Page 1: Game Covers - Terence Byrne

Game Covers

Terence Byrne

Page 2: Game Covers - Terence Byrne

This game cover is from the game State of Decay. The cover portrays bright but gloomy colours from orange to dark blue. In addition, the cover shows zombies hunting down the survivors as the survivors fight them off from a gas station roof top.

This type of image has been used to create tension and implies that the game is based in an apocalypse. Also, it shows that the zombies will hunt you down and that escaping will be tough.

Also the type of text used for the title is bold to make the text stand out and simple to read. The text is also black to show that this game is hardcore and going to be a hard game to play.

Page 3: Game Covers - Terence Byrne

This is the game cover used for the game Survival Instincts. The colours used are gloomy and creepy looking with an environment looking like open fields. Also, there is a barn in the back which looks abandoned and mysterious. The 2 characters look like a team from the image used.

In addition, the 2 people in the game cover are from an apocalyptic TV series named The Walking Dead, and these 2 are the main characters I the game. These 2 characters are well known to live in an apocalyptic world and so using them both in this game portrays the game will be based in a zombie apocalypse in which the player will have to survive.

The text used is Bold and the words “THE WALKING DEAD” are bold to portray that this game is made by AMC who sponsor The Walking Dead. Also, the text is underlined with what looks to be blood to imply the game is going to be based around killing zombies and even people.

Page 4: Game Covers - Terence Byrne

This game cover is from the game Dead Island. The cover shows zombies on what looks to be a beach during a storm. The zombie in front looks like he is in pain, meaning he may have been a guy a few minutes before but now he is turning into a zombie.

The title is bold and in the colour Red to portray blood and horror. Also, the I for Island is replaced with a zombie like figure. The scenery looks dramatic and bizarre and this makes the game look more threatening.

The palm tree used behind the title text also portrays that the game will be based around beach lands and hotels and even the ocean. This gives the viewer an idea then of the environment of the game as well as style.

Page 5: Game Covers - Terence Byrne

This game cover is from the game Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare. The zombie used on the cover is the main character in the game and it shows him as a zombie. The zombie looks menacing with worms hanging out of its eye and its mouth is shredded probably from eating humans.

The colours used are bright but in some areas jet black. The bright colours make the headstones and background zombies stand out. Also the stars in the background portray the American flag, meaning the game will be based in the USA.

The title of the game is brightly coloured so that it stands out, With slime like effects dripping from the title text. Also, the image of the main character as a zombie creates tension as this could be a hint to whether he dies or not in the game.

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This game cover is from the game The Last of Us. The colours used are bright and in some areas darker to show that no matter where they are they will not be safe. The front cover shows a father and daughter travelling together through a city street filed with what seems to be swamp like water.

Considering they are looking backwards, this tells us that something or someone is following them. This creates tension and questioning.

The text is large and stands out with capital letters and white text. Also, the environment they are in looks eerie and treacherous on foot implying that the location is a bad place to be.

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This game cover is from the game Dead Rising 3. The colours used in the cover are gloomy and dark, but the fire in the image stand out clearly. The fire seems to make the zombies stand out more e.g. put lighting on them.

The main character in shown holding a sledge hammer facing many zombies. The environment looks like the city outskirts as you can see large city like buildings in the background. The cover creates an eerie mood from the grey and dark colours used

The text stands out and the letter 3 is the colour red to represent blood and even death. Also, the bright coloured text for Dead Rising is used to portray the dead rising.

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