Page 1: GeoEnrichment Risk Data v2019.06.0 Product Guide€¦ · 1-Introduction GeoEnrichmentRiskData 4 Installation 6 AddressFabricVersionCompatibility 6 2-DataLayouts CrimeIndex 8 DistancetoCoast

Risk Database GuideVersion 2019.06.0


Page 2: GeoEnrichment Risk Data v2019.06.0 Product Guide€¦ · 1-Introduction GeoEnrichmentRiskData 4 Installation 6 AddressFabricVersionCompatibility 6 2-DataLayouts CrimeIndex 8 DistancetoCoast

1 - Introduction

GeoEnrichment Risk Data 4Installation 6Address Fabric Version Compatibility 6

2 - Data Layouts

Crime Index 8Distance to Coast 10Earthquake 11Flood Risk 15Historical Weather Risk 19Premium Tax 20Property Fire Protection 23Wildfire Risk 25

Table of Contents

Page 3: GeoEnrichment Risk Data v2019.06.0 Product Guide€¦ · 1-Introduction GeoEnrichmentRiskData 4 Installation 6 AddressFabricVersionCompatibility 6 2-DataLayouts CrimeIndex 8 DistancetoCoast

1 - Introduction

In this section

GeoEnrichment Risk Data 4Installation 6Address Fabric Version Compatibility 6

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GeoEnrichment Risk Data

GeoEnrichment Risk Data provides comprehensive location-based coverage of distance to coastalboundaries, property fire protection, wildfire risk, and flood risks faced by insurance companies.This information is pre-processed so that a user can immediately access the information with apbKey™ from a geocoded address or US Address Fabric record.

For reference, see the GeoEnrichment Risk Data Product Guide. You can download the documentin PDF format from GeoEnrichment Risk Data Product Guide.

GeoEnrichment Risk Data consists of the following:

Crime Index

CrimeIndex data measures the likelihood of where crime may occur by 11 crime types for all blockgroups in the US and Puerto Rico. Pitney Bowes Software defines crime according to Federal Bureauof Investigation (FBI) definitions for crime. Specific crime variables measured are:

Overall crime (a composite measure based on all crime types)

Violent crime, which is composed of the following offenses:

• Murder• Rape• Robbery• Aggravated Assault

Property crime includes the offenses of

• Burglary• Larceny/Theft• Motor Vehicle Theft• Arson

Each crime variable includes both a numerical score – where higher values denote the increasedlikelihood of criminal activity – and a qualitative categorization that helps explain the numerical crimescore probability.

Distance to Coast

U.S. Coastal Waters includes a region file of coastal water boundaries and water body names within3 miles of the coastline. This dataset is linked to Location data based on the nearest coastal water.This dataset also includes the name and type of water body connected to the coastal water bodyto account for hurricane storm surge.

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This dataset provides information to easily determine the earthquake-related information for a givenlocation. The attributes include information from following earthquake related features:

• Aggregate Earthquake Event Information: Contains aggregate earthquake event data in the UnitedStates. R numbers correspond to the magnitude scale.

• Earthquake Fault Lines: Depicts location of the fault lines• Earthquake Fault Zones: Defines a 1/4 mile buffer around each fault line• Soil Classifications: Presents information on soil type which affects the amplification of groundmotion.

• California PML Zones: Probable maximum loss, which is the expected insured loss after deductible,for areas in the state of California.

Flood Risk

Flood Risk is a map database that includes digital versions of Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS),Flood Hazard Boundary Maps (FHBM), Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRM), Letter of MapRevisions (LOMR) and National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) community participation maps.Dataset can be used to determine the flood zone for a given location.

Historical Weather RiskGeoEnrichment Historical Weather Risk is built on the US Address Fabric and the Risk Data SuiteWeather bundle. The primary use case for this dataset is to combine weather risk data with accuratelocation information. This eliminates the need for GIS processing to assign information to WeatherBundle data. All Weather Bundle data is linked to US Address Fabric location data so that multiplespatial data queries are no longer needed to calculate flood risk information.

