Page 1: Girls Right To Education In Afghanistan Through Innovative ... · General Analysis of Education at the targeted provinces: Although Parwan, Kapisa and Panjsher provinces have previously

General Analysis of Education at the targeted provinces: Although Parwan, Kapisa and Panjsher provinces have previously had difficulties with the Education Sector, prominent and significant steps towards providing better educational opportunities to feed the demand of masses, have been taken. These measures include: eligible students’ access to school; reformation of curricula for over 60 % of the schools; implementation of micro and macro national projects such as EQUIP, literacy and Pre-School education; establishment of Community Development Councils, and establishment of learning circles are some of our bullet-pointed successes, which have definitely led people to understand more about education values and raised their awareness on the matter. Despite all of these milestones, the education sector of Parwan province still needs the following activities to completely wipe out all challenges and constraints on the education sector:

• Increase of professional teachers, especially in rural districts.• Libraries and laboratories being well equipped with proper tools, according to the education curriculum.• The gap between the new education curriculum and teachers’ knowledge level need to be filled. • Usage of new technology such as the Internet, and distance learning programs need to be reinforced. • Lack of security in some remote areas need to be addressed.• Accurate identification and usage of laboratory equipment in science lessons by teachers.• The promotion and establishment of Community Development Councils or committees at all school levels.

An introduction to the ‘Great Idea’ project:Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (CHA) is a national and local organization with absolute non-profit, non-sectarian and non-governmental affiliation. Starting from its establishment, CHA has implemented small and large-scale projects in the Education, Agriculture and Livestock, Community Development, Health and Nutrition, DRR sectors, and has dealt with Emergencies with full coordination and cooperation of related departments, ministries and civil institutions. Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (CHA), based on the national and religious duty and responsibility, has put in tremendous efforts in raising education quality, by implementing projects in various provinces of Afghanistan. CHA has the honour to be the first organization to design the ‘Great Idea’ project (distance learning through

[email protected]/greatideahamkary+93 (0) 700 29 17 22 - +93 (0) 766 55 80 01Khoshal Khan Meena, Jeem Sector, 5th District,Qambar Square Road,Kabul Afghanistan.

Girls Right To Education In Afghanistan ThroughInnovative Distance Education Approach

• Broadcasting lessoning programs via SABA TV station and NAWA radio: By broadcasting a live program of lessons in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology on SABA TV station for high school students, followed by a radio program on NAWA radio station, broadcasting teaching methods and psychology for teachers, 21 schools are being benefited by the services delivered to the schools. The distribution of 909 radios for teachers and micro-projectors for secondary school students (8 ,7 and 9) has helped the team to achieve a significant success towards better education.

video lessons aligned with the curriculum of Ministry of Education). Great Idea was first initiated in 2011) 1390), in Parwan province, and was spread to Kabul, Kapisa and Panjshir by the implementation of four phases.

Project Goal:Outreach of education by distance learning that guarantees quality secondary education, for both boys and girls in accordance with the policy of the Ministry of Education.

Specific Project Goals:• Supporting the Ministry of Education with the implementation of a better education system to secondary schools, via distance learning and mobile tutorials on the SABA TV station. • Increasing enrolment to schools and decreasing drop-out rate intargeted schools.• Awareness on importance of education, especially for girls, and to strengthen the participation of parents, teachers, prominent influential personalities, religious leaders and community members.• Upgrading and enhancing the capacity of teachers on teaching practices for for successful lessons.• The Participation of influential personalities on identifying and equipping necessary tools for schools.

This project is being implemented in four phases and below is the list of targeted areas with the specific number of beneficiaries:

Major achievements:• Coordination with the Education sector and line departments: Consecutive meetings with the education directorate, education departments at district levels, and school leaders have been held, and each meeting sees the development of the project. In these coordination meetings, a report of the activities and the progress are handed to the participants. With the full support of both Ministry of Education, the community, schools, teachers and students, Great Idea is being carried out in Parwan province at different phases.







SUB Total



18344662 242297


549 592612180 18106



Provinces MaleTeachers Total TotalMale


Number of beneficiariesNumberof



• Activation and equipping of schools with telecast tools: 21 schools in Parwan province have been equipped with telecast tools such as the specific Dish, Receiver, TV, DVD, Projector, Phone, Solar panels (as power sources), and other adjunctions. In addition to these, 44 schools in Parwan, Panjsher and Kapisa provinces are activated with approx. 2,640,000 AFNs community contribution.

