Page 1: GÖDEL’S INCOMPLETENESS THEOREM - · 6.Por último, en el capítulo 6 nos encontraremos el Teorema de Incompletitud de Gödel. Para entonces, ya tendremos casi


Jorge del Castillo TierzFinal degree thesis in Mathematics

University of Zaragoza

June 2016

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Page 3: GÖDEL’S INCOMPLETENESS THEOREM - · 6.Por último, en el capítulo 6 nos encontraremos el Teorema de Incompletitud de Gödel. Para entonces, ya tendremos casi


’Oh, you can’t help that,’ said the Cat:’we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.’

’How do you know I’m mad?’ said Alice.’You must be,’ said the Cat, ’or you wouldn’t have come here.’

Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

From Aristotelian Logic to Logic nowadays, an incredibly huge progress has taken place. One ofthe first in appear and the simplest is what we call now “Propositional Logic” and we are going toreview its most important aspects in the first section. Later on, during the 19th and 20th centuries, logicwas rediscovered and a mathematical structure was adopted. But the astonishing approach was the oneGödel and Tarski developed: a metalogic, logic which speaks about logic.

The main result Gödel proved was that if an axiomatic system for arithmetic (Peano Arithmetic)is consistent, i.e. it does not lead to any contradictions, and its axioms are recursive, then it will beincomplete. What does it mean to be “incomplete”? To put it simply: to have at least one sentencewhich is true but not provable in the system or a false sentence that cannot be proven to be false. Thissentence is usually called a “Gödel sentence”.

This is related to the liar paradox, which consists of just one statement: “This sentence is false”. Bywriting “not provable” instead of “false” we get what we called a Gödel sentence, this time without acontradiction. So, how can we write a sentence that states its own unprovability in the system? This iswhat we are going to study in this thesis.

The discovery of Gödel pointed out the limitations of axiomatic systems. A mathematical systemwhich contains enough arithmetic will never be able to prove all true sentences without proving falsitiesas well.

This thesis is organised in the following way:

1. A first chapter on Propositional Logic which will serve as a review for those who already arefamiliar with Logic and as a brief introduction to those who are not.

2. A second chapter on Predicate Logic and first-order systems, more complex than the ones in thefirst chapter. Here, we are going to deal with objects, functions and relations.

3. In the third chapter, we are going to develop a first-order system in which Mathematics can beexpressed, more specifically, Peano Arithmetic.

4. Chapters 4 and 5 will take a vital part in the proof of the theorem since the notions of recursive-ness, expressibility, representability and Gödel numbers defined then are what is going to enableus to see the problem from another point of view.


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iv Chapter 0. Prologue

5. Finally, the last chapter is devoted to the theorem itself and a further discussion about Gödel’sSecond Theorem and Church’s Thesis.

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Resumen en español

En este trabajo de fin de grado, vamos a estudiar uno de los teoremas más importantes del campo de laLógica, el Teorema de Incompletitud de Gödel.

En pocas palabras, lo que dice es que si un sistema matemático contiene suficiente aspectos de laAritmética y es consistente, es decir, que no se pueda probar a la vez una cosa y su contrario, entonces,por desgracia, ese sistema siempre va a ser incompleto. Esto quiere decir que hay alguna fórmulaque, a pesar de ser verdadera, no puede ser probada. No porque la demostración sea extremadamentecomplicada, sino porque esa demostración, simplemente, no existe.

Se ha estructurado este trabajo siguiendo un modelo constructivo, partiendo de la Lógica más básicahasta llegar al teorema. En los primeros capítulos, se han obviado las demostraciones para no hacerdemasiado pesada la lectura y siempre en pos de la claridad.

La disposición del trabajo es la siguiente:

1. El primer capítulo trata sobre la Lógica Proposicional, la más básica y sencilla. En este capítulo,presentaremos a través de sus tablas de verdad los conectores lógicos más usuales, como la con-junción, la disyunción o la negación. Definiremos un sistema a partir de unos axiomas lógicos.Para terminar el capítulo, se mencionará la completitud de ese sistema formal, que nos asegu-rará que podemos encontrar todas las tautologías o verdades del sistema en forma de teoremas, adiferencia de lo que ocurre con otras Lógicas que veremos en capítulos posteriores.

2. Un escalón más arriba se encuentra la Logica de primer orden, o Lógica de predicados. Enella, aparecen objetos (constantes, variables,...) que podemos cuantificar, además de funciones yrelaciones. Es una Lógica mucho más potente que la del capítulo anterior, ya que prácticamente,puede formalizar todas las Matemáticas. La noción de verdad aquí es un poco distinta, dado quees necesaria una interpretación. Una misma fórmula puede ser verdadera bajo una interpretación,pero falsa bajo otra. También partiremos de unos axiomas para definir un sistema formal y se veráque éste es completo, como pasaba con el sistema definido en el capítulo anterior.

3. En el tercer capítulo, ampliaremos nuestro sistema lógico a uno que formalice la Aritmética dePeano. Para ello, necesitaremos definir la igualdad y sus axiomas y también la suma y el producto.Así, construiremos un sistema S diseñado para este fin.

4. El capítulo 4 está dedicado a las funciones recursivas, la expresabilidad y la representabilidad.Estos tres conceptos se probará más adelante que están muy relacionados entre sí. Además,cumplirán un papel clave en el desarrollo de la demostración del Teorema de Incompletitud.

5. En el capítulo 5, veremos una de las ideas más brillantes de Gödel: expresar las fórmulas dela Lógica en forma de números. Este cambio de perspectiva será el que nos permitirá abordar


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vi Chapter 0. Resumen en español

el problema más fácilmente. Relacionaremos a su vez esto con la recursividad definida en elcapítulo anterior y daremos ejemplos de funciones y relaciones que quedan definidas a partirde la numeración de Gödel y que además son recursivas. Precisamente, serán algunas de estasfunciones y relaciones las que utilizaremos a la hora de demostrar el Teorema de Incompletitud.