Property Fire Protection

Property Fire Protection provides information to allow the insurance industry to easily assess thestructure fire for a given location. This dataset provides the drive distance and drive times to thethree closest fire stations. It can also be used to determine if a given location is within an incorporatedplace. This is important because incorporated places have fire hydrant standards, which impact thelevel of fire protection provided. Also includes the distance to the nearest body of water for a givenlocation which impacts the level of fire protection in rural areas where a local body of water mightbe used as a water source by fire fighters.

Premium Tax

Pitney Bowes Insurance Premium District data is used by the insurance industry to determine salestax on insurance premiums written in some states. This allows insurers to correctly determine therate due on each insurance policy. Pitney Bowes Insurance Premium District data is for use withPitney Bowes geocoding and spatial technology.

Wildfire Risk

Wildfire Risk is a nation-wide wildfire hazard and risk assessment tool. Incorporating the predictedseverity (hazard) and the predicted frequency (risk) of wildfire in a given location. Wildfire Risk gives

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a comprehensive view of the danger that a structure is exposed to. This dataset provides which isan overall rating of the likelihood of a wildfire at a given location. It also provides a descriptive namefor the wildfire risk at a given location. This dataset also provides many other attributes that furtherdescribe the factors that are used to calculate the Risk50 score.

These attributes include information about where there has been extensive bark beetle kill andprevious wildfire burn perimeters from the past year.


Data is supplied in compressed, pipe-delimited text (.TXT) files. To start using this data:

1. Download the compressed data file to your computer.2. Open the compressed file and find the base data folder containing the documentation link file.3. Extract the base data folder to find the final .txt file.

Note: For example, if you have downloaded the zip with nameDistance_To_Coast_C_TXT201712.7z, then you need to extract this zip to find anotherzip with name distance_to_coast_txt.7z with a documentation link file. Finally extractthe distance_to_coast_txt.7z to find the distance_to_coast_final_output.txt as finaldata file.

4. Once extracted, data can be loaded into a database, in GIS software such as MapInfoProfessional, or the Pitney Bowes Spectrum Technology Platform.

For more information on using Pitney Bowes tools please visit:

mapinfo product support for MapInfo Professional for Spectrum

Address Fabric Version Compatibility

All Risk databases require Address Fabric, July, 2019 vintage except Crime Index, which is compatiblewith the Address Fabric, April, 2019 vintage.

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2 - Data Layouts

In this section

Crime Index 8Distance to Coast 10Earthquake 11Flood Risk 15Historical Weather Risk 19Premium Tax 20Property Fire Protection 23Wildfire Risk 25

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Crime Index

CrimeIndex data measures the likelihood of where crime may occur by 11 crime types for all blockgroups in the US and Puerto Rico. For this product crime is defined according to Federal Bureauof Investigation (FBI) definitions for crime. The specific crime variables measured are:

Overall Crime (a composite measure based on all crime types)

Violent crime, which is composed of the following offenses:

• Murder

• Rape

• Robbery

• Aggravated Assault

Property crime includes the offenses of

• Burglary

• Larceny/Theft

• Motor Vehicle Theft

• Arson

Each crime variable includes both a numerical score – where higher values denote the increasedlikelihood of criminal activity – and a qualitative categorization that helps explain the numerical crimescore probability.

Crime Index Data Fields

DescriptionField TypeField Name

A unique address identifier that is returned when an address matchis made using the Master Location Dataset.


Block Group layer codeChar(12)Code

Composite measure based on all crime typesFloatComposite_Crime

Violent crime - measureFloatViolent_Crime

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DescriptionField TypeField Name

Robbery - Defined as the taking or attempting to take anything ofvalue from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons byforce or threat of force or violence and / or by putting the victim infear.


Rape - Defined as penetration, no matter how slight, of the vaginaor anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sexorgan of another person, without the consent of the victim.


Aggrevated assault - Defined as an unlawful attack by one personupon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodilyinjury.


Murder - Defined as the willful (non-negligent) killing of one humanbeing by another.


