Page 1: GENERAL PATHOLOGY - Uscap · "GENERAL PATHOLOGY" Study Cases, Subscription A ... CA Tissue from: Vulva Accession #29489 ... Middleton LP, GrantS. et



Study Cases, Subscription A

March 2003

California Tumor Tissue Registry c/o: .Department of Pathology and Human Anatomy

Lorna L inda University School of Medicine 11021 Campus Avenue, AII335 Loma Linda. California 92350

(909) 558-4788 FAX: (909) 558-0188

E-mail: Web page:

Web site & Case oftbe Month:

Page 2: GENERAL PATHOLOGY - Uscap · "GENERAL PATHOLOGY" Study Cases, Subscription A ... CA Tissue from: Vulva Accession #29489 ... Middleton LP, GrantS. et

Tan:et audience; Practicing pathologists and pathology residents.

Go• I: To acquaint lhe panicipant w;th the histologic features of a variety of benign and

malignant neoplasms and rumor-like conditions.

Objectives: The participant w;n be able to recognize morphologic features of a variety of benign

and malignant neoplasms and tumor-like conditions and relate those processes to pertinent references in the medical literature.

Eduqtlona.l methods and mec!la: Review of representative glass slides w;th associated histories. Feedback on consensus diagnoses from participating pathologists. Listing of selected references from the medical literature.

Principal fa.eulty: Weldon K. Bullock, MD Donald R. Chase, MD

CMECredit: Lama Linda University School of Medicine designates this continuing medical

education activity for up to 2 hours of Category I of the Physician's Recognition Award of the American Medical Association.

CME credit is offered for the subscription year only.

Accreditation: Lorna Linda University School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation

Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to sponsor continuing medical education for physicians.

Page 3: GENERAL PATHOLOGY - Uscap · "GENERAL PATHOLOGY" Study Cases, Subscription A ... CA Tissue from: Vulva Accession #29489 ... Middleton LP, GrantS. et

Contributor: Duyet Vo, M.D. Case No. 1 - March 2003, CA

Tissue from: Vulva Accession #29489

Clinical Abstract: A wheelchair-bound, gravida TV, para TIT, 62-year-old female complained of an ulcerated mass

in her vulva. Examination showed a 7 x I 0 em left labial mass, which was interpreted as a large Bartholin gland cyst.

Gross Pathology: The oval, circumscribed, dark red rumor measured 6.5 x 5.0 x 4.5 em.

Contributor: H enry Slosser, M.D. Case No. 2 - March 2003 Pasadena, CA

Tissue from : Left gluteal mass Accession #27739

Clinical Abstract: Two years after removal of a lipoma from her left gluteal region, this 65-year-old female

presented with a recurrent mass and underwent exploration for a suspected herniation of her sigmoid colon into the previous surgical site. At surgery, the pelvic noor was found to be intact. Further exploration found a gluteal mass, extending through the levator muscles into the perirectal space. The surgeon reported that the mass had the gross appearance of a duplication cyst or segment of colon, although t11ere was no identifiable connection with the gut.

Gross Pathology: The 23.0 x 5.5 x 1.4 em mass was solid, with a glistening mucoid tan cut surface.

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Contributor: Robert Zucb, M.D. Case No.3 - March 2003 Baldwin Park, CA

Tissue from: Suprapubic mass Accession #29512

Clinical. Abstract: On examination for gaUstones, this 49-year-old female was found to have a suprapubic mass.

Other than her symptomatic cholecystitis, she reponed no medical or gynecologic problems. There is no past surgical history.

Gross Pathology: The ovoid, sol\ pink tissue mass measured 9.0 x 7.0 x 3.0 em and weighed 121 grams.

SPECIAL STUDIES (Outside facility): Vimentin Smooth muscle actin Desmin CD31 CD34 Pancytokeratin

Contributor: Pamela Boswell, M .D. San Diego, CA

Tissue from: Left ovary

Clinical Abstract:

positive positive rare positive negative negative negative

Case No. 4 - March 2003

Accession #28806

During work -up for fever and leukocytosis, this 19-year-old female underwent an IVP which showed calcification outside her ureter. A subsequent transabdominal pelvic ultrasound revealed echogenic masses replacing both ovaries.

Gross Pathology: The previously opened cystic ovary measured 5.0 x 4.0 x 2.5 em. The cyst contained yellow­

white caseous material admixed with hair and a 0.8 em canilaginous nodUle. The wall thickness measured approximately 0.3-0.4 mm.

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Contributor: Gerald Dalgleish, M.D. Case No. 5 - March 2003 Simi Valley, CA

Tissue from: Intra-abdominal mass Accession #29500

Clinical Abstract: While experiencing mid abdominal pain, this 40-year-old male also noted that his abdominal

girth was increasing and that be had had a tWelve-pound weight loss over the prior two weeks. CT scan of the abdomen showed a large intraperitoneal necrotic mass, possible emanating from the small bowel.

Gross Pathology: The 3,200 gram, 24.0 x 20.0 x 10.0 em abdominal mass was easily dissected from the attached

bowel. The cut surface o.fthe tumor was smooth pale tan with slightly softer yellower areas, suggestive of necrosis.

SPECJAL STUDIES (Outside facility): Cytokeratin Epithelial membrane antigen Des min NSE CD99 Chromogranin Synaptophysin Cytokeratin 20

Contributor: Xuedong Wang, M.D. Pasadena, CA

Tissue {rom: Right lobe of liver

Clinical Abstract:

strongly positive positive strongly positive strongly positive strongly positive negative negative negative

Case No. 6 - March 2003

Accession #29550

During a hospital admission for fever, hepatomegaly and elevated liver function tests, this 13-year-old male was found, on CT scan, to have a large mass in the right lobe of his liver.

Gross Pathology: The 1476 gram right lobe of liver contained a 13.5 x 11.0 x 10.8 neoplasm diffusely involving

half of the liver parencbyma. The central aspect of the neoplasm displayed several foci of hemorrhage and necrosis with the largest at 8.0 em. The surrounding surface of the neoplasm was variegated dark green and pale green, nodular and solid.

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Contributor: Alexander Lyster, M.D. Case No. 7 - Marcb 2003 Victoria, TX

Tissue from: Left gluteus mt.>dius and maximus Accession #29298

C linical Abstract: An 11-year-old male developed a mass on the lateral aspect of his left hip.

Gross Pathology: TI1e 98 gram, 9.0 x 5.0 x 4.0 em irregular finn mass consisted of ill-defined gray-white whorled

fibrous tissue mingling with brown muscle.

Contributor : Philip G. Robinson, M.D. Case No. 8 - March 2003 Boynton Beach, FL

Tissue from : SmaU bowel Accession #28407

Clinical Abstract: This 50-year-old female presented with small bowel obstruction. A partial resection of the

small bowel was performed for presumed submucoS<Illipoma.

Gross Pathology: The 9 em long segment of bowel contained a 2.8 x 2.2 x 2.2 em ulcerated red to gray

submucosal nodule.

SPECIAL STUDIES (Outside facility): S-1 00 negative Desmin negative

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Contributor: LLUMC Pathology Group (ric) Lorna Linda, CA

Tissue from: Left knee

Clinical Abstract:

Case No. 9 - March 2003

Accession #29497

This 63-year-old male complained of an enlarged and painful left knee. At surgery a large mass was found in the suprapatellar pouch, invading extracapsular soft tissue both medially and laterally. Past history was significant for a left knee mass excised eighteen years earlier.

Gross Pathology: The 457 gram, 20 x 14.0 x 6.5 em aggregate consisted of multiple irregular pink-tan to red tan

soft tissue fragments ranging up to 13.5 ~ 6.5 x 4.8 em.

Contributor: Alexandra Reichman, M.D. Case No. 10 - March 2003 Marysville, CA

Tissue from: Brain Accession #28462

Clinical Abstract: After two weeks of experiencing severe headaches, interpreted as a viral syndwme, this 4&­

year-old male collapsed, became confused and developed left sided weakness. ln the emergency department, he was arousable but showed loss of short-term memory and total left-side neglect. CT of the brain showed a large right sided frontal temporal tumor. MRJ showed a 7 x 7 x 5.8 em, heterogeneously enhancing, centrally necrotic mass arising near the floor of the right temporal lobe.

Gross Pathology: Multiple pieces of soft tan brain tissue formed aggregates that were 7 x 4.5 x 2 em and 6 x 5 x 3

em in greatest diameter.

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Minutes - Subscription A

March, 2003

SUGGESTED READING (Genen1l Topics rrom Recent Literature):

The Future of Cancer Management. Translating the Genome, Transcriptome, and Proteome. Yeatman, TimoU1y J. Annals ojSurg Onco/2003; 10(1):7-14.

Lobular Carcinoma In-Situ Diagnosed by Core Needle Biopsy. When Should It Be Excised? Middleton LP, GrantS. et ol. Mod Patho/2003; 16:120-129. ·

Survival and Prognosis in Hurthlc Cell Carcinoma of the Thyroid Gland. BhatlaCharyya N. Arclo Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2003; 129:207-210.

Diagnostic ValueofHMB-45 and Anti-Melan a Staining of Sentinel Lymph Nodes With Isolated Positive Cells. Mod Pat/1()/2002; 15:1288-1293.

Fourteen-Gauge Needle Core Biopsy of Mammographically Evident Radial Scars. Is Excision Necessary? Cancer 2003; 97:345-351.

