Download - Game of Clones

  • hcrt thc worlcl'stt-tost inr l'rr-rrtunt pokt chunr pirtnsh ip wcntitttc'r r-rvcrtinrc in 2(X)6. thc auclicrrcc krokccltc-r Aclollb Canrbiaso k-r brcak thc tic. Thcn3l ycars olcl. Canrbiaso hacl alrcacly lccl thcwinning tcanr ut tlrc Canrl'rconato Ar,ucntinoAbicrto clc Polo knc-rwn us thc Pulcr-nrcrOpen fivc tintcs bclbl'c. cal'lting hintscll'irreputation us lrcrhults thc lrcst polo ;rlaycr inhistory. Thrcc nrinutcs alicr thc sturting [-rcll.with thc scorc slill ticcl. thc giliccl Ar_ucntin-eatr

    -ualloped clowrr thc liclcl to swal-r nrr-runts.Thror"rghout thc ficrcc grut-lc. Cunrbiasr-r haclrcliecl heuvily on his lirvoritc horsc. itn agilcchcstnut stallion with u bolcl whitc lirccnanrecl Aikcn Cura. ancl hc wantccl to lct thccltanrltic-xr rcst. As thc pair nraclc thcil' waytowarcl Canrbiitso's stat-rlirrg al'cll. thc cx-huustccl Aikcn Currr's llont lcli lcg suclclcnlygavc out. Whcn Cantbiaso l';lt thc horsc bc-gin to linrp trcncuth hinr. hc lcal'rt out ol'hissaclcllc ancl thrcw his bluc-ancl-whitc hclnrctto thc grouncl irr unguish.

    "Silvc this onc whatcvcr it tukcs!" hcplcaclecl, covcring his lacc with his glovcs.But thc lcg hacl to bc antl'rutatccl bclowthc knec, artcl cvcntually Canrbiuso whr-rsctcanr won thc Palcl'lno Opcrr that ycal' unclwoulcl

    -qo on to win thc tc-runtal-ltcnt anrtthcl'livc tinres was lbrcccl to cuthanizc his bc-lovccl Cunr.

    Bclbrc hc saicl his linal goocl-byc. hc'rw-cver, he had u cul'ioLls l'ecprcst: hc askccl irveterinurian to nrakc a sntall ltuncturc irr thcstallion's neck. put thc rcsultirrg skirr suntlllcinto a clccpr ll'eezc, ancl storc it in u Bucnos

    Aircs laboratot'y. Hc rcn'lct'lt[-rcrs. " I j ustthought nraybc. sctntcclay, I coulcl clo sontc-thing with thc cclls."

    His hopc was lrot in vain. With tlrc savcclskin san-rplc, Cantbiaso was atrlc tr-r usc ck-lr-ing tcchnology to bl'ing Aikcn Cura back tolilb. Thcsc clays, il lbul-ycar-olcl. iclcnticalrcplica r-rl' Cunttriilso's star stallion cullcclAikcrr Curu E0l cuvorts urouncl a llclwcr-rinrnrccl liclcl in thc Ar_ucntincan 1-xovilrcc ol-Ccirclobu. whclr hc hus bcgulr to brcccl erncltrain lbr conrl'rctition.

    Now 40 ycars r-rlcl, Canrtriasc-r is ruggccllyharrclsonrc. with |orr_u brown hlrir, covctatrlcbonc structLll'c. ancl pcl'lnancnt stubblc.But in spitc ol' his athlcticisnr. goocl loc-rks.ancl wcalth. hc is surprisirrgly shy. Wrlkirrgr.tcross thc Pulcrntc'r polo liclcl. whcrc hc'sconrc tr-r watch his olclcst clau_uhter plery. hcspcaks in short spurts. as il'hc woulcl rathcl'nc-rt bc talkin_q to il strungcr'. Staring intc-rthc clistancc. hc says. "Toclay, sccing thcsecloncs is ntot'c r-lot'llill lor lnc. But sccingCut'it alivc aguirr aficr so ltluny years wasrcally strun_uc. It's still strungc. Thank gr-rocl-ncss I savccl his cclls."

    Aikcn Cura is ctnc ol'u nunrbcr c-rl- horscsthitt Ciunbiasc'r hus cluplicatccl. Through thcir'conrpany. Crcstvicw Gcrretics. Canrbiusc-r ancltwr-r wealthy ;rolo cnthusiusts thc lbunclcr:Tcxan Alarrr Mcckcr: ancl ArgentincLur tycoorrEt'ttcsto Guticrrcz havc crcatccl ntorc than25 cloncs ol- Canrbiuso's chanrpion poklItc-rrscs arrcl arourrcl 45 clorrcs in total. Sc-rnrcittc alrcacly ['rrccclirrg, uncl u l';w othcrs bcgarrto play irr top tounranrcnts last ycar. Sincctltc's cstatrlishnrcnt. in 2009, thellitrlrtcrs huvc clonccl not clrly lbr thcnrsclvesbut also li-rr othcr intcnratic'rrrul ;rolo playcrswho arc willing to shcll out arouncl $ 120.(XX)1-rcr ltr-rrsc. Crcstvicw is one ol'only two conr-nrcrcial groLlps in thc worlcl rcplicutin_u polcrht-rrscs. ancl it is thc lt'lol'c prolific.

    Canrt'riaso's cnclol'scnrcnt ol' cloning hashclpccl cleunl-rcn thc clcbatc that woulcl gcltcl'-itlly arccc)lnpuny such urr outlanclish innovu-tion. Il'thc top playcl' in thc worlcl is cloing it,polo bulli l'cirsolt. cloning ntust huve nrerit.But brccclcrs al'c coltccnrccl that incrcusing

    t h c ava ilubility ol' gc n ct ica l ly p r ont is ing polo1'rc-rrrics will push pr"iccs clr-rwrr act'oss thcrtrarkct, thrcatcning thcir' l'xrsincsscs. Pluycrswon'y tlrcy'll ncccl tc-r clorrc to stay contpcti-tivc. ancl thcy cotltplain that thc ;rroccss iscostly ancl incllicicnt. Othcr hr-rrscntclt notto nrcntiorr thc gcncral ;rutrlic erre sinrplyll'cakccl c'rut [-ry it. Will thc ck'rncs huvc hcalthissucs or clic young'l Is cktning titntarntountto playing Gocl'l "Pcc'rplc conrc Llp trt nrc ullthc tinrc ancl ask. 'Why'/ Hc-rw nrarny'/ Docsit work'l Arc thcy rcal horscs'l"' ('antbiasclaclnrits. But cvcn thc cloutrtcrs coltccclc thatCrcstvicw has sturtccl u clc-rning rcvt-tlution.Thc cprcstion is lto longcr il' cloning willtranslbrrtr polo [rut hclw. Arrcl. lirrlhcr: whcrcrvill it stop'l

