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Section A: TV Drama (50 Marks)Technical Areas

Wednesday 15th January 2014

Unit G322: Key Concepts Exam50% of Your AS Level

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HomeworkComplete a 3 PEA paragraph analysis of ONE of the sequences from the following page:

Analyse how 3 of the 4 technical areas (Above) construct the representation of…..?

DUE: TODAY – NEXT Section A Lesson

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Aims & Objectives

• Re-cap some of the important areas covered last lesson for Section A: TV Drama (50 Marks)

• Cover another area of representation – Gender – and how the technical areas help construct the representation of both gender roles.

• YOU WILL also get the opportunity to expand your knowledge of the 4 Technical areas in the exam and see how they apply in representing a particular group of people/individuals.

• Review the learning.

So you are prepared and ready to demonstrate your “media textual analysis skills and your understanding of the concept of representation using a short unseen moving image extract (AO1, AO2)” (OCR)

YOU SHOULD visit the OCR website and download/read the Unit G322 sections of the specification!

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“…construct the representation of…”

In the exam, YOU WILL be asked to analyse ONE of the SEVEN areas of Representation above.This changes EVERY year so YOU WILL need to be prepared to answer a question on ALL SEVEN areas.

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Today we will re-cap Disability and analyse how Gender Is represented in a 3-5 minute TV Drama.

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Starter Task – “60 Seconds!”

You have 60 Seconds to write down an evaluation of HOW Mr. Bates Disability is represented in the scene analysed from ‘Downton Abbey’.YOU SHOULD make sure it is structured and can read out word-for-word!

Verbal code Technical code

Non-verbal code

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Main Task 1) – 10 MinutesYOU MUST write a PEA paragraph explaining how ONE of the technical features below constructs the representation of Disability.YOU SHOULD use the worksheet from last lesson for evidence to use.Extension – YOU COULD write more than ONE PEA Paragraph about the same OR a different Technical Feature

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For example:

The technical code of the broken frame, high angle shot through the stairs looking down on Mr Bates looking up at the camera connotes…..

The technical code of the POV (Point of view) shot looking at Mr Bates walking stick, which cuts to a reverse shot of the other workers reactions, connotes…

The non-verbal code of Ms O’Briens facial expression can be denoted as….This connotes how disabled people are stereotyped as….

The non-verbal code of Mr Bates black attire connotes his arrival at Downton Abbey as being…

The diegetic verbal code of dialogue “EXAMPLE HERE” connotes how disability in this Period drama is represented as…

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We will now go through these 4 Technical areas by going to:

This page, along with many others under the

WILL help you to prepare for this Section of the exam, along with PRACTICE – PRACTICE – PRACTICE!

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Verbal code

Technical code

Non-verbal code

Main Task 2) – 5 Minutes

YOU MUST, based on what we have learnt last lesson, focus on a Technical Feature of your choice and COMPLETE the following:

1) x5 examples associated to the Technical Feature

2) X3 definitions for x3 of these examples

3) X1 that you would expect to see in an exam and give a reason why?

Extension – YOU COULD complete this task for another Technical Feature.

5 – 3 - 1

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1. Use the Booklet for a glossary of the key terms associated to this technical feature.

2. There is also some videos explaining how the edit techniques work and what they are – YOU MUST view these in your own time!

Task – 2 minutes

With the person next to you and using your phones, take a series of shot reverse shots to signify a conversation OR confrontation taking place.

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GenderTask – 4 Minutes

In your Exercise Books, YOU MUST “Mind Map” OR List the common stereotypes associated to both MEN and WOMEN in a TV Drama in YOUR OPINION!

Extension – YOU COULD come up with a list of anti-stereotypes as well.

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For further reading and information on this area of representation visit the Page to the LEFT (Click on the image).


John Berger‘s “men act, women appear”

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What sub-genre is it according to Glen Creeber (2001)?

SOAP OPERAWhat do audiences expect from

a Soap Opera?

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Click on image above - See the OCR document embedded in the page for further reading on what they are expecting.

Your ability to make notes quickly and effectively during Viewings 2-4 is CRUCIAL!

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Textual Analysis Task – PAIRS12 minutes

Using the worksheet you have just been given, YOU MUST analyse the 4 technical areas to see how the representation of Gender is constructed.

YOU SHOULD write down examples from the text (at least 3 per. Technical area) to support the Points you make with Evidence. You will then need to Analyse what impact this intended representation is meant to have on the audience –Key terms: Stereotypes and Anti-stereotypes

Verbal code

Technical code

Non-verbal code

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For example:

The technical code of the over the shoulder shot of Dawn hiding from the deranged woman in the kitchen connotes…..

The technical code of the POV (Point of view) shot of Dawn looking back at the house with the diegetic screams “I want my Baby” anchoring the shot connote….

The non-verbal code of Dawns eyes opening mechanically connotes….

Dawn grabbing her personal belongings even in a time of crisis and desperation connotes how the female gender are stereotypically…

The diegetic verbal code of dialogue “I knew he’d mess things up” represents Rob – the male gender to be in comparison to the female gender…

The diegetic song lyrics “it’s been a long time coming” signify…

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FEEDBACK – How does this technical area construct the representation of Gender?

The technical code of the mid shot of Dawn connotes….

YOU COULD argue this is an establishing shot and belongs in Editing

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FEEDBACK – How does this technical area construct the representation of Gender?

What is the correct term used to describe background noise?

Ambient Sound

What other examples of Sound – Diegetic and Non-Diegetic – impact the representation of Gender in this sequence?

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FEEDBACK – How does this technical area construct the representation of Gender?

Colours in the frame – Connotations?

How is Dawn represented – Character Role (Propp) – in this scene?

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FEEDBACK – How does this technical area construct the representation of Gender?

What transition (edit technique) is this? Cut

How does it represent the female characters in the scene?

What character roles do they represent according to Propp?

Other Transitions that help construct the representation of Gender?

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What have we learnt in todays lesson?

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YOU MUST explain what Technical feature shot-reverse-shot belongs to and write down x3 other terms you have learnt today.

YOU COULD explain the stereotypes and anti-stereotypes represented in this scene.

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DUE: Wednesday 29th January – NEXT Section A Lesson (2 Weeks away!)

1) Revise for the Upcoming Mock Exam (Week beginning Monday 3rd February) using the notes you have made over the last few Section A Lessons and by visiting:

There are a number of pages there to help you practice for the Mock Exam and “REAL DEAL” on May 23rd 2014.

2) Revise for a Test (Section A and B) on areas we have covered so far – this will be peer assessed and graded!

3) Complete a 4 Technical Feature answer (Introduction – Main Body – Conclusion) based on the sequence from

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