California Tumor Tissue Registry c/o: Department of Pathology and Human Anatomy

Lorna Linda University School ofMedic.ine 1102 1 Campus Avenue, AH 335 Lorna Linda, California 92350

(909) 558-4788 FAX: (909) 558-0188

E-mail: [email protected] Web site & Case of the Month:

Page 9: GENERAL PATHOLOGY - Uscap · "GENERAL PATHOLOGY" Study Cases, Subscription A ... CA Tissue from: Vulva Accession #29489 ... Middleton LP, GrantS. et

Case l:

Ca.~e 2:




ca.~e 6:


Case 8:

Case 9:


CITR Subscription A

Angiomyofibroblastoma, vulva T-80100, M-88100

Aggressive angiomyxoma, peri-rectal spt~ce and g luteus T-Y9001, M-88940

Low grade endometrial stromal-sarcoma, suprapubic region T-Y4242, M-89303

Mature cystic teratoma, ovary T-87000, M-90800

Intra-abdominal desmoplastic round cell tumor T -63000, M-8000 I

Hepatocellular adenoma, liver T -56000, M-81700

Fibromatosis ("extra-abdominal desmoid"), region of hip T-1 1339, M-76 100

Inflammatory fibroid polyp, small bowel T-64000, M-76820


Difluse pigmented giant cell tumor ("pigmented vi llonodular synovitis"), knee T-Y9200, M-9250 I

Case 10: Glioblastoma multi forme, brain

T-X2000, M-94403

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Case No. 1, Accession No. 29489 March2003

Baldwin Pad< (KaJsg Permanentel · Angiomyofibroblastoma (3) Bay An:a • Aggressive angiomyxomu ( I); Low grad< angiomyxoid sarcoma (I); Angiomyxoid tumor. NOS (I) FontMa<Knisr P£tiJWJS1tel - Aggressive angiomyxoma Ha)'Wll!d!frcmont - Aggressive angiomyxoma 4•un• Beach (South Coast~MediClll Center) • Angiomyo6brobl8>1oma vs. aggressive angiomy:xoma Lone lli:acb • Angiomyxomatous fibrobiiL~tmna (8) Monterey <Community HosnitaJ of Monterey Penin>'lllal .. Aggressive Mgiomyxornn Mountain Ylcw (EJ Camino Pathology GrouQ) • Angiomyofibroblastoma Omnge COmoge Countv McdiCRI Group) • Ischemic t3sciitis Qnnae CUCI Medical Center Rcsidc:ntsl • Aggressive angiomyxoma S8C!ll!!lS!Jto CUC Davis Medical Centql • Angiomyofibroblastoma San Diego ctiaval Medical Center\ • Cellular angiofibroma (I); Angiomyofibro61astocna (I) San fD!Dcisco CUniversitv ofCalifomia·SM F!BJlcisco HO<pilal\ • Angiofibroblastoma Sanll! Roso !Santa Rosa Memorial HgspiU!II • Angiomyxoma (2); Angiomyofibroblostoma ( I) ~ • Aggressive angiomyxoma (2) Alaska CAIMka Naiivc Medical Center) • Angiomyofibroblastoma A)askn CAJaskn Putho!ogy Lahoratorvl -Aggressive angiomyxoma Arizonn (i)bos:njx Memorial Hospj1ftll - 1\Q.grcssivc ungiomyxoma FJodd11 <Munrps Regional MediCAl Center) - Aggressive angiomyxoma f lorida CWjntq Haven HQSl!ital) • An&iomyoftbroblastoma lndjMalfort Wavncl - Angjomyofibroblastoma, vuh'll Indiana QloWJI!! Communiry HOS!ljLIJ\ • Aggl<ssivc angiomyxoma KBM!!< !Unjymjty of Kansas Medical Ccmcr> • Angiomyofibroblastoma (2) Loujshma (LoujsjMA State Uojvmjty Mg:tjcpl Center) - Aggressive myofibrobl~'toma. vulva Mwylnnd IJobos Hopkins Hospil!l! Residents\ • Angiomyofibroblastoma (2) Marv!nnd CNmionnl Naval Medical Center\ • Angiomyofibrob!"'toma (9); Aggressive angiomyxoma (3) Mnrvhmd Cllojyersity of Maryland Residents> - Angiomyofibroblastoma M!!>Sl!chuwtts CNcw England Medlen! C~otcr Resident<\ • Aggressive w>giomyxumu Michicno !Oakwood llo<nitall • An&iomyotlbroblastoma Nebrac:ka tCreightoo Uni'·ersjtv ScboolofMcdjcine Residents) • Angiomyxoma New Jersey (Q,·er!ook l!O<pital\ - A11Jlion>yofibroblastoma (4) New Mejeo fiJniver.<iry of New Mexico\ • Angiomyofibroblastoma New Xeric !l&ng Island Jewish Medical Center\ - Angiomofibroblastoma. vulva New York CNttwm Univers;itv Mc:dicaJ Center) - Aggressive angiomyxoma New York IS(ony Brook University Hosnjt!l! Residents\ - Cellular angiofibromn New york CWe;;tchester Medical Center> · Angiomyofibroblasloma Nonh CnrolinR (Mountain Area J>athnloeyl • Angiomyofibrob!astoma (4) Okl!lhon1n (Qklnhonm Universitv Pathology Residents) • Cellular angiotibro1no OkJahorml CVetemns AtTairs Medical Cenrer> - Cellular angiofibroma Pennsvlyanja <Allegheny Genera) UosnjtttJl - AngiomyofibrobJastoma Pennsvlvania <Centre Communirv Hospital> - Aggressive angiomyxoma Penn.svlvAIJja (Memorial Medical ~-ntql - Angiomyofibroblastomaf~vc angiomyxoma Puct!o Rjco IVnivmitv of Puerto Rico) - Acsr=ive angiomyxoma!angiomyofibroblastoma Rhode hlood 18 I liO<piU!I Pathology Rtlijdcm•> • Angiomyolibrobla.<loma Texas CProPpth Services) - Aggressive angiomyxoma (2) TCX!l$ ISeou & While Memgda! HosnjUll) - Angiomyofibroblastoma West Yirp.!nin (Greenbrier Valley McdjCfll Ccmcrl a Angiomyxoma Au:amlin (Nonh Queensland PaU1ologvl • Angiomyofibroblastom~ OOx: AngiomyXoma AusjrnliA (Royal Prince Alfred HosoitaJI • Angiomyofibroblastoma C!lnptjo (fnO!hi!ls Medical Center) - AngiomyoObrobla.<toma llc>ne Kgn& lUong Kong Baptist HoSJlita!l • Epithelial hemangioma

Page 11: GENERAL PATHOLOGY - Uscap · "GENERAL PATHOLOGY" Study Cases, Subscription A ... CA Tissue from: Vulva Accession #29489 ... Middleton LP, GrantS. et

Japan CSbjm!lda City! - Allgiomyofibroblsstoma Japan cyamanashi Mcxlical !Joivernilyl - Angiomyolibrobl!lSioma (2); Granuloma pyogenicum ( I) Ne!IJcd8!ldS. Amsterdam - Allgiomyofibroblastoma O.w (!1omad Medical Comoratjonl - Allgiomyofibrobi:!Sloma

Case I - Diagnosis: Angiomyofibroblastoma, vulva

T-80100, M-88100

Case I - References: Wang J, Sheng W, Tu X, et al. Clinieopmhologic Analysis of Anglomyofibroblu.stomo ofthe Female Oenltn11',.ct. Chin Med J

2000; 113(11):1036-1039. Toehib N. Takeshita A, Sooobe H. et al. Angiomyofibrobi:!Sloma of the Vulva. Report of a Case. Surg Today 2001; 31(6):551-

559. Fletcher CD. Tsang WY; Fisher C. d al. Allgiomyofibroblastoma of the Vulva. A Benign Nccplasm Distinct from Aggressh·e

Aogiomyxoma. Am J Surg PnJho/1992; 16(4):373-382. Nielsen OP, Young RH, Dickcrsio OR. eta!. Aogiomyofibroblastoma of the Vulva with Sarc<>mntOtJS 1'mosformatioo

("Aolliomyofibrosan:oma"). Am J Surg 1997; 21(9):1104-1108.

Cn.1c No. 2, Accession No. 27739

!Jaldwin Purl< {Kaiser PermW>cntel - Anglomyxoma, aggressive (3) Bay Area - lnlnlmuscular myxoma (I); L.ow grodc myxosan:oma (2) PoptAAa (Kpjsq PmnanenJcl - Myxoma

Hayward/fn:mont - Massi''" localized lympbedema ....,_ S<lc:rosing liposan:oma Laguna Bc9i:b CSou[h Coas! Medic;!) Cc!l[ql - Myxoid liposan:oma L.oog Beach - Aggressive angiomyxoma (8) Monterey CCommlmity Hospital of Monterey Peninsula) - Ncurofibromu Mnuntojn View CEI Camino Patholpgy Omun) .. Aggressive angiomyxo1no Oowgc lOnmgo County M~:dje3l Gmm~) .. Aggressive angiomyxomH Oranoe CUCI Medical Center Residcnl$) - Myxoma S!lCro.m£Dto CUC On vis Medical Ccote£) · Fibromatosis Sao Diego <Naval Medical Center) - Aggressi\'c angiomyxoma (2) San fmncim f!Jnivcrsitv of California-San francisco Hospilal) • Low pdc myxoid neoplasm Soma RQM !Soma Rosa Memorial Hospilol\ - Aw=~•e angiomyxoma (2); Myxoma(l) YmiWll - lntmmuscular myxoma (2) Alaska <Alaska Native Mesfjcal Ccmcrl • Aggressive angiomyxoma Alnskn IAin.<ka Pathologv Laboratorvl - Intramuscular myxoma Arizonn f!)hSleojx Memotial Hosnitoll · Aggrcsslvc angiomyxoma Florjd" (Munroe Reg,ional Medical Center) .. Myxoma Florida c Wjptcr Haven Hospital> · Intramuscular myxoma Indjooq Cfpn Wayne) .. Ag,gJessive angiomyxoma. len gJutCI:tl area Indiana Uloward Community J lospjlAil · Aggressive angiomyxoma Kansas IVnh·qsj[Y of Kansas Mt<lic31 Cquql - Myxoid liposan:oma (2) LoujsiMn (louisiana State Unj'oCJ$jty Medical Center) - Aggressive angionlyxoma. pel\is Marvland !lobus Hopkins Hospital Residents> - Aggressive angiomyxoma (2) Mnrvland INwjona! Na"al Medical CeOJsr\ - Aggressive angiomyxomo ( I 0): Myxoid liposarcoma (2) MaNhwd fUnivcc;jty of M&yh!Jld Bs;sjdcms) 4 Myxoid neurofibroma ~chu$!1S !New England Medjcal S::cn(cr ResidenL<l • Low grade fibrornyxoid surooma Michjgnn COnJswood Hospital> .. Agsressivc nngiomyxoma Nchcnska CCrcjuhton Unjversjty Sehoul of Medjcine Residents) .. Llposarcomu.. low grade New Jersey IOyerlook HospiJllll - An~lomyxoma (I ); Aj?.grcssi\'c angiomyxoma (3) New Mcxjco tUniversirv of New MejSjcol .. Aggressive angiomyxoma

