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2nd Quarter 2013

GAIN… PAE Employee Newsletter

Together…A Partnership in Excel lence

Focus on Ethics , Integri ty & Compliance

Professionals Provid ing Solutions

Local News and Spotl ights

Commitment to Excel lence

Reminders and Announcements

Commitment to Excellence - Message from PAE President Mike Dignam

Share your story with PAE colleagues! Send input, stories and/or pictures to PAE Communications.

In the second quarter of 2013, PAE has celebrated several exciting milestones, the first of

which is the two year anniversary of our partnership with private equity owner Lindsay

Goldberg. In the past two years, Lindsay Goldberg has made significant investments in our

growth; first with a focus on strengthening our infrastructure through system improvements

such as Costpoint, and more recently with a focus on growth through strategic acquisitions.

PAE announced its intention to purchase the Computer Science Corporation (CSC) Applied

Technology Division (ATD) in late May. The ATD opportunity fit perfectly within PAE‟s

acquisition strategy, which is to expand our portfolio through the addition of companies with

proven capabilities and with customer-focused and ethical workforce cultures. ATD has an

outstanding reputation for providing military and space testing and training services to its

customers in the U.S. Department of Defense, NASA and other government agencies, and I

look forward to partnering with this team to provide a more comprehensive set of services to

our customers. You will hear much more about ATD in the coming weeks, as we draw closer

to the close of the transaction and kick off the transition effort to integrate this team into PAE‟s infrastructure.

In early June, PAE had the honor of announcing Paul Cofoni as the Executive Chairman of our Board of Directors.

With over thirty years of successful experience in the government services market, Paul is one of the most respected

leaders in the our industry. As Executive Chairman, he will lead the implementation of our strategic plan; to expand

PAE‟s portfolio through acquisitions and organic growth and take a leading role in the government services market.

PAE is very fortunate to have Paul on our Board, and I look forward to working with him to expand PAE into an

industry-leading government services provider.

In addition to these exciting milestones, program teams from around the company have continued to provide

outstanding service to their customers, as you will see in the following pages of this newsletter. Our support teams

have also continued to drive progress towards building a more effective infrastructure for our operations. Among other

developments, the Costpoint team has continued to migrate programs onto our common financial system; our Ethics

and Compliance Office has introduced a new online training tool; and our IT department will soon migrate the

remaining population to our common email domain.

It is certainly an exciting time for PAE, and none of this would be possible without the dedicated effort of all

employees, and we recognize over 50 individuals in this newsletter whose outstanding contributions have been

acknowledged by their managers. We also pay a special honor to one of our most respected leaders, Landis Hicks, for

his 45 years of loyal service to the company. It is the collective effort and achievements of our employees that drives

value for our customers and that enables the growth of PAE into an industry-leading company, and I thank you all for

your continued support.

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Tina Dolph Discusses the Upcoming Transition Process for CSC’s Applied Technology Division

In early June, Tina Dolph, who was recently named the Transition Executive for PAE‟s acquisition of the Applied Technology

Division (ATD) of Computer Sciences Corporation, hosted a Lunch and Learn seminar on upcoming transition efforts. During

her seminar, Tina spoke to different aspects of the transition effort and explained how the transition team plans to successfully

integrate the new entity.

As a background to the transition, Tina explained that PAE was initially interested in acquiring ATD because of the added

capabilities this entity would bring to the PAE portfolio and the similar mission-focused workforce culture within both


“The process has moved very quickly, with the initial acquisition meetings beginning in February and the deal signing in the

final days of May,” Tina explained. “Both sides are very excited about the transition and look forward to working together once

the transaction closes.”

Tina went on to explain the three major phases of the integration in the transition plan.

The first phase will be “Organize,” a period in which we will identify the transition team, compile an initial transition

schedule, and begin communicating and collaborating across the combined entity to foster a shared understanding of our

businesses and understand what factors will be required for a successful transition.

The next step will be “Transition,” a period in which we will disconnect the newly divested CSC employees and programs

and move them into our existing systems and infrastructure. Tina made it clear that this period will be complex, but she is

confident in the dedication of the transition team to achieve these goals.

After the second period, which has been scheduled for a full 90 days after the transaction close date, we will enter the third

phase of “Integration,” which may take up to a year. In the third period, the leadership and transition teams will evaluate

various elements of our company infrastructure and identify whether they require re-engineering to support the needs of the

combined business and facilitate future growth.

Throughout these three phases, we will transfer CSC employees to PAE in the short-term, and take this opportunity to

strengthen and improve PAE as a whole over the long-term.

The lunch and learn seminar was very informative for employees, who gained a comprehensive understanding of the upcoming

integration process. Attendees of the seminar left with an appreciation of the major goals and significant effort required to sup-

port this process, which will help PAE evolve into an industry-leading government services firm.

With contributions from HR Intern Allyson Gruber

PAE Announces Acquisition of CSC’s Applied Technology Division

On May 29, PAE announced its intention to purchase the Applied Technology

Division (ATD) of Computer Science Corporation. This acquisition is one of the first

steps in our strategy to expand our portfolio through the addition of companies with

proven capabilities and a customer-focused workforce culture.

The approximately 5,400 employees of ATD manage military and space testing and

training ranges primarily within the United States, and they provide infrastructure

services and aviation maintenance support at critical U.S. government installations.

“The Applied Technology Division has a long and distinguished heritage of

providing quality services to the U.S. Department of Defense, NASA and other

government customers,” said PAE President Mike Dignam. “This acquisition will

introduce military and space testing and training services as a new capability in our

portfolio, and I look forward to working together with this team to address the

opportunities in today‟s dynamic market.”

Additional details on the ATD transition process below.

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PAE Introduces Paul Cofoni as the Executive Chairman of its Board of Directors

In early June, one week following the announcement of the ATD

acquisition, PAE marked another significant milestone in the company‟s

history by introducing Paul Cofoni as the Executive Chairman of its Board

of Directors. As Executive Chairman, Paul will guide PAE‟s implementa-

tion of its strategic plan; which is to carefully expand through acquisitions

and organic growth. As a well-respected leader in the government services

industry with a successful record of expanding businesses in his portfolio,

Paul‟s unique combination of skills and experience make him the ideal

candidate for assisting PAE through its next phase of growth.

“I am excited and honored to join this team,” he told employees at PAE‟s headquarters office. “The work that you all perform

is critical to our customers and very important to me personally,” he said, referring to the direct tie between PAE‟s missions

and U.S. national security and foreign policy objectives.

