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Legal Document: Account of Events

Given Six Years + Prison Time for Writing a

Book to Solve World Problems: William

Eastwood Case & Story of Injustice

Forty-five days after I founded Earth Network of Altruistic,

Autonomous Individuals Inc., following “a shoot first, ask questions

later” New Haven police policy, I was pulled from my vehicle and

thrown on the asphalt based solely on a 911 call from a felon on parole.

I cannot tell you all of what actually happened because I am forced to take a parole

program to be allowed my constitutional right to be “free.” I am under the constant

threat of being returned to prison if I do so much as think my own thoughts. I am

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required to maintain a kind of belief enforcement of state sponsored philosophy which

includes admission of guilt. There is also no need to mention the state’s theory in which

my intent was assumed based on the government’s theory, which was based on their

erroneous interpretation of my beliefs rather than on established facts. And also because

of the prejudice-invoking nature of the baseless assumptions―outrageous theories that

were introduced only for the purpose of creating inflamed passions in the jury. The

distorted message tends to create the impression in people that “If he was going to do

that, he must be guilty!”

This is a legal paper, however, which hopefully gives me some leeway.

Yes, this is the United States. Having no more than hearsay and circumstantial

evidence, I was charged with attempted kidnapping, three counts. My complaints

comprise a list of state and federal constitutional violations in my case that reads like

Martin Luther’s list of sins of the Church. The two I will mention here are that I gave a

destination and made a request, either of which on their own null the charge of

attempted kidnapping (a charge based on a theory that I was going to kidnap that was

derived solely from hearsay of hearsay and not a physical action of my own [I was sitting

in my vehicle at all times]).

Connecticut’s theory of intent worked for CT in that it created enormous

prejudice that led to the state’s ad hominem conviction, and that to an

illegal nine-year prison term. The state confiscated my papers which included the

content of Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals Inc., which was never

returned to me.

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Click on image to learn more.

While in prison I worked on recreating that material. An elderly woman posted

a website to publish my writing to help humanity, including, “The Solution to All of

Humanity’s Problems & The Secret to Creating the Life You Want.”

After serving the entire nine-year effective sentence, two days after being

released I was handcuffed and returned to prison for six more years. My

parole officer argued that I had violated the “no internet” condition of parole.

I had been confined to a half-way house with no computer access or devices

even allowed, which made it impossible for me to even have accessed the

internet while there for two days. However, the PO claimed that I had someone do

that for me (the woman posting my book and material to help humanity). That

argument is erroneous because 1. I did not access the internet, and 2. he had no

jurisdiction as to what I had done in prison before I had been released on parole two

days prior, and nothing I had done in prison was improper in any way.

My support donated $50,000 to a legal fund which selected an attorney to

represent me and as a result, the state was more receptive to my

presentation in a parole hearing. I was released after six years, yet the state still

upheld the alleged parole violation. (I would have likely served 15 without that attorney.)

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As with Michael Cohen, the state did not want the facts

about my true efforts and intents revealed, as they had

painted me as being a monster. As in my original case,

according to my attorney, I had again been incarcerated for my

writing and beliefs rather than my actions.

They wanted to give me 15 years for writing this book

which included three chapters outlining a new kind of

far-superior justice system.

I would call it “retaliation,” yet because I had not done anything

to warrant retaliation, the most descriptive term is “hate crime.” A hate crime is based

on the ignorance and biases of those who attack someone. It is all about the attacker’s

clouded mind and dark, warped worldviews regarding human nature, and says nothing

about the accused who is completely baffled by the ad hominem attack.

From the time of my arrest to the time I was able to publish some material, my efforts to

help humanity were delayed for 20 years and I was tagged public enemy number one

according to the press, state and police.

I post this account at this time because of a recent case of improper use of judicial

authority to restrict the constitutional right to voice one’s opinion and expose

government wrongdoing, and also because my book offers a real solution for the

problem of police brutality and injustice voiced in the protests currently happening

around our country.


From New York Times (Title paraphrased):

Judge Orders Michael D. Cohen Released, Citing

‘Retaliation’ Over Tell-All Book

A judge agreed that federal officials had returned Michael D. Cohen to prison because he

wanted to publish a book this fall about President Trump.

Read more of New York Times article.

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When I was released a second time, I was not allowed to have a computer or

work on my books. However, because I was moved to a new location after several

months, I was assigned a new parole officer. After much work convincing her of my

previous work and intent to continue, she did grant me the right to have a computer and

work on books as well as my four current websites.

However, I was blackmailed by the state and my attorney, and I was forced

to waive my wrongful incarceration civil case in exchange to be given

permission to move to a different state. (They wanted to get rid of me.) The one

thing I managed to get was a court order that told the receiving state that I could not be

incarcerated for my writing.