Property crime - measureFloatProperty_Crime

Arson - Defined as any willful or malicious burning or attempting toburn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling house, publicbuilding, motor vehicle or aircraft, personal property of another, andother such cases.


Burglary measure. The unlawful entry of a structure to commit afelony or theft. To classify an offense as a burglary, the use of forceto gain entry need not have occurred.


Motor vehicle theft measure. Motor vehicle theft is defined as thetheft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle.


Larceny-theft measure. The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, orriding away of property from the possession or constructivepossession of another.


Lowest / low / below average / above average / high / highestChar(15)Composite_Crime_Category

Lowest / low / below average / above average / high / highestChar(15)Violent_Crime_Category

Lowest / low / below average / above average / high / highestChar(15)Robbery_Category

Lowest / low / below average / above average / high / highestChar(15)Rape_Category

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DescriptionField TypeField Name

Lowest / low / below average / above average / high / highestChar(15)Aggravated_Assault_Category

Lowest / low / below average / above average / high / highestChar(15)Murder_Category

Lowest / low / below average / above average / high / highestChar(15)Property_Crime_Category

Lowest / low / below average / above average / high / highestChar(15)Arson_Category

Lowest / low / below average / above average / high / highestChar(15)Burglary_Category

Lowest / low / below average / above average / high / highestChar(15)Car_Theft_Category

Larceny-theft - category lowest / low / below average / above average/ high / highest


Distance to Coast

GeoEnrichment Distance to Coast is built upon the Coastal Waters data bundle. All of the attributecategories from Coastal Waters are assigned to locations from the Address Fabric. A user with apbKey™ can quickly integrate distance to coast risk values into processing. GeoEnrichment Distanceto Coast Risk delivers all elements of the Coastal Waters data without any GIS processing by usingthe pbKey™ as a lookup.

Coastal Risk Data Fields

DescriptionField TypeField Name

A unique identifier that is returned when an address match is madeusing the Master Location Dataset.

Char (12)PBKEY

Name of water boundaryChar (40)Dc_Name

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DescriptionField TypeField Name

Five-character Census Bureau FIPS code identifying the countyfrom which the record came.

Char (5)Dc_Cnty

StateChar (2)Dc_State

Water feature type:

0: Unknown Type

1: Oceans and Seas

2: Lake

7: Others

99: Intermittent Water Body


Name of water body into which the feature referenced by this recordflows.

Char (40)Dc_AdjName

Water feature type of the adjacent water boundary.IntegerDc_AdjType

Distance to water body in feetFloatDc_Dist


This dataset provides information to easily determine the earthquake related information for a givenlocation. The attributes include information from following earthquake related features:

• Aggregate Earthquake Event Information: Contains aggregate earthquake event data in the UnitedStates. The R numbers correspond to the Magnitude Scale.

• Earthquake Fault Lines: Comprises location of the fault lines• Earthquake Fault Zones: Contains a 1/4 mile buffer around each fault line• Soil Classifications: Comprises information on soil type which affects the amplification of groundmotion

• California PML Zones: California zone determination for the Probable Maximum loss of the expectedinsured loss after deductible, for structure and contents damage from large earthquakes.

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Earthquake Data Fields

DescriptionField TypeField Name

A unique identifier that is returned when an address match is madeusing the Master Location Dataset.


Count of R0 events*

Note: Eq_R* describes aggregate earthquake event datain the United States. The R numbers correspond to themagnitude scale.


Count of R1 events*IntegerEq_R1

Count of R2 events*IntegerEq_R2

Count of R3 events*IntegerEq_R3

Count of R4 events*IntegerEq_R4

Count of R5 events*IntegerEq_R5

Count of R6 events*IntegerEq_R6

Count of R7 events*IntegerEq_R7

Count of events >= R0*IntegerEq_R0_Ge

Count of events >= R1*IntegerEq_R1_Ge

Count of events >= R2*IntegerEq_R2_Ge

Count of events >= R3*IntegerEq_R3_Ge

Count of events >= R4*IntegerEq_R4_Ge

Count of events >= R5*IntegerEq_R5_Ge

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DescriptionField TypeField Name

Count of events >= R6*IntegerEq_R6_Ge

Count of events >= R7*IntegerEq_R7_Ge

Name of faultChar (80)Eqf_Name

Distance to closest fault in miles (upto 5 places precision)DoubleEqf_Dist

Amount of offset divided by time interval, normalized to millimetersper year (mm/yr).

