 P**».230 IMUnt •_ .7* -07 SPO*II.204 MLSP003 .~ 1025 .04 SPCn »-200 MLSP706, .. 488 -02 SPEn H-294 MlEMCn .. 15X8 ..11 SPFn 12-137 IMrocnOt - 40 -10 SPK

K S c , : a : 1 . 2 5 : ;S IS T S " : I S : S k10-1.83 NiftCWn .91 14.11 .05 14.1.08 OISvHTn JOo 51.»-lil.S.?.« S c 8? f ' S -:S V^T0.|X4 riPOEplA ..U1440 «X5 Vkon0 ..01 Phtnl c 132* 97.68 -.04 VlngtIS -41 OwMtOOt _ 135 *.15 Vfim0 .31 RletFdt . 30 ..It Xettor


— 10,000

--------------- 7,000C. JAN.


ia n 2 0 0overyn e w a s m o r e sev!W e e c h n o l o g y - f o c u s e d ip o s i te i n d e x , w h ic h o r 2 .8 p e r c e n t , " t o e S t a n d a r d & P o o f ’s )s t 18 .62 , o r 1 .6 p e r- ;^.57. .f e x te n d e d w h a t h a s T a t in g s t r i n g o f se s- ill S t r e e t t h i s m o iJ th s t r y t o g a u g e t h e th e e c o n o m y a n d '& e Jes a d v a n c e d r a p id ly s t q u a r t e r o f 200 1 on r o m th e p o s t - t e r r o r l o f f a m i o n r i s i n g

i« S 5 llD rfo u rth -q 'u a r^ i s e a s o n , i n v e s t o r s i e ’c a u t I o u s " a g a in '; e x te n d th e m s e lv e s a m a r k e t t h a t m ^ yr p f l«»r^< c x p c n siV O )___

re a lis tic , s h o r t - te r m

ly ’s d o w n t u r n w a s I n t d , w h ic h r e p o j t -

a r t e r r e s u l t s b e tT e rte s b u t . w h i c h a ls o .___to o e a r ly to t e l l i f a n )v e ry h a s sta r te d ,; ,.

II StsmCan ... 11.50 ...g SMByndn _ t l .n -33D Stmltai— T T i a - ^ i

SoneciA ...ul4.25.>45_ So»(t(W ... 60.57-109■ Sox- . . . ie03;A23 —] SMMSyi .. 32.19-1 33.. IkVlyO 24X7 i;7S^ SlilutS _ 731''5820 Skywea .00'-ist J SmnForeo _ 22.75vr.4S1 SftMjrISino ... 14,58'-'i5* ,9 w w n )« r ,::rs ji{ f ,i8 r= :4 SncWiI ... 16.40'ri770 SonutNot 4 .92^^' SoiOtttat .54 24K i}.03• SpocSJo ... 2JI?,;02 [ Slipiet ... 17.40;l37 ! SUiOcUt ... 2135 .061 SnOylU ... 1245 .'r.04 1 _ 4.4l';i.37 ' Sonltoo ... 12.11 .1,42 I SunilMT .. .19 -M [ S«Hirm ... 2I.C3 .142 I Byetmrt _ 4.7S; > 42 I .. 25.22 -.73 1 Sprw ... 6fl05i4’4S

Syncusy ... 53.39'.!ii.20n o ,„ 42,151^68TilPWw _ 4140-2X0 TtloTwo ' _ 1400® j ’ TilUnw J 7 ^TCpPCS ... 10.50 T&4Ttfibi _ 1544Totunn ... 5.48 -.18Toftyoo _ 4.49'.;i333Com ... 0,14,'..04TtecSS ,.. 13 03 * 62TcMnnB ... 19.43 '^43TracUKU _ U234..41TmSwlc _ 4i>4’-33TrticCty ... 38 60*170TtOun ... w .u s : '^,US Oncol ... 7.03 :;j»■USAlft. . ,.. M09UTSUtm _ 27,11^22USEn .. 4.10 ..k'lOU r ^ .., I7i5 >.45

Vtfltlgn _ 3338-241VtrltM _ 41X0-332VWeW« .. 133 ; .18Veil ... 10.87 -03yijneno ... 4.01Vlf»eLog ~ 1 7 .7 5 ^V*onk3 ... 14 .0 0 '^Vllmo _ 12X0 <ifT7WvMg ... 40>01WobMD .. 7.21 ,:ifil>«bU«th _ 21X0-1Ji7WWiela ...dl6 60 m01 VrfoKFdt .. 39.82: 1:14WorkJAIr ... ...WerioCom .721 13.51 -39 WrtftlCln240 1105 i.05Milgtt _ 14.W-149 XOM I. P.40 .20X*U ... 4I.2S -74Ythoo _ 17X7-1X02k>nOcp .40 S1.75 «:o3lygo _ 12.71 ;i5

eviBohiw .t8 ’5 i i 'SOjotm 1X2 2SXJ VjS SdOtmot ... 4.10 Somiliri ,070 4334.:j;si SotMTf ,020 48J7-1.64 Sonlepit - XO;*^SPOn- 142*11202-133 SPMtj .710 00.50-il,ie SPOta .04* 20.10’-.48 SPCbSI 320 25.02 ^24 SPEngr .49« 25.12 SPFncl ,40« 2430 SPtxSi M l 25.40 .^89 SPToth .. 243«-:!(n ,TtOia ,54 94J1 ...«a TKtnMm _ 7X0 - 4 UWPlB -., 431 ..JO U3C«a „ 39.41 >.00 UturfAn _ .18 -ISI Vtn9TBM(V09«l03.90Jr7S Vtcnn „ 4 4 t3 > t W(»9«n .. 13» -. e8 WMotiT .04 U3.48 -'Ql Xeotora _ 1X7 -13

C l o ^ g ' f l

i i^ J-Y.0 ,TB87- .TBJ.

■ I to Eunxunncy M » m t Jun EurD<ufr*ney .0780 m i

............— Mm OAdOfcf ^IliO r 117.n

{ f t WUEXacU 200S 2MS » a cougcaiyw 4 M - 4A7t U f roUEXSfctf 4.M0 4AX

; ^ PMtwn « « a 404J f f l Puaium « i,o 4TJ.0 Mi/ TfM».Bon(J 104.1t m i l

. . i £ E M ? ’ } o ^ !£ f l. Mtr CoAm 4B.W AtM■ Ur, CoffM S1.M 81.00

^ OrtnoaJiie* B13S ff7J0

Uty CocM I33S 12»4•Mtf Cooon 38.00 37.40

_ Uty Conor)____39.4B.. 3164F*b 71.70 71,05Acr U«cud* 74,U 74,09Jun UvtctBl*. 7 a u 70,10Aoo LhfiCtO* 7a4S 70A2O a iMcttfl* 7iM 71.05^ FM(tofe«at #4,00 m sM«r FMdafcalD* 64.40 «XS3

_ . . - ^-FMd*fCMM-n.0S-B3JUUty Ptwitretm* 0.72 #aj0Fte Uwhoo* M.77 65.90»pf Uvtho^ 61.U M.SO>2^ U v il i^ 66.40 69J0

......... ^ - IM h O M - 8445 66.05. f t? Poikbrty 76-05 7130

. ^ WhMI X01/4 2S7a'4M Whut XB2971M

'.S*p_Whc«l............3 0 5 -.-» t-Jtn Soybttn 4531/4 444Utf SeytiMn 454 4481/2^ Com 215 -212Mt/ Com 233 31BM«yCom 226 W 225W^ BFPUa 11.84 u x tFrt BFPMilk 12.09 11.71Utr QFPMZk tZOO 11 S3Apr DFPMIk 12 00 1 M

•O ^BFPUak 12.0512.0012,(•..JunflFPHak 12J3 IJJO

W O T U a 13J2 1125

. ::SS e S I S i ; s ! iSO xtttoa Iran 6 t i ^

Beans• VaBtyDMrti

Prie** tro ntl 18 CfDwt r». 100 pouWi_______ bwmJn«k]«Aai»uutxtnitura<

tut>f*a 10 Ouno* wtnegt nocica. Pm mora rKonI pitca Iftlormtllen thoukl c OiMI nodhemt. *18; pinwt.123: im

-----------WflM plnM,-*25. Prtet* M dmOu™.Omtr Idaho bttn prkMt t;* coOKItdMtrkM N««i. U J . Doptflmtm d Ao>

_______ B S j a S S J K ? i S , SS I . OuolM eurrtnl on Jtn, 15.

Grains:VtStyOrBlnt ' ^

PrtcM (Of wtittl p«r'bmh*t; mU«a oni ureiprit Prtc«» iubj

Son wtwo wr>Mi. $2.95; taiioy, $4.40 mhtd flftln. f» quo(»; otts. ts.oo; eai »n l moiBun)). PrKtttro dtfy tBuhl. -________

-----------Son VABq wheat. Jtnutry d«Uv»fy. Mot2,00; Ouiley, t9 ,1 5 ;^ ta r t« y ,^

I *^PrieoiquowdOt*y£iySlt7iptoi/[■- ftwrfQialflindOatnlnDohltnaKan ' pnctt 10(1 wMtwhttl


POCATELLO (AP) - kltho Firm DwTM?ocatS l^ w 2?JSSi

---------. OOOEN - wnita «itwtl 3.56 (oo«<V); C

• • i « ^ i w f f “®'): -PORTIAW -'Whti* »t>ett aifl (do»fl

■ .s s s s ii: ': ,;4J0(«1Ot0y), '^ r r ~ TORTiyp:0i»:MP)~D«ri?'l'?:3Q

WMAstday lor <ntfa tnK«d t) Poraar By frtl injek or btrgt p«r buMI.

u s rbtrtey, iiM tnUnt'tnd btroci: KA

s s a i s ; > - ' ' " “

SSI!------ s ^ t a , sm « i„ 7M ■AtLUuiualt- Ta200Jn 89.11 <■ ■ -as rrsis;S g;S 3 S iS " -” SSf ii!:e5 S T 5 S « , ii t o i 1017-

. AMPkirtt: E?VMp geo -Balttv«dnl7.33 • ID 260 •C ^ r ^ 4 3 « - 7 0 f'**'oKfift 15.IB .,03 » '5 -Hilil p !l;

'tW>m*n 1165.-.02 ftO ^87.^Mn 3S.» ..40 ^ ^9}lOCoO(on2i24 -,46 -■laCoVtln2l.96 - J l -•

P9iwyOrn1ZC2-.16 DChlpl 7,73-,s4p3oo i i o t - l a t o ? ' « « - .

. ShTtmOdn10,7l -,01 *65 -.SmCoS8cft18J8 -J6 S ^ i^ I «67 -.Ttefttioln 15J7-J6 .2«5--.

,.21C«nln 18.05 -.44 S»*cl 11.07 <AJUFimdtA: ^ E < p r« tY j

• Affiyp 9.06 -JO ''*0" 24,06 ^OtlAB ■ 25.65 -59 Fund.A:

■ K l f f S S i SChttlAp 1152 -JO 0»1AP 15.74-.' Conslp 21,65 -.42 Bermp 1291

:S S S ? 'i r S ; l ’» S S 3 ■SSn” ' i S i i.Vtkrp 10.39 -,1 OovlAp 1137 -.C, W«»iqAp 13,14-J6 OkW p ao6AOIFundaO:.- WTtAp 11.87-.COtOl 25J8 -JO £»AP li .« -.tBUVDI 28.62 -r« WOWP IJO -Jo S f l i ' 1 0 » I ;S N ^ P 17,72 I j 00(01 14.49 -.16 - j

AWFundJ"'” SmCpAp 2t49 -!s ------ tilUto— 8.0B'----- ‘TiExAp—ii2 |-»a

S ' ’iS;i5AlpwFundtB: AmwUtf40,13-,4:Btmai 1B.49 -.18 A i^Fundt:

««8 l i

: ^ p ‘ 7 ^4 .^aScA p 149 -.05 B«nFgrt«

PQlhAp 19J« -JO A»« 4265-.«

.'oSm i 2ois OB ^ ^ M & 2 -j :Qr*«Qp 144 -,04 SCvlntf n.6} -.4(

•POhOp 16.16 -.16 SCVIinr 27.56 -JS-TtchBi 80.70-246 BfmdthFdcA am tCtsC: MOit 1106 ^01'PtOCCI^llO -.18 OMJu 14.06 «.03OOrtCI 7J5 _ nuowv IU6 -.13

' Ortrtci 144 -.05 wvitt 1406 -.IJ

i s . ' K a . r . oAmaCtiAmlnK l^VU .1260-.15

'Qlln 14.83-.16 Bffldy«nn2284-j2 'OniMMn 19J) -J7 BrltaMFundtAi<H*ra«0lnl0.84 -,I2 TOUA 2162 ^cM nin 21S3 -.43 CDCNnMF^A.-.

' cKOtHrn 1116 -.14 7,73 -,07.HQroIrt 7.60 -JO CthMOn»:.Sttwln 3136 -.62 .h o p - tiso -.02


Jl , * *

F U T U I ^ » j &

S S ' f t i : f f i , : r ’'?,'Slf S i S ^ : S i P d .m o .6804 >.0140 s«e w a i !.8760 .8767 -.0170 . Ote. 230417.78 1 1 7 « — ♦ a s M t r - j S -16J6 118.61 . !u iu K82.54 6237 .M Dm M^ ^ .JM T u«.-.M 4I

ISJ :3 asfr*- a s ! S : s

*B*3 «.M Mrt 74.78472.0 480Jt *,74 Jul S8.2S »11 101S4 ..05 Stp 40 S4S 102.16 •.06 0(0 40.5 )4J8 10103 *.02 ^ . - . . i S f l .

r7.50 87.66 -1.20 UOOtarSdm H7S 66,76 >1.20 Mtr 445 6IS? JS I «*y « B-2S*»J JjO J • » Jvi 4J4J517.40 97M *.16 Aug 4544! fS -3 f^ S — -.r- - Sw - ^ . s -’4:09 74ll0 ^53 ^ 4 0 UIO 70.17 - M ^ 4 n

• , r . S . 4 8OM • :« 8 0 Y ^ o£035 - 6137----•40— S o w S S S l la » , . J 7 mJ T ? & i190 5122 - Mty 1541 0,90 60.95 >J7 Jul IS Ofl255 55-lS ' i "105 66J7 *.07 S«p 1130

Z H ? ’ -SI «6J5 78.66 *.70 Dm 1«7<<7.00 77,05 *1,00 ■ JJ

i ' ! ” 'S i . - I I S - . - j g j S :KS :S!S!

i l i a i s : i J i i l i“ AVI 161501

•S? I-Si *'21 0« 15150 1•Ai *■“ 152.10 11.93 11,95 - Jon 15100 11.95 12.00 *.01 Mtr 16100 1312.00 -.04t40 1240 -,05 T u t ' t ^ M IL25 1132 ..07 »t>P«>W1|-f2 ••£* MINNEAPOUS(

*' WHEA?*'6jOOOtajfnM(iu

;JS________________g ^ 4

S^) 32475

• '^ 5 ^ ' ! . % ? ^ WWTEWtEAT

odai)yt>yRtr>®»n»ln . DOWJHWHEAT

d.»23-*25;tma*r»«:tJw«lo*:LJd. J19- • --------------

'JS gSSf”"'— DtneH: l J175. ft

Prte*Oflraln. otit. com and T \ . , , _ ,

cnt«o.--------- P G T A '4.40 (48 >oond bt*t); ------------------3;eofn.S4,60(l5ptr. lOAHO FAILS (AJ lgiyt>yRtnooniln_____k j j j ’,

ji.Uoijm^Homt. Po(4io«t:D*marw

SSESIn FtSt tftd OooiJnj): mSSii pere>I?« ?_qyi<(aby.ijnd-------yi>•h fwl^sog^^r

! ~~ 2?00jew 24.00.'c3wreai;lmofmounl4in 22.00. oeetilonalt)

K ' S ' i S S S - ^ S ScV);baii«y4,60 mWmum li t o . to5 1): 11 ptreoni wtTH ^


17 (down 3>: btrtty 24.00; 100 count 11^ couni 21.00-22.00;

'^■r Bated 10blJmbtotM p.m. POT__ ____1100; Cotttado Notwand»0f»nipm*rt MfevrtllOO-IS.6£ >9»3.6£KL71^*3.6fl<J,71 • Sw S i i W m

> I •< NenoUha 70 count

t-3.80 noundwhilMUS 1W«on»in„TOl,<,a

M.09 , IDAHO FAILS (AP)IdthotndMalhgurlS S ' M I S

“ “ S S K S S T i■' ' ! ^ '- ^ ® u .s . i i

k ) -» I :^ L i^ i“2:

•46-.06 OUm Fundi; ODTcpchAMl «.06 OlCQIn 18.21 -.25' QvSecAp'.95 «.04 CSCOa IMI -J l q S S p;13 -J7 C4EQ.SI 1140 -J7 O-SSJp\.tO -,I0 CXppw 6101 -.67 KYBdAp99 -.05 CohtflASiMn; WomtAp

s »6< -.01 Qilhn 30.50 -.59 M e ^J l -.14 Spectn 1178 -J3 MddpOrp.W-.M CottMceFdOrp: U s ^ p00 -,I6 OnedAp 10.06-.09 SnCoOA 60 -.01 CnvStcAp 951-06 SmVolAp 65 -.01 CoiT^c 9.47 -00 TEkKAp 15 -40 CnvS«y 9.53 -.06 EnltrprlM2;i! 185' !SS;:irWp S : i l E ; S 'I S S - , 6! W93 -.01 HIYUAp 7,79 - 03 OCiFnOp82 -S7 HmaDp 7,74 -.02 Q»«iCiO14 -J2 HlYklY 743 -.02 GDToehO38 -.05 SdTcMp 102 -.17 CMSeOpD; . 2IUp 8.16 -J2 OilneOp :73 -.11 » 0 p 6 01 -,2I O ^ PM -.01 20Cp tOl -.21 »1YDdOpU -.01 20V 11B -.21 MtmlQp17 -,47 COCipUUFd*; MUOrOp :S 3 iSSr » .

'i--S »

sSiSS-H': ;ii SS.- slf;7 -.02 SmCVOt 2172 ..25 6--43 Dt»eh»A»«UPmn S S ? , 7 -.M inwEqi, 127J2-2.11 f S S S6 -,10 Olnwntlenil Fdu I 3 & '’

! ; » K i v s j j i ’ S r

S . V K - ' " S ' ?

1 ^

" S r “i : iS S l r u . S ' J S ; S - . « ' a r ' i .

SK S S ' “Htnnrn I3J0 «.02 EiMliiorFunfJSJ?/ ?'2? VnRwunM

:^s K s i ; k s ; s ~oi ' i s s r ' t i*03 gRgJ. H-.13 Q i ^ 117 ^10 S S ? ' 'S

'S S ,l" tS ,% % z , g s r ,!-41 TM0I.1 20.58 -J6 S ? S a t t-.15 EtMnVliKtaD; JSlPrt 1-.01 NUAtBI B,73 *XI2 D o ^ 8-.40 TUOMI 1B.77 ^ SSaA 21

- ® - iS K f ffi

-J2 a n ^ ' ’p e J 8 ^ « ,*7:'

J. S “"iSf ”'dS- s s - i

• i 37.622 «nW 124,478

J4 315 ..- 212 214,79 <2>■8 222 210 231.75 *2t.76 2264 2217S 228j5 *2f.29 23175 231,75 2334 *1.79■® -,.V ? ‘ 1-a - -I 2494 247J5 2494 *1.264 25129 254.75 25125 *,76It 4 8 ^ ^ “ 8424 254,76 *J5 ?k)t459,6l4

s ! a i ''iL ’ ' p J : |>” SJ - r ■

n 1.372nW12464, UPB8

.9 483J9 ‘*'444 4524 *15

s « i i : a : i i s4 461,78 454 481 *7 4 —4604 ---- 4544 — 4604------ *6-------

4M4 466 464 «6J5 - 470 > 463 470 *6 9 • 475 472 479 *5

.W77S*' ■. .....^1634 94 . UB736OO. . _________________CM* ptr b.-------------------------------------■I 1176 1541 1155' -,03 ‘1 15.97 16.76 16.78 -.04 fl 16J0 .15.96 19.9B *,01 7 18J9 1110 1110 *.030 18.42 • 1120 I6J0 *,031 I ! S I S : s. w ............. -

90 iS m " 157.10 162,70 *4.60 I30 168.00 16100 157.90 *4,0030 157J0 152,70 15740 *3.60 '90 156.00 152J0 1J800 *3 30 I$0 1 55.70 151.50 155,70 *120 1ra 164.00 150.50 154.00 * .6010 155J0 15U0 169.00 * .70» 169.00 . 153.00 154,70 * JOJO^mOO 163.00 155,00 * 40 < mi149J30,up2.e84JS(APl-W#d; !

High Lour StOt Ch» fknunccrapw buM J

M579 m s M19 • .... ^

9 ' ' ’ 325 32475 '"m S " B s f, ^ , 334 3315 334 -.5 I1.687 • :W?37TB------------- ------------------------- r

RwTvetn&ptrbutfwl jn o t,------------------------------------------ KiAT Amumjctrapwtiwhtl b

-G heese s'M pnctf on tht Chiugo MtrctnUo H

3.f»e:40i>dunabtoefci: 1J025, ne FiiKMOouRMyQItnbltFoodt. Aj



S S S ^ S S S . 'S . 'S f l f . ir>t 19.00-20.00; CokxMa No>ko(aha 70 LoiSESSBsrli'®l“ MAporewt100».«ckj: N

E§2rr” fJ ^ ^ ^ « ^ / .O n i o n p ,« „ f o . Jtn


1 25 £ Dtckt- Idro* 5.00, lom. 9J5. Dec

Jp : | w S f 7:“ ::wAp 9.53 -.03 l\arnCA I7J0 -24 0(W2-IAb 9.70 -.40 lUulSCA 1618 -,20 OovO<}f 'H I ’j'® ><*^9 -.03 OevUlW 6.m J ^ U ^ P 8 « -.30prp 486 - j j LUM 9.79 ^41 ksTiS 4p 746 -. 5 MUOtftpllSI -03 MTilQA 2743 -.01 WW ‘ !ob9 * S MKIlAp 7.98 -.06 MuSk A 1047 *.03 InWcSS i S J ? * " s s £ ; , ; g : - 8! k s101 4.7J -.W NCUU* 1048 *01 IMDtC|flp»3« - J l PAXM 11.48-*.02 UmDuSp 532 -,14 SSIrcA 111-03 UnOu)p 20.99 -J9 USQIA 7.90 ... MdCO:Ilk ^ i l g : r oJ>0 266 -.08 F*d<nlidO: • ModGJ J»1fi*.--02 AmrO/Q 10 00 -J6 MjdIrKp 31.02 -.44 AlaDi 22.63 -JO MjlnSlp 1643 -.21 AaiPtO 589 .,oi UjMO;

nl J S ■•iSKSSS

. U 1 S : : « ISSSp ^Jp 748 . 07 OlSiai 861 -.01 SMMun

*, 2138 -44 SWcWr:p2606 -J2 HlnOai 7.68 -.02 .TniOrf!? '-iS 663 -,00 moos' :i']2 -•«>5 12« -.02 Irtiao 7-13 -.07 Tumod:P ?] ?J ‘-Jf -■« W>'»S'«16.68 -.21 hSmCO 18.46 -J3 OSS«aI 9.53^03 KiolmBjl 4.25 -.03 FldtWy,■P 9.58 .-.40 Kificd 14SI - i s FnS«T” '« S *'iS JW 9 p 6.32 -JO HTCliT0 *•“ - » MiWWP 11.49 -.03 TtcfiT

9,67 *.02 fllWIN;P r :« .07 MwEflp IM ! :S naSryl

PAI*jQp 11.46 *,02 EqQiln7.n - .a SMdO 1771 --,15 n d ^ /

'S tJ ■''* *-'0 OiUikTI S S

? | : S K t

SS S '|S& S :il ffiSiV S S : E S !

t s - . ' "Fundi: KtulSCC 14.47 -J5 AIjScUr

nM.78 -.57 Ijsgoc ^ -JO StSen 22J7-J? M W ^p 2 2 7 s;S S S jn

■ t i j3 - j ,, 1044 *.02 USQvC 7-90 _ SSwit

.17.74 -.14 AiriAF . 22.71 -JO Ottin a 7 4 .J 0 OondP 178-,0I OUEqn ^i2 ••2' £?i7? 18-» -.18 D ^ n

i S : i ! S K , ! S : S l a ! ! S ; 1S S T ' f!S ::g1102-J2 Fidmltdhill: OoMiMn 844 ^ 1 Afflll B64' S c ^ n

5™“ J> »■« - SS Sn,7,70-,02 QrmilS 11J 4 -,oi Hi^kvrn

B 4 0 ;n ^ lO O .I« « 'N ^ .

-_______ Sugar- ‘~-NEW;yOflK<AI>>.8(WflUtWMtri«

■112.000 l»40M i ptr I).Mar 743 7.97 7.83

. .. Mty. .7.06 -7 .I2 --7.03--SS Sii S:!? iS

" S5 SS SS! SJ?SS iS SS S:2^ ^ 2 6 .9 3 I .T i» t.- tttl tt3 0 J2 d

M,7 21J7 2fJ7 2 i3 ! :Jul 21J7 2147 2148 !Stp 21.43 21.43 21,40 JNOW „._ ........ ;J t n ____________________ JTut.-tttlM293Tut.'t optnM14.Q2a

------ ...L ivestocJ6R0UE - Pioductti UvMtock Mtrkt In Jaromt rtporu M ( o n o ^ prlctl ti

Sitntd bui ind.ittar etfvtt; Sl 6 ^ 6 Sltrltd haoar ctlvti; SieO-UIOhttdCommoicial utUy cowt; U6-191 60 Cjfflar/etnntf ecwi; *32-»38 Hti(artfla^*»«o'*^ SituohtarbuOt»47.»98J5 iWnaIn M n ; 27510 400 tot.. S8 bt.. S67.f77;600 lo 600 ba.. UI40-5I

''Owlet alaan; 400 to SOO ba~'S9Mia ftt,. 181»t97; 60010 700 800 Kt.. 6774S340; 600 to 1.000 b t . C hoi^lfan ; 400lo 500 bt.. U14S0

A iu tti ti tiatdyiewoak.

cattiT " * ’ t « s, 4OM0bc:c«taparb.F06 71.70 71,70 71.09 71Apr 74-65 74,65 74.05 74Jun 7040 70.55 70.10 70Agi M.45 70.45 70.02 70

Feb ;.,_ • 73. E«.itlet11613,Tua-'tttjaa 21.064

eaOOObt.;cMip«rt).— S — m :” -I1 :4 o— m :s2— S

Api 83.92 8195 8345 61May B3.72 6172 63J0 63Auo 84-90 64.90 04,50 64.Sop 64.40 . 64.45 64.30 64.

. On , 64,40 „ .6t4a___ 0 4 ^ ^ -6 4 .

, E«.^'2,641,Ti;i;ia»l«,3inO

40.000 bt.:eanis par b.Feb • 56J5 68.77 55-00 66; * fi 01,40 61,55 00.00 60-1 May 60.00 66.40 65.00 66.

. -Ju n _ C a j5 — 66.BS___ 06.06__ 66;Jul 62.97 8125 62.60 63 Aug 60.60- 61,12 00.40 601 !■! E !■“ ILflst»pol5l.70,uo0j2EU. ttlai 8,638.Tu«.'l talea 7.050

40.000 bt.: etna par b.Ftb 76J5 7Jl05 75J0 75.S Mar 78.10 77,45 75.35 75.! May 77.05 78.05 77.00 77.C

— ^fl°i~~W-65-----77.50---- ff,!Latt (PW 68.30Ell, talei711Tu«,’a a tltl 4B7 Tue,'a open Inl 2490______________



SslSSrSSs(AP) -fuuiet tradmg on lh« t

c ro u ) * '^ H * -Lo* Sto. 100 «foy et;doa»n ptr troy 0*F?S . 204,50 209:i» 201M laJioCMar, .... .... .,., 28J kApr 205.50 290.50 204,20 266:40Jun 265.00 209.50 204.40 26690

265.40 209.30 265.40 SaOMOa .... ,„.. jb j 'to^ 200.00 290.20 206.10 200:i0Apr i i : 1 " 201:30^ ................................... 292.10Dec ................................... 295,40

3f«i^ 1IJ4 -.91 Indapnn 1180 -J8 jovl-31 10.73 -41 nOdn 104130VI-3S 10.73 -.01 ImGOn 743 -c'l30V2-5I 11.19 -.01 la»Pr 27.27 -.27

!I'iJ 10'.SO.1.63 jOvM 10.60 -.02 M<Ctpn 2141 -.40

1.99 ... IMU 27J4 .,72^ S S p 1.M ... OTCn 31.22 -.98

21 ,S?J *K 0««»n 28.42 -J6211 '-2 17.45 -JOvTlI 1045 -.01 nulSn 1152 -05

)2 S *2' STDFn 8.84 -:oi225?p ora -.01 SmBCpSinl4J1 -.191052 ’.ra SaStn 20.73 -Jl

Maos 9.64 I:oi uso?" JoM

m H ^ p o m ‘.oI Jo n I '67

S S . I S ' SS s i - ' sS E ' - ^ E i ' 'S . i S : inCtO 11.40-20 Oi2fL,7^5^' ft,SSS^i'SS::!; & i | I ; a , ! s ; ! i “ K ; s s -;.siSS, S ;!:!! K S S S . 'S i iSSpSI! ::Si k ;;S'!!?- SS;”ismod 1:07

S22t* ^ 9 ^ ’: i6CUT 9J6 -M ” *>' »•“ -I* Sfr 16M-:” ^tAmarFundaC: I

F^Am arFi^Y:-" tUrvAdrlaotl' Ea<d<lp 21,12 -J5 ) Q.ln 4B.1B:i.07ftlUw &r*vl«Ar T- ^ -.13 ISreT IJJs Lm IflCpVlIp 17.00 -J8 i

a r i s e s 1S M : i M , 1 S ' , . 7 :

B ' = ! S :S - S ' r t - r - ’"* ■:CpTp IBJ6 -:i9 15J0 -JO kla ti 1133-ifl FranUTampFmkA: I«yFr*tdom.- W A p lia -.01 IWiOn 1141 -.06 g^S^P »58 -JO I»tOn 1255 -,11 CalQroAp3l.04 -.77 (w on 1244 -.15 CallrsAp 12.43 *,02 tICOOn 12J7 -.17 Ct^Ap 7.27 *.01 iS ! 7 ie o 4 .4 0 FedTFAp itBO >:ra T lorn 15.46 -.14 F>-’FAp 11,72 *.02 7£ " i ; S : l ! S » K ; l s f ;:hn 4324 -.75 OnraiAp 30 67 -,48 rr»*pn ».23 - J l »rfTFAp 1062 *.02 L'em 881 -44 IncemAp 2.IB -.01 U(n 41.77 -J4 InaTFAp 1213 *.02 jfWdit 10JJ -JB I^A P < ta *.03 0Sen 19.22 -J2 NmAp 11.70 *41 Td 12.5J -J4 WCpOrA2944 -.78 Jfin 041 .,10 USOe«Ap 187 - ir:qn 1.85 -J9 IMiAo 943 -.01 Ja«n 842 -.17 Fcmk/tanvFrnkC; BWin 27.94 -.44 0 < m £ 1112 -.16 CXn 4742 -.78 IncofBCt 2J0 -.01 6n 20.47 -JJ S«CpOrCp29.22-,78 f,pa 2445 -.40 Frtnk/TampUU/UiO: FlIn 28J4 -J3 Shlrau 19.05 -,13 P,

K T - J W . S ii as,!:!!:s 3irern 1I3 -.03 Wonup 14.67 -.13 U

aK s a g - s

- • ®WER .6«8t Cho. ^ h i y o t : e t m

748 *,03 u £ tS s i *K - 7.03 - f.tB .......Mty ■ 454 8 4K

8 ^ - * .« S r 4lJ:o m8J8 *.02 Stp . .JS? : :g 2 ?6.49 *.02 Mtr "6,44 *.02 I. Mty ....126 Jul

Oto i:; I

21.09 -47 & ? ■ “21.26 ^ oac ::: : 2 J7 ... . - Tut,-tttltt 10472 I ' i l ::oi Tut.-,opanW71,7 21.19 -41 NEWYOf«(AP)-|

*4460 on 0.010.

/ ^ t ^ - ......— ____ *1111.. ..........Vj IV LanJMililtMvtrU

- ergg l >4.630. u

s i x ' * ” - '.=-------------------A jj™ .n .» » !C60hMd Ccwar.rr44Ctff«^ Coppar .70.45 comt'■ Lttd.2»O lctnup

ane. 42.47-42.970* Oom. *284JO noy 0

J S f iS S . ' i ! ! ”


NEW YORK (AP)-K r-t82,90:700ie w g ^ ^ e o m p t/g

EumI^*Chlct90 ^ 1 n «

8« » Cho- MtJSnpSS"

Foa70.17 -JO . -----------------------7?'i° I o

:----------------------Mar 19.44 10.60

"-S 19®9 »-206137 -.40 J J 20.05 20J4S m ‘ -SI ’®“ 20-27« ’2J » • «64.45 -.40 Oet 20.15 2049fl'J2----- i 2 ------ »«>v~20.00 -20J964.65 -J5 Ooe 20.00 20,42

Jon 20J6 20.45Fab 20J6 20.48

S : s =66.37 ,.07----- Aoo ..................63.10 *,13 m ....60.00 -,05 oSlMM ’ •••'

i^STut.'a Ul«a 190,640

. ^ ^ « 4 6 3 J 6

'5.52 *.07;*•« Mar 5 .“ » 7 55S*_tV “ __ Aw _62J0_63,707,50 4.03 Uay 5230 5100'■57!—a s ------ j J KSS

Jl. M.40 55.10 Aug M.52 S5..0

r r r r ^ g f E S SSI? (ENCY K..S,'if...Si'"--------- S J S K S M

s r s , T - s ! S 'Mar 58.05 57.40

17 up *0.43. Sw K2S “ m^ ..................

0up$2.90, Doc,30upKJ.01 S f ZXI MV u . . . ! “*■> “ •■»45""_ _ n a tw v 8 !q « ’**'”’ ‘ •Ot Oo. 10400nn«u't.»ptrii

Feb J14 2.400 -2W 2-375

;i t» . X SI a !S ;i!§ . i ! iI3J •} ’" s S .Bo a sI I S S SIM . 1 0 D»e 960 1015; * ‘3'10 Jm 070 1105.10 . 1 0 Tuc,'iu:e»70jl0■40 .110 Tua.-It<)anlnl 454,763

” g t r . " ”5jsI S ' t f b . - . o , i a ; ' s . s63 S6SPM 43.10 -.55 S o ^ n 14J8 *0 TtxEji I1.#4 .03 SuWaln 199

s j s f . ’ s s36 Fot B.68 -,10 WrtdWn 42.13s a r . s ! . : i ;J!II OlCnrth 1484 -.15 Q S ^n22J1 ^ 0 ^ 2633 -.60 OfOirtKt IB.’47

' s s s . g s . r ' ‘

i f r ' 'ssi? IB.52-JI JohnHaneoekB:1 Guardian Fundi: FnJndQp 1101? SS* 5!S::S ffiSf JiS2 H ^F unda: SmCpOOl 8J8I a j i - 5 i ; s s L r

HutlordFft” ^

SlkAp 17.96 -.28 Vi/Trp 46JI .HirtlordFdaB; ViTTilmt Sl,ll .

< C()A(«ap 2448 ..48 LlMftiAeemFdi:KartfortfhLSUi Acom 17,48 .

I Bond 1,16 - AconH 1133 .! a ; j j ; s ' s a “ “,.K ., jyM»r» 2J3 -.02 TiEAp 1122 .

‘ MUCw 20 -.04 Smcip. 21,69 -I VUua -.10 *£w ***’ioV 7-

Ho(I.UnEgl1117 -JO UrdAbbatlA: .■ KAPFunda; W«p 1138 -

Equfrn 41.94 -.46 (kOaOAp 740 - KO N^- Da«0(Ap 1477 -ConDac 11,70 -.06 OvScAp 249

IMXFurjdiA:------MUCpApUSO- :OiCoTAp 4J7-,I4 LoidAtMID: JinCpAppI174 -J6 A/rtfip 13.41 -. J« ^ P 2 4 .7 2 -J8 aSM p 7.02 -.OaFundtB: LuemnOroA: JanOKbt 2170 -J4 FtjrU 20J7 -.imtteaFindi: UFOFundaA: Oimlpn 1542 -J l UITAp 1125 -.Eflinypn 1144 -,19 UlOAp 1145 -.Wvcipn27.03 -JJ CipCtap I2.6S -.On««n 153 -.10 CffiOfp 32,10HmSclpn46.29 .J9 UCatkAp I0J9StlKlpn 129 -42 UiOdA 1045 *.<S<T<CoOlpn11.54-JI .U jHM . AJ8.*J

.Tacftn 3I.9J-1J9 N a ^ l 1166-JTain)nlpn34.63 - J t AlChAp 1124 -JnrncoFundalnat SKVAp 19.19 -JTacftn 3242-MI TolfWp 1432 -.'hTfFuftda: VttoAp 1195l&EOAp 1869 -.44 UF8FundtO;USEQOf 17.96 -.41 IMITO 1690 -J

JPUorpanlnMi: CtpOpO 1209 -.2OW^ft 1191 -J2 EmQOl 3146 -.(T«Aw&ln111l _ UOO . 11.62 -J

JW ew Balaet RKhS 1746 -.:.Wmdfrn 10.92 * 04 Tomoi I4J1 -.1Janut: HFtFundaC:BaKdnn19J9-.19 WK 1147-JCortEqn 17,49-J9 UPAUFwKto:£ r ^ n 29.M -.60 IflCpSBi 942 -.1Fjjren 195 *43 UtmSiMFintaB:

' Fhlnen 9J2 -.01 C lb ^ l 30,12 -,4Purdn 24.M -48 m S o i 169QtU.Sdnl7.09-4# TotSt 1170-,

S S ^ '’ t S T K i oHYUn 9.43 -42 hS S pi^ Uaituyn 19.98 0 9 Focuip 1349 -,H

• Iv-

................... 31100 *110—. 31640 *3.10

__ 321.80 *110i28.igr’p '•rtip^ toyo* .

. . . 4554 *,74594 ,.•4474 4582 j.. *‘j . 490.0.. 4494 456.1 *6 460.0 4M.0 456J *.3__ JU9«0.0 460.0 • 4564 " o

................... 4511 -.3:n 4si9 I 4.... 457.4 . -,3

................... 459J -,3462.0 - J

464.8 464.6 464.8 - J................... 467,9 -.3

r f - - -= 71,748. up660

- Htndy d Htrmtn Uhtr Wtdnoidty isj67onf0412.lion prtea ter lAvtr In londcn (4.S7 up>rU.e20,uncfta/^0.1asa030, tlt(rUJ35.i«S0.039.pel month Tuoadty M.599, up ».007.i - Spol norttiTDUt mtltl prtetl etnii ptr b.7Lindon Utiii Exeii;

:tmodt Ul Plata, U4. dottMllont.>mt ptr b.. N,Y. Mtre apoi Wed.Uptrlb.7e*ratb.,d*l(veftd.oyo*..K4ndyaKirmtn(enVdiJly | oy 02.. NV Mare tpol Wtd.

;»-494.oo Ifw or; N.Y. (eowtaj, ' -ll»yM..N,V.M«>ea8alWtdUt^iot tvtUMe, ,

- Kty currency tnfianoa nilet J t n r tw ^ a Tueadiy fe New Yoric

I0.IMZ3 I0.B052

•I.SS *i:SS;JiSS i S ! I

ISSIL FUELS ,-FulufOttrtdinjoniheNewYorti 1

S ) lo ja ___t l ___ _______ JB.60 1165 ~*1B48 To4 ^9,90 19JI 19.64 *,10 CJJO 19:60 20JO 0 7 t3J4 19.60 20J4 *,16 f3J7 19M 20J7 *J0>45 20.12 2041 . J l345 20.15 2045 .J 2 ->J9------19,95----2 0 J9 --.J 4 ----------5),42 20.00 20.42 *J9 1i>.45 20JS 20-45 ..20 ").48 20J6 20.40 .47 P

2041 *47 S..,_ 20.54 *J7 i

- 2047 .4 7 c::: ::: ?SS S » z ::: q

-.- 20.72 *J7 f(I 7 0 _ 2 0 !C 5 _ S ;7 6 l i ?

.... 20 .70~ tj7 T;-••................. MJ9 .,27 ®40 r< I401.UP 5.960argil. -»-.50 50.95 93JI *1.14 • I.75 51,51 53.56 * 68 Ts - g s g S S ' . 'S ■:S S:JJ : S c ,.40 94.52 55J6 .,63 r 35 55J5 56JI ..00 fOI; ; i?.^s, ' S l ; g S l.!c«,up IJ30 .

i r 5140 5545 . 65SS P^!78 - 02.80 -64.70— ,.01 • ' -Q U '

-• e a i33 62.00 63.33 *:65 . iHe50 60.25 61.50 *.65 c „ ,................- 58.96 *.60

56,13 .55 q u j.................. 57.90 ,.50 A.................. 56,10 .,45 th o107. UP361 ^

e ditrntnbu» 2494 2J94 .103'’9 2475 2463 .00 » 2410 2463 *00!5 2,440 I:m8 ^70 I « 2410 2466 .730 2.550 2.606

1 I t o i l;L“? : S I ,0 2.770 2416 .M I 1 5 2,900 1011 .51- ■ 5 1 040. 1093. .51 (r'63 . ti

7,16 -.50 2ll>Cnlp 7 « -JO UdCpVU.195 -.08 Iteaalilulutllrtu;......... iSortn947 - J l CotaVilS BC9-t32.96 ,. IMdlanFunda:

IK '74 o Jw a w *5? S m ^ 3 --50 FinttA 17,74 - J l USOuf5S=-47 ^ » p'Inad; SmCVIA 23.74 -.48 Oppanhair48 -.40 UarrULynAB: cSipoGp41 -.21 nuCapdl25.72.jr OkWOtIZ S*'™'.46 -40 OdHlnc 48J -.01 SulncBI

kA: . EiroOl 16.43 -.17. Oppofthaln.91 -.Of FnJGfll 1544 -.10 ^ C t'J8 -J8 GlASl- 12.44-.15. Opatnholn'61 -.22 H am iL ^B ; T O41 -.22 BiC»{iOp?64I -42 OOilDkB; DlVlOO' 3629 -51 OOfptjK41 -.17 FdOrOp 1750 -20 0 0 ^47 -,19 OlADp 1266 -.15 OValuaAp •57 -.24 Uo«sj&m!8 -JO Oppenhalrti -26 -,25 U o r^ E t^ B ; UdNYAp49 -41 AnOxO 21M -J2 RoMuAp

OKOlO 44.4S . t s fteUuB ■n " ’ a , W "S : § g a . I,':!?;::; 'S ™ '“

:;S S , K : S '5 K '" 5‘daZ: UI2Q 1267 -07 PtUCOFuiK48 -,I3 ValAdO 3016 -.43 * p -.16 liMMSUnlnD; PtMCOFunc

T u ^ ll./l .,03 inniOl 1

' i :;S ■ s e r ^ B .T i . ' s r " " : r ; . , . a . K ; : ! , ' , s s ; j» - J 5 W g v a m .M -n T ™1, -.0! s s z i " ’ ■=' i a s , , :

. S S ' 1S : : S ; T ? : S K : : : !

