Page 1: GIVE THAMS TODAY GfflD OFLAW MILLS · GIVE THAMS TODAY This is the Day Set Apart by the President of This Great Na tion for Tha t Purpose. The Rich and Poor Alike Have Some thing

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GIVE THAMS TODAY This is the Day Set Apart by the

President of This Great Na­

tion for That Purpose.

The Rich and Poor Alike Have Some­

thing for Which They Should

Be Truly Thankful.

The day for giving thanks to the Creator for His great goodness to man during the past year has again rolled around. Now tha t a bountiful crop has been garnered i t is only meet and proper tha t the giver of all th ings receive tha t winch is his just due—thanks.

This vear has been rich in things for which men are wont to give thanks. The harvest has been bountiful, the granaries are full to overflowing, and honest toil never brought reward more generous. Al­most everj where we find happiness and cheer. The United States is a t peace with all the world—we are free from the struggles which shake other nations. Our role is tha t of peace­maker.

Compared with the people of other nations we aie blessed in a marked degree, and we are fast progressing toward better things. America is a nation of progress—progress in eco­nomics, in politics, in religion. There are numberless blessings for which we should this day return thanks to God.

Partridges Proved to be Skunks. Herr Stroeter, the pickle man,

has been kept so busy answering 'phone calls from inquisitive persons and joshers tha t he much regrets the fact t ha t he made public the follow ing story:

"You know I am somewhat of an epicure," said Herr Stroeter, "and the other day while motoring through the lake country I thought I saw an opportunity to gather in a couple of sacks of partridges for much less than their market value

"As I sped along at a 30-mile clip I passed two Indians, each carrying a sack that looked good to me. I turned my machine around and re­traced m\ course until I airived at the place where they were trudging along, when I stopped the car. 'You noble sons of the great Chip­pewa warriois look tired, said I ; jump in and I ' l l take you to jour destination. ' 'Huh, huh , ' responded the Indian who was lugging the heaviest sack. So they jumped in. One of them sat by the side of me with a sack between us, while the other occupied the back seat. As we proceeded at a prett j good clip I realized tha t I had made a mistake in taking those Indians on board. Their persons seemed to be giving off an abominable effluvia and their general condition caused me to im­agine tha t graybacks were coursing up and down my spine.

" 'Don' t you evei take a bath? ' said I as a whiff from off some sort ot putridity stiuck mj nostrils and nearly caused me to vomit. 'Huh, huh , ' responded one of them; 'wash Christmas. ' ' I thought so, ' said I, 'last Chiistmas. You sons of guns are decomposing. B\ the way, though, how much do you want for those sacks of partiidges? I ' l l give jou 50 cents for t h e m - t h e lide is woith at least two dollars.' 'Kunks in bag,' replied one of them, me eatee 'em and sell skins for four dollars.'

" I was so exaspeiated at this dis-coven tha t I stopped the machine and bundled the Indians, with their malodorous belongings, into the road, but the villains threw rocks at me when I started up. This is not the worst of it, however, for the cushions of the machine absorbed so

,much of tha t abominable odor tha t i t is a mat ter of impossibility to eradicate i t . I imagine I smell i t now. P h e w ! "

Rubbing It Into Hennepin. Later reports received last week

from the state capitol where the votes, canvassed by county boards, were being received, indicated t ha t the good roads tax amendment had passed at election by a comfortable maiority.

The people of the rural distr icts are especially glad to hear of this for it means good roads and tha t right soon.

For the framing of the law the people of Minnesota aie indebted to R C. Dunn of Princeton. He is the man who instigated the good roads movement in this state and who has fought the battle through to a t r i ­umphant victoiy at the polls

I t is especially fitting that Mr. Dunn should return to the state

legislature to round out the good work which he-has so well started.

In this connection i t will be well to remember tha t Hennepin county battered the amendment as hard as she could. The city of Minneapolis has the unpleasant privilege of vot­ing the amendment down heavily while Ramsey county and St. Louis county, including St. Paul and Du-luth, gave the amendment a major­i ty.

I t will be well to remember th is when Minneapolis comes drooling after Anoka's trade and offering to do big things for Anoka's highways. This amendment will be a great boon to the small counties. Minne­apolis had a chance to make good up­on her oft protested friendship for Anoka county and failed miserably.

Remember the vote neighbors.— Anoka Herald.

