Page 1: Gcdp icx   global volunteer project

Bergen, 22 -25 September

Global Volunteer project

Purpose of the project: Assist Norwegian NGOs that needs voluntary work in order to address social issues in the community or country. Give

international students or recent graduates the chance to develop themselves and gaining expertise in the volunteering sector

in Norway within local, national or international projects. The idea of the project is an expansion and continuation of research

and sales to non-governmental organizations that has already started within the non-corporate area. The NGO sales project is

in the end a project developed to give a positive impact to the Norwegian society.

What will AIESEC members do in this project?

As a member AIESEC Norway and this project you will work on developing sales materials, sell internships to different NGOs

and sell sponsorships to different companies as well as applying for funds in order to sustain the project. You will be

responsible for interviewing and selecting high quality interns that will come to work in the selected NGOs. The members in

the NGO sales project is also responsible for preparing the intern prior to their exchange as well as follow-up and support the

intern for the whole duration of the project. The project manager and the team is in the end final responsible for the results

of the project.

General project timeline:

August-March – Sell internships to Norwegian NGOs

September –October – market segmentation sponsorships

October-June – Sell sponsorships to cover expenses for internships


Raising deadlines

Matching deadlines

Realization deadlines

Sponsorship deadline

Application deadline

Selection deadline

Preparing the intern

Follow-up on NGO and sponsors

Page 2: Gcdp icx   global volunteer project

Bergen, 22 -25 September

Potential partners countries:







Hong Kong





LC/MC role:


- LCVP/PM is responsible for the final result of the project as well as ensuring that the project is run according to plan.

- LC will make all decisions concerning the project - LCVP is the final responsible for the results and outcome

of the project. - The LC will decide the framework of the project - The LC will also be responsible for making necessary

changes/adjustments in plans and execution - Create the full overview of the project - Create all the final materials - Sell project to our different stakeholders (NGOs,

sponsors etc.) - Financial management - Create and execute preparation meeting - Create and execute evaluation meeting - Request support and training from MCVP or LCVP when


- Support, train and track the project; - Training in sales for members and leaders so that

they are able to sell the project to NGOs, sponsors and to find accommodation

- Create TN profile for the interns to ensure quality. Find potential partner countries that the LCs can cooperate with in order to insure a smooth selection process.

- Track LCVPs. Track the health of the project and that the VPs are leading their area in the right direction.

- Monthly coaching and support meeting with PMs. (In order to ensure that they are leading their team and feeling comfortable and challenged in this role).

Check up and feedback of: - Sales plan - Selection plan - Reception plan

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