

HOLY SPIRITGIFTS and FRUITS of the Holy Spirit• GIFTS are what we are GIVEN by God to participate

and grow in the Trinity • They make us more attentive to the voice of God

and make it easier to follow his plan in our lives• FRUITS are the effects of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

They are what we EXPRESS as a result of our faith and love. • Through the fruits of the Holy Spirit, our soul begins

to experience the peace and freedom that God has planned for us.


Isaiah 11:1-3

A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse;    from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him—    the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,    the Spirit of counsel and of might,    the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD—and he will delight in the fear of the LORD.

He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes,    or decide by what he hears with his ears;

Galatians 5:19-24

The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions  and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT…make us attentive to the voice of God, which render us susceptible to the workings of actual grace, which make us love the things of God, and, consequently, render us more obedient and docile to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit.

In other words, opens our hearts to God’s help and guidance through our choices and actions and opens us to the guidance we need to follow God’s plan.


1. Wisdom2. Understanding3. Counsel4. Fortitude5. Knowledge6. Piety7. Fear of the Lord


- standards a Christian uses to judge right & wrong based on objective truth given by Jesus & taught by the Church

the ability to judge correctly our experiences and those events occurring around us


perfects our perception of the mysteries of the Faith

- Allows us to go deeper into the divine truths revealed by God.

Counsel (Right Judgment)Helps us make wise decisions, choosing promptly,

correctly, and according to the will of God.- We can choose the actions that will be for the glory of God

- Flows from the gifts of wisdom and understanding

Fortitude (Strength/Courage) Strength of character that gives us strength and

courage to endure long and trying difficulties and to complete the tasks we have undertaken in the service of

God- Makes us steadfast in the Faith, constant in struggle, and

faithful in perseverance

KnowledgeEnables us to use created things wisely

- Permits us to live a life of detachment from possessions, using created things as God intended

Piety (Reverence) teaches us the meaning of divine filiation, the joyful

awareness of being children of God- Leads us to true love of God and love of all human being as His children. This should radically change the way we treat our


Fear of the Lord (Wonder & Awe)Refers to our sense of sovereign respect in the presence

of an all-powerful and loving God- Helps us to know the evil of sin and to detest it. It impresses

upon our hearts a spirit of adoration and humility.


Address our relationship to God, self, and other.

“those supernatural works that are done joyfully and with peace of soul.” St. Thomas Aquinas

1. Love2. Joy3. Peace4. Patience5. Kindness6. Generosity

7. Faithfulness8. Gentleness9. Self-control10. Modesty11. Chastity12. Goodness

12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit

LoveHelps us to love God and neighbor as we ought- As Jesus teaches in the Greatest Commandments

JoyAn inner spirit of happiness the remains in spite of

troubles and tragedy- The result of keeping our thoughts on Heaven

PeaceComes from the awareness of God’s presence among us &

within us- We find peace through prayer and contemplation.

PatienceAbility to accept delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset

- This virtue is lacking in modern society where instant gratification is expected. Trusting in God helps us to become

more patient.

KindnessComes from recognizing Christ in every person and

treating him or her accordingly.

GenerosityA measure of our response to all that God has given us.

- Whatever good we have is meant to be shared, especially with those in need – whether it is our faith, time, or wealth.

FaithfulnessThe practice of our faith and standing up for it.

- Laziness, luke-warmness, and peer peer pressure can weaken our faith.

GentlenessTo treat others charitably and with respect.

- Related to kindness, patience, and love.

Self-controlTo have command over our passions.

- Allows us to avoid unjust or disproportionate anger, gluttony, sins against purity, etc. Our thoughts and actions should reflect

the divine presence within us.

ModestyAllows us to avoid the sin of pride, vanity,

boasting, or seeking praise from others. We take care and respect for appropriate dress, actions, and the ways we

treat others.

ChastityMeans practicing purity within one’s state of life.

- For priests and religious, as well as for unmarried persons, chastity means avoiding all sexual activity and lustful

attractions. - For a married couple, every sexual expression is open to new

life and a true act of self-giving love is shared with each other.

GoodnessMeans having an essentially good nature in thoughts,

words, and deeds.

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