Steeves-Roadstrom. A pretty wedding occurred at the

home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Road-strom on Tuesday aftenioon, Novem­ber 26, a t 5 o'clock, when their daughter, Emma C , was united in marriage to Jesse R. Steeves. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. H. Fisher of {he Congregational church in the presence of a host of friends and relatives. The attend­ants were the groom's sister, Miss Gertrude L Steeves, and the bride's brother; Gust I . Roadstrom. The bridal party descended the stairway to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march played by Miss May Cotten. The bride was att ired in a gown of silk embroidered net and carried bride's loses. The maid of honor wore pink silk crepe de chene and al­so carried white roses. Congratula­tions were offered, after which a wed­ding supper was served and a recep­tion followed. Many beautiful and costly presents were bestowed upon the young people.

The bride and groom are well known young people of Princeton and vicinity and their many friends wish them a life of joy and happi ness.

The happy young couple will make their home with the groom's parents for the winter.

Dawson-Davis. John Lawrence Dawson, only son

of J . L. Dawson of Greenbush. and Laurel Mae Davis of Elk River were united in wedlock on Monday morn­ing at the rectory of St. Edward's church by Rev. Father Willenbrink.

The bride wore a traveling suit ot blue and was attended by Miss Elsie Bargatas of Elk River, while the groom was attended by Oscar Ode-gard of Santiago.

Both parties are Well known in Princeton. The bride is a sister of Andrew Davis of Elk River and has been a very successful teacher in Greenbush and other places. The groom is a steady, industrious young man who owns one of the best farms in Greenbush. *

After a short bridal trip Mr. and Mrs. Dawson will be at home to their friends in Greenbush. May their ives be long and happy.

The Balkan-Turkish War. London, Nov. 27.—While Russia is

believed to be continuing her mili­tary movements on the frontier and Austria-Hungary is believed to be rapidly mobilizing an immense army equipped for hard field service, there is nothing definite today to indicate tha t an international war in Europe is imminent. The increased ten­sion, the depressing undercurrent of which is everywhere felt, however, tends greatly to decrease the ability of diplomacy to resist an ul t imate rupture.

Great Britain, i t is reliably stated, has given Servia, as well as France and Russia, to understand tha t she has no interest in Servia's demand for a port on the Adriatic sea. Eng­land also has declared she has no in­tention of supporting Servia's claim nor of aiding any other power to do so.

The progress of the negotiations between the representatives of Tur­key and the Balkan allies at Tchatalja is unknown, as every de­tail of the conference is kept strictly secret.

Cholera is raging between Con­stantinople and the northern Turk­ish frontier and has also invaded Bulgaria, and people are dying by thousands.

lost their lives are Howard James, director of purchases for the Great Northern, and Samuel B. Plechner, purchasing agent for the same com­pany, while the ladies injured are Mrs. S. B. Plechner, Miss Helen James and Miss Margaret J . Mann.

The accident occurred while Mr. James, who was a t the wheel, was driving a t the rate of only two miles an hour. In front of the J. J . Hill residence is a new roadway be­tween Edgerton and Rice streets. The automobilists were crossing to Rice street on the new road when Mr. James signaled to O. E. Nelson, who was in a car ahead, t ha t he de­sired to pass, and Mr. Nelson pulled to one side. In passing the outer edge of a sand fill gave way, the car skidded and one wheel went over the side of a high embankment. Then began a fight to regain control, Mr. James exerting every effort to make the wheels catch the road. But i t was all to no purpose, the car went into the ditch head first and Mr. James and Mr. Plechner were crushed to death by the seat—their skulls were fractured and death was instantaneous. The ladies in the tonneau were more fortunate—they escaped with slight injuries.

In describing the accident Mrs. Plechner said tha t the outer wheels of the car were a t least two feet from the edge of the ditch when a strip of the road gave way.

Death of Mrs. L. Halvorson. Following an illness of nine weeks

Mrs. Louis Halvorson passed away a t her home in Blue Hill township, Sherburne county, on November 22 at the age of 66 years.

Funeral services were held a t the family residence on Monday after­noon a t 2 o'clock and the interment was in Blue Hill cemetery. A large number of relatives and friends at­tended the obsequies and there were many beautiful floral offerings.

Mrs. Louis Halvorson, whose maiden name was Johanne Marie Johanneson, was born in Kragero, Norway, on April 15, 1846, and came to America with her parents, who settled on a homestead in Blue Hill, in 1870. She was married to Louis Halvorson of Wisconsin in St. Paul on April 14, 1875, and with her hus­band, went to live on a homestead in Blue Hill. There she resided until called by death. She is survived by her husband and six children. The children are D. C. Halvorson and Mrs. H. N . Halvorson, Minneapolis; Mrs. W. J*. Guild, Santiago; Olga, Tora and Mabel Halvorson. She also leaves two brothers and two s i s t e r s -John Olson, Elma, Wash.; Turkle Johannson, Blue Hil l ; Mrs. Emma Nilson, Santiago; and Mrs. Caroline Olson, Creston, Mont.

