
Getting on the career ladder in 2013

Many of us will graduate this year, so the question of landing a proper job is on the top of the mind. And the tension is more if your college does not provide placement. So when you are searching for a job, preparing your resume is not enough. Certain factors need to be considered.

Before you start, know what and why: Often the most important criterion that we tend to overlook and get swayed away by the company profile is what we are exactly looking, what our potentials are and where the particular job will take us in the next 5 years. Don’t hesitate from asking whether you will reach say a position “X” by 2016 and where do we want to see us after that. However it is absolutely fine if we change our plans 12-18 months, all that we need to do is adjust our career plans accordingly.

Quality above quantity: Don’t be panicked by the world economic news and start applying it to anything and everything. Getting a proper job might take time so always concentrate on quality and not quantity, it holds true for everything.

Differentiate yourself: Through your school and college life we have proved time and again that we are capable of taking on different projects and finishing it on time. Remember, employers also know this and what they want to know is what special qualities or potentials do you have that differentiates you from the rest. So even if you are pursuing a vocational course on specific skills, in your applications you need to highlight this point through examples which showcases your core behaviours, leadership skills and your problem solving attitudes.

Get organized: Research shows that successful applicants take their interviews very seriously and even take telephone interview in a serious manner, with all their notes ready. Sometimes it may happen that you receive a call from the company informing you that they want to conduct the telephone interview in the next 2 hours. Be prepared and don’t postpone it until and unless it is absolutely necessary.

Spread your net wide: While applying don’t restrict yourself to big corporate houses or well known companies. There are many SMEs where the work atmosphere is much better than a big corporate house and where you might learn things with more guidance than in big companies. So be open to every opportunity. There is no harm in trying.

In - Demand Jobs in 2013:

● Forensic Accountants:

A lucrative job, they travel from one destination to another hot on the trial of criminals. Often they are called upon court to testify against the criminals on the basis of their findings. Average Earnings: $48,030-$71,637 per year. Here is a list of some well known Finance and Law faculties.

● Human Resources Executive:

Responsible for the hiring, training of new employees along with maintaining co-operation between the different departments of the company so as to ensure a smooth running, HR Executives are in great demand with a forecast of great hiring in this sector. Even the remuneration of an HR Executive is exceptionally strong from the entry level ranging from $125,000 to $320,000 per year. Click here for details of course on HR Management.

● Child Psychologist:They look after the child’s overall development i.e. their mental, emotional and social well being. Their salary package normally is between the range of $64,000 and above. You can apply for an online course here.

● Business Consultants:

They ensure that the new, old or trouble companies are properly guided so that they get their profit returns and enjoy success. The remuneration and other benefits of a consultant are quite good ranging in between $105,000 to $190,000. But, you need to a MBA from reputed University before applying for the job. Here’s an example.

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