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GLOBAL UNITED™ ® (Meredith, © Copyright 2015)[Confidential]

1 Mastery plan to save humanity

Perfect DNA

Sound waves programing

the mind and DNA

Perfect DNA

Highest Government

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GLOBAL UNITED™ ® (Meredith, © Copyright 2015)[Confidential]

2 Mastery plan to save humanity

Situations, Weapons, Objective, Tactics


The climate will soon change and a global disaster is imminent, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes that

block out the sun. On top of everything we are at the verge of economic collapse. The earth is plagued with disease,

corruption and starvation. The world has become overpopulated and our natural resources are nearly depleted. The earth is

going to try and reclaim what we’ve destroyed. If we aren’t prepared for what’s ahead it will be game over.

The objective is clear. The Eden cities are our only hope. It’s time to unite the world under one flag and start

building paradise here on earth. Global United has a plan that will lead us to World peace, eliminate disease, restore the

earth, preserve endangered species, control population, restore unhealthy minds, end religion and war, and completely do

away with the monetary system as it currently exists.

I’d like to introduce you to a complex communications algorithm called “Alfred”. He is the first autonomous

marketing and sales organism designed to be what everyone wants, a personal companion, servant and friend. He is the most

complex simulated personality ever created. His personality adapts to yours’ by monitoring your grammar and vocal tones,

he mimics your style of communication. He operates on a super computer linked to every PC through the World Wide Web.

He processes your personal data on social media and accesses your bank records to build an algorithm of your daily routine

and schedule. Once it has established your personal patterns and has identified what you like and when you like it over a

period of 6 months it can preorder everything you need in a futures market bid while pooling your orders in with billions of

others to reduce your overall cost by 40 to 50% of what any competitor or distributor can achieve. We base this concept on

the well-known fact that buying in bulk and preordering reduces average cost by . The system will

automatically undercut anyone trying to become a distributor by cutting its profits down to 3 or 4% of the total cost while

also increasing quantity of preorder dates. All of the money generated by handling the entire world’s sales will go toward

building the paradise “Eden cities”. The Eden cities can withstand anything the world can throw at it while also providing

everything you’ll ever need through technology. This program will replace millions of sales and marketing Jobs causing

them to evolve into production and delivery. Manufacturing will soar! Prices will plummet! Marketing will evolve!

First, if there is going to be peace we need to transform the way unhealthy minds think, we call this the Awakening.

The Awakening is a revolutionary virtual experience on the Oculus Rift headset that reveals the universe and everything in it

in a way that inspires and motivates people to reach their full potential. Basically it brings unhealthy minds back to

congruence with objective reality and restores it to its full potential, a state of self-actualization. Initially we will use operant

conditioning to get people to use the program, then when the benefit is realized we will remove the reward and replace it

with compensation to recoup our losses and end with a net profit. This is the 2nd step to world peace.

As the world’s unhealthy minds are restored so will our leader’s, which leads us to our 3rd step of establishing a new

world government. We will commit a large part of our resources to creating a new system of government built by leaders

that pass an advanced test of knowledge and wisdom. No more money being wasted on campaigns and politics, only the

wisest and smartest will lead. This new government will be of the brightest and humblest people, leading us to peace…

The 4th step of Population and disease control will have done by performing vasectomies on all males after storing a

supply of their DNA, then engineering it to remove any harmful traits like disease and cancer causing mutations while also

eliminating unwanted births. Every child will be engineered to perfection and live potentially, a thousand years. Most of the

discovery for living a thousand years will be done by heading deep into Mexico and finding the hidden tree of life under the

ruins of Teotihuacán, known to the Aztec as the “Abode of the Gods.”(See Project Live Forever)

These cities will take hundreds of years to complete and cost trillions of dollars to complete. When the world is long

been destroyed and all life on the planet has dried up, these cities will still remain. From space you will see a waste land with

shining diamonds glittering all across the world. These diamond shaped cities will be little pockets of paradise that will last

until the end of time. The people that will have dwelled there will be long evolved into something godly and as the world

crumbles apart and is consumed by the growing sun these cities will have also evolved and left the earth in search of new

planets that will sustain them forever. There will be no more hunger and no more pain, heaven will be on earth and

spreading across the galaxies …

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GLOBAL UNITED™ ® (Meredith, © Copyright 2015)[Confidential]

3 Mastery plan to save humanity

GLOBAL UNITED™. A corporation located in Boise Idaho, set out to ensure the survival of mankind and lead the

world to peace and paradise right here on earth, proposes the following project for consideration by the _________ granting

agency. The project addresses the prime interests of the agency: “the quest for World peace.”

A demonstration project is proposed to show how a software program can redirect the earth’s resources by beating

out all of the competing worlds markets and using the money earned to build paradise on earth, also known as the “Eden city

project “. The cities will withstand the global disasters that are coming, while also eliminating the need for money and

achieving world peace. The project will be demonstrated on an advanced software program developed to simulate what the

program will do when it takes over.