    An $tX)0,0(X) Pon.ykrning bcgan long lrclbrc theworlcl sta l'tccl paying attcn-tion to it. in 1996. whcn Dollythc Shccp. thc lirst nlunntalsucccsslirlly clonccl ll'ont urrerclult ccll. ck-rntllccl into the

    wr'rrlcl. Onc hurrclrccl ycitrs lrclbrc. in llJ85.Harts Dricsch crcatccl twr-r iclcnticul scu ur'-chins by jiggling a twc'r-ccllccl urchin cnrbryountil thc cclls scpal'utccl uncl gl'cw into thcirown crcutlrrcs. Thlough nruch nrorc sophis-ticatccl proccsscs. scicntists havc sincc clonecl1'rigs. cows. clogs. citts. lbrrcts. goats. itttdhorscs. (lt is cstinratccl that thcrc ill'c nowitt'c-nrrtcl 300 ckrnccl hr-l'scs in thc wc-rrlcl. ul-though lto c)nc has rcally kcpt track.) Nouiwith Crcstvicw's cllirrts. ;rok-r thc ancicnt"glunc ol- kiltgs" has liruncl itscll- t'rn thell ont icrs ol' clc-rn ing tcch nolo-uy.

    It was Mcckcr'. Lr 50-ycur'-olcl linancier

    "'l'OI),\\" Slilil\(; ( ll.,o\ lis LS,'l' ,S lr lr I \(;(l \oR\tAt,tjRAl,'( ) lt \, 'l li. l) l.

    ALIVE AGAINw^s lt l.l^ 1.,1,,\ ,.s'l'ltA \(;li. l'l"s ,.s'l'l 1.,1,,

    ,S'l'lir\ \(;l'',.'()o I uoNlTY FAIR l***

  • #r-k Fdfr#* j

  • "l ltliAl., l7l !l) l'l' Ol. I1,, l) 'l'AKli

    ljlil.. lil)lNC:'

    with silver huir utrcl it pcltchttnt lbr cow-boy boots, who hrst etrvisiorlecl CrestviewGenetics. The sott ol a wealthy Textrs oil-lurru'I, Meeker grew up in Fort Worth sLlr-rounclecl by horses. Whert he wrts in his?0s. rr ll'iencl persuaclecl him to try polo,and he wus itutlecliately hookccl. playitr-uwlteuc'ver he could. But alicr Mcekcr hacltwo solts utrcl his invcsttletrts mostly inenergy bcgan to l'lout'ish, his ll'ce timc be-car-r'le limitecl. etttcl in 2000 hc reluctttntlytook a polo hiatus.

    A fbw ycars litter: Mcekcr wtts rcseitrch-ing u traturirl-gas fielcl he hopccl to pttrchttsein Fort Worth wltctr sotnethitt-u catrght hisattentiou. The lancl seetnecl tc-r bclotr-u toImelcla Murcos: "YoLl krtow thc rtotoriottsFilipino f irst Lacly with trll thc ltrncy shc)es."Meeker rcculls. his eycs twinkling in rcct'rgtti-tion of thc itbsurciity its hc lettns btrck oll itsofa in the stylish Bttctros Aircs ttpitrttnetrthe has rctrtecl lbr ;rolt-r scilsoll. Thc Mitrcosregitr-re wus ttotoriously corrltpt, So, befbrcproceecling with thc clcatl. Mcekcr wzttrtccl toruakc sLlre thc plot hitcln't bcctt ptrrchascclwith clirty ntoltey. With help ll'onr a fl'ienclwho hitcl workecl lbr thc U.S. goverlllttcllt.hc trackecl clown the lbntrcr First Ltrcly inthe Philippines to ittvesti-utttc.

    The puir spoke on thc pltotrc l'llttlly tittrcsover the cottrsc ol- scverttl tnotrths, ritckittg ttpsubstatrtiul longclistitttcc pltotrc bills. Mittcosclearly fblt misutrclcrstoocl. Meekcr t ecollccts,ancl wus worriecl ztbottt rcctilyin-u ltet' ghastlylegacy. Evetrtuully. tltittrks to his cotrsiclererblcchantt, Mecker cottxecl hel ittto aclnrittingthat her husbartcl hacl bought thc Tcxtls gasficlcl usitr-e et llont lt-lttlt.


    $\OOMILLIONANI) f-ro YliAl\S'l'O (;li'l'

    '-l'l ll'l llOlfSFlS I WAl,,l'l'lil)'l'l lltOL j(;ll( loNV liN'l'loNA 1,,

    Mcekcr's lancl pttrchasc hacl hit 2l seri-oLrs slrat-u, bttt he httcl gainecl sotuething elscl}om his cleulings with Marcos: tr thrillingic1ca. Dr.rring onc ol- their lllttlly chttts, hchad nrctrtiotrecl his cliabetcs clitrgnosis. tttrclMutcos tesponclecl with tt recolntletrclittiott.When one of hcr litwycrs htrcl collle clowttwith cuutcer in his pitltcrezts. her cloctors itt-temptecl to clotre him zt ltew ollc. Why cliclrt'tMeeker try the stttue'/

    Mcekcr wtts ltevel' trble to Iitrcl tt scicrttistwho coulcl replicitte his p?lllcrctts. thc olgttllthat ptocluces itrsr-rlin. (lnstettcl. hc is t"ttrclcr-goin-u au itrtrovative stetn-cell trczrtructlt itrInc1ia.) But in resettrching the possibility.hc becrune tut ttlttttteltr expcrt otl clotring.Whilc his firscintttion with thc process el'l-clurecl. his awc recec-lec1 zts hc bcgrtrt to bet-ter

    -urasp thc scicntilic principles behinclit. Cloning becul't'le so l?rmiliar to him thtttwhen Meckcr clccidecl to retltru to polo'irr 2007. the ide tt ol- filling his sttrlls withclones seetled tratural rather thart bizarre."l clic1 thc tnitth and realizecl it woulcl takeme $ 100 ntillion aucl 50 yetrrs to get thcquality ol- horses I wttnted thrott-uh col-l-verttiotrtrl breeciilt-rl." l'te says. "l cleciclecl Iclicln't witttt to speucl eithcr." Itrstettcl, hctunrecl to clortittg.

    Ol all the ecltritre clisciplitrcs, polo isthe most opelt to cloning. Therc tlrc llorestrictiotrs on which breecls polo pltryerscal'l Llse to cotnpete, atrcl so clotres ttre justas kosher tIS Thorott-uhbrecls ttucl Criollos.thc sturcly locitl stc-rck olicn ttsecl to breeclArgentitreatr polo ponics. Thc bocly thittgovents polo cotnpetition is cxtretlcly pro-grcssive, ullowing breeclers ttttcl pltryers tocxpcritnctrt with atry brcecling techtrolo-uythat might clevettc thc levcl ol- play. Morcimportutrt, in show jttrttping or clressrlgca ricler colnpetcs c'rtr otte horse, bltt poloplayers oficn usc lttorc thrttr l0 horses itr itsin-ule rnatch.

