
Gaining Positive! Issue #02

May 2010

From the Editor

Welcome to the second issue of Gaining Positive! Hope you are all faring well, making adaptations to the summer season that has set in (or contrary, if you live in the Southern Hemisphere). Health is always a concern when it comes to change of seasons and I am often intrigued by the possibility of some perfect formula that would work for all seasons. We have a suggested “Perfect Formula Diet” now as I read Janice Stanger’s exciting health/nutrition book The Perfect Formula Diet ( It has a trove of information on health, nutrition, and diet, showing us how Nature has the best in stock for us. And along the same lines, this issue of GP! has some great tips, news, and more for you. Happy Reading!

Ernest Dempsey, Associate Editor April 26, 2010

GP News

LHP has a special offer for GP! subscribers. Each month, LHP will offer the GP Book-of-the-Month deal where a selected book is 40% off for readers of GP. Orders will be accepted at the discount price until the last day of the month (May 31st, 2010, in this case). The first book offered is Journey from Head to Heart by Nancy Oelklaus.

The third issue of LHP’s print quarterly Recovering the Self is out now, available for sale at and other fine e-tailers. Submissions are being accepted till April 10, 2010, for the next issue. Visit to subscribe and/or order back issues online.

On September 17, 2010, the All Inclusive Care for Children Coalition is presenting Beyond Words: Redefining Loss through Creative Approaches, an educational conference for families and professionals at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino in Verona, NY. Learn more at the official website.

Golden Guide: Ten Steps to Becoming Dead Right by Frances Shani Parker

Frances Shani Parker is the author of Becoming Dead Right: A Hospice Volunteer in Urban Nursing Homes (Loving Healing Press, 2007), a book that offers insight and information about hospice, nursing homes, and various aspects of eldercare. Her experience as a consultant and hospice volunteer has shown her the importance of preparing for death long before it comes. Here are her suggestions for becoming “dead right”:

Accept death as part of life. Death will come, no matter how often you avoid the topic. Listen to the universe. If you believe you are part of an infinite enlightenment, be still and listen. Expect Rainbow Smiles –i.e. joyous, healing, memorable moments that come more often when you

anticipate them. Live a healthy lifestyle. Practice habits of good health in your daily living. Be informed and proactive. Apply your knowledge. Do your best. You can’t solve every problem or be everything to everybody. Just do all you can. Complement others by fulfilling needs through service. Both server and recipient benefit from this


Be grateful for blessings. Blessings come like wondrous celebrations held in your honor. Let appreciation reign!

Put death wishes in writing. Fulfillment of your end-of-life wishes will often depend on what you discuss and record now.

Have a dignified death journey. Breathe in your final phase of life with contentment. Experience a dying process that brings beauty and calm to your personal letting go.

Learn more about Frances Shani Parker and her book here.

Author Chat

Kerin Bellak-Adams, author of AD/HD SUCCESS! Solutions for Boosting Self-Esteem: The Diary Method for Ages 7-17 (Loving Healing Press, 2010), was interviewed by Dr. David Newman for Roseheartradio. The interview focused on ADD/ADHD in depth and what each and every one of us can do to help the child, teen or adult cope with this disorder. Listen to the interview here.

Catherine VanWetter, at the Blog Talk Radio, interviewed Dr. Barbara Sinor about her up and coming book Tales of Addiction and Inspiration for Recovery. Listen to the interview online.

Tyler R. Tichelaar of Reader Views was joined by David Banner for an interview about his latest book Frameshifting: A Path to Wholeness (Loving Healing Press, 2008). A new hardcover edition was just released for 2010. Read David Banner’s interview online.

Hot Off the Press

Rewriting Life Scripts: Transformational Recovery for Families of Addicts: this first-ever book to comprehensively help the families of those addicted to drugs and alcohol quickly shot into the top 10 books for Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) on this month!

New Kindle E-ditions

Over the next three months, we are working to release Amazon Kindle eBook and Apple iBook versions of all our readers’ favorite titles. Here is the first batch and they are offered at very reasonable prices for these e-ditions.

From Crisis To Recovery: Proceedings of the 6th Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Conference. Edited by George W. Doherty

Return To Equilibrium: The Proceedings of the 7th Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Conference . Edited by George W. Doherty

The Blue Fairy and other tales of transcendence by Ernest Dempsey


Make a difference in your life and that of others by subscribing to our journal Recovering the Self. Log on to now to learn more and subscribe online.

Last Chance to Register for Awakening The Power conference May 15th in Ann Arbor

Loving Healing Press is hosting a day of inspiration, education, and renewal at the Awakening the Power Within conference at Weber's Inn in Ann Arbor, Michigan on May 15th, 2010, from 9 am to 4 pm. Conference registration is only $25 and includes Weber's fabulous sandwich buffet lunch. Visit now for online registration. Group discounts available

Till our next issue, have a great time!

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