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    School Phone: 408-252-5414 ~ Absence Line 408-252-5414-6 ~ FAX 408-996-9725














    MARCH 22, 2012

    3/23 REPORT CARDS GO HOME3/27 8:00-11:30 a.m. INTERNATIONAL DAY


    3/27 6:00 p.m. C.U.S.D. BOARD MEETING3/28 6:00 p.m. HAPPILY EVER AFTER PERFORMANCE - GLC



    EVERY TUESDAY IS EARLY DISMISSAL Students are dismissed at 1:30.PRE-PAY FOR CUSD LUNCHES at PAMS (Parent Account Management System) Lunchroom! You can make payments andview your students account balance online by going to or by calling 1-888-994-5100.TO EMAIL STAFF:[email protected]: If your child will be absent, please call 252-5414. Ext. 6, by 8:30 a.m. to report the absence.HOMEWORK: Homework may be requested for illness absences of three days or more. Please call the office before 9:00 request the homework for pickup after 3:00 p.m.

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  • 8/2/2019 Gatoraid 032212


    REPORT CARDS GO HOME FRIDAYStudent report cards for the second trimester period will be coming home tomorrow. Please take a fewmoments to sit down with your child, review progress, and talk quietly together about the areas on which s/he will continue to focus for improvement. Your child will be inspired to improve only if s/he feels supportedby you in making those improvements. Talk with your child, about what education means. Celebratesuccess and continue to let your child(ren) know how proud you are for their positive attitude and hard work.Please work closely and collaboratively with your classroom teacher(s) to assure your child(ren) continuedsuccess in school.

    FOLLOW SIX STEPS WHEN TALKING ABOUT YOUR CHILDS REPORT CARDReport card time can make parents almost as anxious as students. Is your child on track? Is s/he learning what is needed at his/her gralevel? Are you doing all you can to support your child in school? You can and should make report card time a chance to talk about yourchilds progress in school. You should also discuss both you and your childs expectations. Here are six things to do when report cards cohome: Take it seriously. No, a report card cant tell you everything about how your child is doing. Your childs teacher spends a lot of timemaking sure that the report card shows you a snapshot of where your child is now. Take time to read it carefully. Talk about it with your c Find something to praise. Even if your child didnt do as well as youd hoped, look for something positive. Be sure to read the commeabout your childs behavior and work habits. Dont become upset if your childs grades werent what youd expected. Wait until you can talk calmly about what you and your child cado to improve grades. Let your child know what you expect. Say things like, You dont have to be the best, but I do expect you to do your best. Remind youchild that effort is as important as ability. Look at your childs work. You only see a report card a few times a year. You can look at the work your child is doing every day. Does/he do their homework? Does s/he do their best? There is a link between how hard students work and how much they remember. Poin

    that out to your child. Help your child develop good work habits. A child who sets aside time every day to read will learn to read better. A child who practicesmath every day will master math facts.Source: Understanding Report Cards. Reprinted with permission from The Parents Institute.

    INTERNATIONAL DAY IS COMING!Students and staff at Garden Gate are eagerly awaiting our March 27 PTA-sponsored International Day. Iwant to extend a special thank you to the parent and community volunteers who have put so much time aeffort into creating an unforgettable event for our students. Its sure to be a fun and educational morning!

    TEACHING RESPONSIBILITY YIELDS LIFELONG REWARDS FOR YOUR CHILDParents hope their children will grow into responsible adults. Thankfully, parents have more influence on this than anyone elsYou can build responsibility if you:Use rules and consequences. Enforce a few consistent, important rules and consequences. State them in easy-to-understanlanguage so your child knows exactly how to behave.Trust your child with tasks. School-age kids are capable of handling a few responsibilities, such as putting away toys ormatching socks in the laundry. Often these jobs feel more like proud accomplishments!Give your child age-appropriate choices. For example, Which pants would you like to wear? Blue or red? Or Would you likan apple or a pear in your lunch?Making decisions will build her confidence.Teach about financial responsibility. Many kids receive an allowance or are paid for extra chores. These are perfectopportunities to teach about budgeting, spending, saving and giving.Find ways to help others. Discuss what it means to be responsible to yourself, your family and your community. Choosemeaningful ways to contribute, such as planting flowers in the school garden or donating clothes to charity.Adjust rules and responsibilities. As your child matures, her abilities will change. Perhaps she can take on a more grown-upchore. Or maybe she can make new, exciting decisions. Talk about how responsibility feels great!Source: M. Purcell, Building Responsible Kids, PsychCentral, responsible-kids/.