KadontFundiPrlA: Pivdafllur>4i1 -.20 BaFOPtAn 969 -ra Q>lln; i(f - " s a " , ! s : : s s s ; * ' ?

» n S ; 5 5S -.23 N«t«nM.[h

S :J? £ E S . ; K , - £ S ? « s

l.*4l Putnar 31I6-.4J.-J3 NaubarBarlB«mTr; o S S T p

■ss-'TS™. £ 1Hi,V V ^ n J l3 8 - K - 12

. ' I ilaH tFundat; Kgl"n \ l

B. (hnOroupl: NAmarn 29-.44 Dondl^iogi -41 NawEnnCO.

- Dvr^tn 1205 -.19 NHOfUO'21.^-.19 »7S -.43 Nltvn I--1,09 kxBoncl mTg

LcCpVHl> 1165 -26 SnCtpn 22.:-,18 IflOrin 1S26 -.27 SpaeOrn 13(


i r w E i t e i ;

-internalW A S H IN G T O N (A P

W h ite , H o u s e d i W e d n e s d a y i t w a 's con a b o u t how a p o ten tia l Er lapse would a ffec t th e V i m y a n d h a d ec o n o m ic L a rry L indsey , a form ei b o a rd m em ber, stu d y th e i

T h e d isdosu re cam e as i s io n a l in v e s tig a to rs q ue th e fired A rth u r Anders( to r w ho th e com pany sa< rush effort to d estroy E nn m ents. T he accounting f t th e destruction b eg an t e a n n o u n c e d th e S e c u rit i E x c h a n g e C o m m iss io

. launched an inqu iry o f the company.

-------S ta f f e r s - f r o m ” th e “E n e r g y a n d Corn C o m m it te e in te rv ie w e i aud ito r David D uncan for h o u rs W ednesday aftem c w e n t v e ry w e l l ,” s a id H o lle m a n , a D e m o c ra ti m em ber. . . .

A t th e W h ite 1 . s p o k e sm a n A ri FIeisch<

W a sh in g tContinued from E l

I t m ay jum p a spo t o r tv t h a t i t s a c q u is i t io n of B a n c o rp of N ew Y o rk i-

. - p l e t e . : ___________________H o w e v e r , t h e con

ch a rse d off S108 m illion i “ loans d uring th e fo u rth qi _ M m pared .w ith .S 82 m illion

th ird q u arte r a n d SS6 mil] fourth quarte r 2000.

N onperfo rm ing asse ts i - S2.4 biilionrm ore-thandoul

level of a y ea r ea rlie r and p e rc e n t from th e th ird qu T hey now accoun t fo r 0.9 c e n t o f to ta l a s se ts , com: w ith 0.91 p e rc e n t in th e q u a r t e r a n d 0 .5 2 p e rc e fourth q uarte r 2000.

------!^That vas a b it jn o re thaiex p e c te d and lo a la rg e e r e f le c ts th e w e a k e n in g e

Fargo _Contlnuod from E l fo rm in g loans 2 p ercc S1.81 billion in th e fo u rth ' ter.—

N e t c h a r g e .o f f s - o r lc tak en fo r bad loans - ro se to p e rcen t o f all loans in d ie f< q u a r te r from 0,90 p e rcen t a e a r lie r a n d from 1.10 percc th e tiiird q u a rte r. T h e bank s e t a s id e m o re m o n e y in q u a r te r - $536 m illion - to c those losses.

W (^ s Fargo took t^vo unex e d h i t s to f o u r th - q u a r t e r incom e: a S21 m illion charge

S o m e

W e Ofo ablo to custofnlM oii k e t reports. If you 're Intere

(n 0 stDck, mutual fund, o r comi ty th a t 's not In our report, ju s t c

:pVUnl4H -.20 Spocinn 10G4 -,04 E( )rtn 2045 -43 TFlncn B4I .,02 im >nh*lmarA: TiFiMn 11.50 .02 Lo lAp33.13 -.74 Valien 10 43 -JO In

ncApll.CS ..II Prov In Ceunul: SrAp 45 48 -.49 SmCapIn 14 46 -J5 TiP 21.73 -.41 Pn«l*fl11il Fdi A: S»

29.40 -JO EqutAp 1381 -.21 Sf.iX 3I.BS -.46 UrtlAp SM -.02 STIAp 364 -.01 JjrirtAp 1421 -25 CilAp 1014 -.10 UlJAp 039 -.07 8<tnhal>r»rB: PmdnitlilFdiB; 10>0Gp37.06 -.69 J»nr»Ol 1344 - 24 (qOt 43.20 -.46 Pn>d»nHalFdi21I:' S»lOl 31.11 -4? Jerr*Z U.45 -.20 Si:0l 366 .., saia.1 25.12-41 ^%halnwCtU: Putnam Fundi A; Sn,

S K S ! S : ! I £ tS45 -.20 CAT.Ap 6.G4 .02

a S 'p l f S : : ; ; ! ;31.00 - 35 t>«lnAp 9J6 -41 US'

<aApl8«).:fl EatMp 14.57 -.18 Scu■habmrnoch: OeeAp. 1605 -.15 or*'Ap 330 ... OW'Hip 16.21 -45 ScwAp 17,74 *02 QCrAp ^7.43 -.12 ^MlmlwY? O ^ ^ p 1447 -11 flS »Y 30M -74 »W^P 6171-33 JS Fundi; [VW{P'. »7t -02 i5iS ' sI toco -01 > *OPP 6.78 -.12 tSJ FundlAdmln- “ *9 1‘-29 -.17 e i

«“^0MT5i K::S«S??£!-S2 ^

SJ51". u'o! -g ^I liiA Wl n»eri*p 1301 -.24 Sr. •1 iO m II? T.CiAp 8.78 *.02

^“~ 9 « "^03 '^ ^ ^ P '2 -« * « t L„ i l I W ^S41-: 1

s' i;i:l ^M ' l . i : f , i S

15.22-45 '<*«

E't?75*'-.» s f f ; ; s ; s i s^p36J2 -.61 Im 1140 .,18 AcQ<lP 19.95 - 29 40 59 -.91 Smith•Bfc---------- OTC • 7J4 -.22 l|;Cpm17J7-,17 Vou 8 54 -JO SouTd1 26.40 -.41 Voy 17.46 -J9 Stand'n 1460 -.09 n3>indi: F.dln' 20.40 -.25 RS£ffiQp3041 -.69 «Far

23.12 -43 neycFJrti; . 0-W:n3041 -.M L«PrStt 11.80 -.11 SUtal‘ J-JI * “1 Fu"<*a 8: Awoi;n 2366 -J2 DivEaS 98 80 -.65 StroM

22J0 -J4 Ouaftl£qS34,M -.54 *0 ^1 171 „ RuiMOmatll:' CmSD. 1248 -42 EgOt 31.7S -.50 CpOdl

1157 -J9 RrdailmMtor ^’° S “•'® J s ? " 24.B6 -.M OrMh

in ,^ S : ; g i g s

n a n -.42 E<Mn 1129 -J« SunAn> '21^-.40 portl n 26.65 -48 BlIAU

177 Munttn . 1442 *.03 BUAit».56 -,71 UlPertfodoa; OiMX

‘'S ff? 5?*»«An 7.93 -.10 OMOI 22.51 -.19 ConFiAnl046 - 01 BOiQI 1_3« - a , Eml«pnJ.66 ..07_ ^

V ' ,•

rul^,Januryl7,20D2 Ttoie^Ntir

^oifse dis( Enron re

P ) - T h e L in d sey a n d hd isc lo se d - c o n c lu d ed thao n c e rn e d w ould n o t hurtE nron col- a l m a r k e ts - iJ £ . econo- r e a c h e d b y Pc a d v is e r T r e a s u r y unie r E n ro n c h a r g e o f fine issue. F is h e r ’s rev ieiscongres- tw o p h o n e Ciiiestioned C h a irm an Kenrse n a u d i- S e tr e ta o 'P a u la y s led a and N ov. 8 . Thiron docu* began in m idOifirm says L indsey , whot«^ Enron by E n r o n a s ci t i e s a n d energy compan;ion h a d has sa id h e haihe energy Enron ab o u t its

, ______ In a se p a ra tei H o u s e ’fo r m e r c H ie f iim m e rc e Joseph Lieberme d f i r e d o n e o f t h e ir3r several E n ron , t r ie d uin oon . “I t su m m e r to a nid E d i th betw een th e seii tic s ta f f E n ro n ch a irm i

' spokesm an, DarH o u se , does n o t know

h e r sa id to m ee t a b o u t


my,” sa id Jo e Mt two now with R B C Capita )f D im e Francisco, is com - W aM u s e t asi'

--- -----------------m illm n fr ,r Innna m p a n y bringing to S575 n in h firf amou n t i t reserv< q u a n e r , C h ie f Exe< i n i n t h e — K id W uUion in ab le w ith its lev

aga inst s o u r loa • to ta led since m ortgages u b le tlie h o m e rm a k e 'u p ' id u p 17 portfolio, q u a rte r. In a sta tem em '.98 per- one o f th e a reas i m p a re d w ill b e “ contin i le th ird w atchful e y e o n e c e n t in W aM u ra ised il

dend a ^ n n y , t o : lan w e’d The d iv idend will ! e x te n t to sh a re h o ld e rs e co n o . Jan. 31. '

the e ffe c t o f the c e n t to rency devaluatior ll qu a r- fin an ce o p e ra tic

there a n d a S7 m i lo s s e s for any E n ro n Cor to 1.27 F o r th e fu ll ye fo u n h Fargo p o s te d net a y e a r biUion, o r S1.97 r

c en L m ._ :,_ is .p e j.c e n t-fro n i ^ k a ls o S2.33 p e r sh a re , in t h e because o f sp e d a l ) cover The p e r .sh a re f

of analysts’ expec sxpect* for th e y ea r, e r n e t R ev en u e fo r 2C rg e f o r c e n t to $ 2 0 .2 bfflio

nething missing?our mar- and WD’II tiy to Includire s te d Please call Ramona JoiimmocJj. 0931. Ext. 2 6 2 , witn yt call u s -tions.

E q ^ n 3 4 « - ,5 7 RMtC . 108.41inOEoAn 646 -.11 GNMAA 10 96 - 02Loc0ni»n1807-J7 GNMABt 10l?9 -01^ ^ n ie O O --JO ONWAIII 11.00 -01S < ^A nl4U .37 &olxAp II.D2 -23TiUgLCnlOto -.17 OoWcBp 11.46 -22S ^ F undc GrSlnClIt 1144-22SPWOn ieCO-30 &OfoAP 18.13 -47

STIClaiak; (jrOcoOl 1662 -43Cip»ppTnl2 63 - 1J GroOpOllp16M -.43S<hwaDFund>; IliYI^Ol 4.27 -01I000lnv>r01.43 - u ><.YUBdAp4.26 -011W0Soln3l41 -50 WlCqAp 0 77 -.11SJPIrwB 17J7 -2J WlEoOp 147.10StPSeln 17.40 ..29 MEqlll 846 -,llYUPhSI 9K) ... M«Co<V 014.47 -J4tewddorFundiA: W-CenOl 1110 -32DmriA 3720 - 40 SlrOdA 106 -01H.YMA 5-jl Tm TElnsAp 13M I wTocrv 1223 . 40 TEIreO 1104 .04TotflelA 0 02 -.10 USCyA 190 -02USOovA 8 66 .01 USQ.OI 199-02kuddor FurMi Q; TCW OtJUae Fda:OiaHiRB 37.07 - 40 SalEqiy 10 42 -.43Icuddoi Funda S: Tomplaion InaUt:Devein 20.16 -.52 EttJJSp 114-05GlobglSn 21J0-16 foEoS 14.13 -J tOrolncSn 20.50 -J4 Third Avenue Fda: THShCK(/rr>2008 2? VUuo 3002 -.87Ind FdSn 35.26 -.40 ThonttureFda:LoCoOn>n25JI .46 VttueA 28.20 -48LOCoyaIn2l.B7 .31 TofieyFundi:IChlnnSn 1555 ^ Fm) 3C66 -.73elected Fundi: , Tweedy Browne:>mShp 30.13 .46 GbeVaJ, 1B4I -.10

:omnBt 21.85-Jl Oram 14.16-J7imonOl 21.93 -.62 0>»lne 17 62 -JOanUneiareiiD: QrSlra] I I.M -.16:0'nSAp,29.l1 -42 livStk 1844 -.23

dV alA p lsS -a TiESh 1077 .01•gMoAp I 5 M .S Imth Bm AIM A; USQvIn 1143 _SOilAp-llwl^Oe ''^KtmpFundtA;...KlroA 1206 -J l g ^ P -15-31 -24nlthOmyABeeB' ^ ^ P -69<l<Ot l ^ . j l EntAp 1116 -J*

SSBtmetM^ OvSeAp* 10J3 -.02

S f r l i i - i ; !»-UOl 1268 -.19 '2 -2 »•“

i s j - 2 3 r ” «^ i:S iF .^ i . .n, ° PouVnipn9.78 -45 ‘

K ^ n 9 « - . a m W B r n ^ ,: \ ^ r . i :2? ’!

'-Sl ^ 'A d n 1198 *.03 »

- l i l - si?P«"i°'« ‘•“1 >■

IaS p ^ » 0 ^ 1 8 wSlEwftJiio -60 V

S ; 5 S - - ; J S 'S 2 i r '5 ? - n - j 7 ’!:aCNil 14.52 -JO CAIniiTn 1141 «M Wi 22S l i i i - ? CA«.Tnii-ra ::5 D •< ?* .J*» -32 . CifOpona.09..-.87Lo

•Nm,Tw1nF«Bt,faWM &3

scloses e^ew; ■ ;id h is econom ic te a m , th a t Eiuron’s collapse

fiurt th e U.S. and glob- 5 - th e sa m e f in d in g •y P e t e r F is h e r , t h e u n d e r s e c r e ta r y in f in a n c ia l m a r k e ts ,

jview s te m m e d fro m e c a l ls fro m E n ro n K en L ay to T re a su ry ‘aui O’N eill on Oct. 28 . The L indsey rev iew d O a o b e r .who w a s ^ d 550,000 a s a m e m b e r o f th c pany’s advisory board,! had n o con tact w ith t i t s financial woes.rat®jlevdpp_ment,.the____Ief o f s ta f f fo r S en . lerman, who is lead ing 3 i n v e s t ig a t io n s o f d unsuccessfu lly la s t a r r a n g e a m e e tin g

; sena to r and Lay, th e . irm an . L ie b e rm a n ’s Dan G erstein, said h e ow w h at Lay w antedJL

B M orford, an analyst ipitai M arkets in San

aside an o th e r S200

575 m illion th e totale ix e d ia 20Q l____________ix e c u t iv e K e rry d W aM com fon- - - - ; level o f pro tection loans, p a rticu la rly

ges on single-family u p m o s fo f i l s loaii—

nent, K illinger said sas of focus for 2002 it in u in g to k e e p a on CTedit quality.” ed its q u a n e rly divi- j , to 25 cen ts a sliare. ' will b e p aid Feb . IS *' e rs o f re c o rd a s of j

th e A rg en tin e cur- iItion on a consum er ja tio n b e in g c lo sed ; m illion write-downCorp. exposure. !1 y e a r 2001, W ells inet incom e o f S3.4 ;97 p e r share , down iro m 'S 4 -b ill io n r .o r --------re , in 2000 m ain ly • ida l figure fell sh o n , ^ e c ta tio n s of S2.01

r 2001 grew 2 p e r. Jillion. '

— ----------------------------------- j

iclucfo IIla Jones a t 733-____________ ' Htn your sueges- '

____________• i'

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-.67 STCorpn 1068 - 01 j STFedn 1052 - 01

-48 STTwyn 1060 -.01 SKllEQn 1484 -.23

-.73 TiUCApinJ5 20 - 43 1TiMQIrn 2450 -.40 ‘

-.10 USGron 1623 -36 II UU»yn 11.75 . 05 ! ..46 WeflsJ/n IBOfl -.11 )' -47 WeBnn 2691 -27 'l u VVndjIln 2101 I 34 [

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34 Vanouttd M Pda:41 hslllin 10306-1,70 '.03 Ininn 10106-1.70.15 HaTStPluin22.69-J6 Ior TBlan 1034 -01 . I

TS»>an 2129 -41 I .J4 VantteepointFda; 1,7B Qrwtmn .117 -J7 t..07 Victory: — ‘•: DvtStA . 1361 -JO O WaddeaARtedAdv;35 Accm • 6.00 -08

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MCqjlAp 7,48 -.14Bl netie 645 - 0819 SeTactiA 692 -.14... VKigA 7.67 -.13U Wttaieh:M CoceOrn 3137 -4833 We-Ctpn 613 ^05}l SnCcOin3348 - 40Jl W ^ "l2 J3II U t r ^ " a 3 l ^38 <r WettiFundi;M ParfVal 2077 -.10 SO VaM 34.12 -.18

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^ T k n t i l n ^ T i i a Filbl k U

P i j B t f

— -PatentLt ^ective IBy Laura Fisher, Mi

People who nec fast arc lining up at enough lo have the pill colled PateniLE/

■ "PatentlSAN is a h. with a powerful com,

_ Ipa. It's safe, sensible clinical science."

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“ PatenlLEAN i« because drugstores stock ," said Matthew spokesman.

............. “We have drugsi250 bo ttle s in ju s t rcstocking is laking wc opened a,N ation L in e (1-800-704-64 who doesn’t want to d ia te ly have Pateni (heir home."

•New PatentLE/ natural Thermogenic

_ _ ings from.the 7. point the re.sulis are so st average , 80% o f the fro m b o d y fa l. Re showed losses o f up t

------ -ju st-fa t.---------------------T h a i m eans

prom ises to help ove reducc not just their b the vast majority of ih “ !‘P aten tL E A N v. fad diets peop---------- according-to-D r^Johi

m er C hief of Medicim H o sp ita l. “PatentLE breakthrough." he.saic

P aten iL E A N ’s p pound has been 'aw a

‘S la te s P a ten t fo r u lo ss a n d w e igh t PalenlLEAN has also s ix add itional healil patents.

P a te n tL E A N ’s m eth o d e n h a n ce s c healthy Thcmogencsi!

Many o f today’s | lo s s p ro d u c ts cla in melabolism but are aci based and have no be on metabolic rale.

Metabolism is yo o f conven ing lhe foe energy (heat) and w; The lime it lakes for i






CURP^-*NT UNCIR ________ A 5 Q g ? __________

12-14-01 10

D e l a w e u r e Q u a r

V a l u e I n c r e a s

P e n n s y l v a n i a '

V a l u e I n c r e a S '

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Idaho ThitnKlay,toniia7 »^

epslii£ A N '‘a m t ' use of the nMedia Services* occ

le e d to lo se w eighta t d ru g s to re s lucky a c th e im p re s s iv e new p rc.EA N . b ra

3 huge breakthrough . ompound fo r weight I b le q t jd I s backed by . .

_______J o h n L Z a ik ,M D .^M. InternalMdlclne, yjsi<

Board o f Internal Medicine .— a dv^ is s d h a rd to g e t dire es c a n ’t k e e p it incw W oods, com'pany ^esc

c o ng s to re s se ll in g ov e r ‘ jn'gis t o n e d a y . S in c c 7 .0ng s e v e ra l w eek s, n a iiio n a l D ir e c t O rd e r X o -6 4 6 7 ) s o a n y o n eto w a it c a n im m e- g ^ ir

e n iL E A N s e n t to pigj-

,E A N i s a p o te n t i ^ e i :n ic R e g u la to r fo r

in L c a lip e r jn c th o d ,___s tu n n in g th a t on

th e w e ig h t lo st i.s " R e s u l t s q u ic k ly ip to 9 .2 p ounds o f

s P a t e n tL E A N • o v e rw e ig h t people ir b o d y w e ig h t, b u l ' r th e lo s s is fat. •I w i l l o u t l i v e a ll :o p le h a v e tr ie d .”ohn-L. Zcnk^oD ;__ ^cine a t S t. Francis ^ L E A N i s a hu g e !aid.s p o w e r f u l co m - w a r d e d 'a U n ite d ~ r u s e in w e ig h t I m a n a g e m e n t .Iso b e e n aw arded . i l t h r e l a t e d U .S .

’s w e i g h t lo s s s e f f e c t i v e a n d csis.’s p o p u la r w eight a im t h e y b o o s t frhSTi a c tu a lly s tim u lan t cnnt re b e n e f ic ia l effect

exercisyour bod y ’s way foods y ou eat lo w aste products.

□r th is to to diai

:e o f u .;BULLETIN:






1 0 :2 4 AM

a r t e r

a s e ‘ + 4 5 6 %

a Q u a r t e r

a s e + 4 9 6 %

B d .jg y p m ;.

. U n i t b d S t a t e s (• A PRIVATE CALU;I


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liiB upirdedU;S:Pc new oral caps)c c u r is c a lle d th e m etabo lic

T h e p r i r n a r y m e e h a i i c t io n fo r U id se s tim u la n t: > rcssion o f th e appe tite cent >rairi. O th e r w e ig h t lo s s i iav e a ls o b e e n a sso c ia ted w iv e s id e cfTects.

I n c o n tra s t , tw o separate U idies h ay c_ sh p w n jh ^ t_ ^ vas u s e d s a f e l y a n d c a i d v e r s e s id e c f f e c t s w h en ;irected .

D r . H e n r y L a rd y , a p n s s e a rc h e r a t T h e U n iversity o n s i n , d i s c o v e r e d th a t thi V gredien't in P a te n tL E A N (3 - O x o -D e h y d ro e p ia n d ro s te a tu r a l ly fo u n d in ev e ry o n e 'o d u p l i c a t e th e in g r e d i ( c t iv e in g re d ie n t in P aten tL x tr a c te d o n ly ’f ro m n a tu ra l la n t m ate ria l.

P a te n tL E A N re s u l ts sh l e r c is a s t a t i s t i c a l l y s ig i id u c t io n o f b o th b o d y w ei

i c e s - i n - c x c T c r s c r - d i e n m a t e r 'f o r P a te n tL E A N ’s im i e i g h t l o s s . O n e c l in ic a l lo w e d th a t re su lts w e re obti s t e i g h t w e e k s w ith tw en i

sc charts connrm there Is a statistlca: t reduction in body weight In tlic Pat up which was for gredicr than chan{ :cbo group. Proper caloric consumj rcisc a rc rccognlzcd for cITcclive wc IvldunI results vniy with the weiglit lo® welve and one-tenth pounds^over cIr









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N e w J e r s ^ Q u a

V a l u e I n c r e a s e


fop n^atentforwiDsulecanbe^)Iic ra te . o v e rw c ig h h o n is m o f p e rc c n t mn m ts is s u p - fe m a le s . C icn tcr in th e th o u s a n d c IS p ro d u c ts d a y a n d uti I w ith n c g a ;" - h u n d re d ci

w eelc.

ra te d in ic a l ■!nlcm LEA N weight loa a c a u s e d n o people and cl e n lised a s ^ e f fe c t s . '’

p ro m in e n ta ty o f W is- t o « l y t o lIh c a c t iv e “ l w » y s / c c

I (3 -A ccty l- p h y s i c i a ns t c r o n e ) i s " “ 'S h t lo s s

Dnc’s b o d y d i e n t , th en tL E A N is 'h e irai o rg an ic Pal=nH-EA>

F o r the

sh o w lh a t • R i te A id , w; ig n if ic a n t n ia t io n o nv e ig h t 'a r id p re sc r ip tio n

~and~body ~ ' f o r a n v h iic^ i .m p re . s s iy e _ m o u th s , op_c c a l ; s t u d y m e n t a f te r Dbiained in p la y n ew ze cn iy .;th rcc____ - O n e - o

tio n ih fa t m

y o u ’ ll focu; bi^t a lso the

a t t r a c t i v e

ilj iH M E ija U.SC th e iclep

w i l l b e am w i l l l o s e \ E n jo y .''*

rtlcally signifl-l: PatentLEAN j g j — hanges In lhe g M Palcn umpiion ond e weight loss. tlossrangeup * ' ~ reiRhtwetks.1









u a r t e r ‘

s e +456%

LLERY ,THE.r r ENTITY. . ' '

l e u M l l i

reightloskrC l200% moreg h t m e n a n d w o m e n , n i nales a n d n in e ty -o n e p erc( C o n su m p tio n in c lu d e d 0 e ig h t hTindred“c a Ib rie s ea

u tilized ex e rc ise fo r j u s t 0 e ig h ly " m ^ ^ u tc s 'd u r in g ^

eiitLEAN we’ve seen slgn(f1cc : and body/at loss-ln overweli clinical studies report no advei

n tL E A N is n o w a v a i l a b 3 the gen e ra l p u b lic , y e t it e c o m m e n d e d to c o n s u l t n b e f o r e u s i n g i t o r a i ss supp lem en t, fiose w h o w a n t it f irs t, i t h l o u n c e d t h a t R i t e A id

in th e a r e a lo r e c e i ) and n ow h av e il availabli

h o se w h o c a n n o t g e l i t w e are p ro v id in g th e in fo n h o w to g e t il d i r e c t . N 3n is need ed ..........................

i r w il l - ^ z e -a ry o o -v i id r th c p cn .„Y o u .w ilI g e l c o m p i T c o m p lim e n t. Y o u ’ll d i: zest fo r l ife ,” D r. Z e n k saic

o f - i h o - m o s t - a p p e o l i n P a ten tL E A N is th e red u ( m ass in o v e rw e ig h t p eo p li 1 y o u u s e P a t e n l L E A I :us n o t o n ly o n 't h e scaU le m irror. Y ou w ill f in d thj J s chan g in g fro m fa l lo th : p h y s i c a l f e a t u r e s th a van is.

: A id is o u t o f P a tc n lL E A ^ cphone n u m b e r w e a re -p rc o u a r e o n ly h o u r s aw a ; s ta r t o f - a -n e w -b o d y .-Y o ' m a z e d " a t h o w f a s t y o i

w e ig h t a n d s h a p e u p


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r o u C A N T A K Er Height to Youf Wkight. itrerhe range,' You can get

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8 8 - 1 1 9 l b s .- I 1 2 0 -

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f fe rin g a special' i n ^ u c t i o ih lp m en lh as.n o ft 'a rriv ed , a t

> g e t Paten tL E A N ' today d ir ly fo ilow ing the instroction i a i . M oney B ack G u aran tce .

c rv ic c to -g e fP a te n tL E A N i ( V I S A , M a s t e r C a r d , D

im a ) can ca ll 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 0 4 .^ in ca ll 2 4 hoiirs f day.

stitLEA N by.m ail, e nclose. $: n e y o r d e r payab le to Patei r f i t tE A t^ T T T d e c f o jT T n b fT ^

■ Paten tH E A Paten iL E A : N a U p n ^ .P r

. ’ C a n to n , OFnd ad d re ss below :'

S T O C O N S I S T O F :



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m safe and e arid diet ah

E THIS TEST(. I f you fall into Ihe ovem et new PatentLEAN non:

[RWEIGHT ix T R lANGE RAN3 - 1 4 3 ~ lb s - . 14411

M 5 3 l b s ^

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'£adersJJanE A N N ow 1I ■ion o f P a le n lL E ^ iw f i i lc s i i t d ll'a rea R ite A id :s iores.

lirectly from ;the. N allonal f t »ns belovy. P a ten tL E A N can

N r onder b y -p h 6ne.-:ThoseH D i s c o v c r /N o v i i s o r A m e 6 4 6 7 a n d a sk fo r depL 771

$29,p lus $ 5 ,95 sh ipping witli entl^AN. P r in t nam e anc

A ijT H V L L C ........■ 'A N Disu’ D ep t. 77193 , • P ro c e ss in g C e rite r .,.)H 44 7 6 7 ■

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, _=====#===== Putin vi Polish ihemdr

W A RSA W , Polan< R u ss ia n P r e s i d e n t ' Putin p aid a surprise m onum ent for Polish V I t r e s is ta n c e . figh W ednesday , horiorin(

____ who w e r^ p e rse c u t« icredited by the Soviets'

P u t in ’s v is it to tl A rm y m o n u m e n t un

. that h e is serious abou-------in g Jo lish -R u ss ian .tii

tatters a f te r the end o nist ru le in 1989.

“I t is .a sign ificant j said M arek Borowski, s P o u n d 's p a r lia m e t a c c o m p a n ie d P u tin , ta lk s w i th P re s id e n P res id en t (A lcksande niewski and m y s ^ , I w that the past for Poles tant.”• Putin, th e first Russi d en t to v is it W arsaw years, didn’t comment { a bouquet of pink cam the monum ent, erected Polish parliam ent in 19<

But h is paying homag to h a v e a p o w erfu l e

•Poles, w h o re g a rd th • Army a s a n a tio n a l sj

M any P o le s rem aii about tho'Sovierdedsio ils forces outside Wars. Nazi t ro o p s c ru sh ed

------- & rray-uprising-and-d€much o f th e d ty in late]

T he s t r a te g y fac . Stalin’s-consolidation c

in E a s te r n E u ro p e £ i n s ta l la t io n of a con regime in Poland.

H om e A rm y m em be — persecuted and denied c

their struggle against tl: As Europe’s strongest re

■ movementrthe-Home-A about 350,000 soldiers and took orders from I govemment-intexile in L

"We view this visit as stone in re la tions, betw c o u n tr ie s ,” P u tin sai nesday a f te r ta lk s witl niewski. “ Today we ha' possibilities to expand oi cal contacts.”

K w asniew ski said,thi versation was “very sine open” and called Putin a T t^ p a r tn e r fo r whon were no “ taboo subjects.’

M oscow w as furiou; Poland, along with fellow Warsaw P act allies H ^ g the Czech Republic, joii NATO alliance in 1999.' and Moscow expelled di] accused .o£-Spying ,^ni level contacts all bu t ceas

Since P utin came to pi 2000, Moscow has taken accommodating view of F

. tilt to th e West.

w w w . m a g i

P o l i c i e s : All odvi sIcnJardsofocceptonte.Th! dedlns.or properly classify entry (fax, ^-mall, etc.) doe oaeplancebyth isnew spops the newspaper, assumes full trulhful content o f iheir advi

■ ; J i ' V : ;

^ s i t S r T H

•rial Hand (AP) -I t V lad im ir | | n ^ H ise visit to ahW orldW ar . B V I m ig h ters on -ing soldiers t£d am^dis-___

th e Home

bout improv*L,ties.left-in— d of commu* .

nt gesture,’3, speaker ofn en t, who . in . “In ou rlen t P u tin , . ider) Kwas*I underlined g w WjHWw les is impor*

iissian presi* " •W ™ aw in eightnt as he laid Local boys u<amations a t Labor unions ted near the 1999. . nage is sure1 effec t on i^ L T I th e Home

I symbol of ■ ______________ ______________-------------------------LAGOfi'tlain b i t te r ■ smashed wis iw T t^a lt------s r re e r rw iiarsaw while Nigeria’s C(;d a Home Lagos as lat-destroyed------generaLstritel944. protest highfa cilita te d Demonstrn of power po lice andc and th e b u ses tha t:om m unist streets. In sc

police resptibers were ^nd by firing:d credit for • Banks, mt the Nazis. t*ons weret resistance th re a ts byj-Armyhad------down or be i2rs in 1944 free cash.” Im Poland’s ed and wa\n London. theymarchec as-a mile- The goveiJtween our Olusegun 0said-W ed- " decJare'd thvith Kwas- union Nigeihave good illegal and vi our politi- forces wduli

S s IM F fin an excel-______________ _ionT there WASHINt :ts.” . Intemationa]ous when W ednesday low former strapped Ar, jngary and reprieve on r joined the lion IMF loa •9. Warsaw due on Jan. 1 diplomats IMF Mana;

and-h igh------ Kochler-anncleased. of the agency3 pbwer in tive board in en a more saying the act }f Poland's . IMF’s “desin

overcome its


g i c v a l l e y . c o n i

jdvertising is subjecl lo lhe ne The Times-News rese rv es the [l[ iify ony ad . Receipt o f copy vi does not conslituje final. oper. The advertiser, not full responsibility fo r th e f ( ( idvertiser m essage. q

i use tires to make goalposts as t ms launched a general strike Wed

ikeparalwindows and blocked .cc

With"burrilng“tire s in , ra i commercial capital'oflabor unions laimched a 1£ itrike.on-W ednesday-to^pr igher fuel prices,strators hurled stones at . prnd a ttac k ed tax is and bilat v en tu re d onto the wl»several neighborhoods, cosponded w ith tea r gas asing bullets into the air. ex m arkets an d gas sta*

3re closed fo llow ing gooy the un ions to sh u t W>e prepared-to-i-'give out Ni

Demonstrators diant- vavaved palm fronds as iniJied th ro u g the dty. snvemment of President toObasanjo on Tuesday da the .s trike "by;.the'ZSi^^l. _l_l

geria Labor Congress prid warned tha t security .eniuld use force to keep du

' grants Argenti[NGTON (A P) - T he ^nal Monetary Fund on f!ay g ra n te d debt* corArgentina a one-year goin repaying a S933 mil- Ediloan that was coming wiLI-17. tutinaging Director Horst her nnounced-the'dedsion— tairicy’s 24-member execu- f1 in a brief statem ent, witaction represented the In tsire to help Argentina Barits difficult economic Arg

105 Happy Ads106 Special Noi

1 07 Abortion All Q B * 108 Professionc

110 Home/Heal User

M j i ^ H 111 Entertalnrrlc

■ H H 113 Child Care:

new spapers' so o o seMceDirt

> ilgh tteed it, L a u J R f via rem ote •« \ D f Employmen

21S Resume Pn2 1 6 - Employmen

2 ^ 7 Employmen . , c a p p o M e

'» y .

r W ™

ss they play soccer to block trai Vednesday atter Nigeria’s goven

ilyzes N i•iliL LLUi'm m j iiiu^Iiis . T l ie .com es a f te r the govern raised gasoline and diesel - among the world’s lowes 18 p ercen t on Jan. 2. Ker

-pricfes went-up 40 percent- The govemment contem

. price hikes are necessary i b iliz e su p p lie s in a coi w here consum er shortagt common despite Nigeria’s as th e w orld’s sixth-large exporter.-

The m ove was also.par: governm ent plan - back« W e ste rn cred ito rs to v Nigeria owes $30 billion - J vatize th e market and stei industry corruption, In d i sm u g ^ n g of Nigeria’s chea] to neighboring countries^ dais said.

.l_U riions argiie-thaLldw prices a re among th t only

.ernm en t benefits from oil duction enjoyed by the ma

itina one-yearand isodal situation.”

Koeliler said that the IMF comed th e commitment ol governm en t of new P resi Eduardo Duhalde to work di with the ISS-tiation lending tution. in developing “a con hensive strategy to restoretainedgrmvth:”—-------- -----

H e .said that the'IM F, a w ith th e W orld Bank and In ter-A m erican Developn Bank, stood ready to a: Argentina in putting togethe

|Q [[ ||^ oj4UI|301 Business

OpportuniU M i M m 302 Money to

Found 303 Money W(f Thanks 304 Inveslmen

Aids 305 Contractsals MortgagesAds 306 Rnancial {

nAltemaUves -

lional Setvtees 401 Schoolsfln

-leallh Care 402 'Musk: Les: 403 Tutoring

In rrten tS en^ k S O I L f f l lS r are Sen,rices

Directory 501 Open Hou;

m m n s o a Homes for m i i m m s i O Out<)f-Are fnent Wanted 511 Out-OI-Sia ) Preparation 512 Farnis/Ram Twnt Agendes 513 Acreages e

nenl 514. Income Prcnllles 515 Commeicia

raffle on a main road In Lagos, e m m en t outlawed p ro tes ts ove

igerianciL &uJKe '~ ~bf IfrgarijIETtffrnm e n t.___ately poor.____5l prices It was not im est - by there were any erosene injuries from ’t.--------------- I e n c e ; ---------nds th e “How will I j f to sta- cried Ufor Ek o u n try butcher, who sai ges a re - 56 to rioters whc s status her stall full of i gest o il service was larg(

By noon, caln ir t-o f - a - - - s t r e e ts ,- a l th o k ed by remained d o st w hoin d esh a d re tu m t

- to pri- There was 1 :em oil- usual in the cap d u d in g most shops am jap fu e l were dosed. Sl t s , offi- remained open_____ . ^appeared to affiw .fu'el-----several-oiher-mjily gov- ing Port Harcou 3il pro- and Ibadan, whe lajority reported.

X extension o:economic progi

IF wei- South America’;o f th e economy,s id e n t ThelM Fsentadosely ing team to Argig insti* to consult with thim pre- assembled byre sus* became Argenti

' ' ’dentin a hvo-wMalo n g A rgentine,off

jd th e they hope to rece5m ent support from th(a s s is t lending agenciesher an year.

J W J J f f n M ' S i e Vacation

5S 517 Condomiljnlties 518 Mobile HcloLoan s t s O m ile ij

W anW 520 Real Estaents 521 Manulacti

ll Services 601 Furnished

^ 2 Unfumishi ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 603 Furnished /Instruction AptsyOupl

9 ss0ns 604 Unfumish(


J W l J f f f i n 605 Rooms Fo ■ ■ ■ ■ W 606 Mobile Hoi

>use ’ 607 Office &Ri or Sale . 608 Commerd; tfea Homes ' 6 0 9 ' Condominl tiate Homes Shares anches/Daifles. 610 'Slorage/W, s and Lots Rental’nsperty 611 Farms For i:ial Property ; 612 Pastures F

- -X

IJ, Nrgorlo, Wednesday. . {jjl>ver rising fuel prices. <

• •

Cities SWt

immediately dear if ny deaths or serious n W ednesday’s vio- • ^

I g e t home today?”Ekia, a 45-year-oldsaid she gave her last _b'ho threatened to rob I}f meat. Bus apd taxi - Lrg d y paralyzed.aim had rciumcd to o ih o u g h -b u sin esse s-----osed and few vehi-, m ed to tiie su-eets. < N s le s s tra ffic than to p ap ita l Abuja, where We( m d filling stations ing Schools, however, can:

en. T he strike also Cheaffect commerce in___ effomajor-ddes, i n d u d ~ - to tl ourt, KaduHa, Kano M ^here riots were also said

...furt Asia

o n j ^ e b t S

3gram to siabllize te n t :a’s second largest last

throiIt a second fact-find- .“I' rgentina tills week all c 1 the economic team stop ty D uha lde , w ho ' Serg n tin a ’s fifth presi- >nte

period. Eve}jfficials have said U. iceive $15 billion in R efi the D rff and other d u r i ies for the coming • cam]


Pion Property/ 613 Pasture'Shares 614 Wanted'

im in ium s^ 615 Mobile H(Homes 616 Roomma

" y Lois'[state Wantedactured Homes 701 Uvestoc^

702 FamVRai g^ |yjJ^j^ '703~C u~slo 'rfi'fled Houses Services

ished Housesjgji 706 Farm Se<

iuplexes ™ shed ™ Hay, Grai

'uplexes For Rent

Homes Collectibk i Retail Rentals 802 Appliancein:ial Pn^perty 803 Bazaars IniniunVTlme 804 Building N

605 Cameras

W arehouse ^806 ChiUrens807 Clothlnj

-or Rent qqq communk s For Rent Equipmen

PaMsmn on Islam

LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) seemed certain, and he tol followers not to worry: Thi; lip service, another attem appeasing India and the int tional'community.

.‘‘Nothing will happen,” Bakar assured supporters 8

.P resident.P ervezJklushar crackdown on Islamic milit “ They’re criticizing us jus Intemadonal consumption.”

Days la te r , the Lahore -mander of^tiiemilitantLasl e-Tayyaba organization sits cell at a police station in ea; Paldstan, worried that this i a larm ed by th e th rea t of th e govemment rneans busir

"Now, it seems, the actit serious,” he said from his acco rd in g to colleagues spoke to The Assodated Pre

, As p a rt o f a sweep ordi Saturday by Musharraf, aut t iw have rolled across Paki; dim bing compound walls, bi ing down doors and arresting they say arc Islamic militants.

Since M usharraf banned an ti*Indian groups and tl o ther organizations, police 1 sealed 615 offices and arre 1,957 suspects, authorities W edhesday. India has dem.

atbck,s Iike.the.Dec.J.3 ass on its Parliam ent, which 1 Delhi blames on militants o ating from Pakistan.—In Lahore, th e raids begai da^vn Sunday - many in wei

Doctors Wil appealsforl

NAZRAN, Russia ( A P ) - l op U.N. re fu g e e official Vednesday visited people spe ng their third w inter in bli am ps after fleeing the war -hechnya and called for grea ffortsjo.find.a.polidcal solut0 tlie conflict.......................Meanwlule, a top Kremlin a

aid Moscow would not rule i Lirther talks with rebel leac kSlan Maskhadov, who on \Vi esday denounced several rd rarlords in an apparent atten 5-win-Russian-trust. The fi sntative talks on negotiatic ist fall failed to lead to a brei irou^i..“It Is shortsighted to say tl U contacts witli Maskhadov v top fo rev er ,” K rem lin ai ergei Yastrzliembsky said in u e r ^ e w p u b lished in t vesua newspaper.U.N. High Commissioner f e fugees Ruud Lubbers’ tri u rin g which h e tou red te im ps in the southern Russii ipublic of Ingushetia and visit'

jre Wanted 80 9 Computeed To Rent 810 Firewoocle Homo Space 811 Furnitureimales Wanted ®^2 Heating i

B E D =1381 4 Jewelry!