When asked about his plans for PAE, Paul replied, “We have a real jewel here. We have a precious asset, and we need to

protect that.” His strategy for growth reflects a respect for PAE‟s reputation, by driving organic growth from our existing

portfolio of services and taking a selective approach to acquisition opportunities, only considering those that fit within our

niche of enabling customer missions.

That niche and PAE‟s reputation are two of the major reasons that Paul came to PAE. “It is clear that Lindsay Goldberg wants

to make long term investments in this business,” he said, “and that is unusual for private equity firms in today‟s market. It‟s

also clear to me that both the Lindsay Goldberg team and the PAE leadership place a large emphasis on ethics and integrity. I

am happy to see that PAE takes its training requirements very seriously, as this communicates to our customers and employees

that we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of compliance and a culture of doing the right thing.”

Prior to joining PAE, Paul served as the President and CEO of CACI, where he oversaw its growth in revenue increase from

$1.6 to $3.8 billion, as well as the acquisition of 20 companies. Before joining CACI, Paul was President of the Federal Sector

of CSC, one of the largest system integrators for federal government agencies. Prior to his employment at CSC, Paul was in

various technical and management positions for 17 years with General Dynamics. In addition to the senior-level positions he

held, Paul‟s significant contributions have established him as a thought leader in our industry. He has served as Chairman of the

Professional Services Council and as the Chairman of the Board of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics

Association (AFCEA) International.

“I couldn‟t be happier than to be here now,” Paul said, “don‟t look back, we‟re going in a strong way forward.”

PAE President Mike Dignam (at far right) introduced Executive Chairman Paul Cofoni to employees in PAE’s headquarter office on June 5.

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PAE Celebrates Landis Hicks’ 45th Anniversary with PAE

Landis Hicks began working with PAE in 1967 as a Master Planner in Vietnam. “It was

a very meaningful time for me,” Landis said. He joined PAE right after university and

was very proud of his work. He spoke about the mentality of “we can do it and get

things done” during that time.

After only a few years of working for PAE, Landis was appointed to the role of Vice

President and General Manager for Vietnam in 1973, and then for the Middle East in

1976. In 1980, as the company refined its portfolio into specific geographic regions,

Landis was appointed Senior Vice President for the Asia Pacific Region. In 2000,

Landis‟ position was elevated to Executive Vice President for the Asia Pacific Region,

which is the title he still holds today. As Executive Vice President, Landis oversees and

directs PAE business activities that are conducted through multiple legal entities in the

region, such as PAE Singapore Private Limited (for which he serves as Managing

Director) and subsidiaries in New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Hong Kong

and Korea.

In addition to the broad management he exercises for PAE entities in the region, Landis

is also heavily involved in professional organizations. He serves as Deputy Chairman of

the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, and is a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers, the

American Society of Civil Engineers and the Society of American Military Engineers.

In honor of Landis‟ milestone achievement of 45 years with the company, PAE held a celebration during his most recent visit to

the headquarters location in Arlington, VA to acknowledge his uninterrupted service and dedication. On June 13, Tina Dolph

kicked off the celebration by unveiling the Landis Hicks conference room, which adjoins our headquarters‟ reception lobby and

is seen by all visitors to the building. Landis, who was caught by surprise by this gesture, was quickly surrounded by employees

who wished to congratulate him on his impressive service record.

At a reception held later that night, friends and fellow colleagues shared heartfelt stories of the lessons they had learned from

Landis. Speakers included Tina Dolph, Bob Reschke, Reggie Fernando and Dan Corbett. Landis himself took a turn to speak and

remarked that, “the spirit of PAE is a bit different than others. The people who are passionate about the company are the ones

that get it,” he said. “When you get it, you are in. What people feel about PAE and our mission is what makes us who we are.

Our clients really do appreciate it, and that in itself is an awesome experience.” Landis humbly thanked everyone for celebrating

this milestone and wished everyone a 45-year career with PAE, just like him.

Following his remarks, flowers were presented to Landis‟ wife, as well as Irene Loh, Manager of Finance and Administration for

the Singapore Office, as this year marks her 31st year with PAE. To Landis‟ surprise, the event continued with the presentation

of additional gifts - a commemorative award from PAE, a new laptop and accompanying bag. The laptop received a round of

laughter, especially from Landis‟ wife Nhung, who joked that Landis had up to that point been unwilling to part with his

approximately ten-year-old computer.

It was a wonderful night of celebration, a time to honor a beloved figure at PAE for his many years of dedicated service and


Landis Hicks and his wife Nhung

at the June 13 reception.

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Mark Kroeker, Senior Vice President of Justice and Rule of Law, Delivers Lunch & Learn

In November of last year, PAE began the practice of holding Lunch and Learn

seminars, in which leaders of the company deliver casual seminars on their area of

expertise or a topic relevant to PAE employees. The 8th Lunch and Learn lecture

was delivered by Mark Kroeker, Senior Vice President of Justice and Rule of

Law, in the PAE headquarters office in Arlington, VA.

Mark began his talk by sharing some life experiences that have helped shape his

world view. These experiences include his early childhood in the (then) Belgian

Congo, where he grew up in a missionary home; his career in law enforcement;

and several security and peacekeeping operations (including a return to Africa as

the Police Commissioner for the United Nations peacekeeping mission in

Liberia.) All of these experiences helped shape the values he tries to live by

today; values that he saw in PAE when he joined the company in 2012.

Mark also spoke about the increasing conflicts and crises we see in our rapidly

globalizing world. The technology that tends to drive the high-tech/low-touch paradigm increases the hysterical factor driven by

the latest tweet or news sound bite. He cited the Nobel Laureate Dr. Albert Schweitzer who saw an increasingly amount of lonely

people: “We are all so much together, but we are all dying of loneliness.”

Mark firmly believes that in this kind of world, we desperately need leaders who will take charge, transform organizations and

inspire positive change. He believes that many “traditional” models of leadership place all the focus on leaders and their ability to

grow employees‟ egos in direct proportion to their position on the organization chart. He asserted that while the “VIPs” are often

spotlighted, it is the “MIPs” (the most important people) that are where it counts. The MIPs are the ones who get the job done on

the front lines.

He likes to flip the traditional hierarchical pyramid upside down with the MIPs placed on top. In this model, it is the responsibility

of the leader to: 1) support employees doing the work; 2) serve employees as they work; and 3) set a daily example for employees.

Only then can you produce lasting results that transform organizations. This transformation allows you to leave a legacy based on

solid values that flow from the human potential.

Commissioner Mark delivers a “Swear to Never Use

Drugs” speech in Monrovia, Liberia circa 2004.

