Page 1: Geological Investigation of Rahatgarh Waterfall of Sagar (M. P.) through the Field ... · 2013-10-24 · constitute the field geology. Field geology is essentially an earth science

Abstract— Satellite remote sensing technology and field

survey methods have been used for geological investigation of

Rahatgarh Waterfall of Sagar district in Madhya Pradesh (India). A

reconnaissance survey is undertaken in geological study and

mapping of the area. During the course of geological mapping

various methods are adopted while depends upon the shape and

nature of the terrain as well as on the outcrop pattern. LandSat-7

ETM+, IRS ResourceSAT-2 LISS-III satellite imageries and IRS-

P5 CartoSAT-1 DEM were used to classify the various geological

units found in the study area, and discriminate the1 lithology and

structure of this area. A wide variety of digital image processing

techniques were applied such as principal components analysis,

and ratioing analysis. After the DIP, visual image interpretation,

and comprehensive field survey, a geological map has been

prepared. The author has also presented the stratigraphy, lithology,

and structural aspect of the area in detail.

Keywords— Geological Mapping, Remote Sensing, GIS, and

Rahatgarh Waterfall


he study of rock and mineral, and earth material in

their natural environment with their natural relations

constitute the field geology. Field geology is essentially an

earth science and forms the basis requisite for any laboratory

investigation as well as for economic exploration. Remote

Sensing has become an important and effective aiding tool

in geological studies. Earliest use of remote sensing

techniques (visual interpretation) for geological studies

started with aerial photography, and then came space

photography followed by space multispectral scanning.

Remote sensing techniques, generally used now-a-days

include analysis of various types of multispectral scanner

imagery, SLAR and space borne radar. The geological

studies include making surface observations, identifying the

relevant terrain features and drawing inferences about the

surface conditions, and representing them on the map in

their proper perspective and interrelationship so that they

can be translated into applied geoscientific aspects.


The area under study around Rahatgarh Waterfall has

situated on Bina River at Rahatgarh Tehsil along the Sagar-

Bhopal road, 40 Kms away from Sagar town, and located

between 23.69 to 23.84 N latitude and 78.29 to 78.50 E

longitudes (Fig. 1). Bina river has originates from Rashidpur

1 Head (Geo-Science Division), Spatial Decisions, B-30 Kailash Colony,

New Delhi 48 INDIA (corresponding author phone: +91-9871924338; Fax: +91-11-29237246, e-mail: [email protected]). 2 Lecture (Mathematics), P.G. Collage, District Sagar 470002, Madhya

Pradesh, INDIA (e-mail: [email protected]).

village of Raisen district in Madhya Pradesh at about 666m

(78.14 E longitude, & 23.32 N latitude). The study area falls

in Survey of India (1:50,000) toposheets No. 55 I/05. The

area comprised mainly two types of rocks, namely igneous

rock represented by the Deccan Traps, and sedimentary

rocks represented by the Vindhyans. Vindhyan constitute

roughly 11% of the area marked and Deccan Traps

constitute 89% of the area. Deccan Traps showing denoted

topography while Vindhyan formation constitute narrow

ridges with dips escarpment slope and displaying

sedimentary structure such as ripple marks, current bedding,

current lineation, bedding planes, etc.




Data Layer /



1. Topographical


- Survey of India Toposheet at

1:50,000 Scales

- No. 55 I / 05

2. Remote

Sensing Data

- ResourceSAT-2 LISS-III

Satellite Imagery with 23.5 m

Spatial Resolution

- LandSat-7 ETM+ Satellite

Imagery with 30.0 m Spatial


- IRS-P5 CartoSAT-1 (DEM)

with 30m Spatial Resolution

3. Geological


- Sagar District Geological Map

has been collected from GSI

and updated through IRS-P5

CartoSAT-1 (DEM),

ResourceSAT-2 LISS-III, and

LandSat-7 ETM+ Satellite

Remote Sensing Data with

Field Check

6. Slope Map - Slope map has been created

using Spatial Analyst Extension

in ArcGIS-10.1 software, and

ASTER (DEM) @ 30m Spatial

Resolution / CartoSAT-1

(DEM) @ 30m Spatial


7. Drainage Map - Drainage network has been

generated in GIS environment

using ASTER (DEM) data,

CartoSAT-1 (DEM) Data and

ArcHydro Tool in ESRI

ArcGIS-10.1 software

Geological Investigation of Rahatgarh Waterfall

of Sagar (M. P.) through the Field Survey and

Satellite Remote Sensing Techniques

Kuldeep Pareta1 and Upasana Pareta





Page 2: Geological Investigation of Rahatgarh Waterfall of Sagar (M. P.) through the Field ... · 2013-10-24 · constitute the field geology. Field geology is essentially an earth science

