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SMT Solvers for Software Security

George Nosenko,

Security researcher at Digital Security

Page 2: Georgy Nosenko - An introduction to the use SMT solvers for software security

© 2002—2013, Digital Security


SMT Solvers for Software Security

• Member of DSecRG.

• System Developer

• Reverse Engineer

• Security Researcher

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© 2002—2013, Digital Security

What is a SMT Solver?

SMT Solvers in very simple terms

Just like the first time using a SMT constraint solver

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© 2002—2013, Digital Security

What is a SMT Solver?

Solver is a program

You ask a question “What is the meaning of life?”

Solver tries to answer “42”

SMT Solvers in very simple terms

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© 2002—2013, Digital Security

How can I ask a question?

Question is a logical formulab+2 = c, f(read(write(a,b,3), c-2)) ≠ f(c-b+1)

SMT-LIB: Language for expressing formulas

All solvers understand this language

SMT Solvers in very simple terms

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© 2002—2013, Digital Security

What solver should I choose?

There are many SMT-solvers (over 20)CVC3, CVC4, STP, Alt-Ergo, Yices, Z3, etc

Z3 is my choice Efficient SMT solver Open Source Project: Python, C/C++, .NET binding Available online Support Windows & Linux

SMT Solvers in very simple terms

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SAT or not SAT? Ask a question.

structure of formula declaration precondition postcondition

answer sat, unsat, unknown satisfiability validity


SMT Solvers in very simple terms

(declare-const work Int)(declare-const sleep Int)(declare-const fun Int)

(assert (>= work 40))(assert (>= sleep 42))(assert (>= fun work))

(assert (= (+ work (+ sleep fun)) 168))


sat (model (sleep: 42, fun: 63, work 63)

Taint Nobody Got Time for Crash

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Properties of SMT solvers

Mathematical precision

Expressive power

Data model

Efficient implementation

Support Bit-vector & Array

SMT Solvers in very simple terms

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SMT Solvers for Software Security

SMT Solvers for Software Security

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Bug Hunting Fuzzing (whitebox or blackbox) Program Verification & Analysis

Exploit Generation PoC, AEG, APEG

Automate generate payload

Protection Analysis Obfuscation Crypto Analysis

Malware Analysis

SMT Solvers for Software Security

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What’s the point?

SMT Solvers for Software Security

Idea: convert portions of code into logical formulas, and use SMT solver to prove properties about them

add eax, ebxxor ebx, ebxsub ecx, 0x123setz bladd eax, ebx

Is this snippet equivalent to “add eax, ebx”?

What value must EAX have at the beginning of this snippet in order for EAX to be 0x12345678 after the snippet executes?

sub bl, blmovzx ebx, bladd ebx, 0xbbbbbbbbadd eax, ebx

Taint Nobody Got Time for Crash

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BV Operations in SMT-LIB 2.0

SMT Solvers for Software Security
































Slides - SMT Workshop 2013

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Array Operations in SMT-LIB 2.0: select-store axioms

SMT Solvers for Software Security

1. Expression (select a i) returns the value stored at position i of the array a;

2. And (store a i v) returns a new array identical to a, but on position i it contains the value v.

(declare-const x Int)(declare-const y Int)(declare-const a1 (Array Int Int))

(assert (= (select a1 x) x))(assert (= (store a1 x y) a1))


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© 2002—2013, Digital Security

Binary Analysis Platform:

SMT Solvers for Software Security

addr 0x0 @asm "add %rax,%rbx" label pc_0x0 T_t1:u64 = R_RBX:u64 T_t2:u64 = R_RAX:u64 R_RBX:u64 = R_RBX:u64 + T_t2:u64 R_CF:bool = R_RBX:u64 < T_t1:u64 R_OF:bool = high:bool((T_t1:u64 ^ ~T_t2:u64) & (T_t1:u64 ^ R_RBX:u64)) R_AF:bool = 0x10:u64 == (0x10:u64 & (R_RBX:u64 ^ T_t1:u64^T_t2:u64)) R_PF:bool =