Ranch Supplies

im Fam Miscellan

Sale“ n 8 ( 8 Musical IrS eed iF e rtib e r 819 Office Eqi 3rainSFeed 820 Pets S Si 3rain S Feed 821 SterM/Ft!

ies& Sendeestibles 8 2 4 Video Eqinces 825 Wanted Tirs & Crafts 826 CJampIngig Materials 8 2 7 Garage Sras& 8 2 8 MedicatSnenl 8 ? 9 Flea Mark sn’s Items

luntoation ^ 9 0 1 ATVs&Mnent 9 0 2 Bicycles

____ Thundty,

1 cracks c lie extrerP) - He do neigh‘borho(told his o fficers screamhis was gu id ed by a p]mpt a t that detainees sintema- ligence ag e n t

In one neighbi,” Abu ties raided a hou> about tained a secret ola rray s----- e-Tayyaba,-The-llitants. fighting what it iust for a holy war - aga1.” iri disputed Kashe com* “We had no iiishkar-- w ereiiving-hereits in a med A li, 56, whjastem , houses away. 0s tim e,' who emerged in i)f w ar, to ch e ck o u t thsiness. they, too, had nottion is In d ia h as teiIs cell, comed the move;s w ho" b e tw e e n ’th e twress. eb b e d , a b it.■dered P a k is ta n is , thiuthori- between terrorisikistan,- fighting remain ubreak- “T hese steps aigm en by G en . M ushits. appease his ford,id two a vo id w ar w ithth re e M au lan a S a rf ri have Islamic d e ric in Lrested L ahore police•s said firm ed th a t infcmand- Inter-Services Inti

issaiilt----- id e n tify -o f f ic c jI New banned groups, oper- ISI officials we

for com m ent; pi ;an a t ^offices wiih t~ ;elI-to- Wednesday.

ithout Bord h e lp fo rr e f

- The refugees living witlII on the latest of seven pend- level visits to the rc jleak Attention to the a r in Chechnya war is in ea ter after slipping off tl ution___a l .a g e r td a .a f te r .

a t ta c k s in th e Ui I aide Criticism of the w e out 'down afte r Russia' ader support for the U.! Wed- rorist campaign, rebel The aid group ^ empt Frontieres, known firs t • Doctors'W ithourB tions Lubbers to. use hl< reak- improve conations

“The p ligh t of t that population lost the

' will th e in terna tiona l a id e the group said Wedi n an About 180,000 rei th e___in_Ingushetia,.Doc

B orders sa id , ma r for ab a n d o n ed cowsh trip , houses and factories te n t Ingushetia and Cl sian jo ined as one rep sited Soviet times.

K 733-0^Extensio IWin Fal

” B u r l e y

| :plFFiCE HOI I ; Monday - Fi 118:00 AM to 5:

ulers 9 0 3 ^ t s & ^)od 9 0 4 Campersjre/Carpet 9 0 S G u n siFig&Air 9 0 6 Hot Tubsioning 9 0 7 Motor Hons 9 0 8 Snow Vel y & Furs EquipmeiiGarden 9 0 9 Sporting/se.Equipmenl________ EquipmeraneousFor 9 1 0 Travel Tra

911 Utility Trai:1 InstrumentsEquipySupplies K S USupplies 1091 AviationBadio/CDs 1002 Auto Parts I Machinery AccessorieF oods 1004 Autos WanIS 1005Antiques&Equipment 1006 Sem'i/HeavIToBuy 1007 Trucks>g Equipment 1008 Tmck Parts) Sales 1009 4x4sI Supplies 1010 Vans &Buirkets 1020Autos(orS

Motorcydes 1055 Auto Setvic s ' 1099 Aulo Dealei

Jammy 17,2002 TInwtiewi.


Sownjmists'hoods. Two dozen samed up in vans,I p lainclo thesm anis said was an intei-

ghborhood, authori- house they say con­st office of Lashkar- he-banned-groupis— : it says is a jihad - against Indian rule ashmir.10 idea that jihadis lere;” said'MbKam- who lives several O ther neighbors

in their beddothes t the h u b b u b said notknown. te n ta tiv e ly wel-

oves, and w ar talk i two 'h a tio iis has it. B ut to som e

the b o u n d a r ie s orism and freedom in unresolved, ps are being taken j s h a r r a f j u s t to areign m asters and rith In d ia ,” said irfraz K han , a n ' in Lahore, lice offic ia ls con- inform ation from Intelligence. Paki-

ices o f - th e - f iv e ------s.were unavailable

’ a ^ t j ^ i r ___nt unah 'sw ered

dersifugeeswith famiUes, was iverol recent high- le re^on. the 28-month-old

is increasing again ff tlie intemation-re e .S e p t.. 11! U n ited S ta tes , te war was toned ssia’s enthusiastic : U.S.-led anti-ier-;

p Medecins Sans: twn in English as'I t Borders;-urged;------: his influence to ons for refugees, of the displaced the atten tion of

la l com m unity,” , Vednesday.) refugees remainDoctors W ithout_____m any liv in g in , w sheds, s c h o o l- •)ries.d Chechnya w ere; republic du ring '

)9 3 1l i o n 2

F a l l s

1042ley ■

OURS:Friday |5:30 phi;

s & Accessories' ipei5& Sfiells 5 i Rifles ' rubs & Pools ir Homes & RVs V Vehicles &Dmentting Shunting)m e n t_ ..___ • ....... ..!l Trailers -Trailers

S B BDn=arts&soriesWantedlesiCollectibles ' .Heavy Equipment •


& B u s^(orSales&SportsCarsCareleivices&R^relealers

f ’" ' •- ■ '■ ■

T t a t» N t^ T M s M

l e g a l N O T I C I

I P R O PI Snau . - J . . . .....lO W R A d m lf1 t I T<AWlSf)(p8

. ^ P r o p o f l e d W : k \ 1 Proposed Wi

j ta 0- 10 20

)' ■ , . .

/ _ _ ________________________ .




Tho D lro c to r o f tho Ida Rosourcos CDIroctor*) Is aui Into wQtor districts for tho pi among appropriators undor lh Tho authority lo croalo wato slroams, o r othor wator sourc for whfch tho prlorlljos ef oppr c a todb /cou rtdocroo . During tho district court Is autfiorlzod Codo, lo a p p ro v e Inlorim ai rights by Itio Dlroctor If roasc senior wotor rights. Tho distrli Iribulion of w ator pursuant tc Codo, In accordanco with par court cr Tn occonJanco with a fiod by lho cou rt's ordor.

On Januory 8, 2002, lho St Iton CSRBA*) Dislrict Court 1:


CITY PLANNING AND ZONir a public hearing a t 7:30 p.m. 7 in tho City Council Chambon Wost, WmborJy. Idaho, to cons of Klmborly, Idaho, for tho anni locatod odjacont to the'City ol particularly doscribod o s follOH

PROPERPARCEL ITho East 1/2 of tho following d Township 10 South, Range 18. Falls County, Idaho

. Socllon 29: A trac t ot land it particularly doscribod as lollow BEGINNING a t lho Southwost c ol Soction 29:■WENCE North 09*41’ E ast ali rJWl/4NE1/4 of Section 29 for THENCE North 00’19 'W ost for THENCE South a9 ’4V W est fo to lho Wost lino of sa id NW1/4I THENCE S o u th OO’E a s t olo distanco of 267 .24 fool to tho P EXCEPT: Tho W ost 25 foot tho PARCEL II:TOGETHER WITH: An oasom t a c ro ss tho S o u th 30 foot of parcol;TTie W est 1/2 o l tho followinn di BEGINNING o t tho Southwest a of Soction 29;THENCE North 09 ‘41’ E ast ale NW1/4NE1/4 o t Socllon 29 for t THENCE North OOMO’W ost for THENCE South 89 ‘4 r W ost for to tho Wost lino of said NW1/4N THENCE S o u th 0 0 * E as t aloi dislaiico of 267 .24 loot to tho P<

PROPERTPARCEL NO. 1P a n of tho NW 1/4NE1/4 of Sl South. Rango 18 E ast of tho B< County, Idaho.Boglnning a t th e SW co rn o r Soction 29. T ow nship 10 Soulh Moridlan, said com or markod b' dock which sha ll bo tho P O II^ i T honco North 0 0 ' i r 3 2 ‘ W osl along iho W ost lino o lth o NE1/4 foot to a p .k . nail;Thonco South 89*41’00’ E ast (N a distanco of 2 4 .8 7 foot to a 1/2* Thonco South 89*41 ’00* E ast (N a distanco of 218 .92 foot to a 1/2 TTionco South 00 '1 1 ‘3 2 ' E as t fi foot lo a 1/2 * roban Thonco Soulh 00*11’32 ‘ E ast for to tho sduih lino of tho NW1/4NE

_,.,_Thonco North 89*41‘00’.W ost.(! along tho South line o l lho NWl/- 243.79 foot to tho POINT O F BE( Subjoct to a 25 fool wido road rigl sido and subioct to a 30 foot wWo tho South sido for tho bonofit of I Ing parcol o a s t o t Parcol 2 , an oasomonls e r right of ways, exlstl PARCEL NO. 2Part of tho N W 1/4N E1/4 o l So

County*]da8° ’ ®Boglnning o t ' th o SW c o rn o r c Section 29, T ow nship 10 South, Meridian, said co m o r marfcod by deck; Thonco. S ou th 89*41’0 0 ' £ rec .) o long 'tho so u lh line o l tl distanco of 243 .79 foot to tho PCI Thonco North 0 0 '1 V 3 2 : W ost for to a 1/2Vebnr;Thorico North 00*1 T*32* W ost fo foot to A 1/ 2* robar;Thonco Soulh S9 '4 1 ‘00’ East (No ac to tanco of 163.71 f d o t l o a l / 2* T h o rw South 00*1V32* E ast (So o d s ta n c o of 2 3 7 ^ feet to o V2 ' Thooce South 0 0 * 11 '32* EAst (So a d is ta n c e o f 3 0 .0 0 f o o t to tl

C E L E Q A U N O T iq E

P O S E D W^ k a P la h A q u i r r .

imlnlJfriUvft B a s i n * . - ■8 ' . . .

I Water DisMd> Basins 35 am I W tte r D lr tf to -e a a in s 36 anc


j ^ h 17-------■; <

------ .u n ----MC „c-


Id ah o D opartm on t of W ato r - i authorized to divide lho slato

3 purposo of dlslributinn water .jrlh o la w so fth o Slato 01 Idaho. ,ivalor districts appllos to thoso |ources including ground walor. >ippropriallon havo boon odjudl* 1iring a wator rights adjudication, : zod by Soction 42-1417, Idaho n adm inistration ot tho walorlasonably nocossary to proloct fIstrict court may pormit lho dis- t i t to chapter 6 , lltlo 42, Idohopartial docroos ontorod by tho S Jl a Dlroclor's Report os modi-

D Snake Rivor Basin Adjudica- c trt Issuod an ordor authorizing c

USUCHEARING N JIV ENTHArJHEKIM BERLY' T•NING COMf^lSSION ur|ll hold aTl. Tuesday, February 5,2002 . \tjors located ot 120 Madison Sunsldor tho roquost of tho Clly sEinnexalion of lho roal property a<I o l Kimberiy. Idaho, ond moro fc■Hows: P»ERTY1- S.

ig described property: B18 East. Bolso Meridian. Twin Si

Id in Iho NW1/4NE1/4 moro ^ Nows: TlJSt com er or said NW1/4NE1/4 Nl

t along the Soulh lino of said ioto ra dlslanco of 815.00 feot; Tft fo ra distanco q t 267.24 fool; ait for a distance of 815,00 foot N\1/4NE1/4 of Section 29; Tt-a lo n g so ld W ost lino for a (o10 POINT OF BEGINNING. BE: Ihoroof. Tc

omont for Ingrosa and ogress ^ of Iho lollow ing described To

Faig described proporty; Sos t com oro lso id NW1/4NE174 do

: along lho South lino of said soi lor a distanco of 815,00 foot; the for a dlslanco of 267.24 foot; t H t for a distanco of 815.00 foot p c I/4NE1/4 of Section 29; t h a long sa id W ost lino lor a ’ the0 POINT O F BEGINNING, ^ =RTY2

f Socllon 29. Tow nship 10 boi 3 Bolso Moridlan, Twin Falls t h

POlo r o f tho NW 1/4NE1/4 0 I..E X 1 3ulh, Range 18 East. B oise' ad 1 d by a p.k. nail on a bridge Pro f r OF BEGINNING; orhd s l (North 0 '1 9 'W e s t rec) C •1/4 for a distanco of 267,24 por

t (North 89 '4V E ast roc.) for pjoi1/2 * rebar; /s/K t (North 89 '4 1 ’ E ast rec,) for11/2 rebar; p u ts t for a d lslanco of 237.24 <—

1 for a dlslanco of 30,00 loot lNEI/4;5t.(South 89*41’.W osl roo.) W1/4NS1/4 lor a distanco of BEGINNING. ,I right of way along tho wost tn n rWo a cc ess eosom ent along of Parcel 2 and tho adjoin- a n d su b je c t to any olher {{,„

xlsting or o l rocord,

Soction 29, Tow nship 10 {o-w BoWo Meridian, Twin Falls

or of tho N W 1/4N E1/4 o l tS IJ uth, Rongo 18 East, Bolso so c f by a p,k. nail on a bridge' gooc O' E ast (North 89*41’ Eost Jf tho N W 1/4N E 1/4 for a i n i POINT O F BEGINNING; mdv f o ra d is ^ c o o f 3 0 .0 0 fo o l t h e

It .for a .distanco of 237^24 ^ h e I

( N o f th 8 9 * 4 V ^ lro a } /o f '. S | | 1/2 rebar; • . a s 'a i^(SouthO*4a’ E 4st roc.;), for-THEI1/2 rooar: ; . ; s ' (Soujh.t).*19‘ E as i roc.) for , t h e i 0 th o .o d u th l in o of th o 41*41

; e l e q a l n o t i c e


« k141 « f s fW d 4 3 . . ■

in- ■ ziE ■ n c v a

the DIroclor to distribute wator pi :— 4 2 ,-fd a h o C ode . In a c c o rd a n I Reports and the partial d ecrees t) I Dlroclor’s Reports wilhin all or ; Basins 35.36.' 41. and 43. overt I Plain Aqullor ('ESPA*). Tho Dli I croaiotw opom ionontwalordfstri• Falls aroa wlihin portions olAdml i 41 and lhe olher in tho T housa

. portions of Admlnlslrativa Basins• ■■ ESPA; a s shown on ihoT>lioch‘ocl

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEf 42-604, Idaho Codo, lhat lho DIr<

.o f W ater-R esources will condu h e a rin g s regarding Iho proposi wdlor districts a s follows:H eorlng for P roposed W otor D 35 a n d 4 1 - *

1:00 p.m., F ebruary 4 , 2002, C o n to r,132 S oulh Shilllng .E

Hoorlng for Proposed W ater.Dit a n d 4 3 - • /

7:00 p.m ., Fobruary 4, 2005 S chool Auditorium, 104 N TIgor

Tho Dlroctor will son/o o s Iho ■ hearings. Porsons attondlng a hoa opportunity lo mako an oral pros creation of tho proposed d istric t.'

■ NW1/4NE1/4;_ ___. T hence North S9‘4 roo* W est (S

along lho South lino of tho NW1/4 163.71 toot to Ihe POINT O F BEG Subjecl to a 30 fool wido a cc o s South and . logolhor wilh and su i a cco ss oasomonl being moro po follows:Part of the NW1/4NE1/4 of Soc South, Rango 18 E ast of tho Bol£ County, Idaho,B oglnning a t tho SW c o rn o r ol Soclion 29, Township 10 Soulh. Moridlan, sold com er m atkod by deck which shall bo tho POINT OF Thonco North 0 0 'i r 3 2 ’ W ost alot NE1/4 for,a dlslanco of 30.00 T honco South 89'41'00* E ast tor foot;Thonco Soulh 00*11’32* Eost (Soi a d i s t a n c e o l 3 0 .0 0 fo o t to th NW1/4NE1/4;Thonco North 89 '41’00* W ost (Sc fo r a d i s t a n c o o f 4 0 7 .5 0 fo o BEGINNING;Togothor wllh 2.5 walor sh a re s ol Com pany wator slock.

p r o p e r t y :Township 10 Soulh, Rango 18 Easi Falls County, Idaho Soction 29: A part of tho NW1/4N'e doscribod o s follows: COMMENCING ot the North quarto sold point Ilos North 69*29‘27’ W« tho N ortheast comor of Soction 29; THENCE Soulh 89*29'27‘ East, 25 POINT OF BEGINNING;THENCE Soulh 00*01’40 -W ost. 1C the W ost boundary of NW1/4NE1/4 THENCE Soulh 89'28'12* East, 8 : the South boundary o t NW1/4NE1A THENCE North 00‘01’40* E ast, 105 boundary o t Seciion 29;THENCE North 89 '29’27* W osl 02€ POINT OF BEGINNING.EXCEPT: A 25.00 tool wido road 0 adjoining tho North boundary of sale Propertlos 1 and 2 oro currontly zon erty 3 Is currenliy zoned School.

City residents and intergslod porsi portunity to oppoor and bo hoa rd on lhe hearing prior lo tho roquost beir Planning and Zoning Commission. 's/Kelly Wooks. Zoning Admlnlslrota

PUBLISH: January 1 7 ,2002


. . . 9 ^ A p rfl.-2 0 0 iA.M., of said day. (rocognlzod local First A m erican Tlllo Com pony, 26i rw in Fall#, in Iho County o t TWIN R ^ rs t Amorican Tlllo Com pany o l li 'o rp o ro lio n , os s u c c e s s o r truslOi iuction, to tho highost bidder, for ca j ho United S tales, all payoblo a t 1 ollowing doscrlbod real proporty, sl )fTWlN PALLS, Stato ot Idaho, a n d . o-wit:>ARCELI'ovmship 9 Soulh, Range 14 Eost 0 ■win Falls C<iunty, Idaho • locUon 10; A parcel d l land In Lot gpdHcally described a s follovra: ' 'OMMENCING ol tho W ost Quartc 0, a distanco ol 993,33 foot on a be 10 W ost boundaiy of sa id Socllon H HENCE a dlslanco of 218.00 toot 0 ) the R eal Point of Boglnning; HENCE a distanco of 227.23 feot o 9'59 '40‘ East;HENCE a distanco'of 124.90 foet di 5'36'37* East;HENCE a distanco of 204.57 foot ot )*43’16*W est: ■HEN(JE a distance o l 59.25 foet on !’41’42;W ost:,' ,



~ — __ n ~

Fjoc iB iio

T"i7ir3 ~ r j t /

" b $ — — — —

I D ^ . . . ----•• a e " ......3 « ‘ "3cs

ir pursuant to chaplor 6. title bo s Jancfl^w Ith'liro"D lrocJor'8 pric os tha t have superseded the Fob I or pa rts of Administr'allvo lhe vortying tho Eastom Snako Wol Dlroctor now proposes to 837

llstricts; ono In the American proi dministrallvo Basins 35 and B u sa n d Springs a roa within lho i tins 3 6 and 43 overlying lho a ^ hod mop. ■ [n 01VEN. pu rsuan t to Socllon Ing. Dlroctor of the Dopartmont 130'

nduct two so p a ra to public ber jo s o d crea tion of tho two hoar

Thir D istric ts w ithin B asin s dlvoi

dislrl« 2. a t tho B lackfoot Civic . soiol g . B lack foo t, Idoho te d ( ^DIatrict w ithin B asin s 36 nolli

clusii>002, a t th o Jo rom o High ’ solol [gor Drive, Jorom o, Idaho 'nolle lho hoorlng ofHcer for both of rei hearing will bo'provided on Korl. srosoniallon regarding the Ict. Wrillen commonis mav PUBI

-----------------------------— THEt (Soulh 09 '41 ' W ost rec.) 57*2i / 1/4 N E1/4 for a distance ot THEI BEGINNING. 6*18’c o s s oasom onl a long tho .TOG subjoct to a 30 fool wide, ^irlpt

) particularly doscribod a s 'egros Socli

Soc tion 29, Tow nship 10 Rono Bolso Meridian. Twin Falls Idahc

r of tho N W 1/4N E1/4 of COW Ilh. Range 18 East, Bolso Soctli by a p.k. nail on a bridge whicl •O F BEGINNING: • Mean a long the W osl lino ol lho THEr

• 51*02: to r a distance of 407.50 point

stripe(South 0*19’ E asi roc,) for THEh0 th o s o u th lin o of th o cento

80'36(Soulh 89‘41’ W ost roc.) THEN

f o o t to lh o P O IN T O F 66*38 THEN

s o l the Twin Falls Canal 36*48

:a s t . Boiso Moridlan, T;vin Town*

4N'e i /4, moro partlculariy Soc?lo

artor com or of Socllon 29. cOMh W ost 2638.85 lool trom a diste29; W ost t. 25 ,00 toot, to.lho REAL THENi

1.1053.70 toot, parallel toTHEN!

I, 826.65 foot, parallel to 95.091 E l/4 ; THEN(1054 ,09lob lhqN orth on 0 b

026.65 loot, to tho REAL THENc 6'10'5J

Id oasom onl parailol and AND a sa id parcol. . onrossz oned Agflcullurai, Prop- COMM

lorsons shall havo an op- M^idlo l o n Iho abovo roquost at tool on being acted upon by the said So >n. THENCr o t o r , . . THENC

. , 6-1855 '- 'V -THENC

---------------------------------- : 57 ’29’STEE’S SALE THENCB 37’21'5M 2 ..a t tho hour of-10:0 0 -THEhJC •cal time), in tho Olflco ol 6’18'5S , 2 6 0 3 rd Avenuo N orthj THENC N FALLS, S ta te o t IdahoTBEGINf01 Idaho, Ino,, on Idaho ANDTC 3too , will se ll a t public An ease •cash , In lawful monoy of In width a t th e tlmo of sa le, tho across i /, situated In the (Dounty Section m d described a s follows, Boise V

wido str

s t oU h e Bolso Moridlan, COMMI Sections

Lot 2 , ond fiolng more which b Moondo.

a rte r Corner of Soction THENCl 1 bearing of North along 5 r 0 2 ’01 n lO : " polnlol,Ot o n a bearing of East, strip ol It

•- THENCi ot on a boaring of North conlorlln

B0*36’53)t dh a boaring ol South THENCE

• 68*3a’54)t o n a booririg of South THENCE

36'40'25t on a booring e l Soulh and said

- , • . J h o T



4 - -

^ ’1/1 L J \ O'N n ' T v 1 r \ .

2 , . n n

^ ^ 1

I X 1


________ __________ ' ' ■ 1

BS— <5E •

0 submlttod lo tho DIroclor ot tho ■rror'lo I h e c lo s b 'b l the written ■obruory 14, 2002 . Written comm 10 hearing should be sen t lo lho D /a to r R o sou rcos, 1301 North 0 3 706 . T h e w ri tte n com m on is reposed dislrict to which tha comr Each hearing will bo conducted I

10 accossiblllly requirements ol thi yiltJo5_Ac},.Shou!d.vou.raquiraip{1 ordor to a ttend , portldpalo In, or g. ploaso con lac t the Department JOI North O rchard. Bolso. Idaho 8 3r (200) 327-7900. a t least lon ( Jaring.Tho Director p roposes that ail wati version locatod within the boundi sirlcts bo Included In the dislrict: •loly for dom estic and/or stock wa d ond licensed rights not dficreec )l Included In.SRBA Director's rop JSion wilhin Iho proposed walor loly for dom estic and/or slock w illce of hearing h a s been sent lo ; record In accordance with those c irlJ. Orehor, Director

JBLISH: January 17 and 24,2002

■lENCEa-ctist’arK e-of 95.09 foet i ■*29'5rW ost;iENCE a d lslanco of 184.56 (oot 18’55* W ost to lho Truo Point of E )GETHER w i t h an oasom onl dt Ip of land 30 loot in width fer lho p ross over a n d a c ro ss a portion el clien 9 and Lot 2 , Soction 10,'all mgo 14 E ast of lho Boise Moridla lho; sold 30 foot wide strip ol lant D boinn moro spoclficolly doscribc )M M cN C IN G a t th e Q u ar te r i cllons 9 ond 10, Tovimship 9 So lich b o a rs S o u th 0*00’00*. 13! landor C om er tam m o n to said Sc ENCE a distanco of 561.56 fool < 0 2 '0 r W est to tho conlorlino of o nt ol beginning of the centoriino p of land;ENCE from th is point of bogint ilorllne a distanco ot 251.43 toot i 36'53 ' East;ENCE a distanco of 344.59 tool c 38’54* East;ENCE a distanco o l 295,63 fool c 48’25’ E ast to tho point of ondir I safd 30 foot wido easem ent f^CELII:ifnship 9 South, Rongo 14 East of n Falls Counti', Idaho Hon 10: A parco l of land In Lot clfically described o s fellows: UIMENCING a l lho W est quarter c stance ef 993.33 tool on a boarini :t boundary ot sa id Soction 10; ■ :NCE a dlslanco ol 218.00 foot or INCE a distanco o l 184.56 feet on >'55' East lo tho Rba^ Point ot Boc ;n c e from this Roal Polt^l of Bog* 19 feot on a bearing of Soulh 57*2: NCE Southwestorly to a point vrti I bjjaring pf*Soulh 6*18'55* Eosi

NCE^a distanco of 122.19 (oot on '55* W osl to tho Rool Point of Boi* a.right o t w oy a c c o ss easom o s s describod a s follows: FEN CIN G a t tho W est Ouortor ro w hsh lp .9 S o u th rR o n g o 14 I dian. Twin Falls Counly. ItTahe, a on a bearing of North along lho Soction 10;NCE a distanco of 218.00 (ool on NCE a dlslanco of 184.56 foot on 55* EasI;■•JCE a d istance of 9S:09 f o o t '^ \ J’S ir East, to Iho REAL POINT Ol 'ICE a d istance of 107.28 fool en 1’51‘ West:'JCEjLdislonco.of .15.00 fool on i 55* West;

Nn1 n g ° direction

TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJEC isomont doscribod o s follows: A s Ilh for tho purposo ef Ingress anc s 0 portion of tho SE1/4NE1/4, S t )n 10. oil in Township 9 Soulh. Ra Moridlan, Twin Foils County. Id

strip of iand lo bo conlored en t fically.doscrlbod a s follows: MENCINQ a t Ih e Q uarto r Coi >ns 9 and 10, Tovmship 9 South, I b o a rs S o u th 0*00’00 ’, 1358.1 dor Com er com m on to sold Sectic ICE a distanco o l 561.56 loot on ( ’o r W est to tho conlorlino of a ce of^o^lnnlng of tho centoriino e l i

ICE from th is po in t ot boginnlnc line a dlslanco o t 251.43 foet on i 53* Easi;CE a distanco o t 344.59 (oot on a 5 4 * ^ o s t: 'CE a distanca b t 295,63 toot on a 25* East to Iho point of onding c lid 30 fool wrlda oasomonL ,• Trustoo h a s no:knowledgo ol c

L E t ^ N O f U i j E . L

• doi' . . * * ■ for

•:----------: - ............ -;C o- the

n i l. - • ' • sail

. . . K- FIR

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i w • ‘ occrf^O as . am o

• e s a iJ j trusi

A 08S adva- ) Y dosL

W • trustDate FIRS

-/sMi12S : PUBI

K S. ' 'O n

18S . Amet

^ . . . /\mor■ ration

■' thoWlho hoarintf nr nny tImA state!len com m ont p o r io d on scrlBtTimonts ne t prosen tod ol .PAU;0 Dlroctor. Dopartmont ol1 O rchard, Bolso, Idaho ^ounl Ms s h o u ld Id o n tlty th e Volun jmmonts relate. ■ Thi Dd In a facility tha t m oots ?oscrl I tho Americans vrfth Dis- apodal ac com m odallons— - ^ o . , or understand tlia hoar- p* lenlofW olerR ospurdes,0 83706, lolophono num- ” in (10) days prior to tho

warraivater rights wllh points of indorios of tho proposed . rids, except thoso used waler purposos. Pormll- * eed In tho SRBA and/or COMF reports aro subjoct to In- jucces lor districts un less usod " o n g ; k water purposes. This J® lo all wator right holders 1,®!0 criteria. ^clary.

Inslrun Falls C


•et on a-b6a'rIng-ot'N onii'"AR&>

301 en a bearing of North , Tho of Beginning. 'ailufo1 described os follows: A0 purposo of Ingross and ie llh o S E l/4 N E 1 /4 ; July,2( all In Township 9 South,Idian, Twin Falls County. • otS25,i land to bo conlored on a continu ribodaa follows: o r C errio r c o m m o n to Soulh, Rango 14 EBM, ^osls o 1358 .06 foot from the IS o c lie n sg a n d lO ; paid or '01 on a bearing of N orth, “ ttprnoj of 0 county road o n d the socurily Ino of sold 30 foot wide ®Wary

tosa llsljinning and a long sa id Date: D lot on a booring ot N onh FIRST/

/sA^enlt01 on a boaring of North pygj^jg

ot on 0 booring of North -----------iding of said conlorlino

• • --------- O nth

1 of tho Bolso Meridian, A i^ ? c i

.01 2. and being moro

Jrce m o ro fS ed lo n 10. S o h b SIring ol North along the: s t S . i

• scrlbodt on a booring of E ast; p a l l s ;I o n a boaring of South Lot 3 oflBoolniilng: accordin

«*'stonco o f . Plats at/«2951 tJ is t;/ Idaho which lies 122.19 foot T n i;a sl from the 'P o in t o l doscripll

l o n o bearing of North CocSi’^ Beginning.mont for Ingross a n d to „

lor Com er ol Section 14 E d s rb f tho B olso wnrmntv -, a distance 01993.33 ^ 0 Wosl boundary of

on tfbearirigol South- “ " |5 “ d

D n.a.boaringof.N 6rth-5 |-^°g7rl!

o n to the POINT O F J h e a BC

iECTTO: , . REPRES A strip o l land 30 f o o l . a r e NO' and egress ovor a n d qbliG A T ,S o d lo n 9 a n d L o t2 .Range M E a s to f th o •

S l ' .

j8^06 (o e t from th o annum ai

s s ESs a * S Sin a bearing of North Jo * ^ 5 ? o '

•n a (Soaring o t North • S e je T £ S.g o l said centoriino. E f f

3f a rnero particular p ug^iRH;

^ O A L N C ) ■ ^ C E ' U

doscrtpUen ai the ebdvO referen for purposes Of compllanco-writh Code.thB-Tfialee-hw -been-infoi th e County A sse s s o rs office, th River R ead. Buhl. Idaho, Is som saidrealproporty. ■ ■ __-jSo .(d_salo ,w iJL bB .T nadfl.v warranty regarding title, p o ssa s t to satisfy tho obligation s«cuft»d 1 powor ol salo conferred In tho dot H JACK BELK. J R .a n unm arried FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMP, a n Idaho C orpo ration , a s succc benefit and secuH ty of R epublic bonefldaty. recorded N ovem ber 2 N o : l 9 9 6 0 l f l8 B e , a n d a s tfig n ELECTRONIC- REGISTRATION botioficlary.'by asslgnm oh t recer Instrument No. 2001007905, Morti Falls County, Idaho.THE'ABOVE GRANTORS ARE t WITH SECTION 45-1506(4)(A ) REPRESENTATION' IS'MADE'TI ARE NOT, PR ESEN TLY R ESP( OBLIGATION.

■Tho default for w le failure lo pay w hen-duo. undor Dc Tionlhly paymonts for Prindpal, Inti 51,372.74, duo pe r m onth tor the r 3clobor, 2001 a n d a ll subsoquor la te of sale or reinstatem ent, vHth iccruing a t S61.04, uncollected Ial he am ount o l S 1 2 2 .0 S, w ilh:lnti idjusloble ralo. the currotij rate la md. continuing to a c c ru o from / >rindpal balance owing a s ol this c iocurod by sa id D ood of T rust li iccruing Inlorosi, c o s ts and odvo imounls oro now duo, together wilt IS and interest, unpaid a n d accruinc r u s to e ’s fo e s , a t t o m o y 's foos, idvancod to protoct the security ass Josufo ond thot tho bonofidary oloc •ust proporty lo bo so ld lo satisfy st )ate: Docembor 17 2001 IRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPAh j/Menino Colo, Trusl Offlcor

UBLISH: Jo n u a ry 3 ,1 0 ,1 7 a n d 2 ^

^ N binC E O F TRUSTEE FA-12344 .

On the 1 st day o t M ay, 2002. a t th U alddayr<(ecoonlzed-looal timd); m erlcsn Title C om parfy, 260 3 rd ,uim.'Tii lim t:.auny o r tw i h f ac c s 'merican Title C om pany of Idaho, li llien. a s s u c c o u r trustoo, v in sell0 highost bidder, for c a sh , in lawful latos._all payable a t tho tlmo of se :ribed roal property, s ituated In i: ^LLS. Stalo e l Idaho, o n d doscrlbo >l 6 In Block 1 of FRUITLAND SUBt 3unty. Idaho, according to tho plal }Iumo 2 of Plots. P ago 22. rocords T he Tnisleo h a s no knowlodgo i

iscrlpllon ot tho ab ovo roferenco' r purposos of cempliojico’with St }flo..lllQ j'rustoaJuis.boon.infornu9 Counly A ssessors offlco, tho ad 50 North, Buhl, Idaho , Is somolir id rool property.

S o ld so le w ill b o m o d e w ll irranty regarding tlUo, p ossessle t satisfy tho obligation secu red by wor of sale conferred In the de ed i IRIS I WINN AND MICHELLE / d w ife, a s g ran lo rs , to FIRST fi )MPANY Of^ IDAHO. INC,, an fdt ccossor trustoo, for th e benefit am irtgago Com pony, a s bonoficiary. ,1995, a s Instrumont No. 199500J WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGA aty. by assignm ent rocordod Decf trumont No. 2001022916, Mortgai Ils Counly. Idaho. •E ABOVE GRANTORS ARE NAI TH SECTION 4 5 -1 5 0 6 (4 )(A ), ll PRESENTATION IS MADE THA lE-NOTrPRESENTL-Y^RESPON LIGATION.Hie default for which th is sa lo Is jro te pay whon duo, undor Deed nlhly paymonls for Principal, Inloro ’6.20. duo por m onth for tho nwnl /, 2001 and all subsoquon l paymei 3 or relnstatomont. wllh a monlniy It 25,97. with Inlorost accn jing a t 8,2! ilinuing to accruo from April 1 , 2i inco owing a s of this da lo on lho ob1 Dood of Trtist is 867,970.97, plui Is ond advances. All,dolinquont , togothorvrith accruing late chargt i and accnilng ta x o s, a ssessm o r m o /s feos, and ony am ounts odva urity associated wilh this teredosur lary elects to soli or c au so IhS'trust olisfy said obligation,o: Docombor 20 ,2001 ST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY lenlno Colo. Trust Offlcor

>IISH: Januory 1 0 .1 7 .2 4 ond31 ,


n tho 1st day of M ay. 2002 . a t the I- lid day; (rocognlzod local tlmo). In >rlcan Tills Com pony. 260 3 rd Av ), In tho County of TWIN FALLS, S irlcan Tltlo Com pany df Idaho, Inc. n, a s successor trustoo. will soil at ilghost bidder, ter c a sh . In lawful m' 3S. all payoblo a t lho tlmo of sale, >ed rool, property, silua tod In the .S , Stalo of Idaho, a n d doscrlbod i I of WEST HAMPTON, a Planned I rding lo tho offidal p lat thereof, fi: I a t Pago 53. Offidal R ocords of T3. - •10 Tmsloo has no knowiedgo o f . ripllon ot 'tho abovo roforencod r urposos et com pliance wllh Socti I, tho Trustee h a s boon Infemied tounty A ssessors offlco, tho addro: iVey. Twin Falla, Idaho, is somo laid real proper^.S a id s a le will b o m a d e w itho jnly regarding titlo; p o sse ss io n c tisly tho obligation socurod by am r of salo confarrod In tho dood of i ERT E RUDOLPH ANO CARRI and ond wife, a s g ranlors, t a FII : COMPANY O F IDAHO. INC., ai as successor tfustoo, for the benol Socurlty B ank , N .A ., a s benol

ber 31,2000. a s Instrum ent No. 2< nod lo WELLS FA RGO HOME MC nofidary, by assignm en t rocordod« 5 trum onrN or2001000045:M bhc Falls County, Idaho.ABOVE G ft\N T O R S ARE NAME I SECTION 4 S .1506 (4 )(A ). IDA tESENTATION IS MADE T H A T ' NOT. PRESENTLY RESPO N SI, SATION. • •9 default lor which this sa le Is to I to pay whon due. u nde r Deed ol ily paymonls for P rindpa l, Inlorost i 31, duo per month for tho months or, 2001 ahd all su b so q u o n l p'as if solo or reinstatem ent, wilh a moi ng a t 529.82, with Intorost accnilt 1, and continuing to a cc ru e from M lal balanco owing a s o f th is do te c >d by sold Deed of T rust Is 590,89: orosXcosts ond ad v an c es. All dell w duo, together Vrith accruing lato unpaid and accruirig 4axo3, a sse ss ittomey's toes, a n d any am ounts a e security asoodatod with this io(o< noficlary elects to se ll o r c au se tho i t o satisfy said obligation. December 20.2001AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY OF ,lno CWo, Trust Offlcor

SH:.Jonuary 10 .-17 .24 a n d 3 1 ,2C


N O T I C E I ^ C

enced real,prDperry, ou t iNTHE Ith Socllon 60-113 Idaho q f t h i ifoTm ed;that:accbrdlncriorusTR i the a d d re ss o f 4 A 2 -B o P i m

ffloUmes asso d a ted with j h e c • ■ FALL

a .w IihouL c 'ovenan t-o r— ^ , »88ion or oncumt»rances c a so M d by and pursuant to the , NOTICE Jeed of tm st oxeculod by ^ th i ^

.W iW Kw esso r tru s te e , for th e dom lie M ortgage C orp ., a s u o T r2 t,1 S 9 6 ,a s In s tru m en t g i v e n

:orded May 7, 2001, a s . th e abc 3rtgago Records of Twin d e n t. Al


PONSIBLE FO R THIS a tlo r lh i publlcati'

lie Is to be .m ado is tho said da l Dood of Tm st Note, the barred merest and Impounds of— cialm« e monihs e l September, od lo th lont paym ents until the the addr lh a monthly lalo charge fliod wilt late chargos are duo in Court, n torost accru ing a t en DATE ' is 7.375% pe r annum , Janijafv 1 A ugust 1. 2 001 . Tho /fi/ireda < s date on the obligation 3372 E 4 t I s $160 ,533 .78 . p lus Kimberiy, Ivances. All delinquent (208) 7 * vith accruing late cnarg- ingjpxes. assossm onts , PUBLISl- 3s, a n d a n y a m o u n ts and 31 2issodaled wilh this loro- -------- l l -lects to soil o r causo tho IN THE C ’ said obllgallon. . OFTHE



24,2002____________ MAGIST

EE’S SALE NOt“ c E -• . . I.C .615-:

:thoheuro(10:15/^.M ., intheM ai »)Hft-lhe-OtftC8T3fFfr«t-otcORA1

T « 'n.b,-t>lalo of ldaho,-Flrst - NOTIC •, Inc., on Idaho Corpo- G IV EN t oil a l public auction, to D o tw o l fui monoy of tho United jippoinled ^ o ^ lh f lJ o U o w io g jio ^ o n ta t lV j 1 lho County of TWIN n a m e d c bod a s follows, to-vrft: p o r s o n s 'BDIVISION. Twin Falls - o g in s t th i •lat thereof rocordod in e s t a t e a ds of said County. prosont th0 of a moro particular four (4) n cod roal proporty. bu t dato ot Ihi Soction 60-113 Idaho ' of this noli Tuod-lhal accord ir^ to-will bo forc address of 1379 E a s t . claim s t Jlimes assodalod with b d ^ o th o

tho addro'/ i th o u t c o v o n a n t o r mod wllh lon or oncum broncos court >y ond pursuant to lho S T E P H A •d ol taist executed by STONE 4 s A WINN, h u a b o n d /s/Russell 1 ■ AMERICAN TITLE A tto rnoy i

3AGE,- INC., a s bono- icem bor 1 3 ,2 0 0 1 .0 3 PUBLISH- jago Records ot Twin and31 ,20 i


THE CIs lo bo modo Is tho TWII od ot Trust Nolo, tho C aso No. S irost and Impounds o t NOTICE TC snlhs ot May Ihrough (I.C. §15-3 nenls unUI tho dato ol In lho Matt y lato charge accruing otiEDWAR ^25% por annum, and ’ Deceast 2001. Tho principal NOTICI

obligation socurod by G IV EN th •lus accruing Intorost, signed havi nt im e u n is aro now ed co-porsc rges and Interest, un- lives o l lho lonls,'Irustoo 's foos, d o c o d e n t Ivancod to proloct lho having dali iu rea n d th a tth o b o n - docodontoi ist property lo b e sold ro q u ire tllc

claim s with a llo r tho di

iY OF IDAHO, INC. publication.said dalm s barred.

» ,2 0 0 2 . . . Claims m ^ o d t e t h o u

SSA L E lho oddross

ohourof10:OOA.M.,In lho Olflco ot F irs t . DATED tlftvenue N orth, Twin Seolombor', Slalo eUdaho, First /s /K a lh y J .j1C., an Idaho Corpo- C o - P o r ^a t public auction, to ^ o a n ^ imonoy e l the Unllod co-Potsonallie, tho following do- /s/jocklo Wt ne County of-TWIN d p s follows to-wit: '4 3 8 4 East adU nltpovolopm ent, Murtaugh.iC,n io d in B o p k 1 6 o f (208) 4231&11 Twin Falls County,......... ..

l l n mom purliculnr S l n ' f O T i J roal property, but •ction 60-313 Idoho ■ PUBLIC N )d lhat occordlng to DESTRU ross of 1935 Homp- SCHOOL nollmes associalod According ti , p o l ic y , th enou t c o v e n a n t o r School DIsIri > or encum brances by gives nolit and pursuant to tho education ro

longer noodl oduco tiono l

FIRST AMERICAN Individuals w on Idaho Corpora- w ho woro or

letit and security of district o s a s' lofldary. rocordod th e y e a r 19! 2000016904. a n d since lott lho

MORTGAQE, INC., district will d d Ja n u ary 2 . 2001.^flpeclal.otfuc ngage R ocords o l (by shroddlnj

days. Doslruc ^ED TO COMPLV rocords Is'th t )AHO CO D E. NO tion against I T THEY ARE, O R unauthorized SIBLE FO R TH IS Please bo

you havo spot to bo m ade Is tho ro c o rd s e n i of Trust Note, tho s c h o o l d is t

st and Impounds of - rocdrds may t I s of June through social securit laym ents until th e , for olhor pun lonthly lalo charge future. If you v uing o t 7.75% pe r iho file or koc I May 1 ,2001 . Tho your records,0 on tho obligation the roquost to S97.07, plus accru- t r a t io n offic ollnquont am ounts : calendar days lto charges and In* For further tssmonl8,lfU8loe's. contoct.tho st1 advanced to pro<' administration i/edosuro and th a t . Twiri Falls Sc 10 trust proporty to #411 Support 1

T ^ n Falls, ID 1 OFIDAHO. INC. • .