    Polo stztrs rcadily ackuowlcclgc thtrt thcirsucccss c'lepencls largely otr the qutrlity ol-thesc moutrts. Having excellent horses isespeciatlly crucial fbr prolbssiotrttls ittrcl itll'l-bitious eunitteur players sltch as Mccker. Dc-tcnlitrecl tc-r ullitss the tnost lbnliclable llcct

    1-lossiblc. thc Texittr ztpploachecl the worlcl'stop ;rlaycrs ubout clotring their steecls.

    He cxpcctccl to be tnet with hesitittion.Murty pc-rlo plityers rLtlt lrtcrtttive breeclingoutlits artrcl coulcl httvc fblt threatenecl by hisiclca. But hc wus hopcl-trl about his pros-pccts with Ctrmbitrso, bectiLlse he hacl hettlclthat thc Ar-Uctrtitreertr chattnpiorr wtls cltric-rttsabout clotritr-{. Ancl indeed Cambiaso re-s1'rotrclccl thut hc hitcl beert waiting fbr sucha proposition cvcl' sitrcc his bclovcci AikenCura hacl to bc pttt clowtr.

    f lH",'J';I,,ff:'J"i:,:?;Iurm of Ali Albwarcly. elwcalthy Emirati btrsittcss-mall who hires Cambiasclto pluy on his Dubai Polo

    Tcatl, ulotrgsicie his son Rashid. Meeker'wrrs in Lonclotr to play et charity tntttchagaitrst British priuces William etnd Harry:Carnrbiaso wus tltere fbr the English sezlsoll.Not oltc to iclolize plttyers. Meeker chat-tecl with Cutlbiitso abotrt his kicls itncl hishc-rrses without registerirrg that he wils ttrlk-ing tc'r thc wot'lcl's top polo plityer. Lttter, heirrrilngccl u proper ltteetiu-u with Cttmbittsoto cliscuss hc-rw they could work together.

    At lirst Meeker''s itrterest in cloning wtlsmerely persoltitl. bttt he setrsed a busilless op-portr-rnity too. When Cambittso also seeuredcnthusiastic itbor-tt the iclett, Meeker krtewthey wel c otr to sotlethirrg. Retrlizing that hewus 'Just it gringo flortr Textts, trying to clotrethc best polo potties in thc worlcl." and thtrthc uecciecl access to strtr hot'ses lbr ttlly colll-merciitl vetrtltte to sttcceecl. he oflbrec-l Citltr-biitso lirll par-tncrship in Crestview.

    Canrbiaso cttgerly ttccepted. excited l1-loleby the implicutions fbr his cotrlpetitivenessthiur by the possibility ol- ptrclcling his pock-cts. Moltey seclus litr llom Cambiilso's mincl.Whcn uot itboittcl it ltorse, he ctesses in betse-bull ltuts. shubby hooclies. llttcl open-tocclsport sauclals or sltcttkcrs. clespite owtringhis owu clothing litrc. Let Dollirttt Polo Lifb-stylc, trertnccl ttfier his chittupiort polo tettttr.He uvoicls polo's glitzy socittl scelle itt litvorcll- spcttcling tirtrc ( oN I t\ t l: I) oN l'\(il: I rs luoNlTY FAIR I trt

  • lir'('nt'lr \nl i-St'nril istrrIuxury-goocls conrpany who witncssccl thc clc-lircing ol'Muriunnc with u swustika last .luly gota hystcricarl phonc call lkrnr his claughtcr'. Shchetcl lcitrttccl ott l-ucctrtltlk that ortc rll'hcr lir-tltct''s cousitts wits tt'rt1'rpccl insiclc thc storc. Hcr'lirthcr wus uhcacly in a silnlsc tlll'thc C'hanrps-Elysccs. gctting ort lris nrotorcyclc trl try to gctthrough thc policc lincs in l)or1c dc Vinccnncs.

    Insiclc thc ollicc ol'thc Hypcr C'achcr. ('t'ru-libaly wus clcs;lct'utc to cr-rutcct to thc ptllicc.Hc clcntrnclcd thart Arrclrc clial thc nunrbcr'.Coulibaly hcerrcl tltc rccorclirrg: "'ll'you rrccclthis ollrcc. prcss l. ll'you ncccl thut'css r."' Arrclrc tolcl "('oulibaly suicl.'What bullshit. Nothing in this countryworks."' Hc hucl nr,u'lagccl to gct thnrugh ttll-r'crtclt TV ['rut was still having othcr 1'rnrb-lcnrs. Hc nccclccl to upkracl his (ioPnr lbotagc.but. Anclrc saicl. "ltis prl)granr a vcry olclAclobc I-lash Playcr'. Maybc il'thc l-lash Playcrwoulcl ltitvc bcctt working. I wtlulcl rtcvcr ltavcl'rccn in that oflicc all tlurt tinrc. At tlnc 1'rtlint.hc uskccl all ol'us ()ur nunlcs and rcligion. Ancl

    whitt wc clicl lir a living. I saicl.'l anr a harncly-nran. That is how I know ct-rnrputcrs.' At thatnr()nrcnt. hc took his wcapon uncl sturtccl toIoacl it. I thousht. This is thc cncl."

    hinr. "Why'}" I askccl. Hc hcsitatccl. "l clon'ttcll rtlrny 1-rco;llc. but nry wil"r is .lcwish ancl strarc nly chilclrcn." ('t'rnrtc is C'athtllic. Thc onctirttc hc hacl nrct Sanmry (ihozlun was whcrr('ortttc wcnt to his in-luws' synagoguc ilr LclJliurc-Mcsrril. "l kncw lrirn only lirrnr his rcpu-tittiott. Hc's a ltcnr ol'nrinc." Ctlnrtc saicl.

    Likc nr.uly in his situation. C't-nrtc now livcs"it bit ol'it cloublc lil";." hc saicl. in l-r'ancc. "lIt:,rvc tolcl all nry chilclrcn. '[)o not lct alrytlnckrtow yoLr arc .lcwish. It is a privatc af'lirir'.' []utnry youngcst son. r'cccntly a llar Mitzvah. in-sists ()r'r wcilring a snlrll Stur ol'Darvicl. I lct hinrknow lny c()ltccl'rr. I saicl. 'Ylu rtrust bc carc-lirl.'Now whcn I go to synerg()guc. I havc il gllnthat I citn'y in nry ctlat 1'lockct s() lt() ()ltc cat'tscc it. It has c()nrc ttt that."