Char (15)Eqf_SlipRt

Fault type based on fault locationChar (25)Eqf_Type

Four-character code with the first two characters indicatingearthquake fault. The next two characters describe the slip direction:

• _ = no data

• C_ = center

• E_ = east

• LL = left lateral

• N_ = north

• NE = northeast

• NW = northwest

• RL = right lateral

• S_ = south

• SE = southeast

• SW = southwest

• W_ = west”

Char (15)Eqf_SlDrCd

Age of fault in yearsChar (30)Eqf_Age

Angle of dip of the fault and the relative direction of movement acrossthe fault.

Char (15)Eqf_Slpsns

General direction of fault dip, which is the angle at which the faultis inclined from the horizontal plane.

Char (15)Eqf_DipDir

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DescriptionField TypeField Name

Probable Maximum Loss Zone Grade – Currently only available forthe state of California

Char (2)Pml_ZoneGrade

Modified NEHRP Classification

Note: Pitney Bowes has adopted a modified NEHRP soiltype classification, based on Site Classification Based onGeological Genesis by Wen et al. (2008). For moreinformation refer to the Modified NEHRP Classificationtable below.

Char (2)Eqs_NEHRP

Numeric value representing NEHRP classificationDoubleEqs_Index

Numeric value representing distance from the New Madrid Faultregion


Table 1: Modified NEHRP Classification

DescriptionShear-waveVelocity (Vs)(m/s)

Numerical IndexModified NEHRPClassification

Most volcanic, plutonic,metamorphic and coarsegrained sedimentary


Vretaceous siltstones ormudstone


Sedimentary rocks of Oligocenerto Cretaceous age or youngercoarse grained sedimentaryrocks


Sedimentary rocks of Miocenceand younger age.


Younger alluvium180-3603D

Fine grained alluvial andestuarine deposits along thecoast


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DescriptionShear-waveVelocity (Vs)(m/s)

Numerical IndexModified NEHRPClassification

Intertidal mud<1804E

Flood Risk

GeoEnrichment Flood Risk is built upon the FloodRisk Pro data bundle. All of the attribute categoriesfrom FloodRisk Pro are assigned to each impacted locations from the Address Fabric. A user witha pbKey™ can quickly integrate flood risk values into processing. GeoEnrichment Flood Risk deliversall elements of the flood data without any GIS processing by using the pbKey™ as a lookup.

Flood Risk Data Fields

DescriptionField TypeField Name

Unique keyChar (12)PBKEY

Unique identifierIntegerId

Map panel identifierChar (11)MapName

Flood Zone Map Type Note: Refer Type Table Definitions

Note: For more information refer Type Definitions, tablebelow.

Char (3)Type

State FIPS codeChar (2)StateCode

Flood Zone with Base Flood Elevation (Bfe_Elev) or AdditionalChar (12)FloodZone

Flood zoneChar (4)Prim_Zone

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DescriptionField TypeField Name

Additional Information

Note: For more information refer to the AdditionalInformation Definition, table below

Char (5)Addl_Info

Base flood elevation (BFE) in feetChar (4)Bfe_Elev

Community numberChar (6)Commnum

Community status in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)as follows:

• E = Emergency• NIP = Not in Program• R = Regular• SUS = Suspended

Char (3)CommStatus

Map effective dateDate / TimeMap_Eff_Date

Letter of Map Revision dateDate / TimeLomr_Date

Letter of Map Revision case numberChar (20)CaseNumber

Initial date of Flood Hazard Boundary MapDate / TimeINIT_FHBM

Initial date of Flood Insurance Rate MapDate / TimeINIT_FIRM

Point elevationFloatElevation

Distance to 100 year flood zone within 1 mile, in feetFloatDist100yr

Distance to SHX or B flood zone, within 1 mileFloatDist_Shx

Elevation profile describing elevation changes (in feet) at specificintervals between the location and the nearest body of water.