PUBUSH; Jan 15. 16, 17, 10

2002-.-------- --------- 2002..... -■

^ ^ L N O T i c E r '

THE CHSTWCT COURT [THE^FD M JU D ICIA D — m « C T 0 F T H E 8 T A T E c« I^IDAHO, INA N O FO R tr^HE COUNTY OF TWIN :C 'ALLS MAOIBTBATE’I.!?— IW IS IO N ^ ------- : - v -5o No .S P - 0 M 1 3 6 ■>: T ICE T O CREDITORS -I he M atter of tha Estate- C L A R E N C E R U 8 E N - ATH,- JOD ocoasod. ' •?'.N O TICE IS H E R E B Y '-’ /E N ( h a l Iho u n d o ^ ^ i ’ w d a a b e en appcilnle'd-''’ sonal Raprosentatlve of a b o v o .n a m e d dec»>fT

It. All p e r s o n s hav ln jrO m s a g a in s t tho doce>^'^ 'I t o r t h e e s t a t e a r e v u lro d .ta .p ro sa n t th e ir .-.— ■ ms w ithin,lour m on ihs . f t h e d a t e of th e first • llcation o l this Nolico or" <I d a lm s wlll bo fo ravor^ ' od.lolms m o st bopresenK ^^’— o th e u n d e rs ig n e d a t-: ' addross Indicated, and 'C - I with th e Clork o t thdi^ rt. ' ito jATED th is 9lh d a y of'.lia fy .2 0 0 2 - ir-'njda S ta ley Hoalh i v s .> E 4 0 0 0 N - > T)eriy. ID 83341 " .) 733-3560 . -

LISH: January 17, 2431 .2002


TW INFALLS .3;,', 3ISTRATE DIVISI0N^3 I No. SP-02-00010*M'ICE TO CREDITORS,).,,r 15-3-801...................;:-c.iM a ttb ro tth o Estate],IRA LEE DETWEII£R,T;r-------aiasfld---------------------;----------D T IC E -IS-H E R fiB Y ---------:N t h a t G o o rg o C . • w o l l o r h o s b o o n ■ inled pe rsona l ropro-a tiV o -o f-th o -ab o v e '----------e d d o c o d e n t . A ll . o n s h a v in g c la im s stth o docodontorthO j,j to o r o r o q u l r o d to: nt tholr claims wllhlri[r.4) m o n th s o d o r the.- :}f lho first publication <1 nolico o r said claim s .'r forovorbarrod.''— --------Ims m u st bo prosonl- i tho u n d o rslg n o d a t - Id ress Indicated and vllh lh o Clerk of tho .

’ H A N , K V A N V IG ,E 4 TRAINOR isell Q . Kvahvig . n o y s f o r P e r s o n a l sontativo.10x83•oils, ID 83303 -0083 ' - leno: 208.733-2721

SH: Ja n u ary 17, 24^Z1.2002 .

; DISTRICT C O U a f: '.IE FIFTH JUDICIAL- ICT O F THE STATE 'iAHOTIM'AUD F O B '," .......IE COUNTY OF ,- .TWIN FALLS Jo .SP-01-950 IE TO CREDITORa'- - 15-3-801) -Maltbr o f tho Estara W ARDL.UHUG, - leased. c,TICE IS H E R E B V - '1 t h a t t h o u n d o r - , ; havo b oon a p p o in t - )orsonal roprosenta- I lho a b o v e-n o m i^ , l e n t . A ll p o r s o tT s ' d a lm s again st 11 <

int o r th o osloto ara,-,III lo p ro so n l th o lr ^ within four months'.10 d a lo of tho firs t ') ' lion o l this Notice dr^V iltns will be fo rovor.,

IS m ust bo present- ho u n d o rslg n o d a l lress Indicated., a n d '• th lho Clork of tho ,

:D this 26lh day o t,, ibor;2001.^ J .J o n o s ,.- i onol Roprasonlalivb.j 3ne F razier , , - r onalRoprosonlalivf?;.0,W ofiior ..1 ,(j

ist 3 5 0 0 ^ N ^ '* 1 |h. ID 03344 ,‘3-&110 .

■H: J a n u a ry '17. 24 ^2002 ■__________

1C NOTICE f o r " TflUCTJONOF JOL R E C O R D S . :Ing to schobjboord tn o T w ir t F a l la ■

District tf411 tiero- nolico tha t spodal >n ro co rd s oro n o i '- lOodod to provldO’A o no l s o r v ic o s 16: ,- ils v/ith disabHlijesv*.•0 e n ro lled In Ihti'--- 3 a studon t prior to '' r 1 9 9 7 a n d h a v e - t the district. Tho vll( d e s tro y thosoitfucalion-rocorda---------------Jding ihom l in 45 ■struction of Ihoso s 'th o 'b o s fp ro lo c ^ " • nst Im proper and Ized d isdosuro.> bo aw aro that If sp e d a l oducoHon j en filo w ith th e tir d i s t r i c t , tho& eTl lay bo noedod fo?::'i curity benoflts o r r p u rp o so s In th e n

w uw ish torov iow O r koop tho filo (br;2 rds, p lo aso moko^i: st to lho Bdmlnls-i.: iff lco w ith in 4SH: days.I h e r Infonnatieni'>10 sch o o l district ',

s S choo l Dislrict |port Sorvicos f-M tA vo.W . ,••'.11 I1, ID 83301 .;og

T 'Ja n u ary 13, 14;,b

' ,1 B . '1 S a n d 2 0 in l.....- W 0 - - ........ —

— --------- :— :

■ ______ir ■


1 N o n c e b F i-----------------On.ApriL30,42002,at-0

s a a d a y on th s (roni Biopih o u se , TITLEFACT. IW Succ^ssor.TnislB e wBl se e s t bidder, for cash , in law

------------- aJI poyable'a! tho'Umo oPslproperty, situated In ihoO no, a n a described a s folloi PARCEL N O .1 , T ow nsh ip S 'S ou th , Ham G ooding County, Idaho Section 3 1 ; A tract of land (oOows: •BEGINNING a t the Southe THENCE W est along Ih ef 3 . ft d istanco of 250.00 (eo THENCE d u e North lo th

said right-0 |.way, approxln....... ........ wtwfo s a w rlflht-of-wayfnti

o f s a ld t .o t3 ;THENCE Soum along tho 3 to th e POINT OF BEGIN!

• PA RCEL N 0 . 2 -------• -________X ow ns]lIpJ5_South..aQ nj

G oodfng County. Idaho Soction 31 : A part of Let 3 ( BEQlNNINQatt})e Southw THENCE E ast along the S' to tho T RU E POINT OF BE THENCE E as t a t o g said S rnore or lo ss to o point 250. com or of Lot 3;THENCE North parallol wltti (oot m o rs or le ss to tho Sc U ne R ^ l r o ^ right-of-way: THENCE W est along tho S< Rallnjad right-if-wayjo a p(

T H E N c l 'S o u lh parallol t 576.00 feo t moro or loss to PARCEL NO. 3 T ow nsh ip 5 South . Rongi G o6ding County,.Idaho Seetfon 3 f :T h a t part of tho nuo W est Extondod EXCEPTING thorofrom lho’

Said sa lo will bo mode v • regarding titlo, possession 01

ob liga tion so c u ro d by anc---------- s a la .c o o (e u o d .ln .th e -0 ee


Uon, T rustoe, and Roblo G .! Boneficlary, da lod April 23 1999, OS Inslrumont No. 1{ County, Idaho. '

rK3*abovo'Grantors aro n t 45--i506(4)(a), Idoho Codo. lhat thoy a ro , o r aro not. pt

’ obligation.Oofautt (or which this solo i:

.(aJ'Accumutatod dofidoni^ I month, (or tho monlh of Oc quont m on ths Is 54,577.02.1

___ date on tho_obllgation socun‘ S33,49S:88, plus 8,00% Intor

(b) All of tho 2000 taxos, v, omounl of $249,50, plua potij DATED th is ll th d ay o fD o cc TITLEFACT. INC.Isl R. Todd Bloss, Vico Prosit

PUBLISH: Ja nuaryS , 10.-17



optiroxlmatoly one aero of lar In the City of Twin Falls’ Area

— VyHEREAS,-tho Clly Plannir for tho City of Twin Falls, idah roqulrod by low on' tho 13th c consider tho Zoning Dosignal Impact a n d Zor^a DIstrTcls REZONE o l tho roal proporty I

WHEREAS, tho City Plannir has m odo rocommoncfatlons ' C ityofTw in Folls,'ldoho:and,

WHEREAS, tho City.Councl Idaho, hold a Public Hearing tc on tho 17th d a y ol Docombor. 5 January. 2002.NOW. 1>IEREF0RE. BE IT C COUNCIL O F THE CITY OF T

SE C IIO N 1 . That tho followt bo o n d tho sam & ls horoby R E Ihe 'SE IM of Socllon 1, Town Ed^t cf tho Boiso fi,4oridlan. J\ Idaho, m oro particularly doscrll COMMENCING ot tho southoa THENCE North OO‘OS'50* Wos w6st com or of Soction 6, Towr E asi of tho Boiso Morldlan, sc Iron pin, C P F #670725; THENCE North 00 '02't7* Eas oasi boundary of said Soction 1 THENCE N orth 89’51 '49‘ Wosi THENCE North 00 '04 '19‘ E asi THENCE S oulh 09'5O’42‘ East THENCE N orth OO'50’36- WosI .THENCE S ou th 89-50'42‘ Eas boundary of sa id Soction 1; THENCE Sou lh -00 ‘02 't7 ‘ Woi oo il boundary to Tho Polnl of B acres). .SECTION 2 . T hat tho Aroa of In Map for tho Clly of Twin Falls, li ho ro b y a m e n d e d to rofloct tlproporty abovo doscribed,.....-PASSED BV TH E CITY COUNC SIGNED BY TH E MAYOR /s/Mayor, Lonco W. Clow ATTEST: J o d y Hall, Deputy Cit>

PUBLISH: Thursday, Januaiy t;


On tho S ih doy of Moy, 2002, a of w id day, (rocognlzod local Um A m erican T ills Com pony. 260 3 •Falls, In tho Counly o! TWIN FAL American Titlo Com pany ol Idohi ration, a s su c ca sso r tmstoo, will ( th« highost biddor, for cash, In lav S ta to s , all p a y ab le a t tho time doscribod roal proporty, situatod FALLS, Stoto of Idaho, anddosct

— ^Town9hlp-9SouthrRango-14Eaj Falls County. Idaho SecUon 21: A portion of tho NE'

■ follows:--.................... .......................BEGINNING a t a point v^ilch Ilo: 999.20 foot from tho North quarto

Thence conUnuing South 00‘23’4' Uio Southoost com or of tho said Thonco North 89'01'34* W ostolo NE1/4NW1/4 Q distance ol 6S3.9E Thence North 00 '23 '47 ' East 336 Thenco Soulh 8 8 ’44'51* East 65 OF BEGINNING. .Subloct to; A 25>foot wido roodvra] adjoining Uio North boundary, anc constructed roadw ay along tho N< Uia roadway an d utiflly oasotnont. Sublocl to: A SO-foot wido roadwaj abaUng to th e E as t and South bot wide utility, irrigation, and rood oc W est boundary.»lt appears thot It is covonontod a real property shall include a s an im

. thereon that certain 1990 Champi portlhortof. ' ' . ' I

Tho Trustoo h a s no knowlodg . doscrlpUon of tho obovo roforoni

forc-purposos of compliance wlUi "C o dorthoT rus tod 'haSboon 'In fo r

c e ; l e g a l NOTICt

DF TRU STEE’S SALEa t th# h o u r d a :00- o 'd o d n > ji r '

I sell a t public aucddn, to the Wgl

0 County of Gooding, S laie of Idj ollows to-wIt:

la n g e 1 5 E o s i, B o iso M orldiai

land s i tw to in Lol 3, described a

utheasl c o m er of said U l 3; he South boundary line o( said U (oot;

3 the SouUi boundary ilnoi of Ui iroad right-of-way, • f along th e South boundary lino c Dximately 250 .00 foot to the poirrfn te rso c trth o Easrbourtdarylini

Q ngo_15-Eaat.-B olso.M erldlon

II 3 doscribod a s (ollows: ithwosl c o m er of LotO;e Soutti Une of Lot 3 .7 2 5 ,0 0 foo 'BEGINNING;Jd South line of Lol 3 ,3 6 9 .4 3 foo ^ 0 .0 0 (oal W est of the Southoas

v lUi Uie W o st lino of Lot 3 ,576,0C J Soulh line of tho O regon Shorl ay:0 SouUi line of Oregon Short Lino a point d u o North of tho Point ol

lol w ith th o W o st lino of Lot 3,1 lo Uio POINT O F BEGINNING.

m go 15 E a s t . B oiso M eridian,

tho Lot 4 lying North of 4th Avo-

tho W ost 725 fool le v^lUiout covonant or warranty in or oncum broncos lo satlsty tho a n d p u rsu a r il to lh e pow er of Jood-of-Trusl-from 'B U O D Y 'LT LE J,-BHUNSON. hliahnnrt nnH tsc ro w , ln c .,-a n - id ah o M !^ ra - G. Slroul, a n unmanfed woman.I 2 3 .1 9 9 9 , rocordod A pril 26, I. 100219, records of Gooding

oTTomoTio'compIy wlUi SocUotT •do. N o ropfosonlaUon Is modo t. prosonlly rosponsibio for this

ilo is to bo m ad e Is failuro to pay: Idy In paym onts of S325.93 por O ctobor. 2000 , ond all subso-

>2. Tho ba lan ce owing o s ol this of-Trusl Is- ntorosl a n d forociosuro costs, s, w hich o ro dolinquont In Iho sonalty a n d in lvos t. tocombor, 20 q |,


,1 7 and 2 4 .2 0 0 2

NCE NO. 2713NE CITY COUNCIL O F THE ' , IDAHO. R E 2 0 N IN G REAL ■SCRIBED: PROVIDING THE ' )N THEREFOR: AND ORDER- ' Y A R E A O F IM PA C T AND ! => AMENDMENT.:O R G E , a s ag o n t for ow nor, ' 3do applicollon for o rozono of I land locatod o t 1085 Sunway roa of Im pact; and, 'nning a n d Zoning Commission"^ daho, hold a Public Hearing a s 0 Ilh day of Novombor, 2001. to ‘ inaUon o n d nocossary Aroa of J icis M ap a m ondm onl upon a ^

ti^ng o n d Zoning Commission ms to tho City Coundl for tho in d , ........ - ....................... ' Funcll fer tfio City of Twin Foils, ^ ig to consider tho somo matlor ^ or, 2001, o n d o n tho 7th day of

IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY !I )FTWIN FALLS. IDAHO: f. lowing doscribod joa lpnsporty ^ REZONED R1-43,000; P a r to l ® Dv^nshlp 1 0 'S ou th . Rango 16 ° I. Twin Falls County. S tato of scrlbod o s follovra; P'hoast c o rn e r of sa id Soction 1; iV osr225.77 feol lo tho south- bw nship 10 Soulh. Rongo 17 I. sold po ln l m arked by a 5 /8 •

E ast 1 ,096 .55 foot along lhe in I t o T ho Point of Beginning; L" Vosi 1 ,317 .63 feot; ;o sl1 4 .0 6 fo o t; Q'East 1 ,061 .53 lool: . fIfosi 169 .93 foot;E ast 259 .3 0 foot to tho oast pj

W ost 183 .53 foot along sold “ of Beginning (containing 1.42

3f Impact o n d Zoning Districts a Is, Idaho, bo and the som o is ef, ct tho r o z o n ln g o l Iho roal

UNCIL J a n u a ry 7 .2 0 0 2 ? ' J a n u a ry 7 ,2002

city Clork 15;

V '7 .2 0 0 2 ________________ S .'Lo

JSTEE’S SA LE Fai1059 ' roc12. a t tho h o u r of 10:00 A,M.. Co I Umo], in Uio Office of FIrat SO 3rd A v e n u e N orth, Twin doi FALLS, S ta le o l Idaho, R rst for iaho . Inc., on*idaho Corpo- Co vill sell a t public auction, to Uie 1 lawful m onoy of tho Unltod Lat imo of s a lo , th o following rea Ited In tho. County of TWIN ' ascribed o s follows, to-w it wai East,'Boi5G-Mortdian;'Twin'~lo"c

povNE1/4NW1/4 doscribod a s CLI.............. .. - ■ •• - - DA' Hos S outh 00'23'47* W est FIR arter c o m er of said Socdon an I

oflla ’47* W ost 333.078 loot fo POI iIdN E1/4SW 1/4; 200•along tho South lino of the ofT 3.96 feot: TH£336.25 fee t: WHi 654.00 foot to the P O ir^ REF

AREIway oasom on t parallel and OBI and Including Uio currently - T 0 North boundary, allowing failu ont-. . amoIw ayeasen jon tpara llo iand orb i boundorlos. a n d a 25*1001 p e r ,

d oasom ont paralleling tho am o

id and a g re ed tha l the said Dels n im provem entthore toand i s th impion Mobile Home, o s a unpj

odgo of o m oro particular s ^ironcod rea l property, bu t eficicflUi Soction 60-113 Idaho to s anform ed'lhkt according to Doto

C E L E Q A L N O T I C E .

r i r o f '4 4 0 0 N o r S ^ u h i r t d t f > ^ ^ ^urt- said real property. ~ i , a s S a id s a l e will bo iriai Itfgh- w arrjinv regarding tllle^ pos:„tho.obllgaiiQn46cu Ireal power of sa le conferred in the fida- STEPH EN B BELT AND Ll

a n d w ife , ao gran to rs , to Fl COMPANY Of^lDAHO, INC..

lien , succossor Irustoe, for Uio bon M ortgage a k a C rosaiand Mi

d a s c la ry , r e c o r d e d J u l y 6 ,1 ! 1990012410, ond ro-recordoc Instrumonl No.199B02332S,a

JLot BANK MINNESOTA,.NATiC T rustee u n d e r th e Pooling a

I Uie doted a s o f N ovem ber 1 ,1 9 A sse t S e rv ic in g a n d Secur

10 or A sse t S e c u ritie s Corp.. Utto; )0lnt N o rw e a t B a n k M innesola,^ I ln o -S d rre riag ff^ a rw ltf io u l 'r ice

assignm ent rocordod April 26 I Lot 1999007885, Mortgage Recoi

.Idaho...................................... .THE ABOVE GRANTORS AF


. OBLIGAJION, ’ . foo t, • The default for which this ;

(allure lo pay w hen duo, undoi foot monlhiy poymonls (or Prfndpo 30st duo por m onth for lhe month:

2001 and all subsequent paym i,00 or roinslatomont, wilh Inlorost lo rt rato, Iho current rato Is 12.75%

Ing to a c c ru e Irom Soplombo •Ino .dolinquont a n d unpaid laxos t of prindpal balance owing a s ol ll

socurod by sa id Oood of Tnisl i t 3 , Ing Inlorost. co sts and advancoi G. aro now d u e . togolhor with ac

Intorosl. unpaid and accruing t an , oo 's fees, a ttorney 's foos. and {

proloct Uio socuriiy assodalod vo- th a l tho bonefic la ry olocis to

proporty to be sold lo satisfy sal Dalo; January 4 .2002

nty FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COM «To /s/EllshlaM, Ricky. Tm sl Ollicor

•L -r'PU B L ISH r-Januaryn7r24r31!

[ n .......... N O tlC E OF TRUSIIS FA-1284:

On mo 10 th day of April, 2C ^ AM.. of said day, (rocognlzod lo

“ FlrsfA rnerlcahTTtleCom pflny; Z' T w lnFalIa,lnthoCounlyolTW ll I First American Titlo Company t

Corporation, a s su c ce sso r Iru auction, to tho highost biddor. for tho Unilod S ta le s , all payabio i following described real proportv

,^5 of TWIN FALLS. S tale of Idaho, 0

'^ 'C o n i n B lociriT rO 'H A R R bW DIVISION. Twin Falls County. Ida thoroof, rocordod in Book 7 of Pis ol Uio County Rocordor of said C

Tho Trustoe h a s no knowlod description of tho above roforoi for purposes of compliance wiir Codo, tho Trustoo h a s boon Infc

_ tho County A ssesso rs olflco, tho Ingsldo Drive, Tw in Foils, idaht

p ated vrith sa id real proporty.[_ . S a id s a lo will b e m ado E warranty regarding tltlo. posses V lo satisfy tho obligation socurod □ power of sa le conferred In tho do

TERESA B BENTON, an unm arr r lo FIRST AMERICAN TITLE C ,j INC., an Idoho Corporation, o s su ^ benofit and security of Notional I

idaho C orporation , a s bonofld _ -1898, a s lnstnjment-No.-199800i s ,WELLS FARGO HOME MORTG 3 by m erge rw ith N orw eat Mortgai ,t by osslgnm onl rocordod April 2 ' J No. 1998005957, Mortgage Rocoi

ty, Idaho., THE ABOVE GRANTORS ARE . , WITH SEC TIO N 45-1506(4)(A;


; OBLIGATION.I Tho dofauil for which this salo

failure lo pay w hen duo, undor D' . monthly paym onts for Princlpol, Inl

$639,50, duo por monUi for tho n , Octobor, 2001 a n d dll subsequo , dalo of solo o r relnstatomoni, with I accruing a t $25.58. wlUi Inlorost a I annum, and continuing lo accruo fi

prindpal baianco owing a s ol Uils socurod by sa id D eod of Tmsl Is S

: Ing Intorost, co sts a n d advances, f aro now duo, logother wilh ocouin

, torost. unpaid and occnjing toxos, i foos, ottom oy's loos, a n d any amo toct Uio socuriiy associatod vrith thI tho bonoflcia^ olocts lo soli or cau! bo sold to satisfy sold obllgaUon. Dale: Docombor 4 . 2001 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPA: /sfl^onlno Colo,.Trust Ollicor

PUBLISH: JonuaryS , 1 0 ,17and2


On Uio 11th day of April, 2002 A.M., of said day. (rocognlzod locol FIrat A m erican T itle Com pany, 26 Twin Ffllla, in Uio County olTWIN F First American Tilio Com pany of I Corporallon, a s s u c c o s so r Irusto auction, to Uio highost biddor, forca tho United S lato s , all payoblo a t i following doscribod reol property, s ol TWIN FALLS. S ta le of Idaho, and lo-wll;Lot 11 in Block 1 of SOUTH 93 H Falla County, Idaho, according to th rocordod in Book 17 of Plats, page i County Rocordor o fsa ld County.

Tho Taisteo h o s no knowiodgo doscripUon o t Uio above roferencre for purposes of com plianco with S Code, tho Trusloo h a s boon Inform the County A ssesso rs offlco, Uio odd Lane, Filar; Idaho, Is somotlmos t real proporty.

S a id s a lo w iil bo m o d e wll warranWjogordlng,1lt!q.,po3S058l0 (0 satisfy tho obligation securod by powor of sole conferred In Uio doed CLEMENCIA LUGO, a n unmarried DANNY LUGO, a n u n m arH ed m FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPAT in Idoho Corporation, a s successor sfll and security of CONSTRUCTIC PORATiON, o s boneficlary, recon 2000, a s instrument No. 2 0 ^ 1 4 0 0 4 )f Twin Falls County, id a h o .. rHE ABOVE QRAffTORS ARE NA VITH SECTION 45 -150e(4)(A ), 1 REPRESENTATION IS MADE TH/

. Tho dofauil for which Uils sale is allure to pay vrtion duo. undor Deoc m ounl p f $46,821.00, for Prindpal. < r beforo Docomber 6 ,2000 , Inloresl ■or annum, wlUi unpold accrued Ini m ount ol $2,875.05. With a default I } sta rt accm ing upon th e rocordir default Also duo a ra dellnquonland i s t half of 2000. All ahioufits are now npafd and accruing taxes, assossm i Itom o/a foos, co sts and odvoncos r scurity associatod wlUi Uiis foredosiii nclaiy elects lo sell or cau se the trust!.8a j 8^_80ld obligation,^. .•________ote: D ecem ber 7 2001 .

i L E G A L N O T I C E ;

c e . t h S B ^ r Q ^ o f i l 4 7 C E « a t ' f r i r ^ o o m e e a s s o c s i i a 'w i t j r ’y

ir ia d e 'w l ih o u i c o v e n a n t o r F possession o r encum brances '■ ocured by .and pursuant to Uie—I the de ed of trust executed by D LISA M BELT, h u s b a n d0 FIRST AMERICAN- TITLE « >JC.. a n . Idaho Corporation, o s * benefit and security of OncalJ f1 M ortgage Corp., a s benefi- ^ , 1 9 9 8 , 'e s In s lru m e n i N o, i rdod D ecem ber 29 ,1998 , a sIS, and a ssigned lo NORWEST S TIONAL ASSOClATIOfl, a* ig a n d S e rv Ic ln g 'A a re tm e n t- ^ , 1998 ,'am ong C redil-B ased ^ icuritizo lioh LLC, F inancial Jtton L oan Serv icing LP a n d »> Ja .-N a t!o n B U B a o c{ a tio n ,_ Crec o u ra e , a s beneficiary, by 126, 1999, a s inslrumont No. ? ecords of Twin Foils County. JS


lis sa le Is to be made Is the ndor Doed of Tnist Note, the K dpol ond Intor.esl of $601.38, inths of O ctobor, November, ■ ' aymonts unUl ttio dole of sale rosl occm ing o t on odluslobie 75% per annum, and continu- ” mbor 1. 2 001 . Also duo ore <os for 1999 and 2000. Tho of Uils da te on the obligation “ ust is $54,717.83, plus occm . J® ncos. All dolinquont omounis h occruing lalo chorgos and ng taxes, ossossm onts, trust- ” nd any am ounts advancod to ilod with this lorodosuro and s to so il o r c o uso iho trust / said obligation.

OMPANY OF IDAHO, INC. licor . . $4'

, • No 31 andFob~rUdry7r2002--------

............. 71,2002, a l the hour of 10:00 lol ^ a l Ume), inmq.Office_oI_ing iny, 260 3 H A venue N orth, ato FWINFALLS. Slato of Idaho! ton ny of Idoho, Inc., an Idaho fon ■ Irusleo , will soli a t public tec. ,fo rcash.inlaw rfulm onoyof tho ble a t Uio Umo of solo, tho bo )orty, situatod In tho County nn i 10, and doscribod o s lollows, p |p

tfW .B A ILEY -O iB SO N 'sU B^'’ ' ' ' . Idaho, according to Uio plat p n if Plots, pogo 37, m Uio office ___Id County.vledge of o moro particular loroncod rea l property, but C with Sec tion 60-113 Idaho o f s infonned tha l according to Am mo a d d ro ss of 966 M om- Foil

daho, is somotlmos asso d - Ami ratic

do w ith o u t c o v o n o n l o r tho I isosslon o r encum brances >Slal irod by and pursuant lo Uie dost9 dood o l tm s l executed by FAL nnrrled w om an , a s grantor. Lol E COMPANY O F IDAHO, Cou s succossor tmstoo. (or tfio roco lal M ortgage of Idaho, an Coui oflclary. recorded April 29, Ti B005956,--and assigned t o - dose ITGAQE, INC., su c c e s so r for i ig a g e . Inc., a s benefidary, C ^II 29, 1990. o s Instmment iho i ocords of Tvrin Foils Coun- Stro'

real iRE NAMED TO COMPLY )(A). IDAHO C O t)E . NO. w arr lE THAT TH EYA RE, OR to so •SPO N SIBLE FO R THIS powe

ROGsalo is to bo mado is tho AME ir Dood o l T njst Noto, tfio ho C I, Intorost a n d Impounds ol socui10 monlhs of July tfirough viou. quont paym onts until the Ban>i with a montfily loto chorgo W asl 'St accm ing a l 7.375% par Bank uo (rom Juno 1.2001. The benol Uils da te on the obllgaUon 1996i IsS75 ,110 .60 ,p lusoccm - Idaho JS. All dolinquont amounts THE «jing lato charges and in- WITI- 08, a sso ssm en ts , tm sloo’s REPF im ounts odvanced lo pro- ARE tl tfils forodosuro and lhat OBLH cause Ihe tm sl property to Th fl. . failure

monU^PANY O F IDAHO, INC. d u o f

Novel da te e

nd 24 ,2 0 0 2 adjust

•fE E 'SS A I-E S | “

1002, a t the hour of 10:00ocal timo). In tho Office of ^ L i sr, 260 3 rd A venue N orth, huo tIN FALLS, S lato of idoho. unoAlof Idaho. Inc., on Idaho niiomi

js to o , will se ll 01 public S lircash.Inlaw fulm onoyof o lldnrot tho Ilmo of solo, tho to sa ih

ty, siluoted In tho Counly o n io - 'and doscribed os follows, p ip sT

13 HEIGHTS PUD, Twin:o tho official plal Uioroof, p n a uiO o13 .ln lhoo lficoo fthe

dgo of 0 more particular jnciod real proporty. but Or:h Soction 60-113 Idaho io -0 0 -lormed that according to olfico ioddross of 3847 A n m a Nnrth 'os o’ssoc la tod with sold Idaho!

i.K . ,» * Idaho'cw ith o u t c o v e n a n t o r Qut^ion58 lon .o r-0ncum brancos_ ihe .gnI by and pursuant lo Uio followin oed of Uusl oxoculod by of t w u r ied w om an a n d JO SE to - ^ -1 m a n , a s o ran lo rs , to The EaPANY O F IDAHO, INC., 21 SEisor Uustoo, for Uio bon- nccordlim O N FUNDING COR- S picordod S ep tem b er 11, By n1004, Mortgogo Records Bankmi

NAMED TO COMPLY • Ss-'iSOf 0 , IDAHO CO D E. NO a s allow THAT THEY ARE, OR tfie stay ’ ONSIBLE FO R.TH IS 17,0 '

0 is to bo n\ado Is Uie ?o'r*pure )eod o l T m st Noto, the ( ^ 0, U «U. duo and payable on the C o l resi accm ing o t 13.76%,' A venue1 intorost owing In Uie odw lth i lult In terest role of 21s 'S e 'rding o f th o Notice of w arrant' md unpaid taxes for tfio to so t ls f now due, logolhor with pow er 0 ism ents, trustoo 's fees; RicHAE ;os m ade to protect the SO COR osuro a n d Uiot Iho bon- grantors irust proporty lo b e sold IDAHO. ;------------------ .— .- tm s to e ,.

H O M E !


!_f.'RSIA M efllCA N TITLE COM / s / K ^ n o Cole. Trust Officer

PUBLISH: January 3 , 10,1 7 a r

-----------— '..NOTICEOFTRUSFA*13«

O n tfie of May, 2002, of sa id day. (recognized tecaltli A m erican T ltie Com pany, 260 F alla , In Uie Counly of TWIN FA American TlUe Company of ktal raUon, a s succossor Imsloe. will

. th e highest bidder, for cash. In It S ta to s . all p ay ab le a l Uie tim doscribod real proporty, situalei FALLS, S tate of Idaho, and dost T h o W 1/?N 1/2 of Lot 7 of R r Twin Falls County, idoho. acco recorded in Book 5 o l Plots. P

_Cpunty,,EXCERT.Uie. Nortli 5 toiT h e T m stoe h as no knowlec

description of tho above raforc fo r pu rposes of compliance wll

X oda..U io-T nistoe h a s been Inf Iho County A ssesso rs office, U A v en u e E as t. Twin Fails, idahc od wiUi sold real proporty. •

S a id s a l e will b e m a d e worranhr regarding UUe, posse: to eaUsfy tho obligation socurec M w or of sa le conferred in tfie d THOMAS C MAUS ANO CARi a n d w ife, a s g ran to rs, to FIR! COMPANY OF? IDAHO, INC.. ai su c ce sso r tm stoe, lor mo bonofi M ortgage C o m p an y ,'as bonefi 1995 , a s Inslmmont No. 199501 CH A SE MANHATTAN MORTG a s benefidary, by assignment rt a s Instm m ont No. 1996011266 Twin Falls County, Idaho.TH E ABOVE GRANTORS ARE W ITH SEC TIO N 45.1S06(4)(>i REPRESENTATION IS MADE A R E NOT. PRESENTLY RE Si OBLIGATION.

T ho default (or which Ihis sal lalluro lo pay whon due. undor C monUily M ym onts for Prindpal, Ir 545494Tduo por monm for tho nn Novombor, 2001 ond oil subsoqi jato'of~saiu or roinstatornontrwii

he am ount of $67.00, with Inioro; innum , and continuing to occmo }rinclpol balance owing a s of this iocured by sa id Dood of Tmst I s : ng Interest, co sts and a d vancesr iro 'now duo, logemor with accmli o rost, unpaid and deeming laxos. 008, a tto m o /s foos. and any omi oct m o socuriiy associalod wim U ho bonofidory.olocts to soil orcot. 10 so ld lo satisfy said obligation. )ato: January 3,2002 •IRST AMERICAN TITLE COMP/ 5/MonlnoColo; Trust Offlcoi-------

'UBLISH: Ja nuary 17 ,24 ,31 one


O n mo 7lh day of Moy, 2002. a t f sa id day. (rocognlzod 1 ^ 1 time m o ric an Tilio C om ponA2603r« o ils . In tho County of TWiN FALL m ortcan Tltlo Company of Idaho, illon, a s succossor tmstoe. will so 10 highost biddor, for cash, in lawf la to s . all p ayab io a l tho ilmo < ascribed roal proporty. slluatod It ^LLS. Slato of Idaho, ond doscrit 3l 11 in Block 22 of FILER TO o un ty , Idaho, accord ing to tho c o rd e d in iho oflfco of the Cou 3unty.T ho Tmstoo h a s no knowiodgo

iscriptlon of tho 'obovo'rofotonc r pu rposes of complianco with ( xio . mo Tm stoo h as boon Inforr 0 County A sse sso rs olflco, iho roo t. Filer, Idaho-, Is somotlmos al proporty.

S a id s a lo will bo m a d e wi irranfy regarding lltlo. pessossh sa tisfy the obligation socurod bi w or of solo conforrod in tfio dooc 3GER D DUTT, a sing lo m an, . LERICAN TITLE COMPANY OF i Corporation, a s succossor tnjsto

curjly ol U.S. BANK NATIONAL >U8ly do in g b u s in e s s a s Unit n k o f O regon , s u c c o s so r by mo le h ln g lo n , N.A., s u c c e s s o r b' n k o f Idaho , N.A. fka W est O lofldary. rocordod April 17 ,199 36006446, M ortgage Rocords 0 ho.E ABOVE GRANTORS ARE N> TH SEC TIO N 45-1506(4)(A ), PRESENTATION IS MADE TH E NOT. PRESENTLY RESPOi LIGATION.rho dofoult lor which Ihls sa le i: jre lo pay w hon duo. undor Doo nmiy payments for Princlpol and } p o r m onlh for th e m o n lh s 0 /em ber. 2001 and all subsequon0 of salo or rolnslolomont. wim ini jstob lo roto of Primo + 4.9% per j lo accruo from Docombor 2 9 , ;

inquon l end unpold laxos for 2 m co owing a s ol mis date on tho 01 D ood.ol Tm sl is $9,937.33, pit is o n d odvoncos. All dallnquon . togothor with accruing lato ch a id a n d occming laxos. assossm m oy 's foos, and ony omounis adv jrify associated wllh ihls lorodosu ary olocis lo soil or causo tho Ims lUsfy said obligation.): January 4 .2 0 0 2 3T AMERICAN TITLE CO)^PAN^ llshloM . Rlcky. TmstOlficor

ILISH; Ja n u a ry 'l7 ,24 .31 ondFc

tESCHEDUL’E b'ffO T lb 'E O FT fil . FA-11080

On ttie 13lh day of February. 2( 0 A.M., of sold day, (recognized 0 of First American Tlilo Compan 1, Twin Foils, In Iho County of TW 5. First Amotlcan Title Comphny 3 Corporotlon, a s succossor tmsto on, lo mo highost bidder, for cash. Jnlfod-sta tos.-all-payablo 'o fm o ving doscribod real proporiy, sltui VIN FALLS, s ta le of Idaho, and do I: .East 37.2 foot of Lol 20 ond me V 5E N I0R ADDITION. Twin Fall: rding lo mo offidal plat Ihoroof. roc . Pogo 21. rocords of Twin Falls C ’ r ea so n of tho automatic stay t m plcy Code 11 U.S.C. 362, the niinuod, ond pursuant to provlslc 106(A) this sa le Is rescheduled one ow ed by the expiration or lorminal :ay In Iho m anner provldod by mal 0 Tm stoo h a s no knowiodgo ol Iption of tho obovo roforoncod 1 jrposos ol com pliance wim Sect , m o Tmstoo ftas been infonned oun ty A ssesso rs olflco. mo add u e E as t, Twin Folia, Idaho, is sot Ih so ld rooi property.S a id s a le w ilt b e m a d e w itha nfy regarding Ulle, possession c Isfy the obligation securod by an • of sa le conferred In mo dood of ARD A MUNNINQ, a n unm arr >RRO VALLADOLiD, en unm ai irs, to RR ST AMERICAN TiUE 0 . IN C ., a n Id ah o C orporatior 9,«.beneflt:and securify of : MORTQAGE. INC., aueceese

l e g a l NOfiiCE ' IJ

pMPANY.OFiOAHO, iN C.~ 'ilCr,

’ a n d 2 4 ,2 0 0 2 ____________ Mo

tJS T C rS S A L E ------------ ” W |'

0 2 ,« tU iohourof10:00A M ., ? ! U Ume), In m e Ofnce of FJr»t • n n

p y S f s l S t n f f i . r a J , ^Waho. inc., «n Idaho Corpo. ’ w ills e la tp u b lk : auction, to 2 ,^ n lawful money of me United ,hrr

loscribod a s folkJws. to-wll: RITCHEY SUBDIVISION, “ E® w ording to the plal mereof.I. P a g e 2 1 . rocords of sold ??„Ifoo tm oroof_______ —vledge of a moro particular loroncod real proporty. but ^ , Wllh SocOon 60.113 liaho infofinod mal according to

I, m o a d d ro ss of 1732 4lh aho. Is som etim es assodat.

ide w ith o u t c o v e n a n t o r Skk,ise ssio n o r encum brances nnired by and pursuanllo the c ip '0 do ed of tm sl executed by /?«) ^RO L S MAUS. h u sband IRST AMERICAN TITLE orip . a n Idaho Corporallon. a s _ lofit a n d security of Mellon nefldary, recorded Jufy 3, 5010321, and assigned lo C :TGAGE CORRORATION, o ’cii t recorded Ju n e 28 ,1996 , Esci !66, M ortgage Rocords of Fall:


momsolo is to bo m ade is tho of sa jr D ood of Tmsl Noto, tho mo C I, Intorost ond Impounds of a s fo1 m onlhs of August mrough L o ts oquonl paym onts unlil mo Fall« W-TUTa monmiy lato chamo Ifieri iu iuiuL 'fim goi;flf6duB ‘in ' of I Vo roslaccm tngorB ;5% por-------TFTJO from Jufy 1,2001. Tho dosci th is da to on mo obligation purpt Is $45,490.14. plus occm - 113, is-/y ido linquon t a m o u n tn d d r t :mlng lato charges and In- may i os. a sso ssm en ts , Imsloo's If tf am ounts advoncod to pro- m ear h th is forociosuro and thal will b couso Iho tmst proporty lo bl’ddc n. obov(

.^ e n l^PANY O F IDAHO. INC. re-ho!


ond Fobm ary 7.2002 “ Sa

iT C E 'SSA L E g

atthohourol10:O O A,M ., m c kmo), in tho Olfico of First w ife3 rd A venue North, Twin CORIkLLS. S tato ol Idaho, Rrst a ss«ho. Inc.. an Idaho Corpo- od Nc! sell a t public Mortaiwful m onoy ol Iho Unilod a BOV10 of so lo , Ihe fcliowing SECTd In m o County ol TWIN SENTcribod a s follows, to-wit; p o p eT O W NSITE. Twin Foils Tho,Iho offlclol plot thereof. Mokebounty Rocordor ol said Dood

^90 0 * a_mora pQrticu!ar._,tt|2°mi3ncod rool proporty. but sorv tIh Soction 60-113 Idaho ao Lformed that according to wavonIho o d d ro s s of 620 6 th nnd colos a ssociatod wim said of sal<

. . . . Noverr' w ith o u t c o v o n a n t o r ond acssion or encum brances annumi by a n d pursuant to tho charao ood of tm sl oxoculod by. n iodwn, o s grantor, lo FIRST dato oDF IDAHO. INC., an Ida- $92 q3istoo, for tho bonofit and actuall'UL ASSOCIATION, pre- or in itiin ited S t a te s N ollonol noy’s f<m o rg o r to U .S .B o n k o f hym oir by m e rg e r w ith U.S. Dated;I O no B onk, Idoho, a s ALUAh1996, 05 Inslmmont No. /s/Bobt 5 of Twin Foils County.