    Not lorts alicr thc uttack ()l'l thc Hypcr'Cachcr. r'cprcscrrtativcs ol' thc Ministry ol'thcIrttct'iot' appciu'ccl ort tltc Avclruc Hcnl'i [Jar.bussc in Lc lllanc-Mcsnil. Tlrcy hacl contc tolulcrl (ihozliur tlritt ltc woulcl now havc a sccu-rity clctail postccl at his housc at all tinrcs. (iho-zliut's tcrtartts inlirrnrccl thcrl" "Mr'. (ihozlunhlts ttrtlvccl lirrnt l-r'ancc." Ltncl gavc thcrtr hisncw aclclcss in lsrucl. i t

    J n thc Hypcr Carclrcr ollicc latcr that ulicr-Lt.r,r,l. Anclrc sitw tltut Coulitrarly's uploacltll' his scvctt ttrittutcs rll'cantagc hacl stullccllut ti7 pcrccnt. Thcn hc lrcarcl ntliscs continslhltr tlutsiclc. Hc artcl his girlli'icncl hicl unclcr'thc chccktlut courttcr'. Coulibaly lracl gt-rnc ttrr.r c()r'ncr ol'thc storc to 1'lray. Whcn thc coun-tcrtcrrorisrn scpracl sprayccl lrullcts irrtrl thcstot'c. C'tlulit-ritly wits killcd instantly. As Arrchcitncl thc otltcr htlstagcs. irtclucling thc luxury-c()nrpiury chairntur's cousin. r'ushccl out. thcywcrc tolcl. "[)tl not ltlok to your siclc." In thcputtclcttrortiut'tt. Anchc clicl ntlt ttoticc C'oulibu-ly's clcacl bocly rtcxt to thc chcckout countcr'.

    Nicolas Conrtc. thc hcacl ol'thc Unitc S(iPptllicc urtiort. hacl l'rccn anrong thc crowclcitrlicr in thc clay outsiclc tlrc Hypcr Cachcr'.Tall uncl bnraclly built. hc rcscnrl'rlcs a TV an-chor und is thc lacc tll'thc I-r'cnch policc.Whcn wc sllokc. hc nrcntionccl thut thc con-ccnls ol-thc.lcwish conunLrnity wcrc crucial to

    l)olo l)ort it's

    ( ()\ rrN r r r) r r{()\r r, \(;r () i witlr his wilt;.40-ycitr'-olcl Maria ViizclLlcz. u lirnncr nroclcl.itncl his cltilclrcrt. ll-ycar-olcl Miu. 9-ycar-olclAclollb. ancl 4-ycar.olcl Myla. Hc clicln't sccnrttl rcerlizc ltc wus a nrillionairc until a rc1-lorlcr'll'rrttt lhc ['-irrttrrt'ittl Tirrrt,,s bnrught u1'r thc lactcluring itn itttct'vicw a l";w ycr.u's ug().

    Mcckcr bcgittt clortirtg in 1009. using uTcxas lab callccl Via(icn. ancl lry 2010 lrcitrtcl Carttbiaso hucl thcir lirst ckrrccl lirals orrthc grrluncl. "Whcn Alun callccl nrc to tcllnrc t hc cloncs wcrc sta rt ing to bc bonr Icoulcln't [-rclicvc it." C'anrbiasrl rcnrcnrbcl's.ruuuring his lcathcry harrcl ()vcr his chin.

    Tirwarcl thc cncl ol- 2010. Mcckcl' ancl C'ant-lriuso clcciclccl to irrcluclc u clortc ol'Cunrbiuso'snrarc C'uiulctct'it itt itrt ituctittn thc Argcrrtincrrn;lolo stur wars hostirrg to scll pnrrnisin{r y()ultgItorscs thut hc hacl lrrcd. At a racctrack in thcwcll-hcclccl Bucnrls Aircs sutrurt ol'San Isiclnr.Mcckcr tolcl it ritpt uuclicncc whut u ckrnc wasluttcl ltow it wits 1'rtrlclucccl. Whcn two thrcc-tttortth-olcl C'uitt'tctcra ctll'lics wcrc lccl intrrthc rirtg arrcl lriclclcrs wcrc invitccl to choosc

    Itl I uoNlTY FAIR l***vcrniryfoir.conr

    ()llc. ltc wits stl astoultclccl by thc ol'l":r's hc haclto lcavc thc hall to collcct his wits. Mcckcl't'ctuntccl

    -just in tinrc to hcar thc winning biclol'$lt(X).(XX) tltc trost cvcr paicl lirr a polohorsc lirlnr u perrtncrshi;r lccl by Argcntincalll-rusincssnr,ur ancl anratcur ptllo lrul'l' Erncsto(itrticrrcT. Lt closc ll'icrrcl ol' Canrlriarso's.

    (iuticn'cz was irttcrcstccl in nrorc than justowrting a Cuartctcril. howcvcr'. Hc wantcclMcckcr itttcl Canrbiaso to l-rring hinr ()n ilsC'r'cstvicw's thircl parlncr'. In a nrccting shtlrllyrtlicr tltc ituctiott. hc tolcl tltcrtt. "Lo()k. y()ucarr't scll uny n-r()r'c ol'thcsc htlrscs." Tb sclltltc cltlncs. thc busincssnran ilrgLlccl. was ttrgivc away C'tcstvicw's nrost irttpor-tunt assct: itsnr()ll()poly ort thc gcnctics ol'C'anrlriastl's stiu'holscs. Irtstcucl. hc suggcstccl thert Crcstvicwbring thc clonc (iuticn'cz hacl bouglrt backinto tlrc conrpuny. loop (]uticn'cz in us a parl-rtcr. urtcl scll only thc lirals ol'clt-rncs.

    Mcckcr ancl ('anrlriaso invitccl (iuticrrczt-rt btxud. llcsiclcs bcing cltlsc with ('anrtriuso.(iuticn'cz is cx1'rcricncccl in rravigating Arucn-tirtit's cortvolutccl busincss crtvirortrt-tcrtt. Hcran ()nc ol'thc ctlurttry's nttlst irttporlant ct-rnr-1'xrnics. air'1'rort o;rcnrtor Acr opucrlos Argcntinir2(XX). iutcl wits ulsrl iut irtllucrrtial stakcholdcr inC'artrbiaso's Lu Dollina clotlring conrpilny.

    Now that hc rto longcl' s1'rcncls his clays inan of licc. (iuticrrcz opts lirr a look that is nr()rcl-rcach-bohcnrian than ptlkr chic. li'ccprcntlyclrcssing in C'r'xrvcrsc sncakcrs. unrplric T's.iutcl lcittltcr rtccklaccs. At 5lJ. ancl until rcccntlya c()nrpctitivc surlcr'. Guticrrcz spcncls nruchol' thc ycilr'-jctting lrctwccrt sur'l' clcstinationsancl his liu-uc. thittch-rool,-tcl housc in Pananrer.Whcn hc tt'uvcls to Argcntina lirr thc poltr

    scuson. in Scptcnrbcr'. hc sticks closc to LaEnscnr.rcla. his sprarwlins cstuncia. whcrc hc hasnrorc than 150 horscs uncl thl'cc polo liclcls.