Figure 1. Location map of the study area


A. Reconnaissance Survey

In order to have an intimate knowledge and familiarity of

the rock formation of the area, to draw a scheme of the

method to be followed for mapping and to the traversal

depending upon the pattern of outcrop. Different field

methods have been used for geological mapping.

B. Contract Following Method

In this method the boundary of two geological formations

is located on the base map by a contact point and some that

point. The contact is followed all along the contact by

tacking forward bearing and measuring up all the rocks

behave differently to change of environment various criteria

are used, these are:

Break in Slope: The topographic break in the slope

affords one of the surest criteria to distinguish the contact

between the two flows in the case of Deccan Trap. The

break in slope result due to change in the physical properties

of the two flows is resulting in a step like appearance of a

trap ridge.

Difference in Vegetation: Since, different type of rocks

generally gives rise to different type of soil (Change in type

and colour of soil) and changed in the tone or vegetation can

be used to determine the contact. Vindhyan are

characterized by less vegetation and dense vegetation in

Deccan Traps. The soils of Vindhyan are generally sandy,

while Deccan Trap soil in black in colour.

Difference in Soils: The rock formation wheather in due

course of time giving rise ultimately to different type of

soils. Like the parent rock formation the soils that are

formed by them have different characters. The area have

cites an example about how different the soils could be, if

they are formed by different rock formation. Deccan trap

give rise to black cotton soil which is black in colour, while

Vindhyan form red coloured soil of sandy fed. It is hence,

the soil that forms another basis for demarcation of contact

between rock formations.

Lithological Changes: The presence of different rock

formation an either side’s givens a clue regarding the

contact of the two formations. As the rock formation exhibit

different characters even when observed in the field and

they are easily identified, it is the best clue to mark the

contact in the basis of lithological variations.

C. Rectilinear Offset Method

In this method form a base line like a round marked on

toposheets at regular intervals, offsets are taken up to the

contact and the offset points are connected to mark the

contact. In this method, the base line must be such that it

must be more or less parallel to the contact.

D. Radial Plotted Method

In this method from common predetermined control point

of a hill or outcrop, radial offsets are taken in all the

direction up to the contact point and the measured distances

along the offset are marked and the outcrop pattern


E. By Measuring the Thickness

In case of Inliers constituted by horizontal formation such

as Deccan Trap and Vindhyan from the contact point up to



Page 3: Geological Investigation of Rahatgarh Waterfall of Sagar (M. P.) through the Field ... · 2013-10-24 · constitute the field geology. Field geology is essentially an earth science

the base of inlier. The slope distance and slope angle in

measured and thickness computed. Deducting the thickness

of the inlier from the top of the entire hill, the contour in

constructed between the two formations.

F. Contour Fixing Method

This method can use for mapping the Deccan Trap. They

were not mapped by contour following method as adopted in

case of Vindhyans. On the controversy as traps are mostly

horizontal several features are measured, differentiated the

flows by fixing the elevation with the help of level Abney or

by contour breaking technique. In this way, the elevation at

which each flow traps up is recorded and average before it is

represented as the map.

The contact between the lower and upper flow was found

as elevation of 1610 to 1615’, 1620 to 1625’ and the average

worked about at 1620’. Hence, on the map the contact was

marked all along the 1620’ contour to demark the lower and

upper flow.



