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Getting started with RChiara Gambi

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 1 - Download

• Download the latest version of R and R studio from the websites listed on the course page onto your laptop.

• Installation should proceed smoothly, just follow the on-screen instructions

• Download R first

• Then download R studio

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 2 - R studio basicsConsole & Script

• Open up R studio.

• This will automatically start an R session in the window on the bottom left corner: this window is the Console.

• You can type commands directly into the Console, which is good to try things out when you're not sure if they will work.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 2 - R studio basicsConsole & Script

• Once you know what your doing, you should use an R script.

• This is displayed in the top left corner within R studio. If one is not already open, go to File --> New --> R script.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 2 - R studio basicsConsole & Script


• Always type the commands you want to save for later on in the Script.

• You can save the output of R calculations, which is the content of the Workspace (go to Session --> Save Workspace As), at any time but you cannot save the list of commands you used to get that output unless you type them in a Script.

• Also, it's good to get into the habit of commenting on the commands as you go along, so that you can remember what each does. Anything that is preceded by # in the script will be treated by R as a comment and will not run.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 2 - R studio basicsConsole & Script

• When the commands are typed into the Console just press ENTER to run.

• When the commands are typed into the Script, position your cursor on the command line (or highlight a group of lines) and hit RUN in the top right corner of the Script window.

• Alternatively, CMD + ENTER for Mac users or CTRL + ENTER for Windows users

• If a command is incomplete, R signals that it is waiting for more input by showing a + in the Console. To start anew when this happens, just hit ESC.

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Step 2 - R studio basicsConsole & Script

• If you realize a command you have used before is useful, but you forgot to type it in the script...

• you can still find it (provided you did not quit the session) in the History tab on the top right corner.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 3 - R studio basicsWorking Directory & Projects

• When working with R, it is crucial to know in which directory you want R to look for input and save output.

• Typically, you want your script and your data to be in the same directory.

• If you stick to this rule, when you open a saved script in R studio, all you have to do is to go to Session --> Set working directory --> To source file location

• which will tell R to look for files within the same directory of the current active script.

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Step 3 - R studio basicsWorking Directory & Projects

• If you want to avoid this step, you can create a project in R studio.

• Anytime you open a project, R will be directed towards the right folder.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 3 - R studio basicsWorking Directory & Projects

• In any case, you can:

• check what the current directory is:

• use the command: getwd()

• set the current directory to any path within your machine:

• use the command: setwd("~/path") on Mac; setwd("C:/path") on Windows

(By default, R works in the home directory: ~/users/YourUsername on Mac).

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Step 3 - R studio basicsWorkspace

• The output of all R calculations is temporarily stored in the workspace.

• You can check the contents of the workspace in the top right corner.

• Before quitting a session, R studio will prompt you to save the contents of the workspace. When you resume the session, you can load the contents of a previously saved workspace

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 3 - R studio basicsWorkspace


• R is very much like a calculator. It will not store anything (not even temporarily) unless you tell it to! Whenever you wish to store the output of a calculation for use in following calculations, you need to assign the calculated expression to an object (a variable). The assignment operator is <-

variable <- assigned expression

e.g., x <- 3*10+4/2x[1] 32

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 3 - R studio basicsInstalling & loading packages

• The basic R installation allows you to do quite a lot, but the real power of R comes from the extensive range of freely available packages.

• Whatever you need to do, R has a package for it!

• Baayen's "Analyzing linguistic data with R" comes with a package, languageR, which you should install before the course starts. Here is how to do it in R studio.

Go to Tools --> Install packages

If prompted to create a package repository, just follow the instructions.

Then, type the package name under Packages, and hit Install.

IMPORTANT NOTE: your computer needs to be connected to the Internet for this to work!!!

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Step 3 - R studio basicsInstalling & loading packages

• To load the packages in the current session, type the following in the Console


e.g., library(languageR)

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 4 - R basicsReading in the data

• The next two sections are based on Baayen (2008). Analyzing linguistic data with R. Chapter 1 (up to and including section 1.3)

• You should have installed and loaded languageR before you continue!

• Please, go through these brief exercises and read up to p. 10 of Baayen's book before the course starts.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 4 - R basicsReading in the data

• First, run the following line:

• write.table(verbs, file = "/users/yourusername/yourfolder/dativeS.csv") #for Mac

• write.table(verbs, file = "C:/yourfolder/dativeS.csv") # for Windows

• This will create a file (dativeS.csv) on the specified location on your computer.

• If you open the file using any text editor, Excel, or Numbers, you will see that it contains 5 columns and several rows.

• The first row does not contain data, but gives the column names: RealizationOfRec, Verb, AnymacyOfRec, AnimacyOfTheme, LengthOfTheme.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 4 - R basicsReading in the data

• You will normally have your data in .csv or .txt format saved in the same directory as your R script. Make sure this directory is set as the current working directory (see Step 3).

• Then, read the data as follows:

• verbs<-read.table("dativeS.csv", header=T) # NOTE: this only works if yourfolder (as specified in the write.table command) is the current working directory!

• This creates an R object called verbs (you can see it in your Workspace now) that is of a special kind, namely a data frame.

• By specifying header=T you tell R that the first row in the file dativeS.csv is to be treated differently from all other rows, as it gives the column names.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 4 - R basicsReading in the data

• In R, you can also create and work with other types of objects: common ones include vectors, matrices, and lists. You can check what type of object you are dealing with using:

• class(objectname)

• Now, if you type names(verbs), R will return a list of names of the columns in the data frame.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 4 - R basicsReading in the data

• Also, in R studio, if you type verbs$ and then press the Tab key, you will be presented with the list of column names.

• Because verbs is a data frame you can refer to the columns within it with this syntax:

• dataframename$columnname

• e.g., verbs$Verb

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 4 - R basicsReading in the data

• Alternatively, you can refer to any combination of columns and rows in a data frame using subscripting, with the following syntax:

• dataframename[rowID,columnID]

• You can refer to a row or column using the row/column number submitted as an integer:

Examplesverbs[1,1] # returns the element at the intersection of the first row and first columnverbs[1,] # returns all the elements in the first row (from all columns)verbs[,1] # returns all the elements from the first column (from all rows)

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 4 - R basicsReading in the data

• You can refer to a subset of rows/columns in (at least) three ways:

a. 1:4 #all rows/columns from (and including) 1 to (and including) 4b. c(2,6) #row/column 2 and 6

NOTE: c is the concatenate function, useful to create vectors. Vectors can be numeric or string:

c(4,7:10,6) is the vector: (4,7,8,9,10,6)c("This","is","a","string","vector") is the vector: ("This","is","a","string","vector")

NOTE: for columns, you can also use a string vector of column namese.g., verbs[1:5,c("Verb","LengthOfTheme")]

c. Use logical subscripting. This is very powerful, and will be described in the next section

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Step 4 - R basicsLogical subscripting

This allows you to select only those rows of a data frame that meet certain conditions.

For example, you can select only the rows for which Length of Theme is greater than 3.4


Or, you can select only the rows that refer to verbs with animate themes

verbs[verbs$AnimacyOfTheme == "animate",]

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Step 4 - R basicsLogical subscripting

Some logical operators:

- identity, equal to: == (DO NOT USE: =)- not equal to: !=- AND: &- OR: | (i.e., the vertical bar)

Tuesday 24 September 2013

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