6. Por último, en el capítulo 6 nos encontraremos el Teorema de Incompletitud de Gödel. Paraentonces, ya tendremos casi todas las herramientas necesarias que nos permitirán comprender lademostración. Tan solo nos hará falta demostrar el teorema del punto fijo y definir el conceptode ω-consistencia. A continuación, enunciaremos el Segundo Teorema de Gödel, que dice quela Aritmética de Peano no puede demostrar su propia consistencia. Para terminar, se hablaráde la tesis de Church y lo que ella implica, que no existe ningún procedimiento mecánico paradeterminar si una fórmula es un teorema de la Aritmética o no.

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Prologue iii

Resumen en español v

1 Taking the first steps: Propositional Logic 1

2 Objectivising Logic: Predicate Logic 4

3 Into deeper waters: Mathematical systems 7

4 The path towards the theorem I: Recursiveness 10

5 The path towards the theorem II: Gödel numbers 14

6 Facing the reality: The Incompleteness Theorem 17

Bibliography 21


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Chapter 1

Taking the first steps: Propositional Logic

Logic is something we use on a daily basis and we do not even think about it.

- If Charles goes to the cinema, he will see the movie about the two dinosaurs.- Charles is at the cinema or he is watching a romantic movie at home.- Therefore, Charles is either seeing the movie about the two dinosaurs or watching a romantic one

at home.

Moreover, we can also say:

- If a borogove is crying, it is mimsy.- A borogove is crying or it does not exist.- Therefore, a borogove is mimsy or it does not exist.

Both share the same structure and we can apply the same reasoning without even having to knowwhat “mimsy” or a “borogove” is. This is the magic of Logic. We deal with statements, not with theirmeanings, and we can infer rules of more general applicability. Regardless of their meaning, these twoexamples have the structure:

- If A, then B.- A or C.- Therefore, B or C.

Every time we see a structure like this, we can derive the conclusion, no matter what A, B or Cmean. Propositional Logic studies which are the correct patterns and which are not.

We have been talking about propositions and statements. What are they? They are sentences, orsituations of the world that can be true or false. From now on, we will use 1 to represent the truth value“true” and 0 for “false”.

We can combine propositions in order to get more complex ones. For instance, ¬p stands for “notp”. It is false when p is true and true when p is false.

p ¬ p1 00 1

The conjunction of two statements, p∧q, is true whenever p AND q are both true, and is false if atleast one of them is false.


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2 Chapter 1. Taking the first steps: Propositional Logic

p q p∧q1 1 11 0 00 1 00 0 0

The disjunction of two statements, p∨q, is true if at least one of p and q is true, and is false only ifboth are false.

p q p∨q1 1 11 0 10 1 10 0 0

One of the most important connectives is the conditional, p→q, which stands for “if p then q”. It istrue if and only if the antecedent p is false or the consequent q is true.

p q p→q1 1 11 0 00 1 10 0 1

Finally we may denote by p↔q the statement “if p, then q AND if q, then p”, that is, “p if and onlyif q”.

p q p↔q1 1 11 0 00 1 00 0 1

Definition. i) An atomic proposition is a letter which stands for an arbitrary and unspecified simplestatement.

ii) A propositional formula is an expression defined recursively as:a) Any atomic proposition is a propositional formula.b) If A and B are two propositional formulas, then (¬A ), (A ∨B), (A ∧B) and (A →B)

are also propositional formulas.

An assignment is a mapping that assigns values in {0,1} to every atomic proposition in a proposi-tional formula. As we said before, 1 stands for “true” and 0 for “false”. For p∨q, an assignment couldbe (0,1), that is, p takes value 0 and q takes value 1. In this case, by the truth tables from before, thepropositional formula would be true, since it has value 1.

Definition. A propositional formula is said to be satisfiable if there exists an assignment of truth valuesin which the formula takes truth value 1.

A formula is said to be a tautology if for every assignment it takes value 1.A formula is said to be a contradiction or unsatisfiable if there is no assignment in which the formula

takes value 1.

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Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem - Jorge del Castillo Tierz 3

For example, p∨q is satisfiable, as we have seen. The law of excluded middle is a tautology: p∨¬p.And p∧¬p is unsatisfiable.

It is clear that a A is a contradiction if and only if ¬A is a tautology.

Let’s define our logic system L by the following axioms:

Definition. The axioms of L are:(L1) (A → (B→A ))(L2) ((A → (B→ C ))→ ((A →B)→ (A → C )))(L3) (((¬A )→ (¬B))→ (B→A ))f or any formulas A , B and C .

From a set of axioms, we can prove new formulas using the inference rule: Modus Ponens. Thisrule allows us to derive the consequent whenever we have a conditional and its antecedent:

If A →B and A , then B

A proof of a propositional formula A in the logic system is a sequence of formulas ending in Asuch that each one of them is either an axiom or a direct derivation by Modus Ponens (MP) from twoprevious formulas in the proof. A theorem is a formula that is provable, i.e., the last line of a proof.

For example, let’s give a proof the theorem A →A .

1. A → (A →A ) (Axiom L1)

2. A → ((A →A )→A ) (Axiom L1)

3. (A → ((A →A )→A ))→ ((A → (A →A ))→ (A →A )) (Axiom L2)

4. (A → (A →A ))→ (A →A ) (MP 2,3)

5. A →A (MP 1,4)

Of course, no formula that has a proof in the system can be a contradiction because the systemwould be inconsistent!

What about the converse? Can every tautology be proved? In other words, is the logic systemcomplete?

In Propositional Logic, that is the case: the theorems are exactly the tautologies. Our syntactic logicsystem “encapsulates” the semantic notion of tautology.

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Chapter 2

Objectivising Logic: Predicate Logic

Propositional Logic allows us to derive logical conclusions based only on relations among propositions.Unfortunately, it is not adequate when we want to work in a more general context.

For example, from “Every riddle has a solution” and “The prisoners and hats problem is a riddle”,one would infer “The prisoners and hats problem has a solution” but Propositional Logic can’t.

We are in need of quantifying objects in our language, so we introduce the symbol ∀, which means“for all”.

For example, given a formula A (x) which depends on x, “∀x(A (x))” is the universal quantifier andmeans “for all x, the formula A (x) is true”.

The symbol ∃ is the existential quantifier and means “there exists”. For instance, “∃x(A (x))” is“there exists an x such that A (x)”.