Char (512)Elv_Prof

Distance in feet to the nearest water body listed in the elevationprofile.


Name of the closest body of water.Char (100)Waterbody

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Table 2: Type Definitions


Printed panel in Q3 dataQ3P

Panel not printed in Q3 dataQ3I

Printed/ Not printed panel in DLG dataDLC

Printed panel in DLG dataDLP

Panel not printed in DLG dataDLI

Printed panel (with Enhanced Details Like Flood waysas per Old Specifications)


Panel not printed (with Enhanced Details Like Floodways as per Old Specifications)


Not sure, May be typo error, should be PFIPF1

Printed/ Not printed panel (as per Old Specifications)PFC

Printed Panel (Without Flood ways as per currentspecifications)


Panel Not printed (as per Current Specifications)P2I

Printed/ Not printed panel (as per Current Specifications)P2C

Represents never mapped areasNMP

If a valid zone not available, Flood Zone given as NMAfor Never Mapped Areas


Printed/ Not printed panel in Q3 dataQ3C

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Table 3: Additional Information Definitions


Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones where theidentifcation Date is not clear on FIRM


Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 10-01-1983UB1

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 12-06-1999UB10

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 10-18-2004UB11

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 11-29-1999UB12

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 10-01-1983UB13

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 10-01-1983UB2

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 10-01-1983UB21

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 10-01-1983UB3

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 11-16-1991UB31

Flood Polygon with COBRA ZonesF-UB3

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 10-23-1992UB4

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 10-23-1992UB41

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 11-15-1993UB5

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 11-16-1993UB51

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 2-24-1997UB6

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 2-24-1997UB61

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 2-23-1995UB8

Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 10-19-2000UB9

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Flood Polygon with COBRA Zones Dated 10-27-2000UB91

Flood polygon not covered with COBRA Zones andLOMR Updations


Flood polygon falling within Flood Easement Boundaryas Printed on FIRMS


Flood polygon with LOMR updatesLOMR

Flood polygon for which the the Base Flood Elevationsare available


Flood polygon Covered by Levees as Printed on FIRMSL

Historical Weather Risk

The GeoEnrichment Historical Weater dataset is built from the US Address Fabric and the datasetsfrom the Risk Data Suite Weather Bundle. Attributes from Weather Risk data are linked to locationsin the Address Fabric via the pbKey™, integrating hail, tornado, hurricane, and wind risks withlocation information, without the need for GIS processing.

Historical Weather Risk Data Fields

DescriptionField TypeField Name

Unique keyChar (12)PBKEY

Number of hail events greater than or equal to H5Char (25)Hail_H5GE_Range

Verbal description of hail riskChar (6)Hail_RiskLevel

Number of tornado events greater than or equal to F2Char (25)Tornado_F2GE_Range

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DescriptionField TypeField Name

Verbal description of tornado risk levelChar (6)Tornado_RiskLevel

Hurricane events countChar (25)Hurricane_Events

Number of wind events greater than or equal to W9 are countedChar (25)Wind_W9GE_Range

Verbal description of wind risk levelChar (6)Wind_RiskLevel

Premium Tax

Pitney Bowes Insurance Premium District data is used by the insurance industry to determine salestax on insurance premiums written in certain states. This allows insurers to correctly determine therate due on each insurance policy. This dataset is intended for use with Pitney Bowes geocodingand spatial technology.

Note: This dataset includes a file named premium_tax_multiple_districts.txt, which consistsof pbKey™ associated with more than one district. pbKey™ in this file duplicate some foundin the premium_tax_final_output file, with both pbKeys representing different districts.

Premium Tax Data Fields

DescriptionField TypeField Name

A unique identifierChar(12)PBKEY

Fire control district codeIntegerTax_Code

Insurance premium district nameChar (50)Dist_Name

Type of districtChar (10)Dist_Type

State FIPS codeChar (3)State_Fips

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DescriptionField TypeField Name

Two letter state abbreviationChar (2)State_Abbr

Date when district boundary was created or updated, in MMYYYYformat.