~low:bool(let T_acc:u64 := R_RBX:u64 >> 4:u64 ^ R_RBX:u64 in let T_acc:u64 := T_acc:u64 >> 2:u64 ^ T_acc:u64 in T_acc:u64 >> 1:u64 ^ T_acc:u64)

R_SF:bool = high:bool(R_RBX:u64) R_ZF:bool = 0:u64 == R_RBX:u64

BIL code for add %rax, %rbx

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Bug Hunting

SMT Solvers for Software Security

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Vulnerability related with Integer


May cause: Bypass sanity check Buffer Overflow Dangling Pointer Use after free Application specific

Bug Hunting

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Integer Overflow in Linux Kernel. CVE-2013-2596

Bug Hunting

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Integer Overflow in Linux Kernel. CVE-2013-2596

Bug Hunting

static int fb_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct * vma){ if (!info) return -ENODEV;... off = vma->vm_pgoff << PAGE_SHIFT; fb = info->fbops; if (!fb) return -ENODEV;... /* frame buffer memory */ start = info->fix.smem_start; len = PAGE_ALIGN((start & ~PAGE_MASK) + info->fix.smem_len); if (off >= len) { /* memory mapped io */ off -= len;... start = info->fix.mmio_start; len = PAGE_ALIGN((start & ~PAGE_MASK) + info->fix.mmio_len); } mutex_unlock(&info->mm_lock); start &= PAGE_MASK; if ((vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start + off) > len) return -EINVAL;... fb_pgprotect(file, vma, off); if (io_remap_pfn_range(vma, vma->vm_start, off >> PAGE_SHIFT, vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start, vma->vm_page_prot)) return -EAGAIN; return 0;}

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How does Motochopper work?

1728 open("/dev/graphics/fb0", O_RDWR) = 6...1728 mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, 6, 0) = 0x400f2000...1728 munmap(0x4015b000, 9433088) = 01728 mmap2(NULL, 9437184, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, 6, 0) = 0x4015b0001728 munmap(0x4015b000, 9437184) = 01728 mmap2(NULL, 9441280, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, 6, 0) = -1 EINVAL (Invalidargument)

1728 mmap2(NULL, 2415919104, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, 6, 0x70900) = -1 ENOMEM1728 mmap2(NULL, 2231369728, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, 6, 0x7b900) = -1 ENOMEM(Out of memory)1728 mmap2(NULL, 2214592512, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, 6, 0x7c900) = -1 ENOMEM(Out of memory)...(Out of memory)1728 mmap2(NULL, 2113929216, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, 6, 0x82900) = 0x4015b000

Bug Hunting

NAME     mmap2 - map files or devices into memory

#include <sys/mman.h>

void *mmap2(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t pgoffset);

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Integer Overflow in Linux Kernel. CVE-2013-2596

Bug Hunting

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Integer Overflow in OpenSSH. CVE-2002-0639

Bug Hunting

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Integer Overflow in OpenSSH. CVE-2002-0639

Bug Hunting


...u_int nresp;...nresp = packet_get_int();

if (nresp > 0) {response = xmalloc(nresp * sizeof(char*));

for (i = 0; i < nresp; i++)response[i] = packet_get_string(NULL);}packet_check_eom();}

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Integer Overflow in OpenSSH. CVE-2002-0639

Bug Hunting

(declare-const sizeof (_ BitVec 32))

(declare-const nresp (_ BitVec 32))

(declare-const mult (_ BitVec 32))

(assert ( = sizeof (_ bv4 32))) ; sizeof (char*) = 4

(assert ( = mult (bvmul nresp sizeof))) ; nresp*sizeof

(assert ( bvugt nresp (_ bv0 32) )) ; nresp > 0

(assert ( bvult mult nresp)) ; nresp*sizeof < nresp

(assert ( = mult (_ bv256 32))) ; nresp*sizeof = 256



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Verification & Static analyze with SMT