For example, “every positive number has a positive square root” can be written as:

∀x((x > 0)→∃y((y > 0)∧ (x = y∗ y)))

Note that we could also have defined the existential quantifier by means of the universal one:

∃x(A (x))≡ ¬∀x(¬A (x))

We are going to use the following alphabet of symbols for the language we will call L :

1. x1, x2,... as variables.

2. a1, a2,... as individual constants.

3. A11, A1

2,..., A21, A2

2,... as predicate letters.

4. f 11 , f 1

2 ,..., f 21 , f 2

2 ,... as function letters.

For example, defining the predicate letters A11 as “is a girl”, A2

1 as “is the father of” and the individualconstants a1 as “Emma” and a2 as “David”, we can translate “Emma is David’s daughter”:



Regarding predicate and function letters, the number over them indicates their arity, that is, thenumber of arguments they take.


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Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem - Jorge del Castillo Tierz 5

Definition. A term in our language L is defined recursively as follows:i) Variables and individual constants are terms.ii) For every function letter f n

i and terms t1,.., tn, f ni (t1, ..., tn) is a term.

The definition of formulas in Predicate Logic (also known as first-order logic) is almost the same asin Propositional Logic, adding the universal quantifier.

Definition. An atomic formula in L is Akj(t1, ..., tk) where Ak

j is a predicate letter and t1,..., tk are terms.

Definition. A well-formed formula (wf. for short) in L is an expression defined recursively as:i) Any atomic proposition is a well-formed formula.ii) If A and B are wfs., then (¬A ), (A ∨B), (A ∧B), (A →B) and (∀xi(A )) are also well-

formed formulas.

We say that a variable xi is bound in a wf. if it occurs within the scope of a universal quantifier ∀xi

in the wf., or if it is the xi in a ∀xi. xi is said to be free otherwise.

For example, in A11(x1)→ (∀x2(A1

2(x2,x1))), x1 occurs free both times it appears and x2 is bound bythe quantifier.

A term t is free for xi in a wf. A if xi does not occur free in A within the scope of a (∀x j), where x j

is any variable occurring in t. In this case, we can substitute every free occurrence of xi in A for t.

Definition. An interpretation I of the language consists of a non-empty set DI , which is called thedomain of I, some elements of DI (a1, a2,...) (one for each individual constant), some functions on DI

( f ni , i > 0, n > 0) (one for each function letter) and some relations on DI (An

i , i > 0, n > 0) (one for eachpredicate letter).

For example, assume we have a language with an alphabet that contains a1, A21 and f 2

1 . LetDI={0,1,2,...}, the set of natural numbers. Here, a1 is 0 (this is the interpretation of the individualconstant a1). The relation = is the interpretation of A2

1, and addition is the interpretation of f 21 .

Now, the formula ∀x1(A21( f 2

1 (x1,a1),x1) has the interpretation “for every natural number x, x+0=x”.Obviously, the formula is true in this case.

But, what if the interpretation of f 21 was multiplication instead of addition? Then, the formula would

be interpreted as “for every natural number x, x*0=x”, which is false.

Therefore, we cannot say that a formula in a first-order language is true or false. We can only saythat when we are given an interpretation of the language. As we have seen, the same formula can havedifferent truth values for different interpretations.

As the reader may have intuitively thought, every term of L is related to an object in the interpre-tation by means of a function v from the set of terms of L :

v(ai) = ai,

v( f ni (t1, ..., tn)) = f n

i (v(t1), ...,v(tn))

Such a function v is called a “valuation in the interpretation I”.

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6 Chapter 2. Objectivising Logic: Predicate Logic

Definition. A valuation v in I is said to satisfy a wf. A in the following situations:i) v satisfies the atomic formula An

j(t1, ..., tn) if Anj(v(t1), ...,v(tn)) is true in DI .

ii) v satisfies ¬B if v does not satisfy B.iii) v satisfies (B→ C ) if v satisfies ¬B or v satisfies C .iv) v satisfies (∀xi)B if for every valuation w such that v and w have the same values on each of the

variables, except possibly on xi, w satisfies B.

Now, we have the tools to define truth in a predicate language.

A wf. formula is said to be true in an interpretation if it is satisfied by every valuation in theinterpretation. It is said to be false if there does not exist any valuation which satisfies the formula.

Moreover, a wf. is called “logically valid” if it is true under every interpretation. On the other hand,it is called a “contradiction” if it is false under every interpretation.

Notice that logically valid formulas are the analogous to tautologies in Propositional Logic.

At this point, mimicking the last chapter, we continue to define the axioms of what is going to beour formal system KL :

Definition. The axioms in our system KL are:(K1) (A → (B→A )).(K2) ((A → (B→ C ))→ ((A →B)→ (A → C ))).(K3) (((¬A )→ (¬B))→ (B→A )).(K4) ((∀xi)A →A ), if xi does not occur free in A .(K5) ((∀xi)A (xi)→ A (t)), if A (xi) is a wf. of L and t is a term in L which is free for xi in

A (xi).(K6) (∀xi)(A →B)→ (A → (∀xi)B), if A contains no free occurrence of the variable xi,for any formulas A , B and C .

As before, we will use Modus Ponens as a rule, but we will add a new one:Generalisation: for any wf. A and any variable xi, from A , deduce (∀xi)A .

The definition of a proof is the same: a sequence of wfs. A1, ...An of L such that every one iseither an axiom or follows from previous formulas in the proof by Modus Ponens or Generalisation. Wecall the last member of a proof a theorem.

Theorem 2.1. Soundness TheoremIf a wf. A is a theorem of KL , then it is logically valid.

Therefore, our logic system is consistent, i.e. it cannot prove both A and ¬A for a wf. A .

Besides, the converse of Theorem 2.1 is also true in Predicate Logic:

Theorem 2.2. Adequacy TheoremIf a wf. A is logically valid, then it is a theorem of KL .

This is also known as Gödel’s completeness theorem for Predicate Logic. We can perceive here thesame “encapsulation” of semantics and truth by syntax and theorems as in Propositional Logic.

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Chapter 3

Into deeper waters: Mathematical systems

As we argued before, the only “universal truths” in this system are the theorems. But there are morewfs. that can be true under certain interpretations. We are dealing with structures, not meanings. Asmathematicians, we would like to have a logic theory that could be applied to Mathematics. We wouldlike then to have a symbol that meant “equality”, and we should introduce some axioms in order tograsp its essence.