Mrs. Halvorson was a kind, moth­erly lady who was held in respect by all who knew her.

The family take this means of sin­cerely thanking those who so kindly tendered assistance during the sick­ness and a t the obsequies of Mrs. Halvorson.

Exposition Closes. The northwestern products exposi­

tion closed in Minneapolis on Satur­day night. I t was the most success­ful exhibition of its kind ever held in this country and was attended by nearly 80,000 people. As an advertis­ing movement the exposition should bring forth good results—all the states represented should receive beneQt, if only in an indirect way.

Beauty and the Camera. Beauty is but skin deep, thej say.

But tha t is deep enough for our camera, and our skill enables us to accentuate the best features of each sitter, with a pleasing, satisfactory likeness as the result.

J . L. Payette. Photographer. Opposite Bakery, Princeton. 49-tfc


Fred Dejarlais, 16 years old, of Long Siding, is in a critical condi­tion at the hospital. He fell from the limb of a tree, where he had gone to procure a squirrel which he had shot, and fractured his left col­lar bone besides sustaining severe in­ternal injuries, one of which was the laceration of his left kidney. Dr. Cooney performed a surgical opera­tion and drained the kidney.

Hans Petrin brought his son, who is about 16 years old, down from Onamia last week. The boy is suff­ering from hip joint disease and Dr.

Two Great Northern Officials Killed. Cooney fitted him with splints. He A deplorable accident which returned home with his father on

caused the death of two Great North- Monday. ern railroad officials and injuries to Lawience Robideau, son of Lewis three ladies occurred near the sum- Robideau, who was operated upon mer home of James J. Hill, 12 miles for acute appendicitis on Wednesday north of St. Paul, on Sunday, and ' ot last week, was discharged from the unfortunate occurrence is direct- j the hospital convalescent on Tues-ly due to bad roads. The men who day.

GfflD OFLAW MILLS District Court Still in Session at the

' Time the Union Went to Press

Yesterday Afternoon.

Case of Mary A. Potts vs. Soo Railway

Company Responsible for the

Long Term of Court.

The grand jury, discharged last Thursday afternoon, brought in two indictments besides tha t against S. W. Williams for assault, previously reported. These indictments were against Ohas. Plummer for assault in connection with the Williams' case, and E. W. Bemis for illegally disposing of Jiquor. Chas. Plummer pleaded guilty to the charge and, upon the request of S. P. Skahen, defendant's attorney, the judge suspended sentence, the en­forcement to depend upon Plummer's good behavior until the next term of court.

Charles A. Geddes vs. Jacob Van Rhee and C. E. Erickson. Action on land contract. E. L. Mc­Millan for plaintiff, J . D. Sullivan for defendant. Case continued over term.

Mary A. Pot ts vs. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie Railway company. Action in form of an ejectment brought by plaintiff—in which she claimed $14,600 damages— and, under the s ta tute , converted by defendant's answer into a condemna­tion suit. The jury returned a gen­eral verdict for plaintiff assessing the total amount of damagess at $6,500, and also submitted a special verdict returning answer to three questions: 1, rental value of dock site? Ans­wer, $600. 2, value of dock site as permanent acquisition? Answer, $5,000. 3, damage to so much of block 1, Pot ts Town, as is owned by plaintiff? Answer, $500. A stay of 40 days was allowed defendant. E. C. Carman was attorney for plaintiff and Geo. Spear for defendant. This case consumed over five days, more than all the other cases on the cal-enlar combined, the mass of testi­mony introduced being responsible for t^e long drawn out proceedings.

Dean & Co. vs. Henry Uglem. Action to lecover on account. L. J. Van Fossen for plaintiff, M. L. Cor-many for defendant. Judgment for plaintiff by stipulation.

State vs. Ed. W. Bemis. indicted by grand jury for unlawfully dispos­ing of liquor to William Carline. J . A. Ross tor State, C. A. Dickey for defendant. Jury returned a verdict of not guilty.

William Reibolt vs William Ross. Action for an accounting. Stiles & Devaney for plaintiff, J . A. Ross for defendant. Settled and dismissed.

Mathilda Carlson vs. August Carl­son. Default case. Rolleff Vaaler for plaintiff. Order for judgment in favor of plaintiff.