CSSP Hosts Third International Human Rights and Gender Seminar

In April, the CivPol Corrections System Support Program (CSSP)

hosted the third International Human Rights and Gender Seminar

at the Camp Gibson Training Center (GTC). The 14 students in

attendance were selected by the General Directorate of Prisons and

Detention Centers (GDPDC) Gender and Human Rights

Directorate. Attendees were taught about the purpose and

function, as well as the monitoring mechanisms, of the

International Human Rights Foundation.

In line with the planned transition of training activities to our

Afghan counterparts, the course was solely instructed by Afghan

Gender Advisor Tahmina, with minimal oversight by CSSP

Advisor Hults. Direction and guidance were provided in the

development of the agenda and the curriculum, which covered

gender and human rights issues within the correctional sector.

This is the third in a series of gender-based seminars that will be conducted throughout the year at GTC. To date, a total of 33

GDPDC staff (25 females and eight males) have attended these seminars.

Tahmina (left), CSSP Capacity Building Gender Project Advisor,

and Mehria Adalat Khowa (right), translator from the Kabul Female

Detention Center presenting at the Third International Human

Rights and Gender Seminar

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PAE Team in El Salvador Recognized with Quarterly Safety Award

The PAE team at the Cooperative Security Location (CSL) in Comalapa, El Salvador received the prestigious Army Corps of

Engineers Quarterly Safety Award for the 4th Quarter of Fiscal Year 2012. The site has received several awards and recognition

from the Army Corps of Engineers for their safety program in the past. This award is the ninth received that is directly

attributable to the professionalism and safety awareness of our American and El Salvadoran workforce employees.

PAE Program Manager Henry Marquez wishes to give special recognition to three employees for their contributions:

Hugo Saraviah, CQCM/Safety Manager;

Karla DeLeon, CQCM Assistant; and

Victor Luna, Operations Manager.

The CSL site supports operational and

logistical aspects of the flight line

operations of the U.S. Navy and other

U.S. Government agency aircraft and

crews. The team provides the labor,

supervision, tools, materials, equipment,

and transportation as necessary to

perform required facilities maintenance

and support services.

ACOTA Country Manager Briefs U.S. Representative Frank LoBiondo in Burkina Faso

In addition to regional peace and stability, the United States‟ interests in

Burkina Faso are to promote continued democratization and greater respect

for human rights and to encourage sustainable economic development.

Countering terrorism and strengthening border security are of growing

importance in Burkina Faso.

The United States and Burkina Faso engage in a number of military training

and exchange programs, including counterterrorism and humanitarian

assistance. Burkina Faso also supports ongoing U.S. efforts in the Sahel,

and the country is a partner in the U.S. Department of State‟s Africa

Contingency Operations Training and Assistance (ACOTA) Program for

peacekeeping, as well as a member of the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism


In late May, PAE ACOTA Country Manager Emmanuel Nouga briefed

Congressman Frank LoBiondo (Republican - New Jersey), Member of the

House Select Committee on Intelligence and the Armed Forces Committee, on the four pillars of the ACOTA program, which are:

1) Training and exercising partner nations' peacekeeping units; 2) Conducting multinational Peace Support Operations (PSO)

training and specialized training in medical, engineering, communications and military police units; 3) Providing capacity

enhancement through training of cadres of instructors and support of National Peacekeeping Training Centers; and 4) Providing

equipment, including instructor cadre gear, training items, deployment equipment, generators, uniforms, and Personal Protective


After the briefing, the Congressman noted that he will continue to support programs like ACOTA that strengthen U.S.-African

partners' capacity to provide security and stability. He reiterated the U.S. support for stronger and more professional partner

nations‟ security institutions as a foundation for stability and development.

Congressman LoBiondo (at left) pictured with Emmanuel

Nouga, after a dinner in Burkina Faso.

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USNS VADM K.R. Wheeler Successfully Completes Eight Mile Pipe Deployment in Korea

The United States Naval Ship Wheeler is a one of a kind

Military Sealift Command ship that is a key part of the Navy

Offshore Petroleum Discharge System (OPDS) in Pusan,

Korea. The U.S. Department of Defense charges the Navy

with the responsibility of delivering fuel to the beach during

mission contingencies. The Wheeler, which is home ported in

Pusan, is capable of pumping 1.7 million gallons of fuel a day

to the beach from eight miles offshore. The ship is 348 feet

long and manned by a crew of about 24 personnel from the

Tote, Inc. maritime company and eight mission specialists

from PAE‟s DS2/IMS business unit.

Defense Support Services, LLC (DS2) began supporting the

Military Sealift Command when the ship was brought on hire

in 2007, and has maintained the contract, which is now

organized under the DS2/IMS business unit of PAE. The

DS2/IMS Coronado site has been teaching Navy personnel

how to install the older legacy OPDS system since 1994.

Once that team discovered that the Navy wanted to build a

new system, they decided to get involved. The legacy DS2

team helped the ship builder design the vessel, and then

supported the crew by manning the ship with mission

specialists. Our mission specialists are responsible for

numerous tasks aboard the USNS Wheeler to include:

deploying the flexible pipe; deploying and operating the

LARC XV, an amphibious vehicle used to winch the flexible

pipe ashore; conducting pumping operations; and making

intermediate repairs to the flexible pipe.

In April, the USNS Wheeler completed a very successful mission during a Joint Chiefs of Staff-sponsored Joint Logistics Over

the Shore (JLOTS) exercise in Pohang, Korea. The term JLOTS refers to a unified commander‟s joint employment of Army

and Navy assets to deploy and sustain a force. JLOTS operations allow U.S. strategic sealift ships to discharge through inade-

quate or damaged ports. It can also be used over a bare beach to operationally reposition units and materials within a theater.

During the JLOTS exercise, the Wheeler was tasked to deploy all eight miles of pipe, and pump more than 400,000 gallons of

fresh water from eight miles away. This is not an easy task; the Wheeler crew first had to survey the pipe route with side scan

sonar to ensure that the pipe was put on an obstacle-free ocean bottom. Once the flexible pipe route was charted, the team went

into action; first pulling the landward end of the pipe to the beach and

securing it with helical anchors. Once the pipe was secured to the

beach, the Wheeler began to deploy the rest of the eight miles of pipe.

All of this was required to be completed in less than 48 hours.

Rear Admiral Gerard Hueber, Commander of Expeditionary Strike

Group THREE (ESG-3) and this year‟s JLOTS Commander, joined the

Wheeler’s crew for lunch following the completion of the exercise.