We extend the system in the following way:

Definition. The axioms regarding equality are:(E7) (∀x1)(x1 = x1).(E8) (tk = u)→ ( f n

i (t1, ..., tk, ..., tn) = f ni (t1, ...,u, ..., tn)), for any terms t1,..., tn, u and any function

letter f ni .

(E9) (tk = u)→ (Ani (t1, ..., tk, ..., tn)→ (An

i (t1, ...,u, ..., tn)) for any terms t1,..., tn, u and any predicatesymbol An

i .

Notice that “=” is a predicate symbol, we could also call it A21, for instance, but we keep this notation

because of its clarity.

Any system with axioms (K1) to (K6) and (E7) to (E9) is called a first-order system with equality.

For example, let’s prove the commutativity property:

(∀x1)(∀x2)((x1 = x2)→ (x2 = x1)).

1. (x1 = x2)→ ((x1 = x1)→ (x2 = x2)) using (E9) for A21 as the symbol “=”.

2. ((x1 = x2)→ ((x1 = x1)→ (x2 = x1)))→ (((x1 = x2)→ (x1 = x1))→ ((x1 = x2)→ (x2 = x1)))because of (K2).

3. ((x1 = x2)→ (x1 = x1))→ ((x1 = x2)→ (x2 = x1)) by Modus Ponens 1, 2.

4. ((x1 = x1)→ ((x1 = x2)→ (x1 = x1))) by (K1).

5. x1 = x1 by (E7).

6. (x1 = x2)→ (x1 = x1) by Modus Ponens 4, 5.

7. (x1 = x2)→ (x2 = x1) by Modus Ponens 3, 6.

8. (∀x1)(∀x2)((x1 = x2)→ (x2 = x1)) using Generalisation in 7.


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8 Chapter 3. Into deeper waters: Mathematical systems

The transitivity of equality is also easily proved:

(∀x1)(∀x2)(∀x3)((x1 = x2)→ ((x2 = x3)→ (x1 = x3))).

Now that we have the equality symbol, can we continue and add some more elements of Mathe-matics? Yes, why not? Let’s take 0 as the interpretation of the constant variable a1, the successor of anumber as the interpretation of f 1

1 , the sum of two numbers as the interpretation of f 21 and the product

as the interpretation of f 22 . For the sake of clarity, we will use the common mathematical symbols: x′, +

and *. This system is what we are going to call S .

Again, we should add some axioms for these new characters in the story.

Definition. S is the first-order system with the language L of Arithmetic and axioms (K1) to (K6)and:

(S1) (∀x1)(∀x2)(∀x3)((x1 = x2)→ ((x1 = x3)→ (x2 = x3))).(S2) (∀x1)(∀x2)((x1 = x2)→ (x1

′ = x′2)).(S3) (∀x1)¬(x′1 = 0).(S4) (∀x1)(∀x2)((x′1 = x′2)→ (x1 = x2).(S5) (∀x1)(x1 +0 = x1).(S6) (∀x1)(∀x2)(x1 + x′2 = (x1 + x2)

′).(S7) (∀x1)(x1 ∗0 = 0).(S8) (∀x1)(∀x2)(x1 ∗ x′2 = (x1 ∗ x2)+ x1).(S9) A (0)→ ((∀x1)(A (x1)→A (x′1))→ (∀x1)(A (x1)), for any wf. A in which x1 occurs free.

The axioms (S1)-(S9) are called proper axioms.

Given a language L , a first-order system or a theory is an extension of KL by adding some properaxioms. In particular, S is a theory with proper axioms (S1)-(S9), the ones from Peano Arithmetic forthe natural numbers, regarding + and *. The last one, (S9) is a version of the Principle of MathematicalInduction.

From these new axioms, one can derive (E7) to (E9), so this is a first-order system with equality.Notice that a first-order system with equality is a theory, with proper axioms only the ones regardingequality.

Let’s prove, for example, (∀x)(∀y)(∀z)((x+z= y+z)→ (x= y)). This is the so-called “cancellationlaw for addition”. We are going to use (S9), the induction principle on z:

1. It is clear that (x+0 = y+0)→ (x = y) (just using (S5)).

2. Now, assume (x+ z = y+ z)→ (x = y). Does (x+ z′ = y+ z′)→ (x = y)? The latter is equivalentto ((x+ z)′ = (y+ z)′)→ (x = y), because of (S6). Now, using (S4), (x+ z = y+ z)→ (x = y)?But this is true by the induction hypothesis.

3. By Generalisation, (∀x)(∀y)(∀z)((x+ z = y+ z)→ (x = y)).

This way, we can work with natural numbers as well as with wfs. in the logic system.

It is clear that S is consistent, since it’s just an extension of a consistent axiom system and the newaxioms we added are true in the standard model of arithmetic (the one with domain the set of naturalnumbers and +, *, 0 and 1 having their ordinary meaning).

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But the important question is: “Is S complete?” Obviously, we would like it to be. All truths wouldbe provable and all falsities falsifiable. Such a wonderful mathematical paradise!

Unfortunately, this is not the case, as we shall see later with the proof of Gödel’s IncompletenessTheorem.

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Chapter 4

The path towards the theorem I:Recursiveness

The last three chapters have been a very brief introduction (or refreshment) to the main aspects of thecontext in which the theorem arises.

Now, we can deal with a formal system that formalises arithmetic. But we still need more tools inorder to understand what Gödel proved.

The strategy we are going to follow from here to the theorem is this: in this chapter, we are goingto define an important class of functions and deduce several of their properties. The most importantconcept in this chapter is the notion of “recursiveness”, which will play a determinant role in the proofof our theorem. In the next chapter, we are going to present the ingenious idea Gödel had to expresslogic formulas in terms of numbers. Those are commonly known as “Gödel numbers” and are also keyin the proof.

Definition. A number-theoretical function (or relation) is a function (or relation) whose arguments arenatural numbers. A number-theoretical function takes natural numbers as values.

For example, addition is a number-theoretical function of two arguments, and so is multiplication.“=” is a number-theoretical relation that also takes two arguments.

The terms 0, 0′, 0′′,... are called numerals and are denoted by 0, 1, 2,...