Char (10)Update

Date when district became active, in MMYYYY format.Char (10)Currency

Boundary notesChar (255)Notes

Combination of state and county FIPS codes.Char (10)Fips

Date on which insurance premium district was edited, in MMDDYYformat.

Char (10)Change_Date

Effective date of changes to insurance premium district, in MMDDYYformat.

Char (10)New_Effect_Date

Date on which district became inactive, in MMDDYY format.Char (10)Expiration_Date

Municipality's Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) code.GNIS is the official repository of geographic feature names for theUnited States.

Char (10)Muni_Gnis

Fire tax rate. Format is dependent on value of FireFlag.Char (15)Fire

Fire tax rate format.

P = percentage

F = flat fee

M = multiple

Char (2)FireFlag

Casualty tax rate. Format is dependent on value of CasualtyFlag.Char (15)Casualty

Casualty Flag rate format.

Percentage (10% represented as 0.1000)

F: Flat Fee

M: Multiple (3% or 7% represented as 0.0300; 0.0700)

Char (2)CasltyFlag

Vehicle tax rate. Format is dependent on value of VhclFlag.Char (15)Vehicle

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DescriptionField TypeField Name

Vehicle Flag rate format.

P: Percentage (10% represented as 0.1000)

F: Flat Fee

M: Multiple (3% or 7% represented as 0.0300; 0.0700) Example: P,F, M

Char (2)VhclFlag

Inland Marine tax rate. Format is dependent on value of InlandFlag.Char (15)InlandMrn

Inland Marine Flag rate format

P: Percentage (10% represented as 0.1000)

F: Flat Fee

M: Multiple (3% or 7% represented as 0.0300; 0.0700) Example: P,F, M

Char (2)InlandFlag

Health Tax Rate. Format is dependent on value of HealthFlagChar (15)Health

Health Flag rate format.

Percentage (10% represented as 0.1000)

F: Flat Fee

M: Multiple (3% or 7% represented as 0.0300; 0.0700) Example: P,F, M

Char (10)HealthFlag

Life Tax rate. Format is dependent on value of LifeFlagChar (15)Life

Life Flag rate format.

P: Percentage (10% represented as 0.1000)

F: Flat Fee

M: Multiple (3% or 7% represented as 0.0300; 0.0700) Example: P,F, M

Char (10)LifeFlag

Other Tax rate. Format is dependent on value of OtherFlagChar (15)Other

Other Flag rate format

P: Percentage (10% represented as 0.1000)

F: Flat Fee

M: Multiple (3% or 7% represented as 0.0300; 0.0700) Example: P,F, M

Char (10)OtherFlag

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DescriptionField TypeField Name

Minimum Tax rate. Format is dependent on value of MinTaxFlagChar (15)MinTax

Minimum Tax Flag rate format.

P: Percentage (10% represented as 0.1000)

F: Flat Fee

M: Multiple (3% or 7% represented as 0.0300; 0.0700) Example: P,F, M

Char (10)MinTaxFlag

Multiple tax records found

True/false indicator of whether multiple tax records were found forthis location.

Char (1)MultipleRecords

Property Fire Protection

GeoEnrichment Property Fire Risk is built upon the Fire Station data bundle. All of the attributecategories from Fire Station bundle are assigned to each location from the Address Fabric. Userswith a pbKey™ can quickly integrate property fire risk values into their processing. Additionally,driving time and distance to the three closest fire station by distance and time are provided. Thisdataset can be used to determine customized property fire protection scores. Additional informationin this dataset includes:

• Fire hydrant coverage for properties in municipal areas

• AM, PM and off-peak drive times

• Driving distance to the three closest fire stations

Property Fire Protection Data Fields

DescriptionTypeField Name

A unique identifierChar(12)PBKEY

23Risk Database Guide 2019.06.0 GeoEnrichment

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DescriptionTypeField Name

Incorporated place ID. Value will be NULL if address islocated in an unincorporated place.