    It is on tlurt 3(X)-acrc pnr;lcr1y. an hour out-siclc tll'Bucrtos Aircs. that C'r'cstvicw hus lruiltits own llnlprictury hrtr. At lirst. thc c()tltpilnyt-rutsourcccl all ol'its clonirrg to Via(icn. in Tcr-lus. Eirrly on. whcn Mcckcr rculizccl hc was ()ncol'thc lab's biggcst clicnts. hc consiclcl'ccl [ruy-ing thc wholc o1'rcl'ation. but ultinratcly clcciclccl.just to liccnsc its tcchnicprc lirr thc clolrilrg ol'ptllo horscs. Though thcy ctlllatroratc with Via-(icn tlccasionally. thc C'rcstvicw tcant n()w ult-clcrlukcs nrost ol'its cltlrring at thcil' 1'lrivatc lacil-ity on (iuticn'cz's li.u'nr. (Thcy ulso l'lrisc cloncsat Mcckcr''s lirrnr in Aikcn. South C'unrlirra.)

    Situatccl oll' a poplau-linccl clrivcway in irstttitll gray cttttusc thut is nr()r'c rcnrinisccnt ol'I'lut,sttrtIyiIlc tltart I-r'arrkclrstcin's castlc" C'r'cst-vicw's llrb consists ol'thrcc nlrin l'oonrs. Thcgr'()r,rp's six scictrtists usc thc lrack roonrs trlwiu'nr 1'rctri clishcs in incut'rators or li'cczc thcnrin u giartt ltlckcr coolccl to -ll2 clcgrccs l-ahr-cnhcit. In thc nLrirr lu'cLr. thcy guthcr anlrncl ugranitc-to;rpccl talrlc. strcwn with nricl oscopcs.pi1'rcttcs. ancl L('[) sct'cclts. Whilc hunchccl()vcr this tablc thc lub's tcchniciillts pl'()cluccItuttclt ccls tll' clortc cntlrrytls cvcl'y wcck.

    Thc cluy l-rclirrc thc tcunr pluns to clonc.which thcy cltl thrcc tinrcs lr wcck. u trucklirlnr a rtcr.rrty sluughtcrhousc chol'rs oll'scorcsol'tlvat'ics salvugccl lkrnr clcacl horscs. Plug-girrg thcir n()scs to ctlpc with thc stcnch andblasting []r'ucc Springstccn to hclp with thc rc-prctitivcncss ol'thc task at hancl. thc spccialistsscnqlc otrt tltc cn()r'r'n()us ovarics with a s1'ratulirto tcttttlvc tltc cggs ancl llhrcc thcnr in Lrrr incu-


  • l'lutor'. Alicr r4 lttlut's. whctt thc cggs Ltl'c lttLt-turc crtough to ['rc tnutripullrtccl. tltc hcltcl sci-cntists sliclc thcnt unclct' 1'lttwcrlitl tttictrlsc()llcsancl trsc r.t nrirtuscttlc ltttllttvt, ncccllc ttt clcrtttthcnr lutcl rcn-l()vc thc ttuclci. whiclt ctttttitittthcir I)NA. Again with u ttccrllc. tltc scicrttistsinscrt a ccll lnrrtt tltc ltorsc thcy wish ttt clttttcinto u s1'rccial z()llc.itrst insiclc thc cnrl'lty cgg'st-rr.rtcr ttrctnbt'anc. This 1'ritckagc is thcn givctt Ltttclcctric slttlck to litsc thc twtt 1'xtt'ts. sttitkccl iltrr ctlcktail ol' clillL'r'cnt chcnricitls. itttcl 1to1-tpcclin ittt ittcul'rittor lil'scvcl'l tlitys.

    Ol' t hc appt'orinrittcly I (X) ctttt'rl'yos t hcC'r'cstvicw tcattr ct'cittcs cvcry clay it clttttcs.only 35 pcrccttt sul'vivc thcir tintc in thc in-cubutor'. " lt's ttot citsy to trick ltt't cgg intobclicving it's l";'r'tilizccl." chicl' scicntist AclrilinMutttt crltlitirts. Thc cnttrrytls tlurt pct'scvcl'carc 1'ritckccl into tt tttctitl baskct that sitrttt-lirtcs thc lvltt'ttttlt ol'tt wttttrb ltttcl shiprl'rccl tocnrbryo cctttcrs to [-lc inrl'rlantccl in sttl'l'ttgittcnrarcs. At this ;toittt. thc pll)ccss ttl'ct'citting lrclonc c()r'rvcr

    -rtcs with tltc lttrtccss tll' 1'lrttcltrcittga c()nvctttiottitl 1'roltl liral.

    Thc n'rortotony ol'thc scictttists' clarily wttrkctlntnrsts shitr';lly with tltc cxtt'tulttlitritry ;lrocl-ruct thcy ctcittc. "ll'wc cliclrt't pliry gttttcl tnttsic.wc woulcl kill oursclvcs." sr,rys (icnniirt Kltisct.onc tll'tltc littr's scicntists. lts ltc scprints itt his53rcI prctri clish ol'thc clay.

    Mutto is rtrot'c sctttittrctttitl itt'rtlut thcir cl-lbr1s. []carclccl itttcl outspokctt. tvith it littgc titt-too ol'u clt':.tgtln ()lt his right biccl'ls. ltc tll-ivcs Ltgoll' catl ljrrnt his lubot'ttttl'y Llcll)ss (itrticl'l'cz'sprol'lct'ty to visit it clottc tll'Hltttttit (.rit') Mon-tanr. lr lunky lrity tnLu'c thitt C'ltttttriitstl Ititttrcclalicr tlrtc ol'his clauglttcrs' lirvol'itc tclcvisionpr()snuns. Zipl'lirts 1'litst vcrcllutt lrclcls llllcclwith 1-lrcurt:.tttt btoodnuu'cs. Mtttto rcl'lccts."'Whcn I scc r.r clottc ol'tttirtc l'rtu'tt. it's this trn-bclicvablc scttsittiott. I think. I'vc kltttwtt ytlttsirtcc y()u vvcl'c ()nc ccll."