The entire exercise was a flawless success, and the team received high

praise by MSC, Tote Inc. and the Navy.

At top: USNS Wheeler deploying pipe off of Pohang, Korea. Directly

above: the LARC XV and Excavator that helped to winch the pipe to

the beach.

Senior Mission Specialist Rick Bower briefs Admiral Huber, General Akin and

other members of the Distinguished Visitor Party on the operations and

capabilities of the OPDS.

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PAE Employee Invited by the United States Secret Service to Meet President Obama

In early May, PAE employee Stacie Petrash, who works in the DS2/IMS

Medical Staffing Group, received a special invitation from the United States

Secret Service to meet President Obama. Stacie serves as a Registered Nurse

and Nurse Coordinator at the Federal Occupational Health (FOH) Clinic in

Austin, TX, and had worked very diligently to obtain the Secret Service

agreement. Since that time, the agency employees have expressed how glad

they are to have Stacie conducting their exams and being on-site when they

need her. She receives frequent recognition by the Officer in Charge at her

site, but the invitation to meet the President has been the most exciting

recognition to date.

In Stacie‟s words on her recent experience, “It was an honor and privilege to

be asked by the United States Secret Service agency to be a guest of theirs at

the airport as President Obama arrived on Air Force One. We were briefed

by an agent before walking out to the tarmac where we waited for Air Force One to arrive. As it landed, I was amazed at how

massive it really is. I was very excited as President Obama walked out and waved to all of us. After he made his way down the

steps, he walked over and started shaking hands with the group. He finally approached me and shook my hand while asking how I

was doing. I managed to say „good‟ as I shook President Obama‟s hand in amazement. Shortly after that, he got in the presidential

limo, and the motorcade of 13 vehicles and eight vans took off.”

“When I got back to the federal building, I was stopped by many people who had seen a glimpse of me on the news report on the

President‟s arrival,” Stacie continued. “It was truly an honor to take part in a Presidential visit, and I thank the Secret Service for

thinking of me when extending such an invite. The coordination and choreography that goes into such an event was just

amazing. The Agents serve a great purpose, and I am proud to be able to provide the service afforded by FOH to these

professionals to ensure they continue to stay fit and healthy.”

Congratulations to Stacie for being such a great example in providing services to our customers and being recognized by them in

such a complimentary manner.

PAE Hosts Afghan Law Enforcement Officials in Kabul

In May, PAE hosted a group of Afghan counternarcotic law enforcement officials

for a “meet and greet” event at the Interdiction Compound in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Commanding Officer of the National Interdiction Unit (NIU) Colonel Mohammad

Gul Wajdi and Commanding Officer of the Sensitive Investigation Unit (SIU)

Brigadier Gen Babarkahil were among the high-ranking officials who participated.

Under PAE‟s CivPol Interdiction task order, our employees provide highly

specialized mentoring and training, comprehensive facilities management,

physical security, life and mission support, and information technology to combat

drug trafficking. During the visit, Colonel Gul explained the NIU‟s drug

enforcement mission, which is to conduct arrests, raids and interdictions in order

to assist a large variety of Afghan Counternarcotic Investigatory Units with their

cases. He also discussed the need for weapon repair parts and trained unit level

armors. Due to the unremitting pace of field operations, the unit is in constant

need of repair parts and trained individuals to utilize them.

As part of the visit, PAE Operations Manager Mark Kennedy thanked Major

Emerton, a member of the NATO Police Force Management Division (PFMD),

for his hard work and dedication in assisting the NIU and SIU to better accomplish their mission of Counternarcotics Law

Enforcement in Afghanistan. Major Emerton has been instrumental in obtaining equipment to help fill the Unit Tashkils

(Authorized Equipment) for both units as well as assisting NIU in a major request for long range portable tactical radios for use in

field operations.

Stacie Petrash awaiting President Obama’s arrival.

Mark Kennedy presented Major Emerton with a

plaque to express the NIU/SIU’s appreciation.

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PAE Employees Support One Million Bones Campaign in Washington, DC

Beginning this May, PAE employees in Arlington, VA came together

to support the One Million Bones Campaign, which combines art and

activism through hands-on events and public art installations in an

effort to raise awareness of genocides and mass atrocities around the

world. PAE first learned of the campaign through employee Mike

Fluehr, and decided to support this cause after learning that the

beneficiaries of the One Million Bones campaign were non-profit

organizations that support many of the areas where we operate.

The One Million Bones organization believes that art can be used as

a tool to help people relate to the difficult topic of genocide and also

help spur social change. As such, campaign staff members hosted

“bone-making sessions” in schools and communities around the

country, to help children as well as adults understand the subject

matter and invite them to become part of the campaign. During

these sessions, participants created clay bones of their own, all of

which were collected by the organization to prepare for the

culminating event of the campaign; a day when one million hand-

crafted bones would be placed on the National Mall in Washington,

DC as a call to action for the U.S. government.

In preparation for this event, PAE hosted three bone-making seminars

at our corporate headquarters, to invite employees to join the

campaign and to provide them with a deeper insight into some of the

conflicts that have resulted in the stabilization and development

missions we support as a company. In addition to making the bones,

several stories were shared from PAE employees who had been

directly affected by mass atrocities. These stories were deeply

moving reminders of how closely our PAE family is tied to this

cause. The stories also served as a motivation for employees to

support this campaign and raise awareness of ongoing atrocities.

One Million Bones Founder and Director Naomi Natale attended two

of PAE‟s events to speak about the mission of the organization and to

teach participants clay bone making techniques. In her encouragement to recruit volunteers for the June 8 event, she said, “It (the

National mall) is a sacred space where so many people have marched for justice. Those spirits will be with us.”

On the morning of June 8, a group of PAE employees, along with their family and friends, joined the hundreds of other volun-

teers to lay the bones down on the National Mall. “It was a very powerful experience as we spent several hours out on the mall,

participating actively in the solemn remembrance of genocide victims,” said Ben Trajtenberg, Senior Subcontracts Administra-

tor. Each bone served as a reminder of the victims lost, and our common humanity. As a whole, the one million bones served as

a tribute to the victims and survivors of mass atrocities, and acted as a powerful visual petition against on-going conflicts.

At top: PAE employees make bones out of clay during one of

our three bone-making sessions. Directly above: PAE

employees, family and friends work together to cover the

National Mall in One Million Bones on June 8.

For every bone made, two dollars (one from PAE and one from the Bezos Foundation) will be donated to CARE, a

nonprofit that fights global poverty. Through all of our bone-making sessions, PAE employees made a total of 2,563

bones, resulting in a $5,126 donation. Additionally, in our continuous effort to support employees’ philanthropic

initiatives, PAE offered to match any personal donation made by an employee. Altogether, the total amount raised for

the One Million Bones campaign will be over $10,000.

