  • 8/8/2019 Globlization of Regulation



    Globalization of regulation is the process of interaction and integration between

    multi-culture people, companies and government of different nation worldwideon the based of such principles, rules and laws designed to govern conduct. One

    most discussed regulation topic in the current world economic forum annual

    meeting 2010 Davos was banking regulation system in US which brought down

    the global economy. The globalization of US failure banking deregulation which

    spread globally and affected the securities tied with real state and CDS market

    world wide. A video coverage between president and Senator Jim Bunning

    showed the root of this global crisis is the failure of US regulation system

    (Bunning.2008). The effect of this expansion of deregulation causes the loss of$25 trillion to the global economy and $637 billion worth loss to the foreign

    investors. (CNBC.2008). the FDIC closed down 35 banks in 2007 and witnessed 77

    bank failures by 2009. (Filger.2009). the serious downside of the US regulation

    system was clearly seen with lack of regulation in the CDS market. Because

    regulation of CDS market was prohibited under the commodities feature

    moderation act of 2001.(Leah.2009). And US banking system (Wall Street

    investment bank)is the root which is linked with global banking system. The big

    picture came is sunshine when in the year 2007 US GDP was valued $13.3 trillion

    dolor. (Josh.2008) and in third quarter for the same year the top 25 banks had

    written CDS (Insurance) of $14 trillion.(Morgenson.2008). so logic is even if US

    liquidate its entire GDP than still it would not be able to cover up its debt.

    Another recent effect shown with disappointing news of 4.2 million jobs lost in

    the US in 2009.(Euronews, 2010). And since beginning of 2008 about 6.7 million

    people lost their jobs in US. (BLS, 2010).

    Opportunities/threats for international business

    On the flip side of this global crisis I believe many under developed countries such

    as India, china, Brazil and Russia can be benefited. Because these countries run

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    regular banking rather than focusing more on investment banking so

    opportunities for international business can be as.

    1. It is been witnessed that about 50,000 IIT graduated from India are workingin foreign countries.(CNBC.2008) But because of global recession these IITgraduates are loosing their jobs and coming back to their countries which

    means Indian business industries have an opportunity to hire a good talent

    pool at lower salary scale. So companysprofitability can grow faster with

    more effective workers.

    2. On the other hand this global crisis is also helping in getting a big part ofinvestment from Middle East countries. According to news coverage the

    Middle East countries have $2000 billion of money to invest in foreigncompanies.(CNBC.2008) but as India, china, Brazil and other countries who

    came up with a good economic condition as compare to US and other

    effected countries. Have an opportunity to get a big part of this investment

    for their business industries.

    3. As far as auto mobile industry is concerned India is said to be a global hubfor small size cars. America and other Europe countries had witness a 40%

    sales fall in the big size cars because of serious global economic crisis.

    Which in result the well-known automobile companies now focusing on

    small size cars manufacturing for making profit. Because of rising in petrol

    prices the selling of small size cars is increased and Hyundai, Toyota, Honda

    and walls wagon like big name companies are announcing to increase their

    manufacturing established plant for small cars. And it is also anticipated

    that by 2011 the export of small cars from India will go up to 300%


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