Definition. a) A number-theoretical relation is expressible in a theory K if and only if there exists a wf.B(x1, ...,xn) of K with free variables x1,..., xn such that for any natural numbers k1, ...,kn:

i) If R(k1, is true, then B(k1, ...,kn) is provable in K.ii) If R(k1, is false, then ¬B(k1, ...,kn) is provable in K.

b) A number-theoretical function is representable in a theory K if and only if there exists a wf.B(x1, ...,xn,y) of K with free variables x1,..., xn, y such that for any natural numbers k1, ...,kn, m:

i) If f (k1, = m, then B(k1, ...,kn,m) is provable in Kii) (∃|y)B(k1, ...,kn,y) is provable in K.

For example, the zero function, Z(x)=0, is representable in K by the wf. (x1 = x1)∧ (y = 0). For i),if Z(k1)=m, then obviously m=0 and (k1 = k1)∧ (0 = 0). ii) is also easily proved.

The successor function, N(x)=x+1, is representable in K by the wf. y = x′1.

The projection function, Unj (x1, ...,xn) = x j, is representable in K by the wf. (x1 = x1)∧ (x2 =

x2)∧· · ·∧ (xn = xn)∧ (y = x j).


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Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem - Jorge del Castillo Tierz 11

Let R be a relation that takes n arguments. The characteristic function of R is defined by:

CR(x1, ...,xn) =

{0 if R(x1, ...,xn) is true1 if R(x1, ...,xn) is false

Now, we see a relation between expressibility and representability.

Proposition 4.1. For any theory K with equality, if it is provable in the system that 0 6= 1, then anumber-theoretic relation R is expressible in K if and only if the function CR is representable in K.

Proof. =>) R is expressible in K by a wf. A (x1, ...,xn). It is easy to prove that CR is representableby (A (x1, ...,xn)∧ (y = 0))∨ (¬A (x1, ...,xn)∧ (y = 1)).

<=) CR is representable in K by B(x1, ...,xn). Using the fact that "0 6= 1" is a theorem of the system,then R is expressible in K by B(x1, ...,xn,0).

Definition. A function f is recursive if one of the following is true:a) It is the zero function, Z(x)=0 for all x, the successor function, N(x)=x+1 for all x, or a projection

function, Uni (x1, ...,xn) = xi for all x1,..., xn.

b) It can be obtained from the functions in a) by a finite number of steps using the following rules:i) (Substitution) g(h1(x1, ...,xn)...,hm(x1, ...,xn)) is the result of substituting the functions h1(x1, ...,xn),

..., hm(x1, ...,xn) in the function g(y1, ...,ym).ii) (Recursion) Given g(x1, ...,xn) and h(x1, ...,xn+2), the function f such that f (x1, ...,xn,0) =

g(x1, ...,xn) and f (x1, ...,xn,y+1) = h(x1, ...,xn,y, f (x1, ...,xn,y)) is said to be obtained by recursion. Inthe case n=0, we have that f (0) = k for k a fixed natural number and f (y+1) = h(y, f (y)).

iii) (Restricted µ-Operator) Given a function g(x1, ...,xn,y) such that, for every x1,..., xn thereexists a y such that g(x1, ...,xn,y) = 0, define the function µg(x1, ...,xn) = min{y|g(x1, ...,xn,y) = 0}where µ is called µ-operator.


1. If f (x1, ...xk) is a recursive function, then g(x1, ...,xk,xk+1, ...,xn) = f (x1, ...xk) is also recursive.

2. Another trivial example is that if f (x1, ...xn) is a recursive function, then we can permute variablesand f (x3,x1,x2, ...,xn) is also recursive.

3. If f (x1, ...,xn) is a recursive function and g(x1, ...,xn−1) = f (x1, ...,xn−1,x1), that is, we identifythe last variable in f with the first one, then g is also recursive.

The following functions are recursive:

4. x+y. Let f (x,y) = x+ y and g(x) = x. g is recursive since it is the identity, a projection function.Now, f (x,0) = x+0 = x = g(x). And f (x,y′) = x+y′ = (x+y)′ = h(x,y,x+y) = h(x,y, f (x,y)),where h is the composition of a projection and the successor functions, recursive by the substitu-tion rule.

5. x*y. The proof is very similar to the one in 4.

6. The predecessor function

δ (x) ={

x−1 if x > 00 if x = 0

is recursive. Here the proof is also based on the recursion rule.

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12 Chapter 4. The path towards the theorem I: Recursiveness

7. The function

x.− y =

{x− y if x≥ y

0 if x < y.


|x− y|={

x− y if x≥ yy− x if x < y


Observe that |x− y|= (x.− y)+(y

.− x).


sg(x) ={

0 if x = 01 if x 6= 0


Here, sg(x) = x.− δ (x), therefore it is clear that it is recursive.


sg(x) ={

0 if x = 01 if x 6= 0


11. min(x1, ...,xn).

12. max(x1, ...,xn).

13. rm(x,y)= remainder upon division of y by x.

14. qt(x,y)= quotient upon division of y by x.

15. If g1,..,gk and R1,...,Rk are recursive functions and relations, respectively, and for any x1,...xn, oneand only one of the relations R1(x1, ...,xn),..., Rk(x1, ...,xn) is true, then the function:

f (x1, ...xn) =

g1(x1, ...,xn) if R1(x1, ...,xn) is trueg2(x1, ...,xn) if R2(x1, ...,xn) is true

. .

. .

. .gk(x1, ...,xn) if Rk(x1, ...,xn) is true


is also recursive. The reason is that f (x1, ...,xn)= g1(x1, ...,xn)∗sg(CR1(x1, ...,xn))+···+ gk(x1, ...,xn)∗sg(CRk(x1, ...,xn)).

16. If f (x1, ...,xn,y) is recursive, then


f (x1, ...,xn,y) ={

1 if z = 0f (x1, ...,xn,0)∗ · · · ∗ f (x1, ...,xn,z−1) if z > 0

is recursive.

17. The function p(x) (or, as we shall denote it in the future, px) given by p(x)= xth prime number, isrecursive. For example, p0=2, p1=3, p2=5,...

18. Given a number x and its factorisation into prime powers x = pa00 pa1

1 · · · pakk , define the function

(x) j = a j. It is also recursive.