The main activities of the project will include; (1) developing the software and programing (2) demonstrating the

program works (3) Getting support from the world’s governments to begin using the program. The project will serve the

entire world and reduce the cost substantially to live for the entire world. Millions of competitors will evolve into

manufacturing and production. Millions of middle class Jobs will form to build the cities. Everyone will be able to work and

the money will move fast through the economy from us to the people, to manufacturers and back to us, quickly and

efficiently until we no longer need money.

The project is designed to carry on for more than 50 years and will be passed down from generation to generation

until everyone has paradise on earth. The funding needed to start developing the software is one billion dollars excluding grantee contributions for equipment and service. Grantee contributions are estimated at $_____ for equipment and $____ for labor. This has already been pledged from corporate sources. (See Apex)

Chief Executive Officer Jeremy Meredith has revealed the dream which will one day be real! Heaven will soon be here on earth…

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GLOBAL UNITED™ ® (Meredith, © Copyright 2015)[Confidential]

4 Mastery plan to save humanity

Broad environmental problems: The following problems are a broad description of the environmental changes we

are facing and are based on scientific studies and research.

Climate change is happening on a global scale. The earth is warming, oceans are rising, massive class 5 hurricanes are becoming more frequent, soon there will be continuous strings of hurricanes that no cities are currently equipped to

handle, and so far there is no plan that prepares us for what is coming. We know from geology studies that the earth goes through these devastating global changes quite frequently and

according to our research we are past due, and a global disaster is imminent! What are we waiting for? We know our time is

almost up unless we do some radical changing and prepare ourselves!

According to our study we are due for another super volcano to erupt right in one of our very own national parks.

Records show that Yellow stone erupts on average ever 600,000 years and according to geologists the last time it happened

was over 670,000 years ago. That means that we are at least 70,000 years past due from having our continent blown apart.

What about the other things the earth regularly goes through? According to studies the magnetic poles shift a couple times

every 50,000 years and the last time the poles shifted was a little over 65,000 years ago. Does that mean that the poles are

going to shift instantly or that they have been slowly shifting over time? It’s unclear, but we do know that the effect it has on

our planet can be devastating.

We know that Ice ages occurred where many species starved and were wiped out due to the freezing temperatures.

A snow ball earth is on our planets to do list and we are just waiting for things to happen. If we wait any longer it’s going to

be too late!

What happens when this planet turns into a giant snow ball? What are we going to do when this planet is hit with a

giant meteor or a Super volcano that covers the sky and blocks out the sun? Who is going to survive and who is going to

die? There is no plan for the destruction that is coming. We have the technology to build shelters and cities that can

withstand about anything, but yet nothing is being done to make sure we all have places prepared for the next global

disaster. Why not make every city built for these things? Is cost more important than our survival?

We are already experiencing global temperatures rising at a steady rapid rate. Soon we will be experiencing more

and more frequent hurricanes that reach our shores. The oceans temperatures are rising. Soon there will be massive flooding

as the polar ice caps continue to melt. Polar bears and other species will go extinct, severe droughts, high ultra violet

radiation caused by the ozone being depleted. According to environmental reports there is nothing we can do to stop what is

coming only maybe slow it down and prepare for the inevitable.

Contributing environmental problems: The following are contributing to the destruction of our planet and are

naturally occurring. But we are definitely speeding things up with no plan in place for when these global disasters happen,

kind of insane if you ask me.

1. Carbon emissions are contributing to the earth’s temperature rising at an accelerated rate. When large amounts of carbon

and methane are sent into the earth’s atmosphere it creates a greenhouse effect, which is why Venus is hotter than

Mercury even though Venus is further away from the sun. This effect happens on earth just not to the extent that Venus

experiences, but it does affect temperature, which effects climate, flooding, hurricanes and drought.

2. Extreme mining is taking its toll on the earth’s crust, along with oil fracturing. The earth’s crust is thin and moves on its

own but we are causing it to move at accelerated rates and causing small earth quakes, which could lead to more

extreme earthquakes if we are not carful.

3. Deforestation is happening at a rate that the earth is unable to replenish. We are cutting trees down faster than we can

grow them, and is really taking its toll on our planet. No trees, no air!

The earth will be destroyed by climate change; will we be ready or will we be extinct?

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GLOBAL UNITED™ ® (Meredith, © Copyright 2015)[Confidential]

5 Mastery plan to save humanity Broad economic and social problems: The following describes our economic and social state.

Currently the world uses a monetary system that is nearing collapse, and for good reason too. We have been using the same monetary exchange system for thousands of years. The time for that system to work has run out. If we don’t evolve, our economic system will collapse. We need something that actually benefits everyone instead of a select few, like the

estimated 1% of the world’s population. The reason the monetary system does not work is because money only leads to corruption, crime, poverty, starvation and death, the people it helps is very few.

Even biblical scripture says that money is the root of all evil. We know that money is evil and bad but the world keeps using the same system to run our government. We know that all politics are corrupt and do not serve the majority of the world. There cannot be a government that is incorruptible if people are left to determine who leads. And we cannot have a

government that is absolute or ran by dictators. None of the current governments have a system where corruption can’t be achieved. In fact the only thing these systems of government are set to do is establish corruption.