Ma rch 2003

4 C1TR. Mon:b 2003 "Mmut<S" (Subscription A)

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New Vorl< (Lone Island lswjsl! Medical Center) • Anglomyxoma New Vorl< !Nassau Unjvmily Medical Center) • Myxofibrosarcotna, low grade New Yorl< <Stony Brook Unjymitv Hosojta) Residcnl!fl • Angiomyxoma New Yort. £Westchester Mgljcnl Center> - Aggressive angiomyxoma Noah Carolina <Mountain Area Pathology) - Angjomyxom.a (2)~ AggrtS.'tivc nngiomyxoma (2) Oklahoma (Oklahoma Unjycl'liii.Y Pathology Resjdcnjs) • Aggressive anglomyxoma Oklal!oma <Veterans Affalrn Medical Ccmerl • Aggressive angiomyxoma Pennsvlvania CAIIeM!illy Qeneml Hosoitall - Aggressive angiomyxoma Pennsyh·ania <Centre Community Hosoitall - Intravascular myxoma Pcnnsylvanja (Memorial Mcc!ical Center) • AW"$Si,•c angiomyxomalschwannoma I'Vqto Ris:o OJniversirv ofPuqto Rjcol - lnrramu:scular myxoma Rhode Island <R.I.I·Iospj!AI l'athology Residcn!sl • Aggressiveangiomyxoma Toxgs IProPath Services) • MyXoid liposarcema (2) Texas <Scott & White Meroorinl Hosnital) - AJ;ireSsivc angiomyxoma We>1 Vjrginja <Greenbrier Y.llcy MedjC!ll Center\ • Myxoma, intramuscular AyS!mlia !Nor!h Queensland Pathology\ • lntramusc~lar myxoma; DDx: Myxoid lipo<arcoma AUS!IJI! ja <Rova! Prince Alftsd Hosoji8Jl • Aggressive ao&iomyxoma Canac!a (foothills Mcc!iCJI CqJ\er) · Awessivc angiomyxoma Hpp• Kono nlonc Konc Baoti:<t Hospjllll) • Inflammatory fibroblastic tumor IARan (Shimada Cjty) • lntnunusculnr myxoma I!IQIVI <Vamanasbi Medical Unlyersltvl • Aggressive ru>giomyxoma ( I); lntr~lmus.:u lnr myxoma ( I) NC1het!andS, Amsterdam · Aggressive angiomyxoma Qqtur <Hamad Me<lica! Cprpon!lionl . Aggressive ang)omyxoma

Cne 1- Diagnosis: Aggressive angiomyxoma, peri·reCI.81 space and gluteus

I-V9001, M-88940

Consultation: Sharon W. Weiss, M.D., University of Michigan, «Consistent with ~ggressive angiomyxoma."

Case 2 · References: Ntlkayama H, Him! M. K.iyoku H. et al. Superficial Angiomyxoma of the Righi Inguinal Region. Rcpon of a Case. Jpn J Clt'n

On<:o/!991; 27(3):2()()-203. tlanoch J, Prus D and Milwidsky A. Awessivc Vulvar Angiomyxoma. Acto Ob.stet Gynec.o/ Scand2000; 79(8):712-713. Nucci MR. Wcrcmowicz S. Neskey OM, et 81. Chromosomal Transfocatioo 1(8: 12) Induces Aberrant BMGIC E.xprcssi<>n in

Aggressive Angiomyxoma of the Vulva Gene. Chromo.:romes Cancer 2001: 32(2): t72- 176. Outwutcr EK. Mnrcheno liE and Wagner BJ. Aggressive Angiomyxoma. Findings on CT a:nd MR Imaging. AJR Am J Roemgetrol

1999; 172(2):435-438.

Case No. 3, Accession No. 295U Marcb 2003

Daldwln Pari< {Kaiser Pqrnancntel • Endometrial Slromal sareoma ( I): Endometrial stromal rumor, low pe ( l ); Endometrial stromal tumor ( I)

Oay Area • Myxoid liposurcomu with myxoid diffcrcmiutioo (2); l>mbryonal rhnlxlomyosarcoma ( I) fontana <Kaiser Permans:nte) • Hem!lngiopcricytoma llavwardlfrcmont .. Extnt-RBStroinlestinaJ stromsl tu1nor Lai!UDA Beach (South ColiS! Mcc!ica! Center) • Leiomyoma with coni-like anunxcmc;ol

L!!n~ . Myxoid leiomyoma (8) Monterey (Community Hospital of Monterey Penjnsula) - l-lemangjopericytoma Mguntain View f£1 Camino Pathologv Croup) · Plc:<ifunn leiomyoma Onwge COrlUl•e Counw Mcdlc!\LOtoup) • Low grndc stromal sarcoma Omnge IUCI Medical CcnJo[ Resjdent<l • Solitary fibrous tumor vs. angion>yolibroblastomn Sncnunento CUC Davis MOOjcal Center) - Angioleiomyoma

CTTR. ~- 2003 "Minutes"' (Su!>sc:ripljoo A) s

Page 13: GENERAL PATHOLOGY - Uscap · "GENERAL PATHOLOGY" Study Cases, Subscription A ... CA Tissue from: Vulva Accession #29489 ... Middleton LP, GrantS. et

San Diego (Naval Medical Center) - Aogiomyo1ibreb!Jlstoma(l); Cellular angiofibroma (I) San Francisco {lJnjversjtv of Caljfornja-San Eraocjsco Hosoital) - Angiomyofibroblastic rumor Santa Rosa ($ant~ Rosa Memorial Ho>llitall - Angiomyofibroblastoma (2); Leiomyoma (l) Ventura - Extnl'abdominal dC!irnOid·(2) Alaska IAlasl<aNatiye Medjcal Center) - Endometrial stromal tumor (2); Smooth muscle. tumor (hypercellular and myxoid) (I) Alaska (Alaska Palllology Laboratory) - Fibrous histiocytoma Arizona (Phoenix Memorial HoSpital) - Cellular schwannoma Florida (Munroe Regional Medical Center) - Cellular leiomyoma f lorida <Wjmer Haven HosoitaJ) - CcJJular plcxifonn Jeiomyoma Indiana (Fort Wayne) - Myofibroblastoma, suprapubic area Indiana (Howard Community Hospitan - H~mangiopericytoma

Kansas <University of Kansas Medical Center! - Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma ( l); Hemangioendothelioma (I) Louisiana (Loujsiana State University Medical Center) • Epithelioid leiomyosarcoma witll myxoid features Mruyland (Johns Hopkins Hospital Residents) - Cellular leiomyoma vs. angiomyofibreblastoma (I}: Myofibroma (I) Mruyland !National Naval Medical Center) - Cellular angiofibroma (8); Liposarcoma (4) Marvland CUnjversitv of Maryland Residents) · Lciomyom~ vs. low grade stromal sarcoma Ma.<Sjlchuse\tS <New England Medical Center ResidenL<l • Angiomyofibroblastoma Mjchjgan !Oakwood l·losoital) - Endometrial Stromal sarcoma Nebra<ka <Creighton University School of Medicine Residents) - Smooill muscle UJmorofundetennined malignant potential New Jersev (Overlook Ho•pitall - Leiomyoma (partly myxoid} (4) New Mexioo (University of New Mexico) • Leiomyoma New York (Long Island Jewish Medical Center) - Epithelioid leiomyoma New YorJs <Nassau University Medical Center> · Angiomyofibroblastorna New York (Stony Brook University Ffospi!!!l Residen~) - Vascular leiomyoma (angiolciomyoma) New York <Westchester Medical Center) - Cellular angiofibromn/vascular leiomyoma North Carolina (Mountain Area l'athology) - l:eiomyoma (3}; Cellular leiomyoma (I) Oklahoma !Oklahoma University Palllolooy Resjdeol!il - Myxoid leiomyosarcoma Oklahoma <Veteni·ns AOairs Medical Center) - Angiomyotibroblastoma Pennsylvania <Allegheny General Hospitall · Myofibroblll.'>'lOma Pennsylvania <Centre Community HospitaJl - 1-lemang.iopericyr.oma Pennsvlvania <Memorial Medica) Center> .. Hyalinized Jeiomyoma/hemangiopericytoma Puerto Rico ((Jnjyersicy of Puerto Ricol • Spindle cell lipoma Rhode Island CR.l. Hospilal Pathology Residents) · Endometrial stromal tumor or myXofibrosarcoma Texa< (PmPatb S<;ryicesl - Hemangiopcricytoma (I}; Benign leiomyopericytoma ( I) ,.exas fS£ou & WlJitc Mcmorhtl Hospital) · Ceilular aogiotibromn Wesl Virginia (Greenbrier Valley Mcxiical Cente.rl · Epithelioid leiomyosarcoma Australia !Noah Queensland Pathology\ • leiomyoma Austrnlia <Royal Prince AJfrcd Hospital) · Epithelioid leiomyoma. plexifonn variant Cjl!lada (foothills Medical Center) - Leiomyoma Hons Kong CHong Kong Baptist Hospital} · Fibros;trcomn Japjl!l <Shjmada City) - Solitary fibrous tumor }@pan CYamaoashi Medical University) - Myolibroma.(l}; Vascular leiomyosarcoma ( I); iiemangiopericy1oma (I) Netherlands. Amsterdam · Extr~trointestinal .:,1romal tumor ~<Hamad Medical Comorationl · Leiomyoma

Case 3 - Diagnosis: Low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma, suprapubic region

T-Y 4242, M-89303

Consultation: !:bristopher D.M. fletcher, M.D., Brigham and Women's Hospital, " l ow-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma, possible arising from endometriosis."

