Page 1: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R

Town of Reading – Board of SelectmenPublic Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PMTed Carman, President

Concord Square Development Company,

Page 2: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

Smart Growth Zoning: Key Features

Smart Growth Location

As-of-Right Zoning for Specified Higher


Design Standards for Local Control and


State Incentives

Page 3: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

DHCD Smart Growth Zoning Overlay

District Program (C. 40R) Application:

Proposed Gateway Smart Growth District

in the Town of Reading

Page 4: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

Page 5: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

Smart Growth Zoning Incentives

Incentive Payment – unrestricted

Density Bonus – unrestricted

Preference for State Discretionary

Funds (Grants, etc.)

40S School Cost Insurance – Education

funds based on actual incremental cost

(if any)

Page 6: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

Estimate of Incentives Value

40S School Cost Insurance (reimbursement of costs, if any, based on annual reporting of actual student enrollment, and new property taxes)

Attachment 5-2. Chp. 40R Application Sec. 5.B. Smart Growth Residential Density Spreadsheet

Proposed Reading 40R District


Area (Approx.

excl. ROWs)

Existing As-of-right

Density (units / acre)

Existing Zoned Units

As-of-Right Residential Density

Under Smart Growth Zoning

(units / acre)

Future Zoned Units

Incentive Units (Future Zoned Units minus

Existing Zoned Units)

Gateway District 8.91 0.00 0 At least 20 202 202

District Totals 8.91 0 202 202

Zoning Incentive Payments Formula per M.G.L. c.40R Sec. 9(a)Up to 20 $10,000

21-100 $75,000101-200 $200,000201-500 $350,000

501 or more $600,000Projected Zoning Incentive Payments: Reading Smart Growth District $350,000

Density Bonus Payments Formula per M.G.L. c.40R Sec. 9(b)Payment per unit of new housing $3,000

Projected Density Bonus Payments: Reading Smart Growth District $606,000

Total Incentive and Density Bonus Payments (excluding 40S): $956,000

* Note: Per the By-Law at Section the aggregate number of Dwelling Units that may be permitted shall be two hundred and two (202).


Page 7: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

40R Review ProcessSmart Growth Zoning Overlay District Program

Flow Chart: Application, Letter of Eligibility

14 day noticeDHCD will accept applications on last day of month.

30 day completeness review, add’l 60 day approval review

Local Hearin


DHCD Review

DHCD Letter of Eligibility

(with or without conditions)

Reading: August 28, 2007 for submittal of App. on 8/31

Reading: Completeness review by 9/30; Substantive review by 11/30

Reading: Letter of Eligibility no later than 11/30

Page 8: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

40R Review Process (cont’d)

Up to 155 days (city), or up to 8+ months (town)

30 day review (60 days if zoning changed, other than as conditioned in Letter of Eligibility)

Timing at community’s choice

Local zoning

adoption: public

hearing, city

council / Town

Meeting vote (per


DHCD Letter of Approval

(stating # of future zoned

units, as basis for Zoning Incentive


DHCD Letter of Eligibility

(with or without conditions)



Zoning Incentive Paymentfrom 40R

Trust Fund

Smart Growth Zoning Overlay District ProgramFlow Chart: Zoning Adoption, Letter of Approval, Zoning Incentive Payment

Reading: Town Meeting anticipated December 2007

Reading: Letter of Eligibility no later than 11/30

Page 9: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

Outline of Proposed By-Law

District Boundaries

Allowed Uses and Densities


Design Standards

Site Plan Review Process

Page 10: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

Allowed Uses

Belmont StreetTown of Watertown

Multi-Family Dwelling Unit

Retail and




Recreational Use,



Yes No No Yes Yes

Page 11: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

Dimensional Standards

New buildings within the GSGD shall not exceed a

height of 55 feet (same as underlying Business C


25 foot landscaped buffer and 100 foot building setback

from adjacent residential properties (same as in

Business C District)

Required front setbacks of 10 feet consistent with

underlying Business C District

Other setbacks consistent with existing zoning

Page 12: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

Design Standards

Proposed By-Law includes a placeholder for Design Standards as authorized by 40R Statute

This section will be expanded to include additional detail to ensure high quality design

We will be working with the community while the state review process is underway to draft and finalize standards

Page 13: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

Affordable Housing 20-25% affordable

For rental: 25% of units at 80% AMI OR 20% of units at 50%


Affordable unit price range based on # of bedrooms (est.):

1 Bedroom: approx. up to $970 / month

2 Bedroom: approx. up to $1,153 / month

3 Bedroom: approx. up to $1,300 / month

Local preference option for up to 70% affordable units

Consistent with Reading public plans

Page 14: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

Site Plan Review Process

Community Planning and Development

Commission would be permit-granting


Public hearing to review compliance with

By-Law including Design Standards

Application approved upon finding that it

complies with By-Law and Design Standards

Page 15: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

Controls Built into By-Law Allowable unit count (202) and type based on conceptual

site design

Design standards will be finalized to ensure positive

development outcome

Minimum twenty-five (25) foot landscaped buffer strip

along the full abutting length of a Single Family

Residence District

No building within 100 feet of a Single Family Res.


Page 16: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

Infrastructure Adequacy

Under 40R, Town must certify adequacy of infrastructure to

accommodate zoned development

Meetings will take place with the community and town staff

Development agreement may be prepared based on

necessary project mitigation

Page 17: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

State Review Process

If 40R Application is submitted by the Selectmen,

DHCD will complete 30-day completeness review,

followed by 60-day substantive review

Revisions to By-Law can take place during state

review process if consistent with 40R statute,


State will issue 40R Letter of Eligibility

Upon issuance of Letter of Eligibility, Reading has

the option to adopt 40R zoning

Page 18: Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. c.40R Town of Reading – Board of Selectmen Public Hearing – Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman,

Concord Square Development Company, Inc.

Next Steps CPDC Zoning Workshop to be held on

September 10th at the Senior Center

Work with Town Planner, the community, and

others to create design standards

Board of Selectmen will consider specific policy

for local preference for affordable units

Review of infrastructure adequacy

CPDC will hold public hearing(s) regarding

whether to recommend zoning to Town Meeting

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