If you are interested in contributing to this cause, please contact PAE Communications for more information.

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PAE Launches New Online Ethics and

Compliance Training Tool

Regardless of where an employee works or what their daily

responsibilities entail, all of us are united by PAE‟s corporate

vision, which is to “create value for our customers and

stakeholders by consistently exceeding mission requirements and

implementing innovative solutions with both integrity and


One of the ways in which PAE communicates the importance of

integrity and ensures that it remains a key part of our company

culture is the annual company-wide ethics and compliance

training process. The goal of this process is to ensure that all

PAE employees are aware of our company principles and our

expectations of ethical behavior, and that they are empowered to

make ethical decisions in a variety of situations.

PAE has invested in new tools and resources to facilitate

meaningful training sessions and, through each department and

program leader, establish and maintain an ethical and integrated

environment for all of our employees. Beginning this year,

employees will have the option to use the new online training

resource, custom designed by PAE and NAVEX Global, to

complete their annual training. NAVEX Global offers award-

winning online training courses that engage and educate learners

with content vetted and approved by Littler, the world‟s largest

employment law firm.

Offering both full length courses and short vignettes, the new

online course supports learning and retention across all critical ethics and compliance topics and delivery channels. For those

employees who cannot access the online training course, training CDs and hard copy binders will be made available, to ensure

that all employees are trained by December 2, 2013.

With the direction provided in this training, the values that shaped the character of our company will guide individual employees

as they progress in their careers and take on roles of increasing leadership within the company. As PAE continues to grow in the

marketplace, it will be under the leadership of those who have been guided by these values and who demonstrate integrity in their

daily decisions and interactions with others.

This long term goal – of creating a culture of ethics and integrity that will shape the future of PAE – begins with training, and

continues with reinforcement of that training throughout one‟s career. If you have any questions regarding the 2013 training

requirements or tools, please contact PAE Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Jessica Bejarano.

To contact the Office of Ethics & Compliance:

Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer Jessica Bejarano | Email: [email protected] | Direct: 703.717.6165

Department Email: [email protected] | PAE Hotline: 703-656-7500, Toll Free: 888-360-4697

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PAE is proud of its culture of integrity and excellence, which has been shaped by the many employees who exemplify our

corporate values of: 1) Perform as one team with excellence, integrity and respect; 2) Embrace the customer‟s mission as our own;

and 3) Seek opportunities for growth, both corporate and individual. The PAE management team believes that employees who

make outstanding contributions that support PAE‟s corporate values should be recognized and rewarded for their exemplary per-

formance. The Employee Recognition Program is one of the major ways in which a manager can recognize and demonstrate ap-

preciation for employees‟ outstanding contributions.

Through this program, managers at PAE have the opportunity to reward their employees by submitting nominations. Managers can

specify the type of effort being rewarded by choosing one of two categories: the Spotlight Award to recognize a specific activity,

or a Special Recognition Award to acknowledge a broader effort. Recognizing and rewarding positive behaviors and actions that

support our values is an important way to continue shaping the culture of PAE. Managers who have questions about the Employee

Recognition Award Program and how to participate are encouraged to contact Denise Rodgers at [email protected]. The

Employee Recognition Program review committee meets once a month to select winners from the group of nominated

employees. Congratulations to the many recent winners listed below!

Shaping our Culture through PAE’s Special Recognition Award Program

ASC Recruiting Team: HR Business Partner Daren Douglas,

Staffing Lead Lucas Berg, Lead Recruiter April Brooks and

Recruiter Sreedevi Pokala did an excellent job filling the

Winfly, Mainbody and Winter positions. The recruiting staff

has put in many late hours, working through weekends, and

many missing out on time with family. It is truly exceptional

work because of the immovable deadlines with this project.

ASC Coordinators: Recruiting Coordinators Katie Herron, Rachel Gonzalez and Sarah With and HR Coordinator Francie

Alvarez-French (not pictured) did an excellent job getting the applicants through the HR process during the Winfly, Mainbody and

Winter seasons. This included working above and beyond, on evenings and weekends without question. They are always willing

to lend a hand, offer a suggestion and do whatever is required to get all things accomplished. It is truly exceptional work because

of the immovable deadlines with this project. They truly care about each person they assisted through the process, and it shows

from the various cards, flowers, and pictures they received from the hiring managers and candidates they assisted.

Sal Rosario, Accounting Assistant: Sal is directly responsible for establishing a system whereby ten years of

PAE historical files in Afghanistan have been organized and stored in an IT database. Sal developed the IT

directory that provides ease in storing and retrieving documents, which is a tremendous cost-savings to PAE.

Sal's performance during these activities can best be descried as 'admirable and outstanding,' and he was often

described as 'amazing' by his colleagues in Kabul. His outstanding professional performance and service to

PAE in Afghanistan have been immeasurable.

Brian Gorka, Treasurer / Facilities Manager: Brian led the effort in the consolidation of multiple sites into a

new single-site headquarters. Among other activities, he: worked with the real estate broker to locate suitable

space for our local workforce; coordinated visioning sessions between the architect and PAE's senior leaders;

managed lease negotiations; and collaborated with the general contractor, architects and vendors for the space

build-out. Brian worked diligently to ensure that the move was completed on time and under budget, in

addition to his other responsibilities. Brian demonstrated a strong commitment to excellence in his project

management and leadership skills that will have a lasting effect on PAE.

Tammie Jackson, Executive Administrative Assistant: Tammie was an instrumental leader in the

consolidation of multiple sites into a new PAE company headquarters. She led the way, along with Brian

Gorka, our architects, real estate firms, landlords and the relocation company to identify, organize and relocate

nearly 275 employees over a single weekend. It was a seamless, highly efficient and rewarding change for all,

and resulted in significant savings to the company. Tammie's ability to work with leaders and employees across

the company to implement a new open and collaborative working environment, all while continuing her support

to the President of PAE as his executive administrative assistant, was exceptional. She has set a standard for

how to handle multiple constituencies with conflicting demands and interests.

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Shaping our Culture through PAE’s Special Recognition Award Program

Executive Assistants Leeny Walton, Melika Thornton, Casey Ringeisen*;

Administrative Assistants Rebecca Hinojosa, Angie Giannini and Julie

Kmet*; and Accounting Clerk Turhan Scott: These team members

contributed to various stages of the consolidated move to the Courthouse

location and completed their tasks on time and with excellence. In addition to

their respective busy schedules, they assumed these additional tasks and

assignments without hesitation and were committed to the success of the move.