    TRAFFIC AND THE PARKING LOTStudent safety is our first priority. Follow these simple rules to ensure student safety: Always drop off along thecurb. Do not allow your child to get out of the car in the parking lot alone and attempt to walk across the lot. Thcurb is a no parking anytime zone. Drivers must remain in their vehicles. Drivers who leave their vehiclesunattended could be ticketed by the Cupertino Sheriffs Department Always cross at a cross walk. Hold yourchilds hand, and teach your child to always look both ways Avoid getting stuck in traffic. Leave home earlier tomake sure your child arrives to school on time. Students may be on campus beginning at 7:45 a.m.

    PROPELLERSDo you wonder how to connect better with your children? Do you wonder what matters to them, and how you can assist themto grow up to be healthy, caring and responsible citizens? I encourage you to try a "propeller" - a question intended to sparkconversations with your children. Try it around the dinner table tonight!This week's propeller: Do you help to encourage

    friends to participate in sports, clubs, or other activities? If so, why and how?

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  • 8/2/2019 Gatoraid 032212



    Garden Gate Elementary School 10500 Ann Arbor Ave., Cupertino CA 95125


    INTERNATIONAL DAY IS THIS TUESDAY!Gators, get ready to have loads of fun on International Day, this Tuesday, March 27th. It will be a day of discovery andentertainment for everyone! Our students, parent volunteers, and instructors have been working very hard to prepareperformances, display booths, and presentations for this action-packed day!

    SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER FOR THE WALK-AROUND!The Walk-Around event is coming up on Friday, April 13th, 2012. Last week in your childs greenfolder we sent home a flyer, pledge sheet, and a list of prizes. Parents, please encourage your child

    to collect pledges from family, friends, and neighbors so they can raise money for their school. Weneed lots of help on this day to make it a fun and exciting day for the students. Here are the tasksyou can sign up for:

    1. Coordinator for Pizza with the Principal - This event will take place on Wednesday, May 9th.2. Snack Volunteers- Coordinates food and snacks for the volunteers and the students.

    3. Money Counters: Works with the treasurer and helps count the money collected on the day of the event4. Event Volunteers - Volunteers to help with various tasks during the Walk-Around.

    Please email to sign-up: Azmeh Malik at [email protected] Uma Kishore at [email protected]









    GardenGatePTAPresident[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/2/2019 Gatoraid 032212


    Garden Gate Elementary School 10500 Ann Arbor Ave., Cupertino CA 95125

    PARENT SURVEYEvery year we look to the parents in our community tolet us know what we are doing right at Garden Gateand how we can improve. We value your thoughts andopinions. This is your time to be heard. Please fill out

    the Parent Survey starting Monday, March 26th. Youcan take the survey online at You canalso access the survey from the Garden Gate websiteor the website from your childs teacher. If you prefernot to take it online, please come into the office andget a copy. Once you complete the survey, have yourchild turn in the last page to his or her teacher to get acolorful mechanical pencil. The survey will closeSunday, April 8. If you have any questions, please

    contact Patti Wolf at [email protected].


    To encourage responsibility, children should bring theirlunch with them to school in the morning. Werecommend that each child have some money in his/her lunch account so that in the event of a forgottenlunch, the child can purchase a hot lunch. Pleaseremember to mark all lunches brought to school withthe childs name and room number and place it on thecart outside the school office by 11:00 a.m. They willbe delivered to the classroom lunch cart by studenthelpers. Lunches cannot be delivered to the classroomor lunch tables by parents. Students are not permittedto wait by the office for parents to bring a lunch tothem. This is against our school safety policy. So besure to place the lunch on the cart before 11:00 a.m.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    YEARBOOK SALESThe 2011-2012 Garden Gate Yearbooks are now onsale! In addition to class photos and school-widecelebrations, the following will also be featured:International Day, Twin day, Flag Football, GeographyBee, Recycle Helpers, Cornerstone Kids, StudentCouncil, Teddy Bear Parade, After-School Theater,and 5th Grade Science Camp. Order the FULL-COLORED yearbook by Wednesday, April 11th for thespecial rate of $20.00! Additional order forms areavailable in the school office. Limited copies will beavailable in June for $25, so order now to ensure that

    your child has a copy for this school year.

    RESIDENCY VERIFICATIONAll residency information is subject to verification. Validproof of residence must be provided at the time of reg-istration or when a change of residence occurs.Change of residence must be reported to the schooloffice within ten days. Failure to provide currentresidency information could result in the immediatewithdrawal of your child.

