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Executive Recruitment Specialist

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Executive Recruitment Specialist

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USGlobal Talentia provides executive recruitment and training services to a wide range of industries

Excellence │ Partnership │ Commitment │ Entrepreneurship

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We have developed the knowledge and skills to deliver the perfect fit between a  job seeker  and an employer. Our recruiters and account managers are industry experts that develop recruitment and training solutions to fit each individual or company’s unique needs.

Global Talentia’s flexible executive recruitment services are designed to fit your business needs. Whether you are looking to reduce your hiring costs, expand your contingent workforce or have a combination of needs, Global Talentia can deliver the right solution.

Our approach to implementing a customized recruitment service is to start by understanding your company needs and the qualities that your ideal candidate should possess. We then use the combined strengths and knowledge of our local recruiters to identify, screen and select the right person

As a professional agency, Global Talentia ensures your company receives the highest quality recruitment services delivered in the timeframe you expect and with the highest level of quality.

We listen very carefully to our clients.  Understanding their points of view and opinions is how we are able to achieve and maintain our high standard of excellence. Whether your company need a new Chief Executive Officer, a mid-level Manager or an entire sales team, we have the resources and capability to find talent that will be a perfect fit both personally and professionally.

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The growth of the industry has

clearly outpaced the growth of the

talent pool. Global Talentia has the

n e t w o r k a n d t h e i n d u s t r y

knowledge, to locate, approach

and bring the right talent to your

c o m p a n y . O u r e x p e r i e n c e d

consultants will deliver you the

best candidates at the fastest


Today more and more companies

are attracted to this growing

i n d u s t r y . T h e r e s u l t i s a n

increasing demand for leaders,

managers and technical people.

Our tech savvy consultants are up

to date with all social media and

online trends, as well as on pair

with market movements.



Finance and banking hold an

important position in today’s

world. As today’s world becomes

more global, so is the finance and

banking industry. Our consultants

have a deep understanding about

the knowledge, technical skills and

character needed to succeed in

this industry.



Today’s world is more Global than

ever before. Any business that

w a n t s t o s u c c e e d n e e d s t o

compete worldwide and not only

locally. In Global Talentia we have

developed unique know-how about

International Trade and Investment.

We combine that knowledge with

our extensive worldwide networks

to bring you the best people.

Energy is a global industry, and it's

not easy to compete worldwide.

Our consultants have the technical

understanding of your business,

and the network that enables us to

in t roduce you to the most

i n flu e n t i a l a n d c o m p e t e n t

candidates in the industry, in

Indonesia or outside.


Logistics play a big part on this

globalization nad has evolved to a

brand new height. Therefore, the

talents should be flexible, adaptive

and highly-skilled. We understand

t h i s w e l l o u r s e l v e s . O u r

comprehension in these particular

needs will prove very beneficial to

our clients.



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In Global Talentia, we believe that everyone has unlimited potential. We believe in people, and we believe that people can do great things. However, sometimes it seems that only some of us are able to push the limits and to excel in our workplace and careers. As the proverb goes, “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime“.

Likewise, we believe that if you want someone to succeed, you need to equip the person with the precious knowledge needed. Training should be part of any winning strategy for companies who aim to be at the top of their industry. People create companies, they run them, and they determine their success or failure. That’s why in Global Talentia, we have developed together with our trainers, the most important and relevant training programs for our clients.

Should you want to know more about our services, please contact us. We offer you some of the most up to date course available on the market, with the most qualified trainers in a customizable format for you.

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Each of our consultants is given specific trainings and clients in a

particular sector. Our clients have the privilege to work together with

one or more consultants totally specialized and focused on their


Our consultants sign an Ethical code, preventing them to act against

any of our clients interests. Trust is a very important asset for us, and

Global Talentia gives incentives to prevent our consultants from

harming any of our clients.

We have a set of documents and reports to help you conduct each

recruitment process. Written information will be provided to you

depending on the stage of the process, and it’s designed to give you

the most information and control over candidates and update you

about our activities.

We perform reference checks for every candidate we propose. Any

problem or suspicion will be immediately communicated to our client.

In each vacancy we work on, we use a tested process to ensure

success. Each step is designed to find the best candidates, gain

control over them and bring them in at the lower cost for our clients.

Our consultants are well trained in selling opportunities at your

company, and giving potential candidates the best image of your

brand. Details such as client identity and budget will be kept

confidential according to client interests.

We work in the labour market and talk to candidates everyday. This

gives us the best positioning to gather information about jobs, salaries

and your competitors.

For every vacancy we manage, we commit to select, interview and

introduce you three suitable candidates in less than two weeks.

Dedicated Consultant

Honesty and Ethics


Reference Check Speed

Market Intelligence

Brand Marketing

Seamless Process Management

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Tel: 62 (21) 574 2453

Fax: 62 (21) 2598 5001

Plaza Sentral, Level 10Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 47Jakarta 12930 - INDONESIA

[email protected]


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