Numerous hours, including weekends, were spent organizing,

coordinating and executing the various activities, and the successful

outcome of this move could not have been accomplished without

these employees' contributions.

*Casey and Julie have since taken on positions to support Business

Development and the Afghan Embassy program, respectively.

Helpdesk Analysts Ryan Jencsik (not pictured), Jason Akyea and Zach Bonner; Systems

Engineer Leigh Bleam and Senior Systems Administrator Tedy Ruslim (not pictured):

These team members worked at various stages of the consolidated move to the Courthouse

location, and everyone completed their tasks on time and with excellence. In addition to their

busy schedules, they assumed these additional tasks and assignments without hesitation and were

committed throughout the move to making sure that the move was successful. Numerous hours,

including weekends, were spent in organizing, coordinating, and executing the various IT

activities that were required and all of these team members went above and beyond the call of duty in their contributions. The

successful outcome of this move could not have been accomplished without these employees' contributions.

Larisa Agovic, Financial Planning Analyst: While on a business trip to Dubai, Larisa took the initiative

after noticing a need and assumed ownership of a problem. She tracked down Work Authorization

Documents, approved charge numbers for all IMS and IMS-BD employees, established a workforce charge

structure, and managed the project to completion. The result was a reduction of potentially thousands of

hours of items in suspense by proactively eliminating a problem before it was manifested. The financial

benefit to the company is noteworthy and commendable.

Team Somalia: Construction Manager Thomas Joubert, Site Supervi-

sor Jacobus Kruger, Logistics Manager Amos Malanga and Work

Order Specialist William Kereto. Team Somalia distinguished itself

with outstanding accomplishments in the establishment of PAE's

Aviation Forward Operating Base (FOB) in Obo, Central African

Republic. Each of these employees possess expertise that was critical

in the camp construction, allowing the camp to be completed 18 days

earlier than scheduled. Thomas Joubert (not pictured) distinguished himself in supporting electrical needs; Jacobus Kruger

distinguished himself in supporting plumbing and sanitation needs; Amos Malanga distinguished himself in planning, procuring

equipment/supplies, and coordinating the movement of items and construction of the camp; and William Kereto distinguished

himself in the demonstration of supervisory skills and his ability to motivate workers of a foreign land with language challenges.

Richard Eimer, Logistics Manager: Rich established the processes and procedures that were required with the initial ARAVI

program concept, to wit, all procurement would be conducted with a local staff in Bogota. Rich quickly assessed the workload

required, began coordination to use procurement personnel and vendor agreements, and organized the resources all while he was

coordinating processes and procedures with a new freight forwarder. Rich's hard work, technical expertise and ability to

coordinate the numerous tasks necessary to accomplish this complex process have resulted in him being publically recognized by

the customer on several occasions and PAE being held in high regard by the customer.

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Shaping our Culture through PAE’s Special Recognition Award Program

Ken Messner, Program Manager: Ken was instrumental in bidding and winning the OMSS program in Iraq

and has been key to last year's fiscal success in Embassy Programs. In addition to being the technical leader on

the OMSS bid, he led the orals briefing to the customer that resulted in the award. Ken has also led the

development of two bids while running the transition planning for OMSS and restructuring the current O&M

contract, resulting in a significant increase in profitability for this program.

Michael Sterling, Project Manager: Mike led the technical team on the OMSS bid, resulting in the highest-

rated technical proposal of the five bidders. He represented PAE at orals, laying out the approach and

advantages of our technical solution, and successfully handled the post briefing Q&As. Mike has supported

numerous other efforts with guidance and strategy development of the technical approach. His efforts to date

have resulted in the award of the OMSS program and positioned us for more. Mike's efforts are a large reason

for Embassy Programs' success retaining OMSS and pursuing new business.

Ross West, Program Manager: Under Ross‟ leadership, the Djibouti JOC program returned an average of

10% ROS on task orders he bid and won, received 14 Safety Awards, and was rated Satisfactory to Excellent

on every task order. Ross was also instrumental on the recent JMSDF award and was the capture leader for the

AFRICA MACC contract.

Karla DeLeon Silva, Submittals Clerk: Karla is a hard-charging, self-sufficient leader with a 'can-do' attitude

and is always ready and willing to directly contribute to the overall success of the PAE team. On her time off,

Karla took it upon herself to learn the ISO Standards/Processes in order to assist the Quality/ESH Manager with

internal audits. Additionally, she has assumed the responsibility and accountability for monitoring, tracking,

and archiving a variety of necessary reports in support of our business operations. Since the beginning of the

contract year, Karla has conducted 293 Safety Spot Checks.

Vilma Solis, Budget Analyst: In addition to her regular duties, Vilma supervises the PAE janitorial staff, by

providing training and any other support required to ensure that they can perform their duties. She prepares the

Monthly Schedules and manages the annual leave program for PAE employees, ensuring PAE‟s compliance

with Salvadoran Labor Laws. Vilma also compiles and prepares the PAE Quarterly Data Review, by gathering

the data from other functional managers, and directly contributing to the continuance of the site's ISO 9001

certification. Vilma is a vital and key asset to the El Salvador operations, motivating and leading by example.

Yamile Duran, Procurement Specialist, and Eduardo Dager, Customs Specialist: Yamile is

always the first to volunteer for any task, even if it is not within her direct line of work. She has

established time-saving processes and has maintained highly effective standard operating procedures.

Her diligence in establishing guidelines has decreased customer waiting time and supply delivery

pipelines. Yamile has enforced purchasing guidelines while streamlining procedures to ensure client

satisfaction and guarantee contract compliance. She established an innovative system for the acquisi-

tion of new vendors by utilizing a highly effective audit system so that these meet the rigorous Re-

gional Security Office (U.S. Embassy Bogota) checks. Her efforts enabled the JLSF program to sur-

pass customer requirements, and the program is now considered a model. She has been recognized by the U.S. Embassy Ambassa-

dor, who presented her with a Certificate for Outstanding Vehicle Maintenance Support to the USMILGP and GSO vehicle fleet

deployed in Cartagena during the U.S. President‟s visit to Colombia. Yamile truly exemplifies the “total team concept.”