    Hc 1-xu'ks thc't in lhtnt tll'thc HltttlLtMtlntittr.t clortc's prtdclttck lttttl lctttts tlvct' tltclc\ncc. Llttcrly urtitttcl'cstccl in thc scicntist s itt'-rivul. thc lcggy ()ltc-ycut.tllcl ctttttittttcs gl'itzittg.Trying ttt 1-rct'surtclc ltct' ttl c()lltc ()vcl'. Mtrtttlplcacls.jokingly. ""[]ut I ltnr y()' lirthcr'!"

    I lruttiut (llortt'si)A lrout 25 ycars ag(). 1'rttlo ll'ccclct's rcitlizccl

    1 ltlurt lcttirrg thcir htll'scs tttttc ttot'ttttllystlllion sccs n'lr.ut. stallion likcs llal'c. stallionrttouttts nLut wits ittcllicicnt. Mttst 1'ltlltt ltttt'scsarc nr.u'cs :.urcl. usittg tuttul'ltl l'rrcccling tnctlt-ocls. wcrc ttot itlltlwcrl to t'clttrtclttcc trntil thcyrctirccl. Thc ltltct'tlttivc iutcl n()w wiclcly ttcltt;ltctlcrrl-rryo-tr itttsl'tr systctl. wltcl citt lltuts itt'c Ltl'ti-Iicially irtsctnituttccl iutcl thcir ll'r-tilizccl ctttbt'yostt'ltttsltll't'ccl itttrt sttt'ttlgittc ['ltrlttcltttitl cs. ltits irt-crcr.tscd tltc rcptrrcluctivc lltttctttirtl ttl' ;lttltl ttttllcslirlnr onc to lbru' to sir lirals pct' yciu: cvcll whilcthcy iuc still ;rllying. Sincc it took holcl c()l'lttttct'-cially. in thc 1990s. thc nrcthotl htts cortrplctclytnrrtslirt'ttrcd ltow ptlltl ll'cctlcrs tt1'rct'ittc. witltvcry I'lw' Al-uctttittclttt bl'ccclcl's ltlltlwing thcir'


    horscs to s1'routttttcottsly roll in thc hay itltytt'l()lc.('rcstvicw's ()wllcrs bclie'vc clttttittg will strctch

    ccluinc rcprocluctivc linrits rvclt liulhcr tllttt cttr-l-rryo translbr clicl. []y crcating tttttltiplc copicsol'stur hot'scs itncl sulrscclttctttly using tltc stittt-clitr cl url i l icial-ittscttt i nitt itltt itttcl cttrtrl'ytl{ l itttsl.;l'tcchnicprcs tr-r brcccl thtlsc cltttrcs with tltltct'ttt;t-pcrlirntting lttlrscs. Ctcstvicw cillt cttittc clntvcsol' gcttctically prornising lbals. Mcckcr crplitirts."Wc urc turning thc tablcs litt' ttritt'cs itttcl stal-lions. With clottittg you ceut ltitvc tt lltrtlt s1'rtcltcl-ing hcr gcnctics its lirr itncl wiclc. s()tttcclity 1-tct'Ital'rs wiclcr cvclt tltittt stirllittrts citlt."

    It is this "gct'tctic inr;lr'()vctttcttt ptrtgl'itltt'that tttost cxcitcs tltc ('t'cstvicw tttclt. All tll'thcir clottcs will bc tritittccl lbr high-lcvcl ;rltry.and tltc nrajority will also lrc ttsccl ttt cl'cittclirals with lirvorablc I)NA. C'rcstvicw's clottcshirvc rrhcacly ;ltoclucctl rttttttttcl l(X) sttclt lilals.sonrc ol' which hitvc bccrt stllcl. ttt thc llrccl;rricc ol'$tt0.(XX) or thrcc lbr' $200.(X)0.

    C'r'cstvicw's swili prl)grcss. altcl thc s1-rccclwith which scicntists hitvc bccrt atrlc to I'c1'rliclttcir divcrsc at'ray ol'crcittut'cs. invitcs lttt ittstiltc-tivc itttcl clisturt'ring clttcstittlt: What ltbtltttItutlittrs'l Scicntists cottlcl thctlrctically clottc htt-nrans using st-rtt-tittic-ccll ttttclcitt' tl'artsl":r. thcsanrc tcchtticluc Crcstvicw Ltscs litr httl'scs.Mcckcr suspccts tltitt stttncwhclc. ilt sttttrc tltrrkconrcr ol'thc worlcl. scicntists itt'c trying.

    lJccitusc clttttirtg tcltcls ttt ;ll'tlvtlkc sttchTrilight 1,rnt( visiotts. Mcckcr ttsccl to l-rc vcl'yclclibcratc in htlw hc spokc ttbttttt wltitt C't'cst-vicw clocs. Twtl ycr.lrs itg(). ltc stcct'ccl clcitt' tll'tltc worcl "l'littural" wltctt talkittg lt[rttttt ctllt-vc nt itln lt l. wlt ctt-it-h tlrsc-l t)vcs-it l'l(tt lt c t-h tlt'scl-rrcccling tnctlttlcls ittrcl still":nccl whcn hc hcalcl"ltrti{icial." "llrttt-ttrttclc. ()r "ttttttttlitctttt'ccl"a;rpliccl ttl cltlttcs. Tilcltry. its tt'l()l'c ttl'tltc ;rttlttwot'lcl ltrts r.tccc;rtccl cltllriltg. hc is litr tttttt'c lc-larcd. On two occusitltts wcalthy inclivicltrirlshuvc ilpproilchccl hinr itt-rottt clttttittg it htttt-tittt.hc tttctttirltts ttottcltitlantly. "l sititl. 'Ycs. I cltttclo it. but I'ttt jttst tttlt gtlittg ttt."'

    (iuticn'cz is cvcn llrcczicl. blithcly shal'irtuIr story itbout tltc uttlilrltuuttcly tl.tlttccl SnrirllPcrson. it 1'lctitc lnarc rtl' C'lttttbiitstt's that('rcstvicw ltits clottccl. '"1 wtts with nty clatrgh-tcr in Pitlttt l]cuch tttcctiltg with Alan ittrttttttltc cltlrtcs. Wc wcl'c ()lt ()ut'wity ttt Stttlwttritssto ski. Wc'rc carting brcitkllrst. ancl Alitlt sttys.'C)rt youl' wily ttt ('olttt'itcltl. ctllttc lry Aikcn[o scc thc Snrall l)ct'st-rtt clttltcs. Wc havc six()r' scvcn Snrall Pct'st'rtts.' My cltrtrghtcr''s lirccwcnt whitc." ltc I'ccitlls. laughing hclrrlily at thcnrclnory. "Shc clicltt't ktttlw wc ltitcl it ltttrsccallccl Snrall Pct'sott itttcl thtltrght wc hitcl lttitt-iuturc huttrutrs living itt lt ctlt'r'trl!"