0 is to bo modo is tho pn^B O )oed of T m st Noto, mo 69630 I md In terest of S110,90, cuSTEi 5 o f J a n u a r y th rough Rjnht N ionl paym ents unlil mo p,?onty1 intorosl accm ing a lo n sourco or onnum , omJ continu- ijen9 , 2 000 . Also duo oro ir 2 0 0 0 . T h e principal ToIoIAt 10 obligation socurod by pointfei plus occm ing In ,O M . S o

jont am oun ts are now ch orgos nnd onts,.tm sloo '5 foos,_________advoncod to protocl mo BiohtN i o su ro nnd lho tm ebon- pnlrity m st proporty to bo sold Souroo


W Y O F IDAHO. INC. Total Am Pol[it(s) I

1 Fobm ary ’7.2002 •


, 2002. a t Iho hour of :od local Umo). In ttio sourco jony. 260 3rd Avonuo 5 ^ ^ ' TWIN FALLS, Slalo ol m y of Idaho, Inc., on jom l Am istoo, will sell 01 public pomifsio ish. In lawful monoy of p ia c o o tl U io-tim o-of-^ lo : iltualod In tho County I doscribed a s follows,

e W est 7 .8 foot of Lot ^olls C oun ly , Idaho, rocordod In Book 3 of


llie original salo v^os pj^co qVlIslons of Idaho Codoandw lllbeconduclodInation or tho effect ofIhatsoctfon.ol a moro particular

3d roal property, buiocllon.60-113 Idaho.led m ot according to • T h T 'L «id d r e s s o f1 3 0 7 } msomeUmos assodat-

I h o u t c o v o n a n l 01 42^ ^ “ m o r encum brances A r r ; i ? , and pursuant to mo

S ’!? '" '! ;n .E COMPANY OF lion , a s s u c c o s so r K , , j “ d o l W ELLS FABOO

s . o r b y m . r g . r l o p u a u s H ,

t e r o t e r a n d W t t o a g # C ^ b r - m a ^ e r w ff t n n ( ^ c u r f t y Ban» rec o rd e d M a i ^ ' l g s 2, u instr M ortgage fteflCRlg of Twib f a l l s C THE ABOVE GRANTOfW ARB W ITH SECTIO N ■45.1506(4J(A REPRESENTATION JS lOtAOE 1 ARE N O T, PRESENTLY R E SP OBLIGATION. • ;

. The default for whicn ihfs salt (alluro to pay when due. under 0 monrniy paymonts for Prindpal. in $410.51. duo por month for the mrough December.EOOO. ond Jam aequenl paymonts until mo dato o: vrim in terest occming al 9% por an a c c ru o (rom A u g u sM . 2 0 0 0 . - a d v a n c o s in lh e a m o u n t of $0 a d vances o f $35.00. a lso dollnqi ore duo for 2000. The prindpal b« dafo'on'the'obllgdtton socurod by $37,352.08. plus occming Interest All dolinquont amounts a re now du Ing lo te Chorgos and Intorost. unpa a ssessm en ts , im stoe 's foos, alic omounis'odvanced lo protoct mo s< mis forociosuro and mat mo bono : a u s o th e tru s i p ro p o rty to bo Jbllgotion, !Dole: Docombor 6.2001 =1RST AMERICAN TITLE COMPA 's/ElishloM Ricky, Tmsl Officer

='UBLISH: J a n u o 7 3 .1 0 a n d 1 7 ,S

NOTICE OF TRUSTE O n T u e s d a y , April 2 3 , 2002,

j ’c io ck A.M., of said day, in mo ofi ia c ro w C orp . locatod a t 311 2n ^alia, ID 83301 , A lliance T itle luccessor Imsteo, will sell a t public >lddor, for cash , coshlors check. ci mock, (from a bonk which h a s a br It mo site of mo solo), monoy ordoi ir local governm ent chock; o r cos nonoy of mo United Slatos, all pay if sa le, m o following doscribod roc 10 Counfy.ol Twin Falls, S tato e l s follows, lo Wit.ot 20, B io c k 3 o f C linton Earl Sul a»«:Co_unt^ ._ tdflho._flecofdlnfl

T h e T m stoo h as nd knowledge oscripUon of mo abovo-doscribod u rposos o l complianco wllh Idah 13 , th o i r u s t e o h a s b o o n Infor ddross of: 239 B onny'D rfve. TWii loy som etim es be associatod'with If mo successfu l biddor canno t pr

loans of ono ot m o obovo m oans ill bo posiponod (or 10 m inutes c Iddor to obloin paym ont in p lor 30V0. II the high biddor Is unsuccoi lenl o s diroctod within 10 mlnui t-held im mediately and onv bid bv o-provrous'sole. vviirbo rofoctod. i aho Codo 45-1502 ot.Soc.‘Sold sa le will bo mo'do wimout c garding Uilo, possession o r oncum >ligaljon securod by and pursuant inferred in m o dood of tm sl oxoc CK A G UE a n d JAMIE MCKAG Ife . a s G ran to r, lo ALLIANCE O R P .. a s T ru s te e , for th o bom isociatos Housing R nanco, LLC a: I N ovem ber 9, 1998 a s Instmmc o rtgago roco rds of Twin F a lls C JOVE GRANTORS’ARE NAMED iCTION 45-1506(4)(a). IDAHO ( •NTATION IS MADE THAT THEY 1ESENTLY RESPONSIBLE F O R ' rhe dofauil for which mis sa lo is lo ■ Ike principal and Intorosl paym ent lOd of T m st and Promissory Nol lounl w as $92,050.00 togom or wll 1 rale of 7.750% per annum , a s o ry Nolo da tod O ctober 21 . 1991 foult fo r th e m onlhs of Ju ly thrt 'vombor of 2001 in me am ount of d conUnuing oach and ovory month sa le of ro instalom oht. T ho prim vombor 14,2001 Is $92,035,55 to i accm ing Intorosl ihoroon a l tho ium . In addilion lo tho abovo, mort irgos, advancos, atlom oy foos, ft d wrlm mis forodosuro and tho bolt0 on Iho obligation securod by s 2,035.55, excluding intorost and < ually Incurred in onlorcing tho obi n mis solo, a s im stoe's foos and/ t’s foos o s aulhorizod In tho prom mo oforomontionod Dood of T m st :od; Docom bor 19,2001 .IANCE TITLE & ESCROW CORF tobbi Oldfield, T m sl Ollicor

BLISH: Januory 3 .1 0 .1 7 ond 24..


YDNEY L. DOWrrON and/or KAF BOX 7. ELLIS ID 63235. hos file 30 for ch an g e s lo mo following v 5TER Counly;I t No. 72-4069 nfy 6/1/1915reo ELLIS CREEK


1 Amountt(s) of Diversion SWSWNW S26 o o fU s o S25T16N R20E

S26T 16N R20E S34T16N R20E

-------------------------S3S T16N R20EIt No. 72-7383 Ify 5/2/1080CO SALMON RIVER


A mount ’ 2.35(s) of Dlvorslon L5 NWNESE S34 I of Uso S2S T 16N R 20E

S26T16N R20E S34T 16N R20E S35T16N R20E

t No. 72-4228 fy 6/1/1919 .: o . SALMON RIVER


Amount;s) of Dlvorslon L 5N W N ESES34of.Uso----------S25-TJ6N R 20E—

S26T16N R20E S 34T 16N R 20E S35T16N R20E

No. 72-10171y 6/1/19S2 .0 SALMON RIVER

IRRIGATION (265 0Amount .s) of Dlvorslon LS NWNESE S34 o f Uso S25T 16N R 20E

S26 T16N R20E S34T16N R20E S35T16N R 20E .

}urposo ot tho transfer is to changi rights o s (ollows:applicant is changing tho sourco c locoted In the SWSW (L-9) SEC

la so n s oro to 'help Eills Crook ro n.RIvor and to eliminato a diversloi

ssts m ay bd submitted based on Ui >, Idaho Code;protest against mo proposed chan 10 D o p arlm o n t of W ato r R a so i I, 900 N Skylino Dr.. S le A, Idaho sr with a prolest fee or $25,00 fo r« loforo February 4.2002 . Tho prott copy of tho protest to m e appllcar J.'OREHER, Director '

sH; January 17 ond 24 ,2002

----------------------- i ^ __________


b ra t io n r l u c e a t a o r b y ' ' 'iNVi m k .N A , a s benefidary, stm m ent No. 92006077, BRU s Counfy, Idaho. MANE.NAMED.TO-COMPLY. . - T e t (A), IDAHO CO D E. NO acceoti : THAT THEY ARE. O R ^ o s SPONSIBLE FO R T H IS range

ale is lo be m ado Is m e e ^ ? o Deed o f Trust Note, m e t h o B interest and Impounds of M anac le monm# of Sep tem ber Pocket anuary, 2001 and all sub- Allotfne I of salo or reinstatem ent, specify annum, and continuing to will be 1

Also due oro e sc ro w grozlnc $89 .3 2 and b o n o f ic ia l will bo iquont and unpaid taxos a n im a boionce owing as.or.U il3_forago« by said Deed of T m st is loose p }st. costs and advances, loose w duo, logolhor wim accm - signing ipaldondoccmlng taxes. - menl or iMomoy's foos, and any D ocon- isecurlfyassodalodw lin p e rio d n0flcl0 7 elects to sell o r S i n c e JO so ld to s a tis fy so ld unfoncc

b o su b )

’ ANY OF IDAHO, INC. morUre specify paid for

’•2002 m onth t— m rooyo

FEE'S SALE th tfw n ,12, a t mo hour, of 10 :00 u )m hiu ' ofllco 01 A lllcnco T il l . S E l

illcoucUon.lomohfghost . certified chod( or tailors branch In tho community io r .S to n o lld lih o a io c li " a s h oqutVafont In lawful I f; .T ” ® layablooim osom oU m o rool proporty, situalod in O IM oho.nndaoscilbocl

° n d'?j°cS

“ f jf f lu ^ ra a a ia j j^af^nga

go o t a moro partlculor I ? ! ? ? ; '

SKlStleStm sold roal property. provide tho bid prica by ns of poymont, tho sa lo . i onfy to allow mo high LEC orm proscribod horein PUBU rosslul In obtaining poy- SOUGHT lu lo s , tho sa lo will bo WEAI ,^->hojijgh_biddorJtOnL.flSSISJ/ I. oil in accordance with Thrf S

...... .............. . accopl piIt covonant or warranfy Ils annua ;mbrancos to satisfy m o th e U .S . ml to mo power of solo E n e r g y ' toculod by STORM W . Woamori; ^GUE, H u sb o n d o n d Program. E TITLE & E SC R O W available ino lit and se cu r lly o f Idaho Doc : OS Bonoficiary. rocord- a n d Woll Tionl No. 1998020121. Wolfaro. I s County. Idaho, THE .P r o g r a n •D TO COMPLY WlTH • G rants Ur ) CODE. NO REPRE- W est Sta :Y ARE. OR ARE NOT. Idaho. A j R THIS OBLIGATION. Iho plan w lo bo mado is (allure to: o.m. on ^ mts as sot forth on sa id 2 8 . 2002 loto. Tho original loon Polo T. C wllh intorost moroon a t ing. 450 Vi J ovidoncod in Promi5- -7 m floor ci )98 . Poym onls o ra in. . .-Tha.W hrough and Including A s s i s t a of $659.46 por monm assis ts Ioh Ith Ihoroallor until d a te Ihrough tfi inclpal baianco a s o t w oathoriz togolhor wim occm od te thoir hc

ho rato of 7.750% por su ro s incl oro is also due any lato air scaling , foos or costs a ssoci- lom im pn aianco owing a s ol mis o nhanco I I said dood of tm sl Is ciency of I 3 costs and oxponaos gram sorvl obligations thoroundor lomillos rc id/or roasonablo ottor- ing c o s ls . imissory nolo socurod h e a lth am ISI. f a m ily an

onorgy rosiRP. Summar

• mo Stole P• Implomoi

4 .2002 s a f o w oe--------------------- - proctlcosI CHANGE ' IncroosoER NO. 69630 woalhorizal

• Incroaso IAREN A. DOWTON, f ro m 1 3 3 ' filed Applicollon No. fodomi povi 3 walor rights wllhin P u b lic «

w rllldn los State Plan \

. from Jonuai 28, 2 0 0 2 .!

0.42 CFS commonls t' 65 acres) m en l o t He

0.42 CFS faro, Buroai 26T16N R20E gram Opor! OE . U nit. 4 5 0 \OE Roor, PO BOE s o . ID 837OE com m ents

m a r k o d o J a n u a ry 26,

>5 acros) 2,35 CFS PUBLISH: J 410,6 AFA 18,2002

!5CFS 410,6 AFA -----------------34T16N R20EE ---------1 IN THE DIS-= O FT H E R FE DISTRICT C: O F IDAHO,


' MAGISTR/S5 ocros) 8.91 CFS C aso N o SF

NOTICE TO 8.91 CFS I .e . § 15-3-8

34T 16N R 20E In the Matter------------- ----------------OfROSERTJ

D eceased N O TICE

G IV E N th o Blastock has od porsonal 1 of the above

5 acres) 0.97 CFS d e n t. All poi 0,97 CFS c la im s ogoir

J4T16N R20E don t o r th0 ( q u i r o i J to p i c l a i m s w ill m onm sofiort first publlcoti(

igo a portion of m e .tice o r sold c _ forovor banec

0 e l mose r i g ^ lo O olm s mus O 2 6 T 1 6 N fe 0 E . od to tho um re-connoct b m e m e add ross Ii

ilon on mo Salmon m od wllh tho

1 m e criteria ol Sec I t e PH A N ,STONE & TR>

ango must bo filed /s/Russoll G. FlOurces, E as te rn A lto rn o y s fclo ^ a l ls , ID 83402 Roprosentatlviir each application P.O . Box 83Dtestoni must a lso TWin Falls. IDan t. .Telephone: 20

PUBLISH: Ja r s jid 2 4 .2 0 0 2


•e g a l N O T I C E J

'iNV ITAtibN TOB IO T BWMA.1^)2. f

BRUNEAUWILOUFE ■MANAGEMENT AREA S e a l e d b i d s W ill b o " ;e p to d fo ra lo a s o o f3 2 0 ros of 'unfenced natlvo ig e fo r th e p u rp o se of tzlng and for ba se prop- y requ lrem on is w iihin0 B u r e a u o f L o n d m o g e m e n t 's T a y lo r ckol a n d S c o lts T ablo . . stfnonts. The loaso will scify tha t Iho p roporiybe used only for cattle

izlng pu rp o ses . T horo1 bo a maxim um e l 96 Im al u n i t m o n th s o figo avUlable during m o ---------se period. The grazing se win begin upon firial ning of a lo a s o a g re e - nl and vrill tenninato on c o m b e r 3 1 . 2 0 0 4 (a - io d o l th r e e y e a r s ) , i c e th o p r o p e r l y Is oncod, a li.grozing will - su b je c t to a p p lica b le eou of Land M anage- il roguIoUons. Bids will cify Iho ainouni to bo i lor each anim al unit 1th ond a total for the oyoar loaso. ilds will bo recoivod in N e v a d a D iv is io n of

d iifo o f f ic e 0 1 1 3 7 5 jn lo ln Clly H ighw ay.). NV 89801 until 5 :00 .F e b r u a r y 8 , 2 0 0 2 .Ihon will bo publicly

nod. Bid spodficotions dotalls will bo available •ovJoiv a f Iho Nevada ilon o( Wildlifo olfico in ' (775-738-5332). Tho Ida Division of Wildlifo n/os mo right to accept a |o c l a n y or a ll b id s lo consider tfio respon-

ng awards. ________________

InlstrolorIda Division of Wildlife

tISH rJanuary 17;-24 — ~ ~ 31.2002____________

LEGAL NOTICE JBUC COMMENTS GHTOf^LOW-INCOME fEATHERIZATlONISJANCE.PROGRAM________irf S lato of Idaho willplpubllc-com monl-on------------inual funding plan lor J .S . D o p arlm o n t e l r g y 's L o w -ln c o m o horizatlon Assisianco •am. Tlio Slato Plan Is iblo for rovlow at mo1 Dopanmonl ol Hoolth W ollaro.^Dlvision e f ' ire. Bureau of Bonofilir a m .O p e r o t lo n s — ----------:s U nit-2nd floor. 450Stato Stroot. Solso,

'. A public hearing on an will bo hold a l 9:00 on Monday, January002 In Boiso a t Iho T. C onarrusa Bulld- 50 Wost Slaio Street,xjr conforonco room. • - - - a .W o a th o r l z a l io n

s low-lncomo fo^milios )h tho Installation ol lorizallon m easu res ir homos. Tho moa- ineludo Insulation,

lling and heating sys- m p ro v o m o n ts th a l ICO Iho enorgy offi- ’ of tho homos. Pro- sorvlcos holp eligible s roduco moir hoat- is is , p rom oting Iho I a n d s a fe ly of iho y a n d c o n s e r v in g 'rosourcos. imary of changos to lie Plan:smonlatlon of load- w o a t h e r l z a l i o n osa so In tho average irizallon cost por unit ISO In ollgibilily lovol 1 33% to 1 5 0 % of poverty guldolinos llic c o m m o n ls fo r 'I testim ony on tho Ion will bo accoptod muary 17 - January )2. Sond or deliver nts te Idaho Dopart- f H eallh a n d W ei- ireauol Bonofit Pre- ■poralions - G rants '5 0 W S ta le - 2nd >0 Box 83720. Bol- 8 3 7 2 0 . W r i t te n

tnls m u st bo po st- i d o n o r b o f o r o y 26, 2002.

W; January 17 and


sodICE IS H EREBY th a t G e o r g ia L. h as boon oppolnt- inal roprosontalivo >ove-namod deco- I p e rs o n s having igoinsi tho doco- :ho e s ta te a ra re- '10 p r o s o n i th o ir w iih in f o u r (4 ) flor tho doto of mo Ication ol mis no- , ild cioims 1 11 be anod. ;m ust be present-

I undersigned o t ISS Indicated and tho Clerk of mo

^N , K V AN V IG,. TRAINOR G. Kvan\rfg '

's fo r P o r s o n o l • , tatlvo I

1. ID 83303-0083 • y. 208-733-2721 ,

: January 10, 17 ,

ttwi.1WriFan«. tiWio E>r

7 1 T te i^» A m ,T ir ta F A

l ^ i k C N O T t C E

; . NOTICE OF T!O n April 24th. 2002. a t tlM

i In the l o ^ o l First Americj < Av0. N orth, Twin Falla, I. ---------eSQ ^ Attorney a t Low,-as

public auction to the.hlolu money of tho United Stall sale, tho followlfw dflscflbc County.of Twin Falls. S tat

— - follow* to-wit;------------------Lot 15 In Block 7 of Kings

! Falls County, Idalvj, recofc 16. ' '

Tho Tnjsteo has no kn< description of tho above-rsl purposes ol compUanca will Ihe T ru stee h a s be en lnl( F o r a i t V ala Drive, Twinassodatod with tho said foJ

Said sa lo will bo made') regarding title, possosslon.

I tho obligations secured by ol sa le conferred In tho D WALTER R. RUDOLPH t

------------- h u a b an d a n d w tfo rn s Gr,m ont & L oan a s Ihe Bom rocordod M arch 8 , 199D, I County, Idaho, a s Instrumor

................oficlal Intorost of said Doecf assigned to R rst Lfnlon Nalic

mont Homo Loon Owner Tn 2001, a s Inslrumont No. 2i

_County.Tho abovo Grantor(s) oro r

45-1S06(4)(a) Idaho Codo. that thoy aro , or aro not. p obligation.

Tflo dofaull for which ihl failuro to poy iho omouni di sory Nolo ond Dood of Tail Ihoroundor a s follows: mont of S942.30 lor tho months 0 duding Novombor 2001, t0£ m onlhly paym onls accrulr obligation socurod by said C os principal, plus lato foos. foos, costs of this foreclosuri Gd by Bonoflclary lo protod Intorost accnjing a l Ihe ralo c (0 (ho date of safo.

Tho Bonoflclary olocls to S' bo sold 10 satisfy said obllgal

DATED this 30th doy o l No /s/Paula Polorson, Trust Olfic

NOTICE OF TRL--------------On-Apri|-23,-2002.-at tho f

sa id day a t tho lobby of Tn N enh. Twin Falls. Idaho. Tl corporolion. a s Trustoo will s

---------- h ighost-blddor.lorcashr-ln-lS ta lo s , all payoblo a l tho tl doscribod roai proporty, sltu^ Falls. Stato ol Idaho, ond dos( Lot 50, PLEASANT VALLEY I Unit O ovelopm eni (P hase 1) occerding lo Iho offidal plat U ol Plals. pago 42, records ol 1

Said salo will bo nuido wit---------- rogardinjtltiarpossosslon 'orc

obllgolion socurod by and put conforrod in tho Oood of Tnjs ALUSCN U IR D , h u sb a n d a o n Idaho corporolion, Trusl D ovolopm ont Com pany, inc BonoRdary, da ted August 1. 1997, a s Inslnjmoni ffo. 1997 Falls County, idoho; tho bon Oood ol Tnjst w as assigned ti a n Idaho corporation by Assign

-------- 1999.-os-lnstrumom No; 199'- • Falls County, Idaho .'

The abovo Grantors aro nom 45-1506(4)(a). Idoho Codo. N Ihat Ihoy oro, o r aro not. pro; obligation.

Dofaull for which this solo Is t( (a) Accumulatod dofidoncy In month, tor the month of Octol quoni monlhs Is S837.00. Tho dato on Iho obligation socurod

■ $16,493.27, plus 10.25% intorD DATED this 18lh day of Docon'

. TITLEFACT, INC./sJ R. Todd Blass. Vlco Prosido

PUBLISH: Docombor 27, 200 2002____________



MAGISTRATE DIVISION N C a s o N o .S P .0 M 3 7 0 s

. NOTICE TO CREDITORS' re I.C .§15-3-S01 aIn tho Matter of tho Estato v, o l VIRGINIA UCOHEY, A


GIVEN that Barry E acker 2( h a s boon appo in ted por* sonal roprosonlative of tho oi abov o -n o m o d doc o d o n t. ol All p e rsons having claim s oi against tho docodont or tho or o s t a t o a r o r o q u i r o d to prosont thoir d a im s v/lthin ta lour (4) m on ths a lto r tho a( dato o l tho first publication ac of this notice or oaid claims v ill bo forovor barrod. jq

Claims m ust bo prosont- /<u od to .th e undo rslgnod o t Cl tho addross indicated ond Bv lllod with tho Clork of tho Court. PLS T E P H A N . K V A N V IG . 31 STONE & TRAINOR — /s/Kovln F. Tralnor'A tto r n e y s lo r P e r s o n a l RoprosontotivoP.O. Box 83 calTwin Falls, ID 83303-0083 Pr Tolophono: 208-733-2721 plo

th<PUBLISH: January ’10. 17 T o and 24 .2002________ His



___ C oso No. CV 01-541 _____ nn<AMENDED SUMMOfgS 82- V O LC O , IN C ., a n Idaho o a , corporation, d b a FRANK* i U N BUILDING SUPPLY, Tov

Plaintiff, ,0°,


D ofondanls. (63TO: DAN TAYLOR. _ non

You h a ra boon suod by tio t V O LCO , IN C .. o n Id ah o „ e r c o lo ra tio n , d b a FRANK- dw« U N BUILDING SU PPLY , conl tho PlaintIH, In tho District trici Court In and for Twin Falla mul County, Idaho. C oso No. buif C V 01541 . ?op,

Tho nature of tho dalm bull a g a in s t y o u la a n o p e n 'iiiusi account colIecUon. rosi

A nytim e a lter 2 0 da'y8, . 8001following the laat.publica- l e a tisn of this sum m ons, lh« ' .W ar

• courim ayonterfljudgm flnt clal, against yoo wlthouf-firthor non notice. un leM prior to that bulli

----------------- -— -• — • -

PT R U S T E P 88A L E It the hour of 1:00 p.m. of aald day. »rican Title Company, a t 260 Third la, Idaho;, CHARLES C. JU ST , io a 6uceaasorT n«toe,'w itl sell a t ilghost bkfder, for cash, In lawful >talos, all payable a t the lima of rribad real proporty, situated In tho State o f d e ^ b j ^ as,

ingsgale Subdivision No. 2, Twrin corded In Book 10 ol Plats, pago.

' knowledge o l a more particular i-raferancad real proporty, but for I with Section 60*113 Idaho Codo. Inform ed th o a dd ross of 2339

«In F a lla , Idaho , is som otim oa I real "Without covenant or warranty lion, o r oncum brances to salisfy i by a n d pu rsuan t to tho powor0 liood o l T rust oxecutod by 'H AND BETTY L RUDOLPH, 'G rantorsrw ith 'From oril'Iiivosf-' loneliclary on a Deed of Trust )9, In tho rocords ol Twin Falls m onlN o.1D99004338.Tho Bon- )oed of TnJst w as subsoquontiy National Bank, a s Tnjstoo lor f^ro- rT nist 1999-^TOcordod May 23,5. 2001008949, records ol said

ire nam ed to comply wim Section xfo. No ropresontatior> Is mado

prosonUy rosponslblo for tills

) Ihls sa io Is to bo made Is lha It duo under m e certain Promis- ' Taist, in the amounts called for lonlhly paym onls in the amount 13 of April 2001 through and in- , togolhor wilh late charges and ruing. T ho su m owing on tho Jd Dood of T njst Is S82.339.37, IOS. sorvico charges, ottomey's isuro, any and all funds expend- > Ited Iheir socurity Inlorost, and . iloof11.g9% from M arch,2001. 1

to sell o r cau se sold proporty lo «Igalion. |1 November. 2001.3l(icor for Charios C. Just, Esq. j

TRUSTEE’S SALE _he hour'o f‘2;00 o'dock'p .m . of 1 ' T rustoo. 163 Fourth Avonuo t . TITLEFACT. INC.. on Idaho I rill sail a t public auction, to tho \ In-lawful-monoy of-tho-Unltod—1 10 tim e o f .sa lo , tho following i situated in the County of Twin ^ described a s follows lo-wit: <■ EY RANCHES NO. 2, P lanned e l ) , Twin Falls County, Idaho, 11 at Ihorool rocordod In Book 15 1, ol Twin Fails County, Idaho. ji I without covenant or warranty u -oroncum braricoTro-salisf^ft c pursuant to tho powor of saJo r

rnjst from LARRY LAIRD and I id ond w ife, to TitloFad. Inc,. ru stoo , a n d P lea san t Valley q

inc ., on Idaho corporation, q 1 .1997 , recorded A ugust 7, □

997-012860. records Of Twin t benoriclol Intorost undor sold (r Jd lo Draco Investment Corp.. signmont rocordod January 8 , - 1 l?99-0003ai,-rocords olTwin

nomod to comply with Section m 0. No roprosontotJon is mado prosonUy rosponslblo for this p ,

Is to bo m ado is failuro lo pay:/ In paym onts ol S279.00 por iq, >ctobor, 2001, ond all cubso- Tho balanco owing os of this r r jrod by said Dood of Tnrst is m itorost ond forodosuro costs, n , comber, 2001.


2001, January 3. 10 and 17, 2° ___________________________ Ar

r timo you have filed a writ- . ton response in'lho proper qh : form . Including tho C ase n|(

No., and paid any roquirod filing too to tho Clofk of the 3Court a t 452 Shoshono St. nd N,. Twin Falls. Idaho, and nu s e r v e d a ,c o p y of y o u r .m jrosponso on tho Plalnlill's pha t t o r n e y . R o b e r i E . nttW illia m s , a t 1 1 7 S o u th 4A d am s. P o s t O lfico Box on168. Joromo. Idoho83330, gplT o l o p h o n o N u m b e r no

• 208.324.2303.A copy of the Summons yoi

o n d C o m p la in t c a n b e wito b lo in o d by c o n ta c tin g .(acoilhor the doric of tho Court nai or tho Attorney for Plaintill,

If you wish legal assis- nqtanco, you should Immodl- q datoty retain an otiomoy to g yadviso you in this mallor. doi

DATED this gih day ofJanuary, 2002. , p n/sW alls . 24Clork of tho District Court —ByDoputy.Clerk IN '

OFPUBLISH: January 17. 24. DIJ31 and Fobnrary 7.2002 01

GENERALNOTICEJ a n u a ry 14,2002 co j

The Idaho State Hlslorl- s ucal S o d e ty . S tale Historic PH P r o s o r v o tio n O ffice , isp leased to announco Ihot vsth o T w in F o ils O rig inal BEiT o w n s i to R e s id e n t i a l |H istoric District h as been N Clisted in tho National Reg- B EIster of Historic Places. Tho ABiDIstrid is roughly bounded T l Fby B lu o L a k o s A vonuo, MA'Addison A vonuo. Socond AQ<'Avonuo E ast, And Socond 'FUIAvonuo W ost and encom- L E lp a s s e s a n .a p p r o x im a lo _ w n82-block a re a (noariy 300 T Ha a o s ) . BEL

Tho Twin Falls Original TO-Townsito Rosldontial His- ytorlc D istrici Is located In thatIho co n io r o f Ihe original lav^rtow nsito p la tte d In 1904, ion"The District consists ol 929 with(634 contributing ond 295 couinonrcontributing) p roper- aervtio s a lm o s t a ll of w hich on \wore built a s slngle-famlly spordw ellings. Q nly one per- ludacent of bulkflngs In tho Dis- do rrtrict w oro construciod aa tlff(Bm ullU fam lly ro s id o n tla l - abulldlnga. T h e properties is a trep ro sen t a c o llod ion qf mon bu lid ln g s 'th a t m o st fu lly .,tho -jllustratos'tho com m unlt/a ' tionro sldon lia l dove lopm on t m att soon e lto r lls incaption in .nron*1904 until tho post-Worid ton r/Var II o ra /S ev d ra l flnan< bo ' fi:ial, comrrvanilol, riiatilui logalional-ah<> oeclo sl& tlcal .. A i> u lld ln sa o ro s c a t t e r e d ' roap(


r ~ i : £ G j g : w f i c E ; i

th roughoutm obtstrict • or ay. The District Incfudoa pri. a r Jrd m arilyrosldenllalstnicluros Cl 5T, predofnlrtantly constnjctod. al! i a t - |n - v a r I o u 8 fo rm s oT b n e '~ l 'ful a rc h i lo c iu ra l s ty l e , th o ’ thi of C ra fts m a n bunga low . In ' 5

ho com parison to other eariy- Ar M ,_.t\ventlolh.-contury.rioigh-..m i

borhoods in Twin Falls, It do rfn a lso contains tho bost rep. alli go . ro san ta tlo n of add itio n a l' an

rosldenllal stylos assoclol*‘*mt lar e d vrilh tho early develop- 3 [or m ont of.thls d ty . Although ad lo. th e townsito h as sulfored nui 39 m oro recen t Incompatible me 08 dovolopm ont, overall, tho ph

s trootscapesandlndivkfuai aiK Ity b u l ld r n g a /a f a l n a h igh 4 >fy dogroe ofhistoric Infegrity.' del o r T h o n o m in a tio n w a s res 3V p r o d u c e d by th o C ily of no) O w in F a lls jh ro u g h .O f fo r tS _ _ J It- o f th^T w In Falls Historic yoi s t P ro sa reatlon Commission will Is a n d w as partially funded by taci r>- a g ran t o l D eportm ent ol nor Jy th a Intorlor, Nallonol Pork '9- Sorvlce funds admlnlslorod ogs 3, by tho Idaho Stato Histori- C id pol Sodety. For moro Infor- Nov

m ation, contact tho Idaho Clo. •n S ta to Historic Prosorvallon fsJC !0 Oflico, 210 Main. Boise. ID Dof 13 83702(208-334.3861).

e u l0 P U B L IS H : J a n u a r y 17 . 200 J- 200 2 17,:>r __ ___ , ——n IN THE DISTRICT COURT INI I* O F THE FIFTH JUDICIAL OF d DISTRICTOFTHESTATE DIS0 - O F IDAHO. OF


Plaintiff, in tf) v s .- . olA

RANDALL R O U N D CYR, C OolendanL ■ _ I

• N O T I C E ; Y O U H A V E fflV B g F N .^ l J F n R V T M C SMf


WriTHIN 20 DAYS. READ of th ~ T ^ e ~ l N F O A T I n^ g j m . r v n M / ^ i i v r i

T O : RANDALL R O U N D Cl; CY R d e n

You are hereby notified P^si th a t in order to defend mis (0) T law su it an appropriate writ- ' ton rosponso must bo fllod

_ ivith .thoJibovo.dasignalod—LYNI coUrt wlihin 20 days after 1°' so rv ico o l Ihis Sum m ons o n you^ If you la il to s o state r e s p o n d th o c o u r t m a y cotln' on tor ludgmonl againsi you °nd 1 a s d e m a n d e d b y t h o o ^ l , PlaintilHs) in tho Complaint, clalii T h o nature of the action Is lor Paternity. • of lh

A copy of tho Complaint P™sc - is 's a r v e d w ith 'lh ls S um '^ -^orir ■ m o n s. If you wish to spoK (b) Ti

tho advice ol or repreSen- . fpon taUon by on attorney In this flgo'n m a tte r , you should do so s e n t promptly so that your writ- when to n rosponso. If any, may bo filed In time and olhor lo ju t logal rights proleded. p a y r

An appropriate written ro- s p o n c o requ ire s com pli- comrr a n c o w ith Rule 10(a)(1) coedii o n d othor Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure and shall ’ 9 ihi a lso includo: DA1. Tho title ond number of Decot

. c a so . M. LY2 . If your rosponso is on A ttor A nsw er to tho Complaint, tt Ropfo m u st contain admissions or PAME d e n ia l s of th e s e p a r a te a l lo g o llo n s of tho C om - ^UBL p la in t and other de tonsos. und2< you m ay dalm . ' “ T” "3 . Your signature, mailing INTH a d d r o s s a n d to lo p h o n o OFTi n um ber, jir the slgnal'ure. DISTf m ailing addross and lelo- OF II p h o n o n u m b o r o f y o u Tl otiom oy.4. Proof ol mailing or dellv- C ase I o ry o l a copy of your ro- AMEf sp o n so to Plalnlill's allor- HEAR noy, a s deslgnaled above. If* the

T o determ ine w helhor PolH you m u st poy a Illing foo ERIN I w ith your rosponso , con- March tac t tho Oori< ol tho above* ^PO nam od court. Jo n se

DATED this 8th day o l 1979 I N ovom ber.2001. Idaho,Clork o l mo DisUld Court B y:G onyD aw 83301,D eputy Clork in n a r

StradliPUBLISH: January tO. 1 7 , ' " io “ b 24 a n d 31 .2002 T here______ _ . in n o rIN TH E DISTRICT COURT father’ O F THE FIFTH JUDICIAL O fthe D ISTRICTOFTHESTATE was W O F IDAHO, IN AND FOR <BIII J(


C asoN o.CV -01r4380 polltlot SUr^MONS a ro :GPHARSUKSUBPHARSEHT Marys

Pialnlill, ■ V 94565-« , - » SuphBENJAPHONINAPHAI ' a t 9:0i

Oofondant. • 2-25-2('J O T I C E : YOU H A V E Count) 3 E E N S U E D B Y T H E loclion: \B O V E NAMED PLAIN- person r i F F ( S ) . TH E C O U R T objocl vlAY ENTER JUDGMENT courto ' AGAINST YOU WITHOUT such a FURTHER NOTICE UN- WITT . E S S Y OU R E S P O N D sool of VITHIN 20-D A Y S.-RE A D -thl33lj P H E IN F O R M A T IO N 2001. JELOW. /s/Qorr^•O: BENJAPHON INAPHAI DATI

Y ou aro hereby nolified Deceml Hat In order to defend this /s/Erin' iwflult, an appropriate writ- (Potitior sn rosponso must bo filed rilh tho above designated PUBUS o u rt within 20 days altor 24 a n d : e rv ico -o f thls Sum m ons n y o u . if you loll to ro- Ipond tho court may enter P0£ Jdgm on t ag a in s t you a s NOT o m a n d o d by the P lain- GIVEN lf(B) In tho Complaint. BERLY A copy ol the Complaint ANDZ(

1 a o rv o d w ith this Sum - SIO N v ions. II you wish lo seek hearing10-a d v ice or repreaonta. day, f t sn b y a n attom ey In this the City la tto r,'y o u should do so lo c ate d -omptly so that your writ- Wost, K n rosponso , II any, may conaldei >'f iled In timo an<] othor City o f l ga l rights protoded. Its rovisi A n a pp rop ria te written Plan. A

sp p n s a requires compli. prohena

^;^oo2 .


- a n c e w ith R ule 10 (a)(1 ) ' nh and o the r Idaho Rules o f ro Civil P rocedu re and shall H i

.a lso ln d u d o ; ^;~ i r T h e lIlJo'andnumbTr’o f ~

this c a s o . . . e s’ 2. II your response is an on Answer to the Complaint, II an.

. m ust contain adm issions or— rec d e n ia ls o t Iho s e p a r a t e to allagalion of tho Complaint up.

:..and o th e r d o fo n a e s you 2 oi

" s Y oSrs' nature mailn a d d ro s s a n d lo lo p h o n o number, s r ’the signature, PU moiling a d d re ss and tele. 20( p h o n o n u m b e r o f y o u r — atlomoy.

4 . P ro o f o f m a ilin g or delivery of a copy of your I response to Plalntlirs attor- Q n ney, a s designated above, BE:

_ lo _ d o to rm ln o _ H h Q ih o r_ A N you m ust poy a filing foo S K with your re sp o n se , con- • hea ta d tho Clork of ihe above day namod court. tho

Tho nature o t tho daim loc. oga lnstyouis Divorco. Wo;

DATED This 30lh day ol c o r N ovem bor.2001. S t«Cleric ol Iho Districi Court Gre /s/Qorry Dow usoDeputy cart

on 11eUB USH : Docom bor 27. a t 4 2001, Jo n u a ry 3 , 10 and bort 17,2002 la d i"!— — — ■— E as IN THE DISTRICT COURT Bloc OFTHE RFTH JUDICIAL f lo ( DISTRICTOFTHESTATE Cou OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR T


MAGISTRATE DIVISION . osto C asoN o.SP-01-1248 a n c NOTICE TO CREDITORS and In tho M atter of-the Estate roqu ol ARDETH A. ROLLER, to th

Docoasod. uborNOTICE IS HEREBY Zonii

G IV E N t h a t PA M E L A /s « c SMITH nns baon nnnnlnl-' 7oniiw tporaonal-raprssonttliva----------Df the eslalo of ARDETH A. p u BROLLER..AIl.crodilor£.ol_ 2 0 0 2ihls eslalo are roquirod to present their claims within'our months aftor tho dale Nolle5f tho first publication of Iho {hts ndlico or sbra doTms 'p lanvill bo forovor barrod. dove

Claims against the deco- F a ll:l e n l ’s o s t a t o m a y bo e x t r>rosontod a s follows: s u b sa) Tho daim ant may do- male:Ivor or mall to tho personal ch o nopresentativo in care of M. o n d .Y N N-DUNLAP.-attotney_nollfl'It law. PO Box 2754, Tvrln fadlil'a lls, ID 83303 a written publl<■latomont of tho claim indl* Fallsating its basis, the nam e o n ttmd add ress of tho dolm- C o u rin l , a n d t h e a m o u n t Olllcclalm od, o r tho c laim ant th ro iloy filo a written stotem ent fromt Iho c laim , in Ihb lorm wookiroscribed by njlo, wilh the matio lerffof tho'abovo court," , Twinj) The daim ant may com-, genc)l e n c o a p r o c o o d i n g t o r .gainst the personal repre- 736-4e n ta t i v e in a n y c o u r t T h o 'here the p e rso n ^ repre- LocalBnlalivo may bo subjected C om r> jurisd ic tion , to ob ta in pubilsa y m o n l o l h i s c la im to socgainst the ostato, but tho soclio3mmoncemenl ol tho pro- goncyjoding m ust occur within munity10 timo limltod lor present-g tho claim. PUBLIDATED this 27th day of and 2‘

ecomber. 2001. '. LYNN D U N U Ptto r n o y fo r P e r s o n a l NON opresentativo ' fi\M EU SMITH

ThoJBLISH: January 10. 17 Club; I Id 24.2002 of any


THE COUNTY OF ‘h o c o i TWIN FALLS ^Iscrin-

ise N o .S P -O M 2 7 0 rac o ,c WENDED N O TICE O F nationi f a r in g . tho adrthe Matter of; i t s p cPellllonor, PrograiIIN MICREAL JEN SEN , PUBLI urch 17 ,1979 2002\potltlonby,ErinM lchool - T - r i m son . bo rn M arch 17. ADVE 79 In Blackfoot. Stato ol _ Ai 3ho, now roslding a t 324 The nine S t.; Twin Falls. ID pistrlc i 301, proposing a change lo r Iho nam o to M Ichoal Erin p r o d u radley hod boon filed In '3 obovo ontillod court. C R S-2 0 rooson lor tho change HFRS-: nam o bo ing ; to S to p - GRAD£ her’s nam e: Tho nam e Spo. the po lltiono r’s fo ther. documc s Winston Alma Jonsen !P“ y11 Je n so n ). Ho died on Twin Fi p tom bor30 , 1985. .Tho pincolo mos and add ross of the lanj* A' litionor’s noa r relatives Is. I i:G lorla 'M aglogy . H 5rys Avo., Bay Point, CA Rf 565-3131. ' ■ F r id a yuph petition wlll bo hoanJ “ lyod 9 :00 o ’c ldck~ n .m . on AM, Jar 5-2002 &t:tho Twin Falls All bl unty C o urlhouso . O b- with a ( lions m ay bo filed by ony m a r k 0 •son w ho c a n , In such '2 002 A lo c llo n s, s h o w to th o D avoBi ir ta goodroasonaga lnst p ci ;h a change of namo.VITNESS my hand andII of sa id District Court • t £ S la t day of Docombor;— TWIN'F

M. under p Sorry Daw. Clerit c o d e 21 MTED this 31st day of Januarv :em ber,2001. Auction :rin ’Mike* Jonson Homs of Utioner. Pro So) T a m a n

la s t kni3USH: January 10 ,1 7 , KacvMt m d 31 .2002 - ID e b l i

NOTICE OF - ? tjd ro st PUBUC HEARING Drivo, T< lO T IC E I& H E R E B Y Jo h n W 'EN THAT T H E KIM- ad d ress ^LY CITY PLANNING Ant. I T 3 ZONING COMMIS*:. T o n i V IN will h o ld a p u b lic a d d re s i rlnjjat 7:15 p.m .. Tues- Falls. 10 , February 5, 2002 , In C h a r la City C oundl Cham bers known a Itod a t 120 M a d iso n Tvrin Fai It. Kimberly, Idoho. to M emo 1 Ildar tho roqupst of tho addroaa: o f K im beriy to adopt W .,«5Ti

)vi8«W Com prehensive * .I. A copy of tho Com- PUBLISI lenalva P lan Is ovall- 24 ,2002

LEGAL n o t ic e " ^

a b lo (o r I n a p e c llo n a n d krev ie w o l K b b e r l y C ity ■H a l l , . 1 3 2 M a l n N o r t h / ■K lmberlyJdalw ____________ “

City residents and Intor-s a ted pe rsona sha ll h a v e 'an opportunity to a p p e a r ,a n d b o h e a n lo n th e a b o v s ''eques t a t lha hearing prfor-' —0 Iho request being acted jpon by the Planning a n d * toning Commission. „ a « e ily W eeks P Soning^m iniatrator

»U B L ISH : J a n u a r y 1 7 ,’002 •


N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y JIVEN THAT TH E KIM- lERLY CITY PU N N IN GkND-ZONING.COMMISs______ilO N wlll h o ld a p u b lic eariiM a t 7:00 p.m „ Tuaa* ( ay , February 5, 2002 , In L . la City Coundl Chan^bora E n 3c a te d a t 120 M a d iso n kl /o s t , Kimberly. Idaho , lo . wi o n s ld o r th o r e q u e s t o f j J t a p h a n i e H a b e l a n d t - irag H abe l for a s p o d a l se permit to oporato a day are and proschool fadlity n lha real proporty located r ,1 4 2 3 Polk S tro o t, Kim* " Brty, Idaho,-Tho proporty J S ! doscribod a s foltows:

ast 1/2 W ost 1/2 ot L o ti colock 1 Tumors Addition ‘ W(o c o r d s O fT w in F o l ia ^ounty, Idaho odTho proporty is z o n e d bo

osldontial. boCity rosldenls and intor- 17^

!tod p e rsons shall hav o '■r.':1 opportunity lo a p p e a r {'„ Id bo hoard on the abovo t p quest a t tho hearing prior _ tho requosl being a d e d .^O S o n by the Planning a n d Wh ming Comrhlssion. Gu KpJl_yWooks _, _ . Cal

--------------------------:--------:------JB L ISH : J a n u a r y 1 7 . ma02 BW(

PUBUC.NOTICE llico Is hereby given that3 o m o rg e n ^ ro sp o r^ o in' for chom icaraardonfs v o lo p o d lor th e Tw in 0 ^ ' ills C o u n ty a r e a , a n d t r o m o iy h a z a r d o u s b s ta n c o n o tlf lc a jio n , iforiolsaletydata sheets , LOSI emical invontory form s mal d a c c id e n ta l r o lo a s o footIlflcatlons subniittoiU jy____awoHlitlos oro available for of S blic the Twin Avo lls County C ourlhouso 1/S/i t h o 4 th l lo o r in th ou n ty C o m m iss io n a rs k ico from April 1st 2002 o u g h M arch 3 1 .2 0 0 3 m 9 :00 lo 4:00 regu la r nJHtT Qkdays. For moro infor* . L tion pioaso contact tho _ in F a lls 'C ounty Em’orricy Son/lcos Coordina- --------r . J a c k l o F r o y a t SINC i-4087. Fmo0 T w in F a lls C o u n tya l Emergency Planning ^ Timlltou Is roquirod to 'llsh this nolico pursuant loction 3 24 (b). U.S.C. ' lion 11044o llho Emor* A I icy Planning o n d Com- • AI lity Rlght-To-Know Act. 208-7:

3LISH: January 3 ,10 .17 ’24, 2002



fio Bluo Lakos Copntry ). Inc. adm llam em bers ‘ I ny raco, color, railglon, (o r national and oihnlc n n to all the rights, privi- * n s and activiUos goner* acco rd o d to o r m ado liab le to m e m b ers o l 2 0 :orporallon. it doos no t ' /•iminato on tho basis o t ______ ;, color, religion, sox, or OLYMl mal or ethnic origin in Open! Idministration of any of ** Cia s o l l c l o s o r o t h o r ram s. • p tIL ISH : J a n u a r y 1 7 , Thatbli ■ sonl/ERTISEMENTFOR .J?!?'’- ASPHALT BIDS 10 Twin Falls Highway -K q . let inv ites p ro p o sals 10 following a s p h a l t Il u c t s fo r t>\o 2 0 0 2 I3 S e a s o n ..-2 , CR S-2R. C S S -1 ,S-2P. HFE^OOHP. SC T DES &MC GRADES }ocllicalion3 a n d bid' m ents oro on file and b o exam in e d a t Iho Falls Highway District TIM E! -locatodat1234H lgh- _ _ A vonuo E a s t, Tw in ', Idaho 03301*7878.3 hours aro 7:00 AM to RM, Monday through 2 0 ay . B id s will b o ro - a on or boforo 10:00 lanuary 3 1 ,2002. 2 0bids m ust bo soalod

a c o n c ise s ta te m en t (to d o n th o o u ts id o‘ Asphalt Bids’. . _______Burgess, Director [ ip - ^

ISH: Jonuary 17 and 102

LEGAL'fjofiCEI-FA LLS-STO RA QE- --------r provisions of Idaho |s28-7-210 will soil on

iry 29. 2002 by Kiaas «on in Jerom e sto red h a v of the following: ■ir a K u g ie r A d a m s, C(now n a d d ro s s : 21 Moadows^^Lano.BUhl,-

B m lth r ia s fk n o w n is s ; 516 G randvlowTvrin Falls. ID 83301 .W hitnoy, last known (ss: 126 Roso Street, J,T w lnFalla ,l063301 , ^T y le r , l a s t k n o w n --------»8s : Box 710 . Tw in • C1083301 , p ,la n a C o m b s , l a s t ^) addross: Box 5888. • .G•alia, ID 83301 • Rr1 M oreno, last knownsa: 259 Pheasan t Rd * i.Twln Falls. ID 83301 Aj

ISH: January 17 and02 - •

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓, In bur effort-to___m ake_6gr__ ; , Cclassified section m•free of any errors, 5

please cliecic your ^ffcad-for any dh

m istakes the first , day that It runs.