Incorporated place name. Value will be NULL if addressis located in an unincorporated place.


Fire department ID of first closest fire station.IntegerFs1_Department_Id

Department type for first closest fire station.Char(20)Fs1_Department_Type

Station ID of first closest fire station.IntegerFs1_Station_Id

Driving time in minutes from first closest fire station duringpeak AM time.



Driving time in minutes from first closest fire station duringpeak PM time.



Driving time in minutes from first closest fire station duringoff-peak time.



Driving time from first closest fire station at night.DoublePrecision


Distance in miles from first closest fire station.DoublePrecision


Fire department ID of second closest fire station.IntegerFs2_Department_Id

Department type for second closest fire station.Char(20)Fs2_Department_Type

Station ID of second closest fire station.IntegerFs2_Station_Id

Driving time in minutes from second closest fire stationduring peak AM time.



Driving time in minutes from second closest fire stationduring peak PM time.



Driving time in minutes from second closest fire stationduring off-peak time.



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DescriptionTypeField Name

Driving time from second closest fire station at night.DoublePrecision


Distance in miles from second closest fire station.DoublePrecision


Fire department ID of third closest fire station.IntegerFs3_Department_Id

Department type for third closest fire station.Char(20)Fs3_Department_Type

Station ID of third closest fire station.IntegerFs3_Station_Id

Driving time in minutes from third closest fire station duringpeak AM time.



Driving time in minutes from third closest fire station duringpeak PM time.



Driving time in minutes from third closest fire station duringoff-peak time.



Driving time from third closest fire station at night.DoublePrecision


Distance in miles from third closest fire station.DoublePrecision


Distance (in feet) between location and nearest body ofwater.



Wildfire Risk

GeoEnrichment Wildfire Risk is built upon the FireRisk Pro data bundle. All of the attribute categoriesfrom FireRisk Pro are assigned to locations from the Address Fabric. Users with a pbKey(tm) canquickly integrate whildfire risk values into their processing. Information from mountain pine beetlekill areas is included in this dataset, as are burn perimeters from recent wildfires that have not yet

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been incorporated into FireRisk Pro. GeoEnrichment Wildfire Risk delivers all the elements ofFireRisk Pro without the need for any GIS processing.

Wildfire Risk Data Fields

DescriptionField TypeField Name

A unique identifierChar(12)PBKEY

Unique reference value for data records Note: RefId is not a staticreference between product releases


State abbreviationChar (2)StateCode

Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) state codeIntegerFipsCode

IF = Interface, IM = Intermix, WL = WildlandChar (2)RiskType

Overall risk rating to reflect the predicted fire behavior and likelihoodof ignition.

Scale: 0 = Low Risk, 49 = High Risk. Refer Risk Data Suite ProductGuide for important details on how to use this value for differentvalues of RISKTYPE (such as Interface versus Intermix andWildland). The RISK50 rating should always be used in conjunctionwith the RISKTYPE to understand the specific hazard(s).


Fireshed identifier. Unique reference value when used withStateCode and RiskType

Note: FireShedId is not a static reference between product releases


Descriptive Risk category. Scale: Smoke Risk, Low, Moderate, High,Very High

Char (10)RiskDesc

Type of threat present in this area

Scale: 0 = Flame Impingement/Embers/Smoke, 1 = Embers/Smoke,2 = Smoke. Valid when RISKTYPE = IF


Likelihood of future wildfires based on simulation

Scale: 0 = Least Likely, 49 = Most likely. Valid when RISKTYPE =IM


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DescriptionField TypeField Name

Distance to nearest fire station to reflect probability of a successfulwildfire suppression or structure protection effort

Scale: 0 = Closer to Fire Station, 49 = Farther from Fire Station.Valid when RISKTYPE = IM


Effect related to the continuity of burnable area (roads, bare ground,etc.) which may reduce wildfire severity

Scale: Greatest mitigating effect (Low) to greatest aggravating effect(High). Valid when RISKTYPE = IM