    Ntl tt'tuttct' thc gobs ol' ltt()llcy thtrlwtt ittthcnr. thc C'r'cstvicw lt'lcltltgl'cc thcy'll stcct'clcar ol' hLnriur rcplicittion. "Thc incliviclualwho askccl ttrc to cloltc tt lttttt-ttttt wtls c.rtt'clrtclyitlllucttt." Mcckct' sitys. "'Tltttsc typc tll' 1-lctlplcdort't tlrkc 'tto' lil' iu'l attswcl'. Thcy kccl'r ltltlk-ing until thcy gct u 'ycs.' l-ot' ttow thcy willhavc ttl look clscwltct c.

    Lcgality will not bc it conccnt. Thc ct'r;11lirfl-irtg rtssuttrptiott tltitt ltutniu'l clottitrg is ttttivcl'sally pnrhibitccl is uttlirt'tutratcly lirlsc. Abotrt70 countrics ltuvc outlttwccl lttttttittt clttttittg"luncl thc Unitccl Statcs is nttt ottc ol'thcttr. Sinccl99t{. Cotrgt'css ltits lirilctl ol'l ltulttcll)tts ()cctl-siorrs to pitss a trill bitnning htttntttr clttttittg.

    rfl hc C'r'cstvicw ()wltcrs w()l'l'y rttrttttt thc cth-I ics ol'r'cplicatittg hurnans. Whilc tltc isstrc

    hirs rttlt bcctt cotrclusivcly sttrcliccl. Mcckcr itttcl(iuticn'cz bclicvc thcir horsc clttltcs itl'c lrttrttwith a typrc ol'shatclt)w lltcntory irthcritccl lkrtttthcir clonot' '"1'ritrcltts." "l-t'ottr it vct'y ttitt'lyirgc. thcy krtow things that lt() ()ltc lurs tarrrghtthcnr." (iutict't'cz silys. "'Nttt'tnirlly htll'scsdon't l-rccon-tc awarc tll'thcir gcttclcr trlrtil thcir'hornrortcs kick irt itt it yciu'ittrtl tt hirll. J-hirt'snot trtrc ol'thc clottcs. Thcy bccr.rttrc itwllt'c ttIot cirrlicr itttcl crtttt'tot bc lcli irr tlrc sittttc pircl-cltlck. otltct'wisc thcy light ot' tt'y trl ltlttc."

    lrr horscs. ils irt tltltct's1'tccics. cctlititt cx1'rcl'i-cnccs itttcl cottclitions ciut citusc cltitttgcs ttt tltcway thc [)NA works in thcir cclls. Thotrgh ithas rtcvct' bcctt 1'rt'ovccl scicntilicirlly. (itttit'l-rcz. Mcckct: urtcl Mutto susl'rcct thirt thcsc c1'ti-gcnctic chitttgcs. irs thcy't'c citllccl. ctttt rcstrlt irtthings as c()nrplcx its tt ltot'sc's lcttt'ttctl lrchttv-iors l-rcirtg stot'ccl not

    -just in tltc httrsc's bt'itittbut crtcoclccl itt cvcry ccll in thc body. Whclrthc adult horsc is clottccl. thcy bclicvc. lltcsc"ccllulat' t'ttcttttlt'ics" iu'c ctlpiccl right ltltlltgwith thc DNn. Miu'iutro Agtrcrre. t'ltttkcclanr()ns thc top 1-loltt ltlirycrs in thc wttrlcl. hltsobscrvccl sottrcthing ttltltrg tltcsc lincs with thcclottc ol'his clltrn;rion gclcling ('trlillr. Tlrc orig-irtrrl C'itlilir has ittr itrtcttsc l";itr tll'sitt(lctt httscs:its clonc is ccpurlly tcrriliccl ol'tltcttt.

    " l lirurlly clcciclccl ltttttrittt clotting wotrlclntlt [-rc u goorl thing. l'rccitusc I thilrk that ccl-Iular nrcnl()l'y uctuirlly cltlcs crist." stlys Mcckcl'."C'an you itlaginc having ir btrbv thirt is htu'ltwith rtrctnot'ics ol' crtt'ctnc happilrcss ()t' cx-trcnlc saclttcss'l I think whitt y()u tttity tltt is ltitvclr chilcl that is btlt'tt itrstutc bccttttsc it citltlttltprl)ccss wltitt's up thct'c" in its hcitcl. "l'trt tttttwilling to titkc thirt risk lirr itny rttt-tttttttt ol't'ttolt-cy. I-irruct cthics. lbryct rcligion. lirrgct litws."

    I. (ilcrrt Coltcn. it spccialist in l-riocthicswlttl tcitcltcs itt Hiu'vitttl Letw Sclrottl itttcl hitsru titstc lirr colorlirl glasscs. is skcpticttl itbottttltc tt'itttsl"lt'cncc ol' cclltrlttl' lttct'lt()l'y. " lt's ptls-siblc thitt thosc ittvolvccl in cloning httt'scs ltitvccrprcctittitltts ol'thcir cltttrcs batsccl tltt tltc ol'iqi-nal clon()r' pitrcttts. itttcl thtrt thcy illc st-lttlclttlwcliciting thcsc rcitctiotrs." ltc silys. Eithcr \ /tty.Itc itgrccs that tltc pt'ospcct ol' ltttttrittt clolliltg1'rrcscnts sct'ious cthical clttcstitttts.('ctlrtitt ttrcttrbcl's tll'thc poltt rvttt'ltl tttc ttlst-rclubious itl-rout ccpriltc clttttirtg. Accttt'clirtg ttlonc Arucntincittt polo insiclcr: thc [)icrcs lirrttily.whosc thrcc strapping s()tts itrc ttttt(tltg ('tttll-l'riitso's tttost lirnttitltrblc challcrrgct's. ()lll]()scscltlnirtg bccitttsc tltc tttttc()lttcs Ltrc ttttt tlllccl'-tuirt. In l(X)Z trvo ycttt's l'rclirrc Mcckcr lirtlrrtlcclC'r'cstvicw: thc I)icl'cscs tcittttccl tr;l with ;ll'ivittc

    wwwvcrnityfcrirconr i vn N I T Y F A I R I I l'r

  • Polo Ponies

    groups and two university labs to replicate theirretired star mare, Chusma. The resulting foaldied less than 24 hours after she was born,and the family, it seems, has not clotred since."l might clone stallions and mares fbr breed-ing, in case something happened to thetn,"Facundo Pieres , 29, told a reporter last year."But not to play on. Thete would be a lot ofprssur lor the clones to pefonn as well as theoriginal, and in reality it depends a lot on howthey're bred' broken, and trained. It is very un-likely that they would be identical to the clonedhorse." Cambiaso chalks the Pieres farnily'sposition up to disappointment: "They tried andgave up before it started working. Now they'telate." (Wtnil)t Fuir reached out to tl're Piereslamily on several occasions, but they declinedto comment fbr this story.)