A f t e r t h a t t i m e dT h e T i m e s - N e w s Jo

w i l l n o t b e ' h o

r e s p o n s i b l e f o r p <>a n y m is ta k e s . _______

— — I(}gFOUND Border Collla X. In

black w/v^ito c h es t Malo. Ca V ic in ity of S u b w a y in r a u Jerom e. Call 324-3832 or 734*4540. .

POUND Groat Pyreneos 8 0 ^ m a lo . W o a r in g c o l l a r w/namo. Vidnlty of W ash- ” 5 ^ Ington & Collogo. Call to ’ identity. 733-8220 - J

-OUND Adult Lab, Ivory -------c o lo r. P lo a a o ca ll a n d ™ kJontlfy. Call 734-6077 ^ 0

=OUND Complete inaulat. a d r a in g e o r - J a c k e t , E boots, pants,etc. On Kim- ^ 0 ' boriy Rd. Call 734-4777.

halrodm aiocot-N ocolla^Lost in Targhoo vicinity,TF. Ca» 208-733.1846. „O ST Malo BordorCollio trvllW hlto fac e . A nsw ers to riaG us. Kimberly v ltin lty . (SalCall734-7511 . c ^ u j0 5 T Sliupilyiu A, lemoio | f a f3TYIM^iiarBlQCk-W/Iiro?vfr Lmari<lngs(llkoaRoti).An. c t BWors SaBhttT'Vidnty’o rVan Buron. TF. 410-7471 O ST sm. whlto cai. long on h a i r w i th b l a c k Y o n ( l o r o h a a d r B lu o u y o s ^ ------r o Sjroon tatoo on inside lolt :-------Bar. Lost vldntly of Saw - E :oolh, Misti Lyn In Buhl ^ 1 1 Roward Call 543-4067 3ST Tiny Poodio mix, to- nale. curiy grey fur. black l oot & oars. Curiy tall. An- ,k_iwors-10-Glnger.-Vidnlty____ —2)f S . B uchanan & E a s tWo. I, Joromo. Last soo /\iSlQZ. Call 324-3289. ^

; i l lM r e .p o n . lu .T o r BU Z Z my debts only a s of ■ . ' *

- .-J a n .1 5 ,2 0 0 2 ..------------- LearrM artha Cllmerti

N G L E ? A g o s 2 5 - 9 0 . j r r r T r roobrochuro:1.800-949- 4ll.w vw.HOintiDs.con« ' inci.

A L C O H O L I C S — ’CCI A N O N Y M O U S Now b<

?-733-a300 & 726-4650B t '

FAX k s YOUR ,

D on 't p

ADT iS lE S -N E W S

C L A S S IF IE D FoSoi D E P A R T M E N T sio n .

208-734-5538 .

2 0 8 -6 7 7 ^5 4 3 ( B U R L E Y )* ^

I’MPICS ' <onlng Coromonlos 2 or (H^Class’A llckots dlscou- Gone3d.Call208-726-4733a Autc

R E M E M B E R cSt birthday ad you placed ^5omo time ago in Tho Pr mos-Wows? Now is iho 10 to como pick up your Bookkorslduros. Stop by The Porftassiriod O optiodayia ci

^ m -------- Em pltF A X «»«<'»

YOUR " SM usthc

' i t OlOrS IA 1 # ' S d o n c

I 'oxporicI E S C L A S S IF IE D live pa;

FT farm

2 0 8 - 7 3 4 - S 5 3 8 , S m p l ' • . . O R fam i m

& vohl(2 0 8 - 6 7 7 -4 5 4 3 D O E . 5

(B U R L E V ) -Falls. Ic

Is now accepting opplicc employment. Individualj

love o relail Background communicalion skillsl V\

shifts including Sunda required. Please bring n . 204 Main Ave. N. Twi

O penings In the foil' departmenfs a re av a

Coffee Bar • HonCafe • Ligh .GourmefFood • VVorBalh-Linen AcoCabinet* • GiftAppliance •F ra n

• KHc\


Confidently 734-7472a C^

A f l o r S J f S L A S d o n t s , :dh w co 4 criminal matlora. AUTBrad Ride a l 734*3367B PartJ

• BANKRUPTCY [ f JCompotilhre ralos on nur

Chapter 7 bankn/ptdos.Jeff Stc^er a t 734*8452J

H O U SE CLEANINQ O o- Tvpondablo, hard woridr^g & g o oe ag e r to doan your homo Mus

-OTjpfflce. Mhdy S 43-2 l04a . ._ 8kiiin stltl a love fo r m usic 621tl}rough clarinet o r piano CLEllessons. M aster o f M usic LoncIn c larinet porform anco. is oiCall Ronae.O 734*6030 f o r

OFRCE Chapter 7 Tim >345. Uncontostod dlvoroo,

S295. Olhor sorvlcos. I^gi 188*255*2398 d a y s /av e s .l

lETIREDTRANSMISSION ffinMAN. II you're tirod ol iho Kno■ hasslo give mo a call. oflirOuallty wori<.324-3837* b a hTHE HANDYMAN CAN cali< Repair, Rebuild, Roplaco o r Remove. Jim 326-4150

Tw in

|L oio9 . ^ I B ^ ^ ^ ^ | o o n :

“ b e c o m e HEALTHY „ A WHILE GETTING .

WEALTHYI 837-If you oro interested In CUST

trying a provon, safo and Kick £ nalural hoalth p rodud. Loyo

[Sallsfadlon guamnlood.) I n g l Uill Rebecca ai733-6054B . Sa rv £A B N aQ V aO .L O S £40 .

LBS. and keep it offi _CalLS]fe616:3Q S0JI_..


ocom m onded.'V ^2f<J7.’‘ ~ s a s ^ skills, pulor

k Proc£'-sproo

isiST E D LIVING StortiiH as openings for- 2 0 ^

Iho oldoriy. Modlcald or ° ° c l privalo"poy accoplod.

Prtvato rcwma. DRIVE Coll 7 34^445 ,■ Magi'

IZZY BEE V I- B ablos,alt ogos.

sam lng.lovingenviron-... .DRIVEIlO nt.-Tellusyournoods.- - B 4 - T -A llagos.324-332lB G o ty

iT l D C A R E 2 4 h o u rjon so d do'ycaro. M eals b .,m nicl. All a g o s w olcom o. ”:C P occopiod. Roforon- DRIVEF3S.C all208.324.5784.a TR A N :,LY GOOSE DAYCARE °[* = C P ,O P n S First Aid' w bom & up 735-1852B

200 D o tjandrvs


>'t pay to find Work bo- D rug I ro you got the lob. For E 0E .1JO in form ation a b o u t . ■ / oidlng omploymern sor-:o scom s, write to tho DRIVER idoral Trodo Com mis->n. W ashington. D .C., " “ odoi580. or coll tho Nation- Dosod.F raud infonnation Con- *•, 1-800-875-7060.B

ACCEPTING lo J J r to ' .T arp7si

CDL Drivors . Hoailh(HAZMAT) Drivors - A v o r ^ionoral labor/various S40 001\u to Body/Dotalllng .E a n i 2‘

Microbiologistp n - Bookkoopor * * -k

P/T Editor * * * * *tkoopor-MicrosoltAVord DRIVER!'o rfod & Olfico Excol Local ml

Call Intolllgont P T /nip lo y m en t Solu tlona Long," apPp'ntfnenl. insurani

678-01651 12£IICULTURE Apply Ooa to ck Nutritionist Tr5t hove at least a Bach-. • 2 :r s dog roo in A nim al Jorconco orNulrillon. 1 yr. ** kk kkiorionco roq, Compoll- DRIVERSpay and bonollts oltor orlvporiod. 734-6452 UntoSirtf

ICULTURE SSOOsIgn-inn omployeo wontod. DRIVERSBt h a v o oxp o rio n co ImmodliI pivols oa woll a s all oxporien1 machinery. Housing wori< iraiohlclo provided. Pay othor faE. S e n d re su m es 10 G oodw94288, %Tho Timos* Call Ja i

ifS, P.O. Box 548, Twin J o rs. Idaho 83303.H 208

□ IItcalicns for . id s should B a r a id wilh good Weekend

iday ore3 resumS to H S r I fwin Falls H W H

o l l o w i n g 'vallabie.

lo r d w o r e -

• M j n i lramen's.ccessories ^ ^ ^ 1 >ift 'am e Shopitchei) Center H B Q

* s ■ ■ ■

A8W NQ QUESTIONS ; d r IVI o n d u c t.p u b lic o p in io n n o w i polls over.tho toiephono. c i a i A B S O L U T E L Y N O ' m a | SALESIStridfy research. . Sw to $9.00 p e r hour, ma , .^asual worl< environment w aei f le x ib le e v e s . d a y s . & j o b i K h n d ..h o u r8 J S JO J ira . . - s t a r i sor week. G reat part-timo Twin ob o r second I<3b. C losa - n .A f 0 CSI campua. For more nfo .C all73e-2S53IllillinJTOMOTIVE : ------ ^*8 'Irts runnor/outsido sa les d r i v e o r b u s l n o s s Ih M in i- s c h o ^ a a s la A re a . S o n d ro - jn ro r :um oto:B ox94127 2 002

c /o Times Nows, r'oau P.O. Box 5 4 8 . CDL

Twin Falls. ID 83303* drivln, )OKKEEPER

S l2 1 .Burioy ID63318.* ‘ "?„Ti" £HICAL “ LEAIngvlowFIbn Company TECh accep ting appllcallons montl

s r a R a c o p t l o n l a t / Porfo Im ekeopor. Job rospon- vrorit billtias include process* Ing d ig payroll, porsonnol filo, const mployoo relations, good an d n hono skills and rocep- vroric i sn lst duties. A woridng w o rk lo w lo d g e o l M icrosoft projO( ffico products, good vor- Posltk ll a n d writton communi- tia l tn Uion skills Is doslrablo. onco i

Apply In porson. odgoc 6 S o u th Park Avo. W. noorin In Fa lls EOE Mrt^/V/D* p llc a t N STRUCnON lo*’lo d cu ltu rod s to n e In* f ; allod on cuslom homo.

A pprox.8 0 0 sq .ll . • 3 2 1 2 )ady llrst o^now wook. i7*4997 e r3 0 8 -4 9 9 ;* '

3T0MER SERVICE o n l o i c Back Elocl. Customer plover >yalty Program is look* Workol3 lo r a PT C u s to m er ----------!-irvlco Rod. This oo^t- FARM n will DO rosponslblo tor" i-g- iarn aling^wiih participating 'T F a n m ^ Back merchants and axporli rd'm om bora'Io'provido'' -o p o ra ti 0., reporting and cus* repair.; no r son /lco . Tho sue- f I p m I ssful applicam should mm,or .porsonab lo .and-pos-- ss oxc, writton & vortjal -- lls. Also, p ossess com- FARMW or skills & oxp. w/ Word ^ “ riy w >cossing. da ta basos & housin o adshoeis. 20 hrs/ivk ors, sw rting pay up to S8/hr. Injcks. IE R o s u m o to :K lc k vicing i c k P o i n t s 1 0 1 7 S . ow” lO' >0 E.-Edorrld:B3325*- -req trirK/ER------------------------ -iglc Valloy Recydlng ____ —drug Ireo wori(placo GENER ; 3ods a CDL driver for H o lp w

daily local route. Mountal k up an application al O r call 14 Marf<ot SL Behind -TAM'ir n c jC a s l la Restaurant sookkig'E R i------------------------ -- porienc<T-TOUCKDRIVING- ' a d o a n l

t your C lass A CDL ablo tov Tuition Asslstanco and on ' a h o Slato Cortinod b l o o l j , 10.208-543-8099 ■ training ER lions aviN S P O R T A G E N T . plnom a oriencod drtver. d oan '"0 o rd . F irs t a ld /C P R . ‘H with troubled youlh '’^Iilul.'Floxiblo schodulo, LEGAL S o llts . $8 .25 .g .00 'h r. Expoi• E . R o s u m o : rosum o, lax 208- A rkoosr • 2 0 4 1 , J o n n i , 911 p.i a c h o r C re a k R oad GoodI shono , Idaho 83352. (208 p ROO w o rk P , a „ i

* * * * * * * Fix It mai. Fix ovor

F l a t b e d D r i v e r s top ro : Jod: for Ogdon. Utah S7hr. s t

•aio 11 Wostom StalesontribuledProfitShartng P o s 't 'o n « Vacationloriy Fuol Bonus o q u lp m/S top Pay roqu lrocth Insuranco P‘°a so c ai r a g o E a r n i n g s - MECHANIJOO-*- Exporiom.27-.30cpm A voroge Tcipllcatlon/lntorvlow Full s<-8 0 0 -4 5 3 -2 2 2 7 ■ M ust h a* ■ * ■ * ■ * • * ★ * Call733-2

r " * * * * * * * * * * * MEDICAL;n S • fs y o h i milk haulers noodod 'FT positions avail. igovlty pay. hoallhincO i401k.cafeloria ‘l^ollfylo 25a lsoolforod .O Rich Thompson ^ 2 - 0Trucking, Inc., MEDICAL2 3 W . lOOS, C a so mamoromo, Id ah o ! health sor

• B S . C a llR S • ■ 'm oro lnfo irlvors^Flalbod. 'MEDICAL

RS .Opotiingtlloto openings lor RN on ioncod drivors. Local S ha red call,ransportlnghayond . Sondfarm commodliles. Gooding C<wort< onvlronmont. H

la ck a o n Trucking, P.O.orom o, Idaho . Goodini 08-324-3004.1 | o r call: 201

r A g

RIV ERS-• ■ . ' o w c a r o o r In tru ck lh g . C laa a A CDL tr a in in g , . n a la /fe m a le , 2 i y o a rs M, no high school diph>-n a requ lrod ; $ 6 0 0 *8 0 0 ' weekly a llo r g raduallon. lob piacom ont. C la sse s

’r b f e s s l o n a l T r u c k D r i v in g S c h o o l ; , ; -

1-800-9 0 (M )5 8 6 .« * . D IV E R S, f r ': h o o l b u s d r i v o r f q r loromo School iblstrictYor 1002 s c h o o l y o a r, CDL o q u lr o d , will t r a ln J b r . :O L ,.m u s t h a v e g&dlS Iriving rocord. 324-4426V

iQINEERING ;CHNICIAN ' ; oC ltyolT w ln Falls Isac- eptlng.applicallons fo ra EA D E N Q IN E E R IN Q ECHNICIAN. Beginning lonlhly sa lary is S2803. orform s load technical ■ori( involving enginaor- ig d e s ig n , a u rv a y in g . sn slructlon Inspection; nd re la te d onglnoorlrig oric for the C I t/s public o r k s c o n s t r u c l i o n ro jec ts ond p ro g ra m s, osltlon requiros substan- 3,1 train ing a n d oxpdrt- ico and a broad knowi- Igo of gonoral civil origl- jering prad icos. F o rap - Ica tion a n d c om plo to b do^crlp tion c o n la c t0 P o rso n n o l D ep a rt- ont locatod In City Hell,H 2 n d AVonuo E a s t, tone (208)735-7251: or nail sh a rr lsO tf ld .o rg .10 City of Twin Fa lli Is: Equal Opportunity Ern- 5yo r a n d a D rug Fro'a 3ri<placo. -

“ f M o l i l ia g p s iiio n s .' 'rrnTfffitnanT&woraor;-------po rionced equ ipm en t orator,-plvot Irrtnatlori — >air.S32-4119oxt109M tM E xporioncod rollol kor. Apply a t dairy.3 S n 700 ErGoodlngli:------IM MECHANIC . ' rly w age DOE. indudosi using . R epairing b a l-;> sw athors, loaders :ks. W oidlng'and 'sor*'Ing oqulpm ont. N eed ! n tools. English skills;- uirsdrMu!.! Iiuvu lului-!:os and rosumo. ‘ * CaII645-2381B I ERALp w a n te d a l M a g ic , jntoln. Apply In porson a3ll423-6221«

rroRiA L:lng hqrd worttlng ox-lencod persons to Join--------loaning staff; M u sfb a --------) to wori( unsuporvisod on w eekends. C apa-01 su p e rv is in g a n d '

ling o thore. Applica*'B avoilablo a l iho Twiri sm a 12 Building dur- rogular hours, MonV- rs. 7*pm-10pm, Frl.-. 12pm-10pm.B VLSECRETARY •xperioncod. Sond, imo & roforonces lo: i r ' , >osh & Jam es ,'L L P

P.O. Box 32 : ooding. ID 83330 . • ;20a)934-8872* -

TENANCE THURSDAY’S m an with retail ox jj.'

ovorything Irom fum . ' p rossuro washers, ir. start. 733-7326.B . VGEMENT T ~ o n availab le . W old- m ochonlcal ability & I p m o n t o p e r a t i o n , ilrod . S a la ry DOEV- >0 call 208-423-55591, lANIC ^rioncod Automoihro-.

Technician,Jll Son/lco shop, t hovo ow n too ls . 33-2049/734-5001..:a lyohlatric Son/icos ' looking a licensed > m se lo r. Must have - . cortificallonorm ust y lo lako LPC exam;ISO contaci Julio i l l ; 32-0995. EOEB-;,.'- iAL ^nanogo r for monian^1 son/lcos. minimum : a l l 7 3 4 -7 7 3 0 lo r Info a sk lor Miranda.AL0 to boautilul rural jlH Coniral Idaho, rilngs'lor lull timo ^andM T/M LT call. Groot bonolita^. ond rosumo to: ig County M o m o ji^ j

=.0. Box 418 xJIng, 10 83330*^:1-: l: 208-934-4433.1l-'^-.

, = - J , *

r-. ■ ■

'M EDICAL' • '.C .H Ia h I« n d E * to t« te '. lOccepUng appUcaUons for - lap a r t-lim e RN ,opprox. ^ ’ lO hou rs porw oek.

' '^Please co n tac t Natalie or* •^'••Sherl a t 678-4411 for- more Information. Applica-

. .'tJons c a n b e pickwl up at_ -------20SaH U andA vo.Burtey,.:

V - J D B 3 3 J 0 .E O M

MEDICAL - M e d ica l O lllln g /C o d in g '6p*c[a1i»L M usl t>o ablo to w ork In a fa s i p a c e d

;6 f(lco . Send rosumo to ■. Attn: DenlsoPO Box STBS

:Tlfrln Falls, ID 83303/ .

MEDICALNA-’or CNA ne ed e d for 24

tiour c a r e In Twin. C on- t a c i J o y l a a t J o w e i ' s >iome C aro , 733-6849 .a

•MEDICAL R N /L P N ’8 P R N I o p a r t

tim e, h o m e h e a lth a n d h o s p ic e . C a ll for a p p i . 733-8600 o sk for Roonno or.Oarta.

MBfTAL HEALTHP o in t Family ,

rt^Wng para-prof088l0nal8 ,1.^.0 work w/Indlvkluals

w /developmontal .disabllUos. must bo

onorgollc S7-S9/hf. D O E Fax resum e to 735-1605.B


C ar W ash P e rso n n e lFull tlmo Positions ot Magic Valloy’a Finest

, Cor Caro C ontor* Compolitivo W ago, Exc.

working conditions, Exc. bonents

■♦•.Cosiomoreorvlco skills a .m ust

♦ ’Apply In po rson , Monday through Sa tu rday , 9 a m •5 pm a t A uto PrIdo, 808

' Chonay Drivo. '


* Labor Light/Hoavy "I* Factory-All Shifts ★Groenhouso labor

__A-ConstnJctlon/EorWltt-- -* Sanitation - All Shifts* Fish P roco8Sors ?* M ochanicW eldor 1* CDL Drivers.' No fee,

same day payPERSONNEL -

PLUS j111 Filer Avo. 733-7300 “ 735 Ovortand 678-4040H


---------ThaTlmnsJIamIaz-: ~ ]itceopllrig applleallons \ ' • fora {ull-tlmo ,* ; District Managor. }

■nip succossful condidatorpust b e oblo to wori< _

Wftokends, bodopoodablo,: havo oxcoliont

tim e-m anogom ont sJdlls, s i . and enjoy working with

youih. An outgoing — porsonallty Is □ plus. TV

This entry lovoi m onogo- 4 mont position includos ro- ^

• sponsibilltlos in m anaging youth and adult corriors, s a lo s p r o m o tio n s , a n d providing oxco lion t c u s­tom er sorvico. if you oro inlorostod, fill o u t on.ap- pllcalion by Ja n .2 S . 2002. ,

Tho Timos-Nows . , .A ttn: D on W alock ^

P.O. B ox 548 . Twin Foils, ID 83303.



Growing CPA firm looking ' for 0 FT rocoptionist with strong bookkoeping skills a n d p o s i t iv e a t t l tu d o . immodlatoly. W ord . Ex-

- col, Quick B ooks a plus.Mail ro su m o o n d rolor- oncos to: Box 93311, c/o Tho Times-Nows, POBox 5 4 8 ,Twin Falls. ID83301.

RENTAL YARD ASSIST.. Immadialo opening . Miist

bo hard working, solf mo- tiv a to d & a g o o d loom piayor. Apply In porson ot If C oscojn Jo rem o . ■ . sl

. RESTAURANT ^Liltlo C aesar 's Is new

hiring. Appty ot 8 2 0 Bluo pi_____ LakosM __________ _

RESTAURANT ^Lunch sorvor noodod.

Coll G ard en C ofo. . 735-0722 a lto r 3 :00 p .m .* ^

- i —

Jn ; - A


SALES - Idaho Llnan Supply an

tor Id a h o c o m p a n y a ln c e - X. I8 9 d h as an opening f e re

. SaU t/S erv ice Rep..:Thls or Is a sa laried + com m is- r - s fo n position ; F u ll tln io ,' » - s e c u r e w ith b e n e f h a . a t Send resum e w /salary re­ly,-- - q u f r o m e n t s i o - 5 1 6 - S r

Bghl St. Boise, ID 83702— Attn: E d i

SALESto HOUDAVS ARE OVER 32 Taxos coming due l Are

you looking for a g rea t— p a rtl im e ]o b 7 Q re a t '

benefits? Must b e ab le24 to work evenings, n- Coll Sandy a t 733-0931 8 exi 273. O r com e to

I - . 311 Main Ave. W ..-------- Tw inFaiia-

f IId f -I. S A L E S .............................'0 • irS A N E W Y E A R .

WE’RE HIRINGI— For ove r 60 y e a r s o u r

company has b e e n aet- t in g th o p a c e In th o induslry.

A whoiry ow ned subsid*: latyolA on Corporation I Is eaoldng two resu lts-

OftontodA managomont* mlndod Ind iv iduals In tho Twin Falls tonitory.

WE OFFER:• E x p en se -p a id c la s s

room training,• Compolitivo componsa- •

lion packago.• Completo benefits

program.3 • M anagement trolning

& dovolopment.J • M e ri t p r o m o t i o n s ; basod on atiltudo ond } poriormanco.

For consideration ond


•reCHNiCIAN ,Sowico Technician, AC & heating. Mln. 3 yis. expor.

_Top_waaos..tJ50DQtltfl—Call 733-8548 for app t.B

TECHNICIANAuto glass installor, S17.00

por hour, p lus b e n e f its ,401 K ond vocation, ox- porloncod only! 800-750- 1410 ext. 872,■


Fodoral omploymont infor­mation Is froo. H om om -

_bor..,no ono-can prom ise- —

Siu a fodo ra llob .F o rfroo — lennailon obout fodoral lobs, caiiC aroor America' Connoctlon,.


ATTENTION ~ Work from homo. ,

S1200 to $5000 por m onth.Call 86M 33-H OM E ■


3|c 3fe 3|c % 4 :3icThe Tlmes-News currently has th e .

following ‘Iptiependent i,

pewspaper routes ontheW estsldeof

TalnFeUs. 'J

*Avo. W. . ___

300-600 bik. 3rd f Avo. W. ^

' S l f J IAvo. e . ^

ROUTE 883 BD:400-600 Rldgov^ay 900-1200 Wondell

ROUTE 8871000-1100 Park Moadows ___lOOO-IIOOTwinParksDr C or

VaIf you llvo on tho Wost, * sido of Twin Falls & aro no

Intorostod In boing a q y Indopondont nowspapor gvi

• carrlor... piePloaso contact District ' $ i '

-------------Manager i-£733-0931, oxt. 347m - g j

♦ ♦ ♦ * * * fn'

1^' The Tim€V . is accepting aj

for Walking R Twin Falls.

H These positior \ .. f early-moming

positions and ( source of addi

I , — income-while; !-i_.. for your m orn

' Stop b y TheTi atl323rd 'S l.V Twin Falls o rc

nLER(6). ^ •«

Ja ''® TheTtmoo-NeifiSfs ;* currenUy looking J

for Independent t y newspaper earrtere ■

--fdrthem rareaT- ■ ® Walking Routes T i

Available '

B0UTESS3.100 bik Davis c

300-600 North St. “ 100 bik R am sey '

If you lIvB In thia aroa and 1 aralnlaraatodlnbalnga

nawspapar carrier...Pleasa call DIatrict f =

........Manager. 733-0031..... Le x t 347m m

The Tlmes-News m. cunvntly haa the ^

• followingIndependent pi

newspaper routes a:ontheEaatsldeof ^

Twin Falls L

BDUTE7Q§ M 200-600 bik Trotter Dr.

2600-2800 bik Sagebrush Dr.

110^1200 bi^lOlh S ',A ve .E . fre

1100-1200 bik 11th a vAve. E. SCJ

I300-U00blk “ 1 Poplar Ave.-

— B0UTB735------------1300-1500 bik =

'Hoybum'Ave........ ..100-500 bik Locust Ave. ^

lO O -^O Junlp^Si.'f^r "foTc 1700-1800 Maplewood Cal

Dr.400-500 Sophmore St. ------

B0.UTE761 1800-2000 bik 9th moa^

-------------Ave?E.~ - - - - =C6rii'1900-2000 bik trof

PoplarAve. ____

■ IPConcordia Way. I l l

500-700 bik ■MountalnView Dr. k

--------2 000-2100 bik-------- ^Oakwood Dr~ W k ,

M astROUTE 7B2 Swc

. 1700-1800 Glendale lO pAve. S tar

700-800 Juniper St. ■ A'*'' 600-800 Maunce St.

. %VanBuren St. ilstic 100-400 Bik.Harrison St. k

If yoii llvo on tho EAST H k i aldo of Twin Falla A aro j 3 ^ Intorostod In boing an • I

. Indopondont nowspapor n sk icarrlor... _____

Ploaso contact District k ■.Manager at 733-0931 ^ 5 0 oxt348M

j = =

^ 3 0 1

ACCESS TO A COMPUT- ER? Put it to work. Froo p booklet 1-B66-736-775d.M yO

BUSINESSES AVAILABLE H a, :o o p o r Nonnnn B u s ln o ss f r

Brokers & A d v iso rs it• CN0BA.COM T in

Koys to Succoss. n n t2 0 8 - 7 3 3 ^ S 8 f

;o rpo i clooning buslnoss. . [ V an & truck m o un t.F u ll I 'V v train ing . TurnKov b u s i- L . .noss. S8000.732-0486.B £ -------

JV E R V O U H B O S S ? ^ 5 0 2SWANTEDS Sorious poo-p lo to work from h o m o . — S mS1S00-5000+/mo..PT/FT..1-800-205^354 ' .Ow n your own p a rty o r onv?o

S1.00 storo. Minimum ® Invoslmont S t 9 .900.00. „voidl

(501)327-8031» “ olo!l o t h (Com n

tho N( m 0

• •$42,'c■ will

■ . sprinkhoatod • « 9 ,1

wllh nowT

les-News , B/' applications .Routes in BDHT"

• Nico c

ons are 7-day, swfn^! 1 ng delivery .dean be a house. 1ditional oroa'-

leyou 'getpaid " - • ming walk. atory h(

g a sh o a

Times-News • 2 bdmi .W estinr call 73W)931. call John


M _ J ____ 7S


WANTED sorious people B l. to work Irom home. ,ti

U p to$1500 -S 6000 fM o . v>■ , ' PT/FT . 4■ : 1-800-835-0301.. •• - C

extrem ecashnow .com a pfj

■ U o n U n . a u n ^ n . ^

Phono appticotlons ^ wolcomo.

C all Today 7 3 & 4 e 9 2 .a "

• lO A N S JL$ 100-$750 •'5

C A L L T O D A Y I bl

734^333 ;

5 5 0 .000 W ill n a in t l by S . r e a l e s ta te , oxc. ro tum . a \

WANTED investor tor small Rut ta ttle operation. Will pay firof10% annually on Invest optm o n t. Con bo so c u ro d . Da'P lea se wriio ,to: P.O. Box tao424 Rupert. Id 833501 s =


Big pro fits usually m oan b ig risk . Boforo you do -t; buslnoss w itho company, . chock It out with lho Bot­tor Buslnoss Bureau. For L - fro o Inform ollon a b o u l T W a v o id in g in v e s tm o n t Go sc am s, tyrito lo the fodo r- Ow a i T r a d e C o m m iss io n , 2 .S W ashinaion. D.C;, 20580. firo

J n lO im a l l o 'n .C e n lo r T -8 0 C •1-600-876-7060.1

k 3 0 5 n o

__ SS-CA SR N 0W 4S_______ mi.,•or Contracts &'Mortgages.’- S34 Call Dlveralfled Capital,

208-734-8727 U 3 ^

DRACO NVESTMENTCORP. VocCASH for Doods ef Trust. a c ^qflgogos.andfloolEstaio- . m ' contracts: Call to d o y fo ra" 7^ froo. no-obligallon quoto. 733


H B m ml i S ' Education

_______________ TW U

L 401 ._175{ r =

la se a g o T ra in ing Bosic E &S w odlsh c la s s e s Fri. 7 - ffiB1 0pm & S ot.10 -5 :30pm . | BStarts 2/01/02 for 12 wks. M A dvancod c la s s o s ; as*jo s s m o n t c la s s s ta r t s TtA/t»2/5/02, 6:30-9:30. A nato- , Tiy & p h y s io l o g y # 2 .S l ir m : 2 / 7/0 2 . 6 - ^ 3 0 . " rwin Falls Instllulo ol Ho- ?,?? istic Sludy. 320w}87O.l

--------- 324

ATH tutoring avoll. S12 )or hour. Call 734-5246 isk for Robyn.1

— I d r s ' / ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓in o u r e ffo r t to simo

m a k e o u r iv iiN l c la s s i f ie d s e c i io n f re e o f a n y e r ro rs ,

p l e a s e cfiecl< dod y o u r a d tf ie first d a y It r u n s . A fte r ™ "!1 '

t h a t l im e T h e tm i T im e s -N e w s wiii 733.3 lo t b e re sp o n s ib le n r r ; o r a n y m is ta k e s . w a i W v V V V t W J J /

—— ar e


!ing proporty? Don’t pay ^ e<-i ly fo es unlil It's sold. For ^}o In fo rm o lion abo u toid lng 'tim osharo ond ' g o o d isl o sta io scam s, writo tho valth o F o d o r a l T r a d e 21 ocr(

jm m lsslon , W oshing- for hor1. O .C., 20580, o r call boaull) N otional Fraud Inlor- homoo t i o n C o n t o r , tienol b?0Q-676-70S0.1 grool k

R I I H I. 0 \ jn im opproci42.000 Torrilic 2 bdmi ~ ~ wllh melai siding. u i u !

39,S(50 Cloon 2 bdrni C uilh now carpot and . ^ R id i iw D a r a c f io n T C a i r " W T ^ Jim a t 543-4371.r* M n iy r~ r~ t TWIN FiBARKER “focke

Rooltors.Call 543-43711 733-82(

I ------------;---------------- rS79.D00 ^ 5 1 5 i

CO oldor 2 bdrm home lOod condition, motal n'O.pnllo.

549,000bdrni, llroplaco, groon CENlso . Nico home In good ACRCJ'. • A pprox.;— .-$ 39.000............. - .--....vislbloco o ld o r 2 bdrm , 2- L ease ny hom o , vinyl siding, (taxes 8hoot, good oroa. ■ Coll J, FCASTLEFORD Sdm ihoriiolorS32,000 . V\id R ental ProporiyI ' R e a l E. . . . . . . . . y,ohn Robins 543-6339 _________B E R T JO N E S REALTY yowda. 733-0404 , ,

BURLEY S t f l b ^ balh TW.tirick hom o on 2 /3 a c re nowith two 'c a r ga rage and in40X 30 sh o p . $135 ,000 . hoCaU 67S-270Sa - . ter

h o m e , o n a n a c re . G a- rage,sprinkiorsy8tem ,vi- M

-n y lJo n c a -$ 9 5 .0 0 0 . Call ■ 731»5092or734-5092a ■ g u f

JEROME Boaulllul ranch style hom e. 1 acra In Blo' Exi UtUe Ranchos.'Fully land­s c a p e d , c o n t r a i a ir , 3 JE R bdrm. 2 bath, front & back 14 dock; living aroa 1569 80. car ft 2 c a r garage. 536^ 3868 noi

lERO M E B ra n d new In- mo s id e a n d ou t, 3 bdrm. 2 jw li ba th , now kilchon, hard- nic w ood floore. carpet, olc. jnc Must 8001 S67 .000 . shr

Sail fo r appL 324-3327.a _ fun lEROME For sa io by own- o r , n lc o o ld o r h o m o . 4 e = bdmi. 2 bath. bsml. & ga- k e rago , $79,900. 233 Easi Ave. B. Call for dotails at W k324-8956 o r 539-4377.1 ------lUPERT Brick home. 1205' luby Dr. 5 bod, 4 both. 3 roplaco8.S163,500. Loaso >ptlon, $750 mo.+ dep.)av e 431-8494, Advan a g e 1 Realty 677-46631

THETIM ESNEW S I C lassified D opartm ont

o p o n s a t 8:00 om Mon th ru Frt. [

Take C are o f y o u r - a , c lass ified b u s in e s s be fo re y o u hoad lo

y o u r b u s in e s s 211-208-733-0931 o x t 2 o r ou r Burloy Office ~ =

1-206-677-4042 r

W IN F A L L S R o c k 3ardan Condo for salo by 3 w n o rl2 .Io v o l .2 b d rm . HEYE }.5 b a th , 2 c a r go rago . 7 1 2 iroploco. $7 5 ,0 0 0 . Coll n i i r'J 4 - 4 l g / ' ; 7 j ^ i ! 3 2 o rl00-707-0817;l------------------

VIN FALLS (South Park)bedroom ,-! boih,-offico.- k - c n lo w c a r p e t & p a l n l .‘oncod back yd. Vaultodeilings In olllco & living BUHLn . J o f ilo d .Io r . S400/mo___ dsD,34.500. C0II733-59491 or72irlN FALLS 1568 sq . II. BUHi;1 bdrm, romodolod bath, now ow root,,windows. Cov- 327'1 rod patio, slerogo shod, pels/ og k e n n e l. G a s h o a l,C. wood stovo in lamily “J / ” ' n^9fcing-.sa9.QOO:Shon: 33-7610 oxt. 13 doys e r 33-1550 o tIo rS p m .l f T UN FALLS 3 bdnin. 1.5 ath, gorago only S27.000 . r lis tings ond brochure. 3-319-3323 0X1. H7921 MN FA L L S By ow n o r It n; ?9,900 ,3bdrm .11iboth , ^ ^S0sq.lL 734-400t/5pm - ______

i i r ^ ' ^

^IN FALLS By owner t T Tocro lot. 2 bdrm. m =77=77

alh, homo oifico, ator- ^ p E N 0 0 . f!V park ing . Ma- u r o l a n d s c a p i n g .119,900, Com o soo at HAGEF240 Addison Avo. E, 2 bot^r c o l l 7 3 3 - 7 3 0 7 10 S500.


'it FALLS For sa lo b S * ' -nor, all brick. 3 bdrm. t balh, full bsmL Fenced ^ 4 2 ^ . G arago . O uiot oroa.3-4953, a ltor 5:30 p m l JEROMI N F A L L S L o n s o io/n . No Jo n . poym oni. Hnn v2 bdrm, 1 b a th . wood —vo. now carpot. (1) 2 JEROWrm. 1 ba th . P rosldonl S360.oot. Call 736-64641 POls-5H FALLS N.E. location. JEROWdrms, 3V4bolhs, Jot tub • olod 33 car garogo. au to smokir rfnklers,oppl3„codar I®!: Dck. Prico roducod. ^^6-68 1,000/oIfor. 733-00491 JEROMI NFALLS Ownor carry. ^ bodrc Cfmi 1 bath w/lg. shop, Oarago1.000. 476 W alnut o r S5&oli I-31531 SHOSH( — I 1 b a th

dODOSltVANTED TO BUY 5 7 7 ^ II you wont to soil ur homo quickly woiro looking lo buy a _ 5 6 0 p ^smoll rental in tho SHOSHi

G ooding oroa. ‘ncl cobColl 9 3 4 -5 7 2 8 1 Fumilur » » » » » » _?325/m i= = ^ ^ = = j g ^ = TWIN FA

DING B e s t v iow In /a lloy & privacy . 237 Jolf< cros of pasluro: groal ACAAj't lorsos or cow s with a Jllful 3 .000 + sq . II.0 . 3 bodroom * op- ilbod /o lfico .3ba lh s.I kitchen with built In ' 'lancos. M ust soo to f” ' ociato. 934-6355.1 ERLY C o ttonw ood h is : 3-9 o c ro lols. m T ^ J^Hill3^ 5 3 9 ^ 7 e ^ ^ I

equaFA L L S 'Tlrod of OPPi ka?" Chock rolurn aii rsai «•« p k , < . c . i i c h u a , K w

raco. eoti tiandleap. nallonal

bALLS'----------------- lnt«n»Jon.iDCIIaonr•SSIONAL O FRCE Slterlmin' NTER DIRECTLY •liiu i tm RO SS FROM CSI "I."X. 2000 sq ft, highly cwto««:310.,avall.J/.l4/02. - f l lw p '* I ralo $2500 pe r mo,i & Insuranco poid)., Francla Roronco auJanMm •280-5800. Which III.;W o stf lrra

I E s ta te G ro u p 7 3 3 -7 6 5 3 fa lla l

oppottunlimon# tjring oMmvlat-lUllB. Whon you wrtio M # ^ 7las»lfl( iM suro tolapnono'« undor*tand yout hMrtnoimioo-«poiiiiour.

; . r r - . ' ■ '

rWIN FA L L S E x c . b iisl- TWn o ss opportunlly , tavern 46in TF counly. Well malnt., up:hom eincl. G regg o w e s - pel

JUHL ’84 Floehvood fvCji ■4x66’. 2 b d rm . 2 b a lh . ' ! ! : Exc. condilion. $17,000.

-C a llS 43 -4663aEROME B re ad m o re ’81 W. 14x56. 2 bd rm . Pallo-&canopy. Exc. condition. balNow sw am p cooler. To bo pjnjmovod S7000. 324-53921 ^WIN FALLS Very c lean s, batlnico. 14 ft. wido. 3 bdrm, bocIn c lu d o s d o c k , s to ra g o rnoshod, Slovo & refrig. G as rinrfurnace & W /O .hoohups.___ 737$7800. C all 7 3 3 '9 2 5 9 J i



FAX tori

y o u r ^A H iA U T

T IM E S -N E W S aooC L A S S IF IE D 7^

D E PA R T M E N T hou! 208-734-553820F 677-4543 ^

(B U R LEY )

--------- lo 'v. M l / f f l iM T T S i i r H o balh|T sm o

mow•YBURN 1 4 x 6 1 G o n lry S800M 2 bdrm, 1 bath , all ap- t w i n l l n n r n ^ l n n l

^ ^ n . $6500 Call 679-.

