Page 1: Getting organized and knowing one`s target





Page 2: Getting organized and knowing one`s target

ORGANIZATION:Organization is a key to academic success. Organization

Refers to arrange something in order or do some task in

Cue. Organization is the first proper step of doing any

Task effectively.

Before organizing one should properly know what is the

task and what one have to achieve.

One should set his goals first.

Page 3: Getting organized and knowing one`s target

SETTING A GOAL:Setting goals help you decide what is important and gives a plan for

success and helps you to be focused.

Setting one`s target involves five steps:• Set big goals first• Break down the big goals into mini goals• Plan how will you tackle the mini goals• Evaluate your goals• Set new goals

Page 4: Getting organized and knowing one`s target

Our goals will be the driving force that will transform our intentions or motivations into the actions and behaviours that achieve these goals .

Commit yourself to a specific task. For example, commit yourself to "complete the math assignment" that is due before the next class session.

Utilize odd hours during the day for studying. The scattered one or

two-hour free periods between classes are easily wasted. Using

this time to review notes from a class just finished results in free

time later in the week. To know our target is not the only thing we should be well

organized to achieve it in a best way. Study at a regular time in a regular place. Knowing what and when

you are going to study saves time.

Page 5: Getting organized and knowing one`s target

GETTING ORGANIZED: For some students its not the learning material that makes getting

good grades difficult , it`s disorganization. Being organized makes learning more efficient and reduces stress

and anxiety. A student who knows his put in the right amount of time and uses

it well is a student who is confident when its time to appear in a paper , take a test or give presentation.

The common formula of study is:

“Three hours of study per week , per course credit ” Keep organized notes on lectures and assignments. Record exactly what assignments are made and when they are


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Doing the right thing at the right time is also very necessary. Knowing what and when you are going to study saves time. Commit yourself to a specific task. Trade time. Don't steal it. When unexpected events arise that use

up study time, decide immediately when you can make up the missed study time. Adjust your schedule accordingly.

Schedule time for review. A regular weekly period used to review your coursework helps keep you up to date. This review should be cumulative, covering all the work done thus far in the quarter. Such reviews reduce the need for "cramming" later.

Try to improve your study efficiency. The SQ3R Reading Method can be used to improve your study skills.

Watch for key ideas in lectures and express them in your own words.

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Prioritize. Make a daily or weekly list of what needs to get done,

from most important to least important. Don't forget to schedule some time to relax. The key to developing good organizational skills is finding

strategies and natural supports that work for you and your unique learning style.

To achieve our goal it is very much necessary to be organized. See the links between positive thinking and success. Distinguish between long term , medium term and short term

goals and apply these in a practical way. Reward yourself when you attain your goals. Rewards provide

you with regular and powerful reminders that you are being successful.

When you reward your success they multiply. Success brings more success.

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your time the more freedom you will have to participate in extracurricular activities and still attain your academic goals successfully!

Studying in little increments everyday will better prepare you for exams.

Good time management skills = less procrastination = less stress.

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