
Genetically modified organisms (GMO)

Genetically modified organisms (GMO)What is GMO?are the animals and plants that are genetically modified in order to develop the useful or desired traits

techniques used to carry out genetic modification are known as genetic engineering techniquesrecombinant DNA technology is used for creating a new set of genes by combining the DNA molecules from different sources

DNA is transferred into the organism in question and it results into the formation of two different types of GMOs (transgenic and cisgenic) based on the origin of DNA being used.

PROSProduction of Human InsulinUse in Gene TherapyCreation of Neo-organsUsage in AgricultureCONSHarmful Effects on CropsGM AnimalsUnnatural Methods Being UsedRisk of MisuseDisruption of Natural Genetic InformationPreliminary Stage of Research



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