  • 1. Session 5
    Orientation, Training and Development
    6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
  • 2. Presentation Plan
    Orientation, Induction and Development
    Training Evaluation
    Group Discussion Tasks
    6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
  • 3. Session 5
    Orientation, Induction and Development
    6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
  • 4. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Employee learning and development is one of the most important aspects of work life.
    The process of learning and development starts with orientation and induction.
    The organization should develop and execute a dynamic orientation and induction policy to provide guidelines for onboarding new employees.
  • 5. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Orientation parameters will take the employee through:
    Organization framework and ownership.
    Vision, Mission, Values
    Functions (departments/units)
    Physical set up amenities and recreation.
    Governance, rules and regulations.
    Safety and health issues
    Organization philosophy
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    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Policies and standard operating procedures (SPOs) - (non-job specific).
    Labour legislation and information about compensation and benefits
    Occupational Safety and Health of workers and accident prevention issues
    Employee relations and workforce issues (rights, responsibilities)
  • 7. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    An orientation program is a set of information designed by management to accord the new employee the opportunity to settle in her/his job as quickly and smoothly as far as possible.
    Recruiting highly qualified employees does not in itself guarantee effective performance of jobs until and unless the employee is shown what to do how to do it at the required standard.
  • 8. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Job-Specific Orientation
    Is a process that helps the employee understand:
    The job and its positioning in the structure.
    Job responsibilities, expectations, duties in relation to how it impacts overall organizational performance.
    Policies, guidelines, rules and regulations.
    Workplace layout, fire assembly areas and emergency exits.
    Knowing the co-workers and other people in the organization.
  • 9. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Job specific orientation is best conducted by the immediate supervisor, and/or manager.
    Often the orientation process will be ongoing, with supervisors and co-workers supplying coaching.
  • 10. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    The introduction program should be introduced in a controlled way.
    A new employee can notabsorb everything at once.
    Employee orientation would definitely make a significant difference in how quickly an employee can become more productive.
    The way a new employee is received has a long term impact on the employees performance.
  • 11. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Orientation should emphasize people as well as procedures, materials and equipment.
    Employees should have a chance to get to know people and their approaches and styles in both social and work settings.
    Buddy an employee to a more experienced person, but make sure the more experienced person wants to buddy up, and has requisite EQ and SQ.
  • 12. Orientation broad areas
    • Human Resources Information
    • 13. Department Information
    • 14. Safety and Health Information
    • 15. Facilities Information
    • 16. Security Information
    6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
  • 17. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Both orientation and induction provide necessary on-boarding processes that give the joining member direction, accommodation, assimilation and acceleration.
    It starts with receiving the new employee with a welcome letter.
    The welcome letter helps the new employee feel wanted and welcome.
  • 18. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Induction may stretch for several weeks, or even months.
    Leaving new employees to pick up things as they move along is an inefficient approach to induction - it costs the organization more time and money.
    Example of an induction program:
  • 19. Session 5
    6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
  • 20. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Purpose of training and employee development is:
    To improve performance outcomes
    To implement an overall professional development program
    To implement succession plans
  • 21. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    To reposition the mindset of an employee for eligibility to assume a different job role in the organization
    To "pilot or test the operation of a new performance management system
  • 22. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Training can assume a 5-step process:
    Needs analysis
    Instructional design
  • 23. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Basic training methods include:
    On-the-job training
    Apprenticeship training
    Informal learning
    Job instruction training
    Programmed learning
    Audio-visual tools
    Simulated training
    Computer-based training
    Electronic performance support systems
    Distance and internet-based training
  • 24. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    On-the-job training has four steps:
    Preparing the learner
    Presenting the learner with the nature of the job
    Doing performance tryouts
    Following up
  • 25. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Management development prepares employees for performance effectiveness and career growth by:
    Imparting knowledge
    Changing attitudes
    Increasing skills
  • 26. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Management on-the-job training methods include:
    Job rotation
    Action learning
    Using techniques such as:
    Case studies
    Management games
    Outside seminars
    University-related programs
    Role playing
    Behaviour modelling
    In-house training
  • 27. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Training drives:
    Behaviour change among employees trained
    Application of skills and knowledge learned
    Performance results and improvement of the bottom line of the business.
  • 28. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Helps employees to develop technical skills and knowledge.
    Helps people to identify strategies for achievement of business objectives
    knowledge creation and sharing
    attitude change
    Helps people to evaluate learning to help management load the employee with more value creation tasks
    Helps in measuring performance outcomes
  • 29. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Improved job satisfaction and morale among employees
    Improved employee motivation
    Improved efficiencies in processes, resulting in higher value contribution
  • 30. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Improved capacity to adopt new technologies and methods
    Improved innovation in strategies and products
    Reduced employee turnover
  • 31. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Enhanced company image, e.g., conducting ethics training (not a good reason for ethics training!)
    Improved governance and risk management, e.g., training about sexual harassment, diversity training
  • 32. 6th June '11
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  • 33. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    5-Steps in training
    Needs Analysis
    Articulate company standards
    Assess employee performance level
    Develop measurable performance objectives
    Instructional Design
    Decide on what should be learned
    Decide on training plan, program, procedure and facilitation
  • 34. 6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
    Justify the cost implication
    Select and implement the planned training on target group
    Evaluation of Training Impact
    Measure the level of success of the training effort
    Establish impact of training to the achievement of business objectives
  • 35. Class Group Work
    6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
  • 36. Reading assignment
    CT: Ch.10 Pg. 350 389 and Ch. 12 Pg. 430 - 460
    6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5
  • 37. End of session 5
    Thank you
    6th June '11
    GMB 6070 - Session 5

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