DeArchy McLarty vs. Harry Shock-ley as sheriff of Mille Laos county, Minnesota. Action to compel de­fendant to allow a redemption from a mortgage, plaintiff claiming under a second mortgage and defendant re­fusing to permit such redemption on the ground tha t prior redemption by other parties had already been made. Bert O. Loe for plaintiff, E. L. McMillan and Charles Keith for defendant. Testimony taken and case will be submitted on briefs.

At the time the Union went to press yesterday afternoon the court had almost cleaned up the calendar, the case of Elvira Peterson vs. A. G. Phelps, for malpractice, being on trial.

COURT NOTES. Jacob Van Rhee and C. E. Erick­

son of Milaca were in attendance at court on Monday.

For a young attorney just be­ginning to practice S. P. Skahen conducted the cases in which he was engaged with much credit.

There were but half a dozen cases on the calendar m which E. L. Mc­Millan was not counsel for either the plaintiff or defendant. In all there were 60 cases on the calendar—33 Soo railroad damage suits.

Attorneys D. A. McLarty and Bert Loe of Granite Falls were in at tend­ance at court, and Drs. Phelps, Ol­son and Bacon and T. W. Allison of Milaca.

John Brown's Ginseng Farm. Our old friend, John A. Brown,

now of Grand Rapids but formerly a resident of Blue Hill, has a ginseng farm from which he expects to d e ­rive large returns in the near future. Talking to a Duluth News Tribune reporter the other day Mr. Brown said:

" I started the first farm of th is

kind in northern Minnesota, I be­lieve. I now have 105,000 plants. I planted a few roots and some seeds in 1909. The roots were first year plants, and I obtained enough seed the last season for 30,000 more plants.

"While I will be able to dig roots next year, I think I shall wait until the summer of 1914, when I expect the farm to commence paying me re­turns. My plants are all in a thrifty condition, and all are protected by arbors.

"Bell Brothers of Grand Rapids also started a ginseng farm about two years ago. They set out about

DO worth of roots to s tar t with, and I understand they have one of the most promising future ginseng farms in the northwest.

" I regard conditions in northern Minnesota as ideal for the cultiva­tion of ginseng. The climate is simi­lar to tha t of Wisconsin, where the industry is a success. The soil is also of the same character. I expect t ha t my farm will prove a mine of wealth in a few years ."

Waite Not the Last. Editor of the Union: I notice in

your valued issue of November 21 tha t Hon. Henry C. Waite, just deceased, was the last surviving member of the Minnesota constitu­tional convention. I think you are in error in this.

Hon. Lucas Kingsbury Stannard of Taylors Falls, from whom I heard about two months ago, still survives at the age of 87, and, while some­what stricken in years, is in good health and still writing tha t legible long hand of his. He is, I think, the last survivor of the constitution­al convention of 1857. Respectfully,

Charles Keith.

School Report. School report of district 9 for

month ending November 22 : Primary Room—Number enrolled,

23; average daily attendance, 21. Those attending every day were Myrtle Magnuson. Myrtle Larson, Jennie Van Dalen, Jennie Hubers, Walter Lunn, Martin DeBoer, Henry Van Dalen, Bert, Ralph and A rend Otter, Minnie and Hans Van DeRiet, Mabel Scheller and Mary Fitzgib-bons. Those who attended 19 days were Dick Baas, Myrtle Lunn. John Droogsma and John Van Dalen.

Hilda S. Carlson, Teacher.

A Room—Number enrolled, 37; average daily attendance, 29.9. Those perfect in attendance were Hilma Anderson, Catherine Fitzgib-bons, Eddie and Florence Larson, Adolph and Chris Modin, George Magnuson, Lydia Scheller, Fred and Henry Strating. Those present 19 days were Jake Baas, Henry and Dina Vedders, Andrew Modin, George Olson, Ellen Nystedt, and Arthur Hoffman.

Genevieve E. Colburn, Teacher.

School Report. School report in primary depart­

ment, Long Siding school, for month ending November 22: The following attended 20 days—Blanche, Oliver and Theodore Burke, George Ege, Agnes Homme, Norman Hartman, Ruth Hill, Carl, Clarence, Ethel, Inez and Lillian Larson, Roy Nelson, Willie, Beatrice. Amy and George Peterson, Herman Teutz and Olive Uglem. Rudolf Homme and Arthur Jensen attended 19 days. Those perfect in deportment for the entire month were Blanche and Oliver Burke, George Ege, Agnes Homme. Ruth Hill, Carl, Lillian and Clarence Larson, George, Amy and Beatrice Peterson, Herman Teutz, and Olive Uglem. The following did perfect work in reading—George Ege, Amy Peterson. Ethel Larson, Beatrice Peterson and Norman Hartman. Amy Peterson did perfect work in spelling.