LandSat-7 ETM+ (30m), IRS ResourceSAT-2 LISS-III

(23.5m) satellite imageries and IRS-P5 CartoSAT-1 DEM

(30m) were used (Fig. 2). The ETM+ imagery were chosen

for their large spectral resolution and their appropriate

spatial resolution, LISS-III imagery was used to provide

detail information about the texture, and CartoSAT-1 was

used to provide the information about the topography of the

ground surface. The images were geometrically corrected

and represented in UTM projection, WSG84, using

topographic maps (SoI) at scales 1:50,000. The geological

map (GSI) at scale 1:250,000 and 1:50,000 were scanned

and geometrically corrected. The ERDAS Imagine software

was used for digital image processing. This provided useful

lithological, structural and mineral information.

The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical

technique widely used in remote sensing, which allowed to

extraction of lithological information. LandSat ETM+

imageries have a large number of spectral bands, which

were very useful for lithology, soil and terrain pattern

differentiation. Band Ratioing Analysis (BRA) method was

also used for lithological and alteration mapping in this

study. This method is used by [19], [1], and [2] to extract

spectral information from multi-spectral imagery. Author

has also used the band ratioing analysis method for more

geological information in the study area (Fig. 3).


Geology of any area comprises essentially of three

aspects, namely: a. Stratigraphy of the area, b. Lithology of

the area, c. Structural aspect of the area.

A. Stratigraphy of the Area

The stratigraphy of the area around Rahatgarh is very

simple, composed chiefly of two major formations, one

represented by a magmatic phase and the other by

sedimentary phase of rock formation. The igneous

formations are represented by a series of volcanic flow

belonging to fissure type of eruptions, known as “Deccan

Traps”, while the sedimentary formations represented by

massive irregularly bedded ortho-quartzite known as

“Vindhyan” formation. Minor formations of less importance

are represented by “Intertrappeans”, and “Resent Alluvium”.

Vindhyan: Vindhyan of Indian stratigraphy constitutes the

Super Group of Pre-Cambrian formation of Proterozoic age.

These rocks have been classified into two major groups,

namely, lower and upper respectively. These two groups are

further classified into various stages.

The Vindhyan around Rahatgarh belongs to Rewa Stage

of Upper Vindhyan Group mostly represented by irregularly

bedded massive, variegated coloured ortho-quartzites. These

are intercalated at various places with thinly bedded flog


Good Vindhyan patch around Rahatgarh area are seen at

Rahatgarh Ruins waterfall, conical hill, Kalianpur, Dehri,

Russalpur, and Mankapur.

Deccan Traps: The close of the cretaceous heralded the

down of the intense volcanic activity which inundated the

Indian Peninsula, from a number of fissures constituting

what is known as Deccan Traps in Indian stratigraphy.

These traps constitute roughly about 200000 Sq Miles of the

Indian sub-continents. These traps have been classified into

three groups of flows, namely;

Upper Flows: Characterized mostly by

Ash Beds

Deccan Traps Middle Flows:

Lower Flows: Characterized mostly by

Intertrappean and rarely Ash Beds

The volcanic flows around Rahatgarh are characterized by

the presence of Intertrappean and come under the Malwa

Plateau; belong to lower flows of the Deccan Traps of

Indian stratigraphy. These traps are represented by plateau

basalts occurring as horizontal lava flow.

Traps are well exposed at various sections, but all the

eight flows are seen at only two places, namely Mirzapur,

and Chandrapura respectively.

Infratrappaeans: These occur as thinly bedded, gravely

breccias in between Vindhyan and Deccan Traps. They

occur over the Vindhyan and below the traps, hence, called

Infratrappaeans. They are mostly composed of angular to

sub angular Vindhyan quartzite cemented by ferruginous

material. This is well seen at Kalianpur Bridge and Nandian


Intratrappaeans: These are found in between flows and

indicate paucity during the time of eruption of the basaltic

flows. Intratrappaeans are mostly represented by an impure

calcareous facies; comprising principally cherty limestones.