Eduardo Dager: Eduardo's performance has exceeded all supervisors‟ and contract customers‟ expectations. His efforts ensured

that USMILGP and the U.S. Embassy received zero fines or seizures from Colombian Customs. His keen knowledge enabled him

to effectively recover a confiscated vehicle for the USMILGP. His actions led to U.S. Government savings and aided in the US-

MILGP continuance of mission completion. He voluntarily took over the duties of Household Goods Clerk, and achieved an aver-

age of 99.5% customer satisfaction rate. He revamped the HHG Standard Operating Procedure, which includes a comprehensive

timeline for processing property. His efforts aided in the significant decrease of customer waiting timelines. And last, but not

least, he instituted a new welcome HHG package that included detailed information on shipment of personal property, which is

now included in the USMILGP Administrative In-Brief for II military personnel.

Page 14: GAIN Insight: 2nd Quarter 2013

Shaping our Culture through PAE’s Special Recognition Award Program

Financial Audit Program: Senior Accountant Philip Sigal, Multi-Functional

Financial Analyst Kevin Seybold, Accountant Angela Haber, Senior

Accountant Oranta Lauscius, Senior Accountant Senait Meharena and Senior

Accountant Kimberly Solida. Each of these employees was a member on the

2011 PAE Financial Audit project. Everyone completed their tasks on time

and with excellence, assuming the additional audit tasks without hesitation.

Each employee showed dedication and commitment, working long weekly

hours as well as devoting time to the project on the weekends. Each employee

went above and beyond the scope of their respective responsibilities, and the

successful outcome of the audit could not have been accomplished without

these employees‟ contributions.

Maggie Chamberlain, Accounting Supervisor: Since joining PAE, Maggie has worked diligently to pick up

various areas of responsibility, create and improve processes, and support on-going initiatives. She has a positive

attitude and has shown a great deal of dedication by working overtime in addition to her quality work product to

get the job done.

Haile Yonas, Business Operations Manager: Yonas' dedication and business acumen have facilitated significant

improvements, and his commitment to his employees is far reaching. He goes the extra mile to train and develop

his employees, which commands positive results. Under Yonas' guidance and support, the three programs he

oversees were able to achieve significant collections and billings, which played a key part in the company and

business area exceeding expectation for the 2012 fiscal year. Without Yonas' support and coordination with the

Customer, these results would have been much lower. Additionally, the attention to detail and accuracy of

reporting has facilitated additional profit for GID, above expectations. Karen Tan, Operations Specialist: For the past five months, Karen has served as an interim Project Implementer,

providing critical oversight and management support of the day-to-day program activities and managing the exten-

sion proposal. Karen assumed this leadership role and has performed in an outstanding manner, thus securing our

extension proposal.

CivPol Billing Team: These members of

the Dubai CivPol Billing team have

succeeded in increasing customer

satisfaction ratings through consistent

communication, cost-savings measures,

and/or migration of new services. Each of

these employees has responsibility for

various tasks associated with CivPol

billing. Across the team, unbilled and total

accounts receivable have both decreased,

and the team has collected a significant

amount of cash. The end of 2012 marked

the lowest Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)

point of the year, and the dollar amount of

customer rejections has decreased, which

ultimately increases cash collections.

Pictured from left: Alex Guimba, Michael Alarcon, Nominating Manager Kyle Kraly, Mirsasol Consulta, Concepcion de Ocampo,

Julieta Soriano and Anthony Balilo.

Page 15: GAIN Insight: 2nd Quarter 2013

Shaping our Culture through PAE’s Special Recognition Award Program

Dubai Financial Services Team: Philip Xavier, Marilyn Sacramento, Jasir Jaleel, Muhammed Shafeeque, Michael Richardson,

Michael Alarcon, John Hilker and David Klassen are all part of the Dubai Financial Services Team that helped transform a process

-focused office to a program-focused service center. They are high performers who succeeded in increasing the customer satisfac-

tion rating through consistent communication, travel to the project sites, cost-savings measures, and/or migration of new services.

Philip Xavier, Senior Accountant: Philip has taken responsibility for a number of different departments in the

Dubai Service Center and worked to increase customer satisfaction. He helped to establish cost savings

measures in multiple departments. He supported all reconciliations and successfully managed the Dubai

overhead budget. He helped save the company over $100k by identifying a new office facility with a larger

space at approximately half the cost of our prior facility. He also ensured that our budget was met and exceeded

in order to reach our target overhead rate.

Marilyn Sacramento, A/P Analyst: Marilyn played a pivotal role in establishing the Petty Cash function in

Dubai and the policies for petty cash and local check processing, as well as organizing the database and tracking

for the local cash department. She effectively communicates with programs and HQ Accountants to complete

petty cash accounting on time.

Jasir Jaleel, IT Support Administrator: PAE would not have been able to implement the Mashups workflow

system and other services without the support Jasir has provided. Because he is qualified and experienced in the

IT field, Jasir is now transitioning into an IT role, where he will continue to undertake many new challenges

enthusiastically and with high professionalism.

Muhammed Shafeeque, Subcontract Administrator: Muhammed has awarded numerous BPAs for CivPol

Interdiction, provided proposal pricing support for the CSSP 2 Extension and JSSP (Gibson & Falcon Camps),

and traveled to Mali as a part of the Stability Operations programs in West Africa. BPAs created for CivPol

Interdiction are now used for other programs in Afghanistan, which has helped to speed up other proposal

pricing efforts and reduced labor hours for cutting Purchase Orders.

Michael Richardson, A/P Manager: Michael has responsibility for overseeing the largest department in the

Dubai office and has established working groups and long-term initiatives to address major issues and resolve

difficulty obstacles for the successful performance of A/P. His hard work and dedication have allowed this

group to cut its cost per output in half while significantly improving customer service.

Michael Alarcon, Accountant: Michael established weekly calls and increased overall communications to

ensure that the items are processed correctly and in a timely manner. He has been instrumental in the successful

processing and tracking of invoices for Corporate, Global Construction, and Stability Operations. Without his

hard work and dedication, the A/P team would not be able to remain on top of our aging liabilities and ensure

successful completion of priority vendors.

John Hilker, Senior Subcontract Manager: John completed a company-wide strategic sourcing analysis and provided essential

assistance to multiple projects supported from Dubai. He manages a team of 15+ procurement and subcontracts staff that purchase

over $70MM dollars of goods and services per year. John's work saved the company over $1M in procurements by consolidating

purchases and aligning agreements for specific regional focus. He has helped to reduce costs, ensure compliance, and increase the

processing time on all procurement services and he is well deserving of this award.

David Klassen, Senior Subcontract Administrator: David has helped to reduce costs, ensure compliance, and

increase the processing time on all procurement services provided to the Stability Operations projects. David's

work has focused on an improved service level through contributions in the following areas: improved pricing

accuracy, increased vendor communication, improved understanding of client requirements, assisting in

strategic sourcing efforts, and proposal support for GID and Stability Operations.