6 ClTR.., Marcll200l .. Minuh:S., (Subsc.riplinn A}

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Case 3 • References: Spano JP, Soria JC, Kambouchncr M, et al. Long-Term Survival of l'aticntS Given Honnonal Therapy for Metastatic Endometrial

Stromal Sarcoma Med Onco/2003; 20(1):87-93. Liao X. W8J1i Y. YueC. Liu Y. ct al Highly Cellulu Leiomyoma of Uterus. A Companltive Morphologic ond

Immunohistochemical Study of Endometrial Stromal Tumors. 2h011ghiiQ Bing U Xue Za Zlli2002: 31(S):396-400. Morrison C. Ramin:ct NC, Chan JK, ct al. Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma of the Retropcritonc:um. Ann DiQgn PIJI/w/2002; 6(S ):

312-318. Yilmaz A. Ruch OS and Soslow RA. Endometrial Stromal Sarcomas With Unusual Hislologic Feowres. A Repon of24 Prim!lty

and MtiMiatic Tumors Empha;'izing Fibroblastic and Smooth Muscle Diffcn:otialioo. Am J Srug Patho/ 2002; 26(9): 11 42- 11 SO. Reich 0. l'ickcl H and Rcgaucr S. Cytologic Diagnosis of Low Grade Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma By Staining for Estrogen and

Progesterone Receptors. Acta Cyto/ 2002; 46(4):790-792.

Case No. 4, Ac.:ession No. 28806 March 2003

fla!dwjn Pack CKajscr Penu;menlel • Mature cys~c tcrntoma (dermoid cyst) ( I ): Benign cystic teratoma ( I): Mature cystic teratoma ( I)

Bay Area • Cystic tenstoma ("dennoid") with(?) immarureclcmcni.S (I): Without irrun81ure elementS(2) fontana fKojser ,,ennanentel . Mature cystic teratoma HaVWACdlf'remont - Mature teratoma l.aguM lleaeh ISouth Coag Mec!ieal Center> • Mature cystic teratoma I.Oll• Reylb • Mlllurc cystk teratOma (dermoid cyst)(8) Monterey <Community llo:mital ofMonterev Peninsula) • Mature cystic teratoma Mountain View Cfil Camjno Patholosv Groun> - Mature cystic teratoma Orange <Orwu;e Coupty Me<Jjca1 Group> - Mature cystic Cet'Qtoma Ornnse IIJCI Medical Center Residents) • Mature teratoma Sacramento (UC Qtlvis Medical Center) .. Mature teratoma Sao D!eso CNnynl Medica! Center) • Mature cystic teratoma (2) Snn Emndsco OJnjyernity ofCalifomia·San f rancisco Hosphol) .. MOtucccystic teratoma Santa Ro:;.1 (SAntA 1\osa Memorial Hosoitall • Benign cy>iic tertttoma (dcnnoid cyst) (2); Benign c-ystic tCrBtomu ( I) Yml!!m • Moturc cystic terotoma (2) Alaska fAij\,~ka Notiyc Medical Center) · Manue cystic teratoma Ala.'*" fAia'\ko pathology Latmnuorvl . Mature cystic teratoma Arizona CPhocni• Memorial llosoita!) . Benign cystic teratoma Florida CMynroc; Resjonal Medical Center) • Dermoid cyst Florida <Wjmq Haven 1-fosnitall . Benign cystic teratoma Indiana lfoQ Wayne! • Adult cystic teratOma, leJl ovary Indiana CHowanl Community Hosoitall - Teratoma with immature neural elements Kanm IUnjvcajty of Kansas Medieal Ce111erl • Benign matun: cystic tmtoma (I}; Matur<> cystic teratoma (I) Louisiana CL,ouidpna State University Medical Center} .. Dcsmoid eyst. ovary Maryl;md Uohos Hookin• Hosoital Residents) • Mature teratoma (2)

Marvland !Nat!gnal Naval Medical Center! • Mature cystic teratoma (12) Maryland fiJojvcrsity of Maryland Reyidento;l .. Mature cystic teratoma Ma.~chu:;cus CNcw Enclaod Medical Center Residents) .. Immature teratoma Michigan lOukwsKXS Hosnital) .. Benign cystic teratoma Nebraska CCrs;Jghton University School of Medicine Resident$) .. Mature teratoma New Jersey (Overlook flosoitall • Mawre cystic teratoma (4) New Mcxjco <lJnjymity of New Mexico} ~ Mau.1re terato1na New Yort CLong lsfWJd Jewish Medical Center) ~ Mature cystic tcnuoma (dermoid cyst), O\'ary New Yor!c !Na,<Mu Univcrsi!y Modica! Center) • Mature rcmtoma (dcnnoid cyst) New York <Stony Qrook Universitv Hosnital Resident~) . Muurc cyt.tit teratoma New Yort IWWches!q Modica! Centetl · Mature cystic teratoma

Nonh Cwo!ina (Moo main Area Palhologvl - Dermoid cyst ( I}; Malur< cystic teratoma (dermoid cyst) (I): Mature cystk tcnuoma ( I); Pcsmoid cyst ( I)

C'rfR, Mon:h 2003 "Minutes' (Subscription A) 7

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Oklahoma (Oklahoma Univcrsitv Pathology Resident<) - lmmarnre teratoma Oklahoma <Veterans Affairs Medical Ccnl¢Tl - Benign cystic teratoma ("dermoid cyst of ovary") ·Pennsylvania <AIIeghenv General Hospital> - Mature cystic teratoma of ovary ''dermoid cy~1'" Pennsvh•ania <Centre Community Hospitall - Mnturc cystic teratoma (dennoid cyst) Pennsvlvania <Memorial Medical Center) - Epidennal cyst/cystic teratoma Puertl! Rico <University of Puerto Rico) - Mature teratoma Rhode Island fRI. Hospilal Pathology Resjdents) - Mature temtoma Texas CProPalh Services) - Benign cystic terntoma (2) Texas (Scott&, White Memorial Hospilal) - Mature terntoma West Virginia <Greenbrier Valley Mcdjcal Center> - Oem1oid cysL Australia <North Queensland Pathology} - Moture ternloma Australia <Royal Prince Alfred Hosoitall - Mature cystic teratoma with evidence of rupture Canada (foothills Medical Center> - Mature cystic teratoma Hong Kong (Hong Kong Baptist HoSpital) - Mature cystic temroma. glial elements present Japan (Shimada City) - Mature teratoma • Japan (Yamanashi Medical University) -Immature tenuorna (3) Netherland$ Amsterdam .. Cystic mature tcratom~t Qatar (Hamad Medical Corporation) - Mature c')'Siic terntoma of ovary

Case 4 - Diagnosis: Mature cystic teratoma, ovary

T-87000, M-90800

Case 4 - References: Templeman CL, Fall at ME, Lam AM, eta!. Managing Mature Cystic Teratomas of the Ovary. Obstet Gyneco/ Surv 2000;

55(12):738-745. llmoto M, Obama H, l·loriuchi S, et al. Transvaginal Color DopplcT UllniSonlc Characterization ofBcnigo and Malignant Ovarian

Cystic Tem~omas and Con>pMfson with Serum Squanmus Cell Carcinoma Antigen. Cancer 2000; 88( 10):2298-2304. OutwaterEK. Siegelman ES and Hunt JL. Ovarian Tenuomas. Tumor Types and lmagingCilarac1cristics. Radiograph2001 ;

21(2):475-490. Halabi M, Oliva li, PR, et al. Prostatic Tissue in Mature Cystic Teratomas of the Ovary. A Report of I' our Cases, Including

Ooe With Features of Prostatic Adenocarcinoma. and Cytogenetic Studies. lnr J Gyneco/ Parho/2002; 21 (3):261-267. l<ikkawa F, Nawa A, Tamakosbi K, ctal. Diagnosis of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising from Mature Cystic Teratoma of the

Ovary. Cancer 1998; 82(11):2249-2255.