Page 2: Girls Right To Education In Afghanistan Through Innovative ... · General Analysis of Education at the targeted provinces: Although Parwan, Kapisa and Panjsher provinces have previously

• Capacity Building: mobilization, communication, management, gender equality, human rights and advocacy workshops for capacity building purposes have been delivered to 300 group members. Audio, video and visual materials were used during these trainings for better comprehension. In addition, methodology workshops were conducted to all teachers at targeted schools.

• Kankor exam preparation course for high school students: Kankor exam preparation courses have been delivered to high school students at the end of each year, helping students get prepared for the university exam. In total 722 high school students have received Kankor exam preparation courses in all targeted provinces. For volunteers who were willing to attend these courses in the winter vacations, tutorial DVDs were provided.

Success story:Narrator: Eng. Habib Shah, senior facilitatorDate: September 2014

“Great Idea’s attempt to build teachers’ capacity was successful.”Nur Mah is physics teacher at Tutamdara Ulia girls’ high school located at center of Parwan province. After graduating from the school, she returned as a teacher of physics.

In a wedding ceremony which she attended at her village, Nur Mah got acquainted with other teachers from other schools and learnt about how complex the current education curriculum was, and about problems they faced in their own field of study, especially with science lessons. One of them being a mathematics teacher was not familiar with Integration. Similarly, a physics teacher had difficulty in teaching physics. Subsequently, Nur Mah shared her story about the distance learning project ad how it had built her capacity as a teacher, and the ability to solve the student’s and her own queries regarding the subject; leading to a piqued interest about the program among the other teachers.

• Community mobilization: with frequent meetings and gatherings conducted by community action groups and the technical team on the field, a total of 44 schools in four provinces (Kabul, Parwan, Panjsher and Kapisa) were equipped for the initiation of project Great Idea. This was achieved by the participation of community activists, parents, businessmen and community members. Community mobilization has led to the gatherings of different levels of community members to come under a chamber and discuss and act on school rehabilitation, activation and facilitation.

• Development of consultation line (phone line): the purpose for development of such a consultation help line services for schools is to assist in the inquiry and solution to students’ problems regarding school lessons. This process is carried out in two methods: 1) Students’ direct contact to teachers for solving their lesson problems at specified time.2) Recording teachers’ and students’ problems in a voice mail, for later inquiry and response through SABA TV station program. With the help of this technology, a competition (question and answer) between students and teachers are held in live a TV program, and outstanding and privileged students and teachers are rewarded accordingly.

• Establishment of community action groups (CAGs): 13 Community Action Groups (CAGs) as school-supporting committees have been established in Parwan, Panjsher and Kapisa provinces. In addition, community development councils and teacher-learning circles have been established at each school. Additionally influential members of the locality are encouraged to join the said committees. Monthly meetings, which are followed up by a technical team on the field, are held to discuss and raise ownership, support and equipment of schools with the necessary tools. Teacher-learning circles are established to solve teaching problems and institutionalize the discussion of problems between teacher groups.

• Establishment of libraries and laboratories in schools: 21 schools in Parwan province have been equipped with laboratory and library supplies. These supplies include 265 books, 285 items of various kinds of laboratory tools, chairs and desks. Libraries and books have enhanced the promotion of free studying among students and teachers.

Achieved results:• Promotion of self-study and administration of fruitful lessons at schools. • Strengthening development councils of schools and education of parents, teachers, religious leaders and community members, on the vitality of education; resulting in an increase in enrolments of girls and boys at schools.• Promotion of discussion on lessons, within teacher learning circles. • Video-recording of lessons (mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology), for secondary school and English for secondary as well as High school levels.

• Achievement of a portal to solve teachers’ problems with the help of new technology. • Increase of the presence of students and teachers in class compared to previous years. • Graduation of 672 girls and 50 boys from the Kankor exam preparation courses between the years 2012 & 2013. • Decrease in drop-out rate. • Increase in the average score of students in exams.• Improvement of teachers’ methodology in delivering lessons to students.








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Comparison of students average points afterconduction of three phase of Great Idea

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