    ITS THE LAW!The new California Booster Seat Law, effectiveJanuary 1, 2012, prohibits parents, guardians, ordrivers from transporting on a highway, in a motorvehicle, any child under 8 years old, without securing

    that child in a child restraint meeting federal motorvehicle safety standards. The new child safety seat lawfor 2012 imposes stiff fines and penalties for violations,including the possibility ofchild endangermentcharges.

    The old California Booster Seat Law had required achild under 6 years of age, who weighed less than 60pounds, to be secured in a rear seat in a child restraintthat met federal standards, but allowed the child to ridein the front seat if properly secured, including ridingin taxis if all rear seats are already occupied bychildren under 12 years of age.

    The new California law for 2012 extends the old law byrequiring children to ride in booster seats in the backseat until their 8th birthday. Seat belts are made foraverage adults and dont fit a child who is not at least49 tall. Six-seven year old children are at riskbecause they might be too big for child car seats andyet too small to be protected by seat belts. A boosterseat raises the child up, so the seat belt allows the lapbelt to lay across the upper thighs (rather than thechilds stomach) and allows the shoulder harness tolay across the shoulder and chest (rather than acrossthe neck or face). Statistics show that using a boosterseat, as opposed to a seat belt, reduces a kids risk ofinjury by 59 percent, thus the new 2012 California

    Booster Seat Law. The new California car seat lawdoes contain a provision, however, that a child under8 years of age who is 49 inches in height or tallermay use a safety belt rather than a child safetyseat or booster seat.ALLERGY SEASON HAS BEGUNSpring is here and students are reacting with swolleneyes and other allergy symptoms. Red irritated eyesare often the sign of pink eye which is a contagiousdisease. When students come to the officecomplaining of sore eyes, there is nothing we can doto alleviate the pain other than provide a coldcompress. We cannot diagnose the problem as either

    an allergy or pink eye a doctor must do this. If aprescribed or over-the-counter medicine is needed andis to be administered at school, the office must havea parent and doctor complete our blue medical form onfile before any medication can be given. Theseforms are available in the school office. Students maynot bring any medicine to school in their backpacks.

    All medications need to be in the original packagingwith the pharmaceutical label. All medicine is kept inthe school office.

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  • 8/2/2019 Gatoraid 032212


    Garden Gate Elementary School 10500 Ann Arbor Ave., Cupertino CA 95125

    2012 STAR TESTING DATESSTAR Multiple Choice Test begins the week of April 30, 2012 and willcontinue for two weeks. The STAR Program is a State of Californiaaccountability measure that helps us assess how we are meeting the

    needs of our students. You can help prepare your child for the test byensuring your child goes to bed on time, eats a good breakfast, andleaves for school with a positive attitude. Please do not schedule anyfamily trips or doctor appointments during this time.

    DE ANZA COLLEGE SUMMER EXTENDED YEAR PROGRAM 2012De Anza College in partnership with the Cupertino Union School District will offer the Extended Year Program tsummer, mornings only, from June 18 to July 13, 2012.

    Students Entering Grades 6 Through 10

    Classes will be held at Cupertino and Miller Middle Schools, and will include: Java Programming, GeometrySpatial Sense, Intro to Algebra 1 & 2, LEGO Robotics, Debate and Critical Thinking, Forensic Science, and maothers.

    Students Entering Grades 1 Through 5Classes will be held at Collins Elementary School, and will include: Writing - Paragraphs to Essays, ReadIntensive, Public Speaking, Spelling Bee, Journalism/Writing, and more!

    Program brochures were sent home in early March and are also available in the school office. More informationavailable at

    Early registration began on March 5, 2012 and ends on May 18, 2012. There will also be walk-in registratavailable from May 29 to June 5, 2012.

    District Calendar 2011-2012(all schools except Murdock-Portal) April 16-20, 2012 Spring RecessMay 25, 2012 Staff Learning DayMay 28, 2012 Memorial DayJune 12, 2012 Last Day of School

    District Calendar 2012-2013 (All schools except Murdock-Portal)August 20, 2012 Students ReturnSeptember 3, 2012 Labor DaySeptember 21, 2012 Staff Learning DayOctober 29, 2012 Staff Learning DayNovember 12, 2012 Veterans DayNovember 19-23, 2012 Thanksgiving RecessDecember 24-January 4, 2013 Winter RecessJanuary 21, 2013 MLK, Jr. DayFebruary 18-22, 2013 Mid-Year RecessMarch 18, 2013 Staff Learning Day

    April 15-19, 2013 Spring RecessMay 24, 2013 Staff Learning DayMay 27, 2013 Memorial DayJune 12, 2013 Last Day of School

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