Page 1: Glycogen                  storage                    disease (gsd)


Tbilisi State Medical University

4th May 2011

Page 2: Glycogen                  storage                    disease (gsd)

Introduction• Glycogen is a branched-chain polymer of glucose and

serves as a dynamic but limited reservoir of glucose, mainly in skeletal muscle and liver.

• There are a number of different enzymes involved in glycogen synthesis, utilization and breakdown within the body.

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Continued…• Glycogen storage disorders (GSD) are a group of

inherited inborn errors of metabolism due to deficiency or dysfunction of these enzymes.

• confined to just liver and muscle

• But some cause more generalised pathology and affect tissues such as the kidney, heart and bowel.

• The classification of glycogen storage disorders is based on the enzyme deficiency and the affected tissue.

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Epidiomology • The overall GSD incidence is estimated at 1 case per

20,000-43,000 live births.

• Type I is the most common (25% of all GSD).

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Inheritance patterns• Autosomal recessive (I, II, III, IV, V, VII, some IX).

• Both parents are carriers. • Chance of sibling being affected is 1 in 4.

• X-linked (some IX, VI)

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Types • There are eleven (11) distinct diseases that are commonly

considered to be glycogen storage diseases

• Although glycogen synthase deficiency does not result in storage of extra glycogen in the liver, it is often classified with the GSDs as type 0.

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Type I, Von Gierke's disease

Affected enzyme: glucose-6-phosphatase

Affected tissue: Liver and kidney

Clinical features:• Large quantities of glycogen are formed and stored in

hepatocytes, renal and intestinal mucosa cells. The liver and kidneys become enlarged.

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• Abnormalities of lipids may lead to xanthoma formation.

• Uric acid is often elevated and may cause clinical gout. Galactose, fructose, and glycerol are metabolised to lactate. The elevated blood lactate levels cause metabolic acidosis.

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Treatment • Blood loss may require oral iron.

• Raised uric acid levels may require allopurinol.

• Treatment of hyperuricaemia and pyelonephritis protect renal


• Diazoxide to maintain blood glucose has been disappointing.

• Liver transplantation for primary disease or for hepatocellular carcinoma seems effective.

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Type II, Pompe's disease

Cause: • The deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme alpha-1,4-

glucosidase (acid maltase) leads to the accumulation of glycogen in many tissues.

Clinical feature:• The clinical spectrum is continuous and broad, with

presentation in infants, children and adults.

• In the infantile form, accumulation of glycogen in cardiac muscle leads to cardiac failure.

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• Accumulation may also occur in the liver, which results in hepatomegaly and elevation of hepatic enzymes.

• Glycogen accumulation in muscle and peripheral nerves causes hypotonia and weakness.

• Glycogen deposition in blood vessels may result in intracranial aneurysms.

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Treatment:• Enzyme replacement therapy (Alglucosidase alfa)

• Diet therapy may provide temporary improvement but does not alter the disease course: a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet may be beneficial.

• Physiotherapy and occupational therapy may be required.

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• Genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis: chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis can be used to determine enzyme activity in a fetus.

• Gene therapy remains a potentially effective treatment for the future.

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Type III, Cori disease• Affected enzyme: Glycogen debranching enzyme.

Deposition of abnormal glycogen structure.

• Affected tissues: Liver and muscle.

• Clinical features:• About 15% affect liver only. Hypoglycaemia, poor

growth, hepatomegaly, moderate progressive myopathy.• Symptoms can regress with age.• A few cases of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular

carcinoma have been reported.

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Continued…• Treatment: As with type I, also protein supplements for

muscle disorder.

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Type IV, Andersen's disease, Amylopectinosis

• Affected enzyme: Glycogen branching enzyme. Abnormally structured glycogen forms.

• Affected tissues: Many, including liver. Rare variant affects peripheral nerves.

• Clinical features:• Hepatomegaly, failure to thrive, cirrhosis, splenomegaly,

jaundice, hypotonia, waddling gait, lumbar lordosis.

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• Treatment: Liver transplant.

• Prognosis: Mostly death by age 4 due to cirrhosis and portal hypertension.

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Type V, McArdle's disease

Cause: Myophosphorylase deficiency

Affected tissue: Muscle

Clinical features• Clinical findings may be absent on physical examination.

Muscle strength and reflexes may be normal

• In later adult life, persistent proximal weakness and muscle wasting may be present.

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• The fatal infantile form presents with hypotonia and reduced reflexes.

• Ischaemic forearm test: traditional test but is painful and non-ischaemic exercise tests are now preferred.

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Treatment • No specific treatment exists.

• Avoid strenuous (anaerobic or sustained) exercise, including lifting or pushing.

• A carbohydrate rich diet did benefit patients.

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Type VI, Hers disease• Affected enzyme: Liver phosphorylase.

• Affected tissues: Liver, rare cardiac form.

• Clinical features:• Most common variant is X-linked therefore usually

affects only males.• Hepatomegaly, hypoglycaemia, growth retardation,


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Continued…• Treatment: Cardiac transplantation for rare cardiac form.

May need frequent feeding to avoid hypoglycaemia.

• Prognosis: Usually normal life span.

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Type VII, Tarui disease

Cause: Phosphofructokinase (PFK) deficiency

Affected tissue: Muscle

Clinical features:• Exercise intolerance, muscle cramping, exertional

myopathy, compensated haemolysis and myoglobinuria.

Note : Symptoms can be similar to McArdle's Glycogen Storage Disease but more severe.

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No specific treatment exists.

There is evidence that a high protein diet may improve muscle function and slow progression of the disease.

Vigorous exercise should be avoided as it causes myoglobinuria.

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Type XI, Fanconi-Bickel syndrome• Affected enzyme: Glucose transporter GLUT2 [solute

carrier family 2 ,facilitated glucose transporter]

• Clinical features: Similar features to Von Gierke's disease, e.g. hypoglycaemia.

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Type 0, Lewis disease• Affected enzyme: Hepatic glycogen synthase.

• Affected tissues: Liver.

• Clinical features• Seizures can occur. • Fatigue and muscle cramps after exertion. • Mild growth retardation in some cases.

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Blood tests:• Blood glucose: hypoglycaemia is likely

• Liver function tests: monitoring for hepatic failure

• Anion gap calculation: if glucose low, this may indicate lactic acidaemia

• Urate

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• Creatinine clearance

• Creatine kinase

• Full blood count

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Urine tests:• Myoglobinuria after exercise found in 50% of people with

McArdle's disease.

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Imaging• Abdominal ultrasound scan: hepatomegaly

• Echocardiography: to look for cardiac involvement in certain types of GSD

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Biopsy • Of liver.

• Muscle or other tissues gives definitive diagnosis.

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Pre-natal diagnosis• Genetic counseling.

• Referral to geneticist for possible prenatal investigation (amniotic fluid analysis) and diagnosis.

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Differential Diagnosis• In GSD affecting muscle, exclude the muscular

dystrophies (including Duchenne's) and secondary disorders of muscle including polymyositis.

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