Ida May Schmidt. Teacher.

An Intelligent Dog. H. P. Allen, a farmer living near

Sfcanbury, Mo., is the owner of a Scotch collie dog, which he values highly because i t is a good corn husk-er. When the season opened th is year the dog followed the employes to the field. With apparent interest he watched the process of husking. Finally the animal ran to the stalks and, standing on his hind feet, grabbed an ear and broke i t off with his mouth. With teeth and forepaws he husked the ear and carried i t to his master to be thrown into the wagon. Highly pleased with his first exertion, the dog repeated the operation again and again. The dog I is a year and a half old. This sea-' son Allen claims he has husked hundreds of bushels of corn, and kept the employes busy holding, their jobs. |

A postal card received from Mrs. C. H. Rines says she is enjoying her t r ip and expected to be in Los An­geles on Thanksgiving day. The sun had been shining for three days in sucession a t the time Mrs. Rines wrote from Portland, Ore., flowers, were in bloom, the grass was green, and she had gathered a quanti ty of berries from the bushes in the garden of the home where she was stopping.

Every time they undertake to elect or appoint a sheriff in Anoka county there is trouble. A t the recent elec­tion on the face of the returns John Casey was re-elected sheriff by a small majority. U. S. P ra t t , the defeated candidate, alleges t h a t there were irregularities, has employed James A. Martin and commenced proceedings to contest Mr. Casey's election. The sheriff's office in Anoka county must be highly lucra- ' tive.

In due season the Mille Lacs County Agricultural society will make i ts report, as required by law, and file copies of the same with the register of deeds and the state audi­tor. This was done last year and will be done again this year on or before the 15th of December. The Union has already published a list of the premiums and to whom paid, and will also publish the report showing the financial condition of the society and without expense to the society.

Fire, presumably originating from, the forge fire in the Schuers' black­smith shop, ignited the roof of t h e shack on Saturday a t noontide b u t the fire department made quick work of extinguishment. This is the shed owned by Jos. Leathers which the village council ordered removed sev­eral months ago, but, for some rea^ son or other, the order has not been enforced. I t stands on one of t he main streets of the village and the council should either enforce i ts re­moval or remove i t itself.

A chart just issued by the Minne­sota Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis gives the number of cases of consumption in the Forty-fifth legislative district, comprising the counties of MUIe Lacs, Sherburne, Isantf and Anoka, as 245. The circular accompanying the chart states, however, tha t the number of slightly infected persons whose general health has not been seriously affected is much larger than these figures. Everything pos' sible should be done in order to check the spread of this dreadful disease.

S. Winsor and J . M. Johnson were hunting quail on Bill Ross' farm in Blue Hill the other day and Mr. Johnson narrowly escaped having his right ear taken off through the reck­less shooting of his companion. They were both skirmishing around in different parts of the field, says our informant, when Mr Winsor saw something move behind a bush and fired. The charge passed within an eighth of an inch of Mr. Johnson's ear, and he jumped into the open and yelled, " T h a t ' s close enough, Winsoi; don' t shoot again!'* The next t ime Mr. Winsor hunts quail he will take a pair of binoculars with him.

Moving Pictures. There will be moving picture shows

every night this week and next, ex­cept Thanksgiving day, when the show will be at 3:30 p. m. A special feature for Wednesday and Thurs­day nights, December 4 and 5, will be the "Lieutenant ' s Last F i g h t , " a very interesting production.

Bids Wanted. Persons desirous of furnishing bids

for 40 cords of green maple stove-wood for school house No. 1, district 4, and 35 cords of the same kind of Wood for school house No. 2, dis­tr ict 4, are requested to send in their bids on or before Monday, December 2, to Andrew Larson,

48-2tc West Branch Creamery.

Grocery Bulletin. Raisins, 13c per lb. or 2 lbs. for 25c Currants, per lb .10 and 13o Candied citron, lemon and orange

peel, per lb 1 30c Toko grapes, per lb 10e Walnut meats, per lb 50e Popcorn, 4c per lb. or 3 lbs. for 10c Mincemeat, small pail, splendid

flavor 25e No. 1 cream cheese, per lb 22c Oranges, per doz 40 and 55c Sweet pickles, per doz lOe

J Fine dill pickles, per doz 10c j Apples, per basket.. '. 70e Winesap apples, per peck 35c Jonathan apples, per peck 50c Fine apples, per barrel $3.25 Walnuts, per lb t 25c

O. B. Newten, Headquarters for Groceries.

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