
The Player’s Journey

Summary• Hero’s Journey

• What is the Hero’s Journey?• How does the Hero’s Journey work?• How is the Hero’s Journey used?• How does the Hero’s Journey apply to game stories?

• Player’s Journey• What is the Player’s Journey?• How does the Player’s Journey apply to game

structure?• How can we use the Player’s Journey?

What is the Hero’s Journey?

How does it work?

Star Wars: A New Hope


What is it about?

Hero’s Journey (Abridged)

The Call to AdventureThe Road of TrialsThe Vision QuestThe Meeting with the GoddessThe BoonThe Magic FlightThe Return ThresholdThe Master of Two Worlds

Three Act Structure Hero’s Journey

Setup(Inciting Incident)

Departure (Threshold)






Before the Action

During the Action

After the Action

Act 2a

Act 1

Act 2b

Act 3

Act 1

Act 2aAct 2b

Act 3

Crossing the Threshold


Road BackEscape the

Ordinary World

Survive in the Wilderness

Overcome the Ordeal, get the Reward

Return Home to Safety

Four-ish Act Structure Action Hero’s Journey

Setup Explaining the Action Departure

Confrontation Preparing for the Action Initiation

Climax During the Action Ordeal

Resolution After the Action Return

Who uses the Hero’s Journey?

Summary• Hero’s Journey

• What is the Hero’s Journey?• How does the Hero’s Journey work?• How is the Hero’s Journey used?• How does the Hero’s Journey apply to game stories?

• Player’s Journey• What is the Player’s Journey?• How does the Player’s Journey apply to game

structure?• How can we use the Player’s Journey?

Video Game Stories

Ocarina of Time• Ordinary World• Call to Adventure• Refusal of the Call• Meeting with the Mentor• Crossing the Threshold• Test, Allies, Enemies• The Ordeal• The Reward• The Road Back/The Return

Super Mario Bros.• One day, the kingdom of the peaceful Mushroom Kingdom people was

invaded by the Koopa, a tribe of turtles famous for their black magic. The quiet, peace-loving Mushroom People were turned into mere stones, bricks, and even field horsehair plants, and the Mushroom Kingdom fell into ruin.

• The only one who can undo the magic spell on the Mushroom People and return them to their normal selves is the Princess Toadstool, the daughter of the Mushroom King. Unfortunately, she is presently in the hands of the great Koopa turtle king.

• Mario, the hero of the story (maybe) hears about the Mushroom People's plight and sets out on a quest to free the Mushroom Princess from the evil Koopa and restore the fallen kingdom of the Mushroom People.

• You are Mario! It's up to you to save the Mushroom People from the black magic of the Koopa!


Summary• Hero’s Journey

• What is the Hero’s Journey?• How does the Hero’s Journey work?• How is the Hero’s Journey used?• How does the Hero’s Journey apply to game stories?

• Player’s Journey• What is the Player’s Journey?• How does the Player’s Journey apply to game

structure?• How can we use the Player’s Journey?

The Player’s Journey

Not about who the player is in the storyNot about what role the character has in the storyThe player’s role in the game

Act 2a

Act 1

Act 2b

Act 3

Playing Tetris

Turn on your GameboyEnter a world with new rules and rewardsChallenge yourself and learn something newYou reach glorious victory or bitter defeatTurn off you Gameboy

Act 2a

Act 1

Act 2b

Act 3

Game Structure

1. Introduction (Tutorial)2. Levels (Mini-Bosses / Challenges)3. Final Boss4. Ending

Four-ish Act Structure GAMES! Hero’s Journey

Setup Intro/Tutorial Departure

Confrontation Levels/Challenges Initiation

Climax Final Boss Ordeal

Resolution Ending Return


Levels +Challenges

Final Battle


Games Player’s Journey Hero’s Journey

Tutorial Become the Player Departure

Levels / Challenges Master the Player Initiation

Final Boss Test the Player Ordeal

Ending Leave the Player Return

The Mechanic Cycle

Explain the MechanicTeach the Mechanic (practice make perfect)Test the MechanicReward

Games Player’s Journey Hero’s Journey

Tutorial Become the Player Departure

Levels / Challenges Master the Player Initiation

Final Boss Test the Player Ordeal

Ending Leave the Player Return

Become the Player• Does the player have a mentor/help?• Does the player understand their

role/motivation?• Does the player understand the gameplay?• Does the player understand their goals?• Is this fun?

Master the Player• Is the player learning new skills/strategies?• Is the player acquiring new

items/tools/abilities?• Does the player believe in the goals?• Is the player ready for the Ordeal?• Is this fun?

Test the Player

• Is the Player challenged with all they know and have acquired?

• Are the stakes high enough?• Has the player surpassed the mentor?

Leaving the Player

• Was the Player satisfied?• Was it worth it?• Will the Player remember it?

Every game should TRANSFORM the player.

Send the Player on a Journey

Explain the rules and goalsBring the player to a new place Train them to survive in this world Give them a chance to reach their goalSend them back with a reward

Link the Hero and the Player

Finds ways for them to share phases in the journeyMap the Player’s emotions to the HeroMake the Hero as vulnerable as the PlayerAllow the Hero to grow stronger with the Player


Fulfill the Player’s NeedsExplain the rules and goals (boundaries, structure)Bring the player to a new place (the spice of life)Train them to survive in this world (learn something)Give them a chance to reach their goal (judgement)Send them back with a reward (reward)

Voyage of the HeroMiraculous conception and birthInitiation of the hero-childWithdrawal from family or community for meditation and preparationTrial and QuestDeathDescent into the underworldResurrection and rebirthAscension, apotheosis, and atonement

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