Case No. s, Accession No. 29500 Marcb 2003

Baldwin Park (Kaiser Permancntel - Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (I); Intra-abdominal desmoplastic small blue cell tumor ( I): lntra-ahdominal desmoplast ic small round cell tumor (I)

Bav Area - Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (2); Small round cell desmoplastic tumor(? PNET) (I) fontana (Kaiser Pennanente) .. lntra·abdominaJ desmQplastic small round cell tumor Hayward/Fremont • Desmoplastic small found cell tumor Laguna Beach (South Coa«t Medical Center) - Desmoplastic small 111und cell tumor Long Beach - Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (8) Mon1erey (Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula) - Desmoplastic small round cell tumor Mountain VicwfEI Camino Pathology Group> · Intra-abdominal dcsmopla.sticsmaH round celllumor

Orange <Orange Countv Medical Group) - Intra-abdominal dcsmopl~1ic small cell tumor Orange IUCI Medical Center Residents) - Desmoplastic small round ccll tumor Sacramento <UC Davis Medical Center) - Desmoplasric smaU round cell. tumor San Oieoo <Naval Medical Center> - De~moplastie row•d cell tumor (I.); lntr11-abdominal desmoplastic round·cclltumor ( I) s'an Francisco OJnivcrsity of Califomia·San Francisco Hosnital) .. Peripheral neurocpith~lial rumor Santa Rosa <Santa Rosa Memorial Hosnirall · Des:moplastic small round ceil rumor ( 1 ); MaJignant large cell neuroendocrine lumor

(I); Extraskeletal Ewing's sar< ( I); Ventura - l)nc;lifferentiated -small cell carcinoma (2)

CIT~ Match 20.03 "Minulc:;'' (Subscription A)

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Ala~ka (Alaska Nath·e Medical Center) .. lntra .. abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor Alaska <Alaska PathOlogy Laboratorvl ~ lnrra .. abdominaJ desmoplastic small cell tumor Ari>,ona !Phoenix Memorial Hosoi!l!!l - Desmoplastic small round cell tumor Florida (Munrqe. Regional Medical Center) - l)esmoplastic small cell tumor lndjMa CFort W1!yoe) - Desmoplastic small round cell tumor. intra-abdominal area Indiana !HOward Community Hospi!a!l - ln!rn-abdominal desmoplastic small cell tumor Kansas !University of Kansas Medical Center I - Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (2) Louisjana Clouisiana State Univcrsitv Medical Center) - SmaU round cell tumor Maryland (Johns Hopkins Hosoital Residenlsl - lnlra-abdominaJ desmoplastic small round cell tumor ( 1): Desmoplastic small round

cell tumor ( 1) Maryland <National Naval Medical Center\ - lnlra-abdominal desmopla>1ic small round cell tumor (12) Maryland (University of Maryland Rcsidcnls) - DcsmopJ..,·cic"small round cell tumor Ma.~sa.chusetts CNew England Medica1 Center Resjdeotsl - Desmoplastic small round Cell tumor Mjcbi!!!ln IOa!swood Hospital) - Desmoplastic small row1d celllumor Ncbniska (CrciWlon Univcrsily School ofMcdicinoResiden!~ - Small round cell desmoplastic tumor New Jerscv (Overlook flospi!l!ll - Desnioplaslic5mall round celllumor (4) New MCxico <University of New Mexico) - Desmoplaseic small round cell tumor New York (Long Island Jc.,.ish Medical Ccnlerl - lnlra-abdominal dcsmoplaslic small round cell wmor New york (NJISSllu University Mec!ieal Center) - lnlra-abdominal S®>ll round cell tumor New York ISiony Brook ·univcrsily Hospital Residenlsl - In Ira-abdominal desmoplastic small round-cell lurnor New York fWcslchcstcr Medical Center! - Desmoplastic> small cclllumor North Carolina fMounlain Area Palhologyl - lnlra-abdominal desmoplastic small round cell lumor (2); Desmoplastic small round

cell tumor ( t) Oklahoma CO~Iahoma llnivcrsilY Pathology Residcnl•l - Desmoplastic small round cell twnor Oklahoma (Veterans Affairs Medical Center! - Desmoplastic small round cell tumor Pennsvlvania. (Allegheny General Hospital) - Desmoplastic s.maJI round ce11tumor Pcnnsvlvania <Centre Communirv Hospital) .. Desmoplastic small round cell tumor P$onsv!vi!Jlin (Memorial Medical Cenccrl - Extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma/desmoplastic small round cell sarcoma Puer1o Rico Nnivcrsity of Puerto Rico) - Periphoral ncurocctndcrmal tumor (PNEl)fdcsmoplastic small round lumor Rhode Island !R.I. Ho•yital Pathology Rcsiden!S) - lnlra-ahdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor Texas !ProPalh Services! - Primitive oeuroec.codermal lumor (2) Texas fScoil &. V.'hile Memorial Hospicall • Desmoplastic small round celllumor West Virginia(Grccnl:>dcr Valley Medical Center> .. Non--endoqine small cell carcinoma Austrntia CNorth Ouctnsland Pathology) - Malignant primitive neuroectodermal tumor Austr•lia CRoyal Prince Alfred Hospilal} - Desmoplastic small round cell tumor Canada (Foolhil!s Medical Center) - Dcsrnoplaslic small round cell tumor Hong .Kong (}long Kong Bantist Ho~pitall - Peripheral primitive neuroendocrine tumor Japan (Shimada Cicy) - Desmoplastic small cell tumor Jap!U! !Yamanashi Medical University) - Desmoplastic small round cell tumor ( I); Ewing sa:rcoma (I); PNET (I) Nechcrhmds. Amsterdam - D~moplastic round cell tumor Qalar !Hamad Medical Corooration) - Desmoplastic small round cell rumor

C'..ase 5 - Diagnosis: Intra-abdominal desmoplastic round cell tumor

T-63000, M-8000 1

Case 5 - References: Sycd S, Haque AK, Hawkins liK, el al. Desmopla,~ic Small Round C¢11 Tumor of the Lung. Pwlwl Ltll> Met/2002:

126(10): 1226-1228. Gerald WL. Ladanyi M, de Alava E, ct al. Clinical, Palhologic and Molecular Spectrum ofT11mors Associated wilh

1(1 1;22)(pl 3;q12). Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor and Irs Varianls. J (,:lin One()/ 1998; 16(9):3028-3036. Ordonez NG. Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor II, An Ultrastrucwral and lmmunohiSl'Ochcmical Sludy with Emphasis on

New Immunohiscochemical Markers. Am J Surg Patho/ 1998: 22(11):1314-1327. Crapru~>.ano JP, Cardillo M. Lin 0, el al. Cytology ofD<-smoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor. Catrccr 2002; 96{1 ):21-3 1.

CTTR. March 2003 '"l>.ii1iutes" (Subscription A) 9

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Ordonez NO. Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor I. A Histopathologic Study of 39 Cases With Emphasis ofl'Unusual Histological Patterns. Am J Surg Pathol 1998; 22(11 ): 1301-1313.

Case No. 6, Accession No. 29550 Marcb2003 Baldwin Park CKaiser Pemtanentel - Hepatocellular carcinoma (1); Hepatobla.o;toma vs. hepatocellular carcinoma (I); Regenerative

nodule vs. hepatocellular carcinoma (l) Bay Area - Well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoJm> ( 1): Epithelial type hepatoblastoma (I): Adeooma1ous proliferalion. NO

s (I) Fontana !'Kaiser Pennanente) • Adenoma Havward/Frcmont · HcpatocelluJar carcinoma laguna Beach (South Coast Medical Ccnterl .. Hepatocellular adenoma vs. well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma Long Beach • Adenoma of liver (8) Monterey <Communitv Hospital of Montcrcv Peninsula) - Hepatocellular adenoma Mountain View ffil Camint) Pathology Grounl - Hepatic aden?ma .Orange (Qran~e County Me4icaJ Groul)} - 1-lepatO<:ellular carcinoma, well-differentiated Orange IUCJ Medical Center Residents) • Adenoma Sacramento lUC Davis Medical Center) .. Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma San Dieoo <Naval Medical Center) - Hepatoblastoma fetal paitem (8): Hepatocellular adenoma (2); Hepatic adenoma (I) San Franci~o fOniversitv ofCallfomia·San Francisco Hospital) · Fibrol3f11cllar hepatocellular earc.inoma Santa Rosa (Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital> .. Well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma (3) Ventura - l·lcpatoccllular adenoma (2) Naska INaska Native Medical Center) - Hepatocellular adenoma Alaska (Alaska Pathology Laboratorv) • Bepatoblastoma Arizona (phoenix Memorial Hosnitall - Hepatocellular careinoma, tibrolamellar type Florida (Munroe Regional Medical Center) - Liver cell adenoma f:lorida (Winter Ha\·en HosoitaJl . Macroregene_rative nodule Indiana (Fort Wayne) • Well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma. right lobe of liver Indiana fHoward Community -Aospital) .. Hepatocarcinoma Kansas !Universitv of Kansas Medical Center) - Hepatic adenoma (I); Liver adenoma (I) Louisiana O .. ouisiana State Universitv M!Xlicnl Center) . Grade 1. hepatocellular carcinoma Marvhlnd !Johns Honkins Ho:mital ResidenL<) - Hepatoblastoma,. fetal t}'])e (2)

Mnryland <National Naval Medical Center) - Hepatocellular carcinoma ( 12) Maryland (University of Maryland Residents\ - Liver cell adenoma Mns,snchuS¢HS <New -Em! land Medical Center Residents) . HepatobJas[oma Mis;higM (Oakwood l:lospitaJ> .. Hepatocellular adenoma Nebmska (Creighton Oniversitv School of Medicine Residents) · Hepatocellular ade-noma New Jersey (Overlook Hospital> - Hepatocellular carcinoma (4) New Mexico (University ofNew Mexico) - Hepatocellular carcinoma New York (Long Island Jewish Me4icaJ Center) - Hepatocellular adenoma New York !Na<;sau Universitv Medical Center) - Hepatocellular adenoma vs. ~cpatoma, ->·cJJ-differenliatcd New York CStonyBrook University HospiL"ll Residents> - HeptJtoccUular adenoma New York (Westchester Me4icaJ Center) - Hepatocellular carcinoma North Carolina (Mountain Area l'alhologyl • Adenoma vs. well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma (2); Hepatic adenoma vs.