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We would like sometimes to define functions by a recursion in which f (x1, ...,xn,y+ 1) does notdepend only on f (x1, ...,xn,y), but on several (possibly all) values of f (x1, ...,xn,u) for u ≤ y. Thistype of recursion is called course-of -values recursion. Let f #(x1, ...,xn,y) = ∏

u<yp f (x1,...,xn,u)

u . That

is, f # “stores” all the previous values of f . Note that f can be obtained from f #: f (x1, ...xn,y) =( f #(x1, ...,xn,y+1))y.

Proposition 4.2. If f (x1, ...,xn,y,z) is recursive, then h(x1, ...,xn,y) = f (x1, ...,xn,y, f #(x1, ...,xn,y)) isrecursive.

Proof.h#(x1, ...,xn,0) = 1

h#(x1, ...,xn,y+1) = h#(x1, ...,xn,y)∗ ph(x1,...,xn,y)y

= h#(x1, ...,xn,y)∗ p f (x1,...,xn,y,h#(x1,...,xn,y))y

Therefore, by the recursion rule, h# is recursive and

h(x1, ...,xn,y) = ( f #(x1, ...,xn,y+1))y.

Corollary 4.1. Let H(x1, ...,xn,y,z) be a recursive relation.If R(x1, ...,xn,y) holds if and only if H(x1, ...,xn,y,(CR)#(x1, ...,xn,y)), then R is recursive.

Proof. We can express CR(x1, ...,xn, ,y) =CH(x1, ...,xn,y,CR(x1, ...,xn,y)). CH is recursive, so CR isrecursive too by the previous proposition, and, therefore, so is R.

Now, we are arriving at one of the important results in this chapter: that the notion of recursive-ness implies representability or expressibility, depending on whether we are talking about functions orrelations. But, first, we need two lemmas.

Lemma 4.1. Gödel’s β -functionDefine β (x1,x2,x3) = rm(1+(x3 +1)∗ x2,x1) (remember that rm is just the remainder of the divi-

sion).We know that β is recursive. Furthermore, it is representable as well. And a wf. that represents β is

B(x1,x2,x3,y) : (∃W )((x1 = (1+(x3 +1)∗ x2)∗w+ y)∧ (y < 1+(x3 +1)∗ x2)).

Lemma 4.2. Let k0, k1,..., kn be a sequence of natural numbers. Then there exist natural numbers b andc such that β (b,c, i) = ki for 0≤ i≤ n.

Proposition 4.3. Every recursive function is representable in S .

Proof. For the proof, see proposition 3.24 of [Mendelson].

Corollary 4.2. Every recursive relation is expressible in S .

Proof. Let R(x1, ...,xn) be a recursive relation. We know that CR is also recursive. By the lastproposition, CR is representable in S . Now, using Proposition 4.1, we conclude that R is expressible inS .

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Chapter 5

The path towards the theorem II: Gödelnumbers

Definition. The Gödel number of a symbol u in a first-order theory K is an odd positive integer g(u)defined as follows:

i) g(()=3, g())=5, g(,)=7, g(¬)=9, g(→)=11, g(∀)=13.ii) g(xk)= 13+8k for k ≥ 1.iii) g(ak)= 7+8k for k ≥ 1.iv) g( f n

k )= 1+8(2n3k) for k,n≥ 1.v) g(An

k)= 3+8(2n3k) for k,n≥ 1.

Indeed, every Gödel number is an odd number. Moreover, we can “recover” the symbols from theirnumbers in this way: if the number is 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 or 13, then it is clear which symbol it comes from(the ones in i)); otherwise, divide by 8 and if we can express it with a remainder of 5, then the originalsymbol is a variable as in ii); if the remainder is 7, it is an individual constant as in iii); if it is 1, it is afunction letter as in iv); and if it is 3, then the symbol is a predicate letter as in v).


1. The Gödel number of x3 is g(x3)=13+8*3=37.

2. The Gödel number of a2 is g(a2)=7+8*2=23.

3. The Gödel number of f 32 is g( f 3

2 )=1+8(2332)=1+576=577.

4. The Gödel number of A31 is g(A3


5. Which is the symbol whose Gödel number is 45? Dividing by 8, we get 45=5*8+5. But 5 is notone of our remainders. No, but... 45=4*8+13. And therefore, the symbol is x4.

6. Which is the symbol whose Gödel number is 31? Again, we divide by 8 and 31=3*8+7. There-fore, the original symbol is a3.

7. What if the number is 145? Proceeding in the same manner, 145=8*18+1. The symbol must be afunction letter and, since 18 = 2∗32, it must be f 1

2 .

8. If the Gödel number is 51=8*6+3, then it must be the predicate letter A11 because 6=2*3.

Now, how can we translate into numbers in a similar way longer expressions, not only single sym-bols? For instance, for (∀x1), should we write 313215, or rather 3+13+21+5? It does not seems a goodway to do so, because we wouldn’t be able to recover anything. For example, in the first case, 313215


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could also be a3(x1) and, in the second case, 3+13+21+5=42=3+39, that is, (a4, or even a4( or )(x1∀.So what should we do?

Definition. Let u0u1...ur be an expression where each ui is a symbol of the first-order theory K. ItsGödel number is given by:

g(u0u1...ur) = 2g(u0)3g(u1)

where pr means the jth prime number, starting with p0 = 2.


1. The Gödel number of the expression (∀x1) considered above is thus 2331352175.

2. The Gödel number of f 21 (x1,x2) is 29733521771129135 (do not forget the comma!). But in a dif-

ferent order, f 21 (x2,x1) gives 29733529771121135, which is a different number.

3. The number 2935153715115 comes from ¬A11(a1).

4. The symbol x2 has Gödel number 29, but the expression consisting only of x2 has Gödel number229.

Given a positive number, there exists only one expression (in case such an expression exists) whoseGödel number is that number, because of the unique factorization of integers into primes. Since everyexpression has at least one symbol, the number 2 will be a factor of every Gödel number of an expres-sion, i.e. Gödel numbers are even. Moreover, since the Gödel number of a symbol is always an oddnumber, these are not only even, but the exponent of 2 in their factorization is odd. This is important, aswe shall see in a moment.

Definition. Let e0,e1, ...,er be a finite sequence of expressions of the first-order theory K. Its Gödelnumber is given by:

g(e0,e1, ...,er) = 2g(e0)3g(e1) · · · pg(er)r .

