Page 1: Generating a 2m resolution DEM of South Africa · aerial imagery of South Africa on a regular (3-4 year) basis •Spatial accuracy excellent (

Generating a 2m resolution DEM of South Africa

Adriaan van Niekerk

Centre for Geographical Analysis

Stellenbosch University


Page 2: Generating a 2m resolution DEM of South Africa · aerial imagery of South Africa on a regular (3-4 year) basis •Spatial accuracy excellent (


• Terminology (DTMs, DSMs, nDSMs, DEMs)

• Rationale

• Overview of research

• Examples

• Conclusions & challenges

• Current work


Page 3: Generating a 2m resolution DEM of South Africa · aerial imagery of South Africa on a regular (3-4 year) basis •Spatial accuracy excellent (



Page 4: Generating a 2m resolution DEM of South Africa · aerial imagery of South Africa on a regular (3-4 year) basis •Spatial accuracy excellent (

DTMs, DSMs and nDSMs

• Digital terrain model (DTM)

– Height of earth's surface excluding land cover

• Digital surface model (DSM)

– Height of earth's surface including land cover

• Normalized DSM (nDSM)

– Height of land cover

– nDSM = DSM - DTM

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Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)

• Regular array of elevation points (cells)

• Can represent:






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Page 7: Generating a 2m resolution DEM of South Africa · aerial imagery of South Africa on a regular (3-4 year) basis •Spatial accuracy excellent (

Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)

• 30m version of the SRTM DEM of Africa was released in 2014

• Big jump in resolution from the 90m version

• Quality not necessarily better

– Voids

– Noise

• But, best freely available dataset available

• MANY applications


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Page 9: Generating a 2m resolution DEM of South Africa · aerial imagery of South Africa on a regular (3-4 year) basis •Spatial accuracy excellent (


Page 10: Generating a 2m resolution DEM of South Africa · aerial imagery of South Africa on a regular (3-4 year) basis •Spatial accuracy excellent (


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SRTM DEM not suitable for:

• Hydraulic (flood) modelling

• Pre-processing of high resolution (< 10m) satellite imagery

• Detailed (<30m) land cover mapping

• Construction & telecommunication planning

• Air traffic routing and navigation

• Precision agriculture & forestry

• Environmental management and impact assessments


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What we need is LiDAR data

• Can be used to extract DSMs, DTMs and nDSMs

• Highly accurate (10-100cm vertical)

• Provides additional (returns) information that can be used to infer land cover and vegetation structure

• Preferably this data should be updated every 1-3 years and it should cover the entire SA

• Viable? Maybe, but not in the near future


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• WorldDEM (DSM)– 12m resolution, 4m absolute vertical accuracy– Price 10 Euro per km2 (~R185million for SA)

• Elevation 10 (DSM)– 10m resolution, 5m absolute vertical accuracy– Price 17 Euro per km2 (~R310million for SA)

• Elevation 1/2 (DSM)– 1/2m resolution, up to 1.5m absolute vertical accuracy– Price ? (a lot!)

• Costs not viable for research, especially over large areas (societal benefits)– Started with developing our own products @ SU


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2000-2008: Interpolation methods (contours and spot heights) [SUDEM Level 1 DTM]

2008-2012: Fusion methods (contours, spot heights and SRTM DEM) [SUDEM Level 2 DTM]

2012-: Automated extraction of elevation data using digital photogrammetry [SUDEM Level 3 DSM]

2014-: DSM to DTM conversion [SUDEM Level 4 DTM]

Overview of DEM research @ SU

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2000-2008: Interpolation methods (contours and spot heights) [SUDEM Level 1 DTM]

2008-2012: Fusion methods (contours, spot heights and SRTM DEM) [SUDEM Level 2 DTM]

2012-: Automated extraction of elevation data using digital photogrammetry [SUDEM Level 3 DSM]

2014-: DSM to DTM conversion [SUDEM Level 4 DTM]

DEM research @ Stellenbosch University

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• Use parallax in stereo images to

estimate distance (height)

• Has been around since 1867!

• Was used to (manually) produce contours and (most) spot heights on topographical maps

• Digital photogrammetry automates the extraction process on a per-pixel basis resulting in very high density of elevation points ("point cloud")


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CD:NGI – A fantastic source of data!