well-dHTereutiotcd hepatocellular carcinoma (1); Hepatocellular adenoma vs. well-dift(re-ntintcd hepatocellular carcinoma (I) Oklahoma (Qklahorna ·university Palhology Residents) ~ HcpatoceJiular carcinoma Oklahoma (Veterans Affairs MediCl!l Cemerl - Hepatoblastoma fetal epithelial-type Penru.=ylvania CAIIegheny General Ht')Spitan - Hepatic adenoma Pennsylvania CCentre Community Hospitull - Hepatic adenoma Pennsvlvania <Memorial Medical Cenler) - 1-Jcpatoblastoma Puerto Rico (U:niversityofPus:rto Ricc.l) - Hepatic adenoma Rhode Island <R.I. J.Josnj!al Palhology Residents) - Hepatocellular adenoma Texas IProPath Services) - Focal nodular hyperplasia (2)

10 Clift. March 2003 ··Minute:;"' ($ub$c.ription A)

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Tcxa< <Scott & White Memorial Hospital) • Hepatocellular carcinoma West Virginia CGreenhrier Vallev MediCAl \..enterl ~ Hepatobtastooo~ fetal Australia (North Queensland Pat!Jolooyl • Nepatic adenoma Australia !Royal Prince Alfred Hospital) • Hepatoblastoma, fetal type Canada {foothills Medicill Center) • Fibrolarne!Lar hepatocellular carcinoma Hong Kong <Hong Kong Baotist Hospital) • Hepa19Cellular carcinoma Japan <Shimada City) • Hepatocellular adenoma Japan Q'amWlashi Me<iicalllniversitv) • Neptoeellular carcinoma ( I); Fibrolarnellar carcinoma (.1}; Hepatobl..,1oma (!) Netherlands. Amsterdam • li cpatoblastoma Oamr !Hamad Medical Comoflllionl • Hepatocellular carcinoma

Case 6- Diagnosis: Hepatocellular adenoma, Jive(

T-56000, M-81700

Case 6 · References: Llbbrecht L, DeVos R, Cassintan D, ct a!. Hepatic Progenitor Cells in Hepatocellular Adenomas. Am J Surg f'at/JQ/200! ;

25(11):1388-1396. Tcrkavatan T, de Wl!t JH, de Man RA, eta!. Indications and Long· Tenn Outcome of Treatment for Benign Hepatic Tumors. A

Critical Appl'llisal. Arch Surg 200 I; 136(9): I 033-1038. Propst A, Propst T, Wa!dcnbcrgcr P, ct a!. A Case of Hepatocellular Adenomatosis With a Follow-Up of I I Years. Am J

Gastroenrero/ 1995; 90(8):1345-1346. Ojaoguren 1, Ariza A, Ca.<;tella !lM, eta!. ·p53 Immunoreactivity in Hepatocellular Adenoma, l'ocal Nodular Hyperplasia, Cirrhosis

and f!epatoccllular Carcinoma. Histopath !995: 26{ I ):63-68. Resnick Mil. Ko:rokewicb HP and Pe<ez·Atayde AR. Hepatic Adenoma in tbe Pe<liatric Age Group. Clinicopathological

Observations and Assessment of Cell Proliferative Activity. Am J Surg Patho/ 1995; 19(10):1 181-1190.

Case No. 7, Acc~ion No. 29298

Baldwin Park (Kaiser Pennancntcl • Dcnnoid (! ); f ibromatosis/dcsmoid ( 1): fibromatosis ( I) Bar Area · Aggressive fibromatosis (3) Fontana <Kaiser Pcrmanentel • Fibrosarcoma Hay\ltard/Frcmonl • £xt:ta·abdomihal fibromatosi.s Laguna Beach (South Coac;.t Medical Center> • Extra-abdominal desmoidltibromato·sis Long Beach • f ibromatosis (8) Monterey (Community BospitaJ of Monterey Peninsula> - Fibromatosis Mountain View rEI CnmjnoPathology Grouol - Fibromatosis/dcsmoid tumor Orange COrange Counw Medical Group) · Nodular fd.sciitis Oran~e CUCI Medjca! Center Residents) • fibromatosis Sacramento ((JC Dayjs Medical Center) - Fibromalosis .

March 2003

San Diego INa val McdjCll! Contcr) • Extra-abdominal dcsmoid fibromatosis ( I); Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma ( l) San Francisco CUnivcrsitv of California-San Francisco Bospitall • Nodular proliferative fasciitis Santa Rosa CSan!a Rosa Memorial Hospital) • Fa.sciitis, rule oill fibromalosis ( l); Low grade· fibrosarcoma vs. nodular fiLS<iitis (I);

Nodular fusciitis (I) ~ · Extra-abdominal fibromatosis (2)

AJ!L,ka CA!{!Ska Native Medical Center) • Desmoplastic fibroma/fibromatosis Alaska (Aia.ska Pathology Laboratory) • Nodular fusciitis Arizona CPhoc;nix Memorial Hosnitall - Extra-abdominal fibromatosis Florida CMunroc Regional Medical Centerl . Desmoid rumor Florida fWintcr Haven Hosnitall - Fibromatosis Indiana CFort Wavncl · Fibromatosis. let\ gluteus medius and mwdmus Indiana <Howard Cornmunitv Hospital) • Desmoid tumor (muscuiQaponeurotic fibromatosis) KMS!t$1\Jniver;lity of Kansas Me<lica! Center\ - Nodular fasciitis (I); Desmoid tumor(!) l.ouisi{Lna CJ ,ouisiana State Universil\' Medical Center) - Ocsmoid fibromatosis

CTI'R, March 2003 "Minutes" (Subscription A) II

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Marvland (Johns Hopkins Hosoital Resident<) • Rxtra-abdominal fibromatosis (desmoid tumor) (2) M!!f)!land <Nnrional Naval Medical Center\ · Fibromatosis ( 12) Maryland <Universitv of Maryland Rtsidentsl - Fibromatosis Massachusetts (New England Medical Center Residents> - fibroma1osis Michigan (Oakwood Hospital) - Fibromatosis Nebraska CCreiohtoo Unjymjtv School of Medicine Residents) • Fibromatosis New Jersev (Overlook Hosnital) • Leiomyosarcoma ( 1); Fibromatosis (3) New Mexico <University of New Mexico) - Fibromatosis New Vorl< <Lono Island Jewish Medj&al Center) · Extnl·abdominal fibromatosis (dcsmoid ·type) New York <Nassau University Medical Center) - Extra-abdominal desfnoid tumor New X ork (Stony Brook Univers.icy Hospital Resident~) - Dcsmoid type of fibromatosis Now York (Westchester Medical Center\ · Fibromatosis (e~tra-abdominal dcsmoid) Nonh Carolina<Mountain Area Pathologvl • Extm-abdominal desmoid tumor (I); Fibromatosis (2); Fibromatosis (cxtrn·abdominal

desmoid tumor) (I) Oklahoma COklaboma Universj<v Pathology Residents) • Fibrosarcoma Oklahoma (Vcti:rnns Affairs Medical Center\ · Extra-abdominal fibromatosis Pennsylvania <AIIeghenv Oepeml Hospital) - Fibromatosis Pennsylvania (Centre Community Hospital> - Infhunmatory myofibroblastic rumor -Penrurylvrutia (Memorial Medical Center) - Leiomyoma/ganglioneuroma Pucno Rico fUnivecsity of PucrtoRicol - Fibromatosis Rhode Island I R.I. liosoital Pathology Residents) • Ex'lra·abdominal fi~romatosis Texas !ProPath Services) . Ex1ra-abdominol dosmoid (I); Extra-abdominal fibromatosis (extra-abdominal desmoid) ( I) TeXJJS <Scou & White Memorial Hospital) • Extra-abdominal desmoid West Virginia fOreenbrier Valley Medical Center) - MUscu1oaponeuroti.c fibromatosis Austmlia <North Queensland Pathology) · Infantile extlll·ahdominal dcsmoid ti~romatosis

Australia CRoval J.,rince Alfred Hospjlal) - Extra-abdominal desmoid tumor Caoada <Foo!hi!ls Medical Ccntcrl - Fibromatosis Hong Kong /Hong Kong Bantist HQSJ)jtal) · Fibrosarcoma Japao (Shimada Ci<vl • llxtm·ahdominal fibromatosis Japan (Yamanashi Medical UnivC!Si!Vl · Dcsmoid tumor(2); Nodular fasciitis (l) Netherlands. Amsterdam - Fibromatosis Oatar CHamad Medical Corp9mtionl - Fibrom~tosis

Case 7 - Diagnosis: Fibromatosis ("extra-abdominal desmoid''), ~gion ofllip

T-11339, M·76 100

Case 7 - References: Allen PIV. The Fibromatpses. A Clinicopathologic Cla~sitlcarioo Based on 140 Cases. Am JSurg Patlwl 1977; 1(3):255·270. Kamkousis CP, Mayordomo J, Zografos GC. etal. Desmoid Tumors of !he Truok and Extremity. Cancer 1993; 72(5): 1637-1641. Lopez R, Kcmalyan N, Moseley I·JS. etal. Problems in Diagnosis and Management of J)csmoid Tumors. Am J Surg l'atltol 1990:

159(5);45()-453, Alman B~ Pajer.3kf ME, Diaz .. Cano, et al. Aggressive Fibromatosis (Dcsnioid Tumor) is-a Monoclonal Disorder. Dlagn Mol Pathol