How could we tell whether a given Gödel number comes from a sequence of expressions or froma single expression? They have almost the same definition! There is no need to worry, the answer istruly simple. As we stated before, the Gödel number of an expression is an even number such that theexponent of 2 in its factorization is odd. Well, since it is even, the Gödel number of a sequence ofexpressions will have an even power of 2 (and therefore, it will also be even). So, in conclusion: evenGödel number with an odd power of 2 => expression. Even Gödel number with an even power of 2=> sequence of expressions.

Notice that not every positive integer is the Gödel number of something. For example, 14 or 20 arenot Gödel numbers.

Since a proof in K is a certain kind of finite sequence of expressions, every proof has a Gödelnumber.

Definition. A theory K has a recursive vocabulary if the following relations are recursive:i) IC(x): x is the Gödel number of an individual constant of K,ii) FL(x): x is the Gödel number of a function letter of K, andiii) PL(x): x is the Gödel number of a predicate letter of K.

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16 Chapter 5. The path towards the theorem II: Gödel numbers

Definition. A theory K has a recursive axiom set if:PrAx(x): x is the Gödel number of a proper axiom of K (i.e. it is one of (S1)-(S9))is recursive.

Proposition 5.1. Let K be a theory having a recursive vocabulary and a recursive axiom set, and whoselanguage contains the individual constant 0 and the successor function. Then the following functionsand relations are recursive:

1. EVbl(x): x is the Gödel number of an expression consisting of a variable.

2. EIC(x): x is the Gödel number of an expression consisting of an individual constant.

3. EFL(x): x is the Gödel number of an expression consisting of an function letter.

4. EPL(x): x is the Gödel number of an expression consisting of an predicate letter.

5. Wf(x): x is the Gödel number of a wf. of K.

6. MP(x,y,z): z is the Gödel number of the expression that is a direct consequence of the expressionswith Gödel numbers x and y by Modus Ponens.

7. Gen(x,y): y is the Gödel number of the expression that comes from the expression with Gödelnumber x by the Generalisation rule.

8. Fr(y,v): y is the Gödel number of a wf. or term of K that contains free occurrences of the variablewith Gödel number v.

9. Neg(x): the Gödel number of the negation of the wf. whose Gödel number is x.

10. LAx(x): x is the Gödel number of a logical axiom of K.

11. Prf(x): x is the Gödel number of a proof in K.

12. Pf(x,y): x is the Gödel number of a proof in K of the wf. with Gödel number y.

13. Sub(y,u,v): the Gödel number of the result of substituting the term with Gödel number u for allfree occurrences in the expression with Gödel number y of the variable with Gödel number v.

14. D(u): the Gödel number of B(u), if u is the Gödel number of a wf. B(x1).

We now have the means to prove the converses of proposition 4.3 and corollary 4.2.

Proposition 5.2. Let S be the theory as in the previous chapter. Let f (x1, ...,xn) be a representablefunction in S . Then, f is recursive.

Proof. For the proof, see proposition 3.29 of [Mendelson].

Therefore, the class of recursive functions is identical to the class of representable functions in S .

Corollary 5.1. In the same situation, every number-theoretic relation that is expressible in S is recur-sive.

Proof. Let R be an expressible relation. We know that CR is representable in S if and only if Ris expressible in S . Therefore, CR is representable. By the proposition, CR is recursive. But, by thedefinition, this means that R is recursive.

In conclusion, a number-theoretic relation R(x1, ...,xn) is recursive if and only if it is expressible inS .

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Chapter 6

Facing the reality: The IncompletenessTheorem

Remember we have defined a function D (which we will call diagonal function) such that D(u) is theGödel number of B(u), if u is the Gödel number of a wf. B(x1). We are now going to use this functionto prove the following proposition.

Proposition 6.1. Fixed-point theoremLet A (x1) be a wf. of the theory S in which x1 is the only free variable.Then, there exists a closed wf. B such that it is provable in the theory that

B↔A (q),

where q is the Gödel number of B.

Proof. D is recursive. Therefore, it is representable by a wf. D(x1,x2) in S . Let m be theGödel number of the wf. (∀x2)(D(x1,x2)→ A (x2)). Substituting m for x1 in this formula, we get(∀x2)(D(m,x2)→A (x2)). Call this formula B and let q be its Gödel number.

By the definition of the diagonal function, D(m)=q. Since D(x1,x2) represents D in S , it is provablethat D(m,q).

We now have to prove that this B is the formula we are looking for. First, we prove that B→A (q)is provable.

1. B Hypothesis

2. (∀x2)(D(m,x2)→A (x2)) Same as 1

3. D(m,q)→A (q) 2, K5

4. D(m,q) Proven above

5. A (q) MP 3-4

And, therefore, B→A (q). Now, let’s prove the converse.

1. A (q) Hypothesis

2. D(m,x2) Hypothesis

3. (∃|x2)(D(m,x2)) Representability of D

4. D(m,q) Proved above

5. x2 = q 2-4, properties of =


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18 Chapter 6. Facing the reality: The Incompleteness Theorem

6. A (x2) Properties of =

7. D(m,x2)→A (x2)

8. (∀x2)(D(m,x2)→A (x2)) Generalization

Therefore, A (q)→ (∀x2)(D(m,x2)→A (x2)), that is, A (q)→B.By biconditional introduction, B↔A (q).

We just need two more ingredients to add: the notions of ω-consistency and undecidability, andeverything will be ready for the Theorem.

Definition. A theory K whose language contains the individual constant 0 and the successor functionis said to be ω-consistent if for every wf. A (x) of K containing x as its only free variable, if ¬A (n) isprovable in K for every natural number n, then (∃x)(A (x)) is not provable in K.

It is easy to prove that ω-consistency implies consistency: let B(x) be a wf. with x its only freevariable. Consider the formula B(x)∧¬B(x), let’s call it A (x). Of course, the negation of A (n) isan instance of a tautology. Therefore, ¬A (n) is provable in K for every natural number n. Since, K isω-consistent, (∃x)(A (x)) is not provable in K. If K were not consistent, it would be possible to proveeverything in K. But we found something that is not provable, so K is consistent.