The receiving state, however, is requiring that I take polygraph exams that

force compliance to philosophical beliefs that run contrary to my belief that

human consciousness is inherently altruistic. If I fail to enumerate my many

alleged faults that they say were evident facts twenty-years ago at the time of my arrest,

and going back to the earliest events of my life, or if I in any way fail to agree to state

philosophy and consequently fail the polygraph, I fail the program and am returned to

prison. (They found a loophole to the law that you cannot use a polygraph to


For a third time, therefore, I am facing the possibility for prison time for my writing and

my ideas comprising my book, “The Solution to All of Humanity’s Problems &

The Secret to Creating the Life You Want,” My sense is that my mind and my

efforts to help guide humanity into a new era are illegal. If I merely mention my beliefs

regarding certain subjects or speak out in the most innocent ways, I can be sent directly

to prison, and because of the bias surrounding the original conviction, I am unlikely to

be released.

I was able to do what Michael Cohen’s lawyers did, to get permission from the court to

allow me to publish a book that was not allowed to be published by the unconstitutional

actions of those who managed a state-sponsored hate crime in a case that consisted of

no actual physical action or crime, but only a theory of intent. Since there is no crime or

body, there is no possibility for DNA or other exonerating evidence. I am left silenced

with no option to prove innocence because no one can prove something as subjective as

intent, less the opinion of a psychic! In my book I introduce a new system that will

correct this problem and others. I have several chapters outlining a model in which the

criminal justice system becomes an agency of social healing (one of many subjects

covered extensively in my writing).

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When national protests of police brutality are blocked by the federal government,

personal philosophical beliefs result in long prison terms, and solutions to world

problems are illegal, there is no Democracy and the Unites States has died.


1. The US has the highest incarceration rate in the world. Read more…

2. The book that the Criminal Justice System twice confiscated from me and prevented

from being published in the United States for almost 20 years contains a solution to our

Criminal Justice System and high incarceration rate.

This solution is a simple Supreme Court Act that would require that all restorative

justice options be exhausted prior to the incarceration of any given individual. For

offering this and other solutions to global problems I was incarcerated for over a decade.

The book holds the answer to fulfilling personal dreams, and the majority of humanity’s

social problems. The sources in the book consist of many of the world’s most celebrated

physicists, including Nobel Prize winners.

3. I believe in the millions of good people in the world. They come in all walks of life,

including in the Criminal Justice System. My complaint is only against those who are


4. I am trying to voice for opinions of the good people in our world: Earth Network: My

mission by the people of earth for a better world.

5. Also see Altruistic, Autonomous Movement I founded 45 days prior to my arrest

(when I was minding my own business but dragged out of my vehicle and thrown on the


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A separate account of the same incident.

“Great spirits have always encountered violent

opposition from mediocre minds.”

— Albert Einstein

Galileo Galilei

Galileo’s discoveries were met with opposition

within the Catholic Church, and in 1616 the

Inquisition declared his views to be formally

heretical. His books were banned. and he was forbidden

from holding, teaching or defending heliocentric ideas. In

his 1633 interrogation, Galileo denied his beliefs to save

himself. Galileo was kept under house arrest until his death

in 1642. After 350 years the Vatican says Galileo was right.

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Present Day

A similar trial 367 years later

My books were confiscated in an embarrassing attack by the


I know how Galileo felt in court. My own views have been

treated as modern-day heresy, my manuscripts and all my work

to help humanity was twice confiscated and hence held back from reaching you for

almost twenty years.

After the first manuscript was confiscated, I rewrote “The Solution to All of

Humanity’s Problems & The Secret to Creating the Life You Want,” only

to have that second manuscript confiscated. The third rewrite was not

confiscated, but instead published.

Yet this did not happen in 1633 Italy or in the Roman Inquisition, this happened in the

U.S. in the 21st Century.

Decades ago, 45 days after I founded Earth Network of Altruistic,

Autonomous Individuals Inc., I was attacked. An event in New Haven in which

there was a misunderstanding of my kind invitation to a stranger, and he called the

police. Rather than getting to the bottom of this misunderstanding the pulled me out of

my vehicle and threw me on the asphalt.

That incident led to a series of embarrassing events which resulted in a case

the government based on the writing they confiscated from my office and

the hearsay of the stranger I mentioned, my confiscated research was read

to a jury in angry tones for over an hour. When I insisted on proving my

innocence in a trial, the state proceeded to reject a request for a professional corporate

statistical analyst as a juror who would have set the facts straight. Apparently, my

writing was modern day heresy, because that was what was focused on rather than the

facts of the case.

I was confronting what I had set out to change in the 1990’s. “The dragon,” as I

called it in the yet to be published book “it” confiscated (which never reached


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The event I described was only a fraction of an embarrassing and tumultuous series of

events which were a manifestation of limiting and fearful beliefs that I did not and do

not hold.


My philosophy has been tested and proven effective under the worst

possible circumstances. Because you cannot change the beliefs of other people, it

was quite an effort to finally get my books published.

The beliefs of all participating in any given social event determine the shape

and nature of that event. Anyone can create a personal paradise in isolation, but in

order to change the world we need to influence that world and that requires interaction.

Once I entered into a public event, I could not force the outcome.