P i i i i M S i i a ^

IHL 2 bodroom s. S425+ h b ? l BPrPloaso-coli 733-4952— [nclutr 731-4952.1__________ O ’Le !HL 3 bdrm. l b a th liko OIST aw, S 600 $ 3 0 0 d o p . with 27 'Cloar Lokos R d . No Steve )ts/smoking. 326-4477. rogo, IR L E Y K i t c h f i n o t lo Doping rm s. S llO /.w k ,- r 2 h o:635WMoIn7H7g-7B33- T T T T T T T T tom .

possilK’l - o . •. j e r ol a s s i f i e d s w rm

hom<h o a t.

t p ay s to re a d th e sibio, __ f i n e - p r i n l . ____................ ..... ............ .........-T W IN

Cail 733-0931 SS” ; or ' ACS.

677-4042 Burley

firsi/lai^ T T T T V T T T f w iN F =N 2 b d r m . m o b ll f l - S 425/ mo, Btovo, rolrig. W /0 734-51 3kup/siorago.423-5104 TW IN I 5ERMAN 2 bodroom . d u p le o th ,lo n c o d , g a ra g o , S450.i 30 .837-6523-1 iISEN 3 bdrm. 2 ba th ^ 6 0 3 10 incl w ater, sow or & ^ k J sh. $300 d e p o s it. No ek ing /po ts. 423 -6348 TWIN F 120-1468 or420 -59S 01 N o po OME 3 bdrm. 2 balhs. nobilo hom o. No pots, TWtN Fj ig torm $ 5 2 5 / m o . 4 1 bal 1324-6903 or 543-8342 Rofrig OME C lo o n 1 bdrm . iO. Slovo a rolriO. No ». 543-9196, m esM g o .OME N ow ly ro m o d - i 3 bdrm . 2 b o th , ne >king/pots, SSOO/mo. ^last & c looning dop. i

•6853 Qltor 6:00 e .m ,p . ^ 6 0 4 > )ME P arad lso D rive. M L M )droem, 2 bath, 1 car = 57^ — igo. Laundry hookup.; oldor. 3 2 4 -37331SHONE 3 bodTOom, HollowsI th . S 6 0 0 / m o n th +?slt. Call 6 6 6 -2 9 0 7 1 b Q h l T SH O N E L u x u r io u s R ontbt o r 2 bd rm . G aro g o . Ca ).or soil, 733-1359 . Equal Ho SHONE U lils . p o ld . b u R L E I coblo. Lorgo 1 bdrm . S27S 2 iluro avail, if noodod. sitjv ovi l/m o.886-70371 - . 17 ^ 7 4 3

. BURLEY on B uron 3 bodroom ■ co rv 1 f 1, S425 + doposit. loMiioi om oy 2 bdrni, 1 both -t- doposit. Stai

e lfo rson 6 bodroom . y - - , , h .S 675 4 deposit.«70 F i lo r S lo o p in g s wilh kIKtionS balh . 5200 d j| .d o p o s il . P ° « '

AWLEY REALTY F IL E R 2 7 34-58581 b s m l . a

I S475/mo smoking 3552 or

GOODINi subsidlzi

■ avail, at \■ For sonic

- d e a n -n k i

« L H O U S I H Q — I ' i V O R T U N IT Y 4 9 0 6 y,o

nw p^M toaiSloS 5 I ru fo K ^Ilf Howino Aa^W eh ^ 0 I It lllaoal to «(tveftlM Opportun

f j n n ncolor, rallglon. aox. Rosorvo Y ap. ta n ^ a u tu t , or |iBl origin, or an cac

•nco. " ! S : , x “ t ; a p a r ™ nlnatlon.* Familial Pro-

tncluitei chlldronr . - . T . - n a NOV.2 S 3lan; pfognant womon For Fobiua;

. . .

t e s S K : : & v 1S

illabl* on^iTaqua^ • Contrai HTo •E nclosed

D fott-ftlo mt l i o C Avallablo 77.. Tho Toll-froomo numtiar for itia 651 SoImpalfod U I-800- 73<

T W IN F A L L S 2 b d r m . 'JEflC464 Locust N. W/D hook- Nl«ups. $500 + deposIL N o 324 pots. Call 420-01251

rWIN FALLS-------------------- upsirwo. 1 bdrm. 1 bath hom es no e

$400 + doposit oxtn

RrtflN FALLS 1 bdrm. wllh . small garage, $375 m o. ♦$ 3 0 0 d e p . N o p e l s . ' ro lo rencos. 140 7 th S t.W .Call 734-89161

^ N FALLS 3 b d rm . 1 b a 1 h .S 5 7 5 /m o .+ d o p . Ploaso call 206-326-58611

•WIN FALLS 3 bdrm . 1% bath wilh firoplaco. fenced TWIN, b ock yard. D o u b le , g o - (li ta g e , SQOO/monlh-fSeoo 3 Mr dop . No pols. Call D iane flo 737-3916or7 3 7 -3 9 6 9 .1 - Noar< WIN FALLS 8 bdrm. Top 7.5.,*a r o a , s p r in k lo r s . f i r ealami.ronl/sotl.733-1359. "rwiNwTn FALLS A ttractlvo 3 * * * ^ bdrm. 2 balh. firop laco . dbi. garago, sprinklor sys-tom, AC. 5900 + $600 60- S:curlty doposit. 733-8980. Hamn WIN FALLS OonPo ovnll.Fob. Is l 2 bdrm, 2 baih . 2 TWINcar gorago. W/D, In gatod duoiocommunity at 625 Morris- Cton, S650/m onth + S 6 0 0 Oidop. Shelly a t 731-7053 .1WN FA L L SC utol bdrm. Now 10US0, Clean, W/D hook- po tsi jps, S385/me.-*S250 dop. Soo 7 356 Bluo Lakos. N athan . r34-6230at1or5:OQp.m .l ' WIN FALLS Nice counlry qh o' lom o .to r ren t, c lo s o to cover o w n .2 l l r o p l o c o a , 2 Sgrt )oihs, 2 cor garano, no ew Pc im o k ln g /p o is . G r a s s 2 bd. nowing Incl. S800/m o,+ i800/dop. Call 734-6418-1 iY o4 ' VIN FALLS Nlco, sm . 1 IH1 b. 'drm'.-Wate r tJij. A ;jp l!,' ," -parW n JmiSll£!dJ6Q4-2lluAvQ_ _ 3 5 1 0 r :. $ 3 6 5 . O o p . & r o l s . ' 1 bath ‘kiaso call 208-734-85771 1625 £ »iN HALLS Phvolo v.iin Hoy a c c o s s . S m a l l l drm. houso. Appls. g a s p „ ., o o l, w a io r /s o n lta l lo niciuQ odrS375;oo-m onih"-----------L E A RY /SA W T O O T H TWINF ilSTRICT. Small 3 bdm i Apis, Im 'Ith lorgo loncod y a rd . Start! tovo/no rofrig, slnglo ga- igo, 1 ^ baih. Now car- Hollow ot/palnt. Saoo.oo mo.ACIOUS 3 bdrm houso , r w i i jT

balh. appls & A CrW /d- ook-up, sp rink ler sy s - >m. g a rd e n a r o a . P o l jssibiosaoo.oo . P ' *R O M E B o rn S ly lo 3 K Jrm. 2 bath sp lit lovoi 3m o . G o ra g o . o lo c t .:o t. O utsido p o l p o s -

[ » r F A L L S Q u l , | . 3 - ™ : : Irm. 2 baih. Now duplox I 'R o s o S t, olf e f Fllor.

& dbi. garogo, $ 8 7 5 . 3 .1yrloaso .735-83731 TWINF; iN FALLS Rock Crook inyon 2 bdrm. S 425 + ’ il/last/dop. 736-0322.IN FALLS Sm, 2 bdrm . .25/m o. W /Ioaso. C a ll TWINF/i 4-5885 or 733-6475 .1 * F A L iM f-ALLS S p a c io u s 1 ,2 ,3 B( p lo x , n o a r s c h o o l s . Som oD\ 50. Coll 733-1359.' Spaci

N FALLS t bdrm. ap t. rolrig^ [po is . Inquire o t 5 0 3 A C . M<

I Avo. E. Twin Foils, ID LcnomN FALLS Cuto 2 bdrm 733-820baih, laundry oroa. t w i n F;

Dfrlg,-stovo, g a s hoat. hnth i;* lilitloapald by renter.5/mo. + S300 security)0sif. Call 734-79351 TWIN FtT f a l l s Kitchonotto, S S ts s'Jtils. furnlshod &H8 O . S„o r.?i3fl Motol. 733-6452. - ° ° P ’= ^ = = ^ ^ = TWIN F ;

C TWIN FAartmonts Starting a t bath, Stc

S200-S650 W/D. No,^ " “ PfoportyM gm t. TWIN FAI

^34-4334 bath,S47L2 bdrm.apt. avail. 737-39KIt basod on Incomo. TWIN FAI ^ “ “'^ 3 -8 0 3 3 , b a lh .W iI Housing Opportunlly. $ 5 0 0 do^EY Clean 1 b d rm . , 736-65035 .2 bdrm, S300. Sub- t w In f ALovollablo, EHO Colt no

7438 or 878-33371 ^ S o.EY CulQi, cuto and Slrool. CaM a 2 bdrnis. Groat t w i n p a iQtion on ond of Yalo - ^ S ^ S 5■VO. Coll 678-0320 r ,S ; fStanlng-S250.1 s S ! c hi"z- 2 bdnns, S285 on oppt. 7drm . S250 month-*- fw irT F fln'd epositon both. N o 9 r

So“ « d 'iR 2 bd rm . 1 b a t h . tagoS575I. o p i . U tils . In c l. y m i u -cT/mo.-fSSOO dop. N o fli? dng/pots. Call 326 - or 543-8003.1 Hn g ' Low in co m o itflzod. 1 bdrm a p Wost Side Court. ’ ^onlor SJor disabled. i!5i-nkxMieiglJboftiood- —ng distanco to Ridloy TW IN FA Ugs.ColiShlrloy 934- cious.1.2 lw ookdays b o fo ro C ovorod 1Sm. pols ond sm ok- siorago. g

)K. Equal H ousing wormlrionirtunltyl Call Fowniv r e r r r r r - o'0 Your Now H om o y


boautilul 2& 3 bodroom Apts. s id e & oui 'lu a^ 1st Occupancy clont, privi— ........................... - • port, S475/C

S ’co n fe ? '^ " " '^ i ^ S r m F M>utor Conlor ^ 5b I I ’'o Vidoo Libras •ming Pool TWIN FALUor/Oryerincl. In 4-plox. Sal Hoat & Air C.S.I. No psed Garages TWIN FALL« io c o u n l ry a

appls. W/DiS ara lo g aD r. N o p o ls / s735-1600 yard. $450

» ♦ • • • • • • - Indudod.Ct

^ u r s d a y , January

HOME 2 bedroom s. TW INlice & d e an . $485. W/D. bedro24-6499 420-1011, hoatinROM E-3-bdnn, 2 batb,- -Patj?* pslaira apL 1400 s q ft,0 smoking/peta. Lots of .“ P- Ktras. Call 324 -33361

H e a r t h e q u l e t l - d? ? S i• • 736-e;

176 Maurice Slrool f Nice 2Twin Falls • o n o ll734-4185 wllh la

IN FALLS 2 bodroom balh. $410 /m o + $300ip. No rofrig. D ays 732- "I®: P'i 129 er Eves. 732 -01351

Spac ious w/famll(1800 sq . f t) clean . w ood ;xfrm , 2 balh. family mi. $575 fxgarago. fenced yan i. smokio irC Si,S67S-t-S400dep- -.-Contac

Lease required. Tami 7:^3-0139 o r 4 2 0 -89351 4 3 b e dIN FALLS Tovmh* * * * * * * * * * * * * plus 2 cStudio, 1 & 2 bd rm . T U undry facilities. S325-$625+dep.

n m a ck M a n a g e m e n t TVifiN F/4-4339 o r 342 -7 3 6 8 . S tu d io IN FALLS 2 bedroom plox. S450 + S300 dop.Call 732-0135 ovos. ^ “ rm. D .y s - 7 3 2 ^ « 2 8 »N FALLS 2 bodroom . $535 ♦ 1

■.734.2822 or 731.4256 " j CNFALLS appls.. >Monroe Froshly paint- NEW Ce, 2 bdrm ,. 1 Vi b a th s , stairs 3/ored pariting, privato slroot pid. $495-► doposit. up./VppIParodlso P lac e #102 C o rn e r->drm. 2 b a th w ith a ll spaclou:illancos. $550 + dop. ba lh ,4 S h o u p E . 3 bdrm , hook-u( b a lh w ith c o v o r e d garago. 1

0 rch a la ra .U -2 .b d n n___ poLpossith. $450 * doposit. - wllh time 3 Shoup E . 2 bdrm, 1 Large l b 1. $450 +‘floposit.— 'S lroot; w RAWLEY REALTY strool pa

734-5856 THEMGW

— -S250-m o1 FALLS . 733-2041 Immodialoly Available iirting a t 5300-S635 k enc J

por month. ^ ^ 3w s Property MgmL

” 4 ^ 3 3 4 j e r o m TI FALLS - Undor noin & socuro 1 bdrm.. Nice, doIco hem e w /laund ry rooms,lodges. W alking dis- ' 320 lo S en io r C o n to r. TWIN FAL III, tumishod included. $349 mo C lo & yanJ wori<. rolrig. & ui 450 -f S300 doposit. TwiM CA oforoncos required.0139 or 4 2 0 .8 9 3 5 .1 FA L L S“ N o w o r 2 ' "c lean ing 1. duplox. carport, util. EI R a n < No s m o k in g /p o ts . 208-733- ;m o.C all733-3742Ji t^JiN FA U FALLS wookly rat' ;loon, luxury 2 bdrm. Cloan • Qi th w ith o x lr a s . N o 2152 Kimber dng/pols. S495/m o. -nmM cTi

N o v j"FALLS S120 iI L L S A P T S . *B d rm s. $3 3 5 - 4 9 5 ™ 'N f * DW a W/D hookups. S ” ' " ” ? s d o u sa n d d o a n . ^ "9 ' Utd > pols. 734-6600 JXi!?®P®' F A L L S 'W o w ‘ 3

I,2 bath, garago. pa- s o i l - c l e a n o v o n . '..DW. W/D hook-up. M o d o lO p o n 4 l h 4II. S650 & up. Chuck E 3 1207 or 7 3 4 -4 0 1 2 .1 ^ 6 0 6 i f l FA LLS 2 b d rm . l5425. Coll T rocoy =r. v — 503 or 731-2433. 14 J S d FALLS 2 b d rm . 1 port,'s35G 2nd floor a p t . N o Rofs Call2S 4 2 5 /m o .-h S 4 2 5 = ------

:all 208-733-3669.---------------------------- 2bdnn.S35CFALLS 2 b d rm . 1 No pots. C

. « . ' ? s”7!S‘' : s I S Ilo POIS. 7 3 4 .9 0 5 9 .. SI^V oo™FALLS 2 b d rm . 1 S325/mo. CStovo. rofrig. DW & pels. Call 2iJo pets. 732-0895.1 ^ » -ALLS 2 bdrm. m^ 75w ilhS400dop . ^ k 916 or 737-3969-1= A L L S 2 b d rm . 2 GREAT LW/D Incl. $ 5 0 0 + BIU0 U I5C cfop. Coll T ro co y.03 or 731-2433. 390Sq.f^l,-

ALLS 2 bdnm. du- 7^ . 4^*g 010 pe ls . S475/m o. ^ " dop. 608 FilimeroCall 208-734-26641 *ico/rotail, f — q u a r t e r s , :A LLS-3-bdrnTT2- “ 64'4:i282 01250 N 2300 E .«A . , J S. o ltho Fllor High. S500/mo. Call for 1.733-88911 SS6 S/mo, Cf

E s A ll r o o l lv .. Cloon & m odem . ^ ,1 ° '. ifdnjgs. Appls., go .75'mo. 733-25461 k JM^ L L S C I o a n 2til utilitios Includ-15, Call 734-5463. TWrN'-FALLS-•A L L S C l o a n . OFRCE1 bdmi. t bath apt. WAREi , rolrig. W/D hook- 375 sq.ll. & up 35. w alor & trash 2000 Sh Z309j)t231i29B4_ .4 0 0 a sq jt_ 0 ll i u s Cloan. sp a - Sli2 & 3 bdmi. ap ts . d parking, e x tragroal location &

ondty almosphoro vnbrook Apis, for H a llo w ^ ro i 0 7 3 4 - 1 6 0 0 o r

our oifico 10 600 t w i n FALLS0 w a p t . 1 6 4 7 Rotall spacos

•ook Avo. E H O . I00S0.227J pped Accossiblo. 2022 sq. l l , .

m s F r o s h 8,

1valo road. C a r- -------

1^ 3™ w ! " A j r „ =

? 7 y i , i ‘- S o ° s . ’.5 or 733-6475.1 t j g f

1 pots, 734-4120. TW IHTRCCS' LCs NE, no w o r ahop/w aroh< / a p i . 1 b d r m . ablo immodio '/D hook-up, AC. lional office 1 i /s m o k ln g . N o avallab lo . Lo >0-t dop. Eloctric John Dooro. C Coll 733-8301 .1 737-3939.

y 17,2002, flmes-NflwB, fwli

/IN F A L L S N e w e r3 sdroom, 2 bath , conlral . sating a n d AC. garage, lUo.-rafrlgenilor. range, -- sh w as h er , W/D hook- ), leaso a n d crodil chock . •qu ired . $ 5 9 5 > SSOO >po8iL 3 7 7 Momingsido rrU nH #3 .-C alIT f*csy— >6-6503 Of 731-2433.

ice 2 be d ro o m , 1 bath. i e le v e l l o w n h o u s eth laundry a re a . Avail- ) le I m m e d ia t e ly . No nok ing /no p e ls , $424 3. plus deposiL C ontad alt 737-3939 b e d r o o m d u p l e x

family room, noar Lyn- >od S ho p p in g Conlor.75 mo p lus doposil No rakiog/pots with doposit ■ intact W an 737.3939 or“ ■' ml 737-3940. b e d r o o m , 3 .S b a th

IS 2 car ga rage. r month. 1 yoar loase, pols/no smoking. Cen- 1 Woll 737-3939 N FALLS Nice clean. Jd io , S 2 9 5 , a l l u til . Juded . Call 734-5463.N FALLS VoryTiico drm. duplox. AC, DW,D hookup, walk In des- storage, 212 Ridgeway >5 » dop. 324-8245J

FALLS W hai a doaili ^ ^ t /w a t o r in c lu d e d , s ta irs lo ft. S p a d o u s , lis.. AC. S 3 5 0 .4 $300,I C a rp o t/P o in l . Up- rs 3 bdrm In 4-plox off lOt paridng. W/D hook- Appls. $525 .00 mo. l e r - L o t . E x trom oly clous. O ldor 6 bdrm, 2 la ih . n o a p p ls . W/D k-up. G a s i io a i , dbi igo. foncod back yanj- ii m r tiyiiiB rtruuTsijo--------possiblQ.-SZ50jnonth_____timoly pay. i 1 b d rm unit on qulei 9i; wolor included, off 01 parking. $350.00 ^GMT 733-0739 I FALL2. Studio api.3m o7S 100 'ddp7C olf-------■2049 o r 734-5001.

'ME Holiday Motol or new m an ogomoni.). cloan, comlortablo oms, 401 W. Miin.

324-2361 .1 FALLS S95Avook no. Ouktt, mfcrowavo,.& utils, tnd. 736-198& FA L L S 1 p e rso n .

) po r w ook , Micro-0 & r o f r i g . D a jly 'ling'. W arm tb e m s . '. a n c h o M o to l a l

^33-4021.1FALLS M otol-Daily/ y ratos •Alfonjabio*1 •O uiot •Friendly* mberiy R d . 733-8620

wly R om odolod120 & up wookly. dAvoW . 733-56301 F A L L S R o o m s ,

ivook. m ic ro w av o ,, Utilltios.pd. Cable 0 pots.1201 Kimbor- or call 735-0232.1 F A L L S S t u d io s

iblo. Utilitios incl. *■ S300-$420/monih.33-6841 1

Extra nlco 2 bdmi. wide w /shed & car- »350/mo. No pots. i^ll 206-326-5887J i NGS350/me. doposil. ts. Call 934-48271 TON Ntco 2 bdrm.& rofrig. fumlshod, lo o k u p , a ll o loc t. no. Dop. & rols. No ■all 208-829-5906.1

HT LOCATIONIL aljosand Fllor )ffico-Rotail ,F |,-2 6 0 0 Sq. Ft. ick M anagom oni 39 or 342-73681 E Main Stroot. 01- ail, possib lo living r s . 2 0 0 0 - fs q . It,B2 or 326-4092.ILLS 500 sq. ll. ol- 1000 sq . It. shop.0 , Call 736-6246.1 ftLLS N ow ollice or ronl. S550/mo. irAvo, 736-8747.

■ 3 ? H g g r n e |

LLSRCE, SH O P, ftREHOUSE& up Klmborly Rd1. Shop/lnsulalodLOIfico/Shop___________I. W arohouso1. Ollico/Shop.■ ShopAfVarohouso |.fl. Offico/Shop )REf Cotl Slovo P rope rty Mgmt34-4334 LLSacos avallablo for 2272 sq . fl ond .^ fl. a t 670 Bluo vdN .lt in to rostod . aso conlact ir Loroy Atwood ! ) -2 6 » 6 3 4 8 J iL L 8 -S h o p .- 2 1 1 - ------sen , Nov^ avail. 0 .344 -6689 .1

ro h o u so avail- < lodlaioly - addi- lice s p a c e a lso > t. L ocotod n e a r * r o . C ontact Walt

fw in Falls, Idaho E9"


15 G 9 ODINQSO acres . G oo quality ground. P lea se call 208-53&-2Q53 J l


................SO .U THERNJD.or_North• e r n N V . S u m m e r p a s ; • Iu ro /150cow 3.324-6^6l

JERO M E Roilrod Cpl tron Victoria BC v isiting -seo l no smokinrf opt o r houst

iv to r 2 -3 w ooks In A pril : R en t o r oxch an g o . C a l

.. 250-38B-05S1.________ _

JERO M E Cloon, organlzo( porson wantod to sh a ro bdrm . 2 bo th hom o, ful u so o l houso. Coll Chri!

. 324-3486. o lto rZ p .m .B

i S220 m o. + h u t i l s ^ lo s l If toC SI. Ca!I736-2875B

• TWIN FALLS Room m aUwanlod. no pols/smoklng

■; S2S0/m o.C all736-»471.l




SE R V IC E A d v e r tis e (n

— --------- T“ TRe------- ---___________ .S scyjce____

D irec to ry 733-0931 e x t. 2

! CATTLE 12hoodo ly o u n g____I___ lc a lv y .c o v is j r id - p a » rS r-• .■^__S70Q/ottpr. Can S39t7336«.

H o ro lo rd r o p la c o m o n t hollors & also o fow rod A ngus X. Thirty six soiling a t Iho Idaho Foils Auction Jan . 23rd. (200)768-2485

I C a 'T L E For so lo , g o o d , — ycung-rango-DOllsrDIaclc I Pioaso caJI 208-324-6976B I CA TTLE P ro g n a n l c o w s ' and pairs. Hoiforod I Angus X. S780-S900.834- ' 2286 or loavo m ossogo .■I FA R M B U IL D IN G F O R ; SALE 28X60X18 high. 24

.. . . . 1------f t . - s p a n r d o o r g r l t*s~air------j----- ;thofDrCair205^733^g33B"

I Lookino (or oxuo vacallon ]; money? Why nol son inosoII - siitl.oood Horns you'vo boon ' ' stoilng? Ciatsidod vfill do ti. 1: Coll 733-0031.___________


I B O B ’S B E S T: DRYWALL>: Cuslom Toxiuros;• 731-0788 (TF); 678-0991 (Burloy)

/ Insured - Froo Esiim ates


Air Quality Sorvicos •' Air D ucts Fum acos I Oryor Vonis Chimneys

Insulation Romovol732-0708 •

0OO-827-91B1 ■

; A U TO PA R TS'■ Bosl Pflco a Soloction

Call U s & Comparo M a g ic V alley A u to P a r t s

226 Moln Avo. NOrth733-3388



; Jo b s 10 bid lor all * construction. Holi prico

momborship.' ' 'B lueprint copios.: I 734-PLA N (7526)


; M A G IC TOU CHI ForA IIYourHom o

___i _ . ______Im provem ents____; NO JO B TO SMALL

' ' 736-7404 o r 200-1661 I Ask for Lou


; COUNTRY CLEANERS' B uslnossos, rosidonlial,

construction doon up. Spocializo in carpot

cloaning. Froo osllmal- os. Bondod & insured. i

Jo ro m o 324-3299 |

R E M E M B E R•TTiatblntxJayndyouplacod .

, como timo ogo In Tho Timos-■ J WokW? Now b tho Umo to

j cem oplcktipyou/pfclufoi.''■ {I Slop by tho Customer.

; Son/<co C«pt todayl

, ElOTlmM-Nii^TVwl

I . .FWcityJXnlnnlSuppl) Omolono a n d Strategy t)0f80food.734-154S.«

5— - h O R S E . O o n t i o o ld o 3ood mafo. H as dono il all. In *99 e l u d i n g m o u n t e l n s * $750/olfer. 324-0275B

a H o r s e 5 y e a r oU .unroc ed. For Really Mare ou

' o l All M a n n e r s , s ta k o i ' w innor& stakespreducor

>rth*. - Also h e r '01 Feb, 0 col ) aa * OUl o l T h o r n D a n c o ! I 5 S1500 o a o r S20OO both ■ i Id ah o C u p n o m in a te d C T 326-5608 o r G44-2406B H HORSE R eg . QH, 4 yr. oic— sorrol golding, trainod foi irom all ranch w ork & roping »eok 208-S43-67SO,ovoningsJ

HORSE te a m of Bolgolns h n i i 7 ond 0 y rs old, broko le

drivo woll. 726-3322.M = HORSES B a y goldlng, 16 m hands, woll broko, S800. mm- - P a in i m a re , 5 600 , 200-■ 543-8619 o r 280-3024J ized ROPING SADDLE TO 4 Doluxo.

full Pioaso call 208-732-S204I ihris SHEEP 12 yearling owos,

voclno ted a n d roady lc ^ lamb in M arch. 823-4381. lo se SHEEP 2 yr. o ld SutlolK » buck & 2 5 w h ite faced iQlo o w e s a l s o 1 0 S u ffo lk ;lng, owos. Call 20e-823-468S« 1 ! stO C K T H A IL E R tu stom H m o d o .l2 t t. Low milage.■ Call 5 4 3 -8 2 3 7 d ay s, or

543-4510 ov o s. for appl.■ ■ to se e .B“ I TRACTOR 194 9 Ford 8N

fre sh r o s lo r a t l o n , exc . CQnd.,S3S00.734-4461.»

WOULD U K E TO TRADE HAY lor 20 -25 young big bonod A ngus cowa.


BALE H A N D LER wllh 4— -poeitlonsw ivetroleclrover-

hydraulic, lits JD loaders, « wortts good, S2500/olfor.

■ P lc^ co ll208 .536 -S 023a BUILDING 2 2 tt.X 28 fl.

r e ,___ sta o l I ra m o . W o o rec t.__$15Q0_jaiL733-.3136.B..

JD 5030 S P w/motal do* focj toctor, alw ays In shoji. ox- lino ■ co lion t c o r id l tlo n . C a li' ion 539-5922 o r 324-0267.B ^85 _GENERATOR_eOfJalD_L

350'R W gonoralor, Exc. c jA -cond .-2200 -h rsrP ew ered - '6B by 8V 92 D etroit. Would— bo oxc. back up lor dairy.

Has auto s ta r t when oloc- tricity g o o s ou t. Housod le r noise reduction . Coll

i l ? 208-226-2168.BKAISER J E E P '6 8 Diosol.

_ 6 .x a 5 .a r m .y - m jc l c _ u u .

3 * M52A2W Filth' whool as- i5;7 sombly avail. G ood cond.

-A sk ing $ 4 9 9 ^ _ 8 2 f5 5 9 f : ‘J" STO CK T R A IL E R 32 II.

Llko n o w . P l o o s o c a ll _ 208-324-6976.B


r i CA RPENTRYRopalr ar]d Inslall:

Docks, loncos, windows, doors, interior painting,

small romodols.Froo estim alos

Coll Chuck Rogors 326-5271 o r 731-1391.

iT m p l o y m e n t IS E R V I C E S

Tomp’orory-Pormonont Nood omployoos?

5 Nood a job?PERSONNEL PLUS 733-7300 o r 678-4040


W ind R i v e r TlieTilo/Carpot

Ropalr & Installailon Call now lo ra Iroo ostimalo!

— * 5 3 9 -2 7 3 6 * •

P f u r n a c e IHEATING


Hoallng/AC Rofrigoratlon Commoreial and

rosldontial ( 2 0 0 )7 3 ^ 5 4 0

=i | ~ G A R A G E I


Rosidontlal a n d ' Com mercial

S a los and Son/lco __'B ase lin e D o o r s Inc.



Gonorol hom o ropalrs,, Intorlor/oxtorior,

plumbing, pointing, ond drywall. .

16 yoars carponlry oxp',Froo e s tim a te s 'J o h n 735-5179

r H A N D Y M A N IS E R V I C E .

Plumbing, eloctrtcol, drywall, painting, e tc . ., • 29 yrs,-exp. -• .' Mfll-OfrWHeel* •

735-1721 o r 3Q»-16B3 '■

rwin Falls, Idaho Thureday,.

S.a O th e rslze s available.Syr. unconditional

.In - guaran toe.423-5212B n s . T RA CTO R,JD 7800 ,4000■ hrs. Duals & weights. Call

-3 2 6 -5 2 3 7 Of 326 -7204 .B -out W ELDER O ld e r p o rtab le

k os Lincoln. H and cm nk start cor. w/leads. Call S43-6S77.

W H E E L IN E 8- 4 -A & M,old 3 havo 31 join ts $3500.

I for 1 has 26 joints. S3250. All Ing. in good shape. 4 3 6 - 9 3 9 f


“ i e HAY 70 tons of 1 st crop.100 "70 Ten of 3rd c rop. 2 string0 8___ bolcs.G ood quality..Straw.. ■ c o v e r e d . 8 2 5 - 5 3 8 3 or— 73M 255M

HAY to o T S m a ll b a lo s , u a S 1 0 0 -$ 1 1 0 /T .N o ro ln . r r Olonns Ferry, 388 -2426 I , 10 HAY 100 ton b a le s 4th e i . cutting. RFV 198, protoln, '— 23.SC all208-a37-4964 .«

HAY 120 ten prim e alfalla ;o |i( hay. Largo ba les , 4X4X8, ' (51 no rain. C all 825 -5 8 4 8 ,— can loave a m o ssa g e .aan HAYTsI cutting, 48 tons & ‘

or 66 Ions. Sm all balos.^Ql E x c . q u a l i t y & c o n d . ,

Covorod. Coll S43-6065B 8 N HAY 181,2nd, & 3rd. xc . SlOO/Ton. Sm all balos.( ■ No rain. C loso in.^ 733-3272big HAY 1st-2nd & 3rd. U rgo

' o r 3 s tr in g . P io a s o ca ll ( 208-?33-3267 .« <

m HAY 3 cuttings, f f l Soil any am ount.

“ HAY 350 T o n , 3 rd c ro p . C 1 4 Dairy q u a lity . M ld-sizo /er- -b o !ea r(2 0 B )5 4 4 -2 7 1 6 -o r -'rs, 731-2716B_________ ____

HAY 3 rd , b r lg h l g r o o n . - loafy, bam sto red , 135 Ib. _

ft. 3 siring balos, S9.00 por £ Cl. bal0.Y ouf'U .324-7148.B L HAY 4 0 0 0 to n - d a t r y & ' iR loodor. STRAW 700 ton, lo- All 1 ton balos. Call 326- »■. .-4141 ,or.539-4140.B ------ •Qli —■ HAY 60 ton-small balos.— S l lS a to n .C a llJ o ra ld-1 - — K elteffing.-436-0156B - c L . .H Ay.Z2.ion,^nd.cut^smQ ll. .1 ^ ba los. 2 0 8 -3 2 6 -4 2 7 0 or IJ? 731-0741.B_____________ I(C- HAY Allalla foodor & dairy.Dd 1 Ion bales, de livered In oil toick load lots. Coll 845-

2500 or 599-451 e a oii HAY Allalfa hay. 500 T, 1 Tm ___ba!oSrJfd-& -4th-oultlng;—r i r -S -«0 /T -r^ V lli-d o th ro r-fo r — IS- oxira. Call 203-587-9131Ji ' i . .HAY.AIlaUa. Rrlm o300 tdn.- - 5 - —I 6 t |- 2 n d ,-3 r d r2 .« 'l r ln g - — II. h e a v y b a lo s . W ill s o il 0 ill s m a l l a m o u n t s . C aJI

I 324-5082 or 420-0B71B


fC A R P E N T R Y , I fl ETC .

Rotlrodliconsod Gonorol Conlroctor wilh ovor

25 yoars oxp. Enjoys carpentry wori<.

I Coll 735-0615 I


SA N D & G R A V E L

83 7 -4 5 3 2


HENDRY ^ S O N SCarpontors

Commoreial & Ro'sldontldl AllJobs Largo & Small =

Inlorior SE xlorio r 732-5616 o r 731-6089



Foucots, dry wall, e tc. I— palnilng;.rontal c leanups. 1—

Wo do what you can 't do. T ony-734-3322

Th o m e r e p a i r s IBENEREL’S HOME ^

CARE nRomodols. drywall, tiio, '

pointing & carpentry.20yrs oxp. F ree

______E silm a lo s ,______ __ _Coll B nico 733-7543

-r-J (


JAM ESCO T1 can d o e s It olli

25 yrs. exp. In hom o T ropalrs & romodoling!

Froo estim ates.Call Frank 7 3 2 -5 4 3 3 ..

p a i n t i n g & I uDRYW ALL . r


Pointing. R em odeling. JToxturlng & Drywall “

Free estifhoiesi 2 doll Bill 0 ( 2 0 8 ) • ■ V

- 324-3475 o r (208) 3 • 727-iaS 7 ce ll. | [_ J

y, January 17,2002' .

i ■

O’r -H A Y -approxrO O tonM sta- 3 r d c u t l i n o - T a k e a il S9S/lon. 829-5171 eves.B

H A y D a i r y q u a l i ty , I T .' bales. RFV is 190 & 220 )0 for 3rd & 4 th cutting. Call Eill 420-&B60 o r 324-2167.1 L ilAY d a iry , fee d e r , & oatsle ' la rg e bales............trt Call 731-3471 days,

★ * 734-3589 ev ea .* * «

I OK. Will delivor'lor extra.$ t10 /lon . Call326-4516a

_ HAY T on b a lo s ol 170 &^ 140 RFV $ 1 1 5 . & SlOO.0. 878-0597 ■S B a y - 3 6 5 t . 3 rd . SlOO-z S 1 2 5 T . 1 55T 4 th , S125-■ S 1 3 S T . T o n b a l e 9 .I 543-6789_________ .

I~ I U R G E DAIRY HAY ig 4th c u t t in g , low ADF. w, _w oed fre e , no.raln*.hlflh . , >r p iled & c o v o ro d . Big

b o le s . F a rm o r ow nod 1 r in K o n n o w ic k , W A.^ C all 50 9 -5 4 6 -7 3 2 8 or ]: 5O9-947>202O,B - ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

1 OATS In th o u sa n d pound •■ b a g s . A p p r o x , 3 to n .- St30Aon. CaH 20(K t5e8a ] STRAW■' C loan 1 ton balos.' C a liS 4 4 -7 5 1 7 J

r STRAW B a r le y , 2 string b a le s , $ 4 .0 0 po r b a le .

• 432-5239 leave msg J l I tr s .C . H ay R elrlevlng

Call C on a l 420-0133 or28O-O039.B '

" CASE '9 6 IH 9300400 h p , 2 4 s p d . D eluxe E

cab, 4 rem o tes , 30.5 L, 32 I tiros a t 40% , 3.314 hours. I

_ ■ rm i 20 B 670 0 1DSB — I C H O PP E R '8 5 H osston , F

1 7730 ( o ra g o ha n /o sto r, ! r ““0 5 5 * 0 ^ W IItn s, 5 lo m ~

c o n ta in e r . C o rn & hay• h o o d s . P e r fo c t /d l r o c t j

dKip>324-714a/539<M89i |r SWATHER H osston 6450, I I 1000 hrs. 337,500. BAL- ■• ,.E R S .(2 )4 6 9 0 Hflsaton^S. n ' s t r i n g , S 1 7 . 5 0 0 e a ,

ST A C K W A G O N Now H o lla n d 1 0 6 8 d io s o l .

. S 2 5 ,0 0 0 . HYDRAULIC RAKES Twin. JD .S5000. ■

.Pleaso can 208-280-1373B

L -

; A N T IQ U E S w ff im ? ? ? Bring you r treasures lo:

2nd Tim e Around A ntiques Malfs

-F t^ E E -____________I -A ppn^M ll Dny;--------- f

Sal. J a n . 19th, | 10am -4pm ' ■

- — 689 W ashington St.-N. I-------Twin Falls-734-6000” q

Opon M on,-Sat. lOam-Spm 'W obuyallklnaaof antlquoa". Call Us! —


Specializing In homo ^mainionanco, carponlry, [,

a n d J"Honoy D o" lists. r

K urt H andley e420-6287 734-0396 ~



734:9274/ 308-0355 CProperty malnt, & ropair, w

plumbing, painting, ccarpont7 . Intorior/oxtorior, f =

cloaning. yardwork. kdopondablo sorvico, H

guaran teed work. |I____ Free E s tlrn a to s I gg

n = = b = = = ; *P r o o f i n g I s


Commorolal, rosldontlol. JfBuildup roo ls. Minor [1

looks ropolrod In 24 hrs. ^ 733-7221 o r 326 -50S 7 . |

n r o o f i n g ' I ^Ful

Roasonablo ratosl s, Froo ost. Financing w

737-0000 ^REM O D ELIN G ° |

. Plans Avolloblo • S;


—Jo h n ’s S h a rp e n in g ____ LOS e h /ic o S;

Comploto sharpening, $ ' Corbldo & stoo l sows, 'm 2

1 4 1 B m c k o n S tS „ 734-4050 • ^

tS e e s e r w c e s I ^TREES AND STUMPS ’ pi

OF MAQIC VALLEY ~ ■ 'F ree estim ates*

Tony Corpontor Q 734-1231 o r

Tim A b b o tt 734-7919 ClI • • • ' ' W


W ED D IN G S H O P s :Wodding O n e s $50-399. Pl 2-Pioce Outfits In Shop Volls-Sllps-Shoes-Bros30?i0l/0nlnvllauonsl ^733-8638-210 3 . Main ^

-ANTHJUE-TABLE— -« I Oak: 3x5ft w/BarfeyrTwist > . legs, g loss top added.

E xc, condlllon. 4 c h a irs s Inciudod , ,$ 4 2 5 . C aii

■ 543-S676B ,.,,

FREEZER G ibson 21 CU. I --f t.-up figh t,-w h lte S 2 7 5 r I

S e a rsS c u .f t.m in lre frtg . r woodgrain $75. Both exc. cond. Call 324-5060,

REFRIGERATOR 'Frigldairo 18 cu It F reezer Konmoro. 21cu, ft. Newer $ 300 e a . R a n g e , e le c .Hot PoInt.Dryer Kenmore. Both SlOO ea. 736-4805

REFRIGERATOR IBCU.U _ T oo big for now h o u s e . E S200/olfor. 324-8275S |

s t o v e " Fridgldaj'ro.'Good I —conditlon<-w orks-great.- n-

$150. Cell 734-60961 ‘ W A S H E R /D R Y E R s o t

Konmoro oxc. cond. $250. - S in g le W a s h e r $ 1 2 5 . | Warroniy. Cell 736-4805. |

W ASHER/DRYER-W hile, I ' 5 y r s . o ld . V ery g o o d n

cond lllon . W o sh o r Is a , G on ie& D tyerisaF rfg ld - aire. Asking S250 eac h or - boal olfor. Call 736-2177 ^ botwoon 8-5 pm. a sk for ' Chris or Jo y .a __________ '

CRAFTS BAZAARJoromo Fairgrounds

-Jan. 19,2002 S paces available.

Call Kristie 324-6454.B

h a h o w o o d f l o o r In g "Lots ol.jfilforont sp e c ie s

, Jelforoy 736 -2gpa» ‘

■ - ■ - C O N N E C T ^ ! " cWITH I

C U ST O M E R S iW H O c

■ NEED f■ Y O U R . ;

______ S ER V IC E_____ JA dvertise In rl

th e 5 Service

D irectory k733-0931 e r t . 2 J


^ A L S tokor & Lum pDollvorod o r Y ou-Haul 7Moore's Inc. 423-5533 ,|,

f i r e w o o d . . . . Cut & splil. Will deliver. Call _ ( “ 2O8-f24-02M Iv: m sg .B .-h; f i r e w o o d H ardw ood

cut & spnt. $90/pU load. $ 120/ cord you pick up . ^ $ l40/corddellvorod.

Call 324-7697J i RREWOOD S110 par cord, ni ■•'$125 dollvorod. Call 670- ^

1069 or67B-t689B RREWOOD 2 cords, $120 $,

por cord, plno/hardwood. pi Sp(it&do!.CaU677wt102B —

FIR E W O O D A pplow ood, by a p p o in tm o n t. 'W o t , . U-cul, $40 a pickup lood, dry U -cut; $60 a p ickup — load. Dry already cut S 100 a pickup load . Dolivory extra. Calt evonlngs. Call **'' 543-5330 Kolloy Orchard. . cr

FIREW OOD Pino, D ry & C “ split. 5100, Pick up load. ^

Call 324-8534B ■ SEASONED WOOD k ? 1/3,1/2 & fun cords.