• 0.5m resolution colour and near-infrared stereo aerial imagery of South Africa on a regular (3-4 year) basis

• Spatial accuracy excellent (<1m error)• Freely available!• Grossly underutilised (mainly used as backdrop in

GIS)• CD:NGI also has very accurate triangulation data,

which means that time-consuming image orientation procedures can be fully automated


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DSM extraction process

1. Calculate surface – camera distance

(For each pair of pixels in overlapping aerial photographs)

2. Use camera's position to calculate height above geoid (mean sea level)

3. Store heights in a point cloud

4. Analyse point cloud

5. Generate a DEM



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2m 16 height measurements per 2m area

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Elevations are extracted from 5 bands

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Flight path

Individual photo

Overlap = 8

Overlap = 2

Overlap = 4

Normally 4 or more overlapping images

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• HUGE point cloud

– 20 – 80 points per m2

– 80 – 320 points per 2x2m pixel

• Allows for statistical analyses

– Remove outliers (anomalies)

– Can use correlation score to assess points

– Estimate VERY accurate elevations


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SUDEM Level 3 (DSM) workflow


Preparation & Setup

Epipolar pairs and DSM



DSM geocoding


DSM merging


Automated gap filling


Automated error corrections


DSM extracted using fully automated methods

Manual error corrections

Final product

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Contours & spot heights SUDEM Level 1


SUDEM Level 2



0.5m Aerial Images Photogrammetry

SUDEM Level 3

DSM to DTM conversion

SUDEM Level 4



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Update strategy

• 5m SUDEM (L2) product forms basis (wall-to-wall coverage)

• 2m DSM (L3) is continuously generated (prioritizing based on demand)

• DSM to DTM (L4) conversion

• DTM (L4) fused into 5m product


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Page 27: Generating a 2m resolution DEM of South Africa · aerial imagery of South Africa on a regular (3-4 year) basis •Spatial accuracy excellent (

2730m SRTM DEM of Ceres region

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282m SUDEM L3 of Ceres region

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292m SUDEM L3 of Ceres region

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3030m SRTM DEM of Mitchell's pass

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312m SUDEM L3 of Mitchell's pass

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Page 33: Generating a 2m resolution DEM of South Africa · aerial imagery of South Africa on a regular (3-4 year) basis •Spatial accuracy excellent (


Page 34: Generating a 2m resolution DEM of South Africa · aerial imagery of South Africa on a regular (3-4 year) basis •Spatial accuracy excellent (



0.5m aerial photograph

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Page 36: Generating a 2m resolution DEM of South Africa · aerial imagery of South Africa on a regular (3-4 year) basis •Spatial accuracy excellent (

Vertical absolute accuracy?


PRODUCT MAE (m) STD DEV (m) 90 percentile (m)

30m SRTM DEM 3.22 2.88 6.42

5m SUDEM Level 1 1.57 1.76 3.25

5m SUDEM Level 2 1.77 1.21 3.06

2m SUDEM Level 3/4 0.35 0.25 0.66

Based on surveyed reference points supplied by City of Cape Town

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Page 38: Generating a 2m resolution DEM of South Africa · aerial imagery of South Africa on a regular (3-4 year) basis •Spatial accuracy excellent (

SUDEM Level 3 product is:

• Much more detailed than any other existing DEM

– 2m resolution (1m also available)

– Very accurate: 0.66m (90th percentile)

• Comparable with LiDAR

– Slightly less detailed/accurate

– No penetrative power (DSM not DTM)


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• Automated DSM to DTM conversion

– Many applications require DTMs

• Failed height extractions (blunders) in areas of shadow (e.g. trees) and water bodies (e.g. dams)

• HUGE datasets!


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Challenge: Dealing with blunders

• Minimize by using elevations from multiple bands

• Identification (using correlation score)

• Small blunders: interpolate from surrounding elevations

• Large blunders: use other data to fill the gaps – SUDEM Level 2

• Manual edits


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Aerial photograph

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Geocoded DSM extracted from the green band

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Geocoded DSM extracted from the blue band

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Geocoded DSM extracted from the blue band

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Geocoded DSM extracted from PC1

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Unreliable data(areas with lowcorrelation scoresin all bands)

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Small unreliable areas (3.5%) are removed by interpolating from surrounding reliable elevations. Only gross errors remain.

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Gross errors are corrected by making use of L2 product (2.3%) and minor manual editing (<0.7%).

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Challenge: Processing requirements

• Each 1:50 000 tile requires 8 days of CPU time (8 cores) and 1TB of disk space

• If run on one machine it will take 43 years to complete the entire SA!

• Completed only 3% of SA so far!

• Currently have 6 dedicated machines

• Limited resources to acquire additional hardware


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Work in progress…

• Improve workflow

– Reduce errors (automated corrections) & streamline/reduce manual editing

– Optimization

• DSM to DTM conversion

• Increase processing capacity

– Parallelization

– High performance computing (HPC) cluster (funding!) –hope to have 40 machines by end of November


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• Current research projects– Digital soil mapping

– Salinity modelling

– Hydrological modelling

• Potential applications– Wetland mapping?

– Visual impact assessments?

– Setback lines?

– ?


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Thank you!

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