In this particular situation I had to reach out in the hopes that good people

would stand up for my basic rights and good intents. Fortunately many have,

allowing the sites and books I am now presenting to you to finally make their way to the

public as I originally intended 45 days prior to my arrest when I founded Earth Network

of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals, Inc.

I was labeled Public Enemy Number One and violently kidnapped and raped on multiple

levels for over 20 years even though forty-five days prior to my arrest I founded Earth

Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals, Inc.

The parole conditions have clearly indicated to me that I cannot call myself

a victim. I am not allowed to.

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Connecticut Court finally orders the following material protected free speech:

William Eastwood & EN Mission

My life’s devotion is to create a new global education system, a

new field of science, to advance civilization and institutions, & to

allocate humanitarian aid to where it is needed most in the world. I

want to end pain and suffering on earth.

Earth Network: The people of earth for an enlightened altruistic

world without borders

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The people of earth for a better world

EDUCATIONAL INTENT: End suffering globally & transition humanity to a new era,

transform public institutions and private lives, form a new field of science, and reform

education systems globally.

Click on image to learn more.

Offering you the solution to school shootings, bullying, political and social

degradation, poverty, conflict, crime, inequality, global and personal

problems. We will change the course of civilization. New metaphysics school and

university start-up. Explore undiscovered new knowledge that will make you powerful &


Everyone wants solutions, yet not everyone agrees on basic paradigms, and

so there is differences of opinion. Generally speaking, those who hold the most

accurate paradigm must prevail.

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William Eastwood, Founder of the Altruistic

Autonomous Movement & EN


TAUGHT IN SCHOOL IS WRONG! It is all absurd!


We do not generally think of official mainstream belief systems in the U.S.

and our global civilization as being cult-like, yet they are to the extent that

they take power away from the individual, creating dependence and

weakness. Even worse, established institutions attempt to control you because of their

fundamental low evaluation of human nature.

Read more (goes to the Altruistic, Autonomous Movement) ….

Click on image to learn more.

Within EARTH NETWORK (EN) websites you will find a body of knowledge that takes

power away from ideologies that traditionally have controlled the populations of the


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Here you will find knowledge that immediately gives you natural and good power, and

affords you trust in your own self and judgment.

The advanced scientific paradigm and philosophy found here invests the individual with

the highest wisdom and integrity.

Read more (goes to Real School) ….

Click on image to learn more.

Our civilization’s conceptual evolution is finally moving beyond dependence on

authority that enforces controls and promotes weakness of self, the basic definition of a

cult. Learn of your power over events based on the scientific paradigm of Albert

Einstein’s friend, David Bohm.

A cult will tell you that you are sinful, broken, in error or weak. Ignorance

perceives knowledge as a threat.

is backed by Einstein and David Bohm, the world’s greatest minds.

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• The greater the perceived threat, the greater the defamation and attempt to silence and

contain the revelations.

The information must be valuable or why would the government be trying to keep you

from reading it?

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Click on image to learn more.

Maslow’s study of high achievers finds they possess unique qualities.


Self-actualized people resist enculturation

They do not allow themselves to be passively molded by culture — they are deliberate

and make their own decisions, selecting what they see as good, and rejecting what they

see as bad. They neither accept all, like a sheep, nor reject all, like the average rebel.

Self-actualized people:

“make up their own minds, come to their own decisions, are self-starters, are

responsible for themselves and their own destinies. […] too many people do not make

up their own minds, but have their minds made up for them by salesmen, advertisers,

parents, propagandists, TV, newspapers and so on.”

Because of their self-decision, self-actualized people have codes of ethics that are

individualized and autonomous rather than being dictated by society. “They

are the most ethical of people even though their ethics are not necessarily the same

as those of the people around them […because] the ordinary ethical behavior of the

average person is largely conventional behavior rather than truly ethical


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An ordinary past

As a child I was brought up as an ordinary middle-class citizen. My father

drove trains on the railroad from Grand Central Station in New York to all over New

England, and my brothers became building contractors. When I set out on my own, I

was only afforded the money necessary for survival and was never given any advantages.

I had no connections with Yale University or any educational institutions or educated

people. My early life achievements did not seem to fit hereditary or environment. They

didn’t fit the pattern I was born into but spoke of the metaphysical influence that I

attracted on my own.

My early life accomplishments applying this philosophy

At age 13, I designed solar inventions with Yale University Professor, Everett Barber.

At age 15, I designed solar homes which were built in the beautiful shoreline town of

Madison Connecticut.

At age 37, I Founded Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals, Inc. to

solve global problems – 50% of its revenue went to Feed the Children.

I have published an educational course on metaphysics to help people

create what they want in life. I have published on social issues, institution reform,

climate change, ocean level rise, quantum biology, philosophy, and US Supreme Court

and Non-profit legislative proposals (“The Solution…”). I am currently in the process

of publishing a new extensive course divided up into many manageable small, practical

segments, (the keys).

The books and websites I have created despite the government bringing its

full powers to bear to try to stop me is evidence that the philosophy works.

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