Coil 324-5331. B W O O D STO V E V erm on t

Castings, enorgy olflclonl, = 7 w/pipe. Block enam el, oxc cond, $1000. 438-0813B p

▼ p Iaup

S6BED Blue metal luN bottom P*A

& tw in to p b u n k b e d shw /laddor 4 :rh o ttro s so s . K*S300. Fun size U v i quilt, 10S50.C allS43-6719B be

BEDHOOM FURNITURE C TG irl’s , while', ctiosl,wlth. ^ |.hutch.& 5 draw er chost of A d raw ers,'S22^ all .-B o y 's

■ bacholor c h es t w /hulch, CHI $75 , C h u rc h pow , o a k , AH $75,Call208-735-14g5.B 2li

JEDSCOIilomlaKingSZOO. EN( •ull S200. Quoen m atlross } ' s o l $ 9 0 . Now tru m p e t w/oxtms S375.438-5562B 67,

3ESK Standord slzo, $40. FHE SWIVEL ROCKER Bluo, col $25. Call208-732-Q410.B C i

5IN1NG TABLE Boautilul so lid o a k , 4 2 'X 5 9 ‘, e x - FRE tends to 9 2 ', oxc. cond . pa' S600. Call 208-734-2076B olc

.O G .B E D -O u e o n S ize ..$350. Log coffoo ta b le , FRE$15O.2O0-4O4-3356B 2)

■*A-nRESS Full sizo hotel rotum s. SlOO a sot. Coll734-8801, FRESECTIONAL SOFA sm oko cb lu e .w /ro c iln o r /q u o e n -_____ ______sloopor, oxc. cond., $500. FREPleaso coll 20&734-1979B wit

5 0 F A a L O V E S E A T ___________G ro o n /b iu o a c r e a m , FRES450. DINING TABLE a lo iCHAIRS, $40 .734-4762B 73(iOFA BED Queon,*S350. RREBed portion nev er u se d . G eS i n g e r s e w m a c h in e , maS2 0 0 w /p o c an c a b in e t, willP e n ta x C am era w /caso, q q l$ 3 0 0 w /4 le n s & f la s h . it,<P1O(^call2Od-734-3990a P(U

:)assiriad odt are 0 groal H oulnvo»tmorit. no mailer whal . X pyour buslnoss. Qlvo u< 0 can liontoday. 733K)931. eoch


-90FA -full‘sfzD hWe--a4)0d.-- - ji M u il l-g ra y c o td / .S 2 5 0 . - CaB 326-5346J " '!

TABLES Misc. sofa A end ' tab les . 4 solid oak w/inset ' t l le s .,3 s iz e s . U ke new . C

. _$225...Q{ilLZ34:6B0-eftor. _ j 6:30 pm . o r Iv. msg.B : ., •

La s e r c i£ A N e n ^ V 'S a v e r Direct vent hoat- R] ing sy ste m s toyostove, oil heating , LP, nalural gassyatem s.'L ead lng se llers ^ In C a n a d a a Aloska forcost sa v in g s .' ]

B e m le 'a H Ig h *T ec h H eating _

829 -6212-423-4S40B SI


° ” T ^ a r o I d .S 1 0 0 .C a ll7 3 5 -4 1 8 U k


DISH NETWORK systw n, Cgot 2nd receivor & 3 mos, ao f se n /k » free l4 2 ^ 6 3 9 3 a S

ESTATE SA L E Antiques. ^c o l le c t ib l e s , lu rn llu re . mm e d ica l d e v ic e s , too ls . ■Anything a ownhhlngj ■

. UB Utrtln, TMn Ftllt J C736-1632 or 73A-7523M v,

F A X ' - ^


TIMES-NEWS |!C l ^ lE IE D _____ ^

DEPARTMENT 208-734-5538 c

------------------ 0 H _ _ --------208-6 7 7 -4 5 4 3 fo

- <BU RLEY )b - N

Q u o en , whito^W ostirjg-' '" (f house rofrlg $200. Pocan

■ " c a tJ ln e t w lth — S in g o r ' se w in g m a ch in e , $550,P e r s ia n r u g , $100, a n - ^t i q u e d r e e a e r , $ 2 7 5 . WAcoftso le TV. Wood s to v e ; CeiSoeatmAloxantJar.TF. W‘In garago out back, 10am m,to 3 pm daliy. 7

K IT C H E N C A B IN E T S , W /m oto l, (H o t Poin t) C ali 4(Day 678-5053 or evening dc678-0B58B WA

R A B B IT H U T C H $ 3 5 . 80K itchen ta b le ,'o ak , IncL JH I4 c h a i r s & le a f . $ 4 7 5 . WA

- C o u c h a l o v e s e a t ; - Py- m a t c h i n g . $ 2 0 0 / s e t . • Dl

PI00SO.COH 206-734-7»OB da

R E M E M B E RThat birthday ad you placed

som e timo ago ln-77)0 •TlmoS'Now^ Now is Iho __ 1.

time to com o pick up your WA. . pictures. S top by The- ga..C lass ifie d D opltodaylB rui TV FOR SALE

1 9 ', S20. WA735-9379.B Sli

T Y P E W R IT E R S e a r ^ 0«oloct. in c a se . $50. Feoth- Cc o rbed O ueon sized chon- noiod, $100. e37-4a69.B

VACUUM Dry pickup $40. W *'Pan e l s a w without molor. Lool S 4 0 0 . O a k d e s k S 3 0 .Pioaso cail208-5434532B bh

WEIGHT MACHINE $250. 5^71D esk, molal, SSO. Table, WAi

■ mdple. $75. Row ing bike, ,,-$30.Coll208-735-864S.B ^

W OO D STO V E Wild O ak '''J*! by W eb ste r. Vory lancyand docoralivo. S600/olf- ^o r.C alI678-1036B _

▼ WAI , dol

19 tati

ORGAN LowToy H o r i ta ^roll lop , Incl. instruction WA' b o o k s , d is k s , & b e n ch '$ 10 ,000 .2O0-837-4869B c o

PIANO Antique upright = = s S400/olfor.

Ploase call 733-0943B ^ 9 PIANO S chum ann Olderupright; boflytllul sound. ------S600.C alI735-4181. r i

PIANO W om er, 1927. exc.shopo. $300 or bosl olfor. 1 KEYBOARD RolandJuno 106, synthesizer, S250 orb03to1for.208-410-521CTi GA

CHINESE PU G pupplos^ y a m AKC. rog. Fawn. 1 malo, wo' 2 lomalos. $400:73tf-8055

■NGLISH b u lld o g m ole f = =1 Yr old, AKC full brood- k q, Ing r ig h ts . $ 6 5 0 . firm , 670-5947B

TIEE 6 monlh eld female MOU col. Spayod & doclawod. Daii C u lo p o r s e n a l i ty ; C ali S60 1 rom '8 l66 ;324-'S l51 .•REE B lack m ale c a t w/ ^ 91 p a tches o l whIto. 9 mos o ld .L itte r b o x tra inod , lovablo. 934-4857 BAY=REE F e m a le block lob. ~ ? | g2 y e a r s e ld . pap o ro d & sp o y e d w ith up lo d a lo „ „ shols. Cail 837-4032.^ E E HAMSTERS (2)

each with own cogo.543:5912 Eves. B B k

'REE H ugo rabb it hutch s /with fro o la m o -ra b b its . '- -------

Coll 734-6408. <flE E kittens, ve iy cuto, II- St l o r b o x t r a i n e d . C a li 'b l9 736-0590. Very:R EE lo a g o o d h o m e , |T “G e r m a n S h o p h o r d X, ^ 9 ( m a le . 7 y r s . o td . G oodwith kids. 735-9369 ^lOLDEN R e tr ie v e r AKC • .1 s t s h o t s . D ow claw od m PorentsonsHe.733-6156B

X pi;pples. Paronts grool lion dogs. 1st shols, $50, , och. 532-4565, 43M S65B tn

-JACK R U M tt-T E R R ffeR - H IM m ale, 12 w ks.:jRTCA , ' U

$400. Shots, w onned, can M - d e liv e r . 7 7 6 -7 5 3 -1 084 , W

cojfcyCra&bftbfUshrcomJi ^

. J i u n t e S . ' S c o f t i f l S . m.. $ 2 5 0 . pym t. p la n avail- ■ - a b l e . Will d e liv e r . 2 0 8 - S S . .7 8 5 -5 7 l8 o r2 2 1 -2 0 5 1 .B |

■ m ale; a ^ e ^ S d T P I o M o 'call208-636-6224B G

p uppies$800-$1200, ready

■ t l

$2 < j0 -$ 2 5 0 . &’l> fh -T zu ^ AKC male p u p i $200.

C a il4 3 ^ 2 9 6 6 B |SHIH-TZU p u p p ie s AKC *1.1

r e g , 1 s t s h o t s , $ 3 0 0 . kRoady to Qo. 737-4650J ^


j f --------- i M i P P B I ^

k p J i i i lS T E ^ O G E w /duai c asr «

se tte a ,4 spoakere, $50. ^CD player. Sony. 5 disc, "a u to m atic load in g tray , £

jo i r iT E R 6*x47‘ G rizzly 5®w ith s t a n d . U s e d Vory „little. A sking $ 2 7 5 . Cali n A 543-9204 a sk for SteveB

PO O L TABLE in n e e d ol Pp"r e p a i r , a n y c o n d it io n , Gisla te bed proforrod. Call 65654-2799 or431-7102B FOl

- B tf ^ t e /a H e T O UN O v or - f ca n d u n d e r com binallon. ■CoD 878-2103 or 678^)330 §!!

-ROTOTILLER-S p trJiitch- ^for 25 te 30 HP trac tor, e ,N o t o v e r $ S 0 0 . C a l l ~ 208<77-4182B


■ P arts or comploto biko for resto ra tio n projoci. Call 436-8033 leave msg.

WANTED S4:C e m e ra s - a l l ty p o s . I^on c j n

w ork ing ok . 1935 -1960models. Ploase call f®' 734 .-8009afto r4pm .a

W A N T E D -P A L L E T S "-"4 0 ” x 4 8 ‘ w ill R.ay to p '00dollar. Coll 208-677-2728 ml.

W ANTED C a s s o l io to p e mosorles*of tho Old T es ta- p em enl. Call 934-4255 woi

WANTED ColtJiandguns: ®?.P y t h o n , A n a c o n d a ; ®!,',

• D iam ondback. 731-5001 ^days. 733-4479 eves. . PRO

WANTED O ld g o s p u m p s S*' o r g a s e ta llo n Item s.

W ANTED Email 10 to 15 mo gallon w ater h e a te r tha t n|n< runs off oM 10 electridty. 200-423^1010, m essagoB

WANTED Sm all B a les Of Siraw O r C an Tako 1 Ton $55 B a lo s In F a ir To G o o d s r o C o n d i t io n . A lso W arn B a g s 01 W ood P e lle ts . ^ Call 733-8838, Anytimo.B ~

WANTED TO BUY ®m!;Looking for a 4-wfieelor o r o£,,,

motorcycle for daughter's b i r th d a y . A ls o , c r o s s *,7 ° c o u n l7 skis. 934-5738 B

WANTED TO BUY {int■ Worltlng windmill. ggn

:a il 788-5862 or4ai-0614 , AIANTED to trado , brandnow. H 2 0 hoator for pro-p a n e c a m p o r r o f r lg . - aop‘ Pleoso call 208-733-0943B

WANTED V intago Barbiodolls ond clothing. 1959 - GAI1979. In to ro s to d in o s - 1-0OCta tes and collodions. Call SNO733-1322 e r 733-9688, on

VANTED Womon'a plus 4X4s lzo c lo th in g . O o o d $16ic o n d . C o t to n f a b r i c . T T HPtoaso call 208<g4-4111B gxc

L . g o i . ^ l l i ^ E i i lcom

a t v T ! tripliCLOSE-OUT PRICES oloc

ON ALL ATVS rois,1PV52. Now Polaris C T rr

Trail BiazorN ow on lyS 3f49 Z?,

GARY’S FREEWAY RV " ‘i -800-826-5336 - 733-6756lARLEY.’OI XL-1200S T T rr

• Extras. Low miles. , w n , Call736-3944B

AMAHA ’93 TW 200 ------- :Now c a r t ja tiros; S1700. p o ,.,


lOUNTAtN BIKE Cannon ' ’00D aIoF-1,000, pd. $1200. Exit'$6OOtotler.Can74»O320a 8

AYLINER '9 8 1800 LS, k 90 Copri,-oulstondlng-cond.7 120 hp, o p e n bow, vory lo w h o u r s , l lk o n o w , DO goroged.543-5101.B . - OUN = s = = ^ = = j ^ s | | . que

SA V E -O N -S H E L L S k f i H - -U S E O S H E L L S — -

40 to choose from ■ " 5 ^ Styles, sizes , colors, ARGC

big tttJCks. small triJcks. ^co n i ’eryroasonable.67&0103a rofri


---- TTOfRHDW----r RlJa n u a ry 19th a 2 0 m ^W estem Idaho S tate ^ ,

Foirgrounds 610 Glonwood, Boiso, ID

9 am dally.Admission S5.00 . , Stopb;

Info. 208-746-5SS5 Sarvtet


H |g i ,L - E t r > ~ I C O C H [T - U SP.46 caliber, stalnkiss L a with 3 m a g s . $525. Cali A T M ike208-736-3723.B . M

36 ft. 5 6K . G o o d c o n d . 201

G ulf S t r e a m ; 1 1 ,6 7 5 miles, b s m t model, satel­lite, re a r cam em , wllh or 731. without tow car; m anyex- trosl $ 23 ,000 ,543-4924*

^IN N ^B A tiO BRAVe 7 3 w S 2 0 fl. D o d g e , 3 1 8 e n g . 7 E xc. c o n d . $45 0 0 , Cali ‘S . u 733-0333 o r 733-3322JI

& 0

2 2 5 0 m ile s , n e w sk is!$2250 .208 -539 -9093* r R C t l C C A T ‘9 6 Y w o Bmi C o u g a r 5 5 0 M ou n ta in C a ts , L ike new . $ 2 5 0 0 each. C ail678-6047B ^ A R6t IC CAT '9 9 2R600 lo n g t r a c k , tow m ile s ,$3500. call 733 -9144*S C T lC C A T 'o t------------ :In o P ro 4 4 0 , C a A s k is , pixs, B-U ne Control sus- r p e n s io n , lo ts o l e x tra p a r ts , s n o o r o s s ready .Ask forT odd 736 -8118*

c lo so d snow m obile trir.S4750 .20^734-4999 .B

138 I W track, goodcond!$1500. Can 644-1478*C L A R IS '9 5 In d y llie .G roa t W ds sled . S 1100. • , 654-2982 or431-2902B 73! O LAR IS"’97 indy Sport

L A R I S '9 3 44Q L iqu id SKS, I K ' track , $1300. PO LA RIS_!85 4aB_Trall i 5 a y r 5 W O : 5 r i f c 3 2 r t e k c 5235 o r coll 539-4301.B

60 m iles , Pradlcally nowCalI539-OB09B EQUlf

0 L A R |F ^ 9 9 7b—RMR: V i i stock oxco'pl for boll? pan, 1 ^ ? 3XC. c o n d . Will consider c i n r wido for ATV or travel trir.>4300. Call 733 -3576*O L A R IS-^02 000-RM-R T ra|°•ed v o r tic a l e d g e 156* loodle s s t h a n lOOmi. S im - Tralli nons_sk i8 /covqrs,.ho lly .)on, roducod price 58495, '6 8 200 P o ta r is 700 RMK 900 SL P singlo pipe Sim- 2T. trnons skis, coil ovor sus- a 4 (l o n s l o n , S L P c lu t c h portsvork/baIancodS4495.son W90(IS pkg. w /a rido on ride w /ha)ff 2 p la ce trir. SI 3.999. . soroc125-9876 Kevin or Mortt. s i 8 .iBOWLER '92 New skis, W 9 0ixtras. $1500 . Call 536- cops.’O 23or539-9017B W14 tID O O '9 5 ,6 7 0 ,S u m ll .;2000'. Sk lD oo ’94 For-'nu la . 5B3, $1000 . D ie- ___nond drivo en-drivo olf 2 FORKilac'o trailor. All in g roal till, giiope, $1100 .733-20228 C an?(IDOO '01 800HM, 151 K W '0(rack, b ran d now m otor, 4 0 0 <:S500.208-735-B169.B sp d .CIS KTWO, Marker bind- wol klIOS. c o le s . 4 8 '. s izo 8 543-54oot. $400/olfer.'326-3765 LOADJ<IS S L P U L T R A -L lte Bfilack w /red bottom s, (ita All $ rtolarts. $ 2 0 0 .934-5560.B p = lo w PLOW BLADE 10. W/lll fit truck ortrac tor. ■ ■200. Hoavy duty military j ^ B la t b e d tr a i le r . 8 ’X1S‘300. Call 438-8215B“ "SNOWMOBILE-------- StO f?

Groat Slods o r \ ' o:L 0 S E -0 U T PRICES! 7 : ®!PS55. Now Polaris 700 D e ll

RMK 1 4 4 'Track hOI Now only $6556

IARY'S FREEWAY RV100-826-5338-733-6756 COnlOW PLOW Myor, 6 ft. -n 1 9 7 6 % to n D o d g e ' r*r X4, n o o d s gom e work, 1600/olfor. 543-6971.B\ M A H A ’ 6 8 a * 9 3 208* x c lle rs w /Iong trac k s .Iso 2 p la c e till trailor. . ~oth m a ch in e s In good >3nd. $ 3 5 0 0 .736-0656BMAHA ■'99'V-M“ 60d W L JIple doluxo. 290 mllos. cHEVYocl. s ta rt, reverse, mir- sholl'iim. $ 3 5 0 0 .7 8 8 -3 5 4 8 * S 'MAHA '01 600 Moun- 543-91lin M ax, now , 0 milos. d o d gillconsidortradelorATV ven‘\• travel trir. Incl. covor, or hns >800. Coll 733-3576.BMAHA '0 1 M oun ta in p e ^a x 7 0 0 . L ow m ilo s , &innn elms, $6500.734-4461*

YOUR CHOICE-------la ris '8 6 S S 440 or ■ ctic C o t EI TIgro 6000 ^28. Low mllos,

• YOUR CHOICE CD plo P o la ris ’96 Ultras 600

. ..• $2658,W SklD oo 700,54588 FO R D;lt 182 ol 1-84.825-9876 w /3511

8-6pm. M on,-Sol. a t r a rMake u s an offor. flatbed

EXTREME MOTOR Looks 1SP O R T S a RV $3,250

p y i i i j g i i M - s$2100/

)O N T PAWN YOUR estk k"; JN Si I pay top dollar lor luonty u so d guns. Any stylo. Any brand. Calf , ‘."T', ^ 137-6203 o r 539-1534. Q M C ’8;

nter dk

^O S Y ’74 24 It. Sell- G M C *Sm t. E l e c t , p r o p o n e Extendfrig . P r o p a n e h o a t a blue, A)vo, e lec t. AC, $3500. Cali 32jasocoD208-ee6-9817B J s u z iT- • ' c o n d .

REMEMBERiWrthdoyodyoujjIocod IT" fl time ogo In 77w Tines- ^ 1 0 0 8 ^ »97 Now l9 tho timo lo loplrt'upyourplctufoa. .bytheCuolomor

^ T B E D ' i e t L UKe^ew. $1400/offer ,:•.?■

C a ll6 7 g -7 6 6 0 «F l a t b e d t r a i l e r 25 fL‘G o o se n e c k , B e av e rta ll , 20K c a p a c i t y . < 6 6 0 0 . P i n e a l 2 ^ 7 3 4 - 5 7 2 f

snowmobile, enclo sed .'V -nose. $4500.

731-5092 o r 734-S092* JT lL rry t r a i l e r Heavy d u ty . 5 x 8 t a n d e m a x le w/3' sides $700.734-37281

SthsnovSwW to^W re.^^l-8x12fLT lll d e c k .:- ':1- S x ia it C aI1733^»89B ,

lODQE '8 6 Omni,, parting o 'u i. E n g in e , $ 5 0 0 .0 0 , Brand new tires. $200.00. P lease c aa 2 6 S ^ S & -2 5 8 f

C O N N E C T ’ '.W ITH

C U S T O M E R S . W H O N E E D Y O U R

S E R V IC E A d v e r t i s e In

t h e .. ■ S e r v ic e

D ire c to ry 733-0931 e x t . 2

tE c fm c y fo H K = — PLATFORM S c is s o r lift >0’ with tilt trallo r..S 4200 .- :a ll 733-6310. aUiPMENT FO R SALE ’u p t r a i l e r s ( 3 ) 2 8 f l . > 3 0 0 0 e a . - T r a l l e r , - — ' a r m 'b o d ’ 8 4 , 4 2 f t . >10 .000 . T r a i le r , Form- ) o d '9 6 . 4 2 f t . w /2 f t . i x to n s io n s . $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 . rra ilers . S tar '9 6 , se ll un- o a d ln g ,4 4 f t . $ 1 9 ,0 0 0 . rralter, 1991 llolbod,45ftifiSflft. pup .$a500 .C hevy____68 2 T . tru ck , now 366 mg. S2000 . C h e v y '69 ,!T. truck. 427 ong . 6 spd.> 4 s p d . a u x i l i a r y f e r iarts,S600. K en w o rth 7 6 V900, now 350 Cum mins //h a y tra in , 4 2 f l. a lum , pread ax lo a 2 8 ft. pup. 118,500. K e n w o r th '84 V 9 0 0 , 4 2 5 C a t . N ow op s . $17 ,000 . C a s e '82 V14 L oader w /hay f$rks ■ buckot,-S16,000. ,. C o l l7 3 3 -1 3 3 7 o rse e a l - - 1988 Eidridge A y e .*

IRK U FT ClarK 4000 lbs ll, good sh o p o , $3500.Wl 734-7728,731-2973*V *86 T -600 ,60 - sloopor,0 0 C u m m in s B C 4.. 13 p d . 390 ra tio , a ir ride, fOt kit, now tiros, $13,000. 3-5446 or 308-S446.B )ADERS U sed . .

BACKHOES Usod.1 $ ranges. 539-S839.B

torage Containers O '& 4 0 'available. Delivered to your home, busin ess

orlonstnictlon site


INC0 8 -7 3 3 -1 0 2 2 .B .

EVY 7 9 1 ton , cam per lOlL'now liras a engine, j n o w oll. S 3 2 5 0 . CalI I3-919IWD G E '7 9 14 f t . Stop an .'R u n s g o o d . $1150 bost ollor. 7 3 4 -1 6 3 5 *

D G E '91 R am ISO, AT, s, PB, AC, g ood cond,0 0 0 .206-543-e662.B =}D 7 6 Courior, rolioble insporiotion. goo d work ick, S650 .733-9120 .B 3D 7 8 R ongor F-150,5 playor. PS , oxc^«o(id. w mis.,-restored recw t- m usl soel 423-48e7Ji R D '8 0 F 3 5 0 . A*UtO.351 ongino. N ew brakes t r a n s m i s s i o n . '1 2 It. tbed'w /4 It: sideboards, e k s nice, reody to wrorki ,250 .735-1699 e v e s * f)D '8 6 F - 1 5 0 , Vt ton m porspedal w/comper, o o p s 4 , r u n s g o o d , ' 100/oIlor, 825-S072.B

'9 0 R a n g o r , 156K los. 2 ,3 liter. M any ox- 8, $ 3 0 0 0 .8 8 6 -9 8 1 7 *C ’83 -A ll o r pa rts . 6.2 ir diosol S ierra Classic,6K g o o d c o n d i t io n ,SOO, p a rts nego tiab le. I i '3 2 4 ^ n 6 6 .* ' : ^—C '9 1 a t o n D ie s e l , londod c ab . sh o rt box,10, AC a a u to . $5000.II324-7148* : *^ ’00 H om bre, good • n d . L o w m i l e a g e .,0 0 0 .1 s t F ed e ra l Sav- is Bank, 7 3 6 -4 4 2 7 *

IL Ijox q iom ond piate 's sb 0d b e x .s m . trucks, >novrtS150.734-6834B

• -P ■ •_________

- . C H E v V T T T s u b u T b a n-------.4X 4..}i,ton.:rebuH L 350

strong lunner, $895/' ■IlM.ptfor. C a l l2 0 S ^ - 5 3 a S J

1 -82 a Ton. Rune1. _ ^ J ln o p d 8 tra n sm iss io n w o rh ,I .4> - ^ 8 t o f i ^ h l - 9 4 7 4 B .

‘ . . - '3 2 7 V-8.4 spd . $ 2 ^ ., *••• - • C a ll732-6056» .. '-v :.I3h e v y '07 Blazer, full sizo f»i- ‘‘ 4W D ,'rebuilt V8 e n o ln d J fP i hMOK miles, flood Ures,

C h e v y 's e Suburban Sll- ^ “‘•wbrado 4x4 front & ro a r

3rd soat, exc. <3>nd., g ;-rjSSOO/oflor. 324-7738.B-{ iS n iiY JL Z B D .S h o tL h o x ^^ a i o p slde . H Ton. Lifted,

33x12 .5 tire s . 3 5 0 en fl. ' • A T . t i n t e d w in d o w s .

. 'S 6 5 0 0 /o ffo r . 9 6 1 -2 0 3 4 »cr*< days o r 934-9355 ov o a .« i^ W iE V Y '01 Silvorado, 4X4. C ^ x t . cab . S6 .800 . H om o e f::* ^ 2 9 0 7 /W o tk 733^)B74« f S S i t V Y ’93 B l a z o r UT

Tatioo, 4 dr..loathor se a ts .> L o a d e d ! G ro a t c o n d .

.S6500. 733-5767 ev o s. &! iMtds o r 734-1333 days.M ! . UHEVY ’97 B lazer, 4 d r.I AT. loathor, CD. tow pkg.I L uggage rack , su n ro o f.I • only 46K mllos w/oxtond- I od w arran ty . O w n o d &I -d riv en by l la d y . E x c .

cond. S14,500,78S<J9.11B "un tV Y -01 silvorado HD

1500 crow cab, 4x4. lood- ojJ. canopy , oxc. c o n d ..

o XOK ml.. $26.0C?0/offor or ^ p a rt trado for ‘95 to '9 7

i^3 t)< l-C ab . 775-777-98a8.B

^:jl<ttidod.tow pko. $12,500- t:r-> 7b ffo r.C allS 3 l-5 l1 9 » '

-------— — OODGE 7 8 ton. ■ —r . . . 4X4.440,

. !' P loa3o,call20a-326-45ia.«DODGE 7 7 Short box-------

•-.W Ton. 360 ong, AT. palm- o d . lif te d . N lco ti r o s &

/.w tioela. T inted.w indow s- , , , • Must sool S4000/of(or.- r - . ■■ Coll 961-2034 days. . : i? ..9 3 4 -9 3 5 5 o v en ln g s ,B •p ijoO G E ’88 R a idor.Sspd .'

AC, winch, S3495/offor. .324-1186 / 733-1823 BobB

^..':pODGE '90 Cummins. 33K — •^ T y ^ j^ rT B n g rv o fy c iQ a n r

,^ , ^ d 0 G E '90 Dlosol, undor v r - 137K to ta lm ilos.A C .PS ,!?. .-B spd ,, hoavy duty hltcti

■'rocoivor. Roai good cond. . - . .K I T CAMPER 7 3 lO lt.,

’ g o o d c o n d . , s t o r e d : >• Indoors. Bolh 5 9 5 0 0 o r '

'Will soli soparatoly. Coil OVP«.orwkd8 733-4129JI

DO DG E'94 % l. Cummins, tow packago. Good cond.

‘•l-Cal! 536-2772.420-1017* ^ •b o D G E -97 4x4 2500 oxt! eJ! '« ib . Cummins, 86K mllos. •(".^long bod . 5 sp o o d . tow . r - ' p k g . , n o w t i r o s , o x c . -.,.;wghapo. Coll &1S-2629JII C’ I DODGE '0 0 Dtoeol 2500 - ,o .v . : quod cab, long bod,•''■-S spd. Sholl. Uko now. low

r ' '011102. Olfor. 720-2861B FORD 7 9 250 Tall boy ' •convertod lo 4’ soft rido

*-"Hft. 351 m od ified , s td .' * Ifans, New paint, intorlor, •

S tiro s . S6500 . 5 3 9 -4 5 2 0 ► i^ d o y s or 543-6535 070S.B e { I fO R D -85 F-150. vory roll- i

, j r 'a b lo .S 2 4 0 0 . UTIL. TRLR.I 6X12. toolbox, drop ramp,* C .^ 0 0 .7 3 3 -7 1 0 8 . m sg .« g ; ,fO R D '9 1 F-250 XLT Lartot I i , . f lx t . cob, 7.3Utor dlosol. 5 I { " sp d , 5th whool ball & ro- I t '^ 'coivor hitch. AC. cm lso , ?* AM/FM c a s s o l te . 140K I - m is . Exc. cond, S5900 .} ■''733-7423 or 423-9055B -

• ; FO R D -92 R a n g o r ST X . Qiub c a b 4x4 , s u n ro o l.I CD, AC, fully loadod, Exc.* c o n d itio n . S 75 0 0 . C a ll - : 423-4435 or 734-9962B ^ : £ O B D *93 E X P L O R E R •-.-'XLT. loa lhor so a ls , low - .l^ ijiD os, S8500.436-0303B D J j^ O R D '93 Exploror. XLT.

lo a lh o r, now t ir e s ,■.y^oxc. c ond . S7500/offor. _. jri-i>looso call 208-123-9177* F ‘■'■FORD '93 F250 XLT Rog._ c a b , 5 s p d . 125K m is .. _•.‘.•.S7200.Call788-4951.B F1‘‘ F 0 ,R D '9 4 to n . 4 X 4 , ^ -PU ...7 .3 Ford dlosol ong,

■ Eng. transfer cose, front FL ond & b a c k ond Is O K. Iv; Trans, not good. Asking- I


K e l ly R u n y ' n . l i ^ ^ H ^ ' C o l d w e l l B a i

: : " , O r a l e e S t a

' ' ' C e n l i i ^ 21

■ I F O n D '0 4 B ri :^ 'fu l la lz e ,' V 8 .‘16*rhpg, w hite ,'new

■ . ' t i r « 3 .$ 5 5 d 0 :4 2 3 -4 ^ .B - r r r ■FOHO'^W&’M F-ISO 's A "* ■ -96 ;R «d .'165K m is.A T :

-;S 8 9 0 0 .- ’9 4 rB i^ 5 -8 p d .- .155K m lsiS4900.

l i E • ■ .423-5529B - ,J’"® FO R D '96C row C ab.1 torr. OfK,. —s ta n d a r d i r a n a r G o o d L _ cond. $13,500,543-2329*JL FO R D ’96F150XLT---------

, Reg. cab long box. $9500 _ .Cail539-3349.B -' ?inS PORD *97 F150 E x t C ab ,

outo, 4WD< 8 CD, loadod, 52K , oxc. $18 ,250 . C all 7 2 6 -6 5 ^ , K otchum.a

i i i : FORD '99 F150 XLT. 19K - l y r . warranty. CD,loadodl ' $17,900. Call 3 2 4 4 )0 1 ia

•B” FORD '0 0 rod XLT 3 5 0 ,4 ^ mr. 21K.100.000 ml. w ar-

~ ran ty S 3 f0 0 0 :6 7 8 :2 7 7 9 B n g ! ' FORD .’01 XLT F350 Pow - tfB. o r Stroke, Crow C ab. ro-' >34 v e rse sonsor, 5th w h ee l I.B p b te .eK mllos, loodod..' ^ 208-467-2319/731-2319 . m o GMC 7 8 , good cond,' a n - '4B g lne noods work, $ 5 0 0 . u f . Call823-4381.B 'Its. GMC *86 1500 Blazor, AC, Id . AT, 350 ongino, all pow -• & e r . n o w t i r o s . $ 4 0 0 0 . >.B 543/5446 or 308-5446.B dr- GMC '9 2 Yukon 2 doo r ><g. V-8 AT, AC. d e a n

Call432-5677B.GMC *96 Sierra 1500 SLE.

* Tan, oxt. cab, 3 door. 3 5 0 , i . V8, AT. 90K, S13.000/of»or. _ Call 436-439BI


fSMf? -nn g l T .iQ. b u c k e t s e a t s , p a n o l

doors, leather; CO, anti- = . . 4holt,-S2Z,8SO ,-Pl0aeo- -

call 733-5003. ‘S e e a t ^ 1760 Klmboriy Road.^B

“ i s u z u '91 TrVopor. A C .It- CD . silver, tinted. N ico .& . $3950.324-2371. OVOS.B

'J E E P ’98 W rnng lo rS pon - 4 .0 - 6 c y l., 24K m llo s .4 - lilt. 35x12.5 olfsot tiros

_ & whoois. full sizo sp a ro , dT pushbar, hard & soil top .

E x to n d o d w a r r a n t y .B $17.500, Coll 736-0656 B K JE E P *99 Grand Chorokoo i r 4x47fuily ioado3.1ow m lsT

No money down lako ovor Tr loaso. 208-726-2939B >• MITSUBISHI '92 Montoro n R uns won. Straight body.J- Moving m ust Boll. 160K •; m is . Pow or ovory th ing .

. AC$5500/o»or32&3263B ll NTsSAN’M Paih lindorS E .I V6, loodod. moonroof, im­

m a c u la te Insido & o u t.J- S8995. Trade? 622-7087*■ T O Y O T A '9 4 4-R unnoT . ' r -'Loaded. whilo. AT, PW , •

sun roof, now 6 ply tiros.;; Exc. cond. 734-8438.B . TO YO TA '94"4x4. A utO. •

Looks good & mns groatl ' - . ..,$6500.,Coll737-4857*. •

T O Y O T A '9 4 E x te n d e d / cab. Looks groat & ru n s .

great. $6000.436-6171* ‘ TOYOTA-94 Land Cruisor,

) powor sunrool. PW. vory . . doan! $16,500-543-6955* <• TOYOTA '95 4-Runnor ’ loaded, oxc. cond„V6.. 5spd73l-1172 .735 -5338* .• TOYOTA ’00 Tacoma Ext. ^

cab. Runs groat. $15,000.' Call 886-9B34 gltorSprfi.* _

CHEVY '6 8 N om ad s to p van, 283 ongino V8. Call

.324-6902, SlOOO/fifm,* • CHEVY 7 4 Slop von %Ton chasls. 250 ong, AT. Good shapo. S4000/oHor. ' 539-1599 or 961-2034*

DODGE '79 van, Hazoiton.P S . PB . AT runs g ro a t. Ve.SlSOO cash. 829-1218.

D O D G E ’9 2 3 5 0 L o n g b o d y , s o m o o x to r io r d a m a g e . Good m otor & ( drivo trane. 678-0597*

ro R D '8 5 E 1 5 0 Camp Van Fi insu lo tod 302, AT. d u a l 1 tanks, S2500.733-7164.* • I

F O R D *89 C a r g o v a n F( 5 spood manual. 180K. i

$1500, Call 733-6276* » FO R D ’9 5 W in d s la rG L F(

Fully loadodi Exc. cond. Lowmllago.$10,000/ol(or.' s 734-5838 or 733-1963B c

mmyon , Rlck>.GIi Banker' ' .WESTEI e a |t ^ j ^ I .Real Es

[ 1ilark ■ . Sieve, 6 b ■21 , d:r ..Cu

Ize.' MERCURY ■MVlllaoer / ' ' | lew R uns o ro a t^ ln s id i^ r s a t- '

cogd. $4795 .423St028*

t : .G ra n d SE.. L oa'dod.^sfs •d-- -m orrS 2295 :28y232B :d lf ' }

o a .E i " " " F 2 1 T ~ 'DO



2 0 8-734-5538 ^a r- ___ on

3! 2 0 8 - ^ - 4 5 4 3 = , (BU RLEY ) : H

[9. II

C, I In o u r e ffo r t to j«■ , I m a k e o u r ;*

c la s s i f ie d s e c t io n <- I f r e e o f a n y e lT o r s , '

( p l e a s e c h e c k y o u r |_ a d fo r a n y ■ HiB. I m is ta k e s tf ie firs t r

d a y tf ia t It r u n s . JA f te r I fia t t im e ” 1

I T h e T lm e s -N e w s iI , will n o t b e ' I r e s p o n s ib le fo r I a n y e n - o r e .

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ i / i / . ; ' . / E* - ................... » 5ACURA ’88 Logond, V6, Elt

- -loadod !-G leQ f» rS 2500T - - q- Pioase can 20^644-9266* . q

■ a u t o m a t i c - 7 r TRANSMISSIONS ^ ;■ Special $359.95. Most P -• American voWclos, parts. IM- la b o rs Installation___; ■^ (nciudod. ■

E conom y T ransm ission B 3 Call 324^760 for R

0Sf/m aros* B

'■ BUICK'01 Contury. air. tilt, ■ I , cnjiso, cassolto . PW. PL "

& mirrors, koyloss remote,L _ S U .8 0 0 .^ 1 .3 2 4 r4 5 S 2 * ____(

r • _

i _CADILLAC.;94.Sovliio S L S w ith .N o r th s to r o n g l n o . S H A R P I I $7995. Call Ray a t 733-

j 6340 or 539-3321*

; CADILLAC ’97.SoV ilIld . STS. 49K, ovory option

ex cep t On S to r. Silvor,100K worranty. Low book

■ $19.500/olfor. 734-7905* i CA RS Po llco Im pounds

(rom $ 5 0 0 fo r M atings a n d b ro ch u ro 800-719- 3001 oxt. C819B

CHEVY ’86 M onte Carlo SS oxc. cond., low/orlg. mi S5600/olfer. 734-237MI

CHEVY ’94 Covallor, now tiros. PL. PB. PS. oxcol­lont c o n d . R u n s g ro a t S4500. Call 737-9307,H

CHEVY *99 Cavalior. rod, $7000.731-1657 or 733- g 1778. osk for R ick,* ^

CHRYSLER '9 6 Sobrlng. like now , loa lhor s e a ts , fully loodod wilh sunrool & CD.. $7200 . Coll 324- 2244 or 539-6931.*

i » 7 * 7 5 M M H M r 7 i nC O N SIG N

YOURVEHICLEWo provide advonlsing.No cost to you. Excollont ^

dispioy. Arrange ^ finandng. Tako trades. ^

Ellto M otors %Coll 735-5314 *

P o n D 7 5 L T D Runs groot Good condition. $500/olfor.

Coll 324-2450 TOHD '80 Mustong. $250,

FORD ’92 Tounjs. $350.• Bom funning, 324-4688.*FOHD ’97 Taunjs GL. 72K

m ile s , s i l v o r . $ 5 5 0 0 .Pioase can 208-539-9093*

FORO ’97 Taurus LX silvor. 50K ml., loadod. storoo. 6 disc CD chong- ■ or. Coll 734-4080.* \

B l e s l e r ^FERRA I

l i l l

, ■

__ . \

' FORD 'i^W T E xped illo ii, 't ' g ra /In te rfo r and exterior,I g r e a . t c o n d i t io n , 93K ; miles; $13,000/oftor. Call J 420-30P5 or 733 .3085 .*

" tiros & brakes.'L eaded . ' Exc. condition. $7300.

, ' . Call 882-9270* J

cond. 50K mis. Garaged. Now tires. Beautiful gold m w/bra. S7000/otfor.'Call 324-3087. Iv. m sg .*

HONDA '9 0 Accord LX4 door, m n s groat. $2500.Call 886-9834 aftor 5pm * ‘

HONDA'9 2 Accord LX 4 dr NCharcoal. AT. AC, PS. 76K 'mis. R uns groal. $4,950. >

H onda *90 Accord EX =Alloy w h o o is . Sun roof. f7Loadodi AT. 103K mis. , ,

.-S4400.-gBO -2322-tilr.* - ;

I HONDA •92 Pmlodo. !I Looks and m ns groat, <I many extras. S750(Vorror. •=I Can734-7119B °

HONDA ’93 Accord SE, -door sodan , loathor Intorl- _or. sunroof, woll maintain-' P (o d . S 7 7 0 0 /o f f o r . C a ll fl(208)404-709g(colI)* r

HONDA'9 7 AccordLX47K _ imi., 2 d r., now tiros, oxc. S /condS12.500.736-2028* c

HONDA' 9 2 Accord U<, _ f5 sp d , oxc. cond. g rea t | ~ g a s m i l a g e .P W / P L , AMrt=M& cassette. $5500. r Call 578-2232 ovos,* ^

■JEEP '99 Cherokoo,Powor w indow s, pow or locks.Exc. w n d . S14.000;ollar. _ 532-422J o r 431-3U03.B '

UNCOLN '9 3 Continental - g 9 K-m l 8 . LUX 'iTr^a 'ng: ’• oconom y. Cloan. $5900.

7 3 4 -4 7 1 5 * ........................ L .


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# 1 2 5 5 - 0 . . . .

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•U N C O L N '9 3 Tow n C ar. g lo a d o d .lo w n o sk lee ll tho time, lea the r interior, w tiH e.4door, l48K m Ilos. $5000 , Call 324-5573JT T

b a d tran sm ission . S500. ' 4 2 3 ^ 9 9 3 or 420-1546.

.M E R C .« R .Y JA 7 _ Q rfln d M a rq u i s L S . L o a d o d i ,Extra Sharp. 423 -5614* ^

M bHCURY '9 9 M ystique ZS p o r t. C ru ise , C O . AC, Skeyloss, w arranty 8i now £tiros. $9500/o(for: Sandy Z8 7 8 -1 1 1 6 d a y s o r 678* m4 535 /735 -8888© ves.B £

N isS A N 'B8 S e n tra , 4 dr. £Q ood ong. & interior. No Sa c c id e n ts , n o o d s tra n s . w$50a/offer.Call735-5133B £

N ISSAN '9 5 Altima QXEi Snico-cloan carl Exc. cond. C 208.543-8144;m s'Q Ji " ' S

N ISSA N '9 6 S o n tra AT,' SPW , PL, AC, tapo playor. ffG ood cond. 886 -7179* S

O L D S '9 1 C u t l a s s Su> 5

i S S r . ' S S Ic o n d .,543 -5101 .* £

OLOSMOBILE *90 Royalo £3,8 ong. 6 cyl. Exc. cond. 5Insido & out. All options, fc

Sacrifice $2275.326-6652* CPO N TIA C '9 6 S u n firo . 2 £

doo r, AC, cruioo, 5 spd , tan i c o c a r $ 3 5 0 0 . C a ll t829-5171 .* 5

S A T U R N '9 6 S L I , o x c . £cond. 124K m iles'S4500 . f iPioaso call 206-736-2556* >

r THE TIMES NEW S | C lassified D opartm ont I

o p o n s a t 8:00 om %. Mon ttiru Fri. 5

T ak e Caro o f y o u r E ^ s a l f l ^ buBlr^o^* e boforo you h e a d to 7

y o u r b u s in o s s l e -1^08 -7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 e x t r Z - •

o r o u r Burloy Offico ^ 1-208-677-4042

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SUBARU '88 Wagon. ' TC5 spd. 4x4. $1000. sCall 734-5153* - - P

TOYOTA'97 Camry LE VWs e d a n . B oige. AT. A C . &$9000. Call 324-7603* . $

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jr ^iddsurQ} comply with Stato & F 'holo* for illuHmfion porpoioi only.

TOYOTA '8 7 Comry. LE, VWs o d a n , - 4 d r .$ 1 0 ,2 0 0 . ^

- P toasocaJ208^36-2490* "

VW ’68 Bug, now exhaust ^ & rea r tiros,' good cond.$1000. Coll 324-8795.*

f ? ' s j P M

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W ’90 P a s s a t Loadod! r -------M usi sell. $2200/offor. k i o s

-734 -6 6 0 7 * '—

3lue 'leather interior, now HYUF Jro s. $18,000. 678-9122 toade la y s or 436-9425 e v e s * pmts.

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