The limestones display lateral variations along the strike

resulting from an impure cherty limestone to pure crystalline

limestone composed of Aragonite. Outcrops are scanty and

occur as pitches of small magnitude. It is seen at elevation

of 1550’ between 2nd and 3rd flows as seen at Hanothia

Khurd and at 1750’ between the 4th and 5th flow as seen at

Chandrapura and at only one place (Chandrapura) at an

elevation of 1870’ between the 7th and 8th flows. This

Intratrappaeans found at 1870’ were mostly cherty and

marly containing unmistakable, incipient fragmentally wood




Page 4: Geological Investigation of Rahatgarh Waterfall of Sagar (M. P.) through the Field ... · 2013-10-24 · constitute the field geology. Field geology is essentially an earth science

Figure 2. LandSat-7 ETM+, IRS ResourceSAT-2 LISS-III satellite imageries, IRS-P5 CartoSAT-1 DEM, and geological map

Figure 3. Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Band Ratioing Analysis (BRA), TIN, and Superimposed Profile of Rahatgarh Waterfall



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Resent - Alluvium: This is mostly seen on the river banks

as at our composite which is actually an alluvium island

composed of resent alluvium covering the Vindhyan.

B. Lithology of the Area

The lithology of the Vindhyan has already been eluded in

stratigraphy. They are presented mostly by fine grained,

dense, compact ortho-quartzite, displaying irregular bedding

and quite a few sedimentary structures. The sedimentary

structure seen in these are: a. Current bedding, b. Current

lineation, c. Ripple marks, d. Stylolites, d. Salt and pepper

structure, e. Oblique bedding, f. Joints.

Intercalated with these massive ortho-quartzites are the

thinly bedded flog-stones showing fine, thin laminations.

The Vindhyan rocks display a galaxy of colors ranging from

red, brown, pink, rose blue and grey. Most of the quantized

display sacchroidal and mosaic texture in hand specimens.

Deccan Traps: The Deccan traps are mainly represented

by basalt, which display are array of field and petrographic

characters to distinguish then megascopically as well as in

the field. The area around Rahatgarh comprised eight flows

totaling a thickness of 500’, the heights elevation of the trap

area being 1932’ and the lowest 1450’. The various field

criteria used to identity there are presented below:

Flow No. 1: Generally exposed in inner beds and nallah

cutting in the field and occurs as a highly weathered

outcrop. Its bottom is not exposed. Exposers are found at

Mirzapur, Bina River bed etc.

Flow No. 2: This flow is characterized by prominent

rectangular to columnar jointing and its dark looking and

mostly fresh. The horizontal and vertical jointing in this

flow produced a fissile nature. The top of this flow is highly

weathered displaying onion-shell weathering resembling to

stone flower. Its thickness are various between 40’ - 50’ and

crops up between 1490’ and 1533’. Exposures are found at

masque hill, Mirzapur and Hanothia Khurd.

Flow No. 3: It is mesocratic and characterized by

irregular, generally closed spaced jointly resulting in

boulders of various sized. It displayed differential

weathering resulting in large spurs having dirty greenish and

grey aspect. Often, it is highly fissile. It has a vesicular top

full of secondary minerals. It occurs between 1535’ to 1620’

constituting the marker flows.

Flow No. 4: A melanocratic and characterized by regular

and widely spaced jointly resulting in big blocks. It also

displayed differential weathering giving rise to a highly

buggy appearance to the flow at the top and filled in by

secondary minerals. Thickens vary between 80’ to 90’ and

crops at elevation of 1620’ to 1720’. Good Exposures are

found at Mirzapur and Lalbagh.

Flow No. 5: Occurs as huge, irregular, erratic blocks and

comes off into sharp clips on breaking with a hammer. Often

they display radiating structures on fresh surface. On

weathering it shows light yellowish grey colors. It is a

thickest slow varying in thickness between 90’ to 100’ and

crops at 1710’ to 1810’ exposures at Mirzapur, Hanotia

Khurd, etc.

Flow No. 6: This flow resemble very much to dyke in it

mode of occurrences and appearance being constituted by

small to big boulders with lot of ferruginisation. On

weathering it resulting into light, dirty green coloured rocks.

It estimated thickness was found to be 50’ and crops at

1810’ to 1860’.

Flow No. 7: IT occurs as hue erratic blocks, often situated

at the top and invariably full of weathering pits. The top is

vesicular. In many section, it is highly lateralized except in

Mirzapur hill, when lateralized it taken on a phisolitic

appearance. Its thickness was found to be about 50’ and

occurs between 1860’ to 1900’.