Definition. An undecidable sentence of a theory K is a closed wf. C of K such that neither C nor ¬Cis a theorem of K.

Recall that Pf(x,y) means that x is the Gödel number of a proof in K of the wf. with Gödel number y.If we stick to the theory S , that is, Peano Arithmetic, we know Pf is recursive and, therefore, expressiblein S by a wf. P f (x1,x2).

Applying the fixed-point theorem to the wf. (∀x1)(¬P f (x1,x2)), there exists a closed wf. G suchthat

G ↔ (∀x1)(¬P f (x1,q))

is provable in S , where q is the Gödel number of G .

As we stated in the introduction of this thesis, we were looking for a sentence that states its ownunprovability. But this is precisely what G does! (∀x1)(¬P f (x1,q)) says that there is no natural numberthat is the Gödel number of a proof in S of the wf. G , that is, that there is no proof in S of G . And,since G is equivalent to (∀x1)(¬P f (x1,q)), it is clear that it does indeed assert its own unprovability.

This wf. G is called a Gödel sentence and we can now prove that G is undecidable.

Theorem 6.1. Gödel’s Incompleteness TheoremLet S be Peano Arithmetic.i) If S is consistent, then G is not a theorem of S .ii) If S is ω-consistent, then G is not a theorem of S .Hence, if S is ω-consistent, G is an undecidable sentence of S .

Proof. i) By Reductio ad Absurdum, assume G is provable in S . Let r be the Gödel number of aproof, so Pf(r,q). Hence, P f (r,q) is provable in S . But, on the other hand, G ↔ (∀x1)(¬P f (x1,q))is provable in S , so (∀x1)(¬P f (x1,q)) is also provable in S . In particular, ¬P f (r,q) is provable byModus Ponens. But this leads to a contradiction, since S is consistent and P f (r,q) is provable in S .

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ii) Again, by Reductio ad Absurdum, assume that ¬G is provable in S . From the same property asbefore, ¬(∀x1)(¬P f (x1,q)) is provable. This formula is equivalent to (∃x1)(P f (x1,q)). On the otherhand, S is consistent, since it it ω-consistent. Therefore, since ¬G is provable, it is not the case thatG is provable. In other words, there is no proof in S of G . This means that Pf(n,q) is false for everynatural number n. Therefore, ¬P f (n,q) is provable in S for every n. Finally, by ω-consistency, it isnot the case that (∃x1)(P f (x1,q)) is provable in S , which is a contradiction.

In consequence, G is a sentence that states its own unprovability in S and it is not provable in S .Therefore G is true in the standard model.

Another important consequence of what we have derived is Gödel’s Second Theorem. We know thatthere are some undecidable sentences. If we could express somehow the notion of consistency, wouldit be a theorem of arithmetic? In other words, would the theory be "conscious" of its own consistency?This is exactly what the Second theorem answers.

First, how can we express consistency by means of a wf.? A theory is consistent if there is no proofof a wf. and its negation. The relation Pf and the function Neg are recursive. Hence, Pf is expressible inS by a wf. P f (x1,x2) and Neg is representable in S by a wf. N eg(x1,x2).

Let C on be the following wf.:

(∀x1)(∀x2)(∀x3)(∀x4)¬(P f (x1,x3)∧P f (x2,x4)∧N eg(x3,x4)).

In the standard interpretation, this is the same as that there are no proofs in S of a wf. and itsnegation.

Theorem 6.2. Gödel’s Second TheoremLet S be the theory we have been working with (Peano Arithmetic).If S is consistent, then C on is not a theorem of S .

Proof. For the proof, see proposition 3.42 of [Mendelson].

This means that a proof of consistency must use ideas and methods that are not available in S . Infact, there are consistency proofs but it is not possible to formalise them in S .

Finally, we would like to conclude this dissertation by talking about Church’s thesis and what itimplies.

Church’s thesis: A number-theoretic function is effectively computable if and only if it is recursive.

What does it mean to be “effectively computable”? That there is an algorithm that correctly calcu-lates the function.

Definition. Let K be a theory. K is recursively decidable if T h = {n ∈ N| n is the Gödel number of atheorem of K} is a recursive set (that is, “x∈ T h is recursive”). Otherwise, K is recursively undecidable.

Assuming Church’s thesis, the notion of recursive decidability is equivalent to the fact that thereexists an algorithm that decides whether a formula is a theorem of K or not.

Page 28: GÖDEL’S INCOMPLETENESS THEOREM - · 6.Por último, en el capítulo 6 nos encontraremos el Teorema de Incompletitud de Gödel. Para entonces, ya tendremos casi

20 Chapter 6. Facing the reality: The Incompleteness Theorem

Let KL be a first-order system on the language L of Arithmetic. Now, extend it by adding ALLformulas of Arithmetic which are true in the standard model as proper axioms, obtaining a system thatis clearly complete. Tr = {n ∈N| n is the Gödel number of a true wf. of K in the standard model} is notrecursive: if it was, we would have a recursive axiom set and, hence, the theory would be incomplete byGödel’s Theorem, in contradiction with the fact that it is complete. In other words, accepting Church’sthesis, there is no algorithm or decision procedure for determining whether a wf. of Arithmetic is truein the standard model or not. This is a completely different situation from the one we had, for example,in the first chapter. Back then, we had a decision method: constructing the truth table of the formulaand checking whether the last column has only 1’s. Besides, Th, the set of Gödel numbers of theoremsof S , is not recursive either (for the proof, see section 7.4 of [Hamilton]). Hence, by Church’s thesis,there is no algorithm capable of deciding whether a given formula is a theorem of Arithmetic or not.

Page 29: GÖDEL’S INCOMPLETENESS THEOREM - · 6.Por último, en el capítulo 6 nos encontraremos el Teorema de Incompletitud de Gödel. Para entonces, ya tendremos casi


[Berger] U. BERGER Logic for Computer Science. Lecture notes, University of Swansea, 2015.

[Genesereth] M. GENESERETH Introduction to Logic: Second Edition (Synthesis Lectures on Com-puter Science), disponible en


[Hamilton] A. G. HAMILTON Logic for Mathematicians. Revised edition, Cambridge University Press,1978.

[Mendelson] E. MENDELSON Introduction to mathematical Logic. Fourth edition, Chapman & Hall,1997.


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