Bug Hunting

Single collaborative framework

It’s not heuristic bug-finding

It allows user to manipulate

Functional specification

Prove that source code satisfies specification Expands with plug-ins

ACSL is a behavioral specification language

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Jessie: verification tools for C programs

Jessie is a plug-in for the Frama-C

Functional Checking

Safety Checking Memory Safety Integer Overflow Checking Termination

Bug Hunting

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Jessie: Integer Overflow Safety

Bug Hunting

#pragma JessieTerminationPolicy(user) //@ requires n >= 0 && \valid_range(t,0,n−1);  int binary_search(long t[], int n, long v) {   int l = 0, u = n-1; //@ loop invariant 0 <= l && u <= n−1;    while (l <= u) {     int m = l + (u - l) / 2; //int m = (l + u) / 2;     if (t[m] < v)       l = m + 1;     else if (t[m] > v)       u = m - 1;     else return m;    }   return -1; } 

> frama-c -jessie binary-search.c

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Immunity Debugger & SMT: Infrastructure

Bug Hunting

SequenceAnalyzer – Models x86 as operations over a set of SMT primitives.

Solver – Ctypes interface to the CVC3 SMT solver API. Supports a variety of theories including quantifier free, bit-vector arithmetic, linear arithmetic etc.

CodeGraph/PathGenerator – Purely static CFG building and path generation.

PathWalker – SMT based path traversal. Each conditional jump is checked for feasibility and the path discarded if not SAT.

BugChecker – Subclasses provide the check_ins method which will be passed the SMT context representing the current path.

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Immunity Debugger & SMT: !

Bug Hunting

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SMT in protection analysis


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Using SMT to defeat simple hashing algorithms

SMT in protection analysis

def round_hash(a, b, c, d): out = [ ]

for i, n in enumerate((a, b, c, d)): nn = 0 for j in range(32): nn |= (rotl(n, SCRAMBLE_TABLE[(i << 2)+j]) & 1) << j nn ^= XOR_TABLE[i] out.append(nn)

out[0] = rotl(out[0], ROT_TABLE[0]) out[1] = rotl(out[1], ROT_TABLE[1]) out[2] = rotl(out[2], ROT_TABLE[2]) out[3] = rotl(out[2], ROT_TABLE[3]) return out

a ^= cb ^= dfor i in range(128):

a, b, c, d = round_hash(a, b, c, d)

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Automated KeyGen Generation. Kao’s Toy Project

SMT in protection analysis

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Automated KeyGen Generation. Kao’s Toy Project

SMT in protection analysis

Lift the checking algorithm to BIL

./toil -binrange ~/toyproject.exe 0x401105 0x401111 -o

Convert BIL to single static assignment form (SSA), unroll loop

./iltrans -il -to-ssa -simp-ssa -to-cfg -unroll 31 -rm-cycles \-rm-indirect-ast -to-ast -normalize-mem -flatten-mem -pp-ast

egrep -v '^cjmp.*$' >

Convert BIL to SMT-formula

./topredicate -il -noopt -solver z3 -stp-out checkLoop.smt

line 18: assert --> define-fun alg () (Array (_ BitVec 32) (_ BitVec 8))line 921: false --> ?mem_array_83_670

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Create precondition and postcondition

SMT in protection analysis

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Automatic Exploit Generation


Automatically craft an input that redirects control flow Loosely defined as “Given a program and a vulnerability, automatically craft an input that redirects control flow to malicious code”

Automated Payload Creation

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Automatically craft an input that hijacks control flow


Get the trace to vulnerable code

Convert the trace into set of constraintsFFreachreach

Generate the set of conditions that make code exploitable FFexploit = exploit = CCval val UU CCaddraddr

Solve (F(Freach reach UU FFexploitexploit))

SMT-solver defines required input

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Automatically craft an input that hijacks control flow


Freach = { t0= eax + ebx, zf ==1 }

Cval = { eax = 0xdeadbeef }

Caddr ={ t1= ebp + 4, t1 = ebp +ecx }

Fexploit = Cval U Caddr

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Automatically craft an input that hijacks control flow