Flow No. 8: It occurs as big brown red boulders, very

closed resembles a dyke to flow No. 6. However, it can be

distinguished from the relating size of the boulders. The

boulders peel off in layers. Its top is not exposed and the

thickness estimated in the hill section at Mirzapur was found

to be 32’ about the elevation of 1900’. The variation in the

thickness of flows in the eight measured sections, as well as

the averaged thickness of the eight flows is presented in fig


Distinguish the flows exposes at Rahatgarh a village near

Sagar along Sagar-Bhopal road. The traps at Rahatgarh

constitute 208 Sq Kms making 93.7% of the area. The traps

are basaltic belonging to “FISSURE” type of eruption. The

flows are all horizontal producing stepped hill, buttes. The

traps are distributed all over the area, mostly constituting

hills which are as high as 1932’. They are also found in

plains and valley at an elevation of as low as 1400’. In all

eight flows have been recognized in the area. And the

various criterions used to distinguish them are as follows:

1) The Presence of Bends of Intertrappeans: which

indicate intervals of quiescence between the successive

periods of volcanic activity, e.g. flow No. 3 is

distinguished from flow No. 4 and flow No. 7 from

flow no. 8 by this criterion.

2) The Presence of Secondary Minerals: A zone of

vesicles or amygdales filled in by secondary minerals

(flow No. 1, 3, and 7).

3) Break in Slope: A break in slope or terraced

appearance, e.g. flow No. 5, and 6.

4) Zone of Lateritization: A zone of laterization at the top

e.g. flow No. 2 and 7. Besides these criteria used to

demarcate the contact between the two flows, other

criteria used in conjunction with them are:

5) Weathering: Characteristics like spheroidal weathering

(flow No. 1, 2, 3, and 4); onion shell weathering (flow

No. 7); weathering resulting in to small boulders (flow

No. 2, 6, and 7) or weathering into big boulder (flow

No. 5, and 8) are used.

6) The Nature in the Distribution of Joints: Joints may be

closely spaced (flow No. 2, 3, 6, and 7), or widely

spaced (flow No. 1, 4, 5, and 8), regular (flow No. 5) or

irregular (flow No. 2, 3, and 76), again they may be

columnar (flow No. 2 and 4), or ball and socket type

(flow No. 1, and 3).

7) Soil Type: These criterions have to be used

continuously as the soil might have got admixture along

the slope (flow No. 4, and 5).

8) Frequency of Boulders: It is a very useful criterion in

case of slopes covered by rolled boulders. Also the

disappearance of boulders of one type which climbing

up the hill given a position clue about the end of the

flow (flow No. 5).



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Figure 4. Variation of Thickness, and Average Thickness of Flows - Around Rahatgarh Waterfall, Sagar (M. P.)

Figure 5. Different Rock Formation of Deccan Traps, and Vindhyan Supergroup - Around Rahatgarh Waterfall, Sagar (M. P.)



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C. Structural Features of the Area

The area has structurally undisturbed constituting

practically horizontal formation. The Vindhyan however, in

a few places show gentle dips ranging from (20 to 160),

forming up to raping and down buckings. The upwards are

in the form of broad open occurs. One such map is seen at

Kalianpur. The incompetent flog stone intercalated with the

massive ortho quantized show Penecontemporaneous

Deformation owing to the super incomitent pressure of the

competent ortho quantized.

Joints are numerous in Vindhyan rock and these are both

strikes as well as dip joints extending over considerable

distances and constituting Master Joints. They are also

bedding and other oblique joints. An analysis of joints of

Vindhyan is shown in fig. 5.

The Deccan Traps are mostly horizontal and almost

keeping uniform thickness and the only structural feature

seen in them are the joints. The joints are of various types

ranging from regular closely spaced to irregular widely

spaced joints. In flow No. 2 and 3, spectacular columnar

joints are seen; ball and socket joints are also seen.