    Though the process has sitrce become molereliable, Crestview's cloning joumey has trotbeen lree of obstacles, either. Wth an overallsuccess rate of arcund 12 percent, Clestview'steam has to create a dozen embryos and im-pregnate three or fbr-rr broodntarcs to ensurcthe successlul birth of even one clolte. "Clon-ing is still a very experimental plocess," AfthurCaplan, a bioethics pr ofessor at New York Uni-versity,, says. "YoLr get a lot of animals that arcin poor health and a lot that are stillborn. Thetoll of cloning is high on the broodrnales."

    Mutto insists that most of Crestview's utr-successful clone embryos die befbre or verysoon after they are trunslened into live wotnbs'meaning lirnited distress for the surrogatemares. Of the clones Crestview has brcughtto term, he says very lew have had any serioushealth issues: "Maybe I in 30 of our clonesborn has a slight prcblem."

    Crestview's only true competitor in clon-ing polo ponies, an Argentinean company

    called Kheiron,, and Katrin Hinrichs, whoclones horses fbr research plrrposes at TexasA&M University, have had different experi-ences. Both report a high incidence of cloneembryos being lost during gestation and saythat, of those brought to term, many are bornwith health issues. Of the 20 cloned loals shehas brourght into the world, Hinrichs says,, halfhad some health problenls, rungitrg fiom mildto serious. The results reported by Kheironare better br-rt still not heartening: 60 percentof the clones it has br ought to term were con'l-pletely healthy, but 25 percent suffered fi omserious or fhtal health issues.

    When asked how she delends such irphysically costly process, Hinrichs, a self:profbssed horse-lover and quarter-horse com-petitor, explains that the aim of her research"is to develop methods to reduce fetal lossand to increase the health of cloned floals."She pauses befbre musing, "The knowledgethat we're gaining by cloning justifies the fb-tal loss and problems."

    Storm Cat RebornTf or Crestview, the greater motivator is to.F ruise the caliber of polo ponies. The Crest-view clones are healthy enough to br eed, andsorne have even risen to top levels of play. AndCrestview is now rnoving beyorrd polo ponies.

    Meeker's eyes light up wl'ren he talks aboutthe potential of two thrce-month-old clorres thatwerc bom irr April at his farm in Aiken. Thefloals, which are dark bay with chestnut over-tones and have a fbisty strcak, just like their "fh-tl-ler," ate genetic replicas of Storrn Cat, a de-scendant of Secretariat's and a world-renownedrucehorse in his own right, who died in 2013.At the peak of his str"rd careeL racing buflbpaid $500,000 fbr the swift stallion to irnpreg-nate their mares. (Arnong his offspring was the1994 Preakness and Belmont champion, ?r-basco Cat; this year's Tiiple Crowtr champiot't'

    Arnerican Pharoah, is his great-grandson.) In2005, Sheikh Moharnmed bin Rashid Al Mak-touln, the prime minister ol the United ArabEmirates, snzrpped up thrce Stomr Cat fbals ata Kentucky auction fbr $3 million, $3.5 million,and a staggering $97 million.

    Crestview's owners have high hopes forStonn Cat's clones. Thoroughbred racing is oneof the lew equine disciplines, along with quarter-horse competition, where clones are bannedfiorn participating, br"rt Meeker is consideringthe possibility that Storm Cat copies mightsomeday mce at non-r egistered tracks, and heceftainly expects them to give polo a whirl."Stonn Cat was morc compact than a rcgularracehorse," Meeker explains. "The clones rnightbe really good at polo." At the very least, Crest-view's owners will breed the Stonn Cat cloneswith top-peffbrming polo mares of Carnbiaso'sand oflbr their stud seruices to other interestedhome breeders.

    We may someday see Cambiaso in a polocharnpionship on the back of a pony descend-ed fi'om Secretariat by way of a Stomr Catclone. And when it's time to play the Palen'noOpen this Novembel Cambiaso will surelyhave clones in his lineup. For him, the ultimatedrcam is to play a match on nothing but Cuar-tetem clones. He's getting closer to that goal.

    At last yeAr's Pzrlermo Open, Cambiasoplayed on a five-year-old Cuartetera clone,which he uncercrnoniously named Cuaftetera01, in a qualifying match, eight years afterlosing Aiken Curu there. Streaking across theglass, weaving through a sea of swinging mal-lets, horse and rider melted into each other:moving as if they sharrd a brain. Cambiasonrerely had to gt'aze the clone with his heelsand Cr"rartetera 0l shot fbrward. Touch thereins, ancl she sharply slowed.

    When asked why he didn't give the mareher own nume, he replied fl'ankly, "Becauseshe is Cuaftetera,, not any other horse." l l


    Channing 'l'alunr

    ('oN't'tNrrt:l) t.t{()M t,n (;l: 73 flonr Butte, Mon-tana. Have yoLl ever been to Butte, MontAttA'lI've driven through it . . . "

    He paused fbr a n'lonlent. "l'd like to rattletlre cage-nraybe thul',s why I brought your to anabandoned zoo," Thtum said, climbing backtoward the path. "l would, in the ettd' like to

    I uoNlTY FAIR l***

    know that I've made at least one n'tovie thatwill stand the test of time' that will be up therewith the work of the people I gr ew r-rp watch-ing." A woman, seeing us step out of the enclo-sllre., first screamed' then, recognizing Thtum,looked both bewildered and thrilled.


    I leaving His MarkII Je sat at a stone picnic bench beneath' VY the stirrings of, tall trees,, where theconversation tr-rrned trippy and philosophical.?rtr-rrn., having lound a crayotr' sketched aclown on the table as he spoke. I called it anevil clown, but he disagreed' saying there wasno reason to judge, good or evil-that's col'n-ing fiom me' not the clown. "Me and Jennajust saw StcTt Up on TV and we watched it fortwo seconds," he said. "We tnade that l0years ago or something. It was hard becauseyou're like, 'Wow' I remerlber it being so

    much better.' Then other times yoLr'r like,, 'lremember it being worse.' Things happenthat change yoLrr perspective. Not just yolrropinion br"rt your windshield, your lens. Likeyou put on a 50-rnm. [ens], then take that 50off and put on a 16. Now you can see somuch more' but yoLr're missing the littlethings. I think fbr a while I'm going to try tomake movies that, even if they don't make adollar, I'll still be so proud to be a part olthem that it won't matter."

    What did you think of all that graffiti in thecages'/,, I asked.

    "They leave their mark, don't they?" hesaid, grinning. "And why do they want toleave it anywhere, much less in an aban-doned cage. Why do we do whert we do on adaily basis when we have the fi'eedom to doanything we want'l lt's like that line fi'onrDrutlt of' u Sulc:;nrun: I work 50 weeks a year

    AUGUST 2015

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