Char (10)Im_Cntnuit

Likelihood of future wildfires based on where they have occurred inthe past

Scale: 0 = Least Likely, 49 = Most Likely. Valid when RISKTYPE =IM


Severity of fire behavior based on topography (slope, aspect andelevation), prevailing weather patterns (based on weather readingsat nation-wide stations) and the fuel type present (40 differentsubsets of grass, shrub and timber vegetation types)

Scale: 0 = Lowest Severity, 49 = Highest Severity. Valid whenRISKTYPE = IM


Intermix risk adjustment due to weighted effect of aspect, crown fire,evc, foehn, golfcourse, roaddist, slope and waterdist values

Scale: 0 = Greatest Mitigating Effect, 49 = Greatest AggravatingEffect. Valid when RISKTYPE = IM.


Moisture drying effect relative to sun and topological slope

Scale: Greatest mitigating effect (Low) to greatest aggravating effect(High). Valid when RISKTYPE = IM


Crown fire effect

Scale: Least aggravating effect (Low) to greatest aggravating effect(High). Valid when RISKTYPE = IM


Vegetation cover effect

Scale: Greatest mitigating effect (Low) to greatest aggravating effect(High). Valid when RISKTYPE = IM


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DescriptionField TypeField Name

Warm dry wind effect

Scale: Least aggravating effect (Low) to greatest aggravating effect(High). Valid when RISKTYPE = IM

Char (10)Im_Foehn

Irrigated golf course effect

Scale: Greatest mitigating effect (Low) to least mitigating effect(High). Valid when RISKTYPE = IM

Char (10)Im_Golfcrs

Impact of distance to nearest road on evacuation and firesuppression efforts. Scale: Greatest mitigating effect (Low) togreatest aggravating effect (High). Valid when RISKTYPE = IM

Char (10)Im_Rodist

Slope fire suppression effect

Scale: Greatest mitigating effect (Low) to greatest aggravating effect(High). Valid when RISKTYPE = IM

Char (10)Im_Slope

Availability of water sources

Scale: Greatest mitigating effect (Low) to greatest aggravating effect(High). Valid when RISKTYPE = IM

Char (10)Im_Water

Likelihood of future wildfires based on simulation

Scale: 0 = Least Likely, 49 = Most Likely. Valid when RISKTYPE =WL


Impact of distance to nearest fire station on the probability ofsuccessful fire suppression or structure protection efforts.

Scale: 0 = Closer to Fire Station, 49 = Farther from Fire Station.Valid when RISKTYPE = WL


Effect related to the continuity of burnable area (roads, bare ground,snow and ice, etc.) which may reduce wildfire severity. Capturescoarser-scale interruptions in fuels than IM_VEGCVR componentScale: Least mitigating (Low) to greatest mitigating (High). Validwhen RISKTYPE = WL

Char (10)Wl_Nonburn

Likelihood of future wildfires based on where they have occurred inthe past

Scale: 0 = least likely, 49 = most likely. Valid when RISKTYPE =WL


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DescriptionField TypeField Name

Severity of fire behavior based on topography (slope, aspect andelevation), prevailing weather patterns (based on weather readingsat nation-wide stations) and the fuel type present (40 differentsubsets of grass, shrub and timber vegetation types)

Scale: 0 = Lowest Severity, 49 = Highest Severity. Valid whenRISKTYPE = WL


Indicates the presence of Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB) activitybetween 1997 and 2012. This information can be used as a generalindicator of MPB presence but does not provide information aboutits pervasiveness or impact on fuel profile.

Char (1)BeetleFlag

Calculated acreage inside of the fire perimeterFloatFp_Acres

Agency responsible for managing the fireChar (15)Fp_Agency

Year the fire startedChar (4)Fp_Year

Name of the fireChar (50)Fp_Firenm

Date the ignition occurredDateFp_Date

Distance to wildland urban interface (WUI).DoubleDist_Wui

Distance to the closest high location RiskDescDoubleDist_High

Distance to the closest very high location RiskDescDoubleDist_VH

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