Freach = {t0 = eax + ebx, zf == 1}

Cval = { eax = 0xdeadbeef }

Caddr ={t1 = ebp + 4, t1 = ebp + ecx}

Fexploit = Cval U Caddr

Input ={eax = 0xdeadbeef,ebx = 0x21524111, ecx = 4}

(declare-const t0 (_ BitVec 32))(declare-const t1 (_ BitVec 32))

(declare-const eax (_ BitVec 32))(declare-const ebx (_ BitVec 32))(declare-const ecx (_ BitVec 32))(declare-const ebp (_ BitVec 32))

; Freach = {zf = 1, t0 = eax + ebx}(assert (= t0 (bvadd eax ebx))) ; t0 = eax + ebx(assert (= t0 #x00000000)) ; zf = 1

; Cval = { eax = 0xDEADBEEF }(assert (= eax #xdeadbeef)) ; eax = 0xDEADBEEF

; Caddr = { t1 = ebp + 4, t1 = ebp + ecx}(assert (and (= t1 (bvadd ebp #x00000004)) ; t1 = ebp + 4 (= t1 (bvadd ebp ecx))) ; t2 = ebp + ecx)

sat (model (define-fun ecx () (_ BitVec 32) #x00000004) (define-fun eax () (_ BitVec 32) #xdeadbeef) (define-fun ebx () (_ BitVec 32) #x21524111) )

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Automated Payload Creation

Automate Generation Payload

Data Execution Prevention (DEP)

Windows 8 ROP mitigation enforces policies on who/where can call VirtualAlloc() or VirtualProtect() to enable memory executable at run-time

IOS already totally forbid code injection: Writable pages have NX permission & only signed pages are executable

Return Oriented Programming

fun at first time, then hurt

hundreds and thousands of ROP-gadgets

“bad characters"

find a suitable gadget can be difficult

research efforts aimed at solving the problem of automatic generation ROP-chains

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An interesting example from 0verckl0ck


we can write into eax, but only ASCII printable char

we have ROP-gadgets like these:

add eax, 0xc9f4458b; add eax, 0xdeadbeef;add eax, 0x0fcf; add eax, 0x13b2;add eax, 0x1337; add eax, 0x42;Goal:

make eax = 0xb00bdead

determine the initial value eax

find the minimum sequence of calls gadgets

Automate Generation Payload

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An interesting example from 0verckl0ck

source: init_eax + g1*0xc9f4458b +

g2*0xdeadbeef + g3*0x0fcf + g4*0x13b2 +g5*0x1337 + g6*0x42 = 0xb00bdead)

assert(ascii_printable( init_eax ) )sum (g1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6) --> min

answer:0x522e707c + 3*0xc9f4458b + 8*0x13b2 = 0xb00bdead

Automate Generation Payload

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Finding gadgets with specific samntics

Automate Generation Payload

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Immunity Debugger: !find_gadget

Automate Generation Payload

This script looks for a sequence that satisfies the constraints we specify

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Automate Generation Payload

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Automate Generation Payload

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Automate Generation Payload

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ROPC : Type of gadgets that ROPC find &use

Automate Generation Payload

Name Input Parameters Semantic Definition

NopG _ _ nop

LoadConstG OutReg, Value _ OutReg Value

MoveRegG InReg, OutReg _ OutReg InReg

ArithmeticG InReg1, InReg2, OutReg op OutReg <- InReg1 op InReg2

StoreMemG AddrReg, InReg # Bytes, Offset M[AddrReg+Offset]<-InReg

LoadMemReg AddrReg, OutReg # Bytes, Offset OutRegM[AddrReg+Offset]

ArithmeticStoreG InReg, AddrReg # Bytes, Offset, op M[AddrReg+Offset] op InReg

ArithmeticLoadG OutReg, AddrReg# Bytes, Offset, op

OutReg op M[AddrReg+Offset

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Automate Generation Payload

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Questions ?

SMT Solvers for Software Security

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