Minerals of economic importance are not found in the

area. However, minerals of academic impotence are found

in basaltic rocks. The minerals are mostly confined to the

top of lava flows and are mostly of secondary origin. They

may be grouped into:

Silica Mineral: The silica minerals are mostly of

secondary and represented by cryploxline forms. They are

mostly seen on the top of 2nd and 4th flow formation huge

and goods filling, and amygdales. The various silica

minerals observed are, Opal: Two varieties are seen namely

milk opal, and pine opal. Agate: It is bluish grey in colour

and bonded variety is not uncommon. Plasma: Red variety

of silica seen occasionally. Chalcedony: These forms

‘COPRA’ like structures forming cavity fillings. Carnelian:

Yellow variety of silica seen rarely.

Carbonate Minerals: Carbonate minerals are mostly found

at the top of second flow and intertrappean. The carbonate

mineral seen in intertrappean is Aragonite, while the

carbonate mineral seen in basalts is calcite. It occurs in

various forms, namely as crystal and massive forms. The

colour is variable seen vine yellow to block and grey. It is

transparent of opaque.

Zeolite Group of Minerals: These are very abundant are

basalts and seen at various levels confined to the top of the

2nd flow, 3rd flows, and 7th flow. Each flow is

characterized by a particular variety of Zeolites, which is

useful in identification of flows. The Zeolites seen are,

Chabazite: Occurs as Pseudo-cubic forms, whitish grey

colour and displaying interpenetration twin. It is

characteristically seen on the top of 2nd flow. Stibite:

Occurs as acicular and radiating crystal, forming amygdder,

seen on the top of 3rd flow. Heulandite: It is white in colour

and occurs as crystal on the top of 3rd flow. Scolicite: This

is seen mostly on the top of 7th flow exhibit bladed habit

and is rarely seen in 2nd flow. Mesolite: this is seen

intimately associated with silica minerals in flow No. 2

forming fibrous wary margins.

Miscellaneous Minerals: The miscellaneous minerals

included secondary green earth minerals, namely,

celadomite, chloropharite. Celadomite is bluish green, such

as amorphous crystals are the top of 2nd flow, while

chloropharite is seen confined to all flows. However, clove

brown variety is seen in 3rd flow and black variety in other.


Vindhyan quartzite exhibiting master joints can be

quarried for the purpose of foundation stone, while the flag

stone intercalated with it, because of their laminar can be

used as roof stone. Here and there the Vindhyans have been

lateralized into yellow and red ochres, which can be used for

anguants and pigments.

Deccan Traps comprising mostly basalts, because of the

ability to heal up formation are excellent as road ballast.

Some of the flows which are fine grained hard and compact,

exhibiting columnar jointing can be easily quarried for

building stone. The lower flow, which are mostly confined

to plains and vallies are excellent block cotton soil (Regur)

for agricultural green revolution. Lastly the 3rd flow which

weathering and where the weathering 2nd flow is as deep as

1st forms wheat is locally know as Moran, constitute

excellent ground water potential for dug wells as well as

tube wells.


This study showed that remote sensing techniques are an

efficient tool for geological mapping other than

reconnaissance field survey. Different image processing

techniques i.e. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and

Band Ratioing Analysis (BRA) were applied to get the

geological information. Moreover, remote sensing has also

proved a valuable aid in exploring mineral resources in

comparison of reconnaissance field survey.


We are profoundly thankful to our Guru Ji Prof. J.L.

Jain, who with his unique research competence, selfless

devotion, thoughtful guidance, inspirational thoughts,

wonderful patience and above all parent like direction and

affection motivated me to pursue this work.


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Dr Kuldeep Pareta (M’35) has obtained M.Sc. Degree in Geography

and Ph.D. degree in Geomorphology & Hydrogeology from Dr. H.S.G. University, Sagar (M.P.) INDIA. Presently, he is working as

Head (Geo-Science Division) in Spatial Decisions, New Delhi, India.

He has published 2 International Books, and over 36 Research Papers in various National and International Journals. He was conferred

Univeristy Gold Medal in 2001 and M.P. Young Scientist Award in

the year 2004.

Upasana Pareta (FM’ 29) has obtained M.Sc. in Mathematic from

RDV University, Jabalpur (M. P.) INDIA. Presently, she is working as Lecture (Mathematic) in P.G. College, District Sagar (M.P.) India,

and she has published over 23 research papers in various Journals.



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