Page 16: GAIN Insight: 2nd Quarter 2013

Shaping our Culture through PAE’s Special Recognition Award Program

Eugne Van Wyk, Subcontracts Administrator: Eugene has consistently demonstrated selfless commitment

to the MONUSCO program in order to ensure mission success. His dedication is the thread which maintains

continuity of procurement support to ensure critical procurements occur in a timely and compliant manner. He

has put personal priorities to the side on several occasions in order to provide the appropriate level of support

to the Program. Eugene is an asset whose efforts deserve recognition.

Lester Macuha, Finance Manager: Lester has shown continuous commitment to PAE and the mission of our programs. He has

repeatedly taken on challenging projects and programs with little resistance and a desire to succeed in everything he does. Most

notably, Lester has worked on the accounting for both Erbil and Mazar, assisted WDC with the AFRICAP balance sheet

reconciliation, and continues to oversee the accounting activities for India and Cuba MACC. Lester is a valuable asset to PAE.

Bobby Cardone, Project Support Unit Chief: Bobby has been serving as the Acting Deputy Chief of Team -

Logistics (DCOT-L) since the departure of the DCOT-L in June 2012. Serving in this capacity, Bobby has

been instrumental in developing the Hub & Spoke Logistics Program, helping format the C2E2 Cost Proposal,

distributing the humanitarian supplies country-wide, developing the Baghlan & Wardak FF&E documents, and

transitioning the Justice Center in Parwan from Pro-Telligent to PAE. Additionally, Bobby has successfully

restructured various units to make them operate at a higher and more efficient level.

Grady Wood, Regional Support Unit Chief: For one month in 2012, Grady filled the role of Deputy Chief

of Team - Logistics, in addition to his duties as a Regional Support Unit Chief. At this time, CSSP was in the

middle of a cost proposal and transitioning the Justice Center in Parwan from Pro-Telligent. In the midst of

handling these assignments, Grady was still responsible for many of the day-to-day activities that were a part

of his prior assignment as a Facilities Management Specialist. Grady's attitude, willingness, and knowledge of

the Program played contributed immensely to CSSP continuing its mission with no negative impact.

Cecilia Vidal, Accountant: In the short time that Cecilia has been employed by PAE, she has performed an

outstanding amount of work. Carrying this extra workload has often resulted in Cecilia working extended

hours with minimal assistance and only nominal training. Cecilia supports seven PAE Programs in

Afghanistan, and the myriad of tasks she performs could be insurmountable, were it not for her dedication and

sense of duty in completion of the mission with quality results.

Joel Quintao, Environmental Foreman: Under Joel's leadership, the PAE Environmental Team has never

received less than a satisfactory rating from a Government Performance Assessment. Joel has ensured that his

team meets all required training and certification requirements and was recently instrumental in conducting

two separate hazardous waste offloads from the Camp to the Defense Logistics Agency. Most recently, Joel

also received a Letter of Appreciation directly from the Customer, commending him for managing "one of the

most well-run storage areas that he has observed." Joel's efforts are to be commended and recognized.

Brian Koziol, BD Analyst/Capture Manager (not pictured) and Brian Schock, Business Operations

Supervisor: Brian and Brian provided the leadership and strategy to close out the Mazar Program. Their hard

work and persistence allowed PAE to avoid a significant write-off, and they were successful in negotiating a

settlement with DoS OBO. Efforts such as these deserve recognition.

Burt Stover, Registered Nurse II: The NASA Glenn Research Center site was a new start for DS2. With

only 15 days from notification to start work, it was necessary to hire an all new management and clinical

provider team. Burt quickly established himself as a leader and developed a solid and professional working

relationship with the internal executives and NASA leaders. Mr. Stover's efforts in standing-up the new site

operations have been outstanding and brought credit to DS2 such that, after only six months, the NASA Glenn

Research Site is seen as a model for a large FOH. NASA site managers have subsequently agreed to fund an

on-campus Occupational Hearing Conservation Training Program for all DS2 physicians, nurse practitioners,

RN staff, and clinical management staff that will save $4,900 in course registration fees and 14 days in

manpower costs that would otherwise have been charged to contract overhead.

Page 17: GAIN Insight: 2nd Quarter 2013

Current PAE Job Openings

PAE considers its employees to be the company‟s

greatest asset. To encourage employees to seek new

opportunities within the company and retain top talent,

PAE Recruiters have highlighted a few of their current job


QC Supervisor - Bogota, Colombia -

VOIP Communications Engineer III – Ramstein, Germany


Trilingual Interpreter - JMDSF – Djibouti, Africa


Bilingual Interpreter – JMDSF – Djibouti, Africa


For more information on job opportunities within PAE

and a comprehensive listing of open positions, please visit

Connect with PAE Follow PAE via its social

media channels to keep in touch with colleagues and stay

informed on company news and job openings.

Please keep in mind that employees are expected to adhere to

the guidelines in PAE 701 regarding social media. If you have

any questions regarding our policy or its application, please

contact the communications department at

[email protected].

Produced by PAE Communications For questions, comments or story ideas for GAIN Insight, please contact Meg Manthey, Director of

Communications, at [email protected] or 703-717-6175.

Special thanks to the contributors to this issue, including: Jessica Bejarano, Allyson Gruber, Denise Henderson, Kelley

Heneghan, Aida Jalaludin, Boyd Jernigan, Mark Kennedy, Mark Kroeker, Katrina Lennon, Henry Marquez, Emmanuel

Nouga, Stacie Petrash, Ashlyn Pumphrey, Denise Rodgers, Karen Tan, Thomas Velez, Larry Walters, Glen White and

Mark Wood.

In Memoriam: Michael Erhardt

PAE employee Michael Erhardt, who served

as a boiler mechanic on the Antarctic Support

Contract, passed away in early June from an

aggressive form of cancer. He is survived by

his sister and parents, who remember him as a

consummate adventurer. Michael was an

experienced rancher and avid pilot. Before

joining PAE in Antarctica, Michael worked in

Iraq and Afghanistan, and he considered

Antarctica to be one of his final frontiers.

After walking in the footsteps of polar

explorers, witnessing the beauty of the

southern skies, and taking in the view from the

flight deck of the C-17, he told his sister he

had done everything in life he had wanted

to. His family sends thanks to his colleagues

in Antarctica for their support and helping to

get him closer to home in his final days.

Photos by Scott Bream, Safety Engineer for Antarctic

Support Contract, South Pole Station

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