1997; 6(2);98-101. Hizawa K. lida M, Mibu R, et aJ. Desmoid Tumors in Familial Adcnomatous Polyposi~Oardner•s Syndrome. J C/in Gastroen/erol

1997; 25(1 ):334-337. Ill'S JK, 'Zinman LN and l,arsen CR. Regression of Large Pelvic Desmoid Tumor by Tamoxifcn and Sulindac. Urol 19%;


Case No. 8, Accession No. 28407 March2003 Pad,; (Kaiser Pcrmane.ntc> - JnOa.mmatory pscudotumor (3)

Flay Area · rnOammatory myofi~roblastic tumor (2); Angjomyxolipoma ( I) fmltana <Kaiser Permancntel • lnOamrnatory fibroid polyp (inflan>matory pseudotumor)

12 CfTR. March 2003 "Minutes·· (Subscrip-tion A}

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Hayward/Fremont - Inflammatory fibroid polyp Laguna !leach !South COliS! Medical Center) - Inflammatory pscudotumor Looo!kac!J • lnRammlllory pscudotumor (8) Monterey <Communi tv HOSPital of Monterey Peninsula) • Inflammatory pscudotumor Mount!in Vjcw lEI Camino Pathology Group\ • !nJiammatory fibroid polyp Omnce <Oran•• Countv Medical Groyol • Florid angiomatous .-live proliferalion in inh!s•usceplion Oranoe IUCI Mcllica! Center Residents I · !nOammatory fibroid polyp Sacramento CUC DPyjs Medical Center) - Inflammatory pseudotumor San Diego INavnl Medical Center) - Inflammatory fibroid polyp (2)

San Francisco aJgjycrsiw ofCaljforoja-San Francisco Hospital) • Inflammatory fibroid polyp Santa RoM (S;>mn Rpsa Memorial Hospi!!l!l - Inflammatory fibroid polyp (2): Inflammatory pseudotumor ( I) ~ • lntlanunulory pscudolumor (2) AIIL~ka IAIMkA Nntjyc Medjcq! Center) • Inflammatory fibroid polyp Alask.n IAI!l.!!w Puthglogy L!lborn;orv) - Inflammatory fibn>id polyp Ari1nna O'hoeglx Memorial Hospjta!l - OastrOin!C'tinal strOma! tumor Florida !Munroe Reajona! Medical CcntCTI - Pscudotumor florida <Winter Hoven Hsn;pjtaJ) - GranuJation tissue Indiana ff'ort Wamcl - lnfiammatory fibroid polyp, small bowel lnd;Ma fliowanl Commynjtv Ho~nitall . Angiosarcoma Kansas CUnjyrnjty of Kansas Me!lical Ceoter\ • ln0amm3lory pscudotumor (2) Looisiana ILoujsjaoa S!A!S 1/njyrnitv Medical Center) • Inflammatory fibroid poi)'Jl MJVYI!I!Id <Johns Hopkins HOSPital Residents) • Inflammatory fibroid polyp (2) MilO'! and fNntjoqnl Naval Me!lical Center> • lnfiammotory fibroid polyp (12) M!lo!l.and CUnjymlty o(Marvlaod Residents) • lntlammatory fibroid polyp M@S'? (New Eng!Md Medica1 Center Residents) • lnOonunutory nbroid polyp Mjcbjgnn (Qukwood Hospital) - Inflammatory tibroid polyp Nebmsko ICreigblon Uojyersjty SchooJ.ofMedicinc Rcsjdon!S) • Inflammatory fibrous polyp New Jerney !Oycr(ook liospitall - Inflammatory fibroid polyp (4) New Mexjco Ct lnjycrsi\V of New Mexicol .. Inflammatory fibroid polyp New York l!.on& Island )ewjsh Me4ical Center) • Inflammatory fibroid polyp New Ynrk CNn.4iSOu \Jnjymity Medical Center) .. ln11wnmatory pseudoturnor New york CStony Rrook Uni\'ersiw Hospital Residents) - Inflammatory pscudotumor ]'lew Yod< IWG$tChes\cr Me!lica! Center) • lnfiammlllory fibrous polyp Nonh Cam! in• !Mountain Area Patbo!ogy) - lnOammatory fibroid pol)'!' {Vanek) (3): lntlammiUOry fibroid pol)'P ( I) Oklahoma IOklahomollnivcrsity Pathology Re>idmts) • Inflammatory fibroid polyp Oklahoma IVetcmns Affairs Medico! Center\ - lnOammatory fibroid polyp Pennsvlvnni• CAIIcahcny GcnguJ Hosoital\ - lnllrunmntory myofibroblastic tumor l'enMVIy;miA ICemre Communitv Hospi1al) • Inflammatory fibroid polyp (Vanek polyp) PeoosvlvJlOjll <Memorial Medical Center) .. lnflammatory pseudo polyp Pucno Rico CUnjyc;rsity of Puerto Rico) · Inflammatory p~udotumor Rhode Jsl!llld lB. I Hospjtall'alhology ResidenL<) - lnflwnmatory fibroid polyp Texas O'rol'nlb Services) - Epithelioid hemangioma (2) Tcxa< (Scou & While Mcmorinl Aosoitall • lnflwnmatory fibroid polyp West V!re!nln (Qreenhricr Valley MedieaJ Center> · StromBI tumor Austmljg CNonb Oucenslu.nd Patho(ogv) .. Angiosa.rcomo. 1 Kaposi's Australia !Royal Prince Allh:d Hospital) • Inflammatory fibroid polyp Canilda Cfomhjlls Mcdjcal Center) • lnflammlllory fibroid polyp liono Kon21!lona Kong Baptist Hospital) - Inflammatory pscudotumor Japan IShjml!dp Citv\ • lnflammaiOry fibroid polyp Japan CVj!!Jlj!D!L<!Jj Me!lica! Universirvl • Inflammatory fibroid polyp (2): Granulation tissue(!) Netherlands. Ams!m!am • Vaseular mesenchymal ltlntOr ? Oaw !Hamad Msdica! Corporation\ • lnfiammatory fibroid polyp

C:TrR, Mweh 2003 "Minui<'S'- (Subscription A) IJ

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Case 8- Diagnosis: Inflammatory fibroid polyp, small bowel

T -64000, M· 76820

Case 8 References: JohnstoneJM and Morson BC. Inflammatory f ibroid Polyps of the CrdStrointcstinal Tract. l!istopatho/1978; 2(5):349-361. Shimer GRand Helv.ig EB. Jnflammatory Fibroid Polyps of the Intestine. Am J Clin l'atho/1984; 81(6):708· 714. Bullock WK and Moran ET. Inflammatory Fibroid Polyps of the Stomach. Cancer 1953; 488-493.

Case No. 9, Accession No. 29497 March 2003

Baldwin Park (J<aiser Permanentel - Malignant giant cell tumor (2); Pigmented viltonodular tenosynovitis (I) llav Area - Synovinl cboodrosarcorna (2); Synovial sarcoma (1) fontana lKajser Pennanentcl - Pigmented villonodu1at synovitis HiiVward/Fremon\ - Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) Laguna Beach !South Coast Medical Center) - Tenosynovial giant cell tumoripigmcnted villonodular synovitis Long Beach - Pigmented nodular s)novitis (8) Monterey <Communi tv of Monterey Peninsula) - Pigmented villono<lutar synovitis Mountain View !EI Camino Pathology Group) • Pigmented viltonodular synovitis (diffuse giant cell tumor oftt·ndon sheath) Orange {Orange County Medical Groun> .. Tenosynovial giwtt cell tumor, diffuse type Orange lUCt Medical Center Residents) . Giant ce.ll tumor of tendon sheath Sacramento (UC Davis Medical Center) . Pigmented villonodular synovitis San Diego !Naval Medical Center) - Pigmented villonodular synovitis (I); Diffuse tenos}'llovial giant cell rumor (I) San Francisco <University of California-San Franciscio Hosnital> · Recurrent giant cell ttrmor of bone Santa Rosa !Santa Rosa Memorial HosciL11) • Pigmented villonodular synovitis (I); Synovial sarcoma (I); Pigmented villonodular

bursitis (I) YsWml - Giant cell rumor<ift<'Tldon sheath (2) Ala<ka (Aia<ka Na1ive Me<ljcal Cemerl - Synovial giant cell tumor. diffuse type (2); Pigmented villonodular synovitis (1) Al!lSka !Alaska Pntholoey Lab(>r•toryl - Tenosynovial giant cell rumor, diffuse type Ari7,0M <Phoenix Momorial Hosoital) - Giant coli malignant fibrous histiocytoma (malignant giant cell tumor of soft parts) Florida fMw1roe Regional Medical Center! - Clear cell sarcoma f- lorida <Wjntq Haven Hospital> · Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma Indiana (fort Wayne) - Diffuse-pigmented villonodular ~)' Indiana (Howard Communitv Hosnitall . Giant cell tumor of bone Kansa~> ftJniversity of Kansas Medjcal Center) - Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath (2) Louisiana_(Louis iswft State Uniy,~i~~ · Pigmented villonodular Synovitas Marvland (Johns Hopkins Hospital ResidcnL<) - Tenosynovlal giant cell tumor (2) Maryland (National Naval M¢ical Cenrerl - Teoosynovial ginnt cell type (12) Maryland CUnjversjty of Maryland Residents) - Pigmented villonodular synovitis Mac;sachusetts (New F.:nsland Medical Center Residents) - Pigmented vi!lonodular S}'llOvitis Michigan lOa};wood Hosnjtall - Pigmented villonodular synovi~is Nebraska <Crei&ll~Qn Unjyersily School of Msdicine RCSiQentsl - PapillW)' villous l~:nosynovitis New Jersey !Overlook Hosoi1an - Diffuse giant cell tumor (2); Giant cell tumor; NOS (2) New Mexico {Uqjvcrsity QfNey,· Mexico) - Pigmented villonodu1u.r synovitis New York !Long Island Jewish Medical Center) - DiiTuse type giant cell tumor New York <Nassau University Medic!\1 Center) - Diifuse giant oeJJ tumor oftendon shea·th Ne.w York CStony Brook UniverSiLv Hospital Residents) - Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath. diffuse type (pigmented villonodular

synovitis) New Y2fk !Westchester Medical Center) • Pigmented villonoduJar synovitis North Carolina <Mountain Area Pathology) • Villonodular synovitis {1); Pigmented villonodular synovitis (3) Oklahoma !Qk!!!homa Univcrsitv Pathologv Residents) - Osteosarcoma OklahomafVe.temns Affairs Medical Center) · Tcnosynovial giant cell rumorJ diffusc .. type Penwlvanin (AI!egblil!v Gencrnl Hospital) - Diffusc·typc giant cell tumor

14 CITR. Marclr2003 ··Minutes•· (Svbscriplion A}

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Pennsvlvania.(Ccntrc Community Hospital) - Pigmented villonodular synovitis with secondary synovial chondrometaplasin Pcnnsvlvania CMemorial Medical Center) • Pigmented villonodu.lar synovitis Puerto Rico !Universil)'ofPuetto Rico) - Pigmented villonodularsynoviris Rhode Island IR.I.1iospillll Pathology Residents) - Pigmented villonodular syMvitis Texas CProPath Services) - Pigmented villonodular synovitis (2) Tcxa• (Scott & White Memorial Hospital) - Diffuse tcnosynovial giant cell tumor WCS1 Virginia{GrcenbricrValley Medical Center) - Nodular synovitis, pigmented Australia <North Queensland Pathology) - Pigmented villonodular synovitis AustiaJia CRova] Prince Alfred Hospital) - Tcnosynovial giant edl tumor, diffus<!type Canada (Foothills Medical Center) - Pigmcntedvillonodular tenosynovitis Hong Kom! <l-long Kong Baptist Hosnital) • Giant c~ll tumor of tendon sheath Janan !Shimada City) - Tenosynovial giant cell tumor Japan /Yarnanashi Medical University) - Pigme-nted villonodular synovitis (3)

Netherlands. Amsterdam .. Tertosynovial giant cell tumor, diffuse type Oatar (flamad Medical Comoration> .. Pigmented ~illonodu1ar synovitis

Case 9 - D iagnosis: Diffuse pigmented giant cell tumor ("pigmented villonodular synovitis"),

T-Y9200, M-92501 .

Case 9 References: Rosenberg D, Kohler R, Chau E, et al. Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis. Diffuse and Localized Forms in Children. Arch l'•diatr

2001; 8(4):381-384. Rowlands CG, Roland B. liwang WS, eta!. Diffuse-VariantTcnosynovial Giant Cell Tumor. A Rare and Aggressive LcsioiL Hum

!'athol 1994; 25(4):423-425. Gonzale.-Carapara R, Salas Herrero E. Olai-Salaverri Cvillar-Rodrigue7, JL. e1 al. Diffuse Tcnosynovial Giant Cell Tumor of Soft

Tis.ues. Report of a Case With CytOlogic and Cytogenetic Findings. Acta Cyto/1995; 39(4):770-776. DiirlingJM, Goldring SR, Harada Y, et .al. Multinucleated Cells in Pigmented Villonodu.lar Synovitis and Giant Cell Tumor of

Tendon Sheath Express features of OsteoclasiS. Am J Patiro/1991; 150(4):1383-1393. O'Connell JX, f'anburg JC and Rosenberg All. Giant Cell Tumor.ofTendon Sheath and Pigmented Vlllonodular Synovit is.

lmmunophenotype Suggests a Synovial Cell Origin. /fum Patho/1995; 26(7):771-775.

Ca.~ No. 10, Accession No. 28462

Baldwin Park IK!IiS<r Perm~ - Glioblastoma multiforme (3) Bav Area • Glioblastoma multifonne (2): Anaplastic oligodendroglioma ( 1)

l;·ontana (Kaiser Peonanentel - Glioblastoma mu1tifom1e

l·lavward!Freroont - Glioblastoma multi tonne La.guna Beach <.South ·caa~t Medical Center) - Glioblastoma mullifomte Long Beach - Glioblastoma multifonnc (8)

Monterey <Community Hospj(al oCMonterev Peninsula) - Oligodendrogliorl'la Mountain View ffi l Camino Patholosv Grouo) • Anaplastic oHg-oastrQcytoma vs. g_lioblastoma multifonnc Orange (Orange Countv Medical Group) • Anaplastic oligodendroglioma Oran&e {IJCl Medical Center Resident') - Glioblastoma Sacramento lUC Davi-S Medical Center) .. Glioblastoma with oligodendroglial component San Diego (Naval Medical Center! - Anaplastic e.pendymoma (1 ); Mixed glioma {oligoepcndymoma) ( 1) Santa Rosa !Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital) - GlioblastOma multifom1e (3) Ventura - Oligodendroglioma (2)


A1a~ka <Aia~ka Native Medical Center> - Malignant/anapla'Stic glial tumor favor ependymoma (2)~ Pavor oligodendroglioma ( L) Ala•ka (Alaska Pathology Lab9ra!myl - Glioblastoma multifonne Arizona fPhocnix Memoria] Hospital) • Gliobla.:;toma multjtbnne

Florida (Munroe Region~l Medical Center> - Anaplastic oligodendrt)glioma Florida (Winter Havcri Hospital) - Mixed glioma Indiana (fort Wavnel - Gliobla.•toma multiform, CNS

C'lTK. March 2003 '"Minutes" (Subscription A) 15

Page 23: GENERAL PATHOLOGY - Uscap · "GENERAL PATHOLOGY" Study Cases, Subscription A ... CA Tissue from: Vulva Accession #29489 ... Middleton LP, GrantS. et

Indiana (How!ltd Community Hospital) - Oligodendroglioma Kan.<as Olnjycm;i\V of Kansas Medical Centerl • Glioblastoma multiforme (2) I.Qyjsjana <Louisiana State University Medical Center> - Ependymoma Marvland (Johns Hopkins Hosoital Resident<) - Glioblastoma multiforme.(WHO grade IV).( I); Glioblastoma multifonne (I) Maryland (National Naval Medical Center) • Glioblastomamultiformc (12) Macyland !University ofM!I!)'Iand Resic!enJsl - Glioblastoma multifonne Massachusetts (New En eland Medical Center Residents) · Gliobl&~oma multi forme Michigan (Oakwood Hospitall - Anaplastic·oligodendrogliomll Nebraska (Creighton Universitv School of Me<licinc Residents) • Glioblastoma multitorme New Jersey /Overlook Hospital) • Glioblastoma multilorme (4) New Mexico CUniversitv of New Mexico) - Anaplastic oligodendroglioma New Island Jewish Me~ical Center) - Oligodendroglioma, grade Ill New York (Nassau University Medical Center) · Glioblastoma multi forme New York !Stony Brook-UOiversity Hosnital Residents) - Glioblastoma muJtifonne with oligodendroglioma feature New York /We!>1chcster Me<lical Center) • <lliobi&S!oma multiforme with ependymal features North Carolina (Mountain Area Pathology) • Glioblastoma·multiformc OkJahoma (Oklahoma Universitv Pathology ResidenisY - Gliobastoma Oklahoma fVeteran.• Affairs Medical Centerl - Glioblastoma multi forme P<"llnSylv.ania !Allegheny General Hosni!lllJ · Anaplastic ependymoma Pennsylvania /Centre Community HoSpj!all · Glioblastoma Pennsylvania /Memorial Me<lical CenJ$() - High grade oligodcndroglioma/GPM pyeno Rico /Univer.;ity of Puerto Rico) - Anaplastic ependymoma Rhode Island IR.L Hospital i>illhology Resjdentsl · Glioblastoma multiforme Tcx.S /ProPath Services\ • Mixed oligodendroglioma (2) Texas CScou & White Memorial Hospital\ · Giioblasloma multi forme West Virginia <Greenbri·er Valley Medjc;a! Center) - GliobJastoma multiforme Auslnllia/Nonh Queensland Pathology) · Gliobi&S!oma multi forme Auslmlia (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital) • Anaplastic·oligodcndroglioma Cnnuda !Foothills Medical Center) - Clear cell ependymoma Hong Kong fHon• Kong Bwtisl Hosll.ita!.) · Malignant ependymoma Japan /Shimada Citvl • Glioblastoma multi forme Japap fYamanashi Medicalllniversitvl - Anaplastfc oligodendroglioma ( 1 ); Glioblastoma(2) Neth<..,-lands. Amsterdam • Glioblastoma Oaw CHamad Medical Comorationl • Anaplastic oligoastr0<.')1oma (glioblastoma multi forme with oligodendroglioma like foci)

Case 10-Diagnosis: Glioblastoma multifonne, brain

T-X2000, M-94403

Ca~c 10 • References: Burger PC. Voget FS. Gceen.SB~ e:t ul. Gliobla'itoma an~ Anaplastic Astrocytoma Pathologic Criteria and Prognosrjc Implications.

Cancer 1985; 56(5): ll Q6.11 11, Chandler KL. Prados MD, Male.: M, eta!. Long-Term Survival in Patients with GlioblotStOmtt Multifonnc. Neurosurg 1993;

32(5) :716-720. ' Torp SH. Proliferative Activity in Human Glioblastomas. Evaluation of Different Ki67 F.quivalcnt Antibodies. Mol ?atho/1991:


IG <.TTR. March 2003 "Minutes" (Subscription A)

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