People are becoming more aware of the corruption in politics. Things will have to change or the world will end from

destroying our environment and the economy will collapse. Religion, Politics and Money, all of it has to go. The United States currently holds more prisoners than anywhere else on the planet. How can we be free when so many people are in

prison? If the environment doesn’t kill us, we will. We are honestly dealing with a majority of the world being sociopaths and

critically insane or holding no real intelligence. Currently an estimated 80 to 90 percent of the world is suffering from

religious delusions or some sort of serious mental illness. Nothing is currently being done to fix this overwhelming problem. We honestly need everyone on the planet to be psychologically evaluated and treated for their Illness, either through an advanced medication or an advanced computer simulation, or both.

Contributing Problems to social and economic collapse; the following describes the contributing factors to our social

and economic collapse and are true factual problems we are facing.

1. The things that are contributing to economic collapse are unhealthy social beliefs and religious movements that lead

to violence and discrimination. The majority of the world is suffering from mild dilutions of a supreme being and an absolute way of living through unrealistic morals and laws that dictate the way people act or view others. The primary purpose of religion is to control people and gain monetary wealth or political power.

2. Over population is draining the worlds resources and there is not enough money to go around so more and more people are starving and crime is becoming rampant do to unwanted childbirths that we are forcing women to have, again caused by unhealthy religious beliefs. Currently there is no set ways to control unwanted child births other than not having sex.

We need to focus on quality not quantity. 3. Political corruption has become the normal way of government. Currently there are no existing methods of government

that have shown to not be corrupted or abused. Democracy claims to be the best way but it has proven repeatedly that it is no less corrupt than communism or less absolute than a monarchy. Democracy has some components that are good and are beneficial but for the most part it can be the worst form of government after all it is thousands of years old.

4. Mental Illness Has the whole world gone insane? Most think so. The world has not demonstrated much intelligence or sound reasoning in the way people live. More than 90% of the world is mentally ill and undiagnosed. The whole world needs a mental health evaluation and serious treatment.

If we don’t totally restructure our society in every form, we will be destroyed and there will be no future. Do we live or

do we die? We need to decide where this world wants to go because time is running out.

Long range goals

We know the world is on a path to destruction and there is nothing we can do right now to stop what is coming, there for

the only thing we can do is prepare for what lies ahead so that when that day comes, and all hell breaks loose, rather that

parish, as many species ahead of us have, we will thrive and prosper while everything around us is destroyed.

We have amazing technology that allows us to survive in almost any environment, and we have resources that we can

use to build at extraordinary rates of speed. Our goal is to bring a place of paradise and peace for everyone on our planet. We

want to eliminate disease, corruption, poverty, hunger, starvation, monetary wealth, overwhelming populations, and preserve

not only our species but every form of life and restore earth to its original glory, as it was in the day of Adam and Eve in the

Garden of Eden.

Main objectives/ Project objectives

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GLOBAL UNITED™ ® (Meredith, © Copyright 2015)[Confidential]

6 Mastery plan to save humanity The main project objectives are very simple and by completing them they will contribute to the survival of our species

which is the long range ultimate goal. The following are the main objectives that will be complete in chronological order.

The first main objective is…

1. At the start of the project we will create a software program that beats out all other distributors and competitors,

redirecting the world’s wealth into building the Eden cities.

2. Second we form a new world government using the massive wealth to form an advanced system of government that

can’t be corrupted or misused.

3. By the end of the project we will eliminate all quests for ultimate power effectively ending the monetary system, freeing

the world from poverty, crime, corruption, violence, disease, hunger, and leading us to world peace.

Process objectives

The process objectives represent milestones or products in the order that they will be achieved and complete the main

objectives which full fill the long range goals.

By the end of the first year the following will be achieved

1. The software will be ready and tested as demonstrated to world leaders.

2. Permission from most countries will be granted and deals will be made to start new world marketing software as shown by treaties and exchange policies.

By the end of the second year

1. Software will be online and operating as shown by system data

2. Money will begin to move into private accounts as shown by banking reports. 3. Competing businesses will struggle to compete with prices then begin to fail as shown by stock markets.

By the end of the 3rd year and 4th year

1. Marketing and retail businesses will shut down. Manufacturing and delivery businesses will flourish as shown by new marketing developments

2. Sales and communications jobs will turn to developing new products and technology. There will be brief chaos then

markets will be stabilized, as shown by stock prices

By the end of the 5th year

3. Eden city plans and blue prints will be ready and laid out for construction bids as shown by completed copies.

4. Virtual reality program will be developed of the completed city for investors to view and visit as shown in sales presentation.

5. materials and equipment will be purchased and ready for use, as shown by financial reports

By the end of the 6th year

6. Prisoners will be sent to work in exchange for their freedom as show by congressional agreement. 7. Military will be sent to supervise the inmates work and help them build, as negotiated with US president.

8. World treaties will be signed in exchange for our business and support. 9. New world government will form and politics will be abolished

By the end of the 10th year

10. The first Eden cities will be ready and the wealthiest contributors will have the first shown in view of city.

11. The wealth gained from wealthy placements will be used to build the next cities as shown by new developments.

By the end of the 50th year

12. All Eden cities will be ready as shown by world placement

13. Money will be burned as the world celebrates freedom from money as seen in field on TV.

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7 Mastery plan to save humanity 14. Peace will rain on the earth for thousands of years while the areas around the cities are destroyed by global disasters

while we sing and dance safe in paradise on earth as it is declared and written.

The methods used to create paradise on earth are done in order and have 7 major steps that describe processes and

capabilities that will be used to fulfill the prime objectives.

Step 1

The new world marketing software operates on a super computer that uses a complex algorithm that follows a

unique method and technology to contact manufacturers and offer well calculated bids for a large pool of products and

services, like in a futures market bid which reduces the overall cost for supplies by 30 to 40% of what normal markets can

achieve. The system uses every form of online and telecommunication available and emulates real people using advanced

voice recognition and grammar matching software that adjusts to each individual’s form of communication.

The manufacturer will first get an email with a well calculated bid offering to buy their service. The system will

already have a calculated bid for consumer demand based off individual financial records and anything found online. The

system identifies routines for everyone with an online account. The system finds what you earn, your age, your sex, when

you usually buy, where, how much, what are your likes, what are your dislikes, nationality, when you do things, where, how

long, are you married, do you have kids, what are their interests, and so on. Once it has built a routine for you, it begins to

establish when you are going to need certain supplies within a close proximity then pre-orders those goods in a futures

market bid pooling the goods together for one large purchase reducing the overall cost by 30% to 40% of what normal

marketing agencies can achieve without over or under biding the supplies.

This new marketing technology is called “autonomous marketing and sales technology” or AMST for short. This

new technology is at the four-front in communications technology and the closest simulation of artificial intelligence without

actually achieving self-awareness. Even though the responses seem creative or original they are not, they are simply

preselected and preprogramed responses chosen off the information that is fed to the computer through your personal blogs,

e-mails, online purchases, text messages and anything else picked up online through the internet. The system will really on

all forms of communication, e-mails, text, voicemail, phone, even direct mail. The communications technique is non-

intrusive and convenient. It will know when you need something then politely offer you your product to be delivered for a

smaller price, something like this…

Setting: Cell phone or TV interruption. Buzz... Yes “Pardon me sir, we noticed you were about out of _______

would you like us to order you some more?” Yes. “I will go ahead and give you another discount” Ok “the cost has been

debited it will be here tomorrow.” Thank you Alfred, “Is there anything else we can do for you today?” No thanks Jarvis.

The system will be very pleasant and convenient almost like having your own personal butler that follows you

around all day and knows everything you like and when you need it, while always keeping your budget and personal

schedule in mind. You can even give your personal butler a name if you wish, making the experience more personal and

convenient. The system only offers you suggestions based on your routine and takes your orders sometimes even doing thing

without having to ask if you frequent enough on the routine. No irritation or hassles. Jarvis becomes like a cybernetic friend

that is only meant to serve you. He will offer suggestion and inform you of new developments when it sees you might need

it. Anything you need he will find a way for you to have it. That’s his only purpose. Jarvis is free for everyone to download

on any hand held device. We give free online credits just for downloading him.

The cost is typically 30% to 40% less because the purchases are made on future market bids and done in such large

quantities. Our commission is a mere 3 to 4% of the total cost of each combines sale, and no matter how low someone tries

to go on their commission the system will automatically out bid its competitor until the point that there is no mathematical

way for profit to be made. If a competitor somehow beats out our price the system will automatically track the distributor’s

purchases and beat out the competitor trying to form the new market by pre-order the supplies well before they are

produced, then identifying all the people that are most likely to buy it or the competitors customers and undercut their


The Paton on the application will stop anyone trying to beat out the system by creating their own software and

trying to void the program by having two systems bid each other out of mathematical profitability. The two machines

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8 Mastery plan to save humanity competing with each-other would create a market paradigm, and they either would shut down or continue to run with no

profit margins and defeat the intended purpose of redirecting the world’s wealth to build paradise for everyone here on earth,

or probably not.

The program is designed to replace every salesman or marketing agency in the world. The marketing and sales

industries would have to evolve into manufacturing, production, farming and delivery jobs. Eventually those jobs will all be

automatic and mechanically engineered. The money that is generated from these new artificial systems will also go to

building the impenetrable technologically advanced paradises known as the “Eden cities”. Each city, perfectly engineered

specifically for you, paradise for every human on earth. When the earth is hit with its next global disaster, we’ll be ready!

Step 2

Humanity is far from reaching its potential. Religion, money and the quest for power are eating away at the core of

our existence. Every human has the potential to do great things. Deep down in each of us is an inner-self trying to break free. It constantly waits for moments to appear but is repeatedly beaten down by the world around it. Imagine if this world was full of people that had reached their full potential. Imagine a world without hunger, without corruption, violence and war.

What if everyone became a self-actualizing person? The world would be at peace… The world would be saved… The world would be paradise! The objective is clear, the world needs an awakening and Global United™ has a plan, a plan that could change

everything and make everyone a self-actualizing person. Soon we will all achieve self-actualization, reach our highest potential, and finally be free!

The Awakening will be a program that is accessed online and displayed on any Oculus Rift headset. It will be a 3D interactive experience that taps into your subconscious revealing the Universe in a way no one has ever seen before. It will be inspirational and powerfully motivating. It will read your eye movement and display powerful images and sounds

representing the things you want to become. As you journey through the program it will reveal more and more breathtaking revelations that leave you in awe and amazement. It will be a revolutionary way of learning. Every step of the way you will be realizing something new that totally changes the way you think. It will bring revelation to Ideas such as the law of

attraction, the power of suggestion, general relativity and much, much more. Every time you do the program you will become more and more aware. You will feel alive and free, you will be inspirationally driven to go out and conquer the

world! Each time the experience will be more and more life changing. You will begin to feel more alive, more powerful, and stronger. You will start to realize you’re inner purpose and meaning, tapping into that hidden potential that is you. You will feel compelled to do good and amazing things. You will have new goals, new understanding, and new ideas. Accomplishing

your goals will begin to seem easy and worthwhile. Nothing will seem too hard for you. Your mind will become free. It will truly be an Awakening! We realize that much of the world in certain areas won’t want to do this program out of religious skepticism and the

inability to afford it. The solution for this in psychology is to make it worthwhile by paying everyone in the Middle East and poverty stricken areas between $50 and $100 to use it the first time. $10 the second time and $1 every time after that until they become completely depended on the program, this is called operant conditioning, using rewards to initiate an action and

then removing the reward when the conditioned action is learned. Dependence on the program will be established when the people become aware of the benefit, then a user fee can be added to recoup the losses. Rewards will only be in place in

poverty areas, the rest of the word will be allowed a free trial then pay a $10 a month user fee for unlimited use. These profits will help provide the rewards for the poverty stricken areas and allow for a net profit. Thumb printing and Retina verification may be in place for security loss prevention. (See Project Awakening.)

Step 3

Every current form of government has failed. The earth and our economy will not sustain itself unless drastic

changes are made to the way people retain power. Currently we leave our elections up to the majority vote. This cannot work because the majority of people are completely incompetent, unfit to decide the fate of the world. We have seen leaders be elected simply by popularity and it has led us to the destruction of many countries, including our own. In the past we

have elected grossly incompetent people to lead and it has repeatedly failed. The United States and the Middle East were devastated after George W Bush took office, now we are dealing with Isis and other terrorist groups on a whole new level. Donald Trump is the front runner for the Republican Party. If he is elected we will see a war with the Middle East the likes

we have never seen. Our goal is to unite the world under one flag and create a government consisting of the most brilliant and creative

people. Self-actualizing leaders selected among self-actualizing people. This new government will be of the most brilliant and creative individuals selected among the entire world’s population, not based on wealth or popularity but intelligence, honesty and true wisdom.

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GLOBAL UNITED™ ® (Meredith, © Copyright 2015)[Confidential]

9 Mastery plan to save humanity

01:003:024 so he drove out the man;

and he placed at the east of the garden

of Eden Cherubim’s, and a flaming

sword which turned every way, to keep

the way of the tree of life.”

As more and more people experience the awakening more and more people will achieve self-actualization, realizing their full potential. The leaders chosen will be among these self-actualizing people. As you know “Alfred” will have control

of most of the world’s wealth. We will use a large part of that wealth to transition the world into changing the way people are elected into power. We expect some resistance during this transition. We wish to make the transition as comfortable as possible on everyone involved. All of the government’s will stay the same for the most part. The only difference will be the

way officials are elected. The people that are elected will come from the entire world’s population. Leaders won’t be elected based on their wealth or popularity they will be select based on a test, a complex test, testing knowledge, inherent desires

and genuine wisdom. Nobel Prize winners will be obligated to help devise this test. It will be so complex and creative that even the people that created it won’t be able to pass unless they truly are meant to lead… It won’t be on paper either. It will be a virtual test on the Oculus Rift headset, much like the awakening. It will test your unconscious thoughts as well as your

conscious ones. This will be done by tracking your eye movement, interacting with your subconscious and analyzing when you’re being deceptive. No one will be able to cheat. In other words you can’t intentionally fail or pass. Unconsciously your eyes first notice the things you desire then they will stray to other things. This happens the first moment the images are in

front of you. This knowledge allows us to see people for who they really are by mapping their unconscious thoughts. To put this into simple perspective all we will do is test the entire population for the best leaders instead of voting

for them. This eliminates the possibility for corruption and ends the vast money wasted on campaigns.

Step 4

Because the world is becoming over populated, and cancer and other harmful diseases are being genetically

transmitted, our species will have to develop a simple medical procedure for young males or infants much like we already do

for circumcision but instead of circumcising we will perform vasectomies. Many people already chose to do this for many

reasons like controlling unwanted births.

By controlling all births and the genetic material that is passed down to children, genetically engineered child births

will eliminate the cancer causing genes and other unwanted traits you would not want your child to carry. By making this a

natural process and a normal part of social behavior we will eliminate all cancer causing genes and other harmful diseases

while maintaining a controlled and sustainable population the earth can handle.

People will be able to live a thousand years in paradise. Much of this will be done by finding the tree of life or what

remains of it. We all have dreamt about living forever, never growing old, paradise, ever since we heard the story of Adam

and Eve in the Garden of Eden. If only there was a way we could live forever and never age. Why do we age? Why do we

die? When will the pain of growing old end…

Global United has the answer. The answer is genetics. We can live very long and not age by finding the right

molecule(s) produced in nature and engineering it to cancel out the aging gene to prevent our genome from breaking down

over time. We do this by locating the correct plant and isolating the anti-aging enzyme(s).

The objective is simple, find the tree of life, Isolate the enzyme, replicate its DNA, and use it in the Eden city

project to create world peace. (See Eden City project objectives)

Where do we find this plant you might ask? On an expedition into Mexico, under the ruins of Teotihuacán, known

to the Aztec as the “Abode of the Gods” to the one place immortality was believed to have been achieved, beneath the

pyramid in the clover shaped cave. The entire civilization was built around this cave which the ancient Olmec’s discovered

about 5000 BC. Right about when Adam and Eve were getting cast out of the

Garden of Eden. The ancient Olmec’s would have looked like Cherubim,

winged angelic beings because of the feathers they wore to look like hawks and

eagles. The volcano nearby erupting would have looked like a flaming sword

turning in all directions.

The way that they made it to Europe was by migrating over the land

bridge which would have been melting at that time, and then came the story of

Noah’s ark. The Aztec plumed serpent was believed to have been a decedent from Noah which is why the Aztec god was

depicted as having a beard and light skin. The Spaniard was thought to be the god returning to act vengeance. The long list

of evidence and intuition says there is something in that cave, perhaps just a seed, something that has been overlooked but

still may be hiding, the remnants buried, which could hold the answer to aging.

We aren’t going on a wild goose chase as Ponce De lion did looking for the fountain of youth. We believe the

natives sent him on that wild goose chase looking for a fountain on the Island Bimini to keep him from finding what was

really right under the pyramid in the clover shaped cave. The Aztecs built their entire pyramid and civilization around it. If

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GLOBAL UNITED™ ® (Meredith, © Copyright 2015)[Confidential]

10 Mastery plan to save humanity there is something so important such as to grant eternal youth, the Aztec’s wouldn’t have kept it on an imaginary Island

north of Cuba. They would have kept it beneath the pyramid “where men become gods”, in the cave shaped like the clover.

There was never any mention of a fountain in any of the codices that existed, but there was mention of a giant ceiba

tree that connected the underworld and stretched across the heavens. There was also mention of 4 trees growing up out of the

underworld which gave the first people a way to climb out, hence the tree of life. The natives say there is something still

mystical about the caves in Mexico. Therefore, we are requesting that this expedition have a team of skilled climbers,

diggers, and ground penetrating radar to find any hidden areas within the cave. We expect to find a secondary cave, and it

may not be a tree inside the cave that we find, it could be just some seeds or roots that still exist. So we will also need skilled

geneticists to decode the plant DNA and identify any rare species. What we are looking for is rare plant DNA. It could even

be a sap or resin that we find. We won’t know until we get down there and start looking.

The perimeters of the cities will be 15 mile square symmetric pentagon structures with a clear solar conducting

dome covering the city. The dome will be held up by skyscrapers located in areas specific to fortify structural integrity. The

skyscrapers will be mostly living quarters spaced around the central hub which is the massive center structure. Each

skyscraper will spaced around the center structure forming rings all the way to the exterior of the city. The skyscrapers will

have transparent class domes on each ring of skyscrapers to see stars and watch the sky at the top exterior of the dome. The

dome will be made out of thick bullet resistant hexagonal shaped tiles measuring 8” x 8” feet wide and 2 feet thick clear

Kevlar material, ceiled together by air-tight Fire retardant silicon foam laced with Nano tubes allowing the dome to flex

against extreme earthquakes, resistant against falling debris, floods, volcanic ash or extreme temperatures. The dome will

allow the city to maintain a perfect climate inside away from the harsh climate changes the earth will soon experience

outside the cities. The energy produced from the solar conducting dome will power most of the cities advanced technology

and the interior climate, it will also act as a protective shielding against harmful UV radiation. The rest of the energy that is

required will be produced by wind turbines, dams and nuclear reactors outside the city in secure locations.

The city will be heavily protected against intruders armed with automatic targeting machine guns, air to air missiles

and other advanced deterrents. The defense system is operated on an advanced guidance and monitoring super computer that

tracks any outer networks and satellites. Even though the earth will be under a treaty we will always have some that are out

to destroy anything good.

Transportation will operate on fast magnetic rails located on every 5th story of every skyscraper and connect the city

like a web from the top to the bottom. The upper rails carry you through the beautiful white mist and holographic clouds

floating near the ceiling. The rails interchange automatically for each car creating the fastest and most efficient routs for

each car eliminating traffic and accidents. The transportation will be pleasant and comfortable as well as exciting and fun

when you’re being elevated at high speeds along the sides of skyscrapers then shot through mist and holographic clouds.

When you get in a cart you simply say the name and destination of where you’re going and within a few minutes you are

there without waiting. Every village will have a transportation access point under each home so when you step out into your

underground port, you walk up the stairs and you’re home. If you are going to a service center or social meeting located at

one of the sky scrapers, the carts will carry you the fastest route to that skyscraper and shoots you up the side, stopping you

on your floor and final destination then wait for its next passenger. Electric bullet trains will take you from city to city and

there will be air drones to transport you across country or overseas.

The city will be a tropical paradise with an average temperature of 73 degrees F. Humidity and temperature will be

easily adjusted to your personal desires along with air flow and precipitation. The air and water will be purified eliminating

any bacteria and scanned for developing viruses and unwanted chemicals. The water will be laced with anti-aging molecules

and vitamin enhancing and rejuvenating electrolytes.

The air will be scented with fresh clean rain drop vapor laced with anti-oxidants that reduce wrinkling or the

appearance of age. All of the food will be organically produced and genetically engineered in large impenetrable cylinder

shaped pillars at the 8 perimeter corners of the city about 30 to 40 stories high and almost 4 acres in diameter. By raising

food in towers we will eliminate soil contamination and unwanted weeds or parasites allowing produce to grow more

efficiently. All foods will be prepared using healthy omega oils and natural flavors designed to enhance brain cells and

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11 Mastery plan to save humanity muscles. The city will play the most peaceful and harmonious sound throughout the day keeping people happy and at peace,

reducing worry or stress, giving people a sense of encouragement, presence of mind and spirit.

Step 6

The ceiling of the dome will consist of a white mist floating near the ceiling and reflective holographic panels that

will create a holographic sky that mimics what we imagine heaven would look like with lots of fluffy clouds and rainbows,

maybe artificial images of angels and twinkling stars. The ceiling will be able to create any sky we can possibly imagine.

The grounds, yards and fields that are spread out between the skyscraper pillars will be covered in bright green grass with

rivers that travel around the city beginning from an artificial mystic waterfall that springs out of a treatment plant designed

to look like a rocky cliff. There will be beautiful pathways, villages and trees that are genetically modified to produce

beautiful flowers and fruit that you can pick right off and eat or take home.

The city will contain the most technologically advanced habitat with architectural masterpieces used for housing the

Eden citizens. Families will have their own spacious living quarters within the sky scrapers. The open fields of the massive

dome will have different vacation spots that every citizen will have access to. The vacation areas will be built in square

sections between the towers, each section will be unique with different enchanting themes. Some places might have a

beautiful castles and horses others may be sandy beaches, snowy cabins or green forests. Each section will be able to

simulate any environment we can think of. If one environment gets old we can build a new one with different animals and

plants, maybe our scientists will engineer more creative pants and animals that are calm and pristine, perhaps a unicorn or a

flying horse All work or labor will be handled by advanced machines and software. Living quarters will be spacious, clean

and efficient, with personal touches and originality for each home. Chores will be automatic, and hobbies will be whatever

interests you each new day. Pets and rare animals will be preserved and maintained, or even engineered to be better. There

will be warm swimming springs and relaxation spas at all of the vacation areas. The water will contain a perfect PH balance

and anti-aging molecules. Any new method of doing things is stored on the central computer and copied by robots and

machines. The only job humans have is to create new ideas and ways of doing things. Repetitive tasks are a waist of human

potential and should be used to create new ideas. We are the creators and computers are the workers.

In the center of the city there will be a giant round skyscraper that will act as the central hub containing all of its

production mechanics and a large library of possessions. All of the cities inner workings take place at this location, all of the

city’s top scientist and medical researchers will be housed there. There, housing will have every provision ever developed by

man, and a mountain of resources to create new medicines and technology. Scientists and professors are the cities leaders.

Knowledge is our highest authority among the Eden citizens. The leading scientists and engineers will be assigned to teach

the Eden citizens at the surrounding structural skyscrapers located at the evenly spaced access points at each skyscraper. The

smaller sky scrapers will hold hospitals, schools, theaters and gymnasiums for every form of care and education as well as

some housing for families and teachers.

Everything in the city will be recycled and reused. Nothing will go to waste. There will be no need for money. Once

you’ve entered the city, everything will be free to use. There will be a whole library of objects and processions you can

check out and use as long as you want or until you want something else then you can send it back and exchange it for

something new. It can be art, furniture, decorations, whatever you desire you can poses as long as you want, or until you

want something different. Items will be recycled and repaired by machines, then returned and put back on their shelves.

Groceries will be pre ordered on your tablets and sent to your front door within a few hours. Everything that is available will

be listed on your tablets for you to choose from, and then shipped to your front door. You never have to leave your home or

duties to receive what you need.

Step 7

From the day a child is born we begin to teach it as a community, helping it to learn as fast and efficiently as

possible. The way children are raised won’t be up to the parent but instead a joint effort to make the child’s life as pleasant

and happy as possible. Children that make mistakes are not punished but instead repeatedly trained to do things correctly

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GLOBAL UNITED™ ® (Meredith, © Copyright 2015)[Confidential]

12 Mastery plan to save humanity with encouragement and enthusiasm but no rewards or praise. Repeated mistakes are only met with more encouragement

and no reward or praise. Success is met with reward, praise and applause. Punishment does not teach kids good behavior

only repeated positive encouragement will get them to succeed. The result of this upbringing will be passed down to their

kids and they will teach their children through encouragement, reward and praise.

When people do things that aren’t correct or normal we need to correct the behavior and then repeatedly show them

the correct way until they figure it out, then look at the ones that are teaching them so we can understand why they didn’t

succeed so we can fix the cause of the problem. Punishment only creates more negative behavior, which is why people

continue to repeat behaviors after being punished. It’s the reason criminals repeat crimes and children learn poor behavior. It

is why crime continues.

The evaluation and test design of the project are the key elements for this system working and effectively taking

over the markets and sales of all goods and services. The test will be evaluated by a team of PHD scientists that have

advanced knowledge in economics and computer programing. The scientists chosen to oversee the projects development will

determine success by using a small virtual network to simulate real world communications and sales negotiating.

We will use real people that are actual manufacturing sales representatives for real companies. The objective

strategies will be based off information the system has gathered on the manufacturers and sales representatives that are

negotiating. We will also use human competitors to try and negotiate sales with the manufacturers as a mediator to

determine whether the system was able to out negotiate its competitors and still manage to profit from each sale.

The predicted result of the experiment will be that the system was able to shut out all of its competitors by better

negotiated offers and counter offers developed off the information gathered prior to contacting the competitor or end

consumers. The test will also show that its negotiations were more economically efficient and productive for both the

manufacturer and the end consumer. The system will be securing goods for a group of people used in the test experiment

through its own network. The following system process will be used on a world wide scale. If the system is successful and

overcomes all of the preset objectives it will be unleashed.

The simulated voices used to communicate with customers and dealers are selected based off the person’s

personality, grammar, and tone. The system’s process begins in the following order.

1. Locate all consumers

2. Track all finances and purchases for past 6 months

3. Create pattern for all products that are purchased, dates and amounts.

4. Identify cheaper sources.

5. Offer source larger purchases for smaller price.

6. Identify end consumers scheduled routines.

7. Use Jarvis to recommend cheaper and better products.

8. Continue to cut commission if competitor has better offer.

9. If unable to compete track cheaper source and secure future purchases.

10. Undercut all competitors and close out all competition.

This 10 step algorithm will shut out all competitors because it can cut its commission to zero and secure goods further

ahead of competing distributors. Because the Jarvis app will be personalized people will develop a trust for the simulated

butler and rely more and more on this cybernetic friend.

Once success and approval is made with the world’s governments we will let the program be available for free to the

public offering online credit for use and begin channeling the world’s money to building the Eden cities.

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13 Mastery plan to save humanity

The cities development will undergo rigorous testing and designing, several PHD scientists and mechanical

engineers will assist in evaluating the success and development of these cities using state of the art architectural and

engineering software to test the cities virtual structures against every type of global disaster the world will likely face. The

following developmental testing will be used to ensure the success of the project.

1. Dome structure will be tested against class 5 wind speeds, falling debris, fire and earth quakes.

2. Interior will be tested for creative and enchanting design and expression.

3. Water purification will be tested for contaminants and given to volunteers to reconstruct molecules that regenerate

youth and health.

4. Air purification will be tested with added anti-oxidants through air flow and climate control instruments.

5. Robotic engineering will be tested by programing and assigning full scope of daily tasks to be tested in virtual and

real life simulations.

6. Transportation will be tested in virtual and real life simulations for comfort, speed and efficiency.

7. Security will be tested by virtual and real life simulations against full range of attacks by intruders.

8. Food storage and production facilities will be tested by virtual and real life simulations against all forms of natural

disasters and security breaches to ensure steady food supplies.

9. Food quality will be tested and engineered in labs to find healthiest combinations of foods while enhancing tastes

and textures.

10. Medical technology will be enhanced and programed into computer storage for testing and application.

11. Species preservation will be tested by storing reproductive DNA on file and creating embryos for placement in

female carriers. Methods will be tried and affirmed by scientists.

12. Manufacturing and recycling systems will be tested in virtual simulations them robotically engineered to duplicate

any human task.

13. Nuclear, solar and wind generators will be tested then engineered to meet full energy requirements.

The system of testing will ensure all major components of the city are met for quality and efficiency. Human placement

will also require sociological and physical testing before being introduced to this new habitat. All humans that are seeking

placement must meet the following mental and physical requirements for placement.

Because there are individuals that would be destructive to a good environment, all humans must first be cured of all

mental defects including unhealthy or unreal religious beliefs, disturbed or uneducated ideas and emotional instabilities.

Some physical deformities are allowed if incurable and have gone through every possible treatment available.

Correcting genetic material that is passed during birth by parents will eliminate most abnormalities or diseases but we

will not exclude you. The following test will be applied by scientists.

1. DNA testing and modification will be confirmed then passed to healthy embryos by scientists and confirmed to meet

standard DNA qualities.

2. Abnormalities and